Toledo Free Press – Feb. 22, 2015

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Feb. 22, 2015

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Dine for vets and bully pulpit

Tom Pounds on supporting Dine 419 and Sarah Ottney on the ‘worst little town in Ohio.’ page 3


NAACP’s 100th

Toledo NAACP marks its 100th anniversary this year. page 6

Historical moment

Paula Hicks-Hudson formally sworn in as Toledo’s first black female mayor. page 7

Business Link

M Osteria & Bar

Pat Giammarco of Marco’s Pizza set to open upscale Italian eatery Downtown. page 10


Big Damn Band

The Reverend Peyton to bring punkified countryblues gospel to Frankie’s. page 20

DINE 419

Area restaurants team with local nonprofit Veterans Matter for week of dining to help house homeless vets. Page 11


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 22, 2015

February 22, 2015

Publisher’s statement



A Toledo tradition since 2005



Dine for vets

he next two weeks will be a great time to eat out in Northwest Ohio. First is Dine 419, a new weeklong restaurant event Feb. 23-March 1 that will raise money for Veterans Matter, a local nonprofit working to house homeless veterans. Toledo Free Press is proud to be a media sponsor of Dine 419. Then, from March 2-8, Restaurant Week Toledo returns for the fifth year to help raise funds for Leadership Toledo’s youth programs. Since Veterans Matter was founded in Toledo in 2012, it has expanded to seven states and housed more than 500 homeless veterans, including 90 in Ohio. Founder Ken Leslie was inspired after discovering there were thousands of veterans who qualify for permanent, supported housing and services from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), but lack the initial rental deposits necessary to secure the housing and get off the streets. Veterans Matter bridges that gap by raising money to cover deposits, which are transferred directly to landlords, speeding up the Thomas F. Pounds housing process for veterans and their families to days instead of months. Restaurants participating in Dine 419 include The Beirut, The Black Pearl, The Blarney Irish Pub, Burger Bar 419, Byblos, Forrester’s on the River, Hollywood Casino Toledo (Final Cut Steak & Seafood, Scene and Take 2 Grill), Jed’s, Jim Shull’s Rib Cage, La Scola Italian Grill, McDonald’s, Poco Piatti, Table Forty4 and Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull. Supporting veterans is an especially personal cause for several of the restaurant owners. Blarney owner Ed Beczynski is a veteran. Cock n’ Bull owner Jim Mettler’s father was a veteran. I’m also the father of a service member. My son, Austin, is an Army sergeant, based in Alaska. In her column on page 4, another passionate local veterans advocate, The Arms Forces founder Pam Hays, challenges us to walk the talk in supporting veterans. “People say they love others and then continue to ignore their plight, too busy to do anything self-sacrificing for another unless it comes with some notoriety or tangible reward,” she writes. “On patriotic holidays we put flags on our porches and say we love our country, but what do we personally do to ensure those who protect our country have their needs met and know they are loved? “The VA won’t do it all. The huge organizations won’t do it all. It is what individual communities do that has the most impact on veterans and their families reintegrating back home to their new lives.” Dine 419 offers the perfect opportunity to take that first step toward meeting Hays’ challenge: In this case, you can help simply by going out to eat. Toledo Free Press is joined as a media sponsor of Dine 419 by iHeartMedia, Cumulus Toledo, WTOL-11, FOX Toledo and Hollywood Casino Toledo stepped up in a big way as presenting sponsor, with VFW Post 2898 Toledo and Bottomline Ink also offering support. Turn to page 11 to read more about Veterans Matter and the participating restaurants or visit And don’t forget to share your photos using the hashtag #Dine419. Happy dining! O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. Contact him at

Editor’s Statement


ifty years ago, on a cold day like ones we’ve had re- grandparents there almost daily and my memories of the cently, my grandpa would have bundled up in several town are fond ones. Riding the Scrambler at the Fourth of July fair and layers of heavy work gear for his shift at Woodville’s watching fireworks from the backyard, where lime plant. My mom, his youngest daughter, we staged watermelon seed-spitting contests. said it made him look like a teddy bear. Ordering pizza from Beck’s. By the time my mom was born, Grandpa Eating ice cream cones at Faye’s Whippy had already been on the job almost 30 years, Dip after T-ball games. having dropped out of school after eighth grade The warm glow of the fireplace while to work at the plant, where he was later proopening presents on Christmas Eve and sipmoted to foreman. ping Ginger Ale on New Year’s Eve. My parents were part of the first graduI once met one of Woodville’s famous naating class from Woodmore High School, my tive sons, astronaut Tom Hendricks, in the dad from Elmore, my mom from Woodville, driveway of my grandparents’ house. thrown together their senior year when the two Sarah Ottney When we spent the night, it was hard to villages consolidated into one high school. sleep. The pullout couch squeaked, the clocks I, of course, came along years after all this. By that time, Grandpa was retired. Grandma, too, chimed, there was always a cat ready to claw your feet and from working full-time at the family insurance business in headlight beams from U.S. Route 20 traffic shone into the winWoodville, but was still heavily involved in the community dows and slowly crossed the walls, all night long. But I felt cozy, loved, at home, safe. as a Girl Scout leader, which she did for 60 years. I never lived in Woodville, but for years we visited my n Ottney CONTINUES ON 4 Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 11, No. 8. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Joel Sensenig, Managing Editor Danielle Stanton, News Editor Tom Konecny, Associate Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

Bully pulpit

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Sarah Ottney, Editor in Chief

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Show vets the love


gh! It’s February and I feel so pressured to write about love. But love doesn’t always conjure memories of kind words, flowers, backrubs, cute nicknames and romantic dinners. I know many, myself included, who have felt the sting of those three words: I love you. I remember someone who was quite evil to me, who caused me great physical, emotional and financial harm, saying, “But, I love you” and making me feel like every bone in my body exploded. I said to him, “How can you make the three most beautiful words in the world sound so hateful?” Love is what makes the world go ‘round and its opposite, hatred, can bring it to a halt. But something I think is even more dangerous than hatred is apathy. People say they love others and then continue to ignore their plight, too busy to do anything selfsacrificing for another unless it comes with some notoriety or tangible reward On patriotic holidays we put flags on our porches and say we love our country, Pam Hays but what do we personally do to ensure those who protect our country have their needs met and know they are loved? Most of us past the age of 30 know, or should know, that our Vietnam veterans were not treated with respect when they came home from war. Because of that, they knew they were not loved. Why? Because respect goes hand in hand with love. If we shout at someone, spit at them or call them a bad name, no one can expect to feel loved when on the receiving end of such expressions. I hear a lot of people say we can’t allow what happened to our veterans back then happen today. But, we are allowing it. Why? Because apathy is setting in. Civilians and nonmilitary families can watch the news and read the articles and become disinterested in the ongoing battles of our military, veterans and their families. We can see the evergrowing possibility of more wars as no more than a nuisance in our lives. We see war as a thing and not as the people involved in fighting them and the families who love them. We see the visible and the invisible wounds as sad stories that might make us tear up, but most don’t see the very real day-to-day sacrifices made so we can all live as free Americans in this great country. We can agree or disagree on military action, but we cannot become divided on the support of those willing to go into battle to fight for our freedoms when asked. We cannot become apathetic to their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families. We cannot say we are sorry to one generation of veterans and repeat the lack of respect, the lack of love, with another generation. We must become more aware of what is being done to help veterans in our own area. We can’t assume it is someone else’s responsibility to do the work and not involve ourselves. Please don’t say you love our military, veterans and our country and then never get involved. A sacrifice from you can make a difference in their lives. You can become part of creating a new generation of veterans that will sit around years from now and tell stories about how their community stepped up and made sure they felt loved and respected for their military service. You can be a part of righting the wrongs from the past by ensuring the military’s younger generations never feel the pain of the words “We love you. We support you” being made empty through lack of action. You can make sure that your words match your actions. The VA won’t do it all. The huge organizations won’t do it all. It is what individual communities do that has the most impact on veterans and their families reintegrating back home to their new lives. Love doesn’t mean never saying you’re sorry, to paraphrase a line from one of my favorite movies, “Love Story.” But love does include being sorry for hurting another and meaning those words. It also means changing yourself or the circumstances so you won’t hurt them again. It means we learn from our mistakes and never again want to feel the shame and pain we felt when we hurt someone we loved. I know most of you feel like I do. I love my country, my military, my veterans and their families from the deepest part of my heart. That’s not just during this month of love, but every day, every month, every year, forever. Let’s make sure we mean it when we say, “I love our military and veterans!” O

Pam Hays is president and founder of The Arms Forces,; (419) 891-2111.

A Toledo tradition since 2005 n OTTNEY CONTINUED FROM 3 Which is why a Feb. 15 Blade column about Woodville caught me by such surprise. The worst little town in Ohio? Had I really been away so long? A recent visit showed me nothing much has changed. That’s the charm and frustration of quiet small towns. It’s what makes teens declare they’ll leave for good at the first opportunity, only to move back years later to raise their own kids. But “worst” is quite the heavyhanded qualifier. Worst because it’s a “speed trap”? Hey, we all speed. Me especially. We all hate to get tickets. But speed limits are set by the Ohio Department of Transportation; they are clearly posted and local law enforcement simply enforces them. According to a recent Blade investigation, 14 percent of the village’s general revenue came from traffic violations last year. That’s much higher than other local municipalities. But simply respect the laws and you won’t have to worry about contributing. Woodville police issued 2,735 speeding tickets from 2012 through 2014: 598 in 2012, 964 in 2013 and 1,173 in 2014. That’s 3.2 tickets per day in 2014, or 2.5 per day on average over the past two years. For a “speed trap,” that doesn’t seem that excessive. The Blade also found the average speed for a ticket is 15.76 mph over the limit. That doesn’t seem unreasonable. Woodville Police Chief Roy Whitehead said he stands behind his department. Tickets aren’t written out of malice or to artificially enhance village revenue, and each will show a “clear and just violation,” he told me. Whitehead told me skepticism about Woodville’s reasoning for such strict enforcement — protecting kids crossing four-lane Route 20 — doesn’t bother him. He sleeps well at night knowing Woodville’s citizens are as safe as he can make them. “I’ve had to knock on a few doors over the years to tell a family their loved one isn’t coming home,” Whitehead told me. “If enforcing traffic laws saves just one child’s life or person’s life then we’ve done our job.” Worst because an officer shot a dog? A chocolate lab named Moses was shot Nov. 3 just outside Woodville after approaching a traffic stop from his owner’s business on Route 20. Officer Steve Gilkerson, 29, a K-9 officer and nine-year Woodville Police veteran, said the dog had a “look in its eyes” and seemed to be intent on a target, not veering from his path even when yelled at. Moses has been in and out of hospitals since being shot and ended up losing a leg. The incident was unfortunate, there’s no doubt about it. No one with a heart could feel otherwise. It’s one of those he said-she said situations that’s nearly impossible to resolve to the satisfaction of all parties.

February 22, 2015




n A Feb. 15 Blade Column naming WoodvilLE the “Worst Little Town in Ohio” has upset many residents of the northwest ohio village.

But is Woodville really home to a “trigger-happy cop run amok”? An officer who shoots dogs because he thinks “that’s what cops get to do — shoot if and when they please, at anything or anyone they please,” as columnist Keith Burris wrote. As much as I’m fond of it, Woodville is, well, boring. But that’s the way its residents like it: quiet and peaceful. That bullet that hit Moses came from the only line-of-duty discharge of a firearm by a Woodville Police officer in recent memory, at least as far as Whitehead can remember over his 21 years on the force and Mayor Richard Harman can remember in his more than 50 years in the village. Worst because the officer was not punished? Four police chiefs, a firearms instructor and the Sandusky County prosecutor weighed the facts, including witness statements, and cleared Gilkerson of wrongdoing. Whitehead assured me if Gilkerson had shot in malice he would no longer be employed. I believe him. In the wake of the incident, vest cameras were added in December and dashboard cameras in January. Officers attended a seminar on dog behavior in February. The dog’s owners, Thomas Bischoff and Lauren Meyer, are upset, of course. Meyer, a Woodville native, said she thinks the officer made a “bad judgment call” and should have been disciplined. But she told me she still supports her hometown and its police department. She isn’t happy about the “worst small town” moniker. “I’m upset with the way things were handled. But I’m not upset with the town or the police department. This town has always been safe,” Meyer told me. “When you slam the town like that, it just makes us look bad. Forgive and forget. We can’t forget. But we’re not out for blood.” A few years ago, Burris moved back to his native Ohio after 25 years in Connecticut, and wrote a column (“Just a guy from Ohio — and glad of it,” April 28, 2013) in which he marveled anew at how nice Ohioans are. He was happy to be in a place where being kind and neighborly is valued. Hey, that sounds a lot like Woodville. Where there’s a lack of pretension and people don’t take themselves too seri-

ously. That’s Woodville, too. Where neighbors say “Hi” and invite you over. Check. Kindness and community? Yep, Woodville again. I sat near Burris at Scott High School several months ago. We were there to hear a panel discussion about policecommunity relations, but toward the end the topic veered to media and how it covers only the bad stories and only superficially. Media was offered the opportunity to respond, and Burris spoke. “I think the ‘side’ thing is what kills the conversation,” he said. “This idea that you pick a side ahead of time and you know the cop was bad before you even heard the story or you know Michael Brown was the bad guy before you have any evidence or any facts. So I think this whole idea that you join a team and you’re predisposed toward one set of answers before you even have any data, that’s what kills the conversation and what makes the division you were talking about even deeper. We’re never going to have that conversation because we already know.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. The Blade decries Woodville as an “authority structure built on the culture of bullying.” All I see is a columnist calling for the resignation of two people he’s never sat down and talked with. A newspaper hypocritically outraged by bullying. And a town being vilified over one isolated incident. Like most people and places, Woodville is neither perfect nor fatally flawed. I see a town that took the initiative to install cameras. I see a town that arranged and continues to arrange training opportunities for its officers on interacting with dogs. I see a police chief who years ago ended the petty practice of issuing tickets for 2-6 mph over the limit to where it sits today at 12-18 mph over. I see a mayor who took the time to answer each concerned email and phone call from citizens and dog advocates in the weeks following the incident and who is truly pained by the continuing negative press. That doesn’t sound like the worst little town in Ohio to me. It sounds like a place where I’m glad to say I have roots. O Sarah Ottney is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press.

February 22, 2015


A Toledo tradition since 2005

Thank You Toledo “Thank you for the honor of allowing me to be the mayor of this city. Probably the greatest present I’ve ever received is the trust of the city and the privilege to be able to work with a great team and to be able to be a public servant.”

Mayor D. Michael Collins December 18, 2014

On behalf of my husband, Mayor D. Michael Collins, his daughters, eight grandchildren, and our families, I would like to thank the entire community for its support. We deeply appreciated your respect for our privacy during this difficult time. Anchored by our faith, we are sustained and comforted by your prayers. Mike would have been humbled by the tributes paid to him over the past two weeks. While our hearts grieve our loss, we are grateful for the outpouring of kindness and condolences. We learned that at any moment a situation may arise where we have the opportunity to serve our fellow man. Our community witnessed the embodiment of the spirit of our “compassionate city.” Truly, your expressions of support spoke louder than words, demonstrating just how much “Toledo Cares!” In honor of Mike and his legacy, please continue to live those words for the betterment of our community and for each other. Ever grateful, Sandra A. Drabik Collins Paid for by Committee to Elect D. Michael Collins, Sandra A. Drabik, Treasurer, 3234 Island Ave., Toledo, OH 43614




A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 22, 2015

NAACP celebrates 100 years in Toledo of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. But that’s not the NAACP style, he said. Instead, the NAACP goes to court and enforces voting rights and fair procedures.

Toledo Free Press News Editor

Ohio State University professor Kenneth Goings can trace back to the origins of Toledo’s NAACP branch to explain how it has lasted here for 100 years. February marks the 100th anniversary of the NAACP in Toledo and Dr. Goings will speak Feb. 21 Downtown at the Toledo-Lucas County Main Library to mark the occasion. Most people thought the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People would fail, Goings said during a telephone interview Feb. 17. The national organization was founded in 1909 and the Toledo branch in 1915. In the beginning, the organization had few successes and many critics, said Goings, an expert on NAACP history in Ohio. “[Black nationalist] Marcus Garvey heavily criticized the NAACP for working with white people,” Goings said. “Other African-Americans also criticized the NAACP. The labor organizers felt that the NAACP was focused more on race and not on class.” Even the prominent African-American leader Booker T. Washington felt the NAACP was a group of radical “rabble-rousers” that would cause more harm than good in race relations. The criticisms and lack of any real success continued until 1930, when Judge John J. Parker was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. “Judge Parker had made some racist statements and the NAACP couldn’t tolerate someone like that on the Supreme Court,” Goings said. “They started a campaign to ensure Parker was not confirmed. They were ultimately successful. They reorganized their branches. The Toledo branch took on this campaign. When Parker was defeated, it was one of the greatest achievements for African-Americans because they had been disenfranchised, Jim-Crowed, and here they were able to pull themselves together and defeat Parker.” Defeating Parker brought prestige and honor to the African-American community and people started joining the NAACP. Their membership dues provided a financial infusion that ensured the Toledo branch of the NAACP would continue, Goings said. Goings wrote a book, published in 1990, called “The NAACP Comes of Age’: The Defeat of Judge John J. Parker,” that details the beginnings of how the NAACP was born and became the powerful organization that it is today.

KENNETH GOINGS Blocking Parker’s nomination was not the end of the fight. The NAACP went on to target and block the election of Ohio senators who supported Parker. They were able to flip Toledo, Akron, Canton and Columbus from Republican-held cities to Democratic, Goings said. “It gave [African-Americans] a real sense of accomplishment and motivation, and after 1930 the national and Toledo branch became much more active and started working on improving their lot,” he said. The NAACP was founded to enforce the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. The 14th Amendment “granted equal protection of the laws” and deals with citizenship; the 15th Amendment prohibits the government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on the citizen’s “race, color or previous condition of servitude.” The NAACP takes a legal approach to civil rights, Goings said, with the goal of influencing legislature. During the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the organization did not participate in sit-ins, marches or bus boycotts, and many African-Americans considered them “Uncle Toms.” “Their whole approach is to do things through the courts, to change the laws,” Goings said. Other black groups that were active during the civil rights movement are not active today, he said, such as Congress of Racial Equality, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Black Panther Party. “Where are they now?” Goings asked. “But the NAACP remains strong and it’s celebrating its 100th birthday.” Goings believes today’s NAACP is not attracting enough young people, because they want action, like demonstrations and marches, such as those spawned from the shooting death

Goings will speak 2-3:30 p.m. Feb. 21 on the accomplishments and leadership of the Toledo NAACP chapter over the past 100 years at the Main Library’s McMaster Center,

325 N. Michigan St. A Q-and-A session will follow. Light refreshments will be served. The event is sponsored by the Library Legacy Foundation. O

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February 22, 2015


A Toledo tradition since 2005


By Sarah Ottney

Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief

Before a standing-room only crowd at Toledo City Council chambers on Feb. 17, Paula Hicks-Hudson was sworn in as Toledo’s first female African-American mayor. The ceremony was a formality as Hicks-Hudson, as City Council president, was sworn in as acting mayor Feb. 1 at University of Toledo Medical Center after Mayor D. Michael Collins was hospitalized in critical condition. She became mayor when he died Feb. 6, five days after his cardiac arrest and car accident. Hicks-Hudson’s remarks were laced with biblical references and drew laughs at times. After thanking her husband, family members and

friends, she addressed her former City Council colleagues. “To my Council colleagues: I have unfortunately crossed the Rubicon to the 22nd floor,” she said wryly, to laughter. “But I have not crossed off the issues that we’ve long cared about. It is my pledge to work with you for the betterment of the citizens. We may not always agree on the methods, but I’m sure we always will agree on the fundamental purpose of making this great city a great place to live and to work.” She also drew laughs when thanking Judge Arlene Singer of Ohio’s 6th District Court of Appeals, whom she called her longtime friend and colleague. “Thank you for swearing me in rather than swearing at me, which she has sometimes done,” Hicks-Hudson said, referring to her career as a lawyer. Hicks-Hudson thanked all City of

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Hicks-Hudson formally sworn in as Toledo mayor

n Former Toledo mayors, from lefT, mike bell, donna owens, jack ford and carty finkbeiner with toledo mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson, center, after her formal swearing-in ceremony Feb. 17 at Toledo City Council Chambers.

Toledo employees for continuing to do their jobs despite their shock and grief. Hicks-Hudson made it clear the city would not falter in implementing plans set in place by Collins. “Please rest assured that the city is not in turmoil. Rest assured that we are going to go forward with those plans and projects that were in the pipeline,” HicksHudson said. “It is my intention and my

plan to continue those initiatives … because those plans are for the betterment of this city and are what we need to do moving forward as a community. “We must actively and intelligently attract living wage jobs for our area. We must actively and intelligently create liveable spaces for families to make their homes. We must develop partnerships that can expand the width

and depth of our region so our city can continue on this path of ascent.” The role of mayor was not one she sought, but one that her professional career has prepared her for, HicksHudson said. “I stand before you with the determination and with the dedicated men and women of city government ready to assume this role,” she said. “Please know that I have accepted this challenge just as I have accepted other challenges in my life. But I accept this challenge with the understanding that you must be a part of it with me.” With echoes of Collins’ favorite slogan “You Will Do Better in Toledo,” Hicks-Hudson asked for a positive mindset. “It is my plan and my intention to look at ways to show our young people that you can make a home here in Toledo,” she said. “The first act I ask you to do is speak with pride about this great city. Talk about the resilience about our community and the life we can provide for ourselves and our children. It is not an I versus you. It is an us, it is a we. It is we that can move this place forward. It is we who can make Toledo the city on the hill you can hear about so often.” Also in attendance were former Toledo mayors Donna Owens, Carty Finkbeiner, Mike Bell and Jack Ford, who is serving as Council president pro tempore. Hicks-Hudson said, “Each has been kind enough to offer words of encouragement and willingness to continue to help our great city.” After the ceremony, Bell said HicksHudson’s speech was “excellent.” “I give her an A+,” Bell said. “I thought her speech was extremely inclusive of a lot of related issues to our city. If she stays on that track, she will be an excellent mayor.” O


February 22, 2015

A Toledo tradition since 2005




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VOLUNTEER Jacob merkle, right, helps pamela redd prepare her taxes at the United Way of Greater Toledo.

Local agencies offer free tax preparation services By Danielle Stanton Toledo Free Press News Editor

United Way of Greater Toledo is bringing free tax preparation to lowand moderate-income residents in Lucas, Wood and Ottawa counties. At 15 sites throughout the counties, tax preparers help individuals and families prepare their state and federal returns for free through the Free Tax Preparation Program. The average taxpayer spends $200 on tax preparation services each year, according to IRS estimates. In 2014, 84 volunteers assisted 3,487 residents, saving an estimated $670,000 in tax preparation fees. The program brought back more than $4.5 million in tax returns to Lucas, Wood and Ottawa county residents between January and April 2014, according to the United Way. The United Way has been involved in the program for the past nine years, said program director Toni Shoola. If you make less than $53,000 annually, you may qualify for the program. Tax preparers use what’s called a “scope guide,” which is provided by the IRS and sets eligibility requirements and limitations. A tax preparer will be able to determine your eligibility.

Jacob Merkle, a volunteer intern, said he and his fellow volunteers have been busy, even referring people who couldn’t get an appointment to a free website, “I really like helping people,” Merkle said at the Downtown United Way offices on Jackson Street. So far, tax preparers have handled more than 1,700 applications and more people are calling every day. “We’re opening up appointments as soon as we can assist people,” Shoola said. “We have a huge demand. Every volunteer we get serves 40 more people. We’re always looking for more.” The program has enlisted 70 volunteers for this year’s tax season and had 84 last year. United Way is still looking to enlist more, so for those interested should contact Toni Shoola at (419) 254-4689 or email Brad Spelman and Emily Fischbach are site coodinators and tax preparers who set up sites in order to help residents on their returns. They are both students at the University of Toledo, majoring in accounting. Their volunteer time is an intership for them both. “It helps me in my classes,” Fischbach said. “It’s different than doing taxes behind a desk.” To make an appointment or lo-

cate a site, dial 211 or 800-650-HELP (4357). For more information, go to As another alternative for the tax season, United Way of Greater Toledo is offering free classes to teach people how to prepare their taxes. An IRS-certified volunteer will teach the basics and answer questions to help residents complete returns. The three-hour classes will run through April at the Locke, Mott and Sanger branch libraries. For more information on times and dates, contact United Way. Another option for free tax preparation is The Ohio Benefit Bank (OBB). The online system offers selfserve tax preparation as well as the option to sit down with a tax counselor. The “expert system makes accurate calculations and asks the right questions to find the most income deductions and tax credits for you,” according to its website. OBB is available to individuals with adjusted gross incomes of less than $65,000, or married couples with an adjusted gross income of $95,000 or less. Some tax forms and some situations, such as business owners, may not be able to be served by OBB. To make an appointment or find out if you are eligible, call (800) 6481176 or visit O


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February 22, 2015





f all the obstacles to economic growth, uncertainty is undoubtedly the most hindering. Uncertainty about policy, prices, armed conflict, even weather — the more uncertainty that exists in an economic

Business Link

A Toledo tradition since 2005

system, the worse it is for growth. When uncertainty is prevalent, business leaders can’t make decisions based on reliable forecasts. In some instances they can’t depend on consistent government policy (as is the case

today); other times they can’t know whether they have dependable sources of natural resources. All of these things dictate the framework within which businesses and their leaders must operate, and a shaky framework prevents

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leaders from having the confidence Obama’s plan or Hillary Clinton’s would be the one on the table. they need to grow. After the 2008 presidential elecConsider Obamacare as one extion, business leaders had ample. Like the concept to wonder if Obama’s plan or not, the Affordable would be passed. After pasCare Act has probsage, there were doubts as to ably been the single whether the Supreme Court worst-handled piece of would uphold the new law. American legislation in These steps have introthe past half-century. duced another layer of unIt has also been one of certainty that has impacted the most far-reaching, business leaders’ thinking. directly impacting more Many have been frozen with than 15 percent of the U.S. economy along with Dock David TREECE indecision about whether to expand, to hire or fire, since every major employer. Democratic-led health care reform no one knows what another employee (post-Bill Clinton presidency) was first might cost six months after hiring. And now, after all the uncertainty floated as a concept during the 2008 primaries, but business leaders were is finally subsiding, Congress is genunsure whether it would be pursued. erating a new debate on whether to They were also unsure whether Barack repeal Obamacare entirely. Business leaders aren’t the only ones impacted. Individuals also have greater trouble making decisions. For instance, people can’t necessarily depend on a job to remain available indefinitely, or even know if a company will survive a future downturn as the Don’t miss the fun result of changing circumstances. and education at Traders and investors are similarly Woodcraft of Toledo! paralyzed because they’re left clueless as to what demand will look like in six months. It’s totally unknown what commodity prices will be, let alone what the March 7 • 1 - 2 p.m. geopolitical landscape will look like. Demo: Along with uncertainty, leverage Relief Carving and illiquidity comprise the three bigMarch 14 gest threats for any developed economy. Today in the U.S., there’s far too much 9:30 - 11 a.m. leverage and far too little liquidity. Demo: Dennis & Margin debt is at the highest levels on Les Workshop: record while at the same time market WoodRiver® liquidity is extremely low because (1) Scrub Plane most investors, thinking the market is going to continue higher indefinitely, March 14 are fully invested and (2) most major 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. banks have backed out of trading, Demo: making it less likely they’ll prop up the Chip Carving market in another downturn. The end result is that, should market March 14 • 1 - 2 p.m. sentiment change quickly, financial marDemo: kets are going to suffer major moves Table Saw Safety lower. When increased levels of uncerMarch 21 • 1 - 2 p.m. tainty, leverage and illiquidity exist all at Demo: Upcycling – the same time, there’s no such thing as small moves down. O Bird House


5311 Airport Hwy. Toledo, OH 43615


Dock David Treece is a partner with Treece Investment Advisory Corp (www. and is licensed with FINRA through Treece Financial Services Corp. He provides expert content to numerous media outlets. The above information is the express opinion of Dock David Treece and should not be construed as investment advice or used without outside verification.

10 Business Link

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 22, 2015

By Joel Sensenig Toledo Free Press Managing Editor

Toledoans have been ordering Pat Giammarco’s food into their own homes for more than 30 years. Starting Feb. 23, they’ll be able to eat his food in his Downtown establishment, as M Osteria & Bar opens its doors at 611 Monroe St. Pasquale “Pat” Giammarco, who founded Marco’s Pizza in Toledo in 1978, bought the 135-year-old building about three years ago and has slowly been renovating it since. Last year, he started talking with Robert Croak — a staple in the Toledo bar and restaurant scene for 25 years — and hired him as M Osteria’s director of operations, in charge of branding, entertainment and overall concept. “Osteria” is an Italian term that is loosely defined as a smaller restaurant with an emphasis on its short menu and fine wines. “To us, it means a hangout,” Croak said. “A cool, smaller place where friends and family can hang out and eat. That’s really it.” M Osteria will be an Italian bistro on the first floor, with a lounge space upstairs often featuring a DJ. “It will be for the little more high-end crowd where they can bring their date and have a nice night,” Croak said of the lounge. “A place you can get a table and enjoy some really nice wines and craft beers, and just really have a great experience and night out. “Toledo is primarily sports bars right now and the lounge atmosphere has gone away for quite some time, so we’re just trying to bring something back to give people who want to dress up a place to go on a weekend night where they can just feel good about themselves and really go out and have a good time.” Downstairs, the main emphasis will be on the kitchen. Toledoan Justin Thomas will be the head chef, with a culinary team that will include its own baker and pasta maker. “The food is the most important part,” Croak said. “A lot of people build nice places but they don’t focus on really high-quality food. For us, it’s about high-quality ingredients and just doing really great stuff. “Obviously with Pat’s history in pizza in the city of Toledo, we have someone with 30 years of experience making great pizza. We’re focusing on pizza but also a lot of great

To us, [the Italian word Osteria] means a hangout. A cool, smaller place where friends and family can hang out and eat. That’s really it.” — Robert Croak M Osteria & Bar director of operations

Italian items. People should plan to see homemade breads, homemade pastas, homemade arancini and just a lot of really great items that there will be a lot of care put into.” M Osteria & Bar’s menu includes soups and salads, antipasti, paninis, burgers, artisan pizzas, entrees, pastas and sides. Appetizers range in price from $5 to $16, sandwiches in the $9-$12 range, pizzas (available hand-tossed or thin) $12-$16 and entrees $15-$25. Sides are all $6. Pizza toppings include: Old World pepperoni, chicken, arugula, prosciutto, garlic spinach, roasted peppers, baby artichokes, roasted garlic, Italian sausage, roasted wild mushrooms, roasted tomatoes and lamb meatballs. The business is located on the northern edge of Downtown’s Warehouse District, on Monroe Street between Erie and Huron streets. Across the street from Table Forty4, it sits in the middle of the block bookended by The Blarney


M Osteria set to bring bit of Italy Downtown


M Osteria & Bar on monroe street will offer an italian bistro on the first floor and a lounge upstairs.

Irish Pub and the upcoming Black Cloister Brewing Company, set to open in March. “We think the location is fantastic. Obviously this corridor is doing great and we feel that we add something a little different to the area. For us, it’s great to be able to play off the other [businesses], while still not competing with them necessarily. For us, it’s just a really nice fit in the neighborhood, and we’ve been really well received.” The business will employ about 30 individuals, with the hiring process still ongoing. Hours will be 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Friday, Saturday and special-event nights and closed Sundays. O




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Local restaurants join fight to help house homeless veterans.

DinE 419

VFW Post 2898 Toledo

Proud Sponsor of


to benefit Veterans Matter

12 Dine 419

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 22, 2015

February 22, 2015

Dine 419 13

A Toledo tradition since 2005


In the years following his discharge from the U.S. Army, Gregory Johnson’s life turned into a war zone of its own. Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, Johnson, 27, did his best to integrate back into his life in Toledo after serving 2006-09. However, he encountered one devastating setback after another: He lost his job, his marriage crumbled, his three children were placed into foster care, he was shot and robbed, he was in an accident, his house was condemned and he was suddenly homeless. Johnson’s days were filled with tears and extreme apathy, not wanting to work, and not really able to due to his mental state. “At one point, I was so depressed I tried to commit suicide, because I couldn’t be around my kids,” Johnson said. “I wanted to do it, but I didn’t. Instead, I reached out to the veterans suicide line.” Desperately needing a place to stay, Johnson had no money and depended on food stamps to live. It was then that he turned to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), where he was connected with Veterans Matter, a national charity founded and still based in the Glass City. Ken Leslie, of Toledo, started the group in 2012 with a simple mission: Help house homeless veterans. “I really didn’t want anyone knowing I was homeless,” Johnson said. “If it wasn’t for Ken and Veterans Matter reaching out to me, I don’t know what I’d do.” Dine 419, a new weeklong restaurant fundraising event taking place Feb. 23-March 1, will provide assistance to Veterans Matter. Several area restaurants are participating in the event, with a portion of their proceeds going to help veterans like Johnson.

Veterans Matter

Today there are nearly 50,000 homeless veterans nationwide, many of whom qualify for voucher-assisted living provided by the U.S. government. However, they often lack the initial rental deposits necessary to secure their housing. Veterans Matters steps in to raise money and work directly with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the VA to ensure funds go straight to landlords for the vets in need. Veterans Matter has dramatically accelerated the time it takes to help homeless veterans.


Local effort helping homeless veterans know they matter Dine 419 is a perfect example of this, because everybody knows exactly what the money does.”

More than a home

While Johnson is only permitted to see his three children for one hour per week, he believes that having his own home improves the odds of those visitation hours increasing. His children’s two mothers are not as fortunate. “I am the only one out of the three parents who has a place of my own,” Johnson said. “The others are staying either with family members or friends. Since I have my own place, that helps me out.” Veterans Matter made Johnson’s dream come true when he moved into his home near the Old West End along Bancroft Street in August 2014. “When I met Ken, I told him, ‘I wanted to thank you face to face, because I didn’t have the money,’” Johnson said. “Now I can do whatever I want because it’s my house. [Leslie’s] been there as a mentor and a friend. The only thing he asks is that I pay it forward.” n

Veterans Matter Founder Ken Leslie, left, with Veteran Gregory Johnson at Johnson’s home in Toledo.

“Prior to Veterans Matter, in Lucas County, it took us 137 days from the time that we admitted a veteran into VA-supported housing to the time that we were able to lease the veteran up in his/her apartment/house,” said Shawn Dowling, a coordinator for VA Healthcare for Homeless Veterans. “Today it takes us an average of 34 days. Having quick and easy access to deposits allows us to secure these funds in approximately 10 minutes. If we did not have Veterans Matter, we would need to take veterans around to different organizations where they would fill out applications for review, which can take up to 14 business days.” Veterans Matter connects local communities, foundations, corporations and veterans groups with HUD and VA to move homeless vets off the streets and into permanent, supported housing. Once housed, services are lined up to help veterans and their families recapture their lives and return to domestic autonomy. “I do street level outreach with a group of homeless advocates in Toledo — this is how I met Ken,” Dowling said. “Ken created Veterans Matter after a conversation that we had in respect to the needs of homeless veterans in Northwest Ohio.”

ProMedica, celebrity help

Leslie obtained initial support from musician John Mellencamp

during a 2007 concert stop in Toledo. Mellencamp visited Leslie’s Tent City, which raises awareness of homelessness and helps connect those in need with services. The event first took place in 1990 in Downtown Toledo. Word of mouth spread to others in the music and entertainment industry. By the time he founded Veterans Matter, Leslie had connections with PETEE celebrities and their financial support, including Susan Sarandon, Katy Perry, Kid Rock, Ice-T, Stevie Nicks and Willie Nelson, among others. “John [Mellencamp] talked about us on the stage, and said that [homelessness] really does matter,” Leslie said. “As far as the other celebrities, they keep hearing about it. People all over the country are supporting it because we do it well, and we do it fast.” Locally, ProMedica helped kickstart Veterans Matter by donating $26,000 to Leslie’s group in 2012, and giving 35 local landlords $750 each to house local veterans. Since then, ProMedica has given further funding totaling near $50,000, all for the Toledo Community Foundation’s ProMedica Advocacy Fund.

“Part of what we believe we’re called to do is to ensure we’re meeting the social needs of our community,” said Barb Petee, ProMedica chief advocacy and government relations officer. “When Ken Leslie approached me about the difficulties that veterans are facing, it goes hand-inhand with those food, clothing and shelter needs. It really was a community collaboration. It has grown far beyond Toledo, and has given awareness to the issue.” Leslie originally started Veterans Matter because he saw a small local problem that left veterans with nowhere to live. He quickly discovered that the small problem in Toledo was truly a national problem, and chapters have since started all over America. ProMedica considers Veterans Matter to be a perfect fit with the community and moral issues it supports. “We really want to be supportive, so they can be productive citizens in our community, and focus on wellness issues,” Petee said. “It makes sense from a moral standpoint, and from a community standpoint, and from a health industry standpoint, to help individuals address their needs.” Leslie believes the concept works because it’s straightforward. “It’s so simple,” Leslie said. “It’s like everything else in life: If you’re doing something good, people want to help.

Paying it forward

Johnson is hoping to pay it through education and music. He has already started some course work at University of Toledo, but plans to transfer to Florida A&M later this year, into the same program that once educated former Scott High School band director Gus Walker. “I want to bring the history and tradition and style back to Scott, the way it used to be,” Johnson said. “I want to come back to Toledo and be the band director, because it gave me an outlet when I was younger. It gave me a sense of pride and direction. I want to stop [the kids] before they get to the street gangs, and give back to the kids. And I want to incorporate that discipline from when I was in the military.” Johnson loved serving in the military, and was stationed in Germany and Iraq, but also visited places about which most only dream: Czech Republic, Italy, France and even sister city Toledo, Spain. Although Johnson believes he’s headed in the right direction, he still has his struggles, such as needing a reliable car for his on-again, offagain factory job in Bowling Green. Yet, despite his trials, he’s thankful for everything. “I want to help as much as I can,” Johnson said. “I want to break that generational curse for my kids and create something positive. I give God the glory, the honor and the praise. And, I don’t complain.” O

14 Dine 419 Featuring home-cooked Lebanese food made from scratch with authentic ingredients, The Beirut is a friendly gathering spot, said co-owner Labib Hajjar — energetic and eclectic in décor, including unique wall hangings and Middle Eastern music. Wines from around the globe are available. Carry-out is available as well as catering. Hajjar also owns Byblos and Hajjar’s son, Elias Hajjar, operates Poco Piatti, both also Dine 419 restaurants. O Hours: 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday-Saturday, closed Sunday.

Special Menu O Appetizers (choose one to share): Four potato latkes, six Blarney Stones or black and bleu chips O Entrées (choose one full entrée each): corned beef or turkey Reuben, Monte Cristo, grilled or fried chicken club, two-piece fish and chips

The Beirut

4082 Monroe St., Toledo (419) 473-0885

The Blarney Irish Pub 601 Monroe St., Toledo (419) 418-2339

Located across from the Stranahan Theater, The Black Pearl offers a casual yet upscale dining experience perfect for catching a meal before a show, said general manager Brad Holler. The menu features a diverse variety of quality, affordable dishes, including fresh seafood, prime rib, poultry and pasta as well as weekly specials and a wine list, Holler said. Catering and a private room is available. O Hours: 3:30-9 p.m. Monday, 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. TuesdayWednesday and Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. ThursdaySaturday.

February 22, 2015

A Toledo tradition since 2005

O Dessert (choose one to share): Two fried pretzel sticks with white chocolate and raspberry sauce, homemade Bailey’s Irish Cream cheesecake

Special Menu O Petite cut prime rib, $17.99 O Chicken Alfredo, $12.99 O Tilapia Veracruz, $13.99 O Ruth’s Sirloin, $16.99 O Jumbo Shrimp, $15.99

The Black Pearl

4630 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo (419) 380-1616

O The Black Pearl (prime rib blackened and smothered in au jus, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, garlic, and peppercorns), $18.99 O Enjoy any of our delicious desserts for only, $3.99

Featuring 24 beers on tap, a full liquor selection and live music Thursday through Saturday, “you’re only a stranger once” at The Blarney, a laid-back but lively Downtown pub featuring décor imported from Ireland. Owner Ed Beczynski said people can get a beer anywhere, so he wants The Blarney to stand out. “I just want people, when they leave, to say ‘I had a great time,’” he said. O Hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday-Wednesday (kitchen until 10 p.m.), 11-1 a.m. Thursday (kitchen until 11 p.m.), 11-2:30 a.m. Friday-Saturday (kitchen until midnight), open Sunday on Downtown event nights.

Come check out our Amazing Bar & American Bistro Cuisine Live Entertainment Thursday-Saturday

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February 22, 2015

Dine 419 15

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Burger Bar 419

4400 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo / (419) 724-5844 5215 Monroe St., Toledo / (419) 724-7901

Special Menu Burgers (half pound fresh, locally ground beef plus choice of side), $10

Burger Bar 419 offers “comfort food with style” at its two locations, featuring its popular and unique layered burgers. Following a mantra of simple, fresh and delicious, co-owners Moussa Salloukh and Tony House strive to keep things local, displaying local artwork and offering homemade, handcrafted and locally grown menu items, including vegetarian options. “We’re just trying to keep everything here in Toledo,” Salloukh said. “We’re all about the food and the 419.” O Hours: Opens 11:30 a.m. MondaySunday.

O Three Little Pigs O Slamon Salmon O Mother & Child O Cheese Pig O Bovine in Black O Atomic Dog O Bolognius Assault O Stallion

Forrester’s on the River 26 Main St., Toledo (419) 691-2626

Byblos is a family-owned restaurant that opened its doors in 1989. It strives to offer wonderful food and friendly, consistent service in a cozy atmosphere. Byblos specializes in authentic Lebanese food and its unique version of Italian specialties. From its famous Shish Tawook and Kibbi Nayee to juicy steaks and mouth-watering pizza, there is something on the menu for everyone. Byblos’ private room seats up to 35 and is perfect for a business meeting or rehearsal dinner. O Hours: 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday, 5-11 p.m. Saturday, closed Sunday.

Forrester’s on the River offers a comfortably upscale dining environment, with fantastic views of the Downtown Toledo skyline throughout the year. The restaurant features a mix of seafood, chicken, skewers and aged and hand-cut steak entrees, as well as a children’s menu. Tuesdays from 5-7:30 p.m., Forrester’s features wine tastings inside Paige’s Wine Bar. Five to six wines are featured each week, along with tapas-style appetizers. Forrester’s also includes CJ’s Terrace, a ballroom seating up to 300 people for business meetings, rehearsal dinners, bridal parties, wedding ceremonies and more. O Hours: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. MondayThursday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. FridaySaturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday.


1050 S. Reynolds Road, Toledo (419) 382-1600

Help support Veterans Matter by visiting one of our 9 Toledo locations.

Toledo Free Press has teamed up with Veterans Matter, a local charity focused on housing homeless veterans, to help house as many veterans as we can.

• 90 Main St. •1225 Collingwood Blvd. • 1520 Cherry St. • 36 N. Reynolds Road • 3008 Monroe St.

• 5210 N. Summit St. • 1727 W. Laskey Road • 1405 S. Byrne Road • 1560 E. Alexis Road

For a limited time. Prices and participation may vary. Price of single item posted on menu board. ©2015 McDonald’s.

16 Dine 419

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 22, 2015

Hollywood Casino Toledo Hollywood Casino Toledo’s Final Cut Steak & Seafood offers panoramic views of the Maumee River through its floor-to-ceiling windows and an experience that is luxurious but not pretentious, said Food and Beverage Director Stephen Greer. The venue offers an array of prime steaks, including American Wagyu, seasonal fresh seafood and an extensive list of wines and signature cocktails. Final Cut earned a four-star rating from Forbes Travel Guide for 2013 and 2014 — the only restaurant in Ohio, Michigan or Indiana to receive that distinction both years. O Hours: 5-10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, 5-11 p.m. Friday-Saturday

Enjoy entertainment in an upscale lounge and sports bar located in the heart of the casino and just steps away from the gaming action. It’s the perfect spot for classic cocktails and delicious food, both served with our signature red-carpet service. Scene also boasts Toledo’s largest selection of beer on tap. Come to Scene for game day or meet up with friends for a memorable night — Hollywood style. O

Special Menu O 6-ounce Wagyu ribeye, smoked ricotta risotto, brown-buttered wild mushrooms and maple bordelaise

Final Cut Steak & Seafood 1968 Miami St., Toledo (419) 661-5381


1968 Miami St., Toledo (419) 661-5388

Special Menu

Hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, 11 a.m. to midnight Friday-Saturday

O Slow-roasted bone-in beef short rib with pan jus sauce, creamy Golden Yukon mashed potatoes, and butter sautéed Broccolini

Special Menu O Barbecue chicken-fried steak sandwich (seasoned breaded beef steak deep-fried golden brown, tossed in awardwinning Hollywood barbecue sauce, placed on a toasted brioche bun and finished with chipotle mayo, crispy fried onions, lettuce, tomato, pickle and American cheese).

Take 2 Grill

1968 Miami St., Toledo

Whether you’re hungry for a sandwich hot off the grill, a mouthwatering burger or a delicious pizza, this is your grab and go one stop shop for a quick bite to eat. Take 2 Grill offers a variety of choices to satisfy your 24/7 cravings. O Hours: Open 24/7

26 Main Street at The Docks Toledo, Ohio 43615 419-691-2626 •

February 22, 2015

tly rec the ter i d a ed from The t a s c s n Lo cro aha a an r St

Black Pearl

Specializing in Prime Rib & The Freshest Seafood

Appetizers • Salads

4630 Heatherdowns

Pastas • Sandwiches

Desserts • Full Bar

PROOF (across from the Stranahan)



Great Wine List

Olde CoCk n’ Bull Tavern

Da Happ ily y H 3-7 our Your First p.m . e choic Before, After and During every Mud Hens game

open 7 daYs 34 Beers on tap

9 North Huron

Great Food … Full Bar … Live Music

Located on the corner of Washington & Huron

Dine 419 17

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Now opeN

3 p.m. moN.–Fri. NooN Sat. & SuN.

Jed’s Barbeque & Brew is a sports bar with plenty of televisions to watch the game, as well as a large selection of beverages. Known for its variety of Fireballs, Jed's also offers burgers, pizzas, hot dogs, subs, wraps, sandwiches and a kids’ menu. “Name that Tune” is offered live every Wednesday evening, with a patio and sand volleyball courts available for the warmer months ahead. Daily specials are offered on menu items. O

Special Menu O All Fireballs

Jed’s Barbeque & Brew

Hours: 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. every day (kitchen open until 11 p.m.)

855 S. Holland-Sylvania Road, Toledo (419) 868-6666

The Rib Cage has been in business for 30-plus years, but is known by customers as Maumee’s best-kept secret because of its location. Jim and Kathy Shull have owned the restaurant since June 2009. In April 2014, the décor in the dining room was redesigned from floor to ceiling with plans to add a patio in the spring. The baby back ribs are cooked for four hours then finished off in the eatery’s own barbecue sauce. Steaks are USDA choice and hand-cut when ordered. Prime rib is served the second and fourth weekend of every month. The seafood selection includes frog legs, perch and shrimp prepared several different ways. Soups and appetizers are made fresh in house, not shipped in frozen. There is also a rewards program for customers where they can take $10 off their bill and receive

Special Menu O Barbecue baby back ribs (full rack $23/half rack $17), served with dinner starter and starch O Chicken and ribs: Barbecue ribs with a baked barbecue chicken breast, $19

Jim Shull’s Rib Cage 144 Chesterfield Lane, Maumee (419) 893-6966

O Shrimp and ribs: Barbecue ribs with deep fried shrimp, $20

PROOF discounts for their birthday and anniversary. Rewards customers receive emails for weekly specials, which usually start on Mondays and

GOOD FLippin’ BurGers!

run throughout the week until sold out. O Hours: 4-10 p.m. Monday-Saturday

The Place for Italian Food

2 for $20

Dinner special

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601 Monroe

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(Corner Of Key)

Open 7 days a week for dinner at 4 p.m. Happy Hour 7 days a week from 4-7 p.m.

5375 Airport Hwy., Toledo, OH 43615 419-381-2100 »

18 Dine 419

A Toledo tradition since 2005

La Scola Italian Grill

Special Menu

5375 Airport Hwy., Toledo (419) 381-2100

With its elegant, amber-lit interior, extensive wine list and gourmet Italian cuisine, La Scola is “a place to get away from it all,” said Moussa Salloukh, who co-owns the eatery with Gus Nicolaidis. A lounge area, perfect for appetizers, features leather couches and black and white photos depicting Toledo history. “I’ve had people come in from New York, from all over, and say it’s the best Italian they’ve ever had,” Salloukh said. “It’s big-city food and a big-city atmosphere here in Toledo.” O Hours: 5-9 p.m. SundayMonday, 5-10 p.m. TuesdayThursday, 4-11 p.m. FridaySaturday

February 22, 2015

O Grilled and Crispy Chicken Deluxe sandwiches

Special Menu All entrées served with house salad and warm bread. O Lasagna, $15.99 O La Scola Trio, $16.99 O Tuscan chicken, $17.99 O Chicken Cacciatore, $15.99 O Parmigiana: Eggplant $14.99, Chicken $16.99, Veal $24 O Baked spaghetti, $14.99 O Shrimp Marsala, $21.99 O Seafood portofino, $21.99 O San Marzano pasta, $17.99

McDonald’s 90 Main St. 1225 Collingwood Blvd. 1520 Cherry St. 36 N. Reynolds Road 3008 Monroe St. 5210 N. Summit St. 1727 W. Laskey Road 1405 S. Byrne Road 1560 E. Alexis Road

Included in the Dine 419 promotion at nine Toledo restaurants owned and operated by Jon Harris are grilled or crispy chicken sandwiches, from which a portion of proceeds will benefit Veterans Matter. “We’re happy to support Veterans Matter and the Dine 419 program in our nine Toledo McDonald’s restaurants,” Harris said. “We truly believe in helping our country’s heroes, and are committed to helping Veterans secure housing by providing employment opportunities and supporting them in our community.” O Hours: Vary by location


(419) 473-0885

(419) 382-1600

(419) 931-0281

February 22, 2015

Dine 419 19

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Poco Piatti

Table Forty4 offers great food, excellent service and a comfortable, casual atmosphere at affordable prices. Located in Downtown Toledo’s Entertainment District, steps from Fifth Third Field, Huntington Center and Seagate Centre, Table Forty4 is the perfect place to relax before or after a game, concert or event. The dining area is warm and inviting, food is king, and generously sized signature appetizers, salads, sandwiches and main dishes cater to every palate. Live musical entertainment is offered every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening. O

At Levis Commons, 3155 Chappel Drive, Perrysburg (419) 931-0281 Diners can take a journey through the Mediterranean without leaving Northwest Ohio at this warm, welcoming, upscale casual eatery featuring plenty of health-conscious and heart-healthy dishes, said owner Elias Hajjar. Featuring Lebanese, Italian and Greek food, Poco Piatti means “small plates” in Italian and refers to the communal tradition of sharing dishes around the table with everyone trying a little of each one. O

Special Menu O Fire-roasted bruschetta (roasted tomato blend, grated parmesan, and fresh basil, drizzled with a balsamic glaze), $7.95 O Peanut butter bacon burger (Two 4 ounce beef patties, cheddar cheese, bacon and crunchy peanut butter served on a brioche bun), $9.95

Table Forty4 610 Monroe St., Toledo (419) 725-0044

Hours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday-Saturday (kitchen closes at 11 p.m.), closed Sunday

Hours: 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, 11:30-10:30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, noon to 9 p.m. Sunday.


Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull

Includes Early 6pm Entry with Special Brews

9 N. Huron St., Toledo (419) 244-BULL (2855)

Special Menu O Classic Pub Burger, $7.99 O The Downtowner, $7.99 O Black Bean Burger, $5.99

Join the Glass City in this 9th annual event to enjoy

fine beer, good food and great music!

O Chicken rigatoni (grilled chicken tossed with rigatoni in our homemade pesto cream sauce, served with garlic bread), $14.95

Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull Tavern is a casual pub with a covered patio facing the home plate gate at Fifth Third Field. The eatery features daily specials and regular live entertainment. “It’s the perfect rain-or-shine spot to sample the 34 draught beer choices, enjoy a crisp salad or hearty sandwich or for just plain people-watching,” said owner Jim Mettler. “I wanted a name that was quirky, urban and fun. You see a name like that and you know what you’re getting into. It’s going to be a fun, friendly place.” O Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. MondayFriday, noon to 2 a.m. SaturdaySunday

Premium Comedy, Great Food and the Best in Live Music Ask About vIP seAting

WHEN: Fri., March 6, 2015 from 7 – 11pm WHERE: Lucas County Rec. Center, Hall 2 COST: $30 in advance, $35 at the door, $50 VIP tickets in advance, $55 at the door

Get your tickets now – Shows will sell out!

(limited availability!)

Tickets include twelve 3 oz. pours. VIP tickets include eighteen 3 oz. pours. Additional tastes are $1 each. Food will be sold separately. Live music by 56Daze.


Buy tickets at The Andersons or call 419-724-BREW for details. Beer Vendors: Great Black Swamp Arbor Brewing Great Lakes Brewing Co. Atwater Left Hand Black Cloister Brewing Maumee Bay Brewing Black Frog Brewing New Belgium Catawba Island Brewing Co. Rivertown Brewing Co Flat Rock Brewing Sugar Ridge Frankenmuth Brewing Thirsty Dog

Distributors: Cavalier Heidelberg Northwest Ohio Beverage Co. Treu House and many other favorites...

The Northwest Ohio Hemophilia Foundation and Camp Courageous & The Arc of Northwest Ohio

Levis Commons Perrysburg, OH

419-931-3474 2015 Glass City Beer Fest


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Feb. 22, 2015

Ben Bussell, Josh “The Reverend” Peyton and Breezy Peyton of The Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band. PHOTO COURTESY Conqueroo

Hop on board

The Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band rumbles into Frankie’s March 1. of insane and off the rails because the way the song is — it’s about adventure, it’s supposed to be exciting. I Toledo Free Press Staff Writer wanted it to feel like a train that was literally about to come off the tracks,” op aboard! The Reverend Peyton said of “Let’s Jump a Train.” Expect an explosion of sound on the Peyton’s Big Damn Band extends an invitation on the trio’s fifth disc, “So Delicious!” Peyton is the engineer, his fingerpicking sixopening track of its new disc: “Let’s go everywhere, let’s do every- string assault driving the raucous oldthing/ Let’s raise a sail, let’s jump a timey music. “The beginning of American train,” Peyton encourages over electrifying guitar playing that sounds music is the country-blues,” the like a runaway locomotive rocketing singer-songwriter said. “And the people that played that music at the down the line. “Because it’s just one guitar, it very beginning, they played finger3661 Devers_Collision_TFP95_Layout 1 8/30/12 1:28 PM Page 1 makes it seem that much more kind style guitar, where they’re playing By Vicki L. Kroll


the bass with their thumb as they’re playing the melody with their fingers. “When I first heard someone do that, it just absolutely blew my mind as a kid. I thought it was the most amazing thing I’d ever heard, and I became obsessed with it — and still am.” Fueled by that fascination, Peyton and his band — wife and washboard player Breezy Peyton and drummer Ben Bussell — are spreading their punkified country-blues gospel. “I think the best way to keep music genres that have a heritage alive is just make good music,” he said during a call from his home in Brown County, Indiana. “That’s the hope that we can

take this stuff and bring it out of the museums and into people’s lives and do so by making music that matters now and that feels good to people.” Fans are listening. “The Whole Fam Damnily” entered the Billboard Blues Album chart at No. 4 in 2008. “The Wages” with the hit “Clap Your Hands” came in at No. 2 in 2010 as did 2012’s “Between the Ditches.” “Music is like a religious experience for me. I’m so relentless and obsessed with it, passionate about it, that it’s hard for me to even describe it,” Peyton said. “I’m like a little kid about it. And I kind of feel like that’s the way to approach

music. I think it’s almost better to be like a little kid about it. “Little kids, they don’t think about it too much; they sort of just feel music. Little kids aren’t afraid to dance, and they’re not afraid to sing along, and they’re not afraid to clap along. They don’t care about what other people think. There’s no guilty pleasures for little kids; they like what they like.” The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band will play at 7 p.m. March 1 at Frankie’s Inner City, 138 Main St. Andrew Ellis and the Ben Stalets Band will open. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. O


February 22, 2015

Star 21

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Master of suspense Dirk Manning brings new volume of ‘Mr. Rhee’ to Kickstarter. By Jeff McGinnis Toledo Free Press Pop Culture Editor

It’s a good thing that horror/comic book writer Dirk Manning is a master of the unexpected. He’s faced a good deal of it in the past few weeks — but all of it has been of the decidedly joyful variety. It was just two weeks ago when Manning launched his latest effort on Kickstarter, a fundraiser to create a second graphic novel of his popular comic series “The Tales of Mr. Rhee,” published through Devil’s Due Entertainment. “‘Tales of Mr. Rhee’ is a series about a paranormal troubleshooter,” Manning said in an interview with Toledo Free Press. “He lives in a world after the armageddon/rapture has happened, and society has rebuilt. Everything is seemingly back to normal. But Mr. Rhee is a character who knows there are still monsters left. Society chooses to kind of ignore that fact ... or chooses not to believe that. Until something comes up, and then you need a guy like Mr. Rhee to come in and kind of clean up the mess.” Manning has made a name for himself with these kinds of macabre tales for years now, whether it be his wildly pop-

ular anthology horror series “Nightmare World,” his stint writing the origin of the flying monkeys in the comic series “Legends of Oz: Wicked West,” his horror/romance compilation “Love Stories to Die For” and much more. He sees Rhee’s adventures, especially this second volume, subtitled “Karmageddon,” as something that draws from his experiences with all his work. “With ‘Tales of Mr. Rhee,’ I guess we have a combination of everything I’ve done so far. We have the very strong world-building of ‘Nightmare World,’ combined with long-form character development, as it relates to Mr. Rhee. “‘Karmageddon’ is actually a sequel and a prequel to the first volume. ‘Karmageddon’ does start with a look at where Mr. Rhee is now, after the cliffhanger ending of Vol. 1. We do touch on, OK, how do we get out of that mess? But then the rest of the story is largely about what Mr. Rhee did during the three days of the armageddon. So the main story is actually a prequel story.” But creating a deluxe, special edition of a work can be expensive, even for an author with a loyal fan base. So about a year ago, Manning turned to Kickstarter in an effort to produce a hardcover collection of the first

volume of “Rhee,” a campaign that succeeded with room to spare. “One of the things I wanted to do is offer readers ... a chance to have a deluxe edition of the book, and get some really cool extras on the side. And Kickstarter allows you to do that,” Manning said. That philosophy has carried over into this most recent fundraiser, as Manning aimed to bring readers a special hardcover edition of “Karmageddon,” while still producing a paperback edition to be sold in comic shops. In addition, though, fans who invested a little more could get some unusual gifts. “And that’s the thing that’s really cool to be able to do for people who are really into the series, to get this cool, exclusive edition of the book, with all these exclusive extras. “We also did something with this edition of the campaign we didn’t do last time. People can actually buy their way into Vol. 3 as a main character for a full issue, they can be killed in one of the issues or have a cameo role. And that’s the highest honor, for a horror fan that’s the highest honor, to be killed in a book.” The end result has been more successful than Manning could have ever

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Dirk Manning has published titles such as “Nightmare World” and “The Tales of Mr. Rhee.” PHOTO COURTESY DIRK MANNING

dreamed, thanks to fans who have congregated on a Facebook group called “The F(r)iends of Dirk Manning Support Group” and elsewhere. “Between that and then just assembling a good, old-fashioned mailing list ­— I go to all these shows, I get myself a binder, a tablet or whatever, they can just write in their email — and I started my mailing list right before the campaign started, a couple thousand people, and this very dedicated group on Facebook. “And what happened is, when we launched the campaign, it’s just nuts, man,” he said. “We had a goal of $6,666. We surpassed that goal in under eight hours, which is wild, man. I’m just blown away.” Manning’s F(r)iends were not done, either. After another push to garner donations before Feb. 13 — Friday the 13th, naturally — the total donated stands at well over $13,000, with two weeks left.

Manning is not slowing down in the weeks to come, either. He has tons of appearances at conventions booked in the coming days, from Great Lakes ComicCon in Warren, Michigan, on Feb. 28 to Animarathon XIII at Bowling Green State University on March 21. He also has signed a deal for a second volume of his guide to writers, “Write or Wrong.” But for longtime fans of Manning’s work, the most exciting news may be the culmination and climax of one of his most popular works — one which he teases as only a master of suspense can. “There’s this other franchise book I have, that has three volumes out there, and people have been begging for a fourth and final volume for a while,” Manning said. “And if this Kickstarter continues to do as well as it is, I see no reason why we can’t, at long last, bring it home.” For more information on the “Tales of Mr. Rhee” fundraiser, visit the Kickstarter page at: O




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22 Star

February 22, 2015

A Toledo tradition since 2005

((((((((((((( THE PULSE

february 20-28, 2015

What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.


Bar 145º

$5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or ✯ Arctic Clam: 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Feb. 20. ✯ The Menus: 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Feb. 21. ✯ Open Mic Night: 8-11 p.m. Feb. 22. ✯ Angel Tipping: 9 p.m. to midnight Feb. 25. ✯ Women’s Work Week Wind Down: 7-8:30 p.m. Feb. 26.

The Blarney Irish Pub

601 Monroe St. (419) 418-2339 or ✯ Remedy: Feb. 20. ✯ Joe Woods Trio: Feb. 21.

Bronze Boar

20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or ✯ Open mic with Steve Finelli and Oliver Roses: Mondays. ✯ Open mic and Steve Kennedy: Thursdays. ✯ Joe Woods Trio: Feb. 20. ✯ Stonehouse: Feb. 21.

Dégagé Jazz Café

301 River Road, Maumee. $5 weekends for cafe seating. (419) 794-8205 or ✯ Gene Parker: Tuesdays. ✯ Gene Parker: Wednesdays.

Doc Watson’s

1515 S. Byrne Road. (419) 389-6003 or ✯ Sporcle Live Trivia: Thursdays. ✯ Dan Stewart: 10 p.m. Feb. 20. ✯ Andrew Ellis: 10 p.m. Feb. 21.

Durty Bird

2 S. St. Clair St. (419) 243-2473 or ✯ The Jeff Stewart Band: 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Feb. 20.

✯ Twisting Tarantulas: 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Feb. 21. ✯ Straight Up: 7-10 p.m. Feb. 22. ✯ The New Mondays: 7-10 p.m. Feb. 23. ✯ Jason Quick Trio: 7-10 p.m. Feb. 24. ✯ Fish Fisher: 7-10 p.m. Feb. 25. ✯ Tim Oehlers & Steve Knurek: 7-10 p.m. Feb. 26.

Hollywood Casino Toledo



519 S. Reynolds Road. (419) 725-6277 or ✯ Jazzy Monday with The H-Factor Jazz Show: 6 p.m. to midnight: Mondays.

The Flying Joe

2130 Preston Parkway, Perrysburg. (419) 9310273 or ✯ Tom Eaveritt: 6-8 p.m. Feb. 21.

Forrester’s On The River

26 Main St. (419) 691-2626 or ✯ Wine Down Wednesday with The H-Factor Jazz Show: 6-10 p.m. Wednesdays.

Frankie’s Inner-City

308 Main St. (419) 693-5300 or www. ✯ machineheart and Wearebrothers: 9 p.m. Feb. 20. $7. ✯ Koffin Kats, BathHouseBetty, The Dugouts and Drop Dead Silhouette: 9:30 p.m. Feb. 21. $10. ✯ Caskey, Earlly Mac, Raine Wilder: 7 p.m. Feb. 22. French Quarter J. Patrick’s Pub

Live entertainment after 9:30 p.m. FridaysSaturdays. Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 874-3111 or ✯ The Late Show: Feb. 20. ✯ The Late Show: Feb. 21.

Glass City Cafe

1107 Jackson St. (419) 241-4519 or www. ✯ Acoustic Breakfast featuring Tim Oehlers, Steve Knurek and Nelson Overton II: 10 a.m. Feb. 21.

Come to The Blarney ... Go From There!

HAPPY HOUR Mon-Fri 4-7 pm Live 601 Monroe St. Entertainment Right Across from Fifth Third Field Thurs-Fri-Sat

The Hollywood Casino offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. ✯ The Chuck Taylors: 9 p.m. Feb. 20. ✯ Fu5ion: 9 p.m. Feb. 21. 128 Main Street. ✯ Christopher Salyer’s Birthday Bash with Midwest Tourist, Kid Grizzly, Kyle Tansel and Colour Rise: 9 p.m. Feb. 20. $7. ✯ Triple Threat Muzik presents: Pisce’s Birthday Bash with 1837 Ent, Luv Jones and Eddy Gardo: 9 p.m. Feb. 21. $7. ✯ Spence, Illumira, Singularity and Nuaudio: 7 p.m. Feb. 22. $10.

Jazz on the Maumee

5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Grand Plaza Hotel’s Aqua Lounge, 444 N. Summit St. $5-$15. (419) 241-1411 or ✯ Kyle Turner & Friends: 6-8:30 p.m. Feb. 25.

Name That Tune

✯ The Oarhouse, 5044 Suder Ave.: 8-10 p.m. Mondays and 6-8:30 p.m. Fridays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 6609 Airport Hwy.: 8-10 p.m. Tuesdays. ✯ Jed’s Barbeque and Brew, 855 S. HollandSylvania Road: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Pat & Dandy’s Sports Bar & Grill, 3344 W. Laskey Road: 9-11 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 5702 Monroe St.: 7-9 p.m. Thursdays.

One2 Lounge at Treo

Live music starts at 7:30 p.m. 5703 Main St., Sylvania. (419) 882-2266 or ✯ Stonehouse: Feb. 20. ✯ Old State Line: Feb. 21.

The Ottawa Tavern

1815 Adams St. (419) 725-5483 or www. ✯ Jojo Stella: Feb. 20. ✯ Mardi Gras with Jon Z and Michelle D.: Feb. 21. ✯ Runaway Brother, Heart Attack Man, Outside and Secret Space: Feb. 22.

Plate 21


Jeff McDonald’s group of musicians provides a peek into another era. ✯ Trotters Tavern, 5131 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 381-2079: 8 p.m. Tuesdays.

The Village Idiot

309 Conant St., Maumee. (419) 893-7281 or ✯ The House Band: Fridays. ✯ Dooley Wilson, Bob Rex and friends: Sundays. ✯ Frankie May and Associates: Mondays. ✯ John Barile & Bobby May: Tuesdays. ✯ Andrew Ellis: Wednesdays. ✯ The Nu-Tones: Feb. 20. ✯ The Devil Elvis Show: Feb. 21. ✯ Isaac “The Iceman” Snyder: Feb. 26.

Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull

9 N. Huron St. (419) 244-2855 or facebook. com/cocknbulltoledo. ✯ Danny Mettler hosts Open Mic Night: Wednesdays. ✯ Bobby May and John Barile followed by Distant Cousinz: Feb. 20. ✯ Distant Cousinz: Feb. 21. ✯ Tore Down Blues Jam Band: Feb. 22. ✯ Steve Kennedy: Feb. 24. ✯ Danny Mettler: Feb. 25. ✯ Captain Sweet Shoes: Feb. 26.


Eastwood Theater

The historic landmark is screening movies for $5. 817 East Broadway. Call (419) 720-5199 or visit ✯ “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1”: 6 p.m. Feb. 20, 7:15 p.m. Feb. 21 and 4 p.m. Feb. 22. ✯ “Exodus: Gods and Kings”: 8:45 p.m. Feb. 20, 9:40 p.m. Feb. 21 and 6:30 p.m. Feb. 22. ✯ February Free Family Flicks with “Finding Nemo”: 1:30 p.m. Feb. 21.

Thursday, Feb. 26th 3 more weeKS ’tiL St. PatricK’S DaY

Fish Fry

3664 Rugby Drive. (419) 85-2121. ✯ The Fritz Byers Band: 6-9 p.m. Feb. 26.

Chris Knopp

4:30-7 p.m. Feb. 20. New Hope Christian Church. 2457 Holloway Road. Holland. Adults are $9 and children younger than 10 are $4. For more information, call (419) 867-1535. Parent University Discovery Session

On behalf of Toledo Public Schools and Partners In Education, attendees can explore the opportunity of hosting a Parent University, which aim to equip families with skills to meet personal and academic needs of their children. To RSVP, email Jennifer Kephart at or call (419) 242-2122. ✯ Kent Branch Library, 3101 Collingwood Blvd. 11 a.m. to noon Feb. 24.

Toledo Stamp Expo 2015

This event will include a Harry Potter on Stamps exhibit and a kids’ table. Holland Gardens, 6530 Angola Road, Holland. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays Feb. 28 to March 1.

Toledo Walleye

Huntington Center. 500 Jefferson Ave. ✯ Walleye versus Cincinnati Cyclones with Deaf Awareness Night: 7:15 p.m. Feb. 20. ✯ Walleye versus Wheeling Nailers: 7:15 p.m. Feb. 21. ✯ Walleye versus Gwinnett Gladiator with a “Frozen” Princess Party with Anna and the Snow Queen!: 7:15 p.m. Feb. 21.

The Toledo Zoo

2700 Broadway St. $11-$14. (419) 385-4040 or ✯ Free-flight Butterfly Exhibit: Free with zoo admission. Open daily.

Valentine Theatre

400 N. Superior St. (419) 242-2787 or www. ✯ “Frindle”: 2 p.m. Feb. 22. ✯ “Frindle”: 10 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Feb. 23. If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt Liasse at

Premier Downtown event anD recePtion center

Friday, Feb. 27th

Toast & Jam

Saturday, Feb. 28th

New Fashioned


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8 am


Good Morning News Leading Dr. Beauty 21 DAY Today (N) (CC) Odd WordWrld Dog Bounty Hunter Matchmaker Comedy Chappelle Doc McSt. Tmrrwland SportsCenter (N) (CC) Fox & Hound Contessa Heartland Flea Mar Flea Mar Amazing Jeremiah Ridic. Ridic. King King When Dinosaur Law & Order “Punk” P. Chris J. Osteen Show Home





11 am


12 pm

Daytime Afternoon


2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


4 pm


General Hospital Queen Latifah Ellen DeGeneres The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil Judge Mathis The People’s Court Maury Millionaire Hot Bench Steve Harvey Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Varied Programs Criminal Varied Criminal Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Futurama Futurama Varied Programs SportsCenter Outside Insiders NFL Live Middle Middle Reba Reba Reba Reba Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Contessa Contessa Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs Varied Programs Fam. Guy King King King Friends Friends Movie Varied Programs Bones Bones Bones Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Commun Commun Bill Cunningham The Dr. Oz Show

5 pm


Futurama Futurama Nightly


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm




Around Pardon SportsCenter Boy/World Boy/World Varied Programs Varied Programs



Castle Law & Order: SVU Mike Mike



Castle Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam

February 22, 2015


3 pm

6 pm

News News News ABC News News at Five News CBS News Access H. Minute TMZ News NBC 24 News at 5 News at 6 NBC News Cyberchas News NewsHour First 48 Varied Programs

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

››› The Polar Express (2004, Fantasy) White Collar (CC) ›› Shall We Dance? (2004) Richard Gere. News ABC Oscars Oscars Oscars The Oscars Honors for achievements in film. (N) (S Live) (CC) News College Basketball Ohio State at Michigan. PGA Tour Golf Northern Trust Open, Final Round. (N) (Live) (CC) News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) ›› Act of Valor (2012) Roselyn Sanchez. Premiere. News Flip Food 2015 Daytona 500 (N) (S Live) (CC) Bones (CC) Mother Mother Burgers Simpsons Simpsons Brooklyn Fam. Guy Burgers News Leading TMZ (N) (CC) NHL Hockey: Capitals at Flyers Hockey NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Chicago Blackhawks. (N) News at 6 News Dateline NBC (CC) Chicago Fire Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD News Jdg Judy Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens (N) (CC) On Story Charlie Ohio Deadline Weekend NOVA (CC) (DVS) British Baking Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Austin City Limits Criminal Minds (CC) Dead Man Talking (CC) Sniper: Bulletproof (CC) Sniper: Inside the Crosshairs (CC) Sniper: Deadliest Missions (CC) American Sniper Nightwatch (CC) Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Bravo First Looks Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle’s Show Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Dave Chappelle Chris Rock: Pain Katt Williams: Pimp I Didn’t I Didn’t Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Dog I Didn’t I Didn’t Jessie Jessie Tmrrwlan Tmrrwlan Tmrrwlan Tmrrwlan Tmrrwlan Tmrrwlan Jessie Dog Liv-Mad. Jessie PBA Bowling Players Championship. Grantland Prev. 30 for 30 SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter Special Grantland Basketball Dad’s Dream Dad’s Dream SportsCenter (N) ››› Rio (2011) Voices of Anne Hathaway. ››› Tarzan (1999) Voices of Tony Goldwyn. ››› Despicable Me (2010), Jason Segel ››› Wreck-It Ralph (2012, Comedy) ›› Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992), Joe Pesci Melissa The Kitchen Kids Baking Duff Till Duff Till Duff Till Duff Till Chopped Worst Cooks Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Diners, Drive Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Beach Beach Carib Carib Island Island Hunters Hunt Intl Girl Fight (2011) Anne Heche. (CC) Movie Nanny Cam (2014) Laura Allen. (CC) The Assault (2014) Makenzie Vega. (CC) Babysitter’s Black Book (2015, Drama) (CC) The Assault (2014) Getting Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Getting to Know Getting to Know Ridic. Ridic. ›› Ghost Rider (2007) Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes. ››› Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) Ron Perlman. ›› Men in Black II (2002), Will Smith (DVS) ››› Transformers (2007) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. (DVS) ›› Men in Black II ›››› 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Keir Dullea. ››› 2010 (1984) Roy Scheider. (CC) ›››› Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) (CC) ›››› The Man Who Would Be King (1975) (CC) One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest ››› Collateral (2004) Tom Cruise. (CC) ›› Limitless (2011) Bradley Cooper. (CC) (DVS) ››› Crimson Tide (1995) Denzel Washington. (CC) ››› American Gangster (2007) Denzel Washington. (CC) (DVS) ››› Crimson Tide NCIS (CC) NCIS “Ignition” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Recruited” NCIS (CC) NCIS “Hit and Run” NCIS “Hereafter” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Better Angels” Mod Fam Mod Fam Celebrity Sports Sports Gone Wild Made Holly Glee (CC) Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang 1st Fam Box Offi The Closer (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


10 am

News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass Men Men Fox News Sunday Minute Minute Paid Prog. Larry King FOX NASCAR Sunday Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Paid Prog. BodyBeast 21 DAY Paid Prog. Hockey Thomas Cat in the Toledo Stories Big Movie Classics Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Inside Actor’s Studio Thicker Than Water Thicker Than Water Housewives/Atl. Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle’s Show Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Dog Girl Meets Austin Liv-Mad. K.C. Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ››› Robin Hood (1973), Peter Ustinov ››› ParaNorman (2012), Tucker Albrizzi Pioneer Trisha’s Southern Giada Guy’s Brunch at Pioneer Farm Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Fixer Upper (CC) J. Osteen Skincare Unsolved Mysteries Walking the Halls (2012) Jamie Luner. (CC) › Big Daddy (1999) Adam Sandler. Mom: Getting to Know Mom: Getting to Know Friends Friends Friends Friends ›› Clash of the Titans (2010, Fantasy) (DVS) ››› The Time Machine (1960) Rod Taylor. ›››› Forbidden Planet (1956) 2001 Law & Order Law & Order “Hate” Law & Order Law & Order “Haven” Sirens Sirens Suits “Derailed” (CC) NCIS “Love & War” NCIS (CC) Lets Fixer Old House Full Plate Dine Out Raymond Raymond Lose Up to 15

Sunday Afternoon / Evening 1 pm

February 22, 2015


9 am

TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

February 23, 2015


11 pm

Tuesday Evening


Ent Insider The Bachelor (N) (CC) Castle (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Broke Girl Mike Scorpion (N) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Gotham “Red Hood” Sleepy Hollow (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud The Voice The blind auditions begin. (N) (CC) The Night Shift (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Nightwatch (CC) Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules “Jax Cracks” Friends to Lovers? (N) South Pk Tosh.0 Key Key South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Nightly Jessie K.C. ›› A Cinderella Story (2004) Austin I Didn’t Liv-Mad. I Didn’t ANT Farm College Basketball Louisville at Georgia Tech. College Basketball Kansas at Kansas State. SportsCenter (N) (CC) The Fosters (CC) The Fosters (N) (CC) Chasing Life (N) (CC) The Fosters (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Kids Baking Kids Baking Duff Till Diners Diners, Drive Diners Diners Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Ellen’s Design Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) ›› My Sister’s Keeper ›› The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law. (CC) Biography (CC) Getting Teen Mom: Getting to Know Eye Candy “ICU” Eye Candy Catfish: The TV Show Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Alice-Anymore ›››› Annie Hall (1977) Woody Allen. (CC) ››› The Goodbye Girl (1977) (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Bones (CC) Bones (CC) Independence Day WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) Dig Independ Big Bang Big Bang The World Dog Awards (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy



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7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

February 24, 2015


11 pm


Ent Insider FreshRepeat Marvel’s Agent Carter Forever (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (N) (CC) (DVS) NCIS: New Orleans (N) Person of Interest (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef (N) New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud The Voice The blind auditions continue. (N) Parks and Recreation News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Genealogy Roadshow The Italian Americans (N) (CC) State of the State (N) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Storage Storage Storage Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Guide-Divorce Happens Real South Pk Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Kroll Show Daily Nightly Jessie K.C. Bad Hair Day (2015) (CC) Mickey I Didn’t Liv-Mad. I Didn’t ANT Farm College Basketball Wisconsin at Maryland. (N) College Basketball Florida at Missouri. (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Pretty Little Liars (CC) Pretty Little Liars (N) Switched at Birth (N) Pretty Little Liars (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (N) (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper (CC) Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Child Genius (N) (CC) Little Women: LA (CC) Ridic. Ridiculousness Ridic. Real World: Skeletons Real World: Skeletons The Challenge: Battle Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Cougar Conan (N) It Happened ››› A Little Romance (1979) Laurence Olivier. ››› Being There (1979) Peter Sellers. Castle (CC) (DVS) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (N) Perception “Meat” (N) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Sirens (N) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang TV’s Hottest The Flash (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


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7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Celebrity FamFeud NewsHour Business Donnie Wahlburgr Real Housewives Broad City Work. Jessie K.C. SportCtr NBA Melissa Melissa Diners Diners Property Brothers (CC) Little Women: LA (CC) Catfish: The TV Show Seinfeld Seinfeld ››› Mister Roberts Supernatural (CC) NCIS (CC) (DVS) Big Bang Big Bang


7 pm


8 pm




10 pm



February 25, 2015


11 pm

1 pm


Thursday Evening


9 pm


10 pm

2 pm



February 27, 2015


11 pm


Ent Insider Last Man Cristela Shark Tank (CC) (DVS) 20/20 (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! The Amazing Race (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons World’s Funniest Fails Glee “Child Star” (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud The Night Shift (CC) Dateline NBC (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Wash Deadline Great Performances (N) (CC) Music Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Dig Bravo First Looks (N) ›› Burlesque (2010, Drama) Cher, Christina Aguilera. ›› Burlesque (2010) South Pk Tosh.0 ›› The House Bunny (2008) Anna Faris. (CC) ›› The Rocker (2008) Rainn Wilson. Premiere. Disney ››› Brave (2012) (CC) Phineas Wander I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Austin I Didn’t SportCtr NBA NBA Basketball Miami Heat at New Orleans Pelicans. (N) NBA Basketball ››› Jerry Maguire ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Bring It! (CC) Bring It! (CC) Bring It! (N) (CC) Preachers’ Daughters Kosher Kosher Ridic. Fantasy Factory Fantasy Fantasy ››› Elf (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell, James Caan. Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang King of the Nerds (N) ››› Blades of Glory (2007) Will Ferrell. (DVS) ›››› The Emigrants ››› Running on Empty (1988) Christine Lahti. ›››› Gandhi (1982) Ben Kingsley. (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Cold Justice (N) (CC) ›› The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009, Action) Cold Justice (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Hart of Dixie (N) (CC) Whose? Whose? Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


9 pm

Middle Goldbergs Mod Fam blackish Nashville (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Survivor “It’s Survivor Warfare” The Amazing Race (N) (CC) News Letterman American Idol (N) (CC) Empire (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Myst-Laura Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD (N) News J. Fallon Nature (N) (CC) (DVS) NOVA (N) (CC) (DVS) Earth: A New Wild (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahlburgr Donnie Donnie Wahlburgr Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Best New Restaurant Happens Atlanta South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Work. Broad City Daily Nightly Dog Jessie Liv-Mad. Austin I Didn’t Liv-Mad. I Didn’t ANT Farm NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Houston Rockets. NBA Basketball Melissa Daddy › Zookeeper (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. The 700 Club (CC) My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Little Women: LA (CC) Little Women: LA (N) Kosher Kosher Kosher Kosher Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish Catfish Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) ››› Arthur (1981) Dudley Moore. ››› Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980) Sissy Spacek. (CC) Grimm (CC) Grimm (CC) Grimm “La Llorona” Grimm (CC) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) Suits “Intent” (N) (CC) Sirens Sirens Arrow “Nanda Parbat” The 100 (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

8 pm

February 22, 2015

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



9 pm


8 am



9 am


10 am



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

February 26, 2015


11 pm


11 am

February 28, 2015


12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife Outback Explore Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Innovation Recipe All In Changers College Basketball State Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Paid Prog. Today (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Noodle Astroblast Chica Tree Fu LazyTown Poppy Cat Soccer Odd WordWrld Thomas Cat in the MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Michigan Nature (CC) (DVS) Dog Dog Dog Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Newlyweds Newlyweds Newlyweds Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset › How High (2001) Method Man, Redman. (CC) › Half Baked (1998) Dave Chappelle. (CC) ›› The House Bunny The 7D Tmrrwland ››› Brave (2012) (CC) Girl Meets Girl Meets Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College GameDay (N) College Basketball ›› The Prince & Me (2004) Julia Stiles. ››› Grease (1978) John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John. Dirty Dan. Be.- Made Best Thing Farm Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Kids Baking BathCrash BathCrash BathCrash BathCrash Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz. (CC) Broke A$$ Broke A$$ ›› Scary Movie 3 (2003) Anna Faris. Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Funniest Home Videos King King ›› Duplex (2003) Ben Stiller, Drew Barrymore. ›› Zoolander (2001) ››› Night Must Fall ›› Kind Lady (1951) (CC) ››› Wait Until Dark (1967) Audrey Hepburn. Narrow Law & Order “Merger” Law & Order “Justice” Law & Order Law & Order “Patsy” Law & Order Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Dr. Pol Dog Whis Dog Whis Dog Whis Dog Whis Expedition Expedition Rock-Park Rescue Animals


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Grey’s Anatomy (N) How to Get Away With Murder (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Odd Cple Big Bang Mom (N) The Victoria’s News Letterman The Office Simpsons American Idol (N) (CC) Backstrom (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud The Slap “Anouk” (N) The Blacklist (N) (CC) Allegiance (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Toledo Stories Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) (DVS) Great Performances (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) After the First 48 (N) Nightwatch (N) (CC) Nightwatch (CC) Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Happens Matchmkr South Pk Broad City Work. ›› Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay (2008) Daily Nightly Jessie K.C. Zapped (2014) Zendaya. (CC) Mickey I Didn’t Liv-Mad. I Didn’t ANT Farm College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (CC) › Zookeeper (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. ›› Liar Liar (1997) Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Kids Baking Duff Till Beat Flay Chopped Canada (N) Rehab Rehab Fixer Upper (CC) Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Celebrity Wife Swap ›› The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law. (CC) Little Women: LA (CC) Ridic. Ridiculousness Ridic. Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Ridic. Broke A$$ Fantasy Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Conan ››› The Candidate ››› Absence of Malice (1981) Paul Newman. ››› The Verdict (1982, Drama) Paul Newman. Castle “Punked” NBA Basketball: Warriors at Cavaliers NBA Basketball: Thunder at Suns Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang The Vampire Diaries Reign “Getaway” (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy



8 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


February 28, 2015

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Full Plate Paid Grantland Basketball World of X Games Skating & Gymnastics Spectacular News ABC Insider Lottery Jimmy Kimmel Live Shania: Still Forever (CC) News Castle College Basketball College Basketball North Carolina at Miami. College Basketball Arkansas at Kentucky. News News Wheel Cardiol NCIS: Los Angeles 48 Hours (N) (CC) 48 Hours (N) (CC) News Blue Paid Tip-Off College Basketball Villanova at Xavier. (N) McCarver Paid Bones (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Selma: A March Backstrom (CC) Sleepy Hollow News Office Office Alien File EPL Soccer Premier Down PGA Tour Golf Honda Classic, Third Round. (N) (S Live) (CC) News at 6 News Jdg Judy Academic NHL Hockey New York Rangers at Philadelphia Flyers. (N) (CC) News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Tommy Emmanuel Albert King Globe Trekker Steves Rudy Lawrence Welk Murder Myster. Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Murder Home Wahl Wahl Wahl Wahl Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives ››› Clueless (1995) Alicia Silverstone. ›› The House Bunny (2008) ››› Napoleon Dynamite (2004) Jon Heder. ›› Dinner for Schmucks (2010) Steve Carell. (CC) ›› Step Brothers (2008, Comedy) Will Ferrell. (CC) ›› The Rocker (2008, Comedy) Rainn Wilson. (CC) Austin Austin I Didn’t I Didn’t Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Dog Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin Austin Jessie K.C. Austin I Didn’t Lab Rats (CC) Liv-Mad. Girl College Basketball College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (CC) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College GameDay College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) ››› Dirty Dancing (1987) Jennifer Grey. ››› Jerry Maguire (1996) Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr.. ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. ›› The Notebook (2004) Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams. Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Diners, Drive Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Fixer Upper (CC) Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Hunters Hunt Intl ›› The Holiday (CC) The Mentor (2014) Jes Macallan. (CC) The Good Sister (2014) Sonya Walger. (CC) Babysitter’s Black Book (2015, Drama) (CC) Kept Woman (2015) Courtney Ford. (CC) The Wrong Woman (2013) Danica McKellar. Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy ›› Jackass 3.5 (2011) Johnny Knoxville. ›› Zoolander (2001) ››› Blades of Glory (2007) Will Ferrell. Friends Friends Friends Friends Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Cougar The The Narrow Margin ›››› Strangers on a Train (CC) ›››› Shadow of a Doubt (1943) (CC) ››› The China Syndrome (1979) Jane Fonda. (CC) ››› A River Runs Through It (1992) Craig Sheffer. (CC) ››› A Few Good Men (1992) ›› Bad Teacher (2011) Cameron Diaz. (CC) ›› It’s Complicated (2009) Meryl Streep. Premiere. ››› Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011) Steve Carell. Premiere. ›› Meet the Fockers (2004, Comedy) Robert De Niro. ›› Meet the Fockers (2004) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Adven. WHAD Biz Kid$ DragonFly Futurama Futurama Glee (CC) Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang High School Basketball High School Basketball PCA Wrestling

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1. Emulate Kasich 4. Local Jazz pianist honored with a sculpture at the Huntington Center 10. Loopy Ling of “Wild Wild West” 11. Altar declaration 12. Corn serving 13. Place of exile 14. Wanderer 16. Reagan’s Star Wars, for short 17. Venue for the March 1 Ellington/Basie concert, with “The” 19. Simile word 21. Without women 25. Space starter 28. Afternoon talk show on 13abc 31. Featured vocalist at 17-Across 34. “The Addams Family” butler 35. Leaf gatherer 36. Public Theater founder Joe 39. Abbr. re money or music 41. Local singer and lyricist known as “The Poet Laureate of Jazz” 44. Barnyard morsel













































46. Very heavy 49. Hawkeye 51. Reel partner 52. Suffer 53. --- King Cole 54. Saxophonist and jazz educator from Toledo 55. Far away

8. Cruise and Hanks 9. Downtown street 10. Fat Fish ---15. Nabokov novel 18. Yuletide 20. Radius sidekick 22. Capote biographical drama 23. Swiss river 24. Big name in trucks 25. ---- apple a day… 26. He lives here 27. ---- Victor 29. Backtalk 30. Sixth sense 32. We live here 33. French “the” 34. “NCIS: Los Angeles” actor 37. Late, as payments 38. “Purple Rain” man 40. Small amount 42. Salamander 43. Knickknack 45. Squad 47. Polite address 48. Peyton’s brother 50. International alliance initials

DOWN 1. Depressed areas 2. Brink 3. Sleeve style 4. “Where your journey begins” 5. Boxer’s weapon 6. Can, in Cheshire n CROSSWORD ANSWERS FOUND ON 26 7. Needless fuss

26 Classified Employment

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Open IntervIews Manpower will be holding open interviews Monday-Thursday from 9:00AM-11:30AM and 1:30PM- 4:00 PM and Friday 9:00AM-2:00 PM. Starting pay for positions up to $14.00. Positions that we are currently recruiting for: • Fork Lift Operators • Production • Customer Service • Assembly • Industrial Machinery Mechanic These positions require a HSD or GED, the ability to pass a background screen and drug screen. To save time feel free to visit our webpage to fill out the application prior to coming in.



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Local company in the Toledo, OH area is seeking hardworking, self-motivated team players to work in our manufacturing plant. 1st and 2nd shift openings. Starting pay is $9/hr. Requirements include work safely, ability to repetitively lift, push, and/or move 50 pounds. Must have GED, reliable transportation, pass math test, drug screen and background check. Please reference “Seasonal Manufacturing” and respond with an updated résumé to:

Prepare for your International Computer Drivers License exam, among others, to earn the creditials to get you that position you have always dreamed of! The iSTAR IT specialist program provides FREE TRAINING to eligible participants. Certified candidates are in demand, so get started TODAY for long-term opportunities, with a visit to istarohio. com or call 419.267.1512 for more info. Classes are available in Archbold, Toledo and Lima. General employment

SeaSonal Manufacturing Local company in the Toledo, OH area is seeking hardworking, self-motivated team players to work in our manufacturing plant. 1st and 2nd shift openings. Starting pay is $9/hr. Requirements include work safely, ability to repetitively lift, push, and/or move 50 pounds. Must have GED, reliable transportation, pass math test, drug screen and background check. Please reference “Seasonal Manufacturing” and respond with an updated résumé to:

community Wanted WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

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New & Used Sales Managers GM and GSM F&I Managers Service Managers Five Star Sales Associates Mopar Accessory Sales


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• Outgoing and professional • Stable work history • Good attitude is a must!

Great quality of life

• 5 Day work week • Closed Sundays • We are an equal opportunity employer Apply online at Email resumes to Or Call Ralph Jr. at 734.731.8113

Recent College Graduates can interview for our Management/ Dealer Training Program

This guy is a sweet and majestic 7-year-old currently on the hunt for a forever home. Brownie was surrendered by his owners due to allergies. Although he likes to keep to himself at first, he is very friendly and spunky once he warms up to you and starts playing. Brownie is neutered, up to date on his vaccinations and is microchipped. Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are noon to 7 p.m.

OUTPATIENT PSYCHIATRISTS (MULTIPLE OPENINGS) Unison Behavioral Health Group, Inc. seeks Outpatient Psychiatrists (mult. opngs) to wrk in Toledo, OH, w/ adlts, adlscnts & chldrn w/ a mntl illness or substance abuse diagnoses. In add. to prfrmg diagnostic asmnts, psytrc med trtmnt, & medication mgnt for adlts & chldrn rltd to their behavioral health or substance abuse issues, will wrk as part of an interdisciplinary treatment team of care mngrs, thrpsts & nurses. Must have MD, DO, or for. eqv. Deg. & have (or be elgbl for) OH med. lic. Must be BC/BE in Psychiatry & able to obtn a valid DEA cert. Resumes to: Jamie Haack, Director, HR, Unison Behavioral Health Group, Inc., 2310 Jefferson Ave., Toledo, OH 43604.


Tuesday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O

All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

We have a Great Place We Have A Great Place for Your Business! for Your Business!

Call 419.241.1700, Ext 230 to place a Classified Ad!

Metroparks of the Toledo Area has openings for Newly Listed Properties Available: seasonal staff. MustCommercial be 18 or older with HS equivalent and driver’s license. Grounds Maintenance:  Openings 500 Madison Ave - For Lease - 300-5,000 SF $8.26/hr. at all Metroparks doing cleaning, facility grounds  25andS. Huron St. -maintenance.MainteFor Lease - 5,500 SF nance and Construction: $9.25/hr. Some ground maintenance and/or skilled experience  401 Adams St. -trades For Lease - 5,000reSF quired. Must enjoy working outdoors and be able  407 Washington St. For Lease 4,000 to learn to use power tools and equipment. Go SF to to view detailed  19 N. Erie St. - For Lease - 5,416 SF position description and job requirements. Apply onlineby March 5. EOE 104 N. Summit - For Lease - 2,500 SF

Rapid growth at the Monroe Dodge Superstore and our 6 locations in Florida, Michigan and Ohio has created openings for:

A home for Brownie

CliniCal MH THerapisT


Low Payment King Family of Dealerships


Clinical Mental Health Therapist needed to provide psychosocial and diagnostic assessments and clinical therapy services to youth and their families who are affected by mental Health and/ or substance abuse adversities. Qualified candidates must effectively apply the principles and techniques of clinical therapy. Bachelor’s degree with LSW, LISW or similar license required. Master’s or Doctoral Degree in social work, psychology, or related fields preferred. Excellent benefit package. Interested candidates please mail résumé and cover letter to: Human Resources-CMHT P.O. Box 8192 Toledo, OH 43605 EOE

n SUDOKU ANSWERS FROM 25 6821 Salisbury Rd. Office Lease 4,105 SF

 607 Monroe St. - For Sale - 5,200 SF  6821 Salisbury Rd. - For Lease - 4,105 SF Davenport, FL • Lake Wales, FL • Monroe, MI •  Shelby, 6000 OH • Winter Haven, Pl. FL - For Lease - 1,148 SF Renaissance

• • • • • •

February 22, 2015

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

any of the referenced for any commercial real estate inquiries, please contact Ryan Ball Brian Downey Commercial Sales and Leasing or Ryan419-654-7500 Ball

For information on any of the referenced properties above or for any commercial properties, or real estate inquiries please contact:

Brian Downey Commercial Sales and Leasing 419-466-6690 n Crossword ANSWERS FROM 25 G O V E R N A R T T A T U M H E A B A I I D O A E A R G U L A G N O M A D T G L U H S D I T H E V A L E N T I N E A S O N H O U O S T A G A E R O E L L E N R A M O N A C O L L I N S L U R C H R A K E P A P P L E I T P A C D J O N H E N D R I C K S O A T L E I U T O B E S E I O W A N R O D L A I L N A T C I U J I M R I G G S R E M O T E

Humana Marketpoint to move into6000 6000 Renaissance Pl. Pl. Renaissance 3,600 at 6546 Weatherfield Ct.OfficeOffice Condo Lease: 1,148 SF 607SFMonroe St. Condo Lease Toledo inDowntown Hometown Center in Maumee, 1,148 SF For information on OH

331 N Superior St. Downtown Toledo


“Innovative Solutions at Work”

Danberry Co. Realtors


3242 Executive Parkway, Suite 104 • Toledo, Ohio 43606 Tim Schlachter - V.P. - x1459 Brian Downey Ryan Ball John Healey - x1631 Fadi Sbehi - x1270 419/466-6690 419/654-7500 Bill Conklin - x1477 Don Helvey - x1330 Mike Scannell - x1672 Ryan Ball - x1917 Hunt Sears - x1671 Brian Downey - x1543 David Kerscher - x1294 Tom Grogan - x1233

Jeff Links - x1520

Dean Skillman - x1467

February 22, 2015



A Toledo tradition since 2005


Called Beltone for an appointment.


Wednesday Free Press Today Toledo FREE at . .. 2-week Beltone



check up!

I’m remindedI’mevery day that reminded FREE every day that I made the rightwith choice with Beltone. I made the right choice Beltone. They won’t fit me with anythin g if I don’t absolu tely need it.




Called Beltone for an appointment.

They won’t fit me with anythin g if I don’t absolu tely need it. Tuesday

Great 3 month visit at Beltone.

All FREE & jus t in time for July 4!!

Called Beltone for an appointment.


APNROV826 ca

timenefo edr it Ju . ly 4!!



2-week check up!


The chu Fir n ements ver . Couple adjust soGot u2-w ndall edmy eek so go quest ions odanswe !!! red.


rch Everyt chohing Good!

check up!

Everything Good! G N I R A E stm NOV 26 Couple adju ents. MYJUFLR1 EE H D E C 2 4 ! . all my SCREENING Big crowd at ThanksgivingGot Thursday



e chered Great 3 month urch. que stionsThansw er st si y m d ol c TXX PARTICIPANTS h WANTED: o ir visit at B never eltone. eds to ne s e o sh u n d e d so All FREE & just in GETTING e! IS IT HARDER TO HEAR? on lt g Be ood!!! call time for July 4!! A major name brand hearing aid provider wishes to field test a remarkable new Thursday hearing instrument in your area. This offer is FREETofhcharge, ursdand ayyou are under no obligation.

NOV 26 DEC 24 $XXX OFF oFF FREEter $1,000 The church

— Call today for a FREE FREE hearing hearingevaluation evalution — Month23rd–27th X-XX only.only. February These revolutionary 100% digital instruments use the latest technology to comfortably, and almost invisibly, help you hear more clearly. This technology solves the “stopped-up ears” or “head-in-a-barrel” sensation some people experience, and has been clinically demonstrated to improve hearing in noisy environments.

If you wish to participate,gi ks youviwillngbe. required to have your hearing tested in our office, Than atof charge, in order to determine candidacy. There is no fee whatsoever for Big crowdFREE participating in this in-office test. Special testing will be done to determine the increased

choir never Told my sis sounded so she needs to TESTING TAKING XX/XX/13 through XX/XX/13 Call today for evaluation — !PLACE: hearing naeFREE g o o call BeltoMonth d !!! X-XX only. Call for an appointment! the purchase of a pair of benefits of this technology. Because benefits of hearing aids can vary by types and degree in-office trial of our latest technology Beltone First™ aids† of hearing loss, noise environment, results of hearing testing, and properhearing fit, this information Month X-XX only February 23rd–27th only X-XX only February 23rd–27th only is invaluable to us. This is a great opportunity to determine ifMonth hearing help is available for your hearing loss, while you evaluate your performance with this industry-leading technology. Why wait any longer? ACT NOW!

Discount off MSRP and applies to a pair of Beltone First 17 or 9 hearing aids. $500 off single hearing aid. Cannot be combined with other offers, coupons or insurance Y E plans. Previous purchases excluded. See location for details. YEARS †

Schedule your FREE In-office Test Today!

(XXX) XXX-XXXX Call today to schedule a FREE hearing test! $XXX OFF Toledo S. Toledo PerrySburg




Couple adjustments. Got all my questions answered.

Wednesday Today at . one..nesd BeltWed ay owd at Thanksgiving.

Today Big cr aton3’tmonth ThG eyrew G fit a dEmHyEAsiRst INer met ol T vi s E it R with anat F B el Y to M ne ything if I . ed eEEne . sh . . G!to e Ns n I N o do A t llnF l ’tRaE R e C bs S EB & oluju test ly in ll Beltone!


Everything Good!

ay Wedne ursday Thsd

M Tuoes ndda ayy



the purchase of a pair of in-office trial of our latest technology Beltone First™ hearing aids† Month X-XX only 419.931.6059 419.956.0026 419.842.4320 Month X-XX only [Dispenser imprint and work area]

5393 Monroe St. Mon.-Fri. 9-5

5318 Heatherdowns Blvd. Mon., Wed. & Friday. 9-5

320 Louisiana Ave. Tues. & Thurs. 9-5

IMPRINTaccuracy AND ofWORK AREA)and proper fit. Beltone Hearing Care Centers are independently owned and operated. Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of(DISPENSER hearing loss, noise environment, hearing evaluation

Participation may vary. © 2013 Beltone Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss, noise environment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and proper fit. Beltone Hearing Care Centers are independently owned and operated. Participation may vary. © 2015 Beltone. YE YEARS

28 Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

February 22, 2015

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