Who will be the one shaping the new generation?
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Welcome to the new generation! Dear applicant, the question is - why do you want to be a part of it? The answer to that question will most likely define what term are you about to have. The right motivation is a key, because being an MCP is not easy. You have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders and you’ll often feel alone. You’ll be challenged beyond your limits and doubt yourself in some moments. On the other hand - and you can take my word for this - being an MCP is an extremely rewarding role and that is something, that will make you get out of bed every morning. Knowing, that the experiences that we provide are changing people’s lives for better. Slovakia is an amazing entity. Yes, it’s not perfect and it can be better in many aspects. And that’s exactly where you come in.
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
I’m sure you already know a lot about AIESEC in Slovakia, you’ll also do your research and talk to people. So I will use this space for a few advices, that I wish I knew before applying: 1. Continuity - think what can you capitalise on. Recognise the things that will impact the entity in the most positive way and be solely focused on them. Choose your battles wisely. 2. Perspective - things are not just black and white. Look at data, analyse it and talk to people. Don’t get to conclusions too quickly and don’t judge. Learn from other’s mistakes. 3. Vision - don’t be afraid to be specific about it. The fact that you’ll be specific doesn’t mean that you will not be able to change it later. Define what parts are non-negotiable and what parts are flexible. Communicate it simply. I wish you the best of luck. And to conclude, I can’t find better words than the ones I remember from the MCP 15-16 application booklet: You made a choice that you won’t ever regret. Tomáš MCP
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Application booklet This is the content of the application booklet: 1. MCP job description 2. 16-17 term information 3. Application process 4. Application package 5. Questionnaire 6. Additional questions 7. Selection process 8. Additional information
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
MCP job description MC team management: • team - selection and development, • plan - co-creation and delivery, • JD - responsibilities division and review, • training - education and simulation, • tracking & coaching, • reflection & evaluation. BoP management: • team - development, • plan - co-creation, • JD - review, • training - education and simulation, • tracking & coaching - overseeing, • reflection & evaluation - LEAD. Strategy co-creation and planning: • alignment to global direction, • downscaling suitable global initiatives, • full 2020 implementation and review, • organising national planning, • overseeing local planning, • tracking progress towards the plan.
Legality and governance: • compendium management, • overseeing LC membership criteria, • working with the Supervisory group, • financial and legal accountability. Representation in global association: • representation of the entity in the global plenary, • attendance at international conferences, • entity representation at international events, • contributing to global decision making, • fulfilling global membership criteria, • possibility to be a part international bodies. External representation: • presence at events of strategic importance, • represent entity in front of Alumni association, • represent entity at events hosted by AIESEC. Sustainability: • ensure financial sustainability of the entity, • ensure long-term development, • review budgets and track progress.
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
16-17 term information Duration of the term: • 1st of July 2016 - 30th of June 2017 • the elected MCP might be required to start earlier, in case the current MCP will continue in next AIESEC leadership position Accommodation: • provided in an MC flat, covered from the MC budget • the flat can host up to 8 people • address is Staré Grunty 26/E, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia Office: • furnished, with 3 rooms, kitchen and toilet is covered from the MC budget • address is Košická 37, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovakia Salary: • the salary of all MC members is up to 210 EUR based on the priorities fulfilment and planned budget, that will be approved by the BoP Workload: • around 40-50 hours a week • weekend and Slovak national holidays are free, except national conferences and events • there are 20 paid vacation days, 10 unpaid vacation days and 10 “faci” days Additional benefits: • the public transportation card for travelling within Bratislava is covered • mobile phone with Slovak number is provided • tablet with mobile internet is provided
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
16-17 term information Slovak national conferences: • these are the conferences happening in the 15-16 term: • Central European Congress, mid-July • National planning meeting, mid-September • Dare, late-October • Lead, mid-January • National planning meeting, mid-February • Bridge, late-March • the timeline of the conferences might be adjusted after an agreement with the BoP • the transportation, accommodation and meals at all national conferences are covered Regional and international conferences: • these are the conferences happening before the 16-17 term: • (delegate) International President’s Meeting, mid-February - place to be defined later • (possible faci) EuroXpro, mid-April - Bulgaria • (delegate) CEE/WENA President’s Meeting, mid-May - place to be defined later • these are the conferences happening in the 16-17 term: • (delegate) International Congress, mid-August - Poland • (possible faci) EuroCo, mid-October - place to be defined later • (delegate) CEE/WENA President’s Meeting, mid-November - place to be defined later • (delegate) International President’s Meeting, mid-February - place to be defined later • the transportation and conference fee for the international or regional conferences is covered based on the budget plan fulfilment - in crisis scenario the MCP might be required to cover a part of the fees from own personal budget • no additional allowance is provided for the international trips
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Application consultancy (optional)
Announcement of the intended applicants
Applications release
Application deadline
23.12.2015, 22:00 GMT+2
Consultants from supervisory group assigned
Letter of intent deadline
15.11.2015, 22:00 GMT+2
Application process
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Application process Applications release: • applications were released: • on the fan page of MC Slovakia • in an e-mail addressed to the MC team and the BoP of AIESEC in Slovakia • in an e-mail addressed to the global plenary of MCPs Letter of intent: • is a letter stating that you intent to apply as an MCP of AIESEC in Slovakia for the term 16-17 • no additional information is needed, as the idea behind this step is to put together the candidates and give them time for preparation before filling the actual application • after the deadline the intended applicants will be announced to the BoP of AIESEC in Slovakia Consultants from SG: • every MCP applicant will receive a consultant from the Supervisory group • it is recommended to meet with the consultant and agree on a timeline of cooperation throughout the process before (and if desired, also after) the application deadline Application consultancy: • will be a hosted space for all the MCP applicants to clarify and answer questions regarding the application or the process • this space will be hosted for all the MCP applicants to make sure everyone receives the same information and doesn’t get an unfair advantage in the process Submitting the materials: • all materials should be sent in an e-mail addressed to: • MCP 15-16 - Tomáš Susedík - tomas.susedik@aiesec.sk • Elections responsible - ? - ? • all materials should be submitted within the given deadline - late applications will not be accepted • all materials should be submitted in a complete package - incomplete packages will not be accepted
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Application package General requirements for all application documents: • file format - PDF • language - English • if a part of the package doesn’t fulfil the given criteria, it will not be accepted • use a font of your choice of minimal size 10pt Application form: • A4 page limit - the application cannot exceed 8 pages of content and 1 page of executive summary • adding one more page of cover title is optional • create the structure of the application as you wish, but you have to answer all the questions Curriculum vitae: • A4 page limit - the CV cannot exceed 1 page • containing your relevant professional and personal experience, educational background and personal information Blank paper challenge: • A4 page limit - the challenge cannot exceed 1 page • use the challenge to address a question “How will AIESEC in Slovakia look like in 2020, year by year?”
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Application package Endorsements: • A4 page limit - the letter cannot exceed 1 page • 3 letters from current or past AIESEC members: • 1 letter from a person you led • 1 letter from a person who led you • 1 letter from a person that worked with you • for international applicants - at least one of the endorsements must be from your home MC • 1 letter from external - a person outside of AIESEC that you have worked with Video: • uploaded to Google Drive or Youtube - link will be sent in a separate PDF document • length from 3:00 to 5:00 minutes • content: 1. introduction of you as a person 2. summary of your AIESEC experience 3. your motivation to be the MCP 16-17 of AIESEC in Slovakia
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Questionnaire In the following 4 pages there are questions that have to be included in the application form. The extent of each answer is not defined, but the overall application has to have answers for all the questions and keep all of the application package requirements. All questions need to be to the point and specific. Keep in mind, that you need to show your perspective to the national plenary in a simple and understandable way. Your answers can be clarified later in one of the Q&A rounds, but only of the audience asks for your clarification.
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Questionnaire You: 1.
Personal information: a) Name b) Surname c) Date of birth d) Nationality e) E-mail f) Phone no. g) Skype ID h) Your entity i) Year of joining AIESEC j) Current (or most recent) role in AIESEC
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? How will this role help you to get there?
How are you satisďŹ ed with the AIESEC experience you lived until now? What would you do as MCP to make sure that the members and EPs of your entity would live a better experience?
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Relevance: 1.
What does AIESEC give to the world? To the CEE region? To Slovakia?
Which trends do you see shaping Slovakia (in the context of the broader region) in the following years? What opportunities and threats do they represent for the entity?
Evaluate and suggest next steps for the clarity of why in AIESEC in Slovakia. Provide 3 key examples of changes in the operations that would make the organisation more relevant to the environment.
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Vision: 1.
How do you envision AIESEC in Slovakia in the term 17-18? What needs to happen in the following term to make sure that it is possible?
What organisational culture and behaviours did AIESEC 2015 bring? How do you imagine the culture of AIESEC 2020 and how would you lead it?
What are the 3 key areas we should focus on in the next 5 years, that would move our entity closer to engaging and developing every young person in Slovakia?
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Questionnaire Strategies: 1.
In the context of 16-17, rank the responsibilities from MCP job description according to their importance and explain why.
What should be the process of implementing and sustaining the AIESEC 2020? How to ensure the ownership of next generations, so that they would still follow an ambition they didn’t create themselves? Keep in mind the process of implementation and sustaining of AIESEC 2015.
Introduce the structure of the MC team in 16-17 and briefly outline the role of each position in the team. Describe one most important priority per each position, it’s most important MoS and an estimate of specific KPI to evaluate the performance of each position for the 16-17 term.
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Additional questions These are examples of questions that the applicants should answer for themselves. They don’t need to be submitted anywhere, but they will provide a deeper perspective: •
What is the organisational development of the entity in the past 5 years? What is the growth path, the plan fulfilment and individual performance of each LC? What is your understanding of the AIESEC basics - the AIESEC way, vision, mission, BHAG, LDM, I&O journey, EwA, ELD, LLC, AIESEC 2015, AIESEC 2020, impact model, etc.? What are the current corporate and non-corporate partners? What is the value proposition we provide for them? How does the financial model of AIESEC in Slovakia work? What are the benefits and the bottlenecks of it? What does the current organisational development model look like? Why is it like that? Who are the entity partners of our entity? How are the partnership models set up? What is the implementation level? And many, many more…
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Public announcement of applicants
End of virtual Q&A
9.1.2016, 8:00 GMT+2
Deadline for submitting questions for virtual Q&A
8.1.2016, 8:00 GMT+2
Start of virtual Q&A
6.1.2016, 8:00 GMT+2
Selection process
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Selection process Virtual Q&A: • the Q&A will happen on ongoing basis from a start date to an end date in an online Google Document • the access to this document will be granted to: • LCPs (both current and elected) and MCP of AIESEC in Slovakia • MC team of AIESEC in Slovakia • MCP 16-17 candidates • LCPs and MCP: • have the right to ask questions • questions can be submitted after the start date and before the end date • all questions have to be submitted in the deadline - questions submitted later will not be accepted • a question can be asked to specific candidate(s) or general for all candidates • MC team: • has right only to view the given document - not the right to ask or answer questions • MCP 16-17 candidates: • have to answer the submitted questions • each of the questions exactly 24 hours from the date of submitting by the LCPs, • the extent of the answer will be defined within the document where virtual Q&A will happen Elections: • the elections will be held at the first day of Lead - national conference of AIESEC in Slovakia happening on 13. - 15.1.2016 • the procedure consists of: • speech - 10 minutes (presentation is optional) • Q&A - form and timing depends on the number of applicants and will be specified latest on 8.1.2016 • panel discussion - topic and timing will be specified latest on 8.1.2016 • closing speech - 3 minutes (presentation is optional) • in case there will be an MCP candidate attending the elections virtually, the conditions will be specified after the application deadline
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Additional information The elected MCP is required to: • host a space with the BoP at the Lead conference after the elections to set up next steps • attend the International President’s Meeting (more info in 16-17 term information) • attend the CEE/WENA President’s Meeting (more info in 16-17 term information) • be physically present at Bridge - national conference of AIESEC in Slovakia happening on 31.3. - 3.4.2016 • be physically present at the event to celebrate the 50. anniversary of AIESEC in Slovakia hosted in the second half of May 2016 • be available for individual transition (can be conducted online in case of need) in March - May 2016 with the current MCP • be physically available for individual meetings with the key strategic partners of AIESEC in Slovakia (NGOs, government organisations, etc.) • be available for individual meeting with the chair of the Supervisory Group • be physically available for the MC team transition in June 2016 • attend all the events and conferences in the 16-17 term based on the agreement with the elected MC team and the BoP
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Additional information
All other questions and clariďŹ cations should be submitted in a written form of an e-mail to tomas.susedik@aiesec.sk. The information in this application booklet are binding, yet they might be a subject of change. In case of change or adjustment of any of the information it is the job of the current MCP and the elections manager to make sure that all stakeholders are informed about the change as soon as possible.
AIESEC in Slovakia | MCP 16-17 Application
Good luck!