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very different kettle of fish. It’s packed with odd nuggets of material—all of it saucer-themed. The papers reveal something very weird: in January 1952, just before the two men headed off to California, Hunrath had a strange close encounter in his bedroom in the twilight hours. There was not a bug-eyed alien in sight, though. What was there, rather, was a very human-looking being who appeared to have broken into Hunrath’s home and, as he slept, injected him with an armful of chemicals. Not surprisingly, he was very quickly wide awake. God knows what those chemicals were, but they had a major effect on Hunrath.
Hunrath may have been wide awake, but there was something wrong—something very wrong: he felt spaced out and his head spun. And he couldn’t move. All he could see was a tall, thin man dressed in a dark suit looming over the bed. In a fashion that echoed the experiences of Adamski and Van Tassel, Hunrath’s intruder said something along the lines of “I am Bosco. You have been chosen to enter our brotherhood of galaxies.” Hunrath noted that the alien had a curious accent; it was not unlike that of a European.
Just like every contactee under the sun, Hunrath was warned that our warlike ways would very soon get us into a catastrophic confrontation with the Soviets. Atomic annihilation, in other words, was just about on the doorsteps of everyone. The suit-and-tie-wearing Mr. Bosco—who came across like actor Michael Rennie’s character Klaatu in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still—told Hunrath that he, along with many others, had been chosen to help the aliens prevent the end of the world from coming—and from coming very soon. That is, if nothing was done about it. Supposedly, the aliens had “noticed” Hunrath’s interest in UFOs—although how they knew that was anyone’s guess.
According to what was referred to in the FBI files as “occult techniques,” Hunrath’s mind was filled with data on UFOs, their technologies, and their mission on our planet. And for what was said to be a benign, peaceful race, Bosco chose to share with Hunrath information on how to destroy Russian aircraft! But that was not enough for Bosco: he told Hunrath that the technology could also be used to bring down American military planes,