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A Homecoming Celebration! It’s a tailgate at ONU, and YOU are invited. Join alumni, students and friends for a magnificent time at Dial-Roberson Stadium. Beginning at 11:30 a.m., Northern will offer numerous activities around the stadium, including music, festivities, rides, and of course, we’ll have plenty of food on the grill waiting for you, your family, and friends! We also will have special area for classes celebrating their reunions! A special note to reunion year classes: Reunion Class photos will occur following the All Alumni meeting on Saturday outside of McIntosh Center at approximately 11:30 a.m. The Class Reunion Celebrations will occur at The Inn at Ohio Northern University beginning at 4 p.m. on Saturday. There will also be a special reunion area at the tailgate luncheon (noted on the schedule).

Prospective Students

High school students interested in learning more about Ohio Northern should make an appointment through the Office of Admissions for an interview and tour of the campus. Call 419-772-2260 to make an appointment. We encourage you to bring yours sons, daughters, relatives or friends to campus.

Schedule at a Glance

Homecoming is a time of reunions and celebrations with alumni, friends, family, faculty and students.

Friday, Oct. 5 1-4 p.m. Continuing Legal Education – Moot Court Room, Pettit College of Law 2-6 p.m. Registration – McIntosh Center 5 p.m. Dedication of the Rare Book Collections Room – Pettit College of Law 5-9 p.m. Theta Chi Cookout – Theta Chi House 6 p.m. College of Law Reception – Clemens Lounge, Pettit College of Law 6:30 p.m. Continuing Professional Development for Engineering Alumni – The Inn at Ohio Northern University 6:30 p.m. ONU Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Banquet – Ballroom, McIntosh Center 6:30 p.m. Law Alumni Reunion and Recognition Dinner – Hanson Reading Room, Taggart Law Library, Pettit College of Law 8 p.m. ONU Choral Collage Concert – Presser Recital Hall

Saturday, Oct. 6 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration-McIntosh 8-10 a.m. Homecoming Health Fair sponsored by NCPA and the Raabe College of Pharmacy – Activities Room, McIntosh Center

8:15-9:15 a.m. The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration Breakfast Buffet – James F. Dicke Hall 8:30 a.m. Stefanie Spielman Walk/Run for Breast Cancer – Pavilion behind Fraternity Circle 8:30 a.m. Law Alumni and Friends Breakfast – Wishing Well, McIntosh Center 9-10 a.m. “Where in the World is my New Job?” presentation – McIntosh Center 9:15-10:30 a.m. The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration Alumni Awards Ceremony and college tours – James F. Dicke Hall 9:15 a.m. PRSSA Chapter and Alumni Brunch – Dr. Steve Iseman’s home 9:30 a.m. Education Alumni Gathering – In front of Dukes Memorial 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tour of the T.J. Smull College of Engineering – meet at main entrance 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tour of the Raabe College of Pharmacy – meet at the Hakes-Pierstorf entrance 9:45 a.m. Delta Sigma Phi Golf Scramble – Hidden Creek Golf Club, 6245 Sugar Creek Road, Lima, Ohio 10:30 a.m. Homecoming Parade – Main Street, village of Ada 11 a.m. (approx.) All Alumni Meeting (immediately following parade) – Outside McIntosh Reunion Class Photos – Outside McIntosh (immediately following the all alumni meeting) 11 a.m. Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Cookout – Kappa Alpha Theta Chapter House

11 a.m. Alpha Xi Delta Teddy Bear Alumnae Tea – Alpha Xi Delta Chapter House 11:30 a.m. Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae Cookout – Zeta Tau Alpha Chapter House 11:30 a.m. (lunch served until 1:30 p.m.) Tailgate Party/Pre-Football Game Activities – Dial-Roberson Stadium Noon Raabe College of Pharmacy Alumni Gathering – Dial-Roberson Stadium Pettit College of Law Alumni and Friends Tailgate party – Dial-Roberson Stadium Getty College of Arts & Sciences Alumni Gathering – Dial-Roberson Stadium The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration Alumni Gathering – Dial-Roberson Stadium T.J. Smull College of Engineering Alumni Gathering – Dial-Roberson Stadium 1 p.m. Women’s Volleyball Game vs. Baldwin Wallace University – King Horn Center 1 p.m. Pre-game festivities Introduction of the 2012 Athletic Hall of Fame inductees Recognition of all Athletic Hall of Fame members Recognition of William L. Robinson Young Alumni Award recipient 1:30 p.m. Football Game vs. Baldwin Wallace University – Dial-Roberson Stadium Homecoming King and Queen Coronation Ceremony – halftime 3:30 p.m. Delta Zeta Alumnae Gathering – Delta Zeta Chapter House 4 p.m. (approx.) “Punt, Pass, Kick” contest for children 6-12 (immediately following the football game) – Dial-Roberson Stadium 4 - 7 p.m. Class Reunion Reception – Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, The Inn at ONU

4 p.m. Alpha Sigma Phi Alumni Reunion - N-Men Building 4 p.m. (approx.) Phi Kappa Theta Reunion – Meeting Room 3, The Inn at Ohio Northern University 4 p.m. Phi Delta Chi Alumni Cookout – Phi Delta Chi Chapter House, 125 S. Gilbert St. 4:30 pm. Phi Mu Delta Alumni Cookout – Picnic Pavilion behind Sigma Pi 4:30 p.m. N-Men’s All Sports Reunion and Reverse Raffle – Alumni N-Men Building (for ONU N-Men, families and friends after the football game) 5 p.m. Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Picnic (following football game) – Presser Hall 5 p.m. Kappa Psi Alumni Reunion Dinner – Ada VFW 5 p.m. Delta Sigma Phi ACB Meeting – Chapter’s Sunken Lounge 6 p.m. Delta Sigma Phi Dinner and Awards Presentations (7 p.m.) – Chapter House 6-7:45 p.m. Balloon Glow – Tundra 7:45 p.m. Fireworks – Tundra 8:30 p.m. Homecoming Concert – Alice Tan Ridley and the ONU Symphony Orchestra

Sunday, Oct. 7 9:30 a.m. Sweethearts Brunch – Wishing Well, McIntosh Center

Class Reunion Information Reunion Classes

Welcome back classes of ’07, ’02, ’97, ’92, ’87, ’82, ’77, ’72 and ’67! Whether you come alone or with your family, we guarantee a wonderful time for your reunion gathering. We encourage you to attend the morning activities, athletic events, festivities and your alma mater’s reunion celebration during the tailgate picnic on Saturday afternoon. Reunion class photos will be taken immediately following the all alumni meeting outside of McIntosh Center on the north side (tundra side). For continual updates on class activities, and to see who’s coming back from your class, visit www.onualumni.com

All Alumni Association Meeting

The third annual All Alumni Meeting will take place at Homecoming 2012 on Saturday, Oct. 6, immediately following the Homecoming Parade to the north (tundra-side) of McIntosh Center. Please, join members of the ONU Alumni Board and Meet Dan DiBiasio, Ohio Northern University president, and his wife, Chris Burns-DiBiasio, at this meeting. Hear updates on the University, win prizes, listen to the alumni pep band and much more! We look forward to seeing you there!


There are a limited number of reservations at The Inn at Ohio Northern University, Marriott Courtyard Lima and the Comfort Inn in Bluffton. For The Inn at Ohio Northern University please call 866-713-4513. For the Marriott Courtyard Lima, call 419-222-9000 and mention “ONU” for the special Ohio Northern Alumni rate. For the Comfort Inn, call 419-358-6000 and mention “Ohio Northern University” for the special rate. Discounted rates at both locations will be available until Sept. 17. View more hotel listings at www.onualumni.com

Homecoming Registration

The registration area will be in the McIntosh Center Lounge from 2 to 6 p.m. on Friday evening and from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. A registration area also will be at the track to the west of Dial-Roberson Stadium on Saturday afternoon. You need to register to receive your bracelet for meals and rides. Please pre-register to ensure that we allow enough spaces for the various programs and activities throughout the day and so that our caterer can prepare enough food for each event. Kindly return your RSVP or register online at onualumnicommunity.com by Oct. 2. We welcome you to enjoy the entire weekend or any events, but cannot guarantee proper accommodations to those who do no pre-register.

COLLEGE ACTIVITIES The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration

Join Dean Jim Fenton, faculty, staff and students for a continental breakfast in the Dicke Hall Atrium from 8:15-9:15 a.m. At 9:15 a.m. in the Dicke Forum, the college’s annual Alumni Service Award ceremony will be conducted. The 2012 Service Award recipient is Oscar Mifsud, BSBA ’70, ACIT ’09. Tours of James F. Dicke Hall will be offered by current students of the College of Business Administration.

Pettit College of Law

The college has a number of activities planned for Homecoming weekend this year: On Friday from 1-4 p.m. in the Moot Court Room, a CLE sponsored by Phi Alpha Delta-Willis Chapter and the College of Law will be offered on “Ethics, Professionalism and Substance Abuse.” The CLE is open to all attorneys for 2.5 CLE hours, including 1 hour Ethics, ½ hour Substance Abuse, and 1 hour Professionalism. Separate registration, directly with the College of Law, is required. The registration fee is $40 for Lehr Society law alumni, $50 for law alumni, and $65 for non-law alumni. Register online at www.law.onu.edu, call 419-7721980 or email lawalumni@onu.edu by Sept. 21. The college will dedicate the Rare Book Collections Room on Friday at 5 p.m. followed by a reception in the Student Lounge. The college will host its annual Law Alumni Reunion and Recognition Dinner on Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Hanson Reading Room of the Taggart Law Library. Separate RSVP is required at lawdevelopment@onu.edu or 419-772-2256. On Saturday at 8:30 a.m., join Steve Veltri, interim dean of the College of Law, along with former deans, faculty members and alumni at the Law Alumni and Friends Breakfast in the Wishing Well. Register at lawalumni@onu.edu or 419-772-1980. Then, plan to join us under the big-top tent as the Student Bar Association invites you to visit the College of Law booths at the tailgate party. Join other College of Law alumni and friends in a designated area to enjoy lunch.

The Rudolph H. Raabe College of Pharmacy

Where in the world is Klondike? The College of Pharmacy has a theory, and we will reveal our hypothesis for fun and adventure on Saturday, Oct. 6. Beginning at 9:30 a.m., faculty, students and staff will guide inquisitive detectives on an expedition through the Raabe College of Pharmacy, starting at the new Alumni and Friends Entrance Plaza. What, no sign of Klondike? Well, let’s travel over to the Homecoming Tailgate Tent, where the College of Pharmacy has set up headquarters. From 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. under the big top, fellow alumni, faculty, staff and students will be waiting to help coordinate the details of your adventure. Begin by marking your hometown coordinates on the massive maps that will be displayed in the booth. But, before the search can commence, you will need to supplement your energy, so join your “guides” in formulating your own trail mix! But wait! How will you ever find Klondike among the hundreds of ONU alumni? Your College of Pharmacy binoculars will help solve that dilemma, so make sure your guide gives you one! Let the adventures begin!

T.J. Smull College of Engineering

On Friday, Oct. 5, at 6:30 p.m., the college will host a reception for all engineering alumni followed by a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. Our speaker for the CPD will be Jan Klaiss, BSCE ’79, a senior planning analyst at Consolidated Edison (ConEd) in New York, N.Y. After graduating from ONU with his civil engineering degree, Klaiss earned his MBA from Miami University. Early in his career, Klaiss worked in the power utility industry at Bechtel Power Corporation and Pennsylvania Power and Light before becoming a financial consultant at Smith Barney and other financial services firms. He returned to the power utility industry by joining ConEd in 2007. Klaiss’ talk will concentrate on the economics of the energy industry and its impact on the field of engineering. Additional Information about the program will be sent to all engineering alumni. Email Laurie (Kahl) Laird, BSME ’86, director of corporate and alumni relations, at l-laird@onu.edu with any questions. On Saturday, Oct. 6, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., faculty and students will provide tours of the T.J. Smull College of Engineering building; meet at the main entrance of the Biggs engineering building. Also on Saturday, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., visit with Eric Baumgartner, dean of the College of Engineering, and your fellow engineering alumni, faculty and students at the engineering area of the alumni tent during the tailgate picnic. We look forward to seeing you!

The Getty College of Arts & Sciences

The Getty College of Arts & Sciences invites you celebrate Homecoming 2012. Please, join us at the Homecoming tailgate and see the many department displays representing the College of Arts & Sciences. After watching the fireworks, end your evening by attending the Homecoming concert at the Freed Center. We look forward to seeing you in October!

HOMECOMING EVENTS Athletic Hall of Fame Induction and Banquet

Join us at the ceremony and banquet Friday evening as six new members are inducted into the Ohio Northern University’s Athletic Hall of Fame. This year’s inductees are Brandi (Stover) Bruns, BA ’02, Beth (Breudigam) Gribler, BSBA ’85, Nancy (Shoemaker) Keith, BA ’89, Brad Longberry, BA ’78, Robert Lydic, BS ’97, and John Wechter, BSPh ’78. All 2012 Hall of Fame inductees will be featured in the Homecoming Parade and announced at the Ohio Northern football game against Baldwin Wallace University. All Hall of Fame inductees also will have special seating at the game.

ONU Choral Collage Concert

On Friday, Oct. 5, at 8 p.m., the Homecoming Choral Collage Concert that will take place in Snyder Recital Hall in Presser Hall. The concert will feature all of our choral ensembles including the University Singers, Chamber Singers, Men’s Chorus and Women’s Chorus.

Education Alumni Gathering

Meet with Dr. Sandy Calvert, the newly appointed Director of Teacher Education, along with faculty from the education department, fellow alumni and current students, and have a snack prior to watching the Homecoming Parade in front of Dukes Memorial. It will be a good opportunity to visit with friends and faculty and to share where you are and what you are doing.

PRSSA Chapter and Alumni Brunch

Join current members and alumni of ONU’s PRSSA chapter for brunch on Dr. Steve Iseman’s front porch, 225 N. Gilbert (corner of Gilbert and Highland). Following brunch, head to Main Street with the group to watch the annual Homecoming Parade. For more information, please e-mail Dr. Alisa (Dentinger) Agozzino, BA ’01, at a-agozzino@onu.edu

Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Picnic

Come relive old memories with Tau Beta Sigma at the fourth annual Alumni Picnic. The picnic will begin at 5 p.m. by Presser Hall. Scrapbooks and pictures from previous years will be on display. Families are welcome, and food and beverages will be provided. Please RSVP to Sarah Lipperman at s-lipperman@onu.edu

Honors Program Alumni

Stop by and visit with Pat Croskery, director of ONU’s Honors Program and associate professor of philosophy, at the Homecoming tailgate from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012. We look forward to seeing you there!

N-Men’s All Sports Reunion and Reverse Raffle

N-Men’s All Sports Reunion and Reverse Raffle after the ONU football game at the Alumni N-Men’s building located at 111 Central Ave. in Ada. If you have any questions, please email mathie@ccj.com or call 330-674-3055

Punt, Pass, Kick

The Student Athletic Advisory Committee will be holding a “Kick, Pass, Punt” contest for kids age 6-12 immediately following the football game at Dial-Roberson Stadium. There will be prizes for all participants as well as grand prizes for the winners of each age group. The contest is free; just sign up at the SAAC table!

13th Annual Stefanie Spielman Walk/Run for Breast Cancer Awareness

The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research was established by Stefanie and her husband, former All-Pro NFL linebacker and Ohio State standout Chris Spielman. The fund has raised more than $10 million for breast cancer research at Ohio State University’s Comprehensive Cancer Center. Come join us in supporting this cause on Saturday morning with registration beginning at 7:45 a.m. and the race starting at 8:30 a.m. The race will take place on ONU’s “Green Monster,” a 2.5-mile course around the outside of ONU’s campus. To register and for further information, visit the Homecoming site at www.onualumni.com or call 419-772-2727 with questions or to receive a registration form in the mail. 100 percent of the donations will go to breast cancer research.

Homecoming… Live on WONB

WONB 94.9FM will broadcast live from Main Street from 8:30 a.m. until the end of the Homecoming Parade in front of The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration. Throughout the afternoon, WONB will make live broadcasts from the Homecoming tailgate as well as provide live coverage of the football pre-game, game and halftime show.

The Freed Center for the Performing Arts presents Alice Tan Ridley and the ONU Symphony Orchestra

In 1992, Alice Tan Ridley started singing in the subway in New York, and her legendary performances have been stopping people dead in their tracks ever since. At the age of 58, Ridley decided to take a leap of faith and audition for America’s Got Talent. Ridley’s raw power and charm immediately resonate with audiences. Like Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Diana Ross and Tina Turner, Ridley is a long-lasting Goddess of Soul, with enough personality, talent and a touch of funk to prove to be an unforgettable performer. Alumni ticket price will be $7 for alumni.

Homecoming Health Fair sponsored by NCPA and the Raabe College of Pharmacy

NCPA and the College of Pharmacy invite alumni and students to attend the first ever Homecoming Health Fair from 8-10 a.m. in the McIntosh Activities Room. This event is free to the public and will provide a great deal of education, counseling and screening. Curious about your cholesterol levels? What about your bone health? NCPA will perform cholesterol and osteoporosis screening. Other pharmacy organizations will provide additional services and educational material. Join the University’s pharmacy students and discover ways to lead a healthier life. All services are provided at no cost. NCPA asks that all attendees fast for at least 10-12 hours prior to the health fair to get the most accurate cholesterol readings. If you are unable to attend from 8-10 a.m., NCPA will perform cholesterol screenings at the tailgate from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

“Where in the World is My New Job?”

Klondike has heard stats like this, too: “Workers are currently changing jobs every 4.4 years.” (2010 Current Population Survey, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Even though he has the most stable job at ONU, even he thinks there’s no time like now to prepare for a change. Join us as Klondike explores the new job market.

Sweethearts Brunch

Did you meet your mate at Northern? Join other ONU sweethearts at the eighth annual Sweethearts Brunch at the Wishing Well in McIntosh Center on Sunday at 9:30 a.m.


There will be a beautiful fireworks display at dusk – a perfect ending to the day! The best view is from the Tundra.

Dale England Gate

Thanks to the generous support of Dale “Bud” England, BSBA ’69, the England Gate, which encloses Dial-Roberson Stadium, will open for the 2012 football season. Modeled after the existing stadium structure, the fence features a first-class design, a grand entrance gate and a large open pavilion to welcome campus visitors. Tickets for the Homecoming football game may be purchased as part of a Homecoming package for $12. This price includes the tailgate meal, the football ticket, and all rides and festivities. Additional tickets will be available for purchase at the gate.


Throughout Homecoming Weekend, we encourage you to reminisce with your Greek chapter. You will soon receive information from your fraternity or sorority about their individually planned events.

Alpha Sigma Phi Reunion

Alpha Sigma Phi alumni are invited to the N-Building for a reunion gathering after the football game. Pizza and beverages will be available. Come join us to share stories about the “Red Barn” and more.

Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae

The sisters of the Gamma Tau chapter of Alpha Xi Delta will host the annual Teddy Bear Tea on Saturday, Oct. 6, directly following the conclusion of the Homecoming Parade. All past and current sisters are invited to the chapter house, located in the Affinity complex, to mingle over light refreshments and tea. This annual event is a great way for alumnae of the Gamma Tau chapter to share their stories and past experiences with current sisters as well as see some of the changes that have been made in the chapter since they were active members. We hope to see all sisters, both past and present, at this great event!

Delta Sigma Phi

Delta Sigma Phi has several events planned for their alumni. There will be a golf scramble starting at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday at the Hidden Creek Golf Club. The cost for this event is $45, which includes golf, a cart and prizes. On Saturday evening at the chapter’s sunken lounge, there will be the ACB meeting, an informal update of the previous year’s chapter and ACB activities, along with ACB member nominations. Following the meeting, the annual Homecoming dinner will take place. All alumni, family, friends and actives are welcome; the cost is $12 per person. There will be an award presentation immediately following dinner. The Loren Schoenberger Distinguished Alumnus Award will be given. Many activities will occur throughout the day, including an informal lunch, a corn hole tournament and visiting with undergraduate brothers. Don’t forget that Dial-Roberson Stadium is just a brief walk from the Alpha Eta chapter house. Brothers and girlfriends of the house also will have fun activities planned to entertain your children if you’d like to step away for a while. To register for any of the events, please visit www.delta-sig.org or contact ACB Homecoming Co-chair Ryan Cupp, BA ’07, at ryancupp@gmail.com (419-236-0344), Chapter President Chair Kevin Carper at k-carper@onu.edu (330-6053859), or Chapter Homecoming Chair Mitch Kosier at m-kosier@onu.edu (419-377-7395).

Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae

The sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta would like to invite their alumnae for an afternoon cookout at the chapter house immediately following the Homecoming Parade from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come enjoy an afternoon of good food and great company and relive a lifetime of memories. Following the cookout, the sisters would like to invite their alumnae to accompany them to the Homecoming football game against Baldwin Wallace University to help cheer on the Bears. Please RSVP to Kim Bowman at k-bowman@onu.edu

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity

The collegiate brothers of Kappa Psi invite you to enjoy the festivities of Homecoming with us on Saturday, Oct. 6. Come visit with brothers at the tailgate tent immediately following the parade for lunch. Kappa Psi also will host a dinner at 5 p.m. at the VFW. The dress is casual, and families are welcome. Look for more details to follow. If you are not on the KY alumni list, please email Meredith Martin at m-martin.7@onu.edu

Phi Mu Delta Alumni

Visit the Phi Mu Delta alumni table between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the tailgate tent prior to the football game. Local chapter alumni can answer any questions you may have. After the game, Phi Mu Delta alumni and their families will gather at the Picnic Pavilion (behind Sigma Pi, near the radio station tower) for a catered BBQ chicken dinner at 4:30 p.m. An informational alumni meeting will follow. Dinners will be priced at $8 each and will include one half barbequed chicken, two sides, roll, butter, dessert, plastic ware and drinks. (These are good dinners, catered by a favorite local vendor, but accurate counts are necessary.) Although our undergraduate chapter is not active this academic year, there are many exciting things happening with our chapter housing corporation board as well as several needs/ways for chapter alumni to be involved in revitalization plans for fall 2013. Please RSVP with the number of Homecoming dinners you wish to purchase to dave.smittle@phimudelta.org by 10 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30. You also may call 419-2308147. Payment should then be mailed to Dave Smittle, 115 South Johnson Street, Ada, OH 45810. Contact your classmates and make plans to return for Homecoming. We look forward to seeing you here!

Sigma Phi Epsilon Balloon Glow

The brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon would like to invite everyone to the sixth annual Balloon Glow! Once again, Sigma Phi Epsilon and ONU will bring hot air balloons to the Tundra to light up the night sky! Live entertainment will tentatively begin at 5 p.m., followed by the glow at 6 p.m. Complimentary hot chocolate and hot apple cider will be served. We also will auction raffle baskets at the event. All proceeds benefit YouthAIDS, our fraternity’s national philanthropy, to help in the fight against HIV/AIDS. After the event, alumni and family are encouraged to come back to the house.

Theta Chi

The brothers of Theta Chi would like to invite their alumni and friends of the fraternity to a cookout at the house. We will be offering activities for all ages, so feel free to bring your families. Our house will be open all day to our alumni, and cooking will start around 5-6 p.m. Our house is located at 609 S. Main Street, and is right across the street from Rite Aid.

Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae

The current sisters of ZTA invite you all to join us at our house for fun, food and games at 11:30 a.m. (immediately following the Homecoming Parade). We look forward to celebrating Homecoming with you as well as the successes and achievements of all our ZTA sisters! Join us in cheering on the Polar Bears at the football game!

Where in the World is Klondike HOMECOMING 2012 Registration Include each attendee on the registration form. For updates and further details, visit www.onualumni.com or call 419-772-2727. Name____________________________Check all that apply:

Alumna/us; Class year_______



Name____________________________Check all that apply:

Alumna/us; Class year_______



Address______________________________________City___________________ State________Zip__________ Phone_____________________________________ E-mail address_____________________________________ You may pick up all tickets and bracelets at the registration table in McIntosh Center between 2 and 6 p.m. on Friday and from 8 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. After 10:30 a.m., tickets and bracelets may be picked up at the tailgate registration west of the Dial-Roberson Stadium. All tickets will be filed under the first name listed at the top of this form.


#attending Price Sub-total

Friday: Hall of Fame Dinner and Banquet


$12 per.


Engineering CPD


$15 per.


$15 per.


Saturday: Alumni Awards Breakfast for the College of Business Administration


Pettit College of Law Alumni and Friends Breakfast


Stefanie Spielman Walk/Run for Breast Cancer Registration fee includes T-shirt. (Adult sizes r S r M r L r XL) Children 12 and under may participate for free.


Class Reunion Celebration at the Inn at Ohio Northern University


Education Alumni Gathering


Tailgate Party and Lunch at the Stadium (includes lunch, rides and game ticket) Adults




Children 8 and under




Tours Raabe College of Pharmacy


TJ Smull College of Engineering


The Getty College of Arts & Sciences Celebration Reception


Freed Center Concert




Child 6/8 ___ S___ M___ Child 10/12 ___ L___ Child 14/16 ___ * Merchandise to XL ___ be picked up at XX-Large ___ Registration in XXX-Large___ McIntosh Center.





Sunday: Sweethearts Brunch (Complimentary)


Method of Payment: Credit Card:


Total Amount Due: $____

Check (please make payable to Ohio Northern University, Homecoming) MasterCard

Discover Credit Card #_________________________Exp. Date______

Name as it appears on the credit card_________________________________________________________ Billing Address__________________________________________________________________________

***You may register online at our secure site: onualumnicommunity.com We will be happy to make reservations for you and your family. Please fill out this form. Indicate the events that you plan to attend and the number in your party. Return the form by Oct. 2, 2012, to: The Office of Alumni Affairs Ohio Northern University Please register by Oct. 2, 2012 525 S. Main Street Ada, OH 45810

Please make your check payable to: “Ohio Northern University, Homecoming.” Your packet of information and tickets will be waiting for you at the registration table in McIntosh Center. Remember: onualumnicommunity.com to register online (no password is required)

OCT. 5-7, 2012


The Office of Alumni Affairs 525 South Main St. Ada, OH 45810


Oct. 5-7, 2012

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