Local Organization Collaborates with Others to Help the Homeless A FRESH TAKE ON NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS SHAWLS THAT SPEAK LOVE: Prayer Shawl
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A Fre sh Take on New Ye ar ' s Re solu tion s Wh ite ston e Min istr ie s: Local O rg an ization Collab orate s with O th e r s to H e lp th e H ome le ss K ick O ff th e New Ye ar With H e althy G oa l s S h awls Th at S p e ak Love : Praye r S h awl Prog ram B r in g s Comfor t to IU H e alth Pati ents an d Th e ir Familie s
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Writer / Abigail Hake Photography Provided
With each new year, people often sit down and try to figure out resolutions. Last year was a tough one in many ways, and hopefully 2021 will hold many happy moments. Resolutions can sometimes feel overwhelming, and oftentimes disappointing. This year, let’s try a fresh approach. For 2021, create your own bucket list of things you can feel good accomplishing. Complete them any time during the year, at your own pace, and enjoy the moments when you are doing them. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
READ SOMETHING Every year many people decide they are going to read more, but this year let’s take it easy. Just pick something to read. Maybe you’ll start a book that you’ve been wanting to read for a while. Maybe try reading the newspaper every day. Whatever it is, don’t overcomplicate it. Read something, an entire something, and be done with it.
COOK SOMETHING 2020 could possibly be called the year of cooking for many. Still, take time in 2021 to try a new recipe or cook as a family. Try family pizza night, or if you’ve done that, go for something harder. Your kids will love trying to make macarons or some sort of festive cake. If you really want to have fun with it, create a little competition.
VISIT SOMEWHERE Many people were stuck at home more than usual last year, exploring what’s available to them in their own backyard. Maybe it’s time to visit that state park you haven’t been to, or that new campsite. You can still travel and be safe, and it’s good for the soul - even if it’s just exploring a newly built park down the street. Get outside and visit somewhere new to you. Remember, it doesn’t have to be far.
WATCH SOMETHING Many of us have been binging on plenty of old and new TV shows lately. There’s so much out there to watch that sometimes it can be overwhelming. Take a minute to research documentaries online, and choose one that CLEAN SOMETHING covers a topic you know nothing about. All year long things can often get shoved into closets, and now is a great time to tackle Post on Facebook asking for suggestions them one by one. You can check this one off from friends for new shows to watch. Pick something and watch it from beginning to after you’ve cleaned up a room or a closet, end, even if it’s a seven-season sitcom. or maybe reorganized a pantry. Whatever it is, pick something you’ll feel good about when you are done.
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TRY SOMETHING May I suggest yoga? Try something new that you haven’t done before, and maybe something that will help to alleviate stress and clear your head. It doesn’t have to be yoga - maybe try a new workout or starting a new routine. Think outside the box here, too. It could be a new game, a new sport or a new type of art. Whatever you choose, make it something you can continue to do throughout the new year and maybe longer.
CREATE SOMETHING Many homes were filled to the brim with artwork in 2020. Every year should be like that. Don’t always leave this to the kids, and remember, creating isn’t limited to painting or drawing a picture. It could be those mudroom lockers you’ve been meaning to build, or maybe it’s that backyard oasis that’s been on your list too.
MAKE A DONATION Choose a favorite cause, and donate or volunteer this year. There are many people and foundations in need of help after such a rough 2020, and this is the perfect time to get out there and help others. It’s never a bad idea to offer help to those in need, and you can do so in many ways. If you are very busy and can afford it, monetary donations can be helpful. If volunteering in person is more your speed, reach out to your local food bank, homeless shelter or other organization, and find out how you can serve as a volunteer. *** Hopefully these ideas have given you a start on how to rock your 2021. Wishing you the best in the new year - you’ve got this!
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Jeff & Danielle Battson
Local Organization Collaborates with Others to Help the Homeless Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided by Gronde Photography
D plans.
anielle Battson and her husband Jeff had plans to start a Christian ministry, and they say the Lord called on them to adjust their
“We began to feel God shifting things in a new direction,” Danielle says. “The more we prayed, the more he showed us what steps to take, and it all led to serving the homeless population.” It can be a challenge to start a new endeavor under the best of circumstances, and launching a new ministry in the midst of a global pandemic is especially tough. Nevertheless, that is precisely what Danielle and Jeff felt called to do last summer when they started Whitestone Ministries, located in Hendricks County. “We are a Christian ministry so everything we do, we pray about first,” Danielle says. JANUARY 2021
“We pray for God to lead us to organizations that will be good for the ministry that he is putting together.” Instead of starting separate initiatives on their own, the ministry partners with other organizations like Wheeler Mission Shelter for Men, A Tiny Act of Kindness, and Roberts Park United Methodist Church, to help them. Most of the organizations they collaborate with serve the homeless and lowincome households. Whitestone Ministries helps to create and distribute various hygiene and/or dental kits and care packages to homeless camps, and others in need. Now that winter has hit, kits include hats, gloves, socks, scarves, blankets and pillows. They also bring what they call a mobile closet, which includes clothes, shoes and socks. “We have a group of church women who are making mats for the homeless,” Danielle adds.
When the Battsons started Whitestone Ministries, they didn’t know how quickly their message would spread, but they’ve been pleased with the reception they have received. “The way it’s growing so fast makes it clear that many people are desperate to spread love,” Danielle says. “People are hungry for this type of thing. They just need direction.” The organization’s “Prayers for the City” journal began when a member of their prayer committee set up a table in a parking lot where they were distributing clothes and food. Danielle recalls a grandmother who approached the table. “She told me about her grandkids she’s raising because their mother was murdered and their father overdosed,” Danielle says. “She also mentioned that she was concerned about Christmas and how she was going to be able to make that special.” The committee member jotted down everything the grandmother said in a journal. After others saw what was happening, they came over and did the same. Danielle was blown away by the number of people who were eager to share their stories.
“We had no idea so many people would open up,” Danielle says. “It was so touching.” Many shared how they feel invisible when passersby avoid eye contact with them and keep walking. During the week, members of the Whitestone Ministries committee meet to share what has worked and what they could do better, and also attend to prayers from the journal. “The most important part of our ministry is to make sure people know that they are known, they are seen and they are loved,” Danielle says. When Danielle and Jeff started the ministry last June, all of their energy was focused on showing the homeless population that they are people too. As Jeff and Danielle watched racial protests and demonstrations unfold JANUARY 2021
in Indianapolis and around the world last summer, they felt driven to dive in and do their part. Folks were interested in hearing what they had to say as an interracial couple. Danielle and Jeff were open to sharing how racial tensions affect them. “Being that voice that they were not hearing a lot of, diffused much of the anger,” Danielle says. What she found even more healing, however, was sitting back and letting people talk. “People needed us to listen, learn and love,” Danielle says. “It was both impactful and heartbreaking.” Prior to starting Whitestone Ministries, Danielle worked for 10 years in Christianbased day care. She’s always had a passion for giving back to her community. In fact, she calls it her heartbeat.
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“To be able to do that every day is a dream for us,” she says. “We’re humbled to regularly work with all these selfless people.” Though they are still a relatively new ministry, Danielle is already feeling inspired to help veterans. “We’re so excited about that and are currently lining up organizations to help us with that,” says Danielle, who has a background in mentoring women at the So Big Mountain House in Whitestown, which is a small, Christian-based shelter for pregnant women. She first went there to pray over their land and house, and the women there began talking to Danielle and were drawn to her loving spirit. “Now I pray over them and God gives me the words to speak to them,” Danielle says. “The women say it gives them hope and joy, and empowers them to envision life outside of that environment.” Danielle is happy to shower anyone with love, whether they receive it or not. “You meet with different personalities, but it’s so satisfying to be that face of Christ for the city,” she says. Some days can be difficult, especially when seeing firsthand how pervasive homelessness is. “We want to cure homelessness but we can’t,” Danielle says. “We can, however, put a dent in it.”
She’s also proud to be involved in a ministry that endured when the going got tough. “We heard from several different people that said when the pandemic hit, all of the ministries left,” Danielle says. “That’s crushing, but we’re trying our best to earn their trust and let them know that we are
here for the long haul.” For more information about Whitestone Ministries, call 317-410-1929, email whitestoneministriesin@gmail.com, and visit whitestoneministriesin.org.
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Writer / Dr. Adam Maclauchlan, Family Medicine Physician at IU Health West Hospital Photography Provided
The new year is a popular time to set resolutions for self-improvement. It can be daunting committing to big changes. Understanding the “why” behind your goals can make them easier to stick to. Setting goals to look after your health is a great way to start 2021.
CO OK AT HOM E Home-cooked meals are usually healthier than takeout. Aim to have at least one home-cooked meal per day. If you find yourself low on time, a good option is to prepare in an organized way. Set one day aside for grocery shopping, prepping meals, and storing them in containers for the rest of the week.
D RINK E NOU GH WATE R Our bodies need water to function properly.
Help your body out by drinking enough water. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends 3.7 liters of water for men, and 2.7 liters of water for women, per day. Make it a goal to cut out sugary drinks and replace them with water.
a better mood and increased productivity. Other benefits of sleep include improved memory, blood pressure and weight control. Adults should usually get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Have a set bedtime to ensure you are getting the amount of rest you need.
Instead of riding elevators, take stairs when you can. This is a quick fix for adding more movement throughout your day and burning some extra calories as well. It can also be an energy booster. According to a study outlined in Physiology & Behavior, a scientific journal, tired women who climbed stairs for 10 minutes received a bigger energy boost than those who drank a can of soda or half a cup of coffee.
S ET A S LE E P S C H ED ULE Getting enough sleep gets you ready for the next day. A good night’s rest can lead to JANUARY 2021
Prevention is a key component for staying in optimal health. Adults should see their primary care provider, optometrist, gynecologist (for females) and dermatologist once per year, and their dentist once every six months. Put your health first and book your health appointments for the year to ensure they are on your calendar. Many resources are available to help you live your healthiest lifestyle. The best place to start is by talking with your primary care provider.
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In 2009, Nancy Murray took up crochet as a hobby and began delivering crocheted shawls to local cancer centers in Florida, where she was living at the time. Murray’s daughter Genina Miller, a clinical education coordinator at IU Health West Hospital, was busy creating end-of-life education content and assembling bereavement packets. “One day I was talking to mom on the phone and she said, ‘I’ll send you some prayer shawls to give to your patients,’” Miller says. From then on, Murray began sending a box of shawls to Hendricks County every month, and the prayer shawl program at IU Health West was born. Six years ago, Murray moved back to Indiana to be close to family. “She crocheted her little heart out,” says Miller, who describes her mother as a kind and loving soul - someone who never forgot a birthday, and who people sought out for advice. “She always was doing stuff to help people, whether it was taking groceries to them when they were sick, or volunteering at church.” BrownsburgMagazine.com / JANUARY 2021 / BROWNSBURG MAGAZINE / 17
Since IU Health West is interfaith and nondenominational, it supports all faith traditions including those who don’t subscribe to a particular religion. As such, Miller worked to create an appropriate prayer message to attach to each shawl. Each shawl’s card reads, “May this shawl be encircling, warming and comforting. May this mantle be a safe haven, a place of security and well-being, sustaining and embracing in good times as well as difficult ones. May the one who receives this shawl be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with
peace, and wrapped in love.” Each shawl is delivered in a purple bag, and chaplains and nurses read the accompanying card as they place the shawl on a patient or present it to a family
member. Michael Gilbert, chaplain at IU Health West, is a primary deliverer of prayer shawls to patients. The hospital staff began by giving shawls to patients having a particularly difficult
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According to Miller, families sometimes keep the shawls as a memento once their loved one has passed. Others place it in the casket.
day. Perhaps they received bad news, were feeling poorly, or experiencing pain. The staff also began giving shawls to those nearing the end of their life. Though sometimes such patients are not alert, the gesture means a great deal to friends and families.
in a coma, and they would wake up several days later and tell me that they remembered my voice. We really think that your loved ones can hear you, so when we lay these shawls on them, even if they are unconscious, we believe they can feel the love.”
“It’s a small but special gift of warmth and comfort - a tangible way to say we care about you,” says Miller, who admits that when the hospital started the program, she wondered if it would make a difference. “It truly does.”
Bedside nurses have shared stories with Miller about how much the prayer shawls mean to families. For example, a critical care nurse gave one to her patient, and the patient’s husband expressed his gratitude. A few days later when the patient began running a fever, the nurse removed the shawl to keep her cool. Right away the husband asked, “Where’s the prayer shawl? We need to put it back on her.”
Miller, who served as a critical care nurse for 15 years, initially became interested in end-of-life care because she dealt with it so frequently. “As a critical care nurse, I believe that patients can hear even when they have progressed to a coma,” Miller says. “There were times when I took care of a patient
“It’s hard to articulate how it makes people feel,” Miller says. “The best way to describe it is an act of love, kindness and caring.”
Murray worked full time as an executive secretary until she was 72 years old. After retiring, she remained active and energetic as a barista at the Warm Glow Candle Outlet off of Interstate 70, where she was beloved by coworkers and patrons. In July of 2019 she suddenly fell ill at work, and was rushed to IU Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. She quickly went downhill and lapsed into a coma. A few days later, critical care doctors delivered the devastating news that Murray wasn’t going to make it. “After hearing that, I walked down the hall and as I was passing the elevator, the doors opened and Michael stepped off with a purple bag,” Miller says. “The timing could not have been better.”
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Gilbert placed the shawl on Murray, and it was a powerful moment of love as Murray’s prayer shawl outreach had come full circle. “My mom had lovingly made shawls for so many people through the years and now it was her turn to get one,” Miller says. Murray passed away two hours later. “Getting that shawl from Michael was such a kind blessing for all of us,” says Miller, who finally understood what the gesture
felt like as a shawl recipient. “It’s like getting a hug, having this shawl wrapped around you.” Murray was the biggest contributor to the prayer shawl program at IU Health West. However, members of local churches have also donated, as have staff members from several area hospitals.
says. “She told me she crochets to relax after work.” Genina Miller is actively seeking volunteers who knit, crochet or sew. If you would like to donate a shawl to IU Health West Hospital, email Miller at gmiller1@iuhealth.org.
“An ER physician from Methodist drove all the way here to deliver four of the most beautiful shawls I’ve ever seen,” Miller
20 / BROWNSBURG MAGAZINE / JANUARY 2021 / BrownsburgMagazine.com
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Writer / Eghe Lenze
here’s an exciting new trend among expecting families called gender reveal parties. If you’re asking yourself, “What’s a gender reveal party?” then you either don’t know anyone who’s expecting, you aren’t expecting or you live under a rock.
A gender reveal party is a party to find out the gender of an expecting couple’s baby. Generally, gender reveal parties lie somewhere between the pregnancy announcement and the baby shower. Thanks to social media, this trend is
exploding with some good and bad reviews, but it’s a trend that is not going anywhere any time soon. Who is doing it? A lot of people. Gender reveal parties started popping up around 2011 with a simple cake you could cut into to find out reveal the baby’s gender: blue for boy and pink for girl. What started with a small gathering of immediate families has grown to include friends, extended families and even the whole world. Celebrities like Snooki, Dave Annable and Carrie Underwood, just to name a few,
revealed their baby’s gender on national television or video to not only tell their families but the entire world. Other celebrities have used gender reveals on their Instagram and other social media pages. If you are invited to a gender reveal party, you should expect food and games, maybe even together. Be prepared to have some cookies or cupcakes either pink, blue or some neutral color. Games often include guessing the gender of what you think the baby might be, predicting the day of birth or learning old wives’ tales of boys versus girls. Finally, the reveal — is it a boy or a girl? If
22 / BROWNSBURG MAGAZINE / JANUARY 2021 / BrownsburgMagazine.com
you are thinking of bringing a gift, it’s not necessary (unless it’s a shower and gender reveal in one). Thinking of throwing one? Let your sonographer know ahead of time that’s the plan, but you can always know and keep it a secret too. Bring an envelope if you don’t want to know and ask the sonographer to put the gender inside. At that point, you can give the envelope to a trusted friend or family member or give it directly to your baker/party planner. If you plan on doing a cake reveal, contact a local bakery and see if they accommodate your request. Setting the date a month in advance for your gender reveal party is enough time for you to plan and invite guests. Decide how you want to do the reveal — Cake? Balloons? Silly string? Reveal tees? The possibilities are endless and honestly a lot of fun! If you are looking for a little bit of
BOY GIRL inspiration, check out our Pinterest page for tons of ideas. Pinterest is full of tips that you can use for themed gender reveal parties such as Football theme, Ties or Tutus and What will it Bee. Don’t forget to check out gender reveal themed decor. Visit your local party supply store for more ideas. Another forgotten gem for inspiration is Etsy. If you have something more out of the box, this is definitely the place to go for inspiration, ideas and one-
of-a-kind decor. And to see what not to do, search YouTube. Whether you have been to one, think it’s ridiculous to have one, are thinking of having one for your first or your third or never heard of one, one thing is for sure — this trend is not going away. Prepare to see more Instagram reveals, YouTube videos and whatever social media platform is coming next. My advice, enjoy the cake.
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