Toledo Free Press - March 30, 2014

Page 1

March 30, 2014

Best Weekly Newspaper in Ohio 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards

A Toledo tradition since 2005 Connect with us: FREE •


Opening Day!

Tom Pounds on the biggest Downtown party of the year. page 3



Our columnists on the joys of America’s pastime. O Jeremy Baumhower O Brandi Barhite O Shaggy Culbreath O Fred Altvater O Cameron J. Kaiser


Batter up!

O Full season schedule O Promotions O New food items O Mud Hens fanwear O TARTA Muddy Shuttle O Jim Weber

Home runs

Game changer

Toledo Free Press celebrates 10 years of publishing Toledo’s best Mud Hens Opening Day guide. page 32

Opening Day 2014

Who Ya gonna call? Our Mud Hens return to chase away winter blues — with some help from the Ghostbusters. 76 pages of home team coverage.


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

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March 30, 2014

Publisher’s statement


A Toledo tradition since 2005



10 Muddy years “Don’t tell me about the world. Not today. It’s springtime and they’re knocking baseballs around fields where the grass is damp and green in the morning and the kids are trying to hit the curveball.” — Pete Hamill


t’s gone by faster than a double play. For 10 years, Toledo Free Press has marked Mud Hens Opening Day with what’s become the biggest and most comprehensive guide published in the market. We understood from our first season Downtown how important the Hens are to Toledo’s identity and spirit, and we have taken great care to share their successes and challenges with our readers. As illustrator Don Lee has captured on this week’s cover, Muddy is expanding his pop culture reach beyond “Star Wars” to incorporate the Ghostbusters in his promotional plans for family fun. Opening Day at Fifth Third Field has become one of the area’s biggest events; every seat will Thomas F. Pounds be filled, the suites and hallways will overflow with excited fans and the Huron-Monroe-Washington-St. Clair streets block will hum with foot traffic and activity. There is truly nothing to match a clear, sunny day at the ballpark. It’s a family event; it’s a guys’ day out; it’s a girls’ night out; it’s smells and sights and emotions that no other public gathering can evoke with such clarity and impact. Baseball can be a few hours’ escape from the travails of life like no other pastime — movies, books, theater, music — can offer. That distinct crack of the ball on the bat and the undeniable thump of the ball in the glove are symphonies, car chases and page turners wrapped in one fluid, unrestrained-by-the-clock afternoon. Mud Hens Opening Day rocks. The streets around Fifth Third Field are alive with excited conversation, live music and the buzz of people filled with optimism and pride. This year’s Toledo Free Press Opening Day issue, compiled and edited by Managing Editor Sarah Ottney, positively thrums with the vibrations of a new season. We are grateful to our staff, advertisers, readers and the Mud Hens organization for helping to make this issue one of our biggest and best of the year. Our 2013 Mud Hens Opening Day Guide was recognized by the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists as one of the best special sections in the state, and we have set an even higher standard for the coverage and look of this year’s guide. We take pride in our home team, and we will continue to show that by offering the best Opening Day coverage we can, this season and every season. See you at the game! O

Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. Contact him at

Treece Blog

Airport privatization: The case for change


everal years ago I was having lunch with an out- this region. Dad was lamenting — as he is wont to do — the state of Toledo’s airports: their underutigoing elected official. This person had lized state, their dilapidated facilities, their — at a relatively young age — accomrecent threats of restrictions due to air traffic plished much in public service, and was recontrol tower closures, and the general mistiring from elected office to focus on career management that goes back decades. We talked and family. At our meeting I was given a about issues we thought were holding back this valuable piece of advice, which has guided region’s airports (and the aviation industry in many of my efforts since then: If you aren’t general) and their development. willing to put your hat in the ring to try What was said next, as it turns out, has to make things better, then you have no become the source of much excitement, right to complain about the decisions other people make or the results that follow. Dock David TREECE frustration and consternation as well as personal attacks. One day not very long after that meeting, my father and I were talking about broad issues affecting n TREECE CONTINUES ON 4 Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 10, No. 13. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

ADVERTISING SALES Brent Long, Sales Manager • (419) 346-9983 Renee Bergmooser, Senior Sales Representative • (419) 266-0254 Chick Reid, Sales Representative • (419) 705-5396 Grant Grisier, Sales Representative • (419) 574-2856

Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Jeremy Baumhower • Jim Beard • Chase Will • Jay Hathaway

DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234

Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus

PRODUCTION Christie Materni, Photographer

Vicki L. Kroll • Don Lee • Matt Liasse • Danielle Stanton • Duane Ramsey

COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2014, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.



A Toledo tradition since 2005

n TREECE CONTINUED FROM 3 What was said was that if things were so wrong with Toledo’s airports, we as citizens had a right and an obligation to explore opportunities and alternatives that might make them better. After that talk, our due diligence began. We met with current and former Port Authority officials. We talked to people from the city, current and former airport tenants, and others who had explored various ideas previously. We did all of this to better understand the problems facing businesses at the airports, the users of both facilities, the city as their owner and the Port Authority as their public manager. We also wanted to understand — in as much detail as possible — the various duties of an airport operator. What they do, what they are required to do, what they elect to do, how they do what they do and who performs specific functions were all items we needed to understand in depth. What we found was startling. First, a great many of the functions being performed by current operating staff were not required. Almost all of those that were required could easily be scaled back or performed by independent contractors or outside providers.

Feasibility study

Two years ago, as talks progressed and our understanding of the airports became more and more detailed, we retained a consultant — one of the best aviation consultants in the world — to conduct a full market feasibility study for both airports. This study has enabled us to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing both airports, the likelihood of turning them around under privatesector leadership and the odds and consequences of failure. From our consultant, we also learned how the transition to a private operator should be structured to

avoid the repayment of nearly $100 million in federal funds that were supplied for improvement projects at both airports over the past several decades. Consequently, we are better prepared to ensure that federal funds will be available for future improvements at both airports.

Developing a strategy

Now, having studied the issue comprehensively and having consulted with attorneys and experts, we have developed a strategy that will allow a private entity to step into the management role currently filled by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority. We have found a way to transfer the control needed to attract business, help current businesses grow, run both airports profitably, provide greater benefits to the city as the owner of those facilities and get the public off the hook for tremendous outstanding debt in the form of unexpired federal grants. Up until this point, everything we had done was purely for our own consumption. We wanted — and want — to ensure that we understand as much as possible about the potential alternatives for management of Toledo’s airports. All told, this due diligence process has been ongoing for more than three years and was conducted at our own expense. To bring the community up to speed on our findings and to get a second opinion on our concept, we ultimately expanded our discussions to include officials from the Port Authority, city and nearby townships. We launched our website ToledoAirports. com in November as a source for upto-date information and to provide a public forum to discuss the findings of our marketability study, as well as our own business histories and qualifications. Since most people know us for our investment advisory business, we want to make it apparent that we also have a diverse set of business in-

terests and histories in a number of industries, which we think will enable us to be successful private managers of Toledo’s airports, should the city elect to consider an arrangement like the one we plan to propose.

other bids. However, we can reasonably say we’ve discussed it with a number of the national firms likely to respond to such an RFP and any outside manager is going to charge the city a management fee.

Forum for debate

Time to confirm

However, we still weren’t ready to roll out our plan in its entirety. By this time it was the fall of a local election year. There were races going on for the mayor’s office and several City Council seats. We had hoped that our concept for the airports wouldn’t become an election issue, because during elections it seems every issue becomes controversial. This project is far too important for this region to become a mere plank in someone’s political platform. There is far too much to consider for everything to be reduced down to a few talking points. Now that Mayor D. Michael Collins and several new City Council members have taken office, the airport discussion has resumed and Councilman Rob Ludeman has extended us an invitation for a public hearing before City Council’s Economic Development Committee, which is precisely the forum where debate surrounding this issue belongs. We hope, in our hearing(s), to have constructive talks with the city and any concerned members of the public. Our goal is to help them explore and understand some of the alternatives available to them for management of valuable, underutilized city facilities. We also intend for everyone — both city officials and ourselves — to walk away with a clear understanding of if and how the city may choose to pursue the alternatives we present. This may be done through a public request for proposals or letters of interest, or by entering into private negotiations. If the city issues a request for proposals (RFP), it may receive some

Letter to the editor


Tucked response

have always enjoyed reading the articles in Toledo Free Press, and especially the Myles Eckert story (March 9). As I was reading Michael S. Miller’s column about his weight loss (“Tucked”), I thought, “Good for you and for your family.” Then, I get to the part “... eating a chocolate fudge sundae with enough ice cream to fill Sofia Vergara’s halter top.” REALLY! What about a banana split-eating contest with enough ice cream and bananas to fill your old boxers? It’s 2014 and unfortunately women are still putting up with comments and implications like that from men. So, as your son grows up, you can give him an elbow and say, “Hey, son, look at those scoops” and the two of you can have a “ha ha ha” moment.

As a woman, I did not have a “ha ha ha” moment, because it had a sexist connotation. As I continue to pick up Toledo Free Press from my drive, it will now go into the trash where it belongs! What you implied was not necessary. O Joanne Vargo Michael S. Miller responds: our letter certainly made me feel like a boob. I am doubly sad that because you found one line in one column offensive, you will no longer choose to remain abreast of the local news and content we deliver. I suppose it’s no use to offer to meet you for a double-scoop milkshake to discuss your bombshell. I will rack this up as a bust, as you have made your decision and nothing I can say will shift it. O

Since we have not and will not ask the city for such a fee, the city could theoretically negotiate with us directly. This would allow us the time to confirm our answers to a number of questions ranging from the impact on federal funds to the potential closure of the air traffic control tower at Toledo Express, while also permitting us to be far more open with the city in discussing potential tenants we have talked with, as well as plans for development of property at and around the airports. In any project like the one we have been working on for Toledo’s airports, there are extensive moving parts. There are a number of is-

what’s in it for commerce

March 30, 2014 sues to address, problems that arise and solutions that need to be found. Second and third opinions are always valuable, and it is important that all concerned parties have an intimate understanding of the facts. While we don’t want to do anything that won’t get approval from the FAA, we also want to make sure we have an arrangement that is financially feasible. Our biggest hope is that hearings with City Council are a launch pad for the exploration and consideration of our proposal. We hope to share our findings with officials from the city and members of the public who are interested, and want everyone to walk away with a better understanding of the potential for positive change at Toledo’s airports. O Dock David Treece is a partner with Treece Investment Advisory Corp ( and is licensed with FINRA through Treece Financial Services Corp.

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

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March 30, 2014



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A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Duane Ramsey


Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel presented the inaugural Ohio Strong award to John Incorvaia Jr. of Toledo Metal Spinning (TMS) on March 24. Mandel launched the new effort to help recognize men and women in manufacturing and the skilled trades and to raise public awareness to encourage more people to pursue careers in those fields. Mandel said Toledo was chosen “for its long history of manufacturing, Toledo Metal Spinning for its longevity in that business and Incorvaia for his hard work, dedication and success in that field.” Incorvaia, a native of Toledo and graduate of Central Catholic High School, said he was honored to be chosen as the first person to receive the Ohio Strong award. He began working in metal spinning in 1973 and has worked at TMS since 1983. Incorvaia said he is currently making large stainless steel hemispheres used in the production of chocolate and other food products. If the Incorvaia name sounds familiar, it may be because John’s family owns and operates Inky’s Italian Foods, a well-known Toledo restaurant. As part of the Ohio Strong effort, Mandel has been meeting with small businesses, family-owned manufacturing companies, vocational trainers, job creators and workers throughout Ohio. “I launched Ohio Strong to recognize dedicated men and women like John from across our state who work in these fields that are so vital to our economy,” Mandel told the group of employees and local

media before presenting the award to Incorvaia. Eric Fankhauser, vice president of TMS, said the Ohio Treasurer’s Office called the company about presenting the first Ohio Strong award to one of their employees and they recommended Incorvaia. “As baby boomers are retiring, I frequently hear about the shortage of welders, pipe fitters, electricians, carpenters, machinists and other skilled trades across Ohio,” Mandel said. Approximately, 600,000 manufacturing jobs remain unfilled nationally because employers cannot find qualified workers, according to a 2011 skills gap survey by the National Manufacturing Institute. A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study showed 48 percent of college graduates are working in jobs that don’t require a four-year degree, Mandel said. “I believe there is a quiet crisis upon us, and in order to prosper as a country, we need to inspire more young Americans to pursue careers in the skilled trades,” he said. After presenting the award, Mandel toured the Clinton Street facility with Incorvaia, Fankhauser and members of the media. Incorvaia and other workers demonstrated their skills during the tour. TMS was started in Toledo in 1929. Brothers Bill and Ken Fankhauser bought the business 50 years ago. Eric and his brother Craig, sons of Ken, now run the family business that employs 40 workers. The company has become a leader in metal spinning applications for a variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, building materials, home brewing, military, plastics, pharmaceuticals and others.

toledo free press photo by duane ramsey

Mandel’s Ohio Strong award presented to Toledo worker


John Incorvaia Jr., left, explains his job to Eric Fankhauser and JOSH Mandel during A tour of TOLEDO METAL SPINNING.

Fankhauser said the company processes 200-300 jobs in the plant at any one time in lots of up to 10,000 pieces. About 80 percent of their orders are re-

peat business, he said. Fankhauser said the company hasn’t gotten this kind of attention since a fire at the plant in 1998.

For more information about nominating someone for the Ohio Strong award, email ohiostrong@ O

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March 30, 2014


A Toledo tradition since 2005


CedarCreek pastor diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease By David Yonke


Lee Powell, senior pastor of CedarCreek Church, announced to his congregation that he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. “Many of you are aware that over the past few months I have developed a tremor in my hand and I have been upfront in my sermons regarding this affliction,” he said in an email. “After a few more symptoms materialized, [my wife] Joi and I took my doctor’s advice to go to the Cleveland Clinic. The good news is we finally have a diagnosis for a series of symptoms, including my obvious tremor. Unfortunately, the bad news is it is Parkinson’s.” The founding pastor of what has

grown into the largest church in Northwest Ohio, Powell said his doctors will first treat a problem he’s been having with sleep deprivation, after which they will address the other aspects of Parkinson’s. According to WebMD, “Parkinson’s disease affects the nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine. Parkinson’s disease symptoms include muscle rigidity, tremors and changes in speech and gait. After diagnosis, treatments can help relieve symptoms, but there is no cure.” Symptoms can often be effectively controlled for years with medication, the website said. Among the high-profile people with Parkinson’s are Billy Graham, Pope John Paul II, Linda Ronstadt, Janet Reno, Johnny Cash and Michael J. Fox.

Powell expressed optimism in his email. “Most people do respond well with the treatment and research is advancing with this disease,” he said. “Joi and I both feel this is not a death sentence and are thoroughly educating ourselves. At this time we don’t have all the answers, so please give us a week or two as we continue to learn about this new challenge.” He said he plans to continue preaching and will remain active as CedarCreek’s senior pastor, using video teachings as a backup plan when necessary. He plans to attend monthly support meetings in Cleveland with others who have Parkinson’s. Saying that “God knows what he is doing and God is good,” Powell said he sees a silver lining in the diagnosis because he and his wife now have an opportunity “to share the gospel with


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many people whom we would otherwise never cross paths with. … Joi and I appreciate all your love and support. We covet your prayers during this time and we’ll keep you updated.” The nondenominational CedarCreek Church held its first service at the Holiday Inn French Quarter in Perrysburg in October 1995 with 180 people in attendance. It now has weekly attendance of more than 10,000 at four campuses — Perrysburg, West Toledo, Whitehouse and South Toledo — and also has an Internet campus. O David Yonke is the editor and community manager of Toledo Faith & Values (, a website that provides in-depth, nonsectarian news coverage of religion, faith and spirituality in the Toledo area.




A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Jay Hathaway

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

toledo free press photo by christie materni

Pita Pit location to open Downtown by Opening Day Downtowners will soon have a new choice for lunch in the Warehouse District. A franchise of the Pita Pit is opening March 31 at 30 S. St. Clair St. Franchise owner Kate Dake said the area’s emergence as an entertainment district was appealing when choosing a new location. “There’s no other service like the Pita Pit over there,” she said. “There’s Jimmy John’s and Subway [on the other side of Downtown], but there’s no quick service in the Warehouse District.” “We fell in love with the space,” she added. “It’s an old historic building, and used to be a livery, among other things, so that’s pretty cool.” Dake said she and her co-owners — including her husband Tom and brother Steve Gesicki — are very much looking forward to their first baseball season in the neighborhood, which begins April 4 this year. “Our goal all along has been to be up and operating by Opening Day,” she said. Ad_Mud-Hens_Whitehouse-Inn_8.pdf n PITA CONTINUES ON 9




2:03 PM

Kate and Tom Dake will open a Pita Pit restaurant in the Warehouse District on March 31.









March 30, 2014

n PITA CONTINUED FROM 8 To introduce themselves to St. Clair Village, the Dakes held a holiday party and got to know some of the neighbors. She said employees are sometimes treated to Mud Hens and Walleye games. “We are huge fans of the Walleye and the Mud Hens,” she said. “We’re hoping for some opportunities to

work with them, as well.” Pita Pit was founded in Ontario, Canada, in 1995 and in 2005 a group of investors and franchisees gained the rights to start Pita Pit USA, based in Idaho. There are currently more than 200 locations in the U.S., and more than 450 worldwide. The Dakes currently own two other Pita Pit locations. They pur-


A Toledo tradition since 2005 chased their first in Bowling Green from its franchisee, then opened one of their own on Dorr Street near the University of Toledo. The Dakes, who have been living in the Cleveland area, originally looked to open a restaurant there, but Gesicki worked as a delivery man at the Bowling Green Pita Pit while attending school, and had worked his



OPEN HOUSE APRIL 5, 2014 10:00am - Noon

way up to management. It was this connection that brought the Dakes into the business. While her husband has continued his career in construction management, Dake now makes running the restaurants her full-time job, in addition to mom duties. Dake said one of the most appealing things about Pita Pit is its uniqueness. “The whole concept of what Pita Pit is, is that it’s a healthy thing, but it’s a quick thing,” she said. “There really aren’t a whole lot of fast options for healthy food. We have a lot of quality meats and sauces, and fewer ingredients.” Dake said the menu features a mix of Mediterranean and Greek options like falafel and hummus. “We also have lots of sandwich options like prime rib and Philly steak, and a lot of vegetarian options,” she said. “Then we have our chicken breast,


The whole concept of what Pita Pit is, is that it’s a healthy thing, but it’s a quick thing.” — Kate Dake and it’s our most versatile menu choice. You can do buffalo chicken, or chicken and ham with pineapple. Really, each pita is customized for every person who walks into the store.” Although nothing concrete has been planned, Dake said expansion is definitely part of the long-term business goal. “We have an optimistic goal of 10 stores between Toledo and Cleveland, and we’re just going to take it slow and steady, and take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.” O




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10 Community

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014


DAY TFP celebrates 10 years of rocking with the Mud Hens


12 Mud Hens 2014

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Did you know about Did you know about Toledo’s Best Kept Secret? Toledo’s Best Kept Secret? A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

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Editor’s statement

Let’s go, Hens! W elcome to the 2014 Toledo Free Press Mud Hens Opening Day special section! As the team begins its lucky 13th season Downtown, we hope you are as excited as we are about all things Muddy and heading back to Fifth Third Field. This is our 10th year celebrating Opening Day; thanks to all of the Toledo Free Press writers, photographers, sales representatives and ad-

vertisers for working with us on this special section. Special thanks to the Mud Hens organization for the interviews, photos and insights. Please send your feedback and suggestions for next year’s Opening Day section to sottney@toledofree Now, let’s hope for warm weather and get ready to play ball! — Sarah Ottney, Toledo Free Press Managing Editor


ty Board of Coun Commissioners Carol Contrada President zniak Tina Skeldon Wo Pete Gerken

April 4, 2014 Fans, Dear Mud Hens

son! 14 Mud Hens sea s you to the 20 ioners welcome iss mm Co ty un cas Co king The Board of Lu with record-brea Field pport our team th ar at Fifth Third country. You su ye the 13 in ir st the be in er Now are the ov . s de ht fan itu ug ns att bro He ve d -up Mu r-give d Hens ha a heartfelt, neve untry — the Mu attendance and sold last season. diums in the co ts ke sta tic all n seb llio ba est half a mi — one of the fin park, with over s into our great ns’ five million fan proud of the He — making fans iform with spirit reds of gifted un nd ns Hu He d ic. Mu eth rk ar the io wo including Our players we d Northwest Oh over the years, e, teamwork, an an. d Hens uniform stl Mu ssm hu He the rk ke ed ma Mi de ort d sp tra ve rth an seball players ha rson, Danny Wo de an Gr s rti Cu professional ba r, like Bobby Murce ce to be for notable players n Toledo the pla make Downtow family lp n he pla r ns nte Ce ioa Oh ton st and the Hunting the summer Northwe ar, ery ye Ev is t. Th en s. nm me Fifth Third Field tai home ga ily-friendly enter und Mud Hens al fans and year-round, fam work parties aro tions for its loy d op an d ts foo en w ev l ne of ur buck with gatherings, socia an eclectic array real bang for yo cited to unveil d Hens offer a Mu o led To Mud Hens are ex e Th to the BirdCage. enhancements tainment. k forward to affordable enter ird Field and loo over to Fifth Th ad he , ve e. glo tim at off your baseball an all-around gre It’s time to dust Muddonna and orn, Muddy and hot dogs, popc let’s go Hens! And, as always,



Carol Contrada President


Mud Hens 2014 13

A Toledo tradition since 2005 Toledo Free Press Photo By James A. Molnar

March 30, 2014



zniak Tina Skeldon Wo Commissioner

Pete Gerken Commissioner

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Sarah Ottney, Toledo Free Press MANAGING Editor, with Muddy.


4, 201


To Ou

r Mud

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14 Mud Hens 2014 April SUNDAY





6 vs Louisville 2:00 PM 13 @ Louisville 2:05 PM 20

27 vs Gwinnett 2:00 PM





4 vs Louisville 4:00 PM 7 8 9 10 11 vs Indianapolis vs Indianapolis vs Indianapolis @ Indianapolis @ Indianapolis 6:30 PM 7:05 PM 7:15 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 14 15 16 17 18 vs Columbus vs Columbus @ Columbus @ Louisville @ Louisville 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:35 PM 6:35 PM 7:15 PM 21 22 23 24 25 @ Columbus vs Indianapolis vs Indianapolis vs Indianapolis vs Indianapolis 6:35 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 28 vs Gwinnett 6:30 PM

29 vs Gwinnett 6:30 PM



5 vs Louisville 6:00 PM 12 @ Indianapolis 7:05 PM 19 @ Columbus 3:05 PM 26 vs Gwinnett 6:00 PM




25 @ Lehigh Valley 1:35 PM

26 vs Durham 6:00 PM

27 vs Durham 6:30 PM

28 vs Durham 10:30 AM

29 vs Durham 6:30 PM

30 vs Charlotte 7:00 PM

31 vs Charlotte 7:00 PM





2 vs Charlotte 7:00 PM

3 @ Buffalo 7:05 PM

4 @ Buffalo 7:05 PM

5 @ Buffalo 10:35 AM

6 @ Buffalo 7:05 PM

7 @ Scranton/WB 7:05 PM

8 @ Scranton/WB 1:05 PM

9 @ Scranton/WB 7:05 PM

10 @ Scranton/WB 7:05 PM


12 vs Buffalo 7:00 PM

13 vs Buffalo 7:00 PM

14 vs Buffalo 7:00 PM

6 @ Louisville 6:05 PM

15 vs Buffalo 6:00 PM

16 vs Scranton/WB 7:00 PM

17 vs Scranton/WB 7:00 PM

19 vs Scranton/WB 12:00 PM

20 @ Charlotte 7:05 PM

21 @ Charlotte 7:05 PM

13 vs Pawtucket 6:00 PM 20 vs Louisville 6:00 PM 27 @ Durham 5:05 PM








1 vs Norfolk 7:00 PM 3 4 5 6 7 8 @ Indianapolis @ Indianapolis @ Indianapolis vs Lehigh Valley vs Lehigh Valley 1:35 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 10 11 12 13 14 15 vs Lehigh Valley vs Indianapolis vs Indianapolis vs Indianapolis vs Columbus 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 17 18 19 20 21 22 vs Columbus @ Columbus @ Columbus @ Columbus @ Indianapolis @ Indianapolis 6:00 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:05 PM 7:15 PM

2 @ Indianapolis 7:05 PM 9 vs Lehigh Valley 7:00 PM 16 vs Columbus 7:00 PM 23 vs Louisville 7:00 PM

24 vs Louisville 6:00 PM

30 @ Louisville 6:05 PM

25 vs Louisville 6:30 PM

26 vs Columbus 6:30 PM

27 vs Columbus 6:30 PM

28 @ Louisville 7:05 PM

29 @ Louisville 7:05 PM

31 @ Columbus 6:05 PM

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3 @ Syracuse 2:00 PM 10 vs Rochester 7:00 PM 17 @ Rochester 7:05 PM 24 @ Lehigh Valley 6:35 PM

1 vs Charlotte 6:00 PM

28 vs Columbus 7:00 PM


2 @ Syracuse 7:00 PM 9 vs Rochester 7:00 PM 16 vs Syracuse 7:00 PM 23 @ Lehigh Valley 7:05 PM


27 @ Gwinnett 7:05 PM


1 @ Syracuse 7:00 PM 8 @ Pawtucket 12:05 PM 15 vs Syracuse 6:30 PM 22 @ Lehigh Valley 7:05 PM


26 @ Gwinnett 6:35 PM


7 @ Pawtucket 7:05 PM 14 vs Syracuse 10:30 AM 21


25 @ Gwinnett 6:35 PM


6 @ Pawtucket 7:05 PM 13 vs Syracuse 6:30 PM 20 @ Rochester 1:05 PM


23 24 @ Charlotte @ Gwinnett 7:05 PM 6:35 PM 30 @ Indianapolis 7:05 PM


5 @ Pawtucket 7:05 PM 12 vs Rochester 10:30 AM 19 @ Rochester 7:05 PM


18 vs Scranton/WB 7:00 PM


4 @ Syracuse 2:00 PM 11 vs Rochester 2:00 PM 18 @ Rochester 1:05 PM


22 @ Charlotte 2:05 PM 29 vs Columbus 6:00 PM

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005




1 2 @ Indianapolis vs Columbus 7:00 PM 7:05 PM

3 vs Columbus 7:00 PM

4 @ Columbus 7:15 PM

5 @ Columbus 7:05 PM

7 @ Louisville 7:05 PM

8 @ Louisville 7:05 PM

9 @ Louisville 7:05 PM

10 11 12 vs Pawtucket vs Pawtucket vs Pawtucket 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM




All-Star Game

All-Star Game

All-Star Game

21 @ Norfolk 7:05 PM 28 @ Durham 7:05 PM

22 @ Norfolk 7:05 PM 29 vs Norfolk 7:00 PM

23 @ Norfolk 7:05 PM 30 vs Norfolk 7:00 PM

17 vs Louisville 7:00 PM 24 @ Norfolk 12:05 PM 31 vs Norfolk 7:00 PM




september SUNDAY


18 vs Louisville 7:00 PM 25 @ Durham 7:05 PM


19 vs Louisville 12PM/7PM 26 @ Durham 7:05 PM


1 @ Columbus 3:05 PM



All games listed local time

For more information and available seat locations, call the Toledo Mud Hens at (419) 725-HENS (4367). To purchase game plans or partial-season game plans, suite rentals, pregame picnic parties, group tickets, Toft’s Ice Cream birthday parties, youth baseball camps, sponsorships and advertising online, visit


with any purchase or service!

Quick Lane at Brondes Ford Toledo 5545 Secor Road, Toledo, OH 43623

419-471-2969 Like us on Facebook

5545 Secor Rd., Toledo • (419) 473-1411

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 15

16 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Matt Liasse

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Every year, a bash is thrown to celebrate the official start of the Mud Hens baseball season. This year’s celebration comes at the end of a brutal winter. The official Mud Hens party will grill plenty of burgers and hot dogs to celebrate the beginning of spring. The party, set for 2 p.m. April 4, happens before the Mud Hens Opening Day doubleheader, which will see the Mud Hens kick off their season at 4 p.m. followed by a regular season game for the Walleye hockey team at 7:15 p.m. This is the first time in Walleye and Mud Hens history that both teams have played on Opening Day. “It’s the biggest party in town; let’s just carry it off into the evening and be able to hang out with the Walleye that night,” said Andi Roman, communications director for the two teams. The bash will feature drink specials and an all-you-can-eat buffet, including hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, potato chips and gourmet cookies, Roman said. Live music will be provided by The Bradberries at The Nest from 2-3:15 p.m. After the Mud Hens game, the University of Toledo marching band will lead people from Fifth Third Field to the Huntington Center for the Walleye game. Tickets to the bash are $30. For those interested in going to both games, there’s a special ticket price of $25. To attend the bash and both games, fans can purchase the $25 double ticket plus a bash wristband for $17. To purchase tickets, call (419) 725-4367 or

Happening Downtown

Events celebrating Opening Day will also take place outside of the stadium. Sarah Mettler, manager at Ye Olde

Cock n’ Bull, 9 N. Huron St., recently used tagged photos from Facebook as art on the newly designed menus. Anyone who has tagged themselves at the bar on the social networking site just might spot themselves on the menus. Mettler said she has been waiting for the spring season to show them off. “They’ve been out for a little bit, but it’s been the winter season so sales haven’t really been that high,” she said. Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull, which will open at noon April 4, will have live music by Flabongo Nation from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Drink specials for the day include $1 Jell-O Shots and, as always, draft beers will be available. This is the second year the bar will celebrate the start of the Mud Hens season. Mettler said it is the bar’s busiest day of the year and she enjoys seeing the support for local sports. The Blarney Irish Pub, 601 Monroe St., will open at 10 a.m. April 4 and will feature a hot dog bar all day. Patrons will be able to dress their dogs in their choice of 20 exotic toppings. Live music will be featured as well, including Last Born Sons at 1 p.m. and Nine Lives at 9 p.m. Bill Kline, general manager of The Blarney Irish Pub, said after the winter area residents have endured, it’s exciting to begin baseball season. “We’re looking forward to opening up the patio,” he said. Gathered Art Gallery & Studios, 23 N. Huron St., will celebrate the new season in an artistic manner, according to Marketing and Events Coordinator Amanda Goldberg. From noon to 4 p.m., anyone who visits the studio can make a glass baseball glove for $45. A food truck, face painting and live music will also be featured during that time. After the game, from 6-11 p.m., people are encouraged to return to the studio for public glass blowing demonstrations and to purchase a handmade glass cup. O

toledo free press photo by james A. molnar

Downtown steps up to the plate for Opening Day


This season marks the 13th year the mud hens have played at fifth third FIELD in downtown toledo.

A Toledo tradition since 2005

photo courtesy gathered art gallery & studioS

March 30, 2014


Gathered Art Gallery & Studios near the ballpark will help people make baseball mitts out of glass ON OPENING DAY.

Mud Hens 2014 17

18 Mud Hens 2014


The Mud Hens’ all-time winningest skipper is ready to roll for another season of Toledo baseball. Larry Parrish has returned for his third stint as manager of the Hens, replacing Phil Nevin. The former All-Star major league player and International League Hall of Famer said the chance to come back was something he could not pass up. “It was an opportunity presented by the club, and obviously Toledo’s a place I’m very familiar with — nice people, great surroundings,” Parrish said. “It’s a chance as a manager to try to help the guys make the next step, to make the major leagues.” Parrish, who most recently managed the Single-A West Michigan Whitecaps, is eager to work with a promising group of young players this year, and said strength on the mound will be a highlight. “It looks like our pitching should be very good,” Parrish said. “I think we’ve got a couple legitimate prospects that are going to be starting for us this year.” He said Toledo’s current pitching depth provides an opportunity to see possible future stars in action. “I don’t know if we’ve had that in a long time, where we had this many guys who have a chance to pitch in the big leagues as starters,” he said. “As an organization, we’re strong up and


down, pitching-wise.” He added that some of the pitching prospects brought up by the Detroit Tigers over the past decade — such as Jeremy Bonderman, Rick Porcello and Justin Verlander — often do not stay in the minor league system long. “They were on the fast track [to the majors], so we didn’t get a chance to see them in Toledo,” he said. Parrish said his pitchers this year will have some added help behind them in the form of good gloves. “Defensively, I think we’re going to be a very good club,” he said. On the offensive side, Parrish noted a lot of potential, but said hitting at the Triple-A level can be unpredictable. “Offensively, it’s tough to say for the first part of the season, because we’re going to have a lot of first-year guys at this level,” he said. “Sometimes, though, you never know. Guys make big changes from one year to the next.” Parrish said his roster this year 2010 GMC Sierra Reg. Cab W/T could be unpredictable at #GA292 times, as Stock • Cruise Control • AM/FM CD Player early, lengthy injuries to Tigers leftNow GMS Everyone $ $ fielder Andy Dirks and shortstop José *Includes Retention Certificate Iglesias have left the major league club 2011 GMC Acadia FWD SL with holes. Stock #GB025 • Bluetooth For Phone • Onstar “Any time a• Remote guyStart goes down up $ Month mo. there, it usually39 affects us,Lease ” he said. $1665 Down When asked if he finds it frusYukon Denali trating to have to 2010 give GMC upStock players that #GA275 • Sunroof MSRP . . . $59,585 are going strong • Rear for Seat Toledo, Parrish GMS . . . $49,108 Entertainment said that he understands theSAVE nature of • 20” Chrome Wheels $10,477 *Includes Retention Certificate his position. 2011 GMC Sierra 4WD Ext. Cab n Larry Parrish IS RETURNING TO TOLEDO for his third time at the Mud Hens’ helm. n PARRISH CONTINUES ON 19 Stock #GB013

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photo courtesy toledo mud hens

Parrish pumped about Mud Hens’ pitching prospects By Jay Hathaway

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March 30, 2014

n PARRISH CONTINUED FROM 18 “That’s just sort of our job,” he said. “Every organization is predicated on how well the major league club does. That’s really what’s it’s all about, getting guys to the major league club. If we’ve got a guy ready to go up and help, then we’ve done our job.”

In addition to working with the players, Parrish said he is also looking forward to working with hitting coach Leon “Bull” Durham, who has been with the Hens for 14 seasons. “I love the fact that they’ve still got Bull there,” Parrish said. “I hate that he hasn’t gotten the opportunity

Mud Hens 2014 19

A Toledo tradition since 2005 to be a big league hitting coach yet, but I’m glad they still have him in Toledo with me.” As for his return to the city itself, Parrish said Toledo has a lot to offer, and he especially enjoys working in the Fifth Third Field facilities. “It’s got a great clubhouse and

weight room for the players. The batting cage is right there by the clubhouse. The groundskeeper, Jake [Tyler], does a great job. It’s just a great place to be. “It’s a very fan-friendly ballpark,” he added. “Even the people in the upper deck, you can almost have a conversation from the field. There’s really not a bad seat in the ballpark.” Parrish said, in addition to the excellent fan base, the Downtown business community has also been very supportive. “Since they put [the ballpark] in the Downtown area, so many places have sprung up.” Toledo also has a lot to offer in terms of leisure, Parrish said. “I’m an outdoorsman, so I love to play golf. There are some great golf courses in the area. Then you’ve got Cabela’s up [Route] 23, and Bass Pro Shops down I-75, so that’s great to have those places close by as well.” Parrish led the Mud Hens to back-

to-back International League championships in 2005 and 2006. He was named the International League Manager of the Year in 2005 and was inducted into the International League Hall of Fame last season. During his playing career, the Florida native saw action in nearly 1,900 major league games. He retired from playing in 1990 and joined the Detroit Tigers organization as a fulltime coach. Mud Hens President and General Manager Joe Napoli said he is thrilled to have Parrish back. “As a manager, he’s a great teacher and I know we’ll see improvement in player development,” Napoli said in a news release at the time of the announcement. “For our fans, he’s always been a favorite. They will be glad to welcome him back.” Parrish and the Mud Hens open the season at home April 4 against the Louisville Bats. O

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20 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Jay Hathaway


With funding set to roll in, Toledo residents will soon see parts of Downtown’s Warehouse District become Hensville. The Hensville project was initially announced in August. Mud Hens President and General Manager Joe Napoli said the original plan involved NAPOLI four buildings on St. Clair Street near Fifth Third Field — two that are actually attached, and two across the street from the right field fence. “After evaluating the four buildings, unfortunately, we had to demolish one of the buildings.” Napoli said Chicago’s Wrigleyville was an inspiration for the project. “What we contemplate going forward is filling the buildings with restaurants, banquet facilities, an expanded Swamp Shop, rooftop dining and rooftop decks akin to Wrigley Field,” he said.

Napoli cited the success of the ballpark’s elevated seating and party decks as one of the inspirations and themes for Hensville. “The Roost is extremely popular, so we’re going to extend that concept, to permit fans to watch the games from the rooftops,” he said. “There will be another rooftop deck that will look out over the Maumee [River] and Owens Corning,” he added. Diane Keil-Hipp, president of the Warehouse District Association, said she is equally excited about the new developments. “We’re thrilled,” she said. “For St. Clair, there was a time when almost every building on the street was vacant. The block before it has [undergone] a wonderful renovation. It’s just been a section at a time, and [these buildings] that the Mud Hens are renovating are kind of the last holdouts on that entire street.” Keil-Hipp said the buildings are significant because they encompass so much space on the block. “We couldn’t be happier about completing, really, the full renovation of St. Clair,” she said. n HENSVILLE CONTINUES ON 22

illustration courtesy toledo mud hens

Excitement building about Hensville development plans


An artist’s rendering of the Mud Hens’ proposed Downtown development project, Hensville.

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March 30, 2014

Mud Hens 2014 21

A Toledo tradition since 2005


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22 Mud Hens 2014 n HENSVILLE CONTINUED FROM 20 “There’s a lot of rooftop entertaining going into the Warehouse District. It’s very cool, and it seems like a common thread in the Warehouse District,” KeilHipp said. Napoli said the team originally considered using the name Mudville, but could not, because it is already a registered trademark of another minor league ball team. However, he maintains Hensville is a fitting moniker. “Everyone refers to the team as either the Mud Hens or the Hens, so we think Hensville has the potential to work out quite nicely for us,” he said. Napoli said the Mud Hens organization will operate the new businesses in the renovated buildings. “We already run a robust catering business. When we’re attracting 10,000 people Downtown, to attract another 200 people to a restaurant seems like it would be a natural fit.” As for the themes of the restau-

rants, Napoli said the specifics are still being worked out. “Right now, we’re looking at a variety of different options,” he said. “We’re talking to several people who have ‘celebrity’ culinary backgrounds. We’re exploring that before we move forward.” According to Napoli, parts of the funding will likely come from sources such as new market tax credits and historic tax credits. Additionally, the state recently approved $1.5 million for the project from its capital budget. Napoli added that there are still some local, state and federal funding sources the team is continuing to explore, such as green initiatives and working with several local entities to pursue other funding. The balance of the project will come from Mud Hens net proceeds. Debt from Fifth Third Field is set to be clear in 2016, and Napoli said that the aim is for net proceeds to grow as a result.

A Toledo tradition since 2005 Porter Architects has been working on Hensville’s design concepts, and the Lathrop Company has been brought on board to manage the construction project. Subcontracting will take place closer to the groundbreaking, sometime during winter 2014-15. Hensville is set to be completed by Opening Day 2016. Napoli said recreation and entertainment facilities are one of the critical aspects for revitalizing a

downtown area. “We’ve been so impressed with the development in the Warehouse District and Downtown,” he said. Napoli said Downtown development was one of the primary reasons the Mud Hens organization decided to move its facilities Downtown years ago. “Now, between Fifth Third Field and the Huntington Center, we’re attracting a million people a year Downtown for fun,” he said. “[Hensville]

March 30, 2014 will be something new and different for Toledo and the region. We’re very excited about the potential success for all of this new activity.” When asked if he would be engaged in a similar conversation about the Huntington Center area in five years, Napoli laughed, but did not completely dismiss the idea. “One never knows,” he said. “If the right opportunities present themselves, one never knows.” O

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ere’s some Mud Hens trivia (confessions) for you. Nearly half of the fans leave the stadium not knowing whether the home team won or lost. That’s me.

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Who won the game?

You don’t need to be a baseball fan to have a good time at a Hens game. That’s me. (Don’t tell my husband. He is a high school baseball coach.) The majority of those who attend a game are from Toledo and its suburbs

(up to 60 miles away). That’s me — a former Toledoan living in Monclova. A Mud Hens game is a tradition you need to experience at least once. It is actually hard to avoid a game because

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Mud Hens 2014 23

someone you know is bound to have a birthday party, company picnic or reunion at the stadium. Last year, game attendance landed at 560,080 — the sixth best single season. If you weren’t among those in attendance, here’s something that might tempt you. In 2013, SportsBusiness Journal named Toledo the Top Minor League Brandi Market in the country. Additionally, USA Today and 10Best. com ranked it No. 4 in Best Minor League Ballparks. Andi Roman, communications director, said the Mud Hens and the stadium are continually being recognized because of the support of the community, the sponsors, season ticket holders and the fans. My family and friends certainly contribute to this fandom, which is split evenly among men and women, according to Roman. My grandfather, Richard Buchholz and his wife, Evelyn, are huge fans from Temperance. I even recall my grandpa leaving a birthday party because he had to get to a game. I guess that makes sense because Roman said the games attract a lot of seniors, as well as singles. Looking for a mate? Get back in the game. My recently married cousin, Derek Cousino, loves Mud Hen games because he grew up playing baseball. The start of the season signals the start of fun times and (hopefully) warmer weather for him. “It’s only a 10- to 15-minute drive to the stadium and it’s my hometown’s team,” he told me. “I grew up watching them at the old stadium also and seeing many of the players get trans-

ferred to the Detroit Tigers.” Roman said the Mud Hens organization knows that people have a lot of choices, such as amusement parks and video games, when it comes to their disposable income. “For us, it’s all about our fans and the experience they have from the time they purchase to when they BARHITE tickets leave the stadium,” she said in an email. My church friend Andy Good said when he was younger the thrill of going to the game was all about seeing the players who would someday make it to the major leagues. “But as I have gotten older, I realize the real charm is the atmosphere of the ballpark,” Good told me. “It is a great way to spend an evening — whether it be a date, a night out with the boys or spending quality time with the entire family. “I think it’s impossible to grow up in Toledo and not have many fond memories of the Mud Hens,” he said. My favorite Mud Hens memory is when I coined the term “popple.” My then-boyfriend (now husband) Dorian Boggs still hasn’t let me forget that I meant “pop-up,” although I maintain I was just being cute and referencing the plush toys from the 1980s. But since Roman said the main goal of the Mud Hens experience is for people to leave in a good mood, I guess I did my part. “We want every person who attends a game to leave with a smile on their face and maybe a lasting memory,” she said. I just wish my husband’s recollection wasn’t so good. O

photo courtesy brandi barhite

March 30, 2014


TFP OMBUDSMAN BRANDI BARHITE and her husband at a mud hens game.

24 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Don Lee


Jake Tyler’s job is to see to it the Mud Hens aren’t, strictly, muddy. Add his job to the list of those made harder by the winter nobody in our region is sorry to see leave. Making sure the “Field” part of Fifth Third Field is ready for the Mud Hens’ home opener is generally a laid-back job — aerate the soil, add a layer of TYLER sand, spread fertilizer on the grassy parts, mow it a couple of times. Add up to 16 inches of snow and ice, though ... “Normally we’ve got four weeks to get two weeks’ [worth of] work done,” Tyler said, laughing. “Now we had three weeks to get a month and a half ’s worth of work done.” Snow normally protects the grass and ground from the worst of

the winter cold, then melts in the spring, helping to thaw and warm the ground. “Definitely not a normal year,” said Tyler, whose official job title is sports turf manager for the Mud Hens. “Depends on how you define normal, I guess.” The ground froze, and froze deep. Snow and ice piled up — about 16 inches in the part of the field that, until about April when the sun traces a high-enough arc in the sky, gets no direct sunlight at all. On the day before spring officially started, parts of the ballpark’s loading dock was piled deep with snow — snow that had been shoveled from the field by hand, by a crew of eight men, because the deep-frozen ground was too fragile to use heavy equipment. And the limited sunlight and nearzero evening temperatures meant there were only a few hours each day to get that work done without causing more damage to the ground. “It took some ingenuity” to work around that, Tyler said.

photo courtesy jake tyler

Turf Manager Jake Tyler fights effects of brutal winter



Piles of snow were shoveled off the field by hand because the field was too fragile for heavy equipment.

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March 30, 2014

Mud Hens 2014 25

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Good Luck, Mud Hens!

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26 Mud Hens 2014 That ingenuity included putting one of the infield tarps to unexpected use as a hothouse of sorts, to melt the 16 inches of snow and ice shielded by the stadium walls from the low winter sun. The tarp was spread atop the ice, its edges weighted down with piled-on snow. Then two industrial-sized space heaters were set up at either end, their exhaust hoses stuck under the edges. The two heaters put out a total of a 1 million British Thermal Units (BTU) per hour, Tyler said. (Just to compare, the space heater that’s been under your desk all winter might run about 5,000 BTU, tops.) Those two heaters kept the temperature under the tarp in the 70s even as the outside temperature passed zero on the way down. It was still three days before the ice and snow melted, Tyler said. All that melting and shoveling got Tyler and his crew — which includes full-time assistant Cory Myers and, in a “normal” year, two other crewmen — to the point where they could think about doing the things they usually do to prepare the field: tilling to aerate the clay parts, fertilizer on the grass, the first pass with the mowers. It’s about more than having a field that looks good, Tyler said. There are plenty of stories about how dirt that’s not firm enough can cause a player to lose his footing, or cause a ball to take a bad hop and injure someone. “Our goal is to have a safe field for the players. We don’t want to cause any injuries,” he said. And then there’s the intangible effect of walking into a baseball stadium, through the gates and up to the seats and catching that first glimpse of the playing field. For the fans, Tyler said, “walking out to that field and seeing the green grass makes it feel like spring, even if it’s not.” O

photo courtesy jake tyler


A Toledo tradition since 2005


A tent erected on the field served as a makeshift hothouse to melt the snow in preparation for opening day.

March 30, 2014

March 30, 2014


Mud Hens 2014 27

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Return of baseball offers welcome change of pace

he NCAA Tournament is entering its final weekend. The NHL and NBA are deep into their final runs into the playoffs. Even NASCAR is spitting hot fire with its new qualifying format. The sports world is just screaming loud. All of which means it’s suddenly time for the sport that has no clock. The sport that takes its time. The sport that can be played with a

mouthful of sesame seeds. Baseball, Ray. For baseball purists, it’s a moment of divinity. An opportunity to get out from beneath the roofed arenas and away from the noise. To take an opportunity to enjoy the game that takes the opportunity to enjoy itself. For the rest of the sports world, it’s a little bit ... awkward. “Yeah, I see you over there, baseball, but look, I’ve

got these other things going on. I’ll get over to you in a bit.” And they do. But be honest — between the tournament, playoff races and even some poor souls draining their energy into the glorified lottery draw known as the NFL Draft, they’ll pay attention on Opening Day — but then they won’t come around until everything else settles down. But baseball most definitely has its

It’s time.

place in the world. Consider the winter gardening, getting out to a Metropark, months — hell, consider this particular I’ve heard rumors some people exerwinter. How many days were you con- cise — it would only make sense that fined to the inside of your house? For the sport of choice for this time would be the one that moves at more than one day this the speed of “coast.” year, it was literally ilSo when it comes legal for you to be on the to the start of baseroads. (I say “you” beball, some of us need cause this poor sap gets it more than others. the sad designation of After the winter we’ve being “essential media,” been through, I think and has to brave the Toledo will keep Fifth roads. Yay me.) Third Field packed all When you’re stuck season long. The straginside, you need the fastMatt CULBREATH glers will come through paced action of football, basketball and hockey. If you can’t run when their playoffs and drafts are all around the house like a madman, at finished up, and they’ll drink in the sun with the rest of us. least you can watch someone else do it. Here’s to baseball, the sport we Finally, in April, the weather breaks. You’re able to leave the house. need at the time we need it. O And between repairing the damage winter caused to your house and doing “Shaggy” Matt Culbreath is sports diyour typical fair-weather activities — rector at 1370 WSPD.

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28 Mud Hens 2014 illustration courtesy toledo mud hens

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

“Mom and Dad just preplanned their funerals” Words like that kind of just stop you.

Mom and dad always try to make the tough decisions easier on us kids. That’s why when they told us they preplanned their funerals, it just made sense.

The app, Inside the Park, is expected to BE AVAILABLE by Opening Day.

New app Inside the Park aims to enhance game experience By Sarah Ottney


Social media and smartphone use has grown in popularity to the point where it seems a majority of users are on their phones all the time, whether they are watching the Oscars, the Super Bowl — or a Mud Hens baseball game.

That “second-screen mentality” is why Nathan Steinmetz, manager of online marketing for the Toledo Mud Hens, said he is excited for a new Minor League Baseball (MiLB) app set to debut by Opening Day. The free app, Inside the Park, was developed by Boomaphone, a subsidiary of sports marketing company Brandiose, in partnership with MiLB and will include all 160

minor league teams, including the Mud Hens. “You walk around our games the past few years and you’ll see that everyone’s on their phone, whether they are checking their Twitter or texting their friends or posting their own photos on Instagram. “It’s happening everywhere,” Steinmetz said. n APP CONTINUES ON 29


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Mud Hens 2014 29

A Toledo tradition since 2005 n APP CONTINUED FROM 28

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“At any of these big events that everybody watches, that second-screen mentality is you’ve got your phone out and you’re following along on Twitter to see what everybody else is saying or you’re getting engaged and putting your own thoughts and jokes out there. “It’s happening at home and it’s happening at our games. This app is a perfect culmination of all those things and we think it’s going to be really great.” Each team will supply its own inning-by-inning content for the app, which will be available for both iPhone and Android users. “We’re confident it will be up and operational on Opening Day or soon thereafter,” Steinmetz said. “Realistically, it will probably take us a homestand or two to work through the kinks. But it should be really cool.” The app is expected to serve as a “companion piece” to the fan experience, Steinmetz said. “It lets fans know what special events might be happening before the game, what promotions will be happening during the game and what’s happening after the game, if there’s fireworks or any special events worth sticking around for,” Steinmetz said. App users can vote on mascot races, sign up for promotions, earn points and reward coupons, interact through social media accounts, explore the ballpark via an interactive map and more, said app developer Jason Klein of Boomaphone. n APP CONTINUES ON 30

toledo free press photo by christie materni

March 30, 2014


Nathan Steinmetz is manager of online marketing for the mud hens.

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30 Mud Hens 2014 n APP CONTINUED FROM 29 The app will use geolocation to recognize what ballpark the user is in and pull up that feed, Steinmetz said. The user can also manually switch to a different ballpark, Klein said. “This is connecting the ballpark experience in a way that’s never been done before,” Klein said. “It completely enhances the fan experience.” All the Mud Hens social media platforms will be integrated into the app, so fans following the game will get Facebook posts, tweets and Instagram posts from the Mud Hens within the app. Fans can also sign into their own social media platforms using the app. Photos, tweets and statuses shared via the app will automatically get a game hashtag that will be searchable and viewable by the Mud Hens and other fans at the game as well as your own friends, Steinmetz said. “The idea is that if people are here, they can just have this app up the entire time and do everything they would want to do from the app,” Steinmetz said. Steinmetz hopes the app will help fans take control of their game experience. “There are events happening all over the concourse and if you walk in the wrong gate, you might not walk by it,” Steinmetz said. “People might not know the mascots sign autographs in the seventh inning because they sit over there and have no reason to come over here for example. So we’re hoping this really helps people increase the value of their ticket and be able to experience more.” Last year, seven minor league teams participated in a pilot program with the app, including the Buffalo Bisons and Lehigh Valley IronPigs of the International League. “One of the teams came to us so we built a minor league baseball app from the ground up,” Klein said. “We’re not bringing this over from any other sport or business. It was designed specifically for minor league baseball fans. We took a lot of notes and a lot of feedback from the teams last

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 year and the app will be way better than last year.” Many minor league fans are more interested in promotional events than baseball stats, Steinmetz said. “Sports information is important, but our philosophy has always been that’s only part of it,” he said. “Some people just want to know, ‘Is SpongeBob going to be at the game today? Are there fireworks tonight?’ That’s what this app is. Twenty percent of the screen is taken up with information on the game and the rest is information about what’s going on and that’s what most people are here for.” Steinmetz said he’s excited to use the app both at his job and as a fan. “They get what we’re all about — the differences between our fans and fans of other sports and even of the major leagues,” Steinmetz said of Boomaphone. “They get how it’s all about fun and entertainment here and that’s all built into the app.” Social media users comprise all age groups, from children to seniors, Steinmetz said. “It’s getting to the point where just about everyone’s using it,” he said. “A good example is the Throwback Thursday hashtag. We’ve been taking advantage of our storied history and sharing some of our old photos from our archives.” Each week, the Hens get responses from fans who attended games at Swayne Field and Ned Skeldon Stadium. “The conversations that come out of that are amazing. We get incredible engagement from it,” Steinmetz said. “Right there is a great example of how social media has reached across all age groups and our messaging has changed a little bit to reflect that. “[The app will be] that second-screen mentality coming right into our ballpark. That’s where we’re at now,” Steinmetz said. “It all kind of comes together, that you can communicate with other people, you can communicate with the team, you can get news and information — all from your seat. It’s pretty cool.” O

Good Luck, Mud Hens!


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March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 31

32 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Toledo Free Press celebrates 10 years of home team coverage

This season marks the 10th year of Toledo Mud Hens coverage by Toledo Free Press. To mark the milestone, we took a trip down memory lane by paging through our old issues and put together this look back on season highlights.


Coming off a 65-78 record in 2004, the Mud Hens had a lot to prove in 2005 and had their eyes on an elusive International League title. The losing season didn’t seem to deter fans, however, as the team reported more than 300,000 tickets sold before Opening Day. Outfielder Curtis Granderson led a “squad of players expected to graduate to major league success,” according to a TFP headline. “This team looks good on paper, but let’s see what we can do between the lines,” manager Larry Parrish told TFP. “I am very excited about the prospects of the 2005 season.” His instincts were correct — as the Hens did go on to win the International League (IL) championship, sweeping the final series 3-0 against the Indianapolis Indians to earn the Governors’ Cup. It was Toledo’s first championship since 1967. “A franchise record 556,995 fans witnessed

the Hens go from worst to first,” Toledo Free Press reported. Team president and general manager Joe Napoli later told Toledo Free Press, the team averaged nearly 7,500 attendees per game during the playoff run, which is “really unheard of ” in Minor League Baseball and Minor League playoff games, he said. He said typical attendance for minor league playoff games is around 2,500 people. Describing the season, Napoli told Toledo Free Press: “In ‘Field of Dreams,’ someone said something along the lines of ‘the cosmic tumblers clicking into place.’ That happened here this summer. Toledo got to enjoy that where everything just fell into place.”


With Hens fans still basking in the glow of the league championship, TFP’s Opening Day cover in 2006 featured a championship ring and the headline “HENS RULE.” The team, looking to repeat their IL championship, once again enjoyed high attendance, setting an all-time Toledo baseball season attendance record of 569,380. Third baseman Mike Hessman, who led the 2005 squad with 28 home runs and 74 runs batted in, was quickly becoming


Manager Larry Parrish returned to the Mud Hens after a year off recovering from ankle surgery and A.J. Sager, a former University of Toledo quarterback, joined the club as pitching coach. Mike Hessman hit .271, crushed 34 homers and drove in 72. He also hit five homers for Detroit and one more at the summer Olympics, where he won a bronze medal with the U.S. team. The Tigers trade for third baseman Miguel Cabrera and pitcher Dontrelle Willis was expected to bump a few good players back to Toledo, making the Hens lineup stronger. a Toledo star. The team hosted the Triple-A All-Star Game that July, which coincided with the LPGA Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic. Packo’s at the Park opened Downtown. And the Hens achieved their goal, earning back-to-back league championships.


Opening weekend 2007 featured a celebration of the Hens’ back-to-back championship seasons and a focus on defending their title. Had they succeeded, the team would have been

only the second to ever three-peat as IL champions. Batters Mike Hessman, David Espinosa, Jack Hannahan, Kevin Hoooper and Ryan Raburn returned along with pitchers Corey Hamman, Jason Karnuth and Jordan Tata. Hessman pounded 31 homers for the Hens, setting a new Toledo record with 83. Frank Gilhooley started his 55th season as a sports broadcaster and his 21st season with the Mud Hens. The team of Gilhooley and Jim Weber were recognized as the longestrunning broadcast duo in IL history.


Opening Day 2009 was double the fun with back-to-back games April 16-17. Wilkin Ramirez joined first baseman Ryan Roberson, another slugger from Double-A Erie, and returning third-basemen Mike Hessman, outfielders Brent Clevlen and Ryan Raburn and catcher Dusty Ryan to give the Hens and manager Larry Parrish another powerful lineup. A new video board was installed at Fifth Third Field. n TEN YEARS CONTINUES ON 33

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March 30, 2014

Mud Hens 2014 33

A Toledo tradition since 2005

n TEN YEARS CONTINUED FROM 32 The team also jumped into social media in 2009 and reported “447 followers on Twitter and more than 767 friends on Facebook at press time.” Former Mud Hens star Curtis Granderson, now with Detroit, recalled Toledo fondly, telling TFP he still regularly consulted hitting coach Leon “Bull” Durham. PizzaPapalis had opened Downtown in February and owner Joe Sheena reported being excited for baseball season to start. “We expect to be busy from open to close on game days,” he told TFP. Huntington Center and the new Walleye hockey franchise started their inaugural seasons.


In 2010, the Hens were feeling the pinch of the recession. “Companies and people are spending fewer dollars for entertainment,” Napoli told TFP. “We understand and have made appropriate adjustments.” Ticket sales were also impacted negatively by uncertainty regarding an entertainment tax proposed by Mayor Mike Bell, Napoli said. Still, overall attendance in the history of Fifth Third Field surpassed 5 million toward the end of the season. By comparison, that same milestone took 30 years to reach at Ned Skeldon Stadium, Napoli said. Elliston native musician Crystal Bowersox helped with attendance, drawing a record-setting Fifth Third Field crowd of 13,200 when she visited the ballpark during her “American Idol” finalist hometown tour in May. “When she made the final three, she told the ‘American Idol’ folks, if you’re going to do something in Toledo, it has to involve the Toledo Mud Hens,” Scott Jeffer, former assistant general manager of marketing later told TFP. Among other celebs to have watched a game at Fifth Third Field are Katie Holmes, Chris Klein, Bret Michaels, Kurt Busch, the Goo Goo Dolls and more. Among the Hens’ promotions was a Royal Wedding theme night in honor of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s upcoming nuptials.


The Hens celebrated their 10th season Downtown with a doubleheader. “It’s interesting because people tend to only remember all of the fond memories around opening Fifth Third Field,” Napoli told TFP. “It took us the better part of five years to persuade the community that this might be a good idea.” 2011 was the first season with the Mud Hens for new manager Phil Nevin, the first year for the Chicklets dance team and the first that Mud Hens games were available via Internet radio, through the iheartradio app. The Hens marked their 25th season as the Tigers’ affiliate. “I can’t say enough

positive things about the Toledo organization, about how our relationship works,” Dan Lunetta, Detroit’s director of minor league operations told TFP. Napoli cited statistics that showed half of polled Mud Hens fans indicted no interest in minor league baseball. Instead, they come for the food, the drinks and the affordable family-friendly summer entertainment. Longtime Hens staffer Scott Jeffer left for a job with the New York Yankees, who had specifically sought him out, impressed by his work with targeted marketing strategies in Toledo. Bob Seger wore a Mud Hens jersey during a March concert at the Huntington Center. TFP’s Opening Day issue featured a photo illustration by lead designer James A. Molnar featuring Muddy rockin’ out in the ballpark with an electric guitar.


The big excitement in 2012 was a sold-out exhibition game against the Detroit Tigers. It was the first time since 2000 the Tigers had come to Toledo. 2012 marked the 76th anniversary of the Tigers’ affiliation with its spring training facility in Lakeland, Fla., the longest in minor league baseball. “We’re a smokeless factory in the community,” said Ron Myers, the Tigers’ director of Lakeland Operations. “And our job is to produce major league players.” The season also marked the 85th anniversary of the 1927 championship Mud Hens team led by Casey Stengel, who would go on to a storied Major League career, most notably with the New York Yankees. The Hens debuted their now-iconic Star Wars theme night, May The

Fourth Be With You, on May 4. The Hens reported ticket sales were returning to pre-recession levels and the team debuted a signature beer, Broken Bat Kolsch, brewed by Maumee Bay Brewing Co. Penny Collins’ whimsical TFP Opening Day cover illustration featured a “Where’s Waldo?”-style scene, featuring various local celebs in a Mud Hens crowd, including Mayor Mike Bell, former Mayor Carty Finkbeiner, Crystal Bowersox, Jamie Farr, Katie Holmes, and more.


Fifth Third Field underwent a series of renovations, including a new suite-level lounge and viewing area that offered a behind-the-scenes experience for club- and suite-level ticket holders. The result was a full-fledged TV studio — rare for the minor league level. Along with the typical slate of new foods, the Hens also debuted a full concourse facelift, featuring new names, signs and renovated facades for all concession venues to evoke the feel of a “downtown streetscape.” The signage at Fifth Third Field also got a facelift, changing colors from the former Fifth Third Bank colors of black and red to its new blue and green signage. Former Hens manager Larry Parrish was inducted into the International League Hall of Fame and Tigers’ No. 1 prospect Nick Castellanos started the season in Toledo. The Hens expanded their popular Star Wars Night to two days, adding Revenge of the Fifth to May the Fourth be with You, and the team’s Chewbacca jerseys garnered national attention. As an “Angry Birds” craze was sweeping the nation, TFP’s Opening Day cover

by cartoonist Don Lee featured Muddy the Mud Hen as an Angry Bird. The team also announced an ambitious Downtown development project, now called Hensville. The project, which is said to include an expanded Swamp Shop, restaurant and rooftop viewing, is expected to be completed by 2016.


Opening Day 2014 will feature the first multisport doubleheader, with the Mud Hens opener April 4 leading into a Walleye hockey game that night. The 2014 winter, one of Toledo’s coldest and snowiest on record, forced the Mud Hens groundskeeping crew, including Sports Turf Manager Jake Tyler, to take drastic measures to make sure the field is in tip-top shape by Opening Day, including a heated tent to melt the on-field snow. Longtime Hens broadcaster Jim Weber will be inducted into the International League Hall of Fame and former Hens manager Larry Parrish is returning to lead the team, which will feature a strong pitching lineup. Also returning is Mike Hessman, who was part of the Hens’ championship 2005-06 seasons and who holds the Hens’ all-time homerun record. The Mud Hens have gained a reputation for creative promotions, said Manager of Online Marketing Nathan Steinmetz.

The team’s “Ghostbusters” jerseys, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the film franchise, drew national attention. In December, Fifth Third Field will host the long-awaited Winterfest, featuring an outdoor hockey rink erected on the field. O — Compiled by Toledo Free Press Managing Editor Sarah Ottney

34 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Danielle Stanton


Hungry Mud Hens fans will have new and interesting food options to choose from this year at the ballpark, including two new hot dogs and a chocolate chip funnel cake. A Cut Above Catering, the subsidiary company that runs the food and beverage at Fifth Third Field, recently showcased new menu items during a preview at the ballpark’s Bird Cage Restaurant. Every year for the past dozen or so years, the catering company has come up with different food items for the ballpark’s restaurants and usually their brainstorming involves hot dogs, A Cut Above Catering president Craig Nelson said. The hot dog is by far the favorite food item at the ballpark. n NEW FOOD CONTINUES ON 35

toledo free press photo by christie materni

Mac and Cheese Dog, chocolate chip funnel cake among new ballpark food



n NEW FOOD CONTINUED FROM 34 This year, the company designed two new dogs: the El Burrito Dog — a flour tortilla wrapped around two hot dogs with cheese, chili and onion — and the Mac and Cheese Dog — a grilled hotdog topped with mac and cheese and bacon. “We’re always trying to introduce new hot dogs,” Nelson said. “Hot dogs are always No. 1.” The new Mac and Cheese Dog will be available on the concourse at the Hen and Hound, which will also sell old standbys, including chicken tenders, foot long hot dogs and French fries — other favorites for Mud Hens attendees. The El Burrito Dog will be sold at the El Burrito Misterio, a Mexican food restaurant on the concourse that also sells tacos, quesadillas and nachos. A new surprise combination this year is the Chicken and Waffle Bites — maple-flavored chicken bites paired with Belgian waffles and warm maple syrup. “We wanted to do a chicken waffle sandwich,” Nelson said. “We messed around in the kitchen. It wasn’t coming out right. We sell a lot of chicken tenders, so we decided, ‘Let’s do chicken bites with waffle.’” Dusten Brown, executive chef at A Cut Above Catering, said his crew looks to see what is trending in food

to come up with the new varieties and combinations. “We’re seeing what other restaurants are doing, seeing what’s going on,” Brown said. “It’s going out to eat and seeing the trends.” Close behind hot dogs in popularity are snacks and desserts. This year, A Cut Above Catering staff came up with several: A chocolate chip funnel cake, French vanilla coffee float, chocolate lover’s sundae, Toft’s campfire s’mores ice cream, roasted almonds, bulk candies and snack mix can all be found on the concourse. Hot fudge cream puffs, chocolate brownies and caramel and almond-topped vanilla ice-cream are new at the Bird Cage sit-down restaurant. Nathan Steinmetz, manager of online marketing, said the chocolate chip funnel cake has been getting the most buzz online. “We’ve posted photos online and it’s neat to see what people gravitate to, especially if we don’t really push them toward anything,” Steinmetz said. “That one hit pretty big. It got some national attention. Some guys from ESPN saw it and retweeted it.” The Bird Cage has seating for 300 guests and has catered several wedding receptions already this year, Nelson said. n NEW FOOD CONTINUES ON 36

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 35

toledo free press photo by christie materni

March 30, 2014


A new dessert at the ballpark THIS SEASON WILL BE chocolate chip funnel cake.

toledo free press photo by christie materni

36 Mud Hens 2014

n NEW FOOD CONTINUED FROM 35 Fifth Third Field was the site of five weddings this past season with two on the field, he said. The restaurant has WiFi, three TV screens and accepts reservations. Other new items this year include Bird Cage burger sliders, a portabella sandwich and Asian dumplings. The concourse got a $200,000-plus facelift last yearAudi_TFP324_Layout with concession stands1 4529 Devers given new identities and themes. Some



Dusten Brown is executive chef at A Cut Above Catering.

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 of the restaurants and bars include Gilhooley’s Sports Bar & Grill, Pub 315, Suds & Wieners, Mudzarella’s, Farr Out Funnels and Frozhen, an ice cream shop that also sells draft beer. The March 20 preview brought out media, season ticket holders and employees of the Mud Hens who tasted samplings of the new menu items. Mud Hens broadcasters Jim Weber, who is 2:20 beingPM inducted 3/10/14 Page 1into the International League Hall of Fame, and

Matt Melzak, both said they enjoyed the food. Melzak especially liked the Mac and Cheese Dog. More new items unveiled March 20 included the Bleu Mushroom Burger, Chicken Parmesan Sandwich and the Antipasto Salad. Communications manager Rob Wiercinski, who recently left WTOL-11 to work for the Mud Hen’s franchise, said, “The problem is, I like it all.” O

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March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 37

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Mud Hens 2014 39

40 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Chase Will


“Ghostbusters,” “Star Wars” and “Seinfeld” will be among the themes for promotional nights planned by the Mud Hens this season, as well as nights for knitters and dog-owners. “Each game will have its own unique flavor,” said Michael Keedy, manager of special events. “Each game offers a different experience and there is always something going on for everyone in the family.” The annual Opening Day pregame party will take place April 4 at Fifth Third Field. This event will include live music, drink specials and an all-you-can-eat buffet followed by a Downtown doubleheader, starting with the Mud Hens kicking off their season against the Louisville Bats at 4 p.m., and followed by the Walleye taking on the Fort Wayne Komets down the street at Huntington Center at 7:15 p.m. Honoring the 30th anniversary of the “Ghostbusters” film franchise, Ghostbusters Night is a new addition this year. This event is set for May 30. Players will wear “Ghostbusters” uni-

forms, which will be auctioned off for charity after the game, with proceeds benefiting Northwest Ohio Relay for Life. The first 2,000 fans through the gates of Fifth Third Field will receive green blinking Ecto-colored glasses. “Fans can expect “Ghostbusters”themed costumed characters, special on-field skits, classic video clips, a “Ghostbusters” replica car and fun fan giveaways,” Keedy said. The “Ghostbusters” promotion has drawn a lot of national attention, said Nathan Steinmetz, manager of online marketing. “That went everywhere. An hour after we put it out on Facebook and Twitter, Sports Illustrated called us,” Steinmetz said. “There was no press release. We just pushed it out through social media and the biggest sports magazine publication was on the phone within an hour. That’s pretty neat.” The promotion has especially struck a chord with fans as it was announced days after “Ghostbusters” actor and co-writer Harold Ramis died. “That was not specifically timed to be on the heels of Harold Ramis’ passing, but people were talking about ‘Ghostbusters’ again and it was at the

top of everyone’s minds,” Steinmetz said. “No other team that I know of has done that jersey, so it had that unique factor and that sweet spot of nostalgia.” May 10 will be the return of the popular Star Wars Night, featuring costumed characters, “Star Wars”themed music, a fan costume contest and a glowing Thunderstick giveaway for the first 2,000 fans to arrive. Last year’s Chewbacca jerseys worn for Star Wars Night also attracted national attention, Steinmetz said. “We’ve established ourselves with this reputation for coming up with unique promotions,” he said. Also on May 10, Fifth Third Field’s Pub 315 will host its first of four beer-tasting events from 6-8 p.m. The other three beer tasting events are June 13, July 3 and Aug. 15. Each event will feature offerings from several different brands and breweries. Attendees will receive a drink ticket for 20 2-ounce samples, a souvenir Pub 315 glass, an all-you-can-eat buffet and a raffle ticket. Tickets are $40, or $30 for designated drivers, and include a game ticket. n PROMOTIONS CONTINUES ON 42

ILLUSTRATION courtesy toledo mud hens

Ghostbusters lead slate of new Mud Hens promotions

n ‘Ghostbusters’

jerseys will be worn MAy 30.

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 41

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42 Mud Hens 2014 n promotions CONTINUED FROM 40 After a successful 2013 event, Superhero Night will return June 28. There will be costumed characters throughout the ballpark, skits on the field and a fan costume contest with prizes, Keedy said. A new addition this year is a special superhero-themed jersey. These jerseys will also be auctioned off after the game, with proceeds to benefit The Miracle League of Northwest Ohio.

LEGO Night

July 10 will be LEGO Night, a new promotion this season. “LEGO Night will celebrate the popular children’s toy in a unique way,” Keedy said. “The Mud Hens will even be giving away our own collectible Mike Hessman blockhead.” Christmas in July will take place July 19, and will include 12 hours of Christmas at Fifth Third Field. In addition to an appearance from Santa, the Mud Hens will wear elf-themed jerseys during the noon game and Santa-themed jerseys during the 7 p.m. game. Jerseys from both games will be auctioned for charity. “To our knowledge, it will be the first time a team has worn multiple specialty jerseys in one day,” Keedy said. On Aug 9, the Mud Hens will pay tribute to baseball history by honoring the 1939 Toledo Crawfords, a Negro American League team who played a

A Toledo tradition since 2005

season in Toledo. This year is the 75th anniversary of the Crawfords relocating to Toledo for a season in 1939 after winning Negro League titles in 1935 and 1936 with the help of future Baseball Hall of Famers Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson, and Julius “Judy” Johnson. In partnership with the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, the Mud Hens will wear throwback Crawfords jerseys.

Seinfeld Night

Aug. 14 will include a special Seinfeld-themed event, honoring the show’s 25th anniversary. “Seinfeld Night is a promotion about nothing!” Keedy joked. “But, of course, fans can expect a lot of laughs and surprises throughout the night. Fans will also have a chance to meet Larry Thomas, who is better known as the Soup Nazi. Larry will be on hand to throw out the first pitch and meetand-greet with fans during the game.” Back for its second season is Hens & Hounds Night on Aug 26. Fans are encouraged to bring their dogs to the ballpark. “Pooch” Bag Dispensers will be given to the first 500 fans. Tickets for dog owners are $10 each and tickets for dogs are $8. All proceeds from dog tickets will benefit the Toledo Area Humane Society and Cutie’s Fund at Lucas County Canine Care & Control. All dogs and owners will sit in the Home Run Picnic Terrace. Special water sta-

LARRY THOMAS, THE ‘SOUP NAZI’ FROM ‘SEINFELD.’ tions, minipools and designated restroom areas will be provided. Stitch ‘N’ Pitch, tentatively scheduled for July 29, is a game geared toward knitters. “We work with local knitting guilds to put together a package for them to come out and enjoy a game,” Keedy

said. “They sit in their seats and knit and work on projects with the backdrop of a baseball game. We’ve had groups of more than 100 come out.”

Pink in the Park

Other events to look forward to include Pink in the Park for breast cancer

March 30, 2014 awareness July 11, a ’90s-themed concert night July 12 and a Jimmy Buffett tribute Aug. 7. For Walleye fans hankering for their hockey fix, Aug. 8 will be Walleye Hockey Night at the Mud Hens, featuring coaches, players and alumni available for autographs. “We’ve done it the past two years and it’s a really neat event,” Keedy said. “It’s kind of the official kickoff of the new Walleye season and gives everyone a little taste of excitement for the upcoming season. Especially with Winterfest, an outdoor hockey rink to be set up at Fifth Third Field in December, that’s going to be a big thing.” Kid-favorite entertainment will include the ZOOperstars! on July 11 and BirdZerk! on Aug. 1. “We have a very fun, creative marketing group. Everyone knows all ideas are welcome,” Keedy said. “We organize all of our new ideas and account for all of our recurring events. We build the promotional schedule about six months prior to the start of the season.” Since new events are always being added, fans are encouraged to frequently check for changes or additions to the promotional schedule. “We’ve got a loaded promotional schedule already, but people can expect things to be introduced throughout the season,” he said. O

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March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 43

Jim Weber honored by IL HOF induction By Danielle Stanton

A Toledo tradition since 2005

toledo free press photo by christie materni

44 Mud Hens 2014


Longtime Toledo Mud Hens broadcaster Jim Weber said being inducted this year into the International League Hall of Fame is humbling. “Any time you get inducted into any hall of fame you’re either retired or dead,” said Weber during a phone interview from Florida. “I’m neither of those.” Weber is certainly alive and shows no sign of slowing down. He’s headed into his 40th season with the Mud Hens. “It takes seven years to get 1,000 games in, so I tell everybody I’m going to take [future games] 1,000 at a time,” Weber joked. “There’s no goal. Fifty years would be nice. And it’s a job that you don’t mind going to every day.” n WEBER CONTINUES ON 45


The Mud Hens will honor LONGTIME BROADCASTER Jim Weber with a bronze statue at a home game May 29.

March 30, 2014

March 30, 2014

n WEBER CONTINUED FROM 44 Weber called his 5,000th consecutive game in his 39th season last year, the longest tenure of any announcer in the International League (IL). Team historian John Husman

A Toledo tradition since 2005

found that no other announcer could match Weber’s record. The closest he could find were the Detroit Tigers’ Ernie Harwell, who missed two games between 1960 and 2002, the Chicago Cubs’ Harry Caray, who called

more than 6,000 consecutive games between 1945 and 1987 but for four different teams, and the Toronto Blue Jays’ Tom Cheek, who had 4,306 consecutive games from 1977-2004. “It is very likely that Jim Weber has done more consecutive scheduled broadcasts, for the same team, than anyone else ever has, major or minor league,” Husman said in a news release. “Comparisons are difficult, especially for the minor leagues, but it appears that Jim Weber’s streak is unmatched.” Just because he has never missed a game doesn’t mean he was never sick, Weber said. “I had sick games when I could barely make it through,” he said. “I’d get a throat infection and couldn’t talk too well and muscle it out. I did a doubleheader in Denver just above a whisper.” Weber was raised in South Toledo and attended Bowsher High School. He dabbled in radio in 1969 and then started helping a friend announce high school football and basketball games. By the mid-1970s, he helped arrange radio agreements for the Mud Hens and in 1975 became the team’s play-by-play announcer. Weber has been a constant with the franchise. Since 1975, 18 managers and more than 1,000 players

Mud Hens 2014 45 have passed through the organization. In addition to his radio duties, Weber broadcasts on TV and has been the team’s traveling secretary since 1984. He has also covered games for Bowling Green State University. “The thing that makes Jim so amazing as a broadcaster is his passion for the game,” said Mud Hens broadcaster Matt Melzak in an email. “You can tell it in his voice how much he cares for the sport, its players and fans. It comes through each and every broadcast. “One great thing that I have learned from Jim is the timing in a broadcast. He has such a great feel of how to work in a story to a broadcast. Whether it is through something historical about the team, its players, the ballpark or the city, he is able to weave that into the game without losing what is going on in the game itself.” Weber is the first announcer to be inducted into the IL Hall of Fame. Joining him this year are infielder/outfielder Jeff Manto and manager Dave Miley. Weber considers the Mud Hens’ back-to-back Governors’ Cup championships in 2005 and 2006 his career highlight. “I never thought I’d see one, but I saw two in a row,” Weber said. “It was in my 31st year. It took that long before we won a championship. Lots

of those guys are in the major leagues now. That was the highlight. Now I have two rings to show for it.” Weber said he’s most proud of the fact that he hasn’t missed a game in his career and that he’s a local guy in a franchise that sees a lot of employees come from outside of Toledo. “I think if you looked at all of our organization, there’s not a lot of people from our area,” Weber said. “They have careers, they move on, they come from other places. There’s not a lot of natives in there — there are some but a lot of them are from somewhere else.” He’s also seen two generations of employees grow up — the league president, Randy Mobley, was an intern for Columbus when Weber was broadcasting years ago. If he sticks around a few more years, he’ll see a third generation, he said. Weber has lived in Perrysburg for the past eight years. He has two daughters and two grandchildren. The Mud Hens will honor Weber with a bronze statue at a home game May 29. He said he doesn’t necessarily like the attention and can’t wait for the ceremony to be finished so he can focus on his announcing. “After this year, things will quiet down and get back to normal,” Weber said. O

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46 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Kevin Moore


Baseball is a source of fond memories for many. In years past, whole childhood summers revolved around the sport. It is “America’s pastime,” after all. Many adults can probably even remember going to their first baseball game — “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” the seventh-inning stretch, “Popcorn! Get your popcorn here!” Each season, the Toledo Mud Hens go to great lengths to make sure a new generation of kids will have those experiences. “We have always been active in getting kids involved and promoting a family-friendly atmosphere, but in recent years we’ve evolved to focus on the variety of interests and groups that make up our fans,” said Emily Croll, special events coordinator for the Toledo Mud Hens. “We have people come and tell us the fond memories they have from the old Ned Skeldon Stadium. They remember going to their first baseball game. We want to preserve that. We want the kids in our community to have those kinds of

memories as they grow up and then share them with their kids one day.” One of the most popular ways the Mud Hens get kids involved is through the Muddy’s Buddies Kids Club. Children age 12 and younger are treated to a new member’s packet of prizes when they join and can then participate in special events throughout the season. Notably, members are invited to attend Muddy’s Buddies Field Day where kids can play catch on the field, play in batting cages and have lunch. “It’s a lot of fun. They get to take over the ballpark before the game,” Croll said. Kids can register for the club at Fifth Third Field, through the Fan Center page at or at participating Toledo McDonald’s locations. Membership is free. Throughout the summer, the Mud Hens host several baseball camps: a one-day camp, an adultchild camp, a camp for children with special needs and two threeday camps. The three-day camps are scheduled during the week, one in June and one in August, whereas the others take place on weekends. n KIDS CONTINUES ON 48

photo courtesy toledo mud hens

Mud Hens kick off kids programs and camps


Corey Jones works with a camper at a Mud Hens baseball camp last season.

March 30, 2014

Mud Hens 2014 47

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Toledo Mud Hens league affiliations From Staff Reports

Your Y our R Road oad iiss O Our ur Road Roa ad d


1987-present — Detroit Tigers 1978-86 — Minnesota Twins 1976-77 — Cleveland Indians 1974-75 — Philadelphia Phillies


1967-73 — Detroit Tigers 1965-66 — New York Yankees 1953-55 — Milwaukee Braves 1952 — No affiliate 1949-51 — Cleveland Indians 1940-48 — St. Louis Browns


1936-39 — Detroit Tigers 1932-35 — Cleveland Indians 1914-31 — New York Giants 1907-13 — Cleveland Indians 1905-06 — Cincinnati Reds O — Source: Toledo Mud Hens

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48 Mud Hens 2014 The camps last three hours during which attendees practice hitting, pitching and fielding at stations run by Mud Hens players. Attendees also receive a T-shirt, ticket for that day’s game and a baseball they can get signed. “We’ve had registration for the camps open since December. They’re popular as Christmas presents,” Croll said. “But we’ll keep registration open until the date of the camps or until they’re full. They do tend to fill up fast.” Specifically for its girl fans, the Mud Hens began the Chicklets dance team four years ago. Girls ages 5-11 can join the Chicklets to perform during one of the Mud Hens’ home games throughout the season, and then once more for a group event in August. The Chicklets practice three times during the week leading up to their performance under the guidance of a professional dance instructor. “You don’t need prior experience to be a Chicklet,” Croll said. “We have girls who have been dancing their whole lives and girls who have never danced a day in their lives.” Participating girls get a Chicklets uniform and two tickets for them and a family member to both the home game performance and the big event in August. n KIDS CONTINUES ON 49

March 30, 2014

photo courtesy toledo mud hens


A Toledo tradition since 2005


Nick Castellanos signs autographs for young fans last season.

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March 30, 2014

n KIDS CONTINUED FROM 48 The team also opens Fifth Third Field to Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops for sleepovers. This season, there will be six sleepovers for Boy Scouts and two for Girl Scouts. “The sleepovers are organized by the troop leaders, and the scouts come in [and] pitch tents on the field, we put a movie on the big

A Toledo tradition since 2005

screen and they sleep right on the field. These are popular and tend to fill up quickly,” Croll said.

Opening weekend

The Mud Hens will have a special day geared toward kids April 6 as part of opening weekend. “We’re always a family-friendly ballpark, but the opening day game on

Friday, April 4, tends to have more of an adult atmosphere. It’s Friday afternoon, and we have a lot of people who come straight from work. Keeping that in mind, we’re going to have a special kids day,” Croll said. On April 6, kids will be able to participate in activities and games on the concourse during the game and spend time with the Mud Hens

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Mud Hens 2014 49 mascots as well as their friends representing the Toledo Walleye, Spike and CatTrick. Before the game starts, young fans can get autographs from two players on the team and, if they stick around after the game, have an opportunity to run the bases. There will also be a drive at the park for kids to join Muddy’s Buddies and collect their membership prize. “Sunday is the day we always focus on kids activities. We have pregame autographs and the postgame base run every week. Our opening weekend kids day on April 6 is really a kickoff for what we do every Sunday,” Croll said. “Our weekend activities will begin to ramp up once kids are out of school for summer.” Once summer vacation starts, Fifth Third Field will host several themed games, during which fans are encouraged to dress up. Star Wars Night, which was a tremendous hit last year, will be May 10; the

Mud Hens will sport special jerseys for Ghostbusters Night on May 30 in commemoration of the movie’s 30th anniversary; and Spider-Man is scheduled to make an appearance on Superhero Night on June 28. “Kids love to dress up for these days, and honestly, adults do too,” Croll said. Additionally, between 20 to 30 of Muddy’s fellow mascots, a list that in the past has included mascots from Bowling Green State University, the University of Toledo, the Cleveland Cavaliers, Wendy from Wendy’s and several local high schools, will come to celebrate his birthday July 13. Once again this year, the Mud Hens will host fireworks after home games on weekends. Other kid-favorite entertainment planned includes the ZOOperstars! on July 11 and BirdZerk! on Aug. 1. For more information on any of the Toledo Mud Hens’ children’s programs, visit O

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50 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

toledo free press photo by christie materni

Under Armour among new gear

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Torrie Jadlocki

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

The Swamp Shop recently unveiled its new merchandise for fans looking to support the Toledo Mud Hens. “About 90 percent of the merchandise is new,” said Craig Katz, director of merchandise and licensing for the Hens. The new rotation of merchanKATZ dise includes new hats. n GEAR CONTINUES ON 51


Ball caps are always a popular item at the Swamp Shop.

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n GEAR CONTINUED FROM 50 There are also 15 new T-shirts and 25 new sweatshirts, which are all listed on the store website, swampshop. “The new merchandise is already ready to go. It’s already in the store as well as the online store,” Katz said. “We expect the sweatshirts to sell well this year with it being as cold as it’s been.” The women’s and children’s

merchandise has also been completely redone. “Almost the entire kids and ladies line is brand-new items,” Katz said. Another new addition to the shop is the line of Under Armour products. Katz projects this line of apparel will sell well this season. “They are a well-known brand that fans have been looking for,” Katz said. “This is the first year being

Mud Hens 2014 51.

A Toledo tradition since 2005 licensed with Major League and Minor League Baseball.” Under Armour is a popular brand among athletes as well as fans. Another line of apparel projected to sell well is the “Holy Toledo” line. The line currently consists of four Tshirts, but there is potential for expanding it at a later date, Katz said. “It appeals to all Toledo natives, not just baseball and hockey fans,” he said.

Staples that sell well is are baseball caps, a necessity for many baseball fans, Katz said. “This year we’re introducing a new flat bill snapback,” Katz said. “And our batting practice caps always sell well.” The flat bill snapback style caps are becoming popular with many sports fans, and come in a variety of styles. Some merchandise has already sold well, both online and in the store locations. According to Katz, items such as the youth Nike Henley jersey, the red Pep Rally zip hoodie, the heather gray Diner hoodie, the official logo

T-shirt and the New Era batting practice Diamond Era cap have all sold well recently. Hours for the Swamp Shop at Fifth Third Field are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. The Swamp Shop at Huntington Center will be open until hockey season is finished. Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Other Swamp Shop locations — Swamp Shop Express and the Tackle Box at the Huntington Center and the Hen Hut at Fifth Third Field — are open only during games. O

photo courtesy toledo mud hens

March 30, 2014



this week’s

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52 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Hens have rich history passed through generations


hen the Toledo Mud Hens spend the day bonding in an enjoyable return to the friendly con- family activity. It’s been this way for years. I vivfines of Fifth Third Field for Opening Day April 4, Downtown idly remember my father taking me to the old Municipal Toledo will once again Stadium in Cleveland feel the warmth of a new for an Indians versus baseball season and a reYankees doubleheader. newed hope for the boys Even though it was one of summer. of the worst ballparks Baseball is America’s in baseball, it seemed game and its leisurely like a shrine to me. pace is only a camouflage Rocky Colavito for the hectic activity alversus the mighty Yanways lurking just under kees of 1961 was an epic the surface. The catcher Fred ALTVATER battle for a 10-year-old constantly checks the boy to witness. batter’s stance and meaThis scene has been repeated by sures the runner’s lead at first base. The pitcher concentrates on the up- countless families throughout the years coming pitch and his motion to the and I have had the opportunity to take plate. The infielders focus on what to my children to many games. Now I do with the ball if it comes to them, even get to take my grandchildren. Toledoans are lucky to have two while the outfielders prepare for a ball major league teams within driving hit in their direction. All of this quiet mental activity is distance, but right here in our backshattered when the pitcher flings a 96 yard is a minor league team with a mph fastball and the batter puts the storied history that provides quality baseball entertainment for a fraction ball in play. For the next 10 seconds everyone of the price of the major leagues. It’s hard to believe this will be the moves as if a ballet has broken out on the field. In the blink of an eye, the short- 13th season for Fifth Third Field. It stop calculates the best route to intercept opened in 2002 and provides a comthe ground ball and nimbly throws it to fortable venue to catch a leisurely the first baseman to catch the streaking baseball game on a balmy summer evening in Northwest Ohio. runner by the slimmest of margins. The Mud Hens enter the 2014 Once again quiet and order are restored to the field and fans can season with a familiar face in the discuss in astonishment the ac- dugout. Manager Larry Parrish tivity on the diamond and munch is returning for his third stint on a delicious ballpark hot dog or as skipper. He first led the team in 2003 and, in his second tour, buttered popcorn. Baseball has been passed down brought the Governors’ Cup to Tofrom generation to generation. Par- ledo in 2005 and 2006. There has been a professional ents take their children and grandchildren to catch a baseball game and baseball team in Toledo since 1883

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and the current franchise can trace its heritage to 1896. Back then the team played at Bay View Park near the marshlands, which were inhabited by the American Coot, also known as

the mud hen. The team was dubbed the Mud Hens and the name has stuck for more than 119 years. Some great names have passed through Toledo on their way to no-

table careers in baseball. Hall of Famer Casey Stengel was a manager here and led the team to the American Association pennant in 1927. n ALTVATER CONTINUES ON 53 VS.


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March 30, 2014

n ALTVATER CONTINUED FROM 52 One of the greatest all-round athletes of all time, Jim Thorpe, played for the Mud Hens in 1921. Brandon Inge, Kirby Puckett and Curtis Granderson are just a few of the other familiar names that spent time

in a Mud Hens jersey. Actor Jamie Farr, born and raised in Toledo, even wore Mud Hens apparel on the popular television series “M*A*S*H.” The team has been associated with the Western Division of the Interna-

Mud Hens 2014 53

A Toledo tradition since 2005 tional League since 1965. Throughout the years, they have been affiliated with teams such as the Yankees, Phillies, Indians and Twins. Since 1987, the Mud Hens have been the Triple-A affiliate of the Detroit Tigers. Toledo’s close proximity to De-

TRU radio on WSPD

troit allows the major league parent to easily shuttle players back and forth. The Tigers can add an injured player to the Mud Hens roster for a short rehab assignment or send down a player who is struggling for some additional training or a confidence boost. Consequently, Mud Hens fans get a chance to see some of the biggest names in the game playing right here in Toledo. Even though both Cleveland and Detroit are within short drives, the Mud Hens have thrived over the years. The cost for a family to attend a Tigers or Indians game can run upwards of $200, while a trip to Fifth Third Field will do a lot less damage to the family budget and is just as exciting.

There is something special about a parent bringing a son or daughter to the ballpark to watch a baseball game. I have very fond memories of attending my first game with my dad and have enjoyed taking my children and grandchildren to many games over the years. It has been an unusually cold and difficult winter in Northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. The return of the Mud Hens to Toledo signals the rebirth of spring and the hope for another exciting summer of baseball in Toledo. Leave the smartphones, video games and other mobile devices at home and head to Fifth Third Field. Grab a hot dog and a cold drink at the park. Maybe you can reconnect with your family, just like your dad did. O

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Contact: David DiManna 3434 Granite Circle

54 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

ach season at Fifth Third Field in the system after spending last gives fans another chance to ex- year mostly with AA Altoona. He played in 44 games in perience exciting the Dominican Winter action, eat great food League and hit for .331, and watch the rising leading the league in stars of baseball play — both RBI (28) and onbut some of those future base percentage (.428). household names aren’t RHP Jameson Taillon playing for the homereturns for another go town Mud Hens. with the Indians; he The 14-team Intermade his first appearnational League (IL) is ance with the team full of talent from top to bottom and ready to Matt CULBREATH on Aug. 5, and managed to strike out 37 entertain area fans who batters in 37 innings. visit Downtown Toledo this year. Thirteen teams, including the Hens, will be looking to dethrone the Durham Bulls, last season’s Governors’ Cup champions. Here is a look at the IL’s Western Division teams and how they stack up.

Columbus Clippers Major League Club: Cleveland Indians Record Last Year: 71-73

Indianapolis Indians Major League Club: Pittsburgh Pirates Record Last Year: 80-64

The back-to-back Western Division title winners are in a phenomenal situation: Not only do they have some legitimate talent on the team itself, but the players from the Pirates system are really going to help this team as well. OF Gregory Polanco is considered the top prospect

Despite 227 roster moves last year, the Clippers managed to finish second in the division thanks to first-year manager Chris Tremie, who returns for his second season in the dugout. Names like Preston Guilmet, Trevor Bauer and T.J. House were the stalwart pitchers who kept the Clip Show above water, and they’ll be called upon to do it again. Interestingly enough, their IL All-Star catcher Omir Santos now plays with the Indianapolis Indians. If the name sounds familiar, he played with the Hens in 2012. Dude loves him some Western Division.

Louisville Bats

Major League Club: Cincinnati Reds Record Last Year: 69-75 The Bats will be missing more

than a few big parts of last year’s roster. Billy Hamilton has a lot of hype surrounding him (despite only decent numbers with the Bats last year), and it’s looking like he’ll be the leadoff guy for the Redleggers. Their best pitcher, Greg Reynolds, has decided to go throw in Japan instead. And Mike Hessman is once again back in a Hens uniform. Still, they’ve already decided that Henry Rodriguez, Felix Perez and Neftali Soto will be back in Louisville, which means they’ll have some punch.


Rival IL clubs ready to challenge Mud Hens E

Other teams in the International League include: O Buffalo Bisons (Major League Club: Toronto Blue Jays) O Lehigh Valley IronPigs (Major League Club: Philadelphia Phillies) O Pawtucket Red Sox (Major League Club: Boston Red Sox) O Rochester Red Wings (Major League Club: Minnesota Twins) O Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders (Major League Club: New York Yankees) O Syracuse Chiefs (Major League Club: Washington Nationals) O Charlotte Knights (Major League Club: Chicago White Sox) O Durham Bulls (Major League Club: Tampa Bay Rays) O Gwinnett Braves (Major League Club: Atlanta Braves) O Norfolk Tides (Major League Club: Baltimore Orioles) O "Shaggy" Matt Culbreath is sports director for 1370 WSPD.



A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 55


March 30, 2014



56 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Hens parent club Tigers still chasing World Series win


pening day is upon us and best in Major League Baseball (MLB). once again the Detroit Ti- Justin Verlander is a perennial All gers have a World Series on Star and is coming off of a somewhat uncharacteristic season. Knowing their mind. Although the Tigers have made it Verlander’s competitiveness and his pure ability, I would to three straight Amernot be the least bit surican League Championprised to see him come ship Series (ALCS), they out and be the most have yet to bring a world dominant pitcher in championship back to baseball. Max Scherzer the city of Detroit and to is the reigning AL Cy owner Mike Ilitch. The Young winner, and is last time a team made it entering his last season to the ALCS four years in before free agency. Exa row was the New York pect Scherzer to come Yankees from 1998 to Cameron J. KAISER out and have another big 2001. Making it to four league championship series in a row year. While JV and Max are the two is not easy, but the Tigers have an ex- stars of the rotation, you can’t forget tremely talented roster and are in very about how good Anibal Sanchez was last year. Sanchez signed a five-year good shape to make another run. The Detroit offense is led by the deal with Detroit after the 2012 season reigning AL MVP Miguel Cabrera. and led the AL in ERA (2.57) in 2013. Cabrera has won two AL MVP awards To round out the rotation, the Tigers in a row, three batting titles in a row have two solid starters in the young and a Triple Crown in 2012. Joining Rick Porcello and Drew Smyly. The bullpen is still a question Cabrera is newcomer Ian Kinsler, who was acquired in the Prince Fielder mark going into the season, but trade and will play second base. Kin- the acquisition of closer Joe Nasler is a three-time All-Star who brings than will surely provide the Tigers tremendous versatility on offense and an edge late in games. Losing the a good glove on defense. Another new- flame-throwing Bruce Rondon for comer to the Tiger offense is rookie the entire season will undoubtedly third baseman Nick Castellanos. Cas- hurt, but hopefully former Yankee tellanos has been the organization’s Joba Chamberlain can bounce back top prospect for the past two years. to his pre-Tommy John surgery days He hit 18 homers and 37 doubles with and dominate hitters with his slider. the Toledo Mud Hens last season. Mix Both Phil Coke and Al Alburquthose three with the always dangerous erque will need to have bounce-back Victor Martinez, the veteran leader years too, and newcomer Ian Kroll Torii Hunter and the ever-improving is going to have to show everyone Austin Jackson, and the Tigers offense why Detroit traded for him. If the bullpen struggles out of the gate, is going to be fun to watch this year. On the other side of the game is don’t expect Dave Dombrowski to the pitching staff. Even with the de- sit around and let it work itself out. parture of Doug Fister, the Tigers’ Dombrowski is one of the better starting rotation is still one of the general managers in MLB and is not

afraid to make bold trades that will help the team win now. This is a big year coming up for the Tigers. Miguel Cabrera is in his prime and isn’t getting any younger. Due to his impending free agency, Scherzer’s future in Detroit is uncertain. The time to win is now, and the window isn’t going to stay open forever. Rookie manager Brad Ausmus has taken over an extremely talented team, though not without their own

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fair share of problems. The Tigers lost Fielder and Fister to trades in the offseason, and this spring have lost Jose Iglesias, Andy Dirks and Bruce Rondon to injuries. However, situations like those are part of baseball, and that’s part of what makes it such an interesting sport. Each season is a new puzzle, and the Tigers are going to have to find a way to piece theirs together. The Tigers are good. Everyone knows that. But are they




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March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 57

Good luck to the 2014 Mud Hens! The following local businesses wish the Mud Hens Good Luck this season:



58 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

TARTA resumes Muddy Shuttles for 2014 season By Duane Ramsey


TARTA will resume its Muddy Shuttle service for the 2014 baseball season beginning with the Toledo Mud Hens home opener April 4. Opening Day for the Mud Hens may be the biggest party of the year in Toledo but it could be even bigger this year with the doubleheader Downtown. The Mud Hens home opener begins at 4 p.m. followed by a Toledo Walleye hockey game beginning at 7:15 p.m. at the nearby Huntington Center. TARTA will provide shuttle service to both the Mud Hens home opener and the Walleye hockey game, said Steve Atkinson, director of marketing for TARTA. He said it may be a bit tricky, but the shuttles will deliver fans to both games and pick them up after each game as usual. TARTA shuttles will pick up baseball fans at 3 p.m. from its regular nine locations and hockey fans for the Walleye game at 6 p.m. at six of those nine locations, Atkinson said. He advised people to check TARTA’s website for the locations for each shuttle service. “The Muddy Shuttle is one of TARTA’s favorite services of the community. We get consistent, positive feedback from fans about the Muddy Shuttle because it’s affordable, convenient, safe and part of the game experience at Fifth Third Field for people who use it,” Atkinson said. TARTA buses have transported just over 14,000 fans Downtown to Mud Hens games at Fifth Third Field

during each of the past two seasons. “It appeals to a wider audience as another opportunity for people to ride the bus for recreational reasons rather than to work or school,” he said, referring to TARTA’s game shuttle service and the Music Under the Stars series at the Toledo Zoo. The fare for the Muddy Shuttle is $1 per person each way, payable at the Park-N-Ride locations before and after the games. Children younger than age 6 ride free with a limit of two children per paid adult. No game ticket is required to ride the shuttles. Reduced fares are available for seniors and those with disabilities. Fans can use their monthly TARTA pass, which costs $40 per month for unlimited trips, to ride the Muddy Shuttles, Atkinson said. TARTA’s Muddy Shuttle buses leave one hour before each scheduled game time from nine Park-N-Ride locations and depart Fifth Third Field from Washington Street 20 minutes after the conclusion of each game. After games with fireworks or other post-game activities, the buses leave 20 minutes after conclusion of the scheduled feature. The Muddy Shuttles will operate from the following locations in 2014: O In Maumee, from St. Luke’s Hospital on Monclova Road and the north lot of the Lucas County Recreation Center on Key Street. O In Rossford, from All Saints Catholic Church parking lot on Lime City Road. O In Sylvania, from the Centennial Terrace main parking lot on Centennial Road.

O In Toledo from four locations including the Meijer store parking lot on Alexis Road; Franklin Park Mall from shelters on Royer Road; Miracle Mile Shopping Center near the shelter; and behind Fifth Third Bank at Southland

Shopping Center on Glendale Avenue. O In Waterville, from the Kroger parking lot on WatervilleSwanton Road. There is no longer Muddy Shuttle service from the former location

near Sears in Westgate or from the City of Perrysburg since it ended TARTA bus service. For more information, call TARTA at (419) 243-7433 or visit O

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March 30, 2014

Mud Hens 2014 59

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Welcome home, Mike. Welcome back, spring I can feel the cold in my bones. For the first time in my 38 years, a winter told my body that I am getting old. My joints ache from my new extra pounds as it appears my body was fully in hibernation mode. The weather the last four months has been so terrible that Toledo finally received No. 1 status on a list; the Weather Channel ranked the Glass City as having the worst winter in 2013-2014. Yay? We’re No. 1? The last winters have spoiled Toledoans with their mildness. This year we were reminded of who we are and where we live. On April 4, we’ll see the first definitive proof that time is moving forward and the cold winter days are in our rearview mirror. Our Toledo Mud Hens and the game of baseball return to Fifth Third Field. Mud Hens’ 2014 Opening Day will feel very different than any other first day of baseball we’ve ever enjoyed. This city has changed. The citizens have changed. We’ve all grown an extra layer of skin. We’re tougher than we were a year ago. The game scheduled against Louisville will be proof the city of Toledo

gers’ off-season maneuvers on that first survived the past 120 days. Fifth Third Field will feel like Friday in April. Growing up Catholic, we were something out of the Wizard of Oz. We will all experience the same emo- required/encouraged to attend a tions as the munchkins did when weekend Mass. The “accepted times” Aunt Em’s house landed on the wicked were anything after 4 p.m. Saturday through Sunday night. witch — for us it was the My family attended the wicked winter. Blizzards Sunday morning 9:30 and vortexes and cold service at St. Clement. ... no more! Blizzards During a Mud Hens and vortexes and cold home stand, Friday and ... no more! Our yellow Saturday nights become brick road begins at the a different kind of mustcorner of Washington attend, near-religious and Huron and we will event. Instead of Fafollow it through the ther Kirkland leading spring and summer in the congregation with hopes of getting to Oz/ Jeremy BAUMHOWER

“amens,” we have Manager Larry Parrish leading the way with “hit and runs.” I am a Saturday night guy; that’s what game my family attends. The Mud Hens are not just a pastime in Northwest Ohio. They are part of our extended family. Like many grandparents who spend the winter abroad in warmer states like Florida and Arizona, they return for the spring just as our baseball heroes do. The names of players change every year, but their stories rarely do. The

playoffs in early September. On Opening Day, 12,500 Toledoans will stand and sit in complete awe while staring at the green grass, wondering why their own lawns are still brown. It won’t be just the fresh air, the ironically ice-cold beer and the sound of a ball hitting a wooden bat that makes us feel better, but rather that handshake and embrace from friends you have not seen since last season. There will be no way around it — the topic of weather will be discussed more than the Ti-


Mud Hens’ roster is filled with grown men chasing their dream of making it to the major leagues. Some players, like the city of Toledo itself, are working on their comeback, trying to reclaim a spot on the Tigers team through hard work and dedication. These men may be rehabbing some injury, fighting Father Time and in some cases figuring out a way to lay off the slider or learn when to throw one. This comeback player is normally the guy who will come out early to sign a ball, a glove or a baseball card, the athlete who learns the names of the fans who never miss a game. These players are the ones who always receive the loudest cheers from us, the fans. When they succeed they have a magical way of making us spontaneously stand on our feet, yell their name and clap. When they fail, we seem to be the ones shouting some encouragement to them as they make their way back to the dugout. Toledo has always loved the underdog, because that’s what this city has become. This year we will be cheering again for Mike Hessman. Hessman, the now 36-year-old alltime Mud Hens home run king is re-

turning to Toledo after signing a minor league deal with the club. The Tigers’ brass needed a seasoned veteran to help guide their young talent through the ups and downs of the game, the Mud Hens needed an everyday fan favorite. They made the perfect choice. It could be an even better story. Hessman is believed to have zero chance at making it to the big time once again. Baseball writers are saying there is no way: Mike’s too old and strikes out too often. Doesn’t that sound like the very way critics describe the city of Toledo? If Mike has a pulse and a bat, he has a chance. And when the city of Toledo remembers how to swing for the fences, so do we. Welcome home, Mike. Welcome back, spring. Let’s play ball! O Jeremy Baumhower can be found in section 108 at Fifth Third Field during Saturday night home games. Instead of emailing him at jeremytheproducer@, leave your comment or a note with the usher. If you want him to receive it, make sure you properly tip.

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60 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Hens office manager with team for three decades


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Five FABULOUS Entrees each Limited Time Offer



Limited Time Offer

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Five FABULOUS Entrees

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The ultimate career goal for many is to do something you love, get paid for it and keep that job for many years. Carol Hamilton is the epitome of that reality. Hamilton is the office manager for the Toledo Mud Hens and the Toledo Walleye. For 31 years, she has been a vital part of the Mud Hens organization. Her career in Toledo baseball began when the team was still grinding out games at Ned Skeldon Stadium in Maumee. “I was just basically hired as someone to assist filling out the Mud Hens season ticket envelopes,” Hamilton said. “Then I just stuck around and started doing more and more and more.” Over the years she has handled the team’s payroll, performed a lot of secretarial work and answered many, many phone calls. Hamilton, a polite, quiet and amiable woman with a welcoming smile, was raised in Toledo and raised as a Mud Hens fan as well. She recalled her Ned Skeldon years with fondness. “It was a ballpark that needed a Band-Aid, but it was homey, and it served its purpose for a long time,” she said.

“They keep me young. It’s a wonderful bunch, and it’s enjoyable to come to work and be with them,” Hamilton said. “Everybody is supportive of each other. It’s a great place.” O

teem — and that she is probably the last person one would expect to find in a penalty box. That fondness is reciprocated by Hamilton. She cites the people she works with as the aspect of her work she loves most.

tify as “boards and glass,” just like the protective walls that enclose the ice. Hamilton jokingly referred to it as “the penalty box.” As co-workers passed by, it was obvious they held her in high es-

Ch hick ick en en Fr Fr ied ied R Ric ice e

When the team moved to its current home at Fifth Third Field in 2002, many Toledo baseball fans rejoiced at the idea of a Mud Hens makeover. Hamilton, however, was thoughtfully cautious in her initial response. “I was skeptical, because [at first] I didn’t really care for the Downtown setting, but once we arrived down here it was an incredible fit,” she said. Hamilton said the most noticeable difference about her job between the Skeldon years and the present is the number of people now on the office staff and working in the ballpark. “When I started, it was just a handful of people, and now we have 58,” she said. Hamilton described her daily responsibilities as a hodgepodge of getting done whatever needs done. “I’m one of the first people in here to get the machines ready for the day’s work, I answer the phone, I do all of the ordering of office supplies,” she said. Though the players seldom visit the offices, which are usually pretty low-key and don’t see much “craziness,” Hamilton does recall an occasion when excitement levels rose and phone calls got a bit out of hand. “When [professional golfer] Phil Mickelson tried out for the Mud Hens — that was probably the craziest time. People were calling as they got wind of it, and asked, ‘Is Phil Mickelson really trying out for the team?’” Aside from the Mickelson incident, Hamilton said her career has been fairly tame. However, in 2009, Hamilton had a front-row seat for a major shift within the organization as well as in Toledo sports. In 2007, Toledo Arena Sports, a subsidiary of the Mud Hens ball club, purchased the rights to run hockey in Toledo, which was then the Toledo Storm. Two years later, with a new Downtown arena and a new mascot, the everyday operations of the Toledo Walleye fell in the laps of Hamilton and her Mud Hens co-workers. “Before, we’d be taking a deep breath after baseball season and rest up, and [then] start focusing on the next season,” she said. “With the Walleye, it made it more of a yearround event. We had downtime with just baseball. Now when baseball ends, hockey is getting ready to start, so it’s just a complete circle.” Hamilton’s work space at Fifth Third Field received a makeover last year. The reception area was reconstructed to resemble a hockey arena, complete with circles and blue lines on the floor. Hamilton’s desk sits behind what hockey fans would iden-

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 61


March 30, 2014


MIKE HESSMAN, WHO HELPED LEAD THE mud hens TO back-to-back INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIPS IN 2005-06 and holds the team record for home runs, will return to Toledo this season.

62 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014

By Danielle Stanton


The charitable arm of the Mud Hens — the Helping Hens — organize the distribution of Mud Hens tickets to underprivileged kids, arrange player visits, auction jerseys for charity and donate Mud Hens memorabilia and tickets to local charities. “Helping Hens is the official charitable fund of the Toledo Mud Hens and is administered through the Toledo Community Foundation,” Mud Hens Communications Director Andi Roman said by email. “It was established to provide financial support to local nonprofit organizations with an emphasis on education and development of local youth.” Last year, the Helping Hens Foundation donated $50,000 to local nonprofits. The fund contributes in-kind and monetary donations to nearly 1,000 organizations every year. The in-kind donations include jerseys, tickets, appearances and merchandise, which alone raised thousands of dollars for charity, Roman said. n HELPING CONTINUES ON 63

photo courtesy toledo mud hens

Helping Hens strive to give back to community


Members of the Boys & Girls Club of Lenawee participate in a Drug Awareness Day last season

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n HELPING CONTINUED FROM 62 This year’s season of giving kicked off Jan. 23 with the Helping Hens’ “Tiger Talk,” an evening with Detroit Tigers’ new manager Brad Ausmus and right fielder Torii Hunter. The night raised more than $3,000, Roman said. Helping Hens partners with local organizations to help underprivileged kids. This year will be its ninth year partnering with local drug enforcement agencies for its Substance Abuse

Mud Hens 2014 63

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Prevention Program, which teaches “positive choices” to underprivileged youth, she said. Underprivileged kids who can’t afford tickets can be a part of Muddy’s Knothole Club, which partners with area businesses. For schools and local nonprofits that want their students or clients to attend a game but who may not have transportation, the Helping Hens Foundation offers a transportation grant. This year will also see its share of

jersey auctions. A Ghostbuster jersey, two Christmas in July jerseys and a pink jersey for Susan G. Komen for the Cure are some of the jerseys to be auctioned for charity this season. Rob Wiercinski, a Toledo native and former reporter with WTOL News 11, is the new community relations manager for the Mud Hens and will join Roman working with the Helping Hens Foundation. Wiercinski and Roman also worked together at 1370 WSPD and WTOL.

BAD CREDIT? NO CREDIT? 1ST TIME BUYER? Come see Mike Colbert today!

From all of us at Franklin Park Lincoln, have a GREAT season Mud Hens! ThiS WEEk’S SPECiAL

Wiercinski had developed a relationship with the Mud Hens organization as a reporter covering the Walleye for WTOL. When the communications position opened up, the Mud Hens asked if he was interested, Wiercinski said. He worked for WTOL for eight years and started with the Mud Hens three weeks ago. “I went to many Hens games at the Lucas County Rec Center and saw a lot of hockey at the old sports center,”

Wiercinski said, adding that he covered the groundbreaking of Fifth Third Field as a radio reporter. “I’m joining the organization that helped make Toledo the No. 1 minor league sports market in America,” Wiercinski said, referring to the title of Top Minor League Market Toledo earned last year in a ranking of 235 minor league sports cities by Street & Smith’s SportsBusiness Journal. “I’m joining an outstanding organization and I want to be a part of the team.” O

toledo free press photo by christie materni

March 30, 2014

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Rob Wiercinski IS the new community relations manager for the Hens.

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64 Mud Hens 2014

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

High school games offer teens big league experience By Dave Kubacki


For most high school baseball players, playing in a professional ballpark never makes it past being a dream. Thanks to the Toledo Mud Hens and Fifth Third Field, that dream is becoming a reality more often than ever before. For more than 10 years, Fifth Third Field has opened its gates for area high schools teams, providing student-athletes a rare opportunity to compete in the heart of Downtown Toledo. For 2014, Fifth Third Field has 10 games scheduled and will likely add some additional games in the next couple of months, said Michael Keedy, manager of special events for the Mud Hens. The program offers high school players a unique opportunity, Keedy said. “It’s the experience,” he said.

“Imagine being a high school baseball player and having the opportunity to play at such a beautiful facility. A lot of high schools have nice facilities, but it’s different stepping out onto Fifth Third Field. High schools want their kids to have that experience. You can tell the kids enjoy it. We set a game time and it always seems the teams show up an hour or an hour and a half early because they are so excited.” There is no facility or field rental fee and nearly zero out-of-pocket expenses for the program. Teams receive 300 undated Mud Hens ticket vouchers, which must be sold at a minimum of $10 per voucher. Teams are allowed to mark up the $10 voucher and keep the additional revenue as a fundraiser for their respective programs. Most schools have no problem selling the tickets, said Emily Croll, special events coordinator for the

Mud Hens. “Most sell their tickets between $11 and $13 to use as a fundraising effort,” Croll said. “These teams go on spring break and have other uniform costs. Most of the time, the teams are very successful in selling their tickets and actually sell over the 300 vouchers we give them. They have their freshman, JV and varsity all selling tickets and they run out pretty quickly. It’s a great way for the community to support

their local teams.” Perrysburg High School baseball coach Dave Hall said playing at Fifth Third Field is a great opportunity for the kids to see how the game feels played on a big stage. “The experience has been really good for the players,” Hall said. “They love being in a Triple A facility. It’s a really nice atmosphere, especially knowing that you are playing in a place that is one step away from the

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major leagues. Every year, the kids are excited and the coaches are excited.” Hall said the ballpark offers new challenges for the players. “You know, there are some adjustments,” Hall said. “However, our kids have experience playing in all sorts of different sizes of ballparks. Not to mention, the high school fields are getting bigger every time. Kids can still hit one out of the park, but it doesn’t happen too often.” O

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March 30, 2014

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

Mud Hens 2014 65

WE WERE CURIOUS, COULD MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL BRING EVERYONE TOGETHER IN A MAJOR WAY? As the proud sponsor of the Toledo Mud Hens, we’re helping build closer, stronger communities. But we’re also bringing people together in other ways, like our work with Stand Up To Cancer, where communities are helping fund cutting-edge research. We’re even teaching financial literacy to people of all ages by connecting them with educators within their neighborhoods. Learn more at

Fifth Third Bank. Member FDIC. Stand Up To Cancer is a program of the Entertainment Industry Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

66 Mud Hens 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

March 30, 2014


MARch 30, 2014

I got it!

The stories behind the sculptures at Fifth Third Field We’re sold on the Mud Hens! Licensed in Ohio & Michigan

Tony Bassett


John Fesh


68 Star

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

The art of ‘I Got It!’: How three bronze kids get in to every home game By Dave Willinger TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAR STAFF WRITER

Installed in and around the 8-acre baseball campus of Fifth Third Field are works of art and artistic components that give the ballpark its “unique distinction,” in the words of Marc Folk, executive director of The Arts Commission. The inclusion of this public art — from home plate gate flourishes and manhole cover designs to freestanding sculptures — anchors forever the populist sensibility of Toledo’s county-owned and corporate-named ballpark.

‘I Got It!’

Nowhere is that link to the common man (and child) more evident than behind section 101 where, just steps inside the Third Base Gate, a bronze sculpture depicts three boys reaching high in the sky for a home run ball. That artwork is titled “I Got It!” “It captures the youthful exuberance of so many kids,” said Folk, who added that the sculpture “really connects” with just about everybody who has ever played around with a bat and ball. So many times has Folk seen people posing with that sculpture that, in his estimation, “I Got It!” is the ballpark’s No. 1 photo op. (Sorry, Muddy.) When the ballpark was being built back in 2002, Folk was in charge of The Arts Commission’s Art in Public Spaces initiative. The Arts Commission set up a partnership between the

city, the county and private donors with the goal of incorporating public art into the ballpark, Folk said. With funding in place, a national call to artists went out. Folk does not recall the exact number of entries but said there were about 80 submissions from around the GAYLORD country.

The artist

Vermont sculptor Frank C. Gaylord II was one artist whose design, the aforementioned sculpture of the three boys, garnered approval by a review board comprised of area stakeholders. “The ‘I Got It!’ sculpture is a tribute to your fine city and its rich baseball history,” Gaylord told Toledo Free Press in an email sent by his son-in-law, John Triano. Gaylord, now 89 years old, is renowned for such public artworks as the national Little League monument in Williamsport, Pa., a policeman’s memorial in Jacksonville, Fla., a fireman’s memorial in Eugene, Ore., and the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. After the “I Got It!” sculpture was complete, it was decided in Toledo to install the work on a rotatable mount. “I thought it was a great idea to put

the artwork on a turntable,” Gaylord said. “I create all my sculptures on a turntable but never before has it been displayed on one.” For years the piece was swiveled to face the sidewalk and street outside the gate when the Hens were not on the field. However, the mechanism has since broken and, for now, the sculpture always faces the field. The artist also had kind words for Toledo’s Arts Commission when recalling his efforts from more than a decade ago. “Everyone was fair and polite. They let me create,” Gaylord said. “That was not the case in some of my other commissions.” Folk, who earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the University of Toledo, shrugged off any praise, saying merely that handling artists is integral to the nature of the The Arts Commission’s business. It’s the commission’s job to “empower their design,” he said. Gaylord explained his own evolution as an artist by saying he is “a big fan” of French sculptor Auguste Rodin “and of course Michelangelo. That led me into sculpture.” Now approaching 90, Gaylord continues to create art. “I am working on abstract drawings and enjoying every bit of the creative process,” he said. “Art to me means leaving the world a little nicer than when I found it.” Folk echoed that sentiment in a

‘I Got It!,’ a sculpture at Fifth Third Field, was designed by Vermont artist Frank C. Gaylord II, who also designed the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. TOLEDO FREE PRESS PHOTO BY SARAH OTTNEY

separate interview. “I’m very lucky,” he said. “I can work to make my city a better place.” Folk credits the success of the public art at Fifth Third Field with helping to subsequently bring art to the Huntington Center. But Folk knows introducing art to Fifth Third Field was only a qualified success. Originally, five initiatives were slated for inclusion. The fifth, a mural, never came to fruition.

Funding for it dried up in the economic downturn following 9/11, Folk said. As for one of the designs that did get funded, Gaylord calls his Mud Hens sculpture “one of my best works. Better than Washington, D.C.” Today, with the ballpark nearly paid off and expansion plans on the drawing board — perhaps the county will decide to re-commission that mural. O

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March 30, 2014

Star 69

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Artist’s nostalgic sculpture ‘Who’s Up?’ is big hit at Fifth Third Field By Vicki L. Kroll TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAR STAFF WRITER

Emanuel Enriquez delivered a striking pitch to Toledo’s Arts Commission: Picture it, 1927, the year the Toledo Mud Hens won the AA pennant. “I thought of what baseball meant to the kids, and I happen to be old enough to remember ‘The Little Rascals.’ So I thought 1927, and I decided to do a sculpture with young kids,” the Bowling Green artist said. “I knew most of the class AA baseball teams had old fences around them, so I decided to make the kids

peering through the wooden fence,” Enriquez said. “Who’s Up?” has delighted baseball fans since the bronze sculpture was unveiled on St. Clair Street outside Fifth Third Field in September 2002. The life-size figures — three boys and one girl — and fence weigh in at about 3,000 pounds. “I thought [the sculpture] would relate to the young kids, and the oldtimers would remember when they played baseball as kids,” Enriquez said. After his design was selected in 2001, the sculptor read Mud Hens historian John Husman’s “Baseball in Toledo” and pored over historical accounts. He dug for details.

“I went to the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, and I picked out some old Sears catalogs and tried to get some reference to the period of dress,” Enriquez said. “I did research on the little girl’s bib overalls, the boy’s pants with the ENRIQUEZ leather strap in the back for tightening. I did research on the shoes, the cap the barefoot boy is wearing; it goes to that period.” Even the hair had to be perfect. “A lady friend helped me design

the little girl’s braids,” he said. “She told me they would use strings; they didn’t have rubber bands in those days.” He hunted down vintage wood boards in Pennsylvania and cast each side before welding the pieces together so the fence would be authentic. And the Pemberville, Ohio, native hit the road to visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, N.Y. “They had a 1927 period glove in the showcase; I took a photo of that and I put it on the little girl,” he said, adding he picked up a souvenir — a baseball stick like one of the youths is holding. Three of the kids are based on the grandchildren of his friends.

“The tallest kid on the right I modeled after me, back when I was 50 pounds lighter,” Enriquez said and laughed. “There’s a mole on his right cheek, a light dimple on the left cheek. Very few people know this.” The artist had a ball working on the project — and knocked it out of the park. “It was a lot of fun,” Enriquez said. “I’m really pleased with the sculpture; people enjoy it a lot.” Not that he hangs around to watch people looking at his work when he drives up I-75 for a Hens game. “I go to watch the baseball game, eat a hot dog — that’s part of Americana, you know?” O







“Who’s Up,” a sculpture outside Fifth Third Field by Bowling Green artist Emanuel Enriquez, who modeled three of the children after grandchildren of friends. The boy on the right is modeled after himself. TOLEDO FREE PRESS PHOTO BY SARAH OTTNEY

70 Star

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

((((((((((((( THE PULSE

MARCH 28APRIL 5, 2014 What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.


Bar 145º

This venue features burgers, bands and bourbon, if its slogan is to be believed. $5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or O Distant Cousinz: March 28. O Chapel Hill: March 29.

Barr’s Public House

“Our House, Your Pub” focuses on craft beer, hand-crafted specialty drinks, a well-rounded wine selection and an eclectic menu. 3355 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. (419) 866-8466. O Captain Sweetshoes: 9 p.m. March 28. O Last Born Sons: 9 p.m. March 29. O Kyle White: 8 p.m. April 3.

Bronze Boar

Be sure to check out this Warehouse District tavern’s namesake, overhead near the entrance. 20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or O Open mic: Thursdays, Mondays. O ACME: March 28. O Kids With Knives: March 29. O Steve Finelli and Oliver Roses: March 31. O Steve Kennedy: April 3.

Dégagé Jazz Café

Signature drinks plus live local jazz. 301 River Road, Maumee. (419) 794-8205 or O Kelly Broadway: March 29. O Gene Parker: April 1. O Gene Parker & Friends: April 2. O Josh Silver: April 3.

The Distillery

O Sirena, Stand Your Ground, BEWARE

Doc Watson’s

This small venue offers musical accompaniment for its Saturday brunches. 1107 Jackson St. (419) 241-4519 or O Mark Hutchins with guest Dan Gruenke: 10 a.m. March 29.

Named in honor of the owners’ forefather, this bar and restaurant serves a variety of dishes and entertainment. 1515 S. Byrne Road. (419) 389-6003 or O Tye & Jaime: 10 p.m. March 28. O Calen Savidge: 10 p.m. March 29.

Durty Bird

A full bar and happy hour 4-7 p.m. weekdays, plus full menu, accompany live entertainment four nights a week. 2 S. St. Clair St. (419) 2432473 or O Open mic: 7 p.m. Tuesdays. O Joe Woods Trio: 9 p.m. March 28. O The Eight Fifteens: 9 p.m. March 29. O The Girls: 1 p.m. March 30. O The Kids: 6 p.m. March 31. O Steve Kennedy: 8 p.m. April 1. O Josh Whitney: April 2. O Jaime Mills: April 3.


A club “for the mature crowd,” Evolution offers $5 martinis on Thursdays and the occasional live musical performance. 519 S. Reynolds Road. (419) 725-6277 or O Feel Good Fridays: Fridays. O Sensational Saturdays: Saturdays.

Frankie’s Inner-City

Toledo’s venue for rock. Tickets vary between $5 and $14, unless otherwise noted. 308 Main St. (419) 693-5300 or O Basil Presents: Human Juicebox and The Susurrans: 9 p.m. March 28. O Vertical Scratchers featuring John Schmersal: 9 p.m. March 29. O As Artifacts, Set To Reflect, Decades past, Against All Odds, The Scarlett Letter: 6 p.m. March 31. O Har Mar Superstar: 8 p.m. April 1.

THE NEVERENDING, Affairs, Dementria, The Brooklyn Enigma: 6 p.m. April 2. O Fruition: 9 p.m. April 3.

Glass City Cafe

H Lounge

Hollywood Casino Toledo offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. O The Rock Show, a Journey Tribute Band: 9 p.m. March 28. O The Velvet Jones: 9 p.m. March 29. O Jedi Mind Trip: 9 p.m. April 4 O Crystal Bowersox: 10 p.m. April 5

Huntington Center

500 Jefferson Ave. (800) 745-3000 or www. O Hunter Hayes: 7 p.m. March 28.

J. Patrick’s Pub

Live entertainment after 9:30 p.m. FridaysSaturdays. Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 874-3111 or > The Bradberries: March 28-29.

Jazz on the Maumee

The Art Tatum Jazz Society will provide smooth, cool “Twilight Jazz” along the river, appetizers included. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Grand Plaza Hotel’s Aqua Lounge, 444 N. Summit St. $5-$15. (419) 241-1411 or

Self, Demonshifter, High Class Goats: 8 p.m. March 29. O Lil Todd: 8 p.m. April 3.

Ronn Daniels performs weekly at this pub. 8-11 p.m. Thursdays, 141 Main St. (419) 6976297 or > Rap Rumbles: CiTo, Don B & BuD, Street Wyze, Lil Twan, T-skii, D Kay: 8 p.m. March 28. > Abigail Williams, Buried But Breathing, Exit

Perrysburg ~ 12407 Airport Hwy., Swanton ~ 6605 Lewis Ave. ~ gyros?

Casual meals and bingo and trivia nights with weekend entertainment. 1815 Adams St. (419) 725-5483 or O Misfortunate Sons, Spit Back, Negative Minds: 8 p.m. March 28. O Harms Way, Dismantle, Serpent Speech, Borrowed and Blue: 7 p.m. March 29. O Koji, A.N. Palamar: 7 p.m. April 3.


Nouveau cuisine gets a helping of music Thursdays through Saturdays. 104 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg. (419) 873-8360 or O Elixer: March 28. O Jason Hudson: March 29.


With its focus on swing music, Jeff McDonald’s group of musicians provides a peek into another era, with music from bandleaders such as Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, the Dorseys and more. (419) 708-0265, (419) 874-0290 or O Trotters Tavern, 5131 Heatherdowns Blvd.: 8 p.m. Tuesdays. O The Pinnacle, 1772 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, March 28.

The Village Idiot

Tunes combined with pizza and booze, some would say it’s a perfect combination. 309 Conant St., Maumee. (419) 893-7281 or www. O Old West End Records: 8 p.m. Wednesdays. O The House Band: 6 p.m. Firdays. O Bob Rex Quartet: 6 p.m. Sundays. O Frankie May and friends: 10 p.m. Mondays. O John Barile & Bobby May: 8 p.m. Tuesdays. O Dragon Wagon: March 28. O Andrew Ellis Music, Desert Noises: April 2. O Last Born Sons: April 3.


Every day until 11 a.m.

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The mic is open on Sundays, but paid entertainers rock out Fridays-Saturdays. 4311 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 382-1444 or

O Live Trivia with DJ Brandon: Tuesdays. O DJ Rob Sample: Thursdays. O Guitar-eoke with Zak Ward: Sundays. O MAS FiNA: March 28. O My Sister Sarah: March 29.

@ CharliesRestaurants

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Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull

Customers can find 30 draught beer selections and daily drink specials at this venue that promises live entertainment seven days of the week. 9 N. Huron St. (419) 244-2855 or O Bobby May and John Barile followed by Nine Lives: March 28. O Jeff Stewarts and the 25’s: March 29. O Dick Lange Blues Jam: March 30. O Jason Hudson: April 1. O Danny Mettler: April 2. O Captain Sweet Shoes: April 3.


Community Art Day

This family-friendly event will invite participants to create various art projects for $1. This month’s projects will be greeting cards, bottle cap magnets and sidewalk chalk. There will also be free face painting and games. Collingwood Arts Center, 2413 Collingwood Blvd. 12-3 p.m. March 30.

Ohio Theatre & Events Center

3114 Lagrange St. O Aspiring Filmmakers Showcase: UT film students present their work: March 28. O Local Movie Makers in March Series: encore presentations of “Insight,” “Real Housekids of Sylvania,” “Cardboard To Bed” and “Bulletproof Music Video” in addition to several short films by Toledo local producer Michael DeSantos: March 29. If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt at

31 for o H NO To ur iR W ll g ne i N ate w l g Dr ocat . M io au n me e


March 30, 2014


8 am

9 am


1 pm



11 am


12 pm


2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


General Hospital Katie The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Judge Mathis The People’s Court The Test Millionaire Millionaire Varied Programs Criminal Minds The First 48 Varied Programs Million Dollar LA Varied Programs Varied Programs SportsCenter Outside Insiders Reba Reba Boy/World Boy/World Secrets 30-Minute Kelsey’s Giada Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Charmed Varied Programs Amer. Dad Cougar Friends Friends Movie Varied Programs Movie Bones Bones Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ’70s Show ’70s Show Bill Cunningham

4 pm


5 pm


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm

6 pm


News News News ABC News News at Five News CBS News Access H. Minute TMZ News The Dr. Oz Show News NBC News Cyberchas News NewsHour The First 48 The First 48 First 48 Varied Million Dollar LA Million Dollar Listing Varied Programs Futurama Futurama South Pk Tosh.0 Win, Lose Varied Programs NFL Live Around Pardon SportsCenter Boy/World Boy/World Middle Middle Middle Varied Contessa Contessa Pioneer Varied Diners Diners Charmed Ridic. Ridic. Friends Friends Varied Programs Castle Law & Order: SVU Rules Commun

Wife Swap Wife Swap Ridic. Varied Programs Ridic. King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Castle Law & Order: SVU Rules Two Men


9 pm


Castle Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Mod Fam

March 30, 2014


3 pm


Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil Maury The Doctors

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

White Collar (CC) Ali Vince. Recipe IndyCar Racing Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg. (N) (Live) News ABC Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time Resurrection (N) (CC) Revenge “Addiction” News Insider Road/Final 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Final: Teams TBA. 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament 60 Minutes (N) (CC) The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist (N) News Criminal NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: STP 500. From Martinsville Speedway in Martinsville, Va. (N) The Closer (CC) Mother Mother Burgers American Simpsons Fam. Guy Cosmos-Space News Leading Arsenio Hall NHL Hockey: Bruins at Flyers PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open, Final Round. (N) (S Live) (CC) News News The Voice (N) (CC) Dream Builders Believe “Defection” Crisis (N) (CC) News Jdg Judy Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens POV “Ping Pong” Charlie Ohio Moyers Weekend NOVA (PA) (CC) Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic (N) (CC) Austin City Limits Bates Motel (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/NYC Housewives/Atl. Fashion Couch Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama ›› National Lampoon’s Van Wilder (2002) ›› Liar Liar (1997) Jim Carrey. (CC) ››› Dumb & Dumber (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. Amy Schumer South Pk South Pk Dog Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Good Good Good I Didn’t I Didn’t Austin Austin Austin Austin Jessie I Didn’t ››› Despicable Me (2010) Phineas Jessie Win, Lose ANT Farm Good Wm. Basketball Sports. ATP Tennis Sony Open, Men’s Final. From Miami. (N) PBA Bowling Sunday Night Countdown MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at San Diego Padres. (N) SportsCenter (N) Harry Potter-Phoenix ››› Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe. ››› Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) Daniel Radcliffe. ››› Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011, Fantasy) Trisha’s Pioneer Buy This Diners Save My Bakery My. Din My. Din Diners, Drive Worst Cooks Chopped Food Court Wars (N) Chopped (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Restaurant: Im. Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Carib Carib Beach Beach Alaska Alaska Hunters Hunt Intl Bring It! (CC) Bring It! (CC) A Mother’s Rage (2013) Lori Loughlin. (CC) Zoe Gone (2014) Jean Louisa Kelly. (CC) ›› You Again (2010) Kristen Bell. (CC) Drop Dead Diva (N) Drop Dead Diva (CC) ›› You Again (2010) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ›› The Break-Up (2006) Vince Vaughn. Break-Up ››› I Love You, Man ››› Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) (DVS) ››› Blades of Glory (2007) Will Ferrell. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Anchorman Lady-Shanghai ›››› Anastasia (1956) Ingrid Bergman. ›››› Topkapi (1964) Melina Mercouri. (CC) ›› Quentin Durward (1955) Robert Taylor. ››› Born to Dance (1936) Eleanor Powell. ›› I Dood It (1943) Red Skelton. (CC) Law & Order ›› Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006) (CC) ››› Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (CC) ›› National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007, Action) National Treasure: Book NCIS “Psych Out” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “The Tell” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Rekindled” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Detour” NCIS “Seek” NCIS (CC) (DVS) Suits “Heartburn” ›› Happy, Texas Made OK! TV Friends Friends Glee (CC) Middle Middle Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Glee “Yes/No” (CC)


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass Behind the Dream Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Charla Larry King AntiAging Hip Hop No 2 Old NASCAR Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Pain Free Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NHL Hockey Super Cat in the Peg Dinosaur Toledo Stories Get Real! Wise Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Bates Motel “Caleb” Online Dating Rituals Happens Maria Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Real Housewives Kroll Show ››› Trading Places (1983) Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy. ›› Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) (CC) Pirates Sofia Austin Jessie Austin Liv-Mad. Austin Liv-Mad. Dog Dog SportsCenter (N) (CC) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Wm. Basketball ››› Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Daniel Radcliffe. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Heartland Contessa Pioneer Trisha’s Southern Giada Sand. Guy’s The Kitchen Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Skincare Preachers’ Daughters Bring It! (CC) Bring It! (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Friends Friends Friends Friends ›› American Wedding (2003) Jason Biggs. ››› I Love You, Man Weekend ›› Kissin’ Cousins (1964) (CC) ››› Million Dollar Mermaid (1952) (CC) Lady-Shanghai Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order P. Chris J. Osteen Sirens Sirens Suits “Heartburn” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House Family St. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Game Raceline ›› Happy, Texas


March 30, 2014



TV Listings 71

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

March 31, 2014


11 pm


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! How I Met/Mother Friends Mom (N) Intelligence (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Bones (N) (CC) (DVS) The Following (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice “The Battles, Round 2 Premiere” The Blacklist (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens “Medora” (N) On Story Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bates Motel (N) (CC) Bates Motel (CC) Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Southern Charm (N) Couch Real Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Austin Dog ››› Geek Charming (2011) Sarah Hyland. Good Jessie Austin Dog SportCtr Women’s College Basketball Women’s College Basketball SportCtr Harry Potter ››› Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011), Rupert Grint The 700 Club (CC) Guy’s Grocery Games Diners, Drive Worst Cooks My. Diners My. Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders “Vula; Lisa” Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. House of Food (N) House of Food Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) High Plains Drifter Eva Marie Saint ›››› On the Waterfront (1954) Marlon Brando. (CC) Eva Marie Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Dallas (N) (CC) Dallas (CC) Private Lives NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) Chrisley Chrisley Big Bang Mod Fam Star-Crossed (N) (CC) The Tomorrow People OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



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Bienvenidos Amigos!

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


April 1, 2014 11 pm


Ent Insider Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Goldbergs Trophy Mind Games (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (N) (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Person of Interest (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Glee “New New York” The Mindy Project (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice (N) (CC) About-Boy Fisher Chicago Fire News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Story of Jews Story of Jews Story of Jews Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Barry’d Storage Storage Storage Real Housewives Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/Atl. Couch NYC Colbert Daily Amy Sch. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Amy Sch. Daily Colbert Austin Dog ›› Princess Protection Program Jessie Good Jessie Austin Dog Women’s College Basketball Women’s College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (CC) Another Cinderella Story (2008), Drew Seeley Twisted (N) (CC) Daddy Daddy The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Diners Diners Hunt Intl Hunters Hawaii Hawaii Beach Beach So House Hunters Flip It to Win It (N) Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Kim of Queens (N) Kim of Queens (CC) Being Farrah Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 (N) Are You the One? (N) Seinfeld Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Cougar Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ››› The Great Race ›› The Disorderly Orderly (1964) ››› Sleeper (1973) Woody Allen. ››› Way Out West Castle (CC) (DVS) NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Brooklyn Nets. (N) NBA Basketball Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Mod Fam The Originals (CC) The 100 “Earth Skills” OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


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7 pm




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10 pm



8 pm


April 2, 2014 11 pm


9 pm


10 pm


1 pm


2 pm



April 4, 2014 11 pm


Ent Insider Last Man Neighbors Shark Tank (N) (CC) 20/20 (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Unforgettable (N) (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) Blue Bloods (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Rake (N) (CC) (DVS) Raising Hope (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Dateline NBC (N) (CC) Grimm “Synchronicity” Hannibal “Futamono” News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Wash Deadline Live/Lincoln Center Women Who Rock Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Million Dollar Listing Matchmaker Real Housewives Real Housewives Housewives/NYC Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama Key Key ›› Yes Man (2008) Jim Carrey. Premiere. (CC) ››› Ice Age (2002) (CC) Dog Fish I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Austin Good ANT Farm NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Memphis Grizzlies. (N) NBA Basketball: Thunder at Rockets ›› Stick It (2006) Jeff Bridges. ›› 17 Again (2009) Zac Efron, Leslie Mann. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners, Drive Diners Diners Rev. Run Rev. Run Rev. Run Rev. Run Rev. Run Rev. Run Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Wife Swap (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Betty Betty Betty Betty Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ›› Scary Movie 3 (2003) Anna Faris. Seinfeld Fam. Guy ›› Red (2010, Action) Bruce Willis. (DVS) ››› Zombieland (2009) Woody Harrelson. What’s-Helen ›› Ruby Gentry (1952) (CC) ››› The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) Charlton Heston. Castle (CC) (DVS) ››› Contagion (2011) Marion Cotillard. Premiere. ››› Contagion (2011) (CC) (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Sirens Big Bang Mod Fam Whose? Whose? Hart of Dixie (N) (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Suburg. Mod Fam Mixology Nashville “Crazy” (N) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman The Office Simpsons American Idol The top finalists perform. (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Revolution (N) (CC) Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Nature (CC) (DVS) NOVA (N) (CC) (DVS) Secrets of the Dead Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Flipping Out (N) (CC) Couch Million Colbert Daily Work. South Pk South Pk South Pk Work. Triptank Daily Colbert Austin Dog ›››› Cinderella (1950) Voices of Ilene Woods. Good Jessie Austin Dog NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at New York Knicks. (N) High School Basketball SportCtr Daddy Daddy Melissa Daddy ›› Along Came Polly (2004) Ben Stiller. The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Save My Bakery (N) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Bring It! (CC) Preachers’ Daughters Preachers’ Daughters Bring It! (N) (CC) Bring It! (CC) Real World: Explosion Real World: Explosion Real World: Explosion Real World: Explosion Real World: Explosion Seinfeld Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With Conan (N) (CC) ›› The Comedians ›››› The Ladykillers (1955) (CC) ›››› Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Peter O’Toole. (CC) Castle “Nikki Heat” Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle “Knockdown” Castle “Lucky Stiff” Save Our Business (N) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Recovery” NCIS “Lost at Sea” NCIS: Los Angeles Big Bang Mod Fam Arrow “Deathstroke” The 100 “Earth Kills” OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


8 pm

March 30, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business The First 48 (CC) Housewives/Atl. Colbert Daily Austin Dog College Basketball ›› Along Came Polly Chopped Rehab Rehab Under the Gunn Ridic. Ridic. Seinfeld Fam. Guy The Tunnel of Love Castle (CC) (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Mod Fam



9 pm



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


April 3, 2014 11 pm


Grey’s Anatomy (N) Scandal “The Fluffer” News J. Kimmel Two Men Crazy Elementary (N) (CC) News Letterman Amer. Idol Surviving Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Game Night Parenthood (N) (CC) News J. Fallon Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) Muddy Waters Sun Stud After the First 48 (N) Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Matchmaker Online Dating Rituals Couch Matchmkr Sunny Tosh.0 Review (N) Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Austin ANT Farm Good Jessie Austin Dog College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (CC) (2004) ›› Meet the Fockers (2004) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Canada (N) Beat Flay Beat Flay Diners Diners Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Under the Gunn Under the Gunn Celebrity Celebrity Celebrity Celebrity Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ››› The Thrill of It All (1963) Doris Day. (CC) ››› Move Over, Darling (1963) Doris Day. NBA Basketball: Spurs at Thunder NBA Basketball Law & Order: SVU Suits (N) (CC) (DVS) Sirens (N) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam The Vampire Diaries Reign “Royal Blood” OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



9 am


10 am


11 am


April 5, 2014 12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Wildlife Expedition Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Recipe J. Oliverr All In Changers College Basketball Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Paid Prog. Today (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chica Noodle Justin Tree Fu LazyTown Noddy Soccer Super WordWrld Peg Dinosaur MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) (DVS) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Flipping Boston (CC) Flipping Boston (N) Online Dating Rituals Million Dollar Listing Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC ›› Drillbit Taylor (2008) Owen Wilson. (CC) ›› Weekend at Bernie’s (1989, Comedy) (CC) National-European Pirates Sofia ››› Ice Age (2002) (CC) Dog Dog ANT Farm Jessie Jessie SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) HS Basketball ›› Stick It (2006) Jeff Bridges. ›› Can’t Buy Me Love (1987, Comedy) ››› Pretty in Pink Be.- Made Best Thing Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Heartland Giada at Home Worst Cooks YardCrash YardCrash YardCrash YardCrash Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unsolved Mysteries Movie ›› The Break-Up (2006) Vince Vaughn. ›› Legally Blonde (2001) Reese Witherspoon. House of Food Payne Browns There King King ››› Zombieland (2009) Woody Harrelson. ›› Red Married ›› Honolulu (1939), Robert Young Carson ›› Mexican Spitfire MGM: When the Lion Roars (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “D-Girl” Law & Order Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chrisley ›››› Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Harrison Ford. (CC) Indiana Jones Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Pets.TV Career


3 pm

10 pm

Once Wonderland Big Bang Millers Hell’s Kitchen (N) Commun Parks Toledo Stories (CC) The First 48 (CC) Matchmaker Chappelle Chappelle Dog I Didn’t

Saturday Morning 8 am


8 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


April 5, 2014

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Full Plate J. Hanna Private Practice (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap ESPN Sports Saturday (N) News ABC Insider Lottery S.H.I.E.L.D. Nightline Prime (CC) 20/20 (CC) News Castle College Basketball Real Fans Planning Bull Riding CSI: Miami (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) News News Wheel Jeopardy! Two Men Friends Criminal Minds 48 Hours (N) (CC) News CSI Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Bones (CC) Leverage (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Almost Human The Following News Carpet Office Office English Premier League Soccer Goal PGA Tour Golf Shell Houston Open, Third Round. (N) (S Live) (CC) News News Jdg Judy Academic Dateline NBC (CC) Saturday Night Live News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Great Performances (CC) Richard Steves Travels Lawrence Welk Call the Midwife (CC) Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Classic Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage ››› Bad Boys (1995) Martin Lawrence. Premiere. Flipping Vegas (CC) Flipping Vegas (CC) Flipping Vegas (CC) Flipping Vegas (N) Flipping Vegas (CC) Housewives/NYC Real Housewives Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. TBA ›› Burlesque (2010, Drama) Cher, Christina Aguilera. › Coyote Ugly (2000) Piper Perabo. › Coyote Ugly (2000) Piper Perabo. National-European › Vegas Vacation (1997) Chevy Chase. ›› Semi-Pro (2008) Will Ferrell. (CC) Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Talladega Nights: Jessie Good Good Good Dog Dog Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Jessie Jessie ›› Ramona and Beezus (2010) Joey King. Lab Rats (CC) Austin Good Basket College Basketball College GameDay From Fort Worth, Texas. (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) E:60 Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) ››› Pretty in Pink ›› Sixteen Candles (1984) Molly Ringwald. ›› Charlie St. Cloud (2010) Zac Efron. ›› 17 Again (2009) Zac Efron, Leslie Mann. › Abduction (2011, Action) Taylor Lautner. ›› Step Up 2 the Streets (2008, Drama) Beat Flay My. Din Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Food Court Wars Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Diners Diners Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Im. Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Hunters Hunt Intl Movie ›› Derailed (2005) Clive Owen. (CC) Sorority Surrogate (2014) Cassie Steele. ›› Premonition (2007) Sandra Bullock. (CC) The Trials of Cate McCall (2013) Premiere. ›› The Stepfather (2009) Dylan Walsh. (CC) Teen Mom 2 Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. House of Food ›› The Break-Up (2006) Vince Vaughn. MTV Special House of Food The Girl Next Door ›› Red (2010) Bruce Willis. Fam. Guy Road/Final The Final Four Show 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament Madness MGM: Lion ››› Escape From Fort Bravo (1953) (CC) ››› High Sierra (1941) Humphrey Bogart. ›››› Forbidden Planet (1956) (CC) (DVS) ››› Field of Dreams (1989) Kevin Costner. ››› Angels in the Outfield (1951, Comedy) Law & Order ›› The Book of Eli (2010, Action) Denzel Washington. ›› Walking Tall (2004) (CC) 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament Falling Indiana Jones & the Temple ››› Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Harrison Ford. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley Icons Live Life Made Game Rules Two Men Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam Minor League Baseball Louisville Bats at Toledo Mud Hens. (N) EP Daily EP Daily Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy



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March 30, 2014

Comics & Games 73

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Third Rock


n ANSWERS FOUND ON A48 Your Tarotgram and Horoscope

By Elizabeth Hazel March 30 – April 5, 2014 Events: New Moon in Aries (30th), Venus enters Pisces (5th) Aries (March 21-April 19)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

This week brings a high tide of awareness. You re-discover yourself and a potential new life path, but also learn new things about your friends, associates, and environment. Profound midweek conversations hold stunning revelations. Seek love and closeness on Saturday.

If you think decisions are settled, think again. Partners and significant people make 180-degree turns this week in response personal pressures. There are fortunate avenues of growth and opportunity for you in other directions. Kindness and benefits appear after Thursday.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Circumstances compel you to make tough decisions about priorities. Something you’ve resisted becomes very easy midweek as offers of assistance flow your way. Look for the path of least resistance for the short-term future. Fulfilling romance blooms on Saturday.

Normal daily patterns are in upheaval, perhaps through vacations or major reorganizations. Pressure meets strong resistance; something’s got to give. Turbulent conditions are mediated with effort. After Friday, blow off steam with friends and loved ones.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Friends and loved ones make shocking decisions that can affect your finances or sources of stability. Incoming newsbits gush toward you midweek, one thing on the heels of another. Turbulence creates bonding situations; friendship upgrades to love after Thursday.

Financial pressures come from two directions. A bit of unexpected luck can help work things out midweek. Elders or parents may be involved, and friends steer you in the right direction for future benefits. Blessings for home and family appear over the weekend.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

People have big changes of fortune. Shattered plans require adjustments to breaking situations. Others sympathize and give counsel and assistance midweek. Women relatives are extremely helpful. Gatherings on Saturday offer lovefocused mutual support systems.

Inner awareness or family dynamics are forcibly brought into the light this week. You can’t control changes, but you can choose your attitudes and responses. Work to balance desires with reality. Partners exert harmonizing, peacemaking influences on Saturday.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

The New Moon sets the dial on extremes. Good and bad luck are slap-happy twins all week. People chatter about strange events and weird coincidences midweek. Rights or rules cause workplace disputes. An older woman steers you straight. Intimacy flourishes on Saturday.

Partners and friends do unexpected things this week. Attention swings wildly from one person or situation to another, leaving you feeling scattered. A good friend helps you integrate your experiences on Friday. Open appreciation flows on Saturday evening.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Uncomfortable situations around partners smooth out this week, while conditions around friends and family members are subject to sudden disruptions. Unexpected expenses are possible. Improving skills lead to better jobs. Dedicate Saturday to those you care about most.

Beginnings and endings are tangled with money issues. Sudden discoveries require investigation to find facts about possible mismanagement. Seek expert advice to determine your options; you have the advantage. Saturday highlights love and family connections.

Elizabeth Hazel is a professional tarotist-astrologer and author. She gives readings every Wednesday at Attic on Adams above Manos Greek Restaurant. She may be contacted at (c) 2014

TFP Crossword

“Unfinished Books” ACROSS

1. Baby bear 4. Adventures of a Christmas tree wrangler? 12. Explorer Johnson (“I Married Adventure”) 13. Center of activity 14. Suffer 15. Spokes 16. Altar vow 17. Flavorless 18. A flat tire was just the beginning? 23. “And one to ----” 28. Throb 30. Crazed 32. Italian artist’s portrait of a fish? 35. Civil War side, for short 36. Property paper 37. Eats away at 40. A free ticket changes a young Jewish man’s life? 43. Clay-footed types 46. Federal ecol. org. 48. Pogo’s home 51. Profit after expenses 52. Rent

by Dave DeChristopher 1























































53. Vast expanse 54. Pulitzer Prize winner about virtuous men who hotwire cars? 55. Starr or Stevens DOWN 1. Essence 2. “Suits” network 3. Detrimental

11. Marked down 19. Hello and goodbye in our 50th state 20. Paradise 21. Moving, a bit 22. Rating for all audiences 24. Defensive grid positions 25. OWN and Lifetime rival 26. More unusual 27. Dundee denial 28. “The Price Is Right” action 29. King topper 30. Computer attachment 31. Lime drink 33. Blood line 34. ID neighbor 35. Eastside ---- (125 Oak Street) 38. Thus 39. Dance like Elvis 40. Fork point 41. Popular women’s mag 42. Fix your pets 44. Anchorman Conklin 45. Cards cap insignia 46. Will Ferrell title role 47. Apiece 48. Request 50. “Peel ---- grape"

4. African capital 5. Score and a half 6. Bovine chew 7. “Girls” network 8. Arrest 9. Hodges or Bellows 10. Object in an inside jacket pocket n CROSSWORD ANSWERS FOUND ON 74

74 Classified

A Toledo tradition since 2005





legal notices


Health care

Apartments / Duplexes

UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose the family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abbys One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-413-6294.

THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.

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WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

General Employment

Public notice THE FOLLOWING STORAGE UNITS WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY LOCK-IT-UP, LLC ON OR AFTER 4-22-2014 AT LEONARD’S AUCTION SERVICE 6350 CONSEAR RD OTTAWA LAKE, MI RICHARD LEONARD AUCTIONEER. 3316 DUSTIN OREGON OH 43616 6010 Kevin Carter 4109 Navarre Household. 12400 WILLIAMS RD PERRYSBURG OH 43551 3059 Theresa E Giffin 822 Cherry Household. 2025 Dawn Rowe 5111 Secor #10 Household. 7032 Kelly Powell 69 East Main Street # 7 Amelia OH 45102 Household. 4601 JACKMAN RD TOLEDO OH 43612 4301 Eric Sancrant 8821 Kellie Household. 27533 HELEN DR PERRYSBURG OH 43551 21001 Ignacio Guerra 5 Dr. McAuleys Ct Household. 7840 SYLVANIA AVE SYLVANIA OH 43560 1013 William Harrer 3903 Clare Ridge Household. 2003 Laura Felker 6910 Brint Household. 4015 Jeffrey Blanks 6549 Charlesgate Household. 4039 Russell Young 6727 Brint Household. 4117 Derek D Roe 6544 Brint Apt 1 Household. 3032 AIRPORT HWY TOLEDO OH 43609 2302 Taylor Featchurs 3410 Grabralter Heights Apt I-9 Household. 4104 Lynn Fisher 514 Hampton Household. 4316 Bonita Adams 4445 Merry Household. 5412 Kristen Russell 3766 Hill Apt 225 Household. 7225 Daniel H Jackson 663 Brysen Household. 8103 Elle Iman Thomas 17510 Neff Rd Cleveland OH 44119 Household. 802 S REYNOLDS TOLEDO OH 43615 2041 Stefan Fuhlbrigge 1774 Sudbury #2 Household. 2012 Shontrell Flanagan 1129 Shadow Apt 105 Household. 2018 James Mc Dermott 6400 Salisbury 209 Household. 5015 Albert Welch 961 S Reynolds #79 Household. 5024 Jethrie Cooper 1990 Airline Household. 6032 Richard Gibbs 3363 Sedgwick Apt 3F Bronx NY 10463 Household. 7018 Lesha Carter 5950 Walnut Circle Apt I Household. 10121 Airport Urgent Care 5542 Airport Office Items. 6387 SOUTH AVE TOLEDO OH 43615 4114 Jack Leasure 2133 Kingston Household. 5401 TELEGRAPH TOLEDO OH 43612 1010 Dale Swartz 3548 Nearing Household. 6007 Grant Flemmings 3106 Lagrange Apt A Household. 6016 Curtis Barbour Jr 324 Mettler Household. 2004 Mark Peddicord 541 N Superior Household. 3040 Charlotte M. Moses 1121 Gordon Household. 4102 Jennifer Pinson 5858 Semoff Household. 5026 Jeffrey Serve 2510 Aldringham Household. 8019 Heather Reese 5524 Pawnee Household. 8020 Judith Malaska 5524 Pawnee Household. All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

Part time warehouse/handy person, with forklift experience. Background and drug test required. Call 419-724-5720, ask for Karen. Commercial/Residential paving company looking for paving machine screed operator & an asphalt raker. Must be hard workers & have minimum 3 years experience. EEO Employer. Call 351-5195.

RECEPTIONIST AND RESERVATION ASSISTANT Metroparks of the Toledo Area is looking for a qualified individual to serve as a receptionist at the Visitor Center, Wildwood Metropark. HS Diploma or equivalent and some level of customer service experience required. Seasonal employment, up to 25 hours per week. $8.23/hr. Go to to view the position description and job requirements. Apply online by 4/8/14. EOE

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Metroparks of the Toledo Area is looking for a qualified administrative assistant to support the Planning and Construction, Ranger Services, and Maintenance departments. Associate’s degree preferred in business management, office administration, or similar field, with a moderate level of related experience. Excellent computer skills required; experience with public bidding process and MS Project software preferred. Part time up to 35 hours/wk; $15.07 per hour. Visit to review job description and requirements. Apply online by April 4. EOE

MAINTENANCE/EVENTS ASSISTANT Metroparks of the Toledo Area has an opening for a seasonal Manor House Maintenance Assistant. Requires HS diploma or equivalent, driver’s license; experience in customer service, special events or maintenance preferred. Minimum age 18. April through December based on need; up to 30 hrs/week. $8.09/hr. Application and résumé must be submitted online by April 9th at EOE Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.


Be a part of a new MyCare Ohio health plan that offers an innovative, integrated approach to coordinating the needs and care of the most vulnerable, clinically complex sector of the Medicare/ Medicaid population. We’re looking for people who are passionate about providing high-quality, integrated care and would like to be part of a team that transforms the system into an integrated health model.

Clinical Job Fair-Toledo

Come prepared to interview with our managers. Please bring your résumé! Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9am – 7pm Holiday Inn French Quarter 10630 Freemont Pike Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 *CM and BH Clinical positions will require field-based travel servicing Fulton, Lucas, Ottawa and Wood counties. These positions may be considered for telecommuting.

Job Opportunities • Care Managers (RN, LISW, PCC, LSW, LPC, LMFT, PhD., Psy.D.) • Supportive Care Management Associates • Clinical Care Management Managers • Behavioral Health Coordinator/Lead You can view available job opportunities and apply online before the events. Visit, select Job Search, then select Search Openings, and input keyword OHIO. Aetna Medicaid has more than 25 years’ experience managing the care of the most medically vulnerable. We use innovative approaches to achieve both successful health care results and effective cost outcomes. We have particular expertise in serving high-need Medicaid members, including those who are dually-eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. Currently, Aetna Medicaid owns and/or administers Medicaid managed health care plans under the names of Aetna Better Health, CoventryCares and other affiliate names. Together, these plans serve more than 2 million people in 16 states.

Accepting Applications for 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Appliances & Utilities included Rent Based on Income Applications by Appointment 419-244-2836 Equal Housing Opportunity

Roommates Room available in August with freedom of furnished house near BGSU campus $300 a month + 1/3 of utilities flexible rent dates Call Brad at: (419) 308-7763

Specializing in the detailed maintenance of your landscape & garden beds.


From weeding to pruning, to trimming and planting, we provide landscape and garden care all season long! Available on an ongoing, periodic, or one time basis. Fully Insured. BBB Accredited with A+ Rating One of the top three finalists for 2012 Torch Awards presented by BBB.

n Crossword ANSWERS FROM 73 C U B C A T O S A A H R A D I I I E R R D A Y O F T P L Y G R O W O N T H E D A V C S A D E E A E I N P O R T N T R I D O L S E N N E T L A N G E L O F




A home for Bella, Johnny Cash


Call 419.241.1700, Ext 230 to place a Classified Ad!

March 30, 2014


Johnny Cash

Bella is a 3-year-old black Labrador mix. New places frighten her a little but a treat will make her forget all about being afraid. Bella loves playing fetch, having her belly rubbed and going for walks. She would do best in a home with loving adults. She has been spayed, examined by a Toledo Area Humane Society (TAHS) veterinarian, is current on her vaccinations and microchipped. Johnny Cash is a 2-year-old brown tiger cat whose life story reads like the lyrics of a song. He was living the high life in a nice home when his owners dropped him off at the vet to be treated for a wound and never returned. But you won’t catch him singing the blues. He has what it takes to win over even the toughest critic. Just give him a little pettin’ and listen to him sing. He has been neutered, examined by a TAHS veterinarian, is current on his vaccinations and microchipped. TAHS is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee. Adoption hours are noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O

March 30, 2014

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March 30, 2014




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