Avon Magazine April 2021

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APRIL 2021





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APRIL 2021

B u sin e ss S p otlig h t: Moh r Ch irop ractic Common Cau se : Avon Tr i Kap p a Me mb ers Forg e Fr ie n d sh ip s an d H e lp th e Communi ty O ff th e B e ate n Path : E xp lore Five of H e n d r icks Cou n ty ’s H id d e n -G e m Attracti ons H ow to B e Min d fu l of You r Me n tal H e alth as a Fir st-Time Moth e r

B u sin e ss S p otlig h t: Ru ff Ly fe Dog Train i ng Raisin g th e B ar : IU H e alth We st E n h an ci ng Cap acity an d S e r vice s With Ve r tical E x p an sion Proje ct B aby Talk: Local Moms Discu ss Raisin g a Baby Du r in g a Pan d e mic Q &A: Dawn Lowd e n , Avon Town Cou n cil Me mb e r

We lln e ss From th e G ard e n



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AvonMagazine.com / APRIL 2021 / AVON MAGAZINE / 5

MOHR CHIROPRACTIC 7390 Business Center Drive Avon 317-272-7000 mohrspinehealth.com

Writer / Jamie Hergott Photography Provided

Dr. Justin Mohr, owner and clinic director of Mohr Chiropractic in Avon, can safely say he’s walked in his patients’ shoes. He has undergone two spinal surgeries, and has also endured many other injuries as a result of playing hard and working hard. However, Mohr isn’t complaining. If anything, he’s thankful for the trials because they’ve helped him help his patients. “It has helped me be a better physician for others,” Mohr says. “I’ve been through a lot on my own and can relate to people in pain. That’s what makes me good at what I do. I’ve been the patient for years.” Mohr is a second-generation chiropractor, inspired by watching his dad help people in the same field. Mohr joined Anderson Chiropractic in 2008, working closely with Dr. JC Anderson until Anderson retired in 2017. Mohr bought the practice and hired his associates, Dr. Jonathan Rall and Dr. Traci Bell, in 2019. Mohr is also owner and clinic director of Mohr Chiropractic Clinic in Greencastle, taking over the location upon his dad’s retirement. He plans to purchase or launch additional offices in the future. Mohr’s focus in his practice is on structure and function. This means he takes into consideration how the spine, nervous system and muscles all work together to achieve good health for his patients. New patients have an initial consultation, a health history review and an examination. Most patients receive X-rays to help the staff

visualize the spine and aid in diagnosing a patient’s condition. Patients then typically schedule a follow-up appointment after their initial visit. Exam findings and imaging are discussed, along with a specific plan to get the patient well.

Family is very important for Mohr, and is one of the many reasons he followed in his father’s footsteps. “He showed me how to balance family life and professional life,” Mohr says. “I loved that he was always around. Owning his own business and having a great team of doctors and staff allows him to be present in the lives of his loved ones.”

“Our care plans focus on pain relief, stabilization and prevention,” Mohr says. Mohr has no problem admitting if he can’t help someone. He prides himself in his great The Mohr Chiropractic mission statement, working relationships with doctors all over adopted from Mohr’s years of working with Hendricks County. Dr. Anderson, revolves around faith and serving others: “Love God by loving others, “It really just comes down to loving and serve God by serving others, help sick and caring for people,” Mohr says. “We love hurting people get well and stay well by getting to know our patients and their allowing the power that made the body to families. We’re here to do what’s best for heal the body.” them in order to see them get well and stay well.” 6 / AVON MAGAZINE / APRIL 2021 / AvonMagazine.com

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Founding Members from April 2006

COMMON CAUSE AVO N T R I KA P PA M E M B E R S FORGE FRIENDSHIPS AND HELP T H E CO M M U N I T Y Writer / Jamie Hergott Photography Provided

Avon Tri Kappa is one of 246 Indiana Tri Kappa chapters - the largest Greek organization in the entire United States. Tri Kappa was founded in 1901 at the Indianapolis Classical School for Girls, and since then the statewide organization has grown to 7,725 members.

The Avon chapter was founded in 2006 to bring more assistance to the growing needs of Avon, Washington Township, and Hendricks Avon Tri Kappa embodies the idea of women supporting and County as a whole. The chapter was sponsored by Brownsburg Tri empowering each other in order to bring light, community, and a Kappa and Plainfield Tri Kappa, so even its inception was the result helping hand to others in Hendricks County. There are 55 active members, and together they take Tri Kappa’s mission very seriously. of unity among women in Hendricks County. Tri Kappa’s mission statement runs as follows: “The object of this organization shall be to bring women into close, unselfish relationship for the promotion of charity, culture, and education.” Avon Tri Kappa President Stacy Archer makes sure the group adheres to this mission every year. “We focus on targeting each one of those every year with different organizations in the community,” Archer says. “It’s a sisterhood. It’s the forming of friendships that become like family, and it’s amazing to be able to work together to give that back to the community.”

The Avon chapter started with 23 members and now has 55 active members. Susan Webb, a member and past president, has been involved since the chapter’s inception and is passionate about its causes. She views the chapter as an incubator, where its members develop strong leadership skills through serving as officers, organizing various member functions, and helping with fundraising projects. Webb is proud of each and every member.

8 / AVON MAGAZINE / APRIL 2021 / AvonMagazine.com

2020 Bingo

2020 Bingo

The chapter has been involved with many of the county’s nonprofit organizations. They have adopted multiple families through Family Promise, adopting 10 of them this past December. Archer says these simple acts speak volumes to younger generations.



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“My daughter is 10, and she dropped off some things too,” Archer says. “It’s so good for her to see the presents lined up, to see a need, to see it so organized, and be able to teach her it’s good to give back to the community.” The chapter also organizes drives for the Mary Lee Maier Community Pantry, volunteers with the Avon-Washington Township Public Library, sponsors the ‘Trunk or Treat’ event at Washington Township Park, and has even organized a drive for Embracing Abilities, an organization that offers family-directed services for individuals with special health care needs through a family partnership model. Avon Tri Kappa was able to provide them with needed materials and supplies for their summer camps. Local animal shelters have directly benefited from the chapter’s efforts to support local nonprofits.

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The group supportsTRY local civic NEW OUR NEW CITRUS organizations, focusing on preserving HAWAIIAN TROPIC WRAP IT'S BACK art and culture. They’ve been involved DRAGON FRUIT HITS SMOOTHIE with the Hendricks Civic Theater, the Limited Time Only, While Supplies Last

Any que smoothi



The group has also supported Sheltering Wings, Light and Life Food Pantry, Kingsway Community Care Center (now known as Hope Healthcare Services), Indianapolis Institute for Families, Stepping Stones, and Mental Health America of Hendricks County.



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F L AT Any flatb and a sid

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Hendricks County Art Council, The Biz Academy of Musical Theatre, and the AvonWashington Township Library. The chapter also supports education through the Avon Community School Corporation, Avon Education Foundation, Business Professionals of America, and Hendricks College Network. They support gifted and talented programs, as well as special education programs. They offer scholarships each year totaling between $3,000 and $4,000. One particular scholarship, the Rachel Sigler Memorial Scholarship, was named for a Tri Kappa member who passed away suddenly, leaving behind four children. Sigler had been very involved with theater, music and the community in general, and chapter members wanted to leave a legacy in her name. That legacy is something the chapter members are passionate about, as they also have an endowment fund set up. This endowment allows the gifts of Avon Tri Kappa to live on years after current members have gone. Lisa Dulcich-Suyeyasu, an active member of the Avon chapter and a Chapters & Charters Committee member for Province XI, says the chapter endeavors to distribute

their efforts evenly between charity, culture and education. In fact, her own involvement stemmed from a community service project.

purse prizes for the winners.

In 2007, Avon Tri Kappa organized a gift-wrapping station at Metropolis in Plainfield, staffing a table to wrap gifts from Black Friday until the week before Christmas. Dulcich-Suyeyasu worked at Metropolis at the time, and was approached by Webb to pass out flyers about the giftwrapping station.

Archer, Webb and Dulcich-Suyeyasu all have friendships, as well as a sense of purpose and belonging, and they attribute this to their involvement with Avon Tri kappa. Archer says it has instilled confidence in her.

“Four months later, I got an invitation in the mail for Avon Tri Kappa,” DulcichSuyeyasu says. “The bond I have with these ladies now is amazing. They’re truly lifelong friends.” One of Avon Tri Kappa’s largest events is their Bingo function, which usually takes place twice each year at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds. The chapter has given away more than $75,000 of their fundraising dollars through Bingo. Before the COVID pandemic, the largest attendance number they had was 502. Last year during COVID they had 165, with social distancing and masks. They play 10 games per event, and it’s for men and women aged 18 and over. There are giveaways for gift baskets, 50/50 raffles, and 10 / AVON MAGAZINE / APRIL 2021 / AvonMagazine.com

“People were just so happy to be doing something,” Dulcich-Suyeyasu says.

“I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be president,” Archer says. “It’s gotten me up in front of people speaking, which is tough for me, and given me such a sense of confidence and well-being.” Much of 2021 is still being determined, as the chapter waits to see how COVID will affect their plans. Their fifteenth anniversary is this year, and members hope to be able to celebrate in person with the community and also hold their annual Bingo event. “We’re just going to keep giving back,” Archer says. “That’s our main purpose. We are going to do what we’re doing now plus more. Every year we want to keep growing, and getting that footprint even larger to really spread out what we can do for the community. It’s been amazing to get to know so many amazing women, form friendships, and do all these great things together with the community. We have so much fun with even the simplest things. We help the community and really brighten people’s day.” For more info, visit avontrikappa.org.


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Writer / Josh Duke Photography Provided

I’m all about doing plenty of research before I visit a new community. I make a list of must-sees, but I also try and add a few places off the beaten path. In my time here at Visit Hendricks County overseeing our local blog that features all the latest happenings, I’ve compiled a list of places here in Hendricks County that many of our locals may not even know about, which I would highly recommend visiting.



Burnett Woods Nature Preserve Where is it? 8264 East County Road 100 South in Avon Where can I park? Behind Light and Life Methodist Church​ Who would love it? Hikers, families, and those with a case of wildflower fever who want to get away from it all. This 68-acre wooded nature preserve is the county’s only dedicated state nature preserve, and is managed by the Central Indiana Land Trust. This is a great place to take the kids on a hike and teach them about trees and wildflowers. It is preserved as an example of what was once common in this region, and what our ancestors encountered when they arrived in central Indiana. Despite its location in the middle of bustling Avon with development popping up all around it, many residents aren’t even aware this little hidden oasis exists. Hot Blown Glass Where is it? 3717 South County Road 200 East in Clayton Phone: 317-987-6862 Who would love it? Virtually anyone, as it is truly fascinating to find out how glass works of art are made. Recently we featured Hot Blown Glass on our blog, as one of my colleagues here has made it an annual ritual to take her granddaughter there for a fun girls’ day

APRIL 2021

out. How many of you even knew we had an Indiana glass artist right here in Hendricks County? Indiana Artisan Lisa Pelo owns the private studio, and the great thing about Pelo is that she doesn’t keep this precious attraction, or her glass talents, to herself. Visitors can participate in demonstrations, workshops and even classes to try the intricate art of glass work, by creating a simple piece like a paperweight or pumpkin on their own under Pelo’s direct guidance. Guests usually come away floored by the experience, and the art they create without any previous experience. Don't just show up on her doorstep, as appointments are required. Call the number above and talk to Pelo before making any plans. Rusted Silo Southern BBQ & Brew House Where is it? 411 North State Street in Lizton Phone: 317-994-6145 Who would love it? Foodies, barbecue lovers, beer drinkers and virtually anyone who likes to eat - which means everyone.

APRIL 2021

If you haven’t heard of or visited Rusted Silo yet, you are missing out on a true destination restaurant that draws people from all over the region, and has won many awards. Like any great dive, Rusted Silo doesn’t look like much from the outside - it’s a small building nestled next to a railroad track in tiny Lizton. But what it lacks in first appearances, it more than makes up for in ambience and amazing food. The eatery is owned by Rob Ecker, a former Disney chef, who moved into the county a few years ago with his family. Having always wanted to start his own barbecue restaurant, he directed all of his savings into this new venture. We all should be glad he did. The restaurant just recently reopened after a fire gutted much of the interior space last year, but Rusted Silo is a survivor. Make

APRIL 2021

sure you check out their Ferris Wheel of Meat and arrive with an empty stomach. Avon Gardens Where is it? 6259 East County Road 91 North in Avon Phone: 317-272-6264 Who would love it? Gardeners, landscapers, dreamers and newlyweds. Another true gem in our county, the gardens are hidden away in Avon and many residents may not know they exist. What’s amazing about this tranquil hideaway, which has become a regional destination, is its background. Not too long ago, many people driving by this piece of land may have considered it an eyesore, as it was a literal pigsty. Karen Robbins transformed the former 10-acre pig farm, beginning about 25 years ago, into a scenic inspiration, one plant at a time. It now serves as part garden center,

part inspirational gardens, and a fulltime event venue that hosts hundreds of weddings, receptions and group outings annually. This attraction boasts flowing gardens, a beautiful pond and even a picturesque ravine. It even graced the pages of “Midwest Living” magazine a year or two ago as one of the top garden centers in the Midwest. Vandalia Trail Where is it? The trail runs from Amo through Coatesville to the HendricksPutnam county line. There is a portion of the trail that also runs through Plainfield as part of the town’s trail system, but it is not connected to the trail that continues westward. • Amo Trailhead: 5042 South Street in Amo • Coatesville Trailhead: 7963 Main Street in Coatesville

APRIL 2021

Who would love it? Outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, horseback riders, walkers and families. Embrace the outdoors by walking or biking the four-mile rail trail that runs along the route of the former Vandalia Railroad. An aggregate equestrian trail runs parallel to the pedestrian trail. Enjoy the scenery of rural Hendricks County and utilize the modern restrooms, water fountains and bicycle repair stations at each trailhead. *** This is a mere sampling of all the wonderful information we have for both residents and visitors at Visit Hendricks County. Sign up for our newsletter, subscribe to our insider blog , and check out more great content at VisitHendricksCounty.com.

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H OW TO B E M I N D F U L O F YO U R M E N TA L H E A LT H A S A F I R S T-T I M E M OT H E R While postpartum baby blues can last for up to two weeks after delivery, new moms may also experience a more severe and longlasting form of depression called postpartum Stepping into a new role as a first-time depression. Symptoms of postpartum mother can bring a range of emotions. Many depression may include excessive crying, women feel overwhelmed, depressed or difficulty bonding with your baby, severe anxious during their first pregnancy, and even mood swings, sleeping too much or too after delivery. Below are three tips for looking little, and lack of interest in activities you after your mental health, while also looking used to enjoy. It’s important to understand after your new bundle of joy. that experiencing postpartum baby blues or depression is not a weakness as a mother. LEARN ABOUT Schedule an appointment with your doctor P O S T PA R T U M if you begin to experience symptoms of DEPRESSION. postpartum baby blues or depression. There are many unknowns when it comes to being a first-time mother, including MAKE TIME FOR how pregnancy and childbirth will affect YO U R S E L F. your mental health. After childbirth, it is It’s nearly impossible to take care of someone common for most new moms to experience else if you aren’t taking care of yourself first. postpartum “baby blues.” Symptoms of Schedule time for activities you enjoy a postpartum baby blues may include mood few times per week. Whether it’s taking a swings, anxiety, crying spells and difficulty bubble bath, reading a book or watching your sleeping. Writer / Dr. Danielle Beaver, Obstetrician at IU Health West Hospital Photography Provided

APRIL 2021

favorite show, it’s important to take some time for yourself.

LOW E R YO U R E X P E C TAT I O N S A N D USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. As a new mom, you’ll experience unconditional love from your child. Your baby won’t notice if the house isn’t spotless or the laundry isn’t done. It’s important not to feel like everything must be perfect or that you have to do it all. Online shopping and delivery services can be a great resource. Don’t be afraid to lean on friends and family for help. While social media can be a great way for you to connect with other new moms, it can also be damaging to your mental health. Motherhood, especially in the first few months, is messy, exhausting, difficult and not always pretty. Avoid the urge to compare yourself to other moms on social media.

AvonMagazine.com / APRIL 2021 / AVON MAGAZINE / 19

RUFF LYFE DOG TRAINING 7378 U.S. Highway 36 Coatesville, IN 765-721-0730 rufflyfedogtraining.com

Writer / Jamie Hergott Photography Provided

Ruff Lyfe Dog Training in Coatesville is a family-owned and -operated business that offers nearly any type of dog training, at any comfort level an owner could ask for. Owner Megan Bonifacius was inspired years ago by her own challenging pets. “They were horrible,” Bonifacius says. “They were great dogs in the house, but I couldn’t walk them. They’d pull my arm nearly out of its socket and leave leash burns. Seeking training for them inspired me to do it myself.” She opened Ruff Lyfe Dog Training in Coatesville two years ago, and Ruff Lyfe Doggy Daycamp in Danville this past December. Ruff Lyfe Dog Training offers in-home lessons, private or group lessons at the facility, and also a board-and-train option, where owners can drop off their dogs for two to six weeks at a time for training. Training is based on positive reinforcement and treats, as well as corrections on leashes and collars. When owners come to pick up their dogs, they receive a lesson themselves on how to keep up with the training their dog received, and videos to take home. A follow-up lesson will take place, which involves a trainer visiting the owner’s home three weeks after their training to make sure the dogs are listening, and answer any follow-up questions. There are three types of group classes beginner, advanced and traveling. Dogs who attend the latter class will be taken to various stores or hiking spots at parks for training in real-world situations. APRIL 2021

Ruff Lyfe Doggy Daycamp is a facility where dogs of all breeds are welcome. Bonifacius says what makes her day camp different is the level of cleanliness and safety. All employees are trained in dog body language. Each dog has a 5’x5’ kennel with their own bed, water bowl, and peanut butter Kong toy. She says this way, dogs have their own space and don’t have to share a

community water bowl, swapping germs with other dogs. Even when the dogs are let loose in 15-minute play groups with other dogs, there are two attendants on duty at all times.

Other services available at the day camp location include various training options (private and in-home lessons, group classes, and day school), and nail trims on the first Saturday of every month.

“We have eyes on every single dog at all times,” Bonifacius says. “They all wear slip collars so we can easily grab them if we have to. It’s just safer overall for dogs and people.”

“We’ll never tell someone we won’t train their dog,” Bonifacius says. “I’ve had a lot of people cry and pour their heart out to me that we’re their dog’s last hope. We are dog trainers, but we end up helping people too.”



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Since late 2017, team members at IU Health West Hospital have been working diligently to open the hospital’s $84 million vertical expansion project. The new expansion includes an additional 48 inpatient beds, a catheterization lab, two operating rooms, an inpatient dialysis unit, a new space for inpatient pharmacy services, and new kitchen and classroom areas. The expansion also includes additional parking.

president of IU Health West Hospital. “Data we used to green-light the expansion showed we were having to transfer 1,700 patients a year who had come to IU Health West for their care to other facilities, because we could not get that patient a bed in a timely fashion. The demand for IU Health-level quality care was there. We had to grow to meet that demand.”

With the new additions, the hospital’s inpatient capacity has increased by “Our community is growing by more than 50%. The new 14leaps and bounds - Hendricks bed intensive care unit and catheterization lab opened in County continues to be the second fastest-growing county September, and are located on the new fourth floor. in the state, and our ability to provide care to all the patients who need us has in the past Not only did the hospital been challenged by our expand its walls, but also its capacity,” says Paul Ivkovich, services. The new four-bay

APRIL 2021

dialysis unit allows patients to receive their treatment within the hospital walls. Before being able to receive dialysis at IU Health West, patients had to be transferred to other facilities. “The ability to provide inpatient dialysis is a game changer,” Ivkovich says. “Until now, any inpatient who also needed dialysis support during their stay had to be transferred downtown - most of whom are patients with diagnoses we absolutely could have managed otherwise at IU Health West. This addition allows those patients and families to stay closer to home for their care. IU Health West provides the community’s only 24/7 STEMI program, so the cath lab expansion enhances our ability to care for heart attack patients around the clock.”

APRIL 2021

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Maggie Sproull

Joanna & Maggie

Joanna & Maggie

Local Moms Discuss Raising a Baby During a Pandemic Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided by Ellen Joy Photography, Brittney Way Photography & Arrow of Light Photography

Over a century ago, Joanna Sproull’s great-grandparents lived through the 1918 pandemic. Her grandfather was 3 years old at the time, and now, 103 years later, Sproull and her husband Ben are living in the same Plainfield house, enduring a global pandemic themselves. “When that bit of knowledge hit me, it gave me chills,” says Sproull, who was midway through her pregnancy in mid-March last year when COVID-19 became a reality. Almost immediately, routines began to change. For instance, she was told that her spouse could no longer accompany her to her doctor appointments. “We felt lucky that we’d just had our 20-week ultrasound right before everything shut down so we got to experience that together,” Sproull says.

Sproull Family

Though she specifically asked her obstetrician if she needed to take any special precautions, it was difficult for physicians to know how to advise, given that the virus was so new. Mostly there was

APRIL 2021

talk of flattening the case curve, so as not to overwhelm hospital systems and health care workers. As a result, Sproull began to wonder if she should consult with a childbirth center or look into giving birth at home. An added concern was the fact that she had undergone heart surgery two years prior. The couple had also experienced the heartbreak of miscarriage, so when COVID-19 hit, they felt like they had endured a triple whammy. Thankfully, everything went smoothly when Maggie entered the world on June 25. Though the couple was overjoyed to welcome their daughter into their family, they admit that parenthood has not been what they imagined it would be. For starters, no one visits. “She only met seven people in her first six months of life,” Sproull says. Disappointments started prior to Maggie’s birth, however. The first came when they had to transition Sproull’s baby shower to make it a virtual event. “Nobody got to see my growing belly,” Sproull says. “In fact, a lot of our neighbors have asked if we adopted because they never saw me pregnant.” Despite this surreal time, the couple is over the moon with being Maggie’s mom and dad.

“She’s made our world so much better,” Sproull says. “There’s nothing better than this sweet little baby. I’d go through everything 10 million times over just to have her.” When Brownsburg mom Kristal Hellmann gave birth to her second child, Bernadette, on January 31, 2020, she and her husband Eric were worried about catching the flu since they had a newborn baby and a 3-year-old asthmatic son. “Little did we know that halfway through my maternity leave, a global pandemic was going to break out,” Hellmann says. She admits that in a way, she was sheltered from COVID-19 because she was living under a fog of a newborn. She vividly recalls the moment pandemic panic set in. It was the end of March in 2020, Bernadette was 2 months old, and it was that time in history when coronavirus coverage was plastered across televisions and computer screens every day. “Late one night, Bernadette had just given me her first smile followed by a bunch of coos,” Hellmann says. “She made real eye contact with me - not like in the early days when the baby’s looking up and you’re wondering if they’re staring at you or the ceiling fan. It was a nice, peaceful moment.” Then Hellmann made the mistake of picking up her smartphone. “I found myself doom-scrolling the internet, reading about how this pandemic is going to last for one to two years - disrupted production cycles, grocery stores not having stock of inventory, and having to wear APRIL 2021

masks in public,” Hellmann says. “It suddenly hit me, ‘This isn’t going away.’ ” During the spring of 2020, as doctors, scientists and other medical experts tried to determine what was safe, ever-evolving protocols made planning difficult. Hellmann recalls stressing because for a brief stretch of time, day cares and pediatrician offices were trying to adjust from previous Indiana state standards to adapt to new COVID-19 rules. Navigating this new world was confusing, as day cares required a doctor’s note for relatively benign symptoms. Meanwhile, pediatricians’ offices were closed as so many weren’t sure how to monitor health and symptoms. “I felt like I was in this terrible cycle of, ‘My baby can’t get sick because we can’t go to the doctor, yet we can’t go to the doctor to prove my baby’s not sick,’ ” Hellmann says. Then there was the worry of missing developmental milestones. While normal milestones include mimicking a smile, facial expression or tone, that’s hard to do when everyone outside the home is wearing masks. “When Bernadette first started playing peekaboo, it was not in the traditional way with covering the eyes,” Hellmann says. “As soon as she sees me at day care, she takes off my mask and smiles when she sees my face. If that’s not a pandemic baby in a nutshell, I don’t know what is.” Like many of us, Joyce Martin, a labor and delivery nurse at IU Health West Hospital, struggled - especially in the earlier stages of the pandemic - with having to wear a mask all day at work. “A smile on my face is comforting and calming, and a way to let my patients know I’m there to provide the best of care,” Martin says. “It’s challenging to communicate with my patients while most of my face is covered. I’ve found eyes also smile, and my patients can hear comfort and calmness in my voice.” During the pandemic, moms have been deprived of social clubs like breastfeeding support groups, mommy-and-me classes, and play dates, as well as outings with friends and family. Hellmann, who had an annual membership to the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, had planned on spending much of her maternity leave in the facility’s Playscape area.

“There’s something magical about a 2020 baby,” Hellmann says. “Watching them grow up, there’s that slight terror in the middle of the night when you think, ‘We just had a baby in this world - what are we going to do?’ But then that fades away and you’re left with that extra bit of hope.” Avon mom Jaci McGrew gave birth to a daughter named Rosie in July of 2020. The child is McGrew and her husband PJ’s third. McGrew suffers from asthma, so she was terrified of contracting COVID-19 and having pregnancy complications as a result. Thankfully, the birth was smooth sailing. Right after delivery, however, scores of family and friends didn’t flood her hospital room to go gaga over the new bundle of joy, because hospital protocol prohibited it. According to Martin, most moms and dads have not minded this new policy of allowing only one guest into their room. “New parents say they enjoy the one-on-one time to bond with their newborn baby,” Martin says. “They also feel they have more time for us [nurses] to teach them about newborn and postpartum care.” Parents who have had babies prior to COVID-19 welcome the onevisitor rule as well because they don’t feel the pressure to entertain a parade of people. “It’s giving them one-on-one time with their newborn, which

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“It has those windows where the sun shines in the morning, and that sand table,” she says. “I’d envisioned sitting on one of those nice, cushy benches with my sweet baby while watching my toddler Darwin live his best life at the museum.”

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Of course, that didn’t happen. Though it’s been a wild year, these mommies have nothing but gratitude in their hearts.

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quickly changes when they get home with the other siblings,” Martin says. After the McGrews got home, life continued to feel strange. For starters, not going out and about in public has meant that Rosie has not been exposed to many people. As a result, McGrew feels Rosie has a heightened sense of stranger danger. “With the older boys, we paraded them and passed them around constantly,” she says. “They got used to people quickly. Rosie hasn’t been able to be in those social situations because we rarely leave the house, and when she does see people out in public, they’re all wearing masks.”

interactions as well. McGrew feels particularly bad for grandparents and great-grandparents who have not been able to visit with their families for months.

McGrew wonders what that does to her daughter’s developing brain, to see masks in place of bright, smiling faces. “I’m just thankful for her smile,” she says. “It makes up for not being able to see everyone else’s.” It’s not just the smiles many of us are craving, but personal

“Not getting to know and see Rosie, they don’t have the same relationship with my daughter as they do with my older boys,” McGrew says. Nevertheless, while much has changed, some things remain the same, like the unconditional love and excitement that siblings feel toward the newest little additions to their families. McGrew reports that her sons, Patrick, 10, and Frankie, 6, adore having a little sister. “They’re so excited to see her when they come home from school,” McGrew says. The feeling is mutual, as Rosie’s face lights up when she lays eyes on her big brothers. “It’s been fun watching their own unique relationships with her,” McGrew says. “My 10-year-old is her protector, and my 6-year-old is her playmate. All Frankie wants to do is kiss Rosie.” It may be a topsy-turvy world right now, with more ups and downs than we’d prefer, but these mommies are not complaining. “Rosie is everything I didn’t know I needed,” McGrew says. “She completes our family.”

APRIL 2021


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Dawn Lowden, Avon Town Council Member Writer / Jamie Hergott Photography Provided

Can you give us a little of your personal background? I’m an Indiana girl. I grew up and attended high school on the southwest side of Indy, lived on the north side during my 20s, and migrated to Brownsburg in 1990. Eventually, I moved to Avon in 2010, where I currently reside with my goldendoodle, Milo.

Tell us about your career. I became licensed as a realtor in 2003, obtained my broker’s license in 2005, and worked for a nationally known real estate company. I founded Community Real Estate Group, LLC in January

2017. I pondered over choosing a name for quite some time. It was important to me for the name of the company to reflect my commitment of giving 5% of my commissions back annually to the communities I serve each year. One year, I sold a home in a very small community. I remembered the church across the street from the home was having vacation Bible school when we first looked at the house, so I donated to their program for the following year.

What are some of your hobbies?

Tell us about your family.

Probably Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I typically stay at the Secrets Capri resort. They have a lot of outdoor activities like jet skis, parasailing and snorkeling, in addition to the resort-planned activities and a beautiful beach area.

I have one son, Benjamin (of whom I’m very proud), who serves in the U.S. Navy. I’m enjoying having him back in the U.S. after serving overseas for the past two years!

AvonMagazine.com / APRIL 2021 / AVON MAGAZINE / 31

My favorite hobbies are golf, traveling, gardening and volunteering. However, when the Indiana weather turns cold, you will most likely find me in front of the fireplace with a good book. I read them all, fiction and nonfiction.

Where is your favorite place to travel?

What is your favorite restaurant in Avon? I can’t say I have a favorite place. I enjoy the variety of cuisine we have locally, and for me it’s more about enjoying the time with friends, family, clients and neighbors. I like to relax over lunch or dinner and catch up on everyone’s busy lives.

How did you come to be on the Avon Town Council? I was first approached by Bev Stafford, who had decided to not run for another term. After that, several others began approaching me about running for the upcoming vacant ward position. I didn’t know much about the inner workings of town government at the time but felt my experience as a realtor gave me a unique perspective. In my work, I speak with many people moving in and out of Hendricks County, to and from other central Indiana areas or across the country. I always ask, “What do you, or did you, like about a specific community, and what criteria is important to you when considering a community to relocate to?”

Most importantly, I would like see Avon have a more balanced tax base. It’s important to help relieve the tax burden on our residents. In Indiana residential property taxes are 1% of the assessed value, whereas commercial development is taxed at 3%. We currently have several developments approved that will begin construction in 2021. You will begin to see warehousing and distribution along 100 South that backs up to the railroad, and some light industrial developments along Ronald Reagan Parkway. This not only helps to balance the tax base, but provides opportunities to live and work without the commute.

What’s coming up for Avon? Residents may not have heard yet, but we are in the process of purchasing additional acreage to expand Town Hall Park to the west. The Council has set a 2021 goal to study town and township consolidation. This is a very complex agenda that requires cooperation with many other entities such as Washington Township, Avon Community School Corporation and the

I also communicate with peers in the industry and hear their feedback from their clients too. I felt I could share that information with the other Council members for discussion on growth and amenities within our town. We have a myriad of experiences among the current Council members - engineer, banker, information technology, law enforcement and real estate. I think this balance of perspectives provides for good discussions for matters that come before us, and when planning future goals and budgets.

What is your vision for Avon? I’d like to see more trails added to our current ones and eventually have them connect from Brownsburg to Plainfield, and even the B&O Trail into Indy. I’d also like to see some family entertainment venues, kind of like a Dave & Buster’s but family oriented. I think there is a void for that in Avon and Hendricks County. 32 / AVON MAGAZINE / APRIL 2021 / AvonMagazine.com

Avon Library. We will encourage residents to reach out to Council members and staff with questions as we begin the study. There will be a public input meeting as we proceed with the discussion on merger feasibility. Your attendance is welcomed.

Is there anything else you want people to know about Avon or the Town Council? I would like to remind everyone that Avon has only been a town for 25 years. We are mere infants compared to Danville, Plainfield and Brownsburg. We have growing pains such as traffic, tax base, etcetera, because of this fact. I would remind everyone to be patient, attend meetings (or watch on Facebook Live or on the town website after meetings have ended), and sign up for boards or commissions if they wish to have an active role in the town’s future. Lastly, I would say that all five of your current Council members truly care about our community and although change may seem slow to some, we strive to make good decisions on growth and to operate within our fiscal budget.

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Writer / Carrie Petty Photography Provided

There is one place where I am certain we can go and be perfectly safe. There is no mask needed, no threat of standing too close to one another, and no one coughing on you. There is great peace, and even great wellness, to be found in a garden. My entire yard is fondly called “the garden.” There is plenty of work and exercise to be found here year-round. It is where I find joy, and what I love teaching people about the most - how to grow a more beautiful life. 36 / AVON MAGAZINE / APRIL 2021 / AvonMagazine.com

I love how precise spring is. She knows right when to get here, and it is always when we need her the most. Begin your work with taking stock of your property. With a cup of coffee in hand, walk your property and dream a little. What do you want to change? Would you like to grow more cut-flowers, and bring them indoors for family dinners? How about some more privacy - do you need to plant a screen of trees? I usually begin by looking for the damage the winter harshness has created. With pruners along for the walk, I will discard any broken or unsightly limbs from

woody plants. (Note: I always sharpen and clean all my tools prior to starting). This is a good place to begin.

Easter table centerpieces. Wheatgrass is like regular grass seed, but the blade is thicker for a more pronounced tuft of green.

Most importantly, begin to remove winter debris. Remove any remnants of last season’s garden. I always use a general granular, organic fertilizer and sprinkle around the base of the newly exposed green shoots. If the soil is thawed enough, I will edge the beds and get a crisp, sharp outline around each area. I try not to rake too much, as this will expose the weed seeds lying just under the soil. I want to leave those dormant as long as possible.

Also, get out and clip a few branches off your blooming trees, and place them in a vase of clean, warm water. Put them in some sunlight, and in about two weeks their buds will “break” and begin to swell. Soon you will have fresh crabapple, cherry,

dogwood or redbud blooms indoors - all good varieties for forcing. This is a great task for children to do and can inspire their curiosity in the garden. Wellness truly can come from the garden. Enjoy her beauty, the exercise and fresh air, and even the quiet time to think and ponder - all without a mask! Enjoy growing a more beautiful life my friends.

Weeding comes soon enough! A spring snow in the garden often causes some panic. Many worry that daffodils will start to sprout too early. Folks often ask me, “Will they be OK?” The answer is most often yes. Here’s the deal. Mother Nature has the whole timing thing down. She is all about timing. When you see those little crocus sprouts, or the tips of your tulips begin to emerge, don’t worry too much. They know what they are doing. If you want to cover them with a little newspaper or a sheet because a blanket of ice is coming, do it especially cover if the flower buds are well emerged. I adore the perfect timing of it all. English gardeners have long believed in timing when it comes to the moon’s incredible power, particularly the gravitational pull. The Farmer’s Almanac reads, “Folklore is rich among farmers, given their close ties to earth and her natural rhythms.” The moon’s new and first-quarter phases, known as the Light of the Moon, are considered good for planting above-ground crops, putting down sod, grafting trees, and transplanting in the late spring. Also, you have to love this tip: “Dig your horseradish in the full moon for the best flavor.” This is good to know for that savory Bloody Mary. Now that’s wellness! While I love the perfect timing of it all, it is OK to “force” a few things along the way. Now is a great time to plant small vessels with wheatgrass seed to use indoors for your


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MAY 22




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- Without Refrigerant: $5 • Tires

- Passengers Car/Truck:

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- Truck/Semi-Tractor:

First 4: Free | Next 2: $5 Each

- Farm/Tractor:

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New Outpatient Services Building Opening April 2021! Features include dedicated classroom, training kitchen, two gym spaces, as well as over 20 individual rooms for speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

Expanding Mental Health Services We are adding more dedicated therapy and testing space as well as additional psychologists and clinicians to better serve our community.

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Wish you could distance yourself from knee or hip pain? You can. We can help. Learn how to distance yourself from the pain without leaving home. View one of our free, online seminars to learn the facts about hip and knee surgery.

At our seminar you’ll: ■

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Discover the benefits of our personalized approach

Learn more about our experienced care team

Michael Gabbard, MD

Ripley Worman, MD

Get answers to the most common questions about hip and knee pain

Register for a free, online hip & knee pain seminar. Visit iuhealth.org/joints. ©2021 IUHealth

40 / AVON MAGAZINE / APRIL / AvonMagazine.com IU Health West Hospital | 1111 N. 2021 Ronald Reagan Parkway in Avon

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