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CGHS Junior Joey Schmitz Is a Player, Student, Coach and Leader
TOWNE POST NETWORK, INC. 8800 North Street, Suite 117 Fishers, IN 46038 Phone/Text: 317-810-0011
enter Grove High School’s Class of 2023 had barely started their high school careers when COVID shut down the world. They have learned resilience and a true appreciation of a world without those restrictions. This class is very talented, not only academically, but also athletically and musically. Over their four years, they have enjoyed numerous successes from county titles to state and national championships. We have enjoyed celebrating their victories and look forward to watching them flourish in the next phases of their lives.
I wish every senior the very best as they start the next chapters in their lives.
ue to your talent and hard work, the 2022-2023 school year was one filled with continued successes in our classrooms, extra-curricular activities, and our athletic competitions. We were finally able to have a year without COVID protocol interruptions or alterations to our school setting. It was nice to be back to “normal”.
As 2023 CGHS graduates, heading off to pursue your post-high school plans, whether that be a college or university, a technical or trade school, an apprenticeship, military service, or employment, I am confident that your last four years at CGHS have prepared you well for what you will encounter next.
You have all developed tremendous skills in goal setting, perseverance, critical thinking, and problem solving. Whether it was through a writing assignment in an English class; an experiment in Science; a project in Engineering and Technology or Project Lead the Way; a complex problem in Math; a performance in Band, Choir, Orchestra or Theater; a portfolio of work in Art; challenging your health and physical stamina and fitness in PE/Health; learning to care for yourself and your family in FACS; learning about our own society in Social Studies; examining the language and culture of another society in World Language; or learning about personal and business finance in a Business class, you have grown tremendously as learners.
As graduates, you possess brilliant minds capable of critical analysis of the world. You have compassion for others as evidenced by the many community service projects you have been involved in, either individually or as a member of a school club or organization. You have a remarkable capacity to make a positive impact on our community, or on any community in which you choose to live. I want to challenge you to use that capacity to its fullest. Leverage your intelligence, compassion, and perseverance to leave a positive mark wherever you go.
I wish you success, good health, and happiness as you graduate from Center Grove High School. I hope you will stay in touch with us and let us know how you are doing in future years. Remember to respect and care for yourself, respect and care for others, and remember… It’s Great to be a Trojan!
Ethan Adams
Sydney Adams
Obapese Akinfeleye
Ali Alabbas
Salah Ali
Madison Allen
Derik Alting
Jonathan Alvarez-Berrios
Jordyn Amacker-Smith
Ruby Anderson
Marcus Ankney
Anthony Arambula
Owen Armstrong
Simon Atkins
Alana Aucremanne
Elijah Auld
Lucas Ault
Cole Baker
Owen Baker
Grant Baldwin
Garrison Barile
Olivia Barnett
Page Barr
Brooke Bartlett
Maxwell Barton
Savannah Battle
Nikolas Baugh
Tarnjoit Bawa
Camry Bay
Kennedy Beckner
Madison Bell
Sadie Bemis
Quentin Bence
Ethan Benoit
Brayden Bergen
Ethan Bernius
Brock Berry
Katherine Bertram
Kendyll Bigsbee
Carly Bilek
Savanna Bischoff
Jacob Bishop
Adex Bixler
Ainsley Blazek
Caleb Boles
Benjamin Boushehry
Alivia Bowers
Zachary Boyer
Adam Brandow
Amelia Brandon
Jonah Brandon
Ciarra Breckenridge
Kayla Briant
James Bridges
Anna Maria Briggs
Haidyn Brooks
Allison Brown
Bethany Brown
Blake Brown
Christian Brown
Emilia Brown
Kendyl Brown
Mya Brown
Samantha Bruce
Logan Buckmaster
Gavin Bufalari
Kayley Burchett
Summer Burcham
Rocky Burda
Chloe Burdine
Chloee Burkert
Jordyn Burkhardt
Avriana Burnett
Stephen Burns
Joshua Burris
Brianna Buskirk
Kaysan Byrd
Micaela Cacho Del Valle
Jeramiah Calhoun
Nicole Camargo
Christian Canchola
Nolan Canfield
Liana Cardona
Grant Carlson
Lauren Carpenter
Jayden Carr-Bright
Christian Carrington
Collin Carroll
Joseph Carson
Emily Carter
Raymond Castro-Melendez
Harmanpreet Chahal
Donovan Chandler-Okey
Kaysen Chapman
Michael Cherry
Siddhartha Chhettry
Tommy Claiborne
Christian Clark
Alexa Clayton
Amelia Cleveland
Karaline Colby
Kaydence Collins
Claire Combs
Logan Combs
Connor Conkin
Wyatt Connelly
Taina Content
Allie Copenhaver
Caden Cornett
Deniz Coskun
Madison Cox
Peyton Cox
Jaelynn Cox-Thacker
Micah Coyle
Rosalyn Cranney
Logan Cravens
Isabella Crickmore
Olivia Crickmore
Fabio Cruz
Rex Culbertson
Dylan Cunningham
Faith Curry
Kristina Cutsinger
Lindsey Dalton
Lal Dama
Ryden Dang
Samuel Davidson
Aubri Davis
Brady Davis
Evan Davis
William Davis
Amanda Dawson
Hunter Dean
Ezra Deckard
Madeline Deem
Andrew Deer
Jenna Delp
Grace DeLuna
Lea Denney
Suhani Desai
Mackenzie DeVries
Aminata Diagana
Alexandra Dieterle
Addison Doane
Kaydence Doane
Alexis Dodson
Isabelle Donica
Eva Donville
Emma Dortch
Sabrina Douthit
Charles Dowell
Jonah Downen
Parker Doyle
Callie Due
Logan Duke
Evan Dunkle
Emily Duran
Thomas Duran
Lauren Durbin
Corbin Dwigans
Lincoln Eads
Liam Ealy
William Eberhart
Rylie Ebert
Hope Eberwine
Emily Eck
Nora Eley
Hannah Ellinger
Luke Elliott
Jacob Ellis
Ariel Emberton
Grant Embrey
Curtis Entwistle
Brooke Epperson
Allison Erickson
Ryker Etchison
Abigail Evans
Emma Fair
Hunter Falks
Stephen Falls
Ram Fangmawia
Kayli Farmer
Levi Farmer
Kaylynn Faul
Aliviah Faurote
Nicholas Feinman
James Feitl
Isabelle Felke
Courtney Ferling
Maleia Field
Samuel Findley
Sophia Findley
Isaak Fischer
Preston Fisher
Wyatt Fite
Bryce Fleetwood
Stephen Fleischman
Shane Folco
Nolan Foley
Jack Forrest
Will Fosnot
Timothy Foust
Mariell Fowler
Dru Franklin
Grace Freeland
Kathryn Freeland
Haley Fuhr
Kenzie Fuhr
Paige Fulton
Grace Gagne
Ava Gandolph
Leonardo Garcia Rojo
Selena Garcia
Alec Gardner
Charles Gardner
Tristan Gardner
Jacob Garmon
Ty Garrett
Eric Gemeinhart
Elizabeth Gettum
Michala Gibson
Kate Gilardi
Elijah Gillard
Bradley Gilliam
Catherine Gilman
Amare Gonzalez
Sydney Gooding
Benjamin Gordon
Gurleen Gosal
Madison Gradert
Avery Graham
Elise Greenberg
Zachary Greller
Jaymin Griffo
Jacob Guajardo
Jacob Guilkey
Carys Habig
Bailey Hadley
Hayden Hadley
Gianna Hahn
Abbigale Haider
Alexander Haines
Dennon Hale
Gannon Hale
Addison Hall
Spencer Hall
Camryn Hanger
Benjamin Hanna
Maisy Hanner
Gabriella Hanquier
Bailey Hardin
Hailey Hardin
Nathaniel Hardin
Joseph Harold
Braden Harper
Amelia Harrigan
Madison Harrigan
Vaden Hartleroad
Hannah Hasenour
Elijah Hatfield
Mackenzie Hausdorfer
Samantha Hawkins
Elizabeth Hayden
Samuel Haynes
Griffin Hennessy
Katelyn Henselmeier
Alexis Hernandez-Alpizar
Evan Hernandez
Ella Herron
Nicholas Hestand
Cody Hewitt
Amara Hill
Aubree Hill
Ethan Hill
Raelyn Hinds
Harrison Hite
Elijah Hitz
Bawi Hmung
Ella Hobson
Zachary Hoffman
Sydney Hohenstein
Eli Hohlt
McKenna Holdeman
Braeden Holland
Lauren Holmecki
Mary Holzer
Raegan Hommel
Carson Hood
Hailey Horner
Alexia Hoskins
Aiden Houck
Ethan Hough
Tyler House
Madeline Howell
Alison Hubbard
Keenan Hubbard
Haley Hull
Harrison Hummel
Logan Hunsicker
Elliot Hunter
Cole Hyzer
Rachel Ingle
Adia Ingram
Conner Inman
Jonah Irons
Grace Ison
Regan Jackson
Yasir Jasim
Alexis Jeffries
Alora Johns
Christopher Johnson
Derek Johnstone
Munachi Johnson
Timothy Johnson
Xavier Johnson
Robert Jude
Ashlin Kalvar
Emily Karr
Shawn Keck
Damean Keen
Lily Kelsheimer
Caroline Kendall
Aidan Kennedy
Taryn Kennedy
Chelsea Keusch
Aman Khatri
David Kidwell
Elijah Kio
Abe Kirkpatrick
Matthew Kish
Laiken Knafel
Geordean Kokeh
Genevieve Konijisky
Caleb Krauth
Katherine Krouse
Mitchell Kuebel
Cole Kukelhan
Sahil Kumar
Isaac Ladisich
Eliza LaFavers
Blake Laing
Kelsey Lakes
Ryan Lamb
Hayden Lambert
Raymond Landis
Samuel Landreth
Jericho Laney
Anastasios Lasaru
Ashley Lauffer
Angelo Lawrence
Jessie Leach
Connor Lee
Margaret Lee
Summer Lee
Jasper Lenglade
Lauren LePage
Kailey Lewis
Ivan Li
Ronald Lian
Tanner Liffick
Bryce Lindsey
Cassidy Linville-West
Emmeline Lockhart
Luke Logan
Jocelynn Lomeli
Anthony Long
Gabriella Lopez
Manuel Lopez
Logan Lowe
Aaron Lucas
Makenna Lulfs
Braxton Lunsford
Aidan Lyness
John Lyon
Tanner Lyon
Abigail Madlem
Jack Maled
Gowthamm Mandala
Andy Mang
Ryan Mang
Jessica Marqua
Addison Marshall
Rylan Martin
Zoe Martin
Eric Matei
Connor Mathers
Mason Matherly
Kylie Matteson
Nathaniel McAllister
Mason McCann
Grace McCarty
Taylor McCartney
Maci McClurg
Ethan McComb
Wesley McCrea
Jacob McCullen
Luke McDaniel
Mallory McDonald
Royal McGairk
John McGee
Alexis McGlaughlin
Molly McIntyre
Sarah McKinney
Lauren McLeish
Matthew McRoberts
Seth Mehling
Dena Mello
Andre Merritt
Garrett Messer
Ava Meyer
Oscar Milch
Brooke Miller
Kaylee Miller
Matthew Miller
Walker Millhoff
Zachary Mills
Parker Mimbela
Ethan Miner
Jake Miner
Megan Minnemann
Kaiya Minniear
Ashley Mitchell
Sophie Mohr
Landen Montfort
Sophia Moon
Paige Morford
Cameron Morgan
Megan Morgan
Gavin Morris
Indigo Morrow
Starley Moses
James Mueller
Madeline Mulder
Benjamin Murphy
Jacob Murphy
Madison Myers
Tanvi Nadimpalli
Carly Neal
Sarah Neeson
Matthew Neff
Brenden Nellans
Mack Newby
Kendall Newman
JoLynn Nichols
Nikki Norris
Logan North
Finnegan Nowacki
Dylan O’Brien
Sydnie O’Neill
Gavin Oakes
Marek Oganowski
Alexis Orr
Nydia Otero
Dawt Par
Aleks Parsetich
Sage Parsetich
Mitul Patel
Blayzek Patterson
Zane Patterson
Allen Patton
Benjamin Peters
Lillian Peterson
Jackson Pio
Mary Marie Pittman
Gracie Plikuhn
Hayden Polson
Brinna Porat
Kamryn Poteat
Joshua Powell
Brady Poynter
Bryce Poynter
Macy Price
Peyton Price
Oliver Profancik
Cooper Rakow
Lorenzo Ramos
Gracie Ratliff
Silas Ratliff
Hannah Rau
Claire Reckert
Bre’Anna Redden
Sarah Redden
Konner Reed
Gage Rees
Alyssa Reichelt
Noelle Reimer
Brianna Reynolds
Kaleigh Rice
Erin Richardson
Haley Richardson
Adam Richie
Kylee Riddle
Hunter Riffle
Hunter Riley
Brady Ripberger
Isaac Ritchie
Kira Roberts
Mikaela Roberts
Micah Robertson
Cole Robinson
Jarret Rockwell
Ryne Roehling
Austin Rogers
Logan Rohlfing
Joshua Rollings
Baileigh Rowan
Owen Rumple
Gryffin Sabo
Michel Saget
Benjamin Salyers
Grant Sawa
Lily Sawyer
Mikhail Scalf
Lance Schabel
Jillian Schemmel
Malia Schembra
Brady Schier
Jacob Schmelzle
Braedon Schmit
Taylor Scholl
Braden Schroder
Sarah Schubert
Blake Scott
Tauley Scott
Shreyas Seerum
Rhori Selburg
Abigail Seslar
Nevaeh Shackleford
Kiara Shadley
Savannah Shaffer
Shae Shaw
Dylan Shelley
Payton Shimansky
Evan Shirer
Kendra Shirrell
Madison Siemons
Michael Siemons
Luke Silva
Joseph Simpson
Ashley Simulia
Jaden Singer
Jaskaran Singh
Eyler Slater
Alexa Smith
Brayden Smith
Garrett Smith
Nicholas Smith
Samuel Smith
Caden Smitty
Alex Snead
Joseph Sowers
Andrew Spomar
Evan Spomar
Madelyn Sponsel
Madeline Sprouse
Victoria St Louis
Ryan St Pierre
Andrew Stanley
Meghan Stanley
Alexia Steele
Amory Steinke
Tara Stephen
Taylin Stephens
Nathan Stewart
Skylar Stewart
Jennifer Stinson
Jason Stoddard
Ethan Stout
Riley Straeter
Alix Straumins
Fenton Strickland
Lilyana Stricker
James Studebaker
Gillian Styers-Barnett
Carsyn Summit-Stanford
Skylar Sutton
Isabella Swango
Rahber Syeda
Quentin Tackitt
Koli Talla
Molly Tapak
Christian Tauffener
Bradin Taylor
Reaghan Teague
Jesus Tello-Perez
Bawi C. Thang
Bawi N. Thang
Jalen Thomeson
Ava Thompson
Grady Thompson
Ruby Thompson
Jacob Thornton
Anthony Tinnirello
Travis Tinsley
Giovanni Tougas
Harrison Towne
Brett Trammell
Aaron Tugan
Isiah Turner
Kyle Upchurch
Caleb Vansickle
Zoey Varney
Korbin Velasquez
Samuel Venegas
Carson Vican
Jake Wahl
Brady Walker
Jaiden Walker
Lindsey Walker
Samiria Walker
Tre’ Walters
Garrett Wasson
Declan Watson
Haley Watson
Ethan Watt
Nicholas Weatherholt
Jacob Weaver
Julianna Weems
Sarah Wehrle
Jessa Weilhamer
Katelyn Wetherholt
Drew Wheat
Emma Wheatley
Elijah Whitaker
Ellie White
Addison Whitman
Chenel Whorton
Joshua Wicker
Austin Wiese
Alexis Wiesmann
Noah Wikel
Aina Williams
Cara Williams
Jack Williams
Janeick Williams
Kyle Williams
Randy Williams
Abigail Wilson
Brendan Wilson
Colin Wilson
John Wilson
Justin Wilson
Natalie Wilson
Riley Wilson
Shelby Wingler
Ethan Winnett
Alyssa Wischmeyer
Allison Wiseman
Ashlynn Wolff
Griffin Worley
Skylar Wrege
Elizabeth Wright
Kolyn Wright
Owen Wright
Hyatt Yeager
Trent Yeager
Caden York
Michael Young
Michael Yurs
Evan Zapp
Duh Zathang
Nicole Zhang
Amanda Zheng
Biak Zi
Ashley Zimmer
McKenzye Zollman
Oleg Zook
There are no words to describe the love and admiration that we have for you! You have grown into a compassionate, driven, and incredibly smart young woman. We are here to love and support you on this next incredible journey! Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations Jessie Jo! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished! We know you will continue to work hard and achieve great things at University of Southern Indiana. Make your next chapter in life your best! We love you!!!
I am so incredibly proud of the young woman you have grown to be. I have such respect for how you have grown and used the wins and challenges in your life to shape who you are. I cannot wait to see how Miami University continues to form the amazing adult I know you will become. I am so proud and thankful that I was chosen to be your mom! I love you, Mom
We are so proud of you! You are such a kind, loving, and compassionate young man. Don’t ever change! We can’t wait to see where your next adventures take you!
Mom & Dad
We are so proud of you Claire, your strength, discipline, and service are evident in all you do. We pray for your success at the Citadel and that God lays your dreams at your feet. Semper Fi. We love you! Dad, Mom, and Quentin
We are so proud of Maddi Reese! As you head to Indiana University this fall, let your light continue to shine brightly! Your future is bright, sweet girl! We love you! Mom, Dad & Paigey
Laiken, we are so proud of you!! Congratulations on your incredible high school career and your Presidential Scholarship to Purdue! We love you- Dad, Mom, Lana & Landon
Way to go Isiah! Your Senior Year is finally here! You have accomplished so much this year. We are proud of the young man you have become. As you finish your Senior year and head off to Ball State, always remember where home is and that we love you the most! Tim, Mimi and Sissy xxox
We could not be more proud of the man you’ve become, and we’re so excited for you to study and play lacrosse for BYU! With your work ethic and talent, we can’t wait to see what you do next!
We are so proud of you Will! Looking forward to supporting and watching the next chapter of your life. Dream big! We love you! Mom, Dad, Meg & Max
One chapter ends and a new one begins. It’s a thrilling time as you begin your journey into your adult life. Live it to its fullest. With Love, Your Family
Ethan — We are so proud of the person that you are and all you have accomplished. We couldn’t be more excited to watch you live out your dream of playing basketball at Butler next year and can’t wait to see what your future holds. We love you so much. Mom, Dad, and Max
We are so proud of you and we can’t wait to see you take your next step at Arizona State! The best is yet to come! Love, Dad, Mom, Charlie & Phoebe
You’re ready to soar!! Enjoy your college adventure that awaits! Go do great things…and reach for the stars. Love, Mom, Dad, Jill and Ashley
Congratulations Brinna! Shining on stage and winning Nationals with Debtones, leading Red Alert Robotics to State/Worlds, Academic All Star—we are so proud! Go do good things and have fun at Purdue!! Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations to Isaac Ladisich for graduating with the CG Class of 2023! Isaac will be attending Vincennes University to study Law Enforcement.
Center Grove Community School Corporation (CGCSC) awarded Courtney Hess, Sugar Grove Elementary, the 2022-23 Teacher of the Year during the district’s annual Teacher Celebration on Wednesday, May 10. Mrs. Hess is a Kindergarten teacher at Sugar Grove Elementary School. She has been a teacher for 15 years, eight of those at Center Grove.
“I am humbled and honored to be recognized as an exemplar teacher in a school district that goes above and beyond to do what is best for our students every day.” said Hess. “Teaching the whole child fuels my soul and I will be forever grateful for this recognition.”
As Teacher of the Year, Hess will receive $1,000, courtesy of Wallman Financial, LLC to spend in her classroom. She will represent Center Grove in the Indiana Teacher of the Year competition.
Along with the district’s Teacher of the Year award, each school’s Teacher of the Year was awarded and recognized for making an extraordinary impact on students and colleagues in his/her building.
Additionally, Center Grove honored current, former, and retired teachers with Legacy Awards. Center Grove High School seniors nominate the teacher they believe had the greatest impact on them during their time in Center Grove schools.
Additional information about the award winners and photo galleries from the evening are available at
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The Center Grove High School (CGHS) boys basketball team had one of its most historic seasons with 22 wins, the most victories since the Trojans’ 24 wins in 1933-34. CGHS junior guard Joey Schmitz was a vital part of this year’s team’s success, averaging 12 points per game, making 41 three-pointers, and hitting 88% of his free throws. Schmitz’s on-court excellence earned him first-team all-county honors and underclassmen honorable mention all-state.
He also excels in the classroom with a 4.68 grade point average, ranking him in the top 20 of his class. Schmitz is truly the epitome of an elite student-athlete.
With all of his success on the hardwood and in the classroom, Schmitz made time to be a volunteer coach in the Center Grove Boys Basketball League (CGBBL) for the past two seasons, as an assistant coach last year and as a head coach this year.
His third-grade boys team went undefeated this season, winning the championship game by one point.
“It was very, very cool to have Joey coach me,” says Center Grove Elementary thirdgrader JT Lidy. “He was fun to watch play for CG and it was great that he was also teaching us about basketball. He made basketball fun and taught us to work hard.”
“I volunteer because I enjoy coaching the kids and it is always fun to see their progression,” says Schmitz. “I also volunteer because I like anything related to basketball, and teaching kids is as entertaining as it gets.”
“Coach Joey really helped us be a better team and to use teamwork,” says JT. “He also taught us plays. That was fun. He also taught me how to be a better dribbler to get to the basket. The best part was that I got to see him as a player and learn from him as a coach. I got to learn his ways. I watched him play in the high school games and tried to be like
Recently, the local Domino’s Pizza got a new electric delivery vehicle for their store on Smith Valley Road. When the shop’s next-door neighbors at My Baby Detailing saw the colorful little Chevy Bolt, they compared it to their own Courtesy Shuttle Vehicle, a customized GMC Envoy, and expressed their opinion that they still had the coolest company vehicle at their shared residence. The challenge was on!
Both businesses decided to let the community decide who has the best shuttle vehicle. Guests at either shop may vote on their personal favorite. To raise the stakes and make the friendly competition a bit more meaningful, each shop has agreed to serve the White River Township Fire Department in a unique way if they win the competition. If the My Baby Detailing Shuttle gets the most votes, the shop will perform a free Interior Detail on Chief Pell’s Dodge Durango (no small task given that this vehicle also serves as Rosie the Fire Dog’s personal limousine). If Domino’s Delivery Vehicle receives the most votes, the restaurant will provide free pizza for the entire Fire Department.
Additionally, when all the votes are finally tallied on June 30, one ballot will be drawn from the winner’s ballot box. If My Baby Detailing prevails, one voter will win a free Exterior Detail. If Domino’s comes out on top, one voter will win a free pizza. Stop by either shop before the end of June and cast your vote. Any way you slice it, in this competition, everyone comes out a winner.
him in our games. Joey never gave up and was always the hardest worker on the court.”
“At the beginning of the year, you never know what you will get skill-wise, and this year my kids really progressed,” says Schmitz. “Throughout the year, you can find a place where every kid improved, whether it was their ball handling or defense.”
The parents were appreciative that Schmitz took the time to share his knowledge of basketball with their sons.
“As a parent, it was great to see Coach Joey give his time, energy and talent in working with the boys,” says Jaime Lidy, JT’s mother. “The boys obviously look up to him already, being a member of the high school team they may want to play on someday, but we parents were able to see how our sons got to interact with him, and one another, in a different way than
with a parent coach. It was a really cool experience.”
Some things are just bigger than the game of basketball. Schmitz is a great role model for the boys.
“JT learned that it’s possible to not only be a good student like Joey, but also a great athlete, and still have the time and
passion to pass things on to others,” says Jaime. “JT comes from a coaching family and plays sports year-round, so he knows how hard coaches work, even volunteer coaches like Joey. Specific to basketball, JT learned that inbound plays beneath the basket really do work if you do what the coach says.”
“Joey’s heavy involvement in the youth
league is the type of culture we want to endorse within our program and in our community,” says CGBBL Board President Brad Smith. “We hope that others will follow in Joey’s footsteps in being this involved. We are beyond thankful for his coaching and mentorship with our youth, and we are lucky to have him in our community.”
CGHS boys basketball head Coach Zach Hahn knows Schmitz is a high-character young man.
“Joey’s dedication to the basketball program is second to none,” says Hahn.
“He shows up early and stays late to work on his game. He rebounds for teammates and is always trying to get better. He volunteer coaches in our CGBBL to be a good role model for the players.
It’s a rare character trait that allows someone to be selfless and passionate about others the way Joey coaches in our youth program when he has so much going on currently in his life as a high school student-athlete.”
How does a high school student-athlete have time to be a top-notch student and basketball player and also carve out time to be a volunteer coach?
“It’s hard to balance because they all come at you in the same winter season,” says Schmitz. “I’ve always been good in school with getting my work done on time and keeping my grades high while balancing basketball at the same time. Though this year I learned that with coaching, I have to stay on top of things even more.
We only practice one day a week and have a game every Saturday, so it’s not a huge time commitment. But there are other aspects such as sending messages to parents with dates, places and times, while also making sure that I have people to fill in for me when I have another basketball conflict. I had to learn to become a better communicator.”
Schmitz says, at the moment, he doesn’t
have any ambitions to pursue coaching. He just relishes the opportunity to share his basketball knowledge and wisdom with the youngsters. With that said, he adds that he has learned a lot from this experience.
“By helping the kids, it made me realize how much of a role model I can be for them, and that made me appreciate coaching even more,” says Schmitz.
“Additionally, this has given me a new perspective on leadership. Going into my senior season, I feel that I need to be a bigger leader and coaching has definitely helped me.”
On the day of the championship, Schmitz wasn’t sure he could coach his team as he had a high school practice at the same time. His high school teammates voted to have practice earlier in the day so he could coach his team. Many of his high school teammates and coaches attended the championship game to support him, his team and the league.
“Joey and his [high school] team created such a great atmosphere on championship Saturday,” says Smith. “It created such a buzz that it was talked about across elementary schools all the way up to the high school. I lost count of how many players and coaches were there supporting not just Joey’s team, but the other team as well. I truly believe Joey’s involvement was the main driver in not just the atmosphere, but the level of great fundamental basketball displayed.
You can tell he brought what even he was practicing at high school to these kids, and this will go a long way for the kids and our program. I am pretty sure if Joey decides to coach next year, we will have a long wait list requesting Joey to be their coach.”
“Throughout the season I tried to make the game as fun as possible for the kids, and usually winning means you will have more fun,” says Schmitz.
“To go undefeated was amazing because
it kept the team morale high all year and it made the game super enjoyable for the kids. And then to end the season with a championship win in our closest, most intense game of the year was the best way to top it all off. Plus, having all my [high school teammates] there to support that game and make the energy in the building that much higher created such a great atmosphere.”
“I admire Coach Joey because he is more than just a really good basketball player,” says JT. “He is kind, smart, strong and fast, and he has a really good three-point shot. I really liked it when we played knockout in practice. That was fun. He may not remember it, but I’m pretty sure I beat him once.”