CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2023 Congratulations
Roberto Abascal Bolado
Tyler Scott Abbey
Megan Paige Abbott
Maria George Abdelmalek
Omar Ayman Abuhamdieh
Tanay Nayan Acharya
Elijah Carlyle Ackley
Gavin Charles Adams
Theresa Rose Adamson
Miles Ethan Adelsperger
Israel Osamudiamen
Rhea Bhavini Adesara
Itay Adi
Ella James Agnew-Roberts
Luis Eduardo Aguilar
Aleena Sarfraz Ahmad
Rida Surriya Ahmad
Luke Joseph Ahrbecker
Hudson Alexander Akers
Yousif Al Rammahi
Abigail Lauren Albright
Aiden Ali Alfayyad
Blake Patrick Alford
Sarah Alhaddad
Madison Morgan Alig
Richard Kwadwo Amoako
Charitha Choudhary
Alexander Anderson
Brandon Collin Anderson
Calista Ravelle Anderson
Deaglan Brodie Anderson
Luke Robert Anderson
Shawn Isaiah Anderson
Matthew David Andres
Miles Robert Andrews
Tynan Archer Anfield
Sophia M AnkneyAnderson
Emma Carolina Arana
Elizabeth Araujo G
Ana Maria Araujo
Joseph Hayden Armfield
Taha Asad
Brooklyn Noel Ash
Ellaxandra Jane Asher
Riley Ann Aslin
Jennah Aliyah Atia
Shrivardhan Chowdary
Joshua Tex Atwell
Camren Elijah Avant
Saimedha Avula
Brigid Grace Ayer
Forrest Bradley Bacon
Jordan Isaiah Bacon
Abigail Grace Bailey
Grant Evan Bailey
Jacob Dempsey Bailey
Isaac Michael Bailor
Charles Nicholas Baker
Maddison Nicole Baker
Vladislav Alexander
Tomas Simon Balcius
Gabriel Andres Baldoni
Dominic Christian Ball
Dylan Thomas Ball
Lily Mae Banks
Lance Barber
Kevin Matthew Barbour
Mason Frederick Bardwell
Megan Elizabeth Barkocy
Benjamin James Barnhart
Emma Kate Barrett
Cameran Elizabeth Basler
Jack William Bates
Maddison Kendall Bates
Josh William Baxter
Cole Patrick Bayer
Jase Allen Beach
Lauren Abigail Beaster
Catherine Marie Beck
Sydney Elise Beebe
Nicholas Alexander Beidl
Alexander Matthew Belanger
Hugh Carter Bell
Reece Anthony Bellin
Evalyn Rose Bellotti
Abigail Paige Bembenek
Matthew Berigoj Benedetti
William Steven Bennett
Abigail Annamarie
Carson Skeens Benton
Berit Isabell Berglund
Maya Hallie Berglund
Winston Richard Berglund
Ziya Eren Berker
Maya Lucretia Betelak
Hamdaan Ishrat Bhat
Neely Margaret Biggerstaff
Wes Todd Biggerstaff
Remi Irene Billanti
Brooke Elizabeth Bir Donovan Brennan
Morgan Elizabeth Bishop
Trinity Patricia Bittermann
Brenley Shaye Blackman
Virginia Mae Lacsa Bocade
Bridget Elizabeth Bodey
Brandon Ryan Boehm
Jaylen Robert Boehm
Adam Islam Bolad
Jared Jerome Bonds
Abigail Ruth Bontrager
Jordan Matthew Booth
Sydney Leigh Booth
Michele Laura Boston
Jacques Connolly Bougard
Karim Boulos
Laura Catherine Bowers
Elijah Scott Bracken
Noah Ryan Bradbury
Hailey Catherine Brady
D'ahni Shadiai Branch
Jack Linden Brennan
Julia Cleary Bricker
Carter Richard Brimer
Joshua David Brinkman
Reagan Olivia Brinkman
Hannah Kali Broadnax
Payton Marie Brock
William Brogan
Nathaniel Edward Brooking
Wyatt Thomas Brooks
Lucy Frances Broughton
Amya Neveah Brown
Arianna Zoe Brown
Elijah Xavior Brown
Ethan Scott Brown
Jaydon Allen Brown
Ahni Mataya Brown Harbin
Kayla June Brumet
Owen David Bruner
Kenneth James Bruntlett
Nona Olivia Bryant
Grayson Robert Buck
Connor Robert Buckley
Hannah Rose Buhr
Karli Morgan Buis
Trever Asher Buis
Lynsey Christine Bunting
Scott Wesley Burgess
Colin James Burke
Lauren Katherine Burley
Abigail Rose Burnham
Henry Allan Burnham
Abigail Rose Burns
Gavin Charles Burns
Jacob Scott Burns
Makenzie Jordan Burns
Trenton Tyler Burns
Laura Gabriele Burr
Jessica Nichole Butler
Taylor Jordan Byrd
Adam Charles Byrne
Catherine Ryan Byrne
Ava Emerson Cabellon
Aydrian Harrison Caldwell
Joshua Matthew Calvert
Carmela Jane Campbell
Cecilia Rose Campbell
Matthew Francis Campbell
Margaret Grace Cannon
Sophie Elise Cannon
Jacob Denis Carlin
Everett Jerald Carlisle
Shandi Giselle Carlisle
Nathaniel Ian Carlos
Kaitlyn Taylor Carlson
Spencer William Carlson
Cameron Daniel Carmichael
Ally Sophia Carroll
Elijah Michael Carter
Harrison Reese Carter
Francisca Maria Carvajal
Ethan Lewis Case
Sophia Elizabeth Cassidy
Larine Casso
Carson Ashton Castle
Olivia Rae Caves
Andrew David Cebalo
Anthony John Cercone
Bethzayda Cervantes
Hugo Gabriel Chacaltana
Stella Katherine Chalex
Isaac Marcus Chalkley
Tyler Mitchell Chandler
Ashlie Ann Chapman
Radhika Gonella Chatterjee
Dhruv Vinay Chavan
Thomas Rex Cheesman
Emma Kexin Chen
Jonathan Chen
Sarah Yuyan Chen
Jeremiah Stephan Chery
Geetika Chitturi
Eunseo Cho
Kevin Kun Choe
Oreem Mahnoor
Emily Rose Christman
Erick Bradley Christman
Meghan Kathleen Christman
Carly Suzanne Christy
Elliot John Clancy
Alexander Clark
Alexis Marie Clark
Lauren Riley Clark
Mia Clark
Morgan Kathleen Clark
Nicholas Loren Clark
Molly Louise Cleary
Andrew Trester Cline
Tyler Lewis Cockrell
Ethan Thomas Cody
Hank Ira Cohen
Alexander Jonathan Collins
Lauryn Naomi Collins
Valeria Colmenarez Leyva
Christopher Adam Compton
Ryan Christopher Conley
Cooper Coolidge
Courtney Anne Cooney
Tara Ann Corra
James Logan Correa Rau
Jacob Charles Cortelyou
Marielle Jeanne Cortelyou
Liam Tag Courtney
Grace Ann Covington
Benjamin Foster Cowles
Audrey Ruth Cox
Ethan James Crile
Mallory Anne Crinklaw
Thomas David Crispin
Scott Robert Croner
Sarah Kathleen Crook
Hannah Marie Crosby
Corbin Erik Crossen
Jenajhia Ella Cruz
Eliza Grace Culbertson
Abigail Jane Culver
Bailey Elizabeth Culver
Josie Marie Cumming
Erin Amelia Cummins
Kendall Rose Cunningham
Theodore Isaac Curtis
Alex David Cutsinger
Christopher Endsley
Ryan Endsley Dafforn
Vikram K Damodaran
Tsion A Daniel
Aidan Thomas Darke
Cameron Patrick Darnell
Elijah Marcus Dashiell
Alexander Drake Dasilva
Allison Elizabeth Davis
Darcy Kathleen Davis
Logan Thomas Davis
Sarah Nader Dawood
Kristen Elizabeth Dawson
Katherine Grace Delaney
Ryan Iden Deldar
Gabriella Noemi Delgado
Macie Kwas DeLillo
Gabriel Bounsana
Karli Grace Denny
Caleb Ryan Dent
Joseph Daniel Derksen
Nicole H Dettmer
Lucy Katherine Devenney
Thomas Michael Devir
David Allen Dial
Selena Diana Diaz-lopez
Audrey Maria Dickson
Zoey Eva Dickson
Danielle Catherine Dierckman
Nathan Scott Dierckman
Davis Christopher Dilling
Samuel Christian Dillon
Annika Liv Dimon
Julia Lily Dong
Zachary Ryan Doran
Lauren Katherine Dossey
Sharon Oluwadara Dosunmu
Julien Gerith Doty
Donovan Curtis Dowdell
Eryn Huen Dowdy
Jack Ryan Downey
Drew Elizabeth Dubish
Bethany Rose Ducat
Ian Alexander Duffin
Desmond William Duffy
Gabriella Noelle Duke
Sukhraj Singh Dulay
Anna Lee Dumke
Isaac Demarco Duncan
Ashley Nina Durnil
Ryann Dushane
Madeline Sophia DuVall
George Benjamin Dvorak
Aiden Michael Eads
Ryan Michael Earl
Seth A Eaton
Peter Ebraheme
Gus Elliott Eckelbarger
Mackenzie Shannon Edwards
Edward Oluwadamilare
Grant Andrew Egger
Clare Kristin Ehnes
Joseph Chad Ehret
Jack Henry Ehrgott
Piper Kay Elling
Jackson Paul Elliott
Ethan Matthew Ellis
Quinn Thomas Elshire
Adisyn Leigh Empie
Aubree Marie Empie
Taher Enahaisi
Isabella Mae English
Caroline Grey Enzor
Layne Matthew Epple
Sophia Noel Esposito
Dontae Samuel Esqueda
Emerson Grace Evans
Gabriel Evans
Anna Elizabeth Everhart
Gabrielle Olivia Fadlevic
Thomas David Fagan
Amelia Lyn Fahl
Ian William Fairbairn
Neil Robert Fairman
Ariana Huu Farrell
Elizabeth Fitzgerald Farrell
Charles Archer Featherson
Kyle Gary Fedorcha
Jacob Lee Feinstein
Tyler William Fenwick
Matthew Kelley FerchminRowe
Colin Michael Fettig
Jacob Austin Feuer
Marissa Leigh Finney
Damon Alexander Fiocca
Gillian Alene Fiol
Abigail Marie Fisher
Finley Anna Flanary
Gavin Mason Fleming
Jacob Todd Fletcher
John Arthur Forbes
Joseph Scott Forster
Clara Fortin
Drew Fouts
Evelyn Grace Foutty
Amari Miyon Fowlkes
Anna Josephine Franiak
Esther Hazel Franklin
Joseph Andrew Franklin
Leah Marie Fredericks
Ian Robert French
Katherine Marie Fresen
Adam Reed Frey
Carter Kelly Fritz
Nicholas James Fuertges
Alyssa Nicole Fuhrman
Caitlin Claress Fultz
Clara Michelle Funk
Stuart Daniel Funke
Klay Tyler Gabriel
Greta Varian Gale
Isabella Bronwyn Galka
Trevor Alden Gallagher
Andres Gallardo
Pierangely Gamardo
Somayeh Marie Gambles
Dimitri Alexan Gamboa
Alleson Ziyuan Gao
Angela Peng Gao
Patrick Jie Gao
Daniela Garcia
Sydney Gargiulo
William Scott Garner
Samuel James Garrard
Cole Martin Garriott
Anna Garrison
Christian Wyatt Gasche
Daniel Gabriel Gaslawski
Avery Gates
Kathryn Elizabeth Gehrlich
Lily Claire Getchell
Samuel Jacob Geyer
Luke Sam Ghabril
Adam Nabil Ghalayini
Alan Joseph Gibson
Maxwell Bonham Gibson
Aiyana Nicole Gifford
James Bradley Gilbert
Jack Ryan Gillihan
Kendra Marie Gingo
Evelyn Rose Ka'ilialoha
Carol S Girgis
Talen S Girgis
Victoria Constance
Eva Rose Glazier
Isabella Marie Glenn
Natasha Joy Glenn
Hollis Todd Glover
Jayda Marie Glynn
Joshua Thomas Goedde
Cole Lorenz Goehl
Tarunika Gogineni
Ryne Edward Goldsmith
Nicole Alexandra Gomez
Luciano Gonzalez
Katia Gonzalez Aguilar
Oriana Sofia Gonzalez Machado
Daniela Gonzalez Stolk
Isabel Sara Gossett
Sarah Elizabeth Gould
Isiah Tobias Gourgue
Cherrie Hurley Graf
Nicholas Graham
Keshaun Marquis Grasty
Cardon Whitcomb Gray
Elisabeth Anne Green
Matthew Zion Green
Zoe Isabel Green
Cameron Michael Greenawald
Robert Patrick Greene
Samantha Hongtu Grief
Alicia Nicole Griffin
Gavin Matthew Griffin
Jacob William Griffin
Anjalina Lillyan Grimes
Lillian Ehrlicher Grubb
Logan Mathew Grubbs
Matthew Haydon
Stephanie Elizabeth
Dayvion Latrell Gueyser
Ashwika Gummalla
Hannah Terese Gunsett
Andrea Camila Gunther
Avery Evelyn Guo
Eric Liangcheng Guo
Zachary Matthew Guo
Arjun Dev Gupta
Ritika Guragain
Kyle Jose Gutierrez
Gage Joseph Guzzi
Adare Renee Haas
Thomas James Haas
Timothy Patrick Haas
Maryam Hafeez
Yara Mona Hage
Emily Hahn
Reegan Emma Hahn
Caroline Elizabeth Hale
Charles Theodore Hall
Kathryn Lyon Hall
Noah Michael Halteman
Jackson Hamblen
Celia Hamilton
Conner Egan Hamilton
Benjamin Thomas Hammond
Leo Joseph Hammons
Hayden Christopher Hanna
Lindsey Tarek Hanna
Alexandria Elise Hanning
Gabriel Christian Hansen
Florence Ann Hargitt
Brody Edward Harlan
Christopher Browning
Jessica Shayne Harmeson
Julian Bard Harmon
Quintyn Harrington
John Barlow Harris
Sophie Jade Harris
Elijah James Harter
Alden Alexander Hartman
Kathryn Sharon Hartung
Mya Corinne Hasken
Caroline Reagan Hatfield
Jenna Hattab
Emilee Joann Hawkins
Canaan He
Cameron Ray Heaney
Madeline Grace Heavey
Nicole Erin Heidrich
Morgan Elizabeth Helding
William Henry Heldt
Fritz Wilbur Henderson
Olivia Shirley Henderson
Peyton Elizabeth Henney
Carson Wayne Henry
Joseph Benjamin Henry
Takiya Henson
Cristian Aurel Herascu
Alexander Thomas Herring
Ryan Henry Herris
Gregory Daniel Hesser
Greta Jane Heyl
Jasmine Sky Hickman
Stephen Todd Hilbert
Andrew Michael Hillsman
Madelyn Alice Hines
Amilyn Wang Ho
Audrey Elise Hockins
Aeneas Robert Hoffman
Melchizedek Mthokozisi
Trinity Angel Hollins
Gavin Lincoln Holmes
Theresa May Hommel
Ari Michael Honig
DaJuan Hooten
Ryan Michael Hoover
Avery Rhys Hopper
Embry Clark Horal
Ayden Todd Hornsby
Charles Theron Horrocks
Riley Jane Hosack
Emma Marie Houser
Alvin Hu
George Huang
Shaoyang Huang
Carolyn Larson Hubbard
Quinn Ryan Huber
Sophia Christine Hudak
Taylor Leeann Hudnall
Hyrum Joseph Humiston
Haley Kellen Hunt
Thomas Baker Hunter
Joseph Benjamin Hutton
Gabriella Ignacio
Aiko Temisan Ileleji
Timothy Andrew Irons
Andrew Toshikazu Ishii
Meghna Shivani Iyer
Cameron James Jackson
Kiah Louise Jackson
Seth Howard Jacobsen
Adam Steven Jaeger
Nicolas Jay Jagelka
Lauren Keilani Jai
Sanjana Jain
Ingrid Jasmin JaramilloJaimes
Mina Jarial
James Carter Jay
Viswanaath Jayasankar
Jack William Jentz
Calvin Jett
Alan John
Amelia Christine Johnson
Anthony Clayton Johnson
Daniel Robert Johnson
Jack Christian Johnson
Reagan Elias Johnson
Troy Ashton Jonas
Chloe Cecilia Jones
Ireland Grace Jones
Karina Lauryn Jones
Nehemiah Daniel Jones
Ashilyn Joseph
Jayden Joyce
Riya Shelly Juneja
Alex Henry Kaczmarek
Archit Kalra
Trista Renee Kane
Hayun Kang
Joshua Christopher Kania
Drew Michael Kaplan
Camille Jean Kapsalis
Aqsa Karim
Pouyan Karimi
Keira Lynn Kask
Hayden Kauffman
Samuel David Kaul
Manaspreet Kaur
Ella Faith Kavicky
Jackson Paul Kazmierczak
Benjamin Patrick Keleher
Morgan Louise Kelnhofer
Michael Callahan Kemple
Austin Kent
Signs of Life
When Jeff Utzinger goes for a run in his neighborhood or spends time with his family, he can’t help but think about the neighbor who saved his life.
“I was running in my neighborhood in June of 2017 in the Bay Hill subdivision, and I collapsed with sudden cardiac arrest [SCA],” Utzinger says. “My heart just failed to pump blood to the rest of my body.”
The only reason Utzinger survived is because an unknown neighbor named Bill Schlies stopped to help.
“Schlies called 911 and did CPR on me for four minutes, until a Carmel policer officer showed up with an automatic
external defibrillator [AED],” Utzinger says. “He effectively used the device, which shocked my heart back in rhythm. I was still unconscious when they took me to the ER. I didn’t wake up until later that evening. The whole thing was a blur.”
Utzinger, who works as a recruiter, is now friends with Schlies.
“If it wasn’t for Bill Schlies, I wouldn’t even be here,” Utzinger says. “I don’t even remember anything after the night of the run or my week in the hospital, but just tried to comprehend that I was extremely lucky. I had about a 3% chance of surviving. It was all because Bill had the decency to stop and help another person. I think about that all the time. My family does too.”
Schlies, a franchisee for Jani-King, also just happened to be taking a different route that day, which was a blessing in disguise for Utzinger.
“Bill said he just went the wrong way that day and wound up seeing me,” Utzinger says. “He missed his turn. There were just so many lucky things that worked out for me that day. I couldn’t have been more thankful for how everything turned out.”
Utzinger says he and his family are grateful every day for everything Schlies did.
“We also decided to do something positive to help other people who might be in my situation,” Utzinger says. “Bill Schlies and I created a nonprofit called Be Like Bill, that has a few messages that we deliver. Specifically, our organization spreads awareness and education about sudden cardiac arrest. We also help tell people
what to do in a cardiac emergency, and raise money to buy and donate AEDs to communities. We are a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to increase survival rates from sudden cardiac arrest.”
Utzinger, founder and president of Be Like Bill, says he and Schlies are currently working with Carmel city leaders to help fund a public-access defibrillation program that would make the life-saving and simpleto-use machines more accessible along the Monon Trail and in Carmel parks.
“It’s so important to have public awareness about SCA and AEDs, and we want to see these AEDs more readily available to more people,” Utzinger says. “I’m a living example as to why it’s so important.”
For more information, check out
Writer / Melissa Gibson Photographer / Laura StroupFour years ago, when Boone County resident Jaclyn Ricci found herself counting change to buy groceries, a light bulb went off.
“I thought, ‘This is ridiculous. I’m smarter than this. My husband is working overtime all the time. I want better and we have to change things up,’” Ricci says.
Ricci had noticed the number of posts on social media in which people were looking for pest control. Who can treat for ants? Who can take care of the beehive on the back porch?
She also noticed there didn’t seem to be any local companies in the Boone County area.
“I started doing some research and learned of courses at Purdue to get certified,” she says. “I convinced my husband Johnny to do it too, and we both earned our license.”
They created a website for the LadyBug Pest and Wildlife Control, bought insurance, and were ready to officially launch the business, when the Riccis discovered a raccoon in the attic.
“Johnny was super excited,” Ricci says.
“He set traps and got the raccoon the next day and released it. We realized in pest control, a lot of it is animals - raccoons, squirrels, birds and bats. So, we contacted the Department of Natural Resources and became certified for the animals too.”
In the first 10 months of business the Riccis earned more than $500,000, and by then had both quit their full-time jobs.
“Today, we’re a multimillion-dollar business and we have 12 full-time employees,” Ricci says. “We did this not out of a passion for animals and bugs, but a need to better our lives, and that’s what made us so strong. The passion has followed. I love what I do. I no longer complain about work. It’s fun for me. We both love researching and solving problems, and we’re on the brink of
something big for LadyBug.”
Along the way, it became apparent that the issues with animal control were much bigger than ants and bees on the back porch.
“There are two big things happening here,” Ricci says. “We have a major bat problem in central Indiana. We just recently filmed a short documentary for our YouTube channel where we removed 1,000 bats from a historical church in Zionsville. You can’t remove bats by hand. You have to channel them out because they are federally protected. The problem is, since
they can’t be touched or relocated, they leave one house and go to another.”
The second issue is an environmental one.
“We’ve taken away trees and started new developments, which has created a major wildlife issue,” Ricci says. “They have nowhere to go. As a result, we’re actually humanizing these animals. They are eating our human food out of the trash. Most raccoons have one liter per year. If you have 10 raccoons in your neighborhood, that can quickly become 50.”
The team has a few solutions. They relocate every animal they can, releasing them back into wooded areas with access to water. Secondly, they specialize in sealing a home to ward off additional critters finding a space in the residence.
“We do inspections and take pictures of any entry point the circumference of a pencil eraser,” Ricci says. “We are very diligent and provide a report showing the customer the entry areas. A lot of people think this is interesting because you look at your house and think it’s buttoned up well, but there’s actually some weaknesses there that need to be closed.”
In fact, Ricci says she has more construction team members on the staff than any other specialty.
The company is a family-run and operated business with two sets of siblings that also work there. LadyBug Pest and Wildlife Control does a great deal for its employees, too, always making sure their team is well taken care of. Last year the company took its team to Vegas for Pest World and the other trip was a side-by-side retreat. All 12 employees live in Boone County, and LadyBug is also looking for more people to join their team.
The team is routinely preventing animal entry and re-entry by patching holes and sealing spaces, with materials that can’t be chewed through or torn off.
“Once we get them out, they desperately want to come back in,” Ricci says. “It’s not uncommon when we do exclusionpatching openings - that birds or squirrels will come up to the guys and chatter at them.”
Due to new home construction, team members have noticed rodents on the rise. Since rodents are on the rise, so are snakes.
“We found a house in Brownsburg that had nine snakeskins at least 10’ long,” Ricci says. “We’ve pulled owls out of chimneys, hawks out of warehouses, and cats stuck in crawlspaces.”
As Ricci says, the company is on the brink of some big things.
They were voted the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year in 2022.
“There is a huge demand for wildlife control,” Ricci says. “We’re currently working on franchisee packages and we hope to expand throughout the state in the next few years.”
Find more information at calltheladybug. com, and call 317-601-2873 for additional details. Also be sure to like their Facebook page and check out their YouTube videos.
Siblings Logan and Madi Northcott Siblings Brett and Kaiti Hall Owners Jaclyn and Johnny Ricci and their son Jadin RicciINTERIOR DESIGN, REIMAGINED
Writer / Julie Yates Photographer / Amy Payne Dovetail Design team (left to right) Elizabeth Stewart, Jake Griffin, Liz Curtis, Kayla Stauffer, Brittney McKenney and Rhiannon Sollars.Just like a dovetail joint in woodworking, Dovetail Group’s Co-Founders and Senior Interior Designers found that their individual areas of expertise easily fit and work well together. Liz has a background in home furnishings, finishes and fixtures, while Kayla has experience with construction management and interior design. Combining their skill sets resulted in a unique business that not only provides services for interior design and remodels, but also provides support for furnishings and decor.
The concept of blending two aspects of the furnishing and decor industry that are usually separate has paid off. Clients appreciate a full scope of services, which range from initial planning through trade installations including cabinetry, countertop surfaces, lighting and plumbing fixtures, plus finishing touches of furnishings and decor. After being in business since 2015, the firm recently moved to East New Market Street in the Village of WestClay. Although it is a new location, the building is familiar.
“The move was destiny,” Kayla says. “It was
meant to be. In 2016 we were designers for the space, and since then have continued to do both commercial and residential projects for the owner of the building. It is as current as it was seven years ago, which is the goal for all our work. We still love the flooring and the paint!”
“It was spur of the moment, not a planned move,” Liz says. “Our landlord told us a tenant was moving out. Our company and team were growing. Now we have more natural light and more room for displays. We have doubled our space and our team.”
The duo shares that they don’t have a “signature” style. Instead, care is taken to ensure each project exhibits the client’s taste. Nothing is forced on them. A balance is struck between the homeowner’s style and the architecture of the home.
“We want to make sure their home reflects them and not us,” Kayla says. “We really get to know them. Recently we had a great experience working with a couple who has been in their home for 18 years. It was an entire main-level remodel in a traditional architectural setting. Besides the remodel, they took advantage of the help we provided with home furnishings and finish and fixture selections. It was a fun collaboration and flowed well. Now they want to do phase two and work on the upstairs and lower level.”
Both Liz and Kayla want to be involved in every project. The first step of any project begins with a complimentary consultation, where both of them meet with the potential client at the site or space to be worked on. The second meeting occurs in the firm’s studio, where a customized design agreement is reviewed for approval.
“For each client, during the design process, there are three contacts - the two of us plus one of our Interior Designers,” Liz says. “We have great designers who support and collaborate with the homeowner. They visit the space to be worked on, field measure, draw up a floor plan and do a 3D rendering alongside us.”
“After a complete design package is developed, contractors are consulted,” Kayla
says. “We have long-standing relationships with vendors and contractors, and figure out the right fit for each job. As the project progresses, we are the advocates for the client.”
For anyone thinking of updating their home, the two women offer a couple tips. Liz feels that people want to simplify life through clean lines and neutrals, and yearn for a brighter atmosphere overall. Kayla concurs that it’s a good idea to stick with neutrals and add layers of color through upholstery, rugs and artwork.
lighter and crisper. While gray will always be a choice, the trend is a shift away from cool grays and towards greige - a neutral blend of beige and gray. One of their favorite paint colors happens to be Dovetail
Gray, a tone with a lot of warmth.
relationships with a home and the people in it.”
Dovetail Group is located at 12805 East New Market Street, Suite 300 in Carmel’s
Gone are the days of gold or red walls. Warmer whites provide a backdrop that is
“We are grateful every day to our wonderful clients who have entrusted us with their homes. We live and breathe to have
Village of WestClay. For more info, call 317-503-7891 or visit dovetailgroupindy. com. Also view them on Facebook, Instagram and Houzz.
Hats Off
Writer / Renee Larr Photographer / Justin SickingAn act of friendship toward new teammates is blossoming into a full-fledged philanthropic endeavor for Cincinnati Bengals player Ted Karras. When Karras moved to Cincinnati, he wanted to gift his new teammates with something special — a hat emblazoned with the word Cincy and a large cat scratch mark. Fans and local media quickly took notice of the players wearing hats in the locker room, peppering them with questions about where they got the hats and how others could get their hands on one.
Karras is looking to capitalize on the newfound attention for the piece of apparel by selling them online, with the proceeds going to the Village of Merici in Indianapolis. The organization provides direct support services, learning opportunities, and independent living through partnerships with various developers. The Village of Merici currently supports more than 75 people throughout Indianapolis with a goal of self-reliance.
“The hats were originally a fun gift for my new teammates through a
family friend’s golf supply business,” Karras says. “I figured everyone loves to get a piece of gear, and the response from my teammates, Bengal fans, and media members was extraordinary. The demand for the hats grew rapidly thanks to my teammates wearing them in interviews, and we decided to sell them, but it had to benefit Village of Merici.”
Karras’ involvement with Village of Merici is thanks to childhood friend Matt Renie. Karras and Renie both attended Saint Matthew Grade School and Cathedral High School in Indianapolis. Renie recently stepped in to facilitate the logistics of producing and selling the hats.
“Ted grew up as a family friend observing his friend’s brother who has intellectual and developmental disabilities,” says Colleen Renie, Executive Director of Village of Merici, and Matt’s mother. “Ted also has a family member with autism. He saw the potential in individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and
their desire to live independently as they grew up, just like other people want their own place to live, have a job, do fun things in the community and have money to achieve those goals. Ted saw the struggles of his friend’s brother who had limitations in earning money, trying to find affordable housing, and acceptance in the community and finding friends.”
There are currently three hats available, with a fourth in the works. The hats retail for $35 each, and customers can choose from black, orange or white. Matt says the pair hope to sell as many as possible. The fourth hat will be white with a black logo to match one of the fans’ favorite new uniforms.
They’re utilizing some of the people served by the Village of Merici to assist in packaging and shipping the hats. Colleen says finding employment opportunities for the individuals they support is critical.
“It’s still a little up in the air, but we’re hoping to involve the community there in some of the logistics,” Matt says. “We’re considering making this an employment opportunity for some of them and a volunteer opportunity based on volume.”
Colleen says the funds will go to supporting the programs that teach and support individuals in independent living skills to enable them to be successful. The selling of the hats is really a two-fold win for Village of Merici.
“Not only are we helping to raise needed funds, but we’re also looking to get the name of the organization and what they do out in the world,” Matt says. “Many people resonate with the idea of knowing an adult with developmental disabilities but haven’t heard of Village of Merici. We’re hoping to start a conversation.”
Colleen says the people Village of Merici serve know and love Ted. She says he visits when he’s in town, and they watch him play on Sundays. Ted has even brought his Super Bowl rings for them to see and try on. He’s also spent time teaching them card games, and he texts with several of them. They know how he supports their lives with his donations and sincere interest.
“I am so grateful that a fun gift and project has found a special purpose,” Karras says. “It’s a great hat with an awesome design that I hope can become the unofficial hat of the Bengals. Our goal is that these hats can provide an income stream for the Village and involve many villagers in the process. The Village of Merici is a very special place that does so much good. Any way I can ever help their cause is a special opportunity for me.”
To purchase a hat, visit The website also offers a link for donations for Village of Merici. For more information regarding Village of Merici, visit
Nominations Now Open!
We are looking for your favorite local businesses to feature in our Towne Post Network magazines, website, and social media. Each month, we will acknowledge Townies’ Top Local Award recipients and list them in our monthly print publications. There is no cost to be recognized, we’re just looking for the businesses that locals feel are the best!
To be considered, your business must be nominated by someone other than the owner(s) of the business. Those with the most nominations will be considered before others, so make sure you get your most loyal local fans to nominate your business. When being considered, Towne Post Network editorial staff will review the following criteria to insure these qualifications are met:
Online Ranking 4.5 Stars or Higher
Listing on
Supports Local Charities
Locally Owned
PHONE: (317) 669-2162
RATING: Google: 4.9
Club Canine in Carmel received 6 nominations from loyal customers citing a clean facility, caring staff, excellent grooming, and a robust training program.
Jill Slavin, owner of Slavin Enterprises, LLC, an Indiana company, says that she is very proud of the reputation and business that they have built in Carmel - and their Google rating supports her claims. With over 200 reviews, Club Canine boasts a 4.9 star rating out of 5.
Philantropically, Club Canine donates to several local charities throughout the year, including:
• Carmel Clay Schools Silent Auctions
• Carmel Gala: Design Bright Futures
• Carmel Youth Assistance Program
• Carmel Library Book Guild
• Carmel Police Department
• Liam & Reece Kelly Foundation
• Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation
• Carmel Girl Scout Troop 1898
• Carmel High School Sport Schedule Poster (Spring & Fall)
• On The Run Lost Dog Recovery (Hamilton County)
Congratulations Jill and the entire Club Canine team for operating a local business, with a high Google rating, that is listed on, and most importantly gives back to the greater Carmel community.
Uptown Carmel
2271 Pointe Parkway (116th west of Keystone)
Uptown Noblesville
809 Conner Street (On the Courthouse Square)
Uptown Indy 6404 Rucker Road (64th & Binford)
Sunrise Fishers 9767 E 116th Street (116th & Cumberland )
Uptown Market
Enjoy our house-made items at home. Purchase breads, biscuits, muffins, rolls, salads, sauces, dressings, condiments, and more online at:
Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography ProvidedIt’s such a relatable issue. The family calendar is jam-packed with events, yet come mealtime, the famished troops crave something yummy, healthy and fast. In 2019 Michelle Dudash, a registered dietitian, wife, and mother to two daughters aged 9 and 14, came up with a solution to this age-old meal problem by creating Spicekick, gluten-free seasoning mix packets with no added sugar or fillers. Made exclusively with real-food ingredients like dried herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables, Spicekick comes in nine flavors including Taco, Sloppy Joe, Lettuce Wraps, Curry, Chili, Tuna Salad, Tikka Masala, Ramen, and Marinara. The Taco blend, filled with real ground chiles, minced onions and crumbled oregano, out-flavors typical taco seasonings.
“People tell me that once they try Spicekick Taco, they can’t go back to the other brands,” Dudash says.
Sloppy Joe contains diced whole dates that melt into the meat, giving the sandwiches a naturally sweet flavor. Her Tuna Salad seasoning mix, containing chives, lemon, celery and dill, is her bestseller.
“You just need tuna, mayo and the entire spice packet to make a batch of tuna salad that lasts all week,” she says. “It’s great with chicken salad too.”
Dudash, a cookbook author and regular kitchen guest on WISH-TV’s “Life.Style.Live!” program, says she has three groups of customers who use Spicekick. The first are those who don’t know how to cook or put flavors together.
“They say Spicekick helps them make an amazing meal,” Dudash says. “They’re
surprised they could actually make a dish that tastes so good.”
Another group loves the convenience of grabbing a packet, adding a protein and a vegetable, and - boom - dinner’s made.
“It’s a built-in meal planner and major time saver, giving you 30-minute meals with a restaurant taste,” Dudash says.
The third group includes people who follow a gluten-free diet, require foods with no added sugar, need low-sodium meals, avoid MSG, are dairy free, or have another type of food sensitivity.
“Now they, too, get to enjoy the convenience and flavor of a spice packet,” she says.
Dudash, whose company is based in Carmel, was recently awarded a $10,000 national women-owned business grant to expand her seasoning mix line, as she expands into retail stores across Indiana and the Midwest. Currently, Spicekick is available nearby at Joe’s Butcher Shop, Needler’s Fresh Market in Carmel, Zing! Cafe, Broccoli Bill’s, and the Carmel Farmers Market.
“My goal is to help as many households as possible get nutritious family meals on their tables,” Dudash says. “It’s humbling to know how many thousands of Spicekick spice packets have been sent across the country, from Hawaii to New York, landing on dinner tables everywhere.”
To order Spicekick meal spice kits online, visit
Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography ProvidedYears ago, Tony Lausas, hardscape installation specialist and owner of BPI Outdoor Living, was sitting in a seminar when the speaker said something that really struck him.
“He stated, ‘You can go to the moon and back with how many pavers are installed in the U.S., but only 5% of those pavers are maintained,’” recalls Lausas. “I thought that was crazy.”
The startling statistic sparked an idea that took root, and in 2011 Lausas launched Paver Rescue, a company that repairs,
restores and maintains existing paver and concrete surfaces. Each year tens of thousands of homeowners install paver patios, walkways and driveways. Many of those homeowners assume that the pavers require no maintenance, but they’re mistaken, as the elements take a toll.
“The reality is they require low maintenance, not no maintenance,” says Lausas. “Pavers are designed to move with freeze and thaw, so you don’t end up with a slab of concrete that cracks. When they move, sometimes they require a bit of repair because they become uneven.”
Paver Rescue can bring back the original luster and color of a homeowner’s beautifully designed installations by employing a five-step process. Step one involves repairing broken, cracked or uneven pavers. Step two replaces edging restraint that has failed over time. Step three is a thorough cleaning of the surface using a high-pressure sprayer with heated water and a specially formulated cleaning solution to diminish dirt and stains on the paver surface. Step four is replenishing the polymeric sand, filling any joints for stability and eliminating gaps that could potentially trap dirt and debris. Step five is applying a
sealant tailored to the homeowner’s specific surface.
Once the Paver Rescue team restores a patio, it’s wise to join their annual maintenance program, which includes a light wash and sand touchup. They also do an inspection of the patio to look for pavers that have moved, as well as fix any edging that has come out of the ground. A client can stay on the maintenance program for three to five years before there is a need to reseal their paver patio or driveway again.
“When I first got into the business, I thought the sealer was going to be the main thing everyone was worried about, but honestly the biggest thing that fails in pavers is the sand not staying put,” says Lausas, who designed the maintenance program to provide members peace of mind that their outdoor investment will be properly maintained into the future.
Lausas recommends that homeowners refrain from pressure washing their pavers in an attempt to deep clean them. For practical paver do’s and don’ts, visit the Paver Tips section at
“That blows out the sand and once you do that, it’s really hard to fix,” he says. The result is dirty, dull, chipped and cracked pavers.
“People love to entertain on their patios and are proud of their space,” says Lausas. “Our maintenance program allows clients to do that because your paver patio will continue looking great year after year.”
Contact Paver Rescue today for a free estimate. Paver Rescue is located at 9386 Castlegate Drive in Indianapolis. For more information, call 317-259-4880 or visit
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Everything smelled like burnt rubber for 5 months.
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