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Outofthenight thatcoversme, Blackasthepit frompoleto pole, Ithank whatevergods maybe Formy unconquerable soul. Inthefellclutch ofcircumstance Ihavenot wincednorcried aloud. Underthe bludgeoningsof chance Myheadis bloody,but unbowed. Beyondthis placeofwrath andtears Loomsbutthe Horrorofthe shade, Andyetthe menaceofthe years Findsandshall findme unafraid. Itmattersnot howstraitthe gate, Howcharged with punishments thescroll, Iamthemaster ofmyfate, Iamthe captainofmy soul

somethinglikethis:-'Furysaidtoa mouse,That hemetinthe house,"Let usbothgo tolaw:I willproseccuteyou-Come,I'll takenodenial: We must have thetrial; Forreally thismorningI've nothing todo."

Saidthe mouseto thecur, "Such a trial,dear sir,With no jury orjudge, would bewastingour breath."

"I'llbe judge, I'llbe jury,"

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