DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT VILLAGE PEOPLE, GET READY FOR BUSINESS WORLD was a youth exchange with the mobility in Romania, Sarata Monteoru and Buzau between 10-20 february 2022. The partnership consisted of 37 participants from 5 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy and Romania. This project aimed to contribute to raising the quality of life of young people with entrepreneurship potential, many with low opportunities (unemployed, poverty, isolation). The high unemployment in the rural countries and the small percentage of entrepreneurial initiatives doubled by lack of skills are the main needs of young people in the communities involved. The aim of the project was to develop entrepreneurial spirit in rural areas by strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of young people During mobility,there were foreseen activities of getting to know eachother and socialization, team building and understanding of cultural diversity. There were 4 workshops introducing topics and research in the field of unemployment and rural entrepreneurship, identifying the causes and effects of unemployment and low entrepreneurship and presentation of key competencies needed by a good entrepreneur in rural areas. The central part of the mobility was an extensive workshop, BUSINESS PLAN provided in 8 stages in 6 mixed teams for the creation and development of 6 business plans applicable to the rural communities of the participants' origin. Basic methods were the education and entrepreneurial creation of a business plan together with additional methods (expert exposures and interactive dialogue, brainstorming, SWOT analysis, simulation, role play, storytelling, interview, poster, media creation and video). The devotion of the teams and good preparation doubled by a good dynamics led to very good activities and final products. We express here our gratitude to all participants, our wonderful hosts at “CASA CU TEI” in Sarata Monteoru and to our partners: ACTIVE SOCIETY – BG, SVON – HR, PRAXIS – GR and RESPIRARE SINAPSI – IT. On behalf of Hair Redivivus Buzau, Romania Catalina and Tolea Postovei
UNEMPLOYMENT IN OUR COUNTRY Based on our documentation about unemployment and entrepreneurship in rural areas in our respective countries, we created posters. We divided into different teams, where everybody had to contribute with information about the unemployment rate in his country, which we then presented to the others.
Even though we all had the same information, each team came up with something unique, whether it was a drawing or interplant information, but it was an activity that put our knowledge of our country to the test and helped us to find the reasons why there is a certain percentage of unemployed people in every country and ways in which we can help them to have stable place of work as close to their families as possible so that they do not have to travel to other countries to work.
Land Art Land art is a wonderful method to use your creativity and imagination to create a piece of art based on a simple topic and also develop team spirit and involvement of all participants. Having this activity in the forest near “Casa cu Tei” was a privilege as we spent time in nature in a more spring than winter day. We used leaves, branches, stones to express through “land art” our approach to topic given – increasing competences to become rural antrepreneurs.
“Dollars on fire” This postmodern exhibit represents the local businesses' struggle to adapt and survive in an increasingly globalized reality. National government interventions do not help, but rather, put obstacles. In the end, under all the lies, you may find our broken democracy and the almighty role of the American dollar in our everyday lives.
"Development or Exploitation?" What happens when a new business is created in a rural area? It holds the people down to that place. But does this happen because it helps to develop the area and its quality of life or because the people have no other choice but to stay and work there?
"The haunted forest" Many, many years ago, an illegal lumberjack wanted to cut the woods of this forest. Mother nature killed him and trapped his soul inside the woods and made him guard the forest from other illegal lumberjacks. People visit this hunting forest hoping to see the ghost of the lumberjack wandering around...
“A death in the family” This work exhibits the failure of business endeavors under conditions of recession. The unstable foundations of a business may cause a premature business death, with many families in the local community affected.
" Where trees grow life happens " This 3D painting of an orchard of trees represents the process of tree plantations. Starting from right to left, it's easy to see a line of planted seeds on the ground, representing the beginning of life. On the middle side the newborn little trees have grown, which stands for innocence, flexibility and the need for protection in the early stages of life. On the left and last line of the painting the bodies of the trees are stronger andtheir roots are deeper. The main idea is about the struggle of agriculture businessmen to stabilize their place on the local market.
“The family farm” Our team’s land art represents a family rural business. As you can see in the middle there is a farm that is the main object of our land art. Around the farm we made a fence that illustrates that it is a rural business. We also made a track, that it will be helpful for the farmer, since he could easily transfer the animal’s food. Since we are talking about a rural farm that is isolated we decided to make a wood cutting machine that will be useful for the cold Romanian winter. Overall our land art represents the life of a typical farmer in Romania.
In the end we all came back from forest with positive vibrations. It was very interesting to listen the stories behind every piece of art and how some shy persons discovered their talents when they are challenged
KEY COMPETENCES Key competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development, employability, social inclusion and active citizenship. They are developed in a lifelong learning perspective, from early childhood throughout adult life, and through formal, non-formal and informal learning.
We have been put to numerous different challenges in this project to help us discover ourselves and grow as much as possible. Each of us has gained new abilities; some have learnt to work better in teams, interact with others, handle pressure, and so on; but most significantly, each of us has learned to know himself and develop as much as possible on all aspects. We can say that everyone has gained a better understanding of key competencies. The day began with a recap of the eight key competencies, followed by a discussion of their value in entrepreneurship. We were able to accumulate knowledge about them and practice them in a non-formal way by following numerous procedures.
Theater First step was by theater and each of 8 teams defined by the "antitornado" method had to prepare and show a sketch and the other had to guess which competence they showed.
Following the formation of the team, everyone member received a note detailing the competencies they needed to demonstrate. We had to put on a play in a short amount of time that illustrated several competences, such as: literacy competence, multilingual competence, mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering, digital competence, personal, social and learning to learn competence, civic competence, entrepreneurship and cultural awereness and expression.The roles were subsequently assigned, the characters were rehearsed, and the sketch was finally presented. There were some fantastic plays in which we picked up a variety of new abilities and practiced collaboration.It was an activity that not only developed our imagination and put our talents to the test, but also familiarized us with our surroundings.
Honey Mumford The second step was a test to understand our lerning style and we did the Honey Mumford test and we were quite equaly shared between activists,pragmatics,reflectors and theorists and found characteristics of each style that in the end suited us. The Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (80-item version) that has been widely used throughout the world, in allsectors of commerce and education, to help people identify and benefit from their learningstyle preferences.
This is the link for the test - [](
Plot case The third step was "Plot case" where we have to negociate to solve a problem of municipality. Some teams needed a specific spot to build their propriety on, the team that had to build the highway couldn’t change even one single plot of land. Some could build their propriety wherever they wanted as long as they had the right shape. Some teams started with lots of land they didn’t need and no money while others started with lots of money and most of the land thy need. In the second phase of the negotiations the teams became increasingly aware of their differences in terms of flexibility and needs. In the end there were 2 possible outcomes, an ideal scenario, where everyone gets what they want, and what actually happened and also happens in real life.
This exercise was a disguised puzzle. The difficulty of which was predicated on the absurd lack of information everyone possessed. By the time we realized every team can be satisfied, it was too late, one team (mine, actually) already possessed one more plot of land than they needed, which made the solution inaccessible, because of the greed of a handful of individuals, half of the teams couldn’t achieve their goal. Even if there was a perfect solution, greed made it impossible to achieve. Just like it happens in real life sometimes.
Island As a last step, we practiced our negotiation skills, ability to empathize, teamwork, and communication. As inhabitants of our seven islands, we had to split our land evenly, without a common area, while still building the facilities needed to survive together on that watersurrounded island and pass together through the risks that came with each step forward in our development.
This activity was designed to teach communication and coordination skills in unexpected and stressful situations with a time limit for finding a solution, but we were able to create a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere that helped us communicate more easily in order to reach a common point where we all had to win, even if it meant sacrificing important things on our islands in favor of mutual help.
CAUSES OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT Education 1. In balance between technical and practical education 2. Jobs change as technology developes but the education system remains the same as it was 20 years ago 3. Lack of fundings for new businesses, artistic oriented jobs, more teachers and modern school facilities 4. High cost of university fees 5. Lack of career orientation courses Family environment 1. Complicated family background 2. Overprotective parents/oldfashioned 3. Youngsters seak an easy way out so they keep staying at home and avoid high taxation and rents Work environment 1. 2. 3. 4.
Exploytmen tfrom the older generation of employers Hostile work environment to develop their ambitions Don’t want to work hard for the minimum wages offered – lack of motivation Employers have high expectation of young employees and Youngsters without experience don’t get hired 5. Complicated bureaucracy system General world problems 1. War 2. Emigration 3. Racism 4. Drug /virtual reality addiction to avoid
Social consequences o Social Exclusion o Poverty o Unfair Wealth Distribution
Labour o Bad Work Conditions o Temporary employment
Mental Consequences o Stress o Anxiety o Depression o No motivation
Inactivity of: o Going to study o Being NEET o Dependence on the family
SOLUTIONS AGAINST YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT: To keep youngsters in their rural homevillage or homecountry the youth unemployment has to be reduced. Youngsters care about their future, they need to feel comfortable, safe and loved from the community, but not only! To fullfil themselves, they need to feel valorous, giving them an opportunity to enter in the life of adult, as employee or enterpreneurs. Therefore it needs an organisation which connects youngsters to local businesses, for visiting businesses and try out the work. Internship should be organised as working experience and NOT as explotation. In
addition orientation courses and Erasmus+ can help youngstes to develop. The older people have to give the youngsters trust and opportunities, encouragimg the kids to develop THEIR ideas, becouse the future belong to the young! There should be a counseling service or psychology courses for parents the direct them to healthy education methodes. Businesses should create more job positions for unexperiences youngsters, creating them an opportunity to become a qualificated workers. As a result the lower positions will/has to be free again for new youngsters in a natural circel of life.
RESPONSIBLE FOR INTERVENTION After the brief discussion with 4 groups of people from different regions, different backgrounds, different age groups, different education thus obviously different perspectives about this interesting topic as to who do they think is responsible for youth unemployment in this era. After some briefs discussion with all four groups, we got to know some basic reasons for the wonderful topics
Government European Union Employers Trade Unions Educational System/ University Automation in a few fields Lack of motivation in youth Anxiety/Uncertainty about future Lack of Skills Big Businesses firms Social norms Lack of creativity Lack of Internship opportunities to learn
ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEAS IN RURAL AREAS 1. Work in groups (mixed nationalities) 2. Natural materials are used – from nature, as well as stationery and clay Description: each group has to invent and present through the materials their entrepreneurial idea in a rural area. There is almost no limitation in the type of idea, except that it is in a rural area and is not fantastic. Each member of the group must participate, with the team deciding whether to share tasks or work on everything together.
At first, the task seemed easy because we had a lot of freedom to work. However, for the first few minutes we wondered what exactly to do. After we decided that we would create a place for relaxation in nature, which offers almost everything to one person, we started modeling. This also did not turn out to be as easy as we thought. We had to recreate our idea in an understandable and attractive way for others. We have created a space that can be used by people with different interests. There is a barbecue, children's playground, a river where you can sail a boat, a balloon for panoramic views and much more. Teamwork was not a problem, everyone had ideas and everyone participated in modeling.
This is our farm, which aims to raise pigs and cows, as well as plant cereals andv egetables. Our farm will support itself from these activities. The meat and milk from the animals will be sold, as well as for personal use, and the same will apply to the products to be planted. The dog on our farm is our guardian. There is also a scarecrow to protect the field from birds. The land will be cultivated with the help of special machines. The task was very interesting. The whole team was involved in the idea. Besides making us think about how people in rural areas support themselves, brought us back to childhood with the fact that most things had to be made of clay, it was a lot of fun.
This art project demonstrates the life of a small hotel inside a forest. Our guests can enjoy several indoor or outdoor activities such as spa, theater, iceskating or even hiking among the snowy mountains. The area around is mostly covered by lots of trees, high hills and a wide variety of wildlife. Ideal for those who are willing to temporarily give up the city life and have a have a life-changing adventure in the pure core of nature.
The model depicts an orchard of 6 red apple and orange trees. There are also some origami flowers on the 4 corners of the plot and 2 streams of running water for the trees. A much needed firespot placed on the right side surrounded by stones (for safety reasons) and of course a basket of woodsticks for the fire nearby. There is also a Scarecrow near the door on the front side and finally a cloudy sky on the backside of the paperfence. Materials used: little branches and stones from the woods, plastelin clay, a carton paperbox , pieces of coloured paper, teamwork and a lot of imagination.
his art project demonstrates the life of a small hotel inside a forest. Our guests can enjoy several indoor or outdoor activities such as spa, theater, iceskating or even hiking among the snowy mountains. The area around is mostly covered by lots of trees, high hills and a wide variety of wildlife. Ideal for those who are willing to temporarily give up the city life and have a have a lifechanging adventure in the pure core of nature.
Our idea is to create a farm that grows various plant products and animals. The farm will be selfsufficient. We will offer the so-called ruraltourism, as well as an additional attraction - ballooning. The implementation will be useful for the rural region in which it is implemented, providing jobs and attracting tourists. Our idea is simple, clear and feasible.
Conclusion: At first, the task seems very easy as it gives a lot of freedom in what materials to use, how to visualize and present the idea and how to present it. Because the teams had so much choice in the beginning, most of them wondered what exactly to choose. The next problem was exactly how to recreate it. Presenting and working in groups was not a problem. All participants describe the task as interesting and fun, as well as a good method for coming up with entrepreneurial ideas
INTERCULTURAL EVENINGS Our opinion or like our adventure of intercultural evenings was surprising and really nice. On this project we had Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy and Greece. First intercultural evening was every country presentation where every country presented themselves by some traditional food, drinks and dances. We had opportunity to taste many different products and try drinks where we can notice some differences but also similarities between countries. Even that tasting was learning about culture. Romanian chocolate treats were great also Bulgarian tomato bread spread was so delicious (there is similar thing in Croatia). Also some countries presented some traditional dances, like Greek sirtaki dance and Romanian traditional wedding dance. It was very nice evening where we had chance to met all the participants closely and their countries tastes.
Second evening was when Romania had their official presentation night. They were making barbecue and grill some traditional meet and also some meat substitute for vegetarians. It was so nice and tasty. Also Romanians gave us their country education presentation. On that presentation we learnt about how long is wine tasting path and that Romanias have a lot of wine. We also learnt about festival/carnavals. Summerwell, Untold, Neversea, Electric castle.
After big dinner we had some drinks and continue to stay in common area where we played some games, dancing, socializing etc.
On third cultural night we had promotion of every country should promote another country. That was a very good project because you parallel learn about some country while having fun. Romania had Greece, they made some funny theatre while they were dressed like Greeks in white uniforms. After them mostly all other countries had quizzes about other countries. Croatia had Romania. Bulgaria had Italy. Italy had Croatia and Greece had Bulgaria.
Intercultural evenings if they are well prepared and managed as in this project are useful tools to understand cultural values and diversity and to ban some stereotypes we all have about the others.
Apple SiThere Our idea is to produce something that all people could like. We want to produce a drink that people will enjoy in company, together. So we will create an apple cider company called « Apple Si-There ». Apple cider is an alcoholic drink made out of apples. Because of it’s sweet and fruity flavor, cider is accessible to everyone, even those who don’t like the taste of alcohol. Since there are no local cider productions in the Balkans, we wanted to create a product that will connect with its target audience. We decided to start this business in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria and after that, expand to the rest of the Balkan countries and let them have a taste of our cider as well. We chose Bulgaria because it is a rural area with great soil for planting the apple trees, cheap production and demand from the audience, since a lot of people drink cider, but there is no local productions. We will find plots in this town, plant our own apple trees, and while they grow, we will find a place to create our production site. We want to focus on local people who will appreciate an organic, local product that is ethically created.
Human Resources:
100 Seasonal Apple Pickers 50 Seasonal Factory Workers 10 All-year Workers
30 Acres of land 30.000 Apple Trees 17.500.000 Bottles and Labels (for the first production) Factory Space Machines (a crusher, a press to make the juice, a scoop to handle the pulped apples, containers with bungs and airlocks, hydrometer, yeast, siphon tube, buckets)
Financial Resources:
1,5 million euro [70% from European fundings from European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and 30%from a loan from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)]
Target Group: Our target group is mostly young people in their 20’s who want to drink alcohol but don’t like its taste. We don’t want to specify gender, racial or any other details, our product is directed to people who value the taste of a good cider. Moreover, our customers include companies that will buy our product and sell it to supermarkets, bars and local markets. (Business to business) Management plan:
Timeline: firstly, we have to buy the land where our trees will grow, plant them and wait for them to grow in three years. Then in September, when the apples are ready to collect, a month will be needed for the apple pickers to collect them and after that it will take three months for the apple cider to be produced and another year for fermentation.
Employees: 100 apple pickers working for 2-4 weeks in September, 50 factory workers working for 3 months for the production, 10 all-year workers to take care of the cider while it “rests” (fermentation). Donato – marketing manager Petar – Budget manager Kris – Advertising manager Cata – Production supervisor Eleftheria – CEO
Marketing plan: We will work with the Business-to-business method, meaning that our product will be promoted to local stores by another company, optimising our sales. Our Marketing plan contains these three points, to make a specific marketing mix:
1. PRODUCT We want to bring immersion in our business, so we will make a special edition bottle that represents an apple bite. When you pick the bottle up, your fingers will nicely wrap around it, making it easier to hold, and, moreover, you simulate the “thumbs up” gesture, as if you were saying “yes” to something. That is the origin of our name “Si-There”. Our bottle has a removable cap. In this way, the consumer can drink it everywhere, without needing a bottle opener.
2. PRICE According to price levels around Europe, the usual price of Apple Cider is around 1,10€ to1,20€ insupermarketsand 4€ instores.
We plan toproduce two different bottle sized, a small one (0,33l) and sell it for 0,80€, and a larger bottle (0.5l) for 1,20€. That way, people will be attracted to our low prices and also be driven to buy the big one.
3. PLACEMENT We want to make partnership with supermarkets that have the possibility to buy our product in large quantities and resell it on their account. But placement is not limited to “placing the product in a supermarket shelf”. Placement means how our brand image impacts the consumer’s mind. We want to share our vision and values and promote them through our product.
SWOT Analysis Strengths: organic, local, natural, cheap production, healthier option than other apple cider products Weaknesses:time needed for the trees to grow, risk of people not accepting our product Opportunities: easily expand to the Balkans Threats: weather disasters such as hail, heavy snow etc.
>> Explain your added value What will your initiative add to tomorrow’s life and society? What will your business change in your rural area?
we will employ 150 seasonal workers every year from local community and 10 permanent workers
we will buy local agricultural land and invest in factory and other needed buildings and equipment and with that we can help local community budget
- our business will have a strong impact on other entrepreneurs from the local community where they will follow our example and start new business initiatives in local community -
later on, we will promote the local community by selling our product internationally and attract people to this region
Poverty is one of the most critical and common problems in rural areas. With this idea we can make a lot of money from the sellling of this organic, natural apple cider and we also can make people happy with this drink even though they do not like alcohol.
Message: We offer 100% organic, natural and healthy product proven by impartial researchers. We guarantee that our product will stay always the same quality even when our products will rise. Our product is selling in lower price than competition but with better quality. Apple cider demand is rising year by year, so it is a good and stabile business in future. Main risks: -
Other new apple cider product with lower price or better quality;
Our product to not be accepted by people so much like we plan;
Our B2B intermediary finds another apple cider company which offers better conditions for sales contract; Link to facebook page:
Material resources like abandoned buildings, facilities..Will be provied by the government also we will try asking UNICEF, local businesses and similar. People needed for the project are architects,engineers, builders and teachers. Financial resources will hopefully be provided by EU emergency trust founds for Africa. We eill try to make deals with local businesses to finance us in exchange for workers. Also we will take qualified volunteers. The start would be rough, i twill take 2 years to build the main structure and 1 more year to setup everything(advertisment, finding people,everyday materials, school hardware and similar
Our management strategy targets the group ages from 14 to 17 for additional education, and after 18 for higher or lifelong educatin The main reason we chase to build our school there is the gap that exists in the region educational opportunities. We have considered the high risk level that we have to face the local community is not likely to trust us at first, there is a lot of cultural differences. We will try to solve those risk by creating a team of locals that trust us and belive in our vision to spread the idea the idea to the others. We can present them already successful role models from there area, so that they convinced that further education is warthed
Our super school provides an enormous amount of values to the community. Trough our less services student can get both standard additional educatin after the age of 14 and als higher level education (university) on multiple specialities. Also older people can have a place in CLL (Center of Lifelong Learning) as well in lifelong learning programmes and seminars to improve their resume. This way they will have equal opportunities when it comes to their profecion no matter the age or their previous changes for education In the long term we try to make a change and break the cicle of poverty in the rural area of rumange through education and progress of the local businesses. This way we keep educated youngsters in the rural area equalise their chances in the business field
Our marketing plan consists of slow change. We want to organise seminars and public sessions so we can build trust will theme. Once the locals can see we are serious we can organise meetings with local business people. The people can come and speak about their experiences to be truth. The business people are learn as were. Persuade the adults with promises at the future success. To rise a laners to meetings in the church. Als some prezentatin of our team will be organised in the school that already exist in the area to intrduce the children then to their new choices
Once upon a time six guys from CROATIA, ROMANIA, ITALY, BULGARIA and GREECE met on a project in Romania about enterpreneurship. They had an idea to start a business to help locals. So yesterday as a team we gathered and after analysing the situation in our rural area we came up with the idea of creating an agritourism business. This idea is based on the social needs of the local communities. We think it can also be profitable and it helps promoting the local culture. It helps the local producers as well. We will strive for increasing local economy and decrease deurbanization of that area. First of all, we agreed that the best way to promote our work and to reach as many people as possible is our business to be supported by a travel agency. The agency will be our provider by addressing our clients. We also agreed that we will set down our business in Maramures. We think that the area has much to offer and everyone can benefit from the business. We want to arrange sightseeing in the area, winary tours as well. We will also be striving for zero damage to the environment We expect our business to start in 2 years and we expect to have profit in 3 years.
Human resources Our team will be formed of two managers, two tour guides, 15 maintenance workers, four chefs and eight waiters. This being medium-sized company the CEO will also have managerial responsibilities.
Material resources In order to offer comfort to our clients, we are going to provide our clients with the best appliances and furniture, while also maintaining a traditional, cozy atmosphere.
Financial resources Funding will be requested from the national agency of HoReCa.
DREAMITREAM Mocanita Experience a unique steamtrain ride in wooden wagons pulled by an antique restored locomotive.
Hiking in the local mountains Discover the beautiful nature of the National Park of Mountains of Maramures
Merry Cemetery
Visit the Merry Cemetery, one of the most important checkpoints in Maramures and also an European Unesco heritage site.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful place in north-west part of bulgaria. The forests, lands and all of the nature were beautiful, but nobody knew about it. It was places between the romanian and serbian border and it was a mix of mountains and fields and had many hidden gems yet to be discovered such as caves and beautiful waterfalls. Around these places there are some famous checkpoints that are regularly visited but these places keep being neglected because of the demographical problems – most of people living in this area are old, not experienced in tourism and there is a lot of emigrating. The people that are left feel alone and depressed, but are still kind and warm, ready to help and welcome anyone that wants to visit. We would also try to give them jobs to help the local community and get rid of unemployment of the locals. The area is very poor and in need of a solution that will help the financial problem and developing the area. The idea is to promote the natural beauty of bulgaria and crate a network chain of houses along a trail that will pass most points that are great to see but unknown to the general public. There would be small gift shops and food stands along the way to help the local folk. The local people would put some of their homemade products and delicacies, such as homemade cheese, bread, honey, organically grown vegetables; and in the gift shops you can find handmade souvenirs and clothes like the traditional ie. For bigger groups there will be provided guides that would talk about the surroundings and the history of the places, and make sure you don’t get lost. They know the area and love the nature and you would feel the safest with someone that is local to the place. They will know to show you local monuments and churches in small places along the way.
The houses along the track would serve as a resting place for our hikers, where they can rest and sleep when they get tired. All of the track will be marked on the trees so it is hard to get lost and easy to follow the trail without many worries. Also the marks on the trees will be fluorescent so you can see them also at night. For those who prefer the outside, there are a lot of nice camping sites in the area where you can set up your tent or a hammock. There are a lot of natural springs with fresh drinkable water for those who enjoy the natural sites even more and love to discover the hidden beauties of bulgarian nature. The gift shops will provide all kinds of hiking equipment, such as headlights, walking sticks, matches, drinkable water, so in case any of supplies you have with you are broken or lost you can easily replace them. The track will also be adapted so the parts that are too steep will be made safer so it would be accessible to almost anyone
Caracterize your resources( human, material, financial)
-human resources: for our business we need skilled people. We need workforce for our many shops, restaurants and professional people for constructing and recondition the place. we need people that would work as guides for groups coming to hike. -material resources: we need special paints for the path, natural materials and tools. Some electronic devices like computer and GPS. Also construction materials for shops and vacation houses. -financial resources: we will need European Foundings and Business Credits
Our future customers are all people who want to come and like nature and to discover new things and places. They can be people from any nationality and they can be any age. People can come to us like companies or public organizations and we can provide them with touristic guides, outdoor activities, and twice a year there is a bike riding race for charity. Management: Money People Physical resources Starting finance management Marketing plan: Advertising in social media posters that can promote our business Other countries can promote Every partner of our business can promote the company in his country Our initiatives will help the local society by giving them an opportunity to make money from their homes, homemade and handmade stuff and products. Better lives for the people in the aria and seeing new opportunities.
Main risks on the market: -competition -Covid 19 -difficult to collaborate with all the locals -need a lot of time and money -maybe lose our capital -not being successful -natural disasters 1. Who are you? We are 6 ambitious young people who have a dream. 2. What do you want to do? We want to develop a beautiful part of Bulgaria that is unknown. 3. Why do you want to realize the idea? Because we believe it is a place with many opportunities and it is going to be beneficial for the local community. 4. How do you want to do it? With a lot of love, and the help of the local people and European commission.
5. Do you think it is that it is going to love traveling and environment.
going to work? We think work because many people this is a unique natural
6. Why? For people to see unknown wild beauty of Bulgaria. 7. How do you imagine this project 5 years from now? We imagine this project very successful, with a lot of visitors that enjoy outdoor activities. 8. Who are you going to help? We will help the locals and the people who want to take a break from the routine. 9. Did you consider any risks and what are they? Competition, Covid-19, difficult to collaborate with all the locals, need a lot of time and money, maybe lose our capital, not being successful and natural disasters. TRACK HERO - Something for everyone
We are six young people producing goat-products like milk, yogurt, cheese and meat. Our target is to give you the opportunity to buy traditional and local goatproducts. Buying our products, you not only taste the flavor of happy goats, but you also benefit of the energy of our local fresh air and grasslands. Goats are the animals which keep our grasslands in their natural health. As a result every of our bought product help us to take care and maintain our landscapes in a traditional and natural way. You also help to increase and sustain the local economy and the future of 6 village youngsters. It is in the interest of the local community to show up value and future growth in our place and that is what we offer. We wish you the greatest meals of all time with GOAT FARM.
Playful Pandas Park (P.P.P) Our story It all began when we were small children, watching movies on television and marveling at the wonderful amusement parks depicted. We watched with bated breath, dreaming of one day visiting and experiencing the rush of adrenaline in these places. Our favorite pastime was to pretend to be at an amusement park, making equipment out of whatever materials we had on hand and climbing any tree we could find. We grew up with this fantasy until it became a reality when our parents surprised us with tickets to Disney Land in Paris after we finished elementary school. When we arrived, the sensation was amazing; we felt like small children, recalling how we had fantasized about it every day and now it had become a reality. We were overwhelmed with adrenaline and happy feelings, and we gathered a wealth of memories that will last a lifetime. We all started studying business at university once we returned from our journey. And now, years later, we're here in front of you, ready to complete something that will transition from childhood fun to a future job, something that will make us happy. Monteoru will soon launch the first amusement park of its sort, meant to entertain children, bring families together, and build memories. The park was built in the forest where we used to climb trees as kids, which brings back many memories of our childhood fantasies. This is another example of why you should never stop dreaming and that everything is possible.
Needs of community The main issue/need of the society is unemployment which leads to poverty in society as people have no source of income. For creating more jobs in our community we should start a business in our community so that we can bring more money to promote tourism in our community can also benefit from all the tourism.
Idea What is the idea? Playful Pandas Park represents the ideal destination for adventure in nature, relaxation and fun with family or friends. Being the largest and safest adventure park from Romania, Playful Pandas offers a wide variety of outdoor activities, both for adults and children of all ages.
Where? Located just 20 minutes away from Buzău, in Monteoru,P.P.P created programs of activities for all preferences, offering one of the most seeked after and popular attractions in Romania: tree houses,They are totally functional and can be a quiet refuge for a few nights, in couple or with friends or family.
When? We can start the project construction in this summer and our target is to finish the project in one year
For who? Our adventure park is suitable for people of all ages, with a variety of courses and attractions. Here you will find interesting things for you to do, such as ziplines, tree trails, playgrounds for children, houses in trees with various themes such as technology, films, and other interests of our visitors, a park for relaxation, a restaurant, and a rustic cottage in the forest where those who want to spend more time with us to try all the fun of our park can relax.
Why? One reason why you should visit amusement parks is to get away from the normalities of daily life and be whisked away to a place of imagination and fun. The feeling of being in a different world and just having the time of your life. Also it’s a good opportunity to escape from stress and recharge with new positive energy.
How? After completion of business plan we can go to EU and investors to attract them to this business and then with our precise calculations and good return of investment we hope to manage the funding from EU and investors
• Easy to find HR
• No way to predict demand • Difficult to promote • No experience; enterprise could fail
• Cheap land • Novelty-no competition
• Competitors could copy • Accidents • Natural disasters
Commercial strategy Our main target group will be people between 4-14 years old but we can accommodate people of 15-65 in different areas of the park. It is also suitable for company events and public organizations.
Management plan Restaurants and hotels will be subcontracted through long-term collaborations. Rest of activities will be managed by us.
The structure will be as follows
CEO Head of Operations
Marketing & PR Health HR & Safety Accounting & Finance
Marketing plan For the first 1-2 seasons we will make special offers and discounts. We will also have a mascot that will participate in events in the area. We will pursue alternative marketing channels to target the youth such as Tik Tok and Instagram.
Added value Making good memories for children and families to improve their skills and become braver. Our initiative will also improve the infrastructure because tourism and local businesses will benefit and rural people will acquire assets and create wealth.
Interview between a reporter and the CEO of PPP Reporter: Hello Mr. director, tell us please, what is your business idea? CEO: Hello to you too, so the idea came from the founding team’s dream to build a business in the local community that will bring more tourism so that the area’s income and business profile is differentiated. Reporter: Sounds very good, how will you manage your business? Naturally, you are a startup, what is the plan for the first steps? CEO: So, for the first year we would like to offer our product at a discount to attract a lot of clienteles. People need to get to know us. Word of mouth is the best advertisement so a quality product takes off. Other than that, a good management plan with clear-cut responsibilities is essential. Reporter: Awesome, how do you think that your enterprise benefits the local community? CEO: Well, as I mentioned before, the increased income will be a big boost to the local economy. The park can also have effects in other ways, for one it will employ many people who will probably be coming from the local community since the closest urban center is far from this village. Reporter: How have you arranged funding? CEO: The majority of our funding was through EU funds. Collaborations with local landowners and businesses will be mutually beneficial. Day-to-day operations are funded through income. Profit is not predicted until the third year. Reporter: What dangers could there be for the future of your endeavor? CEO: Other than competitors that could copy our idea, natural disaster or other similar external factors are our biggest fear.
Market research Risks
Message to our clients and beneficiaries Going to a theme park is fun at any age. The availability of activities feels like they're never-ending and there are lots of things to do with friends and family. Even couples like to go to theme parks because it's exciting, especially the rides and food choices. Theme parks are important attractions or destinations in tourism as they deliver a sense of fantasy and escape emphasizing on hedonic and pleasurable experiences, in which visitors' emotion or physical environment play an important role in creating tourist experiences.
P.S.: 😂😂😂DIETERS can forget the gym – theme park thrills are just as good a way to lose weight. DIETERS can forget the gym theme park thrills are just as good a way to lose weight. Scientists have found that scary rides are an efficient way to burn off unwanted fat. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Website A promotional Instagram page was created at
Promo video A promotional video was created, viewable at
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’