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George Van Tassel’s Integratron (Nick Redfern)
how Van Tassel was suggesting in his phenomenally well-attended lectures that certain events described in the pages of the Bible—such as the parting of the Red Sea, the story of Noah and the Ark, and the fall of the walls of Jericho—were all connected to ancient visitations from extraterrestrials and not the work of God. Those same agents noted in their reports to Hoover that the aliens wished to reinvent the US economy. For the bureau, this all very much paralleled what George Adamski was also saying. No wonder, then, that Van Tassel became what, today, is ominously known as “a person of interest.”
A Catalog of Contactees
Other contactees who were also watched by the FBI—and specifically because of the political overtones attached to their accounts of alien visitation and interaction—included Truman Bethurum, who, in 1952, maintained he had close encounters with a beautiful alien woman known