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the cradle. At an early age, Adamski gravitated to an alternative lifestyle: after a period serving in the US military, Adamski worked a variety of jobs, none of which brought him the satisfaction, or publicity, he sorely craved. That all changed, however, when in the 1930s he headed out to the city of Laguna Beach, California.
It was in Laguna Beach that Adamski created what he termed the Royal Order of Tibet. The Los Angeles Times referred to Adamski’s retreat as “Shamanistic” in nature. In turn, Adamski assured readers that “I do not bring to Laguna the weird rites and bestial superstition in which the old Lamaism is steeped, but the scientific portions of the religion.” For around six years, the Royal Order of Tibet thrived—after which Adamski and his followers moved to Palomar Mountain, in northern San Diego County. Palomar Gardens was quickly created to ensure a peaceful, relaxing vibe for those who wished to opt out from the rat race—and there were plenty of them. Then, in October 1946, Adamski and several of his followers said they encountered a huge alien spacecraft flying high in the skies over the mountain, which was close to a year before the first acknowledged flying saucer encounter was reported by Kenneth Arnold. It was, however, in late 1952 that Adamski’s involvement in the UFO scene really took off.
A Meeting of Minds—One of Them Nonhuman
In the early hours of November 20, 1952, Adamski and his secretary, Lucy McGinnis, headed out of Palomar Mountain and drove to Blythe, California. It was all as a result of a sudden, out-of-the-blue hunch that Adamski had—one which led him to believe that a close encounter was looming on the horizon. As dawn broke, they met with several fellow saucer seekers: Al and Betty Bailey, and George Hunt Williamson, who was a fellow contactee who also caught the secret attention of the FBI, as we shall soon see.
After breakfast, Adamski had an eerie feeling that the group needed to head off to Parker, Arizona, which they quickly did. It wasn’t long before one and all were shocked and amazed by the sight of a huge, silver-colored