Grupa Azoty - brochure

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Grupa Azoty Grupa Azoty represents the pinnacle of the Polish chemical industry’s long evolution.


Currently Poland’s largest, and one of Europe’s major chemical industry players, Grupa Azoty offers a wide range of popular fertilizers, plastics, OXO alcohols, plasticisers, and pigments. Its product portfolio also includes caprolactam, melamine and other chemicals, and its innovative technological solutions are implemented across the world. Grupa Azoty. Shaping the future.

Powering Creation

The new face of Polish chemistry

Structure of Grupa Azoty Over the last five years, Grupa Azoty S.A. has pursued a strategy of consolidation of the Polish chemical industry’s most valuable assets. The fruits of its labour lie in the successful bringing together of a range of companies with complementary business profiles, each representing different traditions and specialist capabilities, under one, strong brand.

These include the four major companies of the so-called Great Chemical Synthesis sector in Poland, located in Tarnów, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Police and Puławy (along with plants in Gdańsk and Chorzów).

Grupa Azoty S.A.

Grupa Azoty ATT Polymers GmbH 100%

Grupa Azoty „KOLTAR” sp. z o.o. 100%

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A. 93.48%

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe „Puławy” S.A. 95.98%

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne „Police” S.A. 66%

Grupa Azoty Polskie Konsorcjum Chemiczne sp. z o.o. 63.27%*

Hotel CENTRALNY sp. z o.o. in liquidation 100%

Agrochem sp. z o.o. 100%

„Automatika” Usługi Kontrolno-Pomiarowe sp. z o.o. 100%

Grupa Azoty AUTOMATYKA sp. z o.o. 79.69%

ZAKSA S.A. 91.67%**

„Agrochem Puławy” sp. z o.o. 100%

„KONCEPT” sp. z o.o. 100%

Grupa Azoty Jednostka Ratownictwa Chemicznego sp. z o.o. 100%

CTL CHEMKOL sp. z o.o. 49%

Unibaltic Agro Sp. z o.o. 100%

REMECH Grupa InwestycyjnoRemontowa sp. z o.o. 100%


Grupa Azoty Polskie Konsorcjum Chemiczne sp. z o.o. 36.73%*

SCF Natural sp. z o.o. 99.99%

„TRANSTECH” Usługi SprzętowoTransportowe sp. z o.o. 100%

EKOTAR sp. z o.o. 12%***

GZNF „Fosfory” sp. z o.o. 98.43%

„Supra” Agrochemia sp. z o.o. 100%

Grupa Azoty PROREM sp. z o.o. 100%

STO-ZAP sp. z o.o. 96.15%

Grupa Azoty Africa S.A. 100%

EKOTAR sp. z o.o. 12%***

REMZAP sp. z o.o 94.61%

Zarząd Morskiego Portu Police sp. z o.o. 99,97%

Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej „Medical” sp. z o.o. 91.41%

African Investment Group S.A. 55%

Grupa Azoty „Folie” Sp. z o.o. 100%

Zakłady Azotowe Chorzów S.A. 85%

AFRIG Trade SARL 100%

Grupa Azoty „Compounding” Sp. z o.o. 100%

PROZAP sp. z o.o. 84.69%

INFRAPARK Police S.A. in liquidation 54.43%

„NAVITRANS” sp. z o.o. 26.45%****

Bałtycka Baza Masowa sp. z o.o. 50%

„Budchem” sp. z o.o. w upadłosci likwidacyjnej 48.96%

Elektrownia Puławy sp. z o.o. 50%

„KEMIPOL” sp. z o.o. 33.99%

„NAVITRANS” sp. z o.o. 26.45%****

* Grupa Azoty PKCH Sp. z o.o. – shares held by Grupa Azoty S.A. and Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. ** ZAKSA S.A. – shares held by Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. (91.67%) and CTL Chemkol Sp. z o.o. (0.783%) *** EKOTAR sp. z o.o. –shares held by Grupa Azoty JRCH sp. z o.o. and Grupa Azoty PROREM sp. z o.o. (12% each) **** „NAVITRANS” sp. z o.o. – shares held by Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe „Puławy” S.A. and Bałtycka Baza Masowa sp. z o.o.

Structure as at September 30 2014 th

Grupa Azoty Kopalnie i Zakłady Chemiczne Siarki „Siarkopol” S.A. 85,00%

CTL KOLZAP sp. z o.o. 49%

„NAVITRANS” sp. z o.o. 26.45%****

TECHNOCHIMSERWIS S.A. typu zamkniętego 25%

The headcount at Grupa Azoty as at December 31st was 13 879.

Business profiles of Grupa Azoty’s key companies Grupa Azoty S.A.

Grupa Azoty Police

Grupa Azoty Puławy

Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A.

Grupa Azoty S.A.’s product range consists mainly of engineering plastics and nitrogen fertilizers. This Tarnówbased company is the only Polish producer of polyacetal, and a leading producer of modified engineering plastics based on polyamide-6, polyacetal and other compounds. Its products include caprolactam, polyacetal and polyamide-6, of which it is an integrated producer. Another important part of its activity lies in production of nitrogen fertilizers (nitro-chalk and ammonium nitrate), and especially sulfur fertilizers (Saletrosan® and ammonium sulfate), for which the company is the largest manufacturer in Poland. Grupa Azoty S.A. also sells chemicals (such as cyclohexanone and nitrates) and catalysts, and provides state-of-the-art laboratory services.

Grupa Azoty Police is a producer of compound and nitrogen fertilizers (including Polifoska® and urea), pigments and chemicals. The company also provides laboratory services.

Grupa Azoty Puławy is a manufacturer of nitrogen fertilizers, including urea, ammonium nitrate and the RSM® and RSM®S liquid fertilizers, of which it is the sole manufacturer in Poland. In the north of the country, its Gdańsk-based subsidiary GZNF Fosfory produces compound NPK fertilisers.

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A. is a major manufacturer of high-quality nitrogen fertilizers, including Zaksan™ (its own brand of ammonium nitrate), as well as Salmag ® fertilizers.

However, Grupa Azoty Police’s key segment is the manufacture and marketing of organic and inorganic chemicals, including ammonia and NOXy™ (32.5% water/urea solution, obtained from technically pure urea and demineralised water). It is also the only domestic manufacturer supplying titanium white (Tytanpol®) to the Polish and international markets.

Grupa Azoty Puławy also specialises in the production of melamine (for which it is also the sole manufacturer in Poland), caprolactam, NOXy™ and hydrogen peroxide. Poland’s sole manufacturer of Stearin is a Chorzów-based subsidiary of the company.

The company also manufactures NOXyTM, is the only domestic manufacturer of OXO alcohols, and is a leader on the European OXO and plasticisers market. Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. operates its own CHP plant and loading port, and offers specialised certified laboratory services.

Through its subsidiaries, Grupa Azoty has access to sea ports in Police, Gdańsk, Gdynia and a loading port in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, and also operates its own rail infrastructure. The ports and rail infrastructure are designed to handle and transport fertilizers and chemical products. Grupa Azoty Police holds a controlling stake of 55% shares in African Investment Group S.A. in Senegal. Grupa Azoty, through its Senegalese entity, has licenses for access to deposits of phosphate rock and ilmenites in Senegal.

Locations of Grupa Azoty’s companies and their products NAVITRANS sp. z o.o. ■■ Logistics Grupa Azoty Police ■■ Multicomponent fertilizers (NPK, NP) ■■ Nitrogen fertilizers (urea) ■■ Nitrogen-sulfur fertilizers (NS) ■■ Titanium white

Bałtycka Baza Masowa Sp. z o.o. ■■ Logistics GZNF Fosfory ■■ Multicomponent fertilizers Grupa Azoty Puławy

■■ Nitrogen fertilizers (AN, UAN, urea) ■■ Melamine ■■ Caprolactam

Gdynia Gdańsk


Grupa Azoty ATT Polymers ■■ Plastics (PA6)

Guben (Germany)



Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A. ■■ Nitrogen fertilizers (AN, CAN, urea) ■■ Nitrogen-sulfur fertilizers (CAN) ■■ OXO alcohols ■■ Plasticisers


Zakłady Azotowe Chorzów S.A. ■■ NPK ■■ Stearin


Tarnów Grupa Azoty Siarkopol

■■ Sulfur-based products

Grupa Azoty S.A.

■■ Plastics (PA6, POM, modified products) ■■ Caprolactam ■■ Nitrogen fertilizers (AN, CAN) ■■ Nitrogen-sulfur fertilizers (ASN, AS)

Diversified business Revenue PLN 9 821m Net profit PLN 713m Data for 2013 based on consolidated revenue.


Agro Fertilizers (56,7%) 15,9% NPK 20,9% Nitrate fertilizers 7,3% Urea 2,6% AS 6,1% UAN 3,9% Other

Plastics (14,9%) 7,8% Polyamide-6 0,6% Polyacetal 5,7% Caprolactam 0,8% Other

Agro Fertilizers 56,7% 14,9%

Chemicals (24,3%)


7,6% OXO alcohols 1,9% Plasticisers 4,0% Melamine 4,2% Tech. UREA 3,2% Titanium white 3,4% Other

24,3% 2,7%



Energy (2,7%)**

Energy Other business

Other business (1,4%) Sales by geographies*

Poland Germany 9.5%

Other EU countries 22.3%


Asian countries




South American countries




*data for 2013 based on consolidated revenue. **electricity, heat in heating water and other forms of useful energy.


3 .7% 3 .5%

With its well thought-out structure, Grupa Azoty enjoys a strong position both at home and abroad, and thanks to its diverse product portfolio and international market presence, its flexibility, stability and security are all guaranteed.

9. 5%



One brand

The Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A. manages the entirety of Grupa Azoty. While the President has overall responsibility for the Group, the individual Management Board members are responsible for the key business areas of Finance, Strategy and development, Investments, Production integration, Plastics and organic syntheses, Supply chain management, Social dialogue, Process safety and Environmental protection; they are also responsible for managing individual companies.

Grupa Azoty is a project geared towards the future. In choosing our corporate name, we focused on two aspects: respect for our own tradition, and simplicity. We believe that even in our fast-changing, increasingly complex times, simplicity remains a source of effectiveness and power – the power of the Group itself, as well as the power and clarity of the Group’s mission statement. Being its most valuable assets, Grupa Azoty seeks to strengthen the market position of the Group companies, broaden their international reach and promote their harmonious development. And with great success comes great responsibility, which is why the Group’s new strategy goes beyond just economic objectives and ratios to give importance to the principles of sustainable development, care for the environment and respect for its local communities. Grupa Azoty is a brand of the highest standards – in all aspects of its operations.

The Grupa Azoty S.A. Management Board operates a Management Policy whereby we pursue the Group’s strategic objectives on the basis of management systems conforming to the highest international standards. Priorities of our operations such as high quality, care for technical safety and environment, food health safety, minimising damage to the environment and customer priority are properly controlled and guarantee effective management. When performing our activities we always act in accordance with legal and other regulations and we continuously improve the effects of our operations as well as minimise the hazard they create. Depending on the nature of their operations, the largest of the Group companies have in place: ■■ Quality Management System, consistent with the ISO

9001:2008 standard,

■■ Environmental Management System, consistent with

the ISO 14001:2004 standard,

■■ Occupational Health and Safety Management System,

consistent with the PN-N-18001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standards, ■■ Food Safety Management System, consistent with the ISO 22000:2005 standard, ■■ Management System PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (competence of research and calibration laboratories), ■■ Quality Management System for the automotive industry, implemented in conformity with the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2009, ■■ Responsible Care Framework Management System, consistent with the guidelines of the European Chemical Industry Council. Besides operating and perfecting these management systems, Grupa Azoty is also committed to implementing new standards – for instance, it has embarked on a project to develop and implement a corporate risk management system, Operational Excellence Programme and Product Stewardship Programme cinsistent with the standards of Fertilizers Europe.

The stock exchange Grupa Azoty S.A. has been listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2008, and has been included in its élite RESPECT index – the CEE region’s first ever index of companies specifically adhering to the principles of responsible business – since 2009. More recently, in 2013 it was included in MSCI’s Emerging Markets index and was selected to be a part of the initial line-up of the most reputable, attractive companies in the WSE’s WIG30 index, which brought Grupa Azoty shares under close scrutiny by the largest investors on our market. However, Grupa Azoty S.A. offers much more than just prestige and reputation. Investing on its shares means harnessing the growth of the array of companies under the Group’s common brand, which put hundreds of products in dozens of global markets. Investors appreciate this exceptional edge too, and besides the Polish State Treasury, significant blocks of shares are held by several leading investment and pension funds. Two Grupa Azoty S.A. subsidiaries, Grupa Azoty Police and Grupa Azoty Puławy, are listed at the WSE as separate names.

Shareholder structure of Grupa Azoty S.A.

22,53% Others


33% Polish State Treasury


8,76% TFI PZU S.A. 9,96% ING OFE

20,00% Norica Holding S.a.r.l.

Structure as at June 11th 2014

Grupa Azoty is: # 1 in mineral fertilizers # 1 in multicomponent fertilizers # 1 in nitrogen-sulfur fertilizers # 1 in nitrogen fertilizers

among Polish fertilizer producers # 1 in polyamides # 1 in OXO alcohols and plasticisers # 1 in titanium white # 1 in melamine

among Polish producers of plastics, OXO alcohols, pigments, and melamine # 3 in mineral fertilizers # 2 in multicomponent fertilizers

among EU’s fertilizer producers # 2 in melamine # 5 in plasticisers # 5 in polyamide-6* # 7 in OXO alcohols

among EU’s producers of plastics, OXO alcohols, and melamine *among integrated producers


Grupa Azoty S.A. ul. Kwiatkowskiego 8 | 33-101 Tarnów | Poland Helpline: +48 14 637 37 37 tel.: +48 14 633 07 81 fax: +48 14 633 07 18 Powering Creation

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