Toledo Free Press - Apr. 6, 2014

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April 6, 2014

Best Weekly Newspaper in Ohio 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards

A Toledo tradition since 2005 Connect with us: FREE •


Meeting Myles and a night at the ballpark Tom Pounds on paying it forward and Michael S. Miller on themes for the Mud Hens. page 3


Cleaning up Joni Meyer-Crothers spearheading effort for Free Laundromat Day. page 11

Business Link

Less taxing The Retirement Guys on making smart changes. page 14

Community Star

Robot Chicken Matt Senreich and pals lampoon DC Comics in new special. page 18

Go Blue

WTOL’s Brandon Jones is among local community leaders wearing blue on April 9 to raise awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month. By Sarah Ottney, page 6


Toledo Free Press

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A Toledo tradition since 2005


Report to the Community The Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities wants to thank the voters of Lucas County for supporting its levy in 2013. Your continued faith in the services and supports the Board provides is not taken for granted. With this Annual Report, the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities shows its commitments to remain a prudent manager of public dollars and a top quality provider of services and supports. During 2013, more than 5,000 individuals with developmental disabilities relied on the Board for information, referrals, services and supports. Be assured the Board remains focused on the critical responsibility to monitor and work to prevent unreasonable risks that may confront persons served. Furthermore, the Board will adhere to its Mission Statement that all individuals with developmental disabilities should have the same opportunities as all other citizens. The Board is pleased to continue its role in encouraging the evolution in services and supports. This evolution began with Josina Lott’s first classroom for children with developmental disabilities in 1938, through a parent advocacy movement in the 50’s and 60’s that created schools and employment services, and into the present day when more and more individuals with developmental disabilities are finding it possible to live, work and socialize in community-based settings. Attitudinal barriers, while they still exist, are being replaced by greater understanding and awareness.

The Board also reflects on some key milestones achieved this past year:

• The Lucas County Employment First Collaboration was selected as one of six professional development teams to address the implementation of the new state initiative focusing on integrated, community employment. • The Board, through education and monitoring, continued to demonstrate its commitment to the success of a growing number of service providers. And, the launch of a new Free Choice of Provider website helps make the search for a provider easier and more insightful. • The Educare Center marked its twentieth anniversary of providing services to children with complex needs in a family-friendly environment. • The Board maintained in 2013 its priority to address the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities who still reside at home with aging caregivers. • And the Board strengthened its collaboration not only with our companion organizations – Lott Industries, Preferred Properties, Shared Lives Studio, and Special Olympics – but to the growing community of Medicaid-supported service providers and to advocacy organizations such as the Arc, Down Syndrome Association, and the Autism Society. • The Board provided a $14.2 million match to draw down $38.4 million in federal funding to fund supports and services in the community, not only by the Board but also by more than 300 licensed Medicaid service providers. This allows more individuals to be served.

For more information about the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities please visit our website at or find us on Facebook at To subscribe to our free weekly newsletter send your email address to Sincerely,

Mark Frye, President

2013 Receipts Local Taxes Federal Funds State Funds

60% 20% 19%

2013 Expenditures Direct Service 91% Administration 7% Quality Assurance 2%

2013 Direct Service Expenditures Medicaid Match 29% Direct Service 71%

April 6, 2014

April 6, 2014

Publisher’s statement



A Toledo tradition since 2005



Meeting Myles

few days after we published Jeremy Baumhower’s March 23 column “Magical, mighty Myles,” I was connected to Dean Pickett, the general manager at the Maumee Cracker Barrel. That was where Myles found $20 and “paid it forward” to Lt. Col. Frank Dailey, inspiring nationwide coverage for his generosity. Dean wanted a copy of Baumhower’s story so he could hang it above his fireplace at the Cracker Barrel. So on March 28, Toledo Free Press senior sales representative Renee Bergmooser and I drove to Maumee for lunch and to deliver the copies. When we arrived, the young lady seating people asked if we were the “newspaper people.” I told her we were and she then said, “Myles and his family are here; would you like to sit near them?” Of course we said yes and an amazing lunch ensued. We visited with Myles, Tiffany Eckert (Myles’ mom), Marlee Eckert (Myles’ older sister) and Lt. Col. Dailey’s family as well as Dean Pickett. It was a great discussion as Myles showed off all the stuff he had after returning that morning from Dallas where he met with Thomas F. Pounds former President George W. Bush. There were baseballs, books and other memorabilia. I noticed Myles coloring with White House crayons and Tiffany said, “That is the only thing I am letting him play with out of all this stuff!” We took pictures and had a grand time. But we also talked about the cover story Toledo Free Press published on Sgt. Andy Eckert, Myles’ father, after he died. It was June 8, 2005, in a story titled “Legacy.” The picture on the cover was of Sgt. Eckert. Inside were photos of his young daughter Marlee and a picture of Sgt. Eckert holding his newborn son Myles. The fact that a $20 bill could bring Tiffany Eckert and her family and the Toledo Free Press back together after these many years, this time with a joyful story, makes what we do so enjoyable. Good things happen in this town all the time and we are very proud to bring them to you. We have tough times in this business and sometimes have to tell sad and scary stories. Meeting Myles reminded me that we can also play a role in spreading great, inspiring news. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. Contact him at

Tom POunds with Myles Eckert and Dean Pickett


A (theme) night at the ballpark


As the Hens sought to explore new corners of protrip to Fifth Third Field may center around a baseball game, but families know it’s as much about the motions and set the tone for minor league baseball enexperience and entertainment as it is the bats and tertainment, they planned one theme night that may prove to be a game-changer: The Aug. 14 balls. The Toledo Mud Hens organization has night celebrating the 25th(!) anniversary of excelled at making the game just one element “Seinfeld.” This is compelling and risky. As of a fun night for the kids. venerated as the show is, it lacks the broad, The zenith of this promotional mindset multigenerational appeal of Lego and “Star has been the annual “May the Fourth Be Wars.” It is about as edgy a choice as an With You” nights, which adopt all things “Star inherently conservative organization such Wars” to enhance the food, music, events as a minor league baseball team is likely and even the team jerseys. The Hens are on to indulge in. The featured guest is Larry the road May 4 this year but will still have a Thomas, who found fame as the “Soup “Star Wars” theme night on May 10. The fun Nazi,” a character about as far removed expands this season to a May 30 night celebrating the 30th(!) anniversary of “Ghost- Michael S. miller from Muddy Mudhen as Mickey Mouse is from Fidel Castro. I hope it is a great sucbusters,” again with special player jerseys, cess, as I would like to see the Hens continue to push into which made national sports news when they were unveiled. This season will also celebrate everything from moms niche territory for its theme nights. (May 11) to veterans (June 14) to Lego (July 10). n MILLER CONTINUES ON 4 Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 10, No. 14. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

ADVERTISING SALES Brent Long, Sales Manager • (419) 346-9983 Renee Bergmooser, Senior Sales Representative • (419) 266-0254 Chick Reid, Sales Representative • (419) 705-5396 Grant Grisier, Sales Representative • (419) 574-2856

Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Jeremy Baumhower • Jim Beard • Chase Will • Jay Hathaway

DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234

Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus

PRODUCTION Christie Materni, Photographer

Vicki L. Kroll • Don Lee • Matt Liasse • Danielle Stanton • Duane Ramsey

COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2014, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.



Just Blowing Smoke

Post-‘Network’ politics


n 1976, Peter Finch spoke to a ropean politics or the science of hygeneration as newscaster Howard draulic fracturing, we’re apparently Beale by telling us: “So I want only capable of digesting important you to get up now. I want all of you national or world events in a Readto get up out of your chairs. I want er’s Digest condensed format, with you to get up right now and go to the segments only slightly longer (and window. Open it, and stick your head often less intelligently written) than out and yell, ‘I’M AS MAD AS HELL, the commercials that separate them. Occasionally however, the netAND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE works depart from THIS ANYMORE!’” their information Not many recall shorthand to provide “Network” screentheir viewers with writer Paddy Chayefnauseatingly repetisky’s cynical pretious offerings on what science regarding the they don’t know on a degradation of televistory, supplemented sion network news by experts and pundits (cable news networks providing commendidn’t yet exist), or ditary so “inside baserector Sidney Lumet’s ball” that few if any can portrayal of the gen- Tim HIGGINS understand it. eral apathy and eager As for their coverage of national gullibility of the American viewing public. Few indeed remember any- politics, networks prefer an inflamthing of this film other than its matory sound bite to their job of covering the four W’s of the story (who, iconic tagline. The only thing that’s changed in what, where and when). If they do get the intervening years is the addition around to them, one can be certain of cable channels dedicated, in theory, of an Obi-Wan Kenobi interpretation entirely to news yet with programs that of such facts “from a certain point of have become in many ways far worse view.” And as for the fifth W (why), than Chayefsky anticipated, and per- once more a panel of experts returns haps more outrageous than Lumet was (fellow journalists and unemployed political minions) who can ignore willing (or heroic enough) to portray. We may not yet have astrology questions in a bipartisan fashion, resegments, but multiple (and mostly gurgitate party talking points ad nauinaccurate) weather segments seem to seam and still find time to promote serve well enough as a substitute. Revo- their current book. Much of that unresolved “Netlutionary groups may not be on the air yet, but the proliferation of journalistic work” anger still exists in this country, but remains largely unfozealotry makes one often feel it is. Not anticipated in 1976, however, cused. We’re angry with government was the proliferation of non-news for not doing the job it’s expected to stories (and reality shows) from do while doing far too many things Hollywood regarding those leading it’s not needed for. We’re angry lives of unthinkable luxury and un- with politicians and political parthinking ignorance. While flouting ties who’ve spent far too much time moral precedent, society’s rules and feathering their own nests instead of the nation’s laws (with the permis- the nation’s work and have done so sion of lenient courts), many find with our feathers. We’re angry with time (between rehab sessions) to each other for the selective inattensupport international tyranny under tion we exhibit to the pain and suffering going on around us. Often romantic notions of revolution. Talk radio, for all its supposed sins, however, we’re the most angry with at least attempts to devote an entire a mainstream media that continues 30-minute segment (including com- to assert special privilege as “The mercials, news and traffic) to a subject Fourth Estate,” ignoring their reas important as whether we should sponsibilities and failing as badly get into or out of a war, or whether as the American equivalents of the the laws and regulations pouring out first three. The right of a free press was inof the pens of pampered politicians cluded in the First Amendment for a make a difference. With television, we’ve come to reason by the founders, who underaccept a schizophrenic form of news. stood that the republic would never Most days, it’s force-fed to us in two- survive without it. I wish Howard to four-minute segments (bipartisan were still around, and this time “mad commentary included). Eastern Eu- as hell” at those he worked with. O

April 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 n MILLER CONTINUED FROM 3 Along those lines, here are some suggestions for other niche themes to enhance a night at the ballpark. O “Dallas Buyers Club Night” To honor the recent Oscar-winning film, those patrons dressed as members of the opposite sex get discounts at the ballpark’s Suds & Wieners restaurant. O “Saw Night” One fan clamped to his or her seat has until the seventh inning to saw off a leg or talk other fans into sacrificing themselves. O “Miley Cyrus Night” An opportunity for fans to set the Guinness World Records mark for largest crowd twerking session. Considering the state of some of Downtown’s buildings, there’s probably a “Wrecking Ball” joke in here somewhere, O “Adam Sandler Night” A kinda sorta funny promotion that would be very popular but not very good. O “Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings Night” This would be an extra-inning game that looks like it ends in the 12th inning. As the crowd gets up to leave, thinking the game is over, a 13th inning would start. When that inning ends and the crowd gets up to leave, thinking the game is over, a 14th inning would start. When that inning ends and

the crowd gets up to leave, thinking the game is over, a 15th inning would start. When that inning ends and the crowd gets up to leave, thinking the game is over, a 16th inning would start. When that inning ends and the crowd gets up to leave, thinking the game is over, a 17th inning would start. When that inning ends and the crowd gets up to leave, thinking the game is over, an 18th inning would start ... O “J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek Night” Take all the elements of “Star Wars Night,” speed up the game and shine a lens flare in the outfielders’ eyes. O “Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Night” Free waxing and portrait Photoshopping for the first 1,000 fans. O “Fred Phelps Memorial Night” Fans receive a bobblehead of the Westboro Baptist minster and professional funeral disruptor with its head up its bottom. In the seventh inning, the crowd sings “Same Love” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. O “Baseball Night” The most radical idea, in which everything about the night focuses on baseball. O Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and news director for 1370 WSPD. Email him at mmiller@


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A Toledo tradition since 2005

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

April 6, 2014


By Sarah Ottney


When her young daughter fell out of a second-story window, Lee Campbell was high and afraid of going to jail. Instead of seeking medical attention, she put a bag of frozen peas on the child’s head and smoked some more crack. “I was high and not caring about anybody but myself,” the Toledo woman said. “I never took her to the ER. I never did nothing. It was only by the grace of God she survived.” Eventually Campbell came under the scrutiny of Lucas County Children Services (LCCS), which placed her five children in the care of her mother. Pebbles Spencer regularly left her four kids in the care of family members while she went out drinking. Her nights usually ended in fights that landed her in and out of jail. Eventually she was also reported to LCCS. “My caseworker told me to look in the mirror and ask ‘Is this what you want to do? Is this you?’ And when I looked in the mirror, I just started crying,” she said. Campbell and Spencer are no longer the women they once were, women who regularly made choices that harmed themselves and SPARKS their children. Today they are sober, reunited with their children and among the parent volunteers now helping other local parents navigate LCCS programs. “Every day, you have a choice to do something different. You do not have to be who you were,” Campbell said. “You can say, ‘This is my story, but that’s not who I am.’” April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and April 9 is the third annual Wear Blue Day in Lucas County. “It’s something fairly simple, but it’s something that can be very meaningful,” said LCCS Executive Director Dean Sparks. “This is a time when we want to acknowledge that child abuse and neglect are a problem in our town and we’re going to do what we can. We’re going to commit the resources and unite to say child abuse is 100 percent preventable and we’re going to do everything we can to prevent it. All of us wearing blue shirts that day are standing up and saying, ‘I’m part of that.’” As many as 1,800 children die in the U.S. from abuse or neglect each

year, Sparks said. Each April, LCCS holds a memorial ceremony for Lucas County children who have died in the past year from abuse, neglect or street violence. This year’s ceremony will be 11:30 a.m. April 25 at LCCS, 705 Adams St. Twelve children were memorialized at last year’s ceremony, the most since Sparks started the memorial services more than a decade ago. This year, 18-month-old Elaina Steinfurth will be remembered. The East Toledo toddler was killed in June after being thrown across the room by her mother and suffocated by her mother’s boyfriend. The months-long search for the girl drew national attention until her body was discovered hidden in the garage. Her mother and boyfriend were sentenced to life in prison. “Whenever a child is senselessly murdered or killed, that takes a bit out of all of us I think,” Sparks said. “We do the memorial services to help our community heal, for our staff to be able to be introspective and understand how important it is what they do, and to say we must continue to fight against child abuse because it still happens, it’s real and the consequences are dire.” The Lucas County Coroner’s Office is still reviewing records to make sure there are no other children to include in the memorial this year, said LCCS public information officer Julie Malkin. Sparks said many people don’t report suspected abuse or neglect because they aren’t sure or they feel it’s none of their business. Others are afraid the person they want to report will find out and retaliate. Reports can be left anonymously, but even if callers leave their name, LCCS never reveals who called, Sparks said. The agency’s hotline, (419) 213CARE (2273), is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “When there are high-profile cases like Elaina Steinfurth’s, it heightens awareness and people call us because they are afraid the same thing is going to happen to a child they know,” Sparks said. “It strips away those excuses people have and pushes people to make some reports.”

toledo free press photo and cover photo by christiE materni

Wear Blue Day marks Child Abuse Prevention Month

n n

Lee Campbell, left, and Pebbles Spencer volunteer with LCCS’ Parent Partnership Program. Below, local celebrities and community leaders get ready to wear blue on April 9 (photos by Julie Malkin).







Lucas County stats

In 2013, LCCS received 4,840 referrals involving 7,323 children. Investigations determined 952 were abused or neglected, according to the agency’s annual report. n BLUE CONTINUES ON 7

April 6, 2014

n BLUE CONTINUED FROM 6 Fifty-two percent of investigations were for alleged physical abuse, 33 percent for neglect, 12 percent for sexual abuse and 2 percent for emotional abuse. Of new cases opened in 2013, 44 percent of families were white, 30 percent were African-American and 24 percent were multiracial, according to LCCS. Two percent were categorized


A Toledo tradition since 2005

as “other or race unknown.” About 70 percent of LCCS cases involve substance abuse. Of the drug cases, 80 percent involve heroin or prescription opiates, Sparks said. Human trafficking makes up another growing segment of LCCS cases, with about 15 victims currently in LCCS care, he said. Sleep-related infant deaths are another category that seems to be on the rise, Sparks said. Lucas County recorded six deaths in 2010, five in 2011 and 16 in

2012, he said. Before 2009, most sleeprelated deaths were classified as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Now, investigators consider other unsafe factors, such as co-sleeping, particularly with an adult under the influence of alcohol or drugs; stomach sleeping; or sleeping with blankets, stuffed animals or bumper pads.

Parent program

The Parent Partnership Program

Start here!

has been used by LCCS for about four years, Sparks said. It is an expansion of LCCS’ Building a Better Future program. Campbell has been volunteering with the program for six years and Spencer for more than two years. “I started thinking, all this stuff in my past couldn’t have been for nothing,” Campbell said. “God can take anything bad and turn it into good for someone else.” Spencer agreed. “When I was in the streets, I was doing more taking than giving,” Spencer said. “I’m a walking testimony to let them know they aren’t alone and if they listen, they don’t have to go as far as I went.”

Lee’s story

Life as Campbell knew it ended at age 6. That’s when she moved to Toledo with her mom and her mom’s new boyfriend, who abused her mom and raped and molested Lee until he died when she was 15. “I remember coming here to To-


ledo and everything just stopped,” Campbell said. “I prayed to die every day. Somebody told me if you’re in total darkness, God will come to you and talk to you right there and save you, so I used to climb in these big black garbage bags, thinking God will come to me. When he didn’t, I knew there wasn’t a God, that God and the devil were the same person. I believed that for years. “Nobody ever spoke against it,” Campbell said of her abuse. “I was just that invisible person that no one could see. Nobody wondered, ‘Why does she not talk? Why does she have accidents at school and she’s 12 years old? What’s going on?’ Nobody questioned it. It was just, ‘Oh she’s just dirty, she’s nasty, she’s slow.’ [After he died] I had to figure out a way to kill that little girl off.” After her abuser died, she started using pills and alcohol to dull the pain. She turned to prostitution. She drank and used drugs during all her pregnancies and tried to kill herself twice. n BLUE CONTINUES ON 8


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n BLUE CONTINUED FROM 7 “I didn’t think it was wrong. This was normal,” Campbell said. “My life was broken from the beginning of time.” A neighbor finally called LCCS after seeing one of Campbell’s daughters enter a neighborhood crack house looking for her, but Campbell managed to avoid the caseworker for months. Finally she was ordered to appear in court. When she didn’t show up, her mother was given custody of the kids. A few days later, Campbell got angry when her mom refused to let her see her children. “I said, ‘You’re the reason this is all happening. You’re the reason I’m the way I am. You destroyed my life,’” Campbell said. In a drug-fueled rage, she threatened to kill her mother, her children and herself and was arrested. “I just wanted the pain to stop. When you have a lifetime of brokenness and trauma and you’re medicating with drugs and alcohol and not speaking about it, not trying to heal from it, it destroys every bit of proper thinking,” Campbell said. “I just thought it would be easier if they were gone and she was gone and then me gone. It would stop my kids from suffering. That’s where my mind was.” In jail, she started reading the Bible and decided to get sober. She later regained custody of her children and founded Rahab’s Heart, a local outreach ministry that helps adult women who are street prostitutes and drug addicts. “God has really worked miracles in my life because I used to be a very ugly person,” Campbell said. “What a blessing it was for somebody to intervene and save my own five kids. I could definitely have lost any of my kids to the streets because of my own ignorance. If it wasn’t for

A Toledo tradition since 2005 [LCCS], my daughter would be a prostitute. My boys would be dead or drug dealers. My twin daughters would probably be dead. Because I was no kind of mother. I was planting the same seeds in them as were planted in me. “I just really try to tell [parents] how important it is to move forward, to say, ‘OK, you made some bad choices.’ I did, too. This is what I did, but you don’t have to live in that today.”

Pebbles’ story

Growing up in Toledo, Spencer was something of a wild child — known for fighting in the streets. Her dad, with whom she was close, died when she was 16. “I was basically a rebel. I wanted to do what I wanted to do,” she said. “I went out in the world to find family and ran into the wrong people.” While raising her four children, her alcohol use “got out of hand.” She never got violent toward her kids, but picked fights with just about everyone else, she said. “I used to go from zero to 45 in getting angry. I couldn’t understand how my son had so much anger, but I showed him that,” Spencer said. “I just made wrong decisions. I caused a lot of violence. My therapists say I was reaching out for a lot of attention.” Spencer’s sister reported her to LCCS the first time, a neighbor a second time. She now calls both instances “a blessing and a wake-up call.” “Being drunk, you couldn’t know everything that was going on. You couldn’t pay attention to how they feel and what they were going through,” Spencer said of her kids. “I was tired but didn’t know no other way to go. I was just so wrapped up in that mode, I didn’t know how to get out.”

At first, Spencer brushed off LCCS’ attempts to help, but eventually realized she needed to make a change. “Looking in the mirror made me think, ‘Well hey, I’ve been doing it this way; let’s try another way. Let’s do something different. And follow through this time,’” she said. Spencer and Campbell both said

recovery is an ongoing process, but are confident in their forward progress. “I don’t think relapse is a part of everybody’s story,” Campbell said. “I’ve been given a beautiful life from the beginning until now. That past has made me the strong woman I am today who can reach out to people and say, ‘Look, you don’t have to be

April 6, 2014 there. I’m going to be the shadow walking with you until you’re ready to change.’” LCCS is encouraging people wearing blue April 9 to post photos on the agency’s Facebook page, tweet photos to @LucasCoOHKids or email photos to For more information, visit O


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April 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005



By Danielle Stanton


She prefers to keep her face and real name a secret, but she goes by Streetspun, an apt nickname for someone who twines yarn onto parking meters, street signs and trees. In the fight against child abuse, Streetspun recently “yarnbombed” Downtown Toledo all in blue on in recognition of Lucas County Children Services’ (LCCS) Wear Blue Day. The annual event, set for April 9, raises awareness of child abuse prevention. Yarnbombs are knitted sleeves that can be fitted around lampposts, parking meters and bike racks. Streetspun installed the blue “bombs” in front of the LCCS offices on Adams Street, where they will remain for April, which is Child Abuse Awareness month. Streetspun said in an email she learned to crochet just so she could make yarnbombs. She said that people tell her they get a great feeling when they see her yarnbombs and that makes her happy. “When you can combine street

art with a great cause like child abuse awareness, you can’t go wrong,” she said. “Never did I imagine creating international street art right here in Toledo ... all for the kids.” Streetspun posted the yarnbombing event to Facebook “and before I knew it there were yarnbombs coming from everywhere!” she said. People from France, Great Britain, Germany, Scotland, Sweden, Netherlands, New Zealand, Italy and Australia all contributed yarnbombs for Toledo’s effort this year. Last year, the first year yarnbombing was incorporated into Toledo’s Wear Blue Day, was also an international event. It was made even more special by the Cosmic Knittas from Sandy Hook in Newtown, Conn., where 26 students and adults were killed in a school shooting on Dec. 14, 2012. They sent a yarnbomb with a handwritten card that read: “We know all too well that we need to protect our children and applaud your efforts for Wear Blue Day. We are graffiti knitters from Sandy Hook who are working on our own event but want to support yours too.” n YARN CONTINUES ON 10

toledo free press photo by christie materni

Artists craft yarnbombs for Wear Blue Day


Yarnbombs decorate trees in front of the lucas county children services building on adams street.

10 Community n YARN CONTINUED FROM 9

toledo free press file photo

LCCS Public Information Officer Julie Malkin said last year’s event went better than what she could have imagined, including the yarnbomb from Sandy Hook that “put everything into perspective.” “These people were just drowning in grief from such a horrible event but they took the time to notice we were reaching out and trying to prevent child abuse and that just sent us back MALKIN on our heels,” Malkin said. Streetspun agreed last year’s response was “overwhelming.” “I never expected so many yarnbombers from so many places around the world to participate,” she said. Yarnbombing raises spirits and awareness during a serious time for LCCS, Malkin said. “This is sort of a drab office building and the colors — the blues — that are wrapping around every tree just make people stop and pay attention and that’s what we need; we need people to stop and pay attention that there is child abuse in our community. “You’d see people walk around Downtown around lunchtime and they would [see the yarnbombs] and they

A Toledo tradition since 2005 would just smile and it definitely cheered everybody here (at LCCS),” Malkin said. “Child abuse prevention month is somewhat of a somber time. Last year in particular, we [memorialized] 12 children [lost] to abuse and neglect.” In 2013, the social service agency lost one child when 18-month-old Elaina Steinfurth was killed by her mother and her mother’s boyfriend. Investigations conducted last year found 950 children in the county to be abused or neglected, she said. “[The yarnbombing] really bolstered the spirit of our staff,” Malkin said. “Somebody cares and in the most literal sense, they wrapped their arms around our campaign.” For this year’s installation, people contributed finished knitted or crocheted pieces from the most basic to advanced styles of all different sizes, Streetspun said. Many pieces have embellishments like flowers, a bow tie and custom tags. Streetspun measured trees and poles, then gathered all the yarnbomb pieces like a giant jigsaw puzzle and sewed them together, she said. The finished products — some made up of 15 or more pieces — were placed around trees and street signs near the LCCS office building. “It is really a great pleasure to see all of the different styles and creativity when so many different people are involved,” she said. Streetspun began crocheting her

own blue yarnbombs in February. She is currently working on pieces for a yarnbombing installation in California in May. “To have yarnbombs all around the world and all around the country, it shows people care,” Malkin said. “It’s something that is so out of the ordinary that you can’t help but stop and smile.”

Magic show

Also part of Child Abuse Prevention Month, LCCS will sponsor a comedy

magic performance by Rory Rennick at 2 p.m. April 27 at The Funny Bone, 6140 Levis Commons Blvd. “I hear his show is spectacular,” Malkin said. “It’s a family-friendly show for kids and families.” The show benefits Friends of LCCS, the nonprofit auxiliary that supports LCCS activities. “[Friends of LCCS] help make life better for the kids and families that we work with,” Malkin said. Tickets to the show are $7 per

April 6, 2014 person or $20 for a family fourpack. Advance tickets are required. Call (419) 213-3253 or email i n f o r m at i o n @ For more inforRENNICK mation on Rennick go to www. The show is suitable for kids ages 6 and older. O

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The streetspun yarnbomber.

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April 6, 2014

Community 11

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Local woman spearheading effort for Free Laundromat Day By Danielle Stanton


As a branch of her extreme coupon “ministry,” Joni Meyer-Crothers is calling on Toledoans to step up in their giving by “adopting” a laun-

dromat from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 27 for Free Laundromat Day. Meyer-Crothers, a local who has made national headlines with her book and blog on extreme couponing, is asking businesses, churches and families to pay for wash and dry cycles, detergent, fabric softener and

other supplies for those in need at participating laundromats. The community service event was born out of Meyer-Crothers’ Biblebased beliefs about giving rather than receiving and helping one’s neighbor. “So many people take for granted doing their laundry, but the working

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poor are struggling. … How do they get their clothes washed?” MeyerCrothers said. “There’s no strings attached. That’s what the Bible tells us to do: Help someone else out because who knows when we will be in that position.” In February, Meyer-Crothers held the inaugural adopt-a-laundromat at All-Wash Laundromat on Broadway Street. This time, she wants to adopt out most of Toledo’s laundromats at the same time. “We thought we could do it for the whole city,” she said. “How cool would that be to have all the laundromats for three hours?” As of press time, $1,200 has been raised, which is enough to adopt two out of 15 participating laundromats. She wants to raise $9,400 more for the 13 remaining laundromats, for a total of $10,600. That translates into 2,040 loads of laundry washed and dried. The laundromats cost between $441 and $953 to “adopt” for three hours, based on Meyer-Crothers’ calculations. Organizations and individuals who don’t want to adopt an entire laundromat can donate as little as a dollar by going to her website www. On the website, you can also check out a video posted from February’s event. Meyer-Crothers is also seeking donations of laundry detergent, fabric softener, bleach and dryer sheets. The event will also need to staff volunteers who will “mingle” with those who are benefiting, MeyersCrothers said. “It’s a fellowship thing to get to know the people,” she said. “We want to serve the people.” Tiffany Geer of Deshler gave a donation to Free Laundromat Day because she said she knows firsthand the struggles of not being able to afford laundry. “When the depression hit, my husband was in construction. We went from a good income to not a good income at all,” Geer said. “There were two things that were hard to come by: laundry detergent and toilet paper.” Geer said she loves being able to give back to others and works closely with Meyer-Crothers on helping to feed the homeless. “I’ve seen a mother washing clothes out of a sink and you don’t forget very often ­— it sticks with you,” she said. “I hope this helps people be inspired to give back.” At February’s Free Laundromat Day, 111 loads of laundry were washed and dried at the participating

MEYER-CROTHERS laundromat, Meyer-Crothers said. She said the day was “the neatest thing ever” and that she was able to help a lot of people. “One guy was laid off and getting back to work on Monday and he had no idea how to get his laundry done,” she said. Meyer-Crothers is an “extreme couponer” frequently featured in the national media, including TLC’s “Extreme Couponing,” “The Today Show,” “Rachael Ray,” FOX News and AOL’s You’ve Got. She and her husband, Jamie Crothers, have seven children. She started couponing to save money on groceries after Jamie was laid off from his automotive job in 2007. A friend showed her how to use coupons, and within two weeks she had purchased $3,000 worth of food for just $100. At the time, she thought, “This isn’t couponing, this is ministry.” The couple started an open pantry in their garage with a commercial freezer filled with meats, frozen vegetables and frozen dinners and a refrigerator filled with milk, butter, eggs, cheese and juice. People can go into the garage any time, day or night, and take what they need. Couponing has allowed Meyer-Crothers to help hundreds of people. “All we ask is that when they’re in a better position, they pass the blessing on to others,” Meyer-Crothers has said. O

12 Community

April 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Funds raised for baseball player who lost both parents


eams sometimes seem like family. Other times, they are family. Owens Community College baseball player Michael Finch is realizing the latter after losing both of his parents within less than two months of each other. His mother, Wanda, was diagnosed with lung and bone cancer while he was home in Norwalk during winter break. She started chemo the week he returned to school Brandi with doctors saying her condition was treatable, depending on how the chemo went. That week, Finch talked to his 56-year-old mom and learned “chemo kicked her butt.” In a few days, she was in the hospital. Then his sister Ellen called to say, “Mom isn’t doing good.” Finch rushed home. By Jan. 17, “She was done, she wasn’t my mom; she passed that night.” “If I didn’t think it was curable, I wouldn’t have gone back to school so soon. It was a shocker that it happened so quickly,” he said. His team rallied around the pitcher and outfielder. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without them,” Finch said. “The whole team came to the showing. I appreciated it. They were there for me every step of the way and welcomed me back. They had my back. It was a relief to have people in my life like that.” One week later, the 19-year-old was back at Owens. His dad, Charles, insisted that he continue to play and get an education. On March 6, while at spring training in Panama City, Fla., he talked to his father, who was proud that Finch would be pitching in the game that night. Later that day, his 17-year-old sister Ellen called to say she had found their dad dead in the kitchen. He was lying on his back with his head through the wall. The 62-year-old had diabetes-related health problems, but his cause of death is still unknown. “I never expected to hear that,” Finch said of the news he got on the beach. He fell to his knees. Both of his parents were gone in less than two months. It was just he and his sister now — and his team. Head coach Devin Taylor said getting the news about Finch’s dad was horrific. It was game day for the players. The team was supposed to play at 9 a.m., but rain pushed the game to 5 p.m. When Finch called him, the players were hanging out on the beach

and the coaches were at lunch. He said, “Coach, my dad is dead.” The whole team hurried back to the condo. Finch still wanted to play the game that night. “We got everyone together after we got back to the condo. I talked to Michael one-on-one about getting him a flight back to Ohio or we would rent a car and drive him.” But he wanted to play because he knew that BARHITE would be his dad’s wish. “That is a hard decision to make as a coach. I thought about it for a while. I called the rest of the team into the condo and told everyone what Michael wanted to do. Everyone wanted to play.” Although the team lost 9-8, the coming weeks would be the true judge of the team’s worth. “This is his family. That is part of my philosophy,” Taylor said. “Being a family within a team, relying on each other through the ups and downs. This team has done a good job of supporting Michael and his situation.” Kelly Skender of Illinois decided to start raising money for Finch and his sister, who is living with an uncle. Skender’s son, Alec, is Finch’s teammate. “I was trying to think about how to help them with their situation. The best thing I could think of was trying to get money.” The goal is to raise $50,000, which Skender knows is high, but “you have to shoot high and keep rolling with it,” she said. Finch plans to pay off his parents’ house with family savings. He had the option to sell the house, but wanted to keep it. He plans to live there during summer break and, hopefully, spend time with his sister. “I have to set an example for her. I can’t just be weak,” he said. Taylor said he is trying to share Finch’s story because Finch wants to use any money raised to send his sister to college. “I think once people hear their story, they will want to help this young man and his sister,” Taylor said. Finch isn’t on scholarship at Owens; he is a walk-on. “Michael is from a smaller area and last year was my first year here at Owens,” Taylor said. “Our recruiting process with him was late. Abilitywise, he is probably a scholarship, but he chose to play here anyway.” Taylor said Finch is a natural athlete with great composure. He has a passion for the game and a strong arm.

“His personality really drew me to him. He was smart and had a desire to pursue an education.” Alyssa Lassey, a basketball player at Owens, put Finch’s name on her tennis shoes after hearing about his dad’s death.

Lassey said nearly every Owens athlete is helping with the fundraiser. “I think it is good that Michael is here; he is still playing baseball and still around everyone. He can be with us and keep his mind off of it.”

Taylor said baseball is played to escape reality. This has helped Finch whose reality is harsher than most. “We are his family now,” Taylor said. To donate, visit www.gofundme. com/7fhyrc. O

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April 6, 2014

Business Link 13

A Toledo tradition since 2005



Nursing Resources teams with Home Care by Black Stone By Duane Ramsey

Toledo Free Press Senior Business Writer

Nursing Resources Home Health Care of Maumee has become a subsidiary of Home Care by Black Stone and will operate as Nursing Resources by Black Stone in Northwest Ohio. “We really needed to make this move for our company at this time. Black Stone’s technological resources and knowledge of home care market shifts will greatly benefit us as we face challenges adapting to the ever-changing health care environment,” said Darren Horrigan, administrator of Nursing Resources. Nursing Resources is one of Northwest Ohio’s largest providers of Medicare-covered skilled nursing, therapy services and PASSPORT-covered home care services. Black Stone is a large provider of health care services for those on Medicare and Medicaid, as well as PASSPORT patients, based in southwestern Ohio. “Nursing Resources, as a premier provider in Northwest Ohio, is an ideal partner for Black Stone. We are

honored to add them to the Black Stone family,” David Tramontana, CEO of Home Care by Black Stone, stated in the announcement of HORRIGAN the partnership. Home Care by Black Stone is a leading provider of home-based primary care, skilled nursing care, and non-medical assisted care, which is very similar to what Nursing Resources does. “Overall, the partnership will allow us to provide quality care more efficiently to the Northwest Ohio communities for years to come,” Tramontana stated. Horrigan said the local operation serves 450 patients in Northwest Ohio and continues to grow. The firm serves much of the region from its Maumee headquarters, including Toledo, Bowling Green and Wauseon. Its branch in Fremont serves patients in that community, as well as the Sandusky and Tiffin areas. “They (Black Stone) are very

similar to us and we expect to learn from each other. There are no plans to change our patient care but bring many innovative resources and technology here through Black Stone,” Horrigan said. He maintained that none of their patients would experience any change in their current care or in the home care aides assigned to their cases. Horrigan said they felt it was important to maintain the Nursing Resources brand and reputation, which is the reason for using the name Nursing Resources by Black Stone. Nursing Resources has about 250 employees, 50 of whom are classified as full-time, according to Horrigan. They have another 75-100 working full-time hours and that same number working part-time. “It’s always a struggle to find qualified home care workers,” said Horrigan, a registered nurse. Nursing Resources was founded in 1992 and Horrigan joined the organization in 1996. Home Care by Black Stone was established in 1996 and now employs more than 1,000 nurses, therapists and home care aides. For more information, visit www. O


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14 Business Link

April 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005



Make life’s changes less taxing

pring is officially here. After income tax on up to $500,000. A few the winter that the majority of requirements to avoid this tax are Americans just went through, (1) the owner must have owned the it couldn’t come soon enough. Al- property for at least two of the past though it may look more like winter five years and (2) it must be their than spring outside, the meteorolo- primary residence. If you are congists are confident that a change in sidering this option, talk with your accountant to learn more. the weather is coming. The mounds of snow are melting and we are slowly but surely seeing Moving expenses deduction the grass that has been dormant for Maybe you aren’t at retirement several months. age just yet, but Before we know could use a change it, there will be of scenery. If that’s daffodils and panthe case, and the sies blooming all move is job-rearound us. As for lated, the moving me, Nolan, I reexpenses might ally enjoy spring. be tax deductable. It signals the start I would advise of the boating and someone moving golf season. due to a job change With spring to keep a log of all Mark CLAIR comes an urge for expenses. Once Nolan BAKER change. It gives us the move is comthe urge to step plete, the list can outside, take the be reviewed by a With spring dog for a walk and tax preparer to see have some fun. if anything can be comes an urge This time of used as a deducyear, a lot of people tion. In general, for change.” are thinking about expenses such as change. Perhaps packing and shipit’s time for a career change. It could be ping costs, storage fees for up to 30 time to start a business or take a new days and travel expenses are typically position at another company. It could deductible. To retrieve a complete list be time for a move to a new state. Per- of deductions, please visit IRS Publihaps someone may be getting ready to cation 521 at move to Toledo to enjoy our affordable housing and live closer to family. It Self-employed retirement could be a local resident ready to downThe Retirement Guys recently insize and move to a lake house or some- terviewed Carolee Duckworth and where warmer. If you are considering Marie Langworthy, who are the auany of these changes, take some time to thors of “Shifting Gears To Your Life review our pointers on proper tax plan- and Work After Retirement.” An inning. These pointers listed below may teresting fact found in their book is help make those changes less taxing. that over the past decade those aged 55 to 64 have the highest rate of entreHome sales gain exclusion preneurship. The time might be now I must admit, after going for those ready for a change in life and through the record cold and snow- looking to start their own business. We’d like to encourage you to emfall this past winter, hitting the beach to enjoy the sounds of the brace your new adventures in retireocean sounds pretty appealing. ment, whatever they may be. It’s also imMaybe you have the itch to move portant to remember to save for the fusomewhere warmer. Retirement ture as well. A great way to do this, which can also be a time that families may possibly provide you a tax benefit, consider downsizing their homes is to set up a self-employed retirement and try to figure out where to spend plan. Depending upon what type of retirement account, an investor may contheir retirement years. Selling a home that has appreci- tribute and deduct up to $57,500. O ated in value can be a way to realize those dreams. An individual can For more information about The Reexclude up to $250,000 of gain on tirement Guys, tune in every Saturday the sale of their home. A married at 1 p.m. on 1370 WSPD or visit www. couple does not have to pay federal Securi-

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Take a sTand againsT child abuse.

April 9, 2014

WeaR blue TO WORk, schOOl OR PlaY.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. BLUE: Haettenschweiler Regular Wear: Sling Bold Oblique Regular

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Child Abuse Is Preventable.


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April 6, 2014

Crystal clear Bowersox plays Hollywood Casino gig.

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16 Star

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Catching up with Crystal By Vicki L. Kroll Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Crystal Bowersox had a lot going on in 2013. She released her second disc, “All That For This,” in March. A few months later, she and musician husband Brian Walker divorced. The 2010 “American Idol” runnerup was supposed to make her Broadway debut in “…Always Patsy Cline,” but the new musical was put on hold. And Bowersox packed up her son, Tony, 5, and her Portland, Ore., home and moved back to Ohio. “I lived away from my family for my son’s first five years. I just think it’s really important that he knows who grandma and grandpa are, my cousins,” she said. “And after having gone through a divorce, it’s just nice to have my family there.” Bowersox will sport a new look and play some fresh music when she performs a free concert at 10 p.m. April 5 in the Hollywood Casino H Lounge. The dreadlocks are gone. “They were really long; they were really heavy,” the 28-year-old said. “I don’t feel like my hair defines me or anything like that; it was just time.” During a call from the road en route to a show in Rockport, Mass., Bowersox talked about an EP that will be released soon. “I did some recording about a year and a half ago in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and these recordings were kind of put up on the shelf for a little while. I’m

happy to finally finish them up and release them,” she said. “That should be sometime this spring, like May or June.” “Sunshine Brighter” is a track on that EP, and the singer-songwriter said she’ll play it in Toledo. “It’s a happier tune, you know, just the people in your life who bring that kind of light to your world,” she said about the song. “The EP is going to be the same rootsy, rock kind of thing, what I regularly enjoy doing.” But don’t expect to see Bowersox gambling before or after the show. “I like to take risks, but not with money,” she said and laughed. The star didn’t think it was a gamble to release “Coming Out at Christmas” for the holidays last year. “I thought that was an important song in this day and age,” she said. “The holidays are about being with family regardless of whom you love, and there are young people who have been kicked out of their homes because of their sexual orientation. “That doesn’t make sense to me that someone would raise a child and love them their entire life and then find out that they’re gay and then all of a sudden all of it is changed. It doesn’t make sense. So the song is really for people struggling with that issue.” For the record, the singer tweeted she’s bisexual. “When I was on ‘Idol,’ I was constantly being judged; it doesn’t affect me. It’s someone else’s opinion,” she said. “That doesn’t mean that I would change or live my life in a different

way because of how somebody else feels about me or my life. “I want to be my authentic self, and I think if everyone would just be their authentic self, that we’d all be a little bit happier in this world. People can think what they want to think, but I’m living my life and I’m a healthy, happy girl, and my son is happy and healthy, and that’s all I really care about.” What’s life like for the real Crystal? “I don’t think it’s too exciting. I’m either knitting or hanging out with my friends or sleeping — sleeping is nice,” she said. Get this — she knits socks. “I’ve always knitted socks. It’s a total coincidence — Bowersox, socks.” She’s still planning to play Cline on Broadway: “They’re doing script rewrites,” she said. “As soon as I have any news, it’ll be up on my site.” Meanwhile, fans can expect the Elliston, native to bring her powerful voice and heartfelt performance back to the Glass City. “I just want [fans] to feel how raw and real my emotion is when I’m singing, because they’re coming to my therapy session, basically,” Bowersox said and laughed. “And maybe it’s therapeutic for them, too. I just want people to leave the show feeling happy or uplifted or moved in some way.” O

April 6, 2014

Star of the Week

Crystal Bowersox plays a free concert in 2010 during filming for an “American Idol” homecoming episode. TOLEDO FREE PRESS FILE PHOTO

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April 6, 2014

Star 17

A Toledo tradition since 2005

PigPen Theatre Co. to sing stories in Ann Arbor By Vicki L. Kroll Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

The story’s the thing for PigPen Theatre Co. Just ask how the seven artists came up with that nom de porcine. “One of the guys is from Austin, Texas,” Ryan Melia began. “So it was rural and there was a lot of farmland. And he actually had a pigpen where he would do plays with all of his pigs. And he outgrew that, and the pigs outgrew that as well. “And he went to college and he met six people whose characteristics matched each of the pigs. So he decided, ‘You know, guys, I think I have this thing that you would really fit into, it’s called PigPen Theatre Co.’ And we all for some reason agreed. We all took to it, and now we’re here. “That’s the story today,” Melia said and laughed during a call as the indie folk-rockers motored toward Charlotte, N.C., for a show. Part of that prologue is true. “We all met when we were freshmen at Carnegie Mellon; we were all acting majors,” he said. It was 2008, and the players put together a play for an annual festival at the university.

Since then, the troupe has produced original works that combine theater, music and film both off-Broadway and at regional playhouses around the country. PigPen Theatre Co. is the first group to win the New York City Fringe Festival’s top honor two years in a row. “We really just did [our 2012 debut disc, ‘Bremen’] because people who knew us already were asking for the music from our plays, and we had no way of giving it to them,” Melia said. “The fact that it garnered a little bit of traction with people that had never seen our plays, that’s been the biggest reward.” The band’s 2013 EP, “The Way I’m Running,” is filled with more gorgeous harmonies, banjo-picking, acoustic guitars and accordion. What’s more, the renaissance men have served up scene-stealing online covers of Adele’s “Someone Like You,” Outkast’s “Hey Ya,” The Looking Glass’ “Brandy,” Fleetwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way” and The Beatles’ “When I’m Sixty-Four.” “That was a Kickstarter reward if people gave a certain amount of money for [‘Bremen’], they could request a cover and we had to do it,” said Melia, who sings and plays guitar, banjo and fiddle. “Sometimes we pull them out and do them in concert.” PigPen Theatre Co. — Melia,

PIGPEN THEATRE CO. Alex Falberg, Arya Shahi, Ben Ferguson, Curtis Gillen, Dan Weschler and Matt Nuernberger — will play at 8 p.m. April 11 at The Ark in Ann Arbor. Tickets are $15. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. “Even though when we do a con-

cert there’s no real theatrics It’s a pretty straightforward concert setting. I think that we all still go back to the idea of a story and a journey and a fully fleshed-out story basically coming through with each song,” Melia said.

“If people can come away with an idea that they listened to something that wasn’t just the same the whole time, that dynamically a journey happened, I’d say that’s probably the most important thing to us in everything we do.” O

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18 Star

A Toledo tradition since 2005

April 6, 2014

‘Robot Chicken’ takes aim at supervillains By Jeff McGinnis Toledo Free Press Pop Culture Editor

Consider the life of the supervillain. These are not individuals who believe in taking any half-measures. More often than not, their goal is nothing less than world domination. They hatch grandiose schemes designed to accomplish diabolical ends on a daily basis. For pete’s sake, the word “villain” is right there in their job title. These are people who go big or go home. How tragic it is that they inevitably end up getting the snot beaten out of them by their superheroic opponents. “You’re talking about guys that always lose,” said Matthew Senreich, co-creator of “Robot Chicken,” in an interview with Toledo Free Press. “These guys never win. What’s that do to your ego and self-esteem after years of abuse?” “And those guys have to go to work together,” added actor and fellow “Chicken” co-creator Seth Green. “Every f***ing day... and look at each other, and know they’re going to lose again,” Senreich added. It must be disheartening, to consistently fail at what is the sole goal of your entire existence. And at the end of the day, all supervillains have to fall back on is one another. God

SENREICH help them. “They suffer through each other’s failings, and all these grand personalities,” Green said. “People who believe they’re the star of their own show,” Senreich added.

Villains in paradise

Well, for once, the bad guys will actually be the stars. On April 6 at 11:30 pm, “Robot Chicken” will air its second DC Comics special, subtitled “Villains in Paradise.” While Superman, Batman and their ilk are still well-represented in the episode, the focus is mainly on Lex Luthor, the Joker, Gorilla Grodd and other inept baddies as they end up taking an unplanned (though richly de-

GREEN served) trip to the beach. Taking the outskirts of pop culture and examining the underlying realities of it — to hilarious effect — is a big part of “Robot Chicken’s” modus operandi. About to enter its seventh season, the stop-motion-animation series was created by Green — already famous for his work on “Family Guy,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and more — and Senreich in 2005. It’s consistently been the highest-rated original series on Cartoon Network’s latenight Adult Swim lineup. “Chicken,” a sketch comedy show using animated action figures, prides itself on a rapid-fire, absurdist form of comedy in which anything and everything can


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JOHNS happen. It’s a realm in which DC’s rogues gallery feels right at home. “I think it’s because villains rarely get the spotlight, and to dive into why these people do what they do, what their normal days are like,” Senreich said. “I always say it’s taking the absurd and making it mundane, in a way. It’s just putting that into the real world, I think, just shines that light and makes it funny. A scene like, Lex Luthor going to a supermarket, just in concept, is funny.” Where the DC specials differ from the traditional “Robot Chicken” episodes is their construction. While the usual “Chicken” runs for less than 15 minutes and features anywhere from 10-20 quick, unrelated

sketches, the DC shows — like previous “Star Wars” specials on “Robot Chicken” — have some semblance of story structure and narrative underneath the madness. “We write the specials the way that we write the show, which is to get a group of writers together whose voices we like and focus them in a single direction,” Green said. “Everybody generates dozens and dozens of sketches and then we go through as a group and vote on what makes the most sense. “And we tried to outline what we thought was going to be a through line — we had a strong sense before we started of what we thought the through line was going to be. So that helped. And then, it’s just about picking the funniest stuff.”


“It’s pretty much identical,” Matthew Senreich said of the creative process behind a “Robot Chicken” special. “I think we have just a hair more time. And I think the difference is, we’re more laser-focused. We have one topic that we’re talking about, as opposed to saying, you have the world to make fun of. “And I think it actually streamlines the thought process and helps you create funnier content.” n ROBOT CONTINUES ON 19

April 6, 2014

n ROBOT CONTINUED FROM 18 Green — who along with Senreich has been with the show since its launch in 2005, even as his own career as an actor continued to flourish — agreed that the specials’ specific focus actually makes them easier to construct than your average episode of “Chicken.” “Because when we’re doing episodes of ‘Robot,’ you can mix and match the content. We’ll move sketches across four episodes and piece them all together. But on DC, or when we were doing ‘Star Wars,’ you have to be focused on a single story. And that makes it easier to edit. “There’s rarely things that we’ll include just for storytelling that aren’t funny,” Green continued. “And you know, the whittling-down process is months long. We whittle down the writing every day until at the end of our writing, which is usually ... what did we, write for five weeks on this?” “Three,” Senreich replied. “Three weeks. “After the three-week writing process, we whittle the whole thing down into a document that we felt would be shootable, and then we recorded that document. Once we got all the recordings, and put them against the storyboards, we got a rough estimate of the timing, and still we had to cut nearly 13 minutes of recorded dialogue and storyboards,” Green said. “So that just becomes judicious. You just say, ‘What’s in the show and what isn’t?’ And then you just start cutting until you have your time.

Star 19

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Despite their love for the material and getting to put their spin on it, the creative process is clearly not a complete piece of cake for Green, Senreich and their writers. In addition to the pressures they feel about meeting fan’s expectations, they also worked hand-in-hand with DC Comics representatives themselves throughout the making of the episode. Considering how DC was preparing to give bad guys the spotlight in the pages of their actual comic books — they recently wrapped an event called “Forever Evil” which gave each villain his or her own issue — the focus of this satirical special fit well with their plans. “One of the things we actually knew going in was that we were spotlighting villains across the whole company, so this became a part of that in a very different way,” said Geoff Johns, DC Entertainment’s chief creative officer. “It was a very conscious effort to do that.” “Geoff is very organized,” Senreich added. “You should see his vision board, it’s beautiful,” Green joked. The dedication that DC has toward everything that bears its name — even an animated show poking fun at it — is plain to see. Johns noted that this wasn’t a matter of simply giving the “Chicken” staff their blessing and then ignoring them. “The whole writing staff is at DC when we do these specials, and I’m in there, so we’re pretty — that’s as hands-on as you can get,” he said. “In addition to running a company, Geoff is also in the writers’ room

A scene from the upcoming ‘Robot Chicken’ special at DC Comics.


every day,” Senreich added.

The power of The Force

The fact that a late night comedy show featuring animated action figures can get the chance to play with pop culture icons as big as Superman and his brethren is already pretty remarkable (though the fact that Warner Bros. owns both Cartoon Network and DC Comics probably helps matters). It might have seemed especially unthinkable before 2007, when Lucasfilm gave the “Chicken” crew its blessing to lampoon “Star Wars” in their first double-length spe-

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cial devoted to a specific subject. “It’s hard to say,” Green said. “I think that the fact that a company as large as Lucasfilm and a creator as renowned as George Lucas trusting us with a brand as big as ‘Star Wars’ definitely makes us look competent to anybody else that would want to engage us in the same way. “But Geoff and Matt have been friends for a long time, and we were kinda spitballing the idea of doing a special — or finding some way to collaborate — even before the ‘Star Wars’ specials.” So what’s next for Green, Senreich and the rest of the “Chicken” universe? Well, the aforementioned seventh season gets started the week after the second DC special airs. They

may not be done with DC, either — there were three “Star Wars” specials, after all, so why would their take on the DC Universe be any different? But no matter what they take aim at, surely the twisted minds at “Robot Chicken” will tackle it with the same delightful abandon they bring to every subject they lampoon. “The process is pretty quick and ruthless,” Green said. “It’s all based on gut. And if it’s funny, it’s usually in, and if it’s not, it’s usually cut.” O EXCLUSIVELY ONLINE: TFP Pop Culture Editor Jeff McGinnis takes a character-by-character look at how “Robot Chicken” sees the DC Universe. Only at

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20 Star

April 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

((((((((((((( THE PULSE

April 5 -12, 2014

What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.


Bar 145º

This venue features burgers, bands and bourbon, if its slogan is to be believed. $5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or O The Menus: April 4. O Hello My Name Is: April 5. O Battle of the Bands: April 10.

Barr’s Public House

“Our House, Your Pub” focuses on craft beer, hand-crafted specialty drinks and martinis, a well-rounded wine selection and an eclectic food menu. 3355 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. (419) 866-8466. O Kyle White: April 4. O Jim Filipiak: April 5. O Dan Stewart: April 10.

Bronze Boar

Be sure to check out this Warehouse District tavern’s namesake, overhead near the entrance. 20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or O Open mic: Thursdays and Mondays. O Bush League: April 4. O Quickness: April 5.

Cheers Sports Eatery

This family-friendly eatery dishes up live performances and Chicago-style pizza. 7131 Orchard Centre Drive, Holland. (419) 491-0990. O Name That Tune: April 4. O Steve Kennedy: April 5. Signature drinks, such as pumpkin martinis, plus live local jazz performers. 301 River Road, Maumee. $5 weekends for cafe seating. (419) 794-8205 or O Straight Up!: April 4. O Jeff McDonald: April 5. O Gene Parker: April 8. O Gene Parker & Friends: April 9.

The mic is open on Sundays, but paid entertainers rock out Fridays-Saturdays. 4311 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 382-1444 or www. O Live Trivia with DJ Brandon: Tuesdays. O DJ Rob Sample: Thursdays. O Guitar-eoke with Zak Ward: Sundays.

Durty Bird

A full bar featuring frozen drinks and multiple happy hours (4-7 p.m.) on weekdays, plus salads, soups and sandwiches to accompany live entertainment four nights a week. 2 S. St. Clair St. (419) 243-2473 or O Open mic: 7 p.m. Tuesdays. O Kyle White: 1 p.m. April 4. O Arctic Clam: 9 p.m. April 4. O Jeff Stewart: 4 p.m. April 5. O The Earregulars: 9 p.m. April 5. O Kaiden Chase: 12 p.m. April 6. O Straight Up: 1 p.m. April 6. O Jeff Stewart: 4:30 p.m. April 7. O Whitty & Murphy: 8 p.m. April 7. O Dean Tartaglia: 4:30 p.m. April 8. O Meaghan Roberts: 8 p.m. April 8. O Kyle White: 4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. April 9. O Ross Thompson & The Jazz Mix: 7 p.m. April 10.


This two-man band (consisting of Dave Rybaczewski and Walter Guy) performs Beatles songs acoustically. O Mancy’s Italian Grill, 5453 Monroe St. 7:3010:30 p.m. April 3. O Quimby’s Food & Spirits, 3536 Sterns Road, Lambertville. 7-10 p.m. April 10.


A club “for the mature crowd,” Evolution offers $5 martinis on Thursdays and the occasional live musical performance. 519 S. Reynolds Road. (419) 725-6277 or O Feel Good Fridays: Fridays. O Sensational Saturdays: Saturdays.

Hamway’s on the Main

Live entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights gets a side order of steak, seafood and

prime rib at this 30-year area institution. 5577 Monroe St., Sylvania. (419) 885-0290 or O Dan & Don: April 4. O Meaghan Roberts: April 5.

Frankie’s Inner-City

Toledo’s venue for rock. Tickets vary between $5 and $14, unless otherwise noted. 308 Main St. (419) 693-5300 or www. O Uh-Huh Baby Yeah!, Silver Age (Ryan Started the Fire), Alters of Athens, Kyle Tansel: April 4. O Jack and The Bear, The DeCamp Sisters, Joshua P. James & The Paper Planes: April 5. O Cosmonauts: April 9. O King of Prussia: April 10.

The GOOD, The BAD and The BLUES

The Black Swamp Blues winners will take the stage every Sunday for a set. Admission is $8. Caribbean Breeze Restaurant and Lounge, 1830 W. Bancroft: 6-10 p.m.

H Lounge

The Hollywood Casino offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. O Jedi Mind Trip: April 4. O Crystal Bowersox: April 5. O 56 Daze: April 11 O The Bradberries: April 12

J. Patrick’s Pub

Live entertainment after 9:30 p.m. FridaysSaturdays. Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 874-3111 or O Noisy Neighbors: April 4-5.

Jazz on the Maumee

“Monk.” 7 p.m. April 9.

Mainstreet Bar and Grill

Perrysburg ~ 12407 Airport Hwy., Swanton ~ 6605 Lewis Ave. ~ gyros?

Ottawa Tavern

Casual meals and bingo and trivia nights with weekend entertainment. 1815 Adams St. (419) 725-5483 or O A Tribute to Van Halen: 10 p.m. April 4. O Squidling Brothers Circus Sideshow with the Antivillians: 9 p.m. April 5. O Mary Ocher and goLab: 10 p.m. April 6. O Ovlov, Disco Doom and Threading: 7 p.m. April 8.

Packo’s at the Park

7 S. Superior Street. O Acoustic Outcast: 5 p.m. April 4.

Potbelly Sandwich Shop

What began as an antique store in Chicago turned into a string of more than 200 eateries nationwide, including Toledo. All of the shops feature live music. 4038 Talmadge Road. (419) 725-5037 or O Jaime Mills: Noon-2 p.m. Fridays.


With its focus on swing music, Jeff McDonald’s group of musicians provides a peek into another era, with music from bandleaders such as Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, the Dorseys and more. With combos from trio to full orchestra, the group provides music for all occasions. (419) 708-0265, (419) 874-0290 or O Trotters Tavern, 5131 Heatherdowns Blvd., (419) 381-2079: 8 p.m. Tuesdays. O Dégagé Jazz Café, 301 River Road, Maumee. 7:30-11:30 p.m. April 5.

Toledo AV Club & Launch Pad Co-op

The organizations have announced the film screening of “What Remains: The Life and Work of Sally Mann.” Haigh Auditorium, CVA


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Ronn Daniels performs weekly at this pub. 8-11 p.m. Thursdays, 141 Main St. (419) 6976297 or O ekoostik hookah, Boogie Matrix: April 4. O Vivian Banks Reunion with Onceover, Exit Self, Morkast, The Scarlett Letter: April 5.


The Art Tatum Jazz Society will provide smooth, cool “Twilight Jazz” along the river, appetizers included. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Best Western Premier Grand Plaza Hotel’s Aqua Lounge, 444 N. Summit St. $5-$15. (419) 241141 or O Jon Hendricks & “Cross Currents” UT Jazz Faculty Premiere Presentation

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Building (attached to the Toledo Museum of Art.) 8:30 p.m. April 7.

Trotters Tavern

5131 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 381-2079. O Jeff McDonald’s Big Band All Stars: 8-10:30 p.m. Tuesdays.

The Village Idiot

Tunes combined with pizza and booze, some would say it’s a perfect combination. 309 Conant St., Maumee. (419) 893-7281 or www. O Old West End Records: 8 p.m. Wednesdays. O The House Band: 6 p.m. Firdays. O Bob Rex Quartet: 6 p.m. Sundays. O Frankie May and friends: 10 p.m. Mondays. O John Barile & Bobby May: 8 p.m. Tuesdays. O Crushed Out with special guests Silent Lions: April 4. O Chuck Mead & His Grassy Knoll Boys: April 5. O Rob Courtney: April 9. O Dan Tartaglia: April 10.

Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull

At one of Toledo’s newest gathering places, customers can find 30 draught beer selections and daily drink specials. They promise live entertainment seven days of the week. 9 N. Huron St. (419) 244-2855 or cocknbulltoledo. O Bobby May and John Barile followed by Flabongo Nation: April 4. O The Eight Fifteens: April 5. O Dick Lange Blues Jam: April 6. O Steve Kennedy: April 8. O Danny Mettler hosts Open Mic Night: April 9. O Captain Sweet Shoes: April 10. If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt at

31 for o H NO To ur iR W ll g ne i N ate w l g Dr ocat . M io au n me e


April 6, 2014

Star 21

A Toledo tradition since 2005


‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ starts summer season early By James A. Molnar Toledo Free Press Film Editor

The First Avenger is back in

only 2 more left!

theaters and this time he faces the Winter Soldier. Director Fury is also back, along with Black Widow, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is in trouble.

Sound like code? There is a farrago of people, places and things in the superhero Marvel universe in which audiences can easily lose themselves. It’s easy to begin saying,

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“Who is that again? What happened?” The latest movie in the expansive franchise, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” continues the saga and focuses on the First Avenger himself — Steve Rogers, aka Captain America (Chris Evans). “The Winter Soldier” finds Cap, as he’s called in the movie, in the midst of a slight identity crisis. The end of the first movie found him waking up from a deep sleep in present day. He’s made a list of things to do, which includes certain music, topics and films. But does he still want to fight and be a soldier? “For the longest time, I just wanted to do what’s right,” he says. “Now, I just don’t know what that is.” S.H.I.E.L.D., the organization charged with protecting Earth from

enemies at home and away, doesn’t seem like the place he’d like to be. Its director Nick Fury (played as always with a cool swagger by Samuel L. Jackson) also seems to share the sentiment. Something isn’t quite right. One thing is for sure: Don’t mess with the Winter Solider. Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow (Scarlett Johannson), learned this truth on her numerous encounters with him. Captain America will also learn this lesson. Required viewing for this sequel includes the 2011 predecessor “Captain America: The First Avenger,” along with 2012’s “The Avengers.” The other Marvel movies don’t quite figure into the storyline here, even though Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye and the Hulk should theoretically be around the corner to pinch-hit with battling whatever enemy comes their way. (Audiences have to wait for a reunion until next summer when “Avengers: Age of Ultron” comes out May 1.) Comic books fans will love the mid-credits scene, which teases future Marvel projects (no spoilers here). Ohioans, look for an appearance of the fountain and shopping center at Tower City in downtown Cleveland. Overall, “The Winter Soldier” builds on the impressive oeuvre in the Marvel movie collection. While it’s missing some of the heart of the first Captain America outing, there are twists and turns in this early summer blockbuster to keep audiences entertained and thrilled.

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22 Star

A Toledo tradition since 2005

April 6, 2014

‘Coming Home’ concert to benefit local veterans By Danielle Stanton TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAR STAFF WRITER

After more than a year of work geared toward housing the chronically homeless, Veterans Matter in Toledo announced it has housed its 200th veteran nationwide, said founder Ken Leslie. To raise money for the organization, a “Coming Home” benefit concert will take place April 6 from 2-7 p.m. at Forrester’s on the River in Toledo. LESLIE Ve t e r a n s Matter has housed 65 veterans in Toledo, three in Michigan, nine in Indiana, nine in New England and 114 in Texas since its inception in February last year, Leslie said. “It’s pretty exciting for us,” he said. “Two hundred veterans is a milestone for us and they were all done one at a time. ... It’s a powerful thing. We take care of our own and that’s what we’re trying to do.” More than $200,000 has been

raised to date, Leslie said. What started as a local solution to a problem has grown to five regions and includes the support of Dusty Hill of ZZ Top, John Mellencamp and Kix Brooks of Brooks and Dunn. Mitch Albom, a Detroit Free Press columnist and New York Times bestselling author, donated $15,000 in seed money to Veterans Matters’ Operation Michigan. Albom will serve as the organization’s Michigan co-chair. The goal in Michigan is to raise $75,000 and house 100 veterans, Leslie said. “We view this more as a mission. … We’re not going to build a milliondollar fundraising organization,” Leslie said. “We have a target, then we move on to the next. ... We’re reaching out to Detroit-area corporations.” Kix Brooks will serve as Veterans Matter’s co-chair in Tennessee. The musician, along with other artists and celebrities, will voice public radio service announcements that will air nationwide from Armed Forces Day on May 17 to Memorial Day, Leslie said. Veterans Matter began when Leslie, with a worker from Veterans Affairs (VA), visited local homeless at their camps to help find them housing. He discovered two of his

friends were living at the camp. They did not have enough money to put a deposit on VA-supported housing. His partner with the VA said they weren’t the only ones. Leslie discovered that about 35 people were in the same situation locally. Within days, he came up with the idea for Veterans Matter and 11 days later found financial support through ProMedica. Later, Lucas County Veterans Services Commission would come on board. “I just wanted to get a couple guys houses,” said Leslie, who also owns his own headhunting firm. “I didn’t imagine ... 200 veterans later — it’s pretty amazing. “We’re really blessed.” The “Coming Home” benefit concert April 6 will showcase several musicians including The Good, The Bad & the Blues, The Joe Baker Band, The Reese Daily Band, The Grape Smugglers with special appearances by Ramona Collins, Candice Coleman, Pat Lewandowski and others. Tickets are available at the door. To donate via text, send “vets” to 41444 and use a credit or debit card. For more information, go to www. or veteransmatter. O

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April 6, 2014


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6 pm News News TMZ News News First 48

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

NBA Basketball New York Knicks at Miami Heat. (N) NBA Basketball: Lakers at Clippers News ABC Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time Resurrection (N) (CC) Revenge “Blood” (N) News Insider Workout America Adam Paid Paid Paid HS Basketball Confidential News News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) The 49th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards (N) (CC) News Criminal First Dog (2010) McCarver NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Duck Commander 500. (N) (S Live) (CC) Burgers American Simpsons Fam. Guy Cosmos-Space News Leading Arsenio Hall NHL Hockey: Blues at Blackhawks PGA Tour Golf Shell Houston Open, Final Round. (N) (S Live) (CC) News News Dateline NBC (N) Dream Builders Believe (N) Crisis (N) (CC) News Jdg Judy Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens “Medora” Just Seen Charlie Ohio Moyers Weekend NOVA (CC) (DVS) Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic Secrets of Selfridges Austin City Limits (N) Bates Motel (CC) ››› Bad Boys (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence. (CC) Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Wahl Wahl Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Married to Medicine Housewives/Atl. Happens Fashion › Vegas Vacation ›› Semi-Pro (2008) Will Ferrell. (CC) ›› Yes Man (2008) Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel. (CC) ›› Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (CC) Aziz Ansari Patton Oswalt: Tra ›› Yes Man (2008) ANT Farm ANT Farm ANT Farm Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Dog Dog Dog Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Austin Austin Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Austin Jessie Liv-Mad. Good ANT Farm Austin PBA Bowling College Softball Arkansas at Alabama. (N) SportsCenter (N) Pregame Women’s College Basketball Update Women’s College Basketball SportsCenter (N) ›› The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Ralph Macchio. ›› We Are Marshall (2006) Matthew McConaughey, Matthew Fox. ››› Remember the Titans (2000) Denzel Washington. ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. Pioneer Pioneer Chopped Canada Save My Bakery My. Din My. Din Diners Diners Worst Cooks Chopped Food Court Wars (N) Chopped (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Restaurant: Im. Hunters Hunters Rent/Buy Rent/Buy Rent/Buy Rent/Buy Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Carib Carib Beach Beach Alaska Alaska Hunters Hunt Intl My Sister’s Keeper Drop Dead Diva (CC) Drop Dead Diva (CC) ››› Something’s Gotta Give (2003) Jack Nicholson. (CC) › The Ugly Truth (2009) Katherine Heigl. Drop Dead Diva (N) Drop Dead Diva (CC) › The Ugly Truth Ridic. Ridic. Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ››› 13 Going on 30 (2004) Jennifer Garner. Girl Code Girl Code ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. House of Food ››› Spider-Man (2002) Tobey Maguire. ›› Hulk (2003, Fantasy) Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott. ›› Men in Black II (2002), Will Smith (DVS) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ›› Hulk (2003) Story-W.Rogers ››› Charly (1968, Fantasy) Cliff Robertson. ›› The Incredible Mr. Limpet (1964) (CC) ›› Critic’s Choice (1963) Bob Hope. ››› Mogambo (1953) Clark Gable. ››› Red Dust (1932) Clark Gable. (CC) Law & Order ›› The Da Vinci Code (2006) Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou. (CC) ›› 2012 (2009, Action) John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor. (CC) (DVS) ››› Contagion (2011) Marion Cotillard. (CC) (DVS) ››› Contagion (2011) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Suits (CC) (DVS) Rules Two Men Made OK! TV Friends Friends Glee “Michael” (CC) Middle Middle Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Glee (CC)



Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round NBA News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass Wrinkles? Wen Hair Larry King Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Paid Prog. Paying TV Drop Lbs! Power First Dog (2010) Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe FREE TV! Memory Drop Lbs! NHL Hockey Super WordWrld Peg Dinosaur Toledo Stories (CC) Conversation Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Bates Motel (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Million Dollar Listing Online Dating Rituals Married to Medicine Married to Medicine ›› Weekend at Bernie’s (1989, Comedy) (CC) ››› Clueless (1995) Alicia Silverstone. › Vegas Vacation Pirates Sofia Jessie Austin Austin Liv-Mad. ›› Ramona and Beezus (2010) Joey King. Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› The Karate Kid Part III (1989, Drama) ››› The Karate Kid (1984) Ralph Macchio, Noriyuki “Pat” Morita. Rachael Ray’s Pioneer Trisha’s Southern Giada Sand. Guy’s Brunch at Trisha’s Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Sheer ›› Nights in Rodanthe (2008) Richard Gere. ›› My Sister’s Keeper House ›› The Girl Next Door (2004) Emile Hirsch. Girl Code Girl Code Awards Ridic. Cougar Friends Friends Friends Friends ›› Daredevil (2003, Action) Ben Affleck. SpiderMan ››› They Drive by Night (1940) George Raft. ››› The Americanization of Emily (1964) (CC) Story-W.Rogers Law & Order “Thrill” Law & Order “Denial” Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order P. Chris J. Osteen Suits (CC) (DVS) Chrisley Chrisley NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House Family St. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Game Raceline EP Daily EP Daily


10 am

TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


April 7, 2014 11 pm

Tuesday Evening


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle “Disciple” (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Champ. 2014 NCAA Basketball Tournament Final: Teams TBA. (N) News The Office Simpsons Bones (N) (CC) (DVS) The Following (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice Chris Martin mentors the artists. (N) The Blacklist (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow In Performance... Independent Lens (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bates Motel “Plunge” Bates Motel “Plunge” Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Southern Charm (N) Happens Couch Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Jessie Austin ›› Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) Dog Austin Good Jessie MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Boston Red Sox. (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Remember the Titans ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. The 700 Club (CC) Guy’s Grocery Games Chopped (N) Kitchen Casino (N) My. Diners My. Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders “Patty; Bill” Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. House of Food House of Food (N) House of Food Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Annie Get Your Gun ››› The Naked City (1948) (CC) ››› A Face in the Crowd (1957, Drama) Andy Griffith. (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle “Head Case” Dallas (N) (CC) Dallas (CC) Private Lives NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) WWE Hall Big Bang Mod Fam Star-Crossed (N) (CC) The Tomorrow People OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



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7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


April 8, 2014 11 pm


Ent Insider Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Goldbergs Trophy Resurrection (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (N) (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Person of Interest News Letterman The Office Simpsons Glee “Bash” (N) The Mindy Project (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice (N) (CC) About-Boy Fisher Chicago Fire (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business The Dave Clark Five -- Glad All Over, a Great Frontline (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Barry’d Storage Storage Storage Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Housewives/NYC Online Dating Rituals Happens NYC Colbert Daily Amy Sch. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Amy Sch. Daily Colbert Jessie Austin ››› Camp Rock (2008) Joe Jonas. (CC) ANT Farm Austin Good Jessie SportCtr NCAA Pregame Women’s College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (CC) Alice in Wonderland ››› Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Daniel Radcliffe. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Diners Diners Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Flip It to Win It (N) Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Bring It! (CC) Preachers’ Daughters House of Food Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 (N) Teen Mom 2 Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ››› Bridge to the Sun ››› The Catered Affair (1956) ››› Witness for the Prosecution (1957) Tyrone Power. Castle (CC) (DVS) NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Miami Heat. (N) (CC) NBA Basketball Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Mod Fam The Originals (CC) The 100 “Earth Kills” OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


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7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Duck D. Duck D. Housewives/NYC Colbert Daily Jessie Austin SportCtr NBA Melissa Melissa Restaurant: Im. Property Brothers (CC) Bring It! (CC) 16 and Pregnant (CC) Seinfeld Fam. Guy Very Thought Castle (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) Big Bang Mod Fam


7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business The First 48 (CC) Bourne Suprm. Colbert Daily Teen Beach Movie Masters SportCtr › Billy Madison (1995, Diners Diners Rev. Run Rev. Run Wife Swap (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Seinfeld Fam. Guy ›› Onionhead (1958) Castle (CC) (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Mod Fam

8 pm






10 pm




April 9, 2014 11 pm


9 pm


10 pm


2 pm



April 11, 2014 11 pm


Last Man Neighbors Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (CC) News J. Kimmel Unforgettable (N) (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) Blue Bloods (N) (CC) News Highlights Rake (N) (CC) (DVS) Kitchen Nightmares Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Dateline NBC (N) (CC) Grimm (N) (CC) Hannibal “Yakimono” News J. Fallon Wash Deadline Live/Lincoln Center Great Performances (CC) Music The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) ››› The Bourne Supremacy (2004) Matt Damon. › Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) Futurama Futurama Key Key South Pk South Pk Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Jessie (N) Dog I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Austin Jessie Dog Liv-Mad. 2014 Masters Tournament Second Round. (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Comedy) ›› Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992), Joe Pesci The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Rev. Run Rev. Run Rev. Run Rev. Run Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap To Be Announced Betty Betty Ridic. The Challenge: Free Agents ›› The Girl Next Door (2004) Emile Hirsch. ››› The Hangover (2009) Bradley Cooper. ›› Due Date (2010) Robert Downey Jr.. (DVS) ››› Summer Stock (1950) Judy Garland. (CC) ››› Sunday in New York (1963) (CC) ››› The Help (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. (CC) (DVS) Dallas (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Sirens Whose? Whose? Hart of Dixie (N) (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland

Saturday Afternoon / Evening 1 pm

9 pm

Middle Suburg. Mod Fam Mixology Nashville (CC) (DVS) News J. Kimmel Survivor (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman American Idol The top finalists perform. (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD (N) (CC) News J. Fallon Nature (N) (CC) NOVA (N) (CC) (DVS) Your Inner Fish (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Housewives/NYC Million Dollar Listing Flipping Out (N) (CC) Happens Million Work. South Pk South Pk South Pk Work. Triptank Daily Colbert › Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (2010) (CC) Dog Austin Good Jessie NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Memphis Grizzlies. (N) NBA Basketball Melissa Daddy ›› The Sandlot (1993) Tom Guiry, Mike Vitar. The 700 Club (CC) Save My Bakery (N) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Bring It! (CC) Preachers’ Daughters Bring It! (N) (CC) Bring It! (CC) 16 and Pregnant (CC) Teen Mom 2 Real World: Explosion Real World: Explosion Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With Conan (N) (CC) ››› Waterloo Bridge (1940) Vivien Leigh. ›››› The Philadelphia Story (1940) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Save Our Business (N) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Gone” NCIS: Los Angeles Arrow (CC) The 100 (N) (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland

8 pm

April 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm

9 pm


10 pm

8 am



9 am


10 am


11 am


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

April 10, 2014 11 pm



April 12, 2014 12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Wildlife Expedition Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Recipe J. Oliverr All In Changers Paid Prog. Bull Riding Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News McCarver Today (N) (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chica Noodle Justin Tree Fu LazyTown Zou (EI) Super WordWrld Peg Dinosaur MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds Flipping Boston (CC) Flipping Boston (N) Couch Happens Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Southern Charm Southern Charm › Strange Wilderness (2008) Steve Zahn. (CC) Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama › Bubble Boy (2001) Pirates Sofia Dog Jessie Jessie I Didn’t Jessie Dog Dog Dog SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Mr. Mom (1983), Teri Garr ››› Three Men and a Baby (1987, Comedy) ›› Three Men and a Little Lady Be.- Made Best Thing Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Heartland Be.- Made Best Thing Chopped Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unsolved Mysteries Non-Stop (2013) (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. House of Food House of Food Payne Browns There Raymond King King ››› I Love You, Man (2009) Paul Rudd. ››› California Suite (1978) Alan Alda. (CC) Carson Mexican-West MGM: When the Lion Roars (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Internet. Law & Order Law & Order ››› The Terminal Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chrisley Chrisley NCIS “Under Covers” NCIS “Semper Fidelis” NCIS Tense reunion. Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Pets.TV Career


3 pm


Ent Insider Shark Tank (N) (CC) Grey’s Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Millers Two Men Crazy Elementary (N) (CC) News Highlights The Office Simpsons Hell’s Kitchen (N) Amer. Idol Surviving Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Commun Parks Game Night Parenthood (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business The Farm Thunder Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) (DVS) Infinity Hall Live Sun Stud The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Housewives/Atl. Matchmaker Matchmaker Online Dating Rituals Happens Atlanta Colbert Daily Chappelle Chappelle Sunny Tosh.0 Review (N) Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Jessie Austin Teen Beach Movie (2013) (CC) Dog ANT Farm Austin Good Jessie Masters SportCtr 2014 Masters Tournament First Round. (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› The Sandlot (1993) Tom Guiry. ››› The Rookie (2002) Dennis Quaid, Rachel Griffiths. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Canada (N) Beat Flay Beat Flay Diners Diners Hunt Intl Hunters Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Under the Gunn Under the Gunn Under the Gunn ›› The Stepfather (2009) Dylan Walsh. (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. The Challenge: Free Agents (N) Challenge Seinfeld Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ››› Dragon Seed ››› Young at Heart (1954) Doris Day. (CC) ›› A Man Called Adam (1966) Premiere. Castle (CC) (DVS) NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Dallas Mavericks. NBA Basketball Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Suits “No Way Out” Sirens (N) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Mod Fam The Vampire Diaries Reign “Liege Lord” OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland




7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


April 12, 2014

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Full Plate J. Hanna Private Practice (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap ESPN Sports Saturday (N) News ABC Insider Lottery Castle “Limelight” 20/20 (CC) Nightline Prime (CC) News Castle Bull Ride Driven The Big Three 2014 Masters Tournament Third Round. From Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. News Time Two Men Friends 48 Hours (CC) 48 Hours (N) (CC) News CSI Wrinkles? Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Bones (CC) UFC’s Road NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Bojangles’ Southern 500. From Darlington Raceway in Darlington, S.C. News Carpet Office Paid Paid Red Bull Series NHL Hockey Philadelphia Flyers at Pittsburgh Penguins. (N) (CC) News News TBA Academic Dateline NBC (CC) Saturday Night Live News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Great Performances (CC) Sun Stud Basel Steves Travels Lawrence Welk Call the Midwife (CC) Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Classic Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Flipping Vegas (CC) Flipping Vegas (CC) Flipping Vegas (CC) Flipping Vegas (N) Flipping Vegas (CC) Real Housewives Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Married to Medicine Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. ›››› Titanic (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane. Premiere. ›››› Titanic (1997), Billy Zane › Bubble Boy (2001) ›› Without a Paddle (2004) Seth Green. ››› Meet the Parents (2000) Robert De Niro. Premiere. ›› The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) (CC) ››› Superbad (2007) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. (CC) Daniel Tosh: Happy Dog ANT Farm ANT Farm Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Dog Dog Jessie Jessie Jessie I Didn’t I Didn’t Jessie Jessie ›› Bedtime Stories (2008) Adam Sandler. Lab Rats Kickin’ It Dog Good SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College Football Florida State Spring Game. College Softball Oklahoma at Baylor. (N) SportCtr College Hockey NCAA Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 3MenLdy ›› Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992), Joe Pesci ››› The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) ››› Hercules (1997), Josh Keaton ››› Despicable Me (2010), Jason Segel ›› Happy Feet Two (2011), Robin Williams Beat Flay My. Din Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Food Court Wars Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Restaurant: Im. Best Treehouses Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Hunters Hunt Intl Non-Stop (2013) (CC) An Amish Murder (2013) Neve Campbell. The Good Mother (2013) Helen Slater. (CC) The Girl He Met Online (2014) (CC) Death Clique (2014) Lexi Ainsworth. (CC) Zoe Gone (2014) Jean Louisa Kelly. (CC) The Challenge: Free Agents Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. ›› Due Date (2010) Robert Downey Jr.. Friends Friends Friends Friends King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With Dupree MGM: Lion ››› The Paper Chase (1973) (CC) The Courtship of Andy Hardy ››› The Bad Seed (1956, Horror) Nancy Kelly. (CC) ››› How to Marry a Millionaire ››› The Misfits (1961, Western) Clark Gable. (CC) ››› The Terminal (2004) (CC) ››› Runaway Jury (2003) John Cusack, Gene Hackman. (CC) ››› The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) Will Smith. (CC) ››› The Help (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. (CC) (DVS) ››› Dreamgirls (CC) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Reunion” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Tell-All” NCIS “Berlin” NCIS “Revenge” Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley Icons Live Life Made Game EP Daily EP Daily Rules Two Men Rules Two Men Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam › The Messengers (2007) Kristen Stewart. Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

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n ANSWERS FOUND ON A48 Your Tarotgram and Horoscope

APRIL 6 – 12, 2014 Events: Mercury enters Aries (7th)

By Elizabeth Hazel Aries (March 21-April 19)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Numerous calls and transactions arrive as the week begins. Strong opinions are aired; mature compromises center on serving the highest goals. Strange events may be very distracting. Find ways to assert your courage and willpower without undermining others.

People’s words and actions put you on the defensive. If others need to feel powerful, stand back and give plenty of time and space for full expression. Focus on private transformative efforts, and concentrate on what’s wonderful and empowering in your own sphere.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Other people’s head-butting can push you off-course this week. Focus on sources of inspiration, love, and blessings by connecting with nature and the goodness you find in others. As the week closes, you find stability through shared interests that trump individual egos.

There is great but quiet power in service. If you or someone close to you is floundering, there are invisible sources of strength at hand. Miracles are in the making. Let things flow as the weekend arrives. The wonders of the world’s mysteries level the playing field of humanity.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Situations around friends and loved ones move toward decision or breakdown. Maturity is needed. The residue of past events leaves insecurity that makes compromise difficult. After Friday, memorable performances inspire great deeds. You see people at their best and worst.

Other people are engaged in battles and contentions, but you may be focused on your own developments and creativity. Midweek visions and voices move you to the heights of expression. People are drawn like a magnet to your inner beauty as the weekend arrives.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Agreements are destabilized and too many people want to control the outcomes. Love can overcome fears, resistance, and entrenched ego ruts; strength of will is tested. As Friday arrives, you witness things that move heart and soul. Balance a strong stand with flexibility..

Major transformations of mind and body may transcend worldly struggles. Higher wisdom dissolves ego investments in taking a side or position. A loved one supports your new-found awareness and helps you stabilize your new path as the weekend arrives.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Discussions early in the week can be manic or excessive. People are too invested in their own side. Higher, invisible powers are at work midweek. Avoid making critical decisions on Thursday. Strong alliances generate support for comprehensive solutions on Friday.

Be cautious about being drawn into arguments with intellectual heavy-weights. Allow your personality to shine without scorching others. Bizarre midweek events shift the focus and topics of conversation. Relationships are a source of boundless love and benefits on Friday.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Other people and their interests predominate. Offer solutions and compromises and then stand back and wait. The week’s events may transform the basis of disputed situations. Love and intimacy are highly favorable on Friday; personal acceptance stabilizes loyalties and affection.

You are naturally drawn to love, beauty, and mysteries, and these are given full expression this week. Others may flounder in odd circumstances where you flourish. Friday brings triumphs in emotional connections. Let your love radiate to everyone around you.

Elizabeth Hazel is a professional tarotist-astrologer and author. She gives readings every Wednesday at Attic on Adams above Manos Greek Restaurant. She may be contacted at (c) 2014

TFP Crossword

“Ohio College Towns” ACROSS 1. Recede 4. AFL sidekick 7. Appropriately named Columbus university 12. (----) Tzu (Founder of Taoism) 13. ---- Arbor, MI 14. Fed. ecology watchdog 15. University that’s home to the Mazza Museum of International Art 16. She has special knowledge 17. Desert illusion 19. College with the Thoreau Wildlife Sanctuary 22. Decompose 25. Drug cops 29. Crime fighter Ness 33. Eastern Ohio university started by the YMCA 36. Los ---- (“La Bamba” group) 37. Bud Light pooch MacKenzie 38. Tony Soprano, for one 39. College known for its Petroleum Engineering Program 42. Aim high 45. Quick and skittish, maybe 48. First American institution to admit female students

by Dave DeChristopher 1




























































53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

Lupino of old Hollywood Controversial Rand Period in history Its mascot is the Tuffy Eagle Marked the spot? Running game

DOWN 1. North Pole helper

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Actress Ling in the tabloids Big mistake Thomas or Ripken “---- pig’s eye!” Layered stone Loooooong South American land “Goodfellas” Oscar winner Bawdy Seth MacFarlane comedy

10. Make like 11. More than medium 17. Streep of “August: Osage County” 18. Street groups 20. Water nymph 21. Part of BA 23. Tic-tac-toe win 24. Potato, for one 26. Such follower 27. Policeman 28. Dog-paddled, maybe 29. Sandusky duo 30. High naval officer, for short 31. Prefix for the ear 32. Past or present 34. “Uh-uh” 35. Neighbor of Sask. 39. Carrie Underwood TV role 40. Madonna musical 41. Played (with) 43. Sea arm 44. Big practical joke 46. Newspaper revenue 47. Expletive from Scrooge 49. “See ya!” 50. Terminate 51. “This American Life” host Glass 52. Pester


26 Classified community




legal notices

Public notice

Driver / Delivery / Courier


A+ Self Storage at 1324 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612 will offer for public sale at 3:30PM on April 28, 2014 the following units: Unit 217, Jocelyn Estes 1961 Jermain Dr. Toledo, Ohio 43606: Boxes, Clothes, Microwave; Unit 320, Kevin Lusby 5066 Jamison Dr. Toledo, OHio 43612: Exercise Equipment, Microwave; Unit 818, Amber Szabo 1671 Hagley Toledo, OH 43612: Air Conditioner, Dryer, Washing Machine; Unit 836, Vicki L Farrell 225 Nelly Temperance, MI 48182: Boxes, Exercise Equipment, Bags; Unit 910, Theresa M Wright 102 Melrose St Toledo, OHIO 43610: Dryer, Washing Machine, Hangers; Unit 1124, Steve Clarke 2837 Laskey RD TOLEDO, Oh 43613: Boxes, Folding Table, Bicycle; Unit 1912, Christopher Dimando 3525 Havenhurst Blvd. Toledo, OH, 43614: Sofa, Loveseat, Mirror;; Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400

THE FOLLOWING STORAGE UNITS WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY LOCK-IT-UP, LLC ON OR AFTER 4-22-2014 AT LEONARD’S AUCTION SERVICE 6350 CONSEAR RD OTTAWA LAKE, MI RICHARD LEONARD AUCTIONEER. 3316 DUSTIN OREGON OH 43616 6010 Kevin Carter 4109 Navarre Household. 12400 WILLIAMS RD PERRYSBURG OH 43551 3059 Theresa E Giffin 822 Cherry Household. 2025 Dawn Rowe 5111 Secor #10 Household. 7032 Kelly Powell 69 East Main Street # 7 Amelia OH 45102 Household. 4601 JACKMAN RD TOLEDO OH 43612 4301 Eric Sancrant 8821 Kellie Household. 27533 HELEN DR PERRYSBURG OH 43551 21001 Ignacio Guerra 5 Dr. McAuleys Ct Household. 7840 SYLVANIA AVE SYLVANIA OH 43560 1013 William Harrer 3903 Clare Ridge Household. 2003 Laura Felker 6910 Brint Household. 4015 Jeffrey Blanks 6549 Charlesgate Household. 4039 Russell Young 6727 Brint Household. 4117 Derek D Roe 6544 Brint Apt 1 Household. 3032 AIRPORT HWY TOLEDO OH 43609 2302 Taylor Featchurs 3410 Grabralter Heights Apt I-9 Household. 4104 Lynn Fisher 514 Hampton Household. 4316 Bonita Adams 4445 Merry Household. 5412 Kristen Russell 3766 Hill Apt 225 Household. 7225 Daniel H Jackson 663 Brysen Household. 8103 Elle Iman Thomas 17510 Neff Rd Cleveland OH 44119 Household. 802 S REYNOLDS TOLEDO OH 43615 2041 Stefan Fuhlbrigge 1774 Sudbury #2 Household. 2012 Shontrell Flanagan 1129 Shadow Apt 105 Household. 2018 James Mc Dermott 6400 Salisbury 209 Household. 5015 Albert Welch 961 S Reynolds #79 Household. 5024 Jethrie Cooper 1990 Airline Household. 6032 Richard Gibbs 3363 Sedgwick Apt 3F Bronx NY 10463 Household. 7018 Lesha Carter 5950 Walnut Circle Apt I Household. 10121 Airport Urgent Care 5542 Airport Office Items. 6387 SOUTH AVE TOLEDO OH 43615 4114 Jack Leasure 2133 Kingston Household. 5401 TELEGRAPH TOLEDO OH 43612 1010 Dale Swartz 3548 Nearing Household. 6007 Grant Flemmings 3106 Lagrange Apt A Household. 6016 Curtis Barbour Jr 324 Mettler Household. 2004 Mark Peddicord 541 N Superior Household. 3040 Charlotte M. Moses 1121 Gordon Household. 4102 Jennifer Pinson 5858 Semoff Household. 5026 Jeffrey Serve 2510 Aldringham Household. 8019 Heather Reese 5524 Pawnee Household. 8020 Judith Malaska 5524 Pawnee Household.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Directors that Sealed Bids will be received by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority for:

Construct Taxiway “B” Phase I at Toledo Express Airport Swanton, OH 43558 The project “Rehabilitate Taxiway B – Phase 1” consists of variable depth milling of an existing asphalt/composite taxiway (approximately 45,000 square yards), miscellaneous crack rehabilitation (approximately 34,000 linear feet), bituminous surface and base course (approximately 14,000 tons), pavement marking (approximately 18,000 square feet of permanent, 26,000 square feet of black and 18,000 square feet of temporary and miscellaneous associated markings), installation of 2” PVC conduit (approximately 6,000 lineal feet in pavement), installation of #8 5kV underground cable (approximately 9,000 lineal feet), installation of runway and taxiway pavement lighting (approximately 410 taxiway edge lights on existing base cans and 60 taxiway edge lights on new base cans), installation of L858 guidance signs (10 each), electrical vault improvements and seeding/mulching (approximately 4 Acres). Project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion. The engineer’s estimate for this project is approximately $3,341,910.00. Plans, Specifications, Instructions to Proposers, and Forms of Proposal and Contract are on file, and may be obtained by either (1) obtaining hard copies from Becker Impressions, 4646 Angola Road, Toledo, OH 43615, phone 419.385.5303, during normal business hours, or (2) ordering from Becker Impressions, via their website at a non-refundable price of $100. Bids will be received at the Port Authority’s administrative offices at One Maritime Plaza, Toledo, OH 43604 until Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at 11:00 AM, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The full advertisement may be viewed at the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority’s website at publicnotices.aspx. All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

April 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

NEED 18-24 energetic people to travel with young successful business group. Paid travel. No experience necessary $500-$750 weekly. 480718-9540 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201


Employment General Employment

THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.

Cryogenic Transportation LLC, a highway subsidiary of the Kenan Advantage Group, is seeking Class A CDL drivers out of Monclova, OH.

DRIVER OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, April 9th 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2701 South Eber Rd., Suite 4L Monclova, OH 43542 Company Drivers • $1000 WEEKLY GUARANTEE • Local & OTR positions • Excellent benefits including: Medical, Dental, & Vision plans • Paid vacations & holidays • 401K with company match • Paid training on safe driving & product handling • Well-maintained equipment • Driver referral incentive pay • And so much more! Owner-Operators • Local & OTR positions • Competitive pay- Mileage Contracts • Health Insurance plans available • Peak demand pay • 100% of Fuel Surcharge paid • 100% of Billable Pump or Compressor Charge paid • No Forced Dispatch • Paid orientation and training • Paid weekly • Driver referral incentive pay *Some restrictions apply • And so much more!

Metroparks of the Toledo Area is looking for a qualified individual to provide administrative and program support for the Program Department at Wildwood Metropark. HS Diploma or equivalent. College degree preferred. 18 years of age or older. Moderate level of customer service and administrative support experience required; experience with educational curricula within primary and secondary grade levels preferred. $15.65/ hr. Some weekends, evenings, and holidays. Go to to view detailed position description and job requirements. Apply online by April 14th. EOE

Lucas County Emergency Medical Services is accepting applications to fill the positions of System Analyst (System Administrator) through April 10, 2014. Additional information regarding the duties is available on the Lucas County website (www. Click on “Apply for a Job” and then select “System Analyst (System Administrator)” from the list to read more or apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer

SEASONAL LAND MANAGEMENT Metroparks of the Toledo Area has openings for outdoor, seasonal land management work at Pearson, Oak Openings, Blue Creek, or Secor Metroparks starting in May. $8.34 after 30 days. Must be 18 or older with HS equivalent and drivers license. Will operate power equipment, chainsaws, machinery, apply herbicides and lift up to 75 lbs. with assistance. Application and résumé should be submitted online by April 16th at EOE

Commercial/Residential paving company looking for paving machine screed operator & an asphalt raker. Must be hard workers & have minimum 3 years experience. EEO Employer. Call 351-5195.

Rental Roommates Room available with freedom of furnished house near BGSU campus $300 a month + 1/3 of utilities flexible rent dates Call Brad at: (419) 308-7763

Part time warehouse/handy Person, with forklift experience. Background and drug test required. Call 419-724-5720, ask for Karen.

Alexis Road Animal Hospital

Teams - $10,000 SIGN ON BONUS We require Class A CDL, 2 years recent, verifiable tractor-trailer experience, Tank and Hazmat endorsements (or ability to obtain), and a safe driving record. 800-871-4581

General Employment


System Analyst (System Administrator) Lucas County


Early morning and late evening appointments!

Customer satisfaction and pet care are


Kenan Advantage Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

■ ■

Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

n Crossword ANSWERS FROM 25 E B B C I O C A P I T L A O A N N H E E F I N D L A Y I N S I D E X L C M I R A G E D E F I A N E A A A R O T N A R C S E L I Y O U N G S T O W N S T A L O B O S S P U D S D E M E M A R I E T T A A S P I A V O H N R A B B I T Y O B E R L I D A T E A Y N E A S H L A N D X E D T


■ ■ ■

State-of-the-art facilities On-site lab & x-rays Surgery & Dentistry Spay & Neuter OPEN Vaccinations 6 DAYS A Medical Boarding EK! WE

Call us for special prices e onn heartworm and flea medications!

50% OFF

Office Exam Fee Reg. $29


SPRING SPECIAL Routine Cat Spay & Neuter only


Routine Dog Spay & Neuter only


20% OFF on Medical Services

Coupons expire 4/30/14. Must bring in ad for discounts. TFP.

1837 W. Alexis Road, Toledo, Ohio


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you and your pets.

April 6, 2014

Toledo Free Press 27

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Visit us at our nEW location!

5442 Monroe st.

30 Years

of buying Gold, Silver, Diamonds and Platinum Jewelry

— TOlEDO —

(across from Mancy’s italian)

WRisT anD pOCkET WaTCHEs Wristwatches and Pocketwatches All Time Periods, All Kinds, All Types Rare Watches Worth A Fortune In Cash! Looking For : Regular Watches • Dudley Chronograph Watches E. Howard & Co Repeating Watches • Elgin Musical Watches • Frodsham Chiming Watches • Gallet Moon Phase Watches • Gruen Stop Watches • Gubelin Unusual Function • Hamilton Unusual Dial • Illinois Unusual Shape • International World Time Watches Jules Jurgenson Jump Hour LeCoultre • Doctor’s Longines • Pocket Watches Movado • Lady’s Watches Omega • A. Lange Patek Phillippe Audemars Piguet • Rolex Ball Seth Thomas • Breitling Tiffany & Co • Cartier Ulysse Nardin • Columbus Vacheron Constantin • Corum Ditisheim • All Others

ED szyManski Diamond Broker

nOW lOaninG ! o

n Dia Gold, Finemonds, High‑end Jewelry & Watches Lic#PB100 63



sTERlinG silVER all TiME pERiODs, all kinDs, all TypEs

WE pay

paying TOp Dollar for

¼ to 10 Carat Diamonds



Costume Jewelry (cont): Sterling • Plastic Crystal • Cufflinks Tortoise shell Items Rosaries Gold‑Filled Items • Bracelets Glass Beads • Mash Purses Rhinestones • Figural Pins Garnet Jewelry • Watches Gold Items • Fountain Pens Plastic Box Purses

sTERlinG silVER GOlD & silVER

We beat

all OFFERs!

saVE yOUR Gas!

(All Kinds And Time Periods) Silver Jewelry, Flatware Sets, Single Flatware Items Tea Sets, Antique Items (All Kinds)

OlD COsTUME JEWElRy 1960 and Older (Buying Only Finer Quality Items)

Paying up to $300 for the following: Necklaces • Amber Items Sets Hat Pins • Compacts Mosaic Items • Cinnabar Items Jewelry Boxes From Jewelry Stores (pre‑1940) Marcasite Items • Silver Boxes Bakelite Items • Earrings Glass Beaded Purses Purses (all kinds pre–1950)

Flatware and Holloware


All time periods, all kinds, all types. We are looking for the following: Silver Jewelry • Brooches Pendants • Necklaces Cocktail Rings Charm Bracelets • Earrings Bracelets • Cameos • Victorian Art Deco • Enameled Cufflinks • Pins Gold‑Filled Jewelry (1920 & Older) Pearl Items Geometric Designs Art Nouveau • Crossover Rings Lavaliers • Garnet Jewelry Bakelite Items Filigree Rings • Floral Designs

“We need your gold for our Manufacturing needs” Buy • Sell • Trade Gold, Silver, Platinum Diamonds


MylEs szyManski, Manager

5442 Monroe St., Toledo Across from Mancy’s Italian

We Pay

20-50% RE titors WE pay TOp MOom (419) Than our C pe DOllaR!! Everyday! Hours: Mon.‑Fri. 10‑6 • Sat. 10‑3


28 Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

April 6, 2014




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