[NZ] How to become a practitioner

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Become aTomatis® Practitioner

Why Tomatis®?




3,000,000 users

SafeandNon-Invasive, Evidence-Based NeurostimulationProgram forAuditoryProcessing IssuesAffectingMotor Coordination,Emotions, Attention,Learning,Speech, Language,andAutism SpectrumDisorders”

4,000 practitioners worldwide

100 scientificstudies



Slowor LackofProgress forClients

Clients may plateau despite dedicated efforts, leading to frustration and helplessness.

BetterWork-Life Balance

Balancing session preparation, client approaches, and personal development is challenging, making a healthy work-life balance essential.

IncreaseRevenue PerClient

Balancing quality care and financial stability can be challenging, but diversified services like at-home programs can enhance client experience and increase earnings.

ExtraSupport forCertainClients

Clients with unique needs require special attention and support, even beyond sessions.

Continuous Self-development

Therapists often feel isolated but benefit greatly from continuous learning, development, and sharing experiences with peers.

7AreasOfEvidence-Based Applications


Better communication DecreasedTemper tantrums,anxiety EnhancesSocial Skills

PromotesEmotional Regulation IncreasesSensoryTolerance

EnhancesAttentionSpan SupportsBehavioral Improvements



EnhancesImpulse Control ImprovesFocus andConcentration

SupportsExecutive Function


PromotesTask Completion


ReducesSensoryOverload ImprovesMotor Skills & SensoryIntegration SupportsEmotional Stability Enhances BodyAwareness ReducesBehavioralOutbursts


EnhancesMoodStability SupportsStressManagement ImprovesSelf-Control

PromotesEmotional Awareness

EncouragesPositive CopingMechanisms

ReducesEmotional Outbursts

EnhancesAuditoryDiscrimination ImprovesSoundLocalization BoostsAuditory Memory

SupportsBetterComprehension of Speech in Noise IncreasesAuditoryAttention ImprovesListening Skills EnhancesPhonemicAwareness

EnhancesListeningSkills ImprovesSpeech Clarity BoostsLanguage Comprehension Stimulates LanguageAreas of the Brain

AcceleratesVocabularyAcquisition ImprovesPhonologicalAwareness

IncreasesAttentionandFocus BoostsMemoryandRecall EnhancesReadingSkills PromotesCognitive Development EnhancesAcademicPerformance SupportsExecutive FunctionSkills

When your listening is impaired, the brain struggles to process sounds. The Tomatis® Method uses the Gating® system, delivering modified music with sudden changes in timbre and intensity through air and bone conduction headphones to capture the brain’s attention. This method leverages perceptual contrast and saliency to improve auditory processing and the ear-brain connection.


Widelyvalidated bytheneurosciencecommunity


The auditory system is crucial for brain function and influences motor, emotional, and cognitive abilities through specialized auditory stimulation (Tomatis® Effect).


Emphasized the brain’s ability to reorganize via new neural connections in response to auditory stimuli, way ahead of its time.

Visionary and Renowned ENT

Doctor (1920-2001) : Dr. Alfred Tomatis dedicated his career totheear-brainrelationship.


His techniques are used worldwide in education, and therapy, benefiting many. Continues to influence modern neuroscience and therapeutic practices, cementing his legacy.

60 pages Tribute from NormanDoidge, a well known American psychiatrist andauthor,recognized Tomatis’s groundbreaking work in his book “TheBrain’sWayofHealing”,praising Tomatis for his innovative contributions to neuroscience and the understanding of brain plasticity.

Maude Le Roux Occupational Therapist United States
Alina Georgescu Clinical Psychologist Romania
Dr.Sanjay Subbaiah ENT Doctor India





Rich Harmonic & Filtered Music

Mandatory Air & Bone Conduction


Auditory Lateralization

Real Time Electronic Gating

Proprietary Headphones


Only delivered by certified professionals

Online assessment questionnaire

Listening assessment

FullyPersonalized Program

Audio-vocal work

Consolidation program for long-term results

Personal headphones for each client


Services Provided

Digital client management platform

Online directory and map

Tomatis® Method

WhatmakestheTomatis® Methodstandout?

TheTomatis® Methodistheorigin of all neuro-auditory programs available today Whileotherprogramsbuild uponthepsychoacoustic principles of theTomatis® Method,noneintegrate boneconductionandsoundcontrasts usingthecorefeature:TheTomatis® GatingSystem.

02 Protocol

Tomatis® Evaluation


Access sentautomatically in 5 mins via email before the first interview

140+ psycho-educative questions answered by the client on a digital platform

AutomatedGraphical Analysis forclient debriefing

Tomatis® Checklist

Identifies signs or difficulties requiring specific programming

Specifically tailored for Tomatis® programming but remains compatible with all anamnesis templates

Tomatis® Listening Test(TLT)

Unique to the Tomatis® Method

Operated, if possible, for the client with Maestro

Includes five tests to determine the client’s listening profile and auditory processing abilities

Refines the program to optimize results


Tomatis® SmartProgramming

Based on responses from TEQ, Checklist, and TLT

Generates an individualized program


Individualized IntensivesforLasting Results


Initial Training

Continuous training & Webinars

Mentoring Forum

Visibility on Tomatis® Directory & Map

Client Management &Checklist provides tailored anamnesis foryour use

Tomatis® Evaluation Questionnaire allows clients toself-assess fromhome

Tomatis® Listening Test checks your clients’ listening profiles

Smart Programming for manual or automated Tomatis® programs




Time-optimized protocols supported by anonline platform

Automated programming

Flexible Use : at home, in center, during sessions

Enhanced therapeutic results

Synergistic with other therapies

Holistic approach

Gentle, non-invasive, and risk-free

Increased revenue per client

Scalable growth with Maestro individual headphones

Global visibility on the Tomatis® Map

03 Trainingand Certification


Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere

Understanding the Tomatis® Theory

Learn the scientific principles, history, and core conceptsof the Tomatis® Method. Understand technologies like Electronic® Gating and the audiovocal loop, and explore its applications in motor, emotional, and cognitive development with case studies and testimonials.

Deliveringthe Tomatis® Method

Learn the practical application of the Tomatis® Protocol,including guidelines, client-specific needs, assessments, initiating sessions, and evaluating outcomes.





Gain proficiency in using Tomatis® Method tools, including Maestro headphones and the Studio with the TEQ system.Master technical knowledge, client anamnesis techniques, and the Tomatis® Studio for client assessments, program creation, and analysis through expert-led webinars.



Test yourknowledgewith an interactive quiz for certification readiness, with instant feedback and additional learning resources.


IntegratingtheMethod inYourPractice

Acquire insights into the business aspects of incorporating Tomatis® , including pricing strategies, marketing, administration, networking, accessing resources, andjoining the Tomatis® community.



Participate in thematic live webinars, mentorships, Q&A sessions, and access working tools for practical training.


+ weekly live Q&A webinars + certification

1Maestro Headphone with unlimited programs for 2people in order to do didactic &practical work.

Unlimited access to theTomatis® Studio& Academyfor1Yearat 50%discount: 520NZD Unlimited Assessments TEQ,TLT,CHECKLIST, Mapvisibility included

Looking for more details? Whether it's about payment plans or how to effectively integrate Tomatis, let's talk.

ContactMariaLundqvist Let’sConnect



NewZealandStandardTime(NZST) 0800 866 284

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