Toledo Free Press – May 6, 2012

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MAY 6, 2012


MAY 6, 2012


Friends with benefits


ith relatively few exceptions, we have supported the legislative eff orts of Toledo City Council President Joe McNamara and Councilman Tom Waniewski. So when an issue such as extending domestic partner benefits to City of Toledo employees sharply divides the two public servants, it merits a close look. As Toledo Free Press Staff Writer Sarah Marie Thompson reported April 27, Toledo Mayor Mike Bell has announced the introduction of legislation that will provide benefits to domestic partners of city employees. If Council approves it, “the legislation will offer the same health, dental and vision benefits to domestic partners of city employees that are offered to married couples and their children. Eligibility will be granted to same-sex and heterosexual couples who meet the criteria for domestic partnership as outlined in the Toledo Municipal Code. Employees will be required to obtain a certificate recognizing their partnership through the city’s Domestic Partner Registry.” with Councilman Steve Steel Thomas F.POUNDS andMcNamara, David Mann, President of EqualityToledo Community Action, spoke in support of the legislation. But at a meeting May 1, councilmen Waniewski, Rob Ludeman and D. Michael Collins opposed the legislation, citing reasons ranging from muddy financial estimates to recently completed union negotiations. While the councilmen are correct in raising questions about the specifi cs of the proposal, they are focusing on short-term concerns at the expense of a long-term benefi t. From a purely business and pragmatic point of view, offering domestic partner benefits makes sense. It is a recruitment tool and undoubtedly an inevitable element of retaining quality employees. As the legislation states, “Currently, 21 states and over 200 local governments, at least 98 Fortune 100 companies, 442 Fortune 500 companies, and approximately 9,000 other private companies, non-profit organizations and unions provide health insurance and other benefits to their employees’ domestic partners. In Toledo, these employers include the University of Toledo, Lucas County, Owens Corning and the Toledo Area Chamber of Commerce. Furthermore, the cities of Cleveland, Columbus, and Franklin County off er their employees domestic partner benefits and at least 14 Ohio public and private universities and colleges offer these benefits.” Yes, there are questions that should be raised and nothing should be approved without scrutiny. But extending domestic partner benefits makes sense and we urge Council to approve the mayor’s proposal. However, it is distressing to see men as learned as McNamara and Waniewski become entangled in personal rhetoric that stems more from emotion than intellect. McNamara did not use the word “homophobia” to describe the opposition but he implied it, and Waniewski and Collins were correct in objecting to that implication. Bell’s proposal should be considered as a business incentive, not a social issue, and on those merits, it should be implemented. ✯ Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. Contact him at

■ A3


Glass City Hunger Games “I

(Cannon booms) ’m Jerry Anderson.” Anderson: “And this just in, before the games even “And I’m Lee Conklin. Welcome to WTOLWTVGWUPWNWO’s coverage of the 2015 Glass begin we have an early exit, as Councilman Phil Copeland has been disqualified for not showing up to compete.” City Hunger Games!” Conklin: “Not really a surprise, Jerry, Anderson: “Indeed, Lee, and this is the but there may be more news as Councilman third annual contest, which was initiated George Sarantou just stole Copeland’s supply in 2012 by Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief of nightlock berries to make baklava. If he Michael Miller, just before his tragic death in eats those berries, he’ll be out before the that incident at the Tim Hortons drive-thru.” games begin!” Conklin: “Th at was a glaze-covered Anderson: “Ah, but look, Lee, George tragedy, but his legacy lives on in this adaptais offering those nightlock baklava desserts tion of the Hunger Games, in which Toledo’s to Lucas County Commissioners Carol leaders face off in a battle to the death, all for Contrada and Pete Gerken. They may see our entertainment.” it as a sign of alliance, but, oh, oh, there Anderson: “Now, we should stress that the competitors are actually using avatars, so Michael S. MILLER it is, both commissioners took a bite and are now writhing in agony on the ground, there will be no true harm or injury to the foaming at the mouth.” actual people involved.” Conklin: “Let’s get a close-up shot of that for the viewers Conklin: “That’s right, Jerry. To remind viewers of our premise, we have 24 participants from districts in at home.” Anderson: “Three contestants gone and we haven’t Northwest Ohio. They will compete in an atmospherecontrolled dome with weapons supplied by sponsors, heard the opening bell yet!” Conklin: “Speaking of Bell, the mayor looks ready for in a battle to the death. The sole winner in this live, televised tournament will receive a Tony Packo’s gift combat in his Chinese brigandine, practicing his wushu basket, stock in First Solar, an autographed Crystal moves. (Trumpets blare) And the 2015 Glass City Hunger Bowersox CD and absolute ruling power over the en- games have officially begun!” Anderson: “The 21 remaining combatants are racing slaved citizens of our region until the 2016 Glass City toward the cornucopia, which contains weapons, water and Hunger Games.” Anderson: “Minor problems in the dome today as food items … Oh! Councilman D. Michael Collins just imthe solar panels that power the lighting are flickering, paled Lindsay Webb with the sharp edge of a metal ‘tornado but everything seems to be working now. We’ve already shelter’ sign!” Conklin: “Yes, Jerry, it looks like Webb’s avatar is going seen the parade and interviewed our combatants, so we’re just seconds away from the battle. Let’s go down to bleed to death on the fi eld, which is ironic when you to the field and hear from Chrys Peterson and Diane think about the depleted blood supply in Northwest Ohio Larson, who were genetically fused into one anchor as the Red Cross union strike enters its fourth year.” Anderson: “On the other side of the field, Counafter our recent media merger.” Conklin: “Great story of corporate synergy there, Jerry, cilman Joe McNamara and Sen. Edna Brown are going at especially when you remember that they used elements of it, punching and kicking and throwing down in a ballot Shaun Hegarty to give Chrys and Diane that ginger glow.” box rematch!” Conklin: “It’s the kind of bloody battle that makes these Chrys/Diane: “We’re here before the big battle begins, with Councilman Tom Waniewski and 2014 Hunger games draw the big ratings, Jerry, and look at that! Brown Games champion, State Rep. Michael Ashford. Michael, just knocked McNamara to the ground, but he is still taking swings and trying to get the best of her.” how do you rate the competition this year?” Anderson: “He’s a scrapper, no question. Brown is Ashford: “I respect the competition, especially Vice President Joe the Plumber, who knows how to use so many moving in for the kill, but she better watch out, because of these tools of destruction. I am hoping he exits early but sneaking up behind her is Rep. Marcy Kaptur.” Conklin: “Oh! Kaptur was just about to plant a knitting he’s been underestimated before.” Chrys/Diane: “Tom, there was a great deal of criti- needle in Edna Brown’s back when Edna ducked, and Mccism of the violence in last year’s games, and you were at Namara ninja-tossed 200 American flag pins right toward the heart of that when you decapitated former mayor Carty Kaptur’s avatar’s jugular!” Anderson: “Amazing, Lee, but as Kaptur hit the ground, Finkbeiner with that Imagination Station bookmark.” Waniewski: “As you know, Chrys/Diane, I am opposed a wig and mask fell off to reveal former County Commisto this travesty of an event, but I’m not afraid to get my sioner Ben Konop! Sneaky way to get into these games!” hands dirty to win it for the people of this city.” ■ MILLER CONTINUES ON A4

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 8, No. 19. Established 2005. EDITORIAL Mary Ann Stearns, Design Editor James A. Molnar, Lead Designer Sarah Ottney, Special Sections Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor Zach Davis, Sports Editor

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A4 ■ TOLEDO FREE PRESS ■ MILLER CONTINUED FROM A3 Conklin: “And look, more than 50 of McNamara’s ninja pins have flown across the field, mowing down politicians like a tornado cutting through a trailer park! Down goes Teresa Fedor! Tyrone Riley falls! Down goes Steve Steel! Sherrod Brown is out!” Anderson: “A stunning development! Mike Craig is down! Bob Latta falls! Paula HicksHudson is down! Waniewski staggers near Sarantou, but as they head for shelter for weapons — it looks like Sarantou was reaching for a rhino horn — Rob Ludeman takes them both out with a Danberry Realty sign! It’s a GOP meltdown! What a mess — it’s too bad avatars don’t qualify for domestic partner benefits and health care.” Conklin: “And the Gamekeeper has released a wild card! There’s a lanky towheaded Tracker Jacker wildly dancing and brandishing a blade, but no one seems to be paying attention to him. His blade just doesn’t seem to be intimidating anyone. Oh — the Tracker Jacker just fell and impaled himself.”

Anderson: “Lee, I see an alliance of Adam Martinez, Tina Skeldon Wozniak, Rob Portman and Anita Lopez trying to make a break for the woods, but Ashford was waiting in a tree with a crossbow and he’s picking them off one by one!” Conklin: “Let’s go to Chrys/Diane, reporting from the field.” Chrys/Diane: “It’s a bloodbath down here, as a camouflaged Clerk of Courts Bernie Quilter just rose out of the woods and started racing through the field, cracking heads with his bare hands! He took Ashford’s crossbow and pushed him out of the tree! Now he’s shooting arrows like a demented Cupid! McNamara is out! Edna Brown is out! He’s taken out all the survivors! Bernie Quilter may be our winner!” Conklin: “But wait, we only count 22 avatar bodies on the field. Someone is missing … Look! As Quilter steps around the bodies, Mike Bell rides into the arena on a motorcycle and runs Quilter through with chopsticks! It looks like Bell will win the 2015 Glass City Hunger Games!” (Solar panel lights flicker and go out, plunging the arena into darkness) Conklin: “We’ll have to wait for the lights to

MAY 6, 2012

come back on to interview the 2015 champion.” (Lights flicker and turn on) Anderson: “That’s better! Now we can talk to Bell about his stunning victory! But wait! D. Michael Collins has pulled himself from the carnage and is challenging Bell!” Conklin: “It’s a life-and-death battle for a Tony Packo’s gift basket, stock in First Solar, an autographed Crystal Bowersox CD and absolute control over us all! Collins is swinging and lunging with his tornado shelter sign, but Bell’s Changquan practice is paying off.” Anderson: “Collins just won’t go away, he’s making his Marine legacy proud, but Bell is brandishing a qiang. He must have ice water in his veins, because he is approaching Collins like Clint Eastwood in an old Western movie!” Conklin: “Bell is just brushing aside Collins’ strikes! He’s taken the qiang and … oh!” Bell (facing Collins): “Ask not for whom the Bell tolls, *****! I toll for thee.” Anderson: “Oh my! Collins is down! Bell is the 2015 Hunger Games champion! Let’s cut to Chrys/Diane.” Chrys/Diane: “Mike, congratulations! That

was a great strategy, staying above the fray until the last minute!” Bell: “Thanks, Chrys/Diane! I credit my Harley and the teachings of Wushu Master Liu Xiao Ling. As my first act, I’m going to free all the citizens of Northwest Ohio and restore respect and cooperation into our political process. Hey, you two don’t look comfortable sewn together like that. Want me to put you out of your misery?” Chrys/Diane: “Would you, please?” (Bell raises the qiang) Chrys/Diane: “This is Chrys Petersen … and Diane Larson … signing off.” Conklin: “Well, Jerry, it looks like the 2015 Glass City Hunger Games are going to bring long-awaited freedom to Northwest Ohio.” Anderson: “At least for one year, Lee. At least for one year.” (Solar panel lights flicker) ✯ Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Email him at Cover illustration by Don Lee.


Veterans deserve more respect from Kaptur N ot long ago, my opponent in Ohio’s 9th Congressional District race, Rep. Marcy Kaptur, used her Congressional website to take Republicans to task for not being “sensitive” about “the plight of unemployed returning veterans.” She was angry that the House of Representatives had rejected her proposed amendment to the 2013 budget. The amendment would have established a Veterans Job Corps, which she claims “would employ at least 20,000 veterans over five years in projects to preserve and restore America’s national parks, state parks, and other public lands.” This idea may sound good on paper. But it ignores several important questions that involve sensitivity, common sense and responsible government. No. 1: Who was being more sensitive, thoughtful and responsible here? House Republicans who want to reduce out-of-control federal spending, borrowing and deficits — and reduce the size and intrusiveness of a federal bureaucracy that has become a massive legal and regulatory drag on our economy and job creation? Or an out of touch Democrat politician who is determined to keep borrowing, spending and growing our government — and who rejects our veterans’ military backgrounds and wants to turn

them into federally employed land- percent. Our economic growth needs to get back to 4 or 5 percent a year, scapers and groundskeepers? Is Kaptur suggesting that the every year. For that to happen, military training and government needs to stop hands-on experience borrowing and spending our veterans acquired the money the private during their time in sersector needs — the money vice isn’t good enough? private businesses would Or that these jobs are the invest in new equipment, best they should expect? new hires and new ideas Or does she just not refar better than governspect their service and Samuel training? WURZELBACHER ment ever can. Government also needs to stop Kaptur and her camtaxing and regulating paign staff certainly don’t respect my own military training. everything in sight, dragging our That’s obvious from the way they economy down, far too often for no call me a “faux” plumber. Are all our health or environmental benefit. Congress and the federal buother veterans “fake” in their jobs too? Kaptur’s campaign has denied reaucracy also need to stop wasting my military experience several times taxpayer money on worthless before, each time proving that she fake-energy wind, solar and algae and her staff don’t respect veterans schemes — and start letting companies drill again for oil and gas that and our military experience. This lack of respect goes a power our economy and create real long way toward explaining why jobs and revenues. Just over the past few years, oil Kaptur is so willing to turn this nation’s soldiers into landscapers and natural gas “fracking” on state and groundskeepers, when instead and federal lands created 600,000 they could be transitioning to pro- jobs! It generated real energy that we ductive civilian lives in trades for can use, and billions of dollars in revwhich they have already received enue! And here Kaptur is upset that training. Heck, a few might even the House rejected her proposal to borrow more money to create a lousy make pretty good plumbers. No. 2: What this nation needs 20,000 menial jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor — and what our veterans need, so that they can find good jobs — is an Statistics, “young male veterans” beeconomy that is growing. Last year, tween the ages of 18 and 24 had an growth didn’t even reach a lousy 2 unemployment rate of 29.1 percent

last year. Non-veteran males in the same age group had “only” a 17.6 percent unemployment rate — which is also intolerable, insensitive and unnecessary. It’s clear that America is in a crisis — which almost everyone outside of Washington, D.C., realizes. Kaptur, along with most other Washington politicians and bureaucrats, however, is isolated and insulated from this crisis. Both they and we should all be asking: Why are veterans, with all their training and experience, so much worse off than non-veterans, after having served and sacrificed so much for their country? And how much longer can we tolerate this destructive situation? Yes, Congress has tried repeatedly (and failed repeatedly), to “fix” the unemployment problem. But little has been accomplished beyond partisan bickering and political grandstanding. While our political “heroes” keep talking about unemployment, America’s real heroes continue returning home to live it. We need to focus on getting excessive government out of the way, so that the private sector can create jobs for our veterans and the millions of other Americans who so desperately want to work again. A soldier understands one thing above all others: results. Congress, as history continues to prove, doesn’t understand this concept. Worse, too many politicians keep coming up

with crazy ideas that they think will get them votes — when what they will really do is make sure the problems remain unsolved. They obviously have no clue what they’re doing. Veterans deserve better than a 29 percent unemployment rate. Veterans deserve better than politicians who don’t respect what they went through and what they learned from military life. Veterans deserve respect, and an appreciation for what they’ve done for their country. Most of all, veterans deserve to be represented in Washington by people who understand and respect what they did, what they do, what they know and what they have to offer their country when their military service is over. ✯

Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher is a Republican candidate for Congress in Ohio’s 9th Congressional District. Wurzelbacher rose to national fame as “Joe the Plumber” when he challenged then-candidate Barack Obama on his plans to increase taxes for the middle class. Since 2008, Wurzelbacher has spoken nationally in support of bluecollar workers, encouraging voters to get engaged in the political process. Learn more at www. Editor’s Note: Rep. Marcy Kaptur has also been invited to submit guest columns to Toledo Free Press.


MAY 6, 2012

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Nicole K. Slawinski Rachel E. Slomka Holly L. Small Welton P. Smaw Benjamin M. Smieszek Dustin P. Smith Emily M. Smith Jacqueline K. Smith John K. Smith McKenzie L. Smith Lindsay R. Solether Elizabeth K. Sopkovich Misty L. Sorg Christen E. Souders Crystal L. Spain Margie A. Sparks Albert R. Specht Jacob D. Spettle Cory L. Spoerl Kayla R. Sprague Brandon S. Stacey Kelsey M. Stachowiak Julie M. Stahl Racquel L. Stallworth Paula A. Stambaugh Barry A. Stamper David O. Stanford Marisa D. Stevens John S. Stewart Lisa M. Stewart Jeremy C. Stiles MaryEllen T. Stine Robert J. St. John Romee D. St. John Charisma M. Stokes Erica R. Stone Logan A. Strack Charlotte A. Straub Jacob A. Strayer Alexa R. Stroud Traci D. Studer Katlyn E. Sugg Lauren R. Sugg Noelle N. Sullivan Mike K. Sumpter Steph R. Suter Brittany M. Sutherland Shanna R. Sutter Brittany R. Suwinski Erica R. Talley Larry J. Taylor Shelly L. Taylor Brent E. Thielen Deborah L. Thomasson Ryan R. Thompson Kristi L. Tiell Samantha H. Tolson John A. Toth Kristen M. Treen Michelle Tremmel Maria D. Trevino Austin N. Trychel Chelsea M. Turco

Congratulations to 803 Owens Community College graduates, who join more than 31,000 alumni in earning an associate’s degree. Since 1965, the majority of Owens graduates have remained in the community and contributed by working, paying taxes, voting and raising a family. Their investment in education is a mark of the confidence they have in Northwest Ohio. Thank you graduates!

■ A5

Ryan L. Turner Tiffany L. Tyner Brett E. Vaillant Alicia C. VanDenk Nicole M. VanNess Elizabeth A. Vary Andrew J. Vascik Roberto Velasquez Clarissa E. Voorhees Christy L. Walen Dawn M. Walker Sabrina N. Walker Tamika E. Walker Nikoy R. Wallace Nathan M. Walter Tara S. Warnke Mark A. Wasserman Zachary A. Wasserman Elizabeth E. Watkins Megan C. Watson Desiree A. Weidner Jennifer Welling Clara M. Welsh Trevor M. Wenninger Jacob M. West Scott A. West Nathaniel D. Weyandt Lisa M. Whitacre Heather N. Whitcomb Kate A. Wigman Catherine R. Wilcox Olivia K. Wilcox Rebecca F. Willcox Evan Willee Ashley I. Williams Corine E. Williams DeAnna M. Williams Fanell E. Williams Tiffany N. Williams Amy L. Williamson Neil R Wilson Emily A. Wineland Susan L Witte Brian K. Wolniewicz Krissada Wongsa Emily M. Wood Derrick T. Woodward Bridget A. Wright Jerome J. Yoder Caroline M. Young Linda S. Young Nicole L. Young Edelmira J. Ysasi Alecia R. Zaper Matthew S. Zimmerman Robert F. Zimmerman



MAY 6, 2012



This is a story about a woman who did not get help. She did not ask for help. Some hypothesize that she did not want help. No one around her was required to help. Not the neighbors. Not the apartment complex management. Not the maintenance staff. Carlene McNeil spent the last weeks of her life holed up in her apartment at Pelham Manor — a rental housing complex that caters to low-income individuals who are 62 years old or older — with no working light bulbs. A broken toilet seat. Trash heaped all over the floor, some of it stained with blood. No sheets on her mattress. Her 5-foot-9-inch frame had withered to 85 pounds. Each room at Pelham Manor has a pull cord for emergencies. McNeil did not pull that cord. The management encourages residents to hang a sign on their doorknob at night. Someone will check on them if the sign still hangs by 11 a.m. the next day, according to the tenant handbook. McNeil did not use that sign. The neighbors noticed newspapers piling up at her doorstep. They noticed that she looked ill when they saw her in the laundry room. They visited the front desk multiple times asking the staff to check on her. But the staff could not, said Eileen Gates, director of Pelham Manor. They could call to ask if she was all right. They did once and she said she was fine. They tried again a couple of days later and left a message. They tried a third time before they went to her room and forced themselves inside to find her dead at age 79 on March 6.

Standards A social worker at the complex, located at 2700 Pelham Road, typically meets with each resident in her office to educate them about services. A nurse stops by every Monday to check blood sugar and pressure and to make referrals. But if a resident doesn’t ask for help, there’s not much the management can do, Gates said. Privacy is the primary concern. “They don’t want to feel like they’re living in a nursing home,” Gates said. The staff can enter apartments if they suspect trash is building up, she said. Policy states that the staff may also conduct unannounced inspections to respond to complaints

of “strong odors, evidence of rodent or insect infestation, appearance of water, or other cues that signal unsanitary or unsafe conditions.” The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designates the site as an approved Section 8 facility, meaning that many of its residents are HUD subsidized and the apartment complex must adhere to a set of standards. The owner of the property is responsible for enforcing the terms of the lease regarding “decent, safe and sanitary” housing. But the owners are not responsible for problems within a resident’s unit that are not reported to management between inspections. Section 8 sites are inspected every one to three years. Pelham Manor has passed all of its inspections going back several years, said Laura Feldman, spokeswoman for Region 5 of HUD, which includes Toledo. “We’d never expect someone to live in anything not sanitary,” Gates said. “But we could have evicted [McNeil] because of her housekeeping.” She said McNeil did not make maintenance requests and would seldom let anyone enter her apartment. Even when the maintenance staff brought bedbug-sniffing dogs to each unit, McNeil refused to let them in, Gates said. The only time anyone from the management could enter her apartment was during annual inspections. The few times the maintenance worker saw the interior of McNeil’s apartment, he mentioned to the office how dirty her space had become but Gates said she thought he was exaggerating. She had a “really strange living style,” Gates said, pointing out that McNeil had no furniture and slept on a pad on a floor for much of her time at Pelham Manor. She didn’t have a bed for years.

Self-neglect McNeil’s neighbor Charon Adams questioned where the line should be drawn. “The privacy rule is fine with healthy, young residents,” Adams said. Adams had noticed something amiss with her neighbor. McNeil had stopped taking the bus to go shopping and had stopped leaving her apartment. She had attended a group once every three weeks in which members would gather to educate each other about history, art, music, education or science. She stopped going to those, too. But even when she was healthier, when her friends would come visit her,

she’d either meet them in the laundry room or ask them to wait outside for her, said her friend Genie Waggoner, who participates in the group. This case is not all that unusual, said Emilie Owens, vice president of nutrition and wellness at the Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio. When older adults begin to have problems, their reaction is often to conceal it. If unable to maintain cleanliness in their dwelling, they might become ashamed and reclusive so others remain unaware. Hoarding can even become a source of comfort for some older adults who do not have close family or friends, Owens said. “They accumulate lots of stuff and that becomes what they have a relationship with,” Owens said. Or, Owens said, older adults who have spouses may cover for each other. For example, if grandma falls ill, grandpa might agree to lie to family members about her well-being. But for the peers and family who see through these attempts, there is Adult Protective Services (APS). Selfneglect is the most reported type of elder abuse or neglect in the county. The county agency took 448 suspicion of self-neglect calls from July 2010 through June 2011, compared to 105 calls reporting abuse by others, 121 reporting exploitation by caregivers and 171 regarding neglect by others. About half of the self-neglect calls come in from neighbors, peers, family members or church friends, while the other half come from people who are mandated by law to report if they witness the problem, such as police officers or social workers, said Barbara Van Wormer, senior services coordinator for APS. Within three days of receiving a call, an agent visits the person in question at his or her home. If that person won’t allow the agent to enter, APS can obtain a court permit. Then, the agent must assess whether the individual has the capacity to make decisions and the ability to carry them out. If not, APS must link that person to services that will help. This could be as minimal as coordinating with an in-home care provider to visit regularly to clean or cook. Or, APS might deem that the individual needs to move into a nursing home. If the individual resists, APS works with court to obtain a mandate. “The question is at what point is it OK for the government to say it’s not OK to live the way you’re living anymore?” Van Wormer said. She said 189 of the self-neglect calls from 2010 — 2011 were vali-


Death raises questions of elderly self-neglect


dated. Most of the adults APS investigates are between 72 and 83 years old. And most are women. Typical signs that should evoke concern include whether the older adult is losing weight, withdrawing from hobbies or interests, appearing less well-kept than usual or emitting strange odors, she said.

Independence and privacy Gates said she hasn’t had to report to APS because most of the residents at Pelham Manor have family who intervene if necessary. And although the coroner’s report described McNeil as “emaciated,” Gates said the resident’s appearance was impeccable. “I’ve heard stories where they had no idea that the person was sick or having problems until after the person passes away and then they find bandages or pads and whatever it is to make what was happening to them a secret,” Owens said. What is the crux of this behavior? “People think, no matter what, they have to manage things on their own,” Owens said. “Everyone has this

irrational fear of nursing facilities — they would rather live like that instead of going to one.” She cited a perception among older adults that moving into an assisted living facility is somehow giving in, or that asking for help is a sign of failure to “age successfully.” Some older adults who are healthy and take care of themselves sometimes shun those who cannot, she said. Refusing to admit to frailties is an attempt to reject that sense of failure, she said. Even if that older adult is showing the signs, peers are often hesitant to say anything. These reactions — whether you’re the neighbor or the older adult concealing your troubles — are rooted in common American values. “We fought the Revolutionary War about independence — independence is extremely important in our culture,” Owens said. “And unfortunately sometimes it is the wrong thing in terms of protecting people. But you can’t protect someone from their own choices.” ■ SELF-NEGLECT CONTINUES ON A7



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An independent woman Waggoner, McNeil’s niece Julie McNeil and McNeil’s lifelong friend Bob Box said they thought someone at Pelham Manor should have kept a closer eye on McNeil. Julie contacted Toledo Free Press in March, asking that her aunt’s story be shared. Julie and her aunt had only recently began talking to each other again, after years of growing distant. But the pair had been close when Julie was a child, so she flew in from her New Hampshire home to take care of her aunt’s business after death. She was mortified. “Even if they’re not legally responsible — that’s not what I care about. The issue is how the heck did this happen?” Julie said. “I mean, at what point are you starving to death? She was obviously in that process. Wouldn’t you think that you’d keep an eye out for that stuff ?” Julie said the management should have noticed her aunt’s mail piling up for weeks, or the fact that she weighed 85 pounds. Julie insists her aunt must have looked unhealthy. But McNeil clung to her pride, Julie said. She remembers being 18 years old, sitting in McNeil’s dining room with her feet propped up on the chairs. Julie said her aunt “opened a whole new world for her” because she was the first person who told her that she could disagree with a book, or that she could question people and have her own opinions. She and McNeil would read the Sunday New York Times together and discuss world events. Raised in the 1930s in Toledo, McNeil attended Scott High School. She continued her education at the University of Toledo and moved to New York City shortly after she graduated. There,

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■ .A7


she became an editor at the Macmillan Publishing Company, Julie said. McNeil was an artist and an avid reader. Fiercely indepedent, she never married and never had children. But when her mother fell ill, she moved back to Toledo to take care of her. McNeil went back to the University of Toledo and earned a masters degree in education in 1976. She taught grade school in Genoa and later taught English at the University of Toledo, Julie said. She got involved in Waggoner’s group and regularly presented about Emily Dickinson, art history and other writers. Waggoner knew McNeil for years, but she didn’t know that she was struggling, she said. “For someone who is so well educated to end up like that — that goes for a lot of people who are alone today — that is a scary feeling,” Waggoner said. McNeil cashed out her retirement in 2003. She sold all of her valuables in 2004 and moved into Pelham Manor



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in 2006. The only piece of furniture she owned by that point was a table and chairs on loan from a friend. “This has taught me a lesson that I need to prepare, if you’re going to be alone,” Julie said. “We’re all going to get old and everyone we know is going to get old — it’s just that one would hope that one could do it more comfortably.” Box, who was best friends with McNeil’s brother since childhood, lives in Arizona. He visited Ohio occasionally, meeting McNeil for museum tours or lunches. He, too, said he had no idea that her living situation was in shambles. Box said her excuse for not inviting him into her apartment was always that she had not unpacked from the move, so the apartment was a mess. He said she didn’t have any close relatives nearby who could have been her caregiver or advocate and he questioned if that increased her vulnerability. He also questioned what the odds are that

elderly receive care they should receive. He said everyone failed her. “We must listen closely when one speaks and be aware of what body language might tell us,” Box said. “We all have a moral responsibility for one another’s welfare and when we cease to acknowledge this and act accordingly we are no longer a civilized society.” As Julie moved trash bags out of her aunt’s apartment, she found a book of poetry. Her aunt had marked a poem titled “What I Learned from My Mother.” Julie paused at the irony of its words in the context of her surroundings. “I learned from my mother how to love the living ... I learned to attend viewings even if I didn’t know the deceased, to press the moist hands of the living, to look in their eyes and offer sympathy, as though I understood loss even then ... To every house you enter, you must offer healing: a chocolate cake you baked yourself, the blessing of your voice, your chaste touch.” ✯


MAY 6, 2012

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■ A9

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MAY 6, 2012


Council debates domestic partner benefits proposal By Sarah Marie Thompson TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER

Toledo City Council spent a large portion of its May 1 meeting debating proposed legislation that would provide domestic partner benefits to City of Toledo employees. In an April 27 news conference, Mayor Mike Bell introduced the legislation, citing issues of fairness and equality as the reason for the proposal. “We talked about human resource hiring practices and how we need to be fair to everyone, we talked about affirmative action and how we need to be fair to everyone, but yet there are portions of our business actions that we currently have in place, that aren’t

necessarily fair to everyone,� Bell said. Council members who support the legislation, like Bell, also cited fairness and equality as the main reasons for their support. Council President Joe McNamara said this is a simple matter of promoting civil rights. “I feel like there is somewhat of a smoke screen being used around this issue, and I guess there are a lot of different perspectives on how you look at the matter. But from the way I look at it, there are employees of the City of Toledo that are actively being discriminated against because they choose to be in a relationship with someone of the same gender,� McNamara said. Councilman Steve Steel also argued for extending the rights. The City of Toledo would not be

+H\ 0RP FDQ , KDYH VRPH PLON PRQH\" A pretty common request, but one not everyone can fulďŹ ll. The Seagate Food Bank has placed milk cartons in participating businesses around town and is asking for a 45¢ donation. This will supply a child with a pint of milk during the summer months. If you see a spotted milk container drop in some loose change and help make sure kids will still get milk throughout the summer months.

'21$7,21 „

the first prominent employer in the area to provide these benefits to its employees. Lucas County, the University of Toledo, Owens Corning and

ProMedica offer benefits to domestic partners of their employees. The proposal was met with opposition from at least three council

members, who cited cost, timing and the city’s economic state as reasons for their opposition. ■BENEFITS CONTINUES ON A12

5HFRYHU\ $127+(5 )$&( 2)

My social work professors at UT are counting on me to make a big difference. There are so many people who live with depression, who self-medicate with street drugs and alcohol. People who grew up in squalor and took the only path they saw that seemed to bring success, dealing drugs. I know what it takes to break away from addiction and despair and rebuild from rock bottom, which is often homelessness. I know because that was my life before I got help. Today I’m a full-time student. I’ve spoken to audiences of 200-plus to share my story. Treatment does work, and people do recover. My name is Robert Peace.

Please support the businesses that support these neighborhood efforts!

For information about services in Lucas County call the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board:


MAY 6, 2012


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â– A11


A12 ■ TOLEDO FREE PRESS ■ BENEFITS CONTINUED FROM A10 Councilman Rob Ludeman cited recent collective bargaining deals as a reason he is against the proposal. “I find it sad and ironic that within 30 days of the finalization of the last bargaining hearing that now magically there appear some funds or some way to include another group of people in the benefits that were reduced by the bargaining units because we didn’t have the funds to run the city. I feel that is a bit of a slap in the face for those who bargain in good faith and good conscience,” Ludeman said. Councilman Tom Waniewski concurred with Ludeman, arguing that same-sex marriage is not recognized by the State of Ohio and therefore domestic partner benefits should not be offered in Toledo.

“This is not a smoke screen, and those of us who are against this legislation are not trying to put up a smoke screen. So please don’t confuse democracy with what our current laws are and what our obligations are to all tax-paying citizens,” Waniewski said. Although the benefits would be considered taxable income for employees, Councilman D. Michael Collins questioned the cost. The estimated cost to the City of Toledo could be as low as $52,000, or as high as $500,000, according to Public Information Officer Jen Sorgenfrei. The figures presented to counicl were rough estimates derived from the cost to other Ohio cities that provide the benefits. Council was clear on defining that eligibility will be granted to same-sex

and heterosexual couples so long as they meet the criteria outlined in the Toledo Municipal Code. Participating in the program will obligate couples to enroll in the Domestic Partner Registry. In December 2007, Toledo became the first major city in Ohio to create such a program, which currently has 167 couples enrolled.

MAY 6, 2012

To enroll, a notarized application form and fee must be submitted to the clerk of council. After the application is submitted, the couple receives a certificate acknowledging the partnership. As of 2012, an estimated 2,796 people work for the City of Toledo, which has a population of 287,208, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Bell said he expects roughly 2 per-

cent of those employed by the City of Toledo to partake in the program. After roughly 40 minutes of debate, Council decided to send the issue to committee. The issue will be heard at the Human Resources, Information Technology and Finance committee meeting, chaired by Councilman George Sarantou, at 4 p.m. May 30. ✯

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MAY 6, 2012



For Schyler Young, the 13-year-old daughter of Scott and Stacey Young, life is a wonderful adventure. Schyler is a huge Mud Hens fan, and although she is developmentally and cognitively delayed with vision and hearing problems, nothing stands in the way of her rooting for the Hens. “She can sit right up in front of the TV, with her face to the screen, and she can listen to the whole game,” her father said. “It makes her happy. It’s a bright light in her life.” And thanks to the Miracle League of Northwest Ohio, Schyler also enjoys playing baseball. Schyler is one of 70-plus special needs children who play an eight-week season at a baseball field about 500 yards behind Northwood Fire Department Station No. 1 in Northwood.

Take Me Out to the Ball Park Schyler’s baseball season was celebrated a few weeks ago when, on April 26, ProMedica hosted its fourth annual sports night, “Take Me Out to the Ball Park.” At the evening fundraiser attended by an estimated 270 people, former Detroit Tigers left fielder Willie Horton spoke about his life and the role baseball played in his development. “He talked about our organization a little bit and how worthwhile a project he thought it was,” said Jeff Barton, Miracle League of Northwest Ohio president. “He knows the role baseball played in his life. He knows the type of development sports plays in a child’s life.” Healthy lifelong development is important to ProMedica and the Miracle League organizations, said Janet Krzyminski, executive director of the Wildwood Orthopedic and Spine Hospital Foundation. One of ProMedica’s goals with the fundraiser was to “find a partner charity that met our mission, which is to promote health and well-being,” Krzyminski said. “[Our support of the Miracle League of Northwest Ohio] is not a one-time thing. We have made a commitment to work with the children who are served by the Miracle League. “Throughout the year, our employees will volunteer their time. This partnership helps our philanthropic mission, which is to promote volunteerism among our employees.”

The Miracle League The Miracle League of Northwest Ohio was established in 2005, when Barton was moved by the birth of his and his wife Lisa’s first child, Vincent, 6. At that time, Barton was working at a home for adults with mental retardation, where he said he witnessed the frustration of the parents of special needs adults who didn’t have many extracurricular activities in which they could participate. “I knew many of them growing up were never a part of a team, never played sports because they never had that opportunity,” Barton said. “So when my son was born, a healthy, typical kid, I started to think, ‘What if he was special needs?’ I would want him to have something to participate in, and one of those things I thought I’d want him to be involved in is baseball. It’s something I grew up with. “When you have a special needs child, it’s almost like having a fulltime job in itself, just in the care of that child. I didn’t think that just because I didn’t have a special needs child should prevent me from moving forward with this idea. Barton convinced his wife and some of their friends to join him in the project. “I had the time to pursue something like this,” Barton said. “Many of my friends who have special needs children say they would have done this a long time ago if they just had the time to devote to it. “And in many cases, they simply don’t. My wife and I were blessed with two healthy boys, and so we decided to do something for kids that want to play baseball that may not have the opportunity to do so.” The children in the program come from the Greater Toledo area, Oak Harbor, Findlay, Tiffin and Southeast Michigan. The special needs children in the program have both physical and cognitive disabilities. “Special needs can be a broad term,” Barton said. “What I tell people is, ‘Hey, if they’re, for whatever reason, not being included in typical leagues in their hometowns, they can come to the Miracle League and play. We don’t exclude anybody.” Participation in the baseball league is not limited to any one group of people. Barton’s children also play in the Miracle League. ■ MIRACLE CONTINUES ON A15


ProMedica partnership with Miracle League is big hit


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MAY 6, 2012

■ MIRACLE CONTINUED FROM A14 “I think it’s important for them to grow up around people that are different or are perceived to be different,” Barton said. “It’s good for them. They have a blast doing it anyway, so it’s a league for everybody. Inclusion is a big message with our league.” Scott Young said he appreciates

the volunteers who work with his daughter, especially baseball players from high schools like St. John’s Jesuit who volunteer their time and talents. Other volunteers involve themselves in fundraisers like the 5K run/ walk, which generates about $4,000 a year, and the golf outing, scheduled for June 8, which raises around $10,000 a year.

Although fundraising is an important activity of the Miracle League, the organization has been able to operate on a budget of just under $10,000 a year. Barton said it’s most important to focus on the special needs children. “It’s just about being a kid. A lot of kids grow up wanting to play sports, wanting to be included, wanting to be seen for their abilities. And that’s

Visit m

what this league allows them to do,” he said. “Rather than for these kids to be seen for their disabilities or their special needs, this league is a chance for them to come out and show people what they can do, and for a lot of them, it’s a thrill. “What I tell people is, ‘Just remember what it’s like when you were a kid growing up playing in sports leagues. Think how different you’d be today if you didn’t have those opportunities.’ “I talk to the friends I grew up with, and I say, ‘You remember when we played baseball or football. They cherish those moments. And that’s what we’re trying to provide to these kids — just some memories of something they did in their childhood that they can look back on fondly.” Barton is adamant that the Miracle League’s success is directly tied to ProMedica’s ongoing support. “ProMedica has been a great sup-

■ A15

porter of the Miracle League. I approached them in 2007. When we initially met with them, I had no money. I had no major sponsors,” Barton said. “I was just some guy trying to get this field built. But I knew I had to get some major supporters involved, and ProMedica took a risk with us. “When we got ProMedica’s support, things just seemed to fall into place. When they came on board with us, it gave us the legitimacy that we needed. They’ve been so great to work with, and we’re lucky to have them.” ProMedica officials reported that the “Take Me Out to the Ball Park” event raised about $90,000 through sponsorships, ticket purchases, silent and live auction proceeds and vendor community partnerships. The foundation’s board of directors will meet in late May to decide how much money ProMedica will donate to the Miracle League. ✯



MAY 6, 2012



Mike Langenderfer, owner of The Countertop Shop, credits his business’ best year ever, in 2011, with one simple decision. “We took a look at the recession and decided not to participate,” Langenderfer said. The shop’s success story is being featured in the June issue of Stone World, a trade magazine on stone usage. The store increased sales from 2010 to 2011 by 29 percent, something Langenderfer credits to the business’ superior customer service. “That’s pretty much how we’ve grown the business. We harp about customer service. One in a 100 times, [a phone call] will ever go to voicemail,” he said. The Countertop Shop is largely a family affair. Langenderfer’s wife Karen runs the administration, accounting and payroll while daughter Melissa orchestrates operations, scheduling and purchasing. Son Nick participates in the sales part of the operation. This isn’t the family’s first foray into business. In the late ’80s, the couple had a small sign company and later a cabinet company. In 2001, the Langenderfers bought a small countertop business and slowly began to phase out the cabinet side of the business by 2003. Langenderfer found that countertops were a unique business. “Countertops are not a need item. They’re a want. When people come in to buy a countertop, they’re here because they want to buy a countertop. They’ve already thought about it,” the owner said. The store offers an assortment of fabrication options from laminate to natural stone for wholesale, commercial and residential use. About 50 percent of business comes from remodeling, 25 percent from new homes and another 25 percent from light commercial work. Despite the store’s recent successes, 2009 was a different picture. The Countertop Shop had been a major retailer’s go-to place for custom countertops in the area, but in 2009, that company began having countertops


Countertop Shop ‘decided not to participate’ in recession


for the state made in Columbus. This resulted in a 25 percent loss of revenue for The Countertop Shop. In spite of the tough times and through persistence and customer service, the store largely rebounded. Langenderfer credits some of that to his flexibility with clients. “We try to be as flexible as possible and work with the customer,” he said, adding that means long days and working weekends.

The shop also carries superior brands. “Part of it is we offer the name brand counters,” Langenderfer said, adding however, “We’re in the business to sell countertops, we’re not in the business to sell a brand.” Even with 2011 being its best year ever, the store is already ahead of where it was financially last year at this time. “Our business has skyrocketed in the last couple months.

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We need more space. We need more help,” Langenderfer said of the shop that employs about 20 people. He said he is seriously considering moving to a bigger space near by and hiring five to six new people. Langenderfer, a former U.S. Marine captain, is also thrilled about his business’ inclusion in Stone World. “I’m excited about it. I get Stone World magazine every month and the

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best part is reading about other fabrication shops they get in there. That’s a big feather in our cap,” he said. The Countertop Shop is located at 10406 Geiser Road, Holland. For more information, visit the web site ✯ Toledo Free Press Senior Business Reporter Duane Ramsey contributed to this report.



MAY 6, 2012

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■ A17


Are you prepared for the homestretch?


Customer Appreciation at the



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t is absolutely amazing how long an hour is at the age of 10 years old. It seemed like while out playing with your childhood friends, time stood still. I (Mark) used to love to be out in the neighborhood playing a game of baseball or kick the can with all the kids from the neighborhood. If you were to be home by dark, it seemed like an eternity. Why is it that as you get older time seems to go by more quickly? I recently saw a stand-up bit by comedian Louie Anderson who was talking about aging. He observed that as we get older we start to move a lot slower, but everything else seems to move a lot quicker. Someone asked Louie at the end of

the day, what he did that day. “Is it over?” Louie replied. “Oh, nooooooooooooo! I had a bowl of soup! That’s about it.” Part of it is as children there is not a lot that is required of us. At that age we are Mark not very conscious of the clock like we are Nolan as adults. As we get older we come to the realization of what point we may be at in life. In our 40s maybe we are at the halfway point, 50s are well into the second half.

In our 60s, we start feeling really mortal. Are the 70s and 80s, homestretch? The sobering truth is, none of us are promised tomorrow. Many will never make it to what we think is a normal CLAIR life expectancy. The IRS expects a male BAKER to live approximately 87 years. Yet we know not everyone makes it that far. Every day, we hear of tragic occurrences of people dying at young ages. I am amazed sometimes

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that when a person dies that is in their 80’s or 90’s and their loved ones act like God has personally attacked them. I in no way am diminishing their grief, but I feel like if anyone makes it that far it is a blessing. What does the idea of retirement mean to you? As The Retirement Guys we talk to our clients about what we call a “mind shift.” A shifting of how we approach things in our younger years to how we should now approach things as we enter this new phase. Sometimes there is never this shift in thinking. The shift involves adjusting how you think about things like risk tolerance, rate of return, taxes, debt, income, etc. We as advisors think there should be a definite difference between how you think about these things in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, compared to your 60s and 70s and 80s. Here are a few pointers on what to be thinking about if you are approaching or are already in the retirement phase: 1. Identify potential sources of income. Look at savings, investments, pensions, social security, etc. Try to get a handle on what it will look like. Think about what level of income you will require. 2. Reassess your risk tolerance. Many times, levels of risk exposure are never reduced. The older you get the safer you should be with your money. 3. Pay down any remaining debt. It will be a load off your mind and free up more dollars from your income stream to be enjoyed. 4. Have a tax analysis done. Taxes may be a big issue during retirement especially if you have accumulated the bulk of your savings in retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401(k). This money has never been taxed and you will have to deal with it sooner or later. 5. Get out and enjoy life! Time is short so do not wait. For more information on what to think about, you can go to and request The Complete Retirement Toolkit. ✯



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For more information about The Retirement Guys, tune in every Saturday at 1 p.m. on 1370 WSPD or visit www. Securities and Investment Advisory Services are offered through NEXT Financial Group Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. NEXT Financial Group, Inc. does not provide tax or legal advice. The Retirement Guys are not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group. The office is at 1700 Woodlands Drive, Suite 100, Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 842-0550.



MAY 6, 2012


When to take a profit on a holding R

ecently, I was asked when one should take a profit on a holding. Although this is a fairly simple question there are several answers that might be applicable depending on your circumstances or goals. There is an old saying, and I don’t know who to attribute it to, but the saying goes, “You never go broke taking a profit.� If you have a decent profit on a particular holding there is nothing wrong with locking in that profit and realizing the gains. Of course, there are tax consequences to take into consideration, which I will not go into here, but are important nonetheless. Studying the technicals and the fundamentals are what come into play when deciding the timing on when to take a profit. Last week we talked about the price to earnings, or P/E ratio and the importance of this number when evaluating the price of a holding. As the price of a stock moves up, the price in relation to the earnings becomes greater and hence more expensive. If the P/E ratio is creeping up and the forward financials indicate

a slowing in the earnings, or even flat earnings, you might want to take the profit. Another strategy for those unsure whether to sell or not is to sell off a partial position and keep the remainder. This is like having your cake and eating it too, but it does provide a compromise on whether to sell today. Often we take the profit off the holding Gary L. and invest it into another holding. This helps to diversify a portfolio and spread the risk further. Options are a little more complicated method of locking in the profit of a holding. You can simply purchase a “put� at a set price that will lock in the profit. The purchase price of the “put� can reduce the overall profit you make on the holding but it does give you flexibility in the timing and pricing of a sale. (Many of the option strategies employed are “cashless�

meaning there is no out-of-pocket cost to the investors). Most investment advisers don’t invest or use options since they are complicated and require diligence in using them, but they are very useful and offer a tremendous amount of protection. A contrarian attitude of when to sell is when everyone else is buying. If the volume starts to pick RATHBUN up significantly it may be time to get out and take the gain. Generally, once the media starts to sing the praises of a company and how well it has done recently, it’s time to get out and into something else. Finally, a good indicator of when to get out is if the insiders are selling. If the CEO or other top executives are selling their shares they probably know something you don’t and you might want to follow their lead. This is public information and readily available for anyone who knows where to look.


A contrarian attitude of when to sell is when everyone else is buying ... Generally, once the media starts to sing the praises of a company and how well it has done recently, it’s time to get out and into something else.� Many factors go into deciding if and when to sell a holding. For example, a change in the company’s

product line, a change in the competition’s product line, foreign competition or the costs of production, and the overall economy and spending habits of the consumer. I never get emotionally attached to a holding and if there is a profit, I generally take it and move on. You never miss an opportunity because there is always another one coming along. I am also never opposed to buying back into a stock if the numbers change and it looks like I can make a profit again. Remember ‌ you never go broke taking a profit! âœŻ Gary L. Rathbun is the president and CEO of Private Wealth Consultants, LTD. He can be heard every day at 4:06 p.m. on WSPD 1370 AM’s “After the Bellâ€? with Brian Wilson and the Afternoon Drive, and every Wednesday and Thursday evening throughout Northern Ohio on “Eye on Your Money.â€? He can be reached at (419) 842-0334 or email him at garyrathbun@privatewealth


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MAY 6, 2012

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■ A19


News of economy’s demise greatly exaggerated


ther than the suffering of that the premises of his 401(k) plans. economic outlook are Not many people unflawed. No, the dollar derstand that the 401(k) isn’t going to collapse; plan is relatively new. no, people aren’t going The idea emerged from to be living on farms and a provision in Internal forced to grow their own Revenue Code that came food; no, ammunition into being in 1978 — so should not be the cor401(k)s are still in their nerstone in a successful Dock David TREECE infancy, and are conretirement plan. tinuing to evolve. The future looks bright During the 34 year history of the for the economy and the world’s financial markets, and that’s something we 401(k), the U.S. stock market hasn’t can all appreciate after the lost decade really made any substantial gains for that we’ve just suffered. In fact, what roughly 12 of those years. Of course, we’re just now emerging from has it also hasn’t helped that the evolution truly been the perfect storm for baby of such employer-sponsored plans has moved largely in the wrong direction. boomer retirements. The past 10-15 years have seen For a strong example, look no furretirement plans limit investment options, mostly with broad blended funds as opposed to sector-focused investments. More recently, target date funds have become popular, although few people understand their inner workings. All of this has been done in an attempt to “dumb down” retirement plans for employees, but in the end all the padding has stunted 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. investors’ account growth. Admission! The last serious drawback, which is thankfully nearing an expedient correction, is the lack of transparency in Audio/Visual Center employer-sponsored plans. Many em30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg ployers have historically had no idea

hough it’s been the major topic of discussion in our articles and radio spots for the past several weeks, we feel obliged remind investors of the climb in stock prices that has led them back to pre-crash highs. Why do we feel obliged, curious readers may inquire? It’s simply because despite their recent success, which flies in the face of a pessimistic investing public and doomsday commentators, stocks continue their ascent. Clearly the markets know something that neither media pundits nor the average investor do. Time and again I’ve written that things are looking up for the US economy, and therefore the markets as well. It seems futile at this point, but we’ll remind Glenn Beck yet again

,W·V WKH QG $QQXDO ,W·V WKH QG $QQXDO 1: 2KLR 6DIHW\ +HDOWK 'D\ 1: 2KLR 6DIHW\ +HDOWK 'D\\ Wednesday, May 16


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A company might get an annual check-up from a low-level “account executive,” but they aren’t meeting with anyone who can provide any real insight, much less any kind of read on where the economy is headed.” what they were truly paying for plans. Now, due to a change in disclosure rules that takes effect this summer, many employers are just now finding out — and very few are happy. Most are realizing that they’ve been overpaying and that they’ve been getting terrible service considering the fees that are built into their plans. For most plans, employees have been forced to deal with 800 numbers and automated answering systems. Sure, a company might get an annual checkup from a low-level “account ex-

ecutive,” but they aren’t meeting with anyone who can provide any real insight, much less any kind of read on where the economy is headed. In other words, they’re never meeting with those actually responsible for managing their money, nor are they getting any information that can help them make decisions themselves. They are flying blind. And that’s why we produce our endless stream of columns, radio spots, TV interviews, podcasts and so on. Our firm manages money for both individual and institutional clients (like 401(k) plans), but for those who choose not to use us, we hope to at least provide some guidance on where the world is heading, so investors can make somewhat informed decisions on their own. After all, that’s certainly more than they’ll get in an annual afternoon of glad-handing with a representative of their 401(k) provider. ✯ Dock David Treece is a partner with Treece Investment Advisory Corp ( and is licensed with FINRA through Treece Financial Services Corp. He provides expert content to numerous media outlets. The above information is the express opinion of Dock David Treece and should not be construed as investment advice or used without outside verification.


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MAY 6, 2012


Sip and cycle at Fête d’EtÊ wine dinners


or some of us, the words “bike tourâ€? bring to mind impossibly lean cyclists bent over impossibly slender racing bikes, gritting their teeth as they power up steep inclines and steering to avoid crashes on the way down. But imagine a different kind of bike tour, one in which participants kibitz about the delicious appetizer and perfectly paired wines they’ve just enjoyed, as they ride on to another restaurant for their next course. Sound like your kind of tour? Then oil up your bike and get your ticket for the FĂŞte d’EtĂŠ, a pedaling progressive dinner featuring the wines of Anne Amie Winery in Willamette Valley, Ore. Touted as being “unlike any dinner you’ve ever ridden,â€? the FĂŞte d’EtĂŠ — French for “festival

“The event has been embraced of summerâ€? or “summer partyâ€? by the restaurants in each commu— will take place in four cities on nity,â€? Mahler said. “Everyone has consecutive nights, starting in Ann worked together to bring a freshArbor on May 14. The event will ness and energy to a format that can then move on to Toledo, Cleveland often seem stuffy or intimidating.â€? and Columbus. Thomas Houseman and The FĂŞte d’EtĂŠ puts a new spin on Kimberly McLeod, Anne Amie’s the traditional winemaker’s dinner, winemaker and national sales typically a straightforward evening manager, respectively, will be featuring a multicourse meal and Amy CAMPBELL riding along and educating diners matched wines all in one place. Adam Mahler, president of Ampelography Wine on the wine at each stop. Cost of the event is $75 all inclusive, and each Marketing and local organizer of the event, said the change of format was meant to liven things up and rider will receive a FĂŞte d’EtĂŠ T-shirt designed by reacquaint participants with their cities’ landscapes. Toledo’s Glass Wear. Rides will be no more than

seven miles round trip. Participants must provide their own bicycles, and each ride begins at 6 p.m. The FĂŞte d’EtĂŠ schedule is: âœŻ May 14, Ann Arbor: Vinology, Sava’s, The Earle, Palio. âœŻ May 15, Toledo: The Toledo Museum of Art, Mancy’s Steak House, Real Seafood Co., Rockwell’s at the Oliver House, Registry Bistro. âœŻ May 16, Cleveland: Flying Fig, Fat Cats, Ginko, Noodlecat, SOHO Kitchen & Bar. âœŻ May 17, Columbus: Barrel & Bottle, Alana’s, Till, Rigsby’s Kitchen. Tickets can be purchased at www.anneamie. com/biketour. Tours are limited to 30 cyclists, so early reservations are encouraged. âœŻ

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MAY 6, 2012

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â– A21


The size of the piece was probably the biggest challenge, Mack said. The panel consists of three sections of glass, each weighing up to 300 pounds. After two failed attempts to cast the From the shape of the trees to the architectural details on the facade, a pieces in the kilns at TMA, the team new glass installation at the Toledo enlisted the help of Babcock Design Museum of Art (TMA) features Studio in Saline, Mich., which has larger nearly an exact replica of the mu- kilns. Each section spent two weeks in the kiln before being cooled gradually seum’s main building. Created in commemoration of to prevent cracking or shattering. J o e l the building’s O’Dorisio, an 100th anniverart instructor for sary, the 9-footBowling Green wide, 34-inchState Univerhigh glass panel sity’s Chapman is the result of Learning Comthe collaboramunity, helped tive effort of a Patterson build host of area the mold used to MACK PATTERSON craftsmen, pricast the glass. marily TMA’s “They spent a lot of time Glass Studio Manager Jeff taking clay and foam and Mack, Glass Studio Asbuilding up the correct sistant Manager Doug shapes to make the mold the Patterson and 3-D Studio glass was going to be made Manager Hans Ruebel. from, shaping and pushing The piece, accented with and pulling with tiny little bronze and glass elements, was tools to get the clay into the recently installed in the newly RUEBEL exact shape but in reverse of renovated Museum CafĂŠ, crewhat you see,â€? Ruebel said. ating a dividing wall between O’Dorisio said he enjoyed the the ordering area and dining area. The shape of the museum is formed by nega- technical challenge. “It was an opportunity for me tive space inside the glass. “We pitched the idea of doing a to work on a piece on a scale that is negative relief form of glass, so the really pretty rare for the material,â€? shape of the museum would be dic- O’Dorisio said. “It was an honor for tated by the void,â€? Patterson said. me to be chosen by the museum to “People like how it changes color. It help them realize this piece. It put my sort of shifts color in the light and by skills as an artist to the test.â€? Another challenge was conthe angle you look at it and the time of day. Depending on when you come structing a base strong enough to support the 1,000-pound panel. The in here, it can look gold, blue, green.â€? By Sarah Ottney



Replica of TMA honors building’s 100th anniversary


base was constructed at TMA by Ruebel with assistance from Physical Plant Manager Paul Bernard and the maintenance department. Ruebel also designed and assembled the bronze trees for the piece. “It was a challenge just putting all the parts together and getting it assembled,� Mack said. “Moving and installing 300-pound pieces of glass is not an easy task.� The assembly was done at TMA by

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TMA staff, but the creation process involved the efforts of many people. Toledo Sign Co. cut the intricate tree shapes out of bronze. Uroboros Glass of Portland, Ore., donated all the casting glass. Glass for the tree boughs came from Bullseye Glass Co., also in Portland. Interstate Commercial Glass & Door Inc. of Northwood helped install the piece. “So many people were involved together in this one project,� Ruebel






said. “It was a real collaboration of many, many people.â€? All four artists said they are proud of the finished project. “I’m really excited about it. There’s such amazing detail in it,â€? O’Dorisio said. “There’s really only a few people who could do this piece and only a few places where it could be done. Just a lot of skills from a lot of different craftsmen came together to be put into that piece. I think it looks great.â€? âœŻ

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MAY 6, 2012


Church worshippers to flock to Huntington Center By Vicki L. Kroll TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER

It wasn’t too long ago that Eric Church was playing bars and clubs. That’s when he started wearing that black cap and those sunglasses. “The band, it was kind of a joke, they started calling me ‘Chief ’ because I’ve got those mirrored, kind of police shades, and it became a nickname that stuck,” he said. “They didn’t know that was my grandpa’s nickname; he was chief of police for 35 years in the town I grew up in. “And I just loved how without them knowing it, it was always his nickname and it became my nickname naturally. And it was fitting when it came time to title this record. It paid homage to the live show, but it also paid homage to what he meant to me.” While he has several pairs of shades, there’s only one hat. “There’s just something about the hat. I found it at a truck stop, and I’ve never seen another one. I’ve thought if I lose the hat, the career’s over,” the country singer joked during a call from Nashville. Church’s career has skyrocketed since his third disc, “Chief,” debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Top 200 last year. “It’s like all of a sudden somebody flipped a switch and you’re headlining and in our case filling out arenas,” he said. “It’s been overwhelming at times to see the number of people out there and think about what we came from and how fast we got to where we are in the last year’s time.” Church will bring his Blood, Sweat & Beers Tour to Huntington Center for a 7:30 p.m. concert May 10. Brantley Gilbert, who sings “Country Must Be


Country Wide,” will open. Remaining tickets range from $32.75 to $40.50. “Drink in My Hand,” the second single from “Chief,” became the North Carolina native’s first No. 1 song. “It’s amazing how few people can see the stage from my vantage point; from my vantage point, I get to see the crowd — they get to see me, but I get to see them, and there are certain songs that they’re amazingly coordinated with their beers. They’ll go left, they’ll go right, it’s almost synchronized, and sometimes it’s humorous to see,” Church said. “We came off stage and one of the songwriters in the group said, ‘Why don’t we just put a drink in their hand?’ and the song was born basically from just watching the crowd.” “Springsteen” is based on the country star’s first amphitheater concert. “I was around 15, 16 years old, and you know it’s the first time you don’t go to a concert with your parents. You spread a blanket up on the lawn, you buy the cheap tickets, you’re involved with whatever buddies are up there, you’re not old enough to drink beer so you’re borrowing beer from the people on the lawn,” he recalled. “There was a big group of us, but there was a girl I had my eye on, and it ended up being a night that we hung out, we talked and got to know each other. And we didn’t last very long, but till this day when I hear that artist’s songs, I think about her. “And for me, it was not Bruce Springsteen; I’ll never say who my artist is because I want everybody to have their own artist. I picked Springsteen as the palette for the song because of how Bruce defined an era. Chances are from 1980 to 1989, Bruce was probably your guy in America, and I love the way he built his career. I love his songwriting.” The 35-year-old also loves oldschool country — and rock. “You couldn’t be a child of the ’80s like I was and not listen to rock n’ roll — AC/DC, Metallica, even stuff like Iron Maiden, Pantera,” he said. So it’s fitting Church will play Metallica’s Orion Music + More Festival in June. “I’m excited and a little bit apprehensive, ” he said. “We’re the only country act in there. It’s a great honor; I’m flattered to do it. I just hope they don’t kill me.” The country outlaw is used to going his own way. “I was proud with ‘Homeboy’ when ‘Chief ’ debuted No. 1 in the world. ‘Homeboy’ was a pretty deep song; it wasn’t by any stretch an easy radio hit, and we decided for that reason it was

the first single off the record. I wanted people to know we didn’t change what we did, and we still had the No. 1 record in the world,” he said.

“We actually made music that said something; we made music that took a stand. And those things still work even when everybody said they

wouldn’t. You can still have a career; you can still sell records; you can still sell tickets by doing something a little bit different.” ✯


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MAY 6, 2012



my day-to-day life has been anything but lowly and insignificant. In direct contradiction to being defined as “unskilled,” the “menial” jobs (I prefer just the term “jobs”) I have held over the

years have actually provided me with a vast and varied skill set that I no doubt utilize on a daily basis. Newspaper Delivery: My first job, which was greatly aided in the

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Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.–9 p.m.

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manual labor department by my par- your work demands you get yourself up ents and our station wagon, was de- and ready to face the world at 3:30 in livering newspapers. At 7 years old, I the morning. This insight was especially was learning about my neighborhood, helpful as I began my nine years and counting of not sleeping money, customer service through the night, aka and problem solving. child rearing. Beyond just figuring out Pizza delivery: Perwho gets a paper which haps no pizza place day and what to do when lesson was as great as the the wind blows 20 newsmorning my manager papers down the street, decided five minutes I was also learning to into the day that pizzainteract with the world making might no longer around me. As I perbe for him. What do you formed my monthly Shannon SZYPERSKI do in life when pizza money collection duties, orders are coming in, I would listen to stories about the house that is now our his- you’re the only person in the joint and torical museum back when it was just you’ve never made a pizza before? You another stop on my paper route. In fact, teach yourself to make pizzas, and fast. Child care: After a stint in child I experienced many a wonderful visit care followed by a stint in college, I fiwith many a wonderful person. Umpire: Long before I started nally knew what I wanted to be when I my homemaking empire (OK, it’s grew up — a mother. As much as I enactually just the one home), I was joyed it, all of the geography and coma T-ball umpire. Even though I was puter programming and philosophy only calling “safe” and “out,” and and anthropology couldn’t compete in not yet balls and strikes, the chal- the least with aiding the growth prolenges associated with producing cess of another human being. As my children dream about what fair judgments still became rather obvious rather quickly. The real- they might like to be someday, I can’t ization that it is a difficult job also help but be most excited for their foray brought to light the importance of into those earliest jobs, the ones they will respecting authority as I took my likely toil the hardest in, take the most first turn as a person in such a posi- away from and use to build the broadest tion. Accurate record keeping and foundation for everything else they will dressing properly for weather con- ever do in life. My wish for them is that ditions also came as quick, albeit they find meaning it that which is considered menial, for anything you do that less interesting, lessons. Grocery store: I started out on you can learn from and carry with you the register, where I honed all of those is a worthwhile pursuit. ✯ minor math skills and major interpersonal skills I had been practicing since Shannon and her husband, Michael, childhood. As I moved into the bakery are raising three children in Sylvania. Edepartment, I learned that sometimes mail her at

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A+ SELF STORAGE AT 1324 W. ALEXIS TOLEDO, OH 43612 WILL OFFER FOR PUBLIC SALE AT 3:30PM ON MAY 29, 2012 THE FOLLOWING UNITS: Unit 120, Zakia Wappner 824 Woodland Toledo, oh. 43607: End Tables, Entertainment Stand, Plants; Unit 621, Brenda Pitchford 5685 Lakeview Newport, MI 48166: TV, Vacuum, Storage Tubs; Unit 722, Devon M. Cumberland 334 Winthrop St. Toledo Ohio 43620: Dresser, Boxes, Storage Tubs; Unit 815, Paul Gauthier 5956 Roseland AVE Monroe, Mi 48161: Chest of Drawers, Boxes, Bags; Unit 843, Mindy Baker 126 Pasadena Blvd. Toledo oh 43612: TV; Unit 1005, Michelle Carter 1333 Brooke Park Dr. Apt. #3 Tol. Ohio 43612: Dining Room Table, Bicycle, Boxes; Unit 1104, Timothy A. Smith 409 Burbank Dr Toledo OH 43607: End Table, TV, Sofa; Unit 1306, Andrea Welch 5338 Sandra Toledo OH 43613: TV, Boxes, Toys; Unit 1504, Sylvester Jones 1106 Waverly St. Toledo, OH. 43607: Tv’s, Bicycles, Storage Tubs; Unit 1714, Michele Tomczak 1933 Alexes Rd. Toledo, OH 43612: Sofa, Loveseat, TV; Unit 1903, Koren A. Gibson 1322 Brookepark #6 Toledo OH 43612: Fire Place Mantel; Unit 1914, Khadijah Cook-Worden 519 New York St Apt #2 Toledo, OH 43611: Car Seat, Exersaucer, Boxes. Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400

TAKE VIAGRA? Viagra 100mg, Cialis 20mg.40 pill+ 4 FREE, only $99.00. #1 Male Enhancement, discreet shipping. Save $500.00 1-877595-1022

Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 10:00am. 5811 Woodville Rd. (St. Rt. 51) Northwood, OH (Located 2mi. South of I-280 on Woodville Rd. (St. Rt. 51) to auction) SELLING AT 10:30AM!! SEMI TRACTORS: 1995 Ford Aero max L9000 day cab Cat 350 9sp, Eaton Fuller tandem 156” WB, 515K mi.; 1995 Ford Aero Max L9000 Detroit 430 10sp. Eaton Fuller day cab, alloy tandem rims 168” WB; 1996 Aero Max M-9000 165” WB Cummins 400 10sp. day cab, Eaton Fuller tandem w/asphalt pump; 1996 Ford Aero Max L-9000 430 Detroit 165” WB 10sp. Day cab w/asphalt pump; 1997 Ford Aero Max L-9000 165 WB Cummins 400 70sp day cab, Eaton Fuller asphalt pump 3”; (3) 2000 I.H. 9900 Semi Tractors, 430 Detroit 10sp. Eaton Fuller 51” bunk, 2 have asphalt pumps, tandem, 800-900K mi., 228” WB. TANKERS: 2-1981 Fruehauf aluminum barreled belly drop asphalt tankers 7,500 gallon; 1983 Fruehauf 7,000 gallon steel barreled rear discharge asphalt tanker, has pump line; 1984 Etnyre 6,750 gallon steel barreled rear discharge asphalt tanker, has pump line. FORKLIFT: Yale hard tire propane forklift, 5,000#. TOOLS: Lincoln Opel Arc R3R-400 DC welder 3ph, Art gouger; Hobart Cyber-tig 100 series tig welder, 3ph liquid cooled; ESAB PCS-90 plasma cutter 3ph., as is; 2-Hobart RC-300 wire welder 3ph; Wilton Horizontal band saw 1ph; Titan 2” trash pump; Master propane heater; new 3” quick coupler asphalt hose; 16 drawer Craftsman rolling tool box; 275 gal. oil dispenser pneumatic; 4 drawer Blue Point tool caddy; Blue Point SAF & Metric combination wrenches; 3/8”, 1/2” drive sockets, ratchets-deep wells some impact; 1” impact; 3/4” impact; Blue Point socket & ratchet sets; parts washer; bolts, bins & fasteners; spools of welder wire; plus more. Terms: MC/Visa, 5% buyer’s fee waived for cash or check w/I.D. Lunch by Sandy’s. Order of sale: Starting auction with smaller tool items. Trucks and trailers selling at 10:30am. Call or see www.whalenauction. com for photos. Personal Property of the Former J.M. Warner Trucking

419 875-6317 fax 419-875-6333 Auctioneers: John & Jason Whalen, Mike Murry Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed



DRYWALL REPAIR AND FINISHING All textures & painting. 20 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call Bill: (419) 297-7826

REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE 405 HIETT AVE., TOLEDO 3840 sq ft. Owner Financing or cash discount $9,000 OBO 803-978-1542 or 803-403-9555 440 EVERETT ST., TOLEDO NICE 3BR/2BA Single Fam, fixer-upper Owner financing or cash discount $1000 Down $210/mo 803-978-1542 or 803-403-9555

WANTED WANTS TO PURCHASE MINERALS and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201



Former Jim Warner Trucking Auction

NEW LISTING! 1586 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 2 car attached garage, large lot. Currently being updated. A minute walk to the lake! Estate property - not a foreclosure or short sale. Call me for appt. $95,000.

Mary Ann Stearns SALES

Loss Realty Group


COME GROW WITH US! Toledo Free Press is seeking a selfmotivated, energetic and experienced sales account executive to join our team. Must have business to business experience, professional demeanor and be willing to work independently. We offer medical and dental insurance and a generous commission plan. Email your resume to bhrahn@toledofreepress. com. No phone calls, walk-ins not accepted. Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

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12 021(< '2:1

DRIVE HOME!! 12 021(< '2:1

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MAY 6, 2012

INTERESTED BIDDERS: PURCHASING BUILDING DEMOLITION PROJECT Sealed bids will be accepted by the Board of Education of the Toledo Public School District until 1:00 p.m. on May 23, 2012 at the Toledo Public Schools Treasurers’ Room 3, 420 E. Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio 43608, for all labor, material and supervision necessary for the demolition of the Purchasing Building as more fully described in the drawings and specifications for the project prepared by Macpherson Architects and will be opened publicly and read immediately thereafter. Bid Documents for the project may be examined at the F.W. Dodge plan room in Columbus, Builders Exchange in Toledo, University of Toledo – Capacity Building, E.O.P.A. – Hamilton Building, Northwest Ohio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and The Plan Room in Ann Arbor, Construction Association of Michigan, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce and Ohio Construction News. Bidders may obtain copies of the documents starting May 4, 2012 which can be purchased from Becker Impressions, 4646 Angola Road, Toledo, Ohio 43615, phone: (419) 385-5303. Drawings may be obtained on CDROM for no cost with the purchase of the specifications.

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Call 419.241.1700, Ext 230 to place a Classified Ad!

A PREBID CONFERENCE is scheduled for May 11, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. at the Purchasing Building, 443 East Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio 43608. If you have any questions or a need for additional information, please direct all questions in writing , by phone at (419) 776-5600, or fax at (877) 281-0784. Bid Package – Purchasing Building Bid Item No. 1Purchasing Building Demolition


All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.




May 6, 2012


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2 pm




3 pm


The Revolution General Hospital The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Justice Justice The People’s Court Judge B. Judge B. Nate Berkus Varied Programs Criminal Minds The First 48 Varied Programs Scrubs Scrubs Yankers Futurama Varied Programs SportsCenter Report Football Grounded Grounded ’70s Show ’70s Show Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Movie Varied Programs Leverage The Closer Varied Programs Wendy Williams Show Lifechangr Lifechangr

4 pm


Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil Anderson The Doctors

5 pm



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

6 pm


The First 48

News News News at Five Access H. TMZ The Dr. Oz Show Cyberchas The First 48

News News 30 Rock News News First 48

Futurama Tosh.0


South Pk

NFL Live Varied Programs Contessa Contessa



Daily Colbert Shake It Good SportsCenter




ABC News CBS News News NBC News NewsHour Varied


How I Met How I Met Wife Swap Varied

Wife Swap Varied

Friends Friends Movie Law & Order NCIS Chris Chris

King King Movie Varied Varied Programs NCIS Two Men Two Men

Friends Friends Varied Programs Law & Order NCIS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

May 6, 2012


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10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Philadelphia 76ers. NBA Basketball Miami Heat at New York Knicks. (N) News ABC Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time Desp.-Wives GCB “Revelation” (N) News Insider The Players Club (N) AMA Supercross PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Final Round. (N) (CC) News News 60 Minutes (CC) The Amazing Race (N) (CC) NYC 22 (N) (CC) News Criminal NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Aaron’s 499. (N) (S Live) (CC) TBA The Closer (CC) Bones Suspects. Simpsons Cleveland Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy American News Recap 30 Rock Office Paid Paid Cycling Giro d’Italia. NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Los Angeles Kings. (N) (CC) News News Dateline NBC (N) Harry’s Law (N) (CC) The Celebrity Apprentice “Blown Away” (N) News Jdg Judy Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens POV “Steam of Life” Amer. Experience Moyers & Company NOVA (CC) (DVS) Finding Your Roots Masterpiece Mystery! (N) Toolbox Austin City Limits Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Happens Jersey Futurama Futurama Futurama Jeff Dunham ›› Semi-Pro (2008) Will Ferrell. (CC) Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Between The Comedy Awards (N) (CC) The Comedy Awards Good Good Shake It Shake It Jessie Austin Phineas Phineas Good ANT Farm Jessie Shake It Jessie Jessie Good Good ANT Farm Jessie Austin Shake It ANT Farm Good College Softball Texas at Oklahoma. (N) Billiards Billiards Billiards SportsCenter (N) Baseball Tonight (N) MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Washington Nationals. (Live) SportsCenter (N) ››› Mrs. Doubtfire (1993, Comedy) Robin Williams, Sally Field. ››› Matilda (1996, Comedy) Mara Wilson. ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Best Best Diners Diners Chopped All-Stars Cupcake Wars (N) Chopped All-Stars Iron Chef America Chopped First Pla. First Pla. Property Property Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl For Rent For Rent Hunters Hunt Intl Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes Best of Holmes Holmes Inspection Holmes on Homes Home Invasion (2011) Haylie Duff. (CC) Carjacked (2011) Maria Bello. (CC) › I Know Who Killed Me (2007) (CC) ›› Chloe (2009) Julianne Moore. Premiere. Army Wives (N) (CC) The Client List (N) ›› Chloe (2009) (CC) Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Strangers Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Ridic. Strangers Pauly D Pauly D America’s Best › Blue Streak (1999) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Kansas City Royals. (N) (CC) King King › Rush Hour 3 (2007) Jackie Chan. (CC) ››› Ocean’s Thirteen (2007) George Clooney. (CC) ››› Ocean’s Thirteen (2007) ›› Whirlpool (1934) ››› Jane Eyre (1944) Joan Fontaine. (CC) ››› A Yank in the RAF (1941), Betty Grable ›››› Marty (1955) Ernest Borgnine. (CC) ››› Harry and Tonto (1974) Art Carney. ›› Bell, Book and Candle (1958) (CC) ››› Miracle (2004, Drama) Kurt Russell, Patricia Clarkson. (CC) ›› We Are Marshall (2006) Matthew McConaughey. Pregame NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Boston Celtics. (N) NBA Basketball: Lakers at Nuggets ››› Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ››› X-Men (2000) Hugh Jackman. (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Indiana Jones ›› Miss Congeniality Made Payne Chris Chris Big Bang Big Bang Friends Friends Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang › Catch That Kid (2004) Kristen Stewart. Scoop Made Cold Case (CC)


Daytime Afternoon


Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round NBA Your Morning Sunday CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation Leading Mass WEN Hair Pain? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Insanity! Tummy Paid Prog. Brazil NASCAR Racing Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe My Pillow Barre Brazil Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Toledo Toledo Plugged-In Philoso Antiques Roadshow The Sopranos (CC) The Sopranos (CC) The Sopranos (CC) The Sopranos (CC) Billy Billy Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Comedy ›› Drillbit Taylor (2008) Owen Wilson. (CC) ›› I Spy (2002) Eddie Murphy, Owen Wilson. Futurama Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Good Shake It ANT Farm Austin Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (N) (CC) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball ›› The Prince & Me (2004) Julia Stiles, Luke Mably. ››› Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) Money Hungry Rachael Ray’s Dinners Guy’s Sand. Be.- Made Paula Pioneer Income Income Disaster Kitchen Hate Bath Room Cr. YardCrash Hse Crash Love It or List It (CC) Hour of Power (CC) J. Osteen Paid Prog. Dance Moms: Miami Dance Moms: Miami Dance Moms: Miami Made Made America’s Best Dance Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D Pauly D Friends Friends Friends Friends › The Tuxedo (2002) Jackie Chan. (CC) › Blue Streak (1999) ›››› Show Boat (1936, Musical) Irene Dunne. ››› The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944) Fredric March. Whirlpool Law & Order Law & Order “D-Girl” Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Avatar” Miracles J. Osteen ›› Angels & Demons (2009) Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor. (CC) Indiana Jones In Style Paid Prog. Old House For Home Tummy Perf. Yard Paid Prog. Raceline ›› Miss Congeniality

■ A25

Visit m


May 7, 2012


8 pm


9 pm


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11 pm

Tuesday Evening


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle “Always” (N) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! 2 Broke Girls (N) (CC) Two Men Mike Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met Bones (N) (CC) House “Post Mortem” Fox Toledo News Seinfeld The Office Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice The remaining contestants perform. Smash “Previews” (N) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow American Masters (CC) Toolbox Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Don’t Be Don’t Be Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Bethenny Ever After Happens Bethenny 30 Rock 30 Rock Futurama South Pk Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily Colbert Wizards Jessie Jessie ›› Ella Enchanted (2004) (CC) Fish Jessie Jessie Shake It MLB Baseball New York Mets at Philadelphia Phillies. (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Secret-Teen Secret-Teen Make It or Break It (N) Secret-Teen The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Meat Men Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) The Client List (CC) Substitute Substitute Fantasy Fantasy Strangers Ridic. Ridic. Strangers Ridic. Strangers Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy (CC) Family Guy (CC) Family Guy (CC) Conan (N) (CC) ››› Cape Fear (1962) › Crime in the Streets (1956, Crime Drama) ›››› West Side Story (1961) Natalie Wood. The Mentalist (CC) NBA Basketball Playoffs, First Round: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS “Broken Bird” WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) ›› The Game Plan Big Bang Big Bang Gossip Girl (N) (CC) Hart of Dixie (N) (CC) Sunny Sunny Cash Cab Cash Cab




Specializing in Mexican Food since 1955

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419-729-9775 3025 N. Summit Street (near Point Place) Mon. - Thurs. 11-10 p.m. Fri. - Sat. .11-11 p.m. Sun. 3-9 p.m. Closed Holidays

May 8, 2012


8 pm


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11 pm


Ent Insider Last Man Cougar Dancing With Stars Private Practice (N) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS “Up in Smoke” NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Unforgettable (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met Glee “Prom-asaurus” New Girl New Girl Fox Toledo News Seinfeld The Office Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Fashion Star (N) The Voice The winner is revealed. (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Clinton: American Experience (CC) (DVS) Frontline (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Housewives/OC Orange County Social Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Happens OC 30 Rock 30 Rock Work. South Pk Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Wizards Jessie Phineas ›› Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) Jessie Jessie Shake It SportCtr E:60 (N) Nation NFL Live (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› Uptown Girls (2003, Comedy) ›› A Walk to Remember (2002, Romance) Shane West. The 700 Club (CC) Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Hunt Intl Hunters Celebs Million White Room Hunters Hunt Intl Celebs Million Wife Swap (CC) Dance Moms: Miami Dance Moms: Miami Dance Moms: Miami The Client List (CC) Substitute Substitute Ridic. Ridic. 16 and Pregnant (CC) 16 and Pregnant (N) Savage U Pregnant Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Dr. Coppelius (1966) ››› The Roaring Twenties (1939) (CC) AFI Master Class (N) Man-1000 Face NBA Basketball Playoffs, First Round: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball Playoffs, First Round: Teams TBA. (N) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang Big Bang 90210 (N) (CC) The L.A. Complex (N) Sunny Sunny Cash Cab Cash Cab




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419-825-3474 13625 Airport Hwy., Swanton (across from Valleywood Country Club) Mon. - Thurs. 11-11 p.m. Fri. - Sat. .11-12 a.m. Closed Sundays and Holidays



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MAY 6, 2012

Visit m

■ A27


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WRIST AND POCKET WATCHES Wristwatches and Pocketwatches All Time Periods, All Kinds, All Types Rare Watches Worth A Fortune In Cash! Looking For : Regular Watches • Dudley Chronograph Watches E. Howard & Co Repeating Watches • Elgin Musical Watches • Frodsham Chiming Watches • Gallet Moon Phase Watches • Gruen Stop Watches • Gubelin Unusual Function • Hamilton Unusual Dial • Illinois Unusual Shape • International World Time Watches Jules Jurgenson Jump Hour LeCoultre • Doctor’s Longines • Pocket Watches Movado • Lady’s Watches Omega • A. Lange Patek Phillippe Audemars Piguet • Rolex Ball Seth Thomas • Breitling Tiffany & Co • Cartier Ulysse Nardin • Columbus Vacheron Constantin • Corum Ditisheim • All Others

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