Toledo Free Press – May 8, 2011

Page 1




Randy Gardner amendment would change the way members leave and join TARTA, Page A7

Local leaders share their thoughts on the death of Osama bin Laden, Page A8

Mummy expert to speak at the Toledo Museum of Art, Page A25

TARTA trouble

Death of a terrorist



Mr. Mummy

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A2 n Toledo Free Press

may 8, 2011

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may 8, 2011


n .A3


Publisher’s statement

The 9/11 Project The bin Laden victory lap I O

n April 20, Toledo Free Press announced on our Facebook page that we are seeking regional residents who have stories or connections to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C., and in the skies over Pennsylvania. As we near the 10th anniversary of the attacks, we plan to collect and archive as many stories as we can from local residents who were in one of the affected areas or knew people who were. As we discussed the storylines that surround what is referred to simply as “9/11,” one of the more prominent ones was the unfathomable loose end represented by Osama bin Laden, acknowledged mastermind of the attacks. For nearly a decade, bin Laden eluded capture and mocked America with periodic Thomas F. Pounds video messages. That loose end was forever severed May 1, when United States Navy SEALs killed the terrorist leader in a Pakistani compound. There was a nationwide expression of catharsis as the news broke, from impromptu street celebrations to chants at baseball games to an outpouring of emotion on social media sites. But as someone with strong New York and New Jersey connections, I will tell you that for the people who lost loved ones on that horrific day, the death of one madman will never provide closure or end the grief wrought in the wreckage of airplanes and buildings. Although a major part of the story has taken a dramatic turn, Toledo Free Press is committed to interviewing local residents with 9/11 stories to tell and to preserving them in a special news project that will be published Sept. 11, 2011, the exact 10-year anniversary of the attacks. If you are a regional resident who was in one of the impacted cities, who knew someone in the attack zones or who has a story to tell about how the echoes of 9/11 reached Northwest Ohio, please consider contacting us at We are compiling stories and would like to speak with you about our 9/11 project, which we are committed to making a comprehensive contribution to the archived knowledge of that sad day. The evil bin Laden is gone, but his loss is insignificant compared to the sacrifices many of our friends and neighbors made, and continue to make, in the fallout from 9/11. We look forward to hearing your stories and sharing them, for current readers and those far into the future. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 7, No. 19. Established 2005. EDITORIAL Mary Ann Stearns, Design Editor James A. Molnar, Lead Designer Brandi Barhite, Associate Editor Sarah Ottney, Special Sections Editor

ADVERTISING SALES Renee Bergmooser, Sales Manager Casey Fischer Matt Mackowiak Chick Reid

hope Osama bin Laden’s last few minutes of life were World Trade Center, Pentagon and Flight 93 dripped with dominated by terror and a clear understanding that the blood and smoke and shattered lives; watching people take United States military troops surrounding him were not joy in that was disturbing, disheartening and a great motithere on a “Capture” mission. I hope the last thoughts his vator of hatred for many. There is zero comparison between the baneful mind sent hurtling though his nerves 9/11 victims and their murderer bin Laden, were babbling wails of fear that caused him to but I did not feel proud watching Amerievacuate his bowels and empty his bladder as cans hold impromptu pep rallies outside the the bullets screamed toward him. White House and as close as The Ohio State I hope the U.S. Navy SEALs who risked University campus. We all find different their lives on this mission live happy and ways to express ourselves in the wake of exhealthy well into their 100s. (I do wish our treme events. I do not wish to judge those military could figure out where to buy a dewho took to the streets to fist pump and cent helicopter. From the lives and helicopboogie on bin Laden’s watery grave; I just ters lost during the failed April 1980 attempt do not understand that reaction and do not to rescue American hostages in Tehran to the 1993 shot-from-the-sky “Black Hawk Down” Michael S. miller think of it as an American response. We’re the Good Guys. When we score a touchdown, we choppers in Mogadishu to the 2003 Black Hawk crash in Mosul, Iraq that killed 18 soldiers and scores of other inci- hand the ball to the referee and get back to work. We act like dents leading up to the helicopter lost and destroyed during we’ve been there before. I suppose the street dancing made the bin Laden mission, it doesn’t seem like we have a firm those folks feel better, but I suspect those images will be used handle on helicopter technology.) Those soldiers should to convince a new wave of terrorists that we talk the morality know they did their country and their planet a great service talk but don’t always walk the morality walk. I lived in South Florida at the time of the attacks, and by exterminating one of the most wicked men of our time. But we should take the time to examine some of our coun- had access to all the international newspapers and magatry’s reaction to bin Laden’s death, and not excuse behavior zines. I remember being shocked by how many European and Latin American periodicals ran graphic images of that lowers us to the dirt-level standards of our enemies. I have a friend who was in New York City on Sept. 11, people falling from the World Trade Center towers, people 2001. Her comments upon hearing about bin Laden’s death crushed on Liberty and Church streets, people burned and are understandable: “I am so glad he didn’t die of diabetes bleeding in the rubble. One can argue about the historical value of such photoor a heart attack in some cave,” she said. “I am so glad we graphs, or the educational value of such photographs, or the took him out.” Amen, sister. For the people who were directly affected by the 9/11 at- propaganda value of such photographs, but I argue there tacks, there must have been some catharsis in knowing bin is no news value in such images, not by the standards of Laden met a violent demise. But catharsis is not the same decency and respect the American media has maintained thing as closure; bin Laden’s worm-infested brain was splin- in modern times. President Obama is acting wisely by refusing to release tered by a Navy bullet, but that does not bring lost loved ones back from the dead. That does not heal those whose the images of bin Laden’s head-shot corpse. In the age of legs or arms or lungs or minds were forever damaged in PhotoShop, such images mean nothing as a means of proof the attacks. It’s not a movie in which the bad guy wizard and serve only to further inflame those who already think dies and everything is magically returned to normal. Those of Americans as evil. No newspaper under my command four airplanes will never fly again. The Twin Towers will — daily, weekly or any print format — would publish never stand again. The people who were trapped in them the photos of bin Laden’s corpse. Not out of deference or respect for him. Out of deference and respect for us. will never breathe and walk and eat and love again. Yes, the bad guys have thrown parties to celebrate our It’s one thing for a sailor to grab a nurse in Times Square and plant a kiss on her lips when V-J Day ended World War misfortunes. Yes, the bad guys have shown images of murII. But some of the immediate post-news reaction to bin dered Americans and have dragged the dead bodies of United States soldiers through their streets. Laden’s death did not bring our country great distinction. But we don’t do what the bad guys do. And if we start The 10 years since 9/11 have passed with efficient, alarming speed, but the clarity of events from that day live down the road of letting the bad guys set the standards for our behavior, our future will be filled with grief, remorse in my — and I believe our collective — memory. As much as I remember specific details as the day un- and the blood of thousands of 9/11 attacks. O folded, I remember the horror and outrage being multiplied by some of the scenes we were shown from countries Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and Towhere people celebrated and danced in the streets. The ledo Free Press Star. Email him at Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager DISTRIBUTION Charles Campos (419) 241-1700, Ext. 227 PRODUCTION Lisa Stang, John Pollock, Photographers

Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Mike Bauman • Jim Beard • John Dorsey • Vicki L. Kroll Jason Mack • Jeff McGinnis • Duane Ramsey • Zach Davis Chris Schmidbauer, Sports Editor • Lisa Renee Ward, Web Editor Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Lisa Renee Ward, Brandi Barhite, Darcy Irons

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604 Phone: (419) 241-1700 Fax: (419) 241-8828 Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2011 with all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.

A4 n Toledo Free Press


Point of low order


egislative bodies have rules. back to the table with the bargaining Toledo City Council has some unit since it was clear this would not rules set out by the charter and be approved. Then a question was raised some that council itself decrees. How the rules are applied was discussed at since the suspension roll call had been completed. Clarification was the May 3 Council meeting. When members of council want sought on if they were now beyond to speak, they use a system of lights; the point of they could redo a slow count on suspension. they turn on their light A motion to reconand they are called on sider was needed, which by whomever is chairing has taken place when a the meeting. They can member of Council wants also interject, asking for to change his or her vote. a “point of order.” Though Council does not Legislation conalways follow that, sevcerning a collective eral times under Brown’s bargaining agreement council presidency, a between Toledo Municipal Court (TMC) and Lisa Renee WARD member of Council has made a wrong vote, and seven Toledo Municipal Court Deputy Clerk supervisors was was either allowed to change that vote presented and a suspension roll call or the vote was redone without the rewas conducted. For legislation to be consideration process. Ludeman said he needed to passed without two readings, the charter rules have to be suspended. leave in five minutes, so he moved This is accomplished by a quick to reconsider. If the motion for reconsiderareading of the names with speed tion passed, then council would start worthy of an auctioneer. Council President Wilma Brown again as if the original suspension roll call never took place. If the motion recognized Councilman Steve Steel. “I was going to move for a slow failed, then suspension would stand. While voting, Steel paused, Mcroll call on suspension ... to keep it at Namara provided clarification, first reading,” Steel said. Discussion then ensued as to is- Councilman Tom Waniewski said, sues that were raised during coun- “Don’t tell him.” Ludeman, Steel, cil’s off-the-record discussion in Webb, Collins and Phil Copeland executive session concerning this voted to allow reconsideration. The legislation. Steel wanted “a greater others voted no. The motion lost. Steel said his light was on before level of resolution.” Clarification was sought on the roll call and questioned where in the legislation time frame from Law Di- Council rules it allows for a fast roll call. “I attempted to follow the proper rector Adam Loukx. “I’m not certain when this was sub- procedure,” Steel said. “I have been mitted to the legislative body, but there effectively silenced by a majority vote of fellow council members. I think is a 30-day requirement,” Loukx said. During the April 26 Agenda Re- that’s really, really unfortunate and a view, Councilman Rob Ludeman very low point in my almost two-year tenure on Council.” asked him about the time frame. Craig said Steel could have called “We do have a little bit of time,” Loukx said. “After the executive ses- point of order. There was laughter. “Wow,” Webb said. sion you can decide whether or not to “Can we move on?” Brown said. first read or do whatever on May 3.” There is no written council rule It was said the deadline was May allowing for the fast roll call; it’s 20, after council meets on May 18. Councilman Joe McNamara said something that Council adopted inthere may be a legal disagreement as formally so that the meetings went to whether this unit is a strike unit or faster as opposed to having a roll call not a strike unit but there’s no dis- vote on suspension and emergency agreement in terms of the economic then a full voice count on passage. Then the fast roll call for emerimpact of the terms of this contract. He said this becoming a bargaining gency, which was stopped since clarification was needed as to where pattern would be “catastrophic.” Councilwoman Lindsay Webb Council was. That resolved, Council wanted more clarification from legal voted on the ordinance; it failed. O counsel. She said she supported Steel. Councilman D. Michael Collins Toledo Free Press Web Editor Lisa said a two-week time period could Renee Ward operates the political blog give TMC the opportunity to go


may 8, 2011


Brown: work force training is crucial TO THE EDITOR, A May 1 Toledo Free Press article, “First Solar, Owens partner on work force training,” highlights how public-private partnerships are moving Ohio forward. Work force training that involves existing local companies is crucial to a sustained economic recovery. To help scale up through workforce development, I have introduced the bipartisan Strengthening Employment Clusters to Organize Regional Success Act (SECTORS), which would empower local communities — community colleges, industry leaders and workforce development boards — to address the disparity between high unemployment rates and a shortage of skilled workers for emerging industries such as biotech, clean energy and information technology. By tailoring work force development programs to meet the needs of these expanding industries, we can better prepare our students to fill new jobs while attracting emerging industries to our state. This is just one way we can strengthen middle class families in Ohio while rebuilding our communities. Let’s act swiftly to get Ohioans back to work. U.S. SenATOR Sherrod Brown, Ohio

VA clinic duplicates existing services

TO THE EDITOR, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur is so proud of the new VA Clinic being built virtually adjacent to the University of Toledo Medical College. She is proud of her role in making it happen. She says that this will increase veteran services here in Toledo so that vets don’t have to go to Ann Arbor as often. But she says that this isn’t even enough; she wants more. She wants a “full service campus for our vets.” Why do we need anything at all? I’m all for providing medical services and other support to veterans. But why duplicate clinics and hospitals that already exist in the private sector? Why not just send the vets to local medical facilities — or specialty facilities like The Cleveland Clinic if required — and have the VA pick up the bill? Wouldn’t that be more efficient? Wouldn’t that save a lot of taxpayer dollars? Don’t forget, those vets are taxpayers, too. It seems that the law prohibits the VA from doing this. So the solution is to build a multi-billion dollar system which parallels the private sector. It seems that the only federal solution to anything is to spend more money. Wouldn’t it be simpler — and a more prudent use of taxpayer dollars — to just change the law? Isn’t that why we

have lawmakers in Washington? Of course, if that were the case, our elected representatives would miss out on press conferences to tout what they’re doing for us and photos ops at groundbreakings when the project is finished (usually behind schedule and over budget). The real solution is to privatize VA facilities and get the VA out of the service provider business. Just have them write the checks for the men and women who were willing to write a check for this country and sign it with their lives. Rich Iott, Monclova

Burnard gets mail Don, with regard to your column of April 17 (“Are you paying attention?”), I wish to congratulate you for paying attention. Too many people are unaware of what is being done to them. The shrinking middle class is one of the great dangers to our country. Thanks for your column. Frank Eckart Please, Mr Burnard, do yourself a favor so you don’t sound like an idiot every time you put pen to paper, and enroll in a basic economics class. You would be surprised what you would learn so you won’t read like a moron when you write your Hot Corner. Winfield Sturgeon


may 8, 2011

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A6 n Toledo Free Press

may 8, 2011


By Jason Mack

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Notre Dame Academy senior Claire Konieczny is taking her senior capstone project higher than any of her classmates. After leaving May 4 for her campaign, “Bringing Sunshine to Mount Everest,” Claire will climb more than 18,000 feet to the North Base Camp on Mount Everest in Tibet with her aunt Janet Miller and cousin Paul Mackovjak to raise money for Sunshine, a nonprofit organization in Maumee. “It’s a really great place and is a great cause,” Claire said. “Going on this trip is such an amazing experience, so being able to use it for something more than just a vacation is great. It means a lot more than just sightseeing. You’re doing something for others while you’re over there.” Sunshine materials say its mission is to “create community among people with developmental disabilities, their families, friends and staff. Sunshine does this by offering services that enable us to build relationships that enhance our lives through mutual caring and growth.” Claire connected to Sunshine through family, with an aunt on the board and a cousin who is the communications coordinator. “The organization is unique in our community because it supports people who can’t function as easily as people without disabilities,” Claire’s mother Joyce Konieczny said. “They provide that support in such a loving way. My entire family is so committed to helping children, and we have a special spot in our heart for children with special needs. We do have some in our family with special needs. We want to show how much love we have for them.”

Fundraising goal

Claire has raised more than $1,100 for Sunshine. Her goal is to raise $18,190 for the 18,190 feet she will climb to base camp. “It had to be put together on the fly,” Claire said. “We were going to do a fundraiser at my school and that fell through. We set up a Facebook group and an online donation group. We sent bunches of emails and my dad has gone to everybody at work. We’re trying to get it out as fast as we can.” For more information on the organization or to make a donation, visit “What our life is about is giving something of value to the world,” Joyce

said. “I’m just thrilled Claire feels this is important. It shows what Claire’s character is about. When she sets her mind to something she wants to accomplish, she just plots away steadily, working hard to reach that goal with determination and persistence. Miller is also thrilled with Claire’s determination and charitable efforts. “I’ve been trying to travel a lot with my nieces and nephews because I learn a lot from them, but I’m hoping they will learn from me too,” she said. “Giving back to the community and philanthropy are essential parts of life, so I’m thrilled with what Claire is doing.” Claire is grateful to her aunt for providing the inspiration and the opportunity for her project. “She is an avid world traveler and she invited me as a graduation gift to go to China,” Claire said. “It fell during the time when my school has senior projects, which is when you shadow someone in the profession you are interested in. I’m shadowing her because I’m interested in languages and traveling. I’m going to experience another country with a completely different language.”

photo courtesy Claire konieczny

Notre Dame student’s project: climb Mount Everest

Project exception(al)

Claire has learned a small amount of Chinese on top of taking four years of French classes and a year of Spanish. Her unique project strays from the standard guidelines, but the school was happy to make an exception. “I had to get this cleared through a bunch of people at my school,” Claire said. “Usually you have to write a paper and keep a log of what you do each day. When I spoke to my principal she said I would be exempt from all that because there is so much planning already going into this trip.” Much of the planning for the trip has come from Miller, who has traveled to all seven continents including visiting third-world countries. “My sister is an experienced world traveler,” Joyce said. “She has been coaching Claire and Paul on everything from the shots they need to training for climbing to what clothing to wear. She’s been their mentor through this entire process.” “It’s been quite a whirlwind because I needed to get my passport and a visa to go into China,” Claire said. “My aunt has been doing a ton of digging around with friends who have been mountain climbing. They are suggesting different things because of the altitude. We’ve had to get several shots. There’s been a lot of preparation for this.” Claire has little experience with

n From left, Paul Mackovjak, Claire Konieczny and Janet Miller with prayer flags they will take to the everest basE CAMP.

climbing and has learned about many dangers experienced when reaching such high elevations. “Claire’s hike will be challenging from a number of aspects, not least of which is there is only half as much oxygen at 17,000 feet than there is here in nearly sea level Toledo,” said Bob Ampthor, associate director of development at Sunshine, who has climbed Mont Blanc in France. “Claire will face challenges on her journey just like those we serve at Sunshine face every day. There will be unfriendly terrain, strange languages and customs yet also friendly faces, lots of community and many choices.” Miller has the most climbing experience of the group, going 13,000 feet high on Machu Picchu in Peru. The extra 5,000 feet to the base camp on Mount Everest will present her with new challenges. “We’re going to be at such a high altitude that if you cut yourself it won’t heal because of the lack of oxygen,” Miller said. “I’ve talked to some people who have been climbing, so I got ideas from them on how to prevent blisters

and what to wear. You have to wear wool and not any cotton. I’ve learned a lot for this trip too.”

More than the Mount

The trip will involve much more than Mount Everest. Claire said she is excited to tour the Forbidden City in Beijing, see the Great Wall of China and visit Lhasa to see Potala Palace. The trip also includes stops at Yamdrok Yutso Lake, Karola Glacier and Pelkhor Monastery. “It will be an experience to see it face to face instead of just in pictures,” Claire said. “This is my first trip doing anything like this. I’m more excited than nervous, but I’m a little nervous for the trip. I haven’t been on a plane in awhile. It’s such a long flight. It’s definitely a different world when you get over there.” Miller, who works at University Hospital in Cleveland, has a project of her own called “Climb for the Kids” to raise money for the Rainbow Children’s Hospital. She has raised more than $25,000 for the hospital. Miller will attempt to find an Internet con-

nection during the trip to provide updates at Part of her project involves the tradition of placing prayer flags around the mountain ridges. She took pieces of cloth to an elementary school and another set to the Rainbow Children’s Hospital. After the children and their parents filled out messages on the cloth, Miller sewed the pieces together to create a flag. “As I put them together, I saw very moving messages from the kids,” Miller said. “One said, ‘Please help my little sister feel better’ and another has a picture of a little girl with hair and says ‘I want my hair back,’ because she went through chemotherapy. Another kid had one that just said ‘I want to go home.’ It’s heart-wrenching in some respects, but it gives another meaning to why this is important because we’re raising money to help make kids healthy.” O

On the web

visit http://rainbowclimb.blogspot. com for more information.


may 8, 2011


n A7


TARTA officials: Gardner amendment ‘disastrous’ By Zach Davis

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

State Representative Randy Gardner has introduced an amendment that TARTA officials describe as “disastrous” to its future. Gardner, at the request of the Perrysburg City Council, has submitted an amendment creating a limited window during which time a subdivision is able to withdraw as a member of a regional transit authority. GARDNER Previously, when one of the nine subdivisions wished to withdraw from the services of the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA), the move had to be approved by the other eight, who would have to cover the financial burden of those leaving. Gardner’s amendment, however, would allow for any subdivision to opt out of its membership without the move being approved by any others. Gardner said Rossford also shares Perrysburg’s desire to opt out and that TARTA essentially acts as a never-ending tax. “Fundamentally I believe it is fair to allow communities from time to time to evaluate

their tax levels and whether they believe they are getting good service from the government,” Gardner said. “In this case, the people from Wood and Lucas counties have contacted me over the years and expressed an interest in at least allowing a vote of the people to decide whether they want to remain part of the TARTA system, which current law is essentially a forever tax and forever contract with very little accountability. This is an effort to give communities the freedom to choose and to seek improved transportation services.” TARTA General Manager James K. Gee opposed Gardner’s plan May 2 in front of the Ohio House of Representatives Finance and Appropriations Committee, calling the amendment a “terrible precedent” and “unfair to TARTA’s eight other member communities.” “We have worked with Perrysburg to avoid this legislation, which I firmly believe will be disastrous to TARTA, and potentially to other transit authorities and similar regional entities, such as water and solid waste authorities,” Gee said. “I have met with Representative Gardner on this issue and understand his position that this legislation is a ‘voters’ rights’ issue and not an anti-transit bill. I understand his position, but I definitely do not agree with it.” Gardner stressed that if a subdivision was to opt-out of TARTA, it would not mean that public transportation would cease to exist in that

region. Instead, they would search for better and more cost-effective alternatives. “This isn’t a question of whether people will have transportation services, this is a question of who will provide the service and at what cost,” Gardner said. “Perrysburg has openly said that it supports public transportation and will continue public transportation services. What Perrysburg seeks is improved transportation for the elderly, disabled and those who need public transportation. They would like the opportunity to have more cost-effective GEE public transportation that can reduce property taxes yet improve transportation services and I believe they should be given the freedom to try.” Gee, however, said he does not believe that simply finding another source for public transportation is as easy as it sounds. “There are more factors,” Gee said. “If they were able to opt out they could find somebody else to do it and that may work well for service just in their community, but what we bring is connections between communities. If a person lives in Toledo, will the Perrysburg service come to their house to pick them up and carry them to Perrysburg? How would they make those con-

nections between communities?” While Gee has been resistant to the amendment, Gardner claimed that Gee endorsed the exit of Perrysburg and Rossford from the program in 2010 on the condition of a sales tax paid by both communities to TARTA. “When some people express concern about transportation services about the elderly, disabled and those trying to get to their job site, my response to that concern is ‘Are you kidding?’” Gardner said. “Because [TARTA] already said that it’s OK to withdraw as long as we get more money. It seems to be that it’s not about the service, it’s about the money.” “It’s not about the money at all,” Gee said. “It’s about the impact to our community and the social impact as much as anything.” If a subdivision withdraws as a member of TARTA, it will lose Call-A-Ride as well as the TARPS service, one of the top-five fastest growing paratransit services in the country. “In my opinion, this amendment is a bad proposal cloaked in the mantle of voters’ rights,” Gee said. “I urge members of this committee to reject this disastrous proposal now, before it has the opportunity to harm Ohioans.” “This is about giving communities the right to choose in improving transportation services,” Gardner said. “Obviously I have a concern about those who need public transportation, that is just not what this is about.” O

Profile of Excellence: Bodie Bankey Owens Community College Alumnus

Bodie Bankey lived in Bowling Green, Ohio for the last six years. He was homeschooled for most of his education, but in high school, he attended a few classes at Bowling Green High School.

focused on criminal justice. He also earned his personal training certification from Owens and is now working on a certificate in Supervision.

He was able to play football on the team and during his sophomore year, he decided to take advantage of post secondary education options, a program that permits students from high school to take college courses and earn credits toward a degree.

He is also working on his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Ohio University, through a partner program with Owens. Students can take a third year of classes at Owens and complete a fourth year at Ohio University online at a reduced rate to earn their bachelor’s degree.

He signed up at Owens Community College. The first semester he took only one class online. He didn’t know what he wanted to do yet, but thought this was a great way to get started. “It was a bit overwhelming the first week or so, but once I figured out the discussion boards and the format of the class, it was a great experience,” said Bankey.

After that, he is thinking he would begin a master’s program and continue to explore his career options. Bodie is only 18 years old and since the law requires all law enforcement individuals who carry guns to be 21, he has some time to wait until he can start his career.

Once he became accustomed to college life, he loved the learning experience.

In the meantime, he works as a student worker in the Owens Student Health and Activities Center and a trainer at the Bowling Green Recreation Center

“I was able to work at my own pace and it allowed me to be more independent and learn to motivate myself,” said Bankey.

“Post Secondary Option classes were a great way for me to explore career directions and discover what I wanted to do, while earning college credit,” said Bankey.

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A8 n Toledo Free Press

may 8, 2011


Death of bin Laden inspires range of local reaction By Jason Mack

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Reaction to the May 1 death of Osama bin Laden, mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, has been overwhelming on a local and national level. “For over two decades, bin Laden has been al Qaeda’s leader and symbol, and has continued to plot attacks against our country and our friends and allies,” President Barack Obama said. “The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda.” The news hit hard for one local resident. Keith Meyer moved to Toledo in 2003. He was born and raised in New York and worked in an office on Wall Street just six blocks from the World Trade Center. “I’ve been in contact with some people back in New York,” Meyer said. “It’s a little different for us, having actually lived through it. I know two people who died that day. It wasn’t just that day, it was the months afterwards.

It was still there. Smoke was coming through vents in the office. It was months of dealing with it.” Meyer said the news provides some closure but is bittersweet. “I was happy and excited, but it doesn’t change anything,” he said. “It’s still the same pain we all had that day. For people who saw it firsthand, it’s kind of a re- BIN LADEN (AP) venge-type thing, but revenge doesn’t ease the pain. Almost every day I think about it. I think there’s some closure. It’s another step towards healing.”

Step toward downfall

It’s also another step toward the downfall of al Qaeda according to Marc Simon, associate professor of political science at Bowling Green State University. “The organization has been severely damaged, and this is the final evidence,” Simon said. “The biggest events that

have really hurt al Qaeda have been the nonviolent revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. What it did was undermine their existence. They recruited people on the notion al Qaeda is the only way you’re going to get rid of dictators and install different governments.” Simon teaches international relations and has been discussing terrorism in class this semester. He said al Qaeda was losing power before the death of bin Laden. “It’s no longer an international global terrorist threat,” Simon said. “It still has a lot of people, and given the nature of terrorism you can commit a lot of violence with just a couple hundred people. But it’s not a growing movement, it’s a dying movement. Al Qaeda is struggling to prove themselves relevant at all. If they don’t respond to this, I think they have almost nothing to stand on anymore.” Simon said bin Laden’s presence made al Qaeda seem more powerful than it ever was. Despite its decreasing presence, Simon expects al Qaeda to respond. “They probably have some sort of contingency plan in case Osama

bin Laden is ever captured or killed,” he said. “There are probably people with orders to do something. With terrorism, it only takes a couple of people. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some acts of violence around the world geared at American targets and symbols in the next couple of weeks.” Neil Englehart, associate professor of comparative politics at BGSU, expects to see attacks, but he doesn’t think there will be as much retaliation for bin Laden’s death as most expect. “I expect to see lots of people conducting attacks that they say are retaliation,” Englehart said. “I’d be surprised if many of those attacks wouldn’t have happened anyway. We’re not talking about organizations that have shown a great deal of restraint. It’s not like they’re keeping things in their pocket waiting for an occasion. They execute attacks as they are able to do so.” Englehart is working on a book about state failure and human rights and conducted research in Afghanistan. He said the death of bin Laden is important to the United States as a deterrent, but it won’t have much impact on the war in Afghanistan.

“The Taliban and al Qaeda are completely separate entities,” Englehart said. “The Afghan Taliban is only interested in taking over Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda had a much broader vision to create an Islamic superpower that would stretch from Gibraltar to Indonesia.” Congressman Bob Latta said the death of bin Laden is just one of many obstacles in the War on Terror, but he is still thrilled by the development. “I hail, with the utmost respect, the courage and dedication of our Armed Forces and intelligence agencies who have brought long awaited justice to the victims of the September 11 attacks,” he said in a statement. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur is glad to have closure on this battle while the war rages on. “America has been waiting almost a decade for this moment,” Kaptur said in a statement. “It closes a major chapter in the struggle against those who attacked the United States. We salute the courage and skill of those who carried out this operation. This is a long struggle and I’m glad this particular chapter is closed.” O


may 8, 2011


n A9


Lake grad takes on Ohio politics with Columbus internship By Emily B. Gibb

Toledo Free Press News Editor

When Lake High School graduate and The Ohio State University Sophomore Evan Matheney started his new internship, he was meeting with Gov. John Kasich’s JobsOhio committee — before the committee was official. “That was my first day. That was crazy,” Matheney said. Through timing and leadership experience that began during Matheney’s first year of college at Wheaton College in Chicago, where he served as freshman class president, he started an internship with Ohio House of Representatives Assistant Majority Whip Cheryl Grossman in February. Matheney, a political science major, said he has had an interest in politics from a young age. “Ever since I was little, I knew there were two things I was meant for: either a pastor or a politician,” he said. His interest in interning in Statehouse politics started on a whim. He has family who are supporters of Republican Randy Gardner, the representative of Wood County, Matheney said. After Matheney called him to ask about the process to become an intern, Gardner forwarded Matheney’s re-

sume to the intern coordinator. Grossman was requesting an intern around that same time. Matheney said earning valuable experience so early in his college career has given him a greater insight into what a career in politics might entail before he has to make decisions about going to graduate school or law school or just trying to start his career after graduation. “This has given me more of what being a politician would be like behind the speeches and the glamour,” Matheney said, and that it has also helped give him “a better, more well-rounded view of what to expect.” It also has helped give him ideas and connections for other ways to become involved after his internship is over. “It’s showed me a different side of politics that not many people get to see,” he said. He’s been able to observe and participate in committee meetings dealing with the controversial Senate Bill 5 and the repeal of the estate tax. “I got involved so early to see what I would want to do,” he said. Evan’s father, Steve, said, “I’ve tried to teach Evan to always use a firm handshake, foster a loving spirit, and question what he believes. Instead, he gives incredible hugs, makes my heart swell with pride and causes me to question everything I know.” Former area resident Timothy Matheney,

Evan’s uncle who serves as principal of South Brunswick High School in Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, said, “I’m so pleased that Evan has an opportunity to be at the vortex of some of the most important political developments in recent memory. I know that he’s learning that the public policy process is messy and confounding at times, but also incredibly exciting.” Matheney said he’s now seen both the seemingly unethical side of politics and what he calls the extreme good side of politics. Someone wrote a letter to Grossman explaining that their daughter has Asperger’s Syndrome and was having trouble getting into and getting financial aid from the colleges to which she was applying because of her disorder. Grossman’s staff was able to contact the colleges and help work with them and the girl’s family to help her, he said. On the other hand, he has witnessed representatives yelling at each other. He keeps hope, though, that when his days of decision-making in politics arrive, he won’t need to stoop to “the dirty side” of the process. “I don’t think you need to be unethical. I think you can keep your beliefs and be a politician,” Matheney said. Matheney is no stranger to the busy schedule of a politician — in addition to being a full-time student and Statehouse intern, he’s also the di-

Rep. Cheryl Grossman and EVAN Matheney rector of leadership for the Residence Hall Advisory Council at Ohio State. Although his internship with Grossman ends this summer, Matheney is hoping to stay in Columbus and in the Statehouse as a page — someone who is a paid assistant in the General Assembly. “That would be the ideal situation,” he said. Matheney says he’s felt like a naturally good networker, so being in the position he’s in now has allowed him to form relationships with those who can help further his career and do good things for Ohio. “I think the coolest thing has been getting to know people who care about change in their state and trying to get the job done to even just run Ohio,” he said. O

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A10 n Toledo Free Press

may 8, 2011


Local woman grows cancer awareness by ‘planting purple’ help Bret live three years longer than doctors estimated. “All of a sudden, it hit me — nature,” Kinney said. “I’m very inspired by nature, and he was an outdoorsmen. Purple is the color for pancreatic cancer awareness, so by growing purple plants and flowers, you’re growing hope.” From May 1 through June 30, Maumee Valley Growers and 16 affiliated Northwest Ohio greenhouse retailers will take part in Plant PurpleGrow Hope, which sets aside 50 cents for every 4.5-inch purple petunia pot sold. Denim shock wave petunias were selected because of their ease of care and purple hue. It didn’t take much for Kinney to sell the idea to TGen. “We are thrilled that gardeners and homeowners throughout Ohio will have the opportunity to join the fight against pancreatic cancer,” said Michael Bassoff, president of the TGen Foundation, in a news release. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go to TGen’s globalCure initiative, an alliance of some of the world’s leading scientists, physicians and pancreatic cancer advocates that

By Joel Sensenig

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

A Toledo woman is trying to grow awareness of pancreatic cancer by encouraging gardeners to plant purple. Kelly Kinney’s brother, Bret Connors of Scottsdale, Ariz., lost his three-year battle with pancreatic cancer in 2009. “He decided to donate his organs,” Kinney said. “I think that really touched me the most because it said to me that he didn’t want other people to have to go through this. KINNEY A couple of months after he died, I said, ‘I’ve go to do something, there’s really not a lot out there being done for pancreatic cancer’.”Enter Plant PurpleGrow Hope, her attempt to ultimately raise $1 million for Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) in Phoenix, Ariz., which used progressive clinical trials to

aims to find a cure for this disease. Pancreatic cancer annually takes the lives of more than 35,000 Americans, making it the fourth-leading cause of cancer death.

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may 8, 2011


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n A11


A12 n Toledo Free Press

may 8, 2011


Editor’s note: Toledo Free Press will follow the Blank family of Millbury for one year as they rebuild their lives after a June 5 tornado destroyed their Main Street home. By Brandi Barhite Toledo Free Press Associate Editor

Ed and Julie Blank decided after the June 5 tornado that they had better start hitting some items on their bucket list. For Ed, who will turn 51 on May 15, one of the items was a motorcycle. In March, he bought a 2010 Honda GL1800 Goldwing and had it delivered April 4. Ed hasn’t been able to ride it much, but whenever the forecast calls for no rain, he is on it. “The weather has actually sucked, but like an idiot being totally anxious,

I have ridden it to work a few times and, a couple of times, it was quite chilly,” he said. Ed owned a bike when he was 18, but got rid of it after he wiped out. He always wanted one again and the tornado inspired him to stop waiting. For Julie, the purchase did not make her nervous like it would some wives. She grew up around motorcycles because her father ran a Honda shop on Woodville Road in Northwood for more than 25 years. “She went to a lot of bike races as a youth,” Ed said. “My friend Bruce and his brother, Tommy Cox, were always there when Julie was there.” Julie said her dad, Bill Martin, who died when he was 53, operated Motorcycle Sales & Service Honda Shop. She spent a lot of time at the dirt bike track because her father did some racing.

Ed’s new toy is also fun for her, and she will definitely ride with him when the weather gets nicer. “I have been around bikes all my life,” Julie said. “When I rode with my dad I was the passenger, sometimes on the back, but sometimes in the sidecar. When I was young around 10 or 11, he used to bring home minibikes for my sister and me to ride on the sidewalk in front of our house or in the driveway.” Julie said the bike makes sense with Casey being a few years away from leaving for college. Soaring gas prices also make it an economical purchase. While Julie doesn’t necessarily have a bucket list, she does like going on vacations. Last year, she and Ed celebrated their 16th anniversary with a trip to Las Vegas. This year’s anniversary, on May 21, won’t be another vacation, but it could include a ride on

toledo free press photo by lisa stang

Ed Blank knocks one off his bucket list

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may 8, 2011

n A13


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A14 n Toledo Free Press


may 8, 2011


By Sarah Ottney


Mother’s Day is a tenfold blessing for Charlene Rook. The Oak Harbor woman and her husband, Chuck, have 10 children — one biological daughter, eight adopted children and one nephew in their permanent custody — ranging in age from 7 to 20. It’s not the family they planned on — after they had their daughter, the plan was to adopt one boy — but it’s one Charlene said has been a blessing from God. “I believe every child we have adopted or who has come to live in our home was meant to come here. It was a God thing,” she said. “I had to do some convincing with my husband, but we said yes to God and that’s how it was. The kids needed homes and parents and we were saying yes.” When their biological daughter, Meridian, was 6, the Rooks took in 11-year-old Jason as an emergency foster care placement and later adopted him. Before they knew if they would be able to adopt Jason, Charlene was searching online and came across 11-year-old Rick and his 9-year-old sister Katherine. “As soon as I saw them, I told my husband ‘These two are going to come live with us.’ He said ‘No, I said one boy and that’s a boy and a girl,’” Charlene said. “Six months later, they came to live with us.” Next came 8-year-old Jennie followed by 11-year-old Carla, both foster placements the Rooks went on to adopt. Because Jason had severe behavioral issues, the Rooks became known as a couple who could handle hard-to-place children, either because of their behavior or because the children were older. After their sixth child, the Rooks decided they were finished adding to their family and the time had come to stop fostering.

Photo courtesy Rook Family

Mom celebrates special day with 10 kids Help for those hurting



Charlene and CHuck Rook with nine of their 10 children.

But two weeks before their fostering license was set to expire, the couple got a call that Chuck’s nephew, 1-year-old Tyler, and Tyler’s two siblings, 4-year-old Cody and 6-year-old Sally, were up for adoption. “We said we’re adopting everyone else, we can’t not adopt family,” Charlene said. “So we added onto the house and brought them in.” Last year, the couple took in another nephew, 12-year-old Dustin, of whom they currently have permanent custody. With so many kids — plus a menagerie of two monkeys, three dogs, two cats and a goose — things can get pretty chaotic in the Rook household, Charlene said. “It’s a day-by-day thing because there’s so many different personalities under the same roof,” she said. “We all get along pretty well, but of course the kids come with different baggage and stuff like that which makes it difficult, but we work through it. The most important thing is sticking to it. Every day is like a roller coaster ride, but we

just hang on tight and don’t let go. But it’s exciting, too. There’s a lot of excitement in this house.” The couple are teaching their kids to give back to the community and the family regularly volunteers with Food for Thought, One Matters, Tent City and other local organizations. Charlene also gives back as an AmeriCorps member with Adopt America Network, a nationwide nonprofit that matches adoptive children with families. She serves as family outreach coordinator in Toledo, helping families during and after adoption navigate the system and connect with resources, support groups and advice. On Mother’s Day, Charlene will be counting her blessings for Jason, 20, Rick, 20, Katherine, 18, Carla, 18, Meridian, 16, Jennie, 16, Dustin, 13, Sally, 12, Cody, 10 and Tyler, 7 — her unplanned but divinely orchestrated family. “It’s not easy to adopt in the first place so to have kids just come to you and it just work out that way, it was definitely meant to be,” she said. O

on Mother’s Day

an and I were blissfully happy and looking forward to the birth of our first child together. It was an uneventful pregnancy until my water broke prematurely. Kaitlin Grace Nelson (Katie) was born by C-section to minimize trauma to her 1 pound, 12 ounce body. She was perfectly formed in miniature. Her arms and legs were about as long as my fingers. I looked into her eyes and felt a power surge of love. Katie was immediately connected to wires and monitors. Doctors and nurses hovered nearby. She was too fragile to be removed from the incubator, but we could reach inside it and touch her. She wrapped her tiny hand around my finger as I talked to her, sang to her and prayed. There was no doubt in my mind that she would be fine. She had to be. She was our precious baby. Two days later, the doctor said Katie had suffered a brain bleed; her organs were failing She was Barbara NELSON in pain and there was nothing they could do to stop it. He recommended that we disconnect her from the machines. It was an agonizing decision. The whole family took turns holding and loving Katie as she gradually let go of this life. When the nurses carried her body away, I felt a curtain of darkness descend. Losing a child is the death of a dream. Our family and friends were totally supportive, but had no idea what we were going through. Some tried to comfort us by saying God needed another angel. Others said we could have another baby. The thought that God gave us Katie, then arbitrarily took her away made me feel sadder and angrier. The idea that we could replace her hurt even more. Physical pain from the C-section was a welcome distraction from the emotional pain. I was off work for two months. Tears rolled down my checks as I sat at my desk the first day back. A co-worker said, “Haven’t you gotten over that yet?” I felt ashamed for being out of control. Dan and I received an invitation to the Helping Other Parents Experiencing Grief (H.O.P.E.) meeting at the Fulton County Health Center in Wauseon. H.O.P.E. is a support group for parents who’ve lost a child. We were hesitant, but our pain overruled the reluctance. We sat silently as other parents spoke and cried openly about losing their children. There was no judgment, no expectation and no requirement to speak. Everyone seemed to have a mixture of feelings: angry, frantic, empty, depressed, scared. We were like a battle-weary troop of soldiers in a foreign land living minute to minute, not knowing what to expect, fighting a hopeless war against our own emotions. Dan and I attended the H.O.P.E. group for about a year. What a blessing to discover that grieving is normal, not crazy or inappropriate, and there are no rules. It is a roller coaster ride that may last months or years. Sharing difficult feelings with others who can truly empathize makes all the difference. It was an overwhelming sense of relief, like exhaling after holding your breath for a long time. We attended the group that first night hoping to find the magic words that would eliminate our pain, but eventually realized there were none. The most comforting words came from our minister: God is weeping with you. Overall, time has been the best healer, though scars remain. n NELSON CONTINUES ON A15

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May 8, 2011 n NELSON CONTINUED FROM A14 It’s been almost 20 years since Katie died — hard to believe that a tiny being who only lived two days could change one’s life so profoundly. I think of her often and look forward to meeting her again someday. In the meantime, I’ll continue to volunteer as a support parent for the H.O.P.E. Group. Toledo support groups include: Online support:

O Perrysburg: Bereaved Parents Support Group, First Presbyterian Church, 200 East Second St., second Tuesday, 7 p.m. Contact: Sue Valle (419) 872-2541. For all parents who have experienced the death of a child (young child or adult child). O Sylvania: Our Children Remembered, St. Joseph Catholic Church, 5373 S. Main St., Sylvania, (419) 885-5791, third Wednesday,

O Oregon: Remember Me: Bereavement Support Group, Mercy Women’s Care at St. Charles Navarre Medical Plaza, 2702 Navarre Ave., Suite 101, Oregon, fourth Tuesday, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Peiffer (419) 696-7721. For those experiencing a death of a baby due to prenatal loss, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth and/or neonatal death (up to 3 months old).

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7:30-9:30 p.m. Contact: Paul and Barbara White (419) 882-2676. Ecumenical bereavement support group for parents who have experienced the death of a child. O Toledo: Caring and Restoring Each Other — CARE Memorial Group, The Toledo Hospital, 2142 N. Cove Blvd., Toledo (usually in Meeting Room G), third Tuesday, 7:30-9 p.m. Contact: Kim Folk-Axe (419) 291-9475. The group focuses

n A15

on the support of bereaved parents experiencing miscarriages, stillbirths or deaths of infants through the first year of life. An annual memorial service is hosted in October. O Waterville: Compassionate Friends, Zion Lutheran Church, 22 N. 2nd St., Waterville, first Tuesday, 7 p.m. Contact: Michelle, (419) 4679251 or For bereaved parents. O

Mature Community Wellness Expo set for May 19 The inaugural Mature Community Wellness Expo is set for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 19 at the WPOS Christian Center, 7112 Angola Road in Holland. The free public event will feature wellness information, free health screenings and informative talks on physical and financial safety as well as vendor giveaways and free lunches for seniors. The event, which organizers plan to make a biannual event, will be presented by Friends of the Family Home Health Care, Neville Funeral Homes and Spring Meadows Senior Community. For more information, call Friends of the Family at (419) 794-1555. O

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The 50+ Sports Classic will take place June 11. Registration starts at 8 a.m. with the opening ceremony set for 9 a.m. at St. Francis de Sales High School, 2323 W. Bancroft St. Individual and team athletic events will continue for the rest of the day at St. Francis and surrounding athletic facilities. Early registration is $20 and must be submitted or postmarked by June 1. Later registration costs $30. Events are divided into the following age brackets: 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75-79; 80-84; 85-90; and 90+. A registration form and full list of events can be found at or by calling (800) 472-7277. O — Sarah Ottney


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Removing Roadblocks Selling Your Home in Today’s Real Estate Market A FREE Informational Seminar

Thursday, May 19, 2011, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (lunch provided) Swan Creek Retirement Village. RSVP by Monday, May 16, 2011. The Industry’s Leading Experts will Discuss: ~ ~ ~ ~

Selling your home: Listing/Staging/Pricing Market Trends, Current Statistics Appraisals and Value Assess Maintenance Needs, Importance of an Inspector

Panel Presenters: ~ Rose Toth Gallardo, Danberry Realtors ~ Dan McQuillen, Toledo Board of Realtors Board Member ~ Ken Wood, Martin Wood Appraisal ~ Jim Johnson, Seagate Inspections

Parking the day of the Seminar is at the Community Center on the corner of Reynolds and Brownstone (the old Bill Knapp’s) across from the car wash. Swan Creek buses will shuttle you to our main campus.

419-865-4445 •

A18 n Toledo Free Press


May 8, 2011


Website offers deals for Toledo moms

A new website, Daily Deals for Toledo Moms, is win-win for local businesses and area moms alike, according to its leader. The site typically features five deals per week from local businesses: one deal per day Monday through Thursday and one deal Friday through Sunday. Deals range from pet-grooming to housecleaning to kid-friendly activities — or something just for moms, said Head Toledo Mom Jen Myers. “We’re all about supporting small local businesses and our demographic is the mom market,” Myers said. “Moms represent 85 percent of household spending, so it’s obviously a fantastic demographic to market to and who knows moms better than themselves?” The main website, Daily Deals for Moms, was launched in April 2010 by two moms in Denver. The site has since expanded into a dozen new cities with more in the pipeline for this year. Myers started the Toledo site in January. Word of mouth has been good for business, Myers said. “It’s very new, but it’s already growing by leaps and bounds,” Myers said. “The first things moms do when they find a deal is they share it, they update their Facebook status. It really is a neat concept.” The sites have more than 10,000 Twitter followers, 4,300 Facebook fans and 7,500 e-newsletter subscribers and the sites draw 13,500 views per month. Unlike other social couponing sites, like Groupon, Daily Deals for Moms is locally owned and operated in each city. It also puts a cap on deals so as not to strain small businesses and is not dependent on group-buying. “If one person wants the deal, one person can get the deal,” Myers said. The innovative approach has led parenting web-

site to name it one of the Top 16 deal sites for families and the site was recently a contestant in business website’s annual Leading Moms in Business competition, Myers said. “We really set ourselves apart from the daily deal sites out there,” Myers said. “We have wonderful testimonials from our clients, who are moms in the market they live in.” For more information, visit www.dailydeals O — Sarah Ottney

of any age can submit images demonstrating how older Ohioans are connecting their communities. Photos can be uploaded to the department’s Facebook page or mailed to Ohio Department of Aging, Attn: Communications Division, 50 W. Broad St./9th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-3363. Photos will not be returned and the department reserves the right to use the images in its online and print publications For more information, visit O — Sarah Ottney

Older Americans Month in May

Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame

Gov. John Kasich recently declared May to be Older Americans Month with May 17 to be Senior Citizens Day. The two events are observed nationwide each May and each third Thursday of May. This year’s theme is “Older Ohioans — Connecting Communities.” “Our communities need their elders, and our elders need their communities,” Kasich said in a news release. “We are nothing without the shared histories, diverse experiences and wealth of knowledge of the generations before us. Their willingness to realize their dreams, speak their minds and work toward a better Ohio has provided opportunities for our children and grandchildren.” More than two million Ohioans are age 60 and older, according to the governor’s official resolution. Among area Senior Citizens Day events is the Area Office on Aging’s annual Spring Fling. The free event, featuring demonstrations, giveaways and community resource information, is set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 17 at Tam-O-Shanter, 7060 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania. The Ohio Department of Aging is hosting an Older Americans Month photo project. Ohioans

A Toledo woman will be among the 19 Ohioans inducted into the state’s Senior Citizens Hall of Fame during a ceremony in Columbus on May 26. Charlotte Shaffer has served the Toledo area for more than 50 years as a volunteer and through her career in human services, according to the Ohio Department of Aging website. As head of the Toledo Council of Social Agencies during the 1960s, she helped seek grant opportunities to support human services projects, including the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank and the community’s first information and referral center. She also led in the creation of the Area Office on Aging while serving as executive director of the Community Planning Council of Northwest Ohio in the 1970s. She retired as executive director of the Toledo-Lucas County Council for Human Services in 1988 and has served on several area boards, including the Area Office on Aging, Lutheran Social Services and the Salvation Army. Since 1977, more than 350 individuals have been inducted into the hall of fame. For more information, visit O — Sarah Ottney


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Cardiac Cardiac Recovery Recovery Services Services Heartland Glen May 8, 2011 -- Holly Heartland Holly Glen Proudly Announces: Proudly Announces:

Our cardiac recovery services use an Our cardiac recovery services use an individualized approach to delivering individualized approach tocare delivering medical and rehabilitative to patients medical and rehabilitative care patients to patients Cardiac Specialty Care with cardiac disease. We serve Cardiac Specialty Care with cardiacfailure, disease. We serve patients with heart coronary artery disease with heart failure, coronary artery disease Now accepting patients. (CAD), hypertension (high blood Cardiac Recovery Services Now accepting patients. (CAD), hypertension (high blood pressure), unstable angina, heart attack, pressure), unstable angina, (such heart as attack, Heartland - Holly Glen post cardiac interventions Our cardiac recovery services use an Proudly Announces: cardiac recovery services use an individualized approach Heartland - Holly-Glen post cardiac interventions as individualized approach to(such delivering Heartland Holly Our Glen stents, pacemakers, ICDs) and post medical and rehabilitative care to patients Heartland -Street Holly Care Cardiac Specialty stents, pacemakers, ICDs) and post with and cardiac disease. We serve patients toGlen delivering medical rehabilitative care toartery patients with Proudly Announces: 4293 Monroe coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) with heart failure, coronary disease 4293 Monroe Street Now accepting patients. (CAD), hypertension (high blood coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) Toledo, OH 43606 cardiac disease. We serve patients with heart failure, coronary pressure), unstable angina, heart attack, to name a few. Toledo, OH 43606 post cardiac interventions (such as 419.474.6021 to name a few. Cardiac Specialty Care Heartland - Holly artery Glendisease (CAD), stents, pacemakers, ICDs) and post hypertension (high blood pressure),

Cardiac Recovery Services

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Now accepting patients. Heartland - Holly Glen 4293 Monroe Street Toledo, OH 43606 419.474.6021

coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) to name a few.

unstable angina,For heart attack, post cardiac interventions more information contact the For more information contact the Admissions Department atcoronary 419.474.6021 (such as stents, pacemakers, ICDs) and post artery Admissions Department at 419.474.6021 or bypass surgery (CABG) to name a few. or For more information contact the Admissions Department at 419.474.6021 or

For more information contact the Admissions Department at 419.474.6021 or A

P r o v e n

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Brunch Bunch

Humor & Aging g

What’s so funny about getting older Presented by: Sister Mary Thill OSF

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

BREAKFAST served at 9:30 a.m. There is a $3 per person charge for the brunch.

Please call Carleen or Tara at 419-878-4055 to RSVP 8883 Browning Dr.

(419) 878-4055 Waterville, OH 43566

2011 50+ Saturday, June 11, 2011

St. Francis de Sales High School, 2323 W. Bancroft St.

An Olympic Event for People 50 Years of Age or Older

Register online at



n A19


Celebrating Mothers’ Days I

Not every mother has the opportunity to hold onto love when a mother beams with pride on her eldest child’s birthday because, in addition to celebrating her child for all of her days and some never even have another year in the life of her child, she is remem- the privilege of holding their children at all. So many of bering and celebrating her own anniversary of becoming those whose mothering journey ends before the rest of a mother. On my birthday and on the birthdays of each the world recognizes it has begun feel that mothering tug inside nonetheless. Only a mother can truly of my three siblings each year, my own know when her personal conception of the mom couldn’t help but lovingly stare at maternal life truly begins. her birthday child while uttering, “I can’t Other moms’ maternity begins later in believe you ever fit inside of me.” What a child’s life, stepping in where another has seemed pretty weird and honestly kind of left off. Some mother a child for weeks or creepy at the time is finally a little less so months or years not knowing if that child now that I have been through the process will ever truly be theirs, but agreeing to love a few times. It really is hard to believe that them as their own anyway. Sometimes a another human being, no matter how small mother’s child is born long before she even at the time, ever fit inside of me. knows she has the desire to mother. When The moments when I heard those first Shannon SZYPERSKI she is ready, she may have to travel over cries and caught those first glimpses of my land and sea just to gain her chance. children have become my happy places. For others still, they may never have a child born of When I’m having blood drawn or trying to get through any other uneasy moment, I think of hearing that first them and may never have that official government seal “It’s a girl!” that let me know I was officially a mother of authenticity, yet they genuinely care for people on this by public standards. It actually wasn’t a girl and no earth with a mother’s love and compassion. They mother one even said it was a girl, but for some reason I could a neighbor, a nephew, a community, a country out of have sworn that’s what I heard. “A girl?!,” I excitedly re- nothing more than an altruistic desire to fulfill someone sponded. “No, it’s a boy!” “A boy?!,” I again responded, else’s basic human need. There are women who share the mothering of a equally excited. The second time around it really was a girl, but I still child, putting personal differences aside. There are didn’t hear, “It’s a girl!” I was instead informed that I was women who serve as both mother and grandmother, the mother of a daughter by hearing the doctor say, “She’s starting over just when they thought the early years of peeing all over!” She? It really was a “she” that time. She was mothering were well behind them. There are women who have never been properly mothfollowed a few years later by another “she” and this time I was actually introduced to her with a genuine “It’s a girl!” ered themselves, yet chose remedy over resentment. They Regardless of the words that were said, the birth of each became the mother they never had, forging a new and child gave me confirmation that I really was the mother I better path for future generations. Children are equal in a mother’s eyes and so should had felt emerging for some time. Truth be told, mothering often begins long before mothers be equal in one another’s eyes. Whether life that unforgettable day we first lay eyes on our child. with a child began after a beautiful birth, a heartbreaking Some of us planned and readied ourselves well in ad- phone call or a random twist of fate, our purpose is one vance of that unknown but very special someone’s con- in the same. Mother’s Day gives us a day to all celebrate and reflect ception, while others were quite taken by surprise with the news. No matter when the realization of mother- on this mission we call motherhood. O hood takes hold, it doesn’t take long to fall head over heels and vow to love, protect and fight to no end for Shannon and her husband Michael are raising three children in Sylvania. Email her at our little one all the days of our lives.


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TOLEDO-AREA CAMPUS GRADUATES* Stephanie A. Abner Monica Adams Brooke E. Albring Kimberly A. Alonso Jason R. Altland Judith A. Anderson Robert J. Andrews Jennifer M. Anteau Timothy A. Artressia Erdenetuya H. Badarch Brittany Bagley Zachary R. Balusik Bodie M. Bankey Megan S. Barker Maite Y. Barrios Nicole L. Barton Amy R. Baugher Alison V. Beach Jennifer L. Beach Bryna A. Benninghoff Norman D. Berl Katharine L. Bethel Kevin J. Bettenbrock Brittany E. Bires Bethany A. Bitter Haley N. Black Christopher D. Bohland Allison M. Bollinger Kathrine R. Bonczek Angela H. Bowden Johnathan D. Bowen Chantel M. Boyd Jason D. Brauer Kattie M. Braylock Travis L. Brewer Barbara A. Brinke Jacob D. Brockschmidt Hillary J. Brockway Donald R. Bronson Lynette M. Brough Travis Brown Michael R. Brown Karen Y. Brown Angela M. Broyles Ashley A. Brushaber

Michael C. Goolsby Carole L. Gorka Blair J. Gosche Rachel S. Gray Thomas G. Gulch Melissa T. Guyton Sarah M. Haberland Anthony J. Haddad Terrell J. Hall Amanda K. Hallenbeck Kirk C. Hallett Brandy M. Hamblin Sherry L. Hampton Christopher J. Hancock Kelly M. Hanner Hugh J. Hanson Dale R. Hardin-Wallace Ronni L. Harteis Amy M. Hauck Ashley S. Hayes William L. Hayes Brooke A. Hearn Andrea J. Heban Aaron R. Hendriksen Abigail C. Henry Sierra C. Hester Christie L. Hicks Steven L. Hieskell Andrea L. Hipp Stephanie M. Hoefflin Shelley A. Hoelzer-Spahn Jill A. Holbrook Rebecca M. Holmes Kjelli K. Holmes Elizabeth R. Hood Datrice L. Hopson Elizabeth A. Householder Habib H. Howard Michelle A. Huepenbecker Cory M. Hull William J. Hunter Dereck J. Hymore Juda K. Iles Lauren J. Ingram Nathaniel A. Ingram Calvin M. Irving Marie T. Jablonski

Ysaul T. Nevarez Laura E. Norden Eric M. Oblander Emilio L. Ortega Nicholas V. Otersen Lyndsay M. Ott Brandy S. Ousley Rachel J. Ovens Aaron C. Overton Steven E. Pack Paris A. Pattin Jennifer J. Pelwecki Latoya C. Pettaway Michael R. Petz Sadie L. Pfleghaar Kishanya N. Phillips William L. Phillips Suzanne M. Pinson Earnest E. Plyler Jennifer L. Printke Jessica L. Provo Daniel J. Quisno Jessica K. Rainey John H. Rauhut Cassandra A. Ray Carol L. Reau Annie Reed Randal M. Reffert Tammi L. Richards Lisa Rickert Andrew J. Roberts Blanca R. Romero Meredith A. Roth Dustin K. Rowan Lisa J. Rowlett Amber M. Ruemmele Stacy R. Rutledge Kristi L. Sadowski Nawal Sahi Michael F. Sanchez Emily M. Sanchez Ryan P. Sautter Melissa J. Schade Jennifer L. Scherer Tammy L. Scheuermann Leanna M. Schild Mary A. Schira

Aerica L. Susor Nichole M. Sutphin Kimberly A. Suttles Delseyna M. Swain-Anderson Sharron M. Swartzfager William J. Swisher Altaise M. Syph Jaimie L. Szczublewski Raymond L. Szkudlarek Rebecca J. Szumigala Kevin L. Tallman Janette B. Tamesis Haroon Tariq Jennifer A. Tarsek Matthew A. Taylor James M. Thacker Ashley A. Thames Justin M. Theisen Antoinette C. Thomas Patricia L. Thomas Heather D. Thompson Michelle R. Thrailkill Jeremy L. Tietje Susan K. Tilton Susie Todd Brian C. Toflinski Kristie L. Tokar John P. Toman Jessica M. Torda Richard M. Torres Liana C. Toth Judith M. Townsend Corrie A. Tramte Katelyn M. Trapp Laura M. Traxler Laura M. Traxler Michelle L. Triggs Joshua C. Tropf Ashley M. Trouten Kelly L. Trzcinski Brittany E. Tucker Lesley R. Tulk Jill A. Turek Jennifer R. Turner Jamie L. Turney Brande R. Twining Scott W. Tyson

Thank you graduates!

confidence they have in the Northwest Ohio community.

FINDLAY-AREA CAMPUS GRADUATES* Tyler L. Banks John C. Blake Amanda N. Bolyard Melissa J. Bowers Kerrie B. Boyer Sarah L. Brenamen Anthony D. Brooks Tyler T. Brumbaugh Cierra R. Carpenter Leticia R. Castillo Stephanie L. Channels Stephen P. Chapin Hui Ling Chen Jared R. Collins John R. Conlin Crystal L. Covert Lisa S. Cramer Kelsey R. Darbyshire Emily A. Decker Brooks R. Deidrick Delaine A. Depp Jessica R. DeVooght Brooke M. Donley William J. Eisenman Miranda A. Ellerbrock Rachel L. Endicott Lauren E. England Michele A. Epperson Aaron J. Etzkorn Trey E. Farabee Renae T. Fearing Felicia L. Fisher Christopher D. Fisher Brandy R. Fredritz SantaMonika R. Garcia Danielle R. Geroski Lauren M. Gleason Amy J. Goble Jill A. Gooding Danielle M. Hale Hannah G. Haney Andrew M. Haney Dawn D. Harmon Bret M. Hibbard Miles H. Hinkle

raising a family. Their investment in education is a mark of the

community and contribute by working, paying taxes, voting and

Since 1965, the majority of Owens graduates remain in the

Congratulations to 1,245 Owens Community College graduates who join nearly 30,400 alumni in earning an associate’s degree.

experience success

A16 n Toledo Free Press may 8

Matthew T. Brusoe Anne M. Bunda Brian S. Bushman Amy B. Butler Stephanie A. Butts Michelle A. Campbell Matthew R. Cappelletty Kurt A. Carnicom Latisha D. Carter Daniel G. Carter Jenna L. Cassity Acqua L. Chatmon Adam B. Cheatham YiTing Chou Anna K. Christen Aaron B. Christopherson Shannon L. Ciha Sonia L. Cisneros Sarah A. Clark Lauren J. Clement Karen E. Cook Heather L. Cook Shana M. Cook Tyler J. Corbitt Tracy L. Cortez-Avad Brittany M. Cox William F. Crayne Alicia L. Cryan Paul M. Culbertson Cleoann Custer Haley M. Daggett Andrew C. Danhauer Brittany L. Darling Camila W. DaSilva Eric D. Dauterman Carrie L. Dawes Amr M. Debian Tim A. DeCant Lisa A. Depinet Amanda M. Dewese Richard J. Dickson Janice L. Dingess Stephanie H. Dowdrick Jennifer L. Dowdy Katrina M. Drouillard Jessie R. Duke Jonathan Dunn Gregory R. Dyer Kimberly M. Eckles Travis M. Eisenbrandt Sally A. Engle Cameron L. Engle Michael A. Enis Matthew D. Evans Edward N. Falkenburg Kevin J. Fallon Martin J. Farkas Bradley J. Figiel Anthony M. Fleming Christopher T. Fofrich Leland Foster Lyndsey A. Foster Ariane M. Fought Heather L. Fournier Valorie L. Frantz Allison R. Freeman Eva M. Fritts Corry D. Fulton Beatrice Garcia Faith E. Garcia Anthony J. Gardull Maria L. Gaskins Martin L. Gaster Sarah Gaugh Kirk A. Gears Stephanie R. Geisel David M. Gill Megan M. Gloeckl Alecia D. Gonzalez Brittani L. Goodman William G. Goodrich

Joseph L. Jackson Karly N. Jacobs Amanda N. Jago Christopher E. Jewell Tracey A. Johnson Arthur L. Johnson Nicole L. Johnson Garrick P. Johnson Gwendolyn M. Jones Catherine M. Jordan Jacob E. Junge Michelle E. Keagler Kyle J. Keeterle Samantha J. Keller Robin J. Kelly Ian G. Kelsey Arthur J. Kennedy Amanda N. Kerwin Jennifer M. Kiene Rachel C. Kindred Chelsea M. Kirsch Kristi M. Kleinert Jermaine A. Knight Heather R. Koch Walter J. Kozlowski Kristina L. Kruzel Mary E. Kukwa Jeff A. LaForest Alicia T. Langel Amber M. Lantigua Hilary A. Largent Jaclyn P. Lasits Melissa L. Lawicki Mary C. Leasure Carissa Lee Abby K. LeFevre Kevin J. Lehsten Shanda L. Lewis Debbie J. Lichtenwalner Sherron A. Linear Aaron T. Link Denita R. Lopez Kristy L. Luther Amber N. Mack Joseph W. Mackey Dianne M. Mahaney David S. Malone Keith D. Maly Ashley L. Mank Tim L. Marko Matthew D. Martin Christopher M. Marx Mathew L. Materni Malori A. McCloskey Shaunta M. Mccurdy Phillip D. McDonough Noah E. McFadden Trilby D. Mcgee Kerry L. McKinney Tara N. McLaughlin Laurie A. McLeod Scott T. McNary Kendra N. Menchhofer Victoria M. Metzger Racheal L. Mier Evan E. Miller LaSonya Miller Stanley L. Miller Theresa R. Miller Jeannette E. Miller Samantha T. Minkowski Westley J. Mollinedo Alexandra E. Moore Michael D. Moore Anastesia S. Morehead Matthew D. Moreland Gregory A. Morris Corey J. Mortemore Barbara K. Mott Kathleen E. Naylor Shantae R. Neely

Allison M. Schlicher Ryan C. Schmidt Shari L. Schmitt Nicholas A. Schoenrock Mitchell R. Scholten Suzanne M. Schooner Ronni M. Schudel Nicholas E. Schultz Patricia A. Schumacher Thomas J. Schuster Hilary R. Scott Matthew J. Scott Lasharay M. Scott Dawn T. Seaburn Sheri L. Sears Keith L. Sechler Kailey M. Selders John J. Sellers Nadia Semaili Rachel A. Sepesy Martin J. Servais Anthony C. Shack Kristine L. Shaffer Ashley N. Sharpe Ashley J. Sharrer Rebecca C. Sheehy Morgan B. Sheffler Nicole M. Sheffler Derrick B. Shirey Danielle M. Shoffer Jay B. Shoffer Leroy A. Sholey Nicole R. Short Sara L. Shufelt Valarie N. Shuherk Kathleen J. Shull Cynthia C. Siefert Carly J. Sifuentes Michelle K. Siler George J. Simcox Donna E. Sims Connie B. Skadeland Bonnie J. Slaughterbeck Crystal E. Sloan Brandon M. Slomski Jamie M. Sly Megann E. Smith Alicia J. Smith Doris F. Smith Justin P. Smith Kaylee N. Smith Christopher P. Smith Bryan R. Smith Ryan A. Smith John T. Smithers Michael F. Snitch Jamie M. Snyder Scott M. Sonnenberg Erin K. Sorgenfrei Katherine L. Souders Danica M. Spaulding Kathryn E. Spencer Katlin A. Spencer Kevin M. Sprowl Loren A. Spurlock Madisen L. Stachowiak Kendra L. Stachura Nicole R. Stahl Victoria L. Stamm Dawn M. Stasiak Nicole C. StClair Lisa R. Stennett Agustta S. Stevens Melissa N. Stevens John S. Stewart Ashley L. Stiles Jon M. Stiles Rebecca M. Stone Tyler L. Strow Megan B. Stuck Kirk J. Susor

Jennifer P. Urban John G. Vanhersett Scott A. VanNest Nancy A. VanSickle Adrienne M. Vargyas Jennifer M. Vaught Anne M. Velikoff Lisa M. Veller April M. Vermilyea Cory W. Wagner Rachel E. Wahl Rachelle M. Wainwright Elizabeth A. Walker Jill M. Walker Brittny Walker Michelle Wall Brandy L. Walsh Hillary P. Walter Kimberley R. Walters David A. Warner Bailey L. Warren Karen D. Warren Alicia A. Warren Brian L. Wasielewski Krysta M. Waterfield Andrea M. Waters Linda A. Watkins-Strong Ryan J. Wayton Zach J. Wazny Jeff A. Weasner Joshua J. Weaver Helen R. Webb Emily E. Weber Jon K. Weber Mark E. Webner Desiree A. Weidner Philip J. Weiner Joshua M. Weislak Stephanie L. Welling Susan L. Wells Ben J. Wenzinger Amanda C. Westover Haley A. Whitcomb Angela D. Wilburn Kevin A. Wilhelm Christina M. Wilkerson Thomas J. Wilkins Darcy A. Williams Brian A. Williams Justin A. Williams Natalie M. Willingham Jacob C. Wilson Jennifer J. Wilson Jamar H. Winston Kandi M. Woessner Kori L. Wolfram Lacie L. Wonderly Mark A. Wongrowski Christopher J. Woodward Amy L. Woodworth Jordan D. Wray Richard J. Wrobel Amanda M. Wyatt Sara E. Yahl Heather N. Yglesias Asia M. Young Wendell L. Young Marilyn E. Young Sara E. Zajac Richard S. Zalesak Lisa M. Zautner Jessica L. Zeisler Cathy R. Zeltner Jessica L. Zieber Jerred M. Ziegler Angela L. Zimmerman Michael E. Zippay Cassandra D. Zoll Tami S. Zunk * Candidates for graduation

Danielle N. Hoag Amy R. Holvey Brandy M. Horner Mark D. Hostetler Oral A. Howard James R. Howard Mary R. Johnson Daniel F. Jordan Kyla S. Kathrens Susan P. Kau Matthew P. Lenhart Kristyn N. Link Erin M. Maag Corrina M. May Dereck J. Meyer Joshuah T. Meyer Amanda L. Meyer Andrew M. Mullholand Christopher A. Myers Julie A. Nye Ashley M. Odone Reed M. Patterson Rebekah L. Polaikis Cody M. Price Erich W. Rapp Karen M. Rife Jeff L. Risser Austin N. Roberts Stephanie R. Seibert William C. Sharninghouse Joshua D. Sharninghouse Tammy S. Shepherd Akiko Shima Dawn M. Siefer Nathan J. Simon Dennis R. Simpson Travis M. Sizemore Nancy J. Smeeton-Gaietto Melanie E. Smith Jessica M. Smith Nicholas A. Smith Darla L. Sonnenberg Misty L. Sorg Kimberly A. Souders Bradley W. Sparks Craig E. Spieker Christopher W. Stahl Michele K. Stallard Mary A. Stein Jody L. Stewart Kody R. Stickel Natalie A. Strahm Whitney B. Taylor Kay P. Theis Sarah E. Theis Sandra M. Theis Benjamin R. Thomas Chelsi L. Tiell Elizabeth N. Tornow Raina J. Tucker Todd J. Tulodzieski Tracy L. Vanderpool Steven J. Wagner Kelly M. Wagner Melissa S. Warren Lucas T. Welly Linda S. Weyer Ellise M. Whitta David G. Wigle Jena L. Williams Pamela L. Williams Dana B. Wilson Terry J. Woessner Paul C. Woessner Allison J. Wolfe Cassie L. Wolfe Dina L. Wood Dillon H. Ybarra Ronald D. Zeisloft Carlos J. Zuniga

8, 2011 Visit n A17

Business Link

A20 n Toledo Free Press

MARKETING By Duane Ramsey


Toledoans are serving as the voice of consumers across the country, according to Lori Mitchell Dixon, owner of Great Lakes Marketing in Toledo. “Toledoans are the perfect group to test because they represent mainstream America,” Dixon said. “The city is shaping the next generation of household products.” Toledo shapes how companies put products and packaging on the market by testing them with people and children from this area, she said. Great Lakes Marketing (GLM), a market research and consulting firm, has been helping companies to stay in touch with their customers since it was founded in 1965. It has served local, national and international clients in 23 states and eight foreign countries. GLM recently moved into a new, larger facility with the latest technology to better serve its growing clientele. The firm recently hired additional product testers and analytical staff for its team of 50 part- and fulltime employees, Dixon said. “We’re very excited to be operating from this amazing new location in Toledo. We just moved down the street from another building on Executive Parkway,” she said. “Our new capabilities really bring the voice of the customers to our clients. The expanded, state-of-the-art facilities for market research, product and advertising evaluation help clients collect information to make smart marketing decisions.” The new facility includes two focus group suites and three smaller discussion rooms, all equipped with webcams that allow clients to observe sessions from anywhere in the world. The focus group observation suite accommodates 15 viewers who can watch consumers through two-way glass and on a large-screen monitor in an attached lounge. The suites and interview rooms allow the client to be more actively involved by using a chat feature online to communicate with the moderators. The firm recently had a client in China watch a focus group in Toledo live via webcam, Dixon said.

Toledo free press photo by Lisa stang

Great Lakes Marketing moves to new location


Lori Mitchell Dixon is owner of Great LaKes Marketing.

GLM recently conducted research on Saturday mail delivery for the U.S. Postal Service and helped the Peace Corps understand what volunteers expect and want from their experience with them. “We work with major companies in Toledo to help them market their products and services. Toledo has a lot of successful business people because they are in touch with their customers in the marketplace,” Dixon said. GLM helps the Turf and Specialty Group at The Andersons make sure its lawn care products are what the customer wants. Dixon said GLM helps define the customer’s expectations of the product and design of packaging so companies can make the right decision to meet customer needs. “You want to make sure the product is right for consumers. We’re fortunate to have a company in Toledo that has a national presence with facilities that are just as good or better than anyone else. They know how to poll the right people and ask the right questions to get that information,” said Tasha Hussein Black, marketing development manager for the Turf and Specialty Group of The Andersons. Dixon said that GLM has been working with the Toledo Mud Hens for more than 10 years, since before the team’s move to Fifth Third Field. It conducted research to determine if the move Downtown was right for the community and fans, she reported. “They want to make sure they

continuously improve the experience of people at the ballpark and arena,” Dixon said. “We have a great relationship with them and they have been invaluable to us,” said Joe Napoli, president of the Toledo Mud Hens and Toledo Walleye teams, about GLM. “They have done all kinds of research and surveys, about the move Downtown to what motivates season ticket and suite holders to buy tickets and host events at the Mud Hens and Walleye games,” he said. GLM also conducts more traditional market research through telephone interviews when it’s not feasible to bring a larger number of people into its facility. The new telephone interviewing stations have recording capabilities that allow clients to integrate the words of respondents into presentations. Dixon has nearly 30 years of experience in market research and product testing supported by her Ph.D. in strategic marketing management and statistics from Kent State University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA from the University of Toledo and has taught marketing courses at both universities. She invites people to share their opinion and get paid to participate in marketing research studies by signing up at Potential business clients may learn more about GLM by visiting O

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may 8, 2011


Bernanke: gypsy or genius?


ince taking over as the head of holders, not to serve some altruistic the Federal Reserve in 2006, Ben greater good. Strangely, when Bernanke’s Fed Bernanke has continually taken actions that have been unpopular is examined through this lens it is and have been proven to be wrong remarkably successful. In the credit for the U.S. economy. His monetary crisis of 2008 it helped prevent the policy is terrible, he has failed to ad- failure of several of its shareholder equately stimulate the U.S. economy banks, while at the same time encouraging the consolito recover after the 2008 dation of a great deal crash, and his stance on of smaller competitors. bank bailouts following Through these strategic that crash were senseacquisitions and other less, anti-capitalist and policies described below wildly disliked. the banks are making Bernanke has mainmoney hand over fist, tained low interest rates all thanks to Fed since the credit crisis, Chairman Bernanke. and announced reThe Fed has also ascently that rates would remain low for “an ex- Dock David TREECE sisted its shareholders tended period of time.” The problem in acquiring the assets of many of with this strategy is that it isn’t these smaller, less “stable” banks working. Cheap money has not only for mere pennies on the dollar. Berfailed to create the jobs this economy nanke’s policy of low interest rates needs to stage a real recovery; it has has allowed big banks to borrow also sparked the public’s fears of in- money from the American people for next to nothing. flation, unfounded as they are. Banks can then deposit this borIt should rowed money back into the Federal come as no surReserve System, where Bernanke prise, then, that pays them interest on excess reserves Bernanke’s goal — interest that, in fact, exceeds their is not, nor was it cost of borrowing. In other words, ever to help the big banks are being paid interest economy. on money that isn’t even theirs, for The United which they assume almost zero risk. States Congress, BERNANKE We may disagree with a President and the Ameror a Fed Chairman, but we certainly ican people, out of need for guidance and plausible don’t believe that the United States is deniability, has assigned to the Fed in the midst of collapse. One problem the objective of protecting the value many investors have encountered is of the U.S. dollar and supporting the that they’ve been halted by their own fear. They have been convinced that domestic economy. As nice as that sounds, and as the world is coming to an end, and in much sense as it would make for the fleeing the markets they have missed nation’s best economists to set mon- some phenomenal gains. They would etary policy that will shepherd the have been far better off if they put American economy — it simply isn’t their own beliefs aside and dealt with true. Though admirable, this is not the markets objectively. O the Fed’s purpose. The Federal Reserve was founded Dock David Treece is a discretionary by several of this country’s largest money manager with Treece Investbanks and remains privately owned ment Advisory Corp (www.TreeceInto this day. It’s no more federal The above informathan Federal Express and its goal is tion is the express opinion of Dock simple: To protect those banks that David Treece and should not be conown it. Like any other corporation, strued as investment advice or used its aim is to produce profit for share- without outside verification.

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may 8, 2011



A different (bin Laden-less) world W

ith the news of the capture and death of Osama bin Laden, it gives us pause to stop for another moment to reflect on what happened Sept. 11. Lately, themes of some of the writings of The Retirement Guys have been centered on nostalgia and patriotism. Since we are at a point in time like no other, it is important to recognize how “things ain’t like they used to be” in more ways than one. Not only is our financial security in question because of how Mark things have changed, but our future physical well-being is now Nolan in question as well. Think about how the world has changed since terrorist acts have become prominent. If you fly anywhere you know what we are talking about. I (Mark) recently went on a trip and at the airport witnessed an elderly lady

in a wheelchair being ordered to take off her jacket and her scarf. She appeared approximately 80 years old and frail. She struggled to even move enough in her wheelchair to be able to remove the jacket. It made me sad to witness this and it made me angry to witness indignities people now have to go through for the sake of security. This is just an example of an everyday life inconvenience. Consider not only the inconveniences, but the absolute tragedies. Think about those who have been affected directly with the loss of a CLAIR loved one. They in their hearts will never get over this loss. There will BAKER always be that pain deep down. There is good news. With every challenge there is opportunity. Something good can come out of every bad situation. With the challenge of achieving financial security in this changing world we are spurred

on to meet the challenge. Challenges motivate innovators to come up with new ideas and new solutions to problems. There is more good news. We are the good guys. Good will prevail over evil. We will persevere. We will overcome. We are a great country. Yes, we have our problems. Yet we are overflowing with strong, talented, innovative, patriots who will not be denied. There may be a price to pay, but in the end we win the game. Let freedom ring. Rise up, America! O For more information about The Retirement Guys, tune in every Saturday at 1 p.m. on 1370 WSPD or visit Securities and Investment Advisory Services are offered through NEXT Financial Group Inc., Member FINRA / SIPC. NEXT Financial Group, Inc nor its representatives provide tax advice. The Retirement Guys are not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group. The office is at 1700 Woodlands Drive, Suite 100, Maumee, OH 43537. (419) 842-0550.

n A21


Kevin Cesarz

Twitter leads the pack

Where were you when you discovered the big news event? On Sept. 11, I heard a report on the BBC via National Public Radio that an aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center. Odd? Moments later I casually walked into a department store and then stopped in front of a wall of display TVs. That wall of repeating images of the burning building is still etched into my brain. Something shattering was occurring. Television and radio led with the first words and images.

Can’t sleep, must tweet

A tsunami of tweets began careening toward the highest traffic period ever for Twitter based upon one single tweet on the night of May 1. IT consultant Sohaib Athar in Abbottabad, Pakistan was having trouble getting to sleep with all the helicopter noise near his house. Athar tweeted that perhaps a “flyswatter” could tame the nearby noise. He then noted a loud explosion and then speculation, rumors, anticipation and commentary began cascading through Twitter, averaging a scorching 3,440 tweets per second. Athar’s single opening tweet produced a newfound status as a source and 100,000 Twitter followers within a few days. Former Navy reserve intel officer Keith Urbahn then tweeted “that bin Laden had been killed,” a nugget that produced a record-shattering 5,106 tweets per second according to a Twitter spokesperson.

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Kevin Cesarz is the director of social media and web project manager at Thread Marketing Group in Maumee. He writes about social media and content strategy on his blog i scream social at

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Want to learn more about social media? John Hondroulis will speak about QR codes (matrix barcodes used for marketing) at the next Social Media Breakfast Toledo event (May 21) in Holland. SMB Toledo is a free event series that combines education, networking and breakfast for social media fans, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and nonprofits. Find out more at SMB Toledo’s Facebook page. O

4/5/11 9:12 AM


A22 n Toledo Free Press

may 8, 2011


Cooperation has been key to TRAC formation


nytime there is an accom- principals and athletic directors set plishment, like the formation out with a vision in mind of what they of the new Three Rivers Ath- wanted this conference to be,” Myers letic Conference (TRAC), there is a said. “We want to be a leader not just good degree of teamwork involved to in Northwest Ohio but around the state as well.” get the endeavor off the ground. Being the best league “All of what you does not mean it is just have seen is a result of about wins and state a collaborative effort championships though. between our member “We really wanted to schools,” Ken Myers, the lay groundwork that it first commissioner of is not just about sports,” the TRAC said. Myers said. “When we What started out as drafted our league cona reactionary plan to stitution, we wanted to major Toledo Public make it clear that there Schools cuts that dramatically affected the Chris SCHMIDBAUER are expectations we have landscape of prep sports, TRAC is of our schools and the student athletes. quickly trying to establish itself as a We want this to be a class organization.” That first step was the Sportsmanmodel league in the state of Ohio. During the opening remarks of ship Conference. TRAC had students the league’s Sportsmanship Con- from each of the member schools ference, May 4 at Bowling Green represent their individual sport and State University, League President come together to discuss the tenants and Fremont Ross Principal Jose of sportsmanship and how the league Hernandez said that there was one can be an example of it. “We want to make sure that when goal in mind: to create the best high people look at our league, we wanted school sports in the state of Ohio. “Our schools, their administrators, them to see the best we had to offer,”

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Myers said. “We know we are going to be competitive in the state, but we want our league and our athletes to be as well-rounded as possible.” The fact that a high school league would take the time to host such an event might come as a shock to some, but looking at the brief history of the league, it might be the norm for TRAC. Since TPS announced the elimination of all freshman and junior high sports and some sports completely, there has been a sense of sportsmanship and cooperation that has resulted in the birth of the TRAC.

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“I have been working on this for over a year now,” said Tom Snook, athletic director at Whitmer High School. “When the old City League athletic directors got together and started putting this together, we have been working together doing all we can to fast-track the process.” Fremont Ross athletic director Art Bucci said that this league could not have come together without teamwork. “It has been a quick nine months, but there has been so much hard work put in by the principals, administrators and athletic directors,” he said. “To see this vision coming together is neat.” Snook said cooperation among the member schools has been a huge help to getting TRAC started. “It’s been really nice,” he said. “Everyone has been cooperating together to make decisions that will be in the best interest of our league and not just their schools. It’s also allowed us to think outside of the box and do some things that we haven’t been able to do before.” Bucci said establishing TRAC has been a pleasure for him.

“In my 15 years as athletic director there hasn’t been an experience like this,” he said. “All of the schools came together with the idea of making this league the best for our students, and I think we have done that.” Myers said a lack of cooperation among the 10 schools would have only complicated the process. “If everyone came in with their own agendas, this would’ve never happened,” he said. “But everyone wants what is best for the kids.” While there is still work left to be done before next football season, TRAC’s first competition year, Bucci said the member schools made the right decision to join the new league. “I think we have all found a home,” he said. “The TRAC is going to be a tremendous league not only sportswise but also for sportsmanship, camaraderie and character. We couldn’t be prouder of that.” O Chris Schmidbauer is Toledo Free Press sports editor. Email him at

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may 8, 2011


n A23


By Duane Ramsey


Brown Automotive opened a new Isuzu Truck Service Center in April at its dealership in Toledo to provide service for its latest brand and other truck models. The Isuzu Truck Service Center is located behind the Brown HondaMazda-Mitsubishi dealership on West Central Avenue. The 4,500-square-

foot facility is large enough to house a full-size semi truck and trailer for maintenance or repairs. “We’re just getting started with Isuzu. We opened the truck service center that lends credibility to our new Isuzu franchise,� said Robb Brown, president of Brown Automotive. Brown Automotive officially began representing Isuzu trucks Nov. 1, 2010. Brown said the first used Isuzu truck was recently sold and they look forward to selling their first new truck.

The center will specialize in repairing and servicing Isuzu trucks, utilizing certified truck technicians and many years of experience working on models up to the largest Class 8 trucks. The new facility is the only service center for Isuzu trucks in Northwest Ohio with the closest facilities located outside Cleveland, in Lima, Fort Wayne, Ind. and Farmington Hills, Mich. n BROWN CONTINUES ON A24

toledo free press photo by lisa stang

Brown Automotive opens Isuzu Truck Service Center


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From left, Mark Henderson, Robb Brown and Robert Alexander observe Lorin Lee working on an Isuzu truck in the service center.










A24 n Toledo Free Press n BROWN CONTINUED FROM A23 Specializing in commercial Isuzu trucks, the center can repair and perform maintenance on Chevrolet, GMC, Hino, Fuso, Ford, Dodge, Sprinter and UD medium duty trucks and all Class 3 through 8 trucks and trailers, according to Service Manager Mark Henderson. “We are ready with new expanded service and we have the best factorytrained service technicians available in our area,” Henderson said. Lorin Lee, a certified Isuzu truck technician with 17 years of experience, was recently working on an Isuzu for Aaron’s Sales and Leasing operation in Toledo in the new facility. The Isuzu Truck Service Center carries a full line of Isuzu parts and has access to parts for all makes and models, according to John Nauman, truck parts manager at the facility. Rob Parish serves as general manager of the service center and Robert Alexander as Isuzu sales manager. Woody Wlodarczyk, outside sales and fleet manager for Isuzu and other truck brands, is visiting area business owners to make formal introductions about the new service center. The Brown dealership it sold its last Pontiac model on Oct. 31 after the brand was discontinued by General Motors, Brown said. After it lost the Pontiac franchise, Brown reported that they reduced their staff by one third and concentrated on its existing Honda and Mazda brands. The dealership added Mitsubishi cars and trucks in December 2009 and now Isuzu trucks. “Mitsubishi was a good addition. It has good quality and reputation in the industry. Isuzu was a natural progression with a lot of similarities in durability and inexpensive operation. I started looking at truck business for delivery trucks used by so many local businesses. Now, we have the only truck repair shop in Toledo,” Brown said. Isuzu recently introduced its new line of Reach vans and trucks in 10, 12 and 14-foot lengths. Isuzu represents 75 percent of the cab-forward market and has built trucks for Chevrolet and GMC, Brown said. He understands that Federal Express and UPS are considering the Isuzu Reach models that which 35 percent better fuel economy getting about 19 miles per gallon. The location of Federal Express and UPS distribution facilities in Northwest Ohio could provide additional maintenance and repair business for the service center at Brown, he said. “We’ve made a lot of major investments in our facilities recently.

Even though the economy is tough, we’re still expanding, thriving and here to stay,” Brown said about the family business that has 120 employees. His grandfather, Willis Brown, established the Pontiac dealership in Toledo in 1926. His sons, Bob and Willis, ran the business for many years.

may 8, 2011

cars longer than anybody in the Toledo area,” Brown said. The service center hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment for evenings and Saturday work. For service appointments, call (419) 531-0151, ext. 2287 or visit O

Brown started in the family business after graduating from the University of Toledo in 1982. He said he did everything from washing cars and sweeping floors to selling cars until he took over the daily operation of the dealership in 1992. “We’ve been selling and servicing



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may 8, 2011


n A25

Toledo Museum of Art

By Sarah Ottney


The field of Egyptology has a basketball game to thank for producing one of the world’s leading experts on mummification. Bob Brier was in his mid-20s and chair of a university philosophy department when he injured his knee playing basketball and decided to learn hieroglyphics while recovering. The experience was the start of an obsession with ancient Egypt that has led to pioneering research into mummification practices and investigations into some of the world’s most famous mummies, including King Tut, Ramses the Great and Vladimir Lenin.

Today the 76-year-old is known as “Mr. Mummy,” a nickname bestowed in 1994 when he became the first person in 2,000 years to mummify a human cadaver using ancient Egyptian techniques. Brier and his wife, fellow Egyptologist Pat Remler, will be in Toledo on May 13 to discuss “Myths and Mummies,” a free presentation at 7:30 p.m. at the Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle. Brier, a senior research fellow at the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University, will discuss his research in the ancient Egyptian methods of mummification, while Remler will discuss why the Egyptians’ mythology and religion led them to preserve their bodies. n MUMMIES CONTINUES ON A26

photo courtesy Toledo Museum of Art

Leading mummy expert to speak at TMA


Bob Brier will offer a free presentation on ‘Myths and Mummies,’ May 13 at the Toledo Museum of Art.

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A26 n Toledo Free Press n MUMMIES CONTINUED FROM A25 “Egyptians were resurrectionists. They believed people were really going to get up and go again,” Brier told Toledo Free Press during a call from his home in the Bronx. He was supposed to have been in Libya, but the political unrest postponed his trip. “I’ll be teaching aspects of how to mummify and why they mummified and she’ll talk about the gods and goddesses associated with it.” People have long been fascinated by ancient Egypt, in large part because of the mummies, Brier said. “It’s like they cheated death,” he said. “Mummies still look like human beings. So the fascination we have with death I think also attracts us to it.” The idea to mummify a modern cadaver came as Brier was writing a book on ancient Egyptian mummies. “I realized there were an awful lot of things we didn’t know and that’s when I said the only way we’ll actually figure it out is by doing a mummy,” Brier said.

The process, which took 70 days — one day to remove the organs and 69 days to dry and mummify the body — yielded several new insights. Researchers knew Egyptians had removed the brain through the nose, but no one knew for sure how it was done. “We thought you put in a hook and pulled it out in pieces. Well, that didn’t work at all,” Brier said. “We had to eventually break it down to a liquid and drain it.” Another longtime mystery solved was why the tables used for mummification were so large. It turns out the process requires about 400 pounds of natron, a type of salt and the bodies had to be completely buried under a pile in order to dry. Brier said the experience stands out as a favorite in his career. “I remember thinking, ‘Wow, I think this is really how they did it,’” Brier said. “I felt a closeness to the embalmer, like we were brothers in the same occupation.” Brier checks on the mummy periodically, looking for bacterial growth.

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may 8, 2011

“He’s been at room temperature for more than 10 years and he’s fine, so we think we did it right,” he said. Brier, who specializes in paleopathology, the study of ancient diseases, studies mummies to understand what diseases were prevalent in the ancient world and how they’ve changed, allowing scientists to better understand those same diseases today. A new long-term project is looking

for evidence of Alzheimer’s disease. “We’re looking at brains of elderly Egyptians to see if they have amyloid plagues on it,” Brier said. “Not every mummy had the brain removed. Poor people couldn’t afford it. We haven’t found it yet — we’ve only looked in a few brains — but it’d be interesting if we found it.” Brier has amassed a personal collection of Egypt-themed items ranging from historical artifacts to kitsch that

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fills several rooms. Yet despite the knowledge gained through his and other people’s research, unsolved mysteries will likely always remain. “I think we’ll get most of it, but I think there will always be some things that will never be known,” Brier said. “But we can always know more, which is a good thing I think.” For more information, visit www. O

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Hours: Mon-Sun 7 a.m.– 10 p.m.

3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee


Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.–9 p.m.

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Effective 5/9/11 - 5/15/11 | We reserve the right to limit quantities. | No sales to vendors. | Not responsible for pictorial or typographical errors.

TV Listings


8 am



9 am


1 pm


11 am


May 8, 2011

12 pm


2 pm



2 pm


One Life to Live The Talk The People’s Court The Doctors Varied Programs The Sopranos Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs SportsCenter My Wife My Wife 30-Minute 30-Minute Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs Raymond Jim Movie The Closer Varied Programs Wendy Williams Show

3 pm


4 pm


General Hospital Let’s Make a Deal Justice Justice Judge B. Judge B.

Ellen DeGeneres Oprah Winfrey Smarter Lyrics! Judge J. Judge J.

CSI: Miami

Criminal Minds

5 pm


News News News at Five How I Met Raymond The Dr. Oz Show Cyberch’e Dog Dog

RENO 911! Futurama South Pk



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


News ABC News News News TMZ News News NBC News News NewsHour The First 48 Scrubs


Lines Football NFL Live Jim Rome Around Pardon SportsCenter ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Gilmore Girls Still Stnd Still Stnd Guy’s Secrets Cooking Giada Contessa Ingred. Fix Paula 30-Minute Cold Case Files

Cold Case Files

Unsolved Mysteries The Seven ’70s Show Jim The Office Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order The Tyra Show






8 pm


9 pm


Unsolved Mysteries ’70s Show ’70s Show Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie Law & Order NCIS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

May 8, 2011


3 pm

6 pm

n A27

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

GSL Texaco Country NBA NBA Basketball: Lakers at Mavericks News ABC Funny Home Videos Extreme Makeover Desp.-Wives Brothers & Sisters News Carpet Off Road Racing Review PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Final Round. (N) (CC) News News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business CSI: Miami (N) (CC) News Criminal Movie Movie McCarver Seinfeld Raymond Mother Mother Simpsons American Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy Cleveland News Recap Office Office Poker Champ. Adv. Sports NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Philadelphia Flyers. (N) (S Live) (CC) News News Dateline NBC (CC) The Celebrity Apprentice The teams produce a live comedy show. News Profit Workshop W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens (CC) Ebert Who Does She Austin City Limits NOVA (CC) (DVS) Nature (N) Masterpiece Classic Toolbox World Lit Craft in America ››› Troy (2004) (CC) The Sopranos (CC) The Sopranos (CC) The Sopranos (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Breakout Kings (N) Breakout Kings (CC) Bethenny Ever After Bethenny Ever After Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Happens OC ›› Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle › Let’s Go to Prison (2006) Dax Shepard. ››› American Pie (1999) Jason Biggs. (CC) › Joe Dirt (2001) David Spade. (CC) ›› Jackass: Number Two (2006) (CC) Work. Macdon Good Shake it Sonny Sonny Wizards Wizards Wizards Good Wizards Wizards Shake It Shake It Shake It Shake It Good Deck Wizards Wizards Wizards Shake It Shake It Shake It College Softball Texas at Missouri. (N) 30 for 30 (CC) Street League Skateboarding From Seattle. SportsCenter (N) Baseball Tonight (N) MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies. (Live) SportsCenter (N) ››› Meet the Parents (2000) ›› Along Came Polly (2004) Ben Stiller. ›› Happy Gilmore (1996) Adam Sandler. ›› Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009), Jayma Mays ›› The Game Plan (2007, Comedy), Madison Pettis Funny Home Videos Dinner: Impossible Best Best Diners Diners Meat Candy Cupcake Wars Cake Food Chopped Last Cake Standing Last Cake Standing Best in Smoke (N) Cupcake Wars My First First Pla. Property Selling Buck Get Sold House Hunters For Rent Unsella Designed To Sell Hunters House Holmes Holmes Holmes Inspection House Hunters Income Income Saving Sarah Cain › Georgia Rule (2007) Jane Fonda. (CC) ›› The Secret Life of Bees (2008) Queen Latifah. (CC) ›› Waitress (2007) Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion. (CC) Army Wives (N) (CC) Coming Home (N) Army Wives (CC) Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 “Judgement Day” 16 and Pregnant “Leah” (CC) 16 and Pregnant America’s Best Son, Gun The Real World (CC) Fantasy Step Up 2 St. MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Texas Rangers. (Live) (CC) ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. ›› Race to Witch Mountain (2009) ›› Race to Witch Mountain (2009) ›› Speed Racer ››› Mildred Pierce (1945) ››› Gypsy (1962) Rosalind Russell, Natalie Wood. (CC) ››› So Big (1953, Drama) Jane Wyman. Moguls, Movie ›››› I Remember Mama (1948) Irene Dunne. ››› Stella Dallas (1937) (CC) ››› Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) ›› Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) Mel Gibson. (CC) (DVS) ›› Body of Lies (2008) Leonardo DiCaprio. (CC) Pregame NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Atlanta Hawks. (N) Inside the NBA (N) Lethal 4 How Lose ›› National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI In Plain Sight (N) Burn Notice (CC) › Coyote Ugly (2000) Made Scrubs Cold Case (CC) Friends Friends Chris Chris Two Men Two Men Japan’s Ice Heartland (CC) ›› The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) Cold Case (CC)



Good Morning News This Week-Amanpour Conklin Bridges Roundtabl Coffee Your Morning Sunday CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation Leading Mass Paid Prog. Body Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday RECLAIM Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Movie Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Poker Champ. Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Toledo Toledo Globe Trekker (CC) Antiques Roadshow My Ghost Story (CC) My Ghost Story (CC) Parking ››› Troy (2004, Adventure) Brad Pitt, Eric Bana. (CC) OC Housewives/OC Happens Pregnant in Heels Pregnant in Heels Pregnant in Heels Comedy Comedy ›› Mr. Woodcock (2007) Billy Bob Thornton. Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish Deck Deck Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (N) (CC) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball ›› Robin Hood: Men in Tights ››› Back to the Future (1985, Comedy) Michael J. Fox. ››› Meet the Parents Dinners Paula Rachael Ray’s Hungry Guy’s Cooking Money Chopped Block Holmes Holmes Inspection Disaster Disaster Yard Outdoor House Hunters Hour of Power (CC) J. Osteen Meaning ›› In the Land of Women (2007) Adam Brody. Saving Sarah Cain Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Bring It On: In It to Win It (2007, Comedy) ›› Step Up (2006, Musical) Channing Tatum. Step Up 2 the Streets Lady Day ›› Three Daring Daughters (1948), Jose Iturbi ›› Bundle of Joy (1956) Eddie Fisher. (CC) Mildred Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order ››› Lethal Weapon 3 Paid Prog. J. Osteen Law Order: CI In Plain Sight (CC) ›› How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House For Home Paid Prog. Sexy Hair! Paid Prog. Raceline › Coyote Ugly (2000)


10 am


7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


May 9, 2011

11 pm


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle “Pretty Dead” News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! How I Met Mad Love Two Men Mike Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office The Office House “The Fix” (N) The Chicago Code (N) Fox Toledo News Seinfeld King/Hill Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Chuck (N) (CC) The Event (N) (CC) Law & Order: LA (N) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow American Experience (N) Economy Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Bethenny Ever After Bethenny Ever After Bethenny Ever After Bethenny Ever After Bethenny Ever After › Scary Movie 2 (2001) Shawn Wayans. (CC) Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily Colbert Phineas Phineas › College Road Trip (2008) Deck Phineas Phineas Good Good MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox. (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Secret-Teen Secret-Teen Make It or Break It (N) Secret-Teen The 700 Club (CC) Iron Chef America Unwrap Candy Diners Diners Meat Best Thing Cake Good Eats Hunters Hunters Property Property House Hunters House Hunters First Place First Place Seventeen-Miss Justice for Natalee Holloway (2011) Premiere. Vanished, Beth How I Met How I Met Sil. Library Sil. Library Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy RJ Berger Fantasy RJ Berger Fantasy King King Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (N) ›› Lured (1947) ›››› Lawrence of Arabia (1962, Adventure) Peter O’Toole, Alec Guinness. (CC) NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Boston Celtics. (N) (CC) NBA Basketball: Thunder at Grizzlies NCIS “Agent Afloat” WWE Tough Enough WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) WWE Tough Enough Two Men Two Men 90210 (N) (CC) Gossip Girl (N) (CC) Entourage Curb Scrubs Scrubs

The Buckeye Store & More! Starlite Plaza Sylvania next to Ralphie’s


7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office The Office Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business The First 48 “Gone” Housewives/OC Daily Colbert Phineas Phineas E:60 (N) Funniest Home Videos Iron Chef America Hunters House Pawn Pawn Sil. Library RJ Berger King King ›› Eye of the Devil Bones (CC) Law & Order: SVU Two Men Two Men


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


May 10, 2011 11 pm


Dancing With Stars Dancing With Stars Body of Proof (N) (CC) News Nightline NCIS “Swan Song” NCIS: Los Angeles (N) The Good Wife (N) News Letterman Glee “Prom Queen” Raising Traffic Fox Toledo News Seinfeld King/Hill The Biggest Loser (N) (CC) The Voice (N) (CC) News Jay Leno Black in Latin America Paving the Way: Park Frontline (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Housewives/OC Bethenny Ever After Pregnant in Heels (N) Pregnant in Heels Jeff Dunham: Arguing Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Macdon Daily Colbert Deck Deck Good Deck Phineas Phineas Good Good 30 for 30 Fields of Play Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club (CC) Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped (N) Challenge First Place First Place Property Property House Hunters Property Property American Pickers (CC) American Pickers (CC) Coming Home (CC) How I Met How I Met 16 and Pregnant (CC) 16 and Pregnant (N) Worst. Prom. Ever (2011) Daryl Sabara. The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Conan (N) ›› My Brother Talks to Horses ››› The Rocking Horse Winner (1949, Drama) She Went NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI One Tree Hill (N) (CC) Hellcats (N) (CC) Entourage Curb Scrubs Scrubs

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TV Listings

A28 n Toledo Free Press Wednesday Evening ABC 13 CBS 11 FOX 36 NBC 24 PBS 30 A&E BRAVO COM DISN ESN FAM FOOD HGTV LIF MTV TBS TCM TNT USA WTO5

7 pm



7 pm



10 pm



8 pm


May 11, 2011 11 pm


9 pm


10 pm


1 pm


2 pm



May 13, 2011 11 pm


Ent Insider Shark Tank (N) (CC) Primetime: What 20/20 (N) (CC) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Flashpoint (N) (CC) CSI: NY (N) (CC) Blue Bloods (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office The Office Kitchen Nightmares Kitchen Nightmares Fox Toledo News Seinfeld King/Hill Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Friday Night Lights (N) Dateline NBC (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Wash. Deadline Ground War Need to Know (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Breakout Kings (CC) ›› Bee Movie (2007) Voices of Jerry Seinfeld. ›› How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Kate Hudson. How Lose Daily Colbert Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Comedy Ralphie May Louis C.K.: Hilarious Comedy Wizards Wizards Wizards Fish Phineas Shake It Shake It Shake It Shake It Shake It SportsCtr NBA NBA Basketball NBA Basketball Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Iron Chef America Diners Diners Diners Diners Food Best Thing Unwrap Unwrap Hunters House Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Green Home 2011 Pawn Pawn Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) How I Met How I Met Sil. Library Sil. Library Worst. Prom. Ever (2011) Daryl Sabara. ›› Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006, Comedy) King King Fam. Guy Fam. Guy ›› Liar Liar (1997, Comedy) Jim Carrey. (CC) ›› Stuck on You Mysterious-Dr. ››› The Paleface (1948) Bob Hope. (CC) ››› Along Came Jones (1945) Gary Cooper. Bones Suspects. (CC) Bones (CC) Bones “Finder” (CC) Bones (CC) CSI: NY (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Two Men Two Men Smallville Clark becomes the Man of Steel. (N) Entourage Curb Scrubs Scrubs


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Better Family Cougar Happy Happy News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor: Redemption Criminal Minds (N) C.M.: Suspect News Letterman The Office The Office American Idol (N) (S Live) (CC) Breaking Fox Toledo News Seinfeld King/Hill Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Minute to Win It (N) Minute to Win It (CC) Law & Order: SVU News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Secrets of the Dead NOVA (CC) (DVS) Saving the Bay (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) Beyond Scared Storage Storage Storage Storage Dog Bounty Hunter Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters (N) Top Chef Masters Daily Colbert Chappelle Chappelle South Pk South Pk South Pk Work. Daily Colbert Phineas Phineas Lemonade Mouth (2011) Bridgit Mendler. Phineas Phineas Good Good Baseball Tonight (N) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Chicago Cubs. (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› Bruce Almighty (2003) Jim Carrey. ›› Evan Almighty (2007) Steve Carell. The 700 Club (CC) Iron Chef America Last Cake Standing Best in Smoke Dinner: Impossible Diners Diners Hunters House Property Property Income Property House Hunters Hunters Income Pawn Pawn The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Vanished, Beth How I Met How I Met Sil. Library Sil. Library 16 and Pregnant (CC) The Real World (CC) The Real World (N) Barbar. Real... King King There There Browns Browns Payne Payne Conan (N) ›› Murder Ahoy! (CC) ››› Scarlet Street (1945), Joan Bennett ››› Trade Winds (1938) Fredric March. NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball Conference Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) NCIS “Dagger” (CC) NCIS “Power Down” NCIS “Child’s Play” NCIS “Ignition” (CC) NCIS “Heartland” (CC) Two Men Two Men America’s Next Model America’s Next Model Entourage Curb Scrubs Scrubs



8 pm

may 8, 2011

7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office The Office Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business The First 48 (CC) Housewives/NYC Daily Colbert Phineas Phineas SportsCtr NBA Funniest Home Videos Iron Chef America Hunters House Pawn Pawn Sil. Library Sil. Library King King Katharine Hepburn Bones (CC) NCIS “Broken Bird” Two Men Two Men



9 pm


10 pm



9 am


10 am


11 am


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

May 12, 2011 11 pm



May 14, 2011 12 pm


Good Morning News So Raven So Raven Hannah Suite Life School Repla Your Morning Saturday Doodlebop Trollz (CC) Horseland Horseland Back Pain Paid Prog. Animal Hollywood Eco Co. Mad Marketpl Marketpl Marketpl Marketpl Kids News Cars.TV Today (N) (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Turbo Shelldon Magic Bus Babar (EI) Willa’s Pearlie (EI) Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Change Your Brain, Change Your Body (CC) Kickstart Your Health Sell House Sell House Sell House Sell House Fix-Yard Fix-Yard Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Million Dollar Listing Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj › Black Sheep (1996) Chris Farley. (CC) Scrubs Scrubs Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish Deck Deck Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ››› The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) ›› Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Day Off Guy’s Big Daddy Mexican 30-Minute Ingred. Fix Paula Home Secrets Dessert Yard Yard Holmes on Homes Income Prof. Crashers Bath To Sell To Sell Sexy Face Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› Suburban Madness (2004) Sela Ward. (CC) ›› Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006) 16 and Pregnant (CC) I Was 17 10 on Top America’s Best Dance Yes, Dear Yes, Dear › Bait (2000, Action) Jamie Foxx, David Morse. (CC) ›› 50 First Dates (2004) Murder, My Sweet ›››› The Ghost Goes West (1936, Comedy) B. Rogers B. Rogers ›› Tarzan Triumphs Law & Order Law & Order “Empire” Men of a Certain Age The Closer (CC) Law & Order Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008) ›› Semi-Pro (2008, Comedy) Will Ferrell. (CC) Sonic X Sonic X Yu-Gi-Oh! Sonic X Dragon Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Dog Tales Green


3 pm


Wipeout (N) (CC) Grey’s Anatomy (N) Private Practice (N) News Nightline Big Bang Rules CSI: Crime Scene The Mentalist (N) (CC) News Letterman American Idol (N) (CC) Bones (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News Seinfeld King/Hill Commun The Office The Office Parks Parks Outsource News Jay Leno Toledo Stories (CC) Midsomer Murders Live From Artists Den Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) Manhunter Manhunter Manhunter Manhunter Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Happens NYC Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert ›› Starstruck (2010, Drama) Deck Phineas Phineas Good Good NBA Basketball NBA Basketball ›› Van Helsing (2004, Fantasy) Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale. The 700 Club (CC) Iron Chef America Food Network 24 Hour Rest. Battle Chopped First Place First Place Selling NY Selling NY House Hunters House Hunters Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries How I Met How I Met America’s Best Dance America’s Best Dance America’s Best Dance Son, Gun Dance ›› 50 First Dates (2004) Adam Sandler. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (N) ››› Neptune’s Daughter (1949) (CC) ›› Take Me Out to the Ball Game Duchess ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002, Fantasy) Elijah Wood. (CC) CSI: NY NCIS “Jet Lag” (CC) NCIS “Masquerade” NCIS “Jurisdiction” NCIS “Road Kill” (CC) The Vampire Diaries Nikita “Pandora” (N) Entourage Curb Scrubs Scrubs

Saturday Morning 8 am


8 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


May 14, 2011

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

›› 102 Dalmatians (2000) Glenn Close. Wipeout (CC) ESPN Sports Saturday Sports anthology. News ABC Entertainment ’Night ›› Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) Johnny Depp. News Anatomy Get Hot! NUMB3RS “Scratch” Paid Women’s College Gymnastics HS Basketball News News Wheel Lottery CSI: Crime Scene The Mentalist (CC) 48 Hours Mystery News America The Unit (CC) Bones (CC) Paid Base To Be Announced MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (S Live) (CC) News Seinfeld Fringe “Earthling” Paid Golf PGA Tour Golf The Players Championship, Third Round. (N) (S Live) (CC) Academic Academic Chase (N) (CC) Law & Order: LA Law & Order: SVU News SNL Kickstart Yoga-Arthritis Suze Orman’s Money Class (CC) The Amen Solution -- Thinner, Smarter Rudy Lawrence Welk Adventure Lodges Antiques Roadshow As Time... Vicar Bl’adr Ohio ››› The Pelican Brief (1993, Suspense) Julia Roberts. (CC) Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage Parking Parking Parking Parking Housewives/OC The Celebrity Apprentice (CC) ›› Bee Movie (2007), Renée Zellweger House “The Itch” House (CC) House “Last Resort” House (CC) House (CC) Scrubs Scrubs ›› Bachelor Party (1984, Comedy) Tom Hanks. (CC) ›› Hot Rod (2007) Andy Samberg. (CC) ›› Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Daniel Tosh: Serious Dave Chappelle Wyatt Cenac Good Shake it Sonny Sonny Good Good Good Good Wizards Wizards Deck Deck Deck Deck Phineas Deck Fish Good Good Good Good Deck SportsCtr NASCAR NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Dover 200. (N) Auto Racing SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College Softball Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) Ace Vent. ›› Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) ››› The Mask (1994) Jim Carrey, Cameron Diaz. ››› Beetlejuice (1988) Michael Keaton. ››› Monsters, Inc. (2001), Billy Crystal ››› Matilda (1996, Comedy) Mara Wilson. Contessa Giada Last Cake Standing Best in Smoke 24 Hour Rest. Battle Iron Chef America Challenge B. Flay Flay Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Iron Chef America Block Unsella Cash, Design Buck Secrets Candice Sarah Dear Color Spl. Designed To Sell Hunters House Summer Block Secrets Antonio House House Hunters Hunters The Bad Son (2007) Catherine Dent. (CC) Ann Rule’s Everything She Ever Wanted (2009) Gina Gershon, Ryan McPartlin. (CC) The Craigslist Killer (2011) Jake McDorman. Justice for Natalee Holloway (2011) (CC) Justice for Natalee The Real World (CC) Son, Gun RJ Berger I Was 17 I Was 17 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant Worst. Prom. Ever (2011) Daryl Sabara. ›› Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006) › Bring It On Again (2004) Premiere. 50 Dates ›› Liar Liar (1997) Jim Carrey. (CC) Jim Seinfeld Seinfeld King King ›› Race to Witch Mountain (2009) (CC) ››› Hitch (2005) Will Smith. (CC) ››› Hitch (2005) Will Smith. (CC) Tarzan ››› The Sea Chase (1955) John Wayne. ›› Darby’s Rangers (1958, War) James Garner. ››› Monte Walsh (1970) Lee Marvin. ›››› East of Eden (1955) James Dean. ›› Carson City (1952) Randolph Scott. ›› Fun With Dick & Jane (2005) (CC) ›› Monster-in-Law (2005) Jennifer Lopez. ››› The Terminal (2004) Tom Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones. (CC) ›› The Bucket List (2007) Jack Nicholson. ›› The Bucket List (2007) Jack Nicholson. ›› Next Friday (2000) Ice Cube. (CC) › Friday After Next (2002) Ice Cube. (CC) NCIS “Left for Dead” NCIS “Marine Down” NCIS (CC) NCIS “Silent Night” NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) In Plain Sight (CC) Icons Career Payne Browns Without a Trace (CC) American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Two Men Two Men Movie Made in Hollywood Entou Curb American American

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employment general THE OCEAN CORP, 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for New Career. *Underwater Welder, Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.


Sat., MAY 21st @ 9:00AM 3775 S. Custer Road • Monroe, MI 48161

KITCHEN & BATH: Kitchen cabinet sets by Silver Creek, granite counters, sinks, faucets, showers, vessel sinks, tubs, drop in & ped. sinks, top brand toilets & sinks. FLOORING: Carpet rems res, comm, berbers, plush, padding, ceramic, 2 ¼” to 5” hardwoods in oak, maple, cherry, hickory, walnut, some w/15-25 yr wrnty! Travertine, marble medallions, laminates. EXT DOORS: P/H entrys in oak, mahogany, maple, & cherry, fibergls & steel, 1/2 & full view, leaded glass, 9 lts, sliding & patio. INT DOORS: P/H, raised, 6 panel oak, pine, flush, bifolds, french. WINDOWS: Vinyl, new const & replace. TRIM: Casing, base, crown, chair, spindles, handrails, newels, stair parts in oak, pine, & primed. NAME BRAND TOOLS: Frame, finish, brad, & floor nailers, air comps, drills & saw kits. SPECIAL INT: A-grade pavers & stone, light fixtures, lock sets, lever door sets, entry locks, electrical.

TERMS: Drivers license to register. cash, check or c/c. 7% buyers fee. Inventory subject to change. AUCTIONEERS: Tim & Tom Paranzino, Jim Kellner, Bruce Brooke, Don Braham.


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Sealed bids will be accepted by the Board of Education of the Toledo Public School District until 1:00 p.m. on May 19, 2011, at the Toledo Public Schools Treasurers’ Room 3, 420 E. Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio 43608, for all labor, material and supervision necessary for the Beverly K-8, Birmingham K-8, Old Orchard ES, Riverside ES, and Walbridge ES FF&E package, as more fully described in the drawings and specifications for the project prepared by MacPherson Architects, Munger Munger + Associates, and The Collaborative Inc. and will be opened publicly and read immediately thereafter. Bid Documents for the project may be examined at the F.W. Dodge plan room in Columbus, Builders Exchange in Toledo, University of Toledo – Capacity Building, E.O.P.A. – Hamilton Building, Northwest Ohio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and The Plan Room in Ann Arbor, Construction Association of Michigan, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce and Ohio Construction News. Bidders may obtain copies of the documents starting Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 which can be purchased from Becker Impressions, 4646 Angola Road, Toledo, Ohio 43615, phone: (419) 385-5303. Drawings may be obtained on CD-ROM for no cost with the purchase of the specifications. A PREBID CONFERENCE is scheduled for May 12, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. at Toledo Public Schools Board Room, 420 Manhattan Blvd, Toledo, Ohio 43608.

IN MEMORIAM Rev. Walter C. McCauley, S.J., aged 84, departed this life on April 28, 2011, in St. Louis, Missouri. The son of Walter McCauley and Mary Ellen O’Connor McCauley, he was born on May 30, 1926 in Toledo, Ohio. He attended Central Catholic High School in Toledo graduating in 1943. Fr. McCauley was much inspired by the example of his uncle, John O’Connor, S.J., one of the first U.S. Jesuits sent to work in what is now Sri Lanka, who died in India while still studying for the priesthood. He joined the Society of Jesus, [the Jesuits] on September 7, 1943, entering the novitiate in Grand Coteau, LA. He continued studies at St. Charles College in Grand Coteau, Spring Hill College in Mobile and Fordham University in New York. He taught at Spring Hill College and at Jesuit High School, New Orleans before beginning theology studies for the priesthood at St. Mary’s College, Kansas, being ordained a Roman Catholic priest on June 13, 1956 at Spring Hill College. Father McCauley then served as Assistant Principal at Jesuit High School in New Orleans and Principal at Jesuit High School in Dallas from 1959-63. He continued his studies at the Gregorian University in Rome from 1963-65, after which he taught Theology at St. Mary’s College, St. Louis University, Princeton Theological Seminary (as a visiting fellow) and at Spring Hill College.

may 8, 2011

In 1975 he became associate director at Montserrat Retreat House in Lake Dallas, TX. He taught at Loyola College in Baltimore from 1976-80, then was an associate director at Ignatius House in Atlanta from 1980-1982. Fr. McCauley was pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish from 1982 to1985. In 1985 he returned to retreat house ministry at Manresa Retreat House in Convent, Louisiana, where he was an associate director until 1990, then at Montserrat Retreat House again where he served as the associate director from 1990 until 2009. In 2009 he returned to St. Louis as a member of the Fusz Pavilion Community. He was preceded in death by his parents, Walter and Mary Ellen O’Connor McCauley; and a brother, John McCauley. He is survived by his brothers, Gerard B. McCauley, Martin J. McCauley and many nieces and nephews. Wake services were held on Monday, May 2, 4:00 pm at St. Francis Xavier College Church followed by the Funeral Mass at 7:30 that evening. Burial was held on Tuesday, May 3, 9 am at Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis. In lieu of flowers and in order to acknowledge his life of ministry and education and to provide for the education of young Jesuits and the care of elder Jesuits, donations are requested to “The Jesuits,” 710 Baronne St., Ste B., New Orleans, LA 70113.

If you have any questions or a need for additional information, please direct all questions in writing to Patrick Stutler at Patrick.Stutler, by phone at (419) 776-5600, or (fax) (877) 281-0784. Bid Item #1 Beverly K-8 School Desk & Chairs Package Bid Item #2 Beverly K-8 Tables Package Bid Item #3 Beverly K-8 Office & Chair Package Bid Item #4 Birmingham K-8 School Desk & Chairs Package Bid Item #5 Birmingham K-8 Tables Package Bid Item #6 Birmingham K-8 Office & Chair Package Bid Item #7 Old Orchard Elementary School Desk & Chairs Package Bid Item #8 Old Orchard Elementary Tables Package Bid Item #9 Old Orchard Elementary Office & Chair Package Bid Item #10: Riverside Elementary School Desk & Chairs Package Bid Item #11: Riverside Elementary Tables Package Bid Item #12: Riverside Elementary Office & Chair Package Bid Item #13: Walbridge Elementary School Desk & Chairs Package Bid Item #14: Walbridge Elementary Tables Package Bid Item #15: Walbridge Elementary Office & Chair Package

Total Estimate































$ 2,593,491.00

may 8, 2011


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may 8, 2011

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