Toledo Free Press – Nov. 16, 2014

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Nov. 16, 2014

Best Weekly Newspaper in Ohio 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Ohio Society of Professional Journalists Awards

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Bid in the balance and dumb and dumber Tom Pounds on TFP’s bid to publish legal ads for auditor’s office and Tim Higgins on the midterm elections. pages 3-4


Breast cancer Doctors find new prone treatment position has major health, cosmetic impacts. page 12

Business Link

Solar powered Monclova Township couple have first Net Zero Energy home in Northwest Ohio. page 16

Community Star

Too Many Cooks

Jeff McGinnis interviews the brains behind the Web’s most recent bizarre viral sensation. page 19


LGBTQ advocates David Crafts and Edie Recker stand in support of attack survivor Candice Milligan and other victims at annual Transgender Day of Remembrance. By Matt Liasse, page 6

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Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 16, 2014

November 16, 2014

Publisher’s statement



Bid in the balance

ach year, the Lucas County Au- and goes in one day, Toledo Free Press is ditor’s Office is required by law available on racks throughout the county to publish a list of delinquent all week in addition to our home-delivered copies. With the list running once land tax notices in a local publication. Last year, the notices were published per week for two consecutive weeks, by Toledo Free Press, the first time a free that’s 14 consecutive days of availability weekly newspaper has published Lucas in Toledo Free Press compared to two days for The Blade. The County’s list. list would also be pubBetween January lished free online at toand March, delinquent and land taxes owed in Lucas in our digital edition. County were reduced by Toledo Free Press $10.7 million, according became eligible to pubto county records. That’s lish legal notices with $3.9 million more than the signing into law of the average amount Ohio House Bill 153 recouped the previous by Gov. John Kasich in four years and it was Thomas F. Pounds October 2011. The legdone at almost half the islation eliminated the link between cost to taxpayers. This year’s bids were opened Nov. charging for newspapers and being 5. After reviewing bids from The Blade permitted to publish legal notices. It and Toledo Free Press, Lucas County opened the legal publication business Auditor Anita Lopez recommended to any “newspaper of general circuToledo Free Press publish the list. How- lation” that publishes at least once a ever, the final decision is up to the Lucas week and meets other criteria, all of County Commissioners, who plan to which Toledo Free Press satisfies. The bill also requires the newspaper to vote on the recommendation Nov. 18. The numbers would seem to make offer its best classified rate. Since then, The Village of Ottawa the choice easy. Toledo Free Press bid $163,455 to Hills, City of Toledo, City of Sylvania, publish the list in our Sunday paper. Monclova Township, Lucas County The Blade bid $377,137 for a weekday Metropolitan Housing Authority, Toledo publication, or $397,223 to run the Public Schools, Metroparks of Toledo Area and Washtenaw County have pubfirst of two lists on a Sunday. Toledo Free Press has a Sunday cir- lished legal notices in Toledo Free Press. Two years ago, Lopez recommended culation of 80,766, with a Lucas County circulation of 66,514. The Blade has a this contract be awarded to The Blade, daily circulation of 59,035 (50,035 in even though Toledo Free Press’ bid was Lucas County) and a Sunday circulation much lower ($86,100 compared to The of 76,780 (63,498 in Lucas County), ac- Blade’s $330,617), citing Toledo Free Press’ lower circulation in areas such as cording to 2013 audit reports. Our bid would save Lucas County Neapolis and Curtice. “[In 2012] I thought it was importaxpayers at least $213,000 and deliver tant to go with the broader circulation to more homes. It’s also worth noting that tax- because of what we were doing,” Lopez payers who wish to see the informa- told Toledo Free Press earlier this year. tion they have paid to publish would “The most important reason why this get that information at no cost with ad has to occur is to protect property Toledo Free Press while they would rights. That goes beyond the bottomhave to pay for it (again) to read it in line dollar. You have to balance that, but when we’re saying, ‘You’re delinthe daily newspaper. Plus, while a daily newspaper comes quent to the point where we can take

Cost to taxpayers

Cost to publish year-end delinquent land tax notices for Lucas County taxpayers (in thousands of dollars)

Taxes collected

Taxes reported collected between January and March the following year (in millions of dollars)













50 0




The Blade





Toledo Free Press



The Blade



Toledo Free Press

Source: Lucas County Auditor’s Office Source: Lucas County Auditor’s Office your property,’ this becomes the last call to the public to get in here and pay your taxes. That, to me, is lost in the process. Those were my concerns.” To address those concerns, Toledo Free Press adjusted circulation and agreed to expand home delivery during the two weeks the notices would run. Last year, Toledo Free Press was the only publication to submit a bid and published the notices at a cost of $168,025. The results demonstrate Toledo Free Press can more than handle the job. Between 2009-12, the notices were published by The Blade at an average cost of $321,000. In those years, an average of $6.8 million in taxes was recouped each year between January and March following the publication of the notices, according to county records. The county paid The Blade $339,935 to run the notices in 2009, $287,135 in 2010, $347,272 in 2011 and $309,870 in 2012. Between January and March of the following years, delinquent taxes owed dropped $6.8 million in 2010, $6.4 million in 2011, $6.9 million in 2012 and $7.1 million in 2013. Last year, Lopez was pressured — Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 10, No. 46. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Joel Sensenig, Managing Editor Danielle Stanton, News Editor Tom Konecny, Associate Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor


A Toledo tradition since 2005

ADVERTISING SALES John McNamara, Sales Manager • (216) 406-6384 Renee Bergmooser, Senior Sales Representative • (419) 266-0254 Chick Reid, Sales Representative • (419) 705-5396 Andrea Szymanski, Sales Representative • (419) 479-8922

ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234 PRODUCTION Christie Materni, Photographer

she declined to say by whom — to reopen bidding after the bidding period had ended and Toledo Free Press’ bid had been revealed. To her credit, she said no. “I was definitely asked to reconsider, asked would I object to re-advertizing the bid or allowing this bidding to be reopened last year and I said, ‘No, I think we move forward,’” Lopez told Toledo Free Press earlier this year. “We had an eligible paper that met the qualifications, that had met the concerns from 2012. And the numbers had already been made public, so whoever would compete against that bid would know how to lowball them. You just can’t do that. That undermines the entire process of a public bid.” Lopez also noted last year’s numbers showed “good results.” “The numbers speak for themselves. We are saving money,” Lopez said. “It’s very hard to argue with that.” Lopez is right — the numbers do speak for themselves. Awarding this year’s bid to Toledo Free Press would save county taxpayers almost a quarter million dollars while delivering the same, if not better, results.

All local governments are experiencing a financial squeeze and taxpayers expect government entities to spend their money wisely. Lucas County faces overcrowding at an outdated jail that will need to be replaced in the near future and has unplanned expenses from the region’s water advisory this summer. There’s also the city’s recent decision to start charging most offenders under state laws rather than municipal ordinances — a move expected to save the city $4 million to $5 million a year, while costing the county the same amount. It seems fiscally irresponsible for the county to needlessly add to that burden by paying $213,000 more than necessary to publish these legal ads. We’re pleased Lopez has confidence in our ability to do the job and we believe we’ve earned the chance to run the list again. We trust the county commissioners will accept her recommendation. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. Contact him at

Sarah Ottney, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Jim Beard • Jay Hathaway • Vicki L. Kroll Matt Liasse • Duane Ramsey • Chase Will Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief Emeritus Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2014, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.




A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 16, 2014


Impactful giving I ’m asked at least once a week tionships and resources — the “How is the Toledo Community days of going it alone either as an Foundation doing this year?” organization or a donor are past. For giving to be impactful Really, the question behind the in today’s world, question is “How each of us must is the community make a commitdoing and how’s the ment to collabogiving to nonprofit rate with local, organizations going state and national this year?” partners to tackle I take great pride our community’s in telling folks lotoughest chalcally and across the lenges — in edunation about the cation, health generous commucare, job training nity in which we BURWELL and creation, povlive. That is especially true this year as the founda- erty and more. Toledo Community Foundation field celebrates the 100th anniversary of the first community tion continues to help lead the charge to mobilize the commitfoundation in Cleveland. During the week of Nov. 12- ment and creativity in our com18, more than 700 community munity to find new and better foundations across America will ways to improve the lives of our celebrate Community Founda- neighbors in need. But even coming from a field tion Week. While this has been an annual with 100 years of experience, the event for the past 25 years, most Toledo Community Foundation community foundations men- cannot do it alone. It will take all tion but never really celebrate the of us giving and participating in week. That’s because community philanthropy. The old expression is as true foundations like ours work daily, out of the spotlight, to help bring today as it was in the past — our about a better community by fos- community needs your “time, tering local collaboration and in- talent and treasure” to succeed. novation to address our commu- And believe it or not, everyone can be a philanthropist. You nity’s challenges. Toledo Community Founda- do not need to be a Rockefeller tion operates as an independent or Gates to make a difference. public entity and stewards phil- There are opportunities for you anthropic resources from busi- to help, both in your lifetime ness, institutional and individual and beyond. I speak daily to folks about donors to local nonprofits that are the heart of our strong, vi- simple tools for giving that will result in future gifts to your combrant community. So when I answer the initial munity — be it an IRA, life insurquestion, I’m not just thinking ance, real estate or other vehicle. about the foundation, but of our Everyone can play in the world of community. At a time when gov- philanthropy. We often forget that the word ernment capacity to solve our most pressing problems is limited, “philanthropy” means the love the Toledo Community Founda- of humanity. So both personally tion must do its part and work to and professionally, I would say offer real solutions. It is through to you: Be a philanthropist — our support and giving that we show your love! O equip the right organizations for the front lines of positive change Keith Burwell is president of Toledo Community Foundation. To learn in our community. The Toledo Community more, contact Philanthropic SerFoundation believes one of the vices Officers Ken Frisch or Bridget only ways to achieve this goal Brell Holt at (419) 241-5049, ken@ of bettering our community is or through the leveraging of rela- or visit




Dumb and dumber

s proof there is not only a countered with lunacy straight out of quirky, but perhaps even be- “Mad Men,” believing their constitunignly evil bit of timing be- ency could fight the “War Against tween real life and cinema, it’s hard not Women” by telling women not to to notice the recent release of “Dumb worry their pretty little heads about such complicated things and Dumber,” a movie like the economy, unthat should have been employment or forleft to die long ago. eign policy as long as I’m talking of course someone in government about the results of last would guarantee them a week’s midterm elecfederal health subsidy tion, where the Repubfor their uterus. lican Party attempted Republicans proto exhibit the real-life moted change by runversion of the “Dumb” ning the same tired faces franchise by attempting they’ve been showing up to get away from the Tim HIGGINS with since Bill Clinton, stigma of being the “Party of No” by having no concept of while Democrats attempted to prove that the American voter — blind, miswhat it stands for. “Dumber,” of course, was por- informed and generally disinterested trayed by the Democrats attempting — seldom turns out to vote for a slate to show imitation is the sincerest form of candidates the national party has of flattery by running candidates with already acknowledged as likely to lose. Pundits on both sides may dethe same predilection for foot-andmouth disease that the Republicans bate which candidates committed did during the previous election cycle. the greatest faux pas on this year’s Proving that it’s often better to campaign trail, and they’ll have a surbe lucky than good, Republicans prisingly large and bipartisan list to somehow managed to get a Sen- choose from. Senate Minority Leader (soon to ator re-elected who established his Kansas residency by claiming to be Majority Leader) Mitch McConrent a recliner from one of the con- nell and President Barack Obama stituents in his district. Democrats each held press conferences to dis-

cuss the meeting they’re going to have about the agenda of the upcoming lame duck Congressional sessions. (Only politicians consider the meetings about their meetings about their meetings of any real importance.) Both of these public statements continued to fulfill the promises of “Dumb and Dumber” by wasting time recapping what we already knew. Both mentioned their willingness to compromise in such a way as to make it abundantly clear that neither really was. Little mention was made about the money involved in this year’s election, since Democrats spent more than Republicans and (according to Fox News) the $4 billion total was a fraction — actually about half — of what the nation spent on Halloween costumes and candy. Never fear however, the next sequel is just around the corner. By the end of 2015, the next election cycle will be in full swing again and most of Congress will return to becoming too busy running for their jobs again to actually do them. I hear that they’ve even got a working title for it: “Dumb and Dumber: Bush vs. Clinton Again?” O Tim Higgins can be reached at letters@


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November 16, 2014

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 16, 2014


By Matt Liasse

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Three years ago, Candice Milligan was one of the people who planned Toledo’s first Transgender Day of Remembrance. The event was created to recognize transgender people from around the world who have been victims of violence and discrimination. This year, MILLIGAN Milligan came perilously close to being one of the names read during the event’s memorial service. Milligan was attacked and robbed by three men near 13th Street and Madison Avenue at 2:50 p.m. Nov. 3. According to a police report, Milligan was punched in the face, mouth and head, and her phone was taken from her hand. She was transported to Mercy St. Vincent Hospital, where she

stayed until Nov. 6. One of her alleged attackers, Christopher Temple, 20, has since been arrested and charged with aggravated robbery and felonious assault. Police still are trying to identify other people involved in the assault. Milligan declined to speak to media until after Temple’s court case is resolved. He is scheduled for arraignment in Lucas County Court of Common Pleas on Nov. 20. This year’s Transgender Day of Remembrance will be at 7 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Sylvania United Church of Christ, 7240 Erie St. Organized by Toledo Area Transgender Support (TATS), the event includes a recognition reading, speakers, a memorial service and fellowship. TATS founder and facilitator Edie Recker visited Milligan while she was in the hospital after the attack. She visited to provide support, not just for Milligan, but for Milligan’s family as well. “I gave them a lot of advice to help them understand the journey that Candice was going on,” said Recker, who is also transgender. “I think it was a lifechanging experience for them.” n TRANSGENDER CONTINUES ON 7


Event pays tribute to transgender violence victims




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n TRANSGENDER CONTINUED FROM 6 After Milligan’s attack, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and allied (LGBTQA) community organized a community conversation to provide a safe space to discuss newsworthy issues. The group discussed steps to ensure the safety of the transgender community. Conversations included how to be a caring ally, how the media covers the transgender community, how police treat transgender people and artistic avenues in which their community can express themselves. “EqualityToledo, BRAVO (Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization) and TransOhio knew the importance of bringing together the LGBTQ communities in Toledo as well as our allies to have a conversation about the state of our community,” EqualityToledo Executive Director Dave Crafts said. “We wanted to give everyone an opportunity to discuss how we can best support Candice as well as talk about our safety and how we can move forward. The conversations were very positive and many goals

were derived from the meeting. ... The conversations are not over.” Living in fear is not helpful, Recker said. She said education is the most important way to change attitudes. Even the straight community needs to be aware, she said. “Straight people don’t have any more guarantees than we do,” she said. “Both sides need to be educated to live and work in a society that may not be their best friend. “You think it’d never happen … but it did,” she said. Transgender Day of Remembrance has grown each year: the first event was held in 2011 at Levis Square with eight people standing outside in the snow, Recker said. Last year, 100 people squeezed into a room at Sylvania United Church of Christ that could only hold 80. This year, the event will be held in the church’s sanctuary and Recker hopes to fill it. Recker said it’s an event that provides a glimpse of the brutality the transgender community goes through. “The stronger we are there, the stronger we are the next day on the street,” Recker said. O

A Toledo tradition since 2005



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The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, recently released its third annual report assessing LGBT equality in 353 cities across the nation, including six in Ohio. The group’s Municipal Equality Index rates cities on LGBT inclusion in municipal law and policy. The average score for cities in Ohio was 83 out of 100 points, which is above the national average of 59. Toledo, with 58, is the only Ohio city to fall below that average. Other Ohio cities rated include Akron (68), Cincinnati (100), Cleveland (79), Columbus (100) and Dayton (95). For more information, visit


Your Success Starts Here.


Report: Toledo below national average on LGBT equality


November 16, 2014

Understanding the transgender community The term “transgender” refers to anyone who transitions from one gender to another, according to It includes anyone whose gender identity differs from their assigned gender at birth. There is a difference between a gay or lesbian person and a transgender person: The former deals with sexual orientation, which is the emotional and physical attraction to others, while the latter deals with gender identity and expression. Transgender people also have a sexual orientation, which can include heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual or asexual. Many transgender people face violence, insufficient access to medical and mental health services or lack of inclusive and accessible health insurance, according to the site. One of the biggest issues relates to the lack of legal protections: 81 percent of transgender people in Ohio reported experiencing harassment or mistreatment on the job, 28 percent lost a job, 27 percent were denied a promotion and 46 percent were not hired because they are transgender. Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO) works to eliminate violence against the LGBTQ community. If anyone in the community experiences theft, vandalism, the burning of the rainbow flag, homo/bi/transphobic comments or threats, call BRAVO at 1-866-86-BRAVO, email or visit O



November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Tom Konecny


ProMedica recently unveiled plans and renderings for its $40 million move Downtown, which will bring around 800 administrative employees together on one consolidated campus. As part of the move, ProMedica intends to renovate the former Toledo Edison Steam Plant and also occupy the entire KeyBank office building, both along Summit Street. The proposed campus will also incorporate a new multilevel, partially underground parking garage to be built on a section of the adjacent Promenade Park along the Maumee River. “The project will help boost economic development in the community and provide a catalytic energy for a revitalized Downtown in the future,” said Robin Whitney, ProMedica’s vice president of property acquisition and development. “We are working collaboratively with city and state officials on this project and upon receiving the historic and new market tax credit approvals, the renovation and construction for the Downtown campus could begin in the fall of 2015.” ProMedica plans to create several levels inside the historic steam plant, preserving architectural elements while creating an open, contemporary environment and allowing for collaboration among employees and other community members. According to a ProMedica news release, final details must still be worked out with city and state officials regarding usage of the land in Promenade Park, which is owned by the city. Local officials have applauded the


move since intentions were first revealed in February, and now visuals of a potential campus have them equally excited. “ProMedica’s move Downtown is going to be a great move for the city,” said Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins. “It’ll be a domino effect of economic development. Downtown in five years is going to be nothing like the Downtown of today. It’s going to bring new jobs, too.” ProMedica’s consolidation will bring 700 workers Downtown, and ProMedica plans to add 100 new positions, for a total of 800, said Stacy Weber, public information officer for the City of Toledo. ProMedica will take over the entire KeyBank building when KeyBank moves its offices to the 15th floor of the nearby Edison Building. “They’ll occupy the whole thing, so I’m sure they’ll be renovating every floor,” said Jim Hoffman, KeyBank president. “We’ve taken some time and decided that would make sense for them, and for us to be across the street. We won’t move out of here until June of 2015. It’s great for the community and great for Downtown.” The Regional Growth Partnership (RGP) said this is the largest influx of workers to Downtown in the organization’s 20 years of existence. “We’re looking at this as a more Downtown revitalization story,” said John Gibney, RGP vice president, marketing & communications. “This is a great story for the region. ProMedica is a huge piece of that. A lot of times the downtown is the face of the community and whenever you have positive news taking place, it shows a vibrant community and that things are happening.

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ProMedica eyes part of Promenade Park for parking garage



“Where this Downtown is today to where it was 10 years ago is night and day. It started with Fifth Third Field, and across the river at the Marina District, you have a developer

who has some plans to do something really nice there.” Project funding will come from multiple sources, including the sale of existing ProMedica-owned properties.

Established in 1986, ProMedica is a locally owned, private nonprofit health care organization serving Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. O

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A Toledo tradition since 2005



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10 Community

November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Owens likely headed for ‘fiscal watch’ By Sarah Ottney

Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief

Faced with a steep drop in enrollment over the past several years, leaders at Owens Community College recently announced the school is expected to be placed on “fiscal watch” by the state sometime early next year. On Nov. 10, Owens announced a fivepart recovery plan to stabilize its finances. The plan includes efforts to BOWER increase student enrollment and retention, a proposed tax levy, more analysis of spending, position eliminations and salary/wage reductions. “We are proposing some very challenging measures while focusing on initiatives which will improve our revenue,” said Owens President Mike Bower on Nov. 10. “We will be challenged to be more entrepreneurial, to share difficult sacrifices and to move this college forward. We can and will transform this college.” The official designation won’t come until the Ohio Board of Regents receives Owens’ audit and calculates its official composite ratios that measure fiscal health, expected to occur during the first quarter of 2015.

The ratio takes into account a school’s reserve levels, net income and viability levels and rates it on a scale from 0 to 5. An institution that scores 1.75 or less two years in a row is placed on fiscal watch. Owens’ ratio was 1.1 in 2013 and is expected to be 1.0 for 2014, said Jeff Robinson, the Board of Regents’ director of communications. No other Ohio schools are currently on the board’s radar for fiscal watch, Robinson said. “That’s the only one we’re looking at right now within the next year or so,” he said. The only other Ohio school to ever be placed on fiscal watch was Central State University in Wilberforce, from 1997 to 2002. Schools on fiscal watch are required to report finances to the state more frequently and to develop and implement a three-year recovery plan. Owens’ five-part recovery plan includes: 1. Revenue enhancement through strategic enrollment growth, retention and completion. 2. Develop new long-term revenue sources, including but not limited to a tax levy proposal. 3. Analyze spending to ensure all spending is focused on recruiting and educating students and implementing a student completion plan. 4. Reduce employment costs through position elimination. It is not yet known how many positions

might be impacted. College leadership will consult with deans and department heads and staff will be informed which positions will be included in the reduction in January, according to a news release. 5. Implement salary and wage reductions among non-bargaining staff beginning Jan. 1, while requesting all bargaining units to take similar reductions. In addition, the college will offer the opportunity for employees to take voluntary furloughs. Salary reductions will range from 2 to 5 percent. Bower said he plans to take a 6 percent reduction in salary. Owens cut $16 million out of its fiscal year 2014 budget, but remains hampered by reduced enrollment, which has dropped by 38 percent over the past four years. The school’s enrollment peaked at 23,606 in the fall of 2009 during the recession, but has been steadily dropping since, with 12,577 students enrolled this semester at all locations. Robinson said community colleges statewide have been dealing with drops in enrollment, and applauds Owens’ efforts to improve. “It shows they are taking a proactive approach to this and are wanting to turn things around,” Robinson said. “President Bower hasn’t been there too long and I know he’s wanting to get things moving in the right direction and stabilize enrollment. Owens is taking an approach that shows they are interested in righting the ship.” O

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Military Bonus Cash available toward the retail purchase or lease of a new 2013 Dodge, Chrysler, Ram (excluding Dodge Dart SE) and any 2013/2014 Jeep vehicles (excluding Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8). Offer available to active military, active military reserve, and retired military and retired military reserve with honorable discharge. Honorably discharged veterans are eligible within 12 months of Immediate family members of the household also qualify. See dealer details. Offer expires January 2014. Military Bonus Cash availabledischarge Military towarddate. the Bonus retail Cash purchase available or lease toward of the asame new retail 2013 purchase Dodge, orChrysler, lease ofRam a for new (excluding 2013 Dodge, Dodge Chrysler, Dart1,SE) Ram and(excluding Dodg

November 16, 2014

Community 11

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Lucas County Children Services begins its annual gift drive By Joel Sensenig


Lucas County Children Services (LCCS) believes every child deserves the “best gift ever” this holiday season.

The agency is hosting its eighth annual Holiday Gift Drive, which will provide presents for 2,500 children who are victims of abuse and neglect. Donation boxes have already been placed at various businesses throughout Northwest Ohio for community members to place

new, unwrapped toys. Toys will be accepted through Dec. 17. “We ask people to buy the things their own children and grandchildren would love, because our kids are the same as their kids,” said Julie Malkin, LCCS public information officer.

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She noted this year’s campaign, running under the theme “Give the Best Gift Ever,” is expected to serve up to 600 more children than last year because children in foster care will receive gifts this year. Last year, foster parents were given a larger stipend to help cover the cost of gifts, but the agency’s financial situation prevents that from happening this year, Malkin said. People can also make a $5 donation to the drive by texting BESTGIFT to 41911. These funds will go toward gifts to be purchased by co-sponsor Friends of LCCS, a 501(c)(3) organization that supports LCCS. The agency is in particular need of gifts for children 3 years of age, and younger as well as giftcards for teenagers. “We love the basic kinds of toys,” Malkin said. “Our kids oftentimes are behind in some of their basic skills.

When you have games like Legos, like board games, arts and crafts supplies, those are learning opportunities as well as toys.” Toys can be dropped off in marked boxes at the LCCS offices, 705 Adams St., or at any of the following businesses: Allshred Services, 3940 Technology Drive, Maumee; Barnes & Noble, 4940 Monroe St. (books only); Brondes Ford, 5545 Secor Road and 1511 S. Reynolds Road, Maumee; The Town Center at Levis Commons (selected retailers); all Toledo-area Burger King locations; all Toledo-area Family Video locations; all Lucas County Kroger stores; Toledo Auto Care, 4544 Monroe St.; Woodcraft, 5311 Airport Hwy.; and all Yark Automotive locations. Other community partners are Toledo Free Press, WTOL 11, Bennett Management Corporation and WRVF 101.5 The River. O

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12 Coping

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 16, 2014

By Joel Sensenig

Toledo Free Press Managing Editor

A patient’s seemingly simple move from lying on the back to the stomach is having major impacts in the treatment of breast cancer, doctors say. Dr. Julia White of Ohio State University’s James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute has helped develop a modified treatment board that allows patients to lie comfortably on their stomachs while the breast tissue falls away from the chest wall, allowing the radiation to target the cancer. Often referred to as a prone therapy board, the method is utilized at the University of Toledo Medical Center as well as ProMedica hospitals. A representative of Mercy was not able to be reached for comment. “Most women, when they get that breast radiation, it’s given with the patient lying on their back,” said White, who is director of breast radiation oncology at Ohio State’s Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center. “And it’s good — I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, but it has some limitations.” Those limitations include exposing organs in the chest cavity — including the heart and lungs — to radiation fields. Recent studies show prone radiation treatment cuts the amount of lung and heart tissue affected by radiation by 90 percent. Another side effect of the on-the-back treatment is the cosmetic damage it does to the breast shape, often leaving the breast with a conical shape. White developed the prone therapy board with Qfix, a world leader in radiotherapy patient positioning and mobilization. “It’s a board that allows us to treat a patient in a way that there’s a hole for the affected breast,” she said. “The breast falls through the hole in the

table. She lies on her unaffected breast and her arms are straight ahead. In doing that, the breast becomes an almost easier radiotherapy target because it’s lying below the chest wall.” Sharon Nugent, clinical manager of the Hickman Cancer Center at ProMedica Flower Hospital, said the facility has utilized the board for the past three years. It was used initially on larger-busted women but now on an increasing number of patients, regardless of breast size. Nugent said the women like the board because it’s more comfortable, while physicians prefer it because it offers better positioning and reproducibility in reviewing results. The prone treatment — which White started working on in 1997 — is most often used on women with stage 1 or early stage 2 breast cancer who have elected to have a lumpectomy and hope to preserve as much of the breast tissue and shape of the breast as possible. Nugent said up to 70 percent of these patients receive therapy in the prone position. “When we treat a patient prone, we know we don’t have to talk to them about risks to their heart, because their heart won’t be in the field,” White said. “One of the things that happens when we treat a patient on her back is that she breathes, which is obviously good. But it also means we have to take into account chest wall motion with breathing. When a woman lies on her belly, she fixes that chest wall so it allows us to have a very tight margin to place the field right at the rib junction so we can treat all the breast tissue in front of the ribs and exclude that tissue below the ribs into the chest wall cavity where the heart and lungs are.” “It’s been slower to be adopted than one would think, but … everyone’s been used to doing treatment one way, with women lying on their


Ohio doctor’s method could reduce breast cancer treatment risks



back. It does take a little more technical savvy, a little more time. Having the new breast boards that are in development now will help enable institutions feeling more comfortable treating patients like this.” White said it’s important to remember that no one treatment will work for every patient. “The idea is we give every woman the treatment that’s right for her. For some women, that’s going to be lying on her back. For some women, it could be lying on her belly if the technology is available,” she said. “First and foremost, we want to cure her, but if she elects to keep her breast, we also want to keep her [breast] as intact as possible. If you’re going to go through breast conservation, we want the breast to look as normal as can possibly be afterward, with the minimal amount of long-term effects from the radiotherapy.” O



November 16, 2014

Coping 13

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Joel Sensenig

Toledo Free Press Managing Editor

Since 1922, Toledo Memorial Park has served the community as a peaceful place to lay family members to rest. Ear-

lier this year, it extended that offering to four-legged family members as well. The cemetery opened its 6-acre Reflections Garden at Toledo Memorial Park Especially For Pets in the northwest corner of its lot at 6382 Monroe St., Sylvania.

“We’ve had quite a bit of interest from customers at the cemetery wanting to be buried with their pets or have their pets buried here,” said Jeffery Clegg, president and CEO of Toledo Memorial Park.


l a u n n l A a u th n 7 n 1 A e th th 7 1 e ItIt’s th ’s

Stuff the truenct! k ev


Local cemeteries offer pet burials for furry family members



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’s in vem Maume e b our er 21st, or ne p Hometown Center in Maumee 2 even cranberries. . I l be OH 4. HHelp y dro ea b401 m n cra ighbors 01 AdamsilSt. - For Lease - 5,000 SF p v r . b e 6 w i a 5 will have a big For information on any of the referenced properties above or for any commercial St. - For Lease - 4,000 We SF givin nberrieseeno n20e1e4dneedlp itllhhe uSntil 94073.Washington w m b real estate inquiries please contact: , in ey d m e g ch au . stW . a St. - For Lease - 5,416 SF truck there to carry even Meerr 2f1 ores w.ilW 6raoprapdiio g19aN.tErie e Fo-oFordLease - 2,500 SF all the Thanksgiving g104ofN. Summit einnd be rgohbm r6ies flrohmavthee !n ! s Ba- 5,200 ’ l f soSt.m- For Sale i er arm n aayb nkSF cheer from 6 a.m. ccahisl t vem upneo  i 607 Monroe b d e o CommerCial n g u l n e e i r Brian Downey n l t Ryan Ball p h t r t ur Nongouliv cra th u e ail 6p 6821uSalisbury e c Rd. - Foru Lease - 4,105 SF r c r k Commercial Sales and Leasing n d a e g Commercial Sales and Leasing o en ainll en dliio v t m until 6 p.m. o t h e 419-466-6690 If Renaissance rg ard ..ev sgiv ednay!ing . 93.  . 6000 419-654-7500 you Pl.r-eFortLease o - 1,148 SF 5 t . ! v w s k w g c r Stop by Churchill’s e o a n i n “Innovative Solutions at Work” ll be If you come on inside m fo ffi ha ght c broa e tu e T mi s in Maumee Danberry Co. Realtors 419/877-7777 you might even end r l th u dl 3242 Executive Parkway, Suite 104 • Toledo, Ohio 43606 yo

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14 Coping n PETS CONTINUED FROM 13 While laws dictate the cemetery can’t actually bury animals with their human owners, the request did get the cemetery staff ’s wheels spinning. “That started a conversation with our sales team, ‘Is there a market for that? Is that something we should be looking into?’” he said. “We started an exploratory program looking at that to see if that’s something our customers would be interested in and overwhelmingly, they said yes.” The pet cemetery officially opened for business in the summer, although it will likely be spring before the grand opening is held as the park is still getting the word out about Reflections Garden. It is set up as a separate entity due to Ohio laws, but will be operated through trust accounts for perpetual care of the grounds. Clegg said it became clear the pet

November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

[Pets] are a part of the family. ...We wanted to have that extension of the family taken care of just like we would any of our other customers.”

there is a need to take care of these pets when they pass. … We wanted to have that extension of the family taken care of just like we would any of our other customers.” Although some of the costs associated with having a pet buried are still being adjusted, Clegg said basic packages — which include a marker (with etching), vase, burial space and fees —

start at a few hundred dollars. The Toledo area does have another cemetery that, unlike Toledo Memorial Park, only handles pet burials. Reith Pet Cemetery, 315 S. McCord Road in Holland, was established in 1964. Almost 5,000 pets have been buried on its 1.6 acres, according to owner Doug Ronau. At Reith, a small pet may be buried

starting at $225. “(Pet owners) want to be able to come out and visit them and be able to look at a marker just like they would a human grave,” Ronau said. For more information, contact Toledo Memorial Park, (419) 882-7151,; or Reith Pet Cemetery, (419) 829-2127, O

When a stroke

— Jeffery Clegg, president and CEO of Toledo Memorial Park

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cemetery was an increasingly important commodity in his business. “In a lifetime, a person may have five to seven pets,” he said. “They are a part of the family. Obviously because of their much shorter life span,

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Coping 15

A Toledo tradition since 2005

New children’s hospital exhibit goes ‘Beyond the Frame’ By Joel Sensenig

Toledo Free Press Managing Editor

On Nov. 12, ProMedica Toledo Children’s Hospital unveiled a photography exhibit on its walls featuring children who are not defined by their disabilities. “Beyond the Frame” is a permanent installation in the main lobby of the facility. The display, sponsored by the hospital’s Family Advisory Council, features 30 photographs of the hospital’s patients, families and staff, highlighting the concepts behind the hospital’s patient and family-centered care philosophy. The shots were taken by New York City-based photographer Rick Guidotti, a former fashion photographer who now takes photos of children with genetic conditions and special health care needs for his company, Positive Exposure. “I’ve had exhibits in Grand Central Station, the Museum of Natural History in [Washington] D.C., but this where finally, these photographs belong — in a children’s hospital,” Guidotti said at a reception for the exhibit’s unveiling to the public. “These are kids that have had all kinds of challenges, but they’re kids, first and foremost. It’s overwhelming to see that on the walls.”


November 16, 2014



Positive Exposure’s mission is to change public perceptions of individuals living with disabilities. Emily Rippe, ProMedica content specialist, said the exhibit is permanent but noted the photographs may be switched out occasionally, as hundreds of photographs were taken for the project. Renee Ruth, 18, of Dana, Indiana, is among the exhibit’s subjects. “It’s really cool,” she said while gazing up at the close-up photograph of her face. “It’s on my bucket list to do modeling. I really look up to Rick. I

like photographing eyes, so that’s why he photographed my eyes.” Each photograph includes a quote from the patient or a family member. Ruth’s piece reads: “I am always smiling and never give up no matter the obstacles. I live each day to the fullest. I am currently in my second year of college.” Ruth, who has been coming to the hospital for two years, has dysautonomia, mitochondrial disease and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. She wants to be a counselor for those with chronic, terminal and rare diseases. O

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16 Business Link

November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

By Duane Ramsey


Local homeowners Robert and Barbara Schmitt, along with their builder Bill Decker, claim to have the first Net Zero Energy home in Northwest Ohio. The U.S. Department of Energy defines a Net Zero Energy home as one that uses 60 to 70 percent less energy than a conventional home, with the balance of its energy supplied by renewable sources. It is essentially a home that sustains itself by generating the bulk of its own energy and makes extra to sell back to the utility. Zero net energy consumption also means the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site. The couple’s home appears to qualify under both definitions. The Schmitts selected energy-efficient builder Decker Homes of Lambertville in 2010 to build their new home in the Deer Valley development located in Monclova Township. The couple moved into the 2,415-square-foot house in March 2011 but didn’t achieve their ultimate goal of having a Net Zero Energy home until last month. Schmitt worked in the construction industry for many years before retiring in 2010 and asking Decker to help him and his wife accomplish their goal.

Decker Homes included a geothermal ground source heating and cooling system, Energy Star appliances, LED lighting and other energysaving technologies to reduce energy costs as much as possible. Schmitt insisted on having foam insulation sprayed in the attic, basement and walls of the house, and plans to add solar power in the future. When the cost dropped by 50 percent three years later, the time was right to add solar panels as the final step in having their Net Zero Energy home, Schmitt said. “More people are talking about Net Zero and asking about geothermal and solar. The cost of solar keeps coming down and making it more affordable,” Decker said. The Schmitt home was the fifth home built by Decker Homes in Deer Valley with solar energy but the only Net Zero Energy home, Decker reported. The Schmitt home is the only Net Zero Energy home in the area as far as the Home Builders Association of Greater Toledo knows, according to Executive Director Jennifer Lynch. The Schmitts signed a contract in August for an 8 kilowatts (kW) solar systsem at a cost of $3.57 per watt with Ohio-based Dovetail Solar and Wind, which Decker recommended. They designed a solar system that would reduce the household energy costs to zero, according to Dave Leahy, director of sales for Dovetail. “We had a three-year history of

energy consumption of the Schmitt home and we knew how much an 8K solar system would produce in the Toledo area to achieve net zero energy,” Decker said. The rooftop photovoltaic system consists of 32 SolarWorld 250-watt, 60-cell panels mounted on the roof of the home and garage. The tilt angle of the panels and roof is about 40 degrees, according to Dovetail. The solar installation was completed in late September. The system was approved and activated on Oct. 1. Toledo Edison installed a new digital meter to accommodate the solar system on the home. “They were surprised to see it was running backward,” Schmitt said. On a bright sunny “peak” day, Schmitt said it can generate as much as 45kW with the meter literally flying backward. In the first month, their system generated 663 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of the 802 kWh they consumed in October, leaving them with 139 kWh of usage that cost them less than $20. Schmitt said that it generated more than 110 kWh in the first four days of November. “You only get down to zero. They won’t pay you when it goes beyond that,” Schmitt said. “If we generate more than our total consumption, Edison will show a credit for the next month and the credit would build up.” They don’t expect that to happen. Decker said the Schmitt’s 8K solar


Homeowners tout area’s first Net Zero Energy home

n Bill

Decker and Bob Schmitt check out the solar inverter AT SCHMITT’S HOME SHOWING how much energy the panels are generating.

system is expected to produce about 10,500 kilowatts of electricity per year with the home consuming about the same amount. The average over 12 months would create the net zero. Schmitt said the 30 percent solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) from the federal government helped make the solar installation more affordable. Investment in solar installations will be 70 times higher in 2014 than when the ITC went into effect in 2006. However, the ITC is scheduled to expire in 2016, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). The SEIA launched a national campaign Oct. 20 to extend the 30 percent solar tax credit past 2016 by emphasizing tax fairness.

The next closest thing to a Net Zero Energy home in the Toledo area is probably the home of Al Compaan, retired professor of physics and astronomy who was involved in research and development of photovoltaic technology at the University of Toledo. Compaan said he has a net zero electricity home with a solar installation that provides power for all electrical use including the air conditioning. He uses natural gas for heat instead of geothermal systems found in most net zero energy homes, he said. Compaan currently serves as president and CEO of Lucintech Inc., a startup involved in the development of thinfilm photovoltaic modules that convert sunlight directly into electricity. O

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November 16, 2014

Business Link 17

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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*Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing plus $350. Lessor must approve lease. Take delivery by 12/1/14 at 9pm. All Chevrolet lease payments include $999 down plus tax, title, plate and doc fees. Mileage charge of $.25/mile over 10,000 miles per year. Lessee pays for excess wear and tear charges. Not available with some other offers. Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery from dealer stock by 12/1/14. Pricing includes all factory rebates/incentives, which are paid to dealer, and are subject to change through manufacturer without notice. Your payments may vary. Picture may not represent actual vehicle being sold. Plus document, tax and title fees. 36 months/10,000 miles annually unless otherwise noted. Lease price is plus taxes unless otherwise noted. With qualified credit approval. See dealer for complete details.

18 Business Link

November 16, 2014


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n The Flying Joe general manager Bri Gibson, LEFT, and OWNER Becky Ohm make coffee at their specialty shop in Levis Commons.

A Perrysburg specialty coffee shop is asking the public for help in delivering its caffeinated beverages to customers — wherever they may be. The Flying Joe, 2130 Preston Parkway in Levis Commons, is in the midst of a Kickstarter campaign to fund a coffee truck in its attempt to bring its caffeine to the masses. The 7-year-old coffee shop has through Dec. 1 to raise $25,000 for the mobile service, which will bring caffeinated beverages to customers throughout the Toledo area. “We were toying around with the idea of upgrading in the shop,” said owner Becky Ohm. “It sort of evolved into the coffee truck idea, as originally it was going to be a coffee cart.” Ohm said the shop gets asked to provide its coffee, tea and food at weddings, festivals and fundraisers, and the coffee truck could serve as a natural extension of its current offerings. “We thought, ‘If we could bring the coffee to the people, that would be really awesome,’” she said. “Then we could expose more people to the specialty coffee industry.” Through the shop’s month-long Kickstarter campaign, those interested in making the truck become a reality can donate an amount ranging from $1 to $2,500. Donors can receive anything from a bumper sticker to drinks and T-shirts and — for $2,500 — a flight with Becky and her husband John. The coffee gyros?

shop’s name stems from the fact Becky was a pilot with the 180th Fighter Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard for 14 years and currently serves as the Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Commander, while John is currently a pilot for the 127th Wing of the Michigan Air National Guard. Bri Gibson, general manager of The Flying Joe, is passionate about the shop’s coffee and is eager to take that A Toledo Tradition. passion on the road. “In a single location, we’re limited to whoever walks in the door,” she said. “There’s no way to bring specialty coffee to new customers, and we’re very hidden in the back of Levis Commons. We’re pretty committed to the 1/2 off breakfast current customer base we’ve got at the at Charlies on shop, and we’d never leave them. But my feet are itching to travel. … We’re Monroe trying to mobilize coffee in Toledo, bringing our passion to the table in a Visit us on the web for coupons way that nobody else has yet.” If the campaign were to fall short of its $25,000 goal, contributors’ would not be charged, and the Flying Joe would not get any funds. “It’s really a cool thing for the area — it would be the first coffee truck in the area,” Ohm said. “Toledo deserves something that cool, I think. We already have a lot of food trucks popping up. … The specialty coffee industry has come so far in the seven years since we opened, and this will expose more people to some really good coffee that’s out there.” For more information or to donate, go to and search for “The Flying Joe” or visit O


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Nov. 16, 2014

Too many cooks

Writer/director Casper Kelly on creating new cult classic. By Jeff McGinnis TOLEDO FREE PRESS POP CULTURE EDITOR


t starts out looking like most any cliche, cheesy sitcom opening sequence from the ’80s. Upbeat, bland theme tune. Actors turning with a smile to the camera. All very familiar. But then things start to happen that feel ... wrong. The theme music never stops; it just keeps on playing. More and more cast members appear, bringing it past the point of being ludicrous. The show’s genre seems to change — from sitcom to cop drama to prime-time soap and more. And then there’s the creepy guy who suddenly starts killing the rest of the cast.

This is “Too Many Cooks,” the comedy short that is taking the Internet by storm. Produced for Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim late-night lineup, the dark satire first aired in the network’s “Infomercial” slot — meaning 4 a.m. on Halloween. But something happened when the clip found its way online, and soon the bizarre short exploded virally. In about a week, the myriad postings of the short — both official and otherwise — had garnered over 5 million hits. At the epicenter of it all is a young writer and director named Casper Kelly, who is both ecstatic and a little dumbfounded. “It is super, super — three su-

pers — exciting and thrilling, almost veering into the other side, of flop sweat and panic,” Kelly said in an interview with Toledo Free Press. “I’m holding it together, having fun.” Kelly is not a new voice among Adult Swim’s class of comedic subversives. He has worked for years at production headquarters in Atlanta, composing funny promos for Cartoon Network shows, writing for shows like “Squidbillies” and “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” and co-creating the series “Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell.” Not typical fare, even for latenight basic cable, but Kelly revels in the creative freedom working at Adult Swim provides. n COOKS CONTINUES ON 20

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Killer Bill: Atlanta actor makes mark as ‘Cooks’ silent assassin. By Jeff McGinnis TOLEDO FREE PRESS POP CULTURE EDITOR

The voice on the other end of the phone is kind. Bright. A little higher than you’d expect, given its owner. A definite southern twang — understandable since he’s lived in Georgia so long, though he’s Pennsylvanian by birth. He’s gracious, good-natured, a sweetheart. You wouldn’t guess how natural he looks chopping people’s heads off with a machete. William Tokarsky is his name,

and for the past week or so his face has become the central image of one of the Internet’s most wildly successful viral videos. He plays the killer — “Bill,” if the credit on is to be believed, though he’s never named in the short — at the center of the bizarre satire “Too Many Cooks,” produced by Cartoon Network. “I was working as an extra for [director and writer] Casper Kelly on another show he does on Adult Swim,” Tokarsky said in an interview with Toledo Free Press. n TOKARSKY CONTINUES ON 20

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20 Star n COOKS CONTINUED FROM 19 “It’s wonderful, and our boss, Mike Lazzo — he’s a tough audience,” Kelly said. “He’s a very sophisticated viewer, and gets bored easily. But when he likes what you’re doing, he gives you a lot of rope, a lot of freedom to try it. And does not micromanage. He gives you kind of big ideas at the beginning, and might give you ideas at the end, but in the middle, he lets you do your thing — which is great.” Still, Kelly was hesitant to pitch the idea that would become “Too Many KELLY Cooks.” Though there was plenty of precedent for Adult Swim’s experimental ideas like it n TOKARSKY CONTINUED FROM 19 “And we became friends, and he liked my look. And there were two or three other people he had in mind for that role, and we all submitted this little tape and audition, and he picked me. And I think I did a decent job.” Tokarsky is putting it mildly. His gleefully crazed facial expressions and malevolent presence TOKARSKY are key to much of the short’s dark comedy. It’s a look that has served Tokarsky well since he first began dipping his toe into acting. “I retired from General Motors. And they were making a movie where I live. And suburban Atlanta has become a hotbed of movie and TV production. And I was talking to some people that used to be on the line working, and there’s people that were extras. And I thought, ‘Well, I could do that!’ And I just started doing that. “I have a unique look that garnered me a position up front sometimes, to the point where someone tapped me on the shoulder on [The] ‘Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ [set] and said, ‘You have a speaking line next week if you want it.’” No speaking lines were needed on the set of “Too Many Cooks,” though. Tokarsky’s silent maniac appears subtly at first, stalking in the background of many shots, to the point where many viewers may not notice him until he begins his mad slasher act in earnest. Even Tokarsky is surprised at how often he appears in the finished product. “I never had a script when we did it. So basically, what occurred was, they would place me, or give an action, and I would do it. And you don’t necessarily shoot in order. So it was a surprise to me that we were playing

November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 in their late infomercial slots, he wasn’t totally confident that the concept could sustain a full short. “I had the idea, and I didn’t even tell Mike Lazzo, because I didn’t know if it would work. So I was afraid to pitch it. But I told some co-workers, who at a work party told him. And the idea made him laugh, so I had to do it at that point.” Filming came together remarkably quickly given how complicated the finished product would prove to be, Kelly said. “Interestingly — and this was probably a good thing — we did not have a lot of time, because we had a narrow window open up where our production company could do it. So once I had the outline, I think we only had a couple of weeks. So I just had to think about it constantly and just kind of throw down every idea I could. “We had a lot of time in post, but ‘Where’s Waldo,’” he said. “I watched it the first time, and never saw myself in locations — like the 22-second mark in, where I’m standing behind the little girl — I didn’t see myself there. But I was there when we filmed the damn thing! It’s like I didn’t see the big picture in Casper’s mind when we filmed it. He gave me an action, and I did it.” The success of “Cooks” has come as a surprise for most. But even though Tokarsky admits he’s not exactly part of the demographic the short is aimed at, he said he had a feeling it would either be a colossal success or an equally memorable failure.” “I was speaking with my wife, and I said, ‘Well, there’s one of two things that’s going to happen. This thing is going to stink so bad, no one’s ever going to see it. Or, it’s going to go viral.’” Now that his latter prediction has come true, Tokarsky’s excited about the opportunities his sudden exposure may bring. “I would think I would get a few things out of it — you know, the creepy janitor on a TV show,” he said. “I’ve found my genre; I’ve found what I can do. I’m retired, and I have a decent pension, so, as a friend of mine, another actor, said — ‘It’s all gravy.’ And I’m having fun with it, I got an agent last April, I’ve pretty much stopped doing extra work except for Casper — I’m going to work for him, because I like him, and he likes me, and maybe I can get a contract out of him on his other show!” Is Tokarsky worried about being typecast, thanks to “Too Many Cooks”’ popularity? Not at all. In fact, he relishes the idea. “I know who I am, so it doesn’t bother me,” he said. “If you want to act, you got to get an agent, you get an agent where they don’t have 10 other guys looking for your role. Because how many guys want to be the creepy guy?” O

leading up to it was a mad dash. And so much work was getting headshots, and finding people that had the right look, to give you the feeling for that character.” Another crucial element would be the short’s music — that initially chipper tune that mutates into forms that are dramatic, haunting and more. Kelly was hands-on with its creation, as well. “That took a lot of time. I wrote the lyrics — most of the lyrics — and then we used one audio guy, who was great, and then it got to be too much.

Because we had no money — he was doing it for us as a favor. He did as much as he could, and then we had to hand it off to someone else to finish it, who did a great job. I think I really got the best out of both of them. “People were saying that song gets stuck in their head. It sure did get stuck in our head when we were editing it.” Kelly has no plans to rest on his laurels, even now that “Too Many Cooks” has garnered such fame and acclaim in a brief amount of time. He’s

hard at work on the second season of “Your Pretty Face,” and said he’s primed and ready for whatever opportunities may arise. “I’m excited, because I have opportunities now to make more stuff. And I have a notebook full of ideas, short films, and feature scripts and more. And I feel like a kid in a candy store right now.” View “Too Many Cooks” on Adult Swim’s YouTube page: toomanyvideo. O


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11/11/14 4:54 PM

November 16, 2014

Star 21

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Start to perform Irving Berlin classic ‘White Christmas’ By Chase Will

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

From Nov 21-22, Start High School will open its biggest musical theatrical

production to date, “White Christmas.” “It’s intense. It’s a big musical for Start, that’s for sure. It’s different than the one we did last year, double the amount of music, double the amount of orchestra,” said director Nancy Ludden.

There are 22 kids in the cast, many of whom are new to jazz and tap dancing, which are prominent throughout the show. “A lot of them are first-timers, and a few have taken dance courses be-

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top by rrysb Church il u y it f rg on N l’s in Ma o o u or st rward to vember mee or uf 2 o all th fing...ev ur neig 1st, 201 h ate som ther me side e Thank en cran bors in 4. Help b n o you t ag ff s mig giving c erries. W eed by e Shee Sneg aog ruck ou c adht e d i h e w th rop ee g at teIfFyooe bro ven end r from 6 elilpl hdarvoep painbgi m .ff l b d Ba o up Ha nk cast ea 6p wsiol m e ingelior o1n4t.he dmbyunhtailv tibl ig era ll 6np 3t.r5uck th turv 0 9. If ere me st, 2e ailln dneaye wdiiom . 9u3 om . u W !! 6a rad.5i will you com to Ma 1 rs be b in er 2 bo s. m road e l’s mb eigh errie r fro n the ay!! l i h ove r n nb ee d o c l r l p a h u ra u Ch on N to o en c ing c nd u live y e g @ waltchurchillsmarket » Twitter @ waltchurchills » Pinterest @ waltchurchills p b burg ward ...ev sgiv ven tFacebook in ys or ng nk e cas err y it f tuffi Tha ight 3320 Briarfield Blvd., Maumee » 419.794.4000 » Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 a.m.–9 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.–9 p.m. pa , or s ll the ou m y y 26625 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg » 419.872.6900 » Hours: Mon-Sun 7 a.m.– 10 p.m. ke rry a ide ca ins on


Stop by location on November 21 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The musical follows two men who organize a Christmas show in order to save a neighborhood’s livelihood. This production is the second musical Start has done in seven years. Musicals were reintroduced to the school with last year’s production of “The Drowsy Chaperone.” “We have college-level musicians who often don’t get noticed. So it’s nice to bring them together for the community to see the young people and how hard they’ve worked,” Ludden said. “White Christmas” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 21-22 at Start High School’s auditorium inside the West Toledo YMCA, 2110 Tremainsville Road. Tickets are available for $10 by calling (419) 671-3000. Reservations are recommended. O

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fore,” said producer Scott McGorty. “A lot of them have really taken the initiative and really stepped up to the plate with what we’re throwing at them.” McGorty said the experience has provided a great learning curve for evMCGORTY eryone involved. “It wouldn’t be fun if we did the same show over and over again,” he said. “The most challenging aspect is the music,” Ludden said. “The classic Irving Berlin music is challenging for young voices, but the kids have definitely risen to the challenge. Also, we have a giant tap number in the show.”

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22 Star

November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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November 14-22, 2014

What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio

Dorr St. Café

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.

Southwest corner of Dorr Street at Reynolds Road. (419) 531-4446 or ✯ Andrew Ellis: Nov. 14.


Durty Bird

Angelo’s Northwood Villa

6630 S. Dixie Hwy., Erie. (734) 636- 0954 or ✯ Tom Szor on piano, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

Bar 145º

$5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or ✯ $5 martinis and burgers: Wednesdays. ✯ NFL Sunday Ticket: Sundays. ✯ Lt. Dan’s New Legs: 10 p.m. Nov. 14. ✯ Pop Rocks: 10:30 p.m. Nov. 15. ✯ Mike Risner: 9 p.m. Nov. 20.

The Blarney Irish Pub

601 Monroe St. (419) 418-2339 or www. ✯ “Toledo’s Best Singers” Karaoke: 7-11 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Dave Carpenter & The Jaegler’s: Nov. 14. ✯ Bill Grogan’s Goat: Nov. 15.

Bronze Boar

20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or www. ✯ Open mic with Steve Finelli and Oliver Roses: Mondays. ✯ Open mic and Steve Kennedy: Thursdays. ✯ Last Born Sons: Nov. 14. ✯ Decent Folk: Nov. 15.

Clazel Theatre

127 N. Main St., Bowling Green. (419) 3535000 or ✯ Club Kiss: Fridays and Saturdays. ✯ 365: Saturdays

Doc Watson’s

1515 S. Byrne Road. (419) 389-6003 or ✯ Sporcle Live Trivia: Thursdays. ✯ Josh Whitney: 10 p.m. Nov. 14. ✯ Andrew Ellis: 10 p.m. Nov. 15.

2 S. St. Clair St. (419) 243-2473 or www. ✯ Distant Cousinz: 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Nov. 14. ✯ JoJo Stella: 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Nov. 15. ✯ Zac Kreuz Trio: 1-4 p.m. Nov. 16. ✯ The New Mondays: 6-9 p.m. Nov. 17. ✯ Quick Trio: 7-10 p.m. Nov. 18. ✯ Dave Carpenter: 7-10 p.m. Nov. 19. ✯ Straight Up: 7-10 p.m. Nov. 20.


A club “for the mature crowd,” Evolution offers $5 martinis on Thursdays and the occasional live musical performance. 519 S. Reynolds Road. (419) 725-6277 or ✯ Feel Good Fridays: Fridays. ✯ Sensational Saturdays: Saturdays.

French Quarter J. Patrick’s Pub

Live entertainment after 9:30 p.m. FridaysSaturdays. Holiday Inn French Quarter, 10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 874-3111 or ✯ Jackpot: Nov. 14 and 15.

Grounds For Thought.

This downtown Bowling Green spot is a place to meet friends for a cup of joe or to browse the selection of books, comics and vinyls. ✯ The Infatuations: Nov. 15.

Hollywood Casino Toledo

The Hollywood Casino offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. ✯ The Homewreckers: 9 p.m. Nov. 14. ✯ Kevin Martin of Candlebox: 10 p.m. Nov. 15.

Plate 21

✯ “22 Jump Street”: 5:30 p.m. Nov. 14, 7:30p.m. Nov. 15 and 4 p.m. Nov. 16. ✯ “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”: 8, 10:40 p.m. Nov. 14, 1 and 10:15 p.m. Nov. 15 and 6:30 and 9:10 p.m. Nov. 16.


NorthWest Ohio River Runners

With combos from trio to full orchestra, the group provides music for all occasions. (419) 708-0265, (419) 874-0290 or ✯ Trotters Tavern, 5131 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 381-2079: 8 p.m. Tuesdays.

The Village Idiot

Tunes combined with pizza and booze. 309 Conant St., Maumee. (419) 893-7281 or www. ✯ The House Band: Fridays. ✯ Dooley Wilson, Bob Rex and friends: Sundays. ✯ Frankie May and friends: Mondays. ✯ John Barile & Bobby May: Tuesdays. ✯ Andrew Ellis: Wednesdays. ✯ Jack Grelle and Ryan Koenig: Nov. 14. ✯ The Reese Daily Band: Nov. 15. ✯ Zimmerman Twins: Nov. 20.

Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull

Featuring 30 draught beer selections, daily drink specials and live entertainment daily. 9 N. Huron St. (419) 244-2855 or cocknbulltoledo. ✯ Danny Mettler hosts Open Mic Night: Wednesdays. ✯ Tore Down Blues Jam Band: Sundays. ✯ Bobby May and John Barile followed by The Bridges: Nov. 14. ✯ The Bridges: Nov. 15. ✯ Tore Down Blues Band: Nov. 16. ✯ Jason Hudson: Nov. 18. ✯ Danny Mettler: Nov. 19. ✯ Captain Sweet Shoes: Nov. 20. EVENTS


Eastwood Theater

3664 Rugby Drive. (419) 85-2121. ✯ The Fritz Byers Band: 6-9 p.m. Nov. 20.

Potbelly Sandwich Shop

turned into a string of more than 200 eateries nationwide, including Toledo. All of the shops feature live music. 4038 Talmadge Road. (419) 725-5037 or ✯ Jaime Mills: Noon-2 p.m. Fridays.

What began as an antique store in Chicago

The historic landmark is screening movies for $5. 817 E. Broadway St. For more information, call (419) 720-5199 or visit

The local kayak group meets monthly. 6:30 p.m. Nov. 18. Friendship Park Community Center, 2930 131st St. For more information, visit

Secor Building

The Secor was once the finest hotel in the city. The Secor Gallery features work from local artists and the Registry Bistro is under the direction of Chef Erika Rapp. For more information, contact Keith Corder at secorartistnet@gmail. com. 425 Jefferson Corner of Superior. ✯ Skot Horn’s “Flower Power”: Horn said, “In the days of my youth, our home was filled with fresh flowers from mom’s garden. Many fond memories from those summer days are filled with me always.” The gallery is available for viewing Tuesday through Saturday from 4-9 p.m. until Jan. 5. Some work is featured in Registry Bistro as well. For more information, contact Jim Zaleski at

Stranahan Theater

4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. ✯ Authors! Authors! Series: Elizabeth Gilbert. The New York Times bestselling author of “Eat, Pray, Love” will discuss her career and sign copies of her books: 7 p.m. Nov. 19. ✯ CHRISTMAS ROCKS – A Powerful Family Celebration: 2:30-5 p.m. Nov. 15.

Toledo Repertoire Theatre

16 10th St. For more information, visit www. or call 419-243-9277. ✯ “Laura” by Vera Caspary and George Sklar. This classic follows Detective Mark McPherson investigating the murder of Laura Hunt. Directed by Wesley Skinner. 8 p.m. Nov. 14-16.

Toledo Swiss Singers Concert

The Toledo Swiss Singers will present their Nov. 15 concert, titled “Happy Songs.” The event will feature traditional Swiss songs and

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Contact Angie Gioiella: 419-481-5206

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songs that will make you smile, including Oscar-nominated song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. The singers are celebrating 90 years as a mixed chorus. The evening begins with dinner, served 5:30-6:30 p.m. at The Chalet at Oak Shade Grove. 3624 Seaman Road, Oregon. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. $12-24. (419) 206-0975 or

Toledo Walleye

Huntington Center. 500 Jefferson Ave. (419) 321-5007, (800) 745-3000 or www. ✯ Toledo Walleye vs. Fort Wayne Komets, Postgame party with the players: 7:15 p.m. Nov. 14. ✯ Toledo Walleye vs. Orlando Polar Bears, “Star Wars” Night: 7:15 p.m. Nov. 15. ✯ Toledo Walleye vs. Reading Royals, postgame open skate: 5:15 p.m. Nov. 16. ✯ Toledo Walleye vs. Fort Wayne Komets, School Appreciation Day, Senior Day: 10:30 a.m. Nov. 19.

The Toledo Zoo

2700 Broadway St. $11-$14. (419) 385-4040 or ✯ Free-flight Butterfly Exhibit: Free with zoo admission. Open daily. ✯ Lights Before Christmas: Nov. 14 - Jan. 4.

Valentine Theatre

400 N. Superior St. (419) 242-2787 or www. ✯ “Anything Goes” by Cole Porter.: 7-10:30 p.m. Nov. 16. If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt at

Thursday, Nov. 20th

Chris Knopp

Friday, Nov. 21st

The Bradberries

Saturday, Nov. 22nd

Captain Sweet Shoes

November 16, 2014


8 am

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1 pm



11 am


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2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


General Hospital Queen Latifah The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Judge Mathis The People’s Court Millionaire Hot Bench Steve Harvey Varied Programs Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Real Housewives Real Housewives Varied Programs Varied Programs SportCtr Football NFL Insiders Reba Reba Reba Reba Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Prince Varied Programs Amer. Dad Amer. Dad King King Movie Varied Programs Bones Bones Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Commun Commun Bill Cunningham

4 pm


Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil Maury Jdg Judy Jdg Judy

5 pm


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm

6 pm


News ABC News News CBS News TMZ News News NBC News News NewsHour Varied Programs

The First 48 Varied Programs Futurama Futurama Futurama Colbert


NFL Live Around Pardon SportsCenter Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Contessa Contessa Pioneer Varied Diners Diners Charmed


Varied Programs

Friends Friends Movie Castle Law & Order: SVU The Dr. Oz Show

Friends Friends Varied Programs Castle Law & Order: SVU Mike Mike



9 pm



Castle Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam

November 16, 2014


3 pm


News News News at Five Access H. Minute NBC 24 News Cyberchas The First 48

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Outback Explore ››› Tangled (2010), Zachary Levi Grantland Basketball World of X Games News ABC Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time “Smash the Mirror” (N) Revenge “Contact” News Insider NFL Football Houston Texans at Cleveland Browns. (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Post. NFL Post. Courage in Sports News News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) Madam Secretary (N) The Good Wife (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Flip Food NFL Football Regional Coverage. (N) (S Live) (CC) NFL Football Detroit Lions at Arizona Cardinals. (N) (S Live) (CC) The OT Simpsons Brooklyn Fam. Guy Mulaney News Leading TMZ (N) (CC) Sleep Auto Racing Spartan Race (N) Figure Skating News News Football Night in America (N) NFL Football New England Patriots at Indianapolis Colts. (N) (CC) News Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Ice Warriors -- USA Sled On Story Charlie Ohio Moyers Weekend NOVA (CC) (DVS) Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Contemporary (N) (CC) (DVS) Austin City Limits (N) Growing Up Gotti ››› The Firm (1993) Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn. (CC) Dogs of War (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Dogs of War (N) (CC) Godfather-Pitt. Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. The Real Housewives of Atlanta What Happens Housewives/Atl. Fashion ››› Dumb & Dumber (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. Jeff Dunham Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Jeff Dunham: All Jeff Dunham: All Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Dunham Dog Jessie Jessie Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin Austin Austin Dog Dog Jessie Jessie ›› Monte Carlo (2011) Selena Gomez. (CC) Jessie Dog I Didn’t Austin NASCAR Countdown (N) (Live) NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: Ford EcoBoost 400. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Who’s In? Films 2014 World Series of Poker SportsCenter (N) ›› The Mummy Returns (2001) Brendan Fraser. › The Three Musketeers (2011) Matthew MacFadyen. ››› The Hunger Games (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. ››› The Hunger Games (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. The Kitchen Hungry Hungry Hungry Hungry Giant Foods A Hero’s Welcome Holiday Baking Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Holiday Baking Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hawaii Hawaii Beach Beach Alaska Alaska Hunters Hunt Intl The Pregnancy Project (2012) Alexa Vega. The Cheating Pact (2013) Daniela Bobadilla. Movie Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B (2014) (CC) Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B (2014) (CC) Aaliyah-Princess Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Snooki & JWOWW TBA Snooki & JWOWW Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Father-Part II ›› 17 Again (2009) Zac Efron. (DVS) ››› Shrek (2001) Voices of Mike Myers. ››› Shrek 2 (2004) Voices of Mike Myers. ››› Home Alone (1990) Macaulay Culkin. ››› Home Alone (1990) Macaulay Culkin. ›››› Oliver! (1968) Ron Moody. ›››› A Star Is Born (1954, Musical) Judy Garland, James Mason. (CC) ››› Show Boat (1951) Kathryn Grayson. ››› Sweet Charity (1969, Musical) Shirley MacLaine. ››› Nights of Cabiria (1957) ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002, Fantasy) Elijah Wood. (CC) (DVS) ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) Elijah Wood. (CC) (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam ››› Three Kings (1999) George Clooney. Made Holly Glee (CC) Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang 1st Fam Box Offi The Closer (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass The NFL Today (N) Charla Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Minute Minute Lions GameDay LIVE FOX NFL Sunday (N) Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Sleep Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Derm Super WordWrld Thomas Cat in the Toledo Stories (CC) Thea. Talk Sessions Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Godfather-Pitt. Happens House of DVF House of DVF First Made in Chelsea NYC Made in Chelsea NYC Comedy Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Jake and the Pirates Rebels Rebels Jessie Dog Austin Austin Dog Dog SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (CC) ››› The Karate Kid (1984) Ralph Macchio. ››› The Mummy (1999) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. Mummy Contessa Heartland Pioneer Trisha’s Contessa Giada Guy’s Pioneer Southern Farm Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Skincare Beyond the Headlines ›› The Gabby Douglas Story (2014) (CC) › Vampires Suck Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Slednecks Slednecks Catfish Friends Friends Friends Friends ››› Father of the Bride (1991) Steve Martin. Father-Part II The Great Ziegfeld ››› China Seas (1935) (CC) ›› Ruby Gentry (1952) (CC) ›››› Oliver! (1968) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Internet. Law & Order Lord of the Rings P. Chris J. Osteen Covert Affairs (CC) White Collar (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Show Home Lets Fixer Old House Full Plate Dine Out Raymond Raymond Cleanest Homes!


November 16, 2014



TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office Simpsons Paid Prog. FamFeud NewsHour Business The First 48 (CC) Vanderpump Rules South Pk Tosh.0 Austin Girl Meets Monday Night › Billy Madison (1995) Hungry Hungry Love It or List It (CC) ››› 13 Going on 30 Ridic. Ridic. Seinfeld Seinfeld Something of Value Castle “Dreamworld” NCIS “Prime Suspect” Big Bang Big Bang


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

November 17, 2014 10:30

11 pm


Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Broke Girl Millers Scorpion (N) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) News Letterman Gotham (N) (CC) Sleepy Hollow (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute The Voice “Live Top 12 Performances” (N) State of Affairs “Pilot” News J. Fallon Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) Godfather-Pitt. Godfather-Pitt. Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Euros of Hollywood Happens Vander Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Zapped (2014) Zendaya. (CC) Mickey Jessie Girl Meets Austin I Didn’t NFL Football Pittsburgh Steelers at Tennessee Titans. (N Subject to Blackout) SportCtr Adam Sandler. ›› Bruce Almighty (2003) Jim Carrey. The 700 Club (CC) Hungry My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B (2014) (CC) Beyond the Headlines Beyond the Headlines Slednecks Are You the One? Are You the One? Are You the One? Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ›››› The Last Command (1928) Premiere. ›››› Sunrise (1927, Drama) Rag Man Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Transporter Transporter WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) Chrisley Chrisley The Originals (N) (CC) Jane the Virgin (N) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy



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7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

November 18, 2014 10:30

11 pm


Ent Insider Selfie (N) Mod Fam Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Forever “6 A.M.” (N) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS “Semper Fortis” NCIS: New Orleans (N) Person of Interest (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef (N) New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud The Voice (N) (CC) Marry Me About-Boy Chicago Fire (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Finding Your Roots Cold War Road Show Frontline (N) (CC) Spirit Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives/Beverly The People’s Couch Happens South Pk Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Brickle. Daily Colbert Austin Girl Meets ››› Ratatouille (2007), Ian Holm (CC) Jessie Liv-Mad. Austin I Didn’t College Basketball College Basketball: State Farm Champions Classic SportCtr ›› Bruce Almighty (2003) Jim Carrey. › Zookeeper (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped “Waste Not” Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Flip or Flip or True Tori (CC) True Tori (CC) True Tori (N) (CC) Prison Wives Club (N) True Tori (CC) 16 and Pregnant (CC) Faking It Faking It Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Faking It Happyland Awkward. Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Fight for Your Lady ›››› Casablanca (1942) Humphrey Bogart. ››› The Green Berets (1968) John Wayne. Bones (CC) Bones (CC) Bones (CC) CSI: NY “Rain” (CC) CSI: NY (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Benched Chrisley Benched Big Bang Big Bang The Flash (N) (CC) Supernatural (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


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7 pm




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10 pm


8 pm


November 19, 2014 10:30

11 pm

Thursday Evening


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1 pm


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November 21, 2014 10:30

11 pm

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4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

November 20, 2014 10:30

11 pm


11 am

November 22, 2014 11:30

12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Rescue Wildlife Outback Explore Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Innovation Recipe All In Changers Best Pressure Cooker! State Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Paid Prog. Today (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Noodle Astroblast Chica Tree Fu LazyTown Poppy Cat Soccer Super WordWrld Thomas Cat in the MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Michigan Nature (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Godfather-Pitt. What Happens Euros of Hollywood Euros of Hollywood Housewives/NJ Vanderpump Rules ››› Galaxy Quest (1999) Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver. ›› Balls of Fury (2007, Comedy) Dan Fogler. (CC) Doc McSt. Sofia Dog Dog Jessie Dog Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Dog Dog SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) College Football Honey, Shrunk ›› Honey, I Blew Up the Kid (1992, Comedy) ››› Holes (2003) Sigourney Weaver. Be.- Made Best Thing Farm Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Thanksgiving Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Paid Prog. Medicare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unsolved Mysteries › The Perfect Holiday Faking It Faking It Faking It Faking It Faking It Faking It Faking It Faking It Faking It Awkward. King King › Something Borrowed (2011) Ginnifer Goodwin. ›› Just Like Heaven (2005) Great Dct. ›› Larceny, Inc. (1942) (CC) Carson ›› Three Men in White (1944) ›››› King Kong Law & Order Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chrisley Benched ›› Daddy Day Care (2003) Eddie Murphy. ›› Are We There Yet? Dr. Pol Dr. Pol B. Barr B. Barr Expedition Expedition Rock-Park Reluc Rescue Animals


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Grey’s Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) (CC) Away-Murder News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Mom (N) Two Men McCarthys Elementary “Bella” (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Bones (N) (CC) (DVS) Gracepoint (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud The Biggest Loser (N) Bad Judge A to Z (N) Parenthood “Lean In” News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Toledo Toledo Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) Infinity Hall Live (CC) Sun Stud Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Dogs of War “Duane” Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/Atl. Happens Jersey South Pk Tosh.0 Chappelle Chappelle Chappelle Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Austin Girl Meets ›› 16 Wishes (2010) Debby Ryan. Dog Jessie Liv-Mad. Austin I Didn’t Football College Football North Carolina at Duke. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Liar Liar (1997) Jim Carrey. ›› Miss Congeniality (2000, Comedy) Sandra Bullock. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Food Truck Face Off Chopped Beat Flay Beat Flay Diners Diners Hunters Hunters Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper (CC) Project Runway Project Runway Project Runway Project Runway: Thr. Project Runway: Thr. Ridic. Ridic. Slednecks Slednecks Slednecks (N) Slednecks Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Payment on Demand ››› The Birds (1963) Rod Taylor. (CC) ››› The Time Machine (1960) Rod Taylor. Castle “Under Fire” NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Miami Heat. (N) NBA Basketball: Bulls at Kings Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU White Collar (N) (CC) Covert Affairs (N) (CC) CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang Big Bang The Vampire Diaries Reign (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

Saturday Morning


Ent Insider Last Man Cristela Shark Tank (N) 20/20 (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! The Amazing Race (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) Blue Bloods (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef Gotham “The Mask” Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud Dateline NBC (N) (CC) Grimm “Cry Luison” Constantine (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Wash Deadline Great Performances “Cats” (N) (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Godfather-Pitt. Godfather-Pitt. Housewives/Atl. Bravo First Looks ›› The Princess Diaries (2001) Julie Andrews. The Princess Diaries South Pk Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daniel Tosh: Happy Daniel Tosh: Serious Austin Dog Girl Meets Jessie (N) Rebels Rebels I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Jessie I Didn’t SportCtr NBA NBA Basketball: Cavaliers at Wizards NBA Basketball ›› Miss Congeniality (2000) ›› Monte Carlo (2011) Selena Gomez. Premiere. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Thanksgiving Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl On Christmas Dear Secret Santa (2013) Tatyana Ali. (CC) Christmas in the City (2013) Ashley Williams. Girl Code Slednecks Awkwardness turns romantic. ›› Scary Movie 3 (2003, Comedy) Anna Faris. Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Deal With ››› Hitch (2005) Will Smith. (DVS) Deal With ››› Lady Be Good ››› Duel (1971) Dennis Weaver, Tim Herbert. ››› Slither (1973, Comedy) James Caan. (CC) On the Menu (CC) On the Menu (N) (CC) ›› Along Came a Spider (2001) (CC) (DVS) On the Menu (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Whose? Whose? America’s Next Model Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Goldbergs Mod Fam blackish Nashville (N) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (N) Stalker “Skin” (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Hell’s Kitchen (N) Red Band Society (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Paid Prog. FamFeud Myst-Laura Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Nature (N) (CC) NOVA (N) (CC) (DVS) To Catch a Comet (N) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (Season Premiere) (N) (CC) Country Country Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Top Chef “It’s War” Top Chef (N) (CC) Happens Top Chef South Pk Tosh.0 Key Key South Pk South Pk South Pk Key Daily Colbert Austin Girl Meets ›› Frenemies (2012) Bella Thorne. Dog Jessie Liv-Mad. Austin I Didn’t NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Cleveland Cavaliers. NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Houston Rockets. › Zookeeper (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. ›› Liar Liar (1997) Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney. The 700 Club (CC) Beat Flay Beat Flay Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Kitchen Inferno (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Buying and Selling (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Movie ›› The Notebook (2004) Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams. (CC) True Tori (CC) Awkward. Awkward. Faking It Faking It Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW (N) Girl Code Snooki Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Attack of the 50 ››› The Whistler (CC) ›› The Power of the Whistler Voice of the Whistler Mysteri Castle (CC) ›› Sherlock Holmes (2009) Robert Downey Jr.. (CC) (DVS) Sherlock Holmes-Game ››› Friday (1995) Ice Cube, Chris Tucker. ›› Next Friday (2000) Ice Cube, Mike Epps. Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Arrow (N) (CC) The 100 (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


8 pm

November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


7 pm


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9 pm


November 22, 2014

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

››› Bad Santa (2003) Billy Bob Thornton. Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) News Lottery College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) News Blue Bloods (CC) Lucas Oil Off Road Football College Football Mississippi at Arkansas. (N) (Live) (CC) News Cardiol NCIS “Crescent City” NCIS: Los Angeles 48 Hours (N) (CC) News Wheel View Paid Paid Paid Bones (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Burn Notice (CC) McCarver Col. Pregame College Football Oklahoma State at Baylor. (N) (S Live) News Office English Premier League Soccer Goal Pregame College Football Louisville at Notre Dame. (N) (S Live) (CC) Jdg Judy Academic Dateline NBC (CC) State of Affairs (CC) Saturday Night Live News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Great Performances (CC) Globe Trekker Steves Rudy Lawrence Welk Murder Myster. Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Godfather-Pitt. Criminal Minds Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Country Country Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. ›› Office Space (1999) Ron Livingston. ››› Get Him to the Greek (2010) Jonah Hill. Premiere. ››› Get Him to the Greek ›› Without a Paddle (2004) Seth Green. South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk ›› Hit & Run (2012) Dax Shepard. Premiere. (CC) ›› The House Bunny (2008) Anna Faris. ›› The House Bunny (2008) Dog Jessie Jessie Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Girl ›››› The Little Mermaid (1989) Girl Jessie Lab Rats Mighty Dog I Didn’t College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Football Scoreboard College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Holes ›› Richie Rich (1994) Macaulay Culkin. ›› Monte Carlo (2011) Selena Gomez, Katie Cassidy. ››› Mulan (1998) Voices of Miguel Ferrer. ››› The Hunger Games (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. The Mummy Returns Holiday Baking Restaurant: Im. Diners Carl’s W. Guy’s Games Kitchen Inferno Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl The Perfect Holiday Christmas in the City (2013), Ashanti (CC) Dear Secret Santa (2013) Tatyana Ali. (CC) Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B (2014) (CC) An En Vogue Christmas (2014) Terry Ellis. An En Vogue Christmas (2014) Terry Ellis. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Slednecks ›› Scary Movie 3 (2003, Comedy) Anna Faris. MTV Special Just Like ››› Hitch (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes. (DVS) Friends Friends Friends Friends Raymond Raymond Raymond Grinch Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With Life ›››› King Kong ››› Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) ››› Them! (1954) James Whitmore. (CC) ››› Five Million Years to Earth (1967) (CC) ››› The Champ (1931) (CC) ››› The Kid From Brooklyn (1946) Przefightr ››› Catch Me if You Can (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. (CC) (DVS) ›› Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Daniel Craig. (CC) (DVS) ›› National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007, Action) Transporter Transporter Transporter Are We There Yet? › The Back-up Plan (2010) Jennifer Lopez. ›› White Chicks (2004) Shawn Wayans. ›› No Strings Attached (2011) Natalie Portman. › The Ugly Truth (2009) Katherine Heigl. Mod Fam Mod Fam Adven. WHAD Biz Kid$ DragonFly Futurama Futurama Glee (CC) Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Hockey Pre-Season PCA Wrestling

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November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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26 Classified community

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legal notices

NOTICE of forthcoming publication of the DELINQUENT LAND TAX LIST The Lucas County Auditor will publish a list of delinquent lands in the newspaper the weeks of November 28th and December 5th, 2014. This delinquent land list will contain the NAME OF OWNER, a description of the property and the total amount of taxes, assessments, recoupment charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid at the settlement. Delinquent lands will be certified for foreclosure by the auditor pursuant to law, unless the taxes, assessments, interests, and penalties are paid. An interest charge will accrue on accounts remaining unpaid after the last day of November unless the taxes are paid or the taxpayer enters into a written understanding to pay such delinquent taxes in installments. Any or all of such delinquent lands are subject to a tax certificate sale under section 5721.32 or 5721.33 of The Revised Code. The office of the County Treasurer will be open during normal business hours to accept payment of delinquent taxes. The names of any taxpayer who pays in full prior to seven days before publication will be removed from such list. Questions regarding the payment of delinquent taxes should be directed to the Lucas County Treasurer, 419-213-4305.

Anita Lopez


community legal notices

NOTICE TO ALL DISADVANTAGED, MINORITY, WOMEN AND VETERANS BUSINESS ENTERPRISES Walsh Construction Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking all certified DBE, MBE, WBE, and VBE subcontractors and suppliers for bids on the construction of ODOT LUC76032 I75/ I280 Interchange project with a letting date of December 11th, 2014. For more information, please contact Walsh Construction Company II, LLC, 1260 E. Summit Street, Crown Point, IN 46307; (219) 661-2450. EEO/M/F/D/V ADOPTION: Loving 1st time Mom and Dad promise your baby a happy, secure life. Expenses paid. Holly and George, 1-800-943-7780

Wanted WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

Driver / Delivery / Courier

Walking Routes available

CALL: 419-241-1700 ext. 221 Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.




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Lucas County Auditor

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November 16, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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A home for Freckles, Fuzzy Warm, hopeful and incredibly affectionate Freckles is about 9 months old and promises to be the apple of her owner’s eye. She loves to use those freckled legs of hers to sprint like the wind, with ears blowing back, big smile on her face. She is willing and eager to learn training. She prefers to be the only dog but would like to meet a resident dog before being a permanent family resident. She already knows how to sit and shake. Spend time with this sweet girl as she is ball of energy who will make you laugh every day. Freckles is spayed, up to date on her vaccinations and is microchipped. Fuzzy’s mesmerizing eyes will immediately make you fall in love. Fuzzy is a 1-year-old male domestic cat who was brought into the shelter with his brother Feisty. Fuzzy is a very loveable guy who loves spending time with people as well as all of his cat friends. When he’s not snuggling up with the volunteers, Fuzzy enjoys perching on a ledge to watch the birds play and the sun shine. Fuzzy is neutered, up to date on his vaccinations and is microchipped.


Fuzzy Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O

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November 16, 2014

Toledo Free Press 27

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Humana is proud of its network of hospitals including: Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center 2213 Cherry St., Toledo, OH 43608

Mercy St. Anne Hospital St. Luke’s Hospital 3404 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo, OH 43623 5901 Monclova Rd., Maumee, OH 43537

Mercy Willard Hospital 1100 Neal Zick Rd., Willard, OH 44890

Mercy Defiance Hospital 1404 E. Second St., Defiance, OH 43512

The Toledo Clinic 4235 Secor Rd., Toledo, OH 43623

Mercy St. Charles Hospital 2600 Navarre Ave., Oregon, OH 43616

Mercy Tiffin Hospital 45 St. Lawrence Dr., Tiffin, OH 44883

Wood County Hospital 950 W. Wooster St., Bowling Green, OH 43402

At Humana, we understand how important the patient-doctor connection is. We encourage our members to ask questions and take a collaborative approach with their doctors. Get the benefits of a Humana Medicare Advantage plan.

Call to speak with a licensed Humana sales agent today! 1-800-421-7863 (TTY: 711) 5 a.m. – 8 p.m., 7 days a week

Humana is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in this Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Other providers are available in the Humana network. Provider accepts other plans. This is an advertisement. Y0040_GHHHZFWEN_15 Accepted

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28 Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 16, 2014

“I’m over 50 and I haven’t had a colonoscopy yet, so … you do the math.” On a list of fun things to do, a colonoscopy would come in somewhere between “root canal” and “chew on foil.” But it’s still critical that you schedule an appointment at ProMedica to have one done. Because if found early, colon cancer can be easily treated.

© 2014 ProMedica

You can make an excuse or you can make an appointment by calling 800-PPG-DOCS.

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11/10/14 10:58 AM

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