Toledo Free Press – Nov. 23, 2014

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Nov. 23, 2014

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Gambling and Dear Gamergate

Tom Pounds on recent city and county redevelopment efforts and Jeff McGinnis on Gamergate ‘hate movement.’ page 3


Seagate and Southwyck

Lucas County plans to buy, demolish Hotel Seagate and Toledo City Council approves purchase of Southwyck site. pages 7-8


Charity Gayla

37th annual Holiday with Heart to benefit LGBT causes. page 27


Holiday TV Listings Free 16-page holiday TV guide.

page 11

UNITED NORTH United North’s Nikki Morey and The Arts Commission’s Ryan Bunch help spur neighborhood revitalization via Ohio Theatre renovation. By Tom Konecny, page 6


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 23, 2014

November 23, 2014

Publisher’s statement


A Toledo tradition since 2005



Going gambling


fter years of starts, stops and speculation, the former Southwyck Mall property will officially have a new owner in the next 30 days. Whether that will be the City of Toledo or a company with plans to develop the site remains to be seen. Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins is confident the city will find a buyer within that time frame, despite disappointment over The Andersons’ recent choice of Monclova Township over Southwyck as the site for its new company headquarters. Others, like Councilman Tom Waniewski, aren’t so sure. Waniewski was one of five members who voted against the $3.25 million purchase during City Council’s Nov. 18 meeting. He told Toledo Free Press he felt the site was too big a gamble with so much taxpayer money on the line. “To me, purchasing land is a fine line between economic development and economic gambling,” he said. “I think in light of The Andersons pulling out as a possible suitor for that property, we would be taking a gamble.” Waniewski doesn’t see the city finding a Thomas F. Pounds buyer within a year, much less 30 days. “I hope I’m wrong, but I think that’s a huge gamble with a lot of taxpayer money,” he said. However, seven Council members believe that gamble is worth taking. “The things that were attractive about it when it was chosen as a site for the mall still remain attractive about that property,” Councilwoman Sandy Spang told Toledo Free Press. “There are some strong anchors there on Reynolds Road and we need to see that as the prime piece of property it is.” Some members fear Southwyck’s current owners might jeopardize potential development of the full site by selling off portions along Reynolds Road. “In order to do aggressive economic development, you have to have large pieces of land to offer entities that are going to bring jobs in. So there are times when it is prudent to control a piece of property so you can keep it together for a full development,” Spang said. “I’m hopeful it will find a use that will create jobs. If we bring jobs to Toledo, every part of Toledo wins.” Earlier on Nov. 18, the Lucas County Commissioners announced their intent to purchase the former Hotel Seagate for $1.38 million. Calling the vacant Downtown building an “eyesore and a nuisance,” the commissioners said they planned to demolish it to make room for potential future development. The commissioners did not name names, but said there is one public and one private entity interested in sharing the cost. Commissioner Pete Gerken called the Hotel Seagate site the next piece of the chessboard in future Downtown redevelopment. “This is where the action is. We are seizing the day and seizing the moment,” Commissioner Carol Contrada told reporters at a news conference. Are these pending acquisitions visionary investments or reckless expenditures? It depends on whom you ask. As a business owner who lives and works Downtown, I support efforts for revitalization. And Spang is correct that jobs anywhere in the city are good for everyone in the city — as long as those developers and jobs actually come, and the sites don’t become just two more taxpayer burdens. Time will tell. Here’s hoping these gambles pay off. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press. Contact him at


Dear Gamergate

Editor’s Note: This “Open Letter to an Online Movement” was written by Jeff McGinnis in collaboration with Feliza Casano, founder and editor-in-chief of Girls in Capes (girlsin, and Grendel, author of the YouTube channel and Tumblr WTFHistory (

We write out of anger and sorrow, and the belief that something needs to be said: Gamergate is a hate movement. There are many who consider themselves members of the group who will disagree. They will claim we are judging the whole of a varied, nuanced campaign by the actions of its most extreme members, or ear Gamergate: that we are buying into hyperbole perpetrated We write this letter as geeks, by a conspiracy to make a movement about feminists and game players. the ethics of gaming journalism look bad. We write as individuals who have a pasTo believe Gamergate is not a hate sion for pop culture, but also care about the movement, one has to ignore the group’s messages it can send, and we work in the well-documented roots in sexism, hypochopes that it can improve. risy and harassment. One has to ignore the We write believing that video games can fact that a substantial majority of the comimpact their players emotionally in ways few ments attributed to Gamergate supporters art forms can, and should be taken seriously are aimed at female game developers and as art. But if they are to cement that place Jeff McGinnis critics, not the actual journalists whose in the public consciousness, their defenders need to do better than react like petulant schoolchildren “ethics” are supposedly in question. when others disagree with them. n McGINNIS CONTINUES ON 4


Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 10, No. 47. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Joel Sensenig, Managing Editor Danielle Stanton, News Editor Tom Konecny, Associate Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

ADVERTISING SALES John McNamara, Sales Manager • (216) 406-6384 Renee Bergmooser, Senior Sales Representative • (419) 266-0254 Chick Reid, Sales Representative • (419) 705-5396 Andrea Szymanski, Sales Representative • (419) 479-8922

ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234 PRODUCTION Christie Materni, Photographer

Sarah Ottney, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Jim Beard • Jay Hathaway • Vicki L. Kroll Matt Liasse • Duane Ramsey • Chase Will Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief Emeritus Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2014, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.



n McGINNIS CONTINUED FROM 3 One has to ignore the fact that Gamergate’s supposed “accomplishments” consist mainly of convincing advertisers to pull support from sites that have been critical of the movement — not actually inspiring debate and reform of the supposedly egregious ethical violations they are aimed at. To believe that the heart of Gamergate does not lie in prejudice and intimidation is to willfully ignore the culture of fear that has enveloped women connected to gaming in the months since it began. The very idea that the movement is focused on integrity in video game reporting is contradicted by its origins. In August, an 8,000-word screed by a former boyfriend of game developer Zoe Quinn was posted to various websites, its author proclaiming in spectacularly bitter prose how he felt Quinn had mistreated him QUINN during their relationship. Among his allegations was that Quinn had cheated on him with Nathan Grayson, a video game reporter who writes for the website Kotaku. The backlash was swift and furious. The presumption was made that Quinn’s relationship with the Kotaku writer had influenced his coverage of Quinn’s games, and thus she had clearly traded sexual favors for positive press coverage. A firestorm of righteous anger over this alleged violation of ethics quickly began. Quinn was descended upon by ludicrously angry protests, a concentrated effort to destroy her reputation and threaten her safety. Grayson, the reporter who would have actually committed the alleged violation of ethics, got barely a fraction of the scorn. But no such ethical violations had occurred. Grayson’s coverage of Quinn was practically nonexistent on Kotaku. The site conducted its own investigation and found no evidence of misconduct. The righteously indignant, though, would not be dissuaded. According to the Gamergate movement, this one non-scandal was clearly indicative of larger corruption within gaming journalism, and it was up to them to expose it. A tweet from “Firefly” actor Adam Baldwin gave the movement its name, hashtag and screed: “Gamergate.” All of this would be ridiculous if so many lives weren’t being legitimately endangered. In the months since the movement launched, its sanctimonious catch-all philosophy has led to the intensifying of an already troubling streak of misogyny within the gaming community. It’s not just game journalism that troubles these die-hards; it’s anything that they perceive as an

A Toledo tradition since 2005 attack on gaming in general. Playing is not just a diversion — it’s part of what defines them as an individual. The statement seems to be: “If you criticize gaming, you criticize me.” As a result, individuals who dare to disagree with Gamergate — or worse, take a stand against prejudice within games or the gaming community — have found themselves increasingly under attack. And no matter how supporters may try to brush off those attackers as “extremists” who don’t represent “real” Gamergaters, the fact is that the most violent and persistent of threats are aimed at women. Quinn had to flee her home when her personal information was publicized. Video game critic Anita Sarkeesian, who is a vocal activist about the depiction of women in gaming media (and who through sheer badassness has refused to stop SARKEESIAN being vocal), suffered similar treatment. She even had to cancel a speaking engagement at Utah State University in October when a mass shooting threat was called in. Game develWU oper Brianna Wu was tormented for retweeting an antiGamergate meme one of her followers had made, inspired by her comments on the subject. And the danger isn’t limited to those within the gaming community. Journalists and critics faced harassment for the crime of daring to speak in support of Quinn. Even individuals who had done much to further the cause of gaming found themselves under attack: Actress and Web darling Felicia Day wrote a piece on feeling threatened by Gamergate, and how she feared by even mentioning the movement her personal information would be made public. Within an hour, it was. Supporters of Gamergate dismiss this series of events as either the actions of a small minority of those in the movement or as a conspiracy perpetrated to discredit their message (whatever that message is supposed to be at this point). Both conveniently allow the rank-andfile Gamergaters to keep feeling positive about what they’re doing. It’s not ME, it’s THEM. Or it’s a vast, well-coordinated effort to make me look prejudiced. This line of thinking is either willful ignorance or elaborate self-deception in regards to the reality of Gamergate’s impact. A study of Twitter activity commissioned by Newsweek found



that the majority of tweets that carry the #gamergate hashtag are aimed not at prominent journalists or multimillion dollar game developers — the ones who would be most guilty of the corruption the movement purports to stand against — but instead attack small independent game designers and game critics. And the vast majority of those targets are women. Quinn was targeted by over 10 times more #gamergate tweets than Grayson. By themselves, Wu and Sarkeesian have been targeted by more #gamergate tweets than all other games journalists combined, according to the Newsweek study. Either the movement’s supposed “lunatic fringe” is larger than its moderates dare consider, or this is the one of most masterfully coordinated conspiracies to discredit a movement in human history. And yet “average” members of the movement still insist upon seeing themselves as the persecuted minority. If people involved in the movement wanted to disavow themselves of the exclusionary, misogynistic aspects of it, they are going about it in the worst way

possible. By insisting that they are not part of the problem, that it’s merely a few bad apples, and aligning themselves with the “movement,” they create a defense for those using the tag and the movement to spread their vitriol. Better to separate themselves and forge their own movements. Better to refocus. If you’re so concerned about the ethics of video game journalism, why not consider how gaming media treats women as characters and as players? Why not consider the coverage of game developers and companies and the quality of marketing directed at gamers, and the sexist tones found there? Why not make a new movement, one that includes the women Gamergate targets or discounts? There are too many people shoving all criticism and concerns aside and claiming the media is attempting to silence their crusade — a crusade that is at best misguided tunnelvision, and at worst a sexist witch hunt aimed at driving women away from games. The tragedy of it all is that it’s working. Several female game makers and writers have announced their departure from the medium. Many of those brave

November 23, 2014 enough to persevere — like Quinn, Sarkeesian and Wu — find themselves the subject of constant, unrelenting threats. Many more who would speak out in support are terrified that they would end up with a target on their own backs. And those who believe they are defending gaming — either against a journalistic cabal conspiring to (GASP!) tell them slightly biased information about a product, or against the influence of those who dare to suggest games could do some things a little better — those Gamergaters are actually the ones hastening the destruction of the gaming community. They are solidifying the scathing views of an already pessimistic public. They are convincing people who might have tried gaming that its supporters are small-minded and prejudicial, and new voices are not welcome. They are driving away individuals who could bring them new and exciting experiences. They are telling people — half the world’s population, and half the population of the gaming community whom they could welcome with open arms — that gaming isn’t a safe place for them. They have withdrawn so far within an echo chamber of fiddles that they can’t smell how Rome is already burning all around them. They — you — need to wake up. Sincerely, Feliza, Grendel and Jeff O Jeff McGinnis is pop culture editor of Toledo Free Press. He can be reached at or on Twitter at @jeffmac813.

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November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


By Tom Konecny


When its 1,000 seats opened in Toledo’s Polish Village in 1921, the Ohio Theatre was the largest neighborhood movie theater in the nation. The theater was a prime gathering place for those in the neighborhood, the area’s largest concentration of people of Polish descent. At the time, it was one of 41 indoor movie houses in Toledo; now only two remain. Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Mickey Rooney, William Christopher and Toledo’s own Jamie Farr are just a few of the entertainers who have performed there over the years. The neighborhood has changed over the years, and the theater has certainly had its share of ups and downs — including lightning destroying its marquee — but throughout it all, neighbors have believed in its potential. With a passion for preserving history and keeping the arts alive in the Polish

Village, its operators are giving nearby residents reason for hope. United North is in the midst of a multiyear renovation project that’s breathing new life into the Ohio Theatre and its surrounding Lagrange Street neighborhood. “We’re looking at it not just as a neighborhood opportunity, but it’s an opportunity for Toledo,” said Nikki Morey, United North’s senior manager of community programming. United North, a community development corporation aimed at improving North Toledo neighborhoods, has operated the theater since purchasing it in 2009. “We’re reaching out to schools where art has almost been stripped out of the curriculum, but also [aim] to be a catalyst for economic development,” Morey said. While originally a movie house, the Ohio Theatre was also a place to remain connected to the world. Neighborhood residents got news and information at the theater and revered it as a center of the community. n OHIO THEATRE CONTINUES ON 7


Ohio Theatre helping revitalize city’s North End




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n OHIO THEATRE CONTINUED FROM 6 “We’ve had a lot of conversations about it in this age: How do you build a theater around a sense of community without having that same need?” said Ryan Bunch, performing and literary arts coordinator for The Arts Commission, a local group contracted to keep the theater humming with events. It took about four years for United North to reopen the theater as the Ohio Theatre and Event Center in July 2013, and some questioned that length of time. Operators maintain that time was well spent on fundraising and developing an action plan, not easy tasks since the theater is on the National Register of Historic Places. Those efforts paid off as United North unveiled a three-phase plan to re-energize this Lagrange Street landmark. Phase one’s $1.2 million investment involved much behindthe-scenes work: new lighting, air conditioning and restroom upgrades. Improvements were paid through Better Buildings Initiative funds, private investment and donations, but the theater is operating at a deficit while funds are being paid back. Phase two has started, and includes new dressing rooms, concession areas and continued electrical and lighting work. United North also hopes to add new furniture and sound system upgrades. Further work on a new façade and marquee is dependent on grants, but could be completed in late 2015 or early 2016. “We’ve already gotten some good response from the trade union that they would be willing to work with

us to utilize the trades and have this as one of their donations in kind,” Morey said. “But we still need to buy the supplies and the marquee.” The final and largest phase will likely cost around $7 million and encompass a full-scale renovation with new seats and a stage overhaul, though it’s uncertain when that might take place. Despite all the work still underway, the show must go on, and the theater is now in its second consecutive season. “Last year, we did a handful of programs to figure out what worked and didn’t,” Bunch said. “This season it was a little more put together.” Morey believes many people in the region recognize the good that’s coming from a reborn Ohio Theatre. “They do recognize that this is important,” she said. Its neighbors do, too. “I don’t know what you’d do with the thing if someone didn’t restore it,” said Tom Jesionowski, a local resident who serves on the United North board. “Basically, it’s the last operating neighborhood movie theater in Toledo.” In addition to serving on the board, Jesionowski volunteers his time working around the theater, doing painting and other fix-it-up jobs, as well as some theater promotion. He knows the Ohio Theatre is a critical part of North Toledo. “It’s kind of like an anchor,” Jesionowski said. “We have a new library in the neighborhood. We have a new bank two doors away, and it’s a fight for survival, like anything. I

think probably United North is one of the most successful CDCs (community development corporations) in the area. I don’t know of another as strong as we are. We cover the whole North End, and actually, we were voted No. 1 in the state of Ohio.” Neighborhood businesses believe in the Ohio Theatre, too, according to Morey. Jaleo Young, owner of J Maes’ Home Cooking, said he feels more secure in his operation thanks to the extra traffic the Ohio Theatre draws to the neighborhood. “It brings business our way,” Young said. “It just helps and attracts all different types of people, which helps the businesses in the neighborhood. When they have those events, it helps us with business flow. It just attracts people that normally wouldn’t come to this area. They’re seeing that good things are happening on Lagrange Street. It’s a real good thing.” The capital campaign continues, but Ohio Theatre advocates are aggressively working on a solid slate of events. “There’s a number of events that are just straight rentals,” Bunch said. “That ranges from dance recitals to a boxing match. So, there’s really a wide range of stuff going on. We’re in our second season and things are up and running more smoothly this year.” The next event will be The 24Hour Plays, a performance of short plays written, produced and rehearsed by University of Toledo students in a 24-hour period. The show is set for 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13. Cost is $3-7. For more information, visit www. O

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

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November 23, 2014



County to buy, demolish former Hotel Seagate By Sarah Ottney

Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief

Calling it an “eyesore and a nuisance,” the Lucas County Commissioners announced they planned to purchase the former Hotel Seagate for $1.38 million and demolish it to make room for potential future development. The 19-story building, which has been vacant for years, was built in 1970. It’s located at Summit Street and Jefferson Avenue across from Promenade Park in Downtown Toledo. “It is our intent to buy it and demolish it … for the good of the recovery of Downtown,” said Commissioner Pete Gerken at a Nov. 18 news conference. The commissioners declined to name potential partners, but Gerken said there is one public and one private entity interested and Commissioner Tina Skeldon-Wozniak said the partners will “soon be named.” Costs are expected to be evenly divided among partners with the commissioners saying they expect to pay a third of the purchase price in the end. Commissioner Carol Contrada said the site’s location is strategic to other Downtown development projects, including ProMedica’s new headquarters and the Mud Hens’ plans for Hensville. “This really will link the Downtown sports and entertainment district to be part of a new and revitalized Downtown,” Contrada said. “We’re really excited about its location and its potential and our partnership ability to work with the private sector and other public partners to be able to continue the investment and renaissance of Downtown Toledo. “This is where the action is. We are

seizing the day and seizing the moment to continue our commitment to making this a great place to live, work and play.” The county’s community improvement corporation entered into an option with Louisville Title to purchase the property in June. The review period was extended three times and the option period now ends this week. “Every real estate deal needs a motivated buyer and a motivated seller and after 10 years we found both,” Gerken said. The building would likely not be demolished until sometime in 2015 as the building contains asbestos and environmental work needs to be done at the site first. The county worked with the City of Toledo on an environmental study of the site and the city plans to include cleanup costs for the site in a grant application it is writing that includes several Downtown projects. “That property has been an eyesore on our Downtown for over a decade,” Gerken said. “With Downtown coming into what we like to refer to as a recovery mode or revitalization mode, it’s time to clear the blight at the main intersection of that revitalization. The board felt it was our responsibility to do that.” Gerken said the county’s acquisition and demolition of the building will eliminate blight, add development opportunities and — at least temporarily — create new green space. “Some people will ask, ‘Is this a wise use of taxpayer dollars?’ Yes, it is,” Gerken said. “It’s a blight elimination project in the middle of our Downtown. It will add to the chessboard of Downtown another piece for future redevelopment. And even if there is no further development there in the near future, it adds green space and livability and walkability and sustainability for our Downtown.” O



City Council approves purchase of Southwyck site for $3.25M The purchase price is based on a per acre cost of $51,290, which is discounted from the original listing price of $72,900. Collins said when the current owners were approached — anonymously — with the city’s offer to option the property, they took more than four months to come to terms. “If that is a true indicator of a business mentality, you can see the stifling effect,” Collins said. “I don’t think the market has the patience to go through that type of a negotiation.” Councilwoman Sandy Spang said she voted yes because she sees the corridor’s potential and was not confident the owners of the property would “consider the community’s interest.” One fear was the current owners would sell off frontage along Reynolds Road, jeopardizing the ability to develop the rest of the site. Councilwoman Lindsay Webb agreed. “[The owners] did not see eye to eye as to the direction of this site so I think it’s in the city’s best interest to take control of the site so that the site can be set free for future development,” she said. Waniewski said he voted no because he felt the purchase was too risky with no end user in sight. “To me, purchasing land is a fine

By Sarah Ottney

Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief

Within 30 days, the former Southwyck mall property will have a new owner, either the City of Toledo or a developer the city is hoping to find for the site. By a 7-5 vote, Toledo City Council approved the purchase of the 58.8acre site for $3.25 million at its Nov. 18 meeting. Council members Mike Craig, Jack Ford, Theresa Gabriel, Tyrone Riley and Tom Waniewski cast the dissenting votes. “It’s not my thought that we are going to hang on to this property. It’s not my thought we are going to give this property away. It is my thought we are going to find a development,” said Mayor D. Michael Collins. The Andersons was among those considering the site, but the Maumeebased company announced Nov. 14 it would build its new headquarters in Monclova Township instead. Collins said there has also been interest in the site for a research and development center for pharmaceutical companies, a medical facility or medical offices or a corporate campus. He said the city is in talks with three interested parties and the property is also listed on a national search list.

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

line between economic development and economic gambling,” Waniewski said. “In light of The Andersons pulling out as a possible suitor for that property, we would be taking a gamble.” The city has a year to defer payment on the property, but Waniewski said he isn’t confident the city will find a buyer within a year. “I hope I’m wrong, but I think that’s a huge gamble with a lot of taxpayer money,” he said. Riley said he voted no because he felt the money could be better spent on roads and other infrastructure. Ford said he thought the city was stretched too thin with other projects. Collins said he considers the purchase to be a needed investment into the neighborhood. “We’ve got some major keystones in that whole equation and once we get Southwyck under a development profile that makes sense I think the dominoes will continue to fall and you will see all businesses, such as restaurants, office spaces, that type of thing come in, which will stabilize the neighborhood,” he said. Spang said economic development can be a “long road” but worth it. “This is an attractive site,” she said. “I’m hopeful it will find a use that will create jobs. If we bring jobs to Toledo, every part of Toledo wins.” O

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County awards legal notice contract to TFP, Blade plans to sue Each year, the Lucas County Auditor’s Office is required by law to publish a list of delinquent land tax notices in a local publication. During a special meeting Nov. 19, the Lucas County Commissioners voted to award this year’s contract to Toledo Free Press. “We are pleased to print and distribute this list for the second year,” said Toledo Free Press President and Publisher Tom Pounds. “We are proud that the county chose us for this task and are confident we will do a great job, as we did last year.” The list will be published on Nov. 30 and Dec. 7, and will also be available online at in our free digital edition and online at, as required by state law. However, The Blade, which also submitted a bid for the contract, has indicated it plans to sue Lucas County over the decision. “We believe that the Toledo Free Press is not a qualified paper of general circulation for the purposes of publishing this legal advertisement and intend to vigorously pursue the issue legally,” said Blade President and General Manager Joe Zerbey in a statement to WTOL-11. He said The Blade offers “overwhelming advantages ... in paid circulation penetration of required ZIP codes in Lucas County com-

pared to the free, largely unread Toledo Free Press.” Earlier this month, Lucas County Auditor Anita Lopez reviewed both bids and recommended Toledo Free Press’ as the “lowest and best.” Toledo Free Press bid $163,455 to publish the list in its weekly paper. The Blade bid $377,137 for a weekday publication, or $397,223 to run the first of two lists on a Sunday. Both papers would distribute the list to all affected ZIP codes, but Toledo Free Press has higher circulation numbers, as verified by independent audit. Pounds said Toledo Free Press meets all qualifications under state law, which was amended in 2011 to eliminate the link between charging for newspapers and being permitted to publish legal notices. The change opened the legal publication business to any “newspaper of general circulation” that publishes at least once a week and meets other criteria. In 2012, Lopez sought an opinion on this matter from the Lucas County Prosecutor’s Office, which ruled, “[Toledo] Free Press would now qualify as a paper of general circulation.” Toledo Free Press published the county’s delinquent land tax notices list last year and has also published legal notices for numerous other organizations and municipalities. O — Staff Reports

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November 23, 2014


A Toledo tradition since 2005


Ground broken on Mercy’s Sylvania Township medical center By Matt Liasse

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Construction for Mercy Medical Center-Sylvania has officially begun. During a Nov. 18 groundbreaking

event at the corner of Central Avenue and King Road, Mercy officials said the center will include 12 exam rooms, a laboratory and an imaging center providing 24/7 emergency care services. The cost of the project is approximately $14.3 million, which includes de-

molition, construction and equipment. Mercy’s Executive Vice President of Operations Brian Smith said the facility will bring a medical facility closer to people in Sylvania and the surrounding area. “In just over a year’s time, these

wanted so much for it to be something that would be important because we felt the work that we did over the years was so important to so many families and so many children,” Gerber said. By honoring the elementary school, Mercy Board of Trustees Chair Charles Gallagher said, a piece of history is being preserved “as a reminder of the past, present and future.” The center is expected to open in fall 2015. O



residents will not have to drive that far and that’s something we’re honored to bring to this community,” Smith said. The building will be where Central Elementary School once stood. The school’s cornerstone is being preserved and will be incorporated into the future medical building. The former school’s retired principal, Toni Gerber, said recognition of the school means a lot. “When the property was sold, we


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November 23, 2014

December 1-31, 2014

Holiday TV Guide Your monthlong digest of festive programming airing this holiday season.

12 Holiday TV Listings

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005



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November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Holiday TV Listings 13 “Debbie Macomber’s Mr. Miracle” 8 p.m. Sat.,

New Holiday Shows

Dec. 6, Hallmark Channel:

The same author who’s given the channel the series “Cedar Cove” furnishes this holiday tale, casting Rob Morrow (“Northern Exposure,” “Numb3rs”) as an angel who has to earn his wings. The premise admittedly sounds familiar, but this heavenly being only has until Christmas to help a woman (Britt Irvin) move beyond her father’s death and plug back into life.

“The Christmas Secret”

9 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries:

“Christmas in Rockefeller Center”

8 p.m. Wed., Dec. 3, NBC: The lighting of the holiday tree in one of New York’s most popular destinations is always

is a big event, in person as well as on television. “Today” host Al Roker fills his usual spot as one of the hosts as the switch is flipped … but before that moment arrives, an array of music stars also will be on hand to offer sounds of the season, traditional as well as contemporary.

The “secret” in the case of this drama movie, based on Donna VanLiere’s best-seller of the same name, rests with a missing family heirloom sought by a single mom (“One Tree Hill” alum Bethany Joy Lenz). She’s intent on finding it before Christmas, believing it will cure what’s been less than satisfactory in her life. John Reardon (“Continuum”) also stars.


“The Fosters”

8 p.m. Mon., Dec. 8, ABC Family:

12/6 - 12/14

Christmas brings mixed emotions to the Foster household in a new holiday story largely focused on sibling foster children Callie

(Maia Mitchell) and Jude’s (Hayden Byerly) feelings about their status within the family. Annie Potts (“Designing Women”) returns as Grandma Sharon, whose generosity worries Stef (Teri Polo) … especially once the source of the funding for the gifts is discovered.

“Chasing Life”

9 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9, ABC Family:

11/29 - 12/7

Ed Asner — who certainly has done his share of holiday programs, including the Emmy-winning drama “The Gathering” and animated specials in which he’s voiced Santa Claus — and classic TV mom Marion Ross (“Happy Days”) guest star in a new episode as the grandparents of cancer patient April (Italia Ricci). They celebrate Christmas early with the rest of the family, but their visit isn’t completely smooth.

14 Holiday TV Listings

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

“A Christmas Kiss II” 9 p.m. Sat., Dec. 13, ION:

After several seasons in the forensics lab on “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” Elisabeth Harnois probably can use a break, and she gets one in this new tale about a woman whose smooch under the mistletoe could lead to much more, if she allows it. She was kissed by a wealthy playboy, but she resists him, fearing she’ll be wounded by love again. Co-stars are Adam Mayfield, Elisabeth Röhm (“Stalker”) and recent “Dancing with the Stars” contestant and Rossford native Jonathan Bennett.

“The Santa Con”

8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13, Lifetime:

Familiar TV faces aplenty fuel this story of a paroled con artist (Barry Watson, “7th Heaven”) who resents having to play a department-store Santa … that is, until he meets the mother (Melissa Sagemiller) of a child (Tucker Meek) whose estranged parents he promised to reunite. Melissa Joan Hart (who also directed the movie), Jaleel White, Wendy Williams and John Ratzenberger also star.

“Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest”

8 p.m. Wed., Dec. 31, ABC: In many locations — not only households, but plenty of other gathering spots —

it wouldn’t be the end of one year and the start of another without this special being on the nearest television screen. Ryan Seacrest continues in the role he shared with, then inherited from, the late Dick Clark as he and co-hosts introduce musical acts at a party in California and, of course, count down the moments until the ball descends to mark midnight in New York’s Times Square.

“Barbara Walters Presents the 10 Most Fascinating People of 2014”

9 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14, ABC:

Her regularly scheduled television appearances ended in May, but the iconic journalist and former co-host of “The View” returns with her end-of-year tradition, expanded to two hours this time. Upcoming Oscar host Neil Patrick Harris is among her choices for the list, as are Oprah Winfrey, Scarlett Johansson and Chelsea Handler — but as usual, No. 1 will remain a mystery until the special airs.

“Disney Parks Frozen Christmas Celebration” 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 25, ABC:

For many years, Mickey Mouse and friends have been present in a lot of homes on Christmas morning. That’s likely to be the case again as California’s Disneyland and Florida’s Walt Disney World serve as the principal, very festive settings for production numbers and musical performances during this annual Christmas Day parade.

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November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Holiday TV Listings 15

16 Holiday TV Listings

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 23, 2014

Holiday Programming December 1 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. HALLMARK The Most Wonderful Time of the Year A snowbound stranger brightens the holidays for a retired police officer and his niece. 8 p.m. ABC CMA Country Christmas Music stars – including Carrie Underwood, Lucy Hale, Idina Menzel, LeAnn Rimes, Little Big Town and Hunter Hayes – get into the Christmas spirit by performing holiday songs; Jennifer Nettles hosts. CW Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer A youth embarks on a journey to find his missing grandmother and prove that Santa Claus is real. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York. HALLMARK Angels and Ornaments Three suitors pursue a hopeless romantic after she makes a wish to find true love before Christmas. 10 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause An ad man takes over for the bearded, big-bellied fellow after a rooftop mishap on Christmas Eve. HALLMARK All I Want for Christmas A boy asks contest organizers to find a new husband for his widowed mother.

December 2 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. 8 p.m. ABC Toy Story That Time Forgot While at a post-Christmas play date, the gang finds itself in uncharted territory after some cool new action figures turn out to be delusional, leaving it up to Trixie to save the day. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause An adman takes over for the bearded, big-bellied fellow after a rooftop mishap on Christmas Eve. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve

in order to save the holiday and keep his job. HALLMARK The Nine Lives of Christmas After a stray cat adopts Zachary, he meets Marilee and realizes the single life is not as fulfilling as he thought it was. 10 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Scott Calvin, aka Santa, contends with visiting in-laws and a scheme by mischievous Jack Frost to freeze him out of Christmas. HALLMARK The Christmas Shepherd Sally is heartbroken when her dog runs away during a thunderstorm. When she learns he was found by Mark, a widower, she travels to Boston to get him. Sally and Mark are given the best Christmas gifts of their lives when they fall in love. 10:30 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job.

December 3 6 p.m. HALLMARK Northpole Santa Claus and his wife prepare to bring joy to the world on Christmas. 7 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Scott Calvin, aka Santa, contends with visiting in-laws and a scheme by mischievous Jack Frost to freeze him out of Christmas. 8 p.m. NBC Christmas in Rockefeller Center The 82nd annual tree-lighting ceremony in New York; musical guests perform. HALLMARK A Royal Christmas Queen Isadora, the ruler of Cordinia, interferes with Prince Leopold’s plans to marry a humble seamstress from Philadelphia. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Polar Express Animated. The conductor of a train to the North Pole guides a boy who questions the existence of Santa Claus. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Hitched for the Holidays A man and a woman pose as a couple to fool their respective families.

December 4 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Year Without a Santa Claus Feeling sad and unwanted, Santa takes the day off before Christmas; voices: Mickey Rooney, Shirley Booth; animated. HALLMARK A Boyfriend for Christmas A strangely familiar man may be the answer to a 33-year-old

woman’s long-ago holiday wish for true love. 7 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Polar Express Animated. The conductor of a train to the North Pole guides a boy who questions the existence of Santa Claus. 8 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. TCM Remember the Night Love blooms between a sympathetic attorney and the comely shoplifter he has taken home for the Christmas holiday. 9 p.m. PBS Renée Fleming – Christmas in New York The American soprano celebrates the Christmas season in New York; guests include Rufus Wainwright, Gregory Porter, Kelli O’Hara and Kurt Elling. ABC FAMILY Disney’s A Christmas Carol Animated. Miserly Ebenezer Scrooge must face uncomfortable truths when three Christmas spirits take him on a journey through his past, present and future. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Matchmaker Santa Stranded during the holidays, a young baker discovers the magic of Christmas and love. 10:31 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job.

December 5 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY Disney’s A Christmas Carol Animated. Miserly Ebenezer Scrooge must face uncomfortable truths when three Christmas spirits take him on a journey through his past, present and future. HALLMARK The Christmas Shepherd Sally is heartbroken when her dog runs away during a thunderstorm. When she learns he was found by Mark, a widower, she travels to Boston to get him. Sally and Mark are given the best Christmas gifts of their lives when they fall in love. 8 p.m. ABC FAMILY Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas A curmudgeon living atop Mount


Crumpit sets out to quash the yuletide preparations of the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates. AMC The Nativity Story King Herod’s obsession with an ancient prophecy threatens Mary and Joseph as they await the birth of Jesus. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mrs. Miracle A single man hires a nanny to help him care for his 6-year-old twins. 9 p.m. CBS A Very Grammy Christmas Performances of holiday songs and current hits; artists share holiday memories; Album of the Year nominees are announced; scheduled performers include Ariana Grande, Maroon 5, Tim McGraw and Pharrell Williams. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas Under Wraps After unexpectedly moving to Alaska, an ambitious doctor starts a new romance and learns that her small town is hiding a holiday secret. 10:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town A mailman (the voice of Fred Astaire) explains why Santa has whiskers, lives at the North Pole and brings presents once a year. Animated.

December 6 10 a.m. EWTN Saints and Heroes Nicholas was still a young boy when he discovered the love of Jesus and the gift of giving that changed the world. 11 a.m. ABC FAMILY Fred Claus The yuletide season brings headaches

for Santa Claus, who bails his ne’erdo-well brother Fred out of trouble and puts him to work in his factory. 12 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas Under Wraps After unexpectedly moving to Alaska, an ambitious doctor starts a new romance and learns that her small town is hiding a holiday secret. 1:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Frosty’s Winter Wonderland The magic snowman marries; Andy Griffith narrates the animated story. 2 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Scott Calvin, aka Santa, contends with visiting in-laws and a scheme by mischievous Jack Frost to freeze him out of Christmas. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Trading Christmas Holiday travel leads to cross-country romances when a man and a woman temporarily swap houses. 4 p.m. ABC FAMILY Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas A curmudgeon living atop Mount Crumpit sets out to quash the yuletide preparations of the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mrs. Miracle A single man hires a nanny to help him care for his 6-year-old twins. 6 p.m. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Call Me Mrs. Miracle A new employee saves a department store in trouble during the Christmas season.

November 23, 2014

December 6 (cont.) 7 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. 8 p.m. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mr. Miracle At Christmastime, angel-in-training Harry Mills helps an insecure college student realize her purpose in life.

A Toledo tradition since 2005

TLC Untold Stories of the E.R.: Holiday ER A man dressed as Santa is near death; a man swallows something strange at a party; a woman dressed as an elf passes out; a blue leg. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY Arthur Christmas Animated. Santa’s youngest son sets out on an urgent mission to deliver a present to a

forgotten child before Christmas morning dawns. FOOD Outrageous Christmas Outrageous Christmas creations including a 1,000-pound chocolate Santa sculpture, a life-size Christmas tree cake, 8-feet tall handmade candy canes, and the world’s biggest gingerbread village. 9:30 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by

Holiday TV Listings 17 Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. BET This Christmas A matriarch assembles her brood for their first holiday reunion in four years, but secrets come to light and family ties become strained. 10 p.m. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. 11 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Scott Calvin, aka Santa, contends with visiting in-laws and a scheme by mischievous Jack Frost to freeze him out of Christmas.

December 7

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10 a.m. FOOD Barefoot Contessa Ina creates a menu for a student entertaining blog site. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Call Me Mrs. Miracle A new employee saves a department store in trouble during the Christmas season. 10:30 a.m. FOOD Giada at Home Giada De Laurentiis and her family gather to celebrate The Feast of the Seven Fishes; tangerine and herb branzino, New Orleans-style barbecued shrimp and crispy oysters Rockefeller are on the menu. 11 a.m. FOOD Guy’s Big Bite Guy Fieri welcomes guest chef G. Garvin and together they prepare grilled barbecue short ribs, creamy cheesy roasted red pepper polenta and shaved kale and root vegetable salad. 11:30 a.m. ABC FAMILY Arthur Christmas Animated. Santa’s youngest son sets out on an urgent mission to deliver a present to a forgotten child before Christmas morning dawns. 12 p.m. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of

mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. 1:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Jack Frost A man who died on Christmas Eve returns to his wife and son one year later in the form of a snowman. 2 p.m. BET What She Wants for Christmas Abigail makes a secret wish for Christmas, and when she does not get what she wants, she captures St. Nick. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mr. Miracle At Christmastime, angel-in-training Harry Mills helps an insecure college student realize her purpose in life. 2:30 p.m. TCM It Happened on 5th Avenue A hobo shares a New York mansion with a veteran and others who need a wintertime place to stay. 3:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Scott Calvin, aka Santa, contends with visiting in-laws and a scheme by mischievous Jack Frost to freeze him out of Christmas. 4 p.m. HALLMARK A Royal Christmas Queen Isadora, the ruler of Cordinia, interferes with Prince Leopold’s plans to marry a humble seamstress from Philadelphia. 4:30 p.m. BET This Christmas A matriarch assembles her brood for their first holiday reunion in four years, but secrets come to light and family ties become strained. TCM Scrooge Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. 6 p.m. HALLMARK Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus Santa’s heir woos a widowed advertising executive who wants to use him in the biggest ad campaign of her career.

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18 Holiday TV Listings


December 7, ABC FAMILY

December 7 (cont.) TBS Four Christmases When their plans for a holiday getaway fall apart, a couple must spend Christmas Day trudging to a quartet of family gettogethers. 8 p.m. CBS I Love Lucy Christmas Special The Mertzes help the Ricardos decorate their Christmas tree; Ricky and Fred try housework while the girls take jobs on a conveyer belt at a candy factory. ABC FAMILY Toy Story That Time Forgot While at a postChristmas play date, the gang finds itself in uncharted territory after some cool new action figures turn out to be delusional, leaving it up to Trixie to save the day. AMC Blake Shelton’s Not So Family Christmas Blake Shelton hosts a star-studded event that includes comedy bits, performances of classic holiday songs and new music. HALLMARK Christmas at Cartwrights An angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance to a struggling single mother who takes a job as a department store Santa Claus. 8:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Meet the Santas A man, his fiancee and her mother plan a wedding for Christmas Eve. 10:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Toy Story That Time Forgot While at a post-Christmas play date, the gang finds itself in uncharted territory after some cool new action figures turn out to be delusional, leaving it up to Trixie to save the day. 11 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Year Without a Santa Claus Feeling sad and unwanted, Santa takes the day off before Christmas; voices: Mickey Rooney, Shirley Booth; animated.

December 8 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man

leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York. HALLMARK Snow Bride A tabloid reporter races to find juicy gossip on a prominent political family. She ends up spending the week before Christmas with the family and falls for one of their sons. 6:30 p.m. EWTN Solemn Mass of the Immaculate Conception From Our Lady of the Angels Chapel in Irondale, Alabama. 7 p.m. EWTN Solemn Mass of the Immaculate Conception From Our Lady of the Angels Chapel in Irondale, Alabama. 8 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. 9 p.m. TLC Four Houses: Deck the Halls Designer Marie matches her elegant holiday decorations against the Christmas light spectacular of retired firefighter Kevin; philanthropist Dhonna creates an over-the-top live holiday house; retail coordinator Jason does a heartfelt family tribute. 10 p.m. ABC FAMILY Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town A mailman (the voice of Fred Astaire) explains why Santa has whiskers, lives at the North Pole and brings presents once a year. Animated. HALLMARK Angels Sing During the holidays, a mysterious stranger tries to help a man overcome his tragic past and find the Christmas spirit he lost many years ago. 10:30 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. 11 p.m. TLC Four Houses: Deck the Halls Designer Marie matches her elegant holiday decorations against the Christmas light spectacular of retired firefighter Kevin; philanthropist Dhonna creates an over-the-top live holiday house; retail coordinator Jason does a heartfelt family tribute.

December 9 6 p.m. HALLMARK Window Wonderland Two department store employees with secrets vie for the coveted window dressing job for the height of the Christmas shopping season. As the competition heats up, the two realize they have more in common than they thought. 8 p.m. CBS Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer The reindeer with the incandescent nose guides Santa’s sleigh through a bad storm on

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 Christmas Eve. Based on the song by Johnny Marks. HALLMARK The Christmas Ornament Kathy plans to avoid any holiday traditions that bring back memories of her late husband until she receives an ornament from a handsome shop owner. To move on from her loss, Kathy works for a balance between her memories and finding a future. 10 p.m. ABC FAMILY Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Rudolph the reindeer comes to the rescue when an evil bird kidnaps the New Year baby. Voices of Red Skelton, Frank Gorshin, Morey Amsterdam. HALLMARK The Christmas Spirit Charlotte and a greedy developer are left in a coma after a car accident. Her spirit tries to change the man’s mind and stop development in the town before the decision becomes final.

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December 10 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Year Without a Santa Claus Feeling sad and unwanted, Santa takes the day off before Christmas; voices: Mickey Rooney, Shirley Booth; animated. HALLMARK The Christmas Shepherd Sally is heartbroken when her dog runs away during a thunderstorm. When she learns he was found by Mark, a widower, she travels to Boston to get him. Sally and Mark are given the best Christmas gifts of their lives when they fall in love. 8 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. HALLMARK A Very Merry Mix-Up A woman plans to meet her future in-laws at Christmas and, through a serendipitous series of events, spends the holiday with a warm and caring family whose son catches her eye. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. 10 p.m. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. 10:30 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job.


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November 23, 2014


Visit with Santa Bring your camera and take your own pictures while you visit with Santa in his festive house on the boulevard. November 28 - December 14 Fridays: 4:00pm - 8:00pm Saturdays: 12:00pm - 8:00pm Sundays: 1:00pm - 6:00pm

A Toledo tradition since 2005

December 15 - December 20 Daily: 12:00pm - 8:00pm Sunday, December 21: 1:00pm - 6:00pm Monday, December 22: 12:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday, December 23: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Letters to Santa November 22 - December 24 Drop off your wish list in the mailbox near Santa’s house. All letters that include a return address will receive a response from Santa, and every week our favorites will be published on Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides November 22 - December 27 Every Saturday 5:00pm - 8:00pm For a truly magical experience, hop on a horse-drawn carriage ride. Cost is $5 per person or $10 per family. Pick-up is located on Chappel Dr. across from Schakolad. Holiday Hours November 30 - December 31 Monday - Saturday 10:00am-9:00pm Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm Black Friday 8:00am-9:00pm Christmas Eve 10:00am-4:00pm Christmas Day CLOSED New Year’s Eve 10:00am-6:00pm New Year’s Day 10:00am-6:00pm

International Tea & Gingerbread Party Saturday, December 6 11:00am – 3:30 pm See the delight on children’s faces as they decorate a gingerbread house that’s theirs to take home! The International Tea Party will be held on Saturday, December 6, at the Hilton Garden Inn. Two seating times, 11:00am and 1:30pm, are available for purchase. Tickets are $25/each, or $45 for a package that includes an adult and child ticket, and one gingerbread house. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit WOW Day at Levis Commons Friday, December 12 11:00am - 6:00pm Join the WOW Foundation and the Women of Waterford Bank as they mix shopping with service and help provide local families with a warm holiday meal. All those who bring a non-perishable food item for the Perrysburg Christian United Food Bank will be entered to win a Levis Commons prize package. Plus, make a donation and enjoy other perks like discounts, how-to-clinics and door prizes from your favorite Levis Commons merchants. American Red Cross Holiday Blood Drive Tuesday, December 23 7:00am - 7:00pm Give the gift of life by donating blood this holiday season. Raffles, snacks, refreshments and door prizes for donors. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit and enter sponsor code: WNWO.

#LifeAtLevis November 22 – December 31 While visiting Levis Commons this holiday season, snap a photo and share it on your preferred social media site with the hashtag #LifeAtLevis. All those who hashtag #LifeAtLevis on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will be eligible for random giveaways! Gift Cards Levis Commons gift cards offer endless possibilities as they can be used at the stores, restaurants and the movie theater at the center. Gift cards can be purchased at Lily’s during store hours, in the Management Office during office hours or online 24/7. 25 Days of Giveaways December 1 - December 25 What better way to get into the holiday spirit than by giving away a gift card a day? From December 1–25, take your best guess at where a daily mystery photo was taken at Levis Commons and be entered to win a gift package from the secret location. Be sure to visit Facebook and Instagram often for more chances to win! Follow Us:

Cinema, restaurant and some store hours may vary.

Holiday TV Listings 19

20 Holiday TV Listings December 11 (cont.) 7 p.m. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. 8 p.m. AMC Blake Shelton’s Not So Family Christmas Blake Shelton hosts a star-studded event that includes comedy bits, performances of classic holiday songs and new music. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mr. Miracle At Christmastime, angel-in-training Harry Mills helps an insecure college student realize her purpose in life. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY Scrooged A ruthless TV-network chief meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. 9:45 p.m. TCM Holiday Affair A war widow has a 6-year-old son, and two men who want to marry her for Christmas. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Hats Off to Christmas! Mia, the manager of a small town’s Christmas shop, has to train Nick, the owner’s son, for a position she coveted. Mia does not like Nick’s unreliable ways until he helps convince her disabled son to continue physical therapy so he can walk again.

December 12 6 p.m. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. 7 p.m. AMC White Christmas Former Army buddies put on a show with a sister act to save their general’s hotel in Vermont. FOOD Guy’s Disney Holiday Guy Fieri explores the holidaythemed meals and treats at Disneyland. 7:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause An ad man takes over for the bearded, big-bellied fellow after a rooftop mishap on Christmas Eve. 8 p.m. FOOD Outrageous Christmas Outrageous Christmas creations including a 1,000-pound chocolate Santa sculpture, a lifesize Christmas tree cake, 8-feet tall handmade candy canes, and the world’s biggest gingerbread village. HALLMARK Christmas at Cartwrights An angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance to a struggling single mother who takes a job as a department store Santa Claus. 9:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Miracle on 34th Street A retail-war lawyer goes to court to prove a departmentstore Santa Claus is for real. TBS Four Christmases When their plans for a holiday getaway

A Toledo tradition since 2005

fall apart, a couple must spend Christmas Day trudging to a quartet of family get-togethers. 9:45 p.m. AMC White Christmas Former Army buddies put on a show with a sister act to save their general’s hotel in Vermont. 10 p.m. HALLMARK A Cookie Cutter Christmas Two schoolteachers take their rivalry to a new level while they scramble to win a holiday baking contest and the affections of a handsome single father.

December 13 10 a.m. EWTN Saints and Heroes Nicholas was still a young boy when he discovered the love of Jesus and the gift of giving that changed the world. HALLMARK Let It Snow An executive examines her company’s new property and prepares a presentation to transform the rustic lodge into a new hot spot. She tries to ignore the lodge’s festive celebrations during her stay, but an unexpected romance changes her heart. 12 p.m. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mr. Miracle At Christmastime, angel-in-training Harry Mills helps an insecure college student realize her purpose in life. 1 p.m. ABC FAMILY Prancer A widower’s daughter finds a wounded reindeer that she is sure must be from Santa’s sleigh. 1:30 p.m. ENCORE Michael Tabloid employees investigate a rumor about an angel and find a surprising creature with healing powers and a lot of sex appeal. 2 p.m. HALLMARK One Christmas Eve A series of mishaps disturbs the plans of a recently divorced mom for her two kids on their first Christmas without dad. TBS Home Alone Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. 3 p.m. ABC FAMILY Miracle on 34th Street A retail-war lawyer goes to court to prove a department-store Santa Claus is for real. 4 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas at Cartwrights An angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance to a struggling single mother who takes a job as a department store Santa Claus. 5:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Mickey’s Christmas Carol Mickey Mouse is Bob Cratchit to Scrooge McDuck’s Scrooge in this version of “A Christmas Carol.” 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause An adman takes over for the bearded, big-bellied fellow after a rooftop mishap on Christmas Eve. HALLMARK A Boyfriend for Christmas A strangely familiar man may be the answer to a 33-year-old

‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ December 9, CBS

woman’s long-ago holiday wish for true love. 7 p.m. AMC Miracle on 34th Street An adwoman’s lawyer boyfriend tries to prove that Macy’s Santa Claus is the real thing. 8 p.m. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. HALLMARK Best Christmas Party Ever A young party planner arranges a special Christmas party for a New York toy store. When a powerful corporation threatens to shut her down, she decides to follow her heart and move forward with the party plans. 9:15 p.m. AMC Miracle on 34th Street An ad woman’s lawyer boyfriend tries to prove that Macy’s Santa Claus is the real thing. 9:30 p.m. CBS Frosty Returns A snow-removal spray threatens magic Frosty (voice of John Goodman); narrator Jonathan Winters. 10 p.m. ABC FAMILY Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town A mailman (the voice of Fred Astaire) explains why Santa has whiskers, lives at the North Pole and brings presents once a year. Animated. HALLMARK The Nine Lives of Christmas After a stray cat adopts Zachary, he meets Marilee and realizes the single life is not as fulfilling as he thought it was. 11 p.m. ABC FAMILY Mickey’s Christmas Carol Mickey Mouse is Bob Cratchit to Scrooge McDuck’s Scrooge in this version of “A Christmas Carol.”

December 14 10 a.m. HALLMARK The Most Wonderful Time of the Year A snowbound stranger brightens the

holidays for a retired police officer and his niece. 10:30 a.m. FOOD Giada at Home Breakfast lasagna; triple ginger soufflé; Todd’s scramble; strawberry Santas. 11 a.m. FOOD Guy’s Big Bite A holiday meal with a healthy spin includes grilled swordfish, a wheat berry and butternut squash salad, and individual dishes of apple cinnamon bread pudding. 11:30 a.m. ABC FAMILY Jack Frost A man who died on Christmas Eve returns to his wife and son one year later in the form of a snowman. 12 p.m. HALLMARK The Nine Lives of Christmas After a stray cat adopts Zachary, he meets Marilee and realizes the single life is not as fulfilling as he thought it was. 1:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Fred Claus The yuletide season brings headaches for Santa Claus, who bails his ne’er-do-well brother Fred out of trouble and puts him to work in his factory. 2 p.m. HALLMARK Best Christmas Party Ever A young party planner arranges a special Christmas party for a New York toy store. When a powerful corporation threatens to shut her down, she decides to follow her heart and move forward with the party plans. 3:30 p.m. TBS Nothing Like the Holidays Secret revelations, major life-changes and inevitable bickering mark a Chicago family’s Christmas reunion. 4 p.m. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. HALLMARK Christmas in Conway Hoping it will be the perfect Christmas present for his wife, a man plans to construct a Ferris wheel in his backyard. 5 p.m. FOOD Outrageous Christmas Outrageous Christmas creations including a 1,000-pound chocolate Santa sculpture, a lifesize Christmas tree cake, 8-feet tall handmade candy canes, and the world’s biggest gingerbread village. 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas A curmudgeon living atop Mount Crumpit sets out to quash the yuletide preparations of the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates. HALLMARK A Bride for Christmas A man bets his friends that he can convince a woman to marry him by Christmas. 8 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job.

November 23, 2014 HALLMARK The Christmas Parade A humiliated TV personality flees to a small town, where she becomes involved in a budding artist’s battle to save a community arts center. USA It’s a Wonderful Life Ruined by a miser on Christmas Eve, a suicidal family man sees life anew thanks to his guardian angel. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas A curmudgeon living atop Mount Crumpit sets out to quash the yuletide preparations of the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas in Conway Hoping it will be the perfect Christmas present for his wife, a man plans to construct a Ferris wheel in his backyard. 10:30 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job.

December 15 6 p.m. HALLMARK Matchmaker Santa Stranded during the holidays, a young baker discovers the magic of Christmas and love. 7 p.m. ABC FAMILY Disney Prep & Landing An elite unit of elves, Prep & Landing, ensures that homes around the world are properly prepared to be visited by Santa Claus each Christmas Eve. 7:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice Lanny and Wayne race to recover classified North Pole technology that falls into the hands of a naughty kid. 8 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Year Without a Santa Claus Feeling sad and unwanted, Santa takes the day off before Christmas; voices: Mickey Rooney, Shirley Booth; animated. HALLMARK Northpole Santa Claus and his wife prepare to bring joy to the world on Christmas. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Polar Express Animated. The conductor of a train to the North Pole guides a boy who questions the existence of Santa Claus. 10 p.m. HALLMARK A Royal Christmas Queen Isadora, the ruler of Cordinia, interferes with Prince Leopold’s plans to marry a humble seamstress from Philadelphia.

December 16 6 p.m. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mr. Miracle At Christmastime, angel-in-training Harry Mills helps an insecure college student realize her purpose in life. 6:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Polar Express Animated. The conductor of a train to the North Pole guides a boy who questions the existence of Santa Claus.

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005 December 16 (cont.)

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8 p.m. NBC Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas Santa Claus tells the story of Buddy’s trip to New York to meet the father he never knew he had – and how Buddy transforms the lives of everyone he meets. AMC Miracle on 34th Street A retail-war lawyer goes to court to prove a department-store Santa Claus is for real. HALLMARK Christmas in Conway Hoping it will be the perfect Christmas present for his wife, a man plans to construct a Ferris wheel in his backyard. 8:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Parisbound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. 10 p.m. PBS A Chef’s Life Holiday Special Chef Vivian Howard’s holiday celebration features Southern cooking and Hanukkah traditions; recipes include corned ham, oyster dressing, hoppin’ john and red-velvet cake. HALLMARK Christmas at Cartwrights An angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance to a struggling single mother who takes a job as a department store Santa Claus. 10:30 p.m. AMC Miracle on 34th Street A retail-war lawyer goes to court to prove a department-store Santa Claus is for real.

holiday-themed meals and treats at Disneyland. HALLMARK Christmas at Cartwrights An angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance to a struggling single mother who takes a job as a department store Santa Claus. 6:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. 8 p.m. AMC White Christmas Former Army buddies put on a show with a sister act to save their general’s hotel in Vermont. HALLMARK The Christmas Parade A humiliated TV personality flees to a small town, where she becomes involved in a budding artist’s battle to save a community arts center. TNT A Christmas Carol Dickens’ Ebenezer Scrooge receives visits from three Christmas spirits who show him his past, present and future. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause An ad man takes over for the bearded, big-bellied fellow after a rooftop mishap on Christmas Eve. TNT A Christmas Carol Dickens’ Ebenezer Scrooge receives visits from three Christmas spirits who show him his past, present and future. 10:45 p.m. AMC White Christmas Former Army buddies put on a show with a sister act to save their general’s hotel in Vermont.

December 17

December 18


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Holiday TV Listings 21

6 p.m. FOOD Guy’s Disney

6 p.m. HALLMARK A Princess for

niece and nephew to spend the holidays with their grandfather, an English duke. 6:15 p.m. STARZ Frozen Animated. A fearless young princess sets out with a mountaineer to find her sister, whose icy powers have trapped their kingdom in eternal winter. 6:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause An ad man takes over for the bearded, big-bellied fellow after a rooftop mishap on Christmas Eve. EWTN The Fowler Sisters: Christmas Gift The singers perform holiday music; songs include “O Holy Night,” “Ave Maria” and “Away in a Manger.” 8 p.m. AMC Miracle on 34th Street An ad woman’s lawyer boyfriend tries to prove that Macy’s Santa Claus is the real thing. HALLMARK Best Christmas Party Ever A young party planner arranges a special Christmas party for a New York toy store. When a powerful corporation threatens to shut her down, she decides to follow her heart and move forward with the party plans. TCM A Christmas Carol Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. 8:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Fred Claus The yuletide season brings headaches for Santa Claus, who bails his ne’er-do-well brother Fred out of trouble and puts him to work in his factory. 9:15 p.m. TCM Scrooge Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come.

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22 Holiday TV Listings December 18 (cont.)

9 p.m. CBS A Home for the Holidays Inspirational stories of adoption. PBS Christmas With the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Featuring Deborah Voigt and John Rhys-Davies A Christmas celebration features soprano Deborah Voigt and actor John Rhys-Davies. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. 10 p.m. PBS Christmas in Norway With the St. Olaf Choir The St. Olaf Choir from St. Olaf College and the Norwegian girl choir Nidaros Jentekor perform Christmas music, gospel spirituals, Norwegian hymns and folk songs. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. HALLMARK The Christmas Parade A humiliated TV personality flees to a small town, where she becomes involved in a budding artist’s battle to save a community arts center.

10 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas in Conway Hoping it will be the perfect Christmas present for his wife, a man plans to construct a Ferris wheel in his backyard. 10:15 p.m. AMC Miracle on 34th Street An adwoman’s lawyer boyfriend tries to prove that Macy’s Santa Claus is the real thing. 10:30 p.m. EWTN Life is Worth Living Archbishop Sheen reminds us of why we celebrate Christmas. 11:15 p.m. TCM Scrooge Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come.

December 19 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Parisbound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. HALLMARK Christmas in Conway Hoping it will be the perfect Christmas present for his wife, a man plans to construct a Ferris wheel in his backyard. 8 p.m. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York. AMC Blake Shelton’s Not So Family Christmas Blake Shelton hosts a star-studded event that includes comedy bits, performances of classic holiday songs and new music. HALLMARK Naughty or Nice A woman uses a special book from Santa Claus to expose those behaving badly.

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

December 20 10 a.m. HALLMARK Moonlight and Mistletoe Nick and his daughter Holly fight a real-estate developer to keep their Christmas theme park open. 11 a.m. ABC FAMILY The Year Without a Santa Claus Feeling sad and unwanted, Santa takes the day off before Christmas; voices: Mickey Rooney, Shirley Booth; animated.

12 p.m. ABC FAMILY Arthur Christmas Animated. Santa’s youngest son sets out on an urgent mission to deliver a present to a forgotten child before Christmas morning dawns. HALLMARK Best Christmas Party Ever A young party planner arranges a special Christmas party for a New York toy store. When a powerful corporation threatens to shut her down, she decides to follow her heart and move forward with the party plans. 2 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Parisbound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. HALLMARK Snow Bride A tabloid reporter races to find juicy gossip on a prominent political family. She ends up spending the week before Christmas with the family and falls for one of their sons. 2:30 p.m. SYFY Snowmageddon Disaster strikes when a snow globe affects events in the real world. 4 p.m. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. HALLMARK Angels and Ornaments Three suitors pursue a hopeless romantic after she makes a wish to find true love before Christmas. 4:30 p.m. SYFY The 12 Disasters of Christmas Massive earthquakes and other natural disasters threaten to destroy the world during the holidays. 5 p.m. USA It’s a Wonderful Life Ruined by a miser on Christmas Eve,


a suicidal family man sees life anew thanks to his guardian angel. 5:30 p.m. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. 6 p.m. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York. HALLMARK Hitched for the Holidays A man and a woman pose as a couple to fool their respective families. 8 p.m. ABC FAMILY Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas A curmudgeon living atop Mount Crumpit sets out to quash the yuletide preparations of the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates. AMC The Nativity Story King Herod’s obsession with an ancient prophecy threatens Mary and Joseph as they await the birth of Jesus. HALLMARK The Christmas Ornament Kathy plans to avoid any holiday traditions that bring back memories of her late husband until she receives an ornament from a handsome shop owner.

To move on from her loss, Kathy works for a balance between her memories and finding a future. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas Under Wraps After unexpectedly moving to Alaska, an ambitious doctor starts a new romance and learns that her small town is hiding a holiday secret. 10:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house.

December 21 10 a.m. FOOD Giada’s Family Christmas Giada De Laurentiis and her family have good cheer with amazing food; Italian struffoli, Italian pot roast, and french toast. HALLMARK Christmas Under Wraps After unexpectedly moving to Alaska, an ambitious doctor starts a new romance and learns that her small town is hiding a holiday secret. 10:30 a.m. FX Christmas With the Kranks A Chicago couple scramble to put together a holiday celebration after their daughter decides to come home for Christmas.

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November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Holiday TV Listings 23


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24 Holiday TV Listings December 21 (cont.) 11 a.m. ABC FAMILY Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish Richie makes a wish and ends up in an alternate universe where his mean cousin Reggie is in charge and wants to cancel Christmas. 12 p.m. HALLMARK The Christmas Parade A humiliated TV personality flees to a small town, where she becomes involved in a budding artist’s battle to save a community arts center. 12:30 p.m. TCM I’ll Be Seeing You A woman on leave from prison meets a shellshocked veteran on furlough, and they fall in love at Christmas. 1 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Little Drummer Boy An orphaned boy who hates humanity encounters the baby Jesus in Bethlehem. Music by the Vienna Boys Choir. AMC The Nativity Story King Herod’s obsession with an ancient prophecy threatens Mary and Joseph as they await the birth of Jesus. 1:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey Guided by his guardian cherub, an orphan donkey realizes his destiny on the road to Bethlehem. 2 p.m. ABC FAMILY Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Rudolph the reindeer comes to the rescue when an evil bird kidnaps the New Year baby. Voices of Red Skelton, Frank Gorshin, Morey Amsterdam. HALLMARK Christmas at Cartwrights An angel delivers good fortune and the possibility of holiday romance to a struggling single mother who takes a job as a department store Santa Claus. TCM Christmas in Connecticut The publisher of a women’s magazine has his best columnist play holiday host to a Navy hero. 3 p.m. ABC FAMILY Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town A mailman (the voice of Fred Astaire) explains why Santa has whiskers, lives at the North Pole and brings presents once a year. Animated. 4 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Year Without a Santa Claus Feeling sad and unwanted, Santa takes the day off before Christmas; voices: Mickey Rooney, Shirley Booth; animated. HALLMARK Debbie Macomber’s Mr. Miracle At Christmastime, angel-in-training Harry Mills helps an insecure college student realize her purpose in life. TCM Holiday Affair A war widow has a 6-year-old son, and two men who want to marry her for Christmas. 5 p.m. ABC FAMILY Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas A curmudgeon living atop Mount Crumpit sets out to quash the

yuletide preparations of the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates. 6 p.m. HALLMARK A Royal Christmas Queen Isadora, the ruler of Cordinia, interferes with Prince Leopold’s plans to marry a humble seamstress from Philadelphia. 7:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. 8 p.m. HALLMARK Help for the Holidays Santa’s elf leaves the North Pole to help a family during Christmastime. 9 p.m. TNT Four Christmases When their plans for a holiday getaway fall apart, a couple must spend Christmas Day trudging to a quartet of family get-togethers. 10 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Polar Express Animated. The conductor of a train to the North Pole guides a boy who questions the existence of Santa Claus. HALLMARK Hats Off to Christmas! Mia, the manager of a small town’s Christmas shop, has to train Nick, the owner’s son, for a position she coveted. Mia does not like Nick’s unreliable ways until he helps convince her disabled son to continue physical therapy so he can walk again.

December 22 6 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas Magic To gain entry to heaven, a woman must help a man and his young daughter. 6:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town A mailman (the voice of Fred Astaire) explains why Santa has whiskers, lives at the North Pole and brings presents once a year. Animated. AMC Miracle on 34th Street An adwoman’s lawyer boyfriend tries to prove that Macy’s Santa Claus is the real thing. 7:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Mickey’s Christmas Carol Mickey Mouse is Bob Cratchit to Scrooge McDuck’s Scrooge in this version of “A Christmas Carol.” 8 p.m. ABC FAMILY Toy Story That Time Forgot While at a postChristmas play date, the gang finds itself in uncharted territory after some cool new action figures turn out to be delusional, leaving it up to Trixie to save the day. HALLMARK Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus Santa’s heir woos a widowed advertising executive who wants to use him in the biggest ad campaign of her career. 8:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Santa Clause An adman takes over for the bearded, big-bellied fellow after a rooftop mishap on Christmas Eve. 8:45 p.m. AMC Miracle on 34th Street A retail-war lawyer goes to

A Toledo tradition since 2005 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY The Polar Express Animated. The conductor of a train to the North Pole guides a boy who questions the existence of Santa Claus. 10 p.m. FX Christmas With the Kranks A Chicago couple scramble to put together a holiday celebration after their daughter decides to come home for Christmas. HALLMARK Window Wonderland Two department store employees with secrets vie for the coveted window dressing job for the height of the Christmas shopping season. As the competition heats up, the two realize they have more in common than they thought.

December 24 ‘A Christmas Story’ December 24, TBS TNT

court to prove a department-store Santa Claus is for real. 10 p.m. HALLMARK Meet the Santas A man, his fiancee and her mother plan a wedding for Christmas Eve. 10:30 p.m. ABC FAMILY Toy Story That Time Forgot While at a post-Christmas play date, the gang finds itself in uncharted territory after some cool new action figures turn out to be delusional, leaving it up to Trixie to save the day. 11:15 p.m. AMC Miracle on 34th Street An adwoman’s lawyer boyfriend tries to prove that Macy’s Santa Claus is the real thing.

December 23 6 p.m. HALLMARK A Bride for Christmas A man bets his friends that he can convince a woman to marry him by Christmas. 7 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. AMC The Santa Clause 2 Santa must get married by Christmas Eve in order to save the holiday and keep his job. 8 p.m. EWTN Mother Angelica Live Classics Mother Angelica offers an inspiring reflection on keeping Christ in Christmas. FX Christmas With the Kranks A Chicago couple scramble to put together a holiday celebration after their daughter decides to come home for Christmas. HALLMARK A Boyfriend for Christmas A strangely familiar man may be the answer to a 33-year-old woman’s long-ago holiday wish for true love. TCM King of Kings Orson Welles narrates the story of Jesus including the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper, the Passion and the Resurrection.

6 p.m. EWTN Theater of the Word Several one-act performances in the Christmas spirit presented by the Morning Star Players and other actors from the Theater of the Word. HALLMARK Best Christmas Party Ever A young party planner arranges a special Christmas party for a New York toy store. When a powerful corporation threatens to shut her down, she decides to follow her heart and move forward with the party plans. 7 p.m. ABC FAMILY National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The Griswolds spend the holiday in a garish way, especially when a country cousin pulls up in an RV. FXM A Christmas Carol Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. 8 p.m. CW Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special Po learns that his duties as Dragon Warrior will prevent him from spending his favorite holiday, the Winter Feast, with his family. NBC It’s a Wonderful Life Ruined by a miser on Christmas Eve, a suicidal family man sees life anew thanks to his guardian angel. CINEMAX Deck the Halls Neighbors in a New England town go to war after one adorns his house with enough Christmas lights to make it visible from space. EWTN EWTN’s Vatican Report: Christmas Special A visit to Rome at Christmas; preparations at St. Peter’s; touring markets and manger scenes around the world. HALLMARK The Nine Lives of Christmas After a stray cat adopts Zachary, he meets Marilee and realizes the single life is not as fulfilling as he thought it was. TBS TNT A Christmas Story In the 1940s, little Ralphie tries to convince his parents to get him a Red Ryder range-model BB gun for Christmas. Narrated by Jean Shepherd.

November 23, 2014 TRAVEL Most Christmasy Places in America Touring America’s most festive locations. 8:30 p.m. CW Merry Madagascar Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria must deliver the presents to save Christmas when Santa gets amnesia following an accident on his sleigh. HBO Black Nativity A street-wise teen discovers the value of faith, healing and family after he goes to New York to spend Christmas with his estranged relatives. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York. FXM A Christmas Carol Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. 9:45 p.m. ENCORE Michael Tabloid employees investigate a rumor about an angel and find a surprising creature with healing powers and a lot of sex appeal. 10 p.m. HALLMARK The Christmas Shepherd Sally is heartbroken when her dog runs away during a thunderstorm. When she learns he was found by Mark, a widower, she travels to Boston to get him. Sally and Mark are given the best Christmas gifts of their lives when they fall in love. TBS TNT A Christmas Story In the 1940s, little Ralphie tries to convince his parents to get him a Red Ryder range-model BB gun for Christmas. Narrated by Jean Shepherd. TCM Christmas in Connecticut The publisher of a women’s magazine has his best columnist play holiday host to a Navy hero. 10:15 p.m. HBO The Best Man Holiday Long-forgotten rivalries and romances reignite when college friends have a Christmas reunion nearly 15 years after the last time they saw one another. 10:30 p.m. EWTN Solemn Mass of Christmas Eve The Friars of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word celebrate the Solemnity of Christmas in Birmingham, Alabama. 11 p.m. FXM A Christmas Carol Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come.

December 25 6 p.m. HALLMARK Northpole Santa Claus and his wife prepare to bring joy to the world on Christmas. TBS TNT A Christmas Story In the 1940s, little Ralphie tries to convince his parents to get him a Red Ryder range-model BB gun for Christmas. Narrated by Jean Shepherd.

November 23, 2014

December 25 (cont.) 6:30 p.m. EWTN The Fowler Sisters: Christmas Gift The singers perform holiday music; songs include “O Holy Night,” “Ave Maria” and “Away in a Manger.” 7 p.m. ABC FAMILY Elf Adopted as a baby by one of Santa’s elves, a man leaves the workshop to search for his family in New York.

A Toledo tradition since 2005

FOX MOVIE A Christmas Carol Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. SYFY Snowmageddon Disaster strikes when a snow globe affects events in the real world. 7:30 p.m. HALLMARK Angels and Ornaments Three suitors pursue a hopeless romantic after she makes a wish to find true love before Christmas.

8 p.m. CW The 12 Dogs of Christmas In a town where dogs are banned, a Depression-era girl plans a holiday pageant at school to help homeless canines. 9 p.m. ABC FAMILY Home Alone Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old makes mincemeat of two burglars in the house. FXM A Christmas Carol Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets

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Holiday TV Listings 25 the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. HALLMARK A Royal Christmas Queen Isadora, the ruler of Cordinia, interferes with Prince Leopold’s plans to marry a humble seamstress from Philadelphia. 10 p.m. PBS Christmas With the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Featuring Deborah Voigt and John Rhys-Davies A Christmas celebration features soprano Deborah Voigt and actor John Rhys-Davies. 10:30 p.m. HALLMARK Christmas Under Wraps After unexpectedly moving to Alaska, an ambitious doctor starts a new romance and learns that her small town is hiding a holiday secret. 11 p.m. FXM A Christmas Carol Dickens’ London miser Ebenezer Scrooge meets the ghosts of Christmases past, present and yet to come. FX Christmas With the Kranks A Chicago couple scramble to put together a holiday celebration after their daughter decides to come home for Christmas.

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December 28 12:15 p.m. HBO Black Nativity A street-wise teen discovers the value of faith, healing and family after he goes to New York to spend Christmas with his estranged relatives. 1:30 p.m. EWTN Catholic University of America’s Christmas Concert Annual Christmas concert from Washington, D.C.

December 31 8 p.m. ABC Dick Clark’s Primetime New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest 2015 Festivities in Los Angeles and Times Square in New York; musical performers include Taylor Swift. 9:30 p.m. EWTN Urbi Et Orbi: Message and Blessing Pope Francis gives his Christmas blessing to the city of Rome and the world. 10 p.m. NBC NBC’s New Year’s Eve With Carson Daly 2014 The countdown to 2015 begins in Times Square. O TV listings subject to change.


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26 Holiday TV Listings

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 23, 2014 C


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Holiday with Heart Charity Gayla committee members. PHOTO COURTESY Grand Lubell Photography

Nov. Nov. 23, 23, 2014 2014

Gayla has heart 37th annual charity event benefits area LGBT causes.

lasted 37 years and we are still going strong,” said Rick Cornett, member of the Holiday with Heart board of tors. “The event only gets bigger and upporting the needs of the les- bigger each year as LGBT acceptance bian, gay, bisexual and trans- has reached an all-time high.” The formal event for ages 18 and gender (LGBT) community has been the mission of the Holiday older features dinner, a cash bar, with Heart Charity Gayla for nearly dancing, a raffle, a silent auction and networking opportunities. Grand four decades. While event organizers are pleased Lubell Photography will provide a with the progress made in this country photo booth, while Tim Schulien and and region since 1977 — when the first local restaurateur Pam Weirauch will Gayla took place — they know much offer a dessert station. Jon Paul, aka Amanda Collins, will more work is needed. The 37th annual event will be 4-11 be MC and hostess. Paul is a makeup p.m. Dec. 7 at the Toledo Club, 235 artist and cosmetologist who started to 14th St. Tickets are $75. Billed as the do drag performances to raise awarepremier social event for the Toledo ness of AIDS and its effect on families. This year’s Gayla will benefit two LGBT community, the Gayla’s mission is to develop financial resources to sup- LGBT causes: Why Marriage Matters port the Northwest Ohio and South- Ohio and Toledo Mpowerment. Why Marriage Matters Ohio is east Michigan LGBT community. 3661 Devers_Collision_TFP95_Layout 1 8/30/12 1:28 PM Page 1 “Many are shocked that we have a grassroots public education camBy Joel Sensenig



paign aiming to build support for marriage equality. “We are eager to help support marriage equality nationwide but want to see it happen here in Ohio first and foremost,” Cornett said. “We now have 33 states with legal gay marriage and I’m ashamed to say Ohio isn’t one of them. When I first came out in 1985 I never thought I would see one state with legal gay marriage in my lifetime. We have come a long way.” Toledo Mpowerment is a local youth support group for gay, bisexual and transgender men ages 18-29. The agency provides a safe haven for a happy, healthy and educating environment for fun and fellowship while providing education on HIV and safe sex. Some of the funds raised will also go into the Holiday with Heart Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation. Now standing at about $27,000, funds will be dispersed to local LGBT causes

as needed once $100,000 is raised. All funds stay in the region. Last year’s Gayla raised $10,000. Holiday with Heart committee member Wayne North said the event serves several purposes. “It serves as a method to generate money to support events and causes that matter to the LGBT community, events that by themselves would probably go largely ignored,” North said. “It provides a very visible public event that allows the general public to see the LGBT community doing something positive, thereby generating public respect, acceptance and legitimacy for the LGBT family. It provides a venue for the various segments of the LGBT community to gather and have a social event and help inspire cohesion and cooperation.” Cornett said the recent attack on transgender activist Candice Milligan shows the Gayla’s mission is

still necessary. Milligan was attacked and robbed Nov. 3 near 13th Street and Madison Avenue in Downtown Toledo. She was released from Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center after spending several days there. “The local LGBT community has come a long way with gaining acceptance in many areas of Toledo’s society, but we still have a way to go,” Cornett said. “Transgender people are perhaps the most misunderstood group under the LGBT umbrella with little media and education focus on them. We want to support and bring awareness to all who stand under the LGBT umbrella. “Much still needs to be done within our school systems toward protecting LGBT youth from bullying and making them feel safe and unafraid to report these verbal and physical attacks.” n Gayla CONTINUES ON 29


28 Star

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


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November 23, 2014

Frostbitten By Joel Sensenig TOLEDO FREE PRESS Managing Editor

Winter’s early onset has everyone seeking warmth. The Collingwood Arts Center (CAC), 2413 Collingwood Blvd., is in particular need of heat after two of its three boilers went out last winter. Although the center has received offers from Campbell Mechanical, Campbell Supply and Local 50 of The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry to help with its current boiler as well as pricing and installation of the new boilers, it will still cost the CAC about $19,000 to properly heat the building. To help raise money for the project, CAC is hosting a fundraiser, “Frostbitten: A Variety Show Featuring the Best of CAC,” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 29. The show will feature performances from groups already performing at CAC, including Birds Eye View Circus, Children’s Theatre Workshop, Charity Drag of Toledo, Loa Fire and the T-Town Tassels. Advance tickets are $9 each or $15 for a pair. Children 12 and younger will be $5. Advance tickets can be purchased at the CAC or online at www.frostbitten.brownpapertickets.

com. At the door, tickets will be $12 for adults and $7 for children 12 and younger. Doors open at 7 p.m. “We’re in a situation where it’s imperative to get heat in the building in order to continue operating just to keep the businesses that are already in place and to continue to be able to rent the theater,” said Lexi Staples, CAC executive director. After discussing ways to raise the money needed for the boilers with Erin Garber-Pearson owner of Birds Eye View Circus, Staples decided to move forward with the “Frostbitten” fundraiser. “It’s really cool to see the community coming together to support this community space that is so much already but could be so much more,” Staples said. Garber-Pearson said the circus wants to do whatever it can to help out its performance space. “We train and perform in the theater,” Garber-Pearson said. “It’s really important to us the CAC theater is warm. We just made an investment in that building in general and want to see it succeed.” Birds Eye View Circus will take some of the top acts from its recent “Toy Chest” show, including acrobatic acts, trapeze, aerial hoop, silks and double silks elements. “Frostbitten” is just the first of

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Collingwood Arts Center seeks heating help with benefit Nov. 29.


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Birds Eye View Circus Space will be among the acts at Collingwood Arts Center’s ‘Frostbitten’ fundraiser Nov. 29. PHOTO COURTESY SPILT SUGAR PHOTOGRAPHY

several fundraisers for the boiler project, Staples said. The CAC is also accepting donations online at www. “From kids’ acts to fire breathing

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to the circus, it’s going to be a crazy, interesting evening,” Staples said. For more information about the CAC, visit O

Holiday with Heart donated $500 to Milligan to help with her medical bills. This year’s sponsors include Paramount Advantage; Legends Showclub; Mojo Bar; Gallon, Takacs, Boissoneault & Schaffer Co., LPA; Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick LLP; Toledo Pride Foundation; Hitchings Insurance Agency, Inc.; The University of Toledo; The Flower Market; Grand Lubell Photography; Great Lakes Sound and Lighting; and Pam’s Corner restaurant. Toledo Free Press serves as media sponsor of the event. For those not able to attend the event, Mojo and Legends are offering $20 tickets for the Little Red Wagon Raffle, which contains more than 20 bottles of Bacardi and Skyy liquors with special barware and items for home bars. Tickets will be sold until Dec. 7. The Gayla is open to all in the LGBT community as well as its allies. Cornett encourages attendees to get their reservations in early. Reservation deadline is Dec. 3. The event has sold out for several years. Other committee members are David Bingham, Ed Hoffman, Steve Maenle, Kennyetta White, Rickie Waugh, Brian O’Connor, Neil Koplitz and Chris Coleman. Billy Mann is a volunteer for the event. For more information or reservation forms, visit www.hwhcharity or call Cornett at (419) 470-3937. O

30 Star

A Toledo tradition since 2005

((((((((((((( THE PULSE

November 23, 2014

November 21-29, 2014

What’s what, where and when in NW Ohio


Doc Watson’s

Angelo’s Northwood Villa

6630 S. Dixie Hwy., Erie. (734) 636-0954 or ✯ Tom Szor on piano, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

Bar 145º

Featuring burgers, bands and bourbon. $5 cover. 5304 Monroe St. (419) 593-0073 or ✯ $5 martinis and burgers: Wednesdays. ✯ NFL Sunday Ticket: Sundays. ✯ Full Tilt: 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Nov. 21. ✯ Lee Gantt Band: 10:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Nov. 22.

The Blarney Irish Pub

601 Monroe St. (419) 418-2339 or ✯ “Toledo’s Best Singers” Karaoke: 7-11 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ The Bradberries: Nov. 21. ✯ Captain Sweet Shoes: Nov. 22.

Bronze Boar

20 S. Huron St. (419) 244-2627 or www.bronze ✯ Open mic with Steve Finelli and Oliver Roses: Mondays. ✯ Open mic and Steve Kennedy: Thursdays. ✯ Joe Woods Trio: Nov. 21. ✯ Beg To Differ: Nov. 22.

Dégagé Jazz Café

301 River Road, Maumee. (419) 794-8205 or ✯ Gene Parker: Tuesdays. ✯ Gene Parker & Friends: Wednesdays.

The Distillery

Name That Tune

✯ The Bridges: Nov. 21 and 22. ✯ Johnny Rocker and The Hitmen: Nov. 26. ✯ DJ Marky P: 5 p.m. Nov. 27.

Compiled by Matt Liasse Events are subject to change.

4311 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 382-1444 or ✯ Sunday Ticket: Sundays. ✯ Monday Night Football: Mondays. ✯ Trivia with Team Lunchbox: Tuesdays.

1515 S. Byrne Road. (419) 389-6003 or ✯ Sporcle Live Trivia: Thursdays. ✯ Picking Kelley: 10 p.m. Nov. 21. ✯ Dave Carpenter and Shawn McMahon: 10 p.m. Nov. 22.

Dorr St. Café

Dorr Street at Reynolds Road. (419) 531-4446 or ✯ Don Coats: Nov. 21.

Durty Bird

2 S. St. Clair St. (419) 243-2473 or www.yeolde ✯ Raq the Casbah: 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Nov. 21. ✯ Vintage Mojo: 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Nov. 22. ✯ Talk of the Town: 1-4 p.m. Nov. 23. ✯ The New Mondays: 6-9 p.m. Nov. 24. ✯ Bradley McNett: 7-10 p.m. Nov. 25. ✯ Twisting Tarantulas: 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Nov. 26.


This two-man band (Dave Rybaczewski and Walter Guy) performs Beatles songs. www. ✯ Basin Street Grille, 5201 Monroe St. 8-11 p.m. Nov. 21. Dave Rybaczewski – Solo ✯ Angelo’s Northwood Villa, 6630 S. Dixie Hwy., 6-10 p.m. Nov. 22.

French Quarter J. Patrick’s Pub

10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg. (419) 8743111 or ✯ The Late Show: Nov. 21 and 22.

Hollywood Casino Toledo

Hollywood Casino Toledo offers musical distractions from all the lights, noise and jackpots. 777 Hollywood Blvd. (419) 661-5200 or www. ✯ Distant Cousinz: 9 p.m. Nov. 21. ✯ Fu5ion: 9 p.m. Nov. 22. ✯ The Rock Show: 9 p.m. Nov. 26.

✯ The Oarhouse, 5044 Suder Ave.: 8-10 p.m. Mondays, 6-8:30 p.m. Fridays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 6609 Airport Hwy.: 8-10 p.m. Tuesdays. ✯ Jeds Barbeque and Brew, 855 S. HollandSylvania: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Pat & Dandy’s Sports Bar & Grill, 3344 W Laskey Road: 9-11 p.m. Wednesdays. ✯ Ralphie’s Sports Eatery, 5702 Monroe St.: 7-9 p.m. Thursdays.

One2 Lounge at Treo

Live music starts at 7:30 p.m. 5703 Main St., Sylvania. (419) 882-2266 or ✯ Andrew Ellis: Nov. 21. ✯ The Good, The Bad and The Blues: 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Nov. 22.

The Ottawa Tavern

1815 Adams St. (419) 725-5483 or www. ✯ Bleak, React, Discerned: Nov. 21. ✯ Maker’s Mart Crafter Party: Nov. 22. ✯ TART, Tree No Leaves: Nov. 22. ✯ The Greenery, The Shed, Borrowed & Blue: Nov. 23. ✯ LMDP: Nov. 26.

Potbelly Sandwich Shop

4038 Talmadge Road. (419) 725-5037 or ✯ Jaime Mills: Noon-2 p.m. Fridays.


Jeff McDonald’s group of musicians provides a peek into another era. (419) 708-0265, (419) 874-0290 or ✯ Trotters Tavern, 5131 Heatherdowns Blvd. (419) 381-2079: 8 p.m. Tuesdays.

Third Street Cigar

A place to go and relax while enjoying music. 20 N. 3rd St., Waterville. (419) 441-0020. ✯ The Good, The Bad and the Blues: 8-11 p.m. Nov. 21.

The Village Idiot

309 Conant St., Maumee. (419) 893-7281 or ✯ The House Band: Fridays.

✯ Dooley Wilson, Bob Rex and friends: Sundays. ✯ Frankie May and friends: Mondays. ✯ John Barile & Bobby May: Tuesdays. ✯ Andrew Ellis: Wednesdays. ✯ The Nu-Tones: Nov. 21. ✯ Dragon Wagon: Nov. 22.

Ye Olde Cock n’ Bull

9 N. Huron St. (419) 244-2855 or facebook. com/cocknbulltoledo. ✯ Danny Mettler hosts Open Mic Night: Wednesdays. ✯ Tore Down Blues Jam Band: Sundays. ✯ Bobby May and John Barile followed by Sugar Pax: Nov. 21. ✯ Arctic Clam: Nov. 22. ✯ Tore Down Blues Band Jam: Nov. 23. ✯ Steve Kennedy: Nov. 25. ✯ Distant Cousinz: Nov. 26. ✯ Captain Sweet Shoes: Nov. 27


Eastwood Theater

The historic landmark is screening movies for $5. 817 E. Broadway St. (419) 720-5199 or ✯ “The Lego Movie”: 5:50 and 8 p.m. Nov. 21, 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 22 and 4 and 6:10 p.m. Nov. 23. ✯ “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”: 10:10 p.m. Nov. 21, 9:40 p.m. Nov. 22 and 8:10 p.m. Nov. 23.

The Holiday Loop

A variety of galleries, artist studios and local retailers in Downtown Toledo will be open and having sales perfect for holiday shopping. For more information, contact (419) 254-ARTS or visit 3-8 p.m. Nov. 22.

Humanities Happy Hours

Happy hours take place 5-8 p.m. and talks and Q&A take place from 6-7 p.m. Libbey Hall, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St. ✯ Philosophy: “Why Monsters Matter” by Madeline M. Muntersbjorn and “Culture and the Origins of Human Cognition” by John Sarnecki: Nov. 21.

Premier Downtown event anD recePtion center

N o w B o o ki n g H oliday Parties!

601 Monroe St. Right Across from Fifth Third Field

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Contact Angie Gioiella: 419-481-5206

Maker’s Mart

Independent craft show featuring more than 80 regional vendors. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 22 at Handmade Toledo, 1717 Adms St. For more information, visit

Maumee Indoor Theatre

601 Conant St., Maumee. ✯ Monclova Records presents Mark Mikel’s “A Peace Sign Is Only A Finger Away” concert: 8 p.m. Nov. 22.

Secor Building

The Secor Gallery features work from local artists. Contact 425 Jefferson Ave., corner of Superior Street. ✯ Skot Horn’s “Flower Power”: The gallery is available for viewing Tuesday through Saturday from 4-9 p.m. until Jan. 5. For more information, contact

Toledo Walleye

Huntington Center. 500 Jefferson Ave. (419) 321-5007, (800) 745-3000, toledo ✯ Walleye versus Greenville Road Warriors, post-game party with the players: 7:15 p.m. Nov. 21. ✯ Walleye versus Evansville Icemen, Heroes Night, Teddy Bear Toss: 7:15 p.m. Nov. 22.

The Toledo Zoo

2700 Broadway St. $11-$14. (419) 385-4040 or ✯ Free-flight Butterfly Exhibit: Free with zoo admission. Open daily. ✯ Lights Before Christmas: now through Jan. 4. If you would like your event in The Pulse, contact Matt at

Wednesday, Nov. 26th

Arctic Clam

Friday, Nov. 28th

Nine Lives

Saturday, Nov. 29th

Caveman & the Dinosaurs

November 23, 2014


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News News TMZ News News

ABC News CBS News News NBC News NewsHour



Varied Programs Movie Diners Varied Varied Programs Seinfeld Seinfeld Varied Programs

Mod Fam

Mod Fam

November 23, 2014


3 pm


General Hospital Latifah Varied Ellen DeGeneres News News The Talk Varied Let’s Make a Deal Dr. Phil News at Five Judge Mathis Peo. Court Varied Maury Varied Access H. Minute Millionaire Hot Bench Steve Harvey Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NBC 24 News Varied Programs Cyberchas Criminal Varied Criminal Varied Programs Vander Varied Vander Varied Vander Varied Programs Varied Programs Futurama Futurama Varied Austin Varied Programs Varied Programs Insiders Varied NFL Live Around Pardon Varied Programs Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Boy/World Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Varied Programs Pioneer Varied Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Charmed Charmed Varied Programs Amer. Dad Amer. Dad King King Friends Friends Friends Friends Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Commun Commun Bill Cunningham The Dr. Oz Show Mike Mike

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Hope Rising: Trauma Scandal (CC) World of X Games Family Skating Tribute (N) (CC) News ABC Funny Home Videos 2014 American Music Awards Musical acts are honored. (N) News Insider NFL Football Cleveland Browns at Atlanta Falcons. (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Football Washington Redskins at San Francisco 49ers. (N) 60 Minutes (N) (CC) Madam Secretary (N) The Good Wife (N) CSI: Crime Scene News NFL Football Detroit Lions at New England Patriots. (N) (CC) The OT Auto Racing Paid Paid Paid Simpsons Mulaney Simpsons Brooklyn Fam. Guy Burgers News Leading TMZ (N) (CC) Sports MLS Soccer: Eastern Conference Finals, Leg 1 Figure Skating News News Football Night in America (N) NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants. (N) (CC) News Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens Vernon Jordan Charlie Ohio Moyers Weekend NOVA (CC) (DVS) Jay Leno: The Mark Twain Prize Richard Pryor -- Icon Vicious ACL-Americana Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Country Country Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Dogs of War (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Vander Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Housewives/Atl. The Real Housewives of Atlanta Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. The Real Housewives of Atlanta Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Fashion ›› Semi-Pro (2008) Will Ferrell. ›› Bewitched (2005) Nicole Kidman. Premiere. (CC) Key Key Key Key Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Tropic T HS Musical 3 Dog Dog Austin Austin Austin Girl Girl ›››› The Little Mermaid (1989) Sofia the First (N) Austin Liv-Mad. Jessie Rebels Rebels Dog Girl I Didn’t CFL Football: Eastern Conference Finals -- Alouettes at Tiger-Cats Football Final MLS Soccer SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Who’s In? 2014 World Series of Poker Final Table. SportsCenter (N) Ella Nightmare-Christmas ››› Mulan (1998) Voices of Miguel Ferrer. ››› The Hunger Games (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. ››› Finding Nemo (2003) Voices of Albert Brooks. Nightmare-Christmas The Kitchen Thanksgiving Chopped Unwrapped Thanksgiving Holiday Baking Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Holiday Baking Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hawaii Hawaii Beach Beach Vacation House Hunters Hunt Intl Christmas on the Bayou (2013) (CC) Dear Santa (2011, Drama) Amy Acker. (CC) Under the Mistletoe (2006, Drama) (CC) An En Vogue Christmas (2014) Terry Ellis. Seasons of Love (2014) LeToya Luckett. En Vogue Chris Friend ›› Scary Movie 3 (2003) Anna Faris. Ridic. Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridic. Sled Sled Sled ›› Scary Movie 3 ›› Life as We Know It (2010) (DVS) ›› Fred Claus (2007, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. (DVS) ››› Home Alone (1990) Macaulay Culkin. Grinch ›››› The Wizard of Oz (1939) (DVS) ›››› The Wizard of Oz (1939) (DVS) ››› Kiss Me Kate ››› The Big Sleep (1946) (CC) (DVS) ›››› The Adventures of Robin Hood ››› Ivanhoe (1952) Robert Taylor. (CC) ››› Plymouth Adventure (1952) (CC) ››› Northwest Passage (1940) (CC) Law & Order ››› Red Eye (2005) (CC) ›› Lakeview Terrace (2008) Samuel L. Jackson. (CC) ›› Disturbia (2007) Shia LaBeouf. › Law Abiding Citizen (2009) Jamie Foxx. ››› The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) (CC) (DVS) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Happy Holidays Unforgettable Made Holly Glee “Showmance” Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang 1st Fam Box Offi The Closer (CC) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate News Leading CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Mass The NFL Today (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday Minute Minute Lions GameDay LIVE FOX NFL Sunday (N) Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe 21 Day Fix Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Adventure Super WordWrld Thomas Cat in the Toledo Toledo Art in the Twenty-First Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Dogs of War “Duane” Housewives/NJ Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives Made in Chelsea NYC Made in Chelsea NYC ›› Hit & Run (2012) Dax Shepard, Kristen Bell. (CC) ›› Without a Paddle (2004) Seth Green. (CC) Semi-Pro Doc McSt. Sofia Dog Liv-Mad. Austin Liv-Mad. I Didn’t Girl Meets High School Musical 3 SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (CC) ››› Holes (2003), Jon Voight ›› Richie Rich (1994) Macaulay Culkin. ›› Ella Enchanted (2004) Contessa Heartland Pioneer Trisha’s Contessa Giada Guy’s Pioneer Southern Farm Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Sold on Sold on Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Skincare Unsolved Mysteries All About Christmas Eve (2012) Haylie Duff. Walk Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friends Friends Friends Friends ›› It’s Complicated (2009) Meryl Streep. (DVS) Life ›› Berkeley Square (1933) (CC) ›››› Citizen Kane (1941) Orson Welles. (CC) (DVS) ››› Kiss Me Kate Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Hitman” Law & Order Law & Order P. Chris J. Osteen Covert Affairs (CC) White Collar (CC) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Show Home Lets Fixer Old House Full Plate Dine Out Raymond Raymond NEW Ninja Blender!


November 23, 2014



TV Listings 31

A Toledo tradition since 2005

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November 24, 2014 10:30

11 pm


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle “Kill Switch” News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Broke Girl Millers Scorpion “Talismans” NCIS: Los Angeles (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Gotham “LoveCraft” Sleepy Hollow (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud The Voice The top 10 artists perform. (N) (CC) State of Affairs (N) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Independent Lens Alabama recording studio. The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) Godfather-Pitt. The First 48 (CC) Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Euros of Hollywood Vanderpump Rules South Pk Tosh.0 Futurama Futurama South Park: Mr. Garrison’s Sexual Evolution Daily Colbert Jessie Jessie ››› Up (2009) Voices of Ed Asner. Mickey Austin Dog Girl Meets Liv-Mad. Monday Night NFL Football Baltimore Ravens at New Orleans Saints. (N Subject to Blackout) SportCtr ››› Finding Nemo (2003) ›› Dark Shadows (2012) Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer. The 700 Club (CC) Guy’s Grocery Games My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners My. Diners Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Very Merry Daughter Finding Mrs. Claus (2012) Mira Sorvino. (CC) Christmas on the Bayou (2013) Hilarie Burton. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Are You the One? (N) Are You the One? Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ›› Polo Joe (1936) Dogs Life The Birth of the Tramp (CC) ››› Seven Chances Keaton Freshman Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (N) (CC) Major Crimes (CC) Law & Order NCIS “Sub Rosa” (CC) WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) Chrisley Chrisley Big Bang Big Bang The Originals (N) (CC) Jane the Virgin (N) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy



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Bienvenidos Amigos!

7 pm



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10 pm

November 25, 2014 10:30

Ent Insider Dancing With Stars Dancing With the Stars (N) (CC) Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS “Grounded” (N) NCIS: New Orleans (N) Person of Interest (N) The Office Simpsons MasterChef (N) New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News Celebrity FamFeud The Voice (N) (CC) Marry Me About-Boy Chicago Fire (N) NewsHour Business Finding Your Roots Get Real! Wise Frontline (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives Real Housewives The People’s Couch South Pk Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Big Time Jessie Jessie ›››› WALL-E (2008) (CC) Mickey Austin Dog Top 25 College Basketball Basketball College Basketball ›› Dark Shadows (2012, Comedy) ››› Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) Chopped Chopped “Wasted!” Chopped Chopped (N) Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl True Tori (CC) True Tori (CC) True Tori (N) (CC) The Sisterhood Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Faking It Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang That’s Enter. 3 A Night at the Movies ››› The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947) Bones (CC) Bones (CC) Bones (CC) CSI: NY (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Benched Big Bang Big Bang The Flash (N) (CC) Supernatural (N) (CC) Two Men Two Men

11 pm


News J. Kimmel News Letterman TMZ (N) Minute News J. Fallon Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Country Country Real Housewives Daily Colbert Girl Meets Liv-Mad. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Flip or Flip or Prison Wives Club (N) Awkward. Awkward. Conan (N) (CC) A Night at the Movies CSI: NY (CC) Chrisley Benched Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


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November 26, 2014 10:30

11 pm

Thursday Evening


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November 28, 2014 10:30

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November 27, 2014 10:30

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November 29, 2014 11:30

12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean 13ABC Border Battle College Football Your Morning Saturday (N) (CC) Innovation Recipe All In Changers Best No Raking State Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News McCarver Today (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Noodle Astroblast Chica Tree Fu LazyTown Poppy Cat Soccer Super WordWrld Thomas Cat in the Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions for You Great Railway Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Storage Storage Manzo’d Manzo’d Manzo’d Manzo’d Matchmaker Tardy Tardy Tardy Tardy Work. ›› Police Academy (1984) Steve Guttenberg. (CC) ››› Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Eddie Murphy. Sofia the First (CC) Austin Jessie Dog Girl Meets Jessie (CC) Eloise-C’mas. SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) College Football ››› Dolphin Tale (2011) Harry Connick Jr.. ›› Bedtime Stories (2008) Adam Sandler. ››› Hook (1991) Be.- Made Best Thing Farm Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Holiday Baking Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. To Be Announced Twelve Trees Are You the One? Are You the One? Are You the One? Are You the One? Are You the One? King King King King ›› Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) Johnny Depp. ›››› Gentleman’s Agreement (1947) (CC) Carson ›› Between Two Women (1944) Playing Meet Me Law & Order Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) Hawaii Five-0 (CC) ››› Total Recall (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chrisley Chrisley Benched Benched NCIS (CC) NCIS “Knockout” (CC) Dr. Pol Dr. Pol B. Barr B. Barr Expedition Expedition Rock-Park Reluc Rescue Animals


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Thank You, America! Away-Murder Away-Murder News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Mom (N) Two Men McCarthys Elementary “Rip Off” News Letterman Football Simpsons Cause for Paws: Dog Spectacular Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud Football NFL Football Seattle Seahawks at San Francisco 49ers. (N) (CC) News NewsHour Business Toledo Toledo Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) Blessings Songs Thanks. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Duck D. Country Country Matchmkr Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker The Real Housewives of Atlanta Jeff Dunham Jeff Dunham Special Jeff Dunham: All Over All-Star Jeff Dunham Special Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Austin Liv-Mad. Austin Dog Girl Meets Liv-Mad. SportCtr College Football LSU at Texas A&M. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Cars 2 (2011) Toy Story ››› Ratatouille (2007) Voices of Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Food Truck Face Off Chopped Beat Flay Beat Flay Diners Diners Fixer Upper (CC) Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper (CC) ›› The Notebook (CC) ›› The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law. (CC) The Sisterhood Ridic. Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridiculousness Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Chitty-Bang ››› The Trouble With Angels (1966) (CC) ›› Bright Eyes (1934) (CC) Courtship Transporter Transporter Transporter Transporter On the Menu (CC) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose? Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

Saturday Morning


Ent Insider Funniest Home Videos Shark Tank (CC) 20/20 (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! The Amazing Race (N) Frosty Virginia Hawaii Five-0 (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef Gotham (CC) (DVS) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud Dateline NBC (N) (CC) Grimm (N) (CC) (DVS) Constantine (N) (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Wash Deadline Kristin Chenoweth: Coming Home 60s Pop, Rock & Soul (My Music) Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby Country Country ›› Bee Movie (2007) Voices of Jerry Seinfeld. ›› How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Kate Hudson. Americn 2 Jeff Dunham: All Over South Pk South Park (CC) All-Star South Park (CC) Dog Girl Meets Jessie (N) (CC) Rebels Gravity I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Girl Meets Liv-Mad. SportCtr Football College Football Virginia at Virginia Tech. (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Ratatouille Toy Story ››› The Hunger Games (2012) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. The 700 Club (CC) Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners Diners Diners, Drive Beach Beach Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Merry In-Laws (2012) ›› Christmas With the Kranks (2004) (CC) ››› Crazy for Christmas (2005) Andrea Roth. ›› ATL ›› Beauty Shop (2005, Comedy) Queen Latifah. MTV Special ›› Fred Claus (2007) Big Bang Big Bang Deal With ›› Four Christmases (2008) Vince Vaughn. Deal With ›››› Psycho (1960) ››› Road to Utopia (1945) (CC) ›››› Sullivan’s Travels (1941) Joel McCrea. It Happen On the Menu (CC) On the Menu (N) (CC) ›› Battle: Los Angeles (2011) Aaron Eckhart. (CC) (DVS) Menu Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Reindeer Panda Merry Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


9 pm

Ent Insider Charlie Brown Mod Fam blackish Nashville (CC) (DVS) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor (N) (CC) Criminal Minds “Fate” Stalker (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Hell’s Kitchen (N) Red Band Society (N) Fox Toledo News TMZ (N) Minute Celebrity FamFeud Making of Peter Saturday Night Live (CC) News J. Fallon NewsHour Business Nature (CC) (DVS) Nature (CC) (DVS) Nature (CC) (DVS) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Country Country Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Duck D. Country Country Country Country Top Chef (CC) Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. What Happens ›› Happy Gilmore (1996) Adam Sandler. (CC) South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Jessie Jessie ››› Meet the Robinsons (2007) Rebels Rebels Dog Girl Meets Liv-Mad. NBA NBA Basketball New York Knicks at Dallas Mavericks. (N) College Basketball Willy Wonka & Chocolate ›› Cars 2 (2011, Comedy) Voices of Owen Wilson. The 700 Club (CC) Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen Kitchen Inferno (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Movie Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby › Killers (2010, Action) Ashton Kutcher. (CC) Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW (N) Snooki Ridic. Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ››› Portrait of Jennie › Arsene Lupin (1932) (CC) ››› Gambit (1966) Shirley MacLaine. (CC) The Fake Castle (CC) (DVS) ››› Training Day (2001) Denzel Washington. (CC) (DVS) ››› The Town (2010) Ben Affleck. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang ››› Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


8 pm

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005


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November 29, 2014

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) News Lottery College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) News Blower In Your Life (N) (CC) Football Football College Football Mississippi State at Mississippi. (N) (Live) (CC) News Wheel Christmas Story of Santa Claus 48 Hours (N) (CC) News Jeopardy! Bones (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Pregame College Football Teams TBA. (N) (S Live) Burn Notice (CC) Bones (CC) (DVS) Sleepy Hollow News Office Office Alien File English Premier League Soccer College Football Bayou Classic -- Grambling State vs. Southern. (N) (CC) News News Jdg Judy Academic The National Dog Show (CC) Saturday Night Live News SNL Railway 50s and 60s Rock Rewind (My Music) Great Performances (CC) Europe Rick Steves’ Italy: Cities of Dreams (CC) 50 Years With Peter, Paul and Mary (CC) Rock Rewind 1965-1967 Victor Storage Storage Country Country Country Country Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Tardy Tardy Real Housewives Real Housewives Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules › The Ugly Truth (2009) Katherine Heigl. › The Ugly Truth (2009) Katherine Heigl. ›› Beverly Hills Cop II (1987, Comedy) › Vegas Vacation (1997, Comedy) Chevy Chase. (CC) ›› Couples Retreat (2009) Vince Vaughn. (CC) Kevin Hart: Grown Amy Schumer All-Star Kevin Hart: Grown Eloise ANT Farm ANT Farm ANT Farm Girl Girl Girl Dog Dog Dog Liv-Mad. Good Luck Jes. Nightmare-Christmas Jessie (CC) Lab Rats Lab Rats Girl Liv-Mad. College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Football Scoreboard College Football Auburn at Alabama. (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ››› Hook (1991, Fantasy) Dustin Hoffman. ›› Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) ››› The Hunger Games (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. ››› Brave (2012) Voices of Kevin McKidd. ››› Despicable Me (2010), Jason Segel Rewrap. Beat Flay Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Guy’s Games Kitchen Inferno Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Fixer Upper (CC) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Twelve Trees All About Christmas Eve (2012) Haylie Duff. Finding Mrs. Claus (2012) Mira Sorvino. ›› Christmas With the Kranks (2004) (CC) Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever (2014) Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever (2014) Are You the One? Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW Snooki & JWOWW ››› Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) ›› Scary Movie 3 (2003) Anna Faris. Ridic. ›› Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006, Adventure) Friends Friends Friends Friends Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With Pirates ››› Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) ›› The Lemon Drop Kid (1951) ››› The Thing From Another World (1951) ›››› Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ›››› Beauty and the Beast (1946, Fantasy) ››› Jungle Book (1942) Sabu. (CC) ››› Total Recall (1990) (CC) ›› Terminator Salvation (2009) Christian Bale. ›› Battle: Los Angeles (2011) Aaron Eckhart. ››› 300 (2007, Action) Gerard Butler. (CC) (DVS) Transporter Transporter NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Toxic” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS Tense reunion. NCIS (CC) NCIS “Reunion” (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS “Endgame” Adven. WHAD Biz Kid$ DragonFly Futurama Futurama Glee “Acafellas” Mike Mike Raising Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang High School Basketball High School Basketball PCA Wrestling

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10” x 10.25” ad

November 23, 2014 Solution, tips and computer program at

Comics & Games 33

A Toledo tradition since 2005



TFP Crossword

“Out of This World”

by Dave DeChristopher 1



1. Car security system 4. “Nothing on You” singer 9. Oscar winner Redgrave 12. Bush art 13. “Mamma ----!” n SUDOKU ANSWERS FOUND ON 34 14. Winner of multiple Wimbledons 18. Elevator name 21. Coalition We Have Great for Your Business! e Have A Great PlaceAfor YourPlace Business! 24. Festive event 28. Woody Allen flick 32. Chaz’s mom 33. Adult filly 34. ---- out (just got by) 37. Sidekick to James West 41. Improve, according to some Humana Marketpoint to move into 42. “LittlePl.Shop of Horrors” nerd Humana Marketpoint to move into 6821Salisbury Salisbury Rd. Rd. 21 Salisbury Rd. 6000 Renaissance Pl. Pl. 6000 Renaissance 6000 Renaissance 6821 Have A Great Place for Your Business! 3,600 SF at 6546 Weatherfield Ct. 3,600 SF at 6546 Weatherfield Ct. Office Lease: 4,105 SF Office Condo Lease: 1,148 SF 44. Flaw Office Lease Office Condo Lease Office Lease Office Condo Lease in Hometown Center in Maumee, in Hometown Center in Maumee, 4,105 SF 1,148 4,105 SF 1,148 SF 46. SFEddie Murphy bomb, For information on OH OH "Adventures of ___ ___" any of the referenced 47. Take the wheel

We have a Great Place for Your Business!

For information on any of the referenced properties above or for any commercial real estate inquiries please contact:

Ryan Ball Commercial Sales and Leasing 419-654-7500



“Innovative Solutions at Work”

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3242 Executive Parkway, Suite 104 • Toledo, Ohio 43606 Tim Schlachter - V.P. - x1459 Brian Downey Ryan Ball John Healey - x1631 Fadi Sbehi - x1270 419/466-6690 419/654-7500 Bill Conklin - x1477 Don Helvey - x1330 Mike Scannell - x1672 Ryan Ball - x1917 Hunt Sears - x1671 Brian Downey - x1543 David Kerscher - x1294 Tom Grogan - x1233

Jeff Links - x1520

Dean Skillman - x1467



















29 32








36 37




41 42






DOWN 1. Reaction to a sexpot 2. Wrestling win 3. Put up a fight 4. Dangerous snake 5. Up to the time that


16. The Quran’s religion 17. Medea’s getaway craft 19. (----)-tac-toe 20. That girl 21. Near to 22. (----)-locka, Florida 23. Vickers of WTOL-11 25. Fruit drink 26. Expressed online approval 27. Partook at Mancy’s 29. Easy gait 30. Concerning 31. “The Middle” actress 35. “TMZ” fare 36. Home of the Rams 37. “Here’s looking ----, kid” 38. “West Side Story” heroine 39. Lassie 40. “Losing My Religion” group 43. Sean Lennon’s mom 44. Scrooge expletive 45. Neat drink’s lack

6. Alley ---7. Manhattan’s locale 8. Michigan governor 10. Down Under bird 11. Grizzly horror film franchise 15. Equine response n CROSSWORD ANSWERS FOUND ON 34

Support Your LocaL reStaurantS

“We are your neighbors, friends and family. Our kids play together.We listen when you are sad, mad and happy — and when you are hungry, we feed you and your family the food that we made with our own two hands.When you are thirsty, we are the first to sit and share a pint and laugh along with you or just offer company. And at the end of the day, we watch the same sunset from the same view.We are local.” – Tony Bilancini, Owner of Swig Restaurant

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Humana Marketpoint to move into Humana Marketpoint alisbury Rd. Brian Downey ney to into 3,600 SF Ct. 3,600 SFmove at 6546 Weatherfield Sales and Leasing andLease Leasing Commercial ce atHometown 6546 Weatherfield Ct. in 690 SF in419-466-6690 Center in Maumee, 105 Hometown Center in Maumee OH



For information on any of the referenced properties above or for any commercial For information on any of the referenced properties above or for any commercial properties, or for real estate inquiries please contact: real estate inquiries please contact:

any commercial real estate inquiries, contact 6000please Renaissance Pl.Ryan Ball Brian Downey Office Condo Lease Sales and Leasing Commercial or Ryan Ball 1,148 SF 419-654-7500


34 Classified

November 23, 2014

A Toledo tradition since 2005





legal notices

legal notices

Driver / Delivery / Courier

General Employment


NOTICE of forthcoming publication of the DELINQUENT LAND TAX LIST



THE OCEAN Corp. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800-321-0298.

The Lucas County Auditor will publish a list of delinquent lands in the newspaper the weeks of November 28th and December 5th, 2014. This delinquent land list will contain the NAME OF OWNER, a description of the property and the total amount of taxes, assessments, recoupment charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid at the settlement. Delinquent lands will be certified for foreclosure by the auditor pursuant to law, unless the taxes, assessments, interests, and penalties are paid. An interest charge will accrue on accounts remaining unpaid after the last day of November unless the taxes are paid or the taxpayer enters into a written understanding to pay such delinquent taxes in installments. Any or all of such delinquent lands are subject to a tax certificate sale under section 5721.32 or 5721.33 of The Revised Code. The office of the County Treasurer will be open during normal business hours to accept payment of delinquent taxes. The names of any taxpayer who pays in full prior to seven days before publication will be removed from such list. Questions regarding the payment of delinquent taxes should be directed to the Lucas County Treasurer, 419-213-4305.

Anita Lopez

Lucas County Auditor Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Lucas County, Ohio, at its office at One Government Center, Suite 800, Toledo, Ohio 43604 until 10:00 AM local time on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 and opened immediately thereafter for the performance of all labor and furnishing of all materials and tools required to complete all work for the Replacement of Courthouse Roof Areas at 700 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604. The estimated construction cost is $195,000.00. A mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit will be conducted at 9:00 AM on Friday, December 5, 2014 in the Jury Assembly Room on the first floor of the Lucas County Courthouse, 700 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604. Bid documents, technical specifications and drawings may be downloaded from the Lucas County Website: or they may be obtained from City Blueprint of Toledo, 3455 Briarfield Boulevard, Suite D, Maumee, Ohio 43537 (419-243-7271), between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Lucas County, Ohio. Carol Contrada – President Tina Skeldon Wozniak – Commissioner Pete Gerken – Commissioner GTC proposes to construct the following site for Positive Train Control within the Illinois Central Railroad (ICRR) right-of-way along Milepost 3.40 within Lucas County, OH. This will be a new construction involving 18.2-meter tall folding monopole on previously disturbed land. Questions of comments regarding these facilities should be directed to Fax Number 517-482-2460. UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose the family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abbys One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-413-6294.

SEALED PROPOSALS for bidding on Exterior Restoration for Toledo Metroparks Belt House, 5602 Swan Creek Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43614 will be received; opened; and read aloud at the Metropolitan Park District of the Toledo Area, Fallen Timbers Field Office, 6101 Fallen Timbers Lane, Maumee, Ohio 43537 Friday, December 5, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. local time. THE SCOPE OF WORK consists of exterior restoration of an existing residence. General construction includes select demolition, asphalt roofing, aluminum gutters & downspouts, fiber cement siding & trims, fiberglass shutters, window & door replacement, electrical service, and misc. carpentry & masonry. Bidders may obtain copies of plans, specifications, contract documents and plan-holder’s list through Newfax Corporation, 333 West Woodruff, Toledo, Ohio 43604 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (check made payable to Newfax Corporation) or via the Newfax Digital Plan Room at Newfax can be contacted at 419-241-5157 or 800-877-5157. A non-refundable fee of $15 is required for each set of documents obtained. For additional information, please contact Jon Zvanovec @ 419-3609184, EACH BIDDER MUST FURNISH either (1) a bond for the full amount of the bid or (2) a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid with its bid. The successful bidder must furnish a 100 percent (100%) Performance Bond and a 100 percent (100%) Labor and Materials Bond. No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in bidding.

• • • • • • •

$1000 Sign-On Bonus Pay - $.44/mile OTR positions in new or nearly new equipment Guaranteed home every other weekend (more often depending on location) Insurance benefits + 401k Weekly pay Rewards and referral bonus programs

Requirements: • Class A with 1 year recent tractor-trailer experience • 23 years old • Reasonably clean MVR and work history For more details, call or email a recruiter – 419-861-3430 – Or fill out an online application –

Scan for your next career!

By order of the Board of Park Commissioners METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA Stephen W. Madewell, Director

Experienced Snow Operators Needed!

Professional Services Medical & Health Care WHEELCHAIR AND Scooter Repair. Medicare Accepted. Fast Friendly Service. BBB Rated. Loaners Available. CALL 1-800-915-0432


The Maumee Municipal Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on December 8, 2014 at 7:00pm to consider amendments to the Maumee Codified Ordinance specifically, Sections 1142.04{f}, 1143.U and U41.13{b}. The hearing will be held in Council Chambers in City Hall located at 400 Conant Street, Maumee, Ohio 43537. Documents for the proposed Zoning Change are on file and available for review in the Municipal Clerks Office located at Maumee City Hall. All persons interested in the matter are invited to attend the hearing. MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION Amber Rathburn, Clerk

Opportunity in Toledo, OH delivering gasoline and diesel fuel

December 8, 2014

Wanted WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

Call 419.241.1700, Ext 230 to place a Classified Ad!

We Offer: • Home daily • Industry leading pay • Annual bonus • Health / Dental / Vision / 401K with company match • Short / Long term disability, Paid Life Insurance • Paid holidays, vacation, personal days, & more • $3000 sign on bonus after 90 days of employment • Newer equipment Requirements: • CDL A with X endorsement (hazmat / tanker) • Min. 1 year tractor-trailer driving exp. • Clean MVR for past 12 months • Some experience transporting hazmat • Willing to train Submit a résumé to: or Fax: 419-332-5501 EOE Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

Apartments / Duplexes


Do you need a GREAT part-time job? be a toledo free press home delivery carrier!

Is no longer accepting applications for 1 bedroom Apartments The average wait for a 1 bedroom apartment is one year or more Equal Housing Opportunity

Walking Routes available

CALL: 419-241-1700 ext. 221

LOCAL MANUFACTURERS ARE LOOKING FOR YOU TO HELP KEEP THEIR AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT RUNNING! The iSTAR industrial automation maintenance certificate program will get you the skills you need to fill positions such as electrical technician, maintenance mechanic and more! The program provides FREE TRAINING to eligible participants, preparing them for these open positions. Visit TODAY or call 419.267.1512 for more info. Classes are available in Archbold and Toledo.


City of Maumee Planning Commission


Snow plow and salt truck drivers. Loader and skid steer operators, side walk shovelers. Serious Inquiries call 313-935-7679

Public notices

ADOPTION: Loving 1st time Mom and Dad promise your baby a happy, secure life. Expenses paid. Holly and George, 1-800-943-7780 LOW INTEREST financing at 4%. Don’t pay for 6 months!! Personal, auto, and small business loans. Bad credit okay! Call Commerce today 1-855-701-0031

Class A Company Drivers Needed

The iSTAR IT specialist program provides 16 weeks of free training to eligible participants, preparing them for a career as a software engineer, computer systems analyst or computer programmer. Visit or call 419.267.1512 for more info. Classes are available in Archbold, Toledo, and Lima.


n Crossword ANSWERS FROM 33 V I A V A A V E O O T M I C G O S S E I P L


ERNIE MOORE is now a member of the Stanford-Allen team!

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All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

November 23, 2014

Toledo Free Press 35

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Humana is proud of its network of hospitals including: Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center 2213 Cherry St., Toledo, OH 43608

Mercy St. Anne Hospital St. Luke’s Hospital 3404 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo, OH 43623 5901 Monclova Rd., Maumee, OH 43537

Mercy Willard Hospital 1100 Neal Zick Rd., Willard, OH 44890

Mercy Defiance Hospital 1404 E. Second St., Defiance, OH 43512

The Toledo Clinic 4235 Secor Rd., Toledo, OH 43623

Mercy St. Charles Hospital 2600 Navarre Ave., Oregon, OH 43616

Mercy Tiffin Hospital 45 St. Lawrence Dr., Tiffin, OH 44883

Wood County Hospital 950 W. Wooster St., Bowling Green, OH 43402

At Humana, we understand how important the patient-doctor connection is. We encourage our members to ask questions and take a collaborative approach with their doctors. Get the benefits of a Humana Medicare Advantage plan.

Call to speak with a licensed Humana sales agent today! 1-800-421-7863 (TTY: 711) 5 a.m. – 8 p.m., 7 days a week

Humana is a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in this Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Other providers are available in the Humana network. Provider accepts other plans. This is an advertisement. Y0040_GHHHZFWEN_15 Accepted

HUNO3245-1v3.indd 1

11/13/14 2:52 PM

36 Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

November 23, 2014

What is well connected? For one, it’s having a physician dedicated to coordinating your physicians.

For more on this and other ProMedica services, go to

PROM1073 Hospitalist_10x10.25_177A.indd 1

© 2014 ProMedica

If you’ve never heard of a hospitalist, that’s okay. A hospitalist is a ProMedica Physician whose responsibility is to oversee your care within our hospitals. He or she will coordinate with your primary care physician, as well as the physicians and specialists in the hospital assigned to you, to make certain that everyone is communicating and working together to get you healthy, and home, as quickly as possible. They are dedicated to providing that extra level of care and to making sure that, if you’re with ProMedica, you’re well connected.

10/21/14 5:50 PM

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