Toledo Free Press - July 6, 2014

Page 1

July 6, 2014

Best Weekly Newspaper in Ohio 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards

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Benefit CD

Labor of love Project Editor Sanya Ali on compiling a summer CD — and this special issue. page 3

Remember Eddie Benefit CD dedicated to late musician Eddie Boggs. page 7

‘Beautiful’ track Singer/songwriter Zak Ward contributes track to CD. page 8

Happy Cindy Slee pleased with course of musical career. page 9

Loving the cause Carmen Miller wants it all. page 11

Concert July 29 Artists from CD to perform at Hollywood Casino Toledo. page 11

Long time comin’ Bradberries write “Generic” country summer anthem. page 12

Family affair Birds of Chicago give “a little bit of good” to benefit CD. page 13


‘Red, White & You, Too!’ Cindy Slee, Zak Ward and BOB Stevens are among local artists on CD benefiting American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio. By Sanya Ali, page 4


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014



Labor of love

wasn’t sure what I was getting into when Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief Michael S. Miller assigned me this special issue covering the American Red Cross summer benefit CD. It began with the tongue-in-cheek question, “Are you a lover or a fighter?” I’ve never been a fighter, so I answered “lover.” “Great, you are in charge of the Red Cross CD issue,” he said (Staff Writer Amanda Tindall received the “fighter” assignment with last week’s Military Yearbook issue). When it came time for a briefing, Miller made me aware of a few key details of the project. The CD had not yet been completed but preparations began in January. At least 20 stories would need to be written. Then, he told me about the cause — the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio. For those of you who don’t know Miller, he’s very passionate about his causes. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit nervous about the project. Looking back, working on this issue was a collection of pleasant surprises. My first revelation: I never knew the breadth of the Red Cross’ mission. I believed the Red Cross was just an annual blood drive. I have learned during the past few weeks Sanya Ali that the Red Cross is a far-reaching organization that has touched lives affected by many different disasters. Be it a personal health struggle or a natural disaster, the Red Cross has been there to provide support and assistance. I had the pleasure of talking to Tim Yenrick, CEO of the Northwest Ohio branch, and Amanda Aldrich, their communications specialist. Yenrick was so pleased with the results of last year’s project, which raised more than $10,000, that he was more than ready to jump on board this year. Aldrich filled in the gaps in my knowledge of our local Red Cross. I also spoke with Bo McComas, a volunteer with the Red Cross who informed me about the projects the Red Cross has been involved in during the past year alone. McComas serves in both the Disaster Relief and Service to the Armed Forces wings of the organization, so he sees a wide range of cases in which the Red Cross has made an impact. I also heard a powerful story from a Red Cross beneficiary. Tina Zeiter lost her home in a fire last year around the time she was planning to host her daughter’s wedding. Thankfully, the Red Cross stepped in. They fed, clothed and housed Zeiter and her family and helped them rebuild. They’ve now been in their new house for three months. That is the kind of story people need to hear. The second happy surprise: The musicians we worked with for this project are total gems. When I heard the CD for the first time, the sheer talent of these men and women struck me. Nearly every song on the CD is an original; there’s only one cover. Put together, the tracks truly epitomize a real Toledo summer, whether they are explicitly about the Glass City or not. The fact that Miller, the musicians and the project’s sponsors are willing to give up time and resources for these causes gives me so much hope for journalism. This type of selflessness proves that newspapers are not just corporate entities. They are groups of caring people who want to give more than just a story to help address important issues. O Toledo Free Press Staff Writer Sanya Ali is project editor for the 2014 American Red Cross benefit CD issue. She can be reached at


Guest COlumn


Behind the scenes

hen people think of the American Red Cross, fires last winter due to the record lows and remarkable they usually think of blood donations, first aid snowfall. Mother Nature has no sense of humor, it would and CPR mannequins, and big disasters like Hur- seem, and likes to strike at the most unexpected times. These immediate needs following a disaster add up very ricanes Sandy and Katrina. We’re there to respond at a moment’s notice to calls for help for tornadoes, floods, hurri- quickly — often surpassing hundreds of thousands of dollars canes and wildfires. From July 2013 to May of this year, we’ve each year. Your support of “Red, White, & You, Too!” provides so much more than food, clothing and shelter. helped 562 families right here in Northwest It provides comfort kits filled with necessities Ohio with necessities like temporary shelter, like a toothbrush, toothpaste, a razor and soap food and clothing following 385 disasters. to help people feel human again. It pays for But did you know that most of our time gas to fill our emergency response vehicle to is spent helping families recover from home get us to the scene on those cold winter nights fires? Home fires are the most common and wrap shivering families in warm blankets. disaster that the Red Cross responds to. It keeps the juice flowing through our comImagine what it must be like to stand on the puters and telephones so we can communisidewalk in front of your home, watching cate emergency messages to members of the all of those memories vanish in smoke and stationed abroad. ash. Our hardworking volunteers are there Amanda ALDRICH military When a death, serious illness, birth or other in a heartbeat to provide compassionate care emergency happens, we’re the only agency in the United States during a very traumatizing time for local families. This year marks the sixth anniversary of the tragic that can relay that vital information to the military member and Hunter’s Ridge Apartments fire that occurred July 5, 2008. get them home to spend time with their family. Your support provides the paper and ink for thousands of diMore than 120 units in nine apartment buildings were desaster-preparedness pamphlets and resources that stroyed. Two hundred and twenty-eight people we distribute at community events all throughout were left homeless that holiday ler Northwest Ohio. It keeps the lights on at our weekend. It was truly il M l S. hae , Mic offices so we can conduct lifesaving courses a miracle that no one like CPR and teach valuable skills to teens and was hurt. Reports said adults in our new Babysitter’s Training and it was the most inAdvanced Child Care courses. Possibly most tense Toledo apartment , importantly, it provides support to the more fire in at least a decade. than 1,000 dedicated volunteers who wake up Firefighters and first rein the middle of the night to respond to these sponders rushed door to O Oled T disasters with a smile on their face and kinddoor to ensure everyone k c a Me B Take ness in their hearts. was evacuated. It took By purchasing “Red, White & You, more than four hours to Too!” at your neighborhood Ralphie’s or extinguish the flames. Sadly, t fi e ben ite to Frisch’s Big Boy, not only are the famionly 12 percent of those afn u rtists hio a lies who receive our services winning, fected had renters insurance. NW O but you’re winning too! You get to take home a sweet CD People lost precious baby filled with incredible music from 20 local artists and know photos, wedding albums, family heirlooms and some even lost their vehicles due that your purchase is making someone else’s day a little bit brighter. We cannot thank enough Michael S. Miller and to the intensity of the fire. The Red Cross was there providing hundreds of snacks the Toledo Free Press team; the folks from Bennett Enterand meals to families who had lost everything. We offered prises; Newsradio 1370 WSPD; Hollywood Casino Toledo; emotional support and counseling to dozens of people the talented artists on the album; all the other behind-thewho left the comfort of their homes in the wee hours of the scenes players; and all of our other supporters for making morning. We also provided thousands of dollars in direct this second edition a reality. We hope you take advantage of cash assistance for food, clothing, replacement of prescrip- this fantastic package and support your local Red Cross too. We’re there, behind the scenes, to make sure families tions, bedding and security deposits. Emergencies and disasters are just that ­— emergent in have something very few can offer at such a difficult time: nature and come with no warning. We spent most of our hope. Thank you for making this a reality for so many. O November assisting families following an unseasonal tornado touchdown and strong winds that damaged dozens Amanda Aldrich is communications specialist for the Amerof homes. We responded to a tremendous number of home ican Red Cross of Northwest Ohio.

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Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 10, No. 27. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor


A Toledo tradition since 2005

ADVERTISING SALES John McNamara, Sales Manager • (216) 406-6384 Renee Bergmooser, Senior Sales Representative • (419) 266-0254 Chick Reid, Sales Representative • (419) 705-5396 Derrick Stumm, Sales Representative • (419) 356-4842

Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager

STAFF WRITERS Sanya Ali • Brandi Barhite • Jeremy Baumhower • Jim Beard • Jordan Finney

DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234

Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus

PRODUCTION Christie Materni, Photographer

Jay Hathaway • Vicki L. Kroll • Duane Ramsey • Danielle Stanton • Amanda Tindall

COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2014, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.


Red, White & You, Too!

A Toledo tradition since 2005

July 6, 2014


By Sanya Ali

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

What do you get when you mix a newspaper, a group of talented artists and a deserving cause? You get Toledo Free Press’ second annual summer CD, “Red, White & You, Too!,” which released July 3 at Frisch’s Big Boy and Ralphie’s restaurants across Northwest Ohio. As editor in chief, Michael S. Miller has established two major philanthropic musical projects: a holiday CD for Make-A-Wish Foundation and the summer CD, which benefits the Disaster Relief Fund and Service to Armed Forces wings of the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio. “On a professional level, because the community has responded so strongly to Toledo Free Press and its mission, we have an obligation to use our format to give back to the community,” Miller said. Miller had a personal experience with the Red Cross in July 1985, when the apartment building he and his family lived in caught fire. “It was the American Red Cross and the United Way that sheltered and clothed and shoed and blanketed and got my little family back on its feet. I’ve never forgotten how quick those organizations were to respond,” Miller said. The first summer CD came out in 2013 and raised more than $10,000. Miller said he hopes the amount raised this year is even greater and the CD’s impact is felt across Northwest Ohio. “I want [listeners] to be excited by how much local talent there is,” Miller said. “I want them to hear these songs and say, ‘What a band. What a vocalist. What a great song.’”

What’s new?

Since last year’s CD launched, CEO Tim Yenrick said the Red Cross has used the funds throughout its disaster services unit. “The dollars raised from the CD were very important to us this year,” Yenrick said. “Obviously with the intensity of our winter this year, we saw a marked increase in disaster services. We responded to home fires and weather-related incidents.” Yenrick said he believes the CD is a fun way to bring attention to the organization. “I think it’s a very unique way to raise dollars and also to get our mission message across in the community,” Yenrick said. “[Our mission is]

Photo courtesy Tina Zeiter

Summer benefit CD filled with original tracks


Fire struck the home of TINA Zeiter on Sept. 8, 2013, as she prepared for HER daughter’s wedding. The Red Cross provided food, shelter and clothing.

to alleviate human suffering during disasters and individual crises.” Yenrick was a fan of last year’s CD project; his favorite tracks were Chrys Peterson’s “(Sittin’ On The) Dock Of The Bay” and the Put-inBay trilogy of songs. He said he has even higher hopes for this year. “I’m pretty excited about all the original songs,” Yenrick said. “[Miller] does such a great job of working with the artists and I’m sure it’s going to be an outstanding CD.” Yenrick extended his personal thanks to Miller, ToYENRICK ledo Free Press Publisher Tom Pounds, the artists, media sponsor Newsradio 1370 WSPD and Frisch’s Big Boy and Ralphie’s restaurants for their support during the project. “I know Miller has worked very hard and the local artists are just great in working with us on the project,” he said. Yenrick said he wants the public to know that the Red Cross is steadfast in its dedication to Northwest Ohio.

“We are here, ready to respond, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and we appreciate financial support,” he said. “We also appreciate our volunteers who provide 95 percent of our service in the community. We’re always here ready to respond to a natural disaster and to work with our military families and to provide health and safety training throughout the community.” Amanda Aldrich, communications specialist for the area Red Cross, said she regards altruism highly. “It’s genuine selflessness and heartfelt compassion,” Aldrich said. “It’s looking outside yourself and offering what you have — talents, time, money — to make things better for someone else. It can be big or it can be small, but everything you do can make a difference.”

A Red Cross success story

On Sept. 7, Tina Zeiter was preparing to celebrate her daughter’s wedding. The event was set for the following week at Zeiter’s house. Family gathered and worked tirelessly to prepare the space for a memorable day. No one could have foreseen what happened at 12:30 a.m. Sept. 8.

Zeiter awoke to her grandson’s cries and found the house enveloped in smoke. Her first thought: Find grandchildren Chase, 9, and Savanna, 4. “Before I realized it, I had swallowed a big gulp of heavy, black smoke,” Zeiter said. “I didn’t think to cover my mouth at the time, only to get the kids out of the room. I grabbed the kids; Chase was still on the bed and was helping me look for Savanna on the lower bed. He could see her only because she had put light-up bracelets on her bear’s wrist and she had the bear beside her, still asleep.” Zeiter’s family made it outside, but the emotional toll the incident took was massive. “It’s almost as if you go numb,” Zeiter said. “Even today, I can still feel the emotions go through me. It’s almost unexplainable; it’s like you are falling and can’t stop and no one is there to catch you. You just go through the movements, answer the questions, but you are in a daze. To have the weight of responsibility on your shoulders alone for the safety of your own children and grandchildren, as well as the loss of your house is unimaginable.”

Zeiter said from the moment she stepped out of the house, Red Cross of Northwest Ohio was ready to help. “The Red Cross helped by arranging a place for us to stay for the first two nights and providing us with a debit card to be used to purchase food and clothing,” Zeiter said. “We only had the pajamas on our backs when we left the house. I had grabbed a jacket in my bedroom as I raced out, but that was it. We didn’t even have shoes to wear.” What really stood out to Zeiter was the emotional support she gained from the organization. “It was when I finally sat down in the truck and listened to the volunteers that I finally began to cry,” Zeiter said. “It was like I needed to be strong in front of my family, but my family wasn’t in the truck. The Red Cross team was very comforting. I felt as if I didn’t have to bear all the weight, that someone else was going to take charge now and tell me what to do.” Since early this year, Zeiter and her family have been living in their newly renovated home, courtesy of contractor Cousino Harris. n RED CROSS CONTINUES ON 6

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

Red, White & You, Too!

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July 6, 2014

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Red, White & You, Too!

n RED CROSS CONTINUED FROM 4 “When I wake up in the morning or when I go home at night, I am struck by the sense of appreciation I have for the people who have touched my life and have been there for me, whether it be the Red Cross as a support, the contractor rebuilding my home, the insurance representative, [or]friends and family that have been there to support me and my family. I am truly thankful for their role in my life,” Zeiter said. The proceeds from this year’s CD will help guarantee that, in the event of such tragedy, the Red Cross can again step in and spare a family some of the pain. “People should know that those working for the Red Cross are clearly very special people,” Zeiter said. “Most of us may never cross paths with the Red Cross, but those of us who will, the Red Cross is as much of a financial support, providing food, clothing and shelter, as they are an emotional support.”

A volunteer’s perspective

Bo McComas has been a volunteer with the Red Cross for years. “When I retired, a friend of mine said I might want to consider the Red Cross because I absolutely love helping people,” McComas said. “I decided to advance and I’m a volunteer supervisor now. I just love it.” McComas assists in the local Disaster

July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Action Team, which deals with fires and other similar incidents. He also flies around the country to assist in repairs following tornadoes and hurricanes. “I’m also a Service to the Armed Forces (SAF) worker,” McComas said. “When there is a death or an illness in the family of the servicemember, the Red Cross will give the notification to the McCOMAS servicemember. I follow up and make sure the servicemember was able to make it home.” The past year has seen much activity for McComas. “I have responded to three natural disasters and I have reached four house fires,” McComas said. “I’m in the middle of five SAF cases as we speak, doing follow-ups for the military.” McComas said people should become aware that the Red Cross does projects with the intention of letting victims recover at their own pace. “We offer shelter, food and clothing,” McComas said. “We actually give them a credit card. That makes them independent and allows them to do their own recovery.” This year’s CD donations will ensure volunteers like McComas have the means to assist in future disasters.

Artists take control

“Red, White & You, Too!” is different from previous Toledo Free Press charity projects because almost every track is an original both written and performed by the artist. “I’ve always relied on cover songs because they’re well-known and it’s an easier sell,” Miller said. “When music began to come in for this year’s summer project, the originals were so outstanding and they were so professionally recorded and produced, I lost that fear.” The selection process was extensive, as Miller had to sort through the nearly 40 submissions to find the songs that really spoke to the theme of the project. “My methodology is to play them in the car, everywhere I go, which means in the middle of January’s deep freeze I’m playing these summer tracks,” Miller said. “Only through repeated exposure can you figure out how they fit together and how they work off each other.” Miller said he has worked with a few of the artists on previous projects, but many new voices grace this year’s summer disc. “It’s easy to get comfortable and rely on some of the same artists,” Miller said. “I know they would answer the call. For the health of the project and for my personal interest in the project, working with new artists is an important step. It’s important to challenge yourself and not get complacent or too comfortable.”

While summer CD staples Kyle White and Pat Dailey (who Miller said is the definition of summer music) did make this year’s tracklist, Miller said he made an effort to include newcomers whose contributions really stood out. “Having new groups like Thirsty Houligans, Zak Ward or Birds of Chicago contribute really did freshen up the project for me personally and I hope that is communicated to the listeners as well,” he said.

Mighty contribution

Matt Feher, professionally known as Mighty Wyte, has been donating studio time to Miller’s CD projects for several years. Though he said his role is much greater on the Christmas CDs, the Red Cross project also benefits from a good deal of his input. “I basically assist with final engineering, assembly, trimming any ‘dead’ space at the front or back of any song, making sure all artist and song information is correctly entered and ‘CD Text’ is enforced,” Feher said. “I burn the final ‘Red Book’ and give it to Miller for final inspection before it’s sent out and pressed.” Feher first got involved with these projects a few years back because Miller is a close friend. Giving back to his community is something he strongly endorses. “I can help a lot of people and

some great causes,” Feher said. “It’s one of those things where I can turn grains of sand into pearls.” Giving to charities like Red Cross, Feher said, benefits everyone in the long run. “People say ‘Treat others as you wish to be treated,’ but rarely practice it,” he said. “So to help someone or some charitable organization out just makes good karmic sense.” Feher also commends Miller’s dedication to his charity projects. “Miller takes on a great deal of the workload when it comes to all of these projects,” he said. “He’s entirely too humble about how much work he puts into these things and how much time and effort goes into these CDs. “He’s an amazing guy and he’s insanely busy,” Feher said. “So to get a few hours a year to just work with him on a project is pretty fun.” Feher said he is proud of this year’s project and that the team who worked on it was dedicated to creating an amazing CD. “Me, the other engineers who work on the audio and the people who contribute music work very hard to create a quality catalog of music,” Feher said. “We’re not selling hackjob recordings of poorly arranged material. Everything is produced as well as it can be, engineered as well as it can be and packaged like any other off-the-shelf CD.” O


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July 6, 2014

Red, White & You, Too!

A Toledo tradition since 2005



Chris Boggs is amazed at how quiet her house is without her husband Eddie, who died in January after an eight-month battle with cancer. She’s thankful for all the songs he recorded during his decades of making music so she — and others who loved him — can still hear his voice. “We cry every time we listen to his songs, but I do every day,” Chris wrote in an email to Toledo Free Press. Boggs, 68, a folk musician and retired teacher and counselor, loved music but made serving others his life’s work. “His kindness, his positive spin on life, his whole being was about love and being thankful for what he could do for others,” Chris said. “He was a simple man. He loved life and he lived to lighten people’s loads. And his avenue was music and kindness. He took time to listen to people, and sang as a way to make them smile.”

Boggs was always involved with charity projects. For years, he hosted an annual holiday variety show that raised more than $250,000. He contributed a song, “That First Snowfall,” to Toledo Free Press’ Make-A-Wish benefit CD in 2012 and “Another Putin-Bay Summer” to last year’s American Red Cross benefit CD. This summer’s Red Cross benefit CD, “Red, White & You, Too!” is dedicated to Boggs and contains one of his signature songs, “Uptown Boogie Down Saturday Night.” “Eddie believed in these projects when no one else understood what we were trying to accomplish, and he connected me with a score of local musicians,” said Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief Michael S. Miller, who produces the Toledo Free Press charity CDs. “No one has been as gracious and patient as Eddie and I can’t imagine these CDs without his voice.” “When we were contacted this year for an upbeat song, ‘Uptown Boogie Down Saturday Night’ immediately came to mind,” Chris said.

“Come Monday morning, I’m up at dawn, ’cause I’m a working man,” the song goes. “In less than an hour, I’m out of the shower and headed down to the plant / And all week long, I give it my best, but come Friday evening I give it a rest / I leave my worries all behind ’cause there’s one thing on my mind / And that’s an uptown boogie down Saturday night.” “He wrote and recorded it around 1992-93 specifically for the people of Toledo — the hardworking individuals who give their time Monday through Friday at a job and enjoy their weekends, specifically Saturday night, with the people they love,” Chris said. “He wanted to capture the simple joys in life. We always called it his hokey song, but it has a catchy tune and over the years became a favorite original of his with the people that came to see him.” Those who worked with Boggs at Sylvania Schools also remember his impact. “He did so much to make this little corner of the globe a better place,” retired teacher Al Thompson said. O


Eddie Boggs, WHO DIED IN JANUARY, was a musician, teacher and counselor.

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Boggs’ ‘Uptown Boogie Down Saturday Night’ written for ‘hardworking Toledoans.’


Benefit CD dedicated to late musician Eddie Boggs


Red, White & You, Too!

July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Zak Ward contributes ‘Beautiful’ track to Red Cross CD By Sanya Ali

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

photo by dee danford

The music of Zak Ward has reached new heights in the past year, even gaining international interest. “We put out a CD in late March called ‘This Wonderful Playground’ and we’ve also had two music videos, one of which was produced in England,” Ward said. “It’s been a crazy, crazy surreal experience and an honor. That type of thing didn’t happen 10-15 years ago. It’s all because of social media and developing relationships online.” Ward is a major proponent of altruism and, to show his charitable nature, he contributed his song “Beautiful” to this year’s “Red, White & You, Too!” benefit CD.

“I’m really appreciative of Toledo Free Press and the Red Cross for accepting this donation of music from all of us musicians and allowing local artists to be featured,” Ward said. “It’s an honor to be a part of it for that specific reason. It’s also awareness of what kind of art is happening in the Toledo, Northwest Ohio area.” Ward’s lyrics are drawn from a combination of sources. “Inspiration comes from just being a fan of music and life in general,” he said. “Beautiful” is a song that Ward hopes is open to interpretation but the overall message is one familiar to listeners. “Generally speaking, it’s kind of like a love song as it relates to appreciating beauty,” he said. For this song, Ward collaborated

with fellow musician Bob Stevens, who also has a track on the CD. Ward said he thinks musicians should always give back to their communities. “Musicians are in a very lucky position as it relates to helping with charities because it’s really effortless

for us to donate art for someone to raise money for a cause. “Anytime that I have an opportunity to help raise funds for our society, our city, certainly I’m compelled to do so,” Ward said. “Raising money for any type of charity or-

ganization [offers] huge fulfillment because I have something I can actually contribute.” In the upcoming year, Ward said he and the group plan to assemble a visual concert series, as well as complete another album and music video. O


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Zak Ward’s ‘This Wonderful Playground’ was released in MArch.

Cindy Slee ‘Happy As A Jaybird’ with her growing musical career By Amanda Tindall

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

After going through nursing school and practicing for 15 years, Cindy Slee was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The autoimmune disease took what had been her life, her whole career, and made it completely impossible to maintain. But Slee said music had been a part of her life no matter what she was doing, so when nursing was no

longer an option, she was able to return to that love. The switch led her to write “Happy As A Jaybird,” which she donated to the American Red Cross “Red, White & You, Too!” CD. Even before nursing school, Slee said she fell in love with the guitar. By her late teens, she was performing in groups. In nursing school, she met Theresa Konwinski and the two wrote and played music together. After nursing school, Konwinski moved, but they continued to write songs via email. When Konwinski moved back to the Toledo area, she

Red, White & You, Too!

A Toledo tradition since 2005

suggested the two get back together. The band they formed was called Stat Band, because they were both nurses, Slee said. “Happy As A Jaybird” was conceived when Slee heard her mother say that exact phrase. “Any songwriter will tell you that it’s so great when a song just falls into place,” Slee said. “I was out West, visiting my parents in Las Vegas, and I keep a guitar there. My mom said something about being ‘happy as a jaybird,’ and I said, ‘You know, that’d make a great line.’ So probably by the time I left there, I had written the lyrics.” Slee said her inspiration, what drives her to play music, is that no matter what mood you might be in music has the ability to take you to a different place. “She has demonstrated a lot of courage over the years,” Konwinski said. “She’s had some really dark days. When she first got [diagnosed], it progressed so quickly that we were afraid she’d never get out of the wheel chair. She’s so determined and not self-pitying. And her fearlessness is what gave her the ability to do music on her own. That’s not easy to just get your guitar and yourself and play in front of people.” O


Photo by Lisa Feather / TOLEDO FREE PRESS cover photo by christie materni

July 6, 2014


Cindy Slee said music has the ability to take you to a different place.

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10 Red, White & You, Too!

Art imitates life for Stevens’ ‘Party On The Beach’ Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

As Bob Stevens sat on a log on the beach with his guitar, he looked down at the mass of broken shells under his feet. As he did, the lyrics of his song, “Party On The Beach,” part of this year’s “Red, White & You, Too!” American Red Cross benefit CD just came to him, he said. “I looked down, and it was all shells. The song just happened in that moment,” Stevens said. “That’s what I try to do — write outdoors, if I can.” Stevens taught himself to play guitar through trial and error, he said, and had his first show when he was 14 years old. Since then, he has performed and taught guitar lessons, to as many as 50 students at a time. As he became more advanced, he learned music theory from more experienced musicians. Stevens said even from a young age, music was a part of his life. “My dad played guitar when I was growing up, and a lot of his friends were in really good bluegrass bands,” he said. “As a little kid, I remember sitting around and listening to these guys play.” Stevens has played with bands in various cities, spending three years in Phoenix with an upscale cover band, and in Nashville, Tennessee, where he worked at Gibson. “I like regular pop songs, which is weird because that’s a whole different side of me than the guitar player,” Stevens said. “I play a lot of different styles, a little bit of everything, instrumentals, but as far as songwriting the lyrics, I like just simple pop songs. They’re catchy.” With his new album, Stevens decided to put everything together on his own — lyrics, instrumentals and vocals. “This record was just to see if I could do it all myself,” Stevens said. “Music is such a universal language. Last fall, I had the chance to go to Italy and meet some family I’d never met from over there. I was in this little village, and there were these two guys with acoustic guitars. They were playing all the things that we play here, but singing them in English. I got up and played a few songs with the guys. It’s a universal language no matter where you are.” O

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Bob Stevens played his first show at 14.

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toledo free press photo by christie materni

By Amanda Tindall

July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Red, White & You, Too! 11

By Sanya Ali

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Carmen Miller has been signed with TMG and she is going at the music world with guns blazing. “It’s been a whirlwind of a year,” Miller said. Not so much of a whirlwind that Miller forgot about one of her favorite summer projects. Miller’s song, “I Want it All,” is one of the 21 featured on this year’s “Red, White & You, Too!” CD, benefiting the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio. “I love the cause,” Miller said. “Red Cross has always been doing such great work in the community. I was involved last year and it is always such a fun thing to do. The ‘Red, White & You’ CD is one of the highlights of the year for me.” Her track for this project stems from her love of ’80s music, with a few personal twists. “This was my ode to ’80s hair metal with a touch of 30 Seconds to Mars to boot,” Miller said. “This is one of my favorite songs. It’s fun, summer music.” The song, Miller said, encourages listeners to experience each moment of life as fully as possible. “It’s actually about not limiting yourself to what people think and being committed to having the best of life that life has to offer,” Miller said. “With me, everything that I sing has a bit of a Christian bend so I just wanna make sure it comes across that the Bible says in Christ you can do all things so I want it all.” Besides getting signed, the last year has seen Miller collaborating with two groups, Aaftermath and Vertigo. “Aaftermath is one of my favorite things to do right now because it’s so outside of the box from what people think,” Miller said. “A lot of people look at me and they see gospel, as far as when you hear Christian artists and whatever, but I am a big metal girl. I’m a big ol’ rock star.” Miller hopes the Red Cross CD sells out this year. “Everything happens for a reason if you go through adversity or something like that,” Miller said. “The last 10 years have been kind of difficult but, you know what? I’m here, I’m standing and I want it all!” O

photo by The Shutter Monkeys

Carmen Miller ‘wants it all’ for Red Cross project

Concert to celebrate ‘Red, White & You, Too!’ Eight of the artists who donated their original tracks to this year’s “Red, White & You, Too!” CD, benefiting the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio, will gather July 29 for a summer concert to promote the project. Carmen Miller, one of the featured artists, volunteered her time to organize the concert, which will take place at Hollywood Casino Toledo. Miller also had a hand in last year’s concert. “Dealing with a lot of different musicians is a very cool thing,” Miller said. “It’s fun, stressful, amazing, weird — all at the same time.” Miller said she appreciates being able to hear her fellow artists from the album live, as it gives her a good perspective on the different types of music Toledo has to offer. “I’m a musician myself and I’m an absolute fan of these people,” she said. The goal of the concert, according to Miller, is getting the bands some publicity and drawing

attention to a good cause. She said she hopes to show “the camaraderie of local musicians and for people to come out and hear lots of bands that they’ve never heard before.” Miller also said she wants to have a great time, introduce the album with a bang and support the cause. “Bands here in Toledo are very philanthropic. It’s the way that we support our city,” she said. The tentative lineup for the concert, which begins around 7 p.m., is Zak Ward and Bob Stevens, Fish Fisher, The Bradberries, Carmen Miller with Aaftermath, Shutterfish, Nathan Roberts & The New Birds, Cindy Slee and Distant Cousinz as the finale. Musical styles range from folksy to rock to electric influence, with each artist playing two or three songs. Admission to the concert is free but audience members must be 21 years of age or older to attend, per casino policy. O — Sanya Ali n

Carmen Miller said her track, ‘I want it all,’ is influenced by her love for ’80s music — with a personal twist.

12. Red, White & You, Too!

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

After months of lingering low temperatures, summertime in Toledo has “been a long time comin’,” and The Bradberries are celebrating the new season with its “Generic Summer Song.” This track for “Red, White, & You, Too!” is designed to sound like a standard country song, complete with guitar strummin’, Southern accents and a beer belly that “ain’t never gonna get full.” “We obviously wanted to do a summer song and Scott had an idea for a country song,” band member Brad Bury said. “The majority of country songs have to do with drinking beer, pickup trucks and girls in bikinis … so let’s do a song based on that.” The three-man band recorded all the music for “Generic Summer Song” on the first take without having to redo anything before adding vocals to it. “It pretty much just took an hour. We could’ve spent more time on it. But, as our bass player says, we’re not making gold records,” Bury said, laughing. “We know maybe a handful of country cover songs so playing ‘Generic Summer Song’ is definitely something different. We usually just play dance music.”

photo courtesy brad bury

Bradberries writes ‘Generic’ country anthem for CD By Jordan Finney

The majority of country songs have to do with drinking beer, pickup trucks and girls in bikinis … so let’s do a song based on that.” — Brad Bury

The trio includes Bury on drums, Scott Ballard on fiddle and guitar and Tom Kemper on bass. All three are veteran vocalists who have known each other and played in bands together for more than 20 years. “We play as much as we can but we really don’t practice together,” Bury said. “We’re all seasoned musicians so we often learn songs on our own then play them out the first time when we’re at a gig together. It works because we’re all just on the same page.” About a year and a half ago, the three friends decided to form a band. Today, they perform nearly every weekend. “We’re pretty much a cover band that plays other people’s music when we play out,” Bury said. “Our No. 1 priority as a band is to have fun. If we do that, and people enjoy our music, then we’re happy.” O


THe Bradberries formed about a year AND a half ago and perform mostly cover songs.

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July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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Red, White & You, Too! 13.

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Birds of Chicago gives ‘a little bit of good’ to Red Cross By Sanya Ali Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

JT Nero and Allison Russell of Birds of Chicago celebrated the birth of their first child in December. After touring with her parents for more than six months, baby Ida Maeve has seen 38 states and counting. “That’s been quite a ride, as it is for any parent,” Nero said. “We’re first-time parents and we’re trying to figure it out.” Nero said the 6-month-old is so accustomed to life in a van that rest stops become a struggle for her. “Luckily, she does not yet know that there’s anything but a touring life,” Nero said. “I suppose one of her friends will explain that to her at some point.” Amid endless tours, Birds of Chicago has found time to donate their track, “All the City Girls,” to this year’s “Red, White & You, Too!” CD, benefiting the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio. “With a project like the Red Cross, it’s a kind of win-win for everybody,” Nero said. “It’s nice for artists to donate their music and perhaps get their music out there to people who otherwise wouldn’t hear it.” Larry Meyer, the group’s legal consultant and publicist in Toledo, informed them about the intended project. The duo no longer live here, so Meyer makes sure they are in the loop. “The Red Cross is an amazing organization and it’s good to work with

photo courtesy larry meyer

July 6, 2014


Birds of Chicago IS JT Nero and Allison Russell.

charities where you actually see the work that’s done,” Nero said. Their song for this year’s CD is an ode to summer activities following a frigid winter season. “The song is a summertime in the city kind of song,” Nero said. “It was a long and brutal winter for all us Midwesterners, so this is a song about how to have fun in the summertime.” The next step for Birds of Chicago includes more tours and an upcoming album release. “The rest of the summer we’ll be on the road playing festivals, then we


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hope to have a new album recorded and out before the new year,” Nero said. “So we’re about halfway through recording it now and, in a perfect world, we’d have it out by October.” Nero said projects like the Red Cross CD help prove that musicians can reach outside of themselves to give to a cause. “The pursuit of music can be a very self-involved and narcissistic venture by nature, so anytime you get to do something to give back it feels good,” Nero said. “We hope it raises a bit of awareness. A little bit of good is a good thing.” O

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14 Red, White & You, Too!

A Toledo tradition since 2005

July 6, 2014

Nathan Roberts & The New Birds going ‘In Stereo’ for Red Cross CD TOLEDO FREE PRESS MANAGING EDITOR

Toledoans Nathan, Joel and Daniel Trzcinski credit a Jack White sighting in Nashville, Tennessee, as the impetus for finally settling on a name for their band. The brothers were in Nashville , Tennessee, playing a show when they saw a flier advertising The Old Birds. “I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if we were The New Birds?’” Nathan said. “When he said that, we were all quiet,” Joel said. “It was the first time we were all quiet and not immediately [saying], ‘No, no, no.’” A minute later, they saw the musician White walking to his car. “At that point, we thought, ‘It was meant to be,’” Joel said. “Seeing Jack White after you say anything, you might want to hang on to that.” “It was a good omen,” Nathan agreed. Nathan, a singer-songwriter and guitarist, recorded a solo album in 2011 as Nathan Roberts, adapting his middle name for his stage name. The following year, needing a full band for shows, he invited older brother Joel on drums and younger brother Daniel on keyboard and guitar to join, forming Nathan Roberts & The New Birds. The group’s song, “In Stereo,” is featured on the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio benefit CD, “Red, White & You, Too!” The track originally appeared on the band’s 2013 selftitled debut album, which rose to No. 78 on the CMJ charts, which registers college and noncommecial airplay. “For me the song is about unplugging from your surroundings, like when you put on a good vinyl and you’re going out of your way to listen to music,” Nathan said. “Not like when you have headphones on and you’re working, but when you’re completely diving into an artform and letting yourself go.” “In Stereo” was fairly easy to write, Nathan said. “I had this melody in my head and I sat down with the guitar,” he said. “The guitar part going into the verse, I recorded on my phone. The next morning, I had to be somewhere early and the idea was still in my head. As I was driving, lyrics came to me.” The brothers were happy to be part of the Red Cross fundraiser. “Anytime we are approached about something that benefits someone else, it’s a no-brainer to me to help out,” Joel said. “We’re always willing to be part of something like that.” O


Photo courtesy nathan roberts

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The New Birds credit a Jack White sighting as their name inspiration.


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Red, White & You, Too! 15.

A Toledo tradition since 2005

photo courtesy Ryan Wayton

July 6, 2014


Ryan Wayton wrote the ‘Red, White & You, Too!’ track ‘Samson’ when a previous girlfriend asked him to write a love song for her.

Tropic Bombs offers new take on love song for benefit CD By Amanda Tindall

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

“I miss those brown eyes and that flowing hair / I miss the way you showed how much you care.” Ryan Wayton began writing his

song, “Samson,” when a previous girlfriend asked him to write a love song for her. “She wasn’t very supportive of my music, or just music in general,” Wayton said. “She’d get upset when I’d go to play, and she said, ‘Why don’t you write me a love song?’ I thought

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that asking for one kind of defeated the purpose of writing a love song. It just seemed so forced.” Wayton began writing the song anyway, but the two soon broke up. When they separated, she took his Pomeranian with her. “She was pretty ruthless about the dog and tried to use him as leverage,” Wayton said. “The hope was that she would eventually hear this, be flattered, and then realize the song was about the dog. It’s like my last ditch effort to get my dog back.” On the “Red, White & You, Too!” CD, the song is performed by Wayton’s band Tropic Bombs. Wayton began Tropic Bombs with Jon Ham-

mond, who helped Wayton in the songwriting process. Wayton began his musical career by playing drums before he picked up singing, and he played in multiple bands before Tropic Bombs came together. “It’d been a couple of years since we had played together, and we just got together to jam,” Wayton said. “We didn’t think we’d form a band. It was actually an accident.” While playing one day, the group switched from playing rock to reggae, but Hammond forgot to put a pedal down. The sound that came about was still reggae, but with a twist, Wayton said. “At first it was kind of a joke,” Wayton said. “We laughed about it.

But then we realized that it was a really cool sound.” Now the band performs live and produces all their recordings. Hammond is no longer part of Tropic Bombs, but the remaining members took on several other musicians, including Steve Dwyer on drums, Nick Archer on bass and Justin Crumley and Ben Snyder on guitar. “I don’t think we can be judged by just one song,” Wayton said. “We’re really a live band. We always want to play in Toledo and have people come and have a good time. We do everything ourselves. Our goal is to bring people together to have a fun time in Toledo. We’re really about Toledo.” O


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16 Red, White & You, Too!

July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Mike “Fish” Fisher’s folk music has been called “mountain music from the Rust Belt,” a description he embraces. “I do a lot of traveling and writing down South. That’s where my weird sound comes from that doesn’t really belong up here,” Fisher said. He spends most of the spring and summer playing music in Toledo. In the fall and winter he heads south where he plays shows and occasionally escapes into the woods to hike. “It’s hard to be out in the mountains and the woods and not get inspired,” he said. Fisher wrote “You’re a Stunner” in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. “It’s basically a collection of cheap pickup lines I’ve embedded in my head and I just put them in the right order and made them rhyme,” Fisher said. “I was riding into Asheville, North Carolina, for dinner and thought of it on the ride there and then I jotted it down on whatever napkin or placemat was there. Then I tweaked the wordplay for the next couple weeks.” He said he wrote the song with his wife Christina in mind. “They are all things that at one time or another I said to my wife,” Fisher said. “I’m always trying to come up with the next clever thing to impress her.” The lighthearted song is part of Fisher’s notso-lighthearted second album, “Gunpowder &

Gasoline,” which came out in May. “I knew I had some very deep songs coming on the album and some challenging things and I just kind of wanted to write one that’s fun to hear and fun to play,” he said. Fisher recorded the song with producer E.J. Wells in Waterville. “We’ve worked together so long he can read my mind,” Fisher said. “I told him I wanted a down-home flavor for the pop-oriented song. We added banjo under the track. That added some roots and let the melody be the pop part.” Fisher planned to submit the song to last year’s American Red Cross benefit CD, but the recording wasn’t done in time. After the album came out, Fisher gave a copy to Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief Michael S. Miller, who asked him about using “You’re a Stunner” on this year’s CD. “That confirmed it for me,” Fisher said. “It kind of picked itself.” Many who are familiar with Fisher’s folk performances wouldn’t guess he’s also part of a heavy metal band, Societys Ugly Son, which performs all original songs and has released five albums. Fisher said he’s happy to lend his talents to a cause like the American Red Cross of Northwest Ohio. “Usually musicians can give back more by what we’re creating than what we own,” Fisher said. “I don’t have much to give but I can give you access to things I wrote.” O

photo courtesy Fish Fisher

Fisher brings ‘mountain music from the Rust Belt’ to benefit CD


‘fish’ Fisher wrote ‘You’re a Stunner’ in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North carolina.


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July 6, 2014

‘Lucky Day’

One soldier’s special moment inspires Distant Cousinz song on CD. chasing a video game, Myles decided to attach the money to a handwritten note thanking Lt. Col. Frank Dailey, who happened to be eating at the Maumee restaurant, for his military service. Dailey and Myles had never met. However, oledo musician Scott Fish of Distant Cousinz said he remembers the first time he met the the then-8-year-old wanted to “pay it forward” Gold Star kid who inspired hundreds of people because Dailey reminded Myles of his father, Army Sgt. Gary “Andy” Eckert, who was killed in to donate thousands of dollars to charity. Myles Eckert, 9, of Waterville was sitting on Iraq when Myles was 5 weeks old. “When I first heard the Eckerts’ story on a Fish’s lap at a Cracker Barrel when he found out that Fish wrote “Lucky Day,” which appears on “Red, CBS News clip, I wiped away a few tears and got super inspired to write the whole lyrics out. It White & You, Too!” “You were the one who wrote ‘Lucky Day’? You took me probably five minutes,” Fish said. “After know, you changed some of the words to my note,” the first verse, I got to the bridge and thought ‘What am I going to do with the chorus?’ The Myles said with an incredulous look. Myles later told Toledo Free Press, “‘Lucky Day’ chorus is Myles’ note … edited a little bit.” “Dear Soldier / My dad was a soldier, too / He’s in is the best.” Earlier this year, Myles found a $20 bill in the heaven now / Well, I’m right here with you / I found 3661 Devers_Collision_TFP95_Layout 1 8/30/12 1:28 PM Page 1 parking lot of a Cracker Barrel. Instead of pur- this 20 in the parking lot / when we got here / We pay By Jordan Finney

Toledo Free Press StAFF WRITER


it forward in my family / And it’s your lucky day …” Myles’ mother, Tiffany Eckert heard “Lucky Day” via social media and contacted Fish. “We really forged a relationship in the last few months,” she said. “He’s just a really good guy all around and very talented. I’m blessed to know him and I look forward to our future endeavors.” Fish decided to share the song’s copyright with the Eckert family. Tiffany and Fish plan to do “some altruistic things together” with future proceeds, from the tune, which will be donated to Tiffany’s new nonprofit organization Lucky Day. “I want to translate the feeling that I had when I first wrote the song to others so it might inspire them to look at their life and ask ‘What can I do for someone?’” Fish said. “I want people to hear the song and say ‘Wow, I’m going to do a random act of kindness.’ ‘Lucky Day’ is all about following Myles’ example and paying it forward.” O

Creative Eckert name inspires a second Distant Cousinz track By Jordan Finney Toledo Free Press StAFF WRITER

When you think of freedom, baby names don’t often come to mind. But for Army Sgt. Gary “Andy” Eckert and wife Tiffany of Waterville, freedom was a dominating thought when their first child was born 10 years ago. n ECKERT CONTINUES ON 18


18 Star The baby girl was born during Andy’s first overseas tour. Andy, who was killed in Iraq less than two years later, and Tiffany agreed over the phone to name her Marlee Freedom Eckert. “They wanted her to always remember that Andy was off fighting for her freedom and for people he’d never met. Because freedom’s never free,” said Scott Fish, lead vocalist for Distant Cousinz. Fish met the Eckert family after he wrote a song about Marlee’s brother, Myles. When Tiffany told him the TIFFANY ECKERT story of Marlee’s name, Fish decided to write a military-inspired song in tribute to Andy’s service. “Daddy’s with you every day, in your heart and in your soul / He fought for Marlee’s Freedom and for people he’d never met / He sought to free them … from a cycle of endless debt / He laid his life down / We should never forget …” “I usually come up with the title first. Once I have that, the song just flows out of me. ‘Marlee’s Freedom’ was a whisper in my ear,” Fish said. Fish wrote the majority of the song while sitting on a forklift at work. He would jam out for hours, repeating the lyrics to himself so he wouldn’t forget them. “I’ll admit that I even called my voicemail on lunch and sang the chorus to myself. I just didn’t want to lose it,” Fish said, laughing. “It was there. We’d have a different song and maybe it’d be good but not as good as this one.” Tiffany told Toledo Free Press that the song used to make Marlee cry, but now her daughter loves it. The 32-year-old widow also said she is as “happy as a pig in mud” for “Marlee’s Freedom” to be part of the “Red, White & You, Too!” charity CD, because the American Red Cross is an organization that “has done so much” for her family. O

toledo free press photo by michael nemeth


July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Myles and Marlee ECKERT at the gravesite OF THEIR father ARMY SGT. GARY “Andy” Eckert.

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July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Star 19

By Jordan Finney

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

A self-described nerd behind the scenes, Rob Storm opened up about his “longing to be accepted” with a sentimental ballad titled “Take Me Back Toledo,” featured on this year’s “Red, White, & You, Too!” CD. The son of two guitarists, Toledo-born Storm left the city at age 10 and did not return for more than 30 years. He was living in Dallas when he traveled to Toledo for a two-week trip that has turned into the past 14 years. “This song became a personal, sentimental thing to me, where I’m yelling out to my mother, Patte Boyd, to move back home. She passed away about a year and a half ago,” Storm said. “It’s kinda evolved into something where if anyone wants to go back home then they should. If you’re lost out in the world like I was feeling, not so crazy about living in South Texas, then go back home.” Storm, who prefers to write original songs, usually performs contemporary acoustic rock and electric blues, though he characterizes “Take Me Back Toledo” as “folk pop.” He said he hopes the tune will serve as inspiration to rally the city “in whatever way that may manifest itself.” “Take Me Back Toledo” became a huge hit at the Bluebird Café in Nashville, Tennessee, the city where Storm’s song also debuted on famed radio host and drummer Billy Block’s playlist. “Hauntingly captivating, mystically spellbinding, a whirlwind of motion … the melodic storm from within. It is easy to lose yourself in the music of Rob Storm no matter what type of music you’re into,” said “The Billy Block Show” in a written statement in July 2013. During the past year, Storm has been recording and writing “reclusively,” though he said he plans to begin playing in public more frequently. “I don’t want to push the song in people’s faces. It will naturally take off if people like it. You can’t force music on anybody, just like you can’t force any specific place on anybody,” Storm said. “I’ve turned my whole life around in Toledo, so I really believe in this town. I always had great memories of it. When I was here, I felt like a somebody, like I could be heard.” O

photo courtesy Rob Storm

Rob Storm contributes ‘Take Me Back Toledo’ to CD


Rob storm is the son of two guitarists. ‘Take me Back Toledo’ is his contribution to this year’s Red Cross BENEFIT CD.


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20 Star

July 6, 2014

photo courtesy steven j. athanas

A Toledo tradition since 2005



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Steven J. Athanas wrote ‘skipaway’ overlooking the maumee river.

Athanas earworm ‘Skipaway’ opens CD

By Sarah Ottney


Steven J. Athanas wants the

opening track of this summer’s American Red Cross benefit CD “Red, White & You, Too!” to get stuck in your head. “I hope it’s one of the songs they

hear and can’t get out of their head and they get pissed off at me because it won’t leave their cranium,” Athanas said. n ATHANAS CONTINUES ON 21

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July 6, 2014

n ATHANAS CONTINUED FROM 20 With “Skipaway,” Athanas somehow makes lyrics like “It don’t matter how the river runs when your life’s been torn apart” sound upbeat and catchy. The tune contains river imagery such as jumping fish, hollow logs and skipping stones. Athanas wrote “Skipaway” on the porch of his dad’s house in Perrysburg,

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overlooking the Maumee River. “It was like that old metaphor, the river drew me in,” Athanas said. “I never had an intention of writing. I was just sitting on the porch with a guitar, farting around, and it just kind of came out of me.” Afterward, he put it aside, where it sat for years until he got divorced. “As it is with most of my tunes,

there is a muse at work. I wrote it with the woman who was to become my wife in mind, and it made sense because she ended up dumping me,” Athanas said. “I went through a really hard divorce and one of the ways I helped to purge myself of it is I recorded an album and that song just sort of made sense to put on with all the mopey, woe-is-me songs

that were piling up.” That solo album, “We Are Our Own Parade,” was released in 2005. Athanas also released a primarily acoustic 2011 album, “Worn Out Libertines,” with The Coosters. He is currently frontman for The Homewreckers. Besides music, Athanas said he enjoys drawing and writing. His weekly cartoon, “Wrath O’ Ath’,” is published regularly in Toledo Free Press. A book of his “doodles” and “pomes” was published as “Random Commands, A Well-Hung Man & Other Claptrap” by University of Toledo Press in December.


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“I call them ‘pomes’ because I don’t think they are worthy of Walt Whitman or e.e. cummings,” he said. Athanas previously contributed a track, “Looks Like Christmas Is Here,” to the 2012 Make-A-Wish benefit CD, “Holiday Wishes 2,” but this is his first time on the summer Red Cross CD. “I’m very excited about this one because I’m the lead-off track. So even if people get bored or distracted and stop listening, they have to listen to mine,” Athanas said, and laughed. “I’m aware of all the wonderful things the Red Cross does so it’s a good thing. But primarily it’s my ego.” O


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22 Star

July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

((((((((((((( THE PULSE

JUly 4-12, 2014

What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.


The Ark

This intimate venue showcases acts from the A-list to the lesser known. 316 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. (734) 761-1451, (734) 761-1800 or ✯ Billy Joe Shaver: 8 p.m. July 5. ✯ The Iguanas: 7:30 p.m. July 6. ✯ Dana Falconberry: 8 p.m. July 8. ✯ Scars on 45 & Broken Anchor: 8 p.m. July 9. ✯ Lee DeWyze: 8 p.m. July 10.

Bar 145º

This venue features burgers, bands and bourbon, if its slogan is to be believed. $5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or ✯ OK Maybe: July 5. ✯ Dave Carpenter: July 6. ✯ Ryan Dunlap: July 8. ✯ Captain Sweet Shoes: July 9. ✯ Dan Fester: July 10.

Barr’s Public House

“Our House, Your Pub” focuses on craft beer, hand-crafted specialty drinks and martinis, a wellrounded wine selection and an eclectic food menu. 3355 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee. (419) 866-8466. ✯ New Fashioned: July 4. ✯ Pete Fetters: July 5. ✯ Jason Hudson: July 10.

Blind Pig

A variety of rock, soul, pop and alternative acts perform at this bar. 208 S. First St., Ann Arbor, Mich. $3-$20. (734) 996-8555 or ✯ The Cult Heroes with The State and The Tens: July 11. ✯ The Beach Bang!: July 12.

Bronze Boar

Be sure to check out this Warehouse District tavern’s namesake, overhead near the entrance. 20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or ✯ Open mic: Thursdays and Mondays.

✯ ACME: July 5. ✯ Steve Kennedy: July 10.

8 p.m. to midnight July 5.

Clazel Theatre

This venue has been rocking BGSU students (and others) for years. 127 N. Main St., Bowling Green. (419) 353-5000 or ✯ Club Kiss: Fridays and Saturdays. ✯ 365: Saturdays

A club “for the mature crowd,” Evolution offers $5 martinis on Thursdays and the occasional live musical performance. 519 S. Reynolds Road. (419) 725-6277 or ✯ Feel Good Fridays: Fridays. ✯ Sensational Saturdays: Saturdays.

Dégagé Jazz Café

Frankie’s Inner-City

Signature drinks, such as pumpkin martinis, plus live local jazz performers. 301 River Road, Maumee. $5 weekends for cafe seating. (419) 794-8205 or ✯ Ruth Nichols: July 4. ✯ Ruth Nichols: July 5. ✯ Gene Parker: July 8. ✯ Gene Parker & Friends: July 9.

The Distillery

The mic is open on Sundays, but paid entertainers rock out Fridays-Saturdays. 4311 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 382-1444 or ✯ Live Trivia with DJ Brandon: Tuesdays.

Durty Bird

A full bar featuring frozen drinks and multiple happy hours (4-7 p.m.) on weekdays, plus salads, soups and sandwiches, accompany live entertainment four nights a week. 2 S. St. Clair St. (419) 243-2473 or www. ✯ Swingmania: 9 p.m. July 4. ✯ Jo Jo Stella: 9 p.m. July 5. ✯ Whitty & Murphy: 1 p.m. July 6. ✯ The New Mondays: 1 p.m. July 7. ✯ Brad McNett: 8 p.m. July 8. ✯ Rob Courtney: 8 p.m. July 9. ✯ Chris Knopp: 5 p.m. July 10. ✯ Jaime Mills & Ty: 9 p.m. July 10.


This two-man band (consisting of Dave Rybaczewski and Walter Guy) performs Beatles songs acoustically. ✯ River Café & Marina, 6215 Edgewater Drive, Erie, 7:30-10:30 p.m. July 4. ✯ Nick & Jimmy’s Bar & Grill, 4956 Monroe St.,

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Toledo’s venue for rock. Tickets vary between $5 and $14, unless otherwise noted. 308 Main St. (419) 693-5300 or ✯ Local H: July 5. ✯ FREE On The Radar Listening Party: July 6. ✯ Patent Pending: July 10.

French Quarter J. Patrick’s Pub

Live entertainment after 9:30 p.m. Fridays-Saturdays. Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 874-3111 or ✯ Chris Brown & Candice Coleman Band: July 4. ✯ Chris Brown & Candice Coleman Band: July 5.

Hollywood Casino Toledo

The Hollywood Casino offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. ✯ UFC Fight: H Lounge. July 5. ✯ DJ Rob Sample: H Lounge. July 9. ✯ Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo with Rick Springfield: 7:30-11 p.m. July 9. ✯ DJ Rob Sample: H Lounge. July 10. ✯ George Thorogood & The Destroyers: 40 Years Strong: 8 p.m. July 10.

Jazz on the Maumee

The Art Tatum Jazz Society will provide smooth, cool “Twilight Jazz” along the river, appetizers included. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Grand Plaza Hotel’s Aqua Lounge, 444 N. Summit St. $5-$15. (419) 241-1411 or ✯ Chris Buzzelli and Alexa Kalasz: July 9.

Name That Tune

✯ The Oarhouse, 5044 Suder Ave.: 8-10 p.m. Mondays, 6-8:30 p.m. Fridays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 6609 Airport

Highway: 8-10 p.m. Tuesdays. ✯ Jed’s Barbeque and Brew, 855 S Holland: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Pat & Dandy’s Sports Bar & Grill, 3344 W. Laskey Road: 9-11 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 5702 Monroe Street: 7-9 p.m. Thursdays.

Sponsored by:

One2 Lounge at TREO

Live music starts at 7:30 p.m. 5703 Main St., Sylvania. (419) 882-2266 or ✯ JJ Blues Duo: July 4. ✯ Earl Cookie & The Galactics: July 5.

Ottawa Tavern

Casual meals and bingo and trivia nights with weekend entertainment. 1815 Adams St. (419) 725-5483 or ✯ Ben Stalets with Hobo Stew: 10 p.m. July 5.

Rhythm on the River Arts Series

This series, sponsored by the Grand Rapids (Ohio) Historical Society, will be presented by Russ Franzen, an award-winning writer and amateur historian. 4 p.m. July 6, Wright Pavilion in Grand Rapids.


With its focus on swing music, Jeff McDonald’s group of musicians provides a peek into another era, with music from bandleaders such as Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, the Dorseys and more. With combos from trio to full orchestra, the group provides music for all occasions. (419) 708-0265, (419) 874-0290 or ✯ Trotters Tavern, 5131 Heatherdowns Blvd., (419) 381-2079: 8 p.m. Tuesdays. ✯ Ye Olde Durty Bird: 2 S. St. Clair St. 9 p.m. July 4.

Toledo Botanical Garden

5403 Elmer Drive. ✯ Chicks Mix ‘14: appetizers, desserts and cocktails: 5:30 p.m. July 8. $37. ✯ Jazz in the Garden: Toledo Jazz Orchestra: July 10. Ticket prices vary.

The Village Idiot

Tunes combined with pizza and booze, some would say it’s a perfect combination. 309 Conant St., Maumee. (419) 893-7281 or www.

Thursday, July 10th

Jeff Stewart ✯ The House Band: 6 p.m. Fridays. ✯ Bob Rex Band: 6 p.m. Sundays. ✯ Dooley Wilson: Sundays. ✯ Frankie May and friends: 10 p.m. Mondays. ✯ John Barile & Bobby May: 8 p.m. Tuesdays. ✯ Howlin Brothers: July 4. ✯ Wild Adriatic: July 8.

Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull

Featuring 30 draught beer selections, daily drink specials and live entertainment daily. 9 N. Huron St. (419) 244-2855 or cocknbulltoledo. ✯ Danny Mettler hosts Open Mic Night: Wednesdays. ✯ Bobby may and John Barile followed by Rivets: July 4. ✯ Dick Lange Blues Jam: July 6. ✯ Dean Tartaglia: July 8. ✯ Captain Sweet Shoes: July 10.


Discover the River Cruise

Two-hour cruises of the Maumee River. Adults costs $15 and kids younger than 12 are $7. 10 a.m. to noon Sandpiper Boat, Jefferson Street Dock, Jefferson Avenue and Summit Street. (419) 537-1212. Saturdays until Sept. 27.

Lucas County Fair

1406 Key St., Maumee. www.lucascountyfair. com. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. July 8-12 and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. July 13. If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt at


Friday, July 11th

Nine Lives

Saturday, July 12th

Nine Lives


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July 6, 2014


8 am



9 am


1 pm


11 am


July 6, 2014

12 pm


2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


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4 pm


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5 pm


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4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm


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9 pm


South Pk


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July 6, 2014


3 pm

6 pm

News ABC News News CBS News TMZ News News NBC News News NewsHour Varied Programs

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Expedi Rescue Celebrity Wife Swap 2014 Wimbledon Championships Men’s Final. (N Same-day Tape) News ABC Funny Home Videos Wipeout (N) (CC) Rising Star (N) (S Live) (CC) News Insider Worx Air! Riches! Lucas Oil Off Road PGA Tour Golf Greenbrier Classic, Final Round. (N) (Live) (CC) News News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) Big Brother (N) (CC) Reckless (N) (CC) Unforgettable (N) News Criminal Riches! Riches! Burn Notice (CC) ›› Handsome Harry (2009), Steve Buscemi Bones (CC) Mother Mother American Burgers Simpsons Simpsons Fam. Guy American News Leading Arsenio Hall Riches! Riches! Red Bull Signature Series From Las Vegas. 2014 Tour de France Stage 2. (CC) News News American Ninja Warrior “Miami Qualifying” Miley Cyrus: Bangerz Tour (N) (CC) News Jdg Judy Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing POV Activist Grace Lee Boggs. Just Seen Charlie Ohio Moyers Weekend NOVA (PA) (CC) Last Tango Masterpiece Mystery! (N) Vicious John Howard Griffin Longmire (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage ›› Walking Tall (2004) The Rock. (CC) ›› The Scorpion King (2002) The Rock. ››› Gladiator (2000) Russell Crowe. Premiere. (CC) Wahlburgers (CC) Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Married to Medicine Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. The Real Housewives of Atlanta (N) Married to Medicine Happens Atlanta › Vegas Vacation ›› Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Jessie Jessie Teen Beach Movie (2013) ›› High School Musical (2006) Zac Efron. ›› High School Musical 2 (2007) Zac Efron. ›› High School Musical 3: Senior Year Girl Jessie Dog Jessie Jessie 2014 Wimbledon Championships MLS Soccer: Fire at Sporting SportsCenter (N) Countdown All-Star Select MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Detroit Tigers. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Goonies ›› Jumanji (1995) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt. ››› Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs › The Smurfs (2011, Comedy) Hank Azaria. ›› Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007) › The Smurfs (2011, Comedy) Hank Azaria. Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Food Network Star Chopped Guy’s Games Food Network Star Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Beach Beach Brother vs. Brother Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl ›› Nights in Rodanthe (2008) Richard Gere. ›› Maid in Manhattan (2002) Premiere. › Bride Wars (2009) Kate Hudson. (CC) ›› 27 Dresses (2008) Katherine Heigl. (CC) Witches of East End Devious Maids (N) ›› 27 Dresses (CC) Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ››› Superbad (2007) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. › John Tucker Must Die (2006), Ashanti Catfish: The TV Father-Part II MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Minnesota Twins. (N) (Live) King ›› Life as We Know It (2010) Katherine Heigl. (DVS) › One for the Money (2012) Premiere. › One for the Money (2012, Action) (DVS) VivaVe Take Me Out to the Ball Game ››› The Music Man (1962) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones. (CC) ››› Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ››› Jason and the Argonauts (1963) (CC) ››› The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958) (CC) ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Elijah Wood. (CC) (DVS) ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen. (CC) (DVS) The Last Ship (N) Falling Skies (N) The Last Ship (CC) NCIS “Smoked” (CC) NCIS “Blowback” NCIS “Leap of Faith” NCIS (CC) NCIS “Bounce” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Jack Knife” NCIS “Obsession” NCIS “Borderland” NCIS “Patriot Down” NCIS (CC) Disturbing Behavior Made OK! TV Friends Friends Glee (CC) Middle Middle Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Glee “Feud” (CC)



Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass Weight Paid Prog. Riches! Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Young Riches! Paid Prog. Riches! Larry King Riches! Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Riches! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Super WordWrld Peg Dinosaur Toledo Stories (CC) The Northern Railway Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Longmire (CC) Million--Miami Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC ››› National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ›› National Lampoon’s European Vacation › Vegas Vacation Pirates Pirates Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Austin Liv-Mad. Jessie I Didn’t Jessie Jessie Breakfast Wim. 2014 Wimbledon Championships Men’s Final. (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Gnomeo and Juliet ›› Race to Witch Mountain (2009, Adventure) ››› The Goonies (1985) Sean Astin. Rachael Ray’s Pioneer Trisha’s Southern Giada Barbecue Guy’s The Kitchen Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Rescue Rescue Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prog. Witches of East End Witches of East End Witches of East End Girl Code 16 and Pregnant (CC) 16 and Pregnant (CC) Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Friends Friends Friends Friends ››› Father of the Bride (1991) Steve Martin. Father-Part II ››› Annie Get Your Gun (1950) Betty Hutton. ›› Dangerous When Wet (1953) (CC) ›› Viva Las Vegas Falling Skies (CC) ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Elijah Wood. Lord P. Chris J. Osteen NCIS “Silver War” NCIS “Probie” (CC) NCIS “Deception” NCIS “Jeopardy” (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House Family St. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Game Raceline Disturbing Behavior


10 am

TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


July 7, 2014

11 pm


Ent Insider The Bachelorette (N) (CC) Mistresses (N) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Broke Girl Mom (CC) Mike Two Men Under the Dome (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef (N) 24: Live Another Day Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Last Comic Standing American Ninja Warrior “Venice Beach Finals” News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow POV (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Longmire (N) (CC) Longmire (CC) Housewives/Atl. Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Ladies of London (N) Happens OC Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Park “The Coon Trilogy” Austin Dog Girl Meets Jessie Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Dog Jessie Liv-Mad. Dog MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Cleveland Indians. (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Switched at Birth (CC) Switched at Birth (N) The Fosters (N) (CC) Switched at Birth (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Guy’s Grocery Games Rewrap. Diners Diners, Drive My. Diners My. Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (N) (CC) Hoarders (CC) Little Women: LA (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Teen Wolf “117” Teen Wolf “Muted” Wolf Ridic. Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Good Life Conan (CC) ›››› My Fair Lady ››› Show Boat (1951) Kathryn Grayson. (CC) ››› Carousel (1956) Gordon MacRae. (CC) Castle (CC) Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (N) (CC) Murder in the First (N) Major Crimes (CC) NCIS “Left for Dead” WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) ›› Next Friday (2000) Big Bang Mod Fam Whose? Whose? Beauty and the Beast OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



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Bienvenidos Amigos!

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


July 8, 2014

11 pm


Ent Insider Extreme Weight Loss “David” (N) (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles Person of Interest News Letterman The Office Simpsons Fam. Guy Brooklyn Brooklyn Mindy Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy America’s Got Talent “Audition” (CC) The Night Shift (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Time Scanners (N) History Detectives Frontline “Secrets of the Vatican” On Story Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Storage Storage OC The Real Housewives of Atlanta Housewives/NYC The People’s Couch Happens NYC Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Up in Smoke (N) (CC) Drunk Nathan Tosh.0 Love Affair (N) Austin Dog ››› A Bug’s Life (1998) Voices of Dave Foley. Dog Jessie Liv-Mad. Dog World Cup Tonight (N) ESPN FC (N) World Cup Tonight SportsCenter (N) (CC) Pretty Little Liars (CC) Pretty Little Liars (N) Chasing Life (N) (CC) Pretty Little Liars (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped “Charge!” Chopped Chopped “Fig Out” Chopped Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Flip or Flip or Little Women: LA (CC) Abby’s Studio Rescue Abby’s Studio Rescue Little Women: LA (N) Little Women: LA (CC) Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Finding Carter Carter must adjust to life. (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Big Bang Conan (CC) ››› The Prize (1963) ›› Dance, Girl, Dance (1940) (CC) ›› They Met in Argentina (1941) ››› Do You Love Me? Castle (CC) (DVS) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (N) Perception (N) (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Royal Pains (N) Covert Affairs (N) Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Mod Fam Famous in 12 (N) (CC) Supernatural (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


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7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Duck D. Duck D. Million--Miami Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Austin Dog SportCtr Baseball Mystery Young Restaurant: Im. Property Brothers (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap Catfish: The TV Show Seinfeld Seinfeld ››› Never So Few Castle (CC) (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Mod Fam


7 pm

8 pm



Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Criminal Minds Housewives/NJ Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Zapped (2014) ESPN FC (N) Home 2 ››› Harry Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap Jersey Shore (CC) Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› Suzy (1936) (CC) Castle “Last Call” Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Mod Fam



10 pm



July 9, 2014

11 pm

Thursday Evening


Middle Goldbergs Mod Fam Middle Motive “Pitfall” (N) News J. Kimmel Big Brother (N) (CC) Extant “Re-Entry” (N) Criminal Minds News Letterman So You Think You Can Dance (N) (S Live) (CC) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall America’s Got Talent (CC) Taxi Brooklyn (N) (CC) News J. Fallon Nature (CC) (DVS) NOVA (CC) (DVS) Secrets of the Dead Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Big Smo Big Smo Duck D. Housewives/OC Million--Miami Untying the Knot (N) Happens Million Key Key South Pk South Pk South Pk South Park (CC) ›› Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue Dog Jessie Liv-Mad. Dog MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at St. Louis Cardinals. (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Young Mystery ›› Accepted (2006) Justin Long, Jonah Hill. The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Cousins Undercover Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Brother vs. Brother Celebrity Wife Swap Wife Swap (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap Abby’s Studio Rescue Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish Catfish Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Carbonaro Conan (CC) ››› Ruggles of Red Gap (1935) ››› Step Lively, Jeeves (1937) ››› Holy Matrimony Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle “Overkill” The Last Ship (CC) Law & Order: SVU Suits “Leveraged” (N) Graceland (N) Covert Affairs iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party Whose? OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland

8 pm


9 pm

Shark Tank (CC) (DVS) CSI: Crime Scene MasterChef Dateline NBC (N) (CC) Wash Deadline Criminal Minds (CC) Housewives/NJ Key Key Jessie (N) Girl Meets


10 pm


2 pm



July 11, 2014 11 pm

What Would You Do? Hawaii Five-0 (CC) 24: Live Another Day

7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business The First 48 (CC) Housewives/Atl. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Austin Dog ESPN FC (N) The Fosters (CC) Food Network Star Hunt Intl Hunters Walking the Halls (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Seinfeld Seinfeld Fight Lady Screen Castle (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles Big Bang Mod Fam


8 am


8 pm


9 pm



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


July 10, 2014 11 pm


Rookie Blue (N) NY Med (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Big Brother (N) (CC) Elementary (CC) News Letterman Gang Related (N) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Welcome Engels Last Comic Standing News J. Fallon Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) (DVS) Front and Center (CC) Sun Stud The First 48 (N) (CC) Beyond Scared Beyond Scared The Real Housewives of Atlanta TBA Happens Atlanta Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 › Half Baked (1998, Comedy) (CC) Zapped (2014, Comedy) Zendaya. (CC) Liv-Mad. Dog Softball World Cup: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (CC) The Fosters (CC) The Fosters “Play” The Fosters (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Diners Diners Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (N) (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper (CC) A Sister’s Nightmare (2013) Kelly Rutherford. The Good Mistress (2014) Annie Heise. (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Snack-Off Snack-Off Ridic. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (CC) ››› Salesman (1969) ››› The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) Come Bac Castle “Punked” Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle “3XK” Murder in the First NCIS: Los Angeles Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam The Vampire Diaries The Originals (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



9 am


10 am


11 am


July 12, 2014 12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Wildlife Expedition Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Recipe J. Oliverr All In Changers Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Juicy Meals! Kids News McCarver 2014 Tour de France Stage 8. From Tomblaine to Gerardmer La Mauselaine. (N) (S Live) (CC) European PGA Golf Super WordWrld Peg Dinosaur MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) (DVS) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds 60 Seconds to Sell 60 Seconds to Sell (N) ›››› Titanic (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio. Housewives/Atl. The Real Housewives of Atlanta Crowns Half Hour Futurama Futurama ››› Galaxy Quest (1999) Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver. ››› Spanglish (2004) Sofia Sofia Good Austin Jessie I Didn’t Jessie Girl Meets I Didn’t Austin SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ››› Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001, Fantasy) ››› Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Be.- Made Best Thing Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Farm The Kitchen (N) Food Network Star Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Witches of East End Taken in Broad Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Good Life Payne Browns There King ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) Jessica Alba. (DVS) My Brunet ›› A Global Affair (1964) (CC) Carson ›› Nancy Drew -- Reporter (1939) Queen of Outer Space Major Crimes (CC) Murder in the First Law & Order Law & Order Journey-Center Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Royal Pains Suits “Leveraged” Graceland (CC) (DVS) Covert Affairs Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Pets.TV Career


3 pm

10 pm

Black Box (N) (CC) Big Bang Millers Hell’s Kitchen (N) Game Night Toledo Stories (CC) The First 48 (CC) Housewives/Atl. Chappelle Sunny Jessie Girl Meets

Saturday Morning


20/20 (CC) News J. Kimmel Blue Bloods (CC) News Letterman Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Crossbones (N) News J. Fallon Carol Burnett: The Mark Twain Prize (CC) In Performance... Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Jersey TBA Crowns ›››› Titanic (1997), Kate Winslet Key Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy (CC) Kurt Metzger Phineas Wander I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Jessie Dog Softball World Cup: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Celebrity Wife Swap Wife Swap (CC) Abby’s Studio Rescue Little Women: LA (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Funniest Wins (N) Funniest Wins ›››› Paths of Glory (1957) (CC) ›››› All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) Lew Ayres. Castle “Nikki Heat” Cold Justice (N) (CC) ›› The Da Vinci Code (2006) Tom Hanks. Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Whose? Whose? Reign “Liege Lord” OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland

Saturday Afternoon / Evening 1 pm

9 pm



July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


July 12, 2014

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Wildlife Expedi Wipeout (CC) World of X Games Golf Sports News ABC Paid Lottery Bet on Your Baby (N) The Assets (N) (CC) Nightline Prime (N) News Castle Larry Paid Paid Paid PGA Tour Golf John Deere Classic, Third Round. (N) (Live) (CC) News News Wheel Jeopardy! Bad Bad CSI: Crime Scene 48 Hours (N) (CC) News CSI Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Bones (CC) Leverage (CC) Burn Notice (CC) MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (S Live) (CC) News Carpet Office Office European PGA Tour Golf Golf U.S. Senior Open Championship, Third Round. (N) (S Live) (CC) News News Jdg Judy Academic Dateline NBC (CC) The Blacklist (CC) News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Corey Harris Front and Center Globe Trekker Steves Travel Lawrence Welk The Final Cut (CC) Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Classic Witches of East End Big Smo Big Smo ›› Walking Tall (2004) The Rock. (CC) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Jersey Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Million--Miami Million--Miami ››› Inside Man (2006, Suspense) Denzel Washington. ›› The Fast and the Furious (2001, Action) Vin Diesel. ›› The Fast and the Furious ››› Spanglish (2004) Premiere. ›› Idiocracy (2006) Luke Wilson. (CC) South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk ›› Yes Man (2008) Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel. (CC) ›› Bruce Almighty (2003) Jim Carrey. (CC) ›› Yes Man (2008) Austin Austin Austin Dog Dog Dog Dog Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Jessie Jessie Austin Austin Austin Jessie Girl Girl Mighty Kickin’ It Jessie Austin SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 2014 FIFA World Cup Third-Place Match: Teams TBA. SportsCenter (N) World Cup Tonight ESPN FC (N) Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) Harry Potter-Chamber ››› Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004, Fantasy) ››› Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. ››› Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007, Fantasy) Rewrap. Rewrap. Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Guy’s Games Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Diners Diners Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Love It or List It, Too Live in Vern’s House Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Hunters Hunt Intl Taken in Broad › Glass House: The Good Mother (2006) Sorority Surrogate (2014) Cassie Steele. Stalked at 17 (2012) Taylor Spreitler. (CC) Presumed Dead in Paradise (2014) (CC) Movie Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Finding Carter Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV ›› The Change-Up (2011) Ryan Reynolds. Friends Friends Friends Friends King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Good Life Queen ››› The Cincinnati Kid (1965) (CC) (DVS) ››› To Have and Have Not ››› Bound for Glory (1976) David Carradine, Ronny Cox. (CC) ››› Bus Stop (1956) Marilyn Monroe. (CC) ››› The Lusty Men (1952) Susan Hayward. Journey-Center ›› The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (CC) Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mine The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice ›› National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007, Action) National Treasure: Book NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Icons Live Life EP Daily EP Daily Rules Two Men Rules Two Men Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam Minor League Baseball Pawtucket Red Sox at Toledo Mud Hens. (N) (Live) Made Two Men Two Men





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1. Wise old bird 4. Either 33-Down or his brother Peyton 11. Calendar block 12. Have debts 13. Look over 15. In a slapdash manner 17. Fancy pond denizen 18. Tic-(----)-toe 19. “Burn It to the Ground" group 22. Schlotzsky’s on Reynolds, for one 24. Hippie band of yore 26. Small-time 28. Feature of some ballrooms 29. Queen of all media 31. Kimono 34. The Man in Black 38. Stout relative 40. Individual 41. Winnie the Pooh’s creator 44. Descending the corporate ladder

by Dave DeChristopher 1















17 19





22 23








32 38









40 42







48. Perrysburg florist 49. Ripen 50. Cheap 51. Radio therapist Browne DOWN 1. “---- To Billie Joe” 2. Path



3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Caustic cleaner Shimmy Off-the-cuff comment Cruise or Hanks She sheep Remainder Nobel Prize winner Munro


10. Florida pie? 14. Online chuckle 16. Downcast 19. Forty winks 20. Scale 21. Delivered corporal punishment 23. Manos offering 25. Tripping 26. 28-Across, for one 27. Shearer or Zimmer 28. State Representative Sears 30. “What’s that?” 32. Thumper’s pal 33. Yale alum 35. Cramming student’s aid 36. Directions opposite SSW 37. Sanaa is its capital 39. Sultry Sommer of '60s cinema 42. Labor union for instructors 43. Call off 45. The ---- Mahal 46. Kobe Bryant has a big one 47. Susan of “The Partridge Family”


26 Classified community



legal notices

legal notices

legal notices

A+ Self Storage at 1324 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612 will offer for public sale at 3:30PM on July 24, 2014 the following units: Unit 301, Sarah Fell 214 Susan Ln Toledo, OH 43612: Bicycle, Mattress, Chest of Drawers; Unit 642, Aleena Rohoman 3428 Brigham St Toledo, OH 43608: Bedframe, Toys, Flat Screen TV; Unit 723, Jessica Doty 2026 Brame Pl Toledo, OH 43613: Fishing Equipment, TV, Sofa; Unit 740, Monroe Radford 4507 Cherry Creek LN Toledo, OH 43615: Bicycle, Tools, Storage Tubs; Unit 744, Joe Slowinski 2547 Arletta Toledo, Ohio 43613: TV, Grill, Microwave; Unit 745, Anthony Oliver 5875 N. Yermo Toledo, OH 43611: Chest of Drawers, Crib, Toys; Unit 927, Angela M Poland 5838 Meadowvale Dr. Toledo, OH 43613: Chest of Drawers, Boxes, Dining Room Chairs; Unit 1010, Tracy Ellis 3241 ½ Cherry Toledo, OH 43608: Sofa, Boxes, Mattress; Unit 1024, Tomi Ann Jackson 2915 Glanzman Toledo, OH 43614: Boxes, Dart Board, Cassette Tapes; Unit 1115, Cortney A Hindbaugh 3019 Nebraska Ave Lot #96 Toledo, OH 43607: Storage Tubs, Chest of Drawers, Boxes; Unit 1709, Traci Reyes 55 E. Chestnut St Petersburg, MI 49270: Sofa, Tires, Floor Lamp; Unit 1716, James Kite 5722 Telegraph Rd Lot 19 Toledo, Oh 43612: Boxes, Mattress, Sheets; Unit 1717, Frank Foust 3561 Nearing Toledo, OHio 43608: Golf Clubs, TV, Bedframe;; Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Directors that Sealed Bids will be received by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority for:

IN THE CHANCERY COURT FOR OVERTON COUNTY, TENNESEE Case No. 13-CV-41 IN RE: Adoption of ANGEL MARIE VLIET date of birth, August 31, 2005 TIMOTHY GLEN SELMAN and wife, DONNA SUE SELMAN, Petitioners, vs. KRISTEN LEE BARNES, Mother EMERSON CHARLES VLIET, Defendant ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION TO: EMERSON CHARLES VLIET A Petition for Adoption has been filed against you by Timothy and Donna Selman. It appears that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon you because your whereabouts are unknown. It is, therefore, ORDERED that you respond to this notice by filing an answer to the Petition in this cause with the Chancery Court, Overton County, Tennessee and with Daryl A. Colson, Attorney at Law, 808 N. Church Street, Livingston, Tennessee 38570, on or before the date listed below. A copy of the Petition may be obtained from the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court for Overton County, at Livingston, Tennessee. If no answer is filed by the date shown below, a judgment by default will be taken against you and a hearing to grant a final order will be set without further notice to you. This notice will be published for FOUR (4) consecutive weeks in “Toledo Free Press,” a newspaper published in Toledo, Ohio at 605 Monroe St.​43604. The last date of this publication will be July 13, 2014. An answer must be filed within thirty (30) days of this date.


HONORABLE DOROTHY STANTON Clerk & Master of the Chancery Court 100 E. Court Square, P. O. Box 127 Livingston, TN 38570 (931) 823-2536

UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose the family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abbys One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-413-6294.

July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

TOLEDO EXPRESS AIRPORT Parking Lot Fence Project 11013 Airport Highway Swanton, Ohio 43558 This contract is for all labor, material, insurance, and equipment necessary for the TOLEDO EXPRESS AIRPORT Parking Lot Fence Project located at 11013 Airport Highway in Swanton, OH 43558, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, to the Port Authority at One Maritime Plaza, Toledo, Ohio 43604. Bids will be received at the Port Authority’s administrative offices at One Maritime Plaza, Toledo, Ohio 43604 until Tuesday, July, 15th, 2014, at 2:00 PM, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The project “TOLEDO EXPRESS AIRPORT Parking Lot Fence” is for removal of existing fence and installation of new fence and piers around the long and short term parking lots. Project includes removal of existing and installation of about 2,000 lineal feet of aluminum ornamental fence, along with 2 gates and 42 split faced block piers. The engineers estimate for this project is $140,000.00. Plans, Specifications, Instructions to Proposers, and Forms of Proposal and Contract are on file And may be obtained by either (1) obtaining hard copies from Becker Impressions, 4646 Angola Road, Toledo, OH 43615, phone 419.385.5303, during normal business hours or (2) ordering and paying through Becker Impressions’ plan room at at a non-refundable price of $25. Please note that there will be a pre-bid meeting for all prospective bidders on Monday, July 7, 2014 at 2:00 PM in the office of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at Toledo Express Airport, 11013 Airport Highway, Swanton, Ohio 43558. Attendance is helpful, but not mandatory. TOLEDO-LUCAS COUNTY PORT AUTHORITY Paul L. Toth, Jr., P.E., President & CEO

Wanted WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.


NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS for bidding on Hardscape Improvements, Secor Metropark National Center for Nature Photography, Berkey, Ohio will be received; opened; and read aloud at the Metropolitan Park District of the Toledo Area, Fallen Timbers Field Office, 6101 Fallen Timbers Lane, Maumee, Ohio 43537 Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. local time. THE SCOPE OF WORK consists of hardscape improvements adjacent the existing National Center for Nature Photography located at Secor Metropark. The project includes concrete sidewalk demolition and replacement with stamped decorative concrete walks & patio, concrete curbing, asphalt repairs, catch basin adjustment, stone wall/column masonry & footings, wood fence/pergola construction. Bidders may obtain copies of plans, specifications, contract documents and plan-holder’s list through Newfax Corporation, 333 West Woodruff, Toledo, Ohio 43604 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Tuesday (check made payable to Newfax Corporation) or via the Newfax Digital Plan Room at Newfax can be contacted at 419-241-5157 or 800-877-5157. A non-refundable fee of $15 is required for each set of documents obtained. For additional information, please contact Jon Zvanovec @ 419-360-9184, jon.zvanovec@ EACH BIDDER MUST FURNISH either (1) a bond for the full amount of the bid or (2) a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid with its bid. The successful bidder must furnish a 100 percent (100%) Performance Bond and a 100 percent (100%) Labor and Materials Bond. No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in bidding. By order of the Board of Park Commissioners METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA Stephen W. Madewell, Director

Employment Education THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.

General Employment

If you love to garden, this is the perfect job for you! Sue’s Etcetera is a personal gardening service that specializes in the detailed maintenance of clients’ landscape & garden beds. If you have experience working with all types of flowers, shrubs, bushes, and plants, we can use you! We have Full-Time to Part-Time positions available. We pay $9.00 to $10.50 an hour for knowledgeable gardeners. Own reliable transportation a must. Please Contact Sue J at or call 419-727-8734 Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

Do you need a GREAT part-time job? be a toledo free press home delivery carrier!

Walking Routes available CALL: 419-241-1700 ext. 221

n Crossword ANSWERS FROM 25 O W L Q U A R T E R B A C K D A Y U D O W E L E E Y E B A L L M E S S I L Y K O I T A C L N I C K E L B A C K D E L I A L A G M P H I S H P E N N Y A N T E M I I E R O B A B Y G R A N D O P R A H A H N M U R O B E J O H N N Y C A S H B A L E O N E A A M I L N E D E M O T E D R B K E N O E A G E A D I M E A D O Z E N J O Y


A home for Stanley Stanley may look like a big tough guy, but his sense of humor and goofball attitude are sure to put a smile on your face. He is such a fun dog and is always looking Stanley for a friendly companion. Clear a space for him on the couch and he will be all about lounging around with his new family! Stanley is neutered, current on all his medications and is microchipped. Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O

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A Toledo tradition since 2005


July 6, 2014

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28 Toledo Free Press

July 6, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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