Toledo Free Press – August 18, 2013

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Aug. 18, 2013

Best Weekly Newspaper in Ohio 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards

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Candiate forum and reading it for the articles Tom Pounds on the Aug. 26 NWOCC mayoral forum and Michael S. Miller on a seminal issue of Playboy magazine. page 3


Food fight Sam Melden and Food for Thought plan local fundraiser for National Hunger Awareness Month. page 10

Business Link

Up to the plate Sandy Spang brings business experience, artistic vision to Toledo City Council race. page 18



Toledo Pride LGBT event grows with more events Aug. 23-25. page 20

The manager Alan Cox crunches numbers in Toledo mayoral race. By Bailey G. Dick, page 6


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

August 18, 2013

August 18, 2013

Publisher’s statement


A Toledo tradition since 2005



Candidate forum


here is less than a month before the Sept. 9 primary to determine which two people will face each other in the November race for Toledo mayor. Toledo Free Press and WNWO are teaming to present an opportunity for voters to access the candidates and present questions in person. The Northwest Ohio Conservative Coalition (NWOCC) is hosting a mayoral candidate forum from 6-8 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Toledo-Lucas County Main Library’s McMaster Family Center, 325 N. Michigan St. The evening will be moderated by Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief Michael S. Miller and WNWO News Director Jim Blue. The forum will feature Thomas F. Pounds all seven candidates on the ballot — Mayor Mike Bell, Councilman D. Michael Collins, Opal Covey, Alan Cox, Michael Konwinski, County Auditor Anita Lopez and Councilman Joe McNamara — giving them each a chance to outline their platforms for the audience and BLUE then take questions from the audience. This is an opportunity for voters to speak directly to the candidates and seek answers to their questions about running the city. More information may be found at

City Council Candidate Night

NWOCC is also hosting a Toledo City Council Candidate Night moderated by Fred LeFebvre of 1370 WSPD, from 6-9 p.m. Aug. 29 at Colonial Banquet & Event Center, 140 New Towne Square Drive. A number of candidates have not responded to the NWOCC’s invitation to attend. Shaun Enright, Jack Ford, Joshua Fowler, James Martin, and Alfonso Narvaez, please contact me via email and I will connect you with the event organizers. O

Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at tpounds@


Reading it for the articles A

s my mid-40s segue toward 50, the warmth of nos- nished, with a couch, a small stand with a television and talgia is turning icy. My favorite album, “Synchron- an end table with a front door that swung open and never icity” by The Police, is 30 years old. My favorite completely closed. That table contained torn pages of newsmovie, “Star Wars,” has a second sequel that is 30 years old. papers, photo albums, checkbooks, and bills and, at the bottom of the pile, a lone copy of Playboy. What used to be soft-focus landmarks of my I was 15 or so when I discovered the cultural composition are becoming reminders issue, and for many reasons, it was a transthat there are more years behind me than in formative experience. Compared to what front of me. is available today in a Google search, the At a flea market last week in Britton, sexual content of that issue is downright Mich., one of those touchstones appeared chaste. There were of course pictorials of before my eyes like the ghost of a forgotten topless women, from actress Barbara Bach mentor. While sifting through a stack of to a spread of several “urban cowgirls,” but magazines from the 1970s and ’80s — Life, zero depictions of any sex act. And while Time, Newsweek, etc. — my hands found modern context allows me to describe those themselves holding a copy of the January 1981 Playboy. No other relic of its kind could Michael S. miller pictures as relatively modest, I also understand that they were my first acknowledged have propelled me down the rabbit hole of exposure to women presented solely as a commodity and time like that specific issue. When our family lived in Walbridge, in a Cedar Court generic sex fantasy. cul de sac, our downstairs living room was modestly furn MILLER CONTINUES ON 4 Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 9, No. 33. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

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Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

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n MILLER CONTINUED FROM 3 The impact of such presentation would be best discussed another time, but I can at least trace the source point for my fascination with women and guitars, women in denim and women in uniform. While the photos were the siren call that led to my sneaking peeks at the issue whenever I could, it was three collections of words therein that created a seismic shift in my cultural and career orientation. Each of the three articles that changed my direction are highlighted on the cover: “An exclusive interview: JOHN LENNON and YOKO ONO on love, sex, money, fame and ALL about The Beatles” is text wrapped around Ms. Bach’s gauze-embraced right hip. On her left hip are the words, “STEPHEN KING on horror and everyday life” and “Plus, fiction by RAY BRADBURY.” By 1981, I was a confirmed and devout Beatles fan. I had slowly saved money from mowing lawns and during the course of two years, acquired several Beatles albums from Woolworth at Woodville Mall. My mother already owned “Abbey Road” and “Let It Be,” and I filled in everything from “Meet The Beatles” to “Revolver,” “Rubber Soul” and beyond. I had read a few books from the library, but pre-Internet, did know that much about the group and its enigmatic leader, John Lennon. Lennon had been assassinated in December 1980, and it hit my mother and me like a hurricane of grief and outrage. The January 1981 Playboy went to press before his death, and when I found it, it was like a communication from the man himself. The interview, brilliantly conducted by David Sheff, walks Lennon and Ono through an update of their lives, focusing on their about-to-be released album “Double Fantasy,” interspersed with comments about life in the world’s biggest band. But the heart and soul of the piece is a long stretch in which Sheff simply names a Beatles song and Lennon discusses its origin and impact. The two go back and forth like tennis players, illuminating dozens of songs. “PLAYBOY: ‘Yesterday.’ “LENNON: We all know so much about ‘Yesterday,’ I have had SO much accolade for ‘Yesterday.’ That is Paul’s song, of course, and Paul’s baby. Well done. Beautiful — and I never wished I had written it.” It goes on like that for thousands of words; Lennon, candidly offering creative glimpses of “A Day in the Life,” “Strawberry Fields Forever” and a litany of others. It is fascinating journalism, compelling as a historic document and a glimpse at Lennon’s ego and artistry. It was the first time I recognized journalism as a tool for unlocking mysteries and I was immediately and forever hooked. To this day, Sheff ’s interview stands a touchstone of rock criticism and reporting. Just as impactful to me was Stephen King’s long essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies,” which, although I did not know it at the time, was an excerpt from his nonfiction criticism book “Danse Macabre.” At the time, King was best known for “Carrie” and “The

A Toledo tradition since 2005 Shining,” neither of which I had read. But I was struck by the tone, humor and authority of his essay in Playboy, which walks the reader through the distinction between “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” which King describes as “art,” and “The Horror of Party Beach,” which he describes as a “pathetic little wet fart of a movie.” It’s not poetry, but it is effective description. Here, again, was journalism of pop culture (although King’s work is more academic than Sheff ’s) and I was blown away by the fact that these men were apparently being paid to write about music, movies and the things they loved. I eventually began reading King’s novels, but it was “Danse Macabre” I tracked down first, and that remains his most influential and resonant work for me. The issue also contains a brief story by Ray Bradbury, “Heart Transplant,” which follows two adulterers who make an unlikely wish after a tryst. I had not yet discovered Bradbury, but the following paragraph unlocked the potential of the English language for me as definitively as the naked women on the surrounding pages awoke their own special desires: “He awoke for no reason except that he had had a dream that the Earth had shrugged, or an earthquake had happened 10,000 miles away that no one felt, or that there had been a second Annunciation but everyone was deaf, or perhaps it was only that the moon had come into the room during the night and changed the shape of the room and changed the looks on their faces and the flesh on their bones, or perhaps it had rained all night and now had stopped so abruptly that the quick silence had stirred his eyes wide. In the moment of opening, he knew the streets were dry, there had been no rain. Only perhaps, some sort of crying.” The possibilities of language demonstrated by Sheff, King and Bradbury served as a launching pad for my own life of words, and while my efforts fall short of their lofty achievements, I cannot imagine my life without the years of trying to get to where they were when I met them sometime in 1981. I am not sure what the element of the forbidden nature of the Playboy added to the impact of its articles, but I have never once been ashamed of my love for the works of Lennon, Bradbury and King. And while I would never leave my $1 flea market copy of Playboy lying around for my sons to discover, I do wonder what touchstones of life, love, sex and art are waiting for them, and what will form their sensibilities and tastes, and what will impact them enough that they still remember it when they start to approach 50. They could do a lot worse than Lennon, Bradbury and King, even if they have to navigate the complicated waters of Miss January to discover them. O Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Email him at mmiller@toledo

August 18, 2013

The Libertarian Perspective

Debate on debates R

ecently, a group of friends and candidate Alan Cox, both veterans of I sat talking at a local coffee- the City of Toledo bureaucracy nighthouse. This one particular eve- mare, ought to be included. It is at times such as these that we ning the topic of the upcoming debates arose. One member of our group, a must remember that the media outwell-respected attorney, thought that lets are also owned by corporations. to include all the candidates in the de- As private groups they get special consideration from our bates was a distraction. government written into The example of perennial our national Constitution candidate Opal Covey meant to preserve our libwas used. For him, it took erties. As private groups away from the serious they can invite whomdiscussion on the all-tooever they wish to their important topic of who debates. However, when will lead our city. This is they selectively choose a legitimate concern, but who among the ballotwho decides? Politically, there are Kenneth SHARP qualified are also officequalified, they cross the invisible gates blocking the entrance to all but a few. It is de- line and act as corporations of special cided who the “serious and respected” interest and not the free press worthy candidates are even before the signa- of special government consideration. The four invited to the debate by ture requirements are submitted. This is done in large part by the media. those two corporations have all held Who gets page space or airtime, how elected office. They have all had ample much and what is said — these are opportunity to implement or at least subliminal legitimating factors. Pref- state the case for the implementation erence goes to those who are already of their ideas to the public. We are living in the city they helped elected. They have name recognition and have built relationships, good or to run. Konwinski and Cox have both ill, with the media. They are media had to work in that framework. Konsavvy and have relations teams. The winski offered ideas months ago on last to be seen are the new faces, those the air with 1370 WSPD’s Fred LeFeoutside the party norm with practical bvre (kudos to both) on ways to better ideas whose names are unknown. run the city and cut unneeded costs. They will get lumped with the outra- Those ideas were picked up by several geous or mentioned in passing with of the “major” candidates. The real solutions to our problems will come the well-known. On that recent evening, I had just from people outside the political learned of the announcement for the class. Those ideas will not even get mayoral debate organized by 13abc exposure if only the political class has and The Blade. Of the seven ballot- access to the public. Kudos also to the NAACP — its qualified and one write-in candidates, they invited only four. They have held recent forum had all eight canditheir own primary and winnowed dates. Sadly, the University of Toledo your choices from eight to four. This College of Law is co-sponsoring a was OK with at least one of our group, debate with just the chosen four. Our though he offered that my candidate, city will not do better until we can Libertarian Michael Konwinski, and truly choose our future. O 09.13.13


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August 18, 2013



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A Toledo tradition since 2005

August 18, 2013


By Bailey G. Dick

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Alan Cox is sitting at his kitchen table. His teenage son wanders in and out of the room for snacks, while his dog paws at his leg, begging for attention. His wife Tracy walks by with a basket of laundry, insisting that no one can see without the lights on. The only thing that might give away that the Cox household is preoccupied with something other than the day-to-day concerns of family life is the massive stack of handmade spreadsheets detailing the intricacies of the City of Toledo’s budget. Cox said he spends his evenings crunching numbers, preparing for the possibility that he will be elected mayor of Toledo. Cox, a union president and neighborhood development specialist with the city, is a numbers guy. He worked in banking for 13 years, as well as in financial assistance with the city’s Department of Neighborhoods. He has been planning a run for mayor in hopes

of revamping the way the city spends. “I’ve been looking at budgets for years. That’s the financial geek in me,” he said. And when asked what his dream for the city was, Cox said, “I’d like the city to have a little more of a reserve in its rainy day fund.” But what makes Cox unique isn’t his focus on finances, or even that he wants to cut spending. Cox, who hopes to be elected to the most powerful office in the city of Toledo, envisions the mayor as a much less powerful individual.

No more strong mayor

Toledo has been a strong-mayor city for the past two decades, and holding the office brings a lot of power to the person elected. But Cox believes the charter that describes the mayor’s responsibilities doesn’t see the mayor that way at all. Cox believes one possible solution is to implement a city manager form of governance, similar to the one the city has used in the past. n COX CONTINUES ON 7

toledo free press photo and cover photo by joseph herr

Cox seeks stronger city as less powerful mayor


Alan Cox is a union president and neighborhood development specialist.




August 18, 2013

n COX CONTINUED FROM 6 He said the position would provide more accountability. “There are problem areas in our structure in the charter as it stands now. And I think city manager is a way we could address that. But if not, we need to change some things because we don’t have adequate checks and balances on the strong-mayor form of government we have now,” Cox said.

As the president of the union serving the city’s supervisors, technical and professional workers, Cox said those in managerial positions for the city have concerns that aren’t being addressed. “The most important thing is to empower the managers and the directors to determine what needs to be happening,” Cox said. “In one sense, it shouldn’t look that different because

it’s all going to be internal. But the directors will know. They’ll have more authority. The employees will know that they’re more involved and that they’re participating in the issues and the successes of their departments.” Cox said he hopes to eliminate some management positions, which would result in a slight reduction of “unnecessary layers” of staff. He said the restructuring of the city’s workers

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

8/6/13 12:25 PM

is his primary goal, with the implementation of a city manager being a long-term goal. “Going back to a city manager is probably the long-term solution because we haven’t really seen the type of people we need to be electing,” Cox said. “In a city manager, you go out and hire a professional. What we’ve had is politicians who are trying to become or demonstrate professional leadership skills, and it hasn’t happened.” In Cox’s vision of the city manager, the person chosen would be a professional appointed by Toledo City Council, who could serve without term limits. Toledoans would still choose an elected mayor under his proposed form of government. Cox said the city manager could be held more accountable by voters, as well as other elected officials. Cox said he still plans on being a strong mayor if elected, but says that modifications are needed to the office to ensure that it is run as dictated in the city’s charter.


Evaluating the city

Cox said that overall, he gives Toledo a C grade. “Average isn’t bad. It doesn’t mean we’re doing a bad job, but it doesn’t mean we’re doing as well as we could,” Cox said. “I want us to be a B or an A city. That’s what leadership needs to do.” Cox said for the city to make the grade, he would focus on three main points: schools, safety and jobs.

School smarts

Cox said he hopes to implement partnerships between schools and local businesses to help improve the city’s educational systems. “One of the biggest obstacles in the schools is the involvement of parents. We could work with businesses to encourage their employees to be involved in their students’ lives,” Cox said. “It doesn’t need to interfere with business, but addresses that need. Sometimes parents feel they don’t have the opportunity or right to be involved in their kids’ lives.” n COX CONTINUES ON 8



n COX CONTINUED FROM 7 Cox said he believes the education system is a major reason why many families are leaving Toledo for the suburbs, but that a quality educational system is what draws businesses in. “We need to ask how the city can help and be involved. Is it a perception problem? Are there some real issues? Are there things we could be doing a little bit better? It could be something as simple as city employees going and tutoring,” Cox said.

Safety plan

An issue on most voters’ minds this election is safety. Cox said that solving a major issue like violence isn’t possible with just one idea. “I don’t have all the answers as mayor. It’s how you pull people together as mayor for solutions and partnerships,” Cox said. Cox said he hopes to reinstate rehabilitation programs for minor offenders that have been cut due to a lack of funding. He also hopes to implement programs for members of gangs, led by ex-gang members in order to steer them away from a life of crime. “Gang members are going to be receptive to former gang members. All it is is a matter of coordinating and supporting these programs with resources,” Cox said. “We’re never going to get rid of gangs and all of these things completely, but there are different ways of approaching it. The way I understand it, a gang is a family. How do we show people there are other family options or opportunities?” Cox said it’s also important to let Toledoans know about the strides the city is making in becoming safer. “If we aren’t showing them the positive changes, why wouldn’t they be afraid?” Cox said. “If we have some good things going on in gang control, why aren’t we talking about it?”

A Toledo tradition since 2005 “It frustrates me when people try and make it look like a city issue. This last economic problem we had was an international economic problem, and it hasn’t totally gone away,” Cox said. “Unfortunately, those that are in the political environment want to talk about it as something they have control over. The only control we have is over that small piece of it we can impact.” Cox said the creation of small- and medium-size businesses in the area can be used as a marketing tool to promote the city, and that he would also like to see the government promote businesses unique to Toledo.

Cox’s campaign

This isn’t Cox’s first time running for mayor. In 1997, he ran against five other candidates, but didn’t make it past the primary. He said he is confident he will be more successful this time. “Sixteen years ago when I ran, I managed to get about 18 percent of the vote. That was with a brochure and talking to people directly, and having an understanding of management and leadership. Now, I have an even better understanding of management and leadership,” Cox said. He also said those 16 years have given him another tool he is using in his campaign: the Internet. “Social media and the Internet have opened up a whole new opportunity to educate the public, to inform the public in a way that’s extremely low-cost,” Cox said. “I’m going to be able to put my commercials right on the Internet. I don’t have to spend a ton of money putting them on TV. If people want to be informed, they can be. And it won’t be intrusive.”

While Cox said he has been successful in connecting with voters via the Internet, he hasn’t been as successful in connecting with the other candidates, or with many media outlets. He said he believes they don’t see him as a “viable” candidate. When contacted by Toledo Free Press, fellow candidates Mike Bell, Anita Lopez and Joe McNamara all declined to comment on Cox or his campaign. Councilman D. Michael Collins, another mayoral candidate, called Cox, “a very principled and totally honest individual.” However, Collins said he doesn’t think Cox is ready to be mayor yet. “I do believe that while he has been employed with the City of Toledo and has supervising responsibilities, as well as being the president of the union, he has demonstrated that he is knowledgeable of the city,” Collins said. “But having come from a similar background, I don’t know that that knowledge of the city would lead into the ability to serve as mayor at this time. I hope his interest in politics over time would remain, and at some point in time he would be a very effective mayor.” Cox said he is frustrated with the way he’s been perceived so far. “I’m being written off. I’m not playing the political process the way that all of the experts are saying it needs to be done, or that you have to have a ton of money you throw at it,” Cox said. Cox said the union he is president of is supporting Lopez in the election. “I know I’m not going to get my union support unless I make it

through the primary. They told me they support me, but they endorsed Anita,” Cox said. “They’re being more politically focused than focused on the well-being of our union members and the citizens we serve.” With little major support, Cox is relying on grassroots fundraising and his own money to fuel his campaign. “The signs and so forth, that’s our family’s finances on the hook here. Tracy and I, we started off saying that we’d make a commitment of no more than $1,000. We’d still like to be at that point, but right now, we’re over $10,000 in personal investment because that’s how much we believe in it,” Cox said. “It’s one of the realities we keep struggling through, but our faith helps us tremendously.”

Plans for the future

Cox said that if he doesn’t become the city’s next mayor, he won’t seek office again in four years. “I don’t know how many times I want to beat my head against the wall. If the citizens can’t get it, or I don’t know the way to communicate with them, maybe it’s not the calling I thought it was,” Cox said. “This is no desire toward getting into the political arena.” But that doesn’t mean the campaign trail hasn’t been a meaningful journey. “I’m learning about my own strength and perseverance, and becoming even more convicted of my value systems. I’m learning some personal humility,” Cox said. “I am being reminded that I’m still very frustrated by the political environment. “And I’ve learned about tweeting and Facebook,” he added. O

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August 18, 2013

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Creating jobs

While job creation is another talking point each of the city’s mayoral candidates are addressing, Cox believes that the city they all hope to run plays a minor role in bringing jobs here. “The city needs to support those that are actively involved in economic development, but we don’t actually create jobs other than in city government,” Cox said. “We do make sure that there are good processes in place to make sure that those who do want to open businesses are getting the support they need and we can make sure that any of the government processes in that are not obstructive.” Cox said he doesn’t believe the city is doing a bad job with economic development, but it could be doing better. He also said some of the city’s economic woes aren’t specific to this area.

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August 18

August 18, 2013


A Toledo tradition since 2005






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A natural substance that lubricates your joint to relieve osteoarthritis knee pain

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Patient Information Be sure to read the following important information carefully. This information does not take the place of your doctor’s advice. If you do not understand this information or want to know more, ask your doctor. Glossary of Terms Hyaluronan (pronounced hy-al-u-ROE-nan): is a natural substance that is present in very high amounts in joints. It acts like a lubricant and a shock absorber in the joint and is needed for the joint to work properly. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: also known as “NSAIDs”; medication used to treat pain or swelling. There are many examples of NSAIDs, including (but not limited to) aspirin and ibuprofen. Some of these are over-the-counter drugs, and some can be obtained only by prescription. Osteoarthritis (pronounced OS-te-o-arth-RI-tis): (OA) is a type of arthritis that involves the wearing down of cartilage (the protective covering on the ends of your bones) and loss of cushioning fluid in the joint. What is the Synvisc-One® product? Synvisc-One is a gel-like mixture that comes in a syringe containing 6 mL (1½ teaspoon) and is injected into your knee. It is made up of hylan A fluid, hylan B gel, and salt water. Hylan A and hylan B are made from a substance called hyaluronan (pronounced hy-al-u-ROE-nan), also known as sodium hyaluronate that comes from chicken combs. Hyaluronan is a natural substance found in the body and is present in very high amounts in joints. The body’s own hyaluronan acts like a lubricant and a shock absorber in the joint and is needed for the joint to work properly. How is the Synvisc-One® product used? (Indications) The FDA-approved indication for Synvisc-One is: Synvisc-One is indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conservative nonpharmacologic therapy and simple analgesics, e.g., acetaminophen. How is the Synvisc-One® product given? Your doctor will inject Synvisc-One into your knee. Are there any reasons why I should not receive a Synvisc-One® injection? (Contraindications) Your doctor will determine if there is any reason why you are not an appropriate candidate for Synvisc-One. You should be aware that Synvisc-One: • Should not be used in patients who have had any prior allergic reactions to Synvisc, Synvisc-One or any hyaluronan-based products. Signs of an allergic reaction may include swelling of your face, tongue, or throat; difficulty breathing or swallowing; shortness of breath; wheezing; chest pain; a tightness in your throat; sleepiness; rash; itching; hives; flushing; and/or fever. • Should not be used in patients with a knee joint infection, skin disease or infection around the area where the injection will be given, or circulatory problems in the legs. What should my doctor warn me about? The following are important treatment considerations for you to discuss with your doctor and understand in order to help avoid unsatisfactory results and complications: • Synvisc-One is only for injection into the knee, performed by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. Synvisc-One has not been tested to show pain relief in joints other than the knee. • Synvisc-One has not been tested to show better pain relief when combined with other injected medicines. • Tell your doctor if you are allergic to products from birds such as feathers, eggs, and poultry. • Tell your doctor if you have significant swelling or blood clots in the leg. • Synvisc-One has not been tested in pregnant women, or women who are nursing. You should tell your doctor if you think you are pregnant, or if you are nursing a child. • Synvisc-One has not been tested in children (≤21 years of age). What are the risks of getting a Synvisc-One® injection? The side effects (also called reactions) sometimes seen after any injection into the knee, including Synvisc-One, include: pain, swelling, heat, redness, and/or fluid buildup around the knee. These reactions are generally mild and do not last long. Reactions are generally treated by resting and applying ice to the injected knee. Sometimes it is necessary to give pain relievers by mouth such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs, or to give injections of steroids, or to remove fluid from the knee joint. Patients rarely undergo arthroscopy (a surgical inspection of the knee joint) or other medical procedures related to these reactions. Other side effects seen with Synvisc or Synvisc-One are: rashes, hives, itching, muscle pain/cramps, flushing and/or swelling of your face, fast heartbeat, nausea (or feeling sick to your stomach), dizziness, fever, chills, headache, difficulty breathing, swelling in your arms and/or legs, prickly feeling of your skin, and in rare cases a low number of platelets in the blood (platelets are a type of blood cell that are needed to help your blood clot when you are cut or injured). Rare cases of knee joint infection have been reported. If any of the above side effects or symptoms appear after you are given Synvisc-One, or if you have any other problems, you should call your doctor.

What are the benefits of getting a Synvisc-One® injection? As shown in a medical study of 253 patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, where approximately half received either a single injection of Synvisc-One or an injection of the same volume of salt water (a “Saline Control” injection), the major benefits of SynviscOne are pain relief and improvement in other symptoms related to OA of the knee. What do I need to do after I get a Synvisc-One® injection? It is recommended you avoid strenuous activities (for example, high-impact sports such as tennis or jogging) or prolonged weight-bearing activities for approximately 48 hours following the injection. You should consult your doctor regarding the appropriate time to resume such activities. What other treatments are available for OA? If you have OA, there are other things you can do besides getting Synvisc-One. These include: Non-drug treatments • Avoiding activities that cause knee pain • Exercise or physical therapy • Weight loss • Removal of excess fluid from your knee Drug therapy • Pain relievers such as acetaminophen and narcotics • Drugs that reduce inflammation (signs of inflammation are swelling, pain or redness), such as aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, for example ibuprofen and naproxen) • Steroids that are injected directly into your knee When should I call my doctor? (Troubleshooting) If any of the side effects or symptoms described above appear after you are given Synvisc-One, or if you have any other problems, you should call your doctor. What did the clinical studies show? A study was conducted in 6 countries outside the United States with 21 physicians. The patients in the study had mild to moderate knee OA, moderate to severe pain, and did not have sufficient relief of their pain and symptoms with medications taken by mouth. A total of 253 patients in the study were assigned by chance to receive either a single injection of Synvisc-One (n=123 patients), or an injection of the same volume of salt water (a “Saline Control” injection) (n=130 patients). Neither the patients nor the doctors evaluating them knew which treatment they received. Any fluid that was present in the patient’s knee was removed before the injection. The patients were seen by their doctor at standard times over 6 months. Information was collected about how much pain they were experiencing doing various types of activities, how much they were limited in their daily activities by their OA, and on their overall condition. Their doctor also provided an overall rating of their OA. The main measure of the study was how much pain the subjects had doing five common types of activities over the 6 months duration of the study. Daily activity limitations and overall evaluations were also compared between the group of patients receiving Synvisc-One injection and the group receiving salt water injection. The study showed that patients receiving Synvisc-One had significantly less pain over 6 months, and felt significantly better than the patients who received the salt water injections. The difference in pain score reduction from baseline to 6 months between the Synvisc-One and salt water control injection was 0.15 out of a 5 point scale for the measurement of OA pain in the knee. What adverse events were observed in the clinical study? The following are the most common adverse events that occurred during the clinical trial of Synvisc-One: • Pain in the knee or at the injection site • Stiffness, swelling or warmth in or around the knee • Changes in the way that you walk (e.g., limping) Severe adverse events were not observed in the Synvisc-One trial. Joint infections did not occur in the injected knee in the Synvisc-One clinical trial. The most commonly occurring adverse events outside of the injected knee were headache, back pain, sore throat and the flu. One patient had a single episode of feeling faint. How do I get more information about the Synvisc-One® product? (User Assistance) If you have any questions or would like to find out more about Synvisc-One, you may call Genzyme Biosurgery at 1-888-3-SYNVISC (1-888-379-6847) or visit Manufactured and Distributed by: Genzyme Biosurgery A division of Genzyme Corporation 1125 Pleasant View Terrace Ridgefield, New Jersey 07657 Synvisc-One, SYNVISC and GENZYME are registered trademarks of Genzyme Corporation. 70240104 Revised January 5, 2010 SONE-00058.C 3/2010

©2013 Genzyme Corporation, a Sanofi Company. All rights reserved. Synvisc-One and GENZYME are registered trademarks of Genzyme Corporation. US.SYN.13.06.013

10 Community

A Toledo tradition since 2005

August 18, 2013


Food For Thought seeks restaurants for Food Fight 419 By Matt Liasse

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

fied relationships with people.” The organization has 15 food pantries, 14 being mobile and one located on Seaman Road in Oregon. Mobile

pantries include East Toledo Family Center, Wayman D. Palmer YMCA, Lake Township Fire Department and Nu-Vizion Church.

For a full list of the pantries, visit For information on Food Fight 419, visit O

Say Goodbye to NBC?

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Food For Thought is looking for restaurants to join in a food fight. To recognize National Hunger Awareness Month, Food For Thought will host an initiative to fight local hunger with Food Fight 419. The project will include restaurants in the Toledo area donating 5 percent of their one-day sales to Food For Thought. The all-day event will be Sept. 24. “I am bringing awareness back to National Hunger Awareness Month,” said Chief Thought Officer Sam Melden. “We want to get the word out even more about hunger in the community and what Food For Thought is doing to try and feed Toledo.” Melden is looking to get at least 50 restaurants involved. For any busi-

ness looking to join the fight, Melden asks they email him at sam@feedthe or call (419) 972-0022. Food For Thought is a local social justice organization “dedicated to feeding the hungry and offering dignity … to anyone in need.” It was formed in 2007 when the group would feed eight families a month in Downtown Toledo. By 2008, the group was feeding 200 families a month. According to its website, the organization is more than feeding the hungry, “it is about building relationships.” “[Food For Thought] is trying to feed people in a thoughtful way,” said Melden, who organized the highly successful Jam City event earlier this year. “With Food For Thought, it’s more about eye contact than it is about full stomachs; it’s more about handshakes than it is about handouts. Food is a vehicle to making simple, digni-

Over the next few weeks, you are sure to hear about how WNWO is forcing Buckeye Cable to increase your cable bill. Truth be told, your cable bill increases because of the lavish amounts Buckeye Cable spends for cable networks that few people watch. The majority of your cable money leaves Toledo for companies that have no vested interest in our community. WNWO wants to be treated fairly. We want to continue providing local jobs, paying local taxes, delivering local news and severe weather warnings, while involving ourselves with community based groups, charities and events.

Tell Buckeye you want to keep your NBC. Call 419-724-9802 and let your voice be heard. n

Sam Melden is Chief Thought Officer of Food for Thought.

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12 Community

A Toledo tradition since 2005

August 18, 2013

Scholarship fund honors plane crash victim Nate Brahier By Sarah Ottney


Nate Brahier died in a Monroe County plane crash more than two years ago, but friends and family make sure his legacy lives on thanks in part to an annual golf tournament. The Blarney Golf Outing, set for Aug. 23 at Heather Downs Country Club, 3910 Heatherdowns Blvd., is the third annual golf tournament benefiting the BRAHIER Nate Brahier 797 Foundation, which provides scholarships for students pursuing careers in engineering or power technologies. Breakfast and registration will begin at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start

what’s in it for commerce

to the tournament at 9 a.m. Lunch will be at 1:30 p.m. on the course. Cost for a group of four is $320. Lunch is $30 per person. The event has raised more than $7,000 each year and has so far provided scholarships for four students, said Pat Moon, Brahier’s mother and the foundation board president. “Response to the golf outing has been exceptional,” Moon said. “And we always have plenty of volunteers — people who can’t play golf but just want to be a part of raising funds for the foundation. I find this inspiring and awesome and I am humbled by their love for Nate.” The Blarney Irish Pub owner Ed Beczynski, who was friends with Brahier, said he hopes everyone will consider participating in the tournament or contributing to the foundation. “Not only are you helping young people through scholarships, you will be able to join in on the celebration of

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Nate’s life,” Beczynski said. “He was someone who you couldn’t help but like. His death was very hard on all of us, friends and family included. To be able to continue honoring him in this way means the world to me. The money raised is used to fund scholarships for students who embody the

same ambition and zest for life that Nate had.” Another local scholarship in Brahier’s memory was recently established through the Terra College Foundation at Terra State Community College, which Brahier attended, Moon said. Brahier, a mechanical design en-

gineer at Conforming Matrix Corporation, was killed returning from a business trip on March 29, 2011, in Monroe County. Toledo Free Press is a media sponsor of The Blarney Golf Outing. For more information, visit www. O


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August 18, 2013

Community 13

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Sylvania Township Police reach out to neighborhood children Special to Toledo Free Press

ters Shyla, 4, and Aliya, 2, on Aug. 14. Laden with pretend officer badges and plastic handcuffs, they came to reassure the girls, daughters of Howard and Tara Ice, that police officers are nice, friendly and available to help whenever needed. “It’s important that kids are com-

fortable with police officers. Like I was telling them, we’re kind of the exception to the ‘stranger danger’ rule. I want them to feel comfortable to [approach] us if they for some reason get separated from their parents or whatever reason, so we can make sure


Sylvania Township Police Officer Kelli Mussery and police dispatcher Nikki Henson paid a special visit to sis-

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they’re home safely,” Mussery said. This past spring, the girls and their caretaker, Paulette Bucher, were playing in the front yard of their home when a police car drove by. The girls became a little uncomfortable. “[Police officers are] kind of frightening to little kids. They’ve got this uniform, the kids hear that police take you to jail, so they were kind of standoffish,” Bucher said. She had recently been trying to teach the girls that police officers are helpful and friendly to children, so she seized the opportunity and urged the girls to wave and say hello. “I said, ‘I bet if you wave, they’re gonna stop and talk to you.’ And I really pumped it up, because they’re nice and they love kids,” Bucher said. Shyla and Aliya stayed at the curb and waved fanatically. Unfortunately, the officer did not stop or wave as the car went by, causing the girls to wonder if police officers do indeed love kids, as their caretaker had told them. The sisters were heartbroken and disappointed, so Bucher reached out to her daughter-in-law, Henson, who then organized the visit. She and Mussery came as representatives of the

police force, but also came to be role models for the girls as female officers. “We just thought it would be so cool since we had a female police officer, to come for these two little girls and make a personal stop here for them,” Bucher said. Although they were shy at first, the girls soon realized that the visitors meant no harm. They asked questions, took pictures with them and even got a chance to sit in the police car and turn on the lights. Both girls shrieked with delight as the officer let them switch on the sirens. “I protect you from the bad guys,” Mussery told the girls and their cousins, who had come to join in on the fun. “If you’re scared and you can’t find your parents, we’ll help you.” Mussey, Henson and Bucher shared a common goal: to demonstrate that police officers don’t fit the scary stereotype at all, but are pleasant people who can be counted upon for help — especially by children. “[I want them] to be comfortable around police officers and [know] that we’re good people, we’re the good guys and to know who to go to,” Mussery said. O

toledo free press photo by logan sander

By Logan Sander

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Directions: Directions:

The Tam-O-ShanterSports Sports and is is The Tam-O-Shanter andExhibition ExhibitionCenter Center located locatedononthe thecorner corner of Sylvania SylvaniaAvenue Avenue and and VicksburgDrive Drive in Sylvania, Vicksburg Sylvania,Ohio. Ohio. Formore more information: information: For oror419.885.5733 419.885.5733 n From left, caretaker Paulette Bucher, Aliya (2), Shyla (4), and their mother, Tara Ice. Standing behind them is Officer Kelli Mussery.

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See dealer for details. †Not valid with Zero due at signing lease. $500 must be disclosed as down payment assistance or cap cost reduction assistance through HFS. Customer Eligibility: All active Duty U.S. Military, Active Reserve, Ready Reserve and spouse. Eligibility is based on approved credit. Retired U.S. Military personnel are not eligible. Offer valid 6-23-12 thru 3-31-13.

2013 ciVic lx 2013 crosstour sedan at 2 2wd ex at5

2013 Fit at 1 2013 cr-V awd lx at 4

0.9 lease signing

(excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees)

is a A Toledo tradition since 2005 0

up to 36 months

0$500 0






0.9 %

for 35 months thereafter






up to 36 months9,a


Augustmo 1 up to 60 months on 2012 Accords, Crosstours & Odysseys 7

2013 accord lxPilots & Ridgelines8 up to 36 months on 20123Civics, sedan cVt 2013 odyssey lx at 6

0 Jim White Honda & Jim % 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 0 220 500 0 250 500 0$ 0 0 0 0.9 %



$ W no g! in 0 2 10 W $0 $220 o 0 210 0.9 0 280 0.9 0.9 $0 $250 H $500 S 0 300 0 310 0 310 0.9 0.9 0.9 Model year-end cloS0 $ APR $ 500 test driVe apr


p to 60 months

n 2013 crosstours, pilots, odysseys, Fit, cr-Vs & 2013 ridgelines8,a


p to 36 months




13 cr-V awd lx at

2013 crosstour 2wd ex at


See dealer for details. †Not valid with Zero due at signing lease. $500 must be disclosed as down payment assistance or cap cost reduction assistance through HFS. Customer Eligibility: All active Duty U.S. Military, Active Reserve, Ready Reserve and spouse. Eligibility is based on approved credit. Retired U.S. Military personnel are not eligible. Offer valid 6-23-12 thru 3-31-13.

and saVe on an oil cHanGe

300 0.9 %

for 35 months thereafter



up to




First month



for 35 months thereafter

0.9 %








2012 Accord LX Sedan AT











F mo

60 months


Down Honda Payment



10 up to




american Honda is pleased to

2012 Crosstour 2WD EX L4 AT 2012 CR-V 2WD LX AT announce the Honda college 4

$0 $270

$0 $320

Graduate Bonus effective, 6/11/2013 through 29 † 6/2/2014. MPG HWY

“Honda college Graduate Bonus” provides eligible graduates $500 21 or leased through toward any new Honda automobile when financed first restrictions for 35 months apply. see firstfor for 35 months Honda Financial services. some dealer month thereafter HFs. month thereafter details. down payment assistance through



Security $ Deposit


330 0.9 %


requirements include: Have graduated within the past two years or will graduate within the next four months with a master’s, bachelor’s or associate’s degree from a u.s.accredited college or registered nursing school. Meet HFs credit criteria and sign an HFs retail finance, Honda leadership leasing® or Honda leadership purchase plan® APR apr10or college (“balloon”) contract. provide your Honda dealer with a copy of a diploma AVAILABLE and all other documents transcripts as proof of graduation eligibility up to required by HFs. up to 8,a Bonus recipient must be listed on the 60 HFs contract as the primary buyer. months 60 months

First month




0.9 %



$ for 35 months 27 up to for 35 months first first%27 for 35 months 9,a month thereafter month thereafter 36 months month apr10 thereafter First for 35 months up to 22 18 8,a 60 months month thereafter

college Graduate Bonus



$ 31 First $

2012 Civic LX Sedan AT

up to

dte energy Music theatre in clarkston, Mi



First-Month Payment

2013 pilot 2wd lx at


or win an autographed souvenir license plate. % $ $ in to Jim white 0AVAILABLE .9 APR % stop apr 60 months First for 35 months up to Honda to register. 60 months



up to 60 months8,a



up to

win a chance to see Maroon 5’s moves live on 7 up to 60 months on 2012 Accords, Crosstours & Odysseys the Honda civic tour! up to 36 months on august 2012 Civics, Pilots Ridgelines8 28,&2013

36 months

• Discount is only available after apr10 upisto test drive complete. 22 60 months8,a • Includes oil filter & SW-20 motor oil


60 months

2013 odyssey lx at


come in today and test drive any of our new 2013 Hondas & receive a discount on an oil change.

0.9 %

$ up to for 35 months %28 36 months9,a month thereafter apr10 First for 35 months up to 22 8,a 60 months month thereafter 9

0.9 %



0.9 $ 30 First $



up to First $ for 35 $ months %28 60 months8,a month thereafter apr10 First for 35ismonths up to Honda offering $500 to all60 eligible 8,a months month thereafter U.S. Military Personnel, including spouses, toward any new Honda vehicle when they use a valid Honda APR Lease or5Leadership Purchase Plan with HFS.

n 2013 accords & civics9,a


up to

36 months



for 35 months thereafter 7





H M app o

31 † 2013 & 23 Honda with HF MPG HWY


see dealer for as down paym eligibility: all a is based on ap 4-1-13 thru 12-

First-Month 2012 Civic LX Sedan AT 2012 Accord LX Sedan AT 0.9 % Payment taxes, titles fees. To well-qualified lessees approved by Honda Financial Services. No down payment with approved credit through AHFC. To qualified buyers. Not all lessee winExcludes a chance to and see † † with with lower credit ratings. Dealer contribution may vary and could affect actual lease payment. MSRP includes destination, excludes tax, license, title fees, registration, documentation fees, opti First due at 39 34 coupon coupon Maroon 5’s$595 moves live down Honda security excessive wear/tear and 15 cents/mi. over 12,000Honda include acquisition fee.on Lessee responsible for maintenance, miles/year for vehicles with MSRP less than $30,000, but for vehicle month lease 1Closed-end 28 23 college cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year. See dealer for complete details. Dealers set actual prices. lease for 2013 Fit A T . MSRP $17 ,015.00. Net cap cost $17 ,477 .84. T otal monthly the Honda civic tour! payment deposit 2012 Odyssey LX AT 2012 Pilot 2WD LX AT Military please present coupon during service write-up. first for 35 months first for 35 months Due at payment signing 2Closed-end lease for 2013 Civic LX AT. MSRP $19,755.00. Net cap cost $19,194.25. Total monthly payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $12,050.55. 3Closed-end lease for 2013 Accord not valid with any other offer. expires 9-2-13. month thereafter month Graduate american Hondathereafter is pleased to Honda is offering $500 4Closed-end appreciation Lease Signing august 28, 2013 $9,800.00. Option to Total monthly payments purchase $13,729.30. (excludes lease for 2013 CR-V AWD LX A T. MSRP $24,875.00. Net cap cost $24,754.16. Total monthly payments $1 † † tax, title, license & dealer fees) the Honda college all eligible u.s. $ Military 27 $ to $$15,713.60. $ for 201325Odysse 6Closed-end (excludes tax, title, Bonus Net capannounce lease for 2013 Crosstour 2WD EX AT. MSRP $28,060.00. cost $26,179.74. Total monthly payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase lease offer dte energy Music theatre Graduate Bonus effective, personnel, including % license and dealer fees) 18 18 Total monthly payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase $16,227.75. 7Closed-end lease for 2013 Pilot 2WD LX AT. MSRP $30,350.00. Net cap cost $28,369.88. T otal monthly payment APR 0 . 9 first for A 35 months toward any firstnew for 35 months 6/11/2013 through 6/2/2014. spouses, AVAILABLE in clarkston, Mi 9-3-13. 860 monthly payments, offers valid 7-9-13 through $17.05 per $1,000 borrowed. 936 monthly payments, $28.16 per $1,000 borrowed. Offers valid 7-9-13month through 9-3-13. Super-pre month thereafter thereafter standard Models






Qw-20 oil







$ $







0 Jim White Honda $ 0 $ 0Jim White Honda MPG HWY






0 310




up to

36 months

0 340





up to

60 months 2013 & Not 2014 Honda vehicle when they use a valid college Graduate Bonus” provides eligible graduates $500 all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply “Honda for buyers withHonda lowerautomobile credit ratings. contribution may affect your cost. valid on prior sales. 10 No down payment with approved credit thr toward any new whenDealer financed or leased through Honda apr lease or leadership purchase plan win an autographed Honda Financial services. restrictions apply. see dealer for Excludes taxes, titles andnot fees. Subject to limited availability to approved by American Honda Finance Corp. For well-qualified lessees. NoY down payment with approved credit through AHFC. To qualified buyers. Dealer sets actual vehicle sale price. reflecting new EPA fuel economy methods beginning with 2013 some models. Use for comparison purposes only. Do compare tolessees models before 2013. our actual mileage will vary dependin Not all lessees willwith qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Dealer contribution may vary and could affect actual lease payment. Taxes, license, title fees, options and insurance extra. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excesdetails. down payment assistance through HFs. HFs.

or Down souvenir license plate. Payment 2013 ciVic lx stop in to Jim white 1 2013 Fit at Honda to register. sedan at 2


sive wear/tear and 15 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year for vehicles with MSRP less than $30,000, but for vehicles with MSRP of $30,000 or more, mileage cost is 20 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year. See dealer for complete details. 1Closed-end lease for 2Closed-end lease for 2012 Accord LX AT. MSRP $23,070.00. Net cap cost $21,024.02. Total monthly payments $8,750.00. 2012 Civic LX AT.see MSRP $19,595.00. cap cost $19,044.67. Total monthly paymentswith $7,700.00.Zero Option to due purchaseat $11,757.00. dealerNetfor details. not valid signing lease. $500 must be disclosed 3Closed-end lease for 2012 CR-V 2WD LX AT. MSRP $23,325.00. Net cap cost $23,687.38. Total monthly payments $11,200.00. Option to purchase $14,228.25. 4Closed-end lease for 2012 Crosstour 2WD EX L4 AT. MSRP Option to purchase as$12,457.80. down payment assistance or cap cost reduction assistance through HFs. customer 5Closed-end allmonthly active duty u.s. active reserve, and eligibility lease for 2012ready Pilot 2WD LXreserve AT. MSRP $29,450.00. Netspouse. cap cost $27,548.82. Total monthly payments $11,900.00. Option to purchase $28,585.00. Neteligibility: cap cost $25,010.57. Total payments $9,450.00. OptionMilitary, to purchase $15,435.90. 760 monthly payments, $17.05 per $1,000 borrowed. 836 is based onOdyssey approved retired u.s.Total Military personnel not$16,354.80. eligible. offer lease for 2012 LX AT. MSRP credit. $29,205.00. Net cap cost $27,170.03. monthly payments $10,850.00. Optionare to purchase Offers expire 10-31-12.valid $15,903.00. 6Closed-end 4-1-13 12-31-13. monthly payments, $28.16 perthru $1,000 borrowed. Super-preferred and preferred tiers only on approved credit. Dealer contribution may affect your cost. Not valid on prior sales. 9No down payment with approved credit through AHFC. †Based on 2008/2009 EPA mileage estimates, reflecting new EPA fuel economy methods beginning with 2008 models. Use for comparison purposes only. Do not compare to models before 2008. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle.

requirements include: Have graduated within the past two years or will graduate within the next four months with a master’s, bachelor’s or associate’s degree from a u.s.accredited college or registered nursing school. Meet HFs credit criteria and sign an HFs retail finance, Honda leadership leasing® or Honda leadership purchase plan® (“balloon”) contract. provide your Honda dealer with a copy 3 of a diploma or college transcripts as proof of graduation eligibility and all other documents required by HFs. Bonus recipient must be listed on the HFs contract as the primary buyer.

2013 accord lx sedan cVt

2012 Crosstour 2WD EX L4 AT


$0 $270

2012 CR-V 2WD LX AT


$0 $320


Jim White Honda

1505 Reynolds Rd. • Maumee, OH

xes, titles and fees. To well-qualified lessees approved by Honda Financial Services. No down payment with approved credit through AHFC. To qualified buyers. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with 29 † title fees, registration, documentation 31 † ratings. Dealer contribution may vary and could affect actual lease payment. MSRP includes destination, excludes tax, license, fees, options, insurance and the like. All net capitalization costs 5 acquisition fee. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excessive wear/tear and 15 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year for vehicles with MSRP less than $30,000, but for vehicles with MSRP of $30,000 or more, mileage cost is 20 21 23 first2013for 35 A months firstNet cap for 35 months er 12,000 miles/year. forpilots, complete details. Dealers set actual prices. 1Closed-end lease for Fit T. MSRP $17,015.00. cost $17,477.84. Total monthly payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $10,379.15. onSee 2013 dealer crosstours, month thereafter month thereafter 3Closed-end d lease for 2013 Civic LX AT. MSRP $19,755.00. Net cap cost $19,194.25. Total monthly payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $12,050.55. lease for 2013 Accord LX CVT. MSRP $23,270.00. Net cap cost $22,951.07. odysseys, Fit, cr-Vs y payments $9,800.00. Option to purchase $13,729.30. 4Closed-end lease for 2013 CR-V AWD LX AT. MSRP $24,875.00. Net cap cost $24,754.16. Total monthly payments $10,500.00. Option to purchase $15671.25. 5Closed-end 8,a &T2013 ridgelines 13 Crosstour 2WD EX A . MSRP $28,060.00. Net cap cost $26,179.74. Total monthly payments $10,850.00.% Option to purchase $15,713.60. 6Closed-end lease for 2013 Odyssey LX AT. MSRP $29,505.00. Net cap cost $29,952.67. APR 39 $30,350.00. $ $ 7Closed-end%lease $ $ 2WD LX ATAVAILABLE $ $ Net cap cost y payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase $16,227 .75. Pilot . MSRP Total monthly payments $11,550.00. Option to purchase $16,996.00. Lease 35for 2013 36 % %10 $28,369.88. 936 monthly payments, $28.16 up 10 toper $1,000 borrowed. AOffers apr 7-9-13 through 9-3-13. 860 monthly payments, $17.05 per $1,000 borrowed. valid 7-9-13 through 9-3-13. Super-preferred and preferred tiers only on approved credit. Not apr10 apr 60 months on 2013 accords & civics9,a up to up to up to First forratings. 35 months Dealer First 35 months Firstprior for sales. 35 months 10No †Based 28 28 27 Excludes taxes, titles andcredit fees. To through well-qualifiedAHFC. lessees approved by Honda FinancialEP Services. No down payment with approved credit 9,a ay qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit mayfor affect your36 cost. down payment with approved on 2013 A mileage estimates, 60 months8,a contribution months9,a Not valid on 36 months month thereafter month thereafter month thereafter w EPA fuel economy methods beginning with 2013 models. Use for comparison purposes only. Do not compare to models before 2013. Your actual mileage willTovary on how you drive maintain vehicle. through AHFC. qualifieddepending buyers. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher leaseand rates apply for lesseesyour with lower credit ratings. Dealer contribution

up to 60 months

0 210 0.90.9



0 280 0.9




may vary%and could affect actual lease payment. MSRP includes destination, excludes tax, license, title fees, registration, documentation APR .options, fees,AVAILABLE insurance and the like. All net capitalization costs include $595 acquisition fee. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excessive up to 36 monthsand 15 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year for vehicles with MSRP less than $30,000, but for vehicles with MSRP of $30,000 or wear/tear more, mileage cost is 20 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year. See dealer for complete details. Dealers set actual prices. 1 Closed-end lease for 20135Fit AT. MSRP $17,015.00. Net cap cost $17,477.84. Total monthly payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $10,379.15. 2 Closed-end 6 2012 Odyssey LX AT 2012 Pilot 2WD LX AT for 2013 Civic LX AT. MSRP $19,755.00. Net cap cost $19,194.25. Total monthly payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $12,050.55. Due at lease 3 Closed-end lease for 2013 Accord LX CVT. MSRP $23,270.00. Net cap cost $22,951.07. Total monthly payments $9,800.00. Option to Lease Signing † 4 purchase Closed-end lease for 2013 CR-V AWD LX AT. MSRP $24,875.00. Net cap cost $24,754.16. Total monthly payments 27 † 25$13,729.30. (excludes tax, title, $10,500.00. Option to purchase $15,671.25. 5 Closed-end lease for 2013 Crosstour 2WD EX AT. MSRP $28,060.00. Net cap cost $26,179.74. license and dealer fees) 18 18 first for 35 months first for 35 months Total monthly payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase $15,713.60. 6 Closed-end lease for 2013 Odyssey LX AT. MSRP $29,505.00. Net month thereafter month thereafter cap cost $29,952.67. Total monthly payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase $16,227.75. 7 Closed-end lease for 2013 Pilot 2WD LX AT. MSRP $30,350.00. Net cap cost $28,369.88. Total monthly payments $11,550.00. Option to purchase $16,996.00. Lease offers valid 7-9-13 Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Subject to limited availability to approved lessees by American Honda Finance Corp. For well-qualified lessees. No down payment with approved credit through AHFC. To qualified buyers. Dealer sets actual vehicle sale price. through 9-3-13. 8 60 monthly payments, $17.05 per $1,000 borrowed. 9 36 monthly payments, $28.16 per $1,000 borrowed. A Offers valid Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Dealer contribution may vary and could affect actual lease payment. Taxes, license, title fees, options and insurance extra. Lessee responsible for maintenance, exceslease for sive wear/tear and 15 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year for vehicles with MSRP less than $30,000, but for vehicles with MSRP of $30,000 or more, mileage cost is 20 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year. See dealer for complete details. Closed-end 7-9-13 through 9-3-13. Super-preferred and preferred tiers only on approved credit. Not all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers $ Total monthly payments $7,700.00. % $ $ 31$19,595.00.$Net cap cost $19,044.67. 27 25 Total monthly payments $8,750.00. 2012 Option to purchase $11,757.00. Closed-end lease for 2012 Accord LX AT. MSRP $23,070.00. Net %Civic LX AT. MSRP %cap cost $21,024.02. 10 with Net cap cost $23,687.38. Total monthly payments $11,200.00. Option to purchase $14,228.25. apr Closed-end lease for 2012 Crosstour 2WD EX L4lower AT. MSRPcredit ratings. Dealer contribution may affect your cost. Not valid on prior sales. No down payment with approved credit through Option aprto purchase $12,457.80. Closed-end lease for 2012 CR-V 2WD LX AT. MSRP $23,325.00. apr First for 35 months First months up to up$15,435.90. to up to Total monthly1 Closed-end 2WD LX AT. for MSRP35 $29,450.00. Net cap cost $27,548.82. payments Option to purchase $28,585.00. Net cap cost $25,010.57. Total monthly payments $9,450.00. Option to purchase † 22 18lease for 2012 Pilot 8 $11,900.00.AHFC. Based on 2013 EPA mileage estimates, reflecting new EPA fuel economy methods beginning with 2013 models. Use for comparison 60 months 60 months 60 months Odyssey LX AT. MSRP $29,205.00. Net cap cost $27,170.03. Total monthly payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase $16,354.80. Offers expire 10-31-12. 60 monthly payments, $17.05 per $1,000 borrowed. 36 $15,903.00. Closed-end lease for 2012 month thereafter month thereafter on 2008/2009 monthly payments, $28.16 per $1,000 borrowed. Super-preferred and preferred tiers only on approved credit. Dealer contribution may affect your cost. Not valid on prior sales. No down payment with approved credit through AHFC. Based purposes only. Do not compare to models before 2013. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle. EPA mileage estimates, reflecting new EPA fuel economy methods beginning with 2008 models. Use for comparison purposes only. Do not compare to models before 2008. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle.

2013 crosstour 2wd ex at5

2013 cr-V awd lx at 4

MPG CITY (800) All-Honda (800) ALL-HONDA

Security Deposit

0 2 10 0.9

up to 36 months

(800) ALL-Honda 1505 Reynolds Rd. • Maumee, Ohio


2013 odyssey lx at 6

2013 pilot 2wd lx at7



1505 Reynolds Rd. • Maumee, OH

0 310 0 340 (800) ALL-Honda $










0 $300 0.9 %


First month

for 35 months thereafter


up to 60 months8,a

30 22



First month

310 0.9


for 35 months thereafter





310 0.9




0 330 0.9






8,a 7


win a chance to see Maroon 5’s moves live on the Honda civic tour! august 28, 2013 dte energy Music theatre in clarkston, Mi or win an autographed souvenir license plate. stop in to Jim white Honda to register.

Honda college Graduate Bonus


$ 500 500 Jim White Honda


Honda Military appreciation offer


1505 Reynolds Rd. • Maumee, Ohio

american Honda is pleased to announce the Honda college Graduate Bonus effective, 6/11/2013 through 6/2/2014.

Honda is offering $500 to all eligible u.s. Military personnel, including spouses, toward any new 2013 & 2014 Honda vehicle when they use a valid Honda apr lease or leadership purchase plan with HFs.

(800) All-Honda (800) ALL-HONDA

“Honda college Graduate Bonus” provides eligible graduates $500 toward any new Honda automobile when financed or leased through Honda Financial services. some restrictions apply. see dealer for details. down payment assistance through HFs.

requirements include: Have graduated within the past two years or will graduate within the next four months with a master’s, bachelor’s or associate’s degree from a u.s.accredited college or registered nursing school. Meet HFs credit criteria and sign an HFs retail finance, Honda leadership leasing® or Honda leadership purchase plan® (“balloon”) contract. provide your Honda dealer with a copy of a diploma or college transcripts as proof of graduation eligibility and all other documents required by HFs. Bonus recipient must be listed on the HFs contract as the primary buyer.

Specially priced for Honda Summer clearance event see dealer for details. not valid with Zero due at signing lease. $500 must be disclosed as down payment assistance or cap cost reduction assistance through HFs. customer eligibility: all active duty u.s. Military, active reserve, ready reserve and spouse. eligibility is based on approved credit. retired u.s. Military personnel are not eligible. offer valid 4-1-13 thru 12-31-13.

’00 BUICK LeSABRE CUSTOM Loaded ........................ $5,726 ’07 KIA RIO 4cyl, Stick, Silver ............................................ $6,969 ’98 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE RED............ $7,952 ’02 GMC SIERRA 1500 SL Well Equipped, Pewter ........ $7,369 ’04 MAZDA MAZDA 3 S 4Cyl, Stick, Blue ...................... $8,122 ’04 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT Loaded, Dark Blue .............. $9,314 ’07 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX Equipped, White ...........$11,678 ’11 Honda Civic Sdn LX Equipped Nicely, White .........$14,814 ’08 CHRYS SEBRING TOURING Loaded, White..........$11,838 ’11 Honda Accord Sdn SE Loaded, 4cyl, Silver ..........$14,964 Jim White Honda VOLKSWAGEN Jetta Sdn SE Loaded, Red .........$14,669 ’08 Honda Fit 4cyl, Stick, Black ...................................... $12,444 ’12 1505 Reynolds Rd. • Maumee, ’11 HondaOH Accord Sdn SE Loaded, Sharp!, Silver ......$14,964 ’06 Honda Odyssey EX-L Mini Van, Auto, Air, Silver ....$12,636 ’10 Honda Accord Sdn LX Loaded, Ala/Sliver ............$15,340 ALL-Honda ’10 Honda Civic Sdn LX Well Equipped, Royal(800) Blue ....$13,578 Excludes taxes, titles and fees. To well-qualified lessees approved by Honda Financial Services. No down payment with approved credit through AHFC. To qualified buyers. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Dealer contribution may vary and could affect actual lease payment. MSRP includes destination, excludes tax, license, title fees, registration, documentation fees, options, insurance and the like. All net capitalization costs include $595 acquisition fee. Lessee responsible for maintenance, excessive wear/tear and 15 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year for vehicles with MSRP less than $30,000, but for vehicles with MSRP of $30,000 or more, mileage cost is 20 cents/mi. over 12,000 miles/year. See dealer for complete details. Dealers set actual prices. 1Closed-end lease for 2013 Fit AT. MSRP $17,015.00. Net cap cost $17,477.84. Total monthly payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $10,379.15. 2Closed-end lease for 2013 Civic LX AT. MSRP $19,755.00. Net cap cost $19,194.25. Total monthly payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $12,050.55. 3Closed-end lease for 2013 Accord LX CVT. MSRP $23,270.00. Net cap cost $22,951.07. Total monthly payments $9,800.00. Option to purchase $13,729.30. 4Closed-end lease for 2013 CR-V AWD LX AT. MSRP $24,875.00. Net cap cost $24,754.16. Total monthly payments $10,500.00. Option to purchase $15671.25. 5Closed-end lease for 2013 Crosstour 2WD EX AT. MSRP $28,060.00. Net cap cost $26,179.74. Total monthly payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase $15,713.60. 6Closed-end lease for 2013 Odyssey LX AT. MSRP $29,505.00. Net cap cost $29,952.67. Total monthly payments $10,850.00. Option to purchase $16,227.75. 7Closed-end lease for 2013 Pilot 2WD LX AT. MSRP $30,350.00. Net cap cost $28,369.88. Total monthly payments $11,550.00. Option to purchase $16,996.00. Lease offers valid 7-9-13 through 9-3-13. 860 monthly payments, $17.05 per $1,000 borrowed. 936 monthly payments, $28.16 per $1,000 borrowed. AOffers valid 7-9-13 through 9-3-13. Super-preferred and preferred tiers only on approved credit. Not all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings. Dealer contribution may affect your cost. Not valid on prior sales. 10No down payment with approved credit through AHFC. †Based on 2013 EPA mileage estimates, reflecting new EPA fuel economy methods beginning with 2013 models. Use for comparison purposes only. Do not compare to models before 2013. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle.

’09 ACURA TSX Fully Loaded, Red .................................$16,947 ’11 Honda Accord Sdn EX Equipped, Red..................$17,861 ’12 Honda Civic Cpe EX Well Equipped, Blue..............$17,354 ’11 Honda Accord Sdn EX Loaded, Nice!, Black ........$18,868 ’12 Honda Civic Sdn EX Well Equipped, Black ............$18,709 ’11 Honda CR-V LX Well Equipped, Red .......................$18,852 ’10 Honda CR-V LX Auto, Air, Equipped, White..............$18,033 ’12 TOYOTA TACOMA Auto, Air, Equipped, Black ..........$20,357 ’11 KIA SORENTO LX Loaded, Nice!, White ..................$20,648 ’09 Honda Ridgeline RT Crew Cab, Black...................$23,385 ’11 Honda Odyssey EX Mini Van, Silver.......................$24,552

Se and use


First onth



for 35 months thereafter

18, 2013



up to 36 months9,a

36 27


Wheels 15

A Toledo tradition since 2005

m White Toyota/Scion 2013 pilot 2wd lx at7

neW and

★ cloSe-ouT uSed dealS ★ SHop BoTH de alerS M

Se-ouT SaleS eVenT!


First onth



for 35 months thereafter



up to 60 months8,a

on & THurS unTil 9 p.M.



pre-oWned Model



Honda is offering $500 to all eligible u.s. Military personnel, including spouses, toward any new 2014 Honda vehicle when they use a valid apr lease or leadership purchase plan Fs.

r details. not valid with Zero due at signing lease. $500 must be disclosed ment assistance or cap cost reduction assistance through HFs. customer active duty u.s. Military, active reserve, ready reserve and spouse. eligibility pproved credit. retired u.s. Military personnel are not eligible. offer valid -31-13.

es will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with ions, insurance and the like. All net capitalization costs es with MSRP of $30,000 or more, mileage cost is 20 payments $7,350.00. Option to purchase $10,379.15. d LX CVT. MSRP $23,270.00. Net cap cost $22,951.07. 10,500.00. Option to purchase $15671.25. 5Closed-end ey LX AT. MSRP $29,505.00. Net cap cost $29,952.67. ts $11,550.00. Option to purchase $16,996.00. Lease eferred and preferred tiers only on approved credit. Not rough AHFC. †Based on 2013 EPA mileage estimates, ng on how you drive and maintain your vehicle.

cloSe-ouT SaleS eVenT!!

aT JiM WHiTe ToyoTa don’T MiSS iT!



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16 Health

August 18, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Weight-loss surgery helps Toledo fight obesity By Sura Khuder

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

For three months, Erin Silveous had what seemed like a chronically runny nose. Along with extreme vertigo, dizziness and persistent migraine headaches, the 41-year-old dialysis technician found herself seeking medical advice from countless spe- SILVEOUS (BEFORE) cialists until a correct diagnosis could be made. Her condition, doctors later discovered, was called pseudotumor cerebri and what was running out of her nose wasn’t from a sinus infection or a cold, it was cerebral (brain) fluid. What the Swanton resident first thought would be cured with a head or neck surgery, was in her case treated through bariatric surgery. Silveous had never before considered the weight-loss surgery, but at that point it was her last option. If she didn’t have

the surgery, her physician warned her, she would die. Referrals for bariatric surgery as a viable treatment for obesity and its comorbidities are so common that Dr. Patrick White, Toledo bariatric surgeon and medical director at ProMedica who performed Silveous’ surgery, said half of his patients are from physician referrals. More than one third of the U.S. population is SILVEOUS (AFTER) obese according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. With the recent recognition of obesity as a disease by the American Medical Association (AMA), more patients and physicians are seeking bariatric surgery as a viable treatment for obesity and its related problems, particularly Type 2 diabetes. “Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and there is nothing out there as effective as weight loss surgery. There’s no other treatment even for diabetes out there that works

any better than weight-loss surgery,” said Dr. Matthew Fourman, bariatric surgeon at Mercy Weight Management Center. “It’s not simply that people need to eat less and exercise more. This is truly a disease; there are things going on at a genetic level that we don’t totally understand yet,” he said. White said the number of gastric bypass surgeries being performed has increased by 300 percent in the past 10 years nationwide. Dr. Jaime Ponce, current president of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, said insurance companies have always resisted covering bariatric surgery for patients with severe obesity. He sees the AMA’s recent statement as allowing physicians greater ability to work with insurance agencies to cover the surgery more widely. The three main surgeries performed nationwide are Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laproscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAP-BAND), or sleeve gastrectomy. The gastric bypass is considered a malabsorptive procedure where there is some rerouting of the small

intestine to limit the amount of calories absorbed. LAP-BAND and “the sleeve” are considered restrictive surgeries where the size of the stomach is reduced to hold as little as 15 milliliters, or the size of a small shot glass. Fourman said LAP-BAND surgeries are less popular and sleeve is becoming more popular. “[It’s] gaining popularity probably because it works really well,” he said. “The weight loss is better than the LAP-BAND and it’s not quite as much surgery as the gastric bypass.” Eighty percent of the surgeries White performs are gastric bypass and 20 percent are sleeve gastrectomy. The sleeve procedure is recommended for the youngest and oldest patients, while the bypass is best suited for those with Type 2 diabetes or individuals needing to lose a lot of weight, i.e., a body mass index over 50. The sleeve can be reversed into a gastric bypass if a patient’s weightloss is inadequate. However, there are few fallback procedures for patients looking to reverse a procedure that is not satisfactory and a second surgery comes at a greater risk. “We don’t have very many fall-

backs from surgical options,” White said. “There is half a dozen different things described that one can maybe try but not all of them work that well.” Mortality rates for the surgery are low. LAP-BAND surgery has a mortality rate of 0.06 percent, or three in 5,000 surgeries, and gastric bypass has a rate of at 0.16 percent or four in 2,500. On the other hand, psychological costs for patients may be high, White said. For example, bariatric surgery patients could face issues such as suicide and addiction, particularly alcoholism, because of the high emotional toll the surgery takes and change in intestinal absorption. Divorce rates are particularly high for patients, especially for women, White said. Most insurance companies cover the cost of the surgery only if a patient has a BMI higher than 40, or 35 with comorbidity; this includes Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and sleep apnea, among others. If a patient does not meet these criteria he may still opt for the surgery, however, he would have to complete a payment plan. n SURGERY CONTINUES ON 17




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August 18, 2013

program she said. Two months after her diagnosis, According to Amy Watkins, Mercy Silveous went into surgery in October Weight Management Center’s di- 2009 weighing 340 lbs. Since her surrector, this ranges between $13,000- gery she has lost 198 pounds. Prior to surgery, Silveous suffered $15,000 for private packages. To qualify for most insurance cov- from Type II diabetes, cardiovascular erage, patients must prove a long his- and neurovascular issues, as well as Mutual MA Ad (Toledo 5/9/13and 9:35 PM Page 1 sleep apnea restless leg syndrome, toryMedical of weight-loss attempts as wellFree as Press) complete a three-to six-month physi- all of which she no longer has. Silveous credits her success to cian supervised medical weight-loss n SURGERY CONTINUED FROM 16

following the post-operation regimen very closely. “When I was out of my surgery I was to the letter,” she said. “I knew I had just come very close to dying. And I wanted to use the new tools that they gave me and learn how to moderate, to learn how to eat better and have self-control, all the things I really felt like I did not have before.” Twice a month, ProMedica offers

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A Toledo tradition since 2005 bariatric seminars for prospective bariatric surgery patients. That is where Ann Loften Rice found herself four years ago. She is now six years post surgery, going from 460 pounds to 280 pounds within eight months. Rice was driven to pursue the surgery after trying and failing at several diets. She is the regional director for aquatics at the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, having worked at locations in Toledo for several years. “A lot of people think of the Y as a gym or as a swim place, so it’s important to look like you work for the Y,” Rice said. “If I were to get heavier than I was, I don’t think I’d be able to do the things as well as I could and train as well.” Post-surgery, Silveous and Rice saw major changes in their diets, particularly in the portions they were able to eat. these women, foods high 4051 For Devers_VV_Audi_713_Layout 1 6/12/13 12:02 PM Page 1 in

sugar and carbonation aren’t tolerated; neither are rice and tortillas that glutenize in the stomach and are hard to digest. “You definitely learn when you are full and you can’t ignore that like you can if you hadn’t had the surgery because that ‘one more bite’ is pain or sickness,” Silveous said. Both women credit their success to following the regimen precisely and having the right intentions heading into the surgery. Rice said only pursue those completely committed to the diet and lifestyle changes that follow should pursue the surgery. “If you are doing it just to lose weight or just to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t do it. Because you are going to fail, you are going to be miserable, you’re going to be sick,” she said. “If you are doing it to be healthy and to change your life, those are the reasons why you should.” O

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18 Business Link

A Toledo tradition since 2005

August 18, 2013

By Bailey G. Dick

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

During her years as a fine arts student at Bowling Green State University, Sandy Spang began what she called “a lifelong love affair.” The object of her affection? Glass. Spang, who is running for Toledo City Council, said its focus on glass is one of her favorite things about the city she hopes to represent. “I love that Toledo is the site for the rebirth of the art glass movement,” she said, speaking of a revival that began on the grounds of the Toledo Museum of Art. “We also have the legacy of being a site for factory glass through Libbey [Glass],” she added. You could say that Spang, a jewelry designer-turned-real estate investorturned-coffee shop owner, is sort of like Toledo glass. “I have a business sense, but I also have a sense of the arts and aesthetics,” she said. Take, for example, Spang’s business card. Her logo, featured of the back of the card, includes a skyline of the city surrounded by shapes representing what Spang believes the city needs to thrive: business and manufacturing, economic sustainability, infrastructure, human capital, natural resources. As she matched the business principles to the corresponding shapes traced in bright green ink, she commented on the logo’s aesthetics.

Plate 21

Currently, Spang isn’t in the studio blowing glass or designing logos. She splits her time between Plate 21, the South Toledo coffeehouse she opened with her husband, and managing the real estate properties the couple owns. Spang said she has felt the itch to run for office for some time. However, the mother of three said the timing hasn’t been right until now. “I was encouraged to run when the District 2 position was open several years ago, but I didn’t feel it was the right time for my family,” Spang said. “Now I have the energy to give back to

I love hearing everybody talk about [small business]. But to have firsthand experience is important, to be that person that other small-business owners know they can call if they’re having a frustrating experience with the city government.”

photo courtesy sandy spang

Council hopeful has business, artistic vision for city

— Sandy Spang my city, and I feel my life experiences have prepared me.” Although she may not have experience as an elected official, Spang said her experience as a small-business owner gives her an edge in the crowded field of 17 candidates. “I love hearing everybody talk about [small business]. But to have firsthand experience is important, to be that person that other smallbusiness owners know they can call if they’re having a frustrating experience with the city government,” Spang said. “Something that I’ve learned in business is the importance of customer service. And we need to make that a priority. That’s the face of the city to the customer, and people often have frustrating experiences.”

‘Smart cities’

Also part of Spang’s plan for Toledo is integrating some aspects of “smart cities.” The concept, Spang says, involves, “taking advantage of technology, but also taking advantage of your human capital.” To make Toledo a “smart city,” Spang hopes to add community amenities like a bike network or a dog park that will attract young professionals. “These are the types of things that are going to attract this creative class, and that’s really important in today’s and the future’s economy,” Spang said. “It also has the tremendous benefit of making life better for the people that are already here.” Spang also hopes that the city will look to the future when deciding on changes to existing city functions. “One of the most basic missions of local government is to maintain the infrastructure,” Spang said. “It

has to be done with long-range planning. We cannot continue to put good money after bad into projects. We have to take the long view. If we have to go back and sort of undo some decisions of the past, so be it.” She said she hopes that current Council members would be open to the aspects of “smart cities” that would cost the city more money. “And the first thing people are going to say is, ‘How are you going to pay for it?’ And that’s where you’ve got to have commitment to a goal, and a long-term improvement,” she said. “It’s really the idea of being smart about using our resources and embracing new ideas in technology, in the context of long-term planning. In their personal lives, people are already utilizing technology. And I think that people are going to recognize the value in the public sector as well.”

Wanting the same things

Spang, who is running for council as an independent, was a registered Republican until 2010. However, she doesn’t want to be labeled by voters. “But if you want to participate in the primary process during a presidential election, you have to declare a party. And voting is very important to me,” Spang said. “I think that many of the things that make us a Republican or a Democrat at the federal or state level are not as relevant at the city level. At the local level, we all want the same things. We want a well-run city. We want infrastructure that runs like butter. We want a clean, efficient water system. We want vibrant local businesses. We want an arts scene. The things we want at the local level cut across party lines.” As far as her campaign goes, Spang


Sandy Spang, co-owner of plate 21, is running for Toledo City COuncil.

said she has relied on a grassroots effort to raise money. “Especially until the primary, any campaign, especially for a new candidate without party affiliation, is going to be a grassroots effort,” she said. “We’ve relied on very small donations.”

Support from Ludeman

She said she is counting on support from Toledo City Councilman Rob Ludeman, who grew up in the same neig hb orho o d LUDEMAN as Spang and nominated her for the seat on Council left vacant

by Phil Copeland when he became Lucas County Recorder. “I think it’ll be refreshing,” Ludeman said of Spang’s potential election. “She would bring that enthusiasm and business perspective. She’s a family person, and I like the family values part of what she stands for.” While Ludeman sees Spang as a family person, the people who have bought jewelry from her saw her as a designer, and her customers at Plate 21 see her as an entrepreneur, Spang said she sees herself on council as a mediator. “I’m going to do everything I can do to build consensus,” Spang said. “I think I can be that pivot point that catalyst in the center so we can actually get decisions made. That’s how I really see myself.” O

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August 18, 2013

Business Link 19

A Toledo tradition since 2005


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20 Star

August 18, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Sarah Ottney


The inaugural Toledo Pride event took place at Erie Street Market in 2010 and drew about 2,500 people. The following year, it moved to Promenade Park, added a parade and drew about 5,000 people. Last year’s Pride moved Downtown, expanded to three days and drew more than 10,000 people. This year, organizers are hoping for at least 12,000. “Everything’s gotten bigger every year,” said Lexi Staples, executive director of the Pride of Toledo Foundation and event director for Toledo Pride. “We’re very excited to be back at Promenade Park.” The three-day weekend will kick off with the Nite Glo 5K on Aug. 23. Aug. 24 will feature a parade at noon followed by community vendors, live music and drag performances. On Aug. 25, participants can relax with games and a community ice cream social. New this year will be Sandpiper Pride Rides on the Maumee River, an inflatable game area and a rainbow tiedye T-shirt station. Admission is $5 before 7 p.m. and $7 after 7 p.m. After 10 p.m., attendees must be 18 or older or accompanied by an adult. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or in advance at www.


This year’s parade will include dozens of floats, vehicles and walking groups, said parade coordinator Torie Thorne. The route will start on Washington Street at the intersection of Ontario Street, cross the Owens Corning bridge to North Summit Street and finish at Promenade Park. Thorne said her favorite part of Pride is the feeling of community. “There’s just a different energy at pride parades,” Thorne said. “You can

go there and wear rainbows and people are not going to pick on you. You’re not going to be discriminated against because of who you are. It’s a safe feeling. You’re the majority for the day.” Pride also draws thousands of straight supporters, Staples said. “We have a lot, a lot, a lot of allies who come to everything and support everything,” Staples said. “People who want to be supportive to the community, or have a best friend, or are related to someone — or just want to be a part of the shenanigans we throw down.”

Sandpiper Pride Rides

The Sandpiper will offer four Maumee River boat rides during Pride, leaving from Promenade Park at 3 p.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Aug. 24. Each trip will last about 50 minutes. Tickets are $6 and available at Pride or in advance at The 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. rides will be free for children 12 and younger with the purchase of an adult ticket. “I have a gay daughter and I’ve always been interested in all the activities that go on [at Toledo Pride],” said the boat’s owner/operator Mary Dalby. “The ride is just a pretty, relaxing ride. It gives people a view of Toledo, which is totally magnificent from the river. I hope they learn something new and I hope they laugh out loud. It’s supposed to be entertaining as well as informative.”


Live entertainment starts at 12:30 p.m. and runs until midnight. “The goal of this year’s entertainment is that every fourth song, no matter who you are, if you’re a grandma or a little kid or if you’re someone in between, you will be like, ‘This is my jam!’ and you’ll get down,” Staples said. “That way it feels like it’s exciting for everyone.” This year’s musical headliner is

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Eric Himan, a Tulsa, Okla.-based singer/songwriter. Toledo Pride volunteer coordinator Brent Rabie saw him in concert earlier this year at Washington, D.C.’s Capital Pride and Columbus Pride. “He looks really good, he sings really good, he basically to me is like a gay Adam Levine and I’m down with that,” Rabie said. “I’m super excited.” Other musicians include Calvin Green, Beach and Ferron, Nine Lives, Johnniemae, Casey “3pm” Clark, Noisy Neighbors, The Rivets, Flabongo Nation and Arctic Clam. This year’s lineup will feature 30 drag performers, the most yet, Staples said. They will be featured between bands, with the main show starting at 9 p.m. “I’m really thrilled by the amount of response we’ve had from the drag community,” Staples said. “They will be sprinkled throughout the day this year, but everything’s going to be clean. We work really hard to make sure Pride is appropriate for families as well as fun for everybody.” Several area bars will host afterparties, including OUTSKiRTS, Bretz, R House, Blush and Ripcord.

Nite Glo 5K

Despite the pouring rain, last year’s inaugural Nite Glo 5K drew 150 runners. Race coordinator Justin Veigel said he’s hoping for nicer weather this year. “I was very surprised at the amazing turnout [last year],” Veigel said. “It shows what great support we have in Toledo. We are on track this year to have over 200 runners.” This year’s run is set for 8:30 p.m. Aug. 23 at the University of Toledo’s Centennial Mall. There is also a onemile “fun run, walk or roll.” Registration starts at 7 p.m. Participants will receive colored glow sticks and run through a lighted course on UT’s main campus. Participants also get a T-shirt and a sub from

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Three-day Toledo Pride weekend kicks off Aug. 23


Equality Toledo supporters march in the 2012 Toledo Pride parade.

Jimmy John’s. There will be a photobooth before the race and post-race entertainment onsite. Participants can preregister at Cost is $18 for the 5K, $15 each for a team of five to 10 or $12 for the one-mile event. Proceeds will benefit Spectrum (UT’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and allied student group), Equality Toledo and other local LGBT youth organizations, Veigel said.

Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday, hosted by the Owens Community College Gay Straight Alliance, is set for noon to 4 p.m. Aug. 25 in the quad between College Hall, Health Technologies Hall and the Child Care Center. The family-friendly, alcohol-free event will feature music, an ice cream social, carnival games and more. Admission is free.

Friday, Aug. 23rd

“We had a really good response last year — about 150 people and a lot of those people weren’t doubles from Pride,” Staples said. “A lot of people had just come because they weren’t sure if Pride was appropriate for a family. It was really nice to be able to welcome those people into what we’re trying to do and we hope to see everybody at both events this year.”

Volunteers needed

Rabie said Toledo Pride is a special event for many locals. “I’ve had people come up to me literally almost in tears because they can’t believe this is happening in Toledo, because they are just so happy it’s happening in Toledo,” he said. “Toledo Pride has changed the culture in Northwest Ohio.” Toledo Free Press is the media sponsor of Toledo Pride. For more information, visit O

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German-American Festival increases shuttle services By Matt Liasse

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Because the turnout for the GermanAmerican Festival grows every year, organizers are providing more shuttle service. Attendees will be able to take shuttles directly to the festival grounds from nine Toledo locations. “With increased crowd size comes increased responsibility,” said festival chairman Tim Pecsenye. “We want festivalgoers to have fun, but more importantly we want them to be safe.”

Star 21

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Pecsenye calculated how many people the shuttles can hold and what it would mean if those cars were off the road. He said five or six miles of backed-up traffic can be eliminated. The eight locations are Bar 145 on Monroe Street; Berger’s Olde Tyme on Laskey Road; Mayfly Tavern and Anchor Inn in Point Place; The Attic on Adams Street and Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull in Downtown; Tres Belle in Perrysburg; the Lucas County Rec Center; and Icons Eatery and Entertainment in Oregon. n FESTIVAL CONTINUES ON 22

Photo courtesy german-american festival

August 18, 2013


Festival hours are 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Aug. 23, 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. Aug. 24 and noon to 11 p.m. Aug. 25.

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22 Star n FESTIVAL CONTINUED FROM 21 There are also Oregon shuttle locations offering service for festival goers who park at Starr Elementary School, Fassett Middle School and Clay High School. Shuttles will run from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Aug. 23, 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Aug. 24. Shuttles will run only from Bar 145

A Toledo tradition since 2005 on Sunday between 2-10 p.m. Roundtrip shuttle tickets are $6. The German-American Festival is operated by the G.A.F. Society and sponsored by the seven German- and Swiss-American societies in Toledo. According to a news release, the festival is intended to promote and enhance German and Swiss cultures. It

also generates revenue for the German and Swiss cultural center in Oregon and a variety of programs and scholarships in the Toledo area. General admission for the festival is $7 and children younger than 12 are free. Tickets are available in advance for $6 and texting “GAF” to 55678 will grant customers $1 off their ticket

price. Two- and three-day admission tickets are also available online for $10 and $15, respectively. Festival hours are 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Aug. 23, 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. Aug. 24 and noon to 11 p.m. Aug. 25. For more information, visit or O


Theater League’s ‘Wicked’ flies into Stranahan Theater

Toledo roots are strong in “Wicked,” currently touring the country. Approaching its 10th anniversary in October, the show follows two women of Oz before Dorothy ever visited. Unveiling the origins of the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good, it will run at the Stranahan Theater through Sept. 1. Jane Brockman, who plays The Midwife and is an understudy for Madame Morrible, has ties to Toledo. Her father-in-law is a local minister at Collingwood Presbyterian Church. BROCKMAN “I’m from Pe n n s y l v a n i a ; I’ve gone through Ohio just about every year of my life,” Brockman said. She said she loves what Toledo has to offer, especially the places to eat. She BEEBEE makes it a point to visit local eateries when she visits the area. “I’m going to go to Gino’s and Tony Packo’s whether I have downtime or not,” she said. “Those are a must.” Another player with local ties is Company Manager Kevin Beebee, a Bowling Green State University alumnus. He will visit BGSU when the show stops in Toledo to lecture an arts management class. Beebee was in “Fiddler on the Roof ” and “Children of Eden” as a student. He said he has put acting on the back burner because he is enjoying the management side. The show opened Aug. 14. The final performance is at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 1. For a full list of dates, visit the web site O


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Facebook @ waltchurchillsmarket » Twitter @ waltchurchills 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee » 419.794.4000 » Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.–9 p.m. 26625 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg » 419.872.6900 » Hours: Mon-Sun 7 a.m.– 10 p.m. Effective 08/19/13-08/25/13 We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to vendors. » Not responsible for pictorial or typographical errors.

August 18, 2013


8 am



1 pm



11 am


12 pm


2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


General Hospital Katie The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Judge Mathis The People’s Court Judge B. Judge B. The Jeff Probst Show Varied Programs Criminal Minds The First 48 Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Phineas Varied Programs SportsCenter NFL Insiders Reba Reba Reba Reba Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs Wipeout Cougar Friends Movie Varied Programs Movie Bones Bones Varied Programs NCIS Wendy Williams Show Bill Cunningham

4 pm


Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil Anderson Live The Doctors The First 48

5 pm


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm

6 pm News News TMZ News News First 48

6:30 ABC News CBS News News NBC News NewsHour Varied

Futurama Futurama Sunny Shake It Varied Programs Little League Baseball Varied Programs ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Contessa Contessa Pioneer Varied

South Pk Tosh.0 Good Jessie SportsCenter Varied Programs Diners Diners

Wife Swap

Wife Swap

Wife Swap

Friends Friends Varied Programs Castle NCIS Chris Chris



9 pm




Castle Castle NCIS NCIS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Two Men


Two Men

August 18, 2013


3 pm


News News News at Five Access H. Dish Nat. The Dr. Oz Show Cyberchas The First 48

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Paid Health Little League Baseball I Hate My Hair! Full Plate News ABC Funny Home Videos Secret Millionaire (N) Whodunnit? (N) (CC) Castle “Target” (CC) News Insider ATP Tennis PGA Tour Golf Wyndham Championship, Final Round. (N) (CC) News News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) Big Brother (N) (CC) Unforgettable (N) The Mentalist (CC) News Criminal Tummy Joint Help The Closer (CC) Bones (CC) ›› Stick It (2006) Jeff Bridges. Mother Mother NFL Preseason Football Indianapolis Colts at New York Giants. News Leading 30 Rock Office Gymnastics Track and Field Golf U.S. Amateur, Finals. (N) (S Live) (CC) News News America’s Got Talent (CC) Crossing Lines (N) Crossing Lines (N) News Jdg Judy Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing POV “The City Dark” On Story Just Seen Sessions Plugged Moyers & Company NOVA (CC) (DVS) Churchill “Destiny” Lady Vanishes: Masterpiece Charlie Austin City Limits Storage Storage Storage Storage Barter Kings (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Housewives/NJ Real Housewives Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Eat, Drink, Love (N) Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ ›› Beerfest (2006, Comedy) › Vegas Vacation (1997) Chevy Chase. ›› The Ringer (2005) Johnny Knoxville. ›› 50 First Dates (2004) Adam Sandler. (CC) ›› Jackass 3D (2010) Johnny Knoxville. Daniel Tosh: Happy Austin Jessie Jessie Jessie Phineas and Ferb Jessie Shake It Good Good Austin Shake It Austin Austin Teen Beach Movie (2013) Austin Austin Phineas Shake It Shake It NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Pure Michigan 400. (N) (Live) SportCtr Little League Baseball Baseball Tonight (N) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) Home 2 ››› A Bug’s Life (1998), Kevin Spacey ›››› Toy Story (1995, Comedy), Tim Allen ›››› Toy Story 2 (1999), Tim Allen ››› Toy Story 3 (2010, Comedy), Tim Allen ››› Toy Story 3 (2010, Comedy) Voices of Tom Hanks. Restaurant: Im. Food Court Wars Restaurant Stakeout Food Network Star Diners Diners The Shed The Shed Chopped Chopped (N) Food Truck Race Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Chopped “Wasted!” Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Alaska Alaska House Hunters Brother vs. Brother Hunters Hunt Intl Bringing Ashley Home (2011) A.J. Cook. Adopting Terror (2012) Sean Astin. (CC) Ticket Out (2010) Ray Liotta. (CC) Baby Sellers (2013) Kirstie Alley. (CC) Devious Maids (CC) Devious Maids (N) Baby Sellers (2013) Sweet 16 Blingest Sweet 16 Blingest Sweet 16 Blingest 16 and Pregnant (CC) 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant “Alex” (CC) 16 and Pregnant Being Maci Teen Mom 3 Valentine MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Philadelphia Phillies. (N) ›› The Wedding Date (2005) ›› Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) Jessica Alba. (CC) (DVS) ›› Failure to Launch (2006) Searchers ››› Rebel Without a Cause (1955) (CC) ››› Splendor in the Grass (1961) Natalie Wood. (CC) ››› Sex and the Single Girl (1964) (CC) ››› The Great Race (1965) Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon. (CC) ››› Gypsy (1962) ››› The Firm (1993, Drama) Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn. (CC) ››› 1408 (2007, Horror) John Cusack. (CC) ›› Disturbia (2007) Shia LaBeouf. ››› A Time to Kill (1996, Drama) Sandra Bullock. (CC) (DVS) ››› A Time to Kill G.I. Joe: Cobra NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Recruited” NCIS (CC) NCIS “Defiance” NCIS “Kill Screen” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Tell-All” NCIS “Secrets” Burn Notice ›› Charlie Bartlett Made in Hollywood Chris Chris ’70s ’70s Friends Friends Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Scoop Made


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass Wen Hair Tennis Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Shark SMART Relief Outd’r No 2 Old Paid Prog. Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. No 2 Old Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Toledo Stories (CC) Plugged-In Your Hlth Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds (CC) The Glades (CC) Longmire (CC) ››› Groundhog Day (1993) Bill Murray. (CC) Top Chef Masters Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Eat, Drink, Love Housewives/NJ ›› Police Academy (1984) Steve Guttenberg. (CC) ›› Beavis and Butt-head Do America (1996) Beerfest Pirates Sofia Jessie Jessie Shake It Shake It Jessie (CC) Austin Austin SportsCenter (N) (CC) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR Countdown Dennis the Menace ›› Richie Rich (1994) Macaulay Culkin. ›› Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) Giada Contessa Pioneer Trisha’s Dinner Guy’s Sand. Barbecue Anne Burrell Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Catas. Catas. Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) WEN Hair Jeremiah J. Osteen Skincare Unsolved Mysteries We Have Your Husband (2011) Teri Polo. (CC) Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Being Maci (N) Sweet 16 Blingest Sweet 16 Blingest Friends Friends Sullivan Deal With King King ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) Jessica Alba. ›› Cry in the Night ›››› West Side Story (1961, Musical) Natalie Wood. (CC) ›››› The Searchers (1956) (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Franklin & Bash (CC) Law & Order “Thrill” Law & Order “Denial” P. Chris J. Osteen Summer Camp (CC) Necessary Roughness Covert Affairs G.I. Joe: Cobra Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Missing Old House Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cooking Now Eat! ›› Charlie Bartlett


August 18, 2013


9 am

TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Duck D. Duck D. Housewives/OC Colbert Daily ANT Farm Jessie Monday Night Switched at Birth (CC) Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Wife Swap (CC) Teen Wolf Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› Comanche Station Major Crimes (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Big Bang Big Bang


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

August 19, 2013


11 pm


Shark Tank (CC) Castle “Hunt” (CC) Mistresses (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel How I Met Mike Broke Girl Mike Under the Dome (N) News Letterman Raising Raising New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News America How I Met Ninja Warrior Get Out Alive Siberia “First Snow” News Jay Leno Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow POV The Middle East conflict. (N) On Story Duck D. Duck D. The Glades (N) (CC) Longmire (N) (CC) Longmire (CC) Housewives/OC Real Housewives Below Deck (N) Housewives/OC Key Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Good Good ›› Frenemies (2012) Bella Thorne. Austin Jessie ANT Farm NFL Preseason Football Pittsburgh Steelers at Washington Redskins. SportsCenter (N) (CC) Switched at Birth (N) The Vineyard (CC) Switched at Birth (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners The Shed Bubba-Q Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) ››› Julie & Julia (2009, Comedy-Drama) Meryl Streep, Amy Adams. Devious Maids (CC) Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf An ancient ritual. (N) Teen Wolf Family Guy (CC) Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (CC) ››› The Tall T (1957) (CC) ››› Ride the High Country (1962) (CC) My Wife Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (N) (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Major Crimes (CC) WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) Summer Camp (N) Hart of Dixie (CC) Breaking Pointe (N) Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Storage Storage Housewives/NJ Colbert Daily ANT Farm Jessie ESPN All-Access (N) Pretty Little Liars (CC) Chopped Hunt Intl Hunters Dance Moms (CC) Girl Code Girl Code Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› Saratoga (1937) Castle (CC) Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Big Bang


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

August 20, 2013


11 pm


Extreme Weight Loss “Ashley” (N) (CC) Body of Proof (CC) News J. Kimmel NCIS “Shiva” NCIS: Los Angeles Person of Interest News Letterman So You Think You Can Dance (N) (S Live) (CC) Fox Toledo News America How I Met Game Night America’s Got Talent Twelve acts perform. (N) News Jay Leno of Muhammad of Muhammad of Muhammad Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Barter Kings (N) (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Interior Therapy Interior Therapy BIdding Million Dollar LA Property Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Drunk The Jesel Daily Colbert Phineas and Ferb (CC) ANT Farm Austin Shake It Good Jessie ANT Farm Nine for IX (N) World Series World Series SportsCenter (N) (CC) Pretty Little Liars (N) Twisted (N) (CC) The Vineyard (N) (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Cutthroat Kitchen Property Property Power Broker (N) (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Renovate Renovate Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Double Double Double Double Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Sara Catfish Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (CC) ›››› Gone With the Wind (1939, Romance) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. (CC) (DVS) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (N) Perception (N) (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Law & Order: SVU Covert Affairs (N) Suits (N) (CC) (DVS) Graceland “Bag Man” Whose? Whose? Capture (N) Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

10” x 10.25” ad


7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Duck D. Duck D. Real Housewives Colbert Daily ANT Farm Jessie Audibles (N) (Live) Melissa Melissa Restaurant: Im. Income Property (CC) Trading Spouses Catfish: The TV Show Seinfeld Seinfeld DevilsBrig Carson Castle (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) Big Bang Big Bang


7 pm


8 pm

9 pm


10 pm


11 pm


9 pm


10 pm


11 pm


Ent Insider Last Man Neighbors Shark Tank (CC) 20/20 (CC) News J. Kimmel Big Board Friday High NFL Preseason Football Seattle Seahawks at Green Bay Packers. (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Bones (CC) (DVS) The Following Fox Toledo News America How I Met Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Betty Betty Dateline NBC (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Wash Deadline In Performance... Love for Levon (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Dads Storage Storage Housewives/OC Housewives/OC ›› How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Kate Hudson. How Lose Colbert Daily Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama J. Oliver Ace Vent. ANT Farm Jessie ANT Farm Jessie (N) Fish Gravity Dog Good Jessie Jessie NASCAR NASCAR Racing SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ››› The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) ››› Hercules (1997) Voices of Tate Donovan. The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners The Shed Bubba-Q Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Cool Pools (CC) Cool Pools (N) (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Ridic. Ridic. Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show MTV Special Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy ›› Yes Man (2008, Comedy) Jim Carrey. (DVS) › Big Daddy (1999) Giant (CC) Carson ››› Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) (CC) (DVS) ››› Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) (CC) Supernatural (CC) ››› Independence Day (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. (CC) (DVS) Term 2 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Necessary Roughness Big Bang Big Bang Perfect Perfect America’s Next Model Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

1 pm


2 pm



August 23, 2013




August 21, 2013



Middle Last Man Mod Fam Neighbors ABC’s The Lookout News J. Kimmel Big Brother (N) (CC) Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman MasterChef MasterChef (N) Fox Toledo News America How I Met America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent Camp “The Wedding” News Jay Leno Nature (CC) (DVS) NOVA (CC) (DVS) NOVA (CC) (DVS) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Duck D. Dads Dads Duck D. Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Top Chef Masters (N) Million Dollar LA Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk Futurama Futurama Daily Colbert Dog Dog Lemonade Mouth (2011) Bridgit Mendler. Jessie ANT Farm Little League Baseball Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Melissa Daddy Spell-Mageddon (N) Melissa Daddy The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. My. Diners My. Diners Restaurant: Im. Love It or List It, Too Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Brother vs. Brother ›› Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous › Because I Said So (2007) Diane Keaton. Catfish: The TV Show The Challenge The Challenge The Challenge Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With Conan (CC) ›››› The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957, War) William Holden. (CC) ››› Born Yesterday Castle (CC) Castle “Boom!” (CC) Castle (CC) The Mentalist (CC) NCIS “Pyramid” Royal Pains (N) Necessary Roughness Suits (CC) (DVS) Arrow “Salvation” Supernatural (CC) Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

8 pm

August 18, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



9 pm


8 am



9 am


10 am



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

August 22, 2013


11 pm


11 am

August 24, 2013


12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Recipe Baseball Your Morning Saturday Busytown Busytown Liberty Liberty Paid Prog. Tennis Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News McCarver Today (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Noodle Chica Pajanimals Justin Tree Fu LazyTown Soccer Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) (DVS) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flipping San Diego (N) Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters Below Deck Comedy ›› Fletch Lives (1989) Chevy Chase. (CC) ››› Trading Places (1983, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd. (CC) Pirates Sofia Jessie ANT Farm Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity Dog Austin SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) High School Football Revenge-Brides ›››› Titanic (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio. A woman falls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. Be.- Made Best Thing Grill It! Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s Contessa Giada Chopped “Wasted!” Curb App’l Curb App’l Curb App’l Curb App’l Room Cr. Room Cr. Room Cr. Room Cr. Room Cr. Room Cr. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Catering Wars (CC) Catering Wars (CC) Being Maci Teen Mom 3 Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code 10 on Top Payne Browns There Jim Rules Rules Earl › Big Daddy (1999) Adam Sandler. ››› H.M. Pulham, Esq. (1941) ››› Princess O’Rourke (1943) (CC) ››› Green Grass of Wyoming Law & Order Major Crimes (CC) Perception (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) ››› Total Recall (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Royal Pains Burn Notice Suits (CC) (DVS) Graceland “Bag Man” Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon B-Daman Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Career Icons


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Wipeout (N) (CC) Motive “Brute Force” Rookie Blue (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Two Men Big Brother (N) (CC) Elementary “M.” (CC) News Letterman The Office NFL Preseason Football New England Patriots at Detroit Lions. (N) Fox Toledo News Glee Jdg Judy Jdg Judy America’s Got Talent Game Night Game Night News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Toledo Stories (CC) Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) (DVS) Infinity Hall Live Sun Stud The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) After the First 48 (N) Panic 9-1-1 (N) (CC) Panic 9-1-1 (CC) Top Chef Top Chef “Finale” Million Dollar LA Housewives/OC OC Housewives/NJ Colbert Daily Chappelle Chappelle Sunny Sunny Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Colbert ANT Farm Jessie ››› Up (2009) Voices of Ed Asner. Wander Gravity Gravity Jessie ANT Farm Monday Night NFL Preseason Football Carolina Panthers at Baltimore Ravens. (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› Alice in Wonderland (2010) ›› Twilight (2008) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped “Charge!” Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped “Wasted!” Anne Burrell Food Truck Race Hunt Intl Hunters Rehab Rehab Renovation Raiders Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Wife Swap (CC) Project Runway (CC) Project Runway (N) (CC) Supermarket Double Fantasy Fantasy Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Strangers Ridic. Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Big Bang Conan (CC) Travels With My Aunt ›› Nowhere to Go (1958) (CC) ››› The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969) Maggie Smith. Castle “Overkill” (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Perception (CC) NCIS “Moonlighting” NCIS (CC) (DVS) Burn Notice (N) Graceland (N) Covert Affairs Big Bang Big Bang The Vampire Diaries America’s Next Model Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad



8 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


August 24, 2013

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Little League Baseball Little League Baseball News ABC NASCAR NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Irwin Tools Night Race. (N) (S Live) News Lottery ATP Tennis PGA Tour Golf The Barclays, Third Round. (N) (Live) (CC) News News Wheel Jeopardy! NFL Preseason Football St. Louis Rams at Denver Broncos. (N) News CSI Leverage (CC) Burn Notice (CC) MLB Pregame MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N) (S Live) (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Cops Cops Bones (CC) (DVS) News Seinfeld Axe Cop Axe Cop English Premier League Soccer Cycling USA Pro Challenge, Stage 6. (N) Horse Racing News News Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Ninja Warrior Get Out Alive Do No Harm “Mine” News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Artists Den Great Performances Globe Trekker Steves Rudy Lawrence Welk History Detectives Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Classic Flippin’ Sisters (CC) Flipping Boston (CC) Dads Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Dads Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Psychic Psychic Psychic Psychic Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Million LA Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Million LA Movie Movie ›› Fletch (1985, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Premiere. (CC) ›› Major League (1989, Comedy) Tom Berenger. (CC) ›› Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) (CC) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Good Good Shake It Shake It Shake It Austin Austin Austin Good Dog Austin ANT Farm Jessie ›› The Game Plan (2007, Comedy) (CC) Jessie Jessie Good Dog Austin High School Football Sports High School Football Lincoln (Fla.) vs. South Gwinnett (Ga.). (N) SportCtr High School Football Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) Titanic ››› The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) ››› Hercules (1997), Josh Keaton ›››› Cinderella (1950, Fantasy) ››› The Princess and the Frog (2009) ››› The Princess and the Frog (2009) ›››› Cinderella Cutthroat Kitchen Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Diners Diners Iron Chef America Food Truck Race Diners Diners Diners Diners Beat Flay Diners Diners Diners Iron Chef America Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl To Be Announced Movie Movie Movie Escape From Polygamy (2013) Premiere. ›››› Amish Grace (2010, Docudrama) (CC) Girl Code Girl Code MTV Special Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. MTV Special MTV Special Big ›› Yes Man (2008) Jim Carrey. (CC) (DVS) Raymond Friends Friends Friends Friends King Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Deal With ›› Together Again (1944) (CC) ››› Made for Each Other (1939) (CC) ››› Bachelor Mother (1939) ››› Heaven Can Wait (1943) Gene Tierney. ›››› The Lady Eve (1941) (CC) ››› The More the Merrier (1943) (CC) ››› Total Recall ›››› Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) (CC) ››› Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. (CC) (DVS) ›› Red (2010) Bruce Willis. (CC) (DVS) ›› The Losers (2010) Jeffrey Dean Morgan. NCIS “Pop Life” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “SWAK” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Requiem” NCIS “Recoil” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Cracked” (CC) NCIS (CC) Graceland Live Life On Spot Game Raceline EP Daily EP Daily Rules Rules Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang › Ghost Ship (2002) Julianna Margulies. EP Daily EP Daily Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Futurama Futurama

Don’t forget Doc’s serves BREAKFAST! Tuesday to Saturday T 7-11 a.m. / Sunday 8 a.m.-1 p.m.





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August 18, 2013


Comics & Games 25

A Toledo tradition since 2005





A home for Eliza

Eliza is a 5-year-old female dilute tortie. She was living on the streets, when the Toledo Area Humane Society took her in and gave her shelter. Eliza is a beautiful girl with soft baby fine long hair. She enjoys being held and will cuddle in your arms, purring her appreciation. Eliza doesn’t mind living with other cats and she prefers to sit on the higher perches so that she is sure to be seen when new visitors enter the room. Eliza has been spayed, examined by a TAHS staff veterinarian, is current on her vaccinations and is microchipped. The Toledo Area Humane Society is offering $10 cat and kitten adoptions every Thursday during the month of August. If you’ve been thinking about bringing home a new pet, this is the perfect op-

Eliza portunity to take advantage of the discounted adoption fees. Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O Solution, tips and computer program at

Third Rock

By Elizabeth Hazel


Your Tarotgram and Horoscope

August 18 – 24, 2013

Events: Full Moon in Aquarius (20th); Sun and Mercury enter Virgo (22nd and 23rd) n ANSWERS FOUND ON 26

Experience the thrill of o ontrol Remote Control Flight The Flying Tigers RC Club off Toledo invites you to a FREE EE E

“Hands-On” eventt at its flying field

Sunday, Aug. 24 4

11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

This event will include hands-on s--on flying with the buddy box training system. syystem. If you want to learn how to fly Radio dio o Controlled Planes, Planes this event is for you. The field d is i located l t d just j t north th of Airport Highway on Geiser Road, in between Eber and Crissey roads. For more information, you can email us at: or visit our website:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

It’s surprising to discover strong emotions arising from things that weren’t important in the past. You may have step backward in order to move forward, or seek indirect paths. This process can change goals. Friends share mystic or spiritual interests over the weekend.

Critical choices that came to light in late July swing toward resolution this week. Last-minute changes may be very beneficial for everyone - go with the flow. Connect with a special friend on Thursday. Romance or an otherworldly ambience rocks your world on Saturday.

Mind-blowing information arrives with the full moon. A light appears at the end of a long, dark tunnel after Wednesday. Women friends give practical advice, but steer clear of a power-hungry individual. New objectives and goals unfold over the weekend.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Major projects create a big work load. Duties are gained, removed, revised, or adjusted this week. Drive carefully. After Thursday, discussions with friends or loved ones aid in clarifying hopes and goals, which are prone to change as new knowledge becomes available.

People close to you make choices with a lack of sentiment that’s unnerving. They’re detaching from the past because they’re moving toward new things. Revitalize your goals and commitments after Thursday. A fresh viewpoint opens new vistas of opportunity.

You can develop clever ways of working within limits this week. There’s an unexpected portal of opportunity that opens midweek, if others don’t distract you too much. After Thursday, pleasurable events lead to mind-expanding experiences with others.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Plans change abruptly under the full moon. Improvements come from outside advisors or multi-disciplinary exchanges. After Thursday, lessons from the past are a touchstone for current decisions that involve family members. Think carefully and be firm but fair.

You can’t change people who don’t want to change, but you can adjust feelings and attitudes to lower stress and reduce worries. New forms of healing and creative outlets arrive midweek. Latent talents rising to the surface are a source of beauty and satisfaction.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Hidden aspects of personality are discovered this week. Conversations trigger amazing insights that obliterate imaginary obstacles. New modes of relating help you fulfill desires and create a sense of belonging. Stagnant, frustrating situations become irrelevant.

This is a good week to complete old business and to break free from resource and energy sinkholes. After Wednesday, other people are a source of ideas and inspirations you wouldn’t find on your own. Possibilities for partnerships emerge over the weekend.

Clever people around you have exciting projects or big news. Conditions around your career or family are subject to swift changes midweek. A woman offers inside knowledge on Thursday. Visions can be realized over the weekend through artistry or special talents.

This summer is a time of intense focus on relationships and developing life plans. Doors of possibility open and close at high speed this week; be ready to think fast on your feet! A generous gift is given on Thursday, but offers on Saturday may have strings attached.

Elizabeth Hazel is a professional tarotist-astrologer and author. She gives readings every Wednesday at Attic on Adams above Manos Greek Restaurant. She may be contacted at (c) 2013

26 Classified automobiles



legal notices

CASH FOR CARS. Any make, model and year! Free pick-up or tow. Call us at 1-800-318-9942 and get an offer TODAY!

community legal notices

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Lucas County Project To Construct A Roundabout At Dorr Street And Centennial Road In Springfield Township Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Lucas County, Ohio did by resolution passed on November 29, 2011, enter into a contract with the engineering firm of Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. to perform engineering and design services for the improvement of the intersection of Dorr Street and Centennial Road. The right-of-way plans are now essentially complete for the improvement.This project consists of constructing a modern roundabout at the Dorr Street and Centennial Road Intersection. The roundabout has an approximate 145’ diameter, including a 104’ diameter truck apron, and a 66’ diameter center landscape island. Also included is the construction of splitter islands on the approaches, paved shoulders, curb and gutter, storm sewer, sidewalks / multi-use path, landscaping, installation of traffic control devices, and other related work. Copies of the current survey, plans, estimate and specifications are on file in the Office of the Lucas County Engineer, One Government Center, Suite 870, Toledo, Ohio, (419) 213-4540, and may be examined and reviewed by interested persons between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. Notice is also hereby given that there will be required; certain lands for the construction of this improvement and said property will be acquired in accordance with Section 163.01 and 163.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. A public hearing will be held in the first floor Assembly Room of the Board of County Commissioners, One Government Center, Toledo, Ohio at 11:00 AM on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 for the purpose of hearing comments in regard to said improvement. Comments may also be filed in writing with the Board of Lucas County Commissioners before the above hearing date. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Lucas County, Ohio. Adopted: August 6, 2013 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose the family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abbys One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-4136294. All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

August 18, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS The Lucas County Commissioners may contract for professional services during 2013, 2014, and 2015 on projects initiated by the Lucas County Engineer’s Office. The Lucas County Engineer utilizes a qualitybased method of evaluation during consultant selection. Any person or firm engaged in the practice of engineering and registered as a professional engineer or surveyor in Ohio, interested in furnishing professional services, must submit a Statement of Qualifications to Keith G. Earley, Lucas County Engineer, One Government Center, Suite 870, Toledo, Ohio 43604-2258. The submittal should be marked “Statement of Qualifications.” The Statement of Qualifications will be used to pre-qualify firms for potential professional services. Firms will be categorized according to their qualifications. Interested firms should include a cover letter indicating which of the following categories for which they wish to be evaluated: non-complex and complex Roadway design, noncomplex and complex Bridge design, non-complex and complex Signal design and studies, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering and assessments, Storm Drainage design, or Land Surveying. If you are currently pre-qualified with the Ohio Department of Transportation you will be considered prequalified with Lucas County. The Statement of Qualifications should include the following: 1) For categories not included by ODOT or for those not pre-qualified with ODOT, proof of competence and experience to perform professional services for each category that pre-qualification is requested; 2) Sample listing of projects with project explanation, current listing of governmental projects and type of services being rendered, and contact person for verification; 3) Evidence of professional liability insurance and amount; 4) History of individual or firm including information regarding main area of expertise and main or branch office locations; 5) Description of facilities and equipment; 6) Education, training, and experience of owners, principals, and project managers that would provide the potential services for the requested categories; and 7) Current status of “Certificate of Authorization” from the State of Ohio to practice engineering or surveying. Once the Statement of Qualifications is received and evaluated, an acknowledgment letter will be forwarded showing the categories for which prequalification status has been granted. When the Lucas County Engineer is in need of services for a project or program, all pre-qualified individuals or firms in that specific project category will be notified. The issuance of this public announcement in no way constitutes any commitment by the Board of Lucas County Commissioners to award any professional contracts, to pay for any costs incurred in preparation of a response to this announcement, or accept any other acts on the part of respondents to procure or contract for services. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Lucas County, Ohio ADOPTED: August 6, 2013


for sale


legal notices


A+ Self Storage at 1324 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612 will offer for public sale at 3:30PM on September 9, 2013 the following units: Unit 205, Jonathan Belcher II 621 North Crissey Holland, OH, 43528: Desk Chair, Boxes, Bags; Unit 221, Jonathan Belcher II 621 North Crissey Holland, OH 43528: Guitar Case, Bedframe, Mattress; Unit 269, Maria Christian 7805 Erie St Sylvania, OH 43560: Sofa, Big Screen TV, Clothes; Unit 451, Logan Rouppas 5654 Chippewa rd Toledo OH 43613: Sofa, Entertainment Center, Boxes; Unit 640, Jacoby Gough 8769 Spinnaker Way #B4 Ypsilanti, MI 48197: Mattress, Chair, Bags; Unit 703, Angela Moore 2101 Stirrup Lane Apt 4 Toledo, OH 43613: Bicycle, Boxes, Fence; Unit 821, Asa Mayer 4218 Kingsbury Toledo, OH 43612: Mattress, Stroller, Rug; Unit 842, Annie Johnson 5553 Lewis Ave Toledo, OHio 43612: Luggage, Boxes, Storage Tubs; Unit 1041, Tracy Quinn 1010 Jefferson Ave. Apt. 4-F Toledo, OH. 43604: Sofa, Boxes, Bicycle; Unit 1209, Keirre L. Sawyer 1257 Kepler Toledo OH 43612: Loveseat, Chairs, Box Spring; Unit 1218, Michael Davis 2905 Tremainsville #4 TOL, OH 43613-1904: Luggage, Clothes, Coat; Unit 1309, Keirra Jeffries 5535 Lewis Ave Apt 11 Toledo, OH, 43612: Chest of Drawers; Unit 1515, Dennis L. Burruss 1006 Homer St Toledo OH 43608: TV, Stereo Equipment, Fish Tank; Unit 2112, Kristen Fisher 3704 Watson Toledo, OH 43612: Microwave, Toys, Boxes. Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400

Amish oak bench; was $495, NOW $60. Elli Harbour Lane. 419-464-8759.

Public notices The Knight Academy Board Meeting Schedule 2013-2014 July 17, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. August 14, 2013 at 5:00 P.M. September 18, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. October 16, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. November 20, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. December 11, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. January 15, 2014 at 5:30 P.M. February 26, 2014 at 5:30 P.M.

White metal bunk beds; twin mattress, futonfull mattress, two sets of sheets. Was $700, NOW $125. 419-464-8759. Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.


Lourdes Santiago Director

The City of Toledo (COT) is directed by statute to officially notify the general public of the undertakings, activities, and accomplishments completed in and at the close of each Program Year through a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER provides an assessment of the FEDERALLY funded programs monitored by the COT Department of Neighborhoods (DON); i.e., Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Neighborhood Stabilization Programs, and the Lead Program. During a set period of time, the draft CAPER will be available for public review, a meeting will be held for public information and input, and written comments will be welcomed. The DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) will be available for public review at the locations listed below, as of September 3, 2013: 1) Department of Neighborhoods One Government Center, 18th Floor Downtown Toledo, Jackson & Erie Streets 2) Office of the Mayor One Government Center, 22nd Floor Downtown Toledo, Jackson & Erie Streets 3) Clerk of Council One Government Center, 21st Floor Downtown Toledo, Jackson & Erie Streets 4) The Fair Housing Center 432 N. Superior Street Toledo, Ohio

5) Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority 435 Nebraska Avenue Toledo, Ohio 6) Toledo Lucas County Homelessness Board 1946 N. 13th Street, Suite 437 Toledo, Ohio 7) All Toledo branches of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library (Refer to local telephone directory or for locations) 8) Dept. of Neighborhoods website:

March 19, 2014 at 5:30 P.M.

The PUBLIC MEETING will be held on Thursday, September 12, 2013, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church (740 North Superior Street, Toledo, OH 43604).

April 23, 2014 at 5:30 P.M.

* To watch the live stream of this meeting, please visit:

May 21, 2014 at 5:30 P.M.

WRITTEN COMMENTS are welcomed through September 18, 2013 by submittal to:

June 18, 2014 at 5:30 P.M. All meetings are held at The Knight Academy Conference Room 200 110 Arco Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43607 419-720-4444

Wanted WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

Employment Education THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.

Consolidated Annual Reports c/o Lourdes Santiago, Director Department of Neighborhoods One Government Center, Suite 1800 Toledo, Ohio 43604 or by email at: * Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request by contacting the Department of Neighborhoods in advance at: 419-245-1400.

ATTN: Business-Minded People • Start a part-time business • Don’t have to leave what you’re doing now • Generous pay plan • Consumable product backed by clinical trials • NO: employees, overhead, inventory, territory • More Info: (419) 654-7358

August 18, 2013

Toledo Free Press . 27

A Toledo tradition since 2005


for UnWAnTEd gOLd & SiLVER! diAmOndS big & SmALL! “We need your gold for our manufacturing needs”



WRiST And POCkET WATCHES Wristwatches and Pocketwatches All Time Periods, All Kinds, All Types Rare Watches Worth A Fortune In Cash! Looking For : Regular Watches • Dudley Chronograph Watches E. Howard & Co Repeating Watches • Elgin Musical Watches • Frodsham Chiming Watches • Gallet Moon Phase Watches • Gruen Stop Watches • Gubelin Unusual Function • Hamilton Unusual Dial • Illinois Unusual Shape • International World Time Watches Jules Jurgenson Jump Hour LeCoultre • Doctor’s Longines • Pocket Watches Movado • Lady’s Watches Omega • A. Lange Patek Phillippe Audemars Piguet • Rolex Ball Seth Thomas • Breitling Tiffany & Co • Cartier Ulysse Nardin • Columbus Vacheron Constantin • Corum Ditisheim • All Others



(All Kinds And Time Periods) Silver Jewelry, Flatware Sets, Single Flatware Items Tea Sets, Antique Items (All Kinds)

Don’t waste your gas…

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All time periods, all kinds, all types. We are looking for the following: Silver Jewelry • Brooches Pendants • Necklaces Cocktail Rings Charm Bracelets • Earrings Bracelets • Cameos • Victorian Art Deco • Enameled Cufflinks • Pins Gold‑Filled Jewelry (1920 & Older) Pearl Items Geometric Designs Art Nouveau • Crossover Rings Lavaliers • Garnet Jewelry Bakelite Items Filigree Rings • Floral Designs

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Costume Jewelry (cont): Sterling • Plastic Crystal • Cufflinks Tortoise shell Items Rosaries Gold‑Filled Items • Bracelets Glass Beads • Mash Purses Rhinestones • Figural Pins Garnet Jewelry • Watches Gold Items • Fountain Pens Plastic Box Purses

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28 Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

August 18, 2013

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