Toledo Free Press – October 7, 2012

Page 1

SPORTS i Hockey

OPINION i Point/counterpoint


Getting ready to hit somebody, Page A29

Liberal, conservative, libertarian views, Page A4

Planning for families, Page A17

Walleye on ice

Where is America headed? End-of-life choices

BEST Weekly newspaper in ohio 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards



A Toledo tradition since 2005

7, 2012

Taking flight

MIKE HERRICK and Chick-fil-A move past controversy to open two new locations. 10x1.25_FreeTix_UT_A#62EB41.pdf


Story by Brigitta Burks, Page A26

8:51:07 AM









WIN 2 ROUNDTRIP TICKETS TO CHICAGO ON AMERICAN EAGLE TO SEE THE ROCKETS PLAY THE HUSKIES ON NOV. 14! The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority is a Proud Partner of The University of Toledo Athletics


A2 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012

Now Enrolling for Winter Classes


OCTOBER 7, 2012

Publisher’s statement


Honors roll

etween a narrow New York Giants loss, a Detroit Lions debacle and the Americans losing the Ryder Cup, Sept. 30 was a terrible sports day for me. But for a Sunday, it was a great workday. Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief Michael Miller and I drove to Cincinnati for the 17th annual Ohio Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Awards, where we heard TFP’s name called a record six times. The lunch and ceremony took place at the club suite of the Cincinnati Reds’ Great American Ballpark, a beautiful facility even if it was built with a mediocre view of the Ohio River instead of what could have been a spectacular view of the city’s impressive skyline. Hosted this year by SPJ Secretary-Treasurer Tom Moore of Clear Channel Media and SPJ Cincinnati Chapter President Alex Coolidge, the awards honor Ohio’s best journalism in print, broadcast and Thomas F. Pounds online media. This year, TFP was honored with the following awards: O “Best Weekly Newspaper” for the fourth year in a row (circulation over 100,000). Because of our 100,000 circulation in 2011, TFP competed in writing categories against the state’s daily newspapers. O Miller won first place in Ohio for Best Defense of First Amendment for “Was it something I said?” in his “Lighting the Fuse” column. O Miller also received first place in Ohio for Best Media Criticism for the column “Monkey Business.” Miller deconstructed a Jan. 8, 2011, Blade story, “WSPD host compares TPS students, monkeys; Wilson denies racism.” O SPJ awarded TFP second place for Children’s Issues Reporting to Patrick Timmis for stories on Feed Lucas County Children, a nonprofit that has prepared more than a million meals for hungry children. O Vicki L. Kroll, also the director of internal communications for the University of Toledo, received second place for Best Rock and Roll Feature Writing. O Jeff McGinnis, TFP Star’s pop culture editor, received second place for Best Arts Reporting (circulation under 100,000). The Blade received eight awards, including a first place for explanatory journalism to David Yonke, who is now editor of and a Toledo Free Press contributor. The awards judging this year was conducted by journalists in Chicago, Detroit, Hawaii, Florida, Milwaukee and Washington, D.C. We are proud of the unchallenged standards SPJ represents and the high values the industry places on its honors. Congratulations to SPJ for another fine program and to all the winners of its honors. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at



n A3

Me vs. food

“Well, good for you, dude,” Richman said. “I just stopped was wheeled into the operating room and transferred to the main table. The anesthesiologist leaned over me with by to wish you well and let you know you can do this. It’s an important decision and you are doing a proud thing for a mask and lied, “I’m going to give you some oxygen.” I nodded and glanced at the large TV showing my name yourself and your family. It will be tough, but I and many and case details on the screen. I had chosen to undergo others support you.” “Thanks,” I croaked, teary-eyed. “Have bariatric sleeve surgery to gain control over you ever thought about losing a few pounds my dangerously ballooning weight. After six through diet or surgery?” months of preparation and an 18-day liquid “F*ck that,” he said. “Now, I’m off to diet, I was seconds away from the operation. Boston to eat a 10-pound lobster and 2 galIt was 10:02 a.m. Sept. 18. lons of ice cream!” When I woke up at 2:30 p.m., I looked I shook my head, and he was gone. down to see six small incisions where 85 per“Adam,” I mumbled, fighting to wake up. cent of my stomach used to be. I tried to swim “Pig-outs. Travel Channel. Dagobah System.” to consciousness, but kept falling back asleep. Another hour had passed and my blood The first words I heard were from a nurse, pressure numbers were down to 160. who was talking to another nurse. About me. I vaguely remember my wife and surgeon “His blood pressure is way up,” she said. Michael S. miller stopping by to check on me. Everything had “At 190. We’re giving him meds to try to get gone smoothly, I was assured. it down.” The nurse patted my hand and two assistants said I groggily glanced over my left shoulder and saw the red flashing digital 190, which closely resembled the numbers hello as they began to wheel my bed toward the elevator and to my room. On the 10-minute journey, both women on the hospital scale. “Wow,” I said with a mushy mouth, “I went into surgery talked nonstop about what they were having for lunch and what their dinner plans were. at 350 pounds and I’m down to 190! Nice!” The nurse smiled and said, “No, that’s your blood pressure. We just gave you Lopressor to help get it back down.” Solitary confinement Even at my heaviest weight, I had been blessed with When my head was mostly clear, I took stock of my relatively healthy inner workings. No diabetes and blood surroundings. I was in a small private room. I had an IV pressure that reliably hovered at 120 over 80. The 70-point in my right hand, heart and vital signs monitors taped to spike should have alarmed me, but I wasn’t quite awake and my chest, oxygen tubes in my nose and a catheter draining I had one finger on a morphine trigger. urine from my body. I slipped back into darkness. When I opened my eyes, I “Huh,” I thought. “I wonder how that is hooked up.” was staring at Adam Richman, who hovered several feet over Then I remembered/realized the catheter tube had been my hospital gurney, wearing jeans, a black jacket and a T-shirt inserted through (for the purposes of this discussion, I will with a cartoon pig chowing down on a rack of barbecued ribs. refer to the organ as “Sinbad”) and up into my bladder. I “Adam?” I asked. had been asleep for the unnatural act of insertion and tried “That’s right, this is Adam Richman, host of Travel to dwell on less excruciating details, like the severe presChannel’s ‘Man v. Food.’ I travel the country looking for sure I felt in my chest, as if someone were leaning on my the greatest pig-out spots, and today I am in beautiful Ann sternum with both elbows. Arbor, Mich., where the wolverines fight and the students When the first nurse appeared, I described the pain and devour some of the Midwest’s biggest and best sandwiches asked if I were having a heart attack. and burgers,” Richman said. “No,” she said, “that is from the CO2 they pump into “Did you bring me anything to eat?” I asked. your body while they operate. It takes a day or two for that “No, dude, your pig-out days are over,” he said, pressure to dissipate.” smiling sympathetically. Between the needles, pressure, soreness and that cath“You know, I watched an hour of your show every day eter, which had taken on a Stephen King quality of evil in while I was on my presurgery diet,” I said, still hoping he my head, all I wanted to do was sleep. Until the nurses woke was hiding a cheeseburger, plate of honey barbecue chicken me up to take a blood sample. And then when they woke wings or even a loaf of Zingerman’s fresh bread. me up to take my vital signs. And then when they woke me “Wasn’t that tortuous, watching me eat a 6-pound bur- up to ask how I was sleeping. rito while you were choking down 8-ounces of medical In addition to those challenges, I had last taken a drink of protein?” he asked. water and eaten some plain low-fat yogurt at 6 p.m. Monday. “It actually made me feel better, seeing all those eats and It was now 8 a.m. Wednesday and even what remained of vicariously watching you destroy a 10-patty burger and 4 my stomach was wondering what the hell was going on. pounds of fries,” I said. “I can’t explain it, it just helped.” n MILLER CONTINUES ON A4 Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 8, No. 41. Established 2005. EDITORIAL Mary Ann Stearns, Design Editor James A. Molnar, Lead Designer Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Brigitta Burks, News Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor


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Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Mike Bauman • Jeremy Baumhower • Jim Beard John Dorsey • Vicki L. Kroll • Don Lee • Jason Mack John P. McCartney • Duane Ramsey Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Brigitta Burks, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

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A4 n Toledo Free Press


OCTOBER 7, 2012

THE HOT CORNER: Where is america heading?

Looking at the future


n MILLER CONTINUED FROM A3 The IV was keeping me hydrated, but the direct oxygen was drying out my mouth to the point where I was ready to start spitting up tumbleweeds. The nurses brought me little swabs my wife could dip in water to keep my lips from cracking like the roads in South Toledo, and eventually a nurse hooked up the oxygen to the CPAP breathing machine I brought from home. That handy device has a builtin humidifier, so I was much more comfortable.


A quick word about the nurses. The two primary nurses working with me were responsive, empathetic and absolutely helped me make the most of a tough situation. One of the nurse’s husbands had undergone bariatric surgery, so she knew exactly what road I was on and was a wonderful sounding board. I know not everyone has the same experience, but every nurse and assistant that aided me was a great help and a tremendous presence.

20 seconds of weirdness

Which is why I can forgive my main nurse for lying to me about the catheter. About 24 hours after the surgery, the IV, oxygen and monitors were removed. All I needed was to have the catheter taken out and I would be able to start walking to avoid blood clots and to keep the weight loss moving. She came in with an assistant (it seemed like every time I was at my most naked/vulnerable/grossly displayed, the assistant was some gorgeous young woman. I suppose a little humiliation is good for the soul). She took Sinbad in hand and said, “OK, this is going to feel weird for about 20 seconds.” Then, she did the Band-Aid Yank and pulled the entire catheter from my bladder, out my urethra and on its long(ish) journey to freedom. She pulled it like a falling man pulls a ripcord on his parachute. She yanked it like an angry man trying to get his lawnmower started.

Later, when my wife joined us, the nurse said, “Your husband cried like a baby when I removed his catheter.” “I did not,” I defended myself. “I screamed like a little girl. There’s a difference.”

Going home

About 48 hours after the surgeons reduced my stomach to about the size of a small peeled banana, I was released from the hospital. The liquid diet finally ended at 30 days, when cottage cheese and one scrambled egg were introduced to my diet. I never dreamed I would be so excited about cottage cheese. Low-fat cottage cheese. I have been blessed with tremendous support from friends, family and that strange family of friends on Facebook. I have cried randomly, been moody and missed more work than I wanted to. For one short period, I would stare at the fridge or pantry, take a bite of something I could not have, and do what I called “The Clinton” — chew it until every atom of flavor had been savored, then spit it out in the sink without swallowing anything. I started Sept. 1 at 380 pounds. As of this writing, Oct. 2, 14 days after the surgery, I am at 315 pounds. I am wearing shirts I haven’t taken out of the closet in two years. I am walking two or more miles every day. I get tired, but I feel ... better. When my pal Adam Richman beats a food consumption challenge, he makes a capital “M” with his fingers and declares, “Today, in the eternal struggle between man vs. food, man wins!” I am nowhere near ready to declare that victory yet, but when I break 300 pounds, and then 250, I am going to make a lowercase “m” and declare temporary victory in my eternal struggle. And I will have earned it. O Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Email him at

he task at hand is to present a against their own best interests? vision for the future of our na- Well, if they can gin up enough of a smoke screen to get tion based on the attention off their the outcome of the 2012 clearly failed policies, election. This election is maybe they have a probably the strangest chance. That’s where election season I’ve seen issues like gay marin my 60 years, and the riage, race baiting, stakes for the average so-called socialism middle-class American and all those angry couldn’t be higher. The white guys come in. moneyed class has got We’ll just channel the the bit in its teeth, and Founding Fathers in with the help of the reli- Don BURNARD spite of what the true gious right, and in spite of the help of a crowd of self-styled history is, and while we’re at it we’ll constitutional experts and economists, rewrite the Constitution, ignore they’re going for the whole enchilada, even the most basic economic thea corporate-led takeover of the gover- ories and blame everything on the profligate socialist black guy in our nance of this country. The aforementioned groups can be White House. Let’s look at Obama’s so-called summed up as angry, white and mostly males. Unfortunately, they haven’t profligacy. In the President’s first real picked the best person for their candi- budget, spending was down 1.8 perdate. Mitt Romney has turned out to be cent to $3.46 trillion. In 2011, it rose an arrogant apostate who doesn’t seem 4.3 percent to $3.6 trillion and for to connect with most people in the real 2012 is set to rise 0.7 percent to $3.63 trillion. The 2013 budget, his final for world most of us live in. Romney has tried, between faux his first term, is scheduled to fall 1.3 pas, to come across as someone who percent to $3.58 trillion. These fighas our best interests at heart and a se- ures are hard to follow for the average cret plan to create jobs for everyone by layman so perhaps a little perspective basically returning to the same failed is in order. Obama has been accused policies of the past. For 40 years or of running up the debt more than so, we’ve been told that if we give tax any other president in modern times. breaks to the rich and get rid of those Let’s see how he stacks up against his pesky regulations that keep companies predecessors in annualized growth from reaching their full potential, jobs in federal spending. We’ll start with will come pouring into the workplace Ronald Reagan: O Reagan ’82-85: 8.7 percent and everything will be hunky-dory. O Reagan ’86-89: 4.9 percent Well, we’ve basically tried that, and it O Bush I ’90-93: 5.4 percent still hasn’t worked! All it has done is O Clinton ’94-97: 3.2 percent crash the economy and taken away 40 O Clinton ’98-01: 3.9 percent percent of the middle class’s worth. But O W. Bush ’02-05: 7.3 percent still, they keep doubling down on it, O W. Bush ’06-09*: 8.1 percent and why shouldn’t they? O Obama ’10-13: 1.4 percent In the past 50 years, Republicans *2009 budget was reassigned to have held the presidency for 28 years and the Democrats for 22 years. Obama. It took effect four months During the GOP terms, they created before he took office. These figures come from the Of24 million jobs, while the Democrats created 42 million. The stock market fice of Management and Budget, returns: GOP, 109 percent vs. Dems, the Congressional Budget Office 992 percent. Annualized stock market and Haver Analytics, and were pubreturns: GOP, 2.7 percent vs. Dems, lished by Rick Ungar on 11 percent. GDP growth: GOP, 2.7 in his column “Token Lefty” (I can percent vs. 4.1 percent. And finally in- relate). He pointed out that Obama come growth: GOP, 0.6 percent vs. 2.2 is the smallest government spender percent. These figures come from the since Eisenhower. Another rightDept. of Labor, Bloomberg and Politico. wing myth bites the dust. So if you want to look at the fuAm I missing something here? In virtually every economic indicator, ture, look at the past through cold this country has done substantially hard facts, not through the rose-colbetter under Democratic governance ored glasses the right uses to sell its than under Republican rule. How is it lies and innuendoes. O then, that even after the crash of the economy and the Great Recession, so Email columnist Don Burnard at many people are willing to clearly vote


OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A5

CHILDREN OF LIBERTY: Where is America heading?

Choosing freedom

By Liz Cope and Scott Allegrini CHildren of Liberty


he divisions facing America today are the greatest of our generation. At the core of this division is the question: Is man capable of ruling himself? We, as a unified nation, have to answer this question, and determine the direction America will take and the country we want to leave to the future. What do we mean by “ruling himself ”? By this phrase we mean the desire to control and define one’s own destiny regardless of demographic. From the earliest age, to be encouraged to seek success and take pride in personal achievements. To govern the mind and body, rather than rely on another. To take advantage of equal opportunities, rather than expecting others to supply equal outcomes. To rely on self. If we believe man is not capable of ruling himself, and does not desire these things, then from cradle to grave man will need a big government to provide for and, thereby, control him. Because when the government provides, it can also take away. When the government can take away something a man needs, or wants or

values, he loses his independence. Recently, President Obama, on his campaign website, introduced “The Life of Julia,” a slideshow portraying how Obama’s policies could help a woman throughout her lifetime. It began with Julia going to Head Start, then progressing through public school and on to college. The president ensures that she will get “birth control and preventative care, letting her focus on her work rather than worry about her health.” The story goes on and on, telling us all the wonderful things that Julia can do, without worry, because of the numerous government programs that provide for her every step of the way. The implication is that none of these things would be possible without the government, and specifically, Obama. But worse, the message is that Julia isn’t capable of doing for herself. She is deficient in some way, and needs constant care and assistance. The slide show does not, however, point out that government “help” also comes with real costs. The U.S. is $16 trillion in debt and even if the rich were taxed at 100 percent of income, the bill could not be paid. And so, the burden will fall on the next in line — the middle class. The ones who pay for the programs but don’t qualify for them;

the ones who say to their kids, “We can’t afford it,” but watch as debt after debt is piled on at the federal level. This path for America is bankrupt both financially and morally, but under Obama’s vision, this is where America is headed. Conservatives have a different philosophy. Conservatives believe that man is capable of ruling himself, and, like our Founding Fathers, believe that his rights consist of “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness,” not excessive entitlement programs. We believe many Americans are afraid to try, because they are afraid to fail. But failure is the greatest teacher. Thomas Edison failed while inventing the light bulb hundreds of times, but each failure was a lesson that brought him one step closer to success. Apple has invented and launched numerous products that have flopped, only to learn from those failures and go on to create global winners like the iPod and iPad. We also believe that some Americans do not choose to try, because they don’t have to. With the big government programs we have today, and more on the way, there is little incentive. What would you rather do? Struggle, do without and work long hours while you invent a product or launch a new business, or collect a check? If you

replaced the word “government” with “parent,” what would you want your kids to do? Sit on your couch and eat the food you worked to provide, or get a job and pay for their own lives? Following the belief that man can manage himself is the desire for limited government. Like a meddling in-law or controlling parent, too much government is oppressive. Some government is good and necessary, such as police and fire forces, or military for national defense and border patrol, but other interventions, such as health care, need to be weighed carefully before they become an obstacle to freedom. This November, Americans have a choice: the government-run “Life of Julia” or the personally managed life and destiny. A government “of the people” and “for the people” that rewards selfreliance, or a government of entitlement? We choose freedom — freedom to build our lives with our own hands; freedom that encourages individuals to become anything they dare to be. And this is the America we hope others will choose and our future will inherit. O Email Liz Cope and Scott Allegrini at letters@

The libertarian perspecTive: Where is America heading?

By Kenneth Sharp


fter eight years of a Republican president, two wars, the Patriot Act, financial meltdown, bailouts and uncontrolled government spending and borrowing, just to start a list, Americans wanted a new course. They wanted hope and change. They elected President Barack Obama and they got expanded military action in at least three other countries (Libya, Yemen and Syria), the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), continued bailouts, more quantitative easing (printing money) and more government spending and borrowing, just to start. Now we are told that our choices are four more years with Obama or to elect Republican Mitt Romney. Both candidates are openly hawks on Iran. Both openly support the NDAA, which includes the indefinite detention of American citizens without trial. Both support drone strikes, which have been used to assassinate American as well as foreign citizens (though no kills yet on American soil). Both would increase the deficit significantly, even projected over a

You decide

large time span. Both have gained significant campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and other bailout recipients. Both follow crony capitalism instead of free markets. Both want federal control of health care (your body). Granted, the levels are slightly different. Romney calls for repeal and replace. Both condone mass incarceration for nonviolent offenses that have led us to imprison more of our citizens than any other nation. A great portion of that includes incarceration for nonviolent offenses like marijuana, which 100 years ago would not have even been a crime and that many Western nations feel is a health rather than criminal issue. Obama has admitted to marijuana and even cocaine use and says he supports the reform of drug laws, yet his Justice Department has conducted more raids on medical marijuana dispensaries than did the Bush administration. So in states where the citizens have voted to allow their neighbors relief from chronic pain etc., Obama is using federal law and agents to stop and arrest them. Obama is using the IRS in a similar fashion.

Both candidates have similar immigration policies. Again, Obama talks one game and plays another. His administration touts a record number of deportations while Obama courts the Hispanic vote with the promise of gateways to citizenship. Both see gridlock as advantageous in blocking the opponent and yet see government as the solution. Both parties like to divide us as it guarantees their election. They win and we lose. Our future is evident across the Atlantic. California and Illinois will be our first Greece and Spain. Calls will come for more bailouts, printing more money (without regard to the inflation that must accompany it) and for more regulation. The insistence on raising taxes (only on the rich … to start), the need for more or continued wars to improve GDP output and to lessen the labor pool that causes social unrest at home are just the start. We have become too good as consumers. We accept their marketing. We believe what they say and not what they do. We project our desires onto candidates and do not see how they are part of a bigger machine. I have heard people complain about the

The time to vote principles, not party, is now. It has always been now. It is how we should have voted in the last election, the one before that and so on. There are more than two viable candidates for president, not that they would let you know.”

loss of jobs, money and liberties and then they turn around and say they cannot support a candidate who will actually obey the Constitution or end corporate/government cronyism like the bailouts. They say now is not the time to vote on principles like illegal

detentions, drug reform, TSA at airports, the sale of raw milk, warrantless searches and seizures or the deficit. This I hear from both sides of the aisle. Guess what? It is still the same aisle. An aisle doesn’t really have sides, just edges. The time to vote principles, not party, is now. It has always been now. It is how we should have voted in the last election, the one before that and so on. There are more than two viable candidates for president, not that they would let you know. It is up to you to do the research and find who actually supports your values. Then vote for them. For me that ticket is Gary Johnson/ Jim Gray, the Libertarian candidates. I have given you only a short list of how the two major parties are no different. Only their marketing makes them seem far apart. We can continue to be good nonthinking consumers — to be led and be servants of the state — or we can be critical thinkers and act for ourselves, to lead and be citizens of the state. Where is America heading? You decide. O Email Kenneth Sharp at letters@


A6 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012


By David Yonke


Toledo-area Muslims are reeling from an arson fire at the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, but are grateful for an outpouring of support from the local interfaith community. “All the support we get is very welcome because if you are going through a tragedy and you have a friend who is holding your hand it means a lot,” said Dr. S. Zaheer Hasan, a spokesman for the United Muslim Association of Toledo. Perrysburg Township police said Oct. 2 that a suspect has been arrested and is in custody in Fort Wayne, Ind., for the Sept. 30 arson blaze at the highly visible mosque just south of Toledo. Surveillance footage from the Islamic Center, located at the junction of I-475 and I-75, showed a “person of interest” — a white middle-aged male wearing a camouflage sweatshirt and hat — at the mosque’s entrance shortly before the blaze, which was reported about 5 p.m.

Suspect in custody

Det. Sgt. James Gross said Perrysburg Township police and the Ohio State Fire Marshal have identified the individual in custody and are continuing an investigation with help from the FBI and the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Gross did not name the individual but the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette reported that Randy T. Linn, 52, of Saint Joe, Ind., was arrested at his workplace on Tuesday and was being held at the Allen County Jail until an extradition hearing. He faces charges in Ohio of aggravated burglary,

carrying a concealed weapon and two counts of arson. Mahjabeen Islam, president of the Islamic Center, said the suspect poured gasoline in the center of the main floor where men worship at the mosque. Women pray on the same main floor, but in an area separated by a low divider. “It was set in the men’s prayer area and the sprinklers turned out the fire. There is a lot of water damage from the sprinklers,” Islam said. “The Islamic Center is uninhabitable for easily three months.” She said the Islamic Center is making plans for an interfaith prayer session on the mosque’s grounds at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 5, the time Muslims normally hold Juma prayers, their main service of the week. “All the faith communities are invited to come and join us in solidarity,” Islam said.

Outpouring of support

The mosque has received many phone calls and emails of support from non-Muslims in the Toledo area, Islam said. The outpouring reminded her of when Toledo Christian radio station YES FM organized a prayer rally at the mosque a week after 9/11. In the wake of 9/11, someone had fired a bullet from the road through one of the mosque’s stained-glass windows. More than 1,500 people of all faiths turned out on Sept. 18, 2001, holding hands as they encircled the Middle Eastern-style mosque and prayed for the safety of those who worship within. Rev. Steve Anthony, executive director of Toledo Area Ministries,

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Muslims thankful for support after arson at mosque


The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo.

said he and his organization that represents 125 Christian churches and faith-based agencies are outraged by the arson attack and will do what they can to help local Muslims. “Any attack on a house of worship, no matter what faith, is deplorable and should be condemned,” Anthony said. “And there’s no room for that in a pluralistic society. We should respect each other’s houses of worship. “I want to be a part of whatever [local Muslims] are doing to support them,” he said. Islam said there is no information yet on a possible motive for the blaze. “It’s difficult to draw a conclusion

as to whether it’s connected to world events, or a simple case of Islamophobia, or if this is someone who is a pyromaniac,” she said. “Unless we find him and talk to him we don’t know.” But the damage to her house of worship is heart-rending, she said. “It’s so painful to see. It goes to my heart to see the prayer area where there is now a crater, a black crater.” She said the fire reached high enough to shatter lightbulbs on a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. “You can smell the gasoline. The main damage is in the prayer area but the rest of the Islamic Center has water damage,” Islam said.

There were no services or organized activities taking place at the mosque at the time of the fire, Islam added. Islam said mosque officials are discussing what they will do until the center is repaired. Insurance officials inspected the building. Members of the Islamic Center will likely worship under a tent on the mosque grounds as long as the weather permits, according to Islam. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has reported community opposition to 53 mosques and Islamic centers across the United States in the past several years, including one in southwestern Ohio. O

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OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A7


Forum discusses Ohio’s role in alternative energies By John P. McCartney

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

One Ohio Senate and three Ohio House of Representative candidates joined four area business entrepreneurs Sept. 25 to discuss their political positions on solar, wind, biomass, fossil fuel and nuclear energy projects. These projects were offered as solutions to establishing the best clean and alternative energy technologies for the state’s economy at the “Ohio Clean Energy Economy Meet the Candidates” forum at the University of Toledo’s Scott Park Campus auditorium. The 90-minute panel discussion addressed how Ohio in general, and the northwest area of the state specifically, would best be served by its elected officials in meeting Senate Bill 221’s (SB221) requirements. SB221 says utility companies that do business in Ohio secure 12.5 and 25 percent of all their energy from clean and alternative energy technologies, respectively, by 2025. The remainder of energy

in Ohio is derived from coal, oil and natural gas. The Ohio legislature defines clean energy sources to include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric energies. Alternative energy sources are defined to also include nuclear power. And this is the area in which the four candidates in attendance — incumbents Randy Gardner (RepubSZOLLOSI lican, Senate District 2) and Matt Szollosi (Democrat, House District 46), and first-time candidates Jeff Bunck (Democrat, House District 47) and Dave Kissinger (Republican, House District 46) — differed most dramatically. Bunck, who retired from teaching high school social studies after a 35year career, describes himself as a lifelong environmental activist who strongly supports SB221, clean energy technologies and energy con-

servation. Bunck was the only candidate to receive applause for his proposals to a room of more than 60 UT students, faculty and staff members and local businessmen. Gardner, a House representative who touted his role in passing SB221, noted that he holds the same energy positions as presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. He said Ohio, and the nation, must continue to utilize coal and oil as energy sources in addition to solar, wind and other clean energy technologies currently in the research and development stages. Kissinger, a retired registered nurse with a military career that included monitoring the radiation levels of shipmates at sea for six- to 12-month deployments, is a firm believer in the “absolute” safety of nuclear energy. He is an outspoken advocate for legislating subsidies for Ohio energy companies research and development of nuclear power to meet SB221’s requirements. Szollosi, a House incumbent who represents citizens of Jerusalem

Township, Oregon and West Toledo, followed Gardner example in describing how hard he worked to pass SB221. Szollosi also took the opportunity to point out additional work in the Ohio legislature when he congratulated business participants Al Compaan (Xunlight 26 Solar), Praveen Paripati (SuGanit Systems, Inc.), Aaron Valentine (Emersol) and Keith Walters (One Energy, LLC) for taking advantage of some of the legislation he said he was instrumental in passing in past years.

Support for subsidies

All four candidates said they would support subsidies for the development of offshore wind energy projects on Lake Erie with one qualification. Bunck said his support was contingent upon a guarantee that Lake Erie’s “many other uses, including recreational fishing and boating, would not be ignored or lessened because of its use for wind energy R&D.” Subsidies to the coal industry, fracking operations and the DavisBesse nuclear power plant in Oak

Profile of Excellence: Josh Williams Owens Community College Alumnus

Josh Williams grew up in Fostoria, Ohio. He graduated from Arcadia High School in 1998. He played golf and was offered many scholarships to colleges throughout the state. He decided not to play golf and to attend Ohio State instead. He missed friends at home and decided not to continue with his classes. He came home and began working for a landscape company in Findlay, Ohio. After about five years, the head golf coach at Owens Community College called and asked him to try out for the new team they were building. He went to try outs and ended up being offered a scholarship. “Owens was the greatest thing to ever happen in my life. It got me back on track and gave me a second chance. I wouldn’t be where I am today without it,” said Williams. He spent two years working on his general education classes and finding out what he wanted to do for a career. Playing golf was a major part of forming who he is today. His golf coach, Jim Welling, acted as a mentor and inspired Williams to be a mentor.

Josh Williams Head Men’s Golf Coach, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach and Adjunct Professor, Owens Community College 2006 Transfer Student

In 2007, Williams accepted a position as Assistant Coach for the Men’s Golf Team. This year he was promoted to the Head Men’s Golf Coach. Additionally, he is also the Assistant Coach for the Men’s Basketball team and an adjunct professor for the Health and Physical Education program. “I love my role as a coach. I can barely articulate how great it is to help students achieve their goals in life,” said Williams. He is proud of the golf legacy at Owens. The golf team is currently ranked second athletically in the United States for its freshman players. Academically, they also fare well. In 2009, the team was ranked second best in the country for its academic prowess. This year, they anticipate having several students ranked as Academic All Americans. Williams is currently attending Ashford University and working on his bachelor’s degree in sports management. He plans on continuing to coach for Owens for the foreseeable future. “Owens is my home,” said Williams. “It would take a lot for me to leave.”

“Owens was the greatest thing to ever happen in my life.”

Harbor did not receive the same kind of support wind energy enjoyed. Gardner said he would demand the legislature keep coal and oil in the debate when the Senate “scrutinizes all government involvement in the subsidizing of businesses.” Szollosi’s biggest concern was not eliminating coal from the discussion because, he said, “We’re in a period of transition, and there are a lot of people in Ohio whose livelihood is tied to coal production, including the producers themselves and construction workers as two examples.” Bunck jumped on Szollosi’s use of the word “transition” to discuss the U.S.’s need to transition from coal to “clean, natural energy,” a discussion of climate change and “our obligation to protect the future of our grandchildren.” Kissinger told stories about his experiences as an RN in the armed services to tell the audience that the “health care of pollution is near and dear to my heart and I will do everything to ensure the ongoing reduction in pollution” as a legislator. n ENERGY CONTINUES ON A8

Come Join The Fun Join the Alumni Association today and experience cultural events, community service, legacy scholarship opportunities and more. Reconnect with Owens online at

Connect with the Alumni Association Like us on Facebook. Just visit

For a complete calendar of events, please call Laura Moore at (567) 661-7410, e-mail or go to and click the Alumni and Donors link.


A8 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012



The discussion of Republican Gov. John Kasich’s interest in fracking did not follow party lines. Szollosi, a Democrat, agreed with Gardner that the jobs the natural gas industry has created with fracking have boosted Ohio’s economy and “had a significantly positive effect on the economies of northern and eastern Ohio, especially the Appalachian area.” It was at this point the audience applauded Bunck’s rebuttal to Szollosi when he condemned companies’ drilling practices. Bunck said that as long as a drilling company “declares what they use is a trade secret, they don’t have GARDNER to report what chemicals they put into the ground when they frack. They can legally throw the records away after two years, and we will never be able to hold them financially responsible if the people who live in the region develop health problems.” Bunck said that, as a legislator, he would demand the government require more transparency in the fracking procedure and that “trade secrets have to go.” The discussion of Davis-Besse gave Bunck an opportunity to question the legislature’s wisdom in subsidizing nuclear power R&D when the cost of energy is about $114 per nuclear megawatt and only $50 per wind megawatt. Bunck said any subsidizing of nuclear energy should explore the safety issue, citing the near catastrophe at Three Mile Island as a warning to what could happen in Oak Harbor. Szollosi, his fellow Democrat, disagreed, saying that since the nuclear industry “is very heavily regulated and there is full and complete transparency in everything they do, I have confidence that this facility is being very closely monitored.” Gardner said he would support keeping nuclear power a part of the state’s energy program because “it seems to have bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House.” Kissinger again told stories of his experiences as an RN in the service as a way of leading into his position of being “very pro-nuclear power. It is a great source of energy, and I would support any legislation that would foster the growth of nuclear energy.” O

BG scholar: Muslims likely scared, but will rebound from mosque fire


GSU scholar Marne Austin believes the fire intentionally set at the Perrysburg mosque will only further cement the Muslim community’s resolve to practice their faith. “The community is resilient and they are some of the most intelligent people I have met,” she said. Austin is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the School of Media and Communication who is focusing on the Brandi topic of Muslim identity in an antiIslamic environment. We became friends while I was getting my master’s; I began to admire her when I saw her passion for interviewing Muslim women as part of her doctoral research. “What saddens me most about it is the fact that it happened in an otherwise peaceful community,” Austin said. “The Muslim population has been here for decades. They are well-regarded and contributing members of society.” Austin said the mosque is left open to the public because local Muslims want to be transparent and welcoming. The accused arsonist from Indiana violated that ideal by going into the mosque Sept. 30 and setting fire to the prayer area. “This is a particular community that shows great integration, and the women I have interviewed don’t report any outright anti-Muslim sentiment,” Austin said. “It is sad because if there is one place where things are good for them, it could be here.

“Unfortunately, it shows that the best of places are subject to hate.” While Austin said it is too early to label this a hate crime, she said any violence is a hate crime. “It doesn’t have to be toward a certain group or religion. The fact that someone had to plan it and do it, it is hate.” Austin has been encouraging Facebook friends to change their profile photo to the mosque. She is glad the BARHITE arson is getting front-page attention, but wishes more Muslims would be asked — or willing — to be interviewed. If more people hear the Muslim perspective, they will realize this is impacting their friends, co-workers and neighbors, she said. The Muslim women she has seen on Facebook are questioning why this is happening, while also asking for prayers. “It would be a lie to say they won’t be impacted or won’t be scared. If this happened to a school or synagogue, people would be impacted, but I think they will be resilient and keep going,” she said. “They are going to pray outside the mosque; they are going to pray in their homes.” And most notably, “Their first thought will be to pray for the man who caused the fire, not vengeance,” Austin said. O Email questions or comments to Toledo Free Press Community Ombudsman Brandi Barhite at bbarhite@toledofree

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OCTOBER 7, 2012

n A9


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A10 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012


By Brigitta Burks

Toledo Free Press News Editor

Eventgoers can catch some “Saturday Night Fever” to benefit Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity at Frogapalooza Disco Bash on Oct. 20. “We want people to dress up in their best disco attire with their platform shoes,” said Gary Ross, one of the developers behind Frogtowndeals. com, the business behind the bash. A portion of ticket sales will benefit Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity. Ross runs the sales part of, a website for local businesses that offers daily deals à la Groupon. His partner Todd Gagné runs the technology side of things and Brent Fink backs the pair up. “Part of what our company wants to do is really help and work with the community and charities. We really want to be involved. This is just the first thing that we want to do,” Gagné said. “[Habitat does] so much for the community and there’s a lot of people involved with it and it brings communities together.”

During the past 20 years, Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity has built 150 homes for needy families with the help of more than 7,000 volunteers.

Frogtown launch

The Frogtown website officially launched in July and recently partnered with Clear Channel to feature deals on the radio. Frogtown is under i2M, a social media management and text marketing company. The Clear Channel partnership has the possibility of eventually catapulting the business to a national level, Gagné said. Still, being local is an important part of Frogtown. If the company expands, it will use its locally based model. “People love the local aspect of this thing. That’s very important for people, to support local. That’s where our big difference is from LivingSocial or Groupon,” Ross said. “I’m here. I’m local. I’m here for the customer and they can get ahold of me,” he added. “I like the warm and fuzzy, where you can actually be there for them.” Another big part of the business

is its amphibian mascot — which is usually Gagné in a frog costume. “People love it. We go to events and people come and hug the frog,” Ross said. “One thing that we are that nobody else is is a lot of fun.” The business originally started as Glass City Deals before its owners decided on something cuddlier. “There’s a lot of other companies out there that do what we do, but nobody’s doing it the way that we’re doing it,” Gagné said.

18-hour days

Despite all the fun, Gagné and Ross are currently putting in 16-18 hour days to make their business a success. “It’s a challenge because all of our revenue goes back into the company,” Gagné said, adding that going to bed at 3 a.m. and waking up at 8 a.m. is not uncommon for him. He is also working to develop a social media presence and smartphone applications for Frogtown. Gagné, a Waterville native, used to work in real estate and Ross, a Toledo native, was once in print advertising.

The pair thinks of daily deals as a form of advertising. “It’s a unique way to advertise because you only pay for what people are coming in for,” Gagné said. There is no upfront cost for companies and if someone purchases a deal, Frogtown takes a portion of the revenue. Most deals offer services for half off. Frogtown is partnering with Costume Holiday House and Attitudes A Salon to help outfit eventgoers for the party. Staying true to the ’70s theme of the Disco Bash is important to Frogtown. “We want it to be what it was then. Oh God, help us all,” Ross said and laughed. The website will also offer dinner deals the day of the Disco Bash to encourage a “date night.” The party conveniently falls on Sweetest Day, Ross pointed out, adding that surprises, raffles and contests are in store. The Disco Bash is 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Oct. 20 at The Premier, 4480 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo. Tickets are $25 each or $300 for a VIP table of 10 at A cash bar will be available. O

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Frogapalooza Disco Bash to benefit Habitat for Humanity


Gary Ross, The Frog, Todd Gagné.


OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A11


Photographing the fall: Colorful advice for shutterbugs

By Katie Gorman

Special to Toledo Free Press

Autumn has arrived, bringing with it some of the most gorgeous color na-

The first rule of fall photography — or photography any time of year: It’s all about the light. “Light can be filtered by fog and mist, a favorite hallmark of fall,”

ture has to offer. To capture the stunning sights, Metroparks resident photographer Art Weber offers tips and advice to those hoping to capture the season at its best.

save the date


Weber said. “Start by checking out stream and river valleys where the chilly air of autumn nights blankets water still warm from summer, condensing the humid air into fog that can hang thick like a blanket or rise in magical wisps.” Those magical wisps, he said, can become “downright spiritual” when the sun forces its way through the fog and mist in dramatic shafts of light. “Photographers even have a spiritual name for them — God rays,” he said. If it is color you want, Weber, a Toledo Free Press contributor, offers some timely advice, as the first signs of the

season are becoming obvious. “If you wait for our last dominant trees to turn — the oaks, in the case of Metroparks off the river and in the western part of the county — you’ve missed the show.” Start with the blackgum, a tree easy to overlook most of the year, but not as September rolls around. “It dots the Metroparks woodlands here and there with its small, rich, red leaves,” Weber said. “Also look on the woodland edges, where sumac and sassafras can be spectacular, along with poison ivy and Virginia creeper.” n PHOTOS CONTINUES ON A12

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Join us as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the BBB. We encourage all past Torch Award winners to attend and receive special recognition. We also will be announcing our scholarship winners for 2013. As usual, we will provide entertainment, a wonderful lunch and opportunities to interact and congratulate fellow business owners. Make Your Reservations Now!

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A12 n Toledo Free Press n PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM A11 Fall offers more for the photographer than just colorful leaves. Weber suggests photographers also remember: O The full moon, or a scene lit by the full moon. O The Milky Way shot through the crisp fall air. O The last wildflowers of the meadow and prairie. O Migrating birds or mammals prepping for winter survival — squirrels, for example. O Insects and spiders, at their largest and most obvious this time of year. “Fall is like a symphony of ebbs and flows, reaching several crescendos before a dramatic all-in finish, then gently fading and ending, finally, with the first floating flakes of snow,” Weber said. A technique that’s particularly effective in fall, said Weber, is backlighting. “Placing a translucent fall leaf or spray of leaves between the sun and the camera can be stunning,” he said. “Imagine a red maple leaf with the sun behind it, setting the leaf virtually on fire. It’s so red, with the bonus of revealing all the veins and even cell structure of the leaf. It can be a truly memorable shot.”

Fall in the Metroparks

Oak Openings Preserve is Weber’s

favorite Metropark to visit in autumn. “It is, well, simply one of the most special places on Earth,” he said. “Flowers, leaves, dunes, tracks in the dunes, tiny plants etched in frost, ravines and streams. It’s all good. Secor Metropark is the last bastion for color; when all else is finished, almost every year Secor is still hanging on with the last yellows and golds of the season into the first week of November and sometimes beyond.” But when asked what his favorite spot was to shoot in the fall, Weber replied, “The big black oak in the meadow at Wildwood Preserve. Catch it right and there’s not just the colors of the trees, but the wildflowers that grow in and just outside its shade.” Autumn Adventure nature walks sponsored by Metroparks are an excellent way to see the best sights each park has to offer, according to Weber. Another favorite, he said, is the Canal Experience at Providence Metropark. “The blend of history — the mill and canal boat — with the river valley and fall colors is just great.” Weber is director of nature photography at Metroparks of Toledo Area, and a member of the staff at the National Center for Nature Photography, located inside Secor Metropark. To learn more about Autumn Adventure or the photography center, visit O

OCTOBER 7, 2012



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We would like to thank our sponsors, partners, volunteers, Race participants and our ever supportive community! We are still driving toward our $1 million goal Fundraising will continue through October 31, 2012! Thank you for participating and advocating to our vision of a world without breast cancer.

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OCTOBER 7, 2012



June 16 - June 29, 2013

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ne August morning more than 10 years ago I woke up to find our two cats nestled up against my belly, one on each side. Considering they had never done such a thing before, I had a strong feeling that they knew something I didn’t. The two feline friends we had come to love almost like children seemed to be subtly letting me know that our first child of the non-furry variety was less than nine months away. They were right. Having our cats be the ones to unveil our parenthood was quite fitting, for it was Sasha and Sebastian who first introduced us to the world of household chaos and sibling conflict. Sasha, our black shorthair, embodied everything we imagined our future family life to be — a calm, warm and loving slice of heaven on Earth. Sebastian, our orange longhair, then came along as the living expression of everything our future family life actually would be — an unpredictable journey of sneak attacks and random yelping.



Sebastian the Great

Sebastian, the adorable kitten we to know all of Sebastian’s idiosynadopted to ward off the loneliness crasies. His obsessive-compulsive we assumed Sasha was experiencing nature constantly manifested itself in new and interesting during our long work ways, from avoiding days, instead terrorhis food dish unless ized her relentlessly not a speck of white from day one. The fast was showing at the friend we had imagbottom to licking his ined for Sasha quickly fur cleaner than we became a fast fiend kept anything else and we couldn’t help in our entire house. but wonder if we had He could wildly made a big mistake. jump higher than Sebastian’s reign of Shannon SZYPERSKI our shoulders during terror during the early playtime and then years even spilled over onto us. Many, many a night we lovingly curl up in our lap when he would wake up with the cutest, most sensed that we needed him most. playful little orange kitten clamped Whether good or bad, we learned forcefully down upon at least one to accept him for what he was and of our unsuspecting toes. The came to realize that his presence in brutal middle-of-the-night, sorry- our family was always a perfect gift I-mistook-your-feet-for-mice-again and never a mistake. I can’t believe he’s gone. wake-up calls were actually good As the thought occasionally practice for the curious, who-needssleep children we were destined to crossed my mind that Sasha may not have too many years left in her, have soon after. Throughout the years, we came I never considered that our younger,

full-of-life Sebastian might go first. Even when he began to slow down and look a little thinner, I just didn’t think of it as a prelude to an ending. I wasn’t ready to lose him. In less than a week, Sebastian went from his normal self, welcoming guests at the front door, to huddled under a table with a frail frame and a face I barely recognized. When our vet confirmed that things didn’t look good, we took our three children in to be with him as a family one last time. Mike and I then went back alone the next day to accept the inevitable. As we tearfully held him on his last day, I couldn’t help but recall holding him as a new kitten at his very first vet appointment, never imagining a day 12 years later when we would sit and be with him as he took his very last breaths. The week before his end, my 3-year-old had walked up to me out of the blue without explanation and said, “Sebastian’s gonna die.” Assuming she had picked something up from a random TV show, I re-

n .A13

acted somewhat angrily and quickly explained that we don’t say things like that. He wasn’t sick, we didn’t consider him old and she really wasn’t all that involved with him, so I couldn’t imagine why she would ever utter such a thing. I didn’t reflect upon her declaration until the day after Sebastian was gone. Could she have known it was time for him to leave our world just as Sebastian had known it was time for her brother to enter it? Whatever the exact meaning, I can’t help but think at moments like this that there is some sort of framework and purpose to it all. When I stare at his still-fur-covered chair, hardly able to handle no longer seeing him in it, I find solace in the fact that he may be out there somewhere prancing around with the ease of a kitten and playfully terrorizing parts of the universe we have yet to reveal. O Shannon and her husband, Michael, are raising three children in Sylvania. Email her at

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A14 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012


Oregon woman wins casting championship By Don Lee


toledo free press photo by don lee

Fishing rod cocked backwards and ready to let fly, Pamela Peters’ mind is on a hundred different things. Did the breeze play with the lure back there, twitch it this way instead of that? Have to account for that in the cast. Is the lure flying differently because today is more humid than yesterday? “Bump” the reel — that is, put on the brakes just a little, once, twice, maybe three times — to make the lure fly right. Ripples in the square of water that’s the target? That’s to be accounted for as well. Do all of that and more, and do it enough times, and you’re a national champion, as Peters is. For all that, says the Oregon woman, fishing’s just a hobby. Technically, she’s right — her job in loss prevention puts food on the table and keeps the roof overhead in repair — but the art and science of fly fishing

and bait casting is what switches the analytical part of her mind to the full “on” position and keeps it there. That mindset has earned her multiple national and international titles and a handful of records, including some that are the best posted by any angler, man or woman. It also means Peters “can go anywhere in the world and (know how to) fish any way I want,” she said. It meant she could make good on a promise to a friend that she’d pull three salmon out of a river during one morning’s fishing, even though she threw the second and third back after realizing she’d have to carry the 35-pound fish a couple of miles back through the woods. She found someone at the fishing lodge to clean the fish, which provided a few meals over the next couple of days. Peters enjoys fishing for steelhead because that fish puts up a good fight, and she likes catching lake perch “to fill up the freezer.” Her interest in fishing started in-

nocently enough, when she was a girl. “I have three brothers and we had a cottage and that was the thing

we did,” she said. From the shore, then from a boat, then from a boat with a motor,

“We went all over the place,” she said, laughing. n CASTING CONTINUES ON A15

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Pamela Peters with fishing reels at Bass Pro SHop in Rossford.

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Toledo Free Press | 7/1/12, 7/15/12

6/19/12 9:54 AM


OCTOBER 7, 2012 n CASTING CONTINUED FROM A14 Her dad, William Peters, a dedicated caster himself, worked with his daughter on her technique and soon she was taking part in competitions, winning and finding new things to learn, often from the top competitors. At an early competition, the

men’s champion, Steve Rajeff, asked her why she wasn’t in the flycasting events; she replied that she didn’t have a the proper type of rod for fly-casting. “That evening ... I was presented with my first fly rod. Fifteen years later, I shot a perfect score at national (competition) with that


rod,” Peters said. That gift was one of the first instances of a competitive kind of cooperation among casters, Peters said. The rod was made by the Loomis Co., for which Rajeff worked as a designer. Besides wanting to help, Peters said, there’s competitive value in being able to say someone

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succeeded with a tool you provided or a technique you taught. It also furthers the sport and the industry, she said. Pointing to a display case full of old reels inside the entrance to Bass Pro Shops in Rossford, Peters talked about how each improvement in design came about from a caster wanting to give himself or herself an edge. “There’s a lot of history here,” she said, looking at the rows of reels, many worn with use but still gleaming like jewels inside the display case. So far, Peters said the most technical thing she’s done is to take apart each new reel she’s bought and clean it, replacing the heavy oil used by the manufacturer with a lighterweight oil such as WD-40, so the reel spins more freely. She’s come full circle as a mentor

n A15

and teacher, too, helping casters both competitive and casual study their forms and techniques, figuring out how to make sure the lure lands where they want it, with the greatest possible likelihood it will come back out of the water with a fish attached. She and her father have even taken part in a study at the University of Toledo, attaching targets to their limbs and bodies so cameras could track and analyze their body motions to see what makes a cast a winning one. The circle may become even more complete if one day she takes over from her dad — a retired millwright — designing and tying flies for herself and other anglers. “But for now,” she said, eyeing the row of gleaming reels one more time before heading into the shop to see what’s new, “it’s just a hobby.” O

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7/11/12 10:50 AM


A16 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012

Running back focuses on family for inspiration By Nate Pentecost

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Family has always been a strong presence in David Fluellen Jr.’s life. In fact, it was a family member who helped ignite the University of Toledo junior running back’s desire to use football as a conduit to better himself. As a kid, Fluellen watched his brother Jhamal, who is seven years his senior, earn First Team All-State honors at Lockport High School in New York. When Fluellen was given his own chance to roam Lockport’s backfield, Jhamal was garnering All-Colonial Athletic Association and All-American accolades at the University of Maine. “It was definitely an influence for me, to see how my brother was playing and how he could earn a Division I scholarship,” Fluellen said. “I knew that was something I wanted to do to help my family out. I knew that was something my parents would be proud of.” Unsurprisingly, Fluellen turned to his family for guidance last season when he was struggling to cope with receiving limited touches behind senior running backs Adonis Thomas and Morgan Williams. “In all honesty, it was a little bit frustrating, but I knew I had to wait my turn,” Fluellen explained. “I would talk to my parents and my dad always told me to keep my head on straight.” David Sr. reminded his son that Barry Sanders, arguably the greatest running back in history, had to wait for his chance behind fellow Hall of Famer Thurman Thomas when the pair played together at Oklahoma State in the ’80s. “After that, I just tried to go out there and take advantage of every opportunity,” Fluellen said. “Now that it’s my turn, I’m taking every rep like it’s my last.” Fluellen has indeed stepped into the limelight this season and his numbers are indicative of the reckless abandon that stems from his father’s advice. Through five games Fluellen has rung up 500 yards and six touchdowns on 90 carries (5.6 yards per carry). He ranks fourth in the Mid-American Conference with an average of 100 rushing yards per game, fifth with 7.2 points per game and seventh with 123 all purpose yards per game. And it would seem Fluellen is only just hitting his stride. On Sept. 29 at Western Michigan he turned in his best performance to date, ripping off a career-high 213 yards rushing on 21 carries (10.1 yards per carry) for three touchdowns. The output earned Fluellen the MAC West

Division Offensive Player of the Week honors and National Performer of the Week Honorable Mention. Of course, Fluellen gave credit to his offensive line, but he said watching film of Thomas’ 216-yard rushing performance against the Broncos last season was instrumental as well. “I saw how patient he was, letting the offensive line develop holes,” Fluellen said. “I thought that a huge part of my success [last Saturday] was being more patient and letting the offensive line get off FLUELLEN the block to help me get to the second level where the linebackers are.” Ironically, the All-MAC tailback whom Fluellen studied tape of before the Western Michigan game was the same teammate who used to en-

courage him to hit the film room in order to gain a competitive edge. “Adonis told me it wasn’t all about physical ability,” Fluellen said. “Everyone in Division I football has physical ability, that’s why they got a scholarship. You have to have the mental aspect and become a student of the game to take your game that much further.” Fluellen got a chance to put that lesson in action last fall when Thomas went down with a broken arm in a 33-30 loss to Syracuse. Starting two of three games in Thomas’ absence, Fluellen compiled 208 yards on 32 rushes for an outstanding 6.5 yards per carry. He attributes the success he is having this year as UT’s primary ball carrier, in part, to the experience he gained while starting last season. “To know that I could go out there and contribute was a huge confidence builder for this year,” Fluellen said. “So there wasn’t any pressure coming into this season. “Now what I try to do is take the

knowledge of the game Adonis and Morgan Williams passed on to me, use it, and install it in the younger guys.” After last weekend, the Rockets’ high-powered offense may need that edge more than ever. Adding to an extensive list of injured Toledo defensive players, AllMAC performer T.J. Fatinikun was lost for the season to a torn Achilles tendon and fellow defensive end Christian Smith is out indefinitely after suffering his own lower leg injury. For some, the plethora of injuries might be cause for concern. Fluellen, however, has been enlightened by a particular bit of fatherly wisdom — the next player on the depth chart might just need the opportunity to shine. “We have to have faith that the next guy who steps up at that position can make the plays,” Fluellen said. “It’s like the same thing that happened with Adonis and I. The next guy just has to step up.” O


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OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A17

Counseling, support groups can help ‘stuck’ grievers

By Sarah Ottney


Grief is a personal journey and no two journeys are exactly alike, area counselors say. “There are people who come in and say, ‘I’m grieving, but I don’t think I’m doing it right,’” said Mary Macek, a clinical therapist at Harbor in Toledo. “Some of what we do with folks is just to normalize the grief process, to reassure people they are not going crazy.” One of the biggest misconceptions is that grief follows a timetable, said Dawn DeFalco, a counselor and team leader for bereavement at Hospice of Northwest Ohio. “Grief is a lifetime journey and the journey ebbs and flows,” DeFalco said. “Many people feel they’ve come to terms with it, but then they are surprised months or years later when something triggers a special memory of a loved one.” Macek agreed. “Grief is a funny

process. Even in its natural resolution, there are ups and downs and sometimes people have periods of time where they think, ‘OK, I’m doing better,’ and then all of a sudden they are overwhelmed by grief again and say, ‘OK, what did I do wrong?’ But I think it’s in the nature of grief to have those times when grief is more distressing again, so I don’t think it’s necessarily strictly a liner process even when it’s going well.” Many are familiar with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ “five stages of grief” — denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance — but not everyone experiences every stage and they don’t necessarily happen in that order, Macek said. “It’s just to give a model to something that seems pretty overwhelming and out of control to a lot of people, but I like to think of grief as something that is normal and adaptive,” Macek said. Many people who have lost a loved one feel lost after the funeral, Macek said. “The funeral’s over, you’re back to work, everything is supposed to be fine

and dandy and it’s not,” Macek said. “We don’t have a lot of visible markers in our culture beyond the funeral for dealing with loss. There are some countries in which the bereaved person is relieved of all the things they have to do on a daily basis for a year. We don’t seem to have some of those cultural norms anymore.” Many people seek help from a counselor or support group when they feel “stuck,” she said. “Sometimes people get stuck on guilt. They think, ‘Boy, there should have been something else I could have done to prevent it,’” Macek said. “Some people get stuck in depression. They think that if they start to get happy, if they start to live their life again, they are going to lose their connection to the person who’s died. And some people get stuck because of the trauma. If a loved one has died in a sudden or violent way, there is some trauma associated with that that can impede their ability to resolve grief issues. A caregiver who has provided care for several years to someone

whose condition has gotten progressively worse, I think those folks are somewhat traumatized too.” Harbor and Hospice of Northwest Ohio offer individual and family grief counseling. The hospice sessions are free to all. Hospice also offers several free grief support groups, including groups for children, men and spouses. “The support groups help people normalize what they have experienced so they don’t feel so alone,” DeFalco said. “It’s about getting back to some kind of normalcy in their life even though it’s going to be new normal for most people.” When Maryellen Schmidt’s 20-yearold son died in a car accident, she sought help from GriefShare, a free 13-week, Christian-based group for anyone who has lost a loved one, offered through CedarCreek Church’s LifeSupport series. People can join at any time and work through the series as many times as they need, Schmidt said. Schmidt participated in GriefShare for two years before becoming a group

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leader two years ago. “Those who have not experienced grief are often uncomfortable around those who are grieving and often shut the bereaved person down,” Schmidt said. “When you have a loved one who has died, you don’t just get over it and get back to work. It takes time.” GriefShare leaders facilitate the sessions through videos and workbooks. “The leaders are not counselors. We’re just people who have experienced the death of a loved one and have dealt with grief,” Schmidt said. “I would encourage people to step forward to get help. Choking that grief and pushing it down leads to all kinds of other problems. As painful as it is, it’s most helpful and most beneficial to face it.” Schmidt also operates the Northwest Ohio chapter of The Compassionate Friends, a nonprofit organization for parents who have lost a child. The group meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month at St. James Lutheran Church, 4727 W. Sylvania Ave., but is not affiliated with any faith. The group will host a fundraiser called Walk to Remember on Oct. 13. Registration is $5. For more information, email Most people think of grief as a response to a death, but there are many situations that cause grief, Macek said. “People who have experienced trauma as children, when they are resolving that they are in part grieving the childhood they didn’t have,” Macek said. “If someone has a difficult relationship with a parent, part of the adjustment to a healthier relationship with that parent may be grieving the loss of the parent you didn’t have so you can actually have a relationship with the parent you do.” Counseling isn’t the right fit for everyone. Some people, including many men, are “functional” grievers, Macek said. Instead of wanting to talk about it, they want to be doing something. “For some people, talking is probably not the best way of accomplishing things,” Macek said. “They want to work on a project and while they are working on things, sometimes their grief can resolve that way.” After resolving immediate issues, there are still adjustments to be made. “People have had expectations about how their life was going to look going forward and all of a sudden it doesn’t look that way and they have to make a new plan,” Macek said. “That’s kind of a long-term consequence of grief.” For more information, visit www. or O


A18. n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012

By Brigitta Burks Toledo Free Press News Editor

When a loved one dies, family members are often left to plan and pay for the funeral and burial arrangements — unless that loved one has preplanned. It’s never too early to preplan your final resting place, said Jim Mocek, sales manager at Toledo Memorial Park, a cemetery in Sylvania. Typically, a life change spurs preplanning. “People don’t wake up in the morning and say, ‘Hey, honey, let’s go to the cemetery and plan.’ It’s usually something that has happened. They went to the doctor; there might be something wrong with them; or a family member or friend passed away,” he said. Preplanning also saves family members stress — and cash. “Not only are they under the stress of somebody passing away, but then they have to make the decisions and then they have to figure out how they’re going pay for a lot of stuff too, which just compounds the problem,” Mocek said. At Toledo Memorial Park, clients lock in current rates and can pay off their bill in 60 months. While preplanning, cus-

tomers can also learn about options for cremation remains, like burial or niches, if they choose to go that route. “Everybody thinks that it’s OK just to be cremated and have nothing permanently done with the remains as far as final disposition,” Mocek said. “We have so many affordable options for cremation burial.” Preplanning seems to be on the rise, he said. About 90 percent of customers at Toledo Memorial Park have selected their grave spaces ahead of time. “The big population that’s in that baby boomer category is now getting into that age where they really need to start thinking about stuff like this,” Mocek said. Megan Coyle Stamos, director and prearrangement specialist at Coyle Funeral Home, agreed, “[Baby boomers] are the much more practical, plan-ahead generation.” Coyle Stamos said she will make house calls and do whatever is needed to make clients comfortable. She said she tries to inject “humor and smiles” into the meetings. “When someone decides to come in and get more information about prear-

rangement, I take the time to really listen to what’s going to be important to them,” she said. This means educating people about their options — like burial, cremation, religious aspects, loved ones’ involvement and items like caskets. When customers prepay for their funeral, the money is put in an account and cannot be touched by the funeral home until after the individual dies, Coyle Stamos said. The account, aka a funeral insurance irrevocable trust, features a flexible payment plan and also has builtin payments in case someone dies before he or she pays off the balance. The rates are also locked in and unaffected by inflation. If a person moves away, the trust can be transferred to another funeral home. By allowing customers to lock in rates, the funeral home assumes the risk, said Keith Walker, owner of Walker Funeral Homes. He said about 30 percent of his clients preplan while Coyle Stamos estimated about 60 percent of her customers do. “What we try hard to do is to get the word out that it’s an easy process. It makes a lot of sense and it would be best that everybody did,” Walker said.


Funeral and burial preplanning gives survivors ease of mind


toledo memorial park offers preplanning for burial and cremation.

Walker said it isn’t uncommon for children of elderly parents to preplan for their mom or dad’s funeral. Funerals are a chance to celebrate a person’s life, he said. “One thing about a funeral, it’s probably the one time people come to commemorate everything that person was from start to finish,” Walker said. Sometimes the survivors don’t necessarily know their loved ones’ wishes or plans, said Hilary J. Sujkowski, owner of Sujkowski Funeral Home. When a customer comes in, a file with that pertinent

information is started. Preplanning also allows for a more accurate obituary because a person can spell out all he or she wants publicized, Sujkowski said. Although some consider preplanning morbid, they are thankful when it comes down to it. “They talk like that when they hear about [preplanning], but it’s totally different when they’re faced with it,” Sujkowski said. “The survivors always seem to be happy that it’s done,” Sujkowski said. “It goes so much smoother.” O

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OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A19

By Matt Liasse

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Before Gretchen Brell-Schroeder

creates her glass art pieces, she says a prayer. Not in hopes that the piece will come out nicely, but over the cremains she is using. With Glass Whispers, Schroeder

and her husband, Richard, use ashes of clients’ loved ones to create art. She said the process is spiritual for her. “It’s really a huge privilege to do this for people,” Schroeder said. “I feel very ADVERTISEMENT

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honored. We also feel very obliged to do a really good job on them. I want to do my best work on these pieces. It’s something that’s very important to us.” Glass Whispers makes sculptures in many shapes, including hearts, globes, rubbing stones and teardrops, the newest design. Schroeder puts the ashes inside the sculpture. “It’s just a way of having that person in front of you every day,” Schroeder said. “It’s a way of keeping that person near and dear to your heart.” Schroeder has been creating glass art for six years, but recently started working with cremains. “I took up glass blowing in my middle age and just fell in love with it,” Schroeder said. “It was kind of therapy for me during a difficult time in my life. I was hooked from the first gather of glass.” In 2010, Richard gave heartshaped glass sculptures as gifts to his colleagues at the Cleveland Clinic. A co-worker approached him and asked if he had ever tried putting ashes inside the glass. He returned home and asked Schroeder for her thoughts. While researching online, Schroeder found artists doing it on the West Coast. “So I thought, ‘Well, gosh, if they’re doing it, I don’t know why I can’t,’” Schroeder said. She began to experiment using the cremains of Richard’s mother. “She’d think it’d be cool to be a piece of art,” Schroeder said. Schroeder said the first creation came out well, and the color of the cremains inside the glass astonished her. “We were stunned at how beautiful they came out,” said Schroeder, who said she loves how the cremains sparkle when held up to light. “I can remember the first time I looked at them, I was blown away at how beautiful they looked.” Richard carries his mother’s cremains inside a rubbing stone in his pocket most of the time. “It’s a piece of artwork that has deeper meaning than just a piece of artwork,” Richard said. “It takes [loved ones] out of the box. It gets them off of the bookshelf.” Now, about half the glass art Schroeder makes contain cremains. Glass Whispers can also use the cremains of pets. Schroeder has made one for her daughter’s dog. But the business comes with some challenges, Schroeder said. “The biggest challenge about this is marketing,” Schroeder said. “Right after somebody dies, it’s too soon. They are not ready to make a decision like that, which is really understandable.” Clients are told to expect a two- to four-week wait, depending on when the artists can get studio time, but making a


Glass Whispers turns loved ones’ cremains into artwork


the new teardrop shape OPTION.

piece takes about 40 minutes. The process is the same as standard glass-blowing. Taking a rod with a heated end, Schroeder gathers molten glass from a furnace. She rolls this gather of glass on a table to cool and smooth it out. Most of Schroeder’s designs are three-gathered designs, so the same step is repeated three times. On the second gather, she incorportates the color and cremains. After the third, she manipulates the glass into a shape. After removing the glass from the rod, the piece is put into an annealing oven for 24 hours. “It’s all a chemical process,” Schroeder said. “It has to cool down very slowly in order for it to keep its shape.” Schroeder performs these steps with Richard acting as her assistant. Richard hopes to one day make his own work with Schroeder assisting him. “You can’t guarantee how it’s going to come out,” Schroeder said. “It’s different every time. The humidity in the air can affect how it flows.” The pieces are presented in white boxes with tissue paper. Each costs $180-$230, depending on the size and shape, except for rubbing stones, which are less. Schroeder said she likes to sit down and meet clients before handling the cremains of their loved ones. The process takes half a teaspoon of cremains, Schroeder said. She never uses all of the cremains and unused portions are returned to clients. “Some people are not at all comfortable handling the cremains, so I often will say, ‘Just give me the whole box and I’ll take what I need out of it,’” she said. For more information, visit glass O


A20 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012

Hearing loss and tinnitus affect millions of Americans By Brigitta Burks

Toledo Free Press News Editor

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She also recommended getting iPhone headphones that block out background noise so the device can be played at a lower volume. In addition, it’s vital to keep the volume down. “If I can hear the music from your headset while I’m sitting next to you,

it’s too loud,� Mansour-Shousher said. Sometimes, family members need to encourage their loved ones to get checked out by a doctor. “Men are really hard to get in here,� Mansour-Shousher said. “A lot of times, family members have to be the one to say, ‘I’m not mumbling,’ or

‘You have the TV on too loud for me.’� Northwest Ohio Hearing Clinic has locations at 1601 Brigham Drive, Suite 160 in Perrysburg and at the University of Toledo Medical Center, 1125 Hospital Drive, Suite 50. For more information, visit www. O



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Millions of Americans suffer from hearing loss and there are several signals of auditory issues, says one local doctor. “It can be a significant sign or it can be very subtle,� said Dr. Randa Mansour-Shousher, director of the Northwest Ohio Hearing Clinic. Mansour-Shousher has been an audiologist for 32 years and also employs two other doctors. “Socially, you could be asking [others] to repeat frequently. You could have trouble following conversations,� she said. Hearing background noise is also more difficult. People may have more difficulty hearing women or children because higher frequencies are lost first, Mansour-Shousher said. Voices can also seem muffled or like the speaker is mumbling. In the United States, about 17 percent of adults (36 million) report some degree of hearing loss, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Across the country, hearing loss affects 18 percent of those aged 4564, 30 percent of those 65-74 and 47 percent of those older than 75. Damage from noises, medical conditions or medications can contribute to hearing loss, MansourShousher said. People who work in jobs with exposure to loud noises more frequently experience hearing loss. Auto-industry workers, dentists, beauticians, firemen, miners and musicians can fall into this category

One-time exposure to loud noises can also damage nerves, Mansour-Shousher said. “July 4, firecrackers go off; July 5, they’re in the office,� she said. Hearing loss affects all ages and there is no standard age for screening, as there is with mammograms. “I would think it would be [good] if we said everybody above 50 should go through hearing screenings annually, but there’s not a rule of thumb,� MansourShousher said. Another sign of damage is tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. Mansour-Shousher said 30 million people suffer from tinnitus, a sign of inner ear damage. “Tinnitus can affect people in different ways. It can affect their emotional status, their concentration,� she said. Hearing loss can be a sensitive issue for some. “I had someone that was in here crying because her co-workers were calling her stupid,� MansourShousher said. In reality, the woman just had difficulty hearing. “I like to educate people on hearing loss and tell them not to be scared and know that it’s prevalent among all of us,� Mansour-Shousher said. “There’s easy solutions. Take advantage; have a better life.� These solutions can include hearing aids if the patient is a candidate. With technological advancement, phone calls or television sounds can be played through the hearing aid. Wearing protective items like earplugs while around loud noises is also crucial for prevention, Mansour-Shousher said.

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OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A21

By Kyle Cappelletty


A local funeral home offers a oncein-a-lifetime ride to motorcycle and Harley enthusiasts. A Harley-Davidson hearse is available at Sujkowski Funeral Home, 114 E. Alexis Road. Sujkowski Funeral Home is an independent, family-owned facility operated by Valentine Sujkowski and his son Hilary Sujkowski, third- and fourth-generation Sujkowski funeral directors. The funeral home has had the Harley-Davidson hearse since 2010. “When our funeral home ordered the custom-made Harley-Davidson hearse from Pennsylvania’s Tombstone Hearse Company in 2010, we

It is all about making the best of a very difficult time for families.” — Hilary Sujkowski didn’t know what to expect. Two years later, we have rented out the HarleyDavidson hearse so many times that I have lost track,” Hilary said. There are at least two motorcycle hearses in Ohio and nearly 50 across the United States. The hearses are starting to become so popular that a national organization, the American Motorcycle Hearse Association, was created to promote the use


Harley-Davidson hearse provides unique ride for last trip


Sujkowski Funeral Home owns a Harley-Davidson hearse popular for motorcycle enthusiasts and veterans.

of these unique bikes. “I was surprised to find out that the Harley-Davidson hearse seemed

equally as popular among men and women,” Sujkowski said. “With the American flag draped over the casket

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in the back of the Harley-Davidson hearse, it looks very classy and many veterans’ families decided to go with the unique vehicle as well. It is all about making the best of a very difficult time for families.” The motorcycle hearse costs $300 to use, which is the same price as a regular hearse. Sujkowski Funeral Home is not the only company in Ohio looking to help feed the growing demand for motorcycle hearses. Boot Hill Hearse Company in New Lexington serves Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. The company works with funeral directors as well as with individual families to arrange for the rental of a motorcycle hearse from Boot Hill’s collection. “My father was my inspiration for starting this business,” said Dan Kinsel, Boot Hill founder. “When he passed a couple years back, there was just no way to rent a motorcycle hearse in all of Ohio. In his loving memory, I set out to change that and this year alone, we have helped provide our rental services to 37 different funeral homes in Michigan and Ohio. “Boot Hill Hearse Company provides a very unique service to families who want to choose a funeral home in the area that does not actually own a Harley-Davidson hearse. It helps to provide options to families that are grieving and options are important. “We also offer our rental services for free to the heroes that have fallen serving our country in active duty. This was a great way to say thank you to the men and women that died for our country and it provided their family with a great last memory,” Kinsel said. For more information, visit suj or O

A22 n Toledo Free Press




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Your Home Energy Audit includes:

n A23

8/29/12 10:41 PM


A24 n Toledo Free Press



OCTOBER 7, 2012

Mapping wealth transfer

There isn’t much that can be done ealing with end-of-life planning is never fun; even the with tax-deferred accounts. All that financial portion is a long con- anyone can do when it comes to transferring these types of assets is versation no one wants to to make sure he or she has have. Let’s first stress that updated beneficiaries on I’m not an attorney or file. Likewise, there isn’t accountant, and it’s best much to be done to reduce to consult those profestax consequences for heirs sionals when finalizing a since the principal holder strategy for transferring of the account has been wealth between generareceiving a tax benefit for tions. Nevertheless, I may deferring income. be able to offer insight. Taxes and transfer of While a trust may be Dock David TREECE nonretirement assets can the first thing most people consider when they think about trans- be trickier. This is where some of those ferring wealth, not everyone needs a more fortunate employ trusts with trust. Almost everyone, however, needs varying degrees of complexity. For most people, however, transfer on death or a will and should have one prepared. For most assets, especially liquid payable on death accounts can make the ones, there are great ways to transfer transfer of assets to heirs fairly straightmoney. While each has tax conse- forward and help avoid probate. Joint accounts with rights of surviquences, simply avoiding probate court vorship are another great way for invescan be helpful when the time comes.

tors to steward assets until they are left to heirs. Investors can establish joint accounts with anyone. Some people choose to start the process of transferring wealth to heirs before the end of life. Current law allows gifts of $13,000 to spouses and each child per year without gift tax implications. For others who want to schedule early transfers to minors, Uniform Gift/Transfer

to Minor Accounts (UGMA/UTMA) can be helpful for nonretirement assets. There are drawbacks, especially for those who don’t think their heirs have the maturity to handle money. When the minor reaches the age of majority, any money in UGMA/UTMA accounts is legally theirs to use however they’d like. It’s illegal for parents gifting assets through these accounts to rescind their gift.

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When it comes to estate planning there are lots of options. It’s best to consult multiple advisers to get a list of options and implications. Investors need to figure out what’s best for them. There is no right or wrong answer. O Dock David Treece is a partner with Treece Investment Advisory Corp (www.

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OCTOBER 7, 2012

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n A25

The empty box

ouldn’t it be frustrating to get a nice big box from your parents only to open it up to find nothing inside? You would probably wonder what they were thinking when they took the time to acquire such a nice box and then forget to put anything in it. And now they are not around anymore to explain it to you. After further investigation, you find that because they did not put anything in the box, a bunch of their money is now going to lawyers. Should you be angry? Sad? The situation being described here can be used to point out what I (Mark) consider one the biggest and most common mistakes when setting up a revocable living trust. Many folks opt to use a living trust as a way to pass on assets to heirs in what they think will be a cost- and time-efficient manner. It can work very well if you take all the necessary steps, but if you don’t, it can end up being a big waste of time and money. The big mistake is the failure to “fund” the trust. Let’s talk generally about what one of the most common goals is when setting up a revocable living trust. This is typically the avoidance of probate. What is probate and why would anyone want to avoid it? The simplest way I can describe it is probate gets things that were in your name while you were alive into the names of the people that you intended to leave them to after your death. Obviously, you are not around to sign any paper-

Mark CLAIR Nolan BAKER work transferring the assets to your loved ones. What usually happens at this point is the probate process takes over. If you have signed a last will and testament, the local probate court oversees the process to make sure your wishes are carried out. Your will is filed with the court, which appoints an executor who is responsible for administering your estate. There are steps the executor takes, such as notification of the heirs, inventory of all date-of-death assets and at the end a final accounting and distribution of the assets. Probate sounds like a nice orderly process, right? That is because it is. Probate is not necessarily a bad thing. Its intent is good. It is a process to get done what needs to get done. As a lawyer, it requires expertise to know what steps need to be taken in what order, etc. People mostly want to avoid probate to save money. The probate court has a schedule that lawyers can

use as a guideline on what to charge for their services. It is typically a percentage of the value of the probate asset. There is also a percentage that is charged for nonprobate assets that is typically lower. Nonprobate assets can directly pass to the heir either by a living trust or perhaps a beneficiary designation such as on retirement accounts, annuities or life insurance. In 1965, Norman Dacey wrote a book on how to save money by avoiding probate. Ever since then it has become popular to use a living trust as a mechanism to transfer assets. The most common mistake is paying a lot of money to set up a trust and then not following through and transferring assets into it. This is critical in order to avoid probate. The trust is like a box, and whatever you put in the box avoids probate. Everyone should do an assessment of his or her current estate plan. If you don’t have anything in place, you should get it done right away. This is also a good time to review all of your beneficiary designations to make sure they are correct and up to date. As always, The Retirement Guys wish you a happy retirement. Don’t leave your family an empty box. O For more information about The Retirement Guys, tune in every Saturday at 1 p.m. on 1370 WSPD or visit www. The office is at 1700 Woodlands Drive, Suite 100, Maumee, OH 43537.

Business Link

A26 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012


By Brigitta Burks

Toledo Free Press News Editor

On Aug. 1, hundreds of Chick-filA customers formed lines around the food court at the Westfield Franklin Park Mall in support of the chicken chain. Two months later, two new locations are preparing to open in the Toledo area. “Because of the receptivity of the Toledo community, [Chick-fil-A] felt like we needed to grow by 200 percent in a very short amount of time in order to service the demand for our product,” said Jonathan Winn, who will operate the 4260 Sylvania Ave. location, just outside the mall. The other new location will be at 10315 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. Owner/operator Mike Herrick, who used to run the Chick-fil-A in the mall food court, is transitioning to the Perrysburg location. Chick-filA business interns will run the mall location, formerly the only Chick-filA in town, until Nov. 1 when a new owner comes in. Each location is more than 4,000 square feet and includes a play area and double drive-thru lanes. About 200 employees are being hired at the two new restaurants, which will be closed on Sundays as is chain policy. Herrick’s franchise is slated for a Nov. 1 debut and Winn’s location is set to open Nov. 29. Winn and his family moved to the area about two and a half months ago after operating a Canton Chick-fil-A for three years. “Our plan for coming to Toledo is to be here the rest of our lives, to be able to retire here,” Winn said. “That’s why we moved up to be here, just to be part of the fabric of the community in a big way.” Before signing on with Chickfil-A, Winn was a college and young adult pastor. “One of my students said, ‘Man, you are just like one of the owners of a Chick-fil-A restaurant that we know. You should think about doing this.’ And so I researched it, hung out with a couple owners … got to know the business a little bit and decided this

was something I wanted to give my life to and give my career to long term.” Herrick had been with the mall Chick-fil-A for 21 years. Although there will be some changes, such as going from 900 square feet to more than 4,000 and from about 40 employees to 90, Herrick is confident. “The basic idea of service is still the same. You’re still going to take care of customers the same, but the whole service model changes,” he said. Despite his history in the area, Herrick still had to apply for the owner/operator position along with about 260 other applicants. Although Chick-fil-A owns the property and equipment, the franchise owners, like Winn and Herrick, own the business license and employs the workers. Herrick said he was excited about the new locations and that Chick-fil-A was also looking into opening an Airport Highway location in the future. “I’ve been the only game in town. I haven’t had any friends. Now I’ve got friends,” Herrick said and laughed. That wasn’t always the case — Woodville and North Towne Square malls had locations that closed in the ’90s. Westfield Franklin Park Mall’s location opened in 1984 and Herrick came onboard in 1991.

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Two Chick-fil-A’s set to open in region this fall

The controversy

Herrick was at the helm of the mall location during Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day on Aug. 1. Controversy sparked after the chain’s president Dan Cathy offered his thoughts on same-sex marriage on “The Ken Coleman Show.” “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage’ and I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about,” Cathy said. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and allied community along with mayors of major cities like Boston, Chicago and San Francisco lambasted Chick-fil-A in turn. To support the chain, former Arkansas governor and FoxNews per-


Chick-fil-a owner/operator Mike Herrick, at the Perrysburg location.

sonality Mike Huckabee rallied for an appreciation day. In response, customers formed lines with hours-long waits at Chick-fil-A’s nationwide. Herrick declined to share specific figures from the day, but did say it was record setting and extremely busy. “It was like surfboarding on a tsunami. You’re just holding on for dear life, hoping to get to the other side,” he said. The mall location stayed open until 10:30 p.m. to finish serving customers and Herrick had to travel to Columbus the next day to replenish supplies. Winn emphasized that Chick-fil-A didn’t market the day, but that it was a grassroots effort. “We’re thankful for whatever stage

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God gives us in order to serve our food and be an impact in the community. And that was just somewhat of a bigger stage,” he said. Winn added, “Dan was speaking his personal views on the biblical definition of marriage and that was not representative of the 1,000-plus owners that we have as a chain or the company.”

1,600 locations

The company has more than 1,600 locations across the country and has reached $4.1 billion in sales. Chickfil-A founder S. Truett Cathy opened his first restaurant in 1946 and the first Chick-fil-A debuted in 1967. Winn estimated that 80-90 new lo-

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cations open every year. Both owners said they didn’t think boycotters had slowed down sales. “It was the highest August we’ve ever had. We were up double digits in sales. September, we’re up more than normal so it has continued. Some of it is publicity,” Herrick said. Herrick said of the boycott, “People don’t run to boycott Ben & Jerry’s or Starbucks because they support issues that maybe I object to. I love Starbucks and I’ll spend my money there.” He added of same-sex marriage, “From my political views, it really clashes with my spiritual views because I’m a libertarian.” n CHICK-FIL-A CONTINUES ON A27


OCTOBER 7, 2012

Business Link


n A27

n CHICK-FIL-A CONTINUED FROM A26 “From a libertarian point of view, I don’t care. Just so long as your rights don’t infringe on my rights and just as long as you don’t cost me any money to enforce your rights or you don’t hurt or hit anybody.” Gay and bisexual individuals work at the area Chick-fil-A, he added. Winn said everyone should feel comfortable eating at Chick-fil-A. “Chick-fil-A has had a policy now for the last 60 years since Truett opened his first restaurant in 1946, that we’re going to do our best to serve every customer irregardless of religious affiliation, age, gender, sexual orientation, and that’s really been our philosophy and our standard. So that’s going to continue to be what our policy is here in the greater Toledo area, to serve the diverse culture of Toledo residents,” Winn said.

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Not comfortable

Sherry Tripepi, executive director of same-sex marriage advocacy group Equality Toledo, said she wouldn’t be comfortable at a Chick-fil-A. “I want to spend my money and support those organizations that stand for equality for all people, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, and it doesn’t appear that Chick-fil-A does. So, no, I would not visit one of their franchises,” she said. Winn and Herrick said they do not consider sexual orientation when hiring employees. “We’re going to take a look at people-oriented applicants that have a driven passion to treat everybody with honor and dignity and respect, to go the extra mile in meeting the needs of the customer, to really seek leverage making emotional connections with customers,” Winn said. “You’re gonna see 16-year-old men pulling out chairs for moms with their kids. You’re gonna see college-aged young ladies helping moms carry their babies out to the table for them and getting them all situated,” he added. Both restaurants will have a “First 100” event the day/night before the openings. The first 100 customers, who will need to camp out overnight, will receive 52 coupons for free meals. Activities will be planned throughout the day and meals will be served. “It’s just gonna be party time,” Herrick said, adding that he’s met people who have been to 32 “First 100s” and a couple who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at one. “I mean that’s dedication. You can’t tell me it’s for the free Chick-fil-A for a year. It’s more than that. It’s almost like a cult following,” he said. To learn more, visit www.face and FilAToledo. O

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10/2/12 1:48 PM

Business Link

A28 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012


On the sidelines, not out of the game T hose of you who read my columns consistently or listen to my radio show know that I feel the market is being held up by fumes and we need to be very cautious. Due to being extra cautious, I sometimes have quite a bit of money in cash. Currently, we have between 33 and 58 percent in cash in most of our accounts due to this market uncertainty. I often find myself in the conversation that the cash account doesn’t earn any interest to speak of and shouldn’t we get that where it could earn more. My answer is always the same: Just because we are on the sideline doesn’t mean we are out of the game. Using a football analogy is new for me but let me explain my reasoning. If you are an NFL team you have an offense and a defense. Both cannot be on the field at the same time. When you are playing defense your offense is on the sidelines doing virtually nothing. Does this mean that your offense is not worth its money when it is not out on the field? Of course not! Your offense is there waiting to go in when needed and it will perform at that time. If your defense has done its job, you will have better field position for the offense and a much better chance of scoring. This strategy will protect your end zone from the other team and ultimately win the game. Let’s leave the analogy for now and see where we are in real life. By keeping our cash on the sidelines instead of in the market 100 percent of the time we are protecting our capital from decline. It may earn nothing but it will not lose anything either. Cash sitting on the sidelines will gain if the market goes down. If you don’t lose it you gain it. Better field position is your cash getting back into the market after it has declined. This is the opposite of what is commonly called the “buy and hold” strategy. Buy and hold is the equivalent of having your offense on the field the entire game. Sure they get pushed clear back to the goal line by the other team but, hey, they can fight back the way they always do. This idea does not work in football and it doesn’t work in investing either. When the market is going against you, as with the opposing team, you want your offense on the sideline and your defense on the field. You want to minimize the loss of yardage and money. In 2008, when the market went down 40 percent, where would you have rather been, on the sidelines or riding the ride down and not recovering until 2012? This is not market timing. This is playing defense or offense as indicated

by the market trend. Offensive strategies include carefully using options, e.g., calls and puts, as well as stop limits and limit orders. Additionally, equity collars, private options and several combinations of option contracts will allow Gary L. you to be on defense or offense when needed. Convincing people to invest in something and hold on to that investment, regardless of what the market does, is the

equivalent of hoping for a neutral outcome in the football game. There is a lot of research that says that a buy and hold strategy consistently outperforms market timing, and I agree, but playing defense appropriate or ofRATHBUN when fense when appropriate is neither buy and hold or market timing. Cornell University recently did a study looking at the past 100 years that validates the strategy of defense/offense


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hedging and proving it greatly outperforms both previous schools of thought. Give it some thought and your own study, then decide. O Gary L. Rathbun is the president and CEO of Private Wealth Consultants, LTD. He can be heard every day on 1370 WSPD at 4:06 p.m. on “After the Bell with Brian Wilson and the Afternoon Drive” and every Wednesday and Thursday evening at 6 throughout Northern Ohio on “Eye on Your Money.” He can be reached at (419) 842-0334 or email him at garyrathbun@




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WALLEYE 2012 Special Section

OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A29

2012-13 Schedule October Sun.

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.




Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.




Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.




January Sun.


Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.



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March Sat.


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WALLEYE 2012 Special Section

A30 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012

Walleye add age, experience, stability to roster By Vincent D. Scebbi

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer


During the offseason, the Walleye added some age and experience to its lineup. While last year’s team had 14 players younger than 23, only six Toledo players are younger than 25 this

season, according to the roster. Head coach Nick Vitucci hopes the extra years will give the Walleye the edge to push the team back into playoffs after missing the postseason the past two years. “We’re just going to be a team that has a little more whiskers and experience under our belts, that in the long run we hope will equate to success,” he said.

Shoring up defense

Offensive production has decreased during the past three seasons. The Walleye scored 254 goals in the 2009-10 season, the first year in the league for the team and its only postseason trip.

In 2010-11, the Walleye finished with 239 goals and 72 points (33-336), just two points shy of claiming the eighth and final playoff spot. Last season, goals dropped significantly, to 189 and 62 points (28-38-6), 10 points higher than the basement-

dwelling Trenton Titans. Older players will add stability to the lineup, something Vitucci said will lead to chemistry on the ice and more goals scored. n VITUCCI CONTINUES ON A31

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n VITUCCI CONTINUED FROM A30 “Our locker room door has been a revolving door, players coming in and out and not having an opportunity to just get to know each other on the ice, which is what certainly leads to goals,” he said. “Our chemistry was never set because of all the players that were moving because of recalls and being sent down because of injuries.” While the team traded fan favorite and former Bowling Green State University defenseman Kyle Page to Kalamazoo, the Walleye picked up former Kalamazoo Wings captain Wes O’Neill as well as 33-year-old defender David Walker. O’Neill played 21 games last season with Kalamazoo and has spent most of his career with the American Hockey League’s Lake Erie Monsters and Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Walker, who was captain of Ontario Reign during the 2010-11 season, recorded 19 goals and 89 assists in three seasons there. “The players we signed are going to be huge for us,” Vitucci said. “I think at times we’ve been inconsistent back there and [now] we have some good veteran leaders back there. That’s going to settle things down for us. We’re going to be a good defensive team, which is where we struggled in the past.” In addition, the Walleye re-signed

forward Joey Martin, who led the Walleye with 49 points (22 goals, 29 assists) last season. With this lineup, Vitucci said the team will look to implement a more aggressive, puck-possessive style of play. The downside to this system, Vitucci said, is if the players are caught out of position, they are left more exposed on the other side of the rink. “But we believe with the team we’ve got and the experience we have, especially on defense, that we should be in good shape,” he said.

NHL lockout

Despite the possibility of no NHL this season, the ECHL should be minimally affected, said Joe Babik, director of communications for the ECHL. The NHL lockout began Sept. 15 over disputes in the collective bargaining agreement between the NHL and National Hockey League Players’ Association. Exhibition games are already canceled and regular season games will be called off if no progress is made on a new deal. The first NHL game is scheduled for Oct. 11. Babik said that while players in the ECHL work to get noticed by the American Hockey League (AHL) and NHL, they are part of a different union. Vitucci said he is optimistic a com-

promise will be reached before the whole season is canceled. “I am hoping that cooler heads will prevail and they will come together on all of these hot topics and we will have hockey this season,” he said. However, the lockout could help bring stability to the Walleye roster. Because the ECHL is a AA league, players move between it, the AAA AHL and the NHL. “Whenever there’s an injury in the NHL with the Red Wings or the Blackhawks, they’re going to get a callup from their American League teams and we’ll lose a player,” Vitucci said. “[Now] with only one team playing above us, you’re looking at 20 guys who run the risk of injury instead of 40 players who run the risk of injury. Hopefully, there won’t be that much movement once the season starts.” With no NHL, more pro scouts could make their way to minor league games, giving Walleye players more opportunity to be noticed, Vitucci said. “It’s a great opportunity for players at our level to really promote themselves as far as the type of players they are and character they are,” he said. Vitucci said he did not recall any surge in attendance to ECHL games during the last NHL lockout, which canceled the 2004-05 season. n VITUCCI CONTINUES ON A32


n A31


WALLEYE 2012 Special Section

OCTOBER 7, 2012



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WALLEYE 2012 Special Section

A32 n Toledo Free Press n VITUCCI CONTINUED FROM A31

and families aren’t home on a Friday night watching a game and getting an urge to come to Toledo to watch a game the next night,” he said.

New ECHL teams

The ECHL welcomed four new teams to the league this year. Joining the Walleye’s North Division are the Fort Wayne (Ind.) Komets


Vitucci called the lockout a “possible catch-22,” in the sense that fewer people may be thinking about hockey. “Without hockey in the NHL, you’d think people who would want to get their hockey fix, they’re going to want to come down here. But there’s also no hockey in the NHL

and Evansville (Ind.) IceMen. The Walleye will square off against Fort Wayne 10 times and Evansville 11 times in the upcoming season. “We expect them to be very good teams right out of the gate,” Vitucci said. “Fort Wayne is a team that has won championships at every level

they’ve played at and Evansville is a team that has been good in the Central Hockey League. We expect them to be contenders right out of the gate and we are going to have to play our best hockey to compete and battle with them every night.” The Orlando Solar Bears will play in the Eastern Conference’s South Division and the San Fran-

Loma Linda Celebrating C elebrating 5577 yyears. e rs.

OCTOBER 7, 2012

cisco Bulls are in the Western Conference’s Pacific Division. Toledo hosts the Solar Bears at home Jan. 5. The Walleye season kicks off Oct. 13 when Toledo hosts the Kalamazoo Wings. The puck is slated to drop at 7:05 p.m. For more information, visit O

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WALLEYE 2012 Special Section

OCTOBER 7, 2012


n A33

FinFest to kick off Toledo hockey season Oct. 13 TOLEDO FREE PRESS MANAGING EDITOR

Walleye hockey returns to Toledo on Oct. 13 and fans are invited to celebrate

the start of a new season at FinFest, a free Opening Night pregame party. FinFest is set for 4:30-6:30 p.m. outside the Huntington Center on Huron Street, weather permitting, said Michael Keedy, manager of spe-

cial events for the Walleye. “That’s how we kick everything off,” Keedy said. “We’re going to have live music from local band 56DAZE, live ice sculptures, street performers and all kinds of fun stuff going on.

Upcoming Events at WCM! Bring the family and meet the goats of Turkeyfoot Creek Creamery. October 13th - Perrysburg and October 20th - Maumee from 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

available 5-6:30 p.m. The game starts at 7:05 p.m. Gates open at 6 p.m. and the first 4,000 fans will get blue and gold glow wands. n WALLEYE CONTINUES ON A34

Turkeyfoot Creek Creamery, The makers of Artisan Fresh Ripened, and Aged Goat Cheeses which are produced in their state-of-the-art organic facility by hand in Wauseon, OH using milk from their own goats. Taste their cheeses and some recipes made with their goat cheese.

We’ve done this every year and we usually get a great turnout.” Another pregame opportunity is OctoberFeast, which includes a game ticket and all-you-can-eat buffet for $45. The buffet will be


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WALLEYE 2012 Special Section

A34 n Toledo Free Press n WALLEYE CONTINUED FROM A33 “As part of our introductions, we turn all the lights out in the building for several minutes and it will be just a great effect to see all the blue and gold glow wands waving around at once, so we do encourage people to get in their seats early,” Keedy said. There are still game tickets available, but they are going fast, Keedy said. “We’ve always sold out and we anticipate the same thing this year, so the sooner the better,” he said. “It’s starting to become the routine in Toledo, that this is really the place to be.” There is also a post-game party with the Walleye players in the Club Level Lounge, open to anyone with a ticket, Keedy said. No matter what they choose to do, people who come out for Opening Night can expect to have fun, Keedy said. “Everything we do is going to be entertaining,” Keedy said. “Opening Night is really meant to be a celebration.”

Theme nights

Walleye fans can also look forward to various theme nights and promotions planned throughout the season, Keedy said. Jersey auctions, in which gameworn jerseys are auctioned after the game to benefit local charities, are always popular. This season will feature Captain America jerseys Nov. 10, Boy Scout-themed jerseys Jan. 5, Toledo Blades throwback jerseys Feb. 16 and pink jerseys on March 2 during Pink in the Rink, benefiting breast cancer research. Nov. 10 will also feature an appearance by Captain America and a giveaway of 1,500 Captain America shield frisbees, Keedy said. Also Nov. 10, Toledo police and firefighters will square off in a 3 p.m. hockey game called Battle of the Badges. A portion of proceeds will

benefit the Toledo-Lucas County Police Athletic League and the Toledo Firefighters Local 92 Charities. Admission is free with the purchase of a Walleye ticket for Nov. 10. Nov. 11 is Veterans Appreciation Night. Nov. 17 will feature an appearance from former Detroit Red Wings player Joey Kocur, who will also be signing autographs on the main concourse. The annual Teddy Bear Toss, where fans throw new or gently used stuffed animals onto the ice for Lucas County Children Services, is set for Dec. 1. “That’s always a big one,” Keedy said. “It’s a lot of fun and we get an incredible amount of people who participate in that.” Dec. 1 will also feature an appearance from the Hanson brothers, stars of the movie “Slap Shot,” including an on-ice skit and autographs. Dec. 16 will feature “an assortment of chocolate-covered goodies,” in honor of National Chocolate Covered Anything Day, Keedy said. Hockey and Hops is a pregame craft beer-tasting event on Dec. 28. Cost is $45, which includes a souvenir glass, allyou-can-eat buffet and game ticket. Jan. 6 will feature a Spike “bobblebody” giveaway to the first 2,000 fans. Feb. 24 is Mascot Mania Night, featuring more than 20 mascots from local businesses and professional sports teams, Keedy said. “Anybody planning to come to that game is going to see a lot of characters walking around and a lot of opportunities for autographs and photos,” Keedy said. Pink in the Rink, a popular annual promotion that raises money for breast cancer research, will be March 2-3, with games played on pink ice. Every Friday night home game will offer a post-game party with the players for anyone with a ticket. Every

Sunday home game offers a free postgame open skate. One Sunday per month Walleye players will join fans at the open skate, Keedy said. Every Sunday home game also features the Chuck-A-Punk game, benefiting local youth hockey organizations. Promotions are subject to change. For more information, visit www.



Those looking for new “Walleye wear” will have plenty of options this season as well as a new retail location to browse during games. The new shopping area will be near sections 104-105, said Craig Katz, director of merchandise and licensing. “We’re really excited about that,” Katz said. “We now have three areas

OCTOBER 7, 2012

at Huntington Center for fans to purchase their new Walleye wear and we encourage people to come check it out. It has some very cool aspects.” New merchandise includes 40 new T-shirts, 30 new sweatshirts, two dozen new hat styles and three dozen new novelty items, Katz said. n WALLEYE CONTINUES ON A35

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WALLEYE 2012 Special Section

OCTOBER 7, 2012 n WALLEYE CONTINUED FROM A34 Among the new items Katz expects to be popular are “Tufgloves,” which look like “Hulk Hands” with a cupholder built into the fist, Katz said. “We’ve had a lot of success with them over at the Mud Hens,” Katz said. “Fans can use them to high-five friends and pump up the crowd as well as enjoy their favorite beverage.” Also new this year are foam hockey helmets and “puck heads,” Katz said. “[Foam items] are some of our most popular items every year, so we’re always looking to broaden that line,” Katz said. Closer to the holidays, the shop will offer a style of knit hat that looks

like a hockey helmet, Katz said. “We have lots of new items and new designs,” he said. “We’re excited to get the season going.”


Among the dozen new food items on the menu at Walleye games this season will be homemade white cheddar macaroni and cheese. “Kids will love it,” stated a news release from the Walleye. “You can get it plain, but if you’re a little more adventuresome, create your own by adding bacon, caramelized onions, Italian sausage, peppers and onions, chives, bleu cheese and barbecue pulled pork.”

Walleye fans can also get boneless wings as well as wraps, including “The Winger,” “Full Strength” and “Cross-Chick.” For dessert, fans can try the Fun-Dae (funnel cake topped with soft-serve ice cream, hot fudge, chopped peanuts, whipped cream and sprinkles), S’more Sundae (vanilla soft-serve ice cream, graham cracker and hot fudge with marshmallow topping) or Chocolate “Heath Bar” Sundae (soft-serve ice cream, caramel and whipped cream topped with crumbled Heath bars).

Social media

Fans can expect to see more photos


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on Walleye social media sites this season, said Nathan Steinmetz, manager of online marketing. “It’s all about photos now,” Steinmetz said. “That’s one focus we’ll have moving ahead.” The team already shares photos on Facebook and Twitter and plans to start an Instagram account soon. “Over the last few months, there’s really been a change in focus from a description or a link back to our website to an album of photos,” Steinmetz said. “That’s what people want to see. That’s what’s interesting. That’s what stands out and catches your eye. We have tons of photos — players, games, fans, behind the scenes — and for us, it’s a no-brainer to share those with our fans. We even have some fun with caption contests and guessing contests. It’s a neat way to engage with fans. It’s fun for them and always gets a lot of commentary.” Last season, the Walleye started posting photos of people wearing Walleye gear and fans started sending in their own photos, Steinmetz said. “The whole program started with social media and grew from there,” he said. “It really emphasized the team pride and the camaraderie and the spirit of wearing your Walleye wear at games. We’re looking to continue that this year.”

n A35

The team’s mobile website allows fans to browse news, stats, rosters, seating charts, dining options and more. “Mobile is the way to go,” Steinmetz said. “A lot of fans are looking for information that way. I look on my phone more than I look at a computer anymore.” Fans can also listen to Walleye games live on their smartphones via the iheartradio app. The third annual Social Media Night will be March 24. “The last two years have been a lot of fun,” Steinmetz said. “We get an incredible amount of participation from fans at games. We get hundreds of tweets, hundreds of posts on our Facebook wall. Tons of people send us pictures. We sift through those and put them on the video board throughout the game along with trivia questions and prizes.” The Walleye also maintain a dialogue with fans during games. “There’s always somebody watching Twitter feeds and someone paying attention to Facebook during games, so if you mention the Walleye, there’s a great chance you’ll hear a response really quick,” Steinmetz said. “We encourage fans to ask questions and get involved in the conversation.” For more information, visit www. O

The following local businesses support

The 2012 Walleye:



A36 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012


Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs bring homey sound By Vicki L. Kroll

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

stuff that happens that’s all about the merchandise and how you go and see a band and you get out of the place by going through the gift shop,” Golightly said. “It was really tongue and cheek. “You have bands that have action figures of themselves. The thing that’s funny about that to me is that most of the people who have action figures, they themselves don’t do anything. So they’re action figures of people who don’t do much action. They should make action figures of [Dave and me]; we never stop,” she said and laughed.

photo courtesy conqueroo

Comfort music — that’s the specialty of Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs. “There’s something nice about songs that are instantly familiar if you’ve heard them or not; there’s a format that’s recognizable to most people who have any knowledge at all of the last 30 or 40 years of music,” Golightly said. “Everybody knows the standard arrangement of things and if you don’t, you can guess it.” When it comes to music, the singersongwriter-guitarist is a traditionalist. “It’s exactly what it says on the can,” she joked. “Making things less complicated is quite good. ... Songs don’t really need to be six minutes long; there’s no benefit to it. Keep things short and sweet.” Golightly and multi-instrumentalist Lawyer Dave use that recipe

to whip up the duo’s fifth release, “Sunday Run Me Over,” which will be released Oct. 9. Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs will play at 8 p.m. Oct. 13 at Mickey Finn’s Pub. Daniel Wayne and 33 1/3 will open. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. The rootsy rockers serve up three cover songs and nine rollicking originals with dashes of humor on their album. Dave is featured on lead vocals of the cover of Mac Davis’ 1980 song, “Hard to Be Humble,” which begins with he and Golightly making Facebook posts about how much they hate each other. “It’s a ridiculous song,” Golightly said during a call from the couple’s farm near Athens, Ga. “It’s one of Dave’s favorite songs; he really likes playing it.” She shared the story behind “This S*** Is Gold.” “I wrote the lyrics to that one. It was aimed at like KISS, you know, the

In addition to making music, the couple rescues horses — and they have five dogs and eight goats, along with geese and chickens. “We have to load 400 bales of hay this afternoon,” Golightly said. “There’d be sort of lumberjack days and horse trainer and all these other action [figure] versions of us. ... We should be marketing this stuff; people love farm sets.” People love Golightly’s moniker. Born in London, the vocalist said she was named after the character in

Truman Capote’s “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”: “I think [my mom] put the book down when she went into labor and that was the first name that came to mind.” The duo won an Independent Music Award for best Americana album for 2008’s “Dirt Don’t Hurt.” And the Brit has sung on The White Stripes’ disc “Elephant.” “[Our music] doesn’t have any cryptic messages in it. You’re not going to find anything massively deep or meaningful in it,” Golightly said. “It’s just music and it’s fun.” O

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OCTOBER 7, 2012



n A37



The extinction of the ‘Happily Ever Afters’

y heart was recently broken when I learned that another of my “couple” friends are in the process of getting a divorce. Our children go to school and play sports together, their kids are a part of my extended family, my “Jackies.” My kids broke the news to me, as the announcement filled their school’s hallways, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt as if my divorce was happening again. Are “Happily Ever Afters” going extinct in the suburbs? It’s been more than two years since my divorce was finalized. I fought for the last year to save my marriage, when I should have been working on it the previous 10. I am an excellent father, but I was a horrible husband. My battle to stop the divorce was ultimately for our three children. I could just see their future lives and I wanted to save them

may be completely outfrom it. Why fill their dated. “Single parent” lives with heartache, used to clearly mean when daddy simply ... the father was not needed to manage his present, there was no ADD better? man in the house, often My ex-wife and I indicating some type had somehow fallen out of a mother’s financial of love. I was too blind struggle. Somewhere in to see it, she was too rethe evolution of techsentful to forget it. The nology and relationbusyness of a suburban Jeremy BAUMHOWER ships, the words “single schedule somehow hid the ongoing true feelings that were parent” began to be used as a descripfilling our SUV as we drove to base- tion by divorcées with joint custody ball, soccer or dance. Our not-so- of their children. One failed marriage obvious previous attempts at fixing a with children creates two single parfailing marriage with children, both ents because half of the time we are, in planned and unplanned, confused our fact, a single parent. An epidemic is happening in the hearts with the love of our babies, but suburbs, and no one seems to be nonot each other. The words “single parent” carry a ticing. Couples with slightly grown certain stigma, a cliché, something that children (age 5 and older) seem to be


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fleeing from each other with nothing but self-interest at heart. Facebook and technology have made it so easy to see how green the grass really is, that people are forgetting about the roots they have planted. Any child of the 1970s or 1980s can agree that there was maybe one kid in your entire grade with divorced parents. Now many times there are only one or two children in a classroom with a single family home. Can you imagine how teachers have to manage the new co-parenting schedules, the pick-ups, drop-offs, the communicating with two houses? The school’s copy machine used to be filled with copied tests or upcoming lessons, now it’s filled with copied parental communications and waivers. If you are one of those parents currently dreaming of finalizing your divorce, or just filing for it, allow me the

privilege of describing to you what life is like once you’re a “Suburb Single Parent.” In most cases today the children’s visitation schedule is almost equally split, meaning you will miss up to half of your children’s lives. They become dual citizens of multiple homes, our new-age lil’ nomads, living out of the transition bag filled with previously worn clothes, bills, iPods and Nintendo 3DSs. Often when you do have a shared schedule, your time with your children is booked so full with sports to grandparent visits, you just end up driving your minivan or SUV the entire time. And let me not forget to describe the constant feeling of “competing” with your ex’s time spent, the whole “Mommy took us to see a movie,” and “What special things are we going to do this weekend, Daddy?” n BAUMHOWER CONTINUES ON A38

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A38 n Toledo Free Press n BAUMHOWER CONTINUED FROM A37 Your kids’ lives become a sevenday-a-week promotional tour with appearances at the mall, grandma’s and the local soccer field. The chaos rarely stops. Then the chaos quickly turns to silence and, for myself, the “you” time is often the hardest. The once deafening constant commotion becomes your catch-up time for cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping and of course dating. A common cause of divorces today is the desire to date someone new, find your heart or fall in love again. Imagine trying to sort out and sift through the douchery or potential psychos, to date them in your down kid-free time, all while trying to protect your most loved ones. It is nearly impossible. When simultaneous “kid-free” weekends are a plus to your new relationship, then we as a society are doomed.

My advice for those considering trying the greener grass is to not. If there is even 1 percent of you that believes you still love or could possibly fall back in love with your current spouse, than it should become your mission to explore every avenue on how to make your marriage work. Your children deserve the effort. Our babies will never know the strength of love in a singlefamily home if we continue to quit the marriage the second we’re bored, or when our high school crush “pokes” us on Facebook. The only lessons these quick divorces are teaching our children are how to properly organize a social calendar and how not to offend mom or dad. They have been told they were made with love, but mommy and daddy no longer love each other. As if love somehow has an expira-


tion date. If you do not want to repeat the same mistakes I’ve made, simply learn how to love someone other than yourself. Use Facebook as a medium to show how much you love each other and this will ultimately discourage the random “pokings” from past lives. Instead of texting each other all day while working, have a no communication order, like

OCTOBER 7, 2012

they did before the cellphone. Grandma and grandpa have been married for 50 years because grandpa didn’t drive grandma crazy all day with texts. This communication freeze will allow you to have an actual conversation at the dinner table. My last words of advice are: Do not cheat. Physical or emotional affairs only screw your children. Al-

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          

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though the orgasm or attention fills a recently created void, it simultaneously put an even bigger void on your children’s perception of love. And no matter how many times you tell them you love them, your actions have told them more. I am sorry, Kelli. O Email columnist Jeremy Baumhower at

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TV Listings


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12 pm


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2 pm


3 pm


4 pm


5 pm


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

6 pm


October 7, 2012


3 pm


General Hospital Katie Ellen DeGeneres News News News ABC News The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil News at Five News CBS News Judge Mathis The People’s Court Anderson Live Dish Nat. TMZ Access H. News Judge B. Judge B. The Jeff Probst Show The Doctors The Dr. Oz Show News NBC News Varied Programs Cyberchas BBC News NewsHour Criminal Minds First 48 Varied First 48 Varied First 48 Varied Programs Varied Programs Movie Comedy Futurama Futurama Sunny South Pk Tosh.0 Phineas Varied Programs Good Varied Programs Phineas Good SportsCenter Outside Football NFL Live Around Pardon SportCtr Varied ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Reba Reba Reba Reba Movie Varied Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Contessa Contessa Paula Paula Diners Diners Varied Programs Varied Programs How I Met How I Met Varied Programs Varied Programs Made Varied Programs King Seinfeld Seinfeld Varied Programs Big Bang Big Bang MLB Baseball Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs The Mentalist NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS Wendy Williams Show Bill Cunningham Chris Chris Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Two Men Two Men


7 pm


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10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Recipe Food Paid Paid Shark WNBA Basketball Playoffs: Teams TBA. (N) J. Hanna News ABC Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time Revenge (N) (CC) 666 Park Avenue (N) News Insider NFL Football Cleveland Browns at New York Giants. (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Football Denver Broncos at New England Patriots. (N) (Live) (CC) 60 Minutes (N) (CC) The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist (N) News NFL Football Regional Coverage. (N Subject to Blackout) (CC) Postgame English Premier League Soccer Mother Simpsons Cleveland Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy American News Leading 30 Rock Office Paid Paid Bull Riding PBR Tour. (Taped) Cycling Yachting News News Football Night in America (N) NFL Football San Diego Chargers at New Orleans Saints. (N) (CC) News Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing POV “Give Up Tomorrow” (CC) Over VOCES on PBS Moyers & Company Nova scienceNOW Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic Broadway: Musical Austin City Limits (N) Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Real Housewives Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Happens Jersey › Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005) ›› Sex Drive (2008, Comedy) Josh Zuckerman. (CC) › Grandma’s Boy (2006) Doris Roberts. Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Jeff Dunham Jeff Dunham Tosh.0 Brickle. Good Good Austin Shake It ANT Farm Phineas Phineas Phineas Good Good Austin Shake It Good Gravity Good Austin ANT Farm Jessie Vampire Vampire ANT Farm Vampire NASCAR Countdown NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Good Sam Roadside Assistance 500. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) BCS MLS Soccer: Timbers at Sounders SportsCenter (N) Chronicles of Narnia ››› Hercules (1997), Josh Keaton ›› Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010) ››› The Mummy (1999) Brendan Fraser. Premiere. ››› The Mummy (1999) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. Restaurant: Im. Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Diners $24 in 24 Food Truck Race Cupcake Wars (N) Halloween Wars (N) Iron Chef America Restaurant Stakeout Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Property Hunters Hunt Intl Million Dollar Rooms Extreme Homes (CC) Buying and Selling Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Secret of Bees ›› Disappearing Acts (2000) Sanaa Lathan. (CC) ›› Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys (2008) (CC) Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012) Steel Magnolias (2012) Queen Latifah. (CC) Abducted Story Jersey Shore (CC) ››› Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. The Challenge Teen Teen Mom The cast reflects. Jersey Shore (CC) The Challenge › Blue Streak (1999) Martin Lawrence. MLB MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) World-Henry ››› The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968) ››› Cheaper by the Dozen (1950) (CC) ››› Monkey Business (1952) Cary Grant. ›› The Doughgirls (1944) ›› Night and Day (1946) Cary Grant, Alexis Smith. (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Flaw” Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Indiana Jones and Crystal Skull › Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Pirates-Worlds ›› Message in a Bottle (1999) Made Cooking Now Eat! Chris Chris Friends Friends Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Scoop Made


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate Your Morning Sunday CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation Liberty Mass The NFL Today (N) Paid Prog. Got Bugs? Fox News Sunday Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Lions Report Live FOX NFL Sunday (N) Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Jillian Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Toledo Toledo Plugged-In Your Hlth Antiques Roadshow Shipping Shipping Hoggers Hoggers Parking Parking Billy Billy Billy Billy Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Real Housewives Half Hour ›› Coneheads (1993) Dan Aykroyd. (CC) ›› The Cable Guy (1996, Comedy) Jim Carrey. (CC) Mickey Pirates ANT Farm ANT Farm Good Jessie Austin Austin Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (CC) Teen. Ninja 3 ›› The Muppets’ Wizard of Oz (2005) Ashanti. Chronicles of Narnia: Lion, Witch Pioneer Trisha’s Rachael Ray’s Dinners Guy’s Sand. Be.- Made Paula Pioneer Hate Bath Elbow YardCrash Hse Crash Income Income Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) R Schuller Turning J. Osteen Paid Prog. Chris Chris Prank ›› The Secret Life of Bees (2008) True Life True Life True Life True Life True Life Browns Earl Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld › Cop Out (2010, Comedy) Bruce Willis. (CC) ››› Kim (1950) Errol Flynn. (CC) (DVS) ››› Goodbye, My Fancy (1951), Robert Young World-Henry Law & Order “Bling” Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Haven” Law & Order Miracles J. Osteen ›› Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007, Action) Johnny Depp. (CC) Indiana Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Missing Old House Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cooking Now Eat! Message in a Bottle


October 7, 2012


9 am

n A39


7 pm



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9 pm


10 pm

October 8, 2012


11 pm


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N) (CC) Castle (N) (CC) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! How I Met Partners Broke Girl Mike Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met Bones (N) (CC) (DVS) The Mob Doctor (N) Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice “The Battles Premiere” (N) (CC) Revolution (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Market Warriors (N) Independent Lens (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (N) (CC) Intervention (N) (CC) Intervention (CC) Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Happens Jersey Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk Brickle. South Pk Daily Colbert Austin Good ANT Farm ›› Halloweentown (1998) (CC) Phineas Phineas ANT Farm Vampire Monday Night Countdown (N) (CC) NFL Football Houston Texans at New York Jets. (Live) SportCtr Switched at Birth (CC) Switched at Birth (N) ›› Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) Premiere. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners $24 in 24 Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) ››› Selena (1997) Steel Magnolias (2012) Queen Latifah. (CC) Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012) (CC) Jersey Shore The gang returns to the shore. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Inbe Guy Code (N) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) ›› My Six Convicts ›››› Fury (1936) Sylvia Sidney. ›››› Libeled Lady (1936) Jean Harlow. Test Pilot The Mentalist (CC) Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (N) (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Major Crimes (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang Big Bang 90210 (N) (CC) Gossip Girl (N) (CC) Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


7 pm



Specializing in Mexican Food since 1955


10400 Airport Hwy. (1.2 Mi. East of the Aiport) Lunch & Dinner, 11 a.m. to Midnight Closed Sundays & Holidays


Original Recipes from Both Mexico and Germany

419-729-9775 3025 N. Summit Street (near Point Place) Mon. - Thurs. 11-10 p.m. Fri. - Sat. .11-11 p.m. Sun. 3-9 p.m. Closed Holidays


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

October 9, 2012


11 pm


Ent Insider Dancing/Stars Dancing/Stars Private Practice (N) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS “Phoenix” (N) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Vegas (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met Raising Ben-Kate New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice (N) (CC) Go On (N) Normal Parenthood (N) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Lidia Celebrates Frontline “The Choice 2012” (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (N) (CC) Happens Flipping Colbert Daily Work. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Brickle. Daily Colbert Shake It Good Vampire Halloweentown II: Revenge Shake It Phineas ANT Farm Vampire E:60 (N) 30 for 30 (N) World/Poker World/Poker SportCtr ›› Miss Congeniality (2000) ›› Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005) The 700 Club (CC) Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped “Charge!” Chopped Hunt Intl Hunters Love It or List It (CC) Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Million Dollar Rooms Dance Moms (CC) Dance Competition Dance Comp. Prank Prank Prank Prank True Life Teen Mom Teen Mom The cast reflects. (CC) Teen Mom Teen Mom It Gets Better 2 (N) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) Callaway Went ›› Lucky Star (1929, Drama) ›››› The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) Fredric March. The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Leverage (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Big Bang Hart of Dixie (N) (CC) Dr. Horrible’s Blog Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad




BARRON’S CAFE Everything Mexican From Tacos to Enchiladas to Delicious Burritos

419-825-3474 13625 Airport Hwy., Swanton (across from Valleywood Country Club) Mon. - Thurs. 11-11 p.m. Fri. - Sat. .11-12 a.m. Closed Sundays and Holidays



419-841-7523 7742 W. Bancroft (1 Mi. West of McCord) Mon. - x Sat.10.25” from 11 a.m. ad 10” Closed Sundays & Holidays

TV Listings

A40n Toledo Free Press Wednesday Evening ABC 13 CBS 11 FOX 36 NBC 24 PBS 30 A&E BRAVO COM DISN ESN FAM FOOD HGTV LIF MTV TBS TCM TNT USA WTO5

7 pm


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10 pm


11 pm



9 pm


10 pm


11 pm


Ent Day Shark Tank (N) Primetime: What 20/20 (N) (CC) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! CSI: NY “2,918 Miles” Made in Jersey (N) Blue Bloods (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met The X Factor (CC) Fringe (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Grimm (CC) (DVS) Grimm (N) (CC) Dateline NBC (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Wash. Deadline WGTE in Concert American Masters On Story Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Colbert Daily Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Key Tosh.0 South Pk Brickle. Mash Up Stand-Up Shake It ANT Farm Girl vs. Monster (2012) Olivia Holt. Dog ANT Farm Good Austin Austin NASCAR NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Dollar General 300. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Bring It On (2000, Comedy) ›› The Last Song (2010) Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear. The 700 Club (CC) Diners $24 in 24 Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Halloween Tricked Flea Mar Flea Mar Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted The Challenge: Battle Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) ›› Malibu’s Most Wanted (2003, Comedy) Fam. Guy MLB MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB ›› Shining Victory ››› Born Yesterday (1950) Judy Holliday. A Night at the Movies The Great McGinty The Mentalist (CC) ››› Catch Me if You Can (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. (CC) (DVS) ›› Disturbia (2007) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang Big Bang Arrow “Pilot” (CC) Beauty and the Beast Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad

1 pm


2 pm



October 12, 2012


8 pm


October 10, 2012



Ent Insider Middle Neighbors Mod Fam Mod Fam Nashville “Pilot” (N) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor: Philippines Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman The Office How I Met The X Factor Auditions continue in Miami. (N) Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Practice Guys-Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire “Pilot” News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Nature (N) (CC) (DVS) NOVA (N) (CC) (DVS) Nova scienceNOW (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Real Housewives Flipping Out (CC) Life After Top Chef Life After Top Chef Happens Top Chef Colbert Daily Chappelle Key South Pk South Pk South Pk Key Daily Colbert Shake It Austin Vampire ››› Halloweentown High (2004) Good Phineas ANT Farm Vampire NFL Live (CC) 30 for 30 30 for 30 2012 CrossFit Games SportsCenter (N) (CC) Miss Congeniality 2 ››› Remember the Titans (2000) Denzel Washington. The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant: Im. Hunt Intl Hunters Property Brothers (CC) Buying and Selling (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Trading Spouses ›› Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys (2008, Drama) (CC) Prank Project Runway (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) True Life Teen Mom Teen Mom The Challenge: Battle Challenge Jersey MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) Procès MGM ››› The Haunting (1963) Julie Harris. (CC) ››› The Uninvited (1944) Ray Milland. (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Castle (CC) Castle “Ghosts” (CC) Castle (CC) Perception “Faces” NCIS “Call of Silence” ›› Couples Retreat (2009) Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman. ›› The Break-Up (2006) (CC) Big Bang Big Bang Arrow “Pilot” (N) (CC) Supernatural (N) (CC) Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


8 pm

OCTOBER 7, 2012

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5 pm


6 pm

October 11, 2012


11 pm


11 am

October 13, 2012


12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue College Football Your Morning Saturday Busytown Busytown Liberty Liberty Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Got Bugs? Today (N) (CC) Paid Prog. Beauty Noodle Pajanimals Poppy Cat Justin LazyTown Wiggles Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur MotorWk Michigan Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) (DVS) Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flipping Boston (CC) Flipping Boston (CC) Flipping Boston (N) Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (CC) Life After Top Chef ›› Cheech & Chong Still Smokin’ ››› Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) ›› Real Genius (1985) Val Kilmer. Doc McSt. Pirates Phineas Phineas Gravity Fish Girl vs. Monster (2012) Olivia Holt. (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) College Football ›› Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights ›› Bring It On (2000, Comedy) Kirsten Dunst. ›› Girls Just Want to Have Fun Be.- Made Best Thing Sand. America Paula Pioneer Contessa Giada Chopped Buying and Selling Property Property BathCrash BathCrash YardCrash Kit. Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chris Chris Home Invasion (2011) It Gets Better 2 Teen Mom Teen Mom The cast reflects. (CC) Teen Mom Teen Mom I Made It 10 on Top There Browns Payne Jim Jim ››› Charlie’s Angels (2000) Cameron Diaz. Charlies Mr Skeff ››› Crack-Up (1946) Pat O’Brien. › Prehistoric Women (1967) Martine Beswick. Jungle Jim-Forbidden Law & Order Law & Order Major Crimes (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) ›› Murder at 1600 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NCIS (CC) NCIS “Split Decision” NCIS “Forced Entry” NCIS “Pop Life” (CC) Sonic X Rangers Iron Man Justice WWE Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Career Icons


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Last Resort (N) (CC) Vice Presidential Debate (N) (S Live) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Two Men Vice Presidential Debate (N) (S Live) News Letterman The Office How I Met The X Factor (N) (CC) Vice Presidential Debate (N) News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy 30 Rock All Night Vice Presidential Debate (N) (Live) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Toledo Toledo Vice Presidential Debate (N) (Live) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Housewives/NJ Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Happens Miami Colbert Daily Chappelle Stand-Up Jeff Dunham: Minding Stand-Up Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Shake It Jessie Vampire ›› Return to Halloweentown Gravity Phineas ANT Farm Vampire Audibles (N) (Live) College Football Live College Football Arizona State at Colorado. (N) (Live) ››› Remember the Titans (2000) › Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped “In a Pinch” Halloween Wars Chopped Chopped Chopped Hunt Intl Hunters Buying and Selling Extreme Homes (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Abroad Hunt Intl To Be Announced Project Runway (CC) Project Runway “Finale, Part I” (N) Dance Comp. Prank It Gets Better 2 Jersey Shore The gang returns to the shore. Jersey Shore (N) (CC) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) Smashing the Rackets ››› The Flight of the Phoenix (1965) James Stewart. What Ever Happened-Jane The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Leverage (CC) NCIS “Witness” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Big Bang Big Bang The Vampire Diaries Beauty and the Beast Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad



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October 13, 2012

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) NASCAR NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Bank of America 500. (N) (Live) News Paid Paid Football Carolina Football College Football Alabama at Missouri. (N) (Live) (CC) News Time NCIS: Los Angeles Hawaii Five-0 (CC) 48 Hours (N) (CC) News CSI Leverage (CC) McCarver FOX College Football Utah at UCLA. (N Subject to Blackout) (S Live) (CC) FOX College Football USC at Washington. (N Subject to Blackout) (S Live) (CC) News Seinfeld Touch Paid Sports Illustrated (N) Notre Dame Football College Football Stanford at Notre Dame. (N) (S Live) (CC) Jdg Judy Academic Revolution (CC) Chicago Fire (CC) Law & Order: SVU News SNL This Old House Hr John Quilting Bill Cosby: Prize Front Music Globe Trekker Steves Travels Lawrence Welk History Detectives Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Classic ››› The Pelican Brief (1993, Suspense) Julia Roberts. (CC) ››› The Shawshank Redemption (1994) Tim Robbins. (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Parking Parking Billy Billy Billy Billy Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Real Housewives Real Housewives To Be Announced ›› Real Genius ››› Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Eddie Murphy. (CC) ›› Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) ›› Dumb & Dumber (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey. (CC) ››› Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) (CC) Dodgeball: Underdog Good Good Austin Shake It Good Good Good Good Good Austin Austin Shake It Shake It Shake It Good Jessie ANT Farm Austin Gravity Vampire Good Good College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score Football Scoreboard College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Girls-Fun ››› Dirty Dancing (1987, Romance) Jennifer Grey. ›› The Last Song (2010) Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear. ›› Step Up (2006) Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan. ›› Step Up 2 the Streets (2008, Drama) › Coyote Ugly (2000) Halloween Sweets Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Diners Diners Iron Chef America Halloween Wars Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Iron Chef America Love It or List It (CC) Brake for Yard Sales Endless Yard Sale Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Novo High Low Hunt Intl House Hunters Reno Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Home Invasion (CC) ›› Virtual Lies (2011) Christina Cox. (CC) ››› The Memory Keeper’s Daughter (2008) Movie Steel Magnolias (2012) Queen Latifah. (CC) Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) ››› 8 Mile (2002, Drama) Eminem, Kim Basinger. › How High (2001) Method Man. ›› Get Rich or Die Tryin’ (2005, Crime Drama) ›› Notorious (2009) Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang MLB MLB Baseball American League Championship Series, Game 1: Teams TBA. MLB ›››› The Palm Beach Story (1942) (CC) ››› Sitting Pretty (1948) (CC) ›››› Gandhi (1982, Biography) Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen. (CC) ›››› The Third Man (1949) Orson Welles. ››› Cry, the Beloved Country (1952) (CC) ›› Murder at 1600 ›› Disturbia (2007) Shia LaBeouf. (CC) ››› Catch Me if You Can (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. (CC) (DVS) ››› Ocean’s Eleven (2001) George Clooney. ››› G.I. Jane (1997, Drama) Demi Moore. (CC) NCIS “Switch” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Singled Out” NCIS “Smoked” (CC) NCIS “Driven” (CC) NCIS “Blowback” NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Recoil” (CC) NCIS “Toxic” (CC) Live Life On Spot Game Raceline EP Daily EP Daily ’70s ’70s Rules Rules Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang ›› Message in a Bottle (1999) Kevin Costner. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Futurama

You’re only a hops, skip, and jump a whey from Blarney Blueberry Ale and a great time.

HAPPY HOUR Mon-Fri 4-7 pm Live 601 Monroe St. Entertainment Right Across from Fifth Third Field Thurs-Fri-Sat

Oktoberfest 2012

Premier Downtown event anD recePtion center

under the tent on Huron next to The Blarney

October 12th &both13th nights Doors open 6 p.m. till 1 a.m.

Oktoberfest back to the ’80s Friday night

Oktoberfest 80’s party DJ Jim Lieber hosting 7 p.m.-12 p.m

Saturday night

Nine lives 9 p.m.-1 a.m. DJ Kyle Rickner 6 p.m.-12 a.m. Walleye home opener


Sam Adams Octoberfest, Great Lakes Oktoberfest, Hofbrau. Proceeds to benefit the Nate Brahier Foundation and Local 92 charities.

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n A41






Third Rock



By Elizabeth Hazel

Your Tarotgram and Horoscope

OCT. 7-13, 2012

Events: Waning 3rd – 4th quarter Moon phase. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The beginning of the week is bedeviled by pesky details. Terrific benefits and forward leaps are possible after Monday. Special relationships are the source of growth and development. Fearful situations dissolve. Make necessary financial changes after Thursday.

Drive carefully Sunday. An opportunity drops into your lap Tuesday, and has a domino effect that transforms other areas of your life along the way. After Thursday, re-evaluate a situation where you’ve played a quiet role, especially if you’re feeling underappreciated.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Your fortunes are influenced by organizational relationships this week. It may be time to ditch a group, while another group is a source of amazing benefits and good fortune. Love, friendship and creativity prosper from Thursday to Saturday, along with mutual admiration.

Things are lost and found as the week begins. An unusual person expands your view of the world this week; a new love relationship or friendship could be developing or becoming more intense. Clever thinking helps you achieve multiple aims with a single effort.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

An old friend confuses you as the week starts. A new relationship or creative endeavor flourishes after Monday. Business developments are subject to new structures and regulations. Innovative ideas and inventions are profitable if you can translate them into practical use.

Health or finances may be worrisome as the week starts. Tuesday’s events catapult you out of any dark pits into the light. Be ready for amazing leaps and opportunities; new sources of prosperity develop. Connect with people with impressive talents after Thursday.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Relatives and people at a distance have strange issues as the week starts. Tuesday is a lucky day - different situations are ripe or flowering. A major new cycle is emerging, and will apparent after Wednesday. Your curiosity and explorations dissolve old boundaries.

Limitations and obstacles provoking long-term worries dissolve this week. Benefits flow for you and your family. A woman plays a key role in this improvement. Freedom boosts your confidence. After Thursday, share exciting plans for the future with family or friends.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

People prefer different modalities for healing; some might be odd or superstitious. Gold stars and good fortune unfurl Tuesday; look for special gifts or favors from women. Your personal or home life transforms, adapting to entrances and exits. Streamline where possible.

You’re in a phase of major restructuring. New bosses, new dwellings or landscapes, and new relationships prosper and develop through the week. After Thursday, consider how these changes reposition you. Following opportunities has an impact on your long-term goals.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Circumstances may be drawing you toward leadership roles. It’s time to consider the ramifications of serious commitments. Opportunities abound but success will take lots of hard work. After Thursday, discussions make you aware of subtle but significant changes.

Long-term efforts lead to tangible results. A bonus, raise or promotion is possible this week. You may also be under consideration for a glamorous role. This role is temporary or short-term, but you see long-term potential. Think carefully before gambling on this.

Elizabeth Hazel is a professional tarotist-astrologer and author. She gives readings every Wednesday at Attic on Adams above Manos Greek Restaurant. She may be contacted at (c) 2012



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A42 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012




for sale

legal notice

public auction

driver / delivery / courier

household items

A+ Self Storage at 1324 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612 will offer for public sale at 3:30PM on OCTOBER 25, 2012 the following units: Unit 120, David Pontello 602 Ash St. Syracuse, NY 13208: Tires, Seats; Unit 310, Kristy Williams 2335 Georgetown Ave Toledo, OH 43613: Sofa, Bicycles, Dryer; Unit 422, Charles Penn 327 Islington St. Toledo, OH 43610: Sofa, Stereo Equipment, Boxes; Unit 626, Christina Shinaver 5341 Springdale Toledo, OH. 43613: Bedframe, Chest of Drawers, Boxes; Unit 659, Megan Gibson 6400 S. Dixie Hwy #173 Toledo, OH 43612: Headboard, Tv, Chair; Unit 801, Kerri McLeod 4737 Secor Toledo, OH 43623: Mattress, Luggage, Boxes; Unit 916, Joseph Comiskey 2449 Maple Wood Ave. Toledo, Ohio, 43620: Table, Chairs, Microwave; Unit 1036, Leigh Hesselbart 1800 N. McCord Rd. Apt 142 Toledo, OH 43615: Recliner, Fish Tank, Sofa; Unit 1205, Billy Franklin 2515 West Bancroft Apt 42 Toledo, OH 43607: Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Coffee Table; Unit 1311, Nancy L. Suber 1547 W. Central Ave. Toledo, OH 43606: Store Fixtures, Light bulbs, Shelves; Unit 1703, John Michalak 1909 Glen Cove Toleo, OH 43609: Tires, Boxes, Carts; Unit 1906, Brad Wolfe 9121 clover dr Temperance, MI 48182: Big Screen TV, TV, Corkboard. Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400.

The following Storage Units will be sold at Public Auction by Mr. Storage at the addresses indicated below, on Saturday, October 20, 2012 beginning at 10:00 am at Mr Storage, 717 S Reynolds Rd. Toledo, OH 43615 – Richard Leonard Auctioneer: At Mr. Storage – 717 S Reynolds: Unit 151 Nicholas Clemons, 3601 Hill Ave Lot 62 Household. Unit 202 Ernestean Davis, 1350 Brookview Dr Apt 83, Household. Unit 207 Charles Welch 717 Whisperlake, Holland, OH 43528, Household, Unit 234 Christopher Shaw 1009 Linden Lane, Household, Unit 524 Jamie Booker 1240 Bernath Pkwy, Household, Unit 541 Shelley Fitzgerald 2420 Eastgate Rd Apt 3, Household, Unit 618 Andrea Kokinda 4076 Meadow Lane Lorain, OH 44055, Household, Unit 651 Tim Neal 2404 Cheyenne Apt 75, Household, Unit 714 Brent Shuff 1327 Slater Apt 101, Household. At Mr. Storage – 2800 Glendale: Unit 39 Christopher Craig 2830 Eldora Apt 4 Household. Unit 67 Anthony Baccus 1942 Holloway Rd Holland OH 43528 Household. Unit 540 Emily Bigras 8655 Adriana Ct Household. Unit 13 El Paso TX 79907 Household, Unit 558 Sherri Taylor 2644 Christie Apt D Household, Unit 616 Yvonne Abernathy 419 Knower St Household, Unit 642 Michaela Brown 844 Pinewood Ave Household, Unit 722 Chameng Helm 525 Winfield Ave Household, Unit 732 Phelicia Sickmiller 2170 S Berkey Southern Lot 126 Swanton OH 43558 Household, Unit 769 Juanita Coleman 4204 Shade Tree Dr Household.

Seasonal Drivers Needed!

White wicker chest coffee table; was $100, asking $35. Amish, all oak foyer bench; was $500, asking $295 OBO; have truck will deliver. Heatherglen Estates. 419-865-4226.

WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

HOME IMPROVEMENT QUALITY ROOFING, VINYL SIDING, REPLACEMENT WINDOWS, COVER TRIM & OVERHANGS, PAINTING, PLUMBING. Licensed, Insured, Owens Corning Preferred Contractor. 419-536-8900 anytime. “small company, small prices”

real estate homes for sale Toledo, 1232 E. Bancroft St. 2 Story, 3BR/1BA Single Family Fixer Upper, 1266 SF Owner Finance or Cash Discount $250 Dn, $278/Mo 803-978-1539 or 803-354-5689

Call 419.241.1700, Ext 230 to place a Classified Ad!

Walking Routes available Please call 419-241-1700 ext. 221

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THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.


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3020 118th 1586 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 2 car Toledo Free Press publishes and updated. cannot attached garage, large lot. classified Currentlyads being responsible problems arising property between parties Abeminute walk for to the lake! Estate - not a placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly foreclosure or to short sale. caution call mewhen for appt. $95,000. urge everyone exercise dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar. WeSt toledo

BAD CREDIT NO We Have The Price &OR The Selection!

Shopping for a new home? NEED A CAR - TRUCK - SUV or VAN?

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3470 GoddaRd Spectacular home, professionally landscaped on double lot. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1446 sq ft. Newer kitchen, roof, bath. Sunroom overlooks backyard garden paradise. Hurry, won’t last. $104,900.

ER FT OV SQ 00 21

YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN THE FOLLOWING NOTICE: 1. That an adoption proceeding was filed in the Family Court of Greenville County on July 17, 2012, and in this Complaint you are alleged to be the father of a Hispanic/AfricanAmerican female child born in Arlington, Texas, on July 11, 2012. 2. That the Plaintiffs in the above captioned Notice are not named for the purpose of confidentiality; however, the Court knows the true identity of the Plaintiffs and in responding to this notice, you are required to use the caption and the number 2012-DR-23-3198. That if Notice to Contest, Intervene or otherwise Respond is filed by you with the Court within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this Notice of Adoption Proceedings, you will be given an opportunity to appear and be heard on the merits of the adoption. To file notice to Contest, Intervene or otherwise Respond in this action, you must notify the above named Court at Greenville County Courthouse, Clerk of Court at 301 University Ridge, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, in writing of your intention to Contest, Intervene or otherwise Respond. The above named Court must be informed of your current address and any changes of your address during the adoption proceedings.4.That your failure to respond within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Notice of Adoption Proceedings constitutes your consent to the adoption and forfeiture of all of your rights and obligations to the above identified child. It is further alleged that your consent to this adoption is not required under S.C. Code Ann. Section 63-9-310 and that your parental rights should be terminated pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. Section 63-7-2570 (7).This notice is given pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. Section 63-9-730 (E). Raymond W. Godwin, Esq. (SC Bar #2162) Julie M. Rau (SC Bar #69650) 1527 Wade Hampton Blvd. Greenville, SC 29609 PH (864) 241-2883 FAX: (864) 255-4342 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS Date: September 13, 2012



ne W




Come to Franklin Park and Use Your condoto Drive Home the Car of Your Dreams!

ne W

legal notice

Who doesn’t love working in a dynamic environment while earning extra money? We’ve got both waiting for you in one great opportunity with an industry-leading company. Kelly Services® is hiring temporary drivers with experience for FedEx Ground®, a small-package ground delivery company serving business and residential customers across North America. You could be hired immediately if you meet these requirements: • 21 years or older • Motor vehicle record check • Pass drug screen, background checks, and physical • Strong customer service skills • Minimum of six months experience driving like-sized commercial vehicle within the last three years • One year commercial driving experience strongly preferred As a Kelly® employee, you’ll receive weekly electronic pay, a service bonus plan, benefit options, and more. If you’ve got the drive, we want to hear from you. Don’t miss out. Inquire in Person Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Fedex Ground, 100 “J” St. Perrysburg, OH 43551 An Equal Opportunity Employer

Do you need a GREAT part-time job? be a toledo free press home delivery carrier!

All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

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More than I will listen whatfloor you plan. 3716 HAMPSTEAD. Bright, toopen


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A44 n Toledo Free Press

OCTOBER 7, 2012

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