Arquine competition MEXTROPOLI pavillion

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‘Mexico City has always been above all else the superabundance of people — Turmoil, but also excitement! ’


‘Monsi, your work has been closer to urban design than poetry; a great observer of the public sphere’.

‘As I always say: Never turn away from the most palpable

By addressing the public realm as a shared space,

of facts. Urban vitality comes from the city-dwellers. The

informed by various networks of activities, we are

Underground – making space for the very idea of space, The

aiming to an architecture that responds and reflects

Market – rivers of people creating a pulse, the entrance exam of

to the everyday by bringing together different

the University Football Stadium…’

aspects of the city (market, culture, art, people).

‘Urban attitudes... It is important to bring into the foreground the most frequent images of the city. These

The pavilion offers primarily a space to generate

are places of interaction and transformation.

discussion with bespoke or impromptu meetings

‘Alejandro, understanding comes from participation. Nurture the

and encounters. It’s a small retreat and a place of

possible and define what is missing.’

interaction. Inspired by the mundane and defined by unique moments crammed with people, the pavilion traces an understanding of the city by referencing and highlighting aspects that constitute urban life. With a playful take on the monumental we are putting into dialogue two key figures of Mexico: Chronicler Carlos Monsiváis and writer Alejandro Aura, aiming to create an experience navigated not only physically but also conceptually. Both figures Plastic Straps

have been great observers of the public sphere aiming to create an understanding of it by taking part in all kinds of overlapping public experiences.

Papel Picado

‘Mexico is to be found in its markets’ (Pablo Neruda) – the vibrancy of daily life, traditions and culture. Sourcing the huacales directly from the local markets we would like to stage a dialogue between the multitude of characters of urban life, creating a form designed as an invitation for social exchange. How to: Steel Chairs Memorial Section Atmospherical View

Structural Steel Framing for Wooden Floor

Aiming to promote sustainable thinking by sourcing local low-cost materials, we will buy huacales from the local markets, with the intention to recycle or re-use them after the end of the Festival. The huacales will be attached with plastic strips to create two concentric circular spaces (6.6m radius x 4.5m height, 4.9m radius x6.30 height). The entrance, facing the park, leads to a narrow corridor (1.7m center to center), which catches the light through the huacales and through series of papel picado adding colour at the top. A second opening at the inner wall leads to the central space. Here the floor made of plywood meets the wall to create a circular bench. A tree offers shadow to allow visitors to rest or engage in conversation. Two chairs stage an imaginary meeting between Carlos Monsiváis and Alejandro Aura; their names engraved on the chairs add a performative element

Site Plan

of interaction.

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