Toledo Free Press – Feb. 9, 2014

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Feb. 9, 2014

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A major move and winter in black and white Tom Pounds on ProMedica’s commitment to moving Downtown and Michael S. Miller on a dark and exciting new discovery. page 3

Brian still matters Marking the anniversary of Brian Hoeflinger’s death by revisiting his family’s first column on teenage drinking. page 4

Community Star

@IGers_Toledo Instagram group aims to share Toledo with the world. page 16

Jump Start

Students seek head start at Toledo Early College High School. By Danielle Stanton, page 6


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014

Publisher’s statement



A Toledo tradition since 2005



A major move

t will take years, but the news that ProMedica will move its administrative offices Downtown and make a historic investment in the heart of Toledo is exciting and greatly encouraging. “ProMedica is planning to move its administrative employees Downtown and has options to purchase the Steam Plant and KeyBank building to house them. The move could mean as many as 700 employees would be transferred Downtown,” reported Toledo Free Press News Editor Bailey G. Dick on Feb. 4. “In conjunction with the move, ProMedica is looking into Thomas F. Pounds options for building a parking structure, possibly on the site of Promenade Park.” “While there has been some positive economic development Downtown, this will bring hundreds of people Downtown and will help spur additional economic development growth,” said Mayor D. Michael Collins. “History will show that ProMedica’s decision to relocate 700 employees to the Downtown area will be the first step in the restoration of Downtown to its former glory. “At the advent of Toledo in its heyday, the banking industry was really the fortress that created Downtown Toledo. With this announcement from ProMedica, I feel we can possibly reinvent the future of Toledo with the health care industry. ProMedica should be congratulated for its commitment to the future of our community.” It cannot be stated any better. For the dozens of businesses like ours that have also chosen Downtown, this news is vindication and offers great hope for leaps and bounds of growth for the city. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. He is a member of the ProMedica board of trustees. Contact him at


Winter in black and white I

t’s heartening to still find myself experiencing new as- harshly cold this winter, and with my job and exercise schedule pects of life at my advanced age of 47 (which rounds up starting at 2 a.m. most weekdays, I have found my eyelids getting heavier far too early in the day than I can afford. to 50 more accurately than it rounds down to 40). On Jan. 27, wandering from the icy exThis winter has provided a relentless sepanse of the 1370 WSPD newsroom to ries of snowstorms and brutal cold to navithe breakroom to refill my water bottle, gate. In the 10 years I have been driving from I smelled and saw a fresh pot of coffee sitTecumseh to Toledo, I do not recall a winter ting in its metal cradle. I have enjoyed the as challenging to the commuter as this one. occasional frozen-blended frappé, but that’s Ice, drifting snow and a parade of drivers more like a milkshake, not real coffee. I have who apparently have never operated a car never enjoyed hot beverages, not tea, cider during winter have made for far too many or even the blood spurting from fallen enwhite-knuckle rides back and forth. emies’ jugulars. I will never know what comBut for as long as this winter will repelled me to take a whiter-than-snow Styromain in my memory, there is another discovery that may have a more long-term Michael S. miller foam cup, set it down, pick up the pot and pour that first hot cup of coffee, but before I impact: coffee. For nearly five decades, I have avoided coffee like I have could talk myself out of it, I was back at my desk with both abstained from cigarettes, alcohol and the rock group Yes — hands wrapped around the cup. poisons best left to weaker constitutions. But it has been so n MILLER CONTINUES ON 4 Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 10, No. 6. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

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Guest column

The harsh reality of teenage drinking

EDITOR’S NOTE: On the one-year anniversary of Brian Hoeflinger’s passing, Toledo Free Press and Brian and Cindy Hoeflinger share the original column that became one of the most shared and read articles in our 10-year history. By Brian and Cindy Hoeflinger Special to Toledo Free Press


o the graduating class of 2013: Our son Brian Hoeflinger died in a tragic car accident on Feb. 2, 2013, at the young age of 18. He was a kid just like you who had hopes and aspirations of going to college and having a full happy life. On the night he died, he was at a party with friends drinking vodka and ended up driving intoxicated. I remember the phone call we received late that night when we learned Brian had been in a car accident. The sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach and the frantic racing of your heart when you don’t know if your child has been hurt or if he is even still alive. When we arrived at the hospital, we were told Brian was dead. The image of our son lying there on a cold gurney dead in trauma room 21 at Toledo Hospital will never leave my mind as long as I live. His lifeless body lying there, almost as though he were asleep, wishing he were only asleep but all too well knowing he was dead and never coming back home with us. It is the worst singular feeling we have ever experienced in our lives. The second worst feeling was telling our other three children at home about an hour later that their older brother Brian was dead and gone forever. We took them back to the hospital to see Brian. It was heartbreaking to watch Kevin, Julie and Christie say goodbye to their big brother forever that night. That life we had with Brian is over and an unwelcome new life without Brian has now taken its place. We tell you this story because Brian could be any one of you, if you choose to drink. And we say choose, because it is your choice and nobody else’s. Once you take your first drink of alcohol, you are not making the decisions, the alcohol is. You are putting yourself and others at risk for injury or, even worse, dying like Brian. Now you may say that Brian was

February 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Brian Hoeflinger stupid and not a responsible person. You would never make that mistake and it could never happen to you. Well, Brian used to say that too and look how it turned out for him. Let us tell you, Brian was not a stupid person. He had a 4.5 GPA, 32 ACT score, was a 5-handicap golfer, and was accepted to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which is where he wanted to go to college. Brian always made good decisions until alcohol was involved. You see, you can’t make good decisions when you drink alcohol. No matter how much you think you can, you can’t. Brian proved that. He is now frozen in time at age 18 with no chance to move forward or make a difference. As for you, you are very much alive and able to make your destiny what you want. This is a very defining time in your life because at this moment you are able to choose the path in life you wish to follow. At this moment, you have the chance to change the way others think by taking a stand against drinking, especially drinking and driving. You are able to define who you are and to make a difference now. Be a leader and make it cool not to drink. It is a privilege to be alive and to be able to make a difference in the lives of others. Brian lost that chance with a bad decision but we’re sure he wouldn’t make that same mistake twice. But for Brian, there is no second chance, no chance to redo things. As for you, you still have the chance to

make a difference in your life and in the lives of others. If we could ask you to remember just one thing from this letter, it would be to have fun without drinking. Be a leader and make it cool not to drink. You can do it. We know you can. And lastly, but most importantly, don’t drink and drive or ride with someone who has been drinking. If you could feel for only a brief moment the extreme anguish and pain that we as a family feel over Brian’s death every moment of every day, then you would understand what drinking can cost you and your family. Please think about it. Think about what Brian lost, all his hopes, dreams and ultimately his life, as a result of alcohol. Please stay safe and don’t put your family through what we are going through.

n MILLER CONTINUED FROM 3 I gazed into the round pool of black liquid, raised the squeaky Styrofoam to my lips and took a careful first sip. It was horrible. It was scalding and bitter, with a strong aftertaste that coated my teeth and tongue and distorted flavors for the rest of the day. “How,” I thought, “does a country run on this liquid abomination? No wonder people dilute coffee with caramel and sugar and cream.” I set the cup down, disgusted, vowing to not repeat that mistake. Ten minutes later, when the cup was empty, I wondered why evolution still filled human bodies with blood when such a magical lifegiving elixir existed. Two days passed before I tried another cup, and that first taste was just as bitter and off-putting as the first. I have been consuming coffee sparingly, wary of anything so si-

multaneously repulsive and irresistible. I am still careful not to indulge every day, as my impulse is to make up for all those coffee-less years by running an industrial-grade garden hose from the coffee maker to my desk, or maybe to buy one of those hats with two beverage holders and straws attached to it. There are no significant calories in black coffee; nor is there any nutritional value except for a miniscule amount of magnesium. While I am carefully moderating my new discovery, it is exciting to have made a new discovery about such a mundane and common element of life. If a mere cup of coffee can be new and intriguing, I know life still holds many more flavorful jolts. O Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and news director for 1370 WSPD. Email him at mmiller@

The Hoeflinger family

Brian would have graduated June 6, 2013, from Ottawa Hills High School. He attended St. John’s Jesuit High School for three years; their commencement was May 23, 2013. His elementary school friends from St. Joe’s Sylvania are graduating from schools throughout the area. Many of his friends from Toledo Junior Golf are also graduating. You may be one of those friends, or know someone who knew Brian. As you are going through the fun and excitement of these final days, preparing for prom, graduation ceremonies and the parties of all your friends, think of us. There are no prom pictures to take, no corsage to match to a date’s dress. During graduation, we sat in the audience, not the proud parents of a wonderful son accepting his diploma with his classmates, but the parents choking back tears of grief and regret that he was not there. We are the grieving father who will never golf again with his beloved son or be able to watch golf on TV without a hole in his heart. We are the mother suffering over the loss of the opportunity to excitedly plan the graduation party, shop for bedding for the dorm room and cry when she says goodbye in the fall. We are the siblings mourning over the death of the brother they all looked up to. For us, this is the harsh reality of teenage drinking. O






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A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 9, 2014


By Danielle Stanton

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Patricia Jones is getting a jumpstart on her college career as a student at Toledo Early College High School (TECHS). The 18-year-old senior — who plans to be the first of her family to attend college — is currently enrolled in six college courses, including sociology, trigonometry and creative writing. By high school graduation in May, Jones will have earned 60 college credits — an equivalent of two years of college — that can be applied toward a bachelor’s degree. Jones is among 225 students participating in what is essentially a boot camp for college. TECHS is part of the Toledo Public Schools (TPS) system and works in partnership with the University of Toledo to help students earn college credit. The nine-year-old school is housed on the Scott Park campus, just a short bus ride away from UT’s college classrooms. The course work is rigorous, accelerated and often difficult, yet the

payoff is great, administrators said — students can earn up to an associate’s degree without paying tuition. Educators and students agree the school is not for everyone, yet students are succeeding, they said. However, one educational advocate wonders whether the school is truly meeting its original mission of educating the underprivileged.

Rigorous curriculum

Incoming students do not have to be “little geniuses” to attend, according to TECHS teacher Randy Nissen, but they must be willing to learn good study habits, such as organization, motivation and determination. Prospective students must take a basic math and reading comprehension assessment, provide a writing sample and meet with a TECHS teacher and two TECHS students. Teachers and administrators also look at classroom grades, standardized test scores, attendance and behavioral history to decide who is accepted or denied. n TECHS CONTINUES ON 7

Toledo free press photo and cover photo by christie Materni

TECHS offers students jump-start on college

n TOLEDO EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL students, FRONT ROW, from left: Patricia Jones, Raven Neal-Jackson and Shahd Al-Shammari. BACK ROW, From LEft: Benjamin Corey and Tierell McBeth.

February 9, 2014

n TECHS CONTINUED FROM 6 “We have to identify kids that are so deficient in math or reading it would be nearly impossible to bring them up to speed to take college classes,” Nissen said. “We’re not screening just to try to get top academic performers. We do not cherry-pick the district. Kids do not have to be straight-A, honor students … [but] we don’t want to set up kids for failure.” Students at TECHS focus on a foreign language and four core high

school classes: English, world history, biology and algebra or geometry. The rest are college courses, like gender studies, theater, African studies and communications. “It’s probably more rigorous than an average TPS high school but the thing is, we provide a lot of support along the way,” Nissen said. “It’s rigorous but by no means impossible. The kids who struggle the most are not very diligent about keeping up with their work. With a little hard work


A Toledo tradition since 2005 and planning and good work ethic, kids succeed every day.” “It is not something for every student, every teacher or every administrator,” said TECHS principal Robin Wheatley of the school. “We have had them across the ranks who didn’t like it. “If you are not college-ready, you can’t graduate from [TECHS] so if you are not performing well academically you can’t stay,” she said. “You have to earn the credits.”

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Student opinion

“It’s good for us,” Jones said of the rigorous coursework. She was part of a small group of students who gathered in a conference room Jan. 13 to discuss their experience at TECHS. “It’s a lot of work, we have a lot of homework, but it makes it so much easier when we go into college. We know what to expect.” “I love it,” said junior Raven NealJackson, 16, who said she enjoys learning the ropes of college ahead of the game. “I love the experience. … Tuition is paid for, books are paid for. … We get a really good college experience.” Neal-Jackson will also be the first of her family to attend college. She earned a scholarship to Ohio State University, which is a “big thing” for her, she said. The group of mostly seniors and juniors said they were not put off by the lack of sports or extracurricular activities, and rattled off a list of afterschool events the school offers, like game night, a holiday festival and even a water fight. They all agreed the school was a challenge, but nothing they couldn’t handle. Freshman Tierell McBeth said he has struggled with motivation, but agreed the teachers were very encouraging. “It’s a lot more work than I’m used to and I procrastinate, but I’m getting better at it,” McBeth said. “[The teachers] are like a lot of counselors ­— they help with anything,” said senior Benjamin Corey, who is applying to Northwestern, Purdue and Ohio State. “It’s cliché but, seriously, it’s like this big family.”

Too much?

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The rigors of the curriculum may have been too much for some students. The school saw a “handful” of students leave this year for various reasons, Nissen said. Some may have left because they missed their regular school or wanted to participate in a sport. Nissen said although the school does not offer sports, students who want to play sports can do so at the school they would have attended if they want to make the extra effort. “Many received good grades in junior high without really being challenged and they didn’t make the effort to adapt to the new rigorous (but by no means impossible) expectations,” Nissen said in an email about why students left. “Again, we do not expect them to enter our school as miniature college students. We meet them where they are but we immediately nurture and encourage and expect them to grow as students. Some don’t catch on.” Nissen said the retention rate is starting to improve. The numbers don’t look good, but the percentage of those graduating is high. The first graduating class in 2009 began with 93 students and gradu-


ated 45. In 2013, the class started with 85 and graduated 55, Nissen said. According to the state, the school’s graduation rate was 93 percent in 2012, compared to 64.6 percent for the district and 81.3 percent for the state, giving it an “A” rating. “We have put in plans to work on retention,” said Jim Gault, TPS executive transformational leader of curriculum and instruction. “You are going to have a loss of students in the first year because of the rigor and because it’s not a comprehensive high school.”

Free tuition

A student’s tuition is paid for in partnership by TPS, UT, some federal grant money and the state of Ohio, which gives an allotment per student. Even with that cost, TECHS is less expensive for the district than a traditional high school because those schools pay for sports and extracurricular activities, said TPS treasurer Matt Cleland. “The numbers show it’s more expensive in traditional high school and that’s because there’s more services,” Cleland said. “There’s [also] a higher rate of special education students.” TPS used to pay UT $132.50 per credit hour and a flat fee of $35,000 for rental space of their offices on the Scott Park campus, said Dennis Lettman, dean of UT’s College of Adult and Lifelong Learning, who was part of the group of educators and others who started TECHS. Under a new agreement recently signed by TPS and UT, the district will now pay a lump sum on an annual basis based on an enrollment of about 200 students. As the school increases its enrollment, it will pay less per student. Both UT and TPS said growing the school is their goal. “I can’t give you an exact rate because it is variable based on the enrollment and credit hours taken by the students,” Lettman said. “The annual rate will be $300,000 including rental and other miscellaneous fees, but will be reduced for every student enrolled over 200.” “With enough students, they can get it to zero,” Lettman said.

Strong partnership

TPS and UT have a “strong partnership,” Lettman said, which benefits the students, the parents, TPS and UT. “We’re helping the university by creating a pipeline of well-prepared students of a diverse population coming into the university. It definitely helps us,” Lettman said. TECHS welcomed a new UT liaison officer this school year. John Adams started his time with TECHS by helping to put TECHS’ homecoming court center stage at UT’s homecoming game. n TECHS CONTINUES ON 8



n TECHS CONTINUED FROM 7 Adams, who referred questions to Lettman, fully supports the mission and vision of TECHS, according to a 2013 TECHS newsletter. Part of his responsibilities as liaison is to be directly involved in the marketing to and recruitment of eighth-grade students, which have been beefed up to meet the new goal of growing the school. “There is a need now more than ever to raise awareness and encourage discussions at home between students and their families, relating to college preparedness,” said Adams in the newsletter.


No student has ever graduated from TECHS with fewer than 30 hours of college credit, according to EDWorks, a subsidiary of Cincinnatibased KnowledgeWorks that establishes and tracks early college high schools. On average, 85 percent of TECHS students earn 51-60 hours of college credit before they graduate high school and 12 percent earn between 41-50 hours of college credit during high school. Some earn more than 60 credits. EDWorks does not have data on how many go on to universities, but it does know that 67 percent of TECHS graduates are enrolled at UT, working on their four-year degrees. Two TECHS alumni are currently pursuing graduate degrees at UT. According to Wheatley, 98 percent of the school’s graduates enroll at UT. Sisters Amber and Autumn Mitchell are both

February 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 graduates of TECHS. They said their family is middle class — too rich to afford federal and state aid but too poor to fund a college education. They wanted to help finance their educations but they also wanted a head start, they said. Amber, who was a member of the first graduating class at TECHS, is earning her graduate degree in school psychology at UT. The 23-year-old said the experience at TECHS was a great way to learn networking and study skills. “I took my first college class at 15 and it was geology,” said Amber, who earned 71 credits at TECHS. “No one else knew my age. When they did find out they were like, ‘Oh, you are so smart.’ I’m like ‘No, I have to put in an effort just like you.’” Autumn, 18, played the viola and volleyball at Rogers High School and worked a customer service job all while earning 60 credits at TECHS. She is currently a junior at UT and will graduate at age 19 with a degree in political science. She plans to be an attorney. She said TECHS gave her a valuable lesson in time management and provided a smooth transition from high school to college. “The transition was easier because it was just like going to [high] school,” Autumn said. “At TECHS, we had to report back to teachers. Now, I keep track of that myself.” “The school further enhanced what they came in with,” said the sisters’ mother, Veronica Mitchell. “The kids come in with the skills but the schools enhance that. I have a personal relationship with half the teachers and still volunteer. What I love about it is the great feedback. If any child is falling through the cracks, the teacher notifies the parent.”

An impact study by the American Institutes for Research last month found that early college high school students had a greater opportunity than their peers to enroll in and graduate from college. They also earned college degrees at a higher rate than comparable students.

The mission

Early college high schools were established in Ohio in 2003 as part of a partnership between KnowledgeWorks Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and others in response to the state’s poor graduation rates. TECHS started two years later, joining six other such schools in urban areas across the state. KnowledgeWorks funneled a $400,000 grant from Bill and Melinda Gates to start the school. As part of the school’s mission, the student body would primarily consist of students who would be first-generation college students, from low-income homes, English language learners or students of color, although they are not requirements for attending. The mission was designed to keep students, particularly those from low-income families, from dropping out of high school and give them better opportunities to succeed in college, thereby breaking the cycle of poverty, administrators said.

Factors of success

Wheatley called the school a “huge success,” which she attributes to its strong relationship with UT, which treats TECHS students as its

own. By students’ junior year, they are taking the bus to UT’s main campus and mingling among regular college students. Administrators pointed to TECHS’ performance rating by the state as more proof of its achievement. TECHS has the highest performance rating in Northwest Ohio, surpassing Ottawa Hills High School, a school with more affluent students and families, Wheatley said. Overall, the school earned an A on its 2012-13 report card, earning a 94 percent and 100 percent achievement rating. Today, TECHS is the highest-performing school in the district and was recently named by the ODE as the state’s seventh-ranking high school and 17th highest-performing school overall in the state, according to EDWorks.


Steven Flagg, an education advocate who has followed TPS and education issues for the past 17 years, does not disagree that the school is a success on an academic level, but he is not so sure the school has met its original criteria for success, educating the underprivileged but has instead has morphed into merely a “public relations” school. “If their mission is to break the cycle of poverty, I’m not sure they’re meeting it,” Flagg said. “If the mission is to have a beacon in the district as a PR model then they’re meeting it. … These students are succeeding, but are they meeting the mission of breaking the cycle of poverty? … I don’t want to destroy this school. I want the school to meet its mission.” n TECHS CONTINUES ON 9

February 9, 2014

n TECHS CONTINUED FROM 8 Among Flagg’s concerns are that not enough minority, low-income and first-generation college students are being recruited and that the cost of educating students who drop out before graduation may not be cost-effective to taxpayers or the system. Flagg said he believes a change in leadership changed the direction of the school, resulting in a change to the mission.

Fewer minorities

A study released Jan. 22 by Policy Matters Ohio, an Ohio-based nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research organization established in 2000, found that the majority of the highest-performing schools in Ohio — including TECHS — have enrolled a smaller proportion of minorities, economically disadvantaged and disabled students compared to the districts in which they serve. TECHS was part of the study that looked at seven school districts and 11 schools in Toledo. TPS was one of 57 districts examined statewide. “We found that a majority of these top-rated schools enrolled lower percentages of minority students, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities,” the report said. “It is clear that most are not reaching an equal share of the students with the fewest opportunities in Ohio urban districts.” The study shows that 30.2 percent of the students at TECHS are black

compared to 42.1 percent in TPS; the number of Hispanic students at TECHS is 6.9 percent compared to 9.4 percent in the district, and TECHS has a 46.1 percent white enrollment compared to 40.7 percent of white students in the district. “It does not FLAGG surprise me in the least,” Flagg said of the study results. “I have been asking these same questions for a year and saying there’s something wrong here. The one thing that has to happen here is that every single program needs performance bench marks. “I frankly don’t think we need to be giving folks with advantages more advantage,” he said. The study went on to say that the highest-performing schools have practices that others don’t, such as selective enrollment, applications and smaller class size, which are reasons why they are successful.

Analyze the data

On Jan. 20, Gault and Flagg sat down to discuss Flagg’s concerns regarding the school’s mission, retention/graduation rates and recruitment issues. Flagg and Gault, who meet regularly but have never entered into such a joint effort in the past, agreed to gather the data, analyze it, look to see if there are areas needing improve-


A Toledo tradition since 2005 ment and make any changes, they said. They’ll then take their findings before the governing board of TECHS, which is made up of representatives from the school, TPS and UT. “[Flagg] had some concerns and I said ‘Let’s sit down’ and he’s going to pull some data and GAULT we’re going to discuss it and if there are some things supported by the data then we’ll bring (in) others,” Gault said. “We’re going to review the history of what’s happened and get up to speed on why we’re at where we’re at,” Flagg said. “We’re going to look at the history and ask ourselves how we got to that point and ask how do we move forward based on where we’re at?” Flagg and Gault have plans to meet again Feb. 11.

New mission

Student enrollment is open to students inside and outside the district, but the underprivileged get priority, Gault said. Minorities, low-income students, those who would be first in their families to attend college and ESL learners all take the first open slots and then other more privileged students fill the remaining slots. The problem is that the school does not have enough interested un-

derprivileged students to meet enrollment needs so the district must cast a wider net, he said. “We’ve tried to stay in line with the mission of the school but it comes to a point where you want to expand it and you make room for others,” Gault said. “Students who are part of the mission are entered in first. They get priority. We have a lack of numbers of students. We’re doing a lot of marketing around schools to get more [minority] students to apply.” Administrators have a new goal to grow the school, almost doubling it in three years, from its current 225 students to 400 students by 2017, Wheatley said. TECHS would continue to target the underprivileged while opening its doors to more students.


TECHS was on the chopping block six years ago and had to cut $100 million from its budget to stay alive. Fortunately, the school has been able to stay afloat and balance its budget, Gault said. He said he believes the state shouldn’t make cuts to schools that are working. “We should be trying to replicate the things that are working,” he said. “If we can grow our enrollment we can bring our costs down.” On Jan. 25, the school hosted a recruitment seminar for eighth-graders across Northwest Ohio for next school year. To increase enrollment, the school created a marketing cam-


paign with mailings, commercials and yard signs for neighborhoods. School representatives are talking to parents and all eighth-grade classes across the district. They are focused on TPS, in which 70 percent of students receive free or reduced-cost lunches. “We believe our target audience is current TPS and charter school students,” Gault said. Meanwhile, the district is “working hard” to address the D performance rating it received in a 2012-13 report card from the state. “We’re working hard to address that low grade for the district,” he said.

Wave of the future

The push toward early college high schools is a national trend. In 2003, the year early colleges started in Ohio, there were about 30 to 40 early college high schools around the country, said Harold Brown, president of EDWorks. Today, there are about 300 early college high schools from New York to Texas, he said. North Carolina alone has 75; Texas has 50. Ohio has 16, including TECHS. Gault, whose daughter attends TECHS, said part of the district’s plan is to take a look at what is working at TECHS and apply it to other schools in the district. “[TECHS] is not for everybody,” Gault said. “It is for students who want to be pushed and have family members who want to support them. This is for your students who want a head start.” O

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10 Community

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014

Community 11

A Toledo tradition since 2005

ProMedica to move offices, 700 jobs Downtown By Bailey G. Dick

Toledo Free Press News Editor

In a letter sent to board members Feb. 4, ProMedica announced its plan to relocate its approximately 700 administrative employees to offices in Downtown Toledo. The health care system stated that “there are many details that need to be worked out” in terms of the move, but that the company was seeking to create a “campus area,” including the current KeyBank building and the former Toledo Edison Steam Plant. They are also considering a parking garage at Promenade Park. The letter stated that ProMedica is currently in negotiations to purchase office space from KeyBank, and that the sale can be expected “within the next few months.” The new campus would “occupy several floors in the current KeyBank building,” while Key, whose

regional headquarters have been located in the building for 32 years, would retain one floor of office space. “Having a commitment to Toledo and our communities is something we take very seriously. This move downtown is the right thing to do for ProMedica, but it also will have significant impact in helping to revitalize downtown Toledo,” the letter read. COLLINS Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins said total expenditures for the project would exceed $25 million. Collins called the move “the spark that will transition Downtown Toledo into the Downtown that existed prior to the exodus to Arrowhead Park [in Maumee].” Collins alluded to the ProMedica

move in an interview with Toledo Free Press in December, hinting at a major announcement about a company coming to Toledo in the next few months. “It is a big one,” Collins said. “In the course of life, there are pendulum moments. And when the pendulum swings to the positive, as I think it will in the first quarter of the year, I think we will see dynamic business decisions being made.” Collins said he met with ProMedica officials in mid-December. “They shared with me that this was something they were considering; however, the present administration was not warm to the idea because of the plans in place for Promenade Park,” Collins said. “Being familiar with Promenade Park and realizing we had authorized a major renovation to the property, I told the team I thought this would possibly be a great public-private partnership.” Jim Hoffman, president of KeyBank’s Michigan/Northwest Ohio district, said the move is in the best interest


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to fund the remaining $2 million in projects. Collins said he ordered that all construction on the site be stopped immediately after taking office. Funds for othe parking garage could come from a request made to Gov. John Kasich by the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce, which asked for participation in the two-year capital budget to support the original Promenade Park plan. Collins said he plans to ask that those funds be made available for the ProMedica project. Collins said he anticipates an influx of other businesses to the Downtown area to support the 700 employees who will begin working Downtown. “I believe urban life will return, and only cities that provide the opportunities and social interaction will succeed,” Collins said. “The trends of 1970-2000 are reversing. Young people want a lifestyle with a strong urban foundation, and this is the step necessary to ensure our success.” O

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of both his company and ProMedica. “It just looked like a win-win for everybody,” Hoffman said. “This will be a real shot in the arm for the Downtown area.” The mayor said the city would assist ProMedica with “core city services and the support of infrastructure,” but that actual investments in the project will be limited. “I have already explained to the corporate leaders that we are not in a strong financial position as a city,” Collins said. “We are not going to be a main investor in this.” It is still up in the air who will fund the employee parking garage planned for the Promenade Park site. Collins said the construction that has already been done at the park “would not be complementary to the design and where the garage would be.” Collins said he felt the original plan for renovating the park was “ill-advised” due to a lack of private sponsors

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12 Money Matters

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 9, 2014


By Duane Ramsey


Tom Burden of Grypshon and Mollie Verdier of Therapals won the second Pitch & Pour business pitch competition held Jan. 30 at the University of Toledo. The competition was organized by UT’s Launch Pad Incubation Program. Seven teams of contestants, three of them led by students, pitched their ideas to a panel of four experienced entrepreneurial judges and nearly 250 guests at the event. The audience was allowed to vote for one student team and one non-student team by text during the event. The first and second place winners were given the opportunity to pick between two different prize packages consisting of cash and startup resources. Cash and prizes for the event have a total value of $10,000, according to Molly Reams Thompson, director of business incubation at UT. Burden was selected as the first place winner in the student category with his company, Grypshon Industries. His product is a form-fitting, non-slip mat used for maintenance performed on commercial and military aircraft. The Grypshon friction mat is designed to provide a safer work environment for airmen who stand on jets to perform maintenance service and repairs. Burden told the audience that he has found local sources so that the mat will be fully developed and produced in Toledo. The mat not only enhances the

safety of the aircraft personnel but also improves productivity by reducing the number of persons required for those jobs, Burden said. He and his colleague Bryan Robbins demonstrated how it works during their presentation. Burden said they already have some support from military sources. He will be attending military-related trade shows in Columbus in April and Chicago in August to promote the product to potential users. Burden is a mechanical engineering technology student at UT and a native of Celina, Ohio. As a staff sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, he works on jet aircraft at the 180th Fighter Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard Base at Toledo Express Airport. Verdier took first place in the non-student category with her business, Therapals, based in Sidney, Ohio. She has developed an online social community and video-based activity center for children receiving speech, occupational and physical therapy services. Therapals offers a safe and secure social network where children, parents and professionals from around the world can connect with others through the company’s online matching program. A child with a disability can learn from another child his or her own age who has mastered a skill, rather than from a therapist who may not have that disability, Verdier told the Pitch & Pour audience. The Therapals website offers custom videos to meet the therapeutic needs of the children in their homes. n PITCH CONTINUES ON 13


Two winners selected at UT Pitch & Pour competition


Mollie Verdier, creator of Therapals, won the non-student category at the Pitch & Pour event at UT.

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February 9, 2014


business end, such as marketing from the prizes we won,” she said. The UT Launch Pad Incubation Program provides intensive entrepreneurial experience, access to capital, state-of-the-art facilities and other valuable resources to early-stage, technology-based startup companies. Launch Pad is focused on taking

business ventures from concept to commercialization and providing a framework for companies to become thriving, self-sustaining members of the community, Thompson said. Some of the competitors in the Pitch & Pour event said they also plan to compete in the upcoming Business Pitch Competition conducted by UT’s College of Business and Innovation.

The competition is open to UT staff and students with an opportunity to win up to $10,000 to help establish their business. All entries for the competition must be submitted by Feb. 21 and the finalists will be named March 21. Finalists will make an oral presentation about their plan noon to 5 p.m. April 8 in the PNC Entrepreneur-

ship Lab at the Savage & Associates Complex for Business Learning and Engagement. Winners will be announced April 15. Questions about the competition should be directed to Sonny Ariss at For information about the Launch Pad Incubation Program, visit incubator. O


“We want people to see the real value of the products and services we provide,” Verdier said. She said they already have 450 users from as far away as British Columbia and Germany just from her occupational therapy contacts and word of mouth. “We would like to get help with the

Money Matters 13

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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14 Money Matters TREECE BLOG


A Toledo tradition since 2005

Stocks on the slide

Those who stay in the stock uring the past few weeks —since just before the end market now do so at their own peril. of 2013 — the U.S. stock They are ignoring numerous warnings and they are igmarket has been slipnoring many technical ping steadily, though indicators which show not so gradually, away the stock market to be from its all-time highs. overvalued more than In fact, the Dow Jones in either 2000 or 2007. industrial average is alIndeed, the stock market ready down more than 5 has been overvalued for percent so far this year, some time now, as we while the S&P 500 is and others have written down almost that much. before, and investors Sadly, this is only Dock David TREECE who remain committed the beginning of a much to positions in stocks now larger and more prolonged contraction in equities. They are committing themselves to losses. Admittedly, no one can say just say no one rings a bell at the top, but how the market will undergo its … RING-A-LING! Of course there will be rallies — coming correction, nor how large some very tradable rallies, but the losses might be. Recent activity has trend in the market has now changed. shown a great deal of contagion in Though equities spent the past half- global markets, particularly in curdecade on the rise, the market is now rencies. Some days the U.S. stock on its way down. The days of new all- market will weaken, triggering a time highs being set on a daily, if not sell-off in the dollar. Within hours — sometimes minutes — currencies hourly, basis are over. This new development should of developed countries around the come as no surprise to most inves- world are almost universally lower. This is when things get most tors. The market has been overvalued for quite some time — pushed ever- dangerous because no one knows higher by the loose money policies just how things will interact or how of the Federal Reserve and a mild many dominoes may be lined up to post-2008 recovery. After a decade fall. A stock market correction, even of sideways markets and zero income one of 20-30 percent, is one thing; a growth, many people used the re- correction in stocks which triggers covery of the markets to replace cars multiple currency crises ending in or homes, to splurge on new toys, etc. sovereign debt defaults would be But, alas, the honeymoon is over. something different entirely. And therein lies the problem. The Economic activity in this country has not just plateaued. In fact, it problem today is very much as it was has actually begun showing serious in 2008, when the world’s largest banks were able to convince the world’s signs of weakness.

largest government and central bank that they needed the world’s largest bailout. Despite the assistance, many of the systemic problems were never resolved. The result is that, even today, no one knows just how deep

the rabbit hole goes. O Dock David Treece is a partner with Treece Investment Advisory Corp (www. and is licensed with FINRA through Treece Financial

February 9, 2014

Services Corp. He provides expert content to numerous media outlets. The above information is the express opinion of Dock David Treece and should not be construed as investment advice or used without outside verification.

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16 Star

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 9, 2014

Instagram group aims to share Toledo with world By Danielle Stanton TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAR STAFF WRITER

A guy who works at a local bar, a stay-at-home mom, a teacher — people from disparate walks of life are connecting on Instagram to share their love of Toledo. @IGers_Toledo is an Instagram community of amateur and professional photographers shining a light on the Glass City’s assets. The group’s posts have drawn visitors from Ann Arbor, Detroit, Cleveland and Columbus as well as sparked connections with Instagrammers from around the world. They’re snapping shots of the city and posting them online because they’re proud of the city, they say, and want Toledo’s detractors to change their tune. “If you don’t like it here do something to make it better or leave,” said Jeff Jones of Snap It Photography, who co-founded the group. “I get defensive over my city. I’m like, ‘This is where I’m from and there are a lot of great things.’ It’s a matter of changing your perspective of where we are. Go take a walk in a neighborhood you’ve never been in before; see new things and opportunities.”

Instagram is a social media site where users can post photographs or videos and also share them to Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter. The club started five weeks ago but the tightknit community of members has been meeting at what’s been dubbed “Instameets” around the city for a couple of months. Jones started a page and organized the meetings and the Instagram community club grew from there. The Toledo Instagrammers — who mostly use their iPhones or Android phones to snap shots — have taken pictures of the Toledo Museum of Art, Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, Veterans’ Glass City Skyway bridge and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza. Teacher Eric Ward, known on Instagram as @littlecoal, is one of the heavy hitters, with more than 61,000 followers and more than 2,400 photos. The fourth-grade teacher for Eastwood Local Schools and father of three has collaborations on Instagram with people in Spain, France, the Netherlands, Singapore and the Philippines. Friends from Detroit and Columbus have checked out his site and paid a visit to see the Toledo

of his photographs. “For me, it’s a way ... to show Toledo to people from around the world,” Ward said. “With the reach Instagram has, [allowing] people to see Toledo in a light that people go, ‘Wow, I didn’t know that was here.’ For us to … say, ‘Look at the treasures we have here.’ ... We’ve fallen in love with Oak Openings. Some places out there are just incredible.” Ward and the group of Instagrammers often meet up to take pictures at a venue and then go grab a cup of coffee or a sandwich after. While they may come from different walks of life, they have some things in common like social awareness, a love of nature and an appreciation for handcrafted items, said Instagrammer Kerri Varner, a professional photographer and mother of six. Varner, who moved to Toledo after living most of her life in southeast Michigan, likes to explore her Old Orchard neighborhood and the University of Toledo with her camera. Her connections to the @IGers_ Toledo group have made her life in Toledo exciting and a joy, she said. n PHOTOS CONTINUES ON 17


February 9, 2014

n PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM 16 “[The Instagrammers] are good at their craft and have good taste in businesses and want to know small businesses in Toledo,” said Varner, who posts as @bleuinlove. “They care about things like the Downtown area and residences. And that is very meaningful to me.” Graphic Designer Ben Morales, an amateur photographer who gave a TEDxToledo talk on his “re-pho-

Star 17

A Toledo tradition since 2005

tography” project last fall, has photographed at least five Metroparks for his Instragram page, @benmorales. “I love to walk my dog after work. That’s why I initially started going. And then I was amazed by the beauty. I wanted to explore them and go to every park in the region,” Morales said. “Every park has its own unique feel. “Instagram has been an amazing outlet for me,” he said. “Connecting with a community and connecting with Instagrammers around the world

— it’s very exciting and I enjoy every minute of it. A lot of big cities have these IG photo clubs and so I’m glad we have that in Toledo now.” The club plans to focus not just on Downtown but on outlying communities, including Perrysburg, Maumee, Rossford and Sylvania, said co-founder Brandt Chapman of Perrysburg. He said they’re just trying to make people more aware of the area — that there’s so much to see but people may not be taking the time to look.

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“There’s so much out there. I don’t know if people [just] aren’t seeing it,” said Chapman, whose Instagram handle is @brant5. “We’re just trying to advertise our city and show people how beautiful it is and get the word out there. Our main focus is to make a community out of [Instagram].” Three people showed up at the club’s first Instameet, then five to the next and then about 25 came to the Peristyle at the Toledo Museum of Art. The most recent meeting was at the Main Library Downtown. The group also held a contest to recognize their work and are in the beginning stages of teaming up with

other businesses to advertise. The @IGers_Toledo page has more than 1,600 followers, Brandt said. The Instagrammers have been in contact with people in Indianapolis, Cleveland and Cincinnati who want to visit based on seeing their Instagram pages. Many of them have come to Toledo for an Instameet. “I can understand people who want to get to a better climate, but it’s the people who call this place home and then bad-mouth it. It’s so frustrating,” Jones said. “I love Toledo. I love Northwest Ohio. We’re trying to raise the bar. This is our city, we’re here and let’s just love where we are.” O

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18 Star

February 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Restaurant Week Toledo kickoff party set for Feb. 19 By Sarah Ottney TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAR MANAGING EDITOR

Five days before Restaurant Week Toledo officially starts, a kickoff party will offer area residents the chance for an early taste of some of the menu items being offered by local restaurants. Restaurant Week Toledo is set for Feb. 24 through March 2. The kickoff party will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Secor Building, 425 Jefferson Ave. Although this will be the fourth year for Restaurant Week Toledo, it’s the first year for the kickoff party. “The whole idea behind the event is to give everyone a taste of Restaurant Week Toledo,” said event co-chair Margot Estes. “It’s a great opportunity to get the word out so people get a sense of what it’s all about and are ready to go on the 24th. I think it’s going to really help punch up the success of the week. And that’s a win for everyone.” Restaurant Week Toledo, presented by Medical Mutual, will feature dozens of locally owned restaurants, including venues in Downtown, Toledo, Maumee, Perrysburg, Swanton, Sylvania and Waterville. Each restaurant will feature a special menu priced at $10, $20 or $30. (Drinks, taxes and gratuities are not included unless specified.) Each restaurant will offer at least one “healthy choice” option. A portion of proceeds will benefit two of Leadership Toledo’s youth programs: Youth Leadership Toledo and Students in Action. The kickoff party, sponsored by Hylant, will feature food samples from several of the Restaurant Week Toledo menus as well as craft beer and wine tastings. There will also be a raffle for a “Night Out on the Town” package and live entertainment will be provided by DJ Rob Sample. Organizers have been wanting to do a kickoff party for a couple of years, Estes said. “This year was finally the year to really pull this off and make it happen,” she said. “We’re really excited to see it come to life.” Tickets are $25 and they are limited and selling fast, Estes said. “Our ultimate goal is to sell out and I think we’re going to get there,” Estes said. “Don’t wait and try to get a ticket at the door.” Among the food to be served at the kickoff event will be the Junkyard Dog and falafel salad from Burger Bar 419, spaghetti and meatballs from Caper’s, bacon-wrapped water chestnuts from ICE Restaurant and Bar, braised short ribs over wild mushroom risotto from La Scola Italian Grill, hummus and

grape leaves from Beirut and Poco Piatti and baby lamb chops from Rosie’s Italian Grille. Also serving food will be Element 112 and Registry Bistro. There will also be a coffee and dessert station, featuring pour-over Madcap Coffee from Plate 21, coffee and mini cinnamon muffins from Black Kite Coffee and petits fours from The Café at The Oliver House. Among the area distributors offering wine and craft beer will be Ampelography, Vintage Wines, Bowling Green Beverage, D&E Fine Wine Group, Grand Cru, Tramonte Distributing, Cavalier Distributing, Premium Beverage Supply and Treu House of Munch. Burger Bar 419 has been part of Restaurant Week Toledo since the beginning and co-owner Tony House said it’s gotten bigger and better every year. “It gets more popular every year,” House said. “It’s great to go out and taste all the flavors of restaurants you’ve never been to before but were curious about. It just opens people’s minds to different experiences within the city.” House said he’s looking forward to the kickoff party, which will feature Burger Bar’s Junkyard Dog (all-beef frank with Dijon mustard, braised short ribs, bourbon-glazed onions and macaroni and cheese) and falafel salad (a patty of chickpeas ground with fresh parsley, onion, garlic and cumin, cooked and placed on romaine lettuce with olives, tomatoes, red onion and cucumber yogurt dressing). “The reason we wanted to highlight those is because they are new to our menu. The falafel salad is one of the healthier options; the Junkyard Dog is just the opposite,” said House, laughing. “I think it will be great to have a party and get everybody teased a little bit on some of the food that will be offered.” Sandy Spang, owner of Plate 21, also said she’s looking forward to the kickoff party. “We think the pour-over method produces the finest quality cup of coffee we can make for customers and we love to show off our Madcap Coffee,” Spang said. “The kickoff should be a great community event and we’re excited to be a part of it. It’s going to be a chance to see what really diverse dining options Toledo offers and help people make plans for the coming week. It’s possible people will come to the kickoff party and try something and say, ‘Wow, I wouldn’t have thought of going to eat at that restaurant,’ and put it on their list. I think that’s an exciting idea.” Estes also said she hopes the event will offer an opportunity to alleviate some wintertime “cabin fever.”

“It’s been such a long and dreary winter,” Estes said. “This will be just a really nice opportunity to come after work and mingle and see a little peek into what Restaurant Week is going to be like.” Other restaurants participating

in Restaurant Week Toledo include 5th Street Pub, Avenue Bistro, Mancy’s Bluewater Grille, Cousino’s Steakhouse, Gradkowski’s, Koreana, Loma Linda, Mancy’s Italian Grill, Mancy’s Steaks, The Original Tony Packo’s, Packo’s at the Park, Rock-

well’s, Shorty’s BBQ, social., TREO, Ventura’s and Zinful. Toledo Free Press is a media sponsor of Restaurant Week Toledo. For more information or to purchase tickets to the kickoff party, visit O

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February 9, 2014

Valentine’s Day 19

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Flower shop Floral Pursuit growing Downtown By Danielle Stanton Toledo Free Press STAR Staff Writer

Stepping into Floral Pursuit is an organic experience: the walls are basic white, the furniture is reclaimed or from thrift stores, wood branches are vertically stacked along one wall, and a coyote sitting on a shelf presides over the store. In one corner near exposed brick, two gray straight-backed chairs sit, while a wooden bench and an antique wood table create a comfortable, stylish conversational oasis. The feel of the flower shop is exactly what owner Audrey Ackerman was going for — spacious, natural and intimate, a place where customers can create their own flower arrangements if they like, or rely on Ackerman’s natural talent for floral design. On Jan. 16, Ackerman, 23, was putting the finishing touches on a funeral wreath with a Germanstyle design for a local German family. Just talking to her, one gets a sense of her passion for the business, which officially opened its

doors Nov. 16 at 48 S. St. Clair St., the former location of Swank Gifts. Her motto is “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Flowers.” “I’m trying to give off that it’s more of a warmy, home feel, not like a chain store,” Ackerman said. “Every bouquet is different and unique. I want customers to be involved. Most people are, ‘You pick,’ but I want to give people the option.” Ackerman said she wants to create an experience using the store’s atmosphere, her personal conversation and the customer’s input. She wants to build relationships with her customers and has already attracted a few regulars. Floral Pursuit is a full-service florist, and Ackerman arranges flowers for any life event or holiday. She has no employees and said it will be some time before she makes any hiring decisions. For the time being, its all her with help from her family. She provides pre-made “grab and go” bouquets for about $15. Ackerman’s mother, Beth, who makes deliveries, said a lot of men come in on their lunch break or after work and buy for their special someone. n FLORAL CONTINUES ON 20

Floral Pursuit owner Audrey Ackerman opened her Downtown store in November. TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAR PHOTO BY KIM SANCHEZ

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20 Valentine’s Day n FLORAL CONTINUED FROM 19 “There’s a lot of very thoughtful men in Toledo,” she said. She said her daughter has a “European” style of design because she believes flowers are for every day. “Every business is a risk in this economy. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. And she’s very talented,” Beth said. “It’s a family thing; everybody is on board. Valentine’s Day is going to be nuts.” The entire family helped Ackerman come up with the store’s name. She said she racked her brain trying to come up with just the right words. People suggested she use her name with the double A initials, which would make her first in the phone book, but she nixed that idea. When her sister thought up the motto, she said that clinched it for her. Ackerman’s roots in floral design go back to when she was a child, digging in her mother’s garden in Oregon. She would spend hours in the yard. She pursued agriculture throughout high school. After graduating, she entered Agricultural Technical Institute at Ohio State University’s Wooster campus and then transferred to OSU. She interned at a florist’s shop near Clearwater, Fla., and earned her degree last year in floral design and marketing. The past three years her business has come through word-of-mouth, with three or four weddings a year. But

A Toledo tradition since 2005

since opening the shop, her business has boomed to 15 weddings. Ackerman said the business is “a lot of work,” because she wants to form a close relationship with all her brides. “I want them to … come to me with any questions. I want to work closer with them. It’s really intense. I’m excited. I’ve got to make it happen,” she said. Her flowers come from DWF Toledo Wholesale Florist, where flowers are purchased from all over the world, Ackerman said. Her tastes are eclectic, with selections that come from such places as California and Ecuador. After Ackerman put the finishing touches on the funeral wreath, she had to prepare for another big funeral. But her schedule didn’t stop her from helping a customer who came in with an empty vase for a refill. The gentleman was a business owner on South St. Clair Street. Ackerman said she brought him over a flower arrangement soon after she opened as a “hello” and he returns every so often. It’s just one example of the relationships she hopes to foster. The flower shop also offers jewelry and beauty products from about 10 local artists, who have their work on consignment or purchased wholesale by Ackerman. Jewelry made by her sister, Elissa, is among the offerings. Ackerman’s fiancé, Andy Knopp,

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constructed the counter out of corrugated metal from a neighbor’s barn. On one wall, a projector displays the image of a fire and logs. In her backroom are shelves of vases and other glasswear and metal containers she’s collected for the

past three years. She wants to expand her idea of an interactive florist shop to include workshops where people can learn how to make their own arrangements. As for the store, she wants to keep its open feel.

All are welcome!

“It’s changing all the time and I’m coming up with new things. I think people will get it [the idea] over time,” Ackerman said. “I want people to not feel intimidated. I just want to do something different for Toledo.” O


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February 9, 2014


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February 9, 2014

Star 21

A Toledo tradition since 2005

((((((((((((( THE PULSE

FEB. 9-15, 2013

What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.


The Ark

This intimate venue showcases acts from the A-list to the lesser known. 316 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. (734) 761-1451, (734) 761-1800 or ✯ Mustard’s Retreat: 8 p.m. Feb. 7. ✯ Yiddishe Cup: 8 p.m. Feb. 8. ✯ Kelly Joe Phelps: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 9. ✯ The Defibulators: 8 p.m. Feb. 10. ✯ Carlos Núñez: 8 p.m. Feb. 11. ✯ Robert Ellis: 8 p.m. Feb. 12. ✯ My Folky Valentine: 8 p.m. Feb. 13.

Bar 145º

This venue features burgers, bands and bourbon, if its slogan is to be believed. $5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or ✯ Breaking Ground: Feb. 7. ✯ Noisy Neighbors: Feb. 14.

Barr’s Public House

“Our House, Your Pub” focuses on craft beer, hand-crafted specialty drinks and martinis, a wellrounded wine selection and an eclectic food menu. 3355 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. (419) 866-8466. ✯ Jim Filipiak: 9 p.m. Feb. 7. ✯ Andrew Ellis: 9 p.m. Feb. 8. ✯ Dan Stewart: 8 p.m. Feb. 13.

Blind Pig

A variety of rock, soul, pop and alternative acts perform at this bar. 208 S. First St., Ann Arbor. $3-$20. (734) 996-8555 or ✯ Ann Arbor Soul Club with DJ Brad Hales and DJ Breck T: 9:30 p.m. Feb. 7. ✯ Super Happy Funtime Burlesque with special guest Mabel Syrup: 9:30 p.m. Feb. 8. ✯ Ann Arbor’s 107ONE presents The Wild Feathers with Saints of Valory and Jamestown Revival: 9 p.m. Feb. 13.

Bronze Boar

Be sure to check out this Warehouse District tavern’s namesake, overhead near the entrance. 20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or ✯ Open mic: Thursdays and Mondays. ✯ Stonehouse: Feb. 7. ✯ Last Born Sons: Feb. 8. ✯ Steve Finelli and Oliver Roses: Feb. 10. ✯ Steve Kennedy: Feb. 13.

Cheers Sports Eatery

This family-friendly eatery dishes up live performances … and Chicago-style pizza. 7131 Orchard Centre Drive, Holland. (419) 491-0990. ✯ Dos Dudes: Feb. 8.

✯ Wines of the World Tasting: Feb. 12. ✯ Sporcle Live Trivia: Feb. 13. ✯ Stephen Woolley: Feb. 14.

✯ FU5ION: Feb. 8. ✯ Jedi Mind Trip: Feb. 14.

Dorr St. Café

Grab a reuben or some fish while bobbing your head to some tunes. Southwest corner of Dorr Street at Reynolds Road. (419) 531-4446 or ✯ Andrew Ellis and Lucky Lemont: Feb. 7.

Live entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights gets a side order of steak, seafood and prime rib at this 30year area institution. 5577 Monroe St., Sylvania. (419) 885-0290 or ✯ Dan & Don: Feb. 7. ✯ Mike Whitty & Clifford Murphy: Feb. 8.


Jazz on the Maumee

Hamway’s on the Main

This venue has been rocking BGSU students (and others) for years. 127 N. Main St., Bowling Green. (419) 353-5000 or ✯ Club Kiss: Fridays and Saturdays. ✯ 365: Saturdays

This two-man band (consisting of Dave Rybaczewski and Walter Guy) performs Beatles songs acoustically. ✯ Mancy’s Italian Grill, 5453 Monroe St., 7:3010:30 p.m. Feb. 7. ✯ Quimby’s Food & Spirits, 3536 Sterns Road, Lambertville, 7-10 p.m. Feb. 13.

Dégagé Jazz Café

Fish Fry

Clazel Theatre

Signature drinks, such as pumpkin martinis, plus live local jazz performers. 301 River Road, Maumee. $5 weekends for cafe seating. (419) 794-8205 or ✯ Sheila Landis: Feb. 7. ✯ Straight Up!: Feb. 8. ✯ Gene Parker: Feb. 11. ✯ Gene Parker & Friends: Feb. 12. ✯ Brad McNett: Feb. 14.

The Distillery

The mic is open on Sundays, but paid entertainers rock out Fridays-Saturdays. 4311 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 382-1444 or www. ✯ Live Trivia with DJ Brandon: Tuesdays. ✯ DJ Rob Sample: Thursdays. ✯ Guitar-eoke with Zack Ward: Sundays. ✯ Venyx: Feb. 7, 8. ✯ Johnny Rod: Feb. 12. ✯ Breaking Ground: Feb. 13.

Doc Watson’s

Named in honor of the owners’ forefather, this bar and restaurant serves a variety of dishes and entertainment. 1515 S. Byrne Road. (419) 389-6003 or ✯ Jeff Stewart: Feb. 7. ✯ Dave Carpenter & Shawn McMahon: Feb. 8.

This event will be Feb. 7 from 4-7 p.m. Adults are $9, children 10 years old and younger are $4. New Hope Christian Church, 2457 Holloway Road, Holland. 419-867-1535.

Frankie’s Inner-City

Toledo’s venue for rock. Tickets vary between $5 and $14, unless otherwise noted. 308 Main St. (419) 693-5300 or ✯ Brick + Mortar: 8 p.m. Feb. 9. ✯ The Damn Choir, Filmstrip, Nathan Roberts & The New Birds: 8 p.m. Feb 11. ✯ T-jaks Birthday Banger with T-jaks, Myke Vegas, Mac Nova and Shawn Deville, Yung Swed, Fail and Deliver, T-Skii and Fif Element: 9 p.m. Feb. 13.

French Quarter J. Patrick’s Pub

Live entertainment after 9:30 p.m. FridaysSaturdays. Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 874-3111 or ✯ The Bradberries: Feb. 7, 8.

H Lounge

The Hollywood Casino offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. ✯ 56 Daze: Feb. 7.

The Art Tatum Jazz Society will provide smooth, cool “Twilight Jazz” along the river, appetizers included. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Grand Plaza Hotel’s Aqua Lounge, 444 N. Summit St. $5-$15. (419) 241-141 or ✯ “Songs of the Heart” with Brad McNett and Lauren Smith: Feb. 12.

Kerrytown Concert House

This venue focuses on classical, jazz and opera artists and music. 415 N. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor. $5-$30, unless noted. (734) 769-2999 or ✯ Mischka Seo with guest artist Diego Rivera: Feb. 7. ✯ Music from Our Youth: Feb. 8. ✯ All The Way: A Salute to Sammy Cahn & James Van Heusen: Feb. 9.

Mainstreet Bar and Grill

Ronn Daniels performs weekly at this pub. 8-11 p.m. Thursdays, 141 Main St. (419) 6976297 or ✯ Kentucky Chrome: 9 p.m. Feb. 7. ✯ Rodney Parker & Liberty Beach: 9 p.m. Feb. 8. ✯ Failed To Study, Undiscovered, Wyte Rhino, Black Martyr: 8 p.m. Feb. 13.


This “slice of the Big Apple” in the Glass City provides entertainment most weekends. 1516 Adams St. (419) 243-6675 or www. ✯ Open Mic Night with Jason Quick: 9 p.m. Mondays. ✯ Open Blues with Jeff Williams Trio: 10 p.m. Tuesdays.


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✯ Singer/Songwriters: 7 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Jazz Night featuring various trios: 6 p.m. Thursdays. ✯ Blues Night featuring various bands: 9 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays.

Ottawa Tavern

Casual meals and bingo and trivia nights with weekend entertainment. 1815 Adams St. (419) 725-5483 or ✯ Silent Lions CD Release Party: 10 p.m. Feb. 7.


Nouveau cuisine gets a helping of music Thursdays through Saturdays. 104 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg. (419) 873-8360 or www. ✯ Brian Bocian: Feb. 7. ✯ Pete Fetters: Feb. 8. ✯ Eddie Molina: Feb. 13.


With its focus on swing music, Jeff McDonald’s group of musicians provides a peek into another era, with music from bandleaders such as Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, the Dorseys and more. With combos from trio to full orchestra, the group provides music for all occasions. (419) 708-0265, (419) 874-0290 or ✯ Trotters Tavern, 5131 Heatherdowns Blvd., 419-381-2079: 8 p.m. Tuesdays.

Two Buck Yuks

Keith Bergman has brought his comedy showcase “Two Bucks Yuks” to The Blarney Event Center every Wednesday night. There will be a $2 cover for the 90-minute shows and open to anyone ages 21 and older. 601 Monroe St. (419) 418-2339 or www. ✯ If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt at


February 9, 2014

Star 22

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Lamar snub gives Grammys bad rap

T A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 5, No. 6 Established 2010.

Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief EDITORIAL

James A. Molnar, Design Editor Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor ADMINISTRATION

Pam Burson, Business Manager CONTRIBUTORS

Jim Beard • Amy Campbell John Dorsey • Matt Feher Dustin Hostetler • Stacy Jurich Vicki L. Kroll • lilD • Martini Rachel Richardson Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney Proofreaders ADVERTISING SALES

Brent Long, Sales Manager • (419) 346-9983 Renee Bergmooser • (419) 266-0254 Chick Reid • (419) 705-5396 Grant Grisier • (419) 574-2856


(419) 241-1700

Toledo Free Press Star is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604 • (419) 241-1700 Fax: (419) 241-8828 Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2014 with all rights reserved. Publication of ads does not imply endorsement of goods or services.

he Grammys aired Jan. 26, but the ceremony has left a lasting impression, particularly on the hip-hop community. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis swept the rap categories, beating out hip-hop audience favorite Kendrick Lamar. There is no question that Lamar was deserving of the Best Rap Album, among other Grammys, and even Macklemore sent him a humble text stating, “You got robbed.” I do not expect to be liked or popular for what I say; The Academy could care less about what the streets say. The Academy nominates and votes on the winners and are subsequently the reason you hear them thanked profusely. The Academy is made up of singers, songwriters, producers and other music industry elite. The possibility of them listening to your favorite street rapper’s album is slim because they are not familar with music from the streets. What I do fault the Grammys for is not paying enough attention to lesser known standouts, as they do in other categories. Every year there are new artists or talent winning in other genres we learn about on Grammy night. Why can’t this happen in rap categories and why does the winner have to be a commercial and crossover success? They obviously do not listen to hip-hop as a whole, which should be required when judging an entire category of artists. It would be easy to suggest that they add a hip-hop category but the Academy went through a major overhaul in 2012. The changes consisted of generalizing many of the Grammy categories, cutting the total from 109 to 78. Macklemore and Lewis’ album “The Heist” was one of my favorites in 2012, and it remains one of my favorite independent albums reviewed to date. It is unfair to blame them as they had a great album with meaningful messages, great subject matter and socially conscious content. This is exactly what hip-hop is about. However, many in the rap community question whether Macklemore should be considered hip-hop. My answer is absolutely! He is, after all, rap-

ping with a DJ/producer over musical instruments and beats. I will be the first to admit that besides the single “Thrift Shop,” “The Heist” was not blasting in inner city neighborhoods across Toledo, but that does not dismiss them as contenders for Grammy rap categories. There are hip-hop purists who would disagree, but I’d like to remind them of the difference between hip-hop and its commercially successful cousin rap. In 1989, another Grammy winning duo by the name of DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince received backlash due to their commercial success. Twenty-five years later, respect is paid to these hiphop pioneers and all is forgiven. Will Macklemore receive the same respect in 25 years? Is all the fuss because Macklemore and Lewis are white? It couldn’t be that; the majority accept Eminem as a winner every time. Could it be their lack of street credibility? Maybe. You have to give credit where it’s due

know African-Americans are making quality music, but it is hard for the masses to hear over the ignorance to which they are subjected. This year’s rap Grammy sweep came as a surprise to Macklemore just as much as it did to the hip-hop community. I will never discredit Macklemore and Lewis’ win, as they relentlessly worked an independent 2012 release until it produced their desired results. As we continue on ... O

— Macklemore was an independent artist who had three commercially successful singles and went platinum. He managed to raise social consciousness with “Same Love” in support of Referendum 74 for gay marriage in his home state of Washington. “Can’t Hold Us” was everywhere including Microsoft commercials and “Thrift Shop” gave the OK to not having a lot of money to spend on clothing. I don’t think it’s a problem with the group per se, but with the significance of that Grammy moment where its true meaning has escaped the race of the people who helped make it great. I

Listen to Martini Rox on WJUC 107.3 FM.




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Eye on Your Weekend with Toledo Free Press Pop Culture Roundtable:

Michael S. Miller | James A. Molnar | Jeff McGinnis | Jim Beard

Fridays | 6 p.m.


8 am



1 pm



11 am


12 pm

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2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


General Hospital Katie The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Judge Mathis The People’s Court The Doctors XXII Winter Olympics Varied Programs Criminal Minds The First 48 Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs SportsCenter Outside Insiders Varied Programs Boy/World Boy/World Secrets 30-Minute Kelsey’s Giada Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Charmed Varied Programs Movie Amer. Dad Cougar Friends Friends Movie Varied Bones Bones XXII Winter Olympics Varied Programs ’70s Show ’70s Show Bill Cunningham

4 pm


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5 pm

Futurama ANT Farm Varied Programs NFL Live Around Boy/World Boy/World Middle Contessa Contessa Pioneer Charmed Friends Movie Castle





News News News at Five Access H. Minute The Dr. Oz Show Cyberchas The First 48


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm



Futurama South Pk Tosh.0 Good Good Pardon SportsCenter Middle Middle Middle Varied Diners Diners

Wife Swap Wife Swap Movie King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Varied Programs Castle Castle Law & Order: SVU Rules Two Men Big Bang Mod Fam

February 9, 2014


3 pm

6 pm

News ABC News News CBS News TMZ News News NBC News News NewsHour Varied Programs

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

NBA Basketball: Knicks at Thunder NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Los Angeles Lakers. News ABC Funny Home Videos ››› Toy Story 3 (2010) Premiere. Castle (CC) News Insider College Basketball PGA Tour Golf AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Final Round. (N) (CC) News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) The Night That Changed America Millers News Criminal Paid Tummy › Under Heavy Fire (2002, War), Carre Otis Bones (CC) The Closer (CC) Mother Mother Burgers American Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy American News Leading Arsenio Hall SMART Paid XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Biathlon, Speed Skating, Cross-Country Skiing. News News XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, Ski Jumping. (CC) News Olympics Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing POV Son’s progress through private school. Charlie Ohio Moyers Weekend NOVA (CC) (DVS) Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic The Making of a Lady (2012) Just Seen ››› The Rainmaker (1997) Matt Damon. ›››› GoodFellas (1990) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. (CC) Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgers (CC) Wahl Wahl Blood, Sweat Blood, Sweat Blood, Sweat Blood, Sweat Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Blood, Sweat Housewives/Atl. Happens Fashion › My Best Friend’s Girl (2008) Dane Cook. (CC) ›› Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) ››› Dumb & Dumber (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. Gabriel Iglesias: Fat Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy Tosh.0 Work. Gabriel Dog ANT Farm ANT Farm ANT Farm Jessie Jessie Jessie Austin Austin Austin ANT Farm ANT Farm Jessie Jessie Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Austin Dog Liv-Mad. Austin ANT Farm Jessie Women’s College Basketball PBA Bowling Strongest Man SportsCenter (N) ’51 Dons (N) NHRA Drag Racing Circle K Winternationals. From Pomona, Calif. SportsCenter (N) ››› Twister (1996) Helen Hunt. ›› Jumanji (1995, Fantasy) Robin Williams. ››› The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) ››› Despicable Me (2010), Jason Segel Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Trisha’s Pioneer Buy This Buy This Restaurant: Im. My. Din My. Din Diners, Drive Chopped Rachael v. Guy Guy’s Games Chopped (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Restaurant: Im. Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Beach Beach Hawaii Hawaii Island Island Hunters Hunt Intl Clara’s Deadly Secret (2013) Premiere. (CC) Home Invasion (2011) Haylie Duff. (CC) The Nightmare Nanny (2013) Ashley Scott. The Girl He Met Online (2014) (CC) The Preacher’s Mistress (2013) (CC) Girl He Met › Vampires Suck (2010) Matt Lanter. ›› Step Up (2006, Musical) Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan. ›› Step Up 2 the Streets (2008, Drama) ›› The House Bunny (2008) Anna Faris. › Not Another Teen Movie (2001) (CC) Father-Part II ›› Overboard (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. ›› Just Friends (2005) Ryan Reynolds. ›› Monster-in-Law (2005) Jennifer Lopez. ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) Jessica Alba. (DVS) ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) (DVS) ››› Doctor Zhivago (1965) ››› The Remains of the Day (1993) Anthony Hopkins. ››› A Passage to India (1984) Judy Davis, Peggy Ashcroft. (CC) ›››› Dodsworth (1936) Walter Huston. ›››› The Great Ziegfeld (1936) (CC) ››› Ocean’s Eleven (2001) George Clooney. ››› Source Code (2011) Jake Gyllenhaal. ›› Sherlock Holmes (2009, Action) Robert Downey Jr.. ›› The Tourist (2010) Johnny Depp. Premiere. ›› The Tourist (2010, Suspense) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Psych (CC) (DVS) ››› As Good as It Gets (1997), Helen Hunt Friends Friends Glee (CC) Middle Middle Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Glee (CC)


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round NBA News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass Bull Riding Paid Prog. Better H20 Fox News Sunday Charla Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Hip Hop Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe P90X3! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Butt Lift! Paid Prog. Super Cat in the Peg Dinosaur Toledo Stories (CC) American Masters Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) ››› The Rainmaker Atlanta Southern Top Chef “Finale” Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives ›› Arthur (2011) Russell Brand, Helen Mirren. (CC) ›› The Girl Next Door (2004) Emile Hirsch. Pirates Sofia Jessie Good Austin ANT Farm Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Dog Dog SportsCenter (N) (CC) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ››› Men in Black ››› Superman Returns (2006) Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth. ››› Twister (1996) Heartland Trisha’s Pioneer Rachael Guy’s Sand. Giada Contessa The Kitchen Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Skincare Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (CC) Are You the One? ›› Dance Flick (2009) Shoshana Bush. › Not Another Teen Movie (2001) (CC) Friends Friends Friends Friends ››› Father of the Bride (1991) Steve Martin. Father-Part II Magnfcent ›››› The Good Earth (1937) Paul Muni. (CC) (DVS) ››› Doctor Zhivago (1965) Omar Sharif. Law & Order Law & Order “Church” Law & Order Law & Order “Illegal” Law & Order English Premier League Soccer Tottenham Hotspur FC vs Everton FC. English Premier League Soccer Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House Family St. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Game Raceline As Good as It Gets


February 9, 2014


9 am

TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

February 10, 2014


11 pm

Tuesday Evening


Ent Insider The Bachelor (N) (CC) Castle “Valkyrie” (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! How I Met Broke Girl Mike Mom (CC) Intelligence (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Almost Human (N) The Following (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy O-Zone XXII Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Short Track. (CC) News NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Mayne Mayne Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Vanderpump Rules (N) Vanderpump Rules Happens Real Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Good Good ›› Frenemies (2012) Bella Thorne. Shake It Austin Dog Jessie Gravity College Basketball Maryland at Virginia. (N) College Basketball Kansas at Kansas State. SportsCenter (N) (CC) Switched at Birth (CC) Switched at Birth (N) The Fosters “Padre” The Fosters “Padre” The 700 Club (CC) Guy’s Grocery Games Diners, Drive Rachael v. Guy My. Diners My. Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders “Al; Julie” Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Teen Wolf Teen Wolf “Riddled” Wolf Are You Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Oscar Goes To ››› The Great McGinty (1940) ››› Foreign Correspondent (1940) Joel McCrea. (CC) Castle “Still” Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) Perception (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Big Bang Mod Fam Hart of Dixie (N) (CC) Beauty and the Beast OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



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7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

February 11, 2014


11 pm


Ent Insider Goldbergs Goldbergs Goldbergs Trophy Killer Women (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles Person of Interest News Letterman The Office Simpsons Dads (N) (CC) (DVS) New Girl Brooklyn Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy O-Zone XXII Winter Olympics Snowboarding, Figure Skating, Freestyle Skiing, Ski Jumping. News NewsHour Business Jesse James Butch Cassidy Frontline (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shahs of Sunset Housewives/Atl. Shahs of Sunset (N) 100 Days of Summer Happens Shahs Colbert Daily Kroll Show Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Kroll Show Daily Colbert Good Good Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (2011) Dog Jessie Austin Liv-Mad. Shake It College Basketball Florida at Tennessee. (N) College Basketball Michigan at Ohio State. (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Pretty Little Liars (CC) Pretty Little Liars (N) Twisted (N) (CC) Pretty Little Liars (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Diners, Drive Hunt Intl Hunters Property Property Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Scoring Scoring Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Kim of Queens (N) To Be Announced Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 (N) Are You the One? (N) Seinfeld Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Cougar Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Sleepless in Seattle ›››› Around the World in 80 Days (1956) David Niven. (CC) Friendly Persuasion Castle (CC) (DVS) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Law & Order: SVU Dog Show “138th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show - Closing Night” Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Mod Fam ››› Attack the Block (2011) John Boyega. OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


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7 pm




7 pm



10 pm


8 pm


February 12, 2014


11 pm


9 pm


10 pm

1 pm


2 pm



February 14, 2014


11 pm


Ent Insider Charlie Brown Shark Tank (CC) (DVS) 20/20 (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Bones (CC) (DVS) Enlisted Raising Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy O-Zone XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Skeleton. News NewsHour Business Wash Deadline Great Performances (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 “Missing” Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker ››› The Family Man Colbert Daily Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 South Pk South Pk Good Good ››› Finding Nemo (2003) (CC) Phineas Liv-Mad. Austin Jessie Liv-Mad. NBA Basketball Sprint All-Star Celebrity Game. College Basketball Arizona at Arizona State. SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› The Last Song (2010, Drama) ›› The Prince & Me (2004) Julia Stiles, Luke Mably. The 700 Club (CC) Rachael v. Guy Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Ren. Ren. Ren. Ren. Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Wife Swap (CC) Bonnie & Clyde “Part 1” (Part 1 of 2) (CC) Bonnie & Clyde “Part 2” (Part 2 of 2) (CC) Real World: Explosion Are You the One? Are You the One? ›› Honey (2003, Drama) Jessica Alba. Seinfeld Fam. Guy ››› The Hangover (2009) Bradley Cooper. ›› Due Date (2010) Robert Downey Jr.. (DVS) Heart-Hunter ›››› East of Eden (1955) James Dean. (CC) ›››› Marty (1955) Ernest Borgnine. (CC) Supernatural (CC) Cold Justice (N) (CC) NBA Basketball 2014 Rising Stars Challenge. In NBA APB Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Mod Fam Whose? Whose? The Originals (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Suburg. Mod Fam Super Fun Nashville (CC) (DVS) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Undercover Boss (CC) Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman The Office Simpsons American Idol Group and solo performances. Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy O-Zone XXII Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Figure Skating, Snowboarding, Speed Skating. News NewsHour Business Nature (CC) (DVS) NOVA (N) (CC) (DVS) Super Skyscrapers (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgr Wahlburgers (CC) Housewives/Atl. Top Ten Dinners Top Ten Dinners NYC NYC Happens Atlanta Colbert Daily Work. South Pk South Pk South Pk Work. Broad City Daily Colbert Good Good Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Austin ANT Farm Jessie Dog Jessie ANT Farm College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Duke at North Carolina. (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Melissa Melissa Melissa Daddy › When in Rome (2010) Kristen Bell. The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Takeover Buy This Buy This Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Wife Swap (CC) ›› Morning Glory (2010) Rachel McAdams. › The Ugly Truth (2009) Katherine Heigl. (CC) Are You the One? Being Maci Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Seinfeld Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Men-Work Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) You’re a Big Boy Now ›››› Tom Jones (1963, Comedy) Albert Finney. (CC) ›› The V.I.P.’s (1963) (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle “Ghosts” Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Recruited” (CC) NCIS “Freedom” (CC) NCIS (CC) Psych “Dual Spires” Big Bang Mod Fam ››› Best in Show (2000) Michael Hitchcock. OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


8 pm

7 pm


Right Across from Fifth Third Field

9 pm


10 pm

8 am



9 am


10 am


11 am


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

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February 13, 2014


11 pm


February 15, 2014


12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Wildlife Expedition Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Recipe J. Oliverr All In Changers Paid Prog. Men Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News McCarver Today (N) (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chica Noodle Justin Tree Fu LazyTown Noddy Super Cat in the Peg Dinosaur MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) (DVS) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Real Housewives Housewives/OC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Real Housewives ›› Encino Man (1992) Sean Astin. (CC) ›› Balls of Fury (2007) Dan Fogler. (CC) Dazed and Confused Pirates Sofia ››› Finding Nemo (2003) (CC) Phineas Liv-Mad. I Didn’t ANT Farm ANT Farm SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) College Basketball ››› Ever After: A Cinderella Story ›› The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding ›› The Prince & Me (2004) Be.- Made Best Thing Brunch at Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Rachael v. Guy YardCrash YardCrash YardCrash YardCrash Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unsolved Mysteries Wife He Met Fantasy Fantasy Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ›› You Got Served (2004) Marques Houston. Payne Browns There King King Raymond ››› I Love You, Man (2009) Paul Rudd. ››› The Talk of the Town (1942) Cary Grant. ›››› Father of the Bride (1950, Comedy) ››› The Goodbye Girl APB With Troy Dunn Dallas (CC) Dallas (CC) Dallas (CC) Law & Order “Driven” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NCIS “Love & War” NCIS “Bounce” (CC) NCIS (CC) XXII Winter Olympics Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Pets.TV Career


3 pm

Come to The Blarney ... .... Go From There! re! re e!!

601 Monroe St.


Ent Insider The Taste “Good With Beer” (N) (CC) Scandal “YOLO” (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Millers Crazy Two Men Elementary (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons American Idol (N) (CC) Rake “Cannibal” (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy O-Zone XXII Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Freestyle Skiing, Speed Skating, Skeleton. News NewsHour Business Toledo Stories (CC) The Making of a Lady (2012) (CC) Front and Center (CC) Sun Stud Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Wahlburgers (CC) Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Bad Ink Bad Ink Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Happens Vander Colbert Daily Chappelle Chappelle Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Sunny Sunny Daily Colbert Good Good ››› Enchanted (2007) Amy Adams. (CC) Jessie Gravity Austin Dog College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (CC) A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song (2011) Another Cinderella Story (2008), Drew Seeley The 700 Club (CC) Donut Donut Chopped Chopped Canada (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Diners Diners Hunt Intl Hunters Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Under the Gunn Under the Gunn Under the Gunn Kim of Queens (CC) Dance Moms (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Fantasy Fantasy Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Cameras Fantasy Ridic. Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang King of the Nerds (N) Conan (N) (CC) ››› Victor/Victoria ››› My Sister Eileen (1942) Rosalind Russell. ›››› Mrs. Miniver (1942) Greer Garson. NBA Tip-Off (N) (CC) NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Chicago Bulls. (N) (CC) NBA Basketball Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU NCIS: Los Angeles Big Bang Mod Fam The Originals (CC) Arrow “The Scientist” OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



8 pm


7 pm


Movie Celebrity Wife Swap ESPN Sports Saturday (N) News ABC Insider Lottery College Basketball PGA Tour Golf Northern Trust Open, Third Round. (N) (Live) (CC) News News Wheel Time Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Tip-Off College Basketball Xavier at Marquette. (N) Burn Notice (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Paid Paid Paid Paid XXII Winter Olympics Short Track, Cross-Country Skiing, Skeleton. News News Jdg Judy O-Zone This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Artists Den David Garrett Globe Trekker Steves Travels Lawrence Welk Crazy Hearts Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Housewives/Atl. Top Ten Dinners Matchmaker Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Dazed and Confused › Bubble Boy (2001) Jake Gyllenhaal. (CC) South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk ANT Farm Jessie Jessie Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin Austin Austin Good Good Good Good College Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) ›› The Prince & Me ›› The Last Song (2010) Miley Cyrus. ›› Stick It (2006) Jeff Bridges. ›› A Cinderella Story (2004) Hilary Duff. My. Din My. Din Restaurant: Im. Diners, Drive Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Property Brothers Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Wife He Met Movie A Nanny’s Revenge (2012, Suspense) (CC) Taken for Ransom (2013) Teri Polo. (CC) Wild/Out Wild/Out Wild/Out Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 ›› Due Date (2010) Robert Downey Jr.. Friends Friends Friends Friends King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond The Goodbye Girl And the Oscar Goes To... ›››› Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ››› Field of Dreams (1989) Kevin Costner. ›› Stomp the Yard (2007) Columbus Short. ››› Gridiron Gang (2006) The Rock. (CC) ›› Walking Tall (2004) The Rock. (CC) All-Star W’kend XXII Winter Olympics Hockey. Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Endgame” NCIS (CC) (DVS) Icons Live Life Made Game EP Daily EP Daily Rules Two Men Rules Two Men Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam

February 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

8 pm


9 pm


February 15, 2014

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

››› Dreamgirls (2006) Jamie Foxx, Beyoncé Knowles. (CC) News Castle Person of Interest 48 Hours Presents: The Whole Gritty City News CSI Rake (CC) (DVS) The Following News Carpet Office Office XXII Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Short Track, Speed Skating, Ski Jumping. News Call the Midwife (CC) Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage ›› Legally Blonde (2001), Luke Wilson › Coyote Ugly (2000) Piper Perabo. South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Good Luck Charlie Austin Lab Rats Kickin’ It Jessie Austin College GameDay College Basketball Florida at Kentucky. (N) SportsCenter (N) ››› Grease (1978) John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John. ››› The Birdcage (1996) Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Worst Cooks Restaurant: Im. Property Brothers Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl The Good Mistress (2014) Annie Heise. Non-Stop (2013) Lacey Chabert. (CC) Are You the One? Are You the One? Are You the One? Are You the One? Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang King of the Nerds ›››› All Quiet on the Western Front (1930, War) ››› The Big House (1930) Tip-Off NBA Basketball 2014 All-Star Saturday Night. (N) (CC) All-Star W’kend NCIS “Shiva” ›››› In the Heat of the Night (1967) Law & Order: SVU ›› Duplex (2003, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

Thursday, Feb. 13th

Kyle White


Friday, Feb. 14th

The Bridges

Saturday, Feb. 15th

The Bridges


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10 11




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Feb. 9 – 15, 2014 Events: Full Moon in Leo (14th)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Inspired thoughts and ideas gush through your mind all week. Partners and friends receive rewards for past efforts on Tuesday. Wednesday morning is prone to grumpiness, but moods lift on Thursday. Avoid touchy subjects when romancing your sweetheart Friday evening.

Some official or formal matters have to be settled and may cause temporary limitations. Previous sacrifices improve finances. After Thursday your focus is on people you care about. Love the one(s) you’re with. Cast aside past regrets or resentment and choose happiness.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Ambitions surge through inspiring conversations. Set boundaries with someone who is testing your patience. Successes mix with irritating delays or people venting on Friday. Focus on love in the evening. Saturday brings things in excess quantities and strange discoveries.

You long to bask in the sun, but can make strides in planning and organizing. Good news about successful efforts arrives on Tuesday. The full moon on Valentine’s Day has mixed influences. Outside activities may distract from romance on Friday; better on Saturday.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Rearrange, reorganize and streamline your possessions for greater efficiency. Past connections reappear at work midweek. Social contacts flourish after Thursday. People share a mix of enthusiasm and complaints on Friday. Focus on love and upbeat thoughts in the evening.

You’re stretched to the limit of your ability to juggle multiple concerns. Irritations can provoke blunt honesty about hidden feelings. After Thursday it’s easier to focus on fun, romance and entertainment. An indirect path leads to an unexpected bonanza on Saturday.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

It’s possible to accomplish a lot of improvements when a bossy person is elsewhere. Elders give good advice. Historic sites dot the landscape; you sense the flow of time. Short travels are fine for Valentine's. Set aside worries about things you can’t change and focus on love.

What people say may not be what they mean, or key details may be omitted. Delay decisive, irrevocable actions based on words until digging deeper. Discrepancies are discovered Thursday. Your Valentine wants your full attention Friday — share your whole self.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Cooperative projects with women flow beautifully; men may be unavailable or delayed. Others lead you to treasures after Wednesday. When surrounded by excitement, abundance, and Valentine’s sweetness, untimely interruptions and complaints are unwelcome distractions.

Some endeavors flow beautifully while others are bogged down with delays and limits. Past efforts generate opportunities midweek. After Thursday, your focus is on your primary relationship. Plan a perfect date on Friday evening; romantic inspiration flows both ways.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The week begins with productive teamwork. Past errors can be corrected. Confinement and isolation stir up irritability midweek. Siblings in difficulty discover inspired solutions. The full moon emphasizes balancing career demands with important intimate relationships.

Expert advice about the well-being of others is available as the week begins. After Wednesday, plan to take a break from daily demands to travel, visit and relax. Shake up predictable patterns with exotic and adventurous settings that add spice to romance.

Elizabeth Hazel is a professional tarotist-astrologer and author. She gives readings every Wednesday at Attic on Adams above Manos Greek Restaurant. She may be contacted at (c) 2014.





Your Tarotgram and Horoscope

By Elizabeth Hazel





31 32






39 41


40 42



45 46

“Valentine’s Day viewing” ACROSS

1. Christopher Reeve pursues Jane Seymour … in 1912 10. Trail behind 11. Punk offshoot 13. Ryan Gosling woos Rachel McAdams in the 1930s 15. Charged particle 16. “-- - Hear a Waltz?” 17. Digits, for short 18. Minuscule amounts 20. ---- salts 21. Cher & Nicolas Cage: “Snap out of it!” 24. Folds in 26. Minuscule pest 27. Sheepish comment 28. Fight of honor 29. Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman reunite at Rick’s Café Américain 30. Basil sauce for pasta 35. Copper has one,

but not nice 37. Chang’s twin 39. Choose, with “for” 40. Fish eggs 41. John Cusack falls hard for brainiac Ione Skye 44. Baron hooter 45. Fleming or McShane 46. Widower Christopher Plummer hooks up with nun Julie Andrews DOWN 1. “Ms.” founder born in Toledo 2. Pearly white gem 3. Superlatively clever 4. Put into office 5. Hurried 6. Gingrich seems to have a big one 7. Your brother’s daughters 8. Apple player

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9. Igloo dwellers 12. Comment from Elsie? 14. Winning line on “ "Hollywood Squares” 19. ---- Baron Cohen 22. Zero; nothing 23. Stretch to grasp 24. “Where your journey begins” 25. Not to be trifled with 27. Tupelo tree 28. New money in the bank 30. Highly virtuous 31. Wild man’s home 33. Federal ecology org. 34. Fashion 36. Horned creature 38. This instant 42. Like one of Dorothy’s pals 43. Fooled


SEALED PROPOSALS for bidding on Renovations for Secor Metropark National Center for Nature Photography, Berkey, Ohio will be received; opened; and read aloud at the Metropolitan Park District of the Toledo Area, Fallen Timbers Field Office, 6101 Fallen Timbers Lane, Maumee, Ohio 43537 Friday, February 21, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. local time. THE SCOPE OF WORK consists of renovations to the existing National Center for Nature Photography located at Secor Metropark. The project includes finish material upgrades, new public restrooms, warming kitchen, additional gallery and classroom space and new entry stair to the second floor offices and work room. This renovation also upgrades existing HVAC equipment and new lighting for the galleries. On the exterior a new patio and pergola will be created. General construction includes select demolition, rough and finish carpentry, concrete, masonry, drywall, epoxy flooring, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, paint & stain. Bidders may obtain copies of plans, specifications, contract documents and plan-holder’s list through Newfax Corporation, 333 West Woodruff, Toledo, Ohio 43604 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (check made payable to Newfax Corporation) or via the Newfax Digital Plan Room at Newfax can be contacted at 419-241-5157 or 800-877-5157. A non-refundable fee of $20 is required for each set of documents obtained. For additional information, please contact Jon Zvanovec @ 419-360-9184, jon.zvanovec@ EACH BIDDER MUST FURNISH either (1) a bond for the full amount of the bid or (2) a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid with its bid. The successful bidder must furnish a 100 percent (100%) Performance Bond and a 100 percent (100%) Labor and Materials Bond. No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in bidding. By order of the Board of Park Commissioners METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA Stephen W. Madewell, Director

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26 . Classified community




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NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS for bidding on Providence Metropark Heritage Center Renovation, Grand Rapids, Ohio will be received; opened; and read aloud at the Metropolitan Park District of the Toledo Area, Fallen Timbers Field Office, 6101 Fallen Timbers Lane, Maumee, Ohio 43537 Thursday, February 20, at 3:00 p.m. local time. THE SCOPE OF WORK consists of interior and exterior improvements to an existing 1,075 sq. ft. building, formerly the “General Store” in Providence Metropark. General constructions includes select demolition, rough and finish carpentry, windows, doors, exterior wood decking, siding, trims, railings & handrails, interior paneling & trims, patch epoxy flooring, metal roof coating system, modest HVAC & electrical, finishes & paint. Bidders may obtain copies of plans, specifications, contract documents and plan-holder’s list through Newfax Corporation, 333 West Woodruff, Toledo, Ohio 43604 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (check made payable to Newfax Corporation) or via the Newfax Digital Plan Room at www.newfaxcorp. com. Newfax can be contacted at 419-241-5157 or 800-877-5157. A non-refundable fee of $15 is required for each set of documents obtained. For additional information, please contact Jon Zvanovec @ 419-360-9184, jon.zvanovec@ EACH BIDDER MUST FURNISH either (1) a bond for the full amount of the bid or (2) a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid with its bid. The successful bidder must furnish a 100 percent (100%) Performance Bond and a 100 percent (100%) Labor and Materials Bond. No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in bidding. By order of the Board of Park Commissioners METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA Stephen W. Madewell, Director

Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that by Resolution 14-97 adopted February 4, 2014, by the Board of Lucas County Commissioners, a part of Maumee-Western Road in Swanton Township, may be considered for vacation for general public welfare in accordance with Section 5553 of the Ohio Revised Code, a portion of the legal description follows: Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Lucas, Swanton Township, being part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10 in Town 7 North, Range 9 East, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the center of the intersection of Maumee-Western Road (a.k.a. County Road 92) and Air-Cargo Parkway; Thence Northwesterly along the centerline of Maumee-Western Road a distance of fiftyfour and twenty-two hundredths (54.22) feet to the intersection of the existing Westerly right-of-way line of Air Cargo Parkway (100 feet wide) extended Northerly to the existing Northerly right-of-way line of MaumeeWestern Road, and being the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing Northwesterly along the centerline of Maumee-Western Road a distance of three-hundred eighty-seven and thirty-nine hundredths (387.39) feet to the Southeasterly end of the previously vacated road, vacated on November 29, 2000, by Lucas County Commissioners Resolution 00-1723 and being the POINT OF ENDING; and including a roadway right-of-way width of eighty and zero hundredths (80.00) feet. On March 5, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. the Board of County Commissioners will view the vacation request. The hearing will be held on March 11, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room, One Government Center, 1st Floor, Toledo, Ohio, for all persons affected thereby or interested therein, and for the reading of the County Engineer’s Report thereon. No further notice will be given. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Lucas County, Ohio: Carol Contrada, President Tina Skeldon Wozniak, Commissioner Pete Gerken, Commissioner

legal notices A+ Self Storage at 1324 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612 will offer for public sale at 3:30PM on February 25, 2014 the following units: Unit 113, Richetta L Allen 3443 Upton Ave Toledo, OH. 43613: Fan, TV, Tree Stand; Unit 268, Lori Gough 1635 Oakgrove Dr Walled Lake, MI 48390: Sofas, Microwave, Bicycle; Unit 407, Shari M Kuyoth 102 Oakview Drive. Delta, OH 43515: Boxes, Futon, Storage Tubs; Unit 417, Edward J DeLuna 5055 Jameson #I-2 Toledo, OH, 43613: Bookcase; Unit 440, Vickie Pavlis 286 heather Temperance, MI 48182: TV in wooden casing; Unit 501, Audry Gillhouse 2023 Delence St. Toledo, OH 43605: Toys, Bicycle, Storage Tubs; Unit 508, Antenicia Williams 1908 ½ Perth Toledo, Ohio 43607: Air Conditioner, Bedframe, Boxes; Unit 614, Amanda Swan 621 New York Ave Toledo, Oh 43611: Stroller, Toys, Boxes; Unit 643, Crystal Evans 22324 NFR 732 Sanderson, FL 32087: Boxes, Table Lamp, Kitchen Table; Unit 744, Mable M Sa 5063 Secor Rd apt 5 Toledo, ohio 43623:

February 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Chest of Drawers, Storage Tubs, Headboard; Unit 817, Joseph Harris 3339 Blanchard Toledo, Ohio, 43608: Stereo Equipment, Toys, Bags; Unit 906, Michael Trombly 516 Waybridge RD Toledo, OHio 43612: Tools, Dryer, Lawnmower; Unit 925, Ericka Burns 2530 Heather Hills Apt D Toledo, Ohio 43614: Boxes, Shelves, Holiday Décor; Unit 934, Alicia Anderson 10858 Whiteford Rd. Petersburg, MI 49270: Kitchen Table, Kitchen Chairs, Boxes; Unit 1032, Arianna Henry 3530 Willys Pkwy Toledo, Ohio 43612: Boxes, Chest of Drawers, Bedframe; Unit 1042, Neil Kominek 751 W. Temperance Rd. Apt. 2 Temperance, MI 48182: Entertainment Center, TV, Boxes; Unit 1103, Heather Haefner 2951 Brock Dr. Toledo, Ohio 43613: Kitchen Chair, Kitchen Table, TV; Unit 1205, Billy Franklin 2515 west bancroft Toled, ohio 43606: Bedframe, Bed Springs; Unit 2112, Kristen Fisher 3704 Watson Toledo, OH 43612: Sofa, Storage Tubs, Microwave;; Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400

Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

SEALED PROPOSALS for bidding on Roche DeBout Shelter House Renovations & Addition, Farnsworth Metropark will be received; opened; and read aloud at the Metropolitan Park District of the Toledo Area, Fallen Timbers Field Office, 6101 Fallen Timbers Lane, Maumee, Ohio 43537 Wednesday, February 19, at 3:00 p.m. local time. THE SCOPE OF WORK consists of a 300 sq. ft. shelter house addition, improvements to the existing structure and site-work. General construction includes select demolition, rough and finish carpentry, concrete, masonry, asphalt roofing, electrical, plumbing, drywall, HVAC, paint & stain. Bidders may obtain copies of plans, specifications, contract documents and plan-holder’s list through Newfax Corporation, 333 West Woodruff, Toledo, Ohio 43604 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (check made payable to Newfax Corporation) or via the Newfax Digital Plan Room at Newfax can be contacted at 419-241-5157 or 800-877-5157. A non-refundable fee of $30 is required for each set of documents obtained. For additional information, please contact Jon Zvanovec @ 419-360-9184, jon.zvanovec@ EACH BIDDER MUST FURNISH either (1) a bond for the full amount of the bid or (2) a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid with its bid. The successful bidder must furnish a 100 percent (100%) Performance Bond and a 100 percent (100%) Labor and Materials Bond. No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in bidding. By order of the Board of Park Commissioners METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA Stephen W. Madewell, Director


The Toledo Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee accepts applications Monday through Friday from 8:30am until 4:00pm. Also, the 1st Monday of each month, applications will be accepted until 6:00pm (please arrive by 5:30). YOU MUST APPLY IN PERSON AND SUBMIT A $20.00 APPLICATION FEE payable by personal check, money order, MasterCard or Visa (no cash, please). Applications are accepted at:

803 LIME CITY RD. ROSSFORD, OH 43460 The following documentation is required to qualify for the apprenticeship: • Copy of Birth Certificate (you must be 17 to apply) • Official copy of High School Transcript. (cannot hand deliver) • Copy of GED if not a HS graduate. • Proof of successful completion of one (1) credit of Algebra. Recruitment, selection, employment and training of apprentices is done without discrimination due to race, religion, color, national origin or gender.

Rentals Apartments / Duplexes

VISTULA HERITAGE VILLAGE II 817 Michigan Accepting Applications for 2 bedroom Apartments Appliances and Utilities Included Rent Based on Income Applications by Appointment 419-246-0832 Equal Housing Opportunity

WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201


CONGRATS Morgan Delp, a junior History major at Hillsdale College, was named to the Deans’ List for the 2013 Fall Semester. Morgan Delp is the daughter of Cleves and Kathy Delp of Holland, OH 43528 and is a 2011 graduate of Toledo Central Catholic High School.

Employment Education THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.

The Avenue 1 Bdrm Apts $375/mo 2 Bdrm Apts $450/mo (419) 259-0619

Call 419.241.1700, Ext 230 to place a Classified Ad!



A home for Louie, Cali

Louie is a 1-year-old ball of energy. This active and playful Labrador mix is searching for an owner with a similar personality. Louie’s previous Louie owners couldn’t keep up with his peppy personality so the Toledo Area Humane Society (TAHS) offered to help him find a proper home. Louie loves to play with children and they must be able to handle an eager and excitable dog. Louie has been neutered, examined by a TAHS staff veterinarian, is current on his vaccinations and is microchipped. Cali is a 7-year-old tortie colored Manx mix. She is a polydactyl cat, which means that she has extra toes on each of her paws. Cali She also has a short stubby tail, possibly due to an injury. Cali is a laid-back kitty who loves attention. Someone found Cali in the street and brought her to TAHS to find a new home. If you’re looking for a unique beauty, Cali’s stylish appearance may just fit your fancy. Cali has been spayed, examined by a TAHS veterinarian, is current on her vaccinations and is microchipped. Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O

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