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KICK Corporate Challenge Invites Area Businesses to Get Outside & Play During Workday Kickball Tournament
Photograph Provided by Pro-Tek Photography
For the past two years, Mudsock Youth Athletics (formerly S.P.O.R.T.S.) has hosted a community-wide kickball tournament bringing students, families and community groups together to play and raise funds for youth sport programs in our city. This spring, the organization will carry out its flagship event under a new format, encouraging area businesses to join them at Billericay Park for the KICK Corporate Challenge.
“We know that positive team building translates into happier, more productive employees and that a company’s work culture goes a long way in retaining great people,” says Beth Lawrence, Assistant Director with Mudsock Youth Athletics. “This event caters to all levels, and you don’t need to be an expert to play. We want businesses to join us for a fun, healthy competition, networking and of course food and drinks.”
Each participating business is guaranteed to play six kickball games, which includes referees on all game fields. Companies will enjoy a catered breakfast, lunch, adult beverages and music. The Mudsock Youth Athletics staff will deliver an inclusive event for everyone involved wrapping up the challenge with a closing ceremony, championship medals and prizes.
“The KICK Corporate Challenge will increase employee engagement, build brand recognition within our organization’s 15,000-plus audience while helping to bring high-quality sport programming to more than 6,500 youth in our community,” Lawrence says. “With so many businesses relocating to the area, we know companies are looking for impactful ways to engage with the community. We’ll be highlighting these businesses throughout our event promotions this spring and encourage lots of networking during the tournament.”
“Our mission has stayed the same since we began in 1987, to cultivate an organization that provides all kids in Fishers a chance to actively participate in the sport they choose,” adds Scott Spillman, Executive Director with Mudsock Youth Athletics. “We are constantly evolving to provide new sports, greater education and highlighting our commitment to community. The KICK Corporate

Challenge is one of many ways we are doing this.”
Funds raised from the event will provide youth athletic scholarships for in-need Fishers families, assist with coach training and background checks and support key maintenance efforts for city and school fields.
The KICK Corporate Challenge will take place on Friday, May 15 from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Billericay Park in Fishers. Tickets cost $950 per business (ticket includes 8-15 co-workers) and covers all game play, food, event shirts and some adult beverages. Space is limited. For more information, including a detailed schedule and to register, visit myathletics.com/kick.

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