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NL This application provides free Web access for all Price-Look Up (PLU) codes for fresh fruits and vegetables sold in random-weight/bulk in produce departments. To apply for a new PLU code, you need to submit a PLU application. For more information see
The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) consists of national produce associations from around the globe. The long-term objective of the federation is to improve the supply chain efficiency of the fresh produce industry through developing, implementing and managing harmonized international standards.
The working fields of IFPS are food safety, product identification (f.i. PLU) and chain information management.
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORGANISERS .
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PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Thu, Sept 8, 2016 | AsiaWorld-Expo | Hong Kong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 9
PLENARY SPEAKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 11 SPEAKERS BREAKOUT SESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 13 VENUE MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 MEDIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
SMART Horticulture Asia is powered by Frug I Com. Frug I Com is the organizer of the EU FRESH INFO FORUM AND ROUNDTABLE which takes place in the Netherlands every year. Frug I Com is a unique framework of cooperation in the chain of fresh fruits and vegetables that aspires to increase the use of electronic information in the supply chain, based on a demand-driven and upstream approach.
SMART Horticulture Asia is part of ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, the leading international trade exhibition for fresh produce sector in Asia. ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 7-9 September 10:00 -17:00 hrs each day Hall 3A, B, C, D and 5A
CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first SMART HORTICULTURE ASIA Forum at Asia Fruit Logistica. It is my pleasure to be your host in this conference on how technology is shaping the SMART Horticulture of the future. Our industry is facing great challenges. Around 7,4 billion people are currently living on this planet. All those people need to be fed. On the other hand, there is a growing awareness that fruit and vegetables are an essential part of our diet. Just the week before I wrote this introduction, a new set of dietary guidelines for Chinese residents was released. It stated that fruit and vegetables are an essential part of the daily food intake. These signals are the same around the world; more fruit and vegetables in our diets. This means that growers -and the supply chain- have work to do. On the other hand, we have to face the fact that we need to produce more with less: less energy for our production of fruits and vegetables, less minerals and pesticides, less space (m2) and -crucially- less water. In conclusion: our industry has to become SMARTer in using their resources. This offers some great opportunities. On the technology side, we are seeing an exponential growth of new disruptive technologies. I am talking of course about the Fourth Industrial Revolution were everything has a chip and is communicating with one another. These opportunities offer ways to do things better, more efficiently, more effectively and even completely redesign business models. However, to use these opportunities, we have to bring horticulture and technology together to make the right connection. It is essential here that we, as an industry, define information-management and data-standards for the connections to be made. In the SMART HORTICULTURE ASIA conference program, we tried to bring together these two worlds of technology and horticulture to make a next step towards a SMARTer horticulture. I hope you have a good day, learn a lot, get inspired, make new connections, get new ideas and take home some valuable opportunities for your business. Harrij Schmeitz Programme Manager Frug I Com & Managing Director of the Dutch Fresh Informationmanagement Center.
PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Thu, Sept 8, 2016 | AsiaWorld-Expo | Hong Kong
SMART Fresh Produce in the 4th industrial revolution The first Asian conference on Information Management, Standards & Technology for Fresh Produce. Gives insight into the latest trends in -and application of- information exchange, information technology, information standards, digitalization and emerging technologies from grower, trader to consumer. 8.00 - 9.00h
Registration & Refreshments
Opening Panel The impact of internet-of-veggies on Fresh Produce H. van Luijk, Chairman Frug I Com and CEO of Van Nature Growers, The Netherlands
E. Treacy, Chairman IFPS and VP Supply Chain PMA, USA
SMART Fresh Produce in the 4th industrial revolution Plenary with international key-note speakers about how disruptive technologies such as the internet-ofthings, big data, vision, drones, robotics, sensoring, information exchange etc. are changing the world of Fresh Produce.
Robotics and Intelligent Systems for Horticulture Towards Horticulture Farms of the Future Prof. S. Sukkarieh, University of Sydney & Australian Centre for Field Robotics, Australia
#robotics #drones #vision
Big Data Driven Horticulture! How Data & Integration will Protect Your Brand K. Moynihan, Chief Technology Officer, CompacSort New Zealand #sorting #quality #bigdata 10.45-11.15h
From country-side to urban farming New concepts for cultivation J. Charnaya, General Manager, Priva International Beijing Ltd. China #verticalfarm #urbanfarming #aquaponics
Right Sizing of Technology for Cultivation Finding a balance between technology and crop F. M. Wijdooge, General Manager, Ridder (Shanghai) Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd. China #climate #water #greenhouse 12.15-13.15h
PROGRAMME OVERVIEW (2) Breakouts for Cultivation & Supply Chain Breakout in paralell-session with focus of a part of the supply chain and the use of SMART technology in this proces or area. 13.15 - 14.00h
Breakout on the use of disruptive technology in cultivation of Fresh Produce for a more sustainable and effective cultivation.
Breakout on the use of information(exchange) in the Fresh Produce Supply Chain for a fast, paperless and food safe supply chain.
Chair: J. den Engelsen, Frug I Com, Netherlands
Chair: M. Worthington, CEO PMA Australia-New Zealand
Digital Crop Control
Tech Trends and there impact on the Fresh Supply Chain
R. van de Zedde, Senior Scientist, Wageningen UR, Netherlands
E. Treacy, VP Supply Chain, PMA, USA
#phenomics #vision #cultivation
#supplychain #foodsafety #disruptive
Information from the source
Fresh Produce Traceability Trends: : A New Zealand Perspective
J. Doldersum, Rijk Zwaan, Netherlands
Dr. H. Maurer, The Agri Chain Centre, New Sealand #variety #breeding #grower-apps
14.00 - 14.45h
#certification #foodsafety #fromfarmtofork
Breakout on the exchange of information, and the use of informationstandards, in the Fresh Supply Chain from cultivation till retail. Chair: H. Maurer, IFPS / The Agri Chain Centre, New Sealand
Breakout on the use of new technologies and devices in the communication and marketing of Fresh produce in Business to Business and Business to Consumer. Chair: E. Treacy, IFPS / PMA , USA
Standards for Cultivation
Building Asian Market Knowledge with Customer Data
F. van Diepen, RVO, Netherlands
B. Shalley, Applica and Strategica, Singapore
#UNCEFACT #Ecrop #standards #bluenumber Delivering Food Safety with Global Information Standards C. Yin , GS1 Hong Kong, Manager Industry Engagement, Hong Kong #GS1 #GTIN #GLN
#retail #bigdata #categorymanagement
PROGRAMME OVERVIEW (3) 14.45 - 15.15h
SMART business (models) in a digital world Plenary session with international key-note speakers about how the use of ICT is changing the business models and supply chains in Fresh Produce.
Horticulture in China in the digital world How technology is changing China’s Horticulture E. Y. M. Zhu CEO of Chic Group China #fruit #processed #agritech
Consumer 4.0; How online is the China Market? How FruitDay’s integrated supply chain, proffesional standards and highest quality are serving China’s Consumer 4.0. L. Zhao
Founder FruitDay China #etailer #online #differentiation
Closing Panel What should companies do to be ready for the development of internet-of-veggies? E. Zhu, CEO of the CHIC Group, China L. Zhao, CEO of Fruitday, China H. van Luijk, Chairman Frug I Com and CEO of Van Nature Growers, The Neterlands E. Treacy, Chairman IFPS and VP Supply Chain PMA, USA 17.00h
PLENARY SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHY Salah Sukkarieh is an international expert in the research, development and commercialisation of field robotic systems. He has lead a number of robotics and intelligent systems R&D projects in logistics, commercial aviation, aerospace, education, environment monitoring, agriculture and mining. Salah is the Professor of Robotics and Intelligent Systems at the University of Sydney, and the Director of Research and Innovation at the SALAH SUKKARIEH
Australian Centre for Field Robotics.
BIOGRAPHY Ken Moynihan joined Compac in 2004, leading the development of Compac’s optical inspection systems, before being appointed CTO. Relocating to Seattle in 2014, Ken is now responsible for the company’s long term technology vision and strategy. Ken works with customers, business and technology partners as well as industry groups; identifying their requirements and developing the strategic vision for what future post-harvest facilities look like.
SUMMARY This talk will present some of the latest research and development in robotic and intelligent systems used in the Australian tree crop and vegetable industries. These robotic systems are being used to undertake a wide range of tasks such as crop intelligence, autonomous weeding, and crop manipulation. The robotic platforms are based on solar electric technology and onboard computer processing, thus minimising the need for fuel and telecommunication networks. The robotic and intelligent systems are now reaching the phase of on-farm operation and this talk will present the latest results.
SUMMARY Customers expect safe, consistent, high quality and recognizable brands regardless of season and location. With value chains in fresh produce now longer and more sophisticated than ever, being able to harness data throughout an integrated supply chain is key to meeting these expectations. For those who get it right, data and best-of-breed integrated post-harvest facilities hold significant competitive advantages when it comes to developing and enhancing your brand in the eyes of your consumer as a safe, healthy and reliable food choice.
BIOGRAPHY Julia Charnaya is the General Manager of Priva Asia. Before joining Priva last summer, Julia worked in Asia at a number of senior management positions with large international companies. Educated in China, Russia and Canada, Julia is a holder of Canadian Certified Professional Accountant’s designation. She speaks fluent Mandarin, Russian and English. Lives in Beijing with her family for over 20 years. Loves travel and gardening. JULIA CHARNAYA
SUMMARY Aborerspis voluptinctur siti berae ero et lat re, sim velendisqui cone ressum estet atur, ni non plaut archil iusandae solutet volorem porporiant autatur, sit, to molorio remqui omnisim usapict usaerciat. Pudae. Optur? Ut aspit laut officae nulparitatia sam remquatio tem faccabores doluptatia arit voluptatis del explaudis sum lant rempos asperum, auditates aborum sundi ipsaeri busani derum isi restiur resed ut am, cus ut dolestio. Et et, ommod quiae essecus etus est, sit apidus non et quo molorum alitatiist doles eatius, te repta is mincipis sed everspi dellamenis delignis denis eos sit int ut voluptu sdantio. Derum, testrum fugitiam voluptiis acius eruptat unt fugitis
PLENARY SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHY Et haris eos sum ium nes eaquae non pratur? Qui consent que nonseribus elique id magniae ctiandi doluptas cuptate volore posti dolupta quidem demporatist vel milibus et di te eni dem. Ehenduciant odis estrum que consenim estis quidund ebistor itaqui beaquam, et es am ipiet ium sum lam et velique quid et quis aut ea cusantures eturitibus. Os eos que venis enis aborem quam digent volupta quatur, ulparumqui niat ratur? Ucipiente nonsedictur, simi, quis doloratus estionet eaquossunt aut quuntota nonsenditet ex.
SUMMARY Aborerspis voluptinctur siti berae ero et lat re, sim velendisqui cone ressum estet atur, ni non plaut archil iusandae solutet volorem porporiant autatur, sit, to molorio remqui omnisim usapict usaerciat. Pudae. Optur? Ut aspit laut officae nulparitatia sam remquatio tem faccabores doluptatia arit voluptatis del explaudis sum lant rempos asperum, auditates aborum sundi ipsaeri busani derum isi restiur resed ut am, cus ut dolestio. Et et, ommod quiae essecus etus est, sit apidus non et quo molorum alitatiist doles eatius, te repta is mincipis sed everspi dellamenis delignis denis eos sit int ut voluptu sdantio. Derum, testrum fugitiam voluptiis acius eruptat unt fugitis
BIOGRAPHY Loren Zhao 赵国璋 is the co-founder of Fruitday Co. Established in 2009, the Shanghai-based company is now one of the leading online fruit retailers in China. Fruitday deals mainly in high quality fresh imports, including cherries, oranges, apples and kiwifruit. Fruitday provides an end-to-end service, ensuring customers receive their products within two days of ordering. Before founding Fruitday, Loren was industry analyst with iSuppli China Research, where he was responsible for the analysis of China's telecommunication market.
SUMMARY Aborerspis voluptinctur siti berae ero et lat re, sim velendisqui cone ressum estet atur, ni non plaut archil iusandae solutet volorem porporiant autatur, sit, to molorio remqui omnisim usapict usaerciat. Pudae. Optur? Ut aspit laut officae nulparitatia sam remquatio tem faccabores doluptatia arit voluptatis del explaudis sum lant rempos asperum, auditates aborum sundi ipsaeri busani derum isi restiur resed ut am, cus ut dolestio. Et et, ommod quiae essecus etus est, sit apidus non et quo molorum alitatiist doles eatius, te repta is mincipis sed everspi dellamenis delignis denis eos sit int ut voluptu sdantio. Derum, testrum fugitiam voluptiis acius eruptat unt fugitis
BIOGRAPHY Mr. Edward YanMing Zhu, founder and CEO of CHIC Group, and cofounder of the Holland Centre, has more than 20 years' business experience as an entrepreneur, manager, leader, financier, investor, supply chain management expert and manufacturer. Edward’s strategic vision has led his international team to drive excellence across diverse industries, including food and agriculture. Under Edward’s leadership, the Group has evolved from a start-up, to a conglomerate with over 10,000 employees, 35 global subsidiaries and a leading position as China's premier citrus fruit exporter.
SUMMARY Aborerspis voluptinctur siti berae ero et lat re, sim velendisqui cone ressum estet atur, ni non plaut archil iusandae solutet volorem porporiant autatur, sit, to molorio remqui omnisim usapict usaerciat. Pudae. Optur? Ut aspit laut officae nulparitatia sam remquatio tem faccabores doluptatia arit voluptatis del explaudis sum lant rempos asperum, auditates aborum sundi ipsaeri busani derum isi restiur resed ut am, cus ut dolestio. Et et, ommod quiae essecus etus est, sit apidus non et quo molorum alitatiist doles eatius, te repta is mincipis sed everspi dellamenis delignis denis eos sit int ut voluptu sdantio. Derum, testrum fugitiam voluptiis acius eruptat unt fugitis
Chair: M. Worthington, CEO PMA, Australia-New Zealand
Chair: J. den Engelsen, Frug I Com, Netherlands
R. VAN DE ZEDDE BIOGRAPHY Suntia si opta nam qui con precte corum audit la nos dolorro quam, voluptio dolum volut am quam laccusa sunt amusant harci corem enisi ditiorp orempos eum reperum inveligendi ame dolupta turiae prem sunto modipiene cum autat maionsed quo vererna tectatiande porpori buscia quam nim fugiatque molores qui beribus aut lacepudit, voluptatem ipis int resed unt. SUMMARY Solentusam aute miligen dictor audam quiaturiatia derunde aut que eum vid magnatur audaect isquibeaque sedit et volupta volupid que magnitat deribus doluptam nonsequis alit everferiatur acepre sitem facepel luptatintur? Quid quistius iunt es illita nostium faceatas et mil iusa nimpore nihilicimet id untem cuscid quoditatest eum, officte mporibus coribusciet resed unt.
BIOGRAPHY Since August 2013 Jan Doldersum is Manager Marketing & Business Development for Rijk Zwaan. His main fields of attention now are Retailpartnership, Business Development, Marketing & Brand Management and Product development & Innovation. He has been working for Rijk Zwaan for more than 19 years in several positions and countries. From 20092013 he lived in China and was responsible for business development in the fresh produce chain in Asia. SUMMARY Rijk Zwaan is breeding, producing and selling high-quality vegetable varieties for the agri-food industry. We have gained a lot of valuable information during the development process of our varieties. We constantly look for the latest tools and techniques to share the gathered information. During this presentation an update will be provided about the latest digital services for our customers.
BIOGRAPHY With more than 30 years of senior management experience in logistics and supply chain management, Treacy serves as PMA’s expert in developing supply chain practices to lead the produce and floral industries forward. Treacy has spent most of his career working with major Canadian retail chains. Among his responsibilities, He monitors and forecast trends related to supply chain efficiencies, designs and maintains related products, services and educational events for PMA members.
BIOGRAPHY Dr Hans Maurer is Director of Strategy & Marketing at The AgriChain Centre, a strategy business consultancy in the Biosecurity, Food Safety and Value Chain spheres and an Independent Verification Agency within the New Zealand fresh produce export verification system. He is a professional member of the Royal Society of New Zealand, a Chartered Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors and is a Director and past Chairman of the International Federation for Produce Standards.
SUMMARY The anticipated increase in demand for safe food due to the predicted urbanization and population growth is fostering the emergence of numerous technologies that are aimed at helping the produce and floral industries meet the global demand. From Smart Farming and Robotics, to Data Analytics and the Internet of Things, technology can offer us solutions to the challenges we face.
SUMMARY The increasing importance of robust traceability systems represents challenges for fresh produce value chains around the globe. Dr Maurer discusses the traceability journey under way in the New Zealand domestic produce supply channels, the role played by United Fresh New Zealand Inc, the country’s only pan industry body, the challenges arising during the journey and the framework being used to reach solutions.customers.
Chair: H. Maurer, IFPS / The Agri Chain Centre, New Sealand
Chair: E. Treacy, IFPS / PMA , USA
FRANS VAN DIEPEN BIOGRAPHY Frans van Diepen works for the Ministry of Economic Affairs - the National Service for Enterprises, as a business consultant. He is involved in the standardisation and harmonisation of the information exchange in the agri food branche, B2B, G2G and B2G. with focus traceability, foodsafety and geographical information. He is in the UN/ CEFACT the coordinator for Agriculture. SUMMARY The product location ( the farm location and the position of the field) and the identification of the farm and the field are key elements in the agriculture and food chain. Essential for market access, product information and certification, planning and operation the production process, for sustainablility and for food safety. Transparent and reliable information exchange thoughout the food chain is required. Standard messages for track and trace , plant production eCROP, laboratory observations eLAB, and certification eCERT are the fundamentals in the food chain.
BARRY SHALLEY BIOGRAPHY Barry Shalley is the Managing Director of both Applica, a Business Intelligence company, and Strategica, a boutique corporate/strategic advisor firm, in Singapore. He has been involved in modern retail for over 30 years in many senior financial, strategic + technology related advisory roles.His advisory is focused upon delivering fact based insight + value whose strategic intent is to capture data > turn that data into an asset > use that asset to build insight > institutionalising that retail insight/knowledge into a competency.
BIOGRAPHY Cindy Yin is the food industry engagement manager of GS1 Hong Kong. Cindy has been project plan, develop and market food products for manufacturers and international distributors. Cindy received a Bachelor of Science degree in food and nutrition from University of British Columbia, Canada and Master of Science degree in food safety management from University of Wales Institute – Cardiff, UK. SUMMARY The global supply food chain today is getting more complex along the rapid expansion of international trade and companies seek to enhance their capabilities to fulfill the world’s growing demand in quality food. However, these activities result in emerging hidden food safety risks. In this section, the speaker will share with you how traceability enhance food safety management and boots consumer trust through adoption of GS1 global standards.
SUMMARY Asia is a melting pot of seemingly familiar yet striking differences at the same time - the approach to food and shopping within the region is no different.The retailer, supplier and customer within this environment put different emphasis on the same retail value drivers such as access, assortment and service We will be discussing how we might gain this understanding and close the loop between the differences with fact based insight using data which is typically at your fingertips.
VENUE MAP Ground level and Level 2
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