Toledo Free Press – September 2, 2012

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2, 2012


Oh, carp! Special report: What is being done to protect the Great Lakes from the invasive Asian carp?

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A2 n Toledo Free Press


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Publisher’s statement

A week in the life


few thoughts as summer winds down: O Navy Week: Major kudos should be offered to the success of Navy Week. Five ships and more than 500 service men and women docked in Toledo from Aug. 20-27, offering ship tours, musical performances by military bands and opportunities to interact with servicemembers, who could be seen in their dress whites walking through Downtown, cheering at Mud Hens games and soaking up the city’s appreciation for their sacrifices. It was a tremendous sight, seeing people waiting in line to visit the USS De Wert and the Royal Canadian Navy’s HMCS Ville de Québec at Maritime Plaza while the USS Hurricane, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Mobile Bay and the historic U.S. Brig Niagara, a replica of the War of 1812 flagship, docked at International Park near the SS Col. James M. Schoonmaker. Toledo reportedly drew bigger crowds for the event than even Chicago and Milwaukee. It would be a wonderful benefit to the region to host Navy Week again in 2013. O Glass City: Libbey Inc. signed a 15-year lease to keep its global headquarters at Edison Thomas F. Pounds Plaza in Downtown Toledo. The State of Ohio will give Libbey a $1 million grant for capital improvements and a $200,000 grant for workforce training. Libbey has also extended its lease with Toledo for its Libbey Glass Factory Outlet store at the Erie Street Market and its lease for the Libbey Glass Showroom at 335 N. St. Clair St. This is a strong commitment from the State of Ohio to Libbey, and from Libbey to the City of Toledo. Libbey is one of those companies closely linked to Toledo, so it is exciting to see that its relationship with the Glass City will continue. O Steel grandstands: Toledo City Councilman and critical thinker Steve Steel may have thought he was putting a box around Mayor Mike Bell when he arrogantly demanded the mayor sign an ethics pledge (in the wake of proposed staff wage raises) promising to not accept campaign donations from employees. He must have been surprised by the mayor’s response, which fired back the idea of not only banning donations from employees, but calling for all elected city officials to also decline donations from unions. Steel had the legs cut out from under his grandstanding gesture by the Bell administration’s response, and it was not surprising to see his red-faced reaction at the Aug. 28 Counil meeting, nor was it surprising that Council chose to not act, but passed the issue to an unscheduled committee. Why Steel chose to throw his stone at the glass house he also lives in is amusing and puzzling, but it earned a quick slap back from Bell and his team. Toledo City Council has no right to dictate to people who they choose to support with their cash; with so many bigger issues facing the city, Steel’s proposal was the true red herring of the week. O Leading Edge: If you’re looking for insightful commentary from local newsmakers, tune in to Jerry Anderson’s WTOL-11 television show “Leading Edge,” Sundays at 11 a.m. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at

n .A3


‘2016’/ ‘The Campaign’ “We survived Bush, you’ll survive Obama.’ — Facebook post

murmuring and nodding; it very much resembled a church service in the way the audience responded to the film’s narrative. At the end of the film, the audience enthusiastically pay attention to a great deal of political discourse, and applauded and was clearly energized by the message. “2016” is much more moderate in its approach than that six-word statement sums up America’s current situation better than reams of more sophisticated rhetoric the typical Michael Moore joint, but it does contain some ever could. It is simultaneously defiant and resigned, divisive howlers. The use of ominous music when Indonesia is on screen, the graphics of gathering black and clement. Two new films, “The Campaign” clouds and the images of cemeteries used and “2016: Obama’s America,” contain simiover discussions of a future under Obama larly overlapping and contradictory messages. are clumsy and transparent. D’Souza is “2016” is a documentary, in the same way careful to avoid giving attention to Obama’s Michael Moore’s films are documentaries — place of birth and admitted drug use, which not cinematic questions in search of answers, allows him to spend time on Obama’s inbut agendas in search of supporting “facts.” fluences and mentors (Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Based on books by commentator Dinesh Wright, etc.). D’Souza, “2016” seeks to “explain” PresiD’Souza more boldly than any previous dent Barack Obama’s political philosophy through contextualization of Obama’s child- Michael S. miller commentator, attributes Obama’s political ascent to his race. D’Souza tries to diffuse the hood and parental models. That in itself isn’t a controversial thesis. It is inarguable that one’s childhood tactic by literally showing the skin of his hand and letting and formative years help define who one is as an adult. In the audience see he shares Obama’s general pigmentation. some cases that might mean capitulation to parental ideals (“See!” he seems to say, “I have dark skin, too, so I clearly I and in some cases that might mean a rejection of those can’t be racist!”) It is fair to connect Obama’s election to the ideals. Either way, you am who you am in large part because historical journey of civil rights in America, but it’s disingenuous to attribute the man’s success to that factor alone. of your upbringing. “The Campaign,” a comedy that pits Will Ferrell’s RepubFor me, the son of an Air Force veteran and a woman from Texas, that upbringing was 100 percent baseball, lican incumbent senator against Zach Galifianakis’ amateur hot dogs, apple pie and the American flag. I was raised challenger, does not strive to be overly specific in its current under conditions of unconditional love for America and events satire. But it perfectly captures the influence of money American exceptionalism. As I grew older, I learned to (with Dan Aykroyd and John Lithgow as de facto Koch question and often doubt the caretakers of America’s Brothers) and the lemming tendencies of many voters. In freedom, but I have never questioned the freedom itself. one scene, Galifianakis reads from crayon-illustrated pages of I do believe the United States of America is the greatest “Rainbowland,” written by Ferrell’s character in second grade, blend of freedom, capitalism and opportunity in world interpreting it as a communist manifesto. A whipped-to-ahistory. That doesn’t mean I believe our country is per- frenzy audience member screams at Ferrell, “You can’t make fect, but that devotion and dedication to America shapes me live in Rainbowland!” It would be even funnier if it weren’t an accurate reflection of the impact of partisan rhetoric. my politics and philosophy. The main targets of “The Campaign” may be politicians, Neither Obama nor D’Souza shared my experience. D’Souza spent the first 17 years of his life in his native but the most collateral damage is done to voters, who are India. Obama was born in Hawaii (really, he was), spent treated as parrots more concerned with the party line than a number of his early years in Indonesia and later moved with facts or what is best for the country. “2016” and “The Campaign” are appropriate bookends to back to Hawaii. Obama’s Kenyan biological father only met the future president once; it was up to Obama’s mother to experience as the November election nears. One is clearly seraise him, and eventually, she shifted that responsibility to rious and one is clearly a farce, but there are elements of poshis grandparents. In “2016,” D’Souza makes the case that sibly unintentional seriousness in the comedy and elements of because he believes Obama was not raised to love America probably unintentional hilarity in the documentary. One message is clear in both movies: We can argue but to question and even resent its colonialist tendencies, he builds his presidency around trying “to shrink America’s and debate and yell all we want, but after the ballots are footprint in the world because he thinks we’ve been step- counted it often doesn’t matter which candidate won; it’s often the citizens, defiant and resigned, divisive and ping on the world.” At the afternoon showing Aug. 24 at Rave Cinemas clement, who lose. O at Fallen Timbers, the audience was about 70, by which I mean there were about 70 people in the audience and their Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and Toaverage age was 70. The group was engrossed by “2016,” ledo Free Press Star. Email him at


Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 8, No. 36. Established 2005. EDITORIAL Mary Ann Stearns, Design Editor James A. Molnar, Lead Designer Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Brigitta Burks, News Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor


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ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234 PRODUCTION Joseph Herr, Photographer

Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Mike Bauman • Jeremy Baumhower • Jim Beard John Dorsey • Vicki L. Kroll • Don Lee • Jason Mack John P. McCartney • Duane Ramsey Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Brigitta Burks, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2012, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.


A4 n Toledo Free Press


Ottney named Toledo Free Press Managing Editor From Staff Reports

Whether documenting a tense ballgame, chasing down elusive sources or crafting flowing narratives, journalism is not just a job — it is a way of life. Toledo Free Press writers Sarah Ottney, Brigitta Burks and Caitlin McGlade and Sports Editor Zach Davis know all about that. Ottney and Burks are being promoted to managing editor and news editor, respectively. Gina Fielding has been named Social Networking Editor. McGlade and Davis are leaving the state for new opportunities.

Sarah Ottney

Ottney, 28, is an Oak Harbor native. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 2006 with dual degrees in English and journalism. Ottney then moved to South Dakota for a reporting and copy editing job at the Aberdeen American News. For three years, Ottney wrote about a variety of topics, including outdoors, agriculOTTNEY ture and features. She also designed news pages for print, including covers and sports. She moved back to Northwest Ohio in 2009 to serve as an AmeriCorps VISTA member with the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks. Since taking her special sections editor job with Toledo Free Press in 2011, Ottney has organized sections small and large, covering topics ranging from weddings to Mud Hens Opening Day, from dining guides to the military. “I like the challenge of finding a new angle to sections we do every

year. It really lets me be creative. And every week it’s something different so I never get bored,” Ottney said. She said she loves compiling the 90-page-plus print monster that is the annual Mud Hens Opening Day issue. “The enthusiasm is contagious,” Ottney said. “Everyone is really excited about baseball starting again and there are so many facets to the Mud Hens that people may not have thought about before. Everyone involved with the Mud Hens is really passionate about what they do. I’m not really a baseball fan myself, but they won me over.” As Ottney continues at Toledo Free Press, she looks forward to documenting Toledo’s growth. “I’m enjoying watching Toledo come back from the recession,” she said. “I moved back here right in the middle of it and worked for AmeriCorps so I saw Toledo and its problems at their worst firsthand. I was able to put faces on a lot of our most difficult issues and it’s been neat to see how that experience has translated to make me a better journalist.” Michael S. Miller, Toledo Free Press editor in chief, said Ottney is already a valuable staff member and her promotion will provide more opportunities for her to practice her craft. “Sarah writes compelling, clean copy and has a deft hand editing others’ contributions,” Miller said. “Her new leadership role here will have a dramatic impact on our news coverage and social networking plans.”

Brigitta Burks

Burks, 25, comes to Toledo from the Cincinnati area. She graduated from Mount Notre Dame High School in 2006 and then attended Ohio University. After endless hours editing and writing at the student-run newspaper, The Post, Burks graduated from OU with a degree in journalism and

specializations in history and women’s studies. She also interned at the Hamilton Journal News. From there, she took a job with the American Bankruptcy Institute in Alexandria, Va., as the nonprofit’s communication/ administrative assistant. She moved to Toledo about a year ago and landed a job with Toledo Free Press. “My favorite BURKS part about being a journalist is the opportunity to help people in a way,” Burks said. “Whether you’re writing about a political figure and you’re educating the public and helping people make more informed decisions, or if you’re writing about charities — I’m really passionate about community-driven journalism.” “Brigitta is an insightful reporter and talented editor,” Miller said. “Readers will see great strides in our reporting and the scope of our investigative projects.”

Gina Fielding

A graduate of Genoa High School, and an education major at the University of Toledo, Social Networking Editor Gina Fielding is CEO of digital marketing business Gabella Media and editor in chief of www. She is a radio personality who serves as social media director for “Andrew Z in the Morning” on Star 105.5. “Gina has dynamic ideas for our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Issuu services,” Miller said. “As the industry evolves with technology, all media must not only keep up but lead the way, and Gina will help us with that mission. Our goal is be as accessible and interactive as possible.”


Caitlin McGlade

McGlade, 24, is leaving Toledo Free Press for an internship at Congressional Quarterly in Washington, D.C., where she will cover Congress. “As a political science major, I’m interested in watching the political machine work,” McGlade said. “I’ve covered city and county government and now I’m interested in seeing how the federal government works. I’ve written stories about federal legislation, but I’ve never been to the place where they are making it happen.” McGlade came to Toledo Free Press as an intern in 2009 and was hired as a staff writer in December after graduating from Ohio University, where she majored in journalism and political science. McGlade covered city and county government, boards of elections, political campaigns, McGlade business, environment and art for Toledo Free Press. “I’ve learned a lot at Toledo Free Press. I haven’t been able to cover everything because we are a small staff, but what I have been able to cover I have been able to devote time and attention to make the stories truly well-rounded, researched, in-depth and written in a way that I might not get to anywhere else,” McGlade said. “Toledo not only has a compassionate community, but a growing arts scene and I think I’ll miss watching that develop.” McGlade grew up in Dayton and graduated from Bowling Green High

School in 2007. She also interned at The Columbus Dispatch, The Arizona Republic and The Athens (Ohio) Messenger and worked with Burks at OU’s student newspaper, The Post. “I worked in Washington, D.C., and I am excited for the opportunities Caitlin is pursuing,” Miller said. “Her leadership and determination will be missed, but she will find great success in The District.”

Zach Davis

Davis, 24, is leaving Toledo Free Press for a job at the Laredo Morning Times in Texas. He will join the newspaper’s sports writing staff. Davis grew up in Heath, Ohio, and graduated from Heath High School. He graduated from the University of Toledo with a degree in communication with a concentration in journalism. DAVIS Before coming to Toledo Free Press in 2011, Davis worked at FOX Sports Ohio and interned with the Columbus Blue Jackets. He was also an active writer with UT’s student newspaper, The Independent Collegian, and was sports editor in 2010. “My roots come from Toledo; this is where I’ve learned my skills. It’s been an exciting time in Toledo and I’m excited to see what else is out there,” Davis said. “I’ll miss the people here.” “Zach lives sports, and Texas is fertile ground for sports journalism,” Miller said. “We wish him well and know he will thrive there.” O




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A6 n Toledo Free Press



By Bo Ljungholm

Special to Toledo Free Press

“Jaws,” the 1970s horror classic, lured record audiences into theaters and sent terrified beach buffs scurrying out of the water. Fortunately, freshwater rivers and lakes offered water-lovers a refuge from any menacing creatures lurking beneath the surface. Times have changed. On a clear autumn day in 1994, Marcy Poplett was idling her personal watercraft on the Illinois River and enjoying the gold and auburn leaves along the shore when a silver carp leapt from the water and smacked her between the eyes. Unconscious and bleeding profusely, she fell off the craft and began drifting downstream in the current. She revived just in time to see a towboat headed toward her. The towboat’s horn blasted a warning and a nearby boater rescued Poplett, who suffered multiple injuries including a concussion and a broken nose.

Cover photo courtesy Illinois River Biological Station, Natural History Survey

Unnatural born killers — Asian carp threaten balance in the Great Lakes

Knocking on the gates

Silver carp belong to a notorious family of fish generally known as Asian carp, and along with their cousin, the bighead carp, they are penetrating further into the country’s freshwater systems and knocking on the gates to the Great Lakes. Imported from Asia to help control aquatic plants in aquaculture ponds, the fish were accidentally and intentionally introduced to U.S. freshwater rivers and lakes. Prolific breeders and voracious eaters, they out-compete other fish for food and territory and leave an environmental mess in their wake. If they become established in the Great Lakes, they could threaten its $7 billion commercial and sport fishing industry. Bighead carp have been recorded in at least 18 states and are firmly established in Illinois and Missouri. They can grow to more than 3 feet and reach a scale-tipping 100 pounds. Tales of silver carp attacks are as abundant and large as the fish themselves. “Big Jim” Hardy owns a bait and tackle shop in Ottawa, Ill., not far from the Illinois River. The fish often jump into his boat, he said, and leave blood and slimy scales. Hardy’s fishing buddy shares the pain and the curse of the carp.


An Asian carp defecates as it appears to fly over the treeline in this photo taken by the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center.

“A 40-pound silver carp hit him right in the face,” Hardy said. “Broke his glasses and knocked out some of his false teeth. Thought he broke his jaw, too. He built a cage around his boat, and now he wears a catcher’s mask when he’s on the river.” Hardy said the carp started to infest this part of the river system, where the Illinois and Fox rivers meet, about two years ago. “Now, the rivers are alive with thousands of them,” he said.

Vulnerable site

The steady drumbeat of the Asian carp advance is resonating throughout the country. One particularly vulnerable site for the carp invasion is the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, part of a series of canals and rivers that link the Mississippi River to Lake Michigan and the rest of the Great Lakes. Electrical barriers about 30 miles from Chicago help keep the upstream portion of the canal free of carp.

But do the electrical barriers guarantee that Asian carp will not invade the Great Lakes? “No,” said Philip Willink with the Chicago Field Museum, who maintains an informational webpage about Asian carp. He compares the efficiency of the electrical barriers to biologists who use electricity to stun fish for survey collections — a few fish always manage to escape. Studies also indicate that Asian carp navigating toward Lake Michigan could breach the barriers if they swim alongside barges and other vessels that could deflect the electrical current. Close the locks and dam the canal, say some. Many local and state environmental agencies and organizations are calling for permanent solutions that include filling in portions of the canal system. But this extreme measure would cost billions of dollars in construction and lost revenue from shipping traffic and recreational boating along the canal and river system. Asian carp have had their day in the highest court of the land. Several

Great Lakes states sued the State of Illinois to permanently close the navigational locks leading into Lake Michigan. The U.S. Supreme Court rejected those pleas. Illinois is President Barack Obama’s home state and Michigan officials accused his administration of favoritism when it supported Illinois in the lawsuit. But the Obama administration supports other measures to contain these foreign invaders. Its plans include an Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework — and a $51.5 million programin addition to the $105 million already allocated — to defend the Great Lakes. This multi-faceted strategy includes a list of lethal tactics that reads like a page from a spy novel, including female carp urine to lure unsuspecting males, poison pellets and underwater guns that shoot high-intensity sound waves. Jackson Gross, a U.S. Geological Survey biologist and lead investigator for one of the projects, said the water guns can shoot a blast of air more than

30 feet to scare or stun fish. If the stun gun proves to be effective, it will used in the Chicago Sanitary Canals to help repel carp. Like so many other concerned scientists, he laments the loss of native fish in the Illinois River. A century ago, it supported the largest inland fishery in America. “The Illinois had one of the most diverse fish populations in the country until Asian carp took over,” he said. “Wild carp are like a cancer on the environment.”

Potential weak link

Not far from Chicago lies another potentially weak link that could offer a supply line for the Asian carp attack. Eagle Marsh, a 716-acre wetland preserve just south of Fort Wayne, Ind., lies near a centuries-old trail where French fur trappers once portaged their canoes between the Wabash and Maumee rivers, which link the Mississippi to Lake Erie. n CARP CONTINUES ON A7




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Asian carp in the Wabash might also find this to be a convenient route to the lake if severe floods breach the gap between the rivers. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Fish and Wildlife Service funded the installation of an 8-foot-tall chainlink fence the length of nearly four football fields to span the flood-prone area and keep carp from reaching the Maumee. In spite of these efforts, Asian carp imprints have been spotted in Lake Erie and efforts to track and hunt them down have intensified. Reports of bighead carp in Lake Erie, though few and far between, have surfaced throughout the years from Pelee Island, Sandusky Bay and Cedar Point. Like evidence at a crime scene, re-

sults from water samples collected in late August have brought out the forensic fish experts. A posse of officials from Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers found silver carp DNA in 20 out of 150 samples taken throughout Sandusky Bay and Sandusky River. Samples from Maumee Bay were negative. Intensive electrofishing and test netting yielded no live Asian carp in any of the areas that were sampled. Did the criminals escape the dragnet, or was this DNA just a form of circumstantial evidence? “The breadth of positive samples from the Sandusky Bay area was not expected,” said Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Chief Jim Dexter. “We need to understand

Visit the source of the eDNA (environmental DNA) in order to address it and keep silver and bighead carp from establishing a viable population in the Great Lakes.” Fish parts and fish DNA can be transported by storm sewers, in bilge water or by fish-eating birds, such as pelicans, that fly long distances.

Inviting habitat

Whatever the mode of transport, Maumee Bay and the Maumee River’s currents, water temperature and abundant food supply offer one of the most inviting habitats in Lake Erie for Asian carp to thrive and reproduce. That doomsday scenario could devastate the most fertile fisheries area in all of the Great Lakes, and the Maumee River’s sport fishing heritage could become a faint memory, like the dilapidated canal




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n A7

locks that lie along its banks. Commercial fishing could also suffer if Asian carp have their way. Rick Unger, president of the Lake Erie Charter Boat Association, said he thinks that local Department of Natural Resources personnel and other local government agencies are extremely vigilant. “My concern,” he said, “is at the federal level and not enough being done at the shipping canal in Chicago.” Federal help is on the way, and the recent introduction of the Stop Invasive Species Act, sponsored by U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat, and Rep. Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, requires a fasttrack plan to defend the Great Lakes’ rivers and tributaries from Asian carp. Specifically, the bipartisan plan calls for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide options for stopping Asian carp across 18 possible points of entry into the Great Lakes. Center-stage are the Chicago Waterway System and infrastructure projects that would block Asian carp while allowing shipping to continue along the waterways. Is there any chance for deliverance from this scaly scourge? Schafer Fisheries in Thomson, Ill., has been harvesting and selling fish since 1955. Now, it annually sells some 10 million pounds of Asian carp worldwide to countries with hearty appetites for what most Americans regard as trash fish. Carp are one of the most popular food fish in the world. “Problem is that most Americans under 40 won’t buy carp,” said Steve McNitt, general sales manager for Schafer. “They want a boneless white fillet that doesn’t taste like fish.” Schafer’s retail store features a broad menu of carp products including sausage, hotdogs, jerk and gefilte fish. Asian carp are also processed into a potent and popular brand of fertilizer that is sold across the country. Most of Schafer Fisheries’ revenue comes from Asian carp, and though the commercial harvests may not halt the advance of Asian carp, they do bring one more possible solution to the table. While new markets are explored and more studies initiated, there will be no truce in the battle for the Great Lakes. The list of foreign villains in the Great Lakes reads like a rogues’ gallery of criminals and killers. Sea lampreys literally sucked the lifeblood out of the Great Lakes fisheries in the 1950s and ’60s; zebra mussels clog municipal water intakes, foul boats and piers and cause millions of dollars in damage; the EPA has identified at least 25 invasive species that disrupt and damage the Great Lakes ecosystem. Asian carp may appear in that gallery one day, but there is still time to turn the tide and save the Great Lakes from yet another killer. O


A8 n Toledo Free Press


Toledoan killed in possible hit-and-run accident

By Brigitta Burks

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

At 5:25 a.m. Aug. 24, Cynthia Weaver received a phone call. Her caller ID displayed her son’s name, “Bradey,” but the voice on the other end of the phone wasn’t her 28-year-old son’s. “It was a police officer at the other end of the line,” Cynthia said. A couple of hours earlier, Bradey Allen Weaver, a Toledo resident, had been involved in WEAVER an accident while riding his motorcycle on Interstate 70, about 13 miles east of Junction City, Kan. The officer didn’t know the extent of Bradey’s injuries at the time and told Cynthia to stay close to the phone. About 45 minutes later, she got a call from an ER doctor at Geary Community Hospital telling her that her son had died.

No preparing

“This is my second child that I lost. I lost Bradey’s sister nine days after Sept. 11. I’m just in disbelief. I fell to the floor [when I found out]. There’s no preparing for the first one, let alone the second,” Cynthia said. The Geary County Sheriff ’s Department responded to the accident, but due to heavy rainfall, officials weren’t able to determine an accident cause right away, said Lt. Barbara Smith. However, a representative from the sheriff ’s department later confirmed that the accident is being investigated as a possible hit and run. There are indicators that Bradey was struck by another vehicle from behind. He had been on the way to Las Vegas for a friend’s birthday. “I’m just stunned and in disbelief that there could be people who are so

callous and disregarding,” said Randie Weaver Pearson, Bradey’s older sister. Randie and Cynthia said that Bradey was passionate about his life. “I know that it probably sounds clichéd, but I have never met somebody who took the sentence, ‘Live life to the fullest,’ the way that kid did,” Randie said.

memory of her son. “Every memory of Bradey is a special memory,” she said. Services are set for 12:30 p.m. Sept. 1 at the First United Methodist Church of Sylvania, 7000 Erie St.. People with motorcycles are en-

couraged to ride them there. Donations for funeral costs can be made at Fifth Third Bank locations under the Memorial Fund for Bradey Allen Weaver. Donations to Life Connection of Ohio, a nonprofit

Free spirit

“He was a free spirit, full of life, lived life on his own terms, wanted everyone around him to be happy, very happy,” Cynthia said. Bradey, a property manager, graduated from Sylvania Northview High ARBORETUM & GARDENS ARBORETUM & GARDENS School and later Bowling Green State ARBORETUM & GARDENS University, where he earned a degree in psychology and a minor in EngARBORETUM & GARDENS lish. He also served as president of the PRESENTEDBY BY men’s chorus. PRESENTED PRESENTED BY The movie lover and history buff also spent a lot of time with friends, PRESENTED BY Cynthia said. “His friends and he would make up board games and they would play all night long and that happened many, many times and will continue with the friends he had,” she said. Bradey was also an avid motorcy- Announcing the ninth annual Gala Charity Benefit SPONSORED SPONSORED BY BY clist who enjoyed taking solo trips out Silent SPONSORED BY andand livelive auctions will bebeconducted by Jerry Anderson Andersonwith withhelp helpfrom from Silent auctions will conducted by for the Schedel Arboretum & Gardens. west, his sister said. SPONSORED BYJewelers Sterling Sterling Jewelers co-emcees Chrys Peterson and WTOL. There willbebe livemusic, music, C C Silent and live auctions will be conducted byShiels Jerry of Anderson with will help from co-emcees Chrys Peterson andRobert Robert Shiels WTOL. There live Randie recalled going camping Silent and live auctions will be conducted by Jerry Anderson with help from C Sterling Jewelers refreshments in garden atmosphere. Petersonand and Robertdining—all Shiels of WTOL. There will be live music, with her grandfather andco-emcees brother Chrys refreshments andgourmet gourmet dining—all in the the beautiful beautiful garden atmosphere. C Sterling Jewelers co-emcees Chrys Peterson and Robert Shiels of WTOL. There will be live music, during spring breaks as children. Her This hashas become one region’s most popular charity events. This become oneofofthe the region’s most popular charity events. refreshments and gourmet dining—all in the beautiful garden atmosphere. grandfather would let Bradey and refreshments and gourmet dining—all in the beautiful garden atmosphere. become one ofone theofregion’s mostmost popular charity events. Randie wander ahead of him whileThis has This has become the region’s popular charity events. hiking so long as he could see them. Once, when they were about 9 and areare ofofthe auctionitems itemsthat thatawait awaityou you September 10 years old, they went a little too far Here Here the fabulous fabulous auction onon September 9th!9th! and were lost for hours. Bradey, howHere are of the fabulous auction items that await you on September 9th! ever, told Randie he knew where they were going. Later he confessed, “Yeah, I haven’t had a clue for the last three hours.” Luckily, they were able to find a main road. “To this day, I can clearly see Bradey saying the same thing to me now. If we had been out in the woods today, Bradey would pull the same crap,” Randie said with a chuckle. Cynthia couldn’t pick a favorite


Announcingthe theninth ninthannual annual Gala Charity Announcing CharityBenefit Benefit Announcingfor the ninth annual Gala Charity Benefit Gardens. forthe theSchedel SchedelArboretum Arboretum & Gardens. for the Schedel Arboretum & Gardens.

Here are

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administering organ donations, are also encouraged. Bradey, an organ donor, will be able to help 50 people, Cynthia said. Anyone with information on the accident is asked to call (785) 238-2261. O

Tickets are $150 per person or a table for eight at $1,000. 7/3/12 12:31 PM

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n A9


A10 n Toledo Free Press



By Don Lee

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Holly Stuard’s husband put her name up in lights to help her find a job. Specifically, on two electronic billboards that greet thousands of travelers and commuters each day at two major Glass City intersections. The Sylvania woman, who ran the University of Toledo’s Master of Business Administration program until budget cuts did away with the job, has spent the past year going through the highs and lows of the professional job search. She’d included a bit of the new amid the tried and true — email alerts to augment the networking and customized résumés and cover letters — and tried to remind herself it wasn’t her but rather that hundreds of qualified people were seeking each of the jobs she wanted. And a résumé or cover letter is seen, at most, by a few people within each organization. So how do you get your name to stand out in front of thousands of people? “I could see the frustration setting

in,” Holly’s husband Brandon said. The proverbial light bulb went on one day over Brandon’s head, as the Lucas County sheriff ’s deputy was driving home from work. “I saw all these billboards,” he said. Why not put his wife’s face and name on one? Two, actually. Starting Aug. 27, Holly Stuard’s face appeared on electronic billboards at the Anthony Wayne Trail and Erie Street, close to Downtown, and on Sylvania Avenue and Talmadge Road on the West Side. It wasn’t too expensive, he said, because you share space with other advertisers, you can get electronic billboard space for $60 to $100 a day. And the billboards’ owners, Tolson Media and Lamar Advertising, “gave me a break because of what I was trying to do,” he said. It’s not the first time someone’s gone the billboard route looking for a job. In May, a 22-year-old laid-off casino employee scored a design job with a $300 ad on a Minnesota billboard, according to the website And although a Connecticut woman didn’t get a job from her $7,000 billboard ad, she did

photo courtesy Brandon Stuard

Husband uses billboards to help wife find employment


Holly Stuard’s husband put her name and face in lights on two local billboards to help her find a job.

start up a public relations firm that emphasized billboard ads, according to Holly had no idea what her husband was trying to do. “I’m pretty sure if I’d said to her, ‘Hey, let’s put your face up on a billboard,’ she would have said ‘No,’” Brandon said, laughing, and Holly concurred. It was her older son who actu-

ally noticed the ad, as the family was driving to dinner at a favorite restaurant on the West Side. “Hey, Mama,” the 4-year-old said. “That looks like you on that billboard.” “I didn’t know what to make of it,” Holly said. “I had to go back and look.” What she saw was herself, in business attire, smiling down at drivers next to a bright banner that states, “Please Hire My Wife,” along with an

email address and a checklist highlighting her academic and business experience. “It was a complete surprise,” she said. Has it worked? In the few days the sign has been up, there haven’t been any inquiries from employers, Holly said, but word has spread among family and friends’ Facebook pages. n BILLBOARD CONTINUES ON A11


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“I’m going to try to have fun with it,” she said. “There’s definitely a lot of highs and lows in the job search process. Lots of different jobs sound intriguing, that I could be passionate about, really enjoy. You get your hopes up, set on something, and nothing happens. “You feel like you’re starting from Square One again. It can be frustrating.” But the billboards have been a boost for Holly, whose dream job would consist of giving co-workers and her employer a figurative shot in the arm. From her UT job recruiting and mentoring master’s candidates to her previous job at a management con-


sulting firm developing accounts and before that, as a UT assistant volleyball coach for the team on which she’d played as an undergraduate Rocket — her career has been one of coaching, teaching and guiding. “My dream job would be a position of leading, training and developing people withi an organization,” she said. And even if the billboard doesn’t directly result in a job, she said, seeing her name up in lights has put a little spring in a step that’s gotten used to trudging from one disappointment to another. “It’s brought a new life, a new energy, a new excitement,” to the job search, she said. O

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n A11



Mistake in kidney transplant shouldn’t scare potential donors


ews broke that a transplant kidney had been accidentally thrown away and ruined at the University of Toledo Medical Center (UTMC) days before my mom’s kidney stone surgery. “Great,” I thought. She was going to a different hospital, but a mistake in the same city so close to her surgery date made me nervous. Additionally, it involved the same organ, although at least it wasn’t a transplant. But how common is it for a kidney to become compromised en route to the recipient anyway? Should we decline being listed as organ donors on our driver’s licenses if medical (or human) error is possible? Is it even worth thinking about becoming a living donor, as was the case at UTMC where a man donated to his sister only to have the kidney accidentally discarded by a nurse? When I called the National Kidney Foundation in New York and talked to spokesman Sean Roach, he was aware of the UTMC incident and referred me to the immediate past president of the National Kidney Foundation. The news was reassuring. A kidney being compromised during a transplant surgery “is reported very rarely,” said Dr. Bryan Becker, who is the chief medical officer at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System. “Donors should feel very confident that their kidney will be handled successfully and expertly and placed into the recipient in as ready a time frame as possible,” he said in an email. The National Kidney Foundation also offered some compelling reassurance on the overall success of transplants. “Medication and medical advances have resulted in transplant surgeries today that are very successful, in fact as high as 95 percent. n TRANSPLANT CONTINUES ON A12

A12 n Toledo Free Press n TRANSPLANT CONTINUED FROM A11 “The transplantation of vital organs has become a routine surgical operation and is no longer experimental,” the website stated. Last year, 16,812 kidney transplants took place in the United States. Of those, 11,043 kidneys came from deceased donors and 5,769 came from living donors. Becker said donation benefits the recipient and the donor. “Not only is there altruism in action, but a lifesaving effort is present and interestingly, data suggest that donors historically have led healthier lives than age-matched controls,” he said.




If that doesn’t make you want to reconsider any hesitation toward kidney donation, check out these somber stats from the National Kidney Foundation: O Nearly 3,000 new patients are added to the kidney waiting list each month. O Every day, 18 people die while waiting for a transplant. O Last year, 4,903 patients died while waiting for a kidney transplant. O Every 10 minutes someone is added to the transplant list. So I ask, “Should we hesitate to donate just because one sacrifice went awry?” O

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n A13

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A14 n Toledo Free Press


war of 1812 bicentennial

Frank Kuron is author of the War

of 1812 book, “Thus Fell Tecumseh.” Email him at

Bugle Call: Upcoming events

which you can participate. O — Numerous activities year-round. O — Numerous activities year-round. O











— Most Ohio events are listed. O — Details of a full re-enactment of the Battle of Lake Erie planned for September of 2013 in


Isaac’s Canadian residence was well-maintained with an orchard, several fine horses and an exceptional American-built wagon. Unfortunately, as September, 1813 arrived, all his possessions became easy pickins’ for Proctor, and even William Henry Harrison, the American general pursuing the British and Indians across Canada at that time. Just weeks before the Battle of the Thames would occur KURON near Isaac’s home; Proctor simply took Isaac’s horses and wagon for his own use. Isaac was taken too; literally, wound-up in a heavy rope like a mummy from his toes to his neck and kept in this horrid condition for 17 days … 17 days! And, he was taunted daily with kicks and cursings from both Proctor and Tecumseh. As it happened, the night before the battle, Harrison made camp at the edge of Isaac’s property. Expecting an enemy attack overnight, Harrison used the wood of Isaac’s home, barns and fruit trees to set up a breastwork of defense, but the fight never came. The morning of the battle Isaac was still bound, now aboard a British supply ship sailing up the Thames River. Harrison’s men captured that vessel. Isaac was finally unwrapped, and unfettered in his determination to avenge his circumstances. Because he could identify Tecumseh, Harrison asked him to serve on the front lines as a spy; and by that afternoon he was eagerly fighting in the heart of the Battle of the Thames, even becoming a key eyewitness to Tecumseh’s death! It’s unclear which family members Isaac may have lost in the chaos of 1813, but he did soon marry and removed to Ohio, settling near presentday Worthington, and later Mt. Vernon. Isaac led a somewhat transient life thereafter, but all his children were native Ohioans. Isaac’s wagon, shot-up and useless, but filled with Proctor’s personal possessions, was found abandoned as that general disgracefully fled the Thames battlefield as soon as the opening shots were fired. Proctor continued riding Isaac’s fine horse all the way to a British courtmartial for his cowardice.O

xmeet here --

had a wagon as a kid, didn’t you? Some of you surely bought station wagons as adults, right? My grown-up wagon was my beeay-you-tee-full (thank you, Jim Carrey), metallic gold 1973 Ford Mustang — which vanished one morning from right in front of my house! Oh, I got it back in a few days, so maybe I shouldn’t have been so upset. After all, the only things missing were my 8-track tapes, Frank which wouldn’t fit into the hole where the player used to be anyway. And I hadn’t originally ordered air-conditioning, so driving now was quite refreshing without any windows. Owning cool stuff is risky, and one little-known early American, Isaac Hamblin, learned this lesson when his favorite wagon was stolen by none other than Gen. Henry Proctor, leader of the British forces in Canada, circa 1813. Do you remember studying Shays’ Rebellion? Well, it was a short-lived revolt against taxation during the 1780s, and its participants were either loved or hated. One of its leaders, Perez Hamlin, may have been an uncle to Isaac. No matter; the notoriety of the “Hamlin” name, whether a relative or not, made life difficult for Isaac. He hoped adding a “b” to his name would distance him from Perez, but it didn’t work. So when the British, in need of tradesmen, solicited Americans to settle in Upper Canada (today’s Ontario) in the late 1700s; Isaac, a stone mason, made the move. Isaac thrived along the Thames River, near present-day Chatham, for well over 10 years until the War of 1812 happened. At its beginning, U.S. Gen. William Hull reassured the Americans in the area that they would soon be secure. Well… things didn’t go quite as planned. Hull’s defeat in 1812 is legendary, and soon British General Proctor was in command of Canada. He reversed the peaceful co-habitation that had existed between the two countries by actually plotting to have an Indian contingent wipeout the Americans in residence. Isaac learned of his murderous plot and managed to intercept a strategic letter intended for the perpetrators. This lessened the extent of the disaster and Proctor always suspected that Isaac had a hand in foiling his plan.



Isaac Hamblin – A heroic man with historic stuff

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SEPTEMBER 2, 2012 Elizabeth Ford, MD Family Medicine Port Sylvania Family Physicians

Veterans Matter gets boost from ZZ Top By Brigitta Burks

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Do You Need the Shingles Vaccine? Many of us endured chicken pox as children, but few of us know that the virus remains inside our bodies and can cause the infection shingles later in life. Long after you’ve recovered from chicken pox, the virus that caused it lives on in the roots of your spinal cord. As you age and your immune system weakens, the shingles can appear. In fact, one out of three people who have had chicken pox will eventually get shingles.

n A15


ZZ Top is throwing its clout and long beards behind Veterans Matter, a local nonprofit that aids unhoused veterans. Veterans Matter provides rent deposits for veterans who are screened and aided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Veterans Affairs Supported Housing Program (HUD-VASH). Most unhoused veterans don’t have the means to pay the deposit or first month’s rent upon moving into new homes, something required for HUD-VASH housing programs. “This is such a beautiful, pure perfect program with 100 percent going to help people,” said Ken Leslie, founder of Veterans Matter and, which also helps the unhoused. ZZ Top will help with the nonprofit’s “60,000 Soldiers Housed” campaign, raising awareness for unhoused veterans. The campaign is named for the 60,000 unhoused veterans in the United States. The group heard about the campaign through its


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this will inspire other cities to start programs like Veterans Matter. The program started in February after a conversation between Leslie and Shawn Dowling, the coordinator of Healthcare for Homeless Veterans of the Ann Arbor VA Health System, about what was missing from housing programs. Leslie approached ProMedica for support and was granted $26,250 from the health care system’s Advocacy Fund. Just 11 days after the project’s conception, a couple was able to move out of a shelter and into a home. Since February, Leslie said the nonprofit has helped 20 military families in 11 cities across the area. “When we heard about [the program] we were most impressed. We appreciate that this program is not one of those feel-good virtual-fundraising-underveterans’-names programs. They get in, get the job done and leave,” said Billy Gibbons, singer and guitarist for ZZ Top, in a news release. His band is set to release a new album, “La Futura,” in September. “The entire band is behind this,” Leslie said of ZZ Top. “We view ourselves as a black ops mission helping soldiers down behind enemy lines.” Visit O


Shingles causes a tingly, painful rash that can appear anywhere on your body, including your face and eyes. Most people experience discomfort for several weeks, but for some the severe pain can last for months or even years. Fortunately, there is a vaccine that greatly reduces your chances of getting shingles.

To learn more about the benefits of the shingles vaccine, especially if you are 60 or older, talk with your doctor.

publicist Bob Merlis, Leslie said. “They happened to be in the area and things just evolved from there,” he added. Merlis has known Leslie for a while and was eager to help when he was approached, he said. “People who are in the armed forces risk their lives and they come back and are treated like dirt,” Merlis said. Dusty Hill, who plays bass and sings for ZZ Top, made a video to support the “60,000 Soldiers Housed” campaign when the group was at a MichHILL igan tour stop. “It’s really disturbing that nowadays it has somehow become acceptable for American soldiers damaged by the physical or mental trauma of war to be abandoned, forgotten, and left homeless on the streets of our nation,” Hill said in a news release. The band, known for hits like “Sharp Dressed Man” and “Legs,” will spread the word about unhoused veterans when it tours, Leslie said. He hopes

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A16 n Toledo Free Press

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n A17

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A18 n Toledo Free Press


Startup Weekend set for entrepreneurs, tech industry By Duane Ramsey


Startup Weekend Toledo, a firsttime local event for entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners will take place Sept. 14-16 at the College of Business and Innovation at the University of Toledo. Startup Weekend Toledo is an intense 54-hour event where entrepreneurs, business startup enthusiasts, software and Web developers, marketing gurus and anyone interested in building a business come together over the weekend to share ideas, form teams and launch a startup. This event is billed as “No talk, all action — launch a startup business in 54 hours,” according to Lindsey Danforth, lead organizer. “For too long, we have focused on manufacturing in this town and ignored all the tech-savvy, forward thinkers that were just waiting for the environment to become friendlier toward tech,” Danforth said. “These events have been gaining momentum across the U.S. and around the world. They have produced a lot of cutting-edge companies in the tech industry. There’s no reason

why we can’t produce them in Toledo,” she said. Danforth reported that there has been a quiet movement in the area’s tech industry, starting about a year ago with the formation of groups DANFORTH such as Startup Toledo, Tech Toledo, Toledo Web Professionals and regional organizations. The movement has been building that Toledo has serious talent but needs a bridge to connect the various players in the community, Danforth said. “We will continue to support entrepreneurs and the tech industry here,” she said. Danforth does not have her own company, but said, “I come from a long line of entrepreneurs so it’s in my blood.” Toledo has seen the recent formation of some interesting startups such as Beyond Gaming, Buyvite, Givt and Magnate Interactive. Danforth said the Toledo area even has some tech celebrities who will be speakers at Startup Weekend. Matt Braun, founder of Magnate Interac-

tive, developed an application that has more than 4 million downloads. Ten-year-old Jonathan Buchanan of Perrysburg has made a name for himself as the youngest person to create an application available for sale in the app store. Buyvite and Givt are recent recipients of early stage funding from Rocket Ventures, LLC, an angel investment and venture capital firm that is a joint venture of the Regional Growth Partnership and UT Innovation Enterprises. Rocket Ventures and UT Innovation Enterprises have played a major role in supporting entrepreneurs with funding and startup services, according to Danforth. Rocket Ventures will provide a free consultation to the winning startup at Startup Weekend. Buyvite is an early-stage group payment platform that allows friends or relatives to group pay inside any ecommerce. Givt is a social gifting app that makes it much easier to give gift cards to Facebook friends. Brandy Alexander-Wimberly, founder and CEO of Buyvite, and Justin Blanchard, founder and CEO of Givt, will serve as coaches for teams at Startup Weekend. Other coaches include Gene Powell of Spoke and Steve

Schwartz of Alfa Jango. Organizers and volunteers have been working to ensure that Startup Weekend provides not only the inspiration but also all the resources required for building and launching a viable, scalable company. Knowledgeable and successful entrepreneurs will participate as coaches and speakers to inspire, share information and mentor teams throughout the weekend. Educators of entrepreneurship from Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo are supporting the event and serving as judges. Gene Poor, chairman of the Board for Life Formations, teaches future entrepreneurs as the Hamilton Professor of Entrepreneurship at BGSU. Sonny Ariss, chairman of the Department of Management, is a fellow of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization at UT. Business concept pitching and team building will occur on Sept. 14. Teams will be formed around concepts and various related skills. The rest of the weekend will be used for mind mapping, strategizing and building a real business. The new business ideas will be pitched to a panel of judges on Sept.

16 with a winner to be selected and announced. The winning team will receive a two-hour brainstorming session with Rocket Ventures and a two-month, part-time membership to Seed Coworking. Seed Coworking is another new venture in Toledo that offers a community atmosphere and workspace for tech entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals who may be working at home or out of a coffee shop. The organizers of the first local Startup Weekend are holding a free pre-event mixer for attendees and anyone interested in learning more Sept. 6 from 5:30 -7:30 p.m. at Seed Coworking on South St. Clair Street in downtown Toledo. Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. The nonprofit organization based in Seattle can be found in more than 200 cities around the world with more than 400 events in 100 countries in 2011. Tickets for the event are $50 per person and $35 for students. For information about the local Weekend Startup events, visit www.toledo. O


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n A19

By Sarah Ottney


Area veterans will gain expanded local access to health care services on Sept. 19 when Toledo’s VA clinic opens in its new building. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Community-Based Outpatient Clinic will move to a 66,000-square-foot facility at 1200 S. Detroit Ave. The space is more than twice the size of the current clinic on Glendale Avenue. The new building is a “state-of-theart healing facility” that will expand on services currently offered in Toledo as well as introduce new services, including occupational therapy and mental health exams for compensation and pension, said Robert McDivitt, director of the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, which oversees the Toledo clinic. “There are more services available in the current clinic than there were a year ago or two years ago and there will be many more services available to veterans in this new clinic,” McDivitt said during a tour of the new facility Aug. 29. “Our job is to honor America’s veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well-being ... and we feel very privileged to do that. We’ve been here in Toledo since 1978 and this will be a new and exciting chapter in the history of Toledo veterans.” The Glendale Avenue clinic will be closed for three days, Sept. 14, 17 and 18, while the move occurs, although phone lines will be open and bus service to Ann Arbor will continue. Starting Sept. 19, buses will leave from the new building. An official ribbon-cutting is planned for noon Nov. 9, which is Veterans Day weekend. About 12,000 area veterans utilize the Toledo clinic, generating about 120,000 visits per year, said Dr. Leo Greenstone, associate chief of staff of ambulatory care. Patients will still need to go to Ann Arbor for certain services, including infusion treatments for cancer.


Virtual care has helped boost services available, linking patients in

Toledo with doctors in Ann Arbor via video conferencing or secure messaging saving a few trips north, Greenstone said. “We’ve really expanded virtual care over the past couple years and now we have even more capacity to expand those services in this building,” he said. Veterans can also access My HealtheVet, a Web-based portal used to access personal medical records and lab results, reorder medications and utilize the secure messaging system. “We estimate 40 percent of our veterans this year will communicate with their health care provider using secure messaging,” McDivitt said. Click 2 Benefits is another online tool, allowing veterans to talk with benefits specialists in Cleveland. The service started last year and has saved veterans at least 100 trips to Cleveland, McDivitt said.

toledo free press photo by sarah ottney

Health care for veterans to expand at new clinic

Mental health

The current clinic has 110 employees; the new clinic will employ about 120. Among the added staff members will be several dedicated to mental health services. “That’s an area where we’ve expanded a lot in Toledo over the last several years,” McDivitt said. The new building features 25 mental health provider offices and four large group rooms. The Toledo clinic will be one of the first in the country to offer tele-sessions for post traumatic stress disorder sessions, McDivitt said.


The building was designed with input from local veterans to be patientfriendly, said Building Project Manager Amy Murbach. When veterans arrive, they will be met by a greeter. Most frequently visited areas, such as the pharmacy and Click 2 Benefits, are located near the front along with a coffee shop. One new feature will be a centralized check-in, where veterans can check into multiple appointments at once. The check-in and check-out desks are close together so staff can easily communicate, Murbach said. A spacious central atrium, called the Resource and Activities Center, was


A large, central atrium called the Resource and Activities Center is the hub of Toledo’s new VA clinic.

designed more as a community space than a waiting room. It will offer lounge seating, tables, cable televisions, computer terminals, wireless Internet access and a veterans resource center. Decor includes flags from each branch of service, patriotic-themed murals and inspirational quotes. The occupational therapy room features a kitchen and bathroom to help injured veterans learn to maneuver at home. The physical therapy room includes private treatment alcoves and exercise equipment, including an underwater treadmill, said Clinical Director Dr. Thomas Gross. “Not a lot of places have access to water aquatherapy,” Gross said. “This is unique. This is very, very special. This is state of the art.” Audiology will expand from one booth for hearing tests to a suite with two booths and two hearing aid fitting rooms. The number of phlebotomy, or blood-drawing, stations will increase from two to four. The dental unit

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added two chairs to make six. A community room with attached kitchen and seating for up to 100 people will be available to community groups, both during the day and after hours. The four wings are differentiated by color and patients will always be treated by the same Patient-Aligned Care (PAC) team of care providers. The building was designed with flexibility and future growth in mind. “Everything here is modular, so as our needs change we can easily move everything around,” Murbach said. “Not only is that convenient for us, but it also saves taxpayer dollars.”

‘Faces of Heroes’

Local photos are being sought for an art project called “Faces of Heroes,” planned for a wall on the second floor. The 40-foot-long installation will feature 1,500 glass tiles each displaying a photo of a local veteran. Photos can be taken to the clinic at 3333 Glendale Ave. The veteran or active

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duty servicemember should be wearing a military uniform. For more information, visit “It’s going to be a wonderful project,” McDivitt said. “It reinforces the theme of honoring America’s veterans that we want every veteran that comes through the doors here to feel.” The Toledo clinic is the second largest, in terms of patients treated and number of employees, in its fourstate region, which includes nearly 30 clinics in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, McDivitt said. Grand Rapids has the largest. Ground was broken for the new building in March 2011. The building is being leased from Cleveland-based Carnegie Management and Development Corporation. The Glendale Avenue building was leased from the University of Toledo, which plans to redevelop the space for clinical use with UTMC. For more information, visit www. O


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A20 n Toledo Free Press



was saddened to read of the death of Neil Armstrong this past weekend. To me this man epitomized the very essence of America. He was a true American and exemplified the ideals that built this country and made us great. Not long ago, my wife and I visited the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. I was flooded with emotions actually seeing the rockets and capsules that I had Gary L. models of as a kid in the ’60s. I remember fantasizing about space travel and wondering what it would be like to see the rings of Saturn or live on Mars. (To be honest, there are some days where I would rather live on Mars and I know there are days where other people wish I lived on Mars.) I remember vividly when Armstrong stepped on the moon. My dad thought it was important for me to see that, so he allowed me to stay up on a school night to watch it. The longer the day went on at the Kennedy Space Center, the more those heart-warming emotions that I associated with those memories faded, to be replaced with frustration and ARMSTRONG disappointment. Where had the emotions of unlimited opportunity and greatness gone? We were canceling the space shuttle program as well as the big Ares rockets that would have taken astronauts back to the moon, as well as Mars and beyond. Was I disappointed because I no longer had a chance of being an astronaut in my life, or was it because America had changed and being great and leading the world was no longer in our national character? Unfortunately, I came to think that it was the latter. We have not had a man or woman on the moon since 1972! President Obama canceled the funding for the 2020 moon mission and has directed NASA to study global climate issues from space. I fail to see how this will make America great. Armstrong at the time, in an open letter to the president regarding this


One small step

policy, said this is “devastating” and day on 1370 WSPD at 4:06 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday evening at He can be reached at (419) 842condemned the United States to “a “After the Bell with Brian Wilson 6 throughout Northern Ohio on “Eye 0334 or email him at garyrathbun@ and the Afternoon Drive” and every on Your Money.” long downhill slide to mediocrity.” I tend to agree but on a much broader scale. This attitude reflects the most basic problems we have in our country today. It is honorable to be poor and not achieve anything. Capitalism is a dirty word, as is producing something for a profit. It is evil to want to be an individual and RATHBUN create a better life for oneself instead of being part of the 99 percent and being mediocre and average. Where is the attitude that we want to accomplish things “not because they are easy but because they are hard,” as President Kennedy said? When was the last time you were inspired by any of our leaders challenging us with a great task? Our leaders today challenge us with 5k or sacrificing ourselves for the sake of equality and fairness. Greatness is being redefined. The word greatness is now associated with words like greed, egoUS Olympic Boxer, Dr. Francis Lothis a serious neur Chiari Malformation tism, and undeserved superiority. Devin Vargas, Distinguished Guest is a series of l Walk Across America The “right stuff ” is being replaced day. Join us on this special day and he will be there to help Speaker from with the “same stuff.” 192 men volproceeds will be used to fund Chia KNOCK-OUT CHIARI The Conquer ChiariAllResearch Center unteered to be part of the Apollo space program knowing they could Participation is free. T-shirts will b be blown to bits on the launch pad, (deadline is 8/12). For more informati or left floating in space forever or at (419) 822-6049 or Jill Lovejoy maybe burned up trying to come back home. This was greatness; this was inspiring to me at age 10 and is 5k or less walk, run or roll at your leisure. still inspiring to me now. Going into space to study global warming does nothing to inspire me 5k or less walk, run or roll at your leisure. or make me feel America is great. I Conquer Chiari, personally don’t care if the rest of Pennsylvania 501(c of Chiar the world likes us or not, I do care Chiari Malformation is a serious disorder people in the US. The Conquer Chiari 5k orneurological less walk, run affecting or roll 300,000 at your leisure. if they respect us and are inspired Walk Across America is a series of local awareness and fundraising walks held across the country on the same by us. We all remember the kid in day. Join us on this special day and help the thousands of families struggling with this terrible disease. Chiari Malformation is atoserious neurological disorder affecting 300,000 people in the US. The Conquer Chiari school whose goal it was to be liked All proceeds will be used fund Chiari research. Walk Across America is a series of local awareness and fundraising walks held across the country on the same by everybody and was liked by noday. Join us on this special daywill and help the thousands of families struggling terrible disease. body. If we work to be great, the rest Participation is free. T-shirts be provided for pre-registered walkers with with this a minimum donation of $25 of the world will respect us; a few All proceeds will be to information, fund Chiari research. (deadline is 8/12). Forused more to register as a walker, or to sponsor a walker, contact Kellie Haupricht may be inspired by us to become Chiari Malformation is a serious people in the US. The Chiar at (419) 822-6049 or Jill neurological Lovejoy Millerdisorder at (419)affecting 410-8522 300,000 or or Conquer visit: great themselves. Participation is free. T-shirts will be provided for pre-registered walkers with a minimum donation of $25 Walk Across America is a series of local awareness and fundraising walks held across the country on the same Neil Armstrong was a true (deadline is 8/12). For more information, to register as a walker, or to sponsor a walker, contact Kellie Haupricht this special day and help the thousands of families struggling with this terrible disease. American hero and what heday. did toJoin usaton (419) 822-6049 or Jill Lovejoy Miller at (419) 410-8522 or or visit: inspire many of us from that eraproceeds is All will be used to fund Chiari research. immeasurable. He will be missed; I hope that his greatness and, conseis free. T-shirtsConquer will Chiari, be provided foraspre-registered walkers with known formally the C&S Patient Education Foundation is a a minimum donation of $25 quently, America’s greatness Participation will not 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to improving the experiences and outcomes be forgotten.O (deadline is 8/12). For more Pennsylvania information, to register as a walker, or to sponsor a walker, contact Kellie Hauprich

M 8035 Moncl Registration Begin

September 22, 2012 Monclova Primary School September 22, 2012 OH 43542 8035 Monclova Road - Monclova, September 22, 2012 Monclova School Registration Begins @ 9:00Primary AM, Walk Starts @ 11:00 AM Monclova Primary School 8035 Monclova Road - Monclova, OH 43542 Registration Begins @ 9:00 AM, Walk StartsOH @ 11:00 AM 8035 Monclova Road - Monclova, 43542

Registration Begins @ 9:00 AM, Walk Starts @ 11:00 AM

of Chiari patients through education, awareness, and research.

at (419) 822-6049 or Jill Lovejoy Miller at (419) or or visit Conquer Chiari, known formally as the 410-8522 C&S Patient Education Foundation is a Gary L. Rathbun is the president Pennsylvania 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to improving the experiences and outcomes and CEO of Private Wealth Consultants, LTD. He can be heard every

of Chiari patients through education, awareness, and research.

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n A21



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A22 n Toledo Free Press




Four tips to protect investments

he S&P 500 has gained more than 100 percent since it bottomed out back in March 2009. Economists will continue to debate when the next crash or recession will occur. Some will be right and most will probably be wrong, and trying to figure who to listen to can make the average investor’s head spin. Eventually a decline will happen; it is a normal part of our economy and has been that way forever. Instead of trying to time it just right, use these four tips to get your portfolio ready before a decline occurs. 1. Don’t always stay fully invested in the markets. In general, risky investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and variable annuities, are long-term investments. The less the investor needs to rely on these accounts for current income, the more risk the investor Mark could be willing Nolan to take. I, Nolan, remember my professor in college telling me that over time, stocks and bonds go up in value. In theory he was right, yet he didn’t mention that investors need to factor time into that equation. A good rule of thumb is as investors gets older, they should be safer with their money, especially with money they need in the next few years. Realize that no one can predict the markets in the short term. Sometimes it makes sense to either not take the risk at all or have an exit plan in place prior to markets getting bad. If an investor is taking current income from risky investments or isn’t sure what the exit strategy would be if the markets declined, this would be a good area to review now. 2. Stress test your investment plan. The American Heart Association on says a stress test helps a doctor know the type of exercise that is right for you. The test helps a doctor figure out how well a patient will do when stress occurs. The work this association is doing is saving lives and extremely important. The same principles can be applied by the average investor. Monitor how investments are currently doing. Get an investment EKG, if you will, that shows what percentage of your money is at risk versus principally guaranteed, how much income is flowing in monthly and what the maximum drawdown

the portfolio could decline. If an investor hasn’t reviewed these numbers before or it has been a while, now is the time to look at the potential warning signs before an unexpected problem occurs. 3. Remove emotions, use logic. Using logic assumes the average investor will use correct and reliable evidence. The problem is when it comes to investing; logic can go out the window. We get it — in today’s society the average investor is bombarded with investment decisions, most of which play on their emotions, which is why logic usually gets clouded. Don’t let this happen to you. Try and make decisions based upon facts. If you are considering making changes, does the change logically make sense or is it just to solve a shortterm emotional concern? If an inCLAIR vestor doesn’t logiBAKER cally understand his or her investment plan, now is the time to talk with a professional and have it explained. 4. Diversify beyond traditional investments. In our opinion, true diversification goes beyond owning a few different investment accounts that go up and down at the same time. Although traditional investments like stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and variable annuities have done well in the past few years, the same principle applies today as it did years ago; don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. If all the accounts an investor owns go up and down just like the stock market, he or she probably isn’t fully diversified. One tip for an investor right now is to review the correlation of the investment holdings. Try to diversify into several different potentially profitable strategies that have different correlations. Hopefully, the stock market continues to go up for a long time to come. Yet, our country is at a crossroads and global issues still loom, so we have a long road ahead of us. Even if a stock market crash doesn’t happen any time soon, taking these four tips and reviewing them with your plan will only make you a better educated investor and put you in a position to be more prepared than you were before. O

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n A23

By Vicki L. Kroll

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Painting an old motorcycle takes time. Ask Scott Jacobs. “If you think about a new bike, most of the wires and tubes, so many things are encapsulated now inside the engine so they look cleaner,” said the officially licensed Harley-Davidson artist. “On an old bike, everything is showing, all the wires are hanging out, and there’s tubes, and there’s all kinds of things that are exposed. There’s so much more to paint.” He puts it all on canvas, producing picture-perfect works. “The thing I needed to accumulate over the years was the patience to do that kind of work, because there’s a lot of artists out there in the world that are very talented that are capable of doing very detailed paintings, but they’re not patient enough,” Jacobs said. “It’s hard to start a painting and maybe finish it two or three months later; a lot of people need satisfaction a little quicker than that.” The longtime biker will ease off the throttle this month for the Motorcycle Cannonball 2012 Endurance Run and ride 3,950 miles across the country on a 1926 Harley-Davidson J. First, Jacobs had to brush up on the foot clutch and tank shift. “I trained on this [bike] for 150 miles so far, and I stalled it five times in the first half-hour. And after that, I really got comfortable on it,” he said. There’s no getting too comfortable. “[The seat] looks like what would be on an old tractor, and it’s got very, very little cushioning on it, just some leather stretched over it,” Jacobs said

with a laugh. He became obsessed with the oldtimey run in 2011. “I went for three days as a spectator and followed the bikes and photographed them for paintings. And the whole time I was there, I was thinking, ‘Oh my God, if I ever have the opportunity to do this, I would love to’,” Jacobs said. A friend found the antique machine online, and Jacobs was on his way as this year’s race features bikes from 1930 or earlier. “I bought this junky old bike and I had a restorer work on it; he just finished it — took him 10 months,” he said. “Most everything on the race should be in a museum. I paid a fortune having mine restored, and it should be in a museum. “Some people are thinking I’m crazy to ride this brand-new, restored bike and putting 4,000 miles on it across the country, but that’s what they were made for; they’re made to enjoy.” Most will appreciate seeing more than 70 vintage bikes winding across the United States. Riders leave Newburgh, N.Y., on Sept. 7 and will motor through the plains, the Badlands and the Rocky Mountains before hitting the Pacific Coast Highway and zooming over the Golden Gate Bridge to cross the finish line in San Francisco on Sept. 23. Jacobs and the racers will roll along the coast of Lake Erie and stop Sept. 8 at the Comfort Inn, 5909 Milan Road in Sandusky. Riders are expected between 5 and 5:30 p.m. “You’re going to see some of the rarest bikes in the world,” Jacobs said during a call from a Harley-Davidson convention in Milwaukee.




Scott jacobs will ride 3,950 miles across the country on a 1926 Harley-Davidson J.

The interview was punctuated with Jacobs greeting well-wishers. “We just did that ‘Secret Millionaire’ show, so many dealers are coming over saying, ‘Hi, I saw your show.’ I’m spending more time talking about the show instead of trying to sell artwork,” he said.

“[The show is] emotional. I break down quite a few times because there are so many of us that are so blessed in our lives and in success and the lifestyle that we lead, and then to go and meet these people who are living on the streets and hear their stories — it’s so tough.”

Copies of his book, “The Art of Scott Jacobs — The Complete Works,” will be for sale during the race, and proceeds will go to the charities he donated to on “Secret Millionaire”: G.I. Go Fund, GlassRoots and International Youth Organization for Newark, N.J. O




Photo courtesY campbell entertainment group

Artist revved up for Motorcycle Cannonball


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A24 n Toledo Free Press




Marriage, Part II: Our story

can define why my marriage works Within a few months our $70 dog actuby relaying two instances. The first ally ended up costing us thousands of happened when I met my husband, dollars (not including the $72 per bag Mike. I told him that I took care of chil- prescription dog food he will now need dren for a living, wondering if, as the for the rest of his life). For as much of a fight as he put up to academic type, he might think my occupation to be less than intellectually not have a dog and for as much as he was absolutely right about the challenging. He instead money, Mike has never replied that he believed said a word about having a caregiver of children to told me so. He loves our be one of the more diffidog. He loves me. That’s cult positions in life, asmarriage. suming one does it right. I may not have been I literally decided to able to remain quite so marry him that first day subdued had I been the based almost solely on one in the right. In fact, that one sentiment. Not I likely would have even being able to eat, sleep Shannon SZYPERSKI made a graph or two or think about anything but him for the next three days also depicting just how wrong he had been. led me to believe that he might be “the That is the interesting part of marrying one.” After three years of ups and downs someone not because they compliment and lots of convincing Mike that he also you, but because they complement you. My spouse is not just my knight wanted to marry me, we got hitched. The second defining incident of our in shining armor, he is my constant marriage was 13 years in the making shining example of ways I can be better. but occurred only recently. Although I never fully understood what “better I couldn’t wait for us to adopt a dog, half ” meant until I had one. Don’t get me wrong, if I wanted to those first years of apartment living led me to compromise and become I could make a list of ways he has been the cat person I never wanted to be. I wrong and/or flat-out upset me over the somehow learned to love life with cats, years so long it would make even the but 12 years, two cats, three kids and most accepting of people ask, “What in two houses (with fenced-in backyards) the world are you doing with that guy?” The problem is that he could make an later we still didn’t have a family dog. The fact that we never adopted the unflattering list about me that would dog we had agreed to eventually culmi- be just as long and likely much, much nated into the biggest fight we have ever longer. Truth be told, such a list could had as a married couple. That’s right — be made about any one of us if someone not money, not kids, not a job — a dog. had reason to try. After 13 years, I’ve found that the I was bound and determined to finally get my dog and my husband was bound single most important thing I can do as and determined to convince me that a an individual in a marriage is to concendog would end up costing us thousands trate on the list of my better half ’s better of dollars. Long story short, I won the qualities and better moments whenever argument, but my husband was right. I start allowing the list of negatives to

get too long. Reminding myself of the long list of my own worst qualities and worst moments also tends to put things in perspective. There is not a perfect person nor a perfect marriage among us, but marriage lends us an incredible opportunity to create a system of checks and balances that allows two people to bring out the best in one another. Our marriage worked in the begin-

ning because Mike and I went into it with a mutual appreciation for one another, a willingness to compromise and the realization that neither of us has it all figured out. It continues to work because we are also both willing to accept and work through the mistakes and missteps each of us makes on a regular basis. Marriage is less about always doing things right in the first place and more about

figuring out how to set things right and then move on when things go wrong. It is about each person doing his or her best to do the right thing while the other one has the decency to not only notice but also take notes. O Shannon and her husband, Michael, are raising three children in Sylvania. Email her at

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  New Dental Assisting Program Formerly Toledo Dental Academy

A CAREER in 12-15 weeks in Dental Assisting

Small Classes Day and Evening Classes Now Forming Excellent Placement Rate 1800 Indian Wood Circle Maumee, OH 43537 419.841.1292 | #99-10-1523T

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 





n A25


picture with any of your hat if I told social networks — Faceyou of a book, Twitter, Tumblr, magical place etc. You can geotag the where you can see Toexact location it was ledo in a way you’ve shot and you can #tag never imagined, where the photo in any way photography enthusiasts you wish people to see/ try to capture Toledo as find it. You could keep it has never been shared all of your photos pribefore? This special vate, but what’s the fun magical place is actually Jeremy BAUMHOWER in that? an app for smartphones If you are like me and love to be and the next evolution of social media visually stimulated, Instagram will called Instagram. Where Twitter shares your words become your new pastime. The soand thoughts with the world, Insta- cial part of Instagram allows you to search for anything you wish to see, gram visually shares your life. According to the Instagram web- from cities like New York or London site, Instagram is “a fast, beautiful and to events like Hurricane #Isaac or the fun way to share your photos with #RNC. Once you learn Instagram’s friends and family” but its simple con- language by deciphering its “tagging,” cept has evolved into a global phenom- the way pictures are labeled, you will enon. Instagram is a free application master the new medium. You can for your smartphone that allows you search “Toledo,” “ToledoMudHens” to take pictures and use numerous and the “ToledoZoo” or anything else you simple filters that can give your photo can dream of. The contrasts between a vintage feel. After taking the picture Toledo, Ohio and Toledo, Spain alone and deciding what filter to use comes are worth it. As of Aug. 30, there were more the social part. You can share this new

than 19,800 pictures tagged with the word #Toledo. Some of the pictures shared could hang on any art gallery’s wall, but the artist is choosing to share his or her vision via Instagram. I’ve lived 95 percent of my life in Toledo and was reminded of how beautiful our city can be. One of the features of Instagram is the ability to “follow” your favorite photographers, whether it be your BFF, a celeb or some random Instagram pro. A couple of the best local Instagrammers are Eric Shanteau, 34, (hobbes2485) and Ben Morales 32, (benmorales), they deserve a “follow.” These two take Hallmark quality pictures of Northwest Ohio, of places we have seen over and over but never like this. Their optimistic vision of our area will brighten your day. Toledo Free Press (toledofreepress) recently signed up and debuted in a big way by sharing some Navy Week pictures shot on the USS De Wert by Managing Editor Sarah Ottney. The 50-plus pictures really gave a sense of what of a Navy boat ride down the Maumee would feel like.


toledo free press photo by sarah ottney

Seeing Toledo for the first time ... again W


Photo from the USS De Wert, posted on instagram on Aug. 23.

Great tags to use are: #Toledo, #ToledoOhio #Sylvania, #Maumee, #Perrysburg, #ToledoMudHens, #ToledoWalleye, #UTRockets, #ToledoZoo, #ToledoMuseumOfArt, #ToledoArtMuseum, #ToledoFinest, #ToledoFail. If you would like to share your picture with Toledo Free Press, please tag


the photo with #TFP or #ToledoFreePress and we will find it. Instagram is another opportunity for Toledo to open our doors to the world and show what a tremendous place it is to call home or do business. O Find Jeremy Baumhower on Instagram @jeremybaumhower.


As Auditor, I am committed to providing the citizens of Lucas County the best customer service possible and issuing fair and equitable property values. State law requires the Auditor to appraise each individual parcel of real estate in the county every six years. As opposed to the flat percentage change by neighborhood in 2009, the 2012 revaluation erases all past values and implements a new value for each individual property. THE PROPOSED NEw vALUES ARE DETERMINED, USING: • PROPERTy CHARACTERISTICS PREvIOUSLy ON RECORD AND UPDATED DATA COLLECTED DURING A RECENT DETAILED PHySICAL INSPECTION • RECENT TRENDS IN THE HOUSING MARkET AND ACTUAL SALES fROM 2011, 2010 AND 2009 Of SIMILAR PROPERTIES IN SIMILAR NEIGHBORHOODS AROUND THE COUNTy

r y C ommun E v e Ne i g h b o r h i t y o ry Ev e Ev e r y S t r e e t o d y Pro p e r t y Ev e r

... has its own story that determines its individual value. Throughout July, the Lucas County Auditor’s office mailed value change notices and detailed information about individual properties. When you receive your notice, please review it thoroughly. SHOULD yOU AGREE wITH yOUR PROPOSED NEw vALUE, yOU DO NOT HAvE TO DO ANyTHING. HOwEvER: • If yOU fIND A DATA DISCREPANCy (I.E. NUMBER Of BEDROOMS, SQUARE fOOTAGE) • yOU fEEL THAT yOUR PROPERTy vALUE AS PROPOSED IS TOO HIGH OR TOO LOw OR • If yOU HAvE ANy QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL (419) 213-4406 To ensure the best possible customer service, appointments for one on one assistance are available in your area. You are encouraged to call our office at (419) 213-4406 to discuss your value or to schedule an optional appointment in your neighborhood. Sincerely,

Office of Anita L opez, Lucas C ounty Auditor Real Estate Division * One Government Center, Suite 670 * Toledo, OH 43604-2255 Phone: (419) 213-4406 * E-mail: * On the web:

Anita Lopez, Lucas County Auditor


A26 n Toledo Free Press


Local club plays with metal, rocks, beads at annual show Did you know that the powder on chewing gum is calcium carbonate from limestone. It is added to make the gum less sticky. This lesson and others will be taught at the 41st Annual Jewelry, Gem and Mineral Show, said Steve Shimatzki, president of the Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club, said. “The main goal of the club is educational,” Shimatzki said. “Every year we get a chance to put a museum up.” The event, sponsored by the club, will be at the Stranahan Theater Complex for three days, Sept. 7 from 2-8 p.m., Sept. 8 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sept. 9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Adults will be charged $4, students and seniors $3 and kids under 12 get in free. The show will feature demonstrations and activities for all ages and is

are encouraged to join in. However much money is raised is split between the two colleges equally. Last year, both schools received more than $500. After learning about rock formations in elementary school and high school, Shimatzki said, “We want to make that available for the

college years.” The club meets every month at the Toledo Botanical Garden for business meetings. The members meet individually to work on projects throughout the month. The club has been in existence for 51 years. Anyone interested can view the

Upcoming Events at WCM! JoIn US FoR a SPeCTaCUlaR WIne TaSTInG!

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club’s display cases at local libraries. Shimatzki’s work is featured at the Reynolds Corner Library and includes a 13-pound crystal and fossils. “People think of rocks as just rocks,” Steve Shimatzki said. “[But] you crack it open and there’s a whole ‘nother world in it.” O

organized entirely by volunteers, Shimatzki said. At the event, community members may purchase jewelry, beads, gem trees, faceted stones, mineral specimens, fossils, cabochons, tools and carvings. The event is “all-encompassing, not just an art show,” Metalcraft Moderator Deb Hoffmaster said. There will be components and pieces artists can purchase, not finished works alone. One of the activities is geode openings. Geodes are sedimentary rocks with crystals inside. The rocks have been underground for millions of years and, when split open, the attendee will be the first to see the contents. “There’s a little bit of excitement in that,” Shimatzki said. There will also be a raffle at the event that benefits Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo’s geology departments. The club donates $100 and the attendees

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Find us on

*Sale excludes jewelry, new merchandise (red tags), books, and items tagged housewares or furniture. Regular in-store discounts not available on sale day.

By Matt Liasse 3320 Briarfield Bld., Maumee 26625 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg 419.794.4000 419.872.6900

Follow us on twitter @ waltchurchills

Hours: Mon-Sun 7 a.m.– 10 p.m.

Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.–9 p.m.

Follow us on Facebook @ waltchurchillsmarket

Effective 9/4/12 - 9/9/12 | We reserve the right to limit quantities. | No sales to vendors. | Not responsible for pictorial or typographical errors.

TV Listings


8 am



1 pm



11 am


12 pm


2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


Afternoon America General Hospital The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Justice Justice The People’s Court Judge B. Judge B. Nate Berkus Varied Programs Criminal Varied Programs Varied Programs Scrubs Scrubs 30 Rock 30 Rock Movie Varied Programs SportsCenter Varied Football ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Wendy Williams Show Lifechangr Lifechangr

4 pm


Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil Anderson The Doctors

Comedy Good NFL Live Reba Contessa

5 pm

Futurama Futurama Varied Programs Around Reba Reba Contessa Paula


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm

Sunny Pardon Reba Cooking

6 pm News News 30 Rock News News

6:30 ABC News CBS News News NBC News NewsHour

South Pk Tosh.0 Phineas Good SportsCenter Varied Programs Diners Diners

How I Met How I Met Varied Programs Friends



NCIS Chris


NCIS Fam. Guy


9 pm


Friends Movie

Fam. Guy

King King Varied Programs The Mentalist NCIS Two Men Two Men

September 2, 2012


3 pm


News News News at Five Access H. TMZ The Dr. Oz Show Cyberchas

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Auto Racing NASCAR Special (N) Wipeout (CC) Juice and Lose! Brothers & Sisters News ABC ABC Fall 2012 Once Upon a Time TV’s Most Dynamic Duos: Paley Center News Insider 2012 U.S. Open Tennis Men’s Third and Women’s Fourth Round. (N) (Live) (CC) News News 60 Minutes (CC) Big Brother (N) (CC) The Good Wife (CC) The Mentalist (CC) News Criminal Paid Got Paid Paid Paid Paid The Unit “Stress” Ugly Betty (CC) Mother Mother American Cleveland Simpsons Simpsons Fam. Guy Fam. Guy News Leading 30 Rock Office Caught Looking (N) Ryder Golf PGA Tour Golf Deutsche Bank Championship, Third Round. (N) News News Dateline NBC (N) America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent (CC) News Jdg Judy Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing POV (CC) Wants and Needs ››› To Be Heard Moyers & Company NOVA (CC) (DVS) Royal Memories Masterpiece Mystery! Over Austin City Limits Longmire (CC) Longmire (CC) Longmire (CC) Longmire (CC) Longmire (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Happens Jersey Sex Drive Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama › Half Baked (1998, Comedy) Dave Chappelle. (CC) ›› Dumb & Dumber (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey. (CC) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Futurama Good Good Austin Shake It Good Luck Charlie Good Good Good Code 9 ANT Farm ANT Farm ANT Farm ANT Farm Code 9 Jessie Jessie Jessie Vampire Vampire Austin Austin College Football Score College Football Kentucky at Louisville. (N) (Live) NASCAR Countdown NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: AdvoCare 500. (N) (Live) SportCtr ›› Sweet Home Alabama (2002) Reese Witherspoon. ›› The Goonies (1985) Sean Astin, Josh Brolin. ›››› Toy Story (1995, Comedy), Tim Allen ›››› Toy Story 2 (1999), Tim Allen ›››› Toy Story 2 (1999), Tim Allen Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Extreme Chef Diners Diners Food Truck Race Cupcake Wars (N) Food Truck Race Iron Chef America Restaurant Stakeout First Pla. First Pla. Property Property Property House H. Hunters Hunt Intl Sell LA Sell LA Hunters Hunt Intl Extreme Homes (CC) Buying and Selling Property Brothers Handyman Holmes Inspection ››› Losing Isaiah (1995) (CC) ›› The Secret Life of Bees (2008) Queen Latifah. (CC) Murder on the 13th Floor (2012) (CC) An Officer and a Murderer (2012) (CC) › Drew Peterson: Untouchable (2012) (CC) Officer Murder The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills (CC) The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills Awkward. Awkward. One Dir. Inbe Snooki Snooki MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at New York Yankees. (N) (CC) Harold & Kumar Go ›› The Heartbreak Kid (2007) Ben Stiller. (CC) Talladega Nights: Ricky Bobby Talladega Nights: Ricky Bobby Goodbye ››› The Black Stallion (1979) Kelly Reno. ›››› The Sting (1973) Paul Newman. (CC) ›››› Strangers on a Train (1951) (CC) ›› Hands of a Stranger (1962) ››› The Beast With Five Fingers (1946) Mad Love Men Blk 2 › Wild Wild West (1999) Will Smith, Kevin Kline. (CC) ›› Sherlock Holmes (2009, Action) Robert Downey Jr.. ››› Ocean’s Eleven (2001) George Clooney. Leverage (N) (CC) Leverage (CC) ›› Men in Black II Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU White Collar (CC) TEVA Mntn. Games Made Payne Chris Chris Big Bang Big Bang Friends Friends Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang › Ready to Rumble (2000) David Arquette. Scoop Made Cold Case (CC)


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Auto Racing Your Morning Sunday CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation 2012 U.S. Open Tennis Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Better H20 Paid Prog. Got Bugs? Paid Prog. Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe TBA Poppy Cat Justin LazyTown Wiggles Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Toledo Stories (CC) Plugged-In Your Hlth Antiques Roadshow The Andromeda Strain (2008) Benjamin Bratt, Eric McCormack. (CC) Longmire (CC) Longmire (CC) Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Half Hour › Saving Silverman (2001) Jason Biggs, Steve Zahn. (CC) ›› Sex Drive (2008) Josh Zuckerman. (CC) Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Good Jessie Austin Austin Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (N) (CC) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College Football › What a Girl Wants ››› Freaky Friday (2003) Jamie Lee Curtis. ›› Bring It On (2000, Comedy) Kirsten Dunst. Cupcake Wars Good Eats: Right on Q Dinners Guy’s Barbecue Be.- Made Paula Pioneer Best Income Income Kitchen Kitchen Hate Bath YardCrash Hse Crash Love It or List It (CC) R Schuller Turning J. Osteen Paid Prog. Chris Women Went Women Went Losing Isa The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills The Hills (CC) Friends Friends › Blue Streak (1999) Martin Lawrence. › Cop Out (2010, Comedy) Bruce Willis. (CC) ››› Love Affair (1939) (CC) ››› The Opposite Sex (1956) June Allyson. ›››› Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939) Law & Order “Bitch” Law & Order “Phobia” Law & Order Leverage (CC) ›› Men in Black II Miracles J. Osteen Necessary Roughness Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Who Knew Paid Prog. Old House For Home Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Look 27 Raceline Gershwin on Ice


September 2, 2012


9 am

n A27


7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office How I Met Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Storage Storage Housewives/NYC Jeff Dunham: Spark of Jessie Jessie College Football Live Switched at Birth (CC) Diners Diners Hunters Hunters Trading Spouses Ridic. Ridic. ›› 17 Again (2009) ››› Black Narcissus Rizzoli & Isles (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Big Bang Big Bang


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

September 3, 2012


11 pm


Bachelor Pad (N) (CC) Castle (CC) News Nightline How I Met Big Bang Broke Girl Mike Hawaii Five-0 (CC) News Letterman Hotel Hell “River Rock Inn; Roosevelt Hotel” Fox Toledo News Seinfeld The Office Stars Earn Stripes The winners are chosen. Grimm “Quill” (N) (CC) News Jay Leno Antiques Roadshow Market Warriors (CC) Antiques Roadshow Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Coma Healthy patients slip into comas. (N) Coma (CC) New York City Social Housewives/NYC Gallery Girls (N) Housewives/NYC Insanity Jeff Dunham: Arguing Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity Jeff Dunham: Arguing Shake It Up! “Made in Japan” Shake It Vampire Phineas Jessie ANT Farm College Football Georgia Tech at Virginia Tech. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Switched at Birth (N) ›› Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Josh Lucas The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) ›› Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys (2008, Drama) (CC) Prank Prank Prank Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Top 10 Ridic. Inbe WakeBros Guy Code Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (CC) ›››› The Palm Beach Story (CC) ››› My Brilliant Career (1979) Judy Davis. Shadows Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (N) (CC) Perception (N) (CC) Major Crimes (CC) WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) ›› Fast & Furious The L.A. Complex (N) America’s Next Model Sunny Sunny Cash Cab Cash Cab


7 pm



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8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

September 4, 2012


11 pm


Ent Insider Middle Last Man Happy Apt. 23 Convention News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles Convention News Letterman The Office How I Met Hell’s Kitchen (N) MasterChef (N) Fox Toledo News Seinfeld The Office Jdg Judy Jdg Judy America’s Got Talent Twelve acts perform. (N) Convention News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Democratic National Convention (N) (S Live) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Coma Healthy patients slip into comas. (CC) Coma Healthy patients slip into comas. (N) Coma (CC) Gallery Girls Housewives/NYC Flipping Out (N) (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Gallery Girls Colbert Daily Work. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 The Burn Daily Colbert ››› Spy Kids (2001) (CC) Gravity Code 9 Austin Vampire Phineas Jessie ANT Farm MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays. (Live) (CC) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (Live) (CC) Beverly Hills Nannies Beverly Hills Nannies Beverly Hills Nannies Beverly Hills Nannies The 700 Club (CC) Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Chopped “Own It!” Chopped (N) Chopped Hunt Intl Hunters Love It or List It (CC) Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Million Million Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (CC) Dance Moms (N) (CC) Women Went Women Went Awkward. ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. Premiere. Teen Mom “Reunion” ››› Mean Girls (2004) Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ›› Anzio MGM ››› Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House ››› High Society (1956) Bing Crosby. The Mentalist (CC) Bones (CC) Bones (CC) Bones (CC) CSI: NY (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU White Collar (N) (CC) Covert Affairs (N) Royal Pains Big Bang Big Bang Hart of Dixie (CC) The Next “New York” Sunny Sunny Cash Cab Cash Cab




BARRON’S CAFE Everything Mexican From Tacos to Enchiladas to Delicious Burritos

419-825-3474 13625 Airport Hwy., Swanton (across from Valleywood Country Club) Mon. - Thurs. 11-11 p.m. Fri. - Sat. .11-12 a.m. Closed Sundays and Holidays



419-841-7523 7742 W. Bancroft (1 Mi. West of McCord) Mon. - x Sat.10.25” from 11 a.m. ad 10” Closed Sundays & Holidays

TV Listings

A28 n Toledo Free Press Wednesday Evening ABC 13 CBS 11 FOX 36 NBC 24 PBS 30 A&E BRAVO COM DISN ESN FAM FOOD HGTV LIF MTV TBS TCM TNT USA WTO5

7 pm




7 pm



10 pm


8 pm


September 5, 2012


11 pm


9 pm


10 pm

1 pm


2 pm



September 7, 2012


11 pm


Ent Insider Stand Up to Cancer 20/20 (CC) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Stand Up to Cancer CSI: NY “Sláinte” (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met Stand Up to Cancer Bones (PA) (CC) Fox Toledo News Seinfeld The Office Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Stand Up to Cancer Grimm “Quill” (CC) Dateline NBC (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Wash. Deadline Great Performances American Masters “Lennon NYC” (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Coma Healthy patients slip into comas. (CC) Coma Healthy patients slip into comas. (CC) Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Colbert Daily Tosh.0 Tosh.0 ››› Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) Daily Colbert Austin Vampire ANT Farm Jessie (N) Phineas Gravity ANT Farm Good Code 9 Jessie NASCAR NASCAR Racing Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› The Princess Diaries (2001) ›› The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) The 700 Club (CC) Best Thing Best Thing Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Cousins (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl To Be Announced Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Women Went 2012 VMA Pre-Show 2012 MTV Video Music Awards ››› 8 Mile (2002) Eminem, Kim Basinger. Seinfeld Seinfeld Stand Up to Cancer Worse Worse Payne Payne ›› Daddy’s Little Girls A Face in the Crowd ››› Birdman of Alcatraz (1962) Burt Lancaster. (CC) ›› Cell 2455, Death Row (1955) The Mentalist (CC) ››› Inglourious Basterds (2009, War) Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent. (CC) (DVS) Brave Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang Big Bang America’s Next Model Nikita (CC) Sunny Sunny Cash Cab Cash Cab


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Suburg. Mod Fam Suburg. Convention News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Big Brother (N) (CC) Criminal Minds “Hit” Convention News Letterman The Office How I Met So You Think You Can Dance (N) (S Live) (CC) Fox Toledo News Seinfeld The Office Jdg Judy Football Night NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants. (N) (S Live) (CC) News NewsHour Business Democratic National Convention (N) (S Live) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Housewives/NYC Flipping Out (CC) Top Chef Masters Top Chef Masters (N) Top Chef Masters Colbert Daily South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Kevin Hart Daily Colbert Jessie Gravity Shake It ›› Spy Kids 3: Game Over (2003) Austin Phineas Jessie ANT Farm Kickoff E:60 (N) World/Poker World/Poker Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ››› Pretty Woman (1990) Richard Gere. ››› My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997) The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant: Im. Hunt Intl Hunters Property Brothers (CC) Buying and Selling (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Trading Spouses Wife Swap (CC) Wife Swap (CC) Wife Swap (CC) Wife Swap (CC) True Life True Life True Life (N) The Real World (N) Jersey Shore (CC) Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy (CC) Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) 3 Faces of Eve ››› To Have and Have Not (1944) (CC) (DVS) ››› The Big Sleep (1946) Humphrey Bogart. The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) CSI: NY (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) Royal Pains (N) NCIS “Masquerade” NCIS “Jack Knife” Big Bang Big Bang Oh Sit! (N) (CC) Supernatural (CC) Sunny Sunny Cash Cab Cash Cab


8 pm


7 pm



9 pm


8 am



9 am


10 am



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

September 6, 2012


11 pm


11 am

September 8, 2012


12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue College Football Your Morning Saturday Busytown Busytown Danger Horseland ’12 U.S. Open Animal Hollywood Eco Co. Mad Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Paid Prog. To Be Announced Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Noodle Pajanimals Poppy Cat Justin PGA Tour Golf Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur MotorWk Michigan Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) (DVS) Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Hideous Houses (N) Sell: Extreme Flip This House (CC) Rachel Zoe Project Rachel Zoe Project Rachel Zoe Project Rachel Zoe Project Flipping Out (CC) Patton Oswalt ›› Mystery Men (1999) Hank Azaria. (CC) ›› Encino Man (1992) Sean Astin. (CC) Mickey Pirates Phineas Phineas Gravity Fish ANT Farm Jessie Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) College Football Bring It On ›› Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006, Comedy) A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song (2011) Be.- Made Guy’s Mexican Paula Dinner Pioneer Contessa Giada Chopped Handyman Property Property BathCrash BathCrash YardCrash YardCrash Hse Crash Hse Crash Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chris Chris The Bad Son (2007) Inbe Inbe Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Teen Mom “Reunion” 2012 MTV VMAs Earl Earl Earl › College Road Trip (2008) Martin Lawrence. ›› American Pie 2 (2001) (CC) Honeymoon ››› Thunderbird 6 (1968) ›› The Power of the Whistler ›› The Lost Tribe Law & Order “Refuge” Perception (CC) Major Crimes (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Law & Order “Refuge” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Royal Pains White Collar (CC) Covert Affairs NCIS “The Curse” Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh! Iron Man Justice WWE Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Career Icons


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Wipeout “Rats!” (N) Rookie Blue “I Never” Convention News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Two Men Big Brother (N) (CC) Convention News Letterman The Office How I Met Raising New Girl Glee “Goodbye” (CC) Fox Toledo News Seinfeld The Office Jdg Judy Jdg Judy America’s Got Talent Democratic National Convention (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Democratic National Convention (N) (S Live) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) Housewives/NJ ›› Mission: Impossible (1996) Tom Cruise, Jon Voight. ›› Mission: Impossible (1996) Colbert Daily South Pk South Pk Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Daily Colbert Jessie Gravity Shake It ›› 16 Wishes (2010) Debby Ryan. Jessie Phineas Jessie ANT Farm College Football Live College Football Pittsburgh at Cincinnati. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ››› Mulan (1998) Voices of Ming-Na Wen. ››› Mulan (1998) Voices of Ming-Na Wen. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Extreme Chef (N) Food Truck Race Hunt Intl Hunters Buying and Selling You Live in What? Hunters Hunt Intl Abroad Hunt Intl Project Runway (CC) Project Runway (CC) Project Runway “Starving Artist” Project Runway “Starving Artist” 2012 VMA Pre-Show 2012 MTV Video Music Awards (N) (S Live) 2012 MTV Video Music Awards Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ›› The Maltese Bippy Curtain Po Manicure Katchem Wedding Bangville Mabel Knockout Great Toe The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) CSI: NY “Tri-Borough” NCIS Tense reunion. NCIS “Shalom” (CC) NCIS “Escaped” NCIS “Singled Out” Covert Affairs Big Bang Big Bang The Vampire Diaries The Next “Chicago” Sunny Sunny Cash Cab Cash Cab



8 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


September 8, 2012

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

College Football Penn State at Virginia. (N) (Live) College Football Regional Coverage. (N) (Live) (CC) Insider NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Federated Auto Parts 400. (N) (Live) News Anatomy 2012 U.S. Open Tennis Men’s Semifinals. From the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing, N.Y. (N) (CC) News News Wheel Jeopardy! 2012 U.S. Open Tennis Women’s Final. (N) 48 Hours Mystery News CSI Paid Paid Paid Paid MLB Pregame MLB Baseball Regional Coverage. (N Subject to Blackout) (CC) Pregame College Football Nebraska at UCLA. (N) (S Live) (CC) Touch (CC) PGA Tour Golf BMW Championship, Third Round. (N) College Football Purdue at Notre Dame. (N) (S Live) (CC) Jdg Judy Preview Grimm (CC) Saving Hope (N) Law & Order: SVU News SNL This Old House Hr John Quilting Bluegrass Front Row Center Globe Trekker Steves Travels Lawrence Welk History Detectives Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Classic Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Coma Healthy patients slip into comas. (CC) Coma Healthy patients slip into comas. (CC) ››› Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. (CC) To Be Announced Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. ›› The Goods: Live Hard. Sell Hard. (2009) › Vegas Vacation (1997) Chevy Chase. ›› Office Space (1999) Ron Livingston. ››› Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story ››› Get Him to the Greek (2010) Jonah Hill. Premiere. Tosh.0 Good Good Austin Shake It Gravity Gravity Jessie Jessie Good Austin Austin Shake It Shake It Shake It Vampire ANT Farm Good Jessie ANT Farm Vampire Shake It Jessie College Football Score College Football Florida at Texas A&M. (N) (Live) Score College Football Washington at LSU. (N) (Live) Score College Football Another Cinderella Story (2008) ›› The Princess Diaries (2001) Julie Andrews. ›› The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) ››› A Bug’s Life (1998), Kevin Spacey ››› A Bug’s Life (1998), Kevin Spacey Cupcake Wars Food Truck Race Restaurant Stakeout Diners Diners Iron Chef America Restaurant: Im. Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Iron Chef America Love It or List It (CC) Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Going Donna Hunters Hunt Intl Novo Dina Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl The Bad Son (2007) ››› The Capture of the Green River Killer (2008) Tom Cavanagh, Amy Davidson. (CC) Fatal Honeymoon (2012) Harvey Keitel. (CC) Killer Among Us (2012) Tess Atkins. (CC) Killer Among Us (2012) Tess Atkins. (CC) 2012 MTV VMAs Jersey Shore ››› 8 Mile (2002, Drama) Eminem, Kim Basinger. Awkward. 2012 MTV Video Music Awards Jersey Shore Snooki Snooki Snooki Snooki 2012 MTV VMAs Americn ›› Fun With Dick & Jane (2005) (CC) ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) Jessica Alba. Premiere. King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang ›› Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009) How Stella Got LostTribe ››› To Be or Not to Be (1942) (CC) ›››› Zorba the Greek (1964) Anthony Quinn. (CC) ››› A Big Hand for the Little Lady (1966) ››› The Goodbye Girl (1977) (CC) Bachelor and Bobby-Soxer Andy Hrd ››› Inglourious Basterds (2009, War) Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent. (CC) (DVS) ››› Braveheart (1995, Historical Drama) Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau. (CC) ›››› Saving Private Ryan (1998, War) Tom Hanks, Edward Burns. (CC) Flags NCIS “Sub Rosa” NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Bete Noir” NCIS (CC) NCIS “Reveille” (CC) NCIS “Forced Entry” NCIS “Twilight” (CC) NCIS “Kill Ari” (CC) NCIS “Kill Ari” (CC) CSI: Crime Scene Live Life On Spot Game Raceline EP Daily EP Daily Futurama Futurama Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang ›› My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006) CW Fall Futurama Sunny Sunny


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A30 n Toledo Free Press

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legal notice A+ Self Storage at 1324 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612 will offer for public sale at 4:00PM on September 25, 2012 the following units: Unit 253, Lexi Kaminski 4101 Thornton Toledo, Ohio 43612: Microwave, Boxes, Bike; Unit 449, Regina Culp 2757 Tremainsville #24 Toledo, OH 43613: Boxes, Storage Tubs, Air Conditioner; Unit 453, Penny Thomas 2436 Woodfox Toledo, OH 43612: Mattress, Microwave, Storage Tubs; Unit 729, Paul Gauthier 1011 E Sixth Monroe, Mi 48161: Chest of Drawers, Trunk, Boxes; Unit 738, Joseph M Layman 1187 Ernest Temperance, MI 48182: Desk; Unit 902, Jerry Loop 2697 Southwick Ida, Mi 48140: Tv, Mattress, Sectional Sofa; Unit 906, Michael Trombly 516 Waybridge Rd Toledo, OHIO 43612: Curio Cabinet, Sofa, Boxes; Unit 1013, Nichole Zieroff 5055 Jamieson Toledo, OH 43613: Crib Mattress, Fan, Vacuum; Unit 1041, Tracy Quinn 5725 Silverside Dr. #5 Toledo, OH 43612: Mattress, Refrigerator, Sofa; Unit 1306, Andrea Welch 5338 Sandra Toledo OH 43613: TV, Mattress, Train Table; Unit 1712, Darlene C. Arnett 2212 Stirrup LN Tol, OH 43613: Microwave, Art Work, Records; Unit 1905, Rigoberto Ruiz 1006 Gribbin Lane Toledo, OHIO 43612: Pieces of Carpet, Floor Mat; Unit 1917, Zachary Weier 451 W. Poinsetta Toledo, OH 43612: High Chair, Car Seat, Sofa. Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400

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wanted WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201


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3470 GoddaRd Spectacular home, professionally help landscaped on double lot. 3 you. bed, 1 bath, 1446 sq ft. will Sunroom listen whatfloor you Newer roof,I bath. overlooks backyard 3716 kitchen, HAMPSTEAD. Bright, toopen plan. want, show you homes that just a sign in your yard. garden paradise. Hurry, won’t last. $104,900. 4 Bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths. Great room you with fit your budget, provide » Are you thinking about selling your home? cathedral ceilings,should custom builtin fireplace. Home lender andStone prepare youto for aDrive successful closing.the » Do you know how itwith be priced options Thinking condo Compliments of Mary Ann Stearns, Pathway Real 419.345.0071 Estate | www.Mar

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Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise 3450 caution when dealing with W. Central, Suite 334 Toledo, Ohio people, companies and organizations with43606 whom you are not familiar.


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about buying 2556 plUM leaFNew End carpet unit. Maumee schools. 1580 today’s market? columns., Loft, and paint in aall 4 home? Call or »bedrooms. Want on howpatio, many are bedemail for your sq ft. 3statistics bed,Brick 1-1/2 bath,homes Master with walk-in beautifully landscaped FREE Buyer’s Stearns » 419.345.0071 Ann for sale in your price range and area? Mary Guide! closet, master bath. Fireplace, private patio, basement, ® fenced. Automatic sprinklers. »backyard, Have you had an updated market analysis? Realtor »Finished Life Member TBR Million Dollar Club Let me All appliances Neutral decor. $79,900. Want to know what “more than” can mean for you? basement withstay. storage. $204,900. »

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n A31

A32 n Toledo Free Press


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