Toledo Free Press – Nov. 9, 2014

Page 1

Nov. 9, 2014

Best Weekly Newspaper in Ohio 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards

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Homing veterans and car talk

Pam Hays on helping veterans feel at home and Don Lee on the humor and legacy of “Car Talk.” page 3


Election 2014

A roundup of how local candidates and levies fared in the Nov. 4 general election. page 6

Business Link

BBB Torch Awards

Four area businesses and one nonprofit honored for business ethics. page 17

Veterans Day Star

Melissa Etheridge

The singer-songwriter talks about her new album and upcoming Ann Arbor concert. page 19

Salute to service INSIDE: Honor Flight Northwest Ohio’s final flight, Toledo’s new veterans court, pins for military kids and more. Page 8


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014




A Toledo tradition since 2005



Homing veterans

became deeply aware of the difference between having a roof over your head and feeling at home when in 2011 I met a young mother whose husband, an officer in the military, had shot himself on the front lawn of their $250,000-plus home while she and their children were inside. He seemed to have everything to live for: the love of a good woman, three healthy children, financial success, stature in the civilian and military community and a place to call home. But what does it really mean to be “at home”? I sold real estate in the past and have also worked as a home builder and a decorator. I helped others make a brick-and-mortar house feel like a home. But although colors, textures and design matter, it is really the people inside and the memories they make that transform the structure from house to home. Pam Hays I guess you could say I am still a home builder and decorator because of my work with our military and veterans. Though many do have a physical place to call home, they are missing the accessories — the pieces in their lives that allow them to find laughter and lightheartedness, interest in activities, comfort and familiarity, a sense of safety and trust that new memories can be made. They don’t believe the pieces of themselves they left behind and the pieces that remain can be brought together cohesively to bring beauty and peace to their human spirit where they feel at home with themselves. Many people think veterans don’t feel comfortable with others and want to be left alone, so there is a lot of discussion about isolating veterans in structures or villages as a solution to some of their “issues.” So, they are built. There is also a lot of talk about how jobs are the main solution for veterans’ issues with reintegration in their communities. So we have job fair after job fair with nowhere near the success rate we should see based on dollars spent. We may get veterans employed, but do they remain employed and are their lives changed long-term? Have their spirits been healed? These types of generalized, fix-it-fast solutions seldom succeed in reintegrating the veteran with himself or herself. And that, my friends, is the missing piece. It would be like building a home with no front door. Our veteran reintegration process must help veterans feel at home with the people they are today and build on that to become who they want to be tomorrow, next year and 10 years from now. The ability for veterans to reach out for services and make lifelong changes is diminished if they never feel at home with themselves. Programs to help families will never resolve relational issues if the veteran has a broken relationship with his or her own spirit. Programs that aim to stop suicides will not be as effective if we only seek to solve the “act” and not the lack of services to match needs, which leads to feeling a black hole after hope is gone. It isn’t easy to build a house. But with skilled workers and a great blueprint, one can go from houseless to housed within six months or so. But the blueprint to make that house a home is not so easily mapped out. It isn’t about skilled trades; it is the emotions, the life skills, the past experiences that add to the beauty rather than distract, like the ability to bring just the right antique into a modern home and have it fit right in. To bring our veterans all the way home, they have to love themselves. n HAYS CONTINUES ON 4


came late to the “Car Talk” party, but found a parking space pretty quickly. Sometime in 1997 I was driving on I-71 from Columbus to Cincinnati and looking for something on the radio. Out from the static came two wry and raucous voices talking about the kind of person who’d own a Volvo. Specifically, a rusty, orange Volvo wagon. I got interested, because a good friend took perverse pride in his wagon, a decadeold beater whose rust, a product of years of “Provincetown year-rounder” salt air, perfectly matched (and probably held together) what little orange paint was left. Don “And this guy,” the voice on my Geo Prizm’s radio cracked, “will be wearing one of those — haw haw — Russian fur hats because — haw haw — THE HEATER DON’T WORK.” That’s all I heard because I had to pull over, I was laughing so hard. George — that’s my rusty-Volvo-driving friend, who last Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 10, No. 45. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Joel Sensenig, Managing Editor Danielle Stanton, News Editor Tom Konecny, Associate Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

Car talk


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ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234 PRODUCTION Christie Materni, Photographer

time I saw him was driving a Jeep he customized himself — had one of those hats and wore it at the slightest excuse. And just like that, Tom Magliozzi and his brother Ray got my attention and held it by translating a technical subject to human — and humorous — terms. Tom was the “Click” of “Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers,” hosts of “Car Talk” on NPR, and everybody’s go-to gurus for advice on cars and the lives we live around them. Even the rapid-fire banjo strumming that was the opening theme of “Car Talk” took me back in time, to summer childhood nights spent listening to the distant roar of motors from the Toledo Speedway coming through Lee the woods behind the house on Hoffman Road (it was a nice neighborhood once). I’m not sure why that particular connection is there — did TV commercials form the Speedway back then use similar music? — but it’s there. That was the secret, I think, of the success of the show that reinvented the image of public radio. n LEE CONTINUES ON 4 Sarah Ottney, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Jim Beard • Jay Hathaway • Vicki L. Kroll Matt Liasse • Duane Ramsey • Chase Will Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief Emeritus Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2014, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.



A Toledo tradition since 2005


Girls and politics


his week our community was buzzing as Americans exercised their right to vote. There were winners and losers on each side of the aisle, but where do girls fall in that equation? A recent Girl Scouts Research Institute poll showed two-thirds of those surveyed (1,000plus 11- to 17-year-old females) were interested in politics — Girl Scouts and nonscouts alike. Eighty-three percent of those girls have participated in civic activities such as a cause or campaign, or engaged with an organization they believe in. The same percentage believe they are smart enough to have a career in politics. But here’s the catch — only a third are inter- Angela TENNARO ested in pursuing a career in politics. Why the disconnect? The research is captivating. Something changes and girls stop having dreams of being the next mayor, congresswoman or president. They stop short of envisioning political careers for themselves, seeing politics as a man’s world, partially attributable to a media lens that favors men. According to the poll, girls think the media depicts female politicians as more motivated by their emotions and at the same time, less capable, brave, resilient and visionary than their male counterparts. What message are we sending girls through social and mass media? Even though they don’t want to enter politics, it’s not because of a lack of faith in their abilities. Of those surveyed, 84 percent said they are smart enough to have a career in politics. So they think they have the ability and feel like they’re strong leaders, but they’re not quite picturing themselves in the Oval Office. We need to motivate them to take that next step. Girls need more support from the community and a growing list of opportunities they can experience and get excited about. Let’s offer more mentoring and job-shadowing positions to girls — inspire them to see the possibilities and positive role models available right here in Northwest Ohio. Female politicians and community leaders can take a more vocal role in dispelling some of the myths that say women are less capable than men. The vast majority of girls surveyed believe there are other ways than politics to make a difference in the world. We can show girls the power of lasting change accomplished through legislative means, giving girls another space where women are seen as equally qualified decision makers. Girl Scouts inspires and empowers girls to take action to change the world. Regardless of their political leaning, we want to instill in girls the skills and knowledge they need to become tomorrow’s leaders and take action on the things that matter the most to them — whatever that may be. Read the full results of the poll yourself at O Angela Tennaro is director of regional services for Girl Scouts of Western Ohio. n HAYS CONTINUED FROM 3 They have to make peace with their pasts and find a purpose for their futures. I am a home builder for veterans. You can be too. It is what we do at The Arms Forces and it is the right thing to do for all generations of veterans. Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. Beyond saying “Happy Veterans Day,” let’s spend time this year with a veteran and get to know his or her story without judgment or preconceived ideas of what they need or what they did or why they did it. Let’s spend time getting to know

the person behind the labels. Let’s reach out as one human being to another, not veteran to civilian or civilian to veteran. Let’s pursue what the human spirit is capable of as we drive down the barriers and lift up the possibilities. Imagine the difference you could make, but also imagine the difference those you reach out to can make in your life. I know. I am blessed! O Pam Hays is president and founder of The Arms Forces,; (419) 891-2111; Facebook. com/thearmsforces.

November 9, 2014

n LEE CONTINUED FROM 3 The image of two regular guys talking about cars, car repair and whatever else was on their mind that week both hid and augmented a couple of sharp and agile minds. It was easy to forget that Tom in particular was entitled to a string of letters after his name sufficient to bend a business card; he’d both taken and taught graduate-level courses, and both he and Ray were graduates of MIT. If it’s true, as the old saying goes, that a well-stocked mind is never bored, then Tom and Ray were never, ever going to be bored. And neither would their listeners. That’s why the news that Tom had died of complications of Alzheimer’s disease was especially sobering. It’s heartbreaking enough to see anyone’s mind slip away like that, but when an instrument so finely tuned starts to play false, it’s doubly unsettling. Though Tom and Ray loved to talk cars on “Car Talk” and solve listeners’ car problems, they didn’t exactly obsess over them. One call got no farther than, “I have an old Ford Fiesta,” before Tom and Ray were guffawing and shouting, “Sell it!” before offering advice that would get the little car and its owner through another day.

Cars are great, was the message, but they’re just cars. What’s more important? Just about everything else. Here’s what Tom had to say about the subject: “Some guy I met said it’s amazing how we use cars on our show as an excuse to discuss everything in the world — energy, psychology, behavior, love, money, economics and finance. The cars themselves are boring as hell.” (He also said, “Kids, get away from the cellphones, get away from the computers and mail someone a fish before

it’s too late.” So there’s that, too.) There’s more like that from Tom over at, and now that you’ve wasted a perfectly good couple of minutes reading this, head on over there for more. And though Ray might caution you, “Don’t drive like my brother,” it might not hurt to look at life the way he did. O

first home, is unsafe and lined with boarded-up homes. Because of this, I seldom go back to visit Toledo because it is not the place I remember. The number of jobs in Toledo is Toledo’s biggest problem: Two of the biggest employers are Jeep and ProMedica. And unfortunately, Toledo has put all its eggs in those two baskets. City leaders don’t care about moving any new industry into Toledo or creating anywhere else to work because they think Jeep and ProMedica will be there forever. Have they ever heard of Flint, Michigan? Flint never thought GM would ever leave either. They were wrong. When GM scaled back a few years ago, Flint never recovered. I don’t know many doctors who can build cars and I don’t know any auto workers who can perform surgery, but if Toledo doesn’t diversify itself it’s going to be in the same mess if the Chrysler Corporation decides to move on. Toledo leaders need to have some self-respect for the Glass City and open up their minds to new industry. Stop depending on what was and look at the future of what is to come. Chrysler doesn’t owe Toledo anything. It is free to move on and demolish the Jeep plant when it’s done with it. Actually, that would fit right in with what Toledo

is used to doing: Use it up, disrespect it and then demolish it! O

Cartoonist Don Lee can be reached at or on Twitter at @DonLeeCartoons.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Arrogance and disrespect

Mr. Pounds, I read your Publisher’s Statement in the Oct. 19 issue of Toledo Free Press, and the last sentence made me shake my head: “The company owes us that much at least.” You were referring to the Chrysler Corporation and, sir, you could not be more wrong. A company does not owe any community anything. They are in business to make a profit while producing a product or service. Why do you think a huge company the size of Chrysler owes Toledo, Ohio, anything? That is a very arrogant statement to make. Do you really think that Toledo, Ohio, is so special that Chrysler would never consider moving their business somewhere else? I was born, raised, educated and lived in Toledo for 25 years. When I married and moved to the suburbs and then eventually away from Lucas County altogether I was given a real eye-opening view of how ridiculous Toledo is. Since I left Toledo, the idiot leaders have torn down my high school (Bowsher); demolished a beautiful, historical gem of a school that was built to honor the founder of industry in Toledo, Edmund Drummond Libbey; and allowed the Southwyck and Woodville malls to fall into ruin and demolished them too. The Old South End, where I bought my

— Mari Gilbert Bowling Green Publisher’s Response: We at Toledo Free Press share your belief in the importance of supporting and encouraging new business ventures, but I think you misunderstood my meaning. The full statement from the column in question reads: “Businesses can’t survive on legacy or devotion alone, but Toledo deserves to be part of the conversation. Given Jeep’s history in Toledo, the company owes us that much at least.” I didn’t intend to imply Chrysler owes Toledo its presence here. Chrysler is of course obligated to make decisions based only on what’s best for Chrysler. But I do believe local city leadership and union officials deserve to be part of the conversation. Jeeps have been made in Toledo for 70 years and Toledoans are loyal. No one, besides Chrysler itself, knows the product better. Perhaps there is a solution that would keep Jeep, or another product, in Toledo while also satisfying Chrysler’s needs. Losing Jeep would be a huge blow to Toledo both economically and morally. But you’re right: At the end of the day, the decision is Chrysler’s and Chrysler’s alone. O

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November 9, 2014

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 9, 2014


Incumbents coast to victory; most Lucas County levies pass Gov. John Kasich and most state and local incumbents cruised to easy victories Nov. 4. Lucas County voters passed levies for Toledo Public Schools (53 percent), Mental Health & Recovery Services Board (63 percent), Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio (62 percent), Sylvania Fire Department (57 percent), Washington Local Schools (51 percent), Maumee City Schools (52 percent), Ottawa Hills roads (62 percent), Washington Township fire (67 percent), Waterville Township waste (52 percent) and Springfield Township (72 percent). Voters denied levies to Lucas County Children Services (51 percent), Oregon City Schools (60 percent) and Providence Township streets (58 percent). Voters in both Jerusalem Township and Springfield School District passed one levy, but failed another. In Wood County, Rossford voted to keep TARTA service (65 percent).


Kasich was declared the winner minutes after polls closed, easily defeating

Democratic challenger Ed FitzGerald to clinch his second term with about 64 percent of the vote statewide. Green Party candidate Anita Rios of Toledo earned 3 percent of the state’s vote. Also retaining their seats were Attorney General Mike DeWine, Auditor of State Dave Yost, Secretary of State Jon Husted and Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel.

Lucas County Auditor

Anita Lopez, a Democrat, retained her seat as Lucas County Auditor with 64 percent of the vote over Republican John Navarre, an auditor’s office employee. “I am grateful and blessed for another term to serve the public,” Lopez told Toledo Free Press on Nov. 4.

County Commissioner

Carol Contrada, president of the Lucas County Commissioners, defeated challenger Kevin Haddad with almost 60 percent of the vote. “It is what it is, and the people got what they wanted,” Haddad, a former Sylvania Township Trustee, said Nov. 4. “It’s going to be mini-Detroit here, and

people are going to leave this city. I’ll never run for political office again, and I’m going to leave here, too. If people are going to be that stupid and re-elect the same people, they deserve what they get.”

Issue 1 (TPS)

Toledo Public Schools’ levy passed with 53 percent of the vote. The estimated $66.5 million that will be raised over five years through the 5.8mill levy will be the first new money for the district since 2001. “This is a great win for TPS, but more importantly an even greater win for Toledo,” said Superintendent Romules Durant.

Issue 7 (LCCS)

The 1.75-mill levy for Lucas County Children Services (LCCS) failed with 51 percent of voters saying no. “Lucas County voters have spoken about the level of support that they want to provide children and families in this community,” LCCS Executive Director Dean Sparks wrote in an email to Toledo Free Press. “We are disappointed at the outcome of Issue 7, but we will continue to focus our efforts on investigating re-

ports of abuse and neglect, keeping kids safe and finding new homes for the children that need them.”

Issue 8 (Mental Health)

Voters approved a 10-year, 0.5-mill renewal levy for the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board with 63 percent of the vote. The tax is expected to generate $3.4 million per year and will continue to cost the owner of a $100,000 home about $15 annually. “We believe we’ve been making substantial progress in improving our system of care and following through on the commitment we made in the 2012 levy,” said Executive Director Scott Sylak. “We appreciate the voters’ validation.”

Issue 9 (Senior Citizens):

Issue 9 passed with 62 percent of the vote. The five-year levy renewal with a small increase is expected to provide $4.3 million annually for services for area senior citizens. The total cost to the owner of a $100,000 home will be about $19 per year. “This will help us help older citizens in Lucas County remain at home,” said president and CEO Billie Johnson. “This

will help us restore some of the cuts over the past several years to our home delivery meal program and Alzheimer’s daycare and respite care programs.”

Sylvania Fire

Sylvania Fire Chief Jeffrey Kowalski was afraid he’d have to close a fire station and lay off firefighters if Sylvania’s fire levy didn’t pass, but 57 percent of voters supported the new, continuous 1.5-mill levy. It is expected to collect an estimated $1.82 million annually and will cost the owner of a $100,000 home $53 a year. “Sylvania Township and City residents — Thank you for exercising your right and privilege as a citizen of our great country to vote [Nov. 4], and thank you for your vote for the fire department,” Kowalski posted on the department’s Facebook page.

Ohio House

In District 44, Democrat incumbent Michael Ashford defeated Republican challenger John Insco with 81 percent of the vote. n ELECTION CONTINUES ON 7

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From Staff Reports

November 9, 2014

n ELECTION CONTINUED FROM 6 “For someone that’s new, I think I did pretty good,” Insco said. “This was a learning experience for me. ... I still believe business people are the best leaders. Within the next two years, I’m going to be right back in the saddle again.” In District 45, Democrat incumbent Teresa Fedor defeated Toledo attorney

James Nowak with 64 percent of the vote. “It was a great race. I enjoyed all the help that I had from the people that I worked with,” Nowak said. In District 46, Democrat incumbent Michael Sheehy defeated Republican Drew Blazsik with 57 percent of the vote. “I’m humbled and happy and grateful to all those supporters who worked so hard for me,” Sheehy said.

Ohio Senate

Democrat incumbent Edna Brown retained her District 11 seat against Republican challenger Ernest McCarthy with 64 percent of the vote.

U.S. House

In District 5, incumbent Republican Bob Latta defeated Democrat Robert Fry and Libertarian Eric Eberly with 59

l a u n n l A a u th n 2 n 1 A e th th 2 1 e ItIt’s th ’s

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Stop by Churchill’s in Maumee or Perrysburg on November 21 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.


A Toledo tradition since 2005 percent of the vote. “I’m very grateful and humbled once again to have the trust and confidence of the people of the 5th District,” Latta said. Fry was disappointed in his party’s turnout. “[The Democratic Party] didn’t show up well. We were weak this year. Maybe I was, too,” he said. “We didn’t have a lot to put out.” Eberly said he was not shocked. “I don’t think the results were really a surprise given the way the districts are gerrymandered. It pretty much guarantees the outcome. Certainly I think voter turnout was disappointing,” he said. In District 9, Democrat Rep. Marcy Kaptur is serving her 16th term. She handily won re-election with more than 79 percent of the vote over Republican Richard May of Cleveland. “I am deeply grateful to our citizenry for the opportunity to serve them and our precious coastal region,” Kaptur said. “I look forward to the challenges before us as we secure greater economic, educational, envi-


ronmental and national security for this generation and those to follow.”


In Lucas County, Lisa McGowan defeated Jay Feldstein with 61 percent of the vote for Common Pleas Judge, Domestic Relations Division, while Ian English topped Mark Davis with 52 percent of the vote for Common Pleas Judge, General Trial Division. For state Supreme Court justice, Republican incumbent Sharon Kennedy defeated Tom Letson with 74 percent of the vote, and Republican incumbent Judi French edged Democrat John O’Donnell with 50.4 percent of the vote. O Toledo Free Press writers Danielle Stanton, Tom Konecny, Sarah Ottney, Joel Sensenig and Matt Liasse contributed to this report.

On the web

visit for more election results.

37th Annual Holiday Dinner & Dance

Holiday with Heart Sunday, Charity Gayla Dec. 7th, 2014

at The Toledo Club. $75 per ticket. Help the Seagate Food Bank pay it forward to our neighbors in need by dropping off some turkey, or stuffing … even cranberries. We will have a big truck there to carry all the Thanksgiving cheer from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. If you come on inside you might even end up on the radio! 93.5 will be broadcasting live all day!!

Longest-running LGBT fundraiser in the entire state of Ohio Benefiting: Why Marriage Matters Ohio, MPowerment, Holiday with Heart Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation

(From left) Rickie Waugh, Kennyetta White, Ed Hoffman, Billy Mann, Andrew Larsen, Wayne North, David Bingham, Steve Maenle & Rick Cornett. Photo courtesy Grand Lubell Photography.

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Veterans Day

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 9, 2014

By Danielle Stanton

Toledo Free Press News Editor

A Toledo court set aside for veterans is scheduled to handle its first case Jan. 1. Judge William M. Connelly Jr. of Toledo Municipal Court will preside. The legal process in veterans court is much like that in domestic violence and drug and alcohol dockets, which help individuals through their legal troubles. As in these specialized dockets, veterans’ legal problems are often the result of deeper mental, emotional or social issues. The veterans courtroom is meant to not only dole out consequences for veterans who commit crimes but also intervene in their underlying issues to help them lead responsible, productive lives. Combat troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan often suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They may also have traumatic brain injuries, drug and alcohol problems and other psychiatric conditions. The court will identify these issues and match them up with the appropriate services. Many veterans from the Vietnam era have been dealing with their problems for years, in and out of the criminal justice system. Now, the new court’s veterans coordinator will go into jails looking for veterans who may be candidates for the treatment court. Veterans court will only handle misdemeanor crimes, including disorderly conduct, “self-destructive” crimes like drug possession or more serious crimes like assault. The offending veteran will have to plead guilty or no contest in order to qualify for veterans court. A person who is drunk and yelling in the street, for example, could end up before Connelly, who said he wants to intervene as quickly as possible to prevent the boomerang



Toledo set to begin veterans court in January effect — veterans who commit a crime, serve time and are released only to commit another crime. “You want to stop that and ... get them into services,” he said. “My hope is that we are able to intervene as early as possible and save lives of veterans who have served the country.” This is where Veterans Affairs (VA) steps in. The agency works to match veterans with professional services, such as mental health treatment, substance abuse counseling or help with a job search. Melody Powers, a veteran justice outreach coordinator with the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, is one of three coordinators who link veterans with services. Powers works with veterans courts in Jackson and Redford, Michigan. The outreach coordinator initiates first contact with the veteran and can make referrals to the treatment court, which then supports veterans through the process. “You see lives completely changed,” Powers said. “I’ve seen people go from no income, no home, struggling with substance abuse, struggling with relationships. After treatment, they have all those things in place: job, income, reunited with family. The courts have just been so successful.” The VA’s Leslie Witherell, who will coordinate the Toledo court, has al2010 GMC Sierra Reg. Cab W/T ready been combing the Stock jails, looking #GA292 • Cruise Control • AM/FM CD Player for veterans who Now would be a good fit GMS Everyone $ for the court where the judge$gets on a *Includes Retention Certificate personal level with the veteran. GMC Acadia FWD SL “The judge 2011 becomes interested Stock #GB025 Start • Bluetooth For Phone • Onstar in that person• Remote personally: ‘I heard $ you had a baby39orMonth got a Lease job, good for mo. $1665 Down you,’” Witherell said. “If you screw 2010 GMC Yukon Denali up, it’s not a punitive thing but still Stock #GA275 • Sunroof MSRP . . . $59,585 sanctioned. We• Rear don’t We Seat let them go. GMS . . . $49,108 Entertainment will continue to uphold them because • 20” Chrome Wheels n JUDGE WILLIAM M. CONNELLY JR. OF TOLEDO MUNICIPAL COURT, LEFT, AND MELODY POWERS, VETERAN JUSTICE OUTREACH SAVE $10,477 *Includes Retention Certificate their issues are so unique.” COORDINATOR WITH THE VA ANN ARBOR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. CONNELLY WILL PRESIDE OVER A COURTROOM SET ASIDE FOR

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November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Veterans Day


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11/5/14 3:16 PM

10 Veterans Day n COURT CONTINUED FROM 8 At every step of the way in the court system, the VA has the opportunity to become involved by asking, “Are you a veteran?” In Ohio, it’s “pretty standard” that those being booked into jail are asked if they’re a veteran, Connelly said; when they first appear in the court, they’re asked if they’re a veteran once again. Once identified, the outreach coordinator performs an assessment on each veteran and then services are put in place. The ideal is to intervene before any type of regular court punishment occurs. “I think often the Vietnam veterans have immersed themselves in work. After they retire, they start to struggle again and don’t know they’re eligible for VA care,” Powers said. “So this is a real opportunity to reach out and engage people.” After a veteran pleads guilty in veterans court, the sentence is 18-24 months in what is a three-phase treatment program. The misconception is that treatment court is easy but that couldn’t be further from the truth, Powers said. She called it “very intense supervision” by the court system. For the first 45 days, or phase one, the veteran will meet with the judge every two weeks and a probation officer every week. They must keep every VA appointment and not violate any terms of their probation. The next four or five months, or phase two, allow more freedom as the veteran reintegrates into work or school. Phase three lasts 90 days,

after which participating veterans graduate out of the program. If the veteran completes treatment and does not reoffend, jail time can be dismissed. The goal is not to incarcerate, Connelly said, but jail isn’t off the table if the veteran commits an offense that warrants it. “In the courts I’ve worked with in Southeast Michigan, anyone who has graduated the program has not reoffended,” Powers said. The veterans often become so invested in the process, they return to court as mentors. Michigan has 21 veteran treatment courts and Ohio has 10, including ones in Cleveland, Hamilton County, Mansfield and Youngstown. Akron, Dayton and Toledo all have courts in the same stages of development, Powers said. In Redford District Court in Michigan, Chief Judge Karen Khalil presides over a veterans court that has processed 52 cases and has an 80 percent success rate, Khalil said. One of the main reasons for its effectiveness is the three-phase structure the court offers to the veterans who are trained in the military way of life, she said. “We’ve placed the structure back in their lives that they have become accustomed to in the military. It’s very rigorous and stringent,” Judge Khalil said. “They seem to thrive. “You have to understand there’s a whole team of people monitoring everything that they’re doing. The judge is in charge, the mentor co-

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 ordinator, probation department keeping track and justice outreach — so there’s a whole group of people constantly involved.” Initially in Redford’s district court, people said the veterans were getting a “free pass,” but that is not true, Khalil said. The court is holding them responsible, she said, and that can be a struggle for them. Defense attorney Rick Graham, who also has a private practice, advocates for the veterans before Khalil. A Vietnam veteran, Graham said helping other veterans out of their troubles is the “highest honor” that could be bestowed on him. “Veterans are not typical defendants — they’re not drinking and using drugs to get high; they’re using to suppress memories,” Graham said. “Our court treats the symptoms: ‘How did you get here and why did you get here?’” Graham said about 35 percent of the men and woman who have transitioned from Iraq and Afghanistan back to civilian life have some form of PTSD. “Nobody goes to war and comes back unchanged,” he said. A third of the veterans the Redford court sees are Vietnam veterans and a majority served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The court sees more Marines than any other branch. The application for Toledo’s veterans court is now before the Ohio Supreme Court, Connelly said. He will begin hearing cases on Jan. 1. The first veterans to go before the court have not yet been identified. O

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November 9, 2014

Veterans Day 11

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Church program to feature veterans services advocate

Serious illness raises tough questions. Let our experts help with what’s weighing on your mind.

By Joel Sensenig

Toledo Free Press Managing Editor

Pam Hays, an advocate for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, will be the guest speaker at a 7 p.m. Veterans Day service Nov. 11 at Epworth United Methodist Church. Hays, a Toledo Free Press columnist, is the president and founder of The Arms Forces, a nonprofit organization embracing the needs of veterans through individualized programs and services. Since 2009, the organization has worked closely with more than 400 veterans and their families. Hays is a traumatic brain injury survivor herself, having been involved in a motorcycle accident in 2000. The Veterans Day program is part of the church’s monthly series on

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healing from physical, spiritual and emotional struggles. Hays said her talk will center on how the community can come together to help veterans. “Really what we’re about is making sure civilians and veterans and the military are connected,” Hays said of The Arms Forces. “We believe strongly that veterans and the community are better off when we stop isolating them and incorporate everyone into the same community and grow together. … Civilians need to be lifting up veterans in one way or another. How can [civilians] really be a part of it if we’re always saying that it’s only veterans who can help veterans?” Hays’ research showed her a major gap in services available to veterans that can keep them from utilizing the system of supports and services in place for them. She has worked with Judge Advocate General’s Corps officers and U.S. Department of Defense personnel to help train officials on matters involving veterans’ services. In working with veterans, Hays said she tries to center on the individual’s “moral wounds” sustained in military service, particularly in combat. “You can’t go there without having your human spirit changed,” she said. “When they come back, there’s a lot of work being done in counseling and medical [needs], but no one’s really saying, ‘As a human being, how do you feel?’ … That takes a lot of time and a lot of vulnerability from the people who are helping them, but if we don’t get to that place, then all the other services seem to be wasted or not used as effectively.” Beth Irwin, director of health ministries and director of communications at Epworth, said the church wanted to have a military angle for its November healing service. “We have a number of veterans at Epworth and we know that there are many veterans out in the community,” Irwin said. “The healing process is ongoing for them. Pam has been very generous with her time and we’re happy to have her here as much as possible. She’s happy to share her personal experience of healing and show that it is possible to live a full life.” In addition to Hays, the program will also feature a number of related scripture verses and hymns, as well as a time of open communion and hands-on prayer for anyone interested. Epworth Church is located at 4855 W. Central Ave. For more information, visit O

12 Veterans Day

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Maggie Dziubek

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Navigating the bureaucracy of veterans services is notoriously complicated, but thanks to a pilot program called Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL), it’s a one-stop shop for student veterans at the University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University to access their benefits. Brittany Powers is a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) social worker who has been managing the VITAL program for the Ann Arbor regional office since its inception in 2011. She manages the program for seven schools, including UT and BGSU. In the past year she has helped connect over 125 students to VA health benefits via the VITAL program. Instead of the time-consuming process of seeking out each benefit individually, the VITAL program brings together the full spectrum of VA services into a single access point on campus. “Most student veterans are there on the GI Bill, but we find that a lot of veterans aren’t as active in seeking out health care,” Powers said. “We want to meet student vets where they’re at.”

Corey Carter is a sophomore in economics at UT and a veteran. He was connected to Powers and the VITAL program through the university’s veterans affairs office and he is now enrolled in VA benefits programs. “Before I met Brittany, I probably had a list a mile long of frustrations with the VA,” Carter said. “There’s a lot of organizations that want to help veterans, but each only handles little pieces of the pie. The VITAL program really helped me out. It took less than an hour, and doing it on my own could have taken weeks.” Doug Deprest is a Navy veteran and a senior in sports management at BGSU. He met Powers on a veterans night at a Falcon football game. He took advantage of remote mental health care services via Skype, a VITAL program at BGSU that is unique in the area. “I came out of the Navy and started school right away,” Deprest said. “On the initial meeting they evaluate whether you have post-traumatic stress disorder, and I didn’t have that, but I know there were some other things going on.” Through the VITAL program, Deprest is able to access the counseling and therapy he needs over


Pilot program VITAL service to student vets

n VA


Skype on BGSU’s campus. Derek Atkinson, a public affairs officer for the VA in Ann Arbor, said the VITAL program is part of a shift in focus at the VA. “It really highlights what VA is doing to sort of step outside of the box,” Atkinson said. “They were a federal island — now they’re out in the

community really doing things.” Powers said the program has been working well, but hopes it will expand. “Right now the program is just me,” she said. “I would really like to cover every college campus within our area, and I’d like to cover every university equally. To do that, we would need more staff. For right now we’re just in

the beginning stages of showing that the program works.” Students interested in learning more about VITAL can contact Powers at (734) 548-3452 or brittany.powers@ She is available by appointment at UT and has regular Tuesday office hours at BGSU’s office of Nontraditional and Transfer Student Services. O


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November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Veterans Day 13



Many ways to thank and support local veterans

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prepared for a financial emergency, acping cost to send the items overseas. The Boy Scouts of America will ac- cording to the National Foundation for cept worn or faded flags from 7 a.m. to 7 Credit Counseling and Pioneer Services. If you are a veteran, p.m. on Veterans Day, a spouse of a deceased Nov. 11, at Waterville veteran or an active United Methodist duty military person, it Church, 102 N. 5th St. would be an honor to A flag ceremony will serve you. If you or a take place at 7 p.m., loved one needs finanweather permitting. cial guidance, a written Boy Scouts Pack 101 plan or a review and of Waterville will also explanation of benefits, host its annual Toys Mark CLAIR we will provide a comfor Tots drive with all Nolan BAKER plimentary review and donations going to the written recommendalocal Marine Reserve location in Perrysburg. Drop off a new tions. Contact our office at (419) 842and unwrapped toy before Nov. 14 at our 0550 to set up an appointment. I challenge you to get involved this office and a scout will deliver the item. More veterans than civilians are con- week. We want to say “thank you” to all cerned about their financial future. Fifty- veterans for all you do and have done five percent of veterans feel they are not for all of us. We appreciate you. O

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14 Veterans Day

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005



wasn’t a dry eye in the place.” His favorite part was seeing the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He also made rubbings at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial of the names of two neighbors killed. “I’m sorry it was the last trip,” he said. “There are a lot of people who didn’t get to go. But it was really terrific.” Vietnam veteran Howard Yunker of Swanton was also on the Oct. 29 flight. His twin brother, Harold, was there to welcome him home. Harold, who served in the Air Force, was on an Honor Flight trip two years ago. Howard served in the Army. “He talks about it all the time,” Harold’s wife, Kathryn, said. “It was such an


Special healing prayers for our veterans and their families, and testimony from Pam Hays, founder of The Arms Forces, an organization aiding veterans with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury. This service is open to all who are hurting and seeking spiritual support and healing.


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7:00 p.m. at Epworth United Methodist Church


about what they went through.” The nearest hub now is Flag City Honor Flight in Findlay, which started in 2010 and offers one flight per year. This is the first year the group has had a waiting list, which president and flight director Deb Wickerham attributes partly to Toledo’s hub closing but also to growing awareness among Korean and Vietnam veterans. Army National Guard member and Marine Corps veteran Tim Bellville of Toledo served as a guardian for an Honor Flight trip in June. “I love hanging around the ‘Greatest Generation,’” Bellville said. “You hear a lot of the time, ‘They just don’t talk about it.’ But you get them around one of those memorials, and they open up. What Honor Flight is doing is admirable work, it really is.” For more information, visit O





shut down once they took the WWII veterans. We’ve gone well beyond that.” The Honor Flight Network, which includes 135 regional hubs in 42 states, was founded in 2005 and has flown more than 81,000 veterans. The biggest obstacle for hubs is fundraising, said Diane Gresse, executive director of Honor Flight Network. Nationally, there are about 20,000 veterans on waiting lists, she said. “It’s just a way to pay back the veterans for their service and their sacrifice,” Gresse said. “They are very genuinely humble and appreciate that Americans have not forgotten their service to our country.” Gaylord and Chris Sheldon of Genoa have served as medical guardians on about 20 Honor Flight trips. “To listen to some of their stories was just flat-out amazing,” Gaylord said. “It just gave me goosebumps thinking


After seven seasons, 37 flights and 2,071 veterans served, Honor Flight Northwest Ohio has taken its last flight. The local hub formed in 2008 to fly World War II veterans to their memorial in Washington, D.C., free of charge. The organization has since opened to Korean and Vietnam veterans as well. The group’s final flight was originally scheduled for September but an anonymous donor financed one more trip on Oct. 29, carrying 118 Vietnam and Korean veterans. Kent Greenlese, 66, of Walbridge was among the veterans on that flight. Greenlese, who served in the Navy, said when he returned from Vietnam there were protesters at the airport in California and only his mother to greet him in Toledo. Honor Flight’s welcome home ceremony at Grand Aire terminal was a little different. “I admit I was crying when that happened,” he said. “I didn’t expect so many people to be there. It was really emotional to see everyone screaming and waving and the band playing. The part that got me the most was when they started chanting, ‘USA! USA!’ I kind of lost it there. There

important day. I think it’s that way for everyone who goes. He was so excited.” Marine Corps veteran Peter Brown, 65, of Toledo learned in August he would be on the Oct. 29 flight, but died two days later of complications of Agent Orange exposure during his service in Vietnam, his wife Conni Urbanski-Brown said. Honor Flight took Brown’s flag on the flight. “That was such an honor for them to do that,” she said. “It’s the next best thing since he couldn’t go.” Board member David Chilson said closing the hub was a “difficult and emotional” decision, but the organization felt its original mission was complete. He declined to comment further. “We have taken really all of the World War II veterans who have applied,” Chilson told Toledo Free Press earlier this summer. “Many of the other hubs around the country have


Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief


By Sarah Ottney


Honor Flight Northwest Ohio takes final flight


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November 9, 2014

Veterans Day 15

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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*Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing plus $350. Lessor must approve lease. Take delivery by 12/1/14 at 9pm. All Chevrolet lease payments include $999 down plus tax, title, plate and doc fees. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 10,000 miles per year. Lessee pays for excess wear and tear charges. Not available with some other offers. Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery from dealer stock by 12/1/14. Pricing includes all factory rebates/incentives, which are paid to dealer, and are subject to change through manufacturer without notice. Your payments may vary. Picture may not represent actual vehicle being sold. Plus document, tax and title fees. 36 months/10,000 miles annually unless otherwise noted. Lease price is plus taxes unless otherwise noted. With qualified credit approval. See dealer for complete details.

16 Veterans Day

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Michele Jurek

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Every year on Veterans Day, Americans celebrate and honor veterans. But there is another group of people who have also served our country but are not typically recognized — the military “brats,” or children of service members. This is what was going through the mind of retired Air Force pilot Robert HOLLIKER Holliker of Whitehouse when he first read Pat Conroy’s introduction to Mary Edwards Wertsch’s book, “Military Brats: Legacies of Childhood Inside the Fortress” in the mid-1990s. Holliker grew up as an Air Force brat from 1950-64. During that time, his family moved 12 times and Holliker attended 11 schools. He studied at four different high schools in three countries, graduating in West Germany in 1964. After high school, Holliker returned to Whitehouse and attended Bowling Green State University. In 1968 he went on active duty himself and served 20 years in the Air Force. In December 2009, Holliker approached Rep. Bob Latta and the two began working together to create legislation to honor military brats. As House resolutions to create Chil-


Veteran’s project pins honor onto military kids Get a jump on the competition with six weeks of hitting, pitching, catcher, and fielding/baserunning lessons as low as $99. Hosted at:



dren of Military Service Members Commemorative Lapel Pins languished “in committee,” someone asked Holliker why he couldn’t just create a pin himself. So in July 2013 he started Brat Pin. After soliciting ideas from other brats, he settled on the dandelion — the official flower of the military child — and a dog tag chain as a border. “The dog tag chain is symbolic in that any kid who is a brat will recognize it immediately,” he said. “In addition, it symbolizes the security of the fence that encompassed the bases and posts we grew up on — giving us security and freedom that a lot of other kids don’t have. We had the run of the base to play on when I was a kid — it was magic!” The Brat Pin is available at www., along with other items such as pendants, decals, magnets, dog tags and coins. “I never went into this venture to make money myself. I went into it to recognize and honor military brats,” Holliker said. “Once I recover my investment, I will hand it all over to the Museum of The American Military Family out in New Mexico.

“I hope to create an awareness in our country for the sacrifices and service of our military kids to our nation. They do it year after year without fanfare,” he said. “I wanted something easily recognized by brats that says, ‘We served too.’” After launching Brat Pin, Holliker came up with a spinoff idea called Cards for Vets, (, which offers customized trading cards and posters that feature veterans and detail their service. “One of the things we brats grow up with is a sense of not belonging anywhere,” he said. “I thought if trading cards were created, kids could collect and trade, bonds could be formed even tighter. “I see these cards being used at memorial services, going-away events, retirements, reunions and so forth. Can you imagine the impact of a kid approaching Grandpa or Grandma and asking him or her to sign his card? And then the realization of the vet when they see that they are on the card? The sheer delight of a vet, thinking that his or her service meant something to that kid?” O

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November 9, 2014

Business Link 17

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Joel Sensenig

Toledo Free Press Managing Editor

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) of Northwestern Ohio and Southeastern Michigan honored four local businesses and one nonprofit for exemplary and ethical business practices at its annual Torch Awards, held Nov. 5 in Perrysburg. Winners have demonstrated business practices that exemplify ethics, integrity and exceptional customer service and are chosen by an independent panel of volunteer community leaders, based on criteria established by the BBB, said Mollie Tyrrell, the organization’s director of special projects. Tyrrell said the BBB received about 100 nominations for this year’s awards. Winners received a trophy created by Toledo glass artist Mike Wallace. This year’s keynote speaker was Dennis Johnson, a Toledo native and president of Brooks Insurance Agency. Also revealed at the ceremony were the two winners of the Jim Smythe Memorial Student of Integrity Scholarships, a $500 scholarship awarded to area high school seniors. For more information or to make a nomination for next year, contact the BBB at (419) 578-6000 or at

Small business

Lay’s Transmission won in the small business (one to nine em-

ployees) category. The family-owned business has been an industry leader in drive train manufacturing and service in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan since 1956. Owned by Bradley Lay Sr., Lay’s Transmission provides complete drive shaft, differential, rear end and transfer case repairs and rebuilds. It utilizes its on-site machine shop and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to get vehicles back on the road as soon as possible. “This award is huge for us, especially in the automotive transmission business,” Lay said. “There’s a lot of complaints in our industry. But we’re going on 60 years in business and the reason for that longevity is honesty and integrity. A lot of it is what was instilled in me as a kid. My father taught me the Golden Rule, that if you treat someone right they will come back and that’s what we strive to do. I use biblical principles daily in business. I want to do the right thing in every situation and not sacrifice the future for the present.” The company requires all employees to conduct themselves according to its code of business conduct and ethics, and maintains ties to the community through its support and involvement with 1Matters, Tent City, Food for Thought, YWCA’s Encore Plus program, University of Toledo athletics, holiday food baskets, Race for Hope, Ronald McDonald House,

Vets Helping Vets, the Make-a-Wish Foundation and others. The business is located at 378 Phillips Ave. For more information, call (419) 476-4088 or visit lays

Medium business

Roemer Insurance won in the medium business (10-49 employees) category. The company was started in 1934 by Wellington F. Roemer with the motto, “He profits most who serves best.” The business remains a family affair, with Wellington’s son, W. Thomas “Tommy” Roemer, serving as vice chairman of the board, and his grandson, Wellington F. “Rocky” Roemer III, serving as president and CEO for the past 20 years. The 35-employee company maintains a 98 percent client retention rate by maintaining strong communication with a focus on customer service. The company offers health insurance, vision, dental, life, disability and client services, as well as Medicare for individuals. Among the staff are eight expert health insurance professionals, who assist employers and individuals with personalized health care coverage. Roemer Insurance also offers services for truckers, one of its specialties from its inception. It offers liability insurance for long-haul truckers in the Midwest. The company puts an emphasis on


BBB honors five organizations for ethics



taking care of its staff, with amenities such as massage days at work, discounts to health clubs and an on-site gym. Roemer is dedicated to the community as well, with employees involved with organizations such as The Rotary Club of Toledo, The Victory Center, YMCA and JCC of Greater Toledo and The Ohio State University Alumni Association. “This is very exciting,” Roemer III


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said. “We’re a longstanding business in this community and we owe our success to those who came before us. This is really a tribute to all those who have worked so hard over the years for this company.” The business is located at 3912 Sunforest Court. For more information, call (419) 475-5151 or visit n BBB CONTINUES ON 18

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Extra-large business

Taylor Automotive Gruop won in the extra-large business (150-plus employees) category. The family of seven vehicle dealerships — with locations in Toledo, Perrysburg, Findlay and Lima — prides itself on putting customers first. The business, which formed in 1979, has developed a list of five core values: personal growth and development, attitude, respect, teamwork, and the five Es — energy, enthusiasm and excitement equals more effectiveness and efficiency. Many sales team members begin their morning by reciting the company’s “Dealer FOR the People Pledge.” The company also asks employees to write personal essays on what its core values mean to them, and potential employees to rate themselves on the five core values on its employment applications. The dealership’s mantra of “Locally Owned, Locally Committed” is evident by its community involvement and numerous charitable donations. Owner Steve Taylor has implemented


The Toledo Fair Housing Center won in the nonprofit category. The nonprofit civil rights agency is dedicated to the elimination of housing discrimination and to the expansion of neighborhood choice for all people. It was established in 1975 by The Women of the Old West End and The League of Women Voters in response to blockbusting and other housing discrimination practices. The center has investigated more than 11,500 complaints of discrimination, recovering more than $30 million in damages. Its staff has conducted workshops for fair housing organizations, government agencies and housing industry professionals. The center has demonstrated a talent for setting national precedents in the enforcement of fair housing laws, while expanding housing opportunities for millions of Americans. In 2009, the center was one of four private fair housing organizations in the United States to be featured in the Annual Report on Fair Housing published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Members of the center participate in a variety of community service efforts, including the City of Toledo Department of Neighborhoods’ Community Development Block Grant Spring Sweep Cleanup, Pride Festival, International Festival, United Way Day of Caring, African American Festival, Latino Festival and its sister agency Northwest Ohio Development Agency’s Homeownership Fair. “We absolutely have to live and work by high standards of ethics if we’re going to hold other entities accountable under fair housing regulations,” said President and CEO Michael Marsh. The agency is gearing up for its 40th anniversary celebration next year and will be featured in one of WGTE’s “Toledo Stories” documentaries. For more information, call (419) 243-6163 or visit O Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief Sarah Ottney contributed to this report.

November 9, 2014

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Garner Transportation Group won in the large business (50-149 employees) category. The family-owned and operated business was started by Vernon E. and Regina Garner in 1960 and has been under the direction of their daughter Sherri Garner Brumbaugh as president since 2008. The company originally focused on transporting agricultural products. Today, it has shifted focus to general commodities, with shipments transported regionally (east of the Mississippi River). More than a trucking company, Garner’s services now include transportation, expediting, warehousing, logistics management, third-party services, contract maintenance and transportation consultation. “We started with one truck, one driver — that was my dad — and one back office person — that was my mom,” Brumbaugh said. Today, the company has 100 trucks, 400 trailers and more than 100 employees, she said. “For my Garner employees and their families, what I work hard at every day is for them to be proud of whom and who they work for,” she said. “Ethical behavior is a very important component of a sound business practice.” The company’s commitment to the community is evident through its involvement with Hancock Leadership, Findlay Race for the Cure, The Ohio State University Melanoma Research Foundation, University of Findlay and the Humane Society of Hancock County. The business is located at 9291 County Road 313, in Findlay. For more information, call (419) 422-5742 or visit

the “Driven To Succeed” program, where a new Hyundai vehicle is given to a graduating senior from high schools in Lucas, Hancock and Allen counties, as well as Perrysburg. Further, the automotive group’s “12 Days of Christmas” helps nearly 40 families in need during the holiday season. “Really this honor is for [my dad],” Taylor said. “What I always learned from him were hard work, ethics and the importance of giving back to the community. It’s something he’s obviously passed on to me. He always said the secret to success is to do the right thing.” For more information, call (419) 246-5693 or visit

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Large business



A Toledo tradition since 2005

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18 Business Link

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Nov. 9, 2014

This Is M.E.

Country, R&B, hip-hop influence Melissa Etheridge’s new album. By Vicki L. Kroll Toledo Free Press Staff Writer


elissa Etheridge is rocking on with a little help from new friends. Released Sept. 30, “This Is M.E.” is the first disc on her label, ME Records. Rather than rely on a more familiar way of recording, the veteran singer-songwriter decided to shake things up for this collection. “Instead of writing all the songs and then taking them to different producers, I went to different producers and created songs with each of them,” she said. “So you get this great

yummy center, which is always me — you can hear my guitars, you can hear my voice, my lyrics — yet around them is the jet fuel of other artists, like Jon Levine or Jerry “Wonda” Duplessis, and all of a sudden you can hear these beats and these rhythms that I’ve always wanted.” In addition to Levine, who has worked with Nelly Furtado, K’Naan and Selena Gomez, and Wonda, who has produced The Fugees, Mary J. Blige and Akon, Etheridge joined forces with Jerrod Bettis, known for collaborating with Adele, OneRepublic and Gavin DeGraw, and Roccstar, who has teamed up with Usher and Chris Brown. The result: rock, R&B, country,

hip-hop — and a hell of a lot of fun. “It was just a real thrill to work with everyone,” Etheridge said during a call from her California home. She even did a little recruiting while in the studio. “[Wonda] is in my band this tour; that’s so exciting. I talked him into coming out on the road with me, so he’s playing bass. His musicians are backing me up; I’ve got my drummer and then his keyboard player, his guitar player. I’ve got two background singers for the first time,” she said. “It’s so much fun, just really dipping into that R&B side of rock ’n’ roll. I just feel a little bit more like Joe Cocker than Led Zeppelin this time out.” Co-written with Bettis, her latest

single, “Take My Number,” is classic Etheridge, complete with a catchy chorus sung by that powerful, passionate voice. “Who Are You Waiting For” is the one track on the disc the Grammyand Academy Award-winning artist penned herself. She wrote it for her wife, Linda Wallem. “Usually I just sit down and say, ‘OK, what am I going through?’ And that the relationship pretty much saved my life really was on the forefront of my mind,” Etheridge said. “When I sat down to write the last verse, I realized, ‘Oh, these are vows, these are wedding vows.’ And then I thought, ‘I’m going to

sing this to her at the wedding.’ “And I sang my vows, which was just a really special moment. It’s really something powerful standing three feet in front of someone and singing right to them.” Etheridge will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor. Tickets range from $39.50 to $99.50. “I’m so grateful for everyone who buys tickets and comes to see me. The people are excited before I’ve even played a note,” she said. “Once the show gets going and the audience knows the songs when you’re playing, you know, I start ‘Come to My Window’ and everyone’s on their feet, it’s amazing.” O

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20 Star

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Trapped Toledo

November 9, 2014

Spy-themed interactive thriller experience ‘Rescued!’ to debut Nov.12.

By Jeff McGinnis Toledo Free Press Pop Culture Editor

You are locked in a laboratory, surrounded by strangers. The room is filled with the basic accoutrements of research — books, a microscope, file folders. It would not seem unusual except for a gruesome addition: Across from you, chained to the wall, is a ravenous, flesh-eating zombie. Every so often, its chain gets a bit more slack. The beast is coming closer and closer. Fortunately, there is a way out of the room. But you must all work together to find it in time. If this sounds like fun, you may be ready to join the hundreds of players who have experienced Trapped Toledo since its inception this past summer. The interactive thriller experience located on Key Street hosts a pair of themed “rooms” designed to test players’ nerves, wits and ability to keep a level head. Slightly secluded in the Colonial Village shopping plaza, Trapped Toledo has nevertheless become one of the hottest tickets in town for players looking for a unique and special gaming experience. Whether they come to test their skills in the zombie-themed “Infected” room or the bomb-themed “Blown Away” experience, groups of 10-12 players come together to try and solve each scenario’s devilish puzzles before it’s too late. It’s a basic concept that has fascinated Kimmer Callahan, Trapped’s chief marketing officer, and his fellow team members ever since they first learned of similar interactive games. “We did a ton of research on other models like this,” Callahan said. “It started in Asia, it kind of came across the pond. It was done pretty badly in the States, thus far. ... We don’t have any competition in Toledo, but as we expand, we’re going to have competition in some of our other areas that we’re targeting. “

A team tests its skills at Trapped Toledo’s “Infected” room. A new room, spy-themed “Rescued!,” will debut Nov. 12. TOLEDO FREE PRESS PHOTO BY CHRISTIE MATERNI

Their love for the idea of an experience that would merge puzzles, role-playing and thriller elements inspired Callahan and his friends — mostly UT and BGSU grads — to launch their version. “We’re all puzzle people. We love puzzles, games, board games. I used to do murder mysteries for friends,” Callahan said. “And Chris [Kaspar] and I — Chris is my nephew — he and I have talked for years about starting a business together. And when this came over, we were like, ‘This is fun!’ And then we went to one, and we were like, ‘That was awesome!’”

The group of 10 friends discussed ways they could make the experience better. “Everybody except for two invested in this business,” Callahan said. “And Chris and I — and Tiffany, who’s my wife — just took it the rest of the way.” The key to expanding the business has been keeping a constant eye out for new ideas, mainly from cast members and other collaborators. A new spy-themed room will debut Nov. 12, from a script written by a member of the Trapped cast. “Rescued!” will replace

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“Blown Away,” which ends Nov. 7. “We have no experience in theater. We rely on others that have experience,” Callahan said, pointing to Misty Young, assistant manager at Trapped, who often plays the research assistant in the “Infected” room. “I think just getting in here and having them help us learn, as well as having us learn on the fly — I think that’s just what business is all about anyway. Just making mistakes and fixing it.” n TRAPPED CONTINUES ON 21



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November 9, 2014

Star 21

A Toledo tradition since 2005 n TRAPPED CONTINUED FROM 20 They’ve also learned some surprising things about their audience during their first few months in operation. One might expect that if fans enjoyed one scenario, they would be willing to try the other, but Callahan said only 10 percent do. “There’s something about the

immediate — being able to see the danger — that some people don’t like,” Young said, referring to the “Infected” room. “Those would be the same people that maybe don’t like haunted houses, things jumping out at them. Knowing there’s a bomb there is one thing, but actually having somebody, the immediate [danger] ... some people just don’t like that.”

The Halloween season with its ever-present haunted houses may be over, but the staff at Trapped Toledo plans to keep the fun screams rolling. “I feel like this one’s much more of a guttural, fear-based thing,” Callahan said. “It’s not like, ‘Oh my God, there’s a guy with a chain saw!’ Like, jumpscary. This has periodic screams, but it’s a constant, building tension.” O

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22 Star

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

((((((((((((( THE PULSE

November 7-15, 2014

What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.


Angelo’s Northwood Villa

Popular meeting spot for gangsters during Prohibition. 6630 S. Dixie Hwy., Erie. (734) 6360954 or ✯ Tom Szor on piano, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

Bar 145º

This venue features burgers, bands and bourbon, if its slogan is to be believed. $5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or ✯ $5 martinis and burgers: Wednesdays. ✯ NFL Sunday Ticket: Sundays. ✯ Tricky Dick & The Cover Ups: 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Nov. 7. ✯ The Zack Attack: 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Nov. 8. ✯ Chris Knopp: 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Nov. 13.

The Blarney Irish Pub

Catch local acts while taking in the pub’s modern Irish and American fare. 601 Monroe St. (419) 418-2339 or ✯ “Toledo’s Best Singers” Karaoke: 7-11 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Toast & Jam: Nov. 7. ✯ The Steves: Nov. 8.

Bronze Boar

Be sure to check out this Warehouse District tavern’s namesake, overhead near the entrance. 20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or ✯ Open mic with Steve Finelli and Oliver Roses: Mondays. ✯ Open mic and Steve Kennedy: Thursdays. ✯ Beg To Differ: Nov. 7. ✯ Zodiac Click: Nov. 8.

Dégagé Jazz Café

Signature drinks, such as pumpkin martinis, plus live local jazz performers. 301 River Road, Maumee. $5 weekends for cafe seating. (419) 794-8205 or

✯ Gene Parker: Tuesdays. ✯ Gene Parker & Friends: Wednesdays. ✯ Straight Up: Nov. 7. ✯ Damen Cook: Nov. 8 and 13.

Saturdays. Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 874-3111 or ✯ The Bradberries: Nov. 7 and 8.

The Distillery

Hollywood Casino Toledo

The mic is open on Sundays, but paid entertainers rock out Fridays-Saturdays. 4311 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 382-1444 or www. ✯ Sunday Ticket: Sundays. ✯ Monday Night Football: Mondays. ✯ Trivia with Team Lunchbox: Tuesdays. ✯ Name That Tune: Wednesdays. ✯ Full Tilt: Nov. 7. ✯ 4th Day Echo: Nov. 8. ✯ On The Roxx: Nov. 13.

Doc Watson’s

Named in honor of the owners’ forefather, this bar and restaurant serves a variety of dishes and entertainment. 1515 S. Byrne Road. (419) 389-6003 or ✯ Sporcle Live Trivia: Thursdays. ✯ Jeff Stewart: 10 p.m. Nov. 7. ✯ Paper Planes: 10 p.m. Nov. 8.

Dorr St. Café

Grab a reuben or some fish while bobbing your head to some tunes. Southwest corner of Dorr Street at Reynolds Road. (419) 531-4446 or ✯ Jaime Mills: Nov. 7.

Durty Bird

A full bar featuring frozen drinks and multiple happy hours (4-7 p.m.) on weekdays, plus salads, soups and sandwiches, accompany live entertainment four nights a week. 2 S. St. Clair St. (419) 243-2473 or www.yeoldedurty ✯ Ramona Collins: 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Nov. 7 and 8. ✯ KMB3: 1-4 p.m. Nov. 9. ✯ Fish Fisher: 6-9 p.m. Nov.10. ✯ Lori Lefevre-Johnson: 7-10 p.m. Nov. 11. ✯ Jeff Stewart: 7-10 p.m. Nov. 12.

French Quarter J. Patrick’s Pub Live entertainment after 9:30 p.m. Fridays-

The Hollywood Casino offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. ✯ Last Call: 9 p.m. Nov. 7. ✯ Jedi Mind Trip: 9 p.m. Nov. 8.

Huntington Center

500 Jefferson Ave. (419) 321-5007, (800) 7453000 or ✯ Trans-Siberian Orchestra: 4 and 8 p.m. Nov. 13.

Kerrytown Concert House

This venue focuses on classical, jazz and opera artists and music. 415 N. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor. $5-$30, unless noted. (734) 769-2999 or ✯ All About The Trio: Music of George Shearing with guest Cary Kocher: Nov. 9. ✯ Waclaw Zimpel Quartet: Nov. 12.

Name That Tune

✯ The Oarhouse, 5044 Suder Ave.: 8-10 p.m. Mondays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 6609 Airport Hwy.: 8-10 p.m. Tuesdays. ✯ Jed’s Barbeque and Brew, 855 S. HollandSylvania: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Pat & Dandy’s Sports Bar & Grill, 3344 W. Laskey Road: 9-11 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 5702 Monroe St.: 7-9 p.m. Thursdays. ✯ The Oarhouse, 5044 Suder Ave.: 6-8:30 p.m. Fridays. EVENTS


2014 Purina Check-R-Board Days

This is a customer appreciation event where anyone can stop by for a chance to win an iPad Mini, five bags of Purina Feed and enjoy $2 off all Purina brand feed. J&B Feed Company, 134 E. Airport Highway, Swanton. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 8.

The Croswell

Michigan’s oldest and continuously operating theater is going strong for its 2014-15 season. 129 E. Maumee St., Adrian. (517) 264-SHOW or ✯ Rockin’ It Out: The Croswell’s house band will perform rock from the ’70s and ’80s. The event includes a cash bar and a costume contest. Tickets range from $15-20. 8 p.m. Nov. 8.

Eastwood Theater

The historic landmark is screening movies for $5. 817 E. Broadway St. For more information, call (419) 720-5199 or visit www. ✯ “22 Jump Street”: 10 p.m. Nov. 7, 1:15 and 10:15 p.m. Nov. 8, 6:30 and 9 p.m. Nov. 9 and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 13. ✯ “Guardians of the Galaxy”: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8 and 4 p.m. Nov. 9.

‘Frozen’ at Toledo Walleye

Toledo’s hockey team plays against the Evansville Icemen with a “Frozen” theme at 7:15 p.m. Nov. 8. A Princess Tea Party will take place before the game. The team is playing against the Cincinnati Cyclones at 5:15 p.m. Nov. 9. An open skate will take place after the game. Huntington Center. 500 Jefferson Ave. (419) 321-5007, (800) 7453000 or

Secor Building

The Secor was once the finest hotel in the city. Now its Secor Gallery features work from local artists and the Registry Bistro is under the direction of Chef Erika Rapp. For more information, contact Keith Corder at 425 Jefferson Ave., corner of Superior Street. ✯ Skot Horn’s “Flower Power”: Horn said, “In the days of my youth, our home was filled with fresh flowers from mom’s garden. Many fond memories from those summer days are filled with me always.” The gallery is available for viewing Tuesday through Saturday from 4-9 p.m. until Jan. 5. Some work is featured in The Registry as well. For more information, contact Jim Zaleski at

Premier Downtown event anD recePtion center

N o w B o o ki n g H oliday Parties!

601 Monroe St. Right Across from Fifth Third Field

Contact Angie Gioiella: 419-481-5206

Sponsored by:

Toledo AV Club and Launch Pad Cooperative

The organizations have announced the film screening of “Basquiat”: Haigh Auditorium, CVA Building (attached to the Toledo Museum of Art.) 7 p.m. Nov. 10. Free.

Toledo Jazz Orchestra

“The Legendary Music of J&K” with vocalist Lori Lefevre. Selections will include “This Could Be The Start of Something Big” and “In The Wee Small Hours of the Morning.” 3 p.m. Nov. 9. Red Room at The Toledo Club. 235 14th St. For more information, call (419) 254-2961.

Toledo Swiss Singers Concert

The Toledo Swiss Singers will present their Nov. 15 concert, titled “Happy Songs.” The event will feature traditional Swiss songs and music that will make you smile, including Oscar-nominated song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. The singers are celebrating 90 years as a mixed chorus. The evening begins with dinner, served 5:306:30 p.m. at The Chalet at Oak Shade Grove, 3624 Seaman Road, Oregon. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. $24. (419) 206-0975 or

The Toledo Zoo

2700 Broadway St. $11-$14. (419) 385-4040 or ✯ Free-flight Butterfly Exhibit: Free with zoo admission. Open daily. If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt at mliasse@

Friday, Nov. 14th

Dave Carpenter & The Jaegler’s

Saturday, Nov. 15th

Bill Grogan’s Goat


8 am



1 pm



11 am


12 pm

Daytime Afternoon


2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


4 pm


General Hospital Queen Latifah Ellen DeGeneres The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil Judge Mathis The People’s Court Maury Millionaire Hot Bench Steve Harvey Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Varied Programs Criminal Varied Criminal Varied First 48 Varied Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Varied Programs Futurama Movie Varied Mickey Varied Programs SportCtr Football Insiders Varied NFL Live Varied Reba Reba Reba Reba Boy/World Boy/World Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Contessa Contessa Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Charmed Prince Varied Programs Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Chicken King Friends Friends Movie Varied Programs Bones Bones Castle Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Commun Commun Bill Cunningham The Dr. Oz Show

5 pm



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm



Around Pardon SportsCenter Boy/World Boy/World Varied Programs Pioneer Varied Programs Charmed Friends

Movie Friends

Castle Law & Order: SVU Mike Mike

Seinfeld Seinfeld Movie Varied Castle Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam

November 9, 2014


3 pm

6 pm

News News News ABC News News at Five News CBS News Access H. Minute TMZ News NBC 24 News News NBC News Cyberchas News NewsHour First 48 Varied Programs Real Housewives Varied Programs Futurama Futurama Colbert Daily

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

›› Bringing Down the House (2003) What Would Shark Tank (CC) World of X Games News ABC Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time Resurrection (N) (CC) Revenge “Ambush” News Insider NFL Football Miami Dolphins at Detroit Lions. (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Post. NFL Post. To Be Announced News News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) Madam Secretary (N) The Good Wife (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Flip Food NFL Football San Francisco 49ers at New Orleans Saints. (N) (S Live) (CC) NFL Football New York Giants at Seattle Seahawks. (N) (CC) The OT Simpsons Brooklyn Fam. Guy Mulaney News Leading TMZ (N) (CC) F1 Formula One Racing Brazilian Grand Prix. F1 Post Figure Skating News News Football Night in America (N) NFL Football Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers. (N) (CC) News Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens POV (CC) Charlie Ohio Moyers Weekend NOVA (CC) (DVS) Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Contemporary (N) (CC) (DVS) Austin City Limits (N) Wahl Wahl Gotti Gotti Gotti Gotti Gotti Gotti Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Atlanta Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Fashion ›› Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) Mike Myers. ›› Happy Gilmore (1996) Adam Sandler. ›› You Don’t Mess With the Zohan (2008) (CC) ››› Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) John Cusack. (CC) Key Tosh.0 Brickle. Girl I Didn’t I Didn’t I Didn’t Austin Austin Austin Girl Girl Girl Austin Austin Dog Dog Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Jessie Dog Jessie Liv-Mad. SportsCenter (N) NASCAR Countdown NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Quicken Loans Race For Heroes 500. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Who’s In? World/Poker World/Poker SportsCenter (N) ››› The Parent Trap ››› A Bug’s Life (1998), Kevin Spacey ›››› WALL-E (2008) Voices of Ben Burtt. ››› Up (2009) Voices of Ed Asner. ››› Sleeping Beauty (1959), Bill Shirley ››› The Princess Bride (1987) Cary Elwes. The Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Holiday Baking Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Kitchen Inferno Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Hawaii Hawaii Beach Beach Alaska Alaska Hunters Hunt Intl ›› Gone (2012) Amanda Seyfried. (CC) › Bride Wars (2009) Kate Hudson. (CC) Movie ›› Made of Honor (2008) Patrick Dempsey. ›› 27 Dresses (2008) Katherine Heigl. (CC) ›› Made of Honor ››› The School of Rock (2003) Jack Black. Ridic. Ridic. Slednecks Sled Sled 2014 MTV EMA’s From Glasgow, Scotland. (N) Sled Slednecks 2014 MTV EMA’s Ghosts-Girlfrnd ›› The House Bunny (2008) Anna Faris. ›› The Change-Up (2011) Ryan Reynolds. ››› Knocked Up (2007) Seth Rogen. (DVS) ›› Bad Teacher (2011) Cameron Diaz. ›› Bad Teacher (2011) Cameron Diaz. ››› Young Bess ››› Splendor in the Grass (1961) (CC) ››› The Goodbye Girl (1977) (CC) Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House ›› Berlin Express (1948) (CC) ››› The Man Between (1953) James Mason. ››› True Grit (2010) ›› The Kingdom (2007) Jamie Foxx. (CC) ›››› Saving Private Ryan (1998, War) Tom Hanks, Edward Burns. (CC) (DVS) ››› Gran Torino (2008) Clint Eastwood. (CC) (DVS) ››› Gran Torino (2008, Drama) NCIS “Gut Check” NCIS “Devil’s Triad” NCIS “Double Back” NCIS “Bulletproof” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Alleged” NCIS “Shooter” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) Chrisley Chrisley ›› Analyze That (2002) Robert De Niro. Made Holly Glee “Bash” (CC) Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang 1st Fam Box Offi The Closer (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass The NFL Today (N) Charla Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Minute Minute Lions GameDay LIVE FOX NFL Sunday (N) Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Super WordWrld Thomas Cat in the Toledo Toledo Art in the Twenty-First Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Wahlburgr Atlanta Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Atlanta Comedy ›› Major League (1989, Comedy) Tom Berenger. (CC) › The Love Guru (2008) Mike Myers. (CC) Doc McSt. Sofia › The Smurfs (2011) Hank Azaria. Rebels Jessie Jessie Jessie Girl Meets SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Ella Enchanted ››› Casper (1995, Fantasy) Christina Ricci. ››› The Parent Trap (1998) Lindsay Lohan. Contessa Heartland Pioneer Trisha’s Contessa Giada Guy’s Pioneer Southern Farm Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Skincare Unsolved Mysteries Dead on Campus (2014) Katelyn Tarver. (CC) Slednecks Slednecks ›› Scary Movie 3 (2003) Anna Faris. School Friends Friends Friends ››› Definitely, Maybe (2008) Ryan Reynolds. (DVS) Ghosts-Girlfrnd ››› Pride and Prejudice (1940) Greer Garson. ››› Shall We Dance (1937) Fred Astaire. (CC) ››› Young Bess (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Ego” Law & Order ››› True Grit (2010) P. Chris J. Osteen Covert Affairs (CC) White Collar (CC) ›› The Adjustment Bureau (2011), Emily Blunt Show Home Lets Fixer Old House Full Plate Dine Out Raymond Raymond Cleanest Homes!


November 9, 2014


9 am

TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

November 10, 2014 10:30

11 pm

Tuesday Evening


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Broke Girl Millers Scorpion (N) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Gotham “The Mask” Sleepy Hollow (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud The Voice The artists perform. (N) (CC) The Blacklist (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Ice Warriors -- USA Sled Hockey On Story The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Growing Up Gotti Godfather-Pitt. Godfather-Pitt. Housewives/Atl. Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Euros of Hollywood Happens Vander South Pk Tosh.0 Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Dog Jessie ›› Tinker Bell (2008) (CC) Austin Dog Good I Didn’t Jessie Monday Night NFL Football Carolina Panthers at Philadelphia Eagles. (N Subject to Blackout) SportCtr ››› The Princess Bride (1987) ›› Miss Congeniality (2000, Comedy) Sandra Bullock. The 700 Club (CC) Guy’s Grocery Games Hungry My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Return to Zero (2014) The Wrong Woman (2013) Danica McKellar. Guilty at 17 (2014, Drama) Erin Sanders. (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Slednecks Are You the One? Are You the One? (N) Are You EMA’s Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Saturday’s Children ››› The Sheik (1921, Romance) ››› The Thief of Bagdad (1924) Douglas Fairbanks. Castle “Swan Song” Castle “After Hours” Castle “Secret Santa” Transporter Transporter NCIS (CC) (DVS) WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) Chrisley Chrisley Big Bang Big Bang The Originals (N) (CC) Jane the Virgin (N) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy



Loma Linda A Toledo Tradition 10400 Airport Hwy. Toledo’s Best urant Mexican Resta for over 58 years!

(1.2 miles east of Toledo Express Airport)


Bienvenidos Amigos!

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

November 11, 2014 10:30

11 pm


Ent Insider Selfie (N) Mod Fam Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Forever (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS “The Searchers” NCIS: New Orleans (N) Person of Interest (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef (N) New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud The Voice The artists perform for the judges. Chicago Fire (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Finding Your Roots Navy Seals -- Their Untold Story (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Dogs of War (N) (CC) Storage Storage Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ The People’s Couch Happens Jersey South Pk Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Brickle. Daily Colbert The Pirate Fairy (2014) Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure Austin Dog Good I Didn’t Jessie SportCtr Top 25 30 for 30 (N) 2014 World Series of Poker Final Table. (N) SportsCenter (N) (CC) ›› Miss Congeniality (2000) ›› The Wedding Planner (2001) Jennifer Lopez. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped A Hero’s Welcome (N) Chopped (N) Chopped Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl A Hero’s Welcome (N) True Tori (CC) True Tori (CC) True Tori (N) (CC) Prison Wives Club (N) True Tori (CC) Slednecks Faking It Faking It Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Faking It Happyland Awkward. Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ›› The Whip Hand ››› The Fighting Sullivans (1944) (CC) ››› Pride of the Marines (1945) John Garfield. Bones (CC) Bones (CC) Bones (CC) CSI: NY (CC) CSI: NY “Blink” (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Benched Chrisley Benched Big Bang Big Bang The Flash “Plastique” Supernatural (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


to northwest ohio

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7 pm




7 pm



10 pm


8 pm


November 12, 2014 10:30

11 pm

Thursday Evening


9 pm


10 pm

1 pm


2 pm



November 14, 2014 10:30

11 pm

7 pm




8 pm


9 pm


8 am



9 am


10 am



4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

November 13, 2014 10:30

11 am

11 pm


November 15, 2014 11:30

Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Innovation Recipe All In Changers State Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Today (N) (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Astroblast Chica Tree Fu LazyTown Super WordWrld Thomas Cat in the MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Michigan Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Top Chef “It’s War” My Love My Love Real Housewives Real Housewives South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk ›› Beerfest (2006) Jay Chandrasekhar. (CC) Doc McSt. Sofia ››› The Incredibles (2004, Comedy) (CC) Rebels Rebels SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Hotel for Dogs ››› The Karate Kid (1984) Ralph Macchio, Noriyuki “Pat” Morita. Be.- Made Best Thing Farm Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) YardCrash YardCrash YardCrash YardCrash House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unsolved Mysteries Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW King King King King ›› Daddy’s Little Girls (2007) Gabrielle Union. ››› Days of Wine and Roses (1962) (CC) Carson ›› Dr. Gillespie’s Criminal Case Law & Order Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chrisley Chrisley Benched Benched Law Order: CI Dr. Pol Dr. Pol B. Barr B. Barr Expedition Expedition Rock-Park Reluc


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Grey’s Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) (CC) Away-Murder News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Mom (N) Two Men McCarthys Elementary (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Bones (N) (CC) (DVS) Gracepoint (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud The Biggest Loser (N) Bad Judge A to Z (N) Parenthood (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Toledo Stories (CC) Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) Infinity Hall Live (CC) Sun Stud The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Godfather-Pitt. Vanderpump Rules Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Happens Jersey South Pk Tosh.0 Chappelle ››› Dumb & Dumber (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. Daily Colbert Dog Jessie Secret of the Wings (2012) Austin Dog Good I Didn’t Jessie Grantland Basketball Football Countdown College Football California at USC. (N) (Live) ›› Sixteen Candles (1984) Molly Ringwald. ››› The Breakfast Club (1985) Emilio Estevez. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Beat Flay Beat Flay Food Truck Face Off Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper (CC) Project Runway Project Runway Project Runway Project Runway: Thr. Project Runway: Thr. Girl Code Slednecks Slednecks Slednecks (N) Slednecks Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ››› Pillow Talk (1959) ›› Bad Little Angel (1939, Drama) ››› Young Tom Edison (1940) The Philadelphia Story Castle (CC) (DVS) NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Toronto Raptors. (N) (CC) NBA Basketball: Nets at Warriors Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU White Collar (CC) Covert Affairs (CC) Vanderbilt Mds Big Bang Big Bang The Vampire Diaries Reign (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

Saturday Morning


Ent Insider Last Man Cristela Shark Tank (N) (CC) 20/20 (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Awards The Hollywood Film Awards (N) (S Live) (CC) Post-Awards Show News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef Gotham (CC) (DVS) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud Dateline NBC (N) (CC) Grimm (N) (CC) (DVS) Constantine (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Wash Deadline The Hitmakers (N) Jake Shimabukuro Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Vanderpump Rules Housewives/Atl. Bravo First Looks Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ South Pk Tosh.0 ››› Dumb & Dumber (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. ››› Dumb & Dumber (1994) ››› The Incredibles (2004, Comedy) (CC) Rebels Rebels I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Jessie Good College Basketball Armed Forces Classic -- Louisville vs. Minnesota. NBA Basketball: Spurs at Lakers The Breakfast Club ›››› Forrest Gump (1994, Comedy-Drama) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl ›› You Again (2010) › What Happens in Vegas (2008) (CC) › What Happens in Vegas (2008) (CC) Friend Slednecks Slednecks Slednecks ›› Freddy vs. Jason (2003) Robert Englund. Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Deal With ›› Old School (2003) Luke Wilson. (DVS) Deal With Now Playing ›››› Wild Strawberries (1957), Ingrid Thulin ›››› Five Easy Pieces (1970) Jack Nicholson. On the Menu (CC) On the Menu (N) (CC) ›››› The Dark Knight (2008) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. (CC) (DVS) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Whose? Whose? America’s Next Model Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Goldbergs Mod Fam blackish Nashville (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (N) Stalker “Fanatic” (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Hell’s Kitchen (N) Red Band Society (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud The Voice (N) (CC) Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Nature (CC) (DVS) NOVA (N) (CC) (DVS) How We Got to Now Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Housewives/NJ Housewives/Atl. Top Chef (CC) Top Chef “It’s War” Happens Top Chef South Pk Tosh.0 Key Key South Pk South Pk South Pk Key Daily Colbert Dog Jessie Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Austin Dog Good I Didn’t Jessie NBA NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers at Miami Heat. (N) (Live) NBA Basketball: Rockets at Timberwolves ›› The Wedding Planner (2001) ›› Sixteen Candles (1984) Molly Ringwald. The 700 Club (CC) Unwrap Rewrap. Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Kitchen Inferno (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Buying and Selling Property Brothers (CC) Buying and Selling (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) ›› The Promotion Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ›› Mr. Woodcock (2007) Billy Bob Thornton. Faking It Faking It Awkward. Awkward. Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW (N) Girl Code Snooki Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Our Mother’s House ››› In This Our Life (1942) Bette Davis. (CC) ››› Tortilla Flat (1942) Spencer Tracy. (CC) Castle “Recoil” ›› The Book of Eli (2010) Denzel Washington. (CC) (DVS) ›› The Island (2005) (CC) (DVS) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Arrow “Guilty” (N) The 100 (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


8 pm

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


12 pm


College Football Stop Pain Blower Kids News McCarver Poppy Cat Noodle Nature (CC) (DVS) Dogs of War (CC) Euros of Hollywood Napoleon Dynamite I Didn’t I Didn’t College Football ››› The Rookie Holiday Baking House Hunters Reno The Good Sister (CC) Slednecks Slednecks I Can Do Bad ›› Kismet (1955) (CC) ››› Zombieland (CC) Law Order: CI Rescue Animals

November 15, 2014

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) News Lottery College Football Florida State at Miami. From Sun Life Stadium in Miami. (N) News Lucas Oil Off Road Open Season Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) News Wheel 48 Hours (CC) Criminal Minds 48 Hours (N) (CC) News Jeopardy! Bones (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Pregame College Football Washington at Arizona. (N) (S Live) Extra College Football Texas at Oklahoma State. (N) (S Live) News Office Paid Triathlon Pregame College Football Northwestern at Notre Dame. (N) (S Live) (CC) Jdg Judy Academic Myst-Laura Law & Order: SVU Saturday Night Live News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Carole King Nashville 2.0 (CC) Globe Trekker Steves Rudy Lawrence Welk Murder Myster. Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece ›› The Recruit (2003) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. (CC) ›› XXX (2002, Action) Danny Trejo, Vin Diesel. (CC) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/Atl. ›› Burlesque (2010, Drama) Cher, Christina Aguilera. ›› Burlesque (2010, Drama) Cher, Christina Aguilera. Napoleon Dynamite ›› Year One (2009) Jack Black, Michael Cera. (CC) ››› Role Models (2008), Paul Rudd (CC) ››› Dumb & Dumber (1994) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. ››› The Hangover (2009) Bradley Cooper. ››› The Hangover I Didn’t Austin Austin Austin Girl Girl Girl Dog Dog Dog Austin Austin Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin Girl Kirby Kirby Lab Rats Kickin’ It Good Jessie College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Score College Football ››› The Rookie (2002, Drama) ››› The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) Will Smith. ›››› Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. ››› The Blind Side Rewrap. Beat Flay Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Guy’s Games Kitchen Inferno A Hero’s Welcome Unwrapped Guy’s Games Thanksgiving Diners Diners Diners, Drive Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl The Good Sister The Good Mistress (2014) Annie Heise. ›› A Day Late and a Dollar Short (2014) ›› Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds (2012) (CC) Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B (2014) (CC) Beyond Hdln Beyond Hdln Slednecks Slednecks Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. MTV Special MTV Special I Can Do Bad ›› Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009) Friends Friends Friends Friends Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With 17 Again ›› Kismet (1955) ››› A Hard Day’s Night (1964) The Beatles. ››› Poltergeist (1982) Craig T. Nelson. ››› Soylent Green (1973) Charlton Heston. ›››› On the Waterfront (1954, Drama) (CC) ››› Dead Ringer (1964) Bette Davis. (CC) ››› Zombieland ›› Watchmen (2009, Action) Billy Crudup, Malin Akerman. (CC) (DVS) ›››› The Dark Knight (2008, Action) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. (CC) (DVS) Transporter Transporter Transporter Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Adven. WHAD Biz Kid$ DragonFly Futurama Futurama Glee “Tested” (CC) Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Hockey Pre-Season PCA Wrestling


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26 Classified community




legal notices

Driver / Delivery / Courier


Apartments / Duplexes

A+ Self Storage at 1324 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612 will offer for public sale at 3:30PM on October 28, 2014 the following units: Unit 104, Irene Preuss P.O. Box 8593 Toledo, OH. 43623: Clothes, Boxes, Storage Tubs; Unit 256, Lisa Y Douglas 934 Lincoln St Toledo, Ohio 43607: Boxes, Storage Tubs, Bags; Unit 303, Rakesha Alexander 1304 Ellis Ave Toledo, OH 43606: Stove, Shoe; Unit 333, Aciya Alheleal 6735 Monarch Dr Sylvania, OH 43560: Chairs, Lamp, Dressers; Unit 407, Roy L Jones 1452 N. Huron Toledo, OHio 43604: Chairs, Boxes, TV; Unit 620, Neighborhood Thrift Attn: Shawn Martin 1114 W. Alexis Toledo, OH 43612: Mattress, Box Springs, Pillows; Unit 636, Todd Hunt 5873 Jackman Rd Toledo, OH 43613: Dresser, Table, TV Stand; Unit 740, Monroe Radford 4507 Cherry Creek LN Toledo, OH 43615: Storage Tubs, Mower, Suitcases; Unit 808, Francisco Hendrix 1152 Gribbin Toledo, OH 43612: Storage Tubs, Toddler Bed, Folding Chairs; Unit 820, Rebecca A Mackey 963 Maple Perrysburg, OH 43551: Storage Tubs, Chest of Drawers, TV Stand; Unit 832, William L Monroe 5613 Adelaide Toledo, OH 43613: Box Spring, Mattress; Unit 925, Ericka Burns 2530 Heather Hills Apt D Toledo, Ohio 43614: Shelves, Storage Tubs, Luggage; Unit 1014, Brandon Bowles 1412 Booke Park Tol, OH 43612: Exercise Equipment, Boxes, TV; Unit 1041, Tracy Quinn 1010 Jefferson Ave. Apt. 4-F Toledo, OH. 43604: Mattress, Boxes, Couch; Unit 1106, Corey E Smith 3070 Carkaddon Ave Apt 316 Tol, OH 43606: Deep Freezer, Bags, Printer; Unit 1120, Isiah Hutchinson 13814 Coit RD Cleveland, OHio 44108: Bags, Futon, Boxes; Unit 1123, DeAndra McCollum 1222 Lincoln Ave Toledo, Oh. 43607: Hamper, Clothes; Unit 1209, Lindsey Martin 801 Linda Drive Toledo, OH 43612: TV, Artwork, Loveseat; Unit 1314, Amor Luzar 4714 Harvest LN. Toledo, OH 43623: TV, Stools, Sofa; Unit 1708, Jacqueline Coachman P.O. Box 20124 TOLEDO, OH 43610: Stereo Equipment, Mirror, Exercise Equipment; Unit 1904, Duane Woodby 179 Edgewood Perrysburg, OH, 43551: Antique Bar, Table and Chairs; Unit 2110, Stefanique Cox 407 Rockingham St Toledo, OH 43610: Dryer, Sofa, Bunk Bed; Unit 2111, Frank Moses 2552 Portsmouth Toledo, ohio 43613: Guitar, Boxes, Clothes;; Cash and Removal. Call ahead to confirm: 419-476-1400 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose the family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abbys One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-413-6294.

Wanted WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005



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All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

November 9, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Toledo Free Press 27

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 9, 2014

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