Toledo Free Press – August 8, 2010

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NASCAR’s hottest stars prepare for a few left turns. Story by Kristen Rapin, Page A17

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AUGUST 8, 2010


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AUGUST 8, 2010


School daze

f Toledoans were asked to list the top 20 people whose jobs they are most envious of, it is not likely Dr. Jerome Pecko would make the list. Pecko, who started his job as superintendent of Toledo Public Schools on Aug. 2, is facing a mountain of challenges so high, few mortals would consider the climb. Those issues are legion. A failed levy attempt in May. The closing of Libbey High School. The gutting of athletics, which created an alliance that formed a league separate from the City League. Tough union negotiations. A population migrating to the suburbs. A 7.8-mill levy on the November ballot. A $44 million deficit that could grow to $125 million within years if a combination of levy money and needed cuts fail to come through. But during an informal July 30 meeting with myself and Toledo Free Press editors Michael Miller and Kristen Rapin, Pecko was upbeat and optimistic. One of his immediate challenges is the rebuilding of three key cabinet positions. The TPS executive assistant to the superintendent Thomas F. POUNDS for human resources, chief business manager and chief academic officer will have to be hired. Pecko said this is obviously a short-term burden, but it allows him to personally select some of the people who will be key during his tenure. Pecko, who speaks with a moderate and authoritative tone, does not seem naïve about the problems he faces. He understands that the problems that face TPS are likely to get worse before they get better. But he offers an opportunity for unity and community outreach that will be desperately needed as the school system tries to serve its students. Pecko will need his moderate demeanor because PECKO he may need to consider some radical ideas. How will the gap between “suburban” students and so-called “inner-city” students be narrowed unless more resources are dedicated to the students in need? What if that includes year-round classes and social intervention programs? Has TPS fully embraced the United Way “schools as community hubs” initiative, in which “families, schools and community partners come together to provide the educational, youth development and family support services and opportunities that children and families need and desire?” Will the unions, which are charged with fighting for their members, choose concessions over job losses? Will the parents who need to support TPS see the changes being made that will earn their faith and cooperation? Pecko faces these and a great many more questions and challenges. We wish him well and reiterate our offer to provide a conduit to readers as he seeks to get his message to TPS students, parents — and voters. Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 6, No. 32. Established 2005. EDITORIAL Mary Ann Stearns, Design Editor James A. Molnar, Lead Designer Brandi Barhite, Associate Editor Kristen Rapin, Special Sections Editor ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager

ADVERTISING SALES Renee Bergmooser, Sales Manager Casey Fischer Bridget Ochmanek Matt Mackowiak

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when the flip-flop happens, the ‘change of heart’ will break the resistance of enough others to force this through.” Velasquez: “Who is most susceptible?” McNamara: “Maybe we can get you close enough to Collins to work on the language and implant the notion that a new, third draft is actually his idea. Do you agree, Adam?” Martinez: “Absolutely yes!” SCENE: Ext. Rainy day in Downtown Toledo. Velasquez, McNamara and Martinez drive a white van through SCENE: Int. Toledo City Council Chambers. Velas- the dreamscape in Collins’ mind. They pull into a deserted quez, McNamara and Martinez huddle around a table building (it doesn’t really matter which one. There are stacked with file folders, newspaper clippings and photos. plenty to choose from). The three men drag the dreaming Velasquez: “Is inception possible? Can projection of Collins from the van. we break into the subconsciousness of City McNamara: “What Arizona is doing is Council to implant a resolution to officially terrible. It’s racial profiling. We need to let criticize Arizona’s immigration policy?” Arizona know we don’t like it.” Martinez: “Absolutely yes!” Collins: “That has nothing to do with the McNamara: “We’ve tried twice and failed. governance of Toledo.” To implant an idea, especially one founded McNamara: “But we don’t like it.” on emotion instead of logic, we may have to Collins: “That would be an epic flip-flop. repeatedly adapt and water down the idea.” Why would I do that? The resolution is terVelasquez: “What happened the first two rible. It says it does not ‘engage, discuss or times? The Lucas County Commissioners express an opinion on the complex issues of Extractor Team was able to make an official Michael S. MILLER immigration,’ so what is the point?” statement without any fuss.” McNamara: “That was two versions ago. McNamara: “They have a lot of practice with imple- The one you are going to fight for isn’t about Arizona.” menting nonessential policy. Plus, there are only three of Collins: “I don’t know …” them. For us to implant this criticism into an official resoVelasquez: “I represent a lot of voters who don’t like lution, we will have to go at least seven layers deep. The what Arizona is doing. A lot of voters in the South End. first time we tried, the wording was so neophyte and re- You serve part of the South End, right? Let’s work on the actionary, it read more like a high school debate response language and find a version you can present as yours.” than official city business. Isn’t that right, Adam?” Collins: “How much time are we going to spend on this?” Martinez: “Absolutely yes!” McNamara: “In top-level real time, hours over the course McNamara: “The second time, we got as deep as six of months. At this level, which represents the future devellayers, but the projections of logic and sense stopped us opment of Toledo, years of lost productivity are impacted.” cold. Mayor Bell had an opportunity to help us implant the Collins: “What about Ludeman? Sarantou? Waniewski?” idea, but he chose not to. At least we got to go in The Blade McNamara: “Ludeman and Waniewski won’t lie down the next day and moan about Bell’s vote, didn’t we, Adam?” with us to dream and work on this. Sarantou is running for Martinez: “Absolutely yes!” county commissioner against a woman named Contrada. McNamara spins a metal top on the table. It rotates rap- We think he’ll switch.” idly, then wobbles and topples. Collins: (looking at Velasquez): “How many voters?” Velasquez: “What is that?” Velasquez: “A lot of voters.” McNamara: “It’s my totem. Trying to force through Collins: “And it doesn’t really do anything, right?” personal crusade resolutions that have failed twice, while Martinez: “Absolutely yes!” ignoring the issues that are crushing Toledo, can be tiring McNamara: “He means no.” and confusing. If I spin the totem and it falls, I know I’m not Collins: “I’m going back to sleep. Wake me when it’s done.” lost in the extraction or inception levels.” FADE TO BLACK CLOSE-UP: Camera focuses on top as it lies still. SCENE: Int. Toledo City Council Chambers, Aug. 3, Velasquez: “So what is the plan for the third attempt?” 2010. Resolution on Calling for Immigration Reform, OpMcNamara: “We need to enter someone’s mind and en- posing Human Trafficking & Unscrupulous Employment gineer an epic flip-flop. If we can make that happen, we will passes without discussion. McNamara spins the top on be able to plant the resolution into official policy.” the table. It rotates, rotates, rotates, rotates, wobbles, then Velasquez: “Who do we target?” McNamara: “It needs to be a vocal opponent, so that E-mail Michael S. Miller at The Architect: Baldemar Velasquez The Extractor: Joe McNamara The Point Man: Adam Martinez The Forger: D. Michael Collins The Shade: George Sarantou The Tourists: Michael Ashford, Wilma Brown, Phil Copeland, Mike Craig, Steve Steel, Lindsay Webb The Mark: Political integrity

Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher ADVERTISING SALES Chick Reid DISTRIBUTION Charles Campos (419) 241-1700, Ext. 227 PRODUCTION Charlie Longton, Photographer

Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Jim Beard • John Dorsey • Vicki L. Kroll • Jeff McGinnis Duane Ramsey • Dave Woolford Chris Schmidbauer, Sports Editor • Mike Driehorst, Social Networking Manager Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Lisa Renee Ward, Brandi Barhite, Darcy Irons

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604 Phone: (419) 241-1700 Fax: (419) 241-8828 Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2010 with all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.





Settling old tabs

Liberty, not lividity


t first, I wanted to respond to ■ make up to $171,850, taxes will inthe facts in the Aug. 1 Toledo crease from 28 percent to 31 percent. Free Press column by Don ■ make over $373,650, taxes will inBurnard, “The Right’s tax scam,” crease from 35 percent to 36.6 percent. So the Bush tax cuts only benbut after three minutes of research, I realized there were none. It was just efit the wealthy? The tax rate on the the same progressive playbook, the wealthy only decreased by 1.6 percent, hyperbole and name-calling progres- but the middle-class decrease was 3 percent. And, the tax rate for the sives always use. Mr. Burnard, why do you oppose poor went down 5 percent. So the tax cuts? Do you not want economic tired argument called “tax cuts for the recovery? Do you not want hard- rich” doesn’t work. The nonpartisan Concord Coworking Americans to keep more of alition that Burnard cites as a pillar their money? for his argument that The facts: The last keeping the tax cuts three across-the-board would add to the deficit tax cuts have led to ecosays only this: Myth: nomic growth — KenWe just need to raise nedy tax cuts (1964), taxes starting with Reagan tax cuts (1981) rolling back all of Bush and the Bush tax cuts tax cuts. Reality: Even (2001 and 2002). restoring tax rates to According to the pre-2001 levels will not National Center for Policy Analysis, the Scott ALLEGRINI close the gap between spending and revenue. Kennedy tax cuts had the following effects: Between 1962 If the wedge between spending and and 1969, investment grew at an an- revenue continues to grow, taxes nual rate of 6.1 percent, far higher would have to be raised continuthan the 3 percent annual rate for ously and would eventually cripple 1959-1962, and the 2.3 percent rate the economy.” — Concord Coalition: for 1969-1972, after the JFK tax re- Taking back our fiscal future. Finally, let me address Burnard’s forms had been repealed. Real gross national product grew 4.5 percent name-calling tactic referring to our during the 1960s, higher than the 2.4 group as “the Children of Lividity.” percent growth rate seen from 1952- First, you think that the Children of 1960. From 1962-1969, government Liberty is an extension of the Repubrevenue increased 6.4 percent a year, lican Party? Most of our members compared with 1.2 percent a year be- are more “livid” at Republicans than Democrats. If you’ll recall, the Lucas tween 1952-1959. And the Reagan tax cuts? Real County Republican Party tried to get economic growth averaged 3.2 per- us kicked out of the Toledo Public Licent during the Reagan years, com- braries last winter (TFP Jan. 24 issue: pared with 2.8 percent during the “Officials: Stainbrook files complaint Ford-Carter years and 2.1 percent against conservative group”). But I would not expect anything different during the Bush-Clinton years. Real median family income grew from progressives in either party; you by $4,000 during the Reagan period resort to name calling because we are after experiencing no growth in the challenging the status quo. As for us being the Children of pre-Reagan years; it experienced a loss of almost $1,500 in the post- Lividity? Are we angry? Yes! Are we Reagan years. The amount of time livid? We leave “lividity” for the prothe median worker stayed unem- gressives at G-20 Summits and the pro illegal alien rallies. You see, that ployed fell drastically. The “evil” Bush tax cuts? Presi- kind of destruction, thuggery and dent Bush’s 2003 tax cuts lowered hateful rhetoric is true lividity. The the rate to 35 percent and created the Children of Liberty are just angry economic growth that has increased that the ruling class doesn’t wish to tax revenues each year — by 5.5 per- represent us. We do not take to the cent in 2004 and 14.5 percent — the streets and burn cars! We debate largest in 25 years — in 2005. and educate. The Children of LibSo what effect will letting the erty choose to awaken Americans to Bush tax cuts expire have? Ac- the fact the progressives wish to limit cording to the U.S. Tax Code. If you: our liberty and freedom. ■ make $34,550, taxes will increase from 10 percent to 15 percent. Scott Allegrini is a co-founder of the ■ make up to $82,000, taxes will in- Children of Liberty. E-mail him at crease from 25 percent to 28 percent.

AUGUST 8, 2010


wo decades ago, the City of Toledo uttered the govern- Toledo Lucas County Housing Trust Fund over and above mental equivalent of J. Wellington Wimpy’s saying, “I’ll the amount that would otherwise have been allocated gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” But it to neighborhood programs, the net revenue from the wasn’t a hamburger the city was seeking; it was $3 million in Phase 1 (pre-1998) portion of the Superior Street Garage. If Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) funding to buy the funds attributable to the net revenues of Phase 1 of the Superior Street Garage are less than $50,000, what is now called the Superior Street Garage. the allocation shall be made from other approSupporters of the Toledo Lucas County priate sources of funds.” Housing Fund sought a campaign promise A 2004 memo from Law Director Barbara during the 2009 election from the candidates Herring to Jay Black, Mayor Jack Ford’s chief of for mayor and at-large Council seats, asking, staff, stated the DPA would have to provide a if elected, would they “commit to dispersing separate accounting for the Superior Street Gathe Superior Garage profits” to the Housing rage for the city to meet the requirements of the Fund. Mike Bell, Joe McNamara, Adam Mar1998 ordinance. In a 2005 document, she states tinez, George Sarantou and Steve Steel were the DPA was directed to do this starting in 2006. among those who said “yes.” On July 13 at agenda review, in response to Lisa Renee WARD Herring acknowledged “lengthy and difficult negotiations” in 1997 to determine the net profits. a question from McNamara on the status of the A committee hearing in December of 2009 revealed that 2008 payment owed to the Housing Fund, Deputy Mayor Steve Herwat said they were in the process of meeting with the DPA was not separately accounting for the pre-1998 the group to resolve the issue. There was no indication that profits, but the city’s budget commissioner, Jane Boone, stated she had the breakdowns in revenue for the parking the administration was considering changing its position. Now, the administration and Council are saying it is not ob- garage. The Mayor Carty Finkbeiner administration said the ligated to pay the Housing Fund, or if it was, it has paid enough. funding was owed. New legislation was left in committee for the incoming Bell administration and Council to determine. The accomplishments of the fund are also being questioned. At the Aug. 3 Council meeting, McNamara attempted In 1990, Toledo City Council passed a resolution that expressed its intent to fund the Housing Fund: “shall be, at to relieve the December action from committee, but he least, the sum of all net profits over time, which discounted did not have the necessary votes. There was an audible reby a rate of 12 percent per year back to the date of closing of sponse from the crowd that action was not taken at that meeting. At least one member of the audience shouted, the UDAG grant, would have a value of $3,000,000.” In 1996, the city decided to turn over management of its “shame.” Council instead scheduled a Committee of the parking garages and other related functions to the “Down- Whole meeting for 1 p.m. Aug. 11. The city ate the hamburger, joyfully proclaiming how town Parking Authority” (DPA). In 1997, the promise to repay the UDAG money resurfaced when the city an- amazing it was, as the juices ran down its face, but is now claiming it never promised to pay for the hamburger, or if it nounced plans to expand the Superior Street Garage. Council in 1998 passed Ordinance 957-98 titled, did, it wasn’t that good and it’d also like to inspect the kitchen. “Implementing the will of Toledo City Council expressed Whether Council will settle the tab or make a delayed dinein Resolution 5-90.” It created language for funding the and-dash will not be known until at least Aug. 17. Housing Fund and appropriated a payment of $268,000. One part that is now at issue: “That City Council shall, in Toledo Free Press contributor Lisa Renee Ward operates the each year subsequent to 2005, annually appropriate to the political blog


Smoke on the Water success benefits Red Cross, Downtown TO THE EDITOR; From July 30 to Aug. 1, nearly 30,000 people packed Promenade Park in Downtown Toledo for the Columbia Gas of Ohio Smoke on the Water — Ribs for the Red Cross event. They devoured ribs from the best BBQers in our area; they enjoyed great local and national entertainment; and, whether they know it or not, they helped a young family on Wernert Avenue. Early in the morning of Aug. 3, the Toledo Area Chapter of the American Red Cross helped a family of four — two adults and two pre-teen children — who escaped a single-family house fire in west Toledo. When the family’s home burned down, the Red Cross was able to offer shelter, clothing, food, comfort and compassion. The 2010 event was a tremendous success in terms of recognition and awareness for the Red Cross, but most

importantly in dollars earned. While we are still counting, I am comfortable, and proud to say that we raised more money in 2010 than we did in 2009; that is great to say in any year, amazing to announce in this economy. I’d like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all of Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan for the support of 2010 Smoke on the Water. Additionally, this event would not have been possible without the 350 volunteers who generously gave their time to make this event possible. That includes the Smoke on the Water executive committee, a group of some of the best and brightest in our community. Without this dedicated group of individuals, Smoke on the Water simply does not happen, much less shine as an overwhelming success. The Red Cross was fortunate to see sponsorships double, a testa-

ment to the hard work and reputation of past year’s events and crowds. For 2010, we were fortunate to count many partners, including Columbia Gas of Ohio and KeyBank, First Solar, Health Care REIT, Heartland Health Care, Mercy, Meijer, Regency Hospital, Labatt Blue, Mike’s Hard Lemonade and Heineken; our media partners, without whom the public would not have known about our event, included Toledo Free Press, FOX Toledo and Cumulus Toledo; all were very generous with their space, time and talents. On behalf of the 2010 Smoke on the Water Committee, I want to say thank you to all who helped, participated in and attended our event. See you in 2011. Chris Kozak Smoke on the Water Committee Chairman


AUGUST 8, 2010

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TPS superintendent facing three key vacancies Toledo Public Schools (TPS) Superintendent Jerome Pecko began his first day on the job Aug. 2 with his three top administrative positions vacant. Individuals who had the positions as executive assistant to the superintendent for human resources, chief business manager and chief academic officer retired at the end of the school year. Positions are posted on the TPS website and the district accepted applications for the positions until Aug. 5. — Kristen Rapin


Mayor Bell invites Marines back to Toledo By Kristen Rapin TOLEDO FREE PRESS SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR

Mayor Mike Bell’s office has reached out to the Marine Corps Reserves, extending the group an invitation to return to Toledo for training exercises. In 2008, Company A 1st Battalion 24th Marines from Grand Rapids, Mich., were told to leave Toledo by then-Mayor Carty Finkbeiner. The Marine Corps Reserve group

was scheduled to perform exercises Downtown all that weekend. Previously, the group had trained in Toledo in 2004 and 2006. By asking the Marines to leave, Toledo made national headlines. In January, near the start of his term, Bell asked Steve Herwat, deputy mayor of BELL

operations, to contact the Marines to let the group know it was more than welcome to train in Toledo, Herwat said. “We felt the city had suffered a black eye. It was publicized nationally and internationally and we wanted the Marine Corps to know if they want to return Toledo would welcome them with open arms and facilitate a training mission,” Herwat said. In February, Herwat spoke to Maj. Jeffrey Brooks, commanding officer of the Weapons Company 1st Battalion

24th Marines based in Perrysburg, to let the Marines Corps Reserves know the city is interested in having the Marine Corps return to Toledo. Brooks confirmed that he spoke with the city and said the Marines have a “good relationship with Toledo.” The Marine Corps, however, has no plans to return to Toledo in the immediate future because the training focus is no longer on urban warfare, according to Capt. Nathan Braden, a spokesman for the Marine Corps Re-

serves out of New Orleans. “We don’t have any plans currently to conduct any training in Toledo. The main reason is because in 2008 when the war in Iraq was in full swing, the focus was on urban warfare. Now, the focus is in Afghanistan and it’s less of an urban environment,” Braden told Toledo Free Press in a phone interview Aug. 1. If the training needs were to change, the Marines would be interested in contacting city leaders to work something out, he said.


TPS reminds parents of changes for upcoming school year By Kristen Rapin TOLEDO FREE PRESS SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR

The Toledo Public Schools (TPS) Board of Education wants to remind parents of major changes affecting the district this school year. Transportation, school uniform and bell time changes have been made throughout the district, said Lisa Sobecki, vice president of the board of education. School lunches have also increased in price. Additionally, students who were formerly attending Libbey High School need to be aware of new district boundaries, she said. “We want to let people know about the changes so the first day of school we’re all on the

same page,” Sobecki said. A letter from TPS was sent to parents in July notifying those in the district of upcoming changes. The most important change parents need to be aware of is transportation for the district. High schools will no longer have busing services and only children K-8 who live more than 2 miles from their school will be provided transportation. Sobecki suggests parents start planning their children’s transportation now and not wait until the night before school starts. Some schools’ start and end times have been changed. Schools that will have new starting or dismissal times for 2010-11 are: Birmingham Elementary, Burroughs Elementary, Glenwood El-

ementary, Hawkins Elementary, Old West End, Grove Patterson, Reynolds Elementary, Martin Luther King Jr. Academy for Boys, Stewart Academy for Girls, Leverette Middle School and DeVeaux Middle School. Students who formerly attended Libbey need to be aware of new district boundaries. Those who live west of Hawley Street and south of Campbell Street will attend Bowsher High School. Individuals who live west of Interstate 75, east of Hawley Street, northwest of the Anthony Wayne Trail and north of Campbell Street will attend Scott. Students will attend Waite High School if they live southeast of the Anthony Wayne Trail, east of Hawley and east of I-75. In addition, the new dress code has been im-

plemented. Vouchers for student uniforms will no longer be given, Sobecki said. According to the TPS website, students are required to wear any solid color dress shirt, blouse, polo, turtleneck, cardigan, sweater or pullovers (no hood). Shirts must be tucked in and navy, tan, black, brown or gray pants/skirts must be worn. A list of dress code requirements is at Student lunches have increased in price. Fullprice elementary breakfasts are 90 cents and lunches are $1.60, while full-price secondary breakfasts are $1.25 and lunches are $2. Reduced breakfasts are 30 cents and reduced lunches are 40 cents. For more information, visit, call the board of education at (419) 671-8200 or contact your child’s school.

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AUGUST 8, 2010

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■ A7


Refocused resolution elicits 4 changed votes By Michael Stainbrook TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER

SUPPLY KIDS WITH A FUTURE We are collecting backpacks and school supplies to be given to kindergarten-age students who might not be able to afford to purchase their needed supplies. (567) 661-7876

SUPPLIES NEEDED Backpack Crayons Markers Elmer’s 4 oz. bottle of glue #2 yellow pencils Pink erasers School boxes Pocket folders Marbled covered composition books Tissues Freezer bags with zipper Diaper wipes

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Drop off donations by

August 18

Toledo City Councilman D. Michael Collins strongly opposed the immigration reform resolution presented to Council on July 20. Two weeks later, Collins advocated passing a similar resolution. He said his actions reflected a change of wording and not a change of mind. “I felt that the State of Ohio and the Council of COLLINS the City of Toledo had no business critiquing the governmental operations of the State of Arizona,” he said, referring to the initial resolution presented July 20. “That’s a federal issue, and the federal government has stepped in.” Councilman Adam Martinez was the main proponent of the original resolution, which mentioned Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer by name and highlighted the controversial points

of Arizona S.B. 1070. The resolution said the bill “encourages racial profiling and violates the Fourteenth Amendment.” Before the July 20 meeting, Collins met with Martinez to discuss the resolution. Collins had drafted his own version and asked Martinez to do away with the language specifically pertaining to Arizona and racial profiling. “Unfor tunately, it was just minor details that I wasn’t comfortable with deleting,” MarMARTINEZ tinez said. Collins voted against the resolution, which eventually failed when Mayor Mike Bell cast a tie-breaking “no” vote. On July 28 — the same day S.B. 1070 was blocked in federal court — Collins contacted Baldemar Velasquez, founder and president of Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) and a staunch supporter of the original resolution. Collins told Velasquez about his version, and the

FLOC leader became interested. “He said he was totally unaware of it and asked to see a copy of what I wrote,” Collins said. Velasquez suggested several changes that were incorporated into Collins’ resolution. Collins said Velasquez authored the resolution’s first section, which states the city’s opposition to “legislation that punishes victims as opposed to perpetrators of human trafficking and unscrupulous employment practices.” Velasquez then sought McNAMARA support from other Council members. “I called everybody,” he said. “I had help from people like Michael Collins to talk to other people who had voted against it.” Martinez, Council President Wilma Brown and Councilman Joe McNamara were Collins’ main supporters. Brown also voted “no” on Martinez’s initial resolution. “The new resolution eliminated telling Arizona what laws they can pass,” Brown said. “I believe in home rule here in the City of Toledo and anywhere else.” Collins, Brown and Councilmen Michael Ashford and George Sarantou all voted “no” July 20, but were in favor of the new resolution. On Aug. 2, Collins told Toledo Free Press he had secured nine votes. The measure passed 10-2 the next day. Collins said Sarantou was the unaccountedfor supporter. “I based my decision on the fact that the federal government is responsible for the mess with immigration and needs to address this issue,” Sarantou said. “I felt the Martinez resolution centered on Arizona. That was just inappropriate. This is a federal program.” Councilmen Rob Ludeman and Tom Waniewski voted against the resolution. “If City Council directs its attention to every issue of national importance,

we would not get any work done running the City of Toledo,” Ludeman said. “I was opposed to the Obama health plan. It would have been very easy for me to draft a resolution ... but that’s not really what Council’s job is.” Ludeman said Velasquez spoke with him regarding the measure. “I told Mr. Velasquez, ‘I look at an issue, even if it’s something that shouldn’t be before City Council. Once I cast my vote, I don’t change my mind.’ So it always surprises me when a Council member changes his mind, even when you change a couple words,” he said. Martinez said the measure addressed the possibility that the Ohio General Assembly might consider a bill similar to the one passed in Arizona. “The reality is, there are several similar immigration bills being thrown around throughout other states, Ohio being one of them in Butler County. By having an affirmation that we’re not going to stand for this type of legislation, I think is relevant for the City of Toledo.” State Rep. Courtney Combs (R-54th) represents parts of Butler County and is the primary sponsor of H.B. 184, which would require a worker verification system and other changes to state immigration policy. He is authoring another bill similar to Arizona S.B. 1070. Combs said 30 illegal immigrants were deported from Butler County the week of July 25. “I feel very saddened that Toledo City Council would side with drug dealers and human traffickers and people who bring contraband into Ohio,” Combs said. “You can’t tell a difference between the poor people that are here to work and the drug dealers and human traffickers that go with it. Those kinds of people, those unscrupulous, low-life people, thrive on this stuff.” Martinez disagreed. “Not all migrants are immigrants,” Martinez said. “There are some American citizens that do this type of work, and we just want to make sure that every American citizen is protected.”




Blanks find humor in lost items Editor’s note: Toledo Free Press will follow the Blank family of Millbury for the next year as they rebuild their lives after a June 5 tornado destroyed their Main Street home. By Brandi Barhite TOLEDO FREE PRESS ASSOCIATE EDITOR

Ed Blank wants everyone to know he is not missing a pair of p purple p underpants. The skivviess were found after the Junee 5 tornado, he said. And d since people knew thee family’s belongings tookk flight with the storm, it’s’s been fun for them to say, y, “We found Ed’s purplee BLANK underwear.” Even though thee joke might seem in poorr taste, Ed finds solace in n laughing when peoplee tell him they found hiss purple underwear. Humor helps the family cope with losing their house and belongings. Fortunately, not everything was lost, which makes items recovered a nice reminder of home.

Pots and pans from the first floor, as well as silverware and a few mugs and glasses were found right after the tornado. The Blanks also recovered memorable Christmas items that were in a crawl space and did not get wet. Unfortunately, four to five boxes of old photographs did get wet, and although the family has tried to dry them out, they aren’t in good shape. The Blanks also lost pictures of both sets of parents, which “are the ttough things to replace,” Ed said. The photos that E ccan be replaced are those iin digital form. Photos ffrom their son’s wedding are being reprinted, d aas is a family photo that FAMILY: hhad been displayed in tthe house. Anything on Facebook also lives on. F “But my mom’s senior photo and my dad’s senior p photo can’t be replaced,” p wife Julie Blank said. w Julie said her mother would be “rolling over in her grave” if she knew the family had lost their home. Her mom, Anne Martin, had always been scared of tornadoes. Julie said since she was in the hos-



pital with heart problems after the tornado, she missed most of the cleanup. “People keep telling me things that they found and some of it is in storage,” she said. “They found my recipe box and a tub of summer tops and shorts.” Even nine weeks after the tornado, people are still “finding” things for the Blanks. Recently, a tub of recovered items made its way to the Blanks, but only three items belonged to them. When belongings are found, they aren’t always salvageable. Son Casey’s shirt was badly stained. One of Ed’s prized vests was found, but again, it was too dirty to save. Ed has been the butt of a few jokes at the golf course. He participates in a weekly golf league at Chippewa. His wife encouraged him to continue with the league, despite the tornado, because he needed some normalcy. When he arrives, fellow golfers will say, “Hey, Ed, new shirt?” And Ed will reply “Yeah, it is a new shirt. I don’t have any.” The joke continues when they ask him if he is wearing new pants, which Ed admits is funny. The underwear joke, though, is wearing on him. “Of course, they aren’t mine,” he said, laughing.

AUGUST 8, 2010

Mom works to memorialize son through new playground Amy Peterson is hoping to turn the field where her 11-year-old son passed away into a park. Andrew’s Adventureland Memorial Playground will feature a playground and picnic area so neighborhood children can enjoy the space. “It needs to be something that isn’t just an empty field — it has to be something more positive than that,” Peterson said. Andrew VanHorn was found in a field near his home in South Toledo on July 13, 2009. The land where he was found, near Ventura Drive and Chorus Lane, has been zoned as a park for more than 30 years. Peterson, who grew up in the neighborhood, remembers conversations with her mother about turning the field into a park. Peterson continued those conversations with her son Andrew. “The last grocery trip we went on, Andrew was bugging me to buy some candy because it had a label saying you could win a large amount of money for a playground in your area,” Peterson said. Peterson is working on raising money and seeking the appropriate support from the City of Toledo to build Andrew’s Adventureland Memorial Playground. The playground is helping Peterson with the healing process, she said. Instead of focusing on the unresolved issues that surround Andrew’s death, she is throwing her energy into the park. Andrew was too “special of a kid” for his death to go unacknowledged, she said. Peterson wants Andrew’s friends, who live across the street from the field, to see something positive when they look out of their home rather than an empty field where something tragic occurred, she said. Miss Cue Sports Café will host its 6th annual golf outing with proceeds from the event benefiting Andrew’s Adventureland Memorial Playground on Aug.15. The 18-hole golf scramble, at Spuyten Duyval Golf Club, is $60 an individual or $240 a team. Fees include a riding cart, hot dog and drink, as well as a steak dinner at Miss Cue. For information about the golf outing or to sign up, call (419) 865-3792. For more information about Andrew’s Adventureland, visit — Kristen Rapin


AUGUST 8, 2010

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Strickland responds to ‘Community vs. Corporation’ question By John Michael Spinelli TOLEDO FREE PRESS OHIO STATEHOUSE BUREAU CHIEF

COLUMBUS — A trio of researchers from The Ohio State University researchers, in a report on growth and change in Ohio, said that inaction by state leaders will only prolong what they predict is already shaping up to be a long jobless recovery that will try the souls of individuals, families and communities for years to come. One of their more sobering conclusions is that the damage to Ohio’s manufacturing sector, and the families and communities that once relied so heavily upon it, will have less adverse impacts now because, since 1970, the sector has been in such serious decline, having re-

duced itself by about two-thirds. There is good news about this bad news, according to the trio. Ohio’s painful loss of manufacturing jobs — and all the other jobs in a community they help support — is that, according to the trio, it’s “almost over because Ohio has lost so many manufacturing jobs that there really are not that many more to lose.� Corporations are paper creations that modern technology enables to move around the globe with the click of a mouse, harming the communities they leave and helping those they go to. Communities are geographic locations forever stuck where they are, not able to pick up and leave when greener grass is found on another hillside. Given this modern day economic conundrum, incumbent Democratic



Gov. Ted Strickland and his GOP challenger, John Kasich, commented on the relationship between community and corporations. “We obviously need our corporations and our business to be successful. We also need to be concerned about the individuals in our state. Quite frankly, I am proud of the fact that I have a good STRICKLAND relationship with the business community in Ohio,� Strickland said at Opening Day ceremonies for the 157th Ohio State Fair in Columbus. “I have tried to be sensitive to the problems they have. I want our companies and our corporations to thrive and to grow, be successful and make profits. I am certainly not anti-business; in fact, we’ve had a very pro-business administration. “But on the other hand, I am also concerned about the needs of individual workers and individual families in Ohio. What I’ve tried to do is find an appropriate common-sense approach to governing that doesn’t allow for extremes on either the right or the left to feel as if they can control me. And I don’t think Ohio needs an ideologically driven governor, and I think Mr. Kasich is. He has a certain philosophy and approach, and it results in sometimes very

impractical decisions being made, which are devoid of common sense. How can he operate this state without an income tax that has provided 46 percent of all of our GRF [General Revenue Fund] over the last 10 years? Now, to be just so ideologically opposed to taxes that you say we’re going to get rid of the state income tax without having a plan for how you’re going to deal with that, what services you’re going to eliminate or what other taxes you’re going to raise. But he’s boxed himself into a corner because he’s also signed a pledge that he will never support any additional tax increases, so he is faced with the need to tell Ohioans how he is going to operate this state with 46 percent fewer resources than we already have, when everyone knows we’re facing a deficit even now.� Kasich’s response was forthcoming in a telephone interview with Rob Nichols, press secretary for the Kasich-Taylor campaign: “It’s neither this nor that — this election is 100 percent about jobs to strengthen our communities. John is not just courting big business, it’s small business, too. We received the NFIB [National Federation of Independent Business] endorsement a couple weeks ago which is incredibly important to John because it comes from Ohio’s job creators,� Nichols said. “This election is about creating an environment in Ohio where these jobs can come back by breaking down barriers that have kept Ohio at a disadvan-

tage to other states. All John and Mary talk about as they go around the state is how they will make Ohio business friendly again by fixing workers compensation, reducing the tax burden, and removing onerous regulations — a whole series of things that happen in tandem to bring businesses back. When that happens, every community across KASICH the state will be strengthened. “But currently, Ohio is facing too many hurdles, too many barriers and the governor has clearly set the state for massive tax increases if he were to be elected; he’s already increased taxes once during a recession.� Based on the 46-month-long research project, Ohio will not return to its once mighty status as a manufacturing titan. Their conclusion, painful as it is, predicts that it may take many years for the “economy to return to something resembling widespread prosperity.� For Ohio, the researchers said, this means families and communities will continue to face numerous challenges for many years into the future. So regardless of which candidate is elected in November, the road ahead will indeed be long and winding, with a pothole or two along the way.

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AUGUST 8, 2010


Kids Unlimited seeks Pepsi grant

Simpson honored by national parents group By Gail Burkhardt TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER


Inner-city Toledo children may reap the benefits of a $50,000 grant if a local after-school and summer program, Kids Unlimited, wins the Pepsi Refresh Project contest. Through the Pepsi Refresh Project, PepsiCo Inc. is using money it would have spent on advertisements during the Super Bowl to give $1.3 million each month to businesses, individuals and nonprofit organizations that have ideas to positively impact their communities. Pepsi gives away two $250,000 grants, 10 $50,000 grants, 10 $25,000 grants and 10 $5,000 grants each month. The company accepts about 1,000 entries each month and individuals can vote for their favorite 10 causes each day, according to the project’s website, Kids Unlimited is an organization that works on academics, character and self-discipline in five schools: Englewood Peace Academy, Queen of Apostles School, Imagine Madison Avenue School of Arts, Imagine Clay Avenue Community School and Rosary

Cathedral School, said Chris Amato, the group’s president and cofounder. Amato said the group is trying for the $50,000 grant to continue its operations at the schools. He added that the group would appreciate the opportunity to work at Toledo Public Schools as well. The group has a donation-based yearly budget of about $600,000. Volunteers and staff members provide activities and homework help to about 200 children after school until 6 p.m. during the school year, and about 300 children from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the summer, he said. The programs run Monday through Friday. In the summer, the children take field trips to places, such as Greenfield Village near Detroit and the Lucas County Courthouse, he said. The field trips give the children “amazing opportunities that normally students don’t get,” said Julie McLaughlin, the principal at Clay Avenue Community School, where about 95 percent of the students are on free or reduced lunch plans. The school’s teachers and the Kids Unlimited staff work well together, she said.

“The communication between our staff and their staff is critical,” she said, explaining that when the group’s staff members pick up the students they talk to the teachers about what to work on. McLaughlin said she attributes the school’s improvement to the teachers and the Kids Unlimited program. Since the school opened three years ago, it has risen from academic emergency status to continuous improvement, and may even move to an effective rating, she said. Scores for the Ohio Achievement Assessment also have risen. McLaughlin said the school will encourage parents to vote for Kids Unlimited during the Pepsi Refresh project in their newsletter and at open house. Kids Unlimited has tried to enter the contest in the past, but didn’t make it in, said John Amato, Chris Amato’s son, who is in charge of the Pepsi Refresh effort for the group. The program probably will keep applying if it doesn’t win for the month of August, John said, adding that he hopes that won’t need to happen. To vote for Kids Unlimited, visit the website kidsunlimitedtoledo.

Russ Simpson, who founded the Greater Toledo chapter of a national support group, Parents of Murdered Children (POMC), will receive the organization’s most prestigious award Aug. 14. Each year, the Lisa Hullinger MemoSIMPSON rial Award, named after the daughter of POMC’s national founders, honors one member who has helped parents and loved ones of a murder victim recover, said Jamie Lind, the associate director of the organization, which has about 100,000 members nationally. The honoree must have lost a loved one to murder, she said. “He has just dedicated a lot of his life, time and effort towards the organization,” Lind said of the organization’s decision to give Simpson

the Hullinger Award. Simpson’s daughter, Stacy, was murdered at the age of 4 in 1969 and his son, Scott, was murdered in 1981 at the age of 19. Simpson started the Greater Toledo Chapter of POMC in 1983 and also has served on POMC’s national board of trustees and attended the organization’s first national conference, he said. Simpson will receive the award at this year’s national conference in Philadelphia. “I was completely lost for four days. It knocked me off my feet,” he said of hearing that he will receive the award. Leslie Robinson, the leader of the about 20-member Toledo chapter, said, “There could never be a finer man to receive that award.” Simpson helped Robinson after his 20-year-old son was shot and killed in 2005. “He’s helped me take all that anger that I had and focus it toward something positive,” Robinson said.

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It’s often said that twins have a special connection: built-in friendship or their own twin language. Mothers of twins also have a special connection. They’ve woken up to twice as many babies crying in the same night; they’ve figured out how to fund twice as many college tuitions in the same year. “If you’ve got to change one diaper, what’s one more?� said Diane Miller, publicity chairwoman for Toledo Mothers of Twins Club. “If you’ve got to change ’em, you might as well keep changing ’em.� The National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a convention at the Park Inn in Toledo. Mothers of twins often face challenges other mothers do not. “I got a call at work: ‘one of your boys is sick, he won’t tell us who he is,’� Miller said. Her boys were 4 years old. She had dressed them in different colors that morning, so she asked what he was wearing. It was Derrick. She sent her sister, who could tell the boys apart, to pick him up. “She got there, and Daniel was waiting. And she turned and she said, ‘I thought Derrick was sick,’ and Daniel says, ‘Yeah, but he doesn’t want to go. I want to go in his place,’� she said. Julie Overy, the current president, whose twins are 11 years old, said it’s important that mothers of twins pay attention to their instincts. “You always have the general public saying ‘Oh, you should do this, you’ve gotta do that,’ and I would say, ‘what works for you, you do what works for you’ ... don’t always take ev-


Mothers of Twins Club host convention in Toledo



eryone’s advice.� “You know your own instinct,� Overy said. Fathers should pitch in, too. “It’ll make it a lot easier for everybody if you work together as a team, be willing to get up at night, too, and take your turn,� Kevin Overy said.

“Come home from work, she’s been with them all day. Give her some time away,� he said. “There was a day when I can remember him coming home from work and I said, ‘Bye,’ at first and left. He said, ‘Wait where’re you going?’ [I said], ‘I don’t know, I’ll be back in a

little bit,’ and I’d just go to the park.� She’d be away for half an hour or so, she said, then “come back for more.� Younger mothers in the club often look to older mothers for advice. “They say to my older moms: ‘Well, you got through it, and your kids are successful — I can, too,’� said

Ellen Reinbolt. Reinbolt’s twins are grown – 32 years old, married, with kids. She still attends club meetings because of the friendships she’s formed with women who raised kids at the same time. “When you get women together, that’s what happens,� Miller said.

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AUGUST 8, 2010

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Construction on a new senior service center in central Toledo will begin this month. The Warren AME Senior Services Center will be located on the corner of Indiana Avenue and City Park Avenue, on land donated by the Warren AME Church. The center will be more than 11,000 square feet and house the J. Frank Troy Senior Center and Senior Independence, an adult daycare, in addition to the one other tenant, said Reverend Otis Gordon of Warren AME Church. “The church has always had the vision of doing something for seniors —

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something long-term and substantial,” Gordon said. In addition to providing land for the center the church has also supplied some funding, Gordon said. A 501(c)(3), the Warren AME Vision Empowerment Board, was founded to run the senior center, Gordon said. The board includes members of the church, the J. Frank Troy Senior Center, the Greater Toledo Urban League and the community, Gordon said. The new senior services center is possible through a collaboration among the Warren AME Vision Empowerment Board, Senior Independence, the Area Office on Aging (AOoA) and others. “It’s a community collaborative effort. We tried to include everyone in the community that we could,” Gordon said. Having the J. Frank Troy Senior Center and Senior Independence in the same facility will better serve central Toledo seniors, said Billie Johnson, president and CEO of AOoA. “We’ll have a full complement of daycare services and day treatment services for seniors. In addition to full-fledged nutritional, outreach, transportation and health and wellness education programs a new facility where we can serve more people and do a better job than we


New senior center to be constructed


are doing now. These partnerships will help us do that,” she said. The AOoA has committed $745,000 from its capital facilities fund as long as funding for the rest of the building has been acquired, Johnson said. The funds will be given to Waterford Bank to administer, she said. Senior Independence presented the AOoA with a $75,000 check on July 25 that will go to the Warren AME Senior Services Center. The AOoA serves as


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a vehicle to pass the funds along, said Ann Heringhaus, executive director of Senior Independence. “The center fits our mission and allows us to expand and serve more people then we currently can,” she said. Johnson said she is proud of the partnership that has formed to build the center and hopes it can be a model for future collaborations. The Warren AME Senior Services Center will cost an estimated $1.3 million to complete.

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AUGUST 8, 2010



Planning for Social Security


ccording to the Congressional Budget Office, Social Security will pay out an estimated $29 billion more than it is going to take in this year in payroll taxes. Not even the government has been spared in the most recent economic downturn. Although, the train wreck in Washington may be out of your control, American’s young and old can take steps when planning for Social Security benefits. The younger a family is, the less they should rely on Social Security as a source of retirement income. Around one-third of retirees today rely on Social Security alone to provide 90 percent or more of their reMark tirement income, Nolan according to the Social Security Administration. Most people realize that the Social Security system is in trouble, but you may not be aware of how fast things are getting worse. At, it shows the current unfunded liability of the Social Security system and it is now at a staggering $12 trillion-plus. Raising taxes on working Americans may seem like a simple solution, but it may not be that easy. An estimated 78 million baby boomers are moving into retirement, putting an even bigger strain on the system. At the same time, many families are choosing to have fewer children putting the ratio of people paying to those collecting lower and lower. Tough choices will have to be made by our political leaders, which in our opinion probably means providing for less people and not giving as much to everyone. The normal age of full retirement benefits could keep getting pushed out later and later and the amount a person could be eligible for could be less than previously expected. The conclusion is, the younger you are, the more you should save on

your own; don’t rely on the government to take care of you. Next, for those who are close to or in retirement, the question becomes at what age should you begin benefits? Most people are eligible to begin taking reduced benefits at the age of 62 or they can opt to wait a few years until full retirement age, which can vary based upon what year they were born. As The Retirement Guys, a lot of factors are considered in helping clients decide when to begin benefits. For one, consider the health and benefit of both spouses. If both spouses are equal income earners and one of the spouses has health issues, it can CLAIR make sense to begin BAKER benefits as early as possible. Yet, if one of the spouses was the primary wage earner and the other spouse plans on using 50 percent of their spouse’s Social Security Benefits, waiting to maximize benefits for both spouses can make more sense. If the main income earner passes away first, the surviving spouse could be locked into a lower amount for their lifetime if benefits are started early. Earned income is also an important issue to consider when deciding to take benefits. If someone is younger than full Social Security retirement age and is still working, it may make sense to wait to collect benefits if earnings will be more than $14,160. For example, if someone is 62 and eligible for $700 in Social Security benefits and earns $20,000 a year in income, his or her Social Security payments would be reduced by about 35 percent. This is on top of a 30 percent reduction for taking benefits early, plus up to 85 percent of the social security could be taxable income if the total taxable income was more than $34,000 ($44,000 for married couples). The bottom line is, when someone is in good health,

actively working and younger than full retirement age, it may be a good idea to wait to collect benefits. Taxes are another area to consider. Anywhere between 50 to 85 percent of Social Security benefits could be taxable, depending upon your total taxable income. This is another area where smart planning comes into to play. For people who are forced to take required minimum distributions because they are older than 70 and a half, a Roth Conversion may help solve a Social Security tax problem. Since distributions from a traditional retirement account like a 401(k) or IRA are considered in the formula to determine taxation on Social Security benefits, moving money in the right direction by doing a Roth Conversion may help or solve the problem. Also, consider ways to defer taxes on fully taxable accounts that aren’t being used now or in the near future. This could be done by deferring taxes in a tax deferred annuity. Finally, if benefits have not yet begun and a Roth Conversion is a strategy being considered in part of an overall comprehensive retirement plan, consider waiting to start Social Security income until the conversions are completed as withdrawals from a Roth IRA are not considered as the formula to determine taxation on Social Security benefits. Keep in mind withdrawals from a Roth IRA prior to five years and before the age of 59 and a half could be subject to a 10 percent tax penalty. The Social Security website is It can be reached by phone at 1-800-772-1213, or sit down with a representative at 5151 Monroe St. in Toledo. For more information about The Retirement Guys, tune in every Saturday at 1 p.m. on 1370 WSPD or visit www. Securities are offered through NEXT Financial Group Inc., Member FINRA / SIPC. The Retirement Guys are not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group. The office is at 1700 Woodlands Drive, Suite 100, Maumee, OH 43537. NEXT Financial Group, Inc. nor its representatives provide tax advice.

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uring the past several months, the stock market has worked its way into a trading range, and has basically been fluctuating within about 10 percent of its 12-month highs, despite the recent wave of positive economic data that has washed away the fears of many investors. The most likely explanation for the market’s inability to follow through on good news is that a good deal of the data coming out may have been expected by the market and been priced in. In any case, stocks are now likely looking ahead, with some consensus forming about the likelihood of another stimulus package, the sustainability of recent corporate earnings and forecasting how November will play out in Washington. While the broad market has assumed a sense of suspended animation, there are still several sectors Dock David TREECE on the move. This is the big reason we have always taken a negative stance toward excess diversification. After all, an ability to forecast winning sectors is why money managers get paid. While some sectors have been on a hot streak lately, the prospects for others are not nearly so bright. Gold, for example, has lately seen a slight rally, but we expect that its correction is not yet finished. In recent weeks, we’ve tried to point out the recent inflation of gold’s price, but judging by the influx of angry e-mails, our warnings seem to have fallen mostly on deaf ears. Unfortunately, the story has been nearly the same in the case of Treasury bonds. No one seems to want to see what is in front of their very eyes: Treasury yields are now at generational lows, and investors buying now will likely see a serious loss of principal in the next five years. Recently on CNBC, one commentator had the gall to argue that a bubble in Treasuries simply isn’t possible, that Treasury yields reflect nothing more than a flight to quality. This same argument has been used for gold at different points in history, as well as real estate in the early 2000s. Unfortunately, the story always seems to end the same way, and it’s never very good for the client. As a test for their advisers, clients should try posing the following question: “What would happen to the value of a given bond if interest rates on 30-year Treasury bonds went to 7 percent (which is hardly uncommon from a long-term perspective)?” If they say they don’t know, run; if they say it can’t happen, hide! While many investors have lately been piling into bonds, gold and other hedges against either inflation or deflation, we so far fail to see what is unattractive about equities. For the most part, companies still have good balance sheets; and though many have started assuming small amounts of debt, in most cases, any leverage is easily covered by cash and liquid assets. While companies may have begun borrowing, our expectation is that it is to fund expansion projects, which will ultimately lead to falling unemployment numbers as America goes back to work. As such, borrowing by American companies, which had shunned debt after the 2008 financial crisis, may be something to welcome, rather than fear. Dock David Treece is a discretionary money manager with Treece Investment Advisory Corp. ( and a stockbroker licensed with FINRA. He works for Treece Financial Services Corp and also serves as editor of the financial news site Green Faucet ( The above information is the express opinion of Dock David Treece and should not be construed as investment advice or used without outside verification.

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Mercy appoints new president and CEO Andrea Price became the new president and CEO of Mercy Health Partners on Aug. 1. She said she expects her greatest challenge to be preparing Mercy for the health care reform bill. “It’s going to change the way health care delivers services,” she said. Price said she expects to notice the first effects of the bill in 2012.

Price will also focus on enhancing Mercy’s partnership with the community. She said increasing the hospital’s visibility in the area will be one of her top priorities. Part of meeting this goal will involve looking for additional ways for Mercy to partner with community organizations. She came to Toledo last fall to work

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as the chief operating officer of Mercy. “It’s been a great community,” she said. “Mercy is a strong organization, viable and vibrant.” Her responsiPRICE bilities include overseeing seven hospitals, numerous outpatient centers and other corpora-

AUGUST 8, 2010 tions, Mercy Cancer Centers, Mercy College of Northwest Ohio and Mercy Medical Partners. “Once you get to this level, the number of years I’ve been in this field, you learn early on how to be extremely organized,” she said. She fills the seat of Steve Mickus, who became the COO of Catholic Health Partners, Mercy’s parent organization. Price has more than 25 years of

experience working in the health care industry. Before joining Mercy, she was executive vice president and chief operating officer for Sparrow Health System in Lansing, Mich. Megan Manahan, Mercy’s regional vice president of marketing and communications, said she believes Price is the first female president and CEO of any hospital system in Northwest Ohio. — Betsy Woodruff




Danica Patrick on the first day of qualifications for the Indianapolis 500 auto race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis on May 22.

Danica Patrick returns to MIS with NASCAR By Kristen Rapin

Toledo Free Press Special Sections Editor

Danica Patrick will make her first Michigan International Speedway (MIS) stock car start during the NASCAR Nationwide Series CARFAX 250 race on Aug. 14. Patrick has previously raced in Irish Hills as part of her IndyCar career. Participating in three IRL IndyCar races at MIS from 2005 to 2007, Patrick’s best finish was seventh in 2007. Her previous IndyCar starts at MIS will help the rookie NASCAR driver at the track. “It’s always good to have a visual of the track. It’s always very different when you actually get out there from when you can see it in pictures or you’re just standing in the infield,” Patrick said during a press conference June 22. “It’s nice to know those little things, where Pit Road is, and the things you

have to get used to very quickly on a race weekend if you’ve never been there.” “When you put all those new things on top of each other, things feel very chaotic and overwhelming,” Patrick said. “Just having been there and seeing the place and knowing what it’s like and how the track surface is and everything, I think it’s a really nice thing for me to have that going into the race weekend.” As the race weekend approaches Patrick is looking forward to seeing the differences and similarities at the 2-mile track between the Indy and stock cars. “I think it will be interesting to see how Michigan will go, since it’s the ‘Car of Tomorrow’, and it’s just one of those sort of big, fast tracks — at least in an IndyCar. I’m curious how it will be in a stock car,” she said. The Illinois native began racing IRL IndyCar in 2005 and won Bombardier and Chase Rookie

of the Year honors. Patrick races the No. 7 Honda/Dallara for Andretti Autosport in the IZOD IndyCar Series. In 2008, Patrick became the first woman to ever win an IndyCar race at the Japan 300. In January, it was announced Patrick would join NASCAR’s Nationwide Series in addition to her IndyCar races. She made her NASCAR debut in February at Daytona and is scheduled to compete in 12 Nationwide Series races this season. Patrick, who races the No. 7 Chevrolet Impala for JR Motorsports, said she is “eager” to learn her stock car. “I think that the best thing I can do for myself on the NASCAR weekends is really come up with some realistic expectation levels instead of having them be like IndyCar expectation levels where I’m hoping to win and I’m hoping to finish on the podium, those kinds of things,” she said. “Those are probably a little bit more unrealistic

Mud Hens Schedule HOME

Muddy™ is a trademark of the Toledo Mud Hens. All rights reserved.


SUNDAY – 8/8 @ Charlotte 2:15 p.m. Away

MONDAY – 8/9 vs. Louisville 7:00 p.m. Home

TUESDAY – 8/10 vs. Louisville 7:00 p.m. Home

WEDNESDAY – 8/11 vs. Louisville 7:00 p.m. Home

in Nationwide at this point for how much I still have to learn.” Patrick’s best NASCAR finish this season was 24th in Chicago as of press time. MIS offers “Danica’s Go with Daddy” special ticket package during the Show Me the CARFAX Race Weekend. The $88 package includes two adult seats and one 12 and younger admission to the Aug. 14 race. Kids 12 and under are free, so additional tickets may be requested to ensure seating. The package also includes one voucher for a free officially licensed Patrick T-shirt and an MIS hat. To purchase a “Danica’s Go with Daddy” ticket package, call 800-354-1010. Tickets for the Nationwide Series CARFAX 250 are $40 for adults and kids 12 and younger are free. The race is scheduled to start at 1 p.m. and will air on ESPN.

Week of 8/8/10 THURSDAY – 8/12 vs. Louisville 7:00 p.m. Home

FRIDAY – 8/13 vs. Scranton 7:00 p.m. Home

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SATURDAY – 8/14 vs. Scranton 7:00 p.m. Home

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AUGUST 8, 2010

Tony Stewart praises track conditions at MIS By Kristen Rapin TOLEDO FREE PRESS SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR


Tony Stewart is looking forward to the “flexibility� of Michigan International Speedway’s (MIS) racetrack as he revs up for the CARFAX 400 on Aug. 15. “Michigan is a very, very wide racetrack. The good thing with that is,

it gives us, as drivers, an opportunity to move around to different spots of the track and help ourselves out as far as if our cars aren’t handling exactly the way we want,� Stewart said during a July 6 press teleconference. “That’s one thing about MIS that I think all the drivers really like, is that there are so many options. It’s not a track that’s ‘line committed’, we call it,

where you’re stuck in one spot on the racetrack. We have the flexibility to move around. That gives us the opportunity to make our cars drive a little better without having to make changes.� Stewart, a two-time winner of the Sprint Cup, finished fifth during his last appearance at MIS in June, moving him up within the Sprint Cup rankings. Stewart is ranked eighth in the Sprint Cup, 361 points behind leader Kevin Harvick. In Stewart’s most recent race, the Sunoco Red Cross Pennsylvania 500, he finished second. Stewart said how he’d like to run at MIS is “obvious.�

“Nobody goes into a race going, I think I’ll just try to run 30th to 35th. We obviously want to win every time we go out. That’s what we’re hoping for,� he said. “We’re trying to improve every week on where we run. We had a good run there at MIS last time. Hopefully, we can have a better one this time and finish a little higher.� Stewart drives and owns the No. 14 Office Depot Old Spice Chevrolet. In 2008, Stewart announced he would become a driver/owner in the Sprint Cup Series as Stewart-Haas Racing. Stewart-Hass Racing owns two cars, Stewart’s and teammate Ryan

Newman’s No. 39 Army Chevrolet. Stewart doesn’t foresee the team expanding to include more cars. “I would say there’s probably a zero percent chance we’ll expand to a third team for next year. We’re still trying to fill the void when Old Spice changes this year,� he said. “We’re talking to a lot of great people. There’s a lot of good opportunities out there. It’s just a matter of finding a package that works for somebody to fill our spot.� The CARFAX 400 is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. Aug. 15 and will air on ESPN. For MIS tickets, visit www.

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AUGUST 8, 2010


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Passes offer up-close view 40¢ of pre-race action at MIS Wings! By Gail Burkhardt TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER

Visitors to Michigan International Speedway (MIS) have the chance to get a closer view of the NASCAR race and the drivers. The speedway offers pre-race Pit passes, which allow fans to visit the Pit before the races and, for the first time this year, fans can walk near the Pit to watch the race at ground level. The passes, which cost $50 for adults, cover from qualifying rounds Aug. 13 to the official race Aug. 15, said Dennis Worden, public relations manager for the speedway. Junior passes are $25 for those 17 and younger. Those passes only cover Sundays because of safety regulations, he said. With the passes, fans can enter the Pit area, take photos with the trophy, walk on the track to get their picture taken at the start/finish line, write on Pit wall and visit the box of their favorite driver during nonrace times, Worden said. The speedway added new Pit Road Suites, Media Center and extended the pedestrian tunnel under the track. Now pass holders can go into the tunnel during the race and come up past Pit Road, but near the track onto Pit Patio, which has concessions and merchandise, Worden said. “That new patio, it gives them the ability to watch the event from the Pit area,� he said.

Fans also can attend the drivers’ meeting in the new building before the race. When drivers come down the hallway after the meeting, they usually sign autographs, Worden said. “You have tickets to the race, you can sit in the stands and watch the race, but this gives the fans a lot more to do,� he said. The Pit passes have been available for years, Worden said, but fans were able to take stock of the new Pit Patio during the Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400 weekend in June and also will be able to use the new amenities from Aug. 13 to 15 during the Show Me the CARFAX race weekend. NASCAR fan Scott Jasinkowski from Martin, Ohio, used a Pit Pass during the June weekend. “It’s nice kind of being able to get close and personal with the drivers and crews and see what work they’re doing on the cars,� he said. Jasinkowski, who has gotten Pit passes in previous years at MIS, also took advantage of the new additions to the speedway. He and friends stood in one of the new areas near the Pit to get autographs from drivers, he said, adding that the speedway has “nice, new additions.� Fans can purchase the passes at ticket booths during the race weekend or in advance by calling 800-354-1010.

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AUGUST 8, 2010



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Win at MIS would be a boost to many drivers By Chris Schmidbauer TOLEDO FREE PRESS SPORTS EDITOR


ith the official start to the Sprint Cup Chase for the Cup a little more than a month away, drivers who are at the top

of the standings are still jockeying for position, hoping to be in the top 10 to qualify for the Chase. Headed into the race at Watkins Glenn, the top 12 drivers in the points standings are all within 428 points of first place. While the deficit might seem like a large one to overcome, it really

isn’t when one takes into account how points are awarded to drivers. The driver who finishes first receives 185 points, but considering that second place receives 170 points, it makes it difficult to pull away from the pack. Any driver would tell you the key is not whether or not you win the race,

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but rather running a consistent season week in and week out. But with the deadline to qualify for the Chase for the Cup looming, the CARFAX 400 at Michigan International Speedway (MIS) becomes even more important as several drivers battle it out for the final spot. Several drivers could use the point bump provided by a win at MIS on Aug. 15 as the time slowly ticks toward the Chase cutoff. Here are some of those drivers. Greg Biffle: Biffle ended a 65-race winless streak Aug. 1 after he won the Sunoco Red Cross Pennsylvania 500 at Pocono Raceway. Biffle’s win was the first since 2008 and, despite his absence from the winner’s circle, the driver of the No. 16 Ford has somehow managed to stay within striking distance of 10th place in the Sprint Cup standings. Could the win at Pocono be the jump-start that Biffle and Rousch Racing needs to rebound from two tough seasons? Mark Martin: The 51-year-old Martin sits in 13th place in the Cup standings, just 550 points out of first place and 136 out of 10th place. Martin riveted fans last year with his run at the Chase for the Cup, finishing second to five time winner Jimmie Johnson. A win would put the elder statesman on the circuit well within striking distance of qualifying for the Chase, and he would be the fan favorite to capture his first Sprint Cup Championship. Carl Edwards: Edwards sits in the final qualifying spot in the Chase, and with three drivers within 200 points of him, the 30-year-old needs a victory to make sure he qualifies. The driver of No. 99 Aflac Ford Fusion has never finished higher than 11th place in the points standings, which was in 2009. A win in the CARFAX 400 might give Edwards that extra kick he needs to clinch his first chance at a run at the Sprint Cup. Dale Earnhardt Jr.: Since his much-publicized move from DEI to Hendrick Motorsports, things have not gone smoothly for Earnhardt Jr. Only one win in two seasons with Hendrick Motorsports has some questioning his move, but a win at MIS might change all of that. Earnhardt’s last win came at Michigan in 2008 and he could use another win at the track in Brooklyn. Currently sitting in 14th place and 231 points out of the Chase, a win at the CARFAX 400 would help Earnhardt’s chances to redeem himself with a berth in the Chase for the Cup. Chris Schmidbauer is sports editor for Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at He also can be heard every Friday at 11 a.m. on the Odd Couple Sports Show on Fox Sports Radio 1230 WCWA.



AUGUST 8, 2010

MIS to host bass fishing tournament The Michigan International Speedway (MIS) will host Fish Your Bass Off, a bass-fishing tournament to raise money for MIS Cares. This is the speedway’s second year of hosting a fishing tournament; each team will have a NASCAR personallity fishing with it. This year’s tournament will be at Wamplers Lake. All the slots for competing in the tournament have been filled, but MIS is selling tickets for spectators. The tickets, which cost $35, include dinner at Jerry’s Pub & Restaurant. The event will also have an auction, featuring a special edition die-cast car signed by Richard Petty, shirts worn by Ryan Newman’s Pit crew and sheet metal from Paul Menard. The tournament starts at 5 p.m. Aug. 12. Dinner and the auction begin at 6 p.m. MIS Cares has supported a variety of charities, including the American Red Cross, Hospice of Lenawee, Boys and Girls Club of Lenawee County and Mott’s Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor. For more information, call (261) 420-9510. —Betsy Woodruff

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Sax man cometh to Monroe

FREE EVENT: River Raisin Jazz Festival, Monroe Saturday, Aug. 14 1 p.m. The River Raisin Big Band 2:30 p.m. Steel Heads Percussion 4 p.m. Larry Lee & Back in the Day 5:45 p.m. The Sax Pack 7:30 p.m. Alexander Zonjic with JessyJ

Sunday, Aug. 15 1 p.m. The TNT Band 2:30 p.m. Tumbao Bravo 4 p.m. Urban Jazz Coalition 5:45 p.m. Chuck Loeb 7:30 p.m. David Sanborn




Even as a kid growing up in St. Louis, David Sanborn had great taste. He loved Ray Charles and his band. “The popular music on the radio was songs like ‘What I’d Say,’ ‘Hit the Road Jack,’� the saxophone superstar said. “It was this great mix of jazz, gospel and rhythm and blues. You had the harmonic sophistication of jazz, but the earthiness of the blues and kind of the spirituality of gospel music.� The six-time Grammy winner pays tribute to Charles and his sax players, Hank Crawford and David “Fathead� Newman, on 2008’s “Here & Gone� and on his new disc, “Only Everything.� “One of the reasons I went back to reexamine this music is because I realized over the course of the years, even being in as many different musical contexts as I’ve been in, I’ve never really strayed too far from the essential character of where I started, which is that Hank Crawford, Fathead Newman, Ray Charles sound,� Sanborn said during a phone call from his New York City home. “On ‘Only Everything,’ we changed

DAVID SANBORN the equation a little with having Joey DeFrancesco play the Hammond B-3 organ; that became the centerpiece sound of the record,� Sanborn said. “That changed it slightly, even though the musical orientation was still in that Ray Charles, David Newman and Hank Crawford vein.� Sanborn will bring DeFrancesco and drummer Byron Landham when he headlines the ninth annual River Raisin Jazz Festival at St. Mary’s Park in Monroe, Mich. The trio will play at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 15. Admission is free. Since 1975, Sanborn has released 24 solo discs and played horn for

Stevie Wonder, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, James Taylor, Carly Simon, The Eagles, David Bowie and Eric Clapton, among others. “What makes a good song for me to play is something that I feel I can inhabit, you know, get inside of it really; it feels like a good fit,� Sanborn said. “There’s a certain kind of integrated quality to the song when the rhythm and the melody and the harmony all combine to create this one moment that transcends the components of the song,� he said. “It’s very hard to articulate what that is, what makes a great song, but I think it’s just magic.�

UPCOMING EVENTS ) Perrysburg Car Show Aug. 7th Downtown Perrysburg, OH ) Ironworkers Local Golf Outing Aug. 15th Sugar Creek Golf Course, Elmore, OH ) Northwest Ohio Tractor Pull Aug. 20th – 22nd Wood County Fairgrounds, Bowling Green, OH ) Eagleson’s Wish Run Aug. 27th & 28th Deshler, OH


Fourplay guitarist to play solo in Monroe By Vicki L. Kroll TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER

Chuck Loeb had an inkling of what might happen when Fourplay manager Sonny Alvarado said the band wanted to talk. So when keyboardist Bob James, bassist and vocalist Nathan East, and drummer Harvey Mason called in February, the guitarist was ready. “They popped the question about me replacing Larry [Carlton] in the band,� Loeb said. “I had to think about it for, oh, about a second and a half before I said yes.� Since then, the quartet has been working on a new disc tentatively called “Above and Beyond,� according to Loeb. ■JAZZ CONTINUES ON A25

AUGUS T 15, 2010

12 NOON - 9 PM


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AUGUST 8, 2010


Smoke on the Water draws nearly 30,000 to riverfront By Mary Petrides TOLEDO FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER

Nearly 30,000 people came to Promenade Park for Columbia Gas of Ohio Smoke on the Water — Ribs for the Red Cross July 30 through Aug. 1. “We brought a great crowd down to Toledo, we raised a lot of money for the Red Cross and in turn that money’s going to help a lot of people in KOZAK Northwest Ohio, so really, it’s a win-win-win for the people of Northwest Ohio,” said Chris Kozak, communications and community relations

manager at Columbia Gas of Ohio, the event’s major sponsor. “I hope everybody had a great time, so that’s a fourth win.” The Red Cross is still counting this year’s profit, but so far it raised more than last year’s $58,000, Kozak said. “In this economy, that’s fantastic,” Kozak said. “It also says a lot about the event we put on and the generosity of the people that came up.” Matt Holowicki won Famous Dave’s Pulled Pork Eating Contest and set a Smoke on the Water record, scarfing down 3 pounds of pork in seven minutes, six seconds. He has been competing in eating contests for five or six years, once eating more than 16 paczkis in 15 minutes. “It’s rough. It throws your system into some turmoil,” he said. “Your body complains. It lets you know ‘you

shouldn’t have done that.’” Of 10 rib vendors, three took top spots in both People’s Choice and Judge’s Choice awards. AJ’s Doolittles in Lambertville took

first place in both. P & D’s Sports Page Bar & Grill in Toledo won second place for People’s Choice and third place for Judge’s Choice; Sidelines Sports Eatery and Pub in Lambertville, Mich., won

third place in People’s Choice and second place in Judge’s Choice. Overall, the event was a success, Kozak said: “We had a great time and we’re looking forward to 2011.”

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AUGUST 8, 2010 ■ JAZZ CONTINUED FROM A23 “The recording starts with each member of the band submitting two songs or more with the goal being each member will have two songs on the CD, plus we do a couple of cover songs,” he said. “The plan is to get it out in the fall.” An accomplished composer, Loeb has written music for CNN, ESPN and PBS, and for several films, including “The Untouchables,” “The Muppets Take Manhattan” and “Turner and Hooch.” For his 2009 solo disc, “Between 2 Worlds,” the guitar player went for a simpler sound. “I’ve always used a lot of keyboards on my recordings up until this point, and on this CD I decided to eschew that and just use guitar trio as the basis,” Loeb said. “So there’s a little different sound than people are used to from me, and it’s a little more open.” Loeb will play at 5:45 p.m. Aug. 15

at the ninth annual River Raisin Jazz Festival at St. Mary’s Park in Monroe, Mich. Admission is free. “As a jazz musician, you do want to show off a little bit. You have your chops and you want to play a little fast riff,” he said. “But overall the real thing for me is when I listen to a piece of music and it touches my heart and moves me in an emotional way, that’s what I love about music, so that’s what I want people to love about my music.” When he isn’t composing, Loeb writes fiction. Download his first book, “Double Read,” from www. “It’s a thriller basically dealing with the music world, but also with the spy world,” he said. “A young woman that uses her position as a bassoonist in the New York Philharmonic as a cover for a double life of being an agent for the CIA gets involved with a plot where there’s an assassination.”

Visit m

■ A25


Mister Rogers’ antiquated neighborhood


ne of my favorite children’s ably true 40, or even 10, years ago to CDs is Mister Rogers’ “You’re the vast majority of Americans, and Growing.” Each song is such they still tend to ring at least moa simple exploration of the joys, j y fears mentarilyy true today. Yet, upon giving them a second thought, and everyday wonderthe popularity of gender ment of childhood and neutralization and the the growing-up process. rising prominence of Through his show and transgender rights and his songs, Mister Rogers acceptance leads me to consistently proved believe that such a take himself to be finely in on what makes us male tune with the thoughts or female would not so and emotions of the predefinitively be offered school crowd. up to small children on a While listening Shannon SZYPERSKI national platform today. recently to his between-song commentary on the CD, Even I, a product of the red-cardiganhowever, it struck me that his once clad, sneaker-wearing gentleman from obvious, clear-cut, cultural lessons the Keystone State, take serious pause of early childhood are actually be- when one of my own children looks to ginning to fall into out-of-date terri- me for agreement when asking questory. Simple facts of life aren’t quite so tions like, “Boys don’t wear makeup, simple anymore, and Mister Rogers’ only girls. Right, Mom?” When relaying the story of a young sage advice is oddly starting to ring politically incorrect. In fact, the long- child who was frightened by the sight standing PBS poster boy for decency of his toy dog’s ear detaching from its and understanding can now seem un- body, Mister Rogers goes on to confidently declare that, “People aren’t informed and almost passé at times. While introducing the title song, just sewn together or stuck together. “You’re Growing,” Mister Rogers ex- No, a person is all one piece.” I’ll give plains to his young audience, “I used to him a pass due to his lack of prophetic think you got born and then turned into ability, because little did Mister Rogers a boy or a girl. But now I know that if know that he was right on the verge of you’re a boy, you were born a boy; and if being oh-so-wrong. People are sewn you’re a girl, you were born a girl. You’re together all of the time now. Not only have we achieved cosjust the way you’re supposed to be.” Such statements rang unquestion- metic choice in the form of new noses,

breasts, lips, what have you, but medical advancement is even allowing us to regain hearing, regrow bone and accept artificial organs. In fact, people are so sewn together and stuck together nowadays that we have no idea just how many pieces some celebrities actually are. They are proof-positive that people are no longer necessarily “all one piece.” I’m not surprised that the trolley may be a bit metaphorically rusty or that children have finally figured out that Lady Elaine Fairchilde is creepier than the would-be spawn of Chucky and the Estelle Constanza doll on “Seinfeld.” I am surprised, however, that the most seemingly straightforward of childhood lessons could enter such a place of ambiguity. Early childhood should still be a time to learn the basic, common laws of the land with the rest of growing up reserved for learning about and accepting the exceptions. Children thrive on having a foundation on which to build their belief system, and it’s our responsibility to lay it for them in the simplest way possible. Mister Rogers led the way in this regard, and, no matter how much life changes, we must strive to keep the core of his message alive and well. Shannon and her husband Michael are raising three children in Sylvania. Email her at

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A26 ■ TOLEDO FREE PRESS AUG. 2 BELLER, BETTY J. age 80 Toledo, OH CUPP, MADONNA R. age 74 Toledo, OH DEYE, JANE V. (SHINDLEDECKER) age 79 JONES, ANNE ELIZABETH age 89 KLORER, JERRY age 50 Curtice, OH AUG. 1 BRICKER, JOSEPH RAYMOND age 87 COFFIELD, DAVID E. age 68 Bowling Green, OH HAZLETT, CHARLES age 51 Springfield Township, OH HOOVEN, JAMES “JIM” age 83 Toledo, OH NAGY, KERRY L. Toledo, OH RATHGE, ARLENE J. age 79 Toledo, OH RAU, LOREN E. age 76 Perrysburg, OH

RICE, PAULINE T. (TOMKO) age 92 Toledo, OH ROCCHI, RANIERI, MD age 79 Sylvania, OH SAXTON, ROBERT DUANE, JR. age 42 Walbridge, OH TOOMEY, REGINA G. “GINA” age 62 Sylvania Township, OH JULY 31 BECKER, JUDITH “JUDY” age 69 Toledo, OH DREEZE, HELEN ANN HATCHER, ROOSEVELT “ROSEY” SR. age 69 Toledo, OH LAU, ROGER R. age 65 Curtice, OH MORRIN, IRENE C. age 83 Toledo, OH STEIN, VIRGINIA “GIN” STEPHENS, RUTH L. age 90 WEBER, JOYCE FAE age 82 Waterville, OH www.


BATES, GEORGE N. M.D age 94 BONDY, SUSAN JANE age 61 Perrysburg, OH FIELDING, GEORGE E. age 82 Oregon, OH KOLHOFF, EILEEN M. age 87 Toledo, OH www. MARS, JAMES GUY “JIM” SCHMIDLIN, DONNA LOU age 79


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■ A27




August 8, 2010


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One Life to Live As the World Turns Judge Mathis The Doctors Varied Programs Jewels Jewels Varied Programs Daily Colbert Suite Life Suite Life SportsCenter Sabrina Sabrina Lee Boy Grill Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Movie Raymond Raymond Movie Movie The Closer Varied Programs Payne Payne

3 pm


General Hospital Let’s Make a Deal The People’s Court Judge B. Judge B.

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Ellen DeGeneres Oprah Winfrey Seinfeld Raymond Jdg Judy Frasier

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News ABC News News News TMZ News News NBC News BBC News NewsHour The Sopranos CSI: Miami The First 48 Housewives/NJ Movie Presents Tosh.0 Scrubs Scrubs Movie Varied Programs Deck Hannah Sonny Deck Phineas Lines Football NFL Live Burning Around Pardon SportsCenter Full House Full House Grounded Grounded Gilmore Girls ’70s Show ’70s Show Guy’s Secrets Cooking Giada Contessa Home Cooking 30-Minute Colour Color Varied Programs D. Design Get It Sold Holmes Varied Grey’s Anatomy Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Varied Programs I Was 17 I Was 17 Made True Life Varied Payne Jim Raymond Friends Friends The Office King King Varied Movie Movie Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order NCIS The Tyra Show The Tyra Show Wendy Williams Show Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

August 8, 2010


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News News News 11 at 5:00 Deal-Deal Smarter The Dr. Oz Show Electric Cyberchas CSI: Miami


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››› Frida (2002) Salma Hayek, Alfred Molina. Carpet ›› Around the World in 80 Days (2004) News ABC Funny Home Videos Extreme Makeover Scoundrels (N) (CC) The Gates (N) (CC) News At-Movies PGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf WGC Bridgestone Invitational, Final Round. (Live) (CC) News CBS 60 Minutes (N) (CC) Big Brother (N) (CC) Undercover Boss The Good Wife (CC) News CSI: NY Paid Paid House “Forever” Legend Seeker Bones (CC) Movie American Simpsons Simpsons Cleveland Family Guy (CC) News Recap Office Office Paid Paid Paid Paid Triathlon Swimming TBA News Madden NFL NFL Preseason Football: Hall of Fame Game News Paid Toledo America’s Home Cooking: What’s for Dinner? (CC) Marvin Hamlisch Presents: The ’70s Katherine Jenkins -- Believe Members’ Choice Members’ Choice The Glades (CC) The Glades (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) The Glades (N) (CC) The Glades (CC) Top Chef (CC) Housewives of D.C. Bethenny, Married Bethenny, Married Bethenny, Married Bethenny, Married Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives of D.C. Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Van Wilder: Freshman Year (2009) (CC) ›› Balls of Fury (2007) Dan Fogler. (CC) ›› Employee of the Month (2006) Dane Cook. (CC) › Good Luck Chuck (2007) Dane Cook. (N) Simmons Tosh.0 Good Sonny Hannah Hannah Phineas and Ferb Wizards Hannah Wizards Wizards Hannah Hannah Deck Deck Hannah Sonny Jonas Good Good Good Deck Deck NASCAR Racing SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) Baseball Tonight MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees. (Live) SportsCenter (CC) ›› The Princess Diaries (2001) Julie Andrews. (CC) ›› Step Up (2006, Musical) Channing Tatum. (CC) ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. (CC) Wild Child (2008) Emma Roberts. Premiere. Wild Child (2008) Emma Roberts. (CC) Home Daddy Best Best Diners Diners Cakes Cakes Cupcake Wars Food Network Star Challenge Challenge (N) Food Network Star Iron Chef America Cupcake Wars My First First Pla. Realty Selling Buck Get Sold House House Design Star (CC) To Sell To Sell House House Holmes on Homes House House Design Star (CC) Block Block Plain Truth (2004) Mariska Hargitay. (CC) ›› Reservation Road (2007, Drama) (CC) ›› The Book of Ruth (2004) Christine Lahti. Amish Grace (2010), Tammy Blanchard (CC) Drop Dead Diva (N) Army Wives (N) (CC) Drop Dead Diva (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) The Real World (CC) The Real World (CC) If You Really If You Really If You Really Teen Mom (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Follow Me: TJ Teen Mom (CC) Legally Bl MLB Baseball San Francisco Giants at Atlanta Braves. (Live) (CC) Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› The Heartbreak Kid (2007) Ben Stiller. (CC) ››› Meet the Parents (2000, Comedy) (CC) My Boys ››› Meet the Parents (2000) ››› Road to Singapore (1940) ››› Road to Zanzibar (1941) Bing Crosby. ››› Road to Utopia (1945) ›› Road to Bali (1952) Bing Crosby. ››› Road to Morocco (1942) ››› Nothing but the Truth Where There’s Life ›› Deep Impact (CC) ››› Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Uma Thurman. ››› Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Uma Thurman, David Carradine. (CC) › Rush Hour 3 (2007) Jackie Chan. (CC) Leverage (N) (CC) › Rush Hour 3 (2007) Jackie Chan. (CC) ››› Pretty Woman Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI Friends Friends › Bio-Dome (1996, Comedy) Pauly Shore. Made King King Scrubs Two Men Two Men Brian McKnight › Bio-Dome (1996, Comedy) Pauly Shore. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Desp.-Wives


Daytime Afternoon


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AUGUST 8, 2010


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Ent Insider Bachelor Pad (Series Premiere) (N) (CC) Dating in the Dark (N) Wheel Jeopardy! How I Met Rules Two Men Big Bang CSI: Miami (CC) The Office The Office Teen Choice 2010 (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News Jdg Judy News America’s Got Talent Last Comic Standing The winner is revealed. NewsHour Business Members’ Choice Members’ Choice Intervention “Rob” Intervention (CC) Intervention “Joe” (N) Hoarders (CC) Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ › Good Luck Chuck (2007) Dane Cook. (CC) Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Wizards Hannah Phineas and Ferb Wizards Wizards Good Good MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Cincinnati Reds. (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (CC) Secret-Teen Secret-Teen Huge “Poker Face” Secret-Teen Challenge Unwrap Unwrap Best Thing Best Thing Diners Diners House House Property Property House My First House House Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Reba (CC) The Memory Keeper’s Daughter (2008) (CC) Sil. Library Sil. Library Jersey Shore (CC) Fantasy Fantasy Berger Warren Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Bonnie and Clyde ››› Splendor in the Grass (1961) Natalie Wood. (CC) ››› Reds Bones (CC) The Closer “Layover” The Closer (N) (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (N) NCIS (CC) NCIS “In the Dark” WWE Monday Night RAW (S Live) (CC) Two Men Two Men 90210 (CC) Gossip Girl (CC) Scrubs Scrubs

11 pm News News Seinfeld News

Tuesday Evening

11:30 Nightline Letterman King-Hill Jay Leno

Obsessed (N) (CC) Housewives/NJ Daily Colbert Sonny Sonny SportsCenter (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Good Eats Unwrap Selling First Place Drop Dead Diva (CC) Fantasy Berger Lopez Tonight (N) (1981) Warren Beatty. The Closer (CC) Covert Affairs (CC) Friends Bernie



Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office The Office Jdg Judy News NewsHour Business The First 48 (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Daily Colbert Wizards Hannah E:60 (N) Pretty Little Liars (CC) Challenge House House Reba (CC) Reba (CC) True Life Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› The Desert Song Bones (CC) Law & Order: SVU Two Men Two Men

August 10, 2010


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm


11 pm


Wipeout “Family” (N) Shaq VS (N) (CC) Primetime: What News Nightline NCIS (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles The Good Wife (CC) News Letterman Hell’s Kitchen (N) (CC) MasterChef (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News Seinfeld King-Hill Breakthrough America’s Got Talent YouTube acts perform. News Jay Leno Members’ Choice Members’ Choice Family Jewels Jewels Jewels Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (N) (CC) Rachel Zoe Project Flipping Out (CC) Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk S. Park South Pk Daily Colbert ›› Sky High (2005) (CC) Phineas Good Good Sonny Sonny 2010 Poker 2010 Poker Baseball Tonight (CC) SportsCenter (CC) Pretty Little Liars (N) Make It or Break It (N) Pretty Little Liars (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Cakes Cakes Cupcake Wars Chopped “Squashed” Good Eats Unwrap First Place First Place Income Prof. House House Crashers First Place Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Wife Swap (CC) Cheerleader Nation Will/Grace Will/Grace If You Really Teen Mom (CC) Teen Mom (N) (CC) If You Really The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Lopez Tonight (N) ››› Show Boat (1951) Kathryn Grayson. (CC) ›› So This Is Love (1953) Kathryn Grayson. Bones (CC) HawthoRNe (N) (CC) Memphis Beat (N) HawthoRNe (CC) Law & Order: SVU White Collar (N) (CC) Covert Affairs (N) (CC) Psych (CC) Plain Jane (CC) 18 to Life 18 to Life Scrubs Scrubs Friends Bernie

The Meet Buckeye Archie Griffin Store Saturday, and More! August 14 Starlite Plaza 1:00 - 3:00


AUGUST 8, 2010

2010 TOMBERLIN E-MERGE ELECTRIC CAR Legal and Street Ready Staring at $6,995 10% Tax Incentive // Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040 //

2004 CHEVY CAVALIER Well-Equipped, 90K $4,294 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

2002 FORD MUSTANG SALEENE 1 Owner, 13K Miles, 5 Spd, Air $23,900 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

2010 TOYOTA COROLLA LE Auto, Air, Buy Brand New $15,980 JIM WHITE TOYOTA 419-841-6681

2000 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT, B100044C 4WD, Crew Cab 4.7L Engine $6,858.00 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

2004 CADILLAC CTS, PM4304 Clean, Only 54K Miles $13,809.00 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

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2006 CHRYSLER PACIFICA #PC 4329, Loaded, 66K $12,900 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040


■ A29

2000 CHEVY MALIBU 85K, Auto, Air, Nice! $4,985 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE, PM4302 Hurry won’t last only 78K miles $11,853.00 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

2004 KIA SORENTO LX, PM4235 4WD, 79K Miles $9,039.00 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

2003 MAZDA TRIBUTE ES, M109090B AWD 83K Miles, 1 Owner $9,287.00 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040

2010 TOYOTA YARIS 3 Dr. Lift/Back, Buy Brand New $13,480 JIM WHITE TOYOTA 419-841-6681

2008 CHEVY MALIBU LT #14152 Well Equipped, Silver, $15,862 KISTLER FORD 419-531-9911

2006 BUICK LUCERNE Fully Loaded, Leather, 3800 V6 $10,500 TOLEDO AUTO FINANCE CENTER 419-476-5600

2002 BMW 325XI Loaded/Nav., Gray $13,488 JIM WHITE TOYOTA 419-841-6681

2008 MAZDA MIATA MX-5 Loaded, Auto, Black $23,760 JIM WHITE TOYOTA 419-841-6681

2007 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX FWD, Well-Equipped, 30K, Luggage Rack $15,247 KISTLER FORD 419-531-9911

2006 CHEVROLET HHR Auto, Air, Loaded $6,995 TOLEDO AUTO FINANCE CENTER 419-476-5600



Legal and Street Ready Staring at $6,995 10% Tax Incentive // Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040 //

2002 SUZUKI XL-7, PM4216B 4WD, 97K Miles $8,380.00 Call Brown Mazda-Mitsubishi 419-536-3040




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INTERESTED BIDDERS: TOLEDO PUBLIC SCHOOLS – SHERMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BURROUGHS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, & BANCROFT HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DEMOLITION Sealed bids will be accepted by the Board of Education of the Toledo Public School District until 1:00 p.m. on August 25, 2010, at the Toledo Public Schools Treasurers’ Room 3, 420 E. Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio 43608, for all labor, material and supervision necessary for the demolition of the Sherman Elementary, Bancroft Hills Elementary, or Burroughs Elementary School, as more fully described in the drawings and specifications for the project prepared by Munger Munger and Associates, The Collaborative, Inc., and SSOE, Inc., and will be opened publicly and read immediately thereafter. Bid Documents for the project may be examined at the F.W. Dodge plan room in Columbus, Builders Exchange in Toledo, University of Toledo – Capacity Building, E.O.P.A. – Hamilton Building, Northwest Ohio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and The Plan Room in Ann Arbor, Construction Association of Michigan, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce and Ohio Construction News. Bidders may obtain copies of the documents starting August 5, 2010 which can be purchased from Toledo Blueprint, 6964 McNerney Road, Northwood, Ohio 43619 Phone: 419-661-9841. Drawings may be obtained on CD-ROM for no cost with the purchase of the specifications. A MANDATORY PREBID MEETING is scheduled for August 13, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. at the Toledo Public Schools Board Room, 420 E. Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio 43608. Site walk-throughs at Sherman, Burroughs, and Bancroft Hills will commence after the pre-bid meeting according to the schedule provided at the meeting. If you have any questions or a need for additional information, please direct all questions in writing , by phone at (419) 776-5600, or fax at (877) 281-0784.

AUGUST 8, 2010


COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE THREE FAMILY GARAGE SALE August 13-14 9am-5pm 6040 Opfer-Lentz Curtice OH 43412



ATTN: NEW DRIVERS, TRAINCO AND OWENS COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL DAY-EVE-WEEKEND CLASS • CDL Testing on site • UAW Welcome • Lifetime Job Placement Assistance • Ohio Job and Family Services Approved • Company Paid Training PERRYSBURG, OH 419-837-5730 TAYLOR, MI 734-374-5000 Train Local Save Hassle

3544 Kershaw. Rent or Own! 4 bedrooms, 1 bath. Home is in great condition. Rent for $895/ mo, own for $94,900. 5 minutes from UT.

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GENERAL TRAVEL, TRAVEL! $500 Sign-on Bonus. Seeking Sharp Guys/ Gals, Rock-n-Roll Atmosphere, Blue-Jean Environment! Rhiane 888-285-1347, Wanda 866-386-5621. THE OCEAN CORP, 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for New Career. *Underwater Welder, Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.

FOR SALE Bid Package 154D – Sherman Elementary School: Bid Item No. 1 Sherman Elementary School Building Demolition Bid Item No. 2 Sherman Elementary School Site Work Demolition Bid Item No. 3 Sherman Elementary School Building Cleanout of Loose Materials Total for Sherman Elementary School:


$ 28,000.00

BUY VIAGRA, Cialis, Levitra, Propecia and other medications below wholesale prices. Call 1-866-506-8676. Over 70% savings.

$ 13,000.00


$ 289,582.00

$ 330,582.00

Bid Package 101D – Bancroft Hills Elementary School: Bid Item No. 1 Bancroft Hills Elementary School Building Demolition $ 54,901.00 Total for Bancroft Hills Elementary School: Bid Package 104D – Burroughs Elementary School: Bid Item No. 1 Burroughs Elementary School Building Demolition Bid Item No. 2 Burroughs Elementary School Site Work Demolition Bid Item No. 3 Burroughs Elementary School Building Cleanout of Loose Material Total for Burroughs Elementary School:

$ 54,901.00

WANT TO PURCHASE CASH FLOW Investor pays cash for ownerfinanced mortgages, court settlements, annuities, and lottery payments. 1-866-866-9302.

“Your Personal Gardening Service” Specializing in landscape and garden bed maintenance and detailing.


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Your 24/7 Pet Care Destination $ 198,702.00

All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

A loving home for Nerissa

• 24-Hour Services • Emergency Care • Boarding • Dentistry • Doggie Day Care • Grooming • Exotic and Wildlife Animal Care • and More!

Nerissa is a 4-year-old gray short-haired cat. She was brought into the humane society because her owner couldn’t afford to take care of her two cats. Nerissa likes to be held and enjoys playing with toys. Or if you are not in the mood for play, she is happy just sleeping the day away. Nerissa is not a big fan of dogs, but she won’t mind sharing her home with another feline or two. Nerissa is a calm and low-energy cat that spends most of her time napping. She would be happiest in a calmer home where she will have some occasional alone time. She likes to stretch and scratch on things so you will want to make sure she has a scratching post to use. It is also a good idea to keep her nails trimmed down to avoid any unwanted scratching. If you’re not comfortable trimming her nails you can bring her into the Toledo Area Humane Society any Sunday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and we can trim her nails for you for a $10 donation to the shelter. Nerissa has been spayed, examined by a licensed vet, is up to date on her vaccinations and is microchipped. Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www.

SylvaniaVET Dr. Bob Esplin (Dr. Bob)

419.885.4421 4801 Holland-Sylvania (at Harroun) Sylvania, OH 43560 Accredited member of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) since 1978.

AUGUST 8, 2010

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■ A31

H ARE YOU HARD OF HEARING? major name brand hearing aid provider wishes to field test a new hearing instrument in the area. This offer is free of charge E Aremarkable and you are under no obligation. A These revolutionary 100% Digital Instruments use the latest technology to comfortably and almost invisibly help you hear more This technology solves the “stopped up ears” and “head in a barrel” L clearly. sensation some people experience. T If you wish to participate, you will be required to have your hearing tested in our office FREE OF CHARGE to determine candidacy and H report your results with the hearing instruments within the trial period. At the end of this period, you may purchase your instrument, if you so desire, at a reduced charge. Otherwise, there is no charge whatsoever for participating in the field test. Special testing will be done to determine the increased benefits of this technology.

N Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss, O noise environment, accuracy of hearing test and proper fit. This is a wonderful opportunity to determine if hearing help is available for your hearing loss T while you evaluate your performance with this technology. I Call NOW if you wish to be included in this field trial test! F FOUR DAYS ONLY – August 9-13, 2010 I OFFICIAL PROVIDERS Beltone Brand 100% Ford UAW Digital Hearing Aids FOR HUMANA C entitled to HEALTHCARE AND as 2 FREE A HUMANA MEDICARE low $ as digital hearing PROGRAMS T Savings up to 50% OFF aids thru SVS I 3128 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo (419) 517-6029 O 5318 Heatherdowns Blvd.,Toledo (419) 842-4892 1655 Tiffin Ave., Suite C, Findlay (419) 299-4011 N ALL TESTING DONE BY A LICENSED HEARING CARE PRACTITIONER.


Turn 75D. $24/mo. with approved credit. Expires 8/13/10.

All offices open Monday–Friday 9–5


A32 n Toledo Free Press

august 8, 2010

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