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ABOUT THE PROJECT: The project included 40 participants (33 young people and 7 group leaders) from 7 European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and Romania and took place in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau in October 2021. The aim of the project wass to increase the employability of youngsters by improving the preparation of a job interview. The methodology will be based on nonformal education and consisted in games,presentations, role plays and simulations, workshops, video and media creation, visits, intercultural evenings The 8 workshops had a gradual development, easily accessible to all participants and used different, dynamic, verified and previously practiced methods that allow space for adaptation to the participants' proposals and needs. They were complemented by intercultural evenings, visits to the region, outdoor activities and games. The project produced some visible results as posters with the situation of unemployment and labour market, CV’s, videos to promote for a job interview and a “collection” of new abilities, attitudes and knowledge useful to apply for an interview. Sustainabilty of project and partnership will be provided by communication between partners to valorize the final results and to work together on new applications in frame of Erasmus + to solve other needs of the youngsters from sending organizations communities.

Our gratitude goes to our partners: Get Involved - BG, Greek Youth Mobility – GR, Associazione Sikanie – IT, Green Meridian – Latvia, JUC – LT, Intercambia – SP and to all coordinators, group leaders and experts involved. Also big hugs to Irina, Cristina, Bogdan and all the team at „Casa cu Tei” in Monteoru for their warm host and patience. Tolea Postovei –project coordinator on behalf of Fundatia pentru Tineret Buzau

WORKSHOP NR.1 After some intro and getting to know eachother activities, we worked in mixed teams to valorize the conclusion of our home task and 5 posters were created based on conclusions of our research on unemployment, labour market, opportunities for youngsters and role of job interviews.

“We thought about 3 main fields: unemployment, labour market and job interviews. Each member of the team said information about his country. Together, we summarized in a brief poster all the important datas. The conclusion: we have some semnificative differences between our countries, when it comes to speak about income, unemployment rate, social help etc."

“In the first part of the poster we represented the percentage of unemployed people. In the middle I drew the jobs that youngt people can get quickly. And in the last part I wrote how people can get jobs in the countries we come from. each person got involved and brought information about their country and each represented their country making their own flag.”

"Our team was composed of six people from Romania, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia and Greece, so we focused on the rate on unemployment of young people under 25 of this countries. All the numbers and dates are from the year 2021. First chart is showing the rate of unemployment in each of this countries, Lithuania having the lowest one, 10%, and Spain with the biggest, 37,1%. The second graph is about the minimum wage and the net average monthly salary of this six countries. And in the third part we wrote the most popular employment sectors, which was pretty common for all of them. It was interesting to find the similarities and differences and to understand that in a way or another, each country have this problem."

“Labour market team with members from 6 different countries did a research about unemployment rate in each country and has calculated the total average of unemployment (16,8 as you

can see in the poster). In the same time we discussed about two types of a job interviwe: face to face and online.”

“The lack of a job in different places in Europe is higher among young people than among the general population as can be seen in the statistics represented by our team. Romania and Bulgaria rank on the best places with a small difference between young people and the general population. There are no significant differences on the labor market in different countries, and today the opportunity and ways to have an interview or discover new jobs are many and varied. The social networks and the speed with which information circulates make young people's lives more worn out when they need a new job or courses and ideas for improvement. Renowned applications support and encourage young people to seek and gain skills to improve their

lives and have their dream job. We hope that young people will take advantage of these opportunities and will be able to occupy as many desired positions as possible and a role model for the good functioning of the society.”

WORKSHOP 2: HOW TO WRITE A CV The CV workshop, done in teams of people from different countries, made us work and think how to make a curriculum correctly thanks to the help of a guide of the europass model, these were the results. Darth Vader wants to apply be the next main character for Game of Thrones. He is an actor very with many experience in the acting and a good professional. In the CV you can see the personal information, the work experience, education, training and skills.

John Sinna: he wanted to apply be a co-ordinator activist. He made a good CV highlighting his studies related to the environmental sciences, detailing his

personal information, the European projects in which he has been involved and pointing out the soft skills that he possess.

Hernesto Kickabollo: He wants to apply to work as manager of the Real Madrid soccer team. We thought that it should have personal information at the top, experiences and studies in the middle and at the end some details. For the specific position it was important that he was in the world of football first as a player and then as a coach and obviously have several languages

Leah Raikkonen: she wanted to apply be a guitarrist of a metal band. She has made a great CV detailing many aspects of her work experience, studies and hobbies. From our point of view, doing this work together with my colleagues helped me to learn about other ways of doing CVs.

Aleksandra Toshkina is a influencer and she has decided to make a Europass CV because is a international Girl. She has only 20 years, and a fundamental problem for young people is have the experience necesary for the employ. For this, she participe in diferent international project to improve his emproyability.

Remi Linguini Jr II is a professional chef that has been working in the food industry since he was a child because he comes from a well known family of cookers. He also knows other important skills such some languages and a boat license. This excercise was really interesting and helped us to understand better how to prepare a CV. We have enjoyed doing this workshop a lot, it has given us different ways to make our CV and it was also challenging to have to do it in groups with people from different countries

“This has been my fifth exchange, the first as a group leader, and honestly, it could be said that the development of the group has been incredible and also thanks to Tolea. As a group leader, I was delighted to know how my team has enjoyed, besides that they have transmitted their concerns to me and everything has worked perfectly.”(Alejandro – group leader Spain)

WORKSHOP 3: ABOUT KEY COMPETENCES Our facilitator explained us what a competence means, we found examples of abilities, attitudes and knowledge in generaland then the main ones we need to access the labour market and to pass a successful interview. Then, to understand key competences better we did it in an original wayusing theater. The participants were split in groups of 4-5 and had to present a positive and negative view for certain key competences into the EU Competency Framework - definitely universal key competences, applicable in many ways in our professional and personal lives, as we confirmed with the amazing theatrical scenarios that the participants presented.

It will take too many pages to present you all the sketches, and to be honest, we were too engaged and entertained to just stop and write them all down, but I will tell you shortly about some of them. First, here you can see what are the key competences themselves (more information about each you can find online, https://www.youthpass.eu):

Multilingual competence Multilingual competence is the ability to use different languages for communication and to understand and express thoughts, feelings and facts orally or in writing. One would need to know the grammar and vocabulary of a certain language. The ability to learn a language in various ways is also important. Appreciation of cultural diversity and curiosity for intercultural communication are attitudes connected to this competence.

Personal, social and learning to learn competence Personal, social and learning to learn competence is the ability to learn to learn, to manage one’s own learning and to reflect on oneself. It is about time and information management. Social competences include working with others in a constructive way and managing conflicts in a supportive way. Personal competences include resilience, the ability to cope with uncertainty and complexity and to show empathy. Ability to support physical and emotional well-being is also relevant for this competence area.

Citizenship competence Citizenship competence is the ability to act as responsible citizens and to fully participate in civic and social life, based on understanding of social, economic, legal and political concepts as well as global developments and sustainability.

Entrepreneurship competence Entrepreneurship competence refers to the capacity to act upon opportunities and to turn ideas into action that has value for others. It includes taking initiative, creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving. It requires the ability to work collaboratively and to plan projects of cultural, social or financial value.

Competence in cultural awareness and expression Competence in cultural awareness and expression is the understanding of how ideas are creatively expressed in different cultures, through different arts. It involves developing and expressing own ideas. It requires the knowledge of local, European and global cultures and the ability to express ideas and emotions in different artistic and cultural forms. Openness and curiosity are important attitudes.

Digital competence Digital competence involves the responsible use of digital technologies; communication and collaboration, media literacy, digital content creation, safety, intellectual property related questions, problem solving and critical thinking. It includes the ability to use information via a range of digital technologies, to question available information; curiosity and open-minded attitude.

Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology, engineering (STEM) is the ability to use mathematical thinking to solve problems in everyday situations. Competence in science refers to the ability to use knowledge; to identify questions and to base opinions on evidence. It includes the ability to use logical and critical thinking, to handle technological tools and to communicate conclusions and reasoning behind them.

Literacy Competence Literacy competence is the ability to understand and express thoughts, feelings and facts orally, in writing or in other forms, and to interact with others. It is the basis for further learning. The openness to critical and constructive dialogue and the awareness on the impact of language on others are important elements of this competence. So how did the teams present them. We had teachers, job applicants, bosses,

even thieves, football trainers, tennis players, architects... For example, our football trainer was able to win a competition because he knew few languages and managed to explain it's Multilanguage team what it's needed.

Our teacher struggled with the so needed nowadays zoom meetings, and oh, what a weird thing MS Word is, she did not know how to save a document not even how to present it to her online class... A foreign waiter in a lovely Romanian coffee shop, couldn't memorize the orders and messed it all up. It would be great if he knew how to write in the needed language and give the order to the kitchen, but... Working it team in your company is also important. Being able to lead it as well - when your co-workers struggle with an idea and they cannot meet the deadline, why not lead them and support, they would do the same for you.

There was also a Muslim job-seeker who had to reschedule her interview for another hour, so she can attend prayer. Thankfully the company she was applying to was tolerant and had no problem with that. It is good to work in a friendly place, isn't it?

The creativity was definitely on point and all the scenes were presenting on point the needed skills. It was nice to see how without noticing we found out what a key competence means and how actually we all apply and need them in our every day live. Was awarding to work in teams and get these team-work spirits lifted up united around the idea of learning and understanding better what our future/current employers, co-workers, new acquaintances and even family and friends need - but understanding, support, chance to grow and learn, freedom to express oneself, not much different than what we also want, right?

An yes, in the last day when we discussed the new key competences for youthpass it was easier to understand the role of which one and how we managed to develop them and what we can really use in our future career.

WORKSHOP 4: MOST WANTED QUESTIONS What do we think the employers would ask us and what do they ask in reality ? Are we prepared to face the questions and requirements? Starting from here we started with a debate on “most wanted” questions during job interviews and participants that passed interviews lately came with some practices. Then each of us listed a top of 10 questions, then we worked in couples, in teams of 4, then 8 and then in 2 big groups. It was very interesting to debate in every team and them to find a consensus but more interesting was that in the end 5 questions were common for both teams and each team had other 5 different questions.

Participants compared all results between the teems so they can understand what is the most common questions, so they can be ready for interview. When they were done, participants wrote all the questions on the board, so they can clearly see it and be ready to use them whenever its needed. Conclusion after all workshop was that the most wanted common 5 questions are: 1. What you know about our company and why do you choose it? 2. Where do you see yourself in the future? 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 4. What are your expectations for this job? 5. Tell us about your previous experience

Then the most relevant next 5 questions were listed 6. How do you deal with stress? 7. How would you improve the team work of the company? 8. Have you ever had a conflict in your workplace and did you solve it? 9. why you quit your last job? 10. Do you work better individual or in a team?

WORKSHOP NR. 5-6: INTERVIEWS The coordinator first asked us to split into two teams- one team consisted of the employers and the rest were the candidates- in order to practice our interviewing

skills. Later, we were separated in pairs and worked together to prepare an online job interview, based on different professions. After the pairs had settled on a profession, the employer had to work separately on the questions for the candidate. The second round of the simulation was based on face to face interviews. For this task we were again separated in two teams, but this time the pairs were secret and the professions were settled. Each member of both teams drew a paper from a jar where the workplace and the work position were written. Again the employers had to prepare some questions for their secret candidate and the last had to do some research for the position and the work environment in order to succeed in the job interview. At the end of each task, the group leaders, who worked as observers, gave us some feedback on our performance.

The next task concerned interviews had a little bit of mystery in the process. First of all everybody chose whether they wanted to be a candidate or a boss. After that some papers were distributed randomly to each participant. The choices were kept concealed and each boss matched a specific candidate and workplace.

The participants had approximately three hours to prepare and then the positions would be revealed and the interviews would start. The 3-4 not so confident in their English were acting together with a compatriot that help them to understand what they need for an interview.The choices were the above : 1. Stripper--Boss of a bar in a red light district 2. Secretary--Manager of Barbie factory 3. Graphic Designer--Director Walt Disney Production 4. War reporter in Syria--Editor of CNN Romania 5. Astronaut--Director of NASA 6. Trainer--National Agency Erasmus+ 7. Campaign Coordinator--Director “Greenpeace” Romania 8. Actor--Producer of “Muppet Show” 9. Cosmetician--Shop Manager “L’OREAL Paris” 10.Football Referee--Director UEFA 11.Waiter-- “Casa cu Tei” Restaurant 12.DJ--Owner of “Inside” Bar 13.Beer Taster--Director of Ursus Brewery 14.Bodyguard--Rock Festival Organizer 15.Chef --Shaowrma Maker 16.IKEA department boss -Furniture Architect When the process of the interviews started, and everyone found their pair both parts proved that they were well prepared for any possible question and answer, but also confident as they learned a lot of things from the observations of the online interview. The whole process consisted of focused questions from

the bosses that concerned the workplace and complete answers from the candidates, always with a dose of humor as the professions chosen required it. Of course without ruining the process of learning and practising.

Impressions for each role : Candidate : Remotely In the remote interview, the candidates didn’t know the specific job they were applying for, nor the questions the boss was about to ask. So, we needed to be prepared for every possible question. Although this situation was stressful enough, all of the candidates carried through successfully with the job interviews, giving to their bosses satisfying answers. A difficulty that many of us had to deal with was the English language, as we needed to think fast and smart in a foreign language. Also, many of us forgot that we were taking part in an online interview, so we did some not suitable moves. For example, most of the candidates were confused and we proposed our hands for a handshake at the beginning or at the end of the interview. All in all, the remote interview was an interesting experience, as it helped us gain some necessary skills for an interview, like thinking rapidly and also helped us to adapt to the new reality of virtual interviews.

Face to face: Being a face to face candidate was the most challenging part. You got a piece of paper and you only had a general idea of the job , not the exact position you were applying for. That lack of knowledge, even though it sounds scary ,helped us be more prepared for all the unexpected questions of a future job. It also helped us think faster and be more creative at the answers, which is always a good thing when you are being interviewed for a job . Lastly,a very interesting thing was that because we weren't prepared for any questions we all gave very genuine answers about ourselves .

Boss : Remotely: When you are a remote boss, it takes a little more try in order to really get to know your candidate. Due to the lack of body language, and the face to face communication the questions you ask your candidate change. You need to be more specific in order to get more specific answers, and to understand your candidate's personality. You also need to adapt the question to the online

interview and you have to be short on time but specific as well. All the bosses did a really good job , even though most of them never experienced something similar. Face to face: As a boss, we had to prepare some specific questions for a potential employee. This process helped us to understand more, and from this side, the qualities which an employer requires from an employee. All the couples (employee-employer) gave their best for a realistic result. It was very helpful for us to have the role of the employers and, in the during of the next job interview, I will remind myself the skills that I expected to refer the potential employee, when I had the role of the boss. Observer : The observers had the task to walk around during the preparation process and ask about the subject for each team in order to suggest ideas or even to gain ideas from the groups. After the preparation the observers had to observe each team and take notes in order to comment on the whole group. There were very interesting workshops, since we discussed, after the illustration of the interviews, for the body language of the candidate or the dress code, how fast the candidate would answer the question from the boss or even how many pauses the candidate had made.

WORKSHOP NR.7 : VIDEO PROMOTION "I see, I believe." (Roy Armes) Starting from this quote we had an introduction about VIDEO as a tool to promote yourself for getting a job.The conclusions we drew were doubled by concrete examples and we used them in creating our materials to promote our candifates to get their dream jobs. We worked, we had fun and we learned a lot.

Multimedia presentation is the most convincing as the western culture is visual culture. In today's image based world the conventional ways of finding an employment or a job are not sufficiently effective, so it is necessary to use alternative approaches, which are adjusted to our modern times. Video promotion, as a form of multimedia presentation, contains powerful rhetorical potential. The details, which are used in the video (color, image, movement, voice, music, design, tempo... ) can convince the viewer by logic, emotion or ethic, which was realized by companies and used as far as possible in the promotion of products and services.

Videos have goals and purposes. Purposes can be to motivate someone to do something, to train someone to do something, or to simply inform them of new information. When we motivate someone, what we're really doing is persuading them. Goals should be limited to three, ideal video has single one.

Logos aims for the head, ethos is all about putting your hand in someone else's, and pathos aims for the heart. • Logos is the logical approach. It uses facts, evidence, and reason to make its argument. • Ethos is the ethical approach. This one relies on trust image, reputation, honesty of this company, on this person because they will do the right thing for you. • Pathos is the emotional approach. This appeals to viewers' passions, feelings, their raw emotions. You may not need it, but you know you want it. Is the mode of persuasion that is used most often in advertising.

Here you can find our videos:


WORKSHOP NR.8: REAL INTERVIEWS All interviews are real but these ones were more real. We were in front of real employers and experts in recruiting and we choose to be a cook, sales agent, bank officer, event manager and medical nurse. And we did it well as the group leaders that observed us and the experts offered us feedback after the event, because it was a REAL EVENT. The event was the conclusion of the workshops developed in the mobility where participants learned how to write a CV and a cover letter, how to prepare a job interview and how to promote themselves for a job interview. Previous workshops included simulation of interviews on skype/zoom and face to face between participants that led to understanding of process, competences needed and potential questions and requirements from employers.

For the final event 33 youngsters from 7 countries were splitted in 5 groups according to their options and were put face to face for an interview with real experts in recruiting or human resources from 5 companies from Buzau in different fields: medical services, bank, event organization, tourism, sales.

The 7 group leaders were observers and supported their youngsters. The interviews were 15-20 minutes long and everyone took them very seriously. After interviews both group leaders and experts offered feed back to participants expressing the good points and the aspects that can be improved. From the point of view of participants it was an excellent experience, for some of them was the first interview and most of participants considered it very useful and they

said they can apply what they learned in the future to find a job or to develop a career. From experts’ side all of them expressed the good level of preparation, the communication skills and the self confidence most of them had during the interview considering that this event and the project itself were good tools to help youngsters(more than half being NEET’s or unemployed)to access easier the labour market.

“The job interview session I have carried on in the project ”Face to Face” was a real succes.During this activity four participants from different countries applied for sales agent in the company that I represented, Altex from Buzau, which offers mostly electronics and other useful items needed in a household.The conversation with each of them was very productive because i could easily notice that they were very well prepared, they analized the offer before and knew details about the company, they were self confident, fluent, they had good knowledge of english in order to emphasize their positive qualities and chose the best exemples from their past experiences to prove me they were the right candidate for the job. Nevertheless, they manifested interest in my final feedback and in ways of improving themselves to better fit this particular activity.”(Diana Stancu – sales coordinator)

“I interviewed 6 young people from different countries for a project manager job, in which they had to bring all their experience and qualities fit for this role. All of them showed creativity, interest and some of them had a plus because they had some experience relating to the work they applied for. I gave them an example of a situation from which they had to show me how it can be managed. Every single one showed empaty, profesional diplomacy, a good management of stress related situations, good communications skills and never then less, humor.”(Dana Andrei – event organizer)

“Being the person who asks the difficult questions is a big responsability, even it is just a exersice. I met many young people, whithout experience, who gave me good solutions to any type of problems. The end of this activity gave me the opportunity to discuss whit my candidates and give them feedback, or they give me also their feedback . I think it was a perfect opportunity for them to improve their skills and to,, touch" the real interview.” (Mari Budau – bank officer) “I was very pleased to see how interested the young people participant to the project were and how seriously treated all the tasks. During the interviews I noticed that they had been prepared the discussions and they were informed and

documented by the topics. They actually acted like in a real interview. It was a pleasure for me to be invited and to participate to this part of the project” (Amalia Petre – hotel manager)

LAND ART IN THE FOREST The youth from seven different European countries were separated in teams and were instructed to make art piece using only the things that they found in the surrounding forest. The art piece had to represent the topic of the exchange “Face to Face”. They created art pieces from everything they gathered in the forest, you can call it contemporary art, because, as we write this article there is a big chance that most of those pieces are taken back by the nature and nonexistant. But the message was well delivered and we learned new things about what we think about our topic and how we are able to express it. We hope you were able to take somethingfrom this as well.

„Team Spirit“ has this explanation: „Our piece of art presents the process of teamwork. We have to put all the inputs together and to maintain the balance. The green leaves represents the results.You can focus to be more quick and to arrive the first at the results, but you have a better base

when you collaborate with your colleagues.“ This is the story of a candidate and it illustrate the difficulties that he has to overcome to succeeding in job interview. The candidate is in the middle with yellow leaves around him, it represents the fears and thoughts before interview and the bigger stick on the right tells that he overcame those obstacles and is a better person now.

„Face to Face“ The idea of this piece of art is that the most important thing is not the art itself, but the person who looks at it. The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In this way, you can interpret this work based on your own experience, and background of your personal point of view. It's about how you see, not what. Thereby, we wanted to create something that can be seen by every person differently and be personal, somehow. And we think that we did a good job.

„The bridge and the catapult“ Both, the bridge and the catapult, present two different ways of succeding in finding a job or trying to get promotion in your workplace. The bridge simbolyse the slow, but sure way of getting what you want. It is also a long, but meaningful process. And on the otherhand, the catapult is a symbol of a fastforward proccess to reach a higher position or land a job in workplace, but riskier way of doing it. So that is why, young people, whom need to choose which method they will use... It is a tough choice, because each choice has its pros and cons.

„The safe space“Land Art is circural table where everybody can be included, everybody has an opinion and everybody can sit there, a lot of chairs there and if you want to sit near, there is always gonna be a chair for you.

„It‘s a deal“ is about a young person who is going to interview for a job. The two hand represent young person and the other hand represents employer. In the end they shake hands,you can see check sign that simbolyze that employee CV was aproved and it symbolises how good cv can help yough person to land a job.


The Romanian intercultural evening took place outside around the fire. There were volunteers who went to collect wood to light the barbecue fire. First step were the appetizers consisting in: salami, olives, cheeses, peperonata, plus bread and biscuits. Obviously, the Tzuika, a typical Romanian liquor, could not be missing. Very original was the idea of wearing themed wigs and hats and also the rather accurate Dracula disguise. While everyone tasted and socialized, Tolea was intent on roasting the meat that was served in the restaurant along with polenta and other typical foods, where everyone was seated with people of different nationalities. After dinner we experienced a very fun and dynamic new game. The evening ended with songs and dances.

The following evening the intercultural evening of the other nations was organized: Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria. After dinner, everyone started preparing for the party. Each nation set up a table on which typical foods and drinks were displayed. The tables were also decorated with flags, postcards and tags on which the names of the various products were written.

After tasting a bit of everything, all together we danced traditional Greek, Italian, Spanish and Lithuanian dances. Between so much fun and lots of laughter, this evening is also over.

OUR TESTIMONIES: Stefania – RO “A unique experience that developed me a lot. I learned about key competencies, how it is in an interview, what questions are asked in an interview and how to prepare a CV, I discovered interesting information about the other participating countries. The group was united, communicative, welcoming and hardworking. We had fun and worked at the same time.”

Oana – RO ”This week was full of fruitful work and emotions. Of course, it helped me deepen my knowledge on the topic, and I can't wait to use my new skills.”

Jesus –SP “This was a fulfilling experience that helped me to grow up in the professional field, while developing some key competences for job interviews. The group of people who attended were super nice and the organization was on point. The fact that we managed to have a real interview training was the best part.”

Caye – Sp “Going to this program is one of the best things I have done this year. I learnt a lot about job interviews and now I feel more prepared to work than I was before. In addition, all the people that came to the exchange were extremely friendly so I quite enjoyed my time there. I would recommend it to everybody!“

Crisitian – RO “During this program I had the oportunity to learn more about how a proper interview should take place. In the same time a developed some skills and competences for a succesful interview.On the other hand I had the pleasure to meet incredible people from other countries, to connect with them and to understand them!”

Martynas – LT “I came there with low expectations, but it was over delivered heaps. Learned heaps from workshops, fell really prepared for future interwievs. Met so many interesting and cool people, people that left a even more marks in my heart and brain. Learned about myself and others more than I could hope to learn in such a short time.”

Josemi – SP “It was an amazing experience because I knew people from many countries and I could improve my english, social skills and of course learn how to prepare better job interviews. I want to repeat in the future.”

Fran – SP “It has been a unique experience recommended for everyone. Get to know other cultures, other people ...Also, nowadays, it is very important to have a good preparation and this exchange has been very useful.”

Blagovesta – BG “A lovely experience with great location, great combination of having good time, relaxing and fun, and gaining useful new knowledge and skills. Met cool new friends and got inspired for future projects. Thank you!”

Marianna – GR “A unique experience in a unique place among beautiful and lovely people. I was really intrigued by the topic and the workshops from which I gained important knowledge for my future as an employee and as a person. person.”

Elina – LV “I really enjoyed every minute that I've spend in Romania. I'm glad that now i know so many creative and interesting people from many countries. And also i improved my english skills and learned very important things about employment, interviews and culture. e. Romania is very beautiful country, i hope some day i will come back, thank you forr this opportunity ERASMUS+ and also Tolea for being patient and helpful!! It was amazing!”

Eleni – GR “It was an unforgettable project in which I learned many things about myself and others. I exchanged ideas with open-minded people and gained knowledge about other cultures. Additionally, it helped me gain confidence about job interviews and feel better prepared in the future. I definitely recommend projects like this.” Eleni – GR

Vic –RO “The project was absolutely lovely. For me, it was a last minute choice to come, but it was amazing. Everything, starting with accomodation, food and place made me feel comfortable and good. And of course people. The topic of the project was very interesting and I really learned a lot of things that helped me and will be useful in the future. I'm very grateful to meet all of the people that made this project a wonderful experience with a lot of fun and cute moments.”

Victoria – GR “It was a unique experience. We learned a lot of thing about job hunting, how to write a proper cv and how to behave in a job interview. We also met a lot of wonderful people from different countries and had a really nice time . I am really glad i was a part of it and i would totally try it again.”

Spiridoula – GR “This project was a great experience! I learned a lot about job hunting, job interviews and CV preparation. Also, it offered me the opportunity to socialize and meet amazing people from other countries. Everyone should give it a try!”

Agapios – GR “It was an one in a lifetime experience. We met a lot of people from different cultures, that helped us be more open minded and made us better people. We also learned a lot about youth unemployment and how jobs work in general. We learned how to write a proper cv and how to communicate in a job interview. It really helped us to be better and we will sure get a job easier than before.”

Anastasia – RO “It was the first time for me when I had an interview and it was a wonderful experience. The materials, the activities and the people helped me to develop a lot in this area in a short time. I am very grateful. Thank you Erasmus +.”

Iokasti-GR “It was a wonderful experience for me. The topic of the project was very interesting and the participants of it were so friendly and kind.. It helped me, not only to feel more confident about job interviews, but also to be more sociable and I am glad I was part of it.”

Andreea- RO My opinion about the project is a very good one because this project was with a new topic for me. I didn’t know a lot of things so I was put in the situation to learn about the subject and think more about the situation between an employer and an unemployed person. It was fun and intresting to simulate phisical interviews and online interviews. That it will going to help me in the future. The people in the project were amazing, very interesting people with different backgrounds and with a lot of opinion. i learn a lot about patient and and about the difference between different people. we manages to work well togheter that help me to be more good in integreting in team work.

‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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