Jamie Boer Homes Heroes Magazine

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Positivity in Pink: A Realtor’s Inspiring Breast Cancer Journey


Welcome to the special October 2024 edition of Homefront Heroes Magazine, a heartfelt tribute to Breast Cancer Awareness Month and an issue that holds immense personal significance for me.

This edition is dedicated not only to the brave survivors and those still battling breast cancer but also to my mom, who passed away from this relentless disease in 2017.

Her strength and courage continue to inspire me every day, and through this issue, I hope to honor her memory and all those who have been touched by cancer.

Losing my mom to breast cancer was one of the most difficult experiences of my life. She was my biggest cheerleader, my best friend and her resilience in the face of cancer was nothing short of heroic. It is in her spirit that I bring you this special edition, filled with stories of everyday heroes—local residents who have faced cancer head-on with strength and determination.

Inside these pages, you will find personal accounts from those who have lived through this journey, from survivors to the families and friends and health care professionals who have supported them along the way.

Their stories remind us of the power of hope, love and community and I am honored to share their voices with you.

This edition also serves as a resource for those currently in their own battle or

supporting a loved one through theirs.

I hope you find comfort, guidance and strength in the stories and tools offered here.

Breast cancer affects us all—whether directly or through someone we love. As we come together to raise awareness this month, my hope is that Homefront Heroes Magazine helps bring a little more light to the fight. My mom’s legacy lives on through this issue, and I know she would be proud of the stories we’re sharing and the impact we’re making together.

Thank you for being part of this journey, Jamie Boer and the JBH Team


and they might be featured in an upcoming JBH Homefront Heroes Magazine

Jennie Swim (Center)
Jennie Swim (Center) with Gary Swim, Jamie Boer, and Lori Swim (Left to Right)

A MOTHER’S HOPE Sisters’ lasting legacy

For Jamie Boer and Lori Swim, their mother’s battle with breast cancer was more than just a struggle against a disease–it was a profound journey of courage and hope that deeply shaped their lives.

Their mother, Jennie Swim, diagnosed with breast cancer three times throughout her life, embodied strength and courage until her final days.

“Mom endured more in her lifetime than most people and even with all she went through, she remained the kindest and most loving soul,” Boer said. “She cared about others until the day she passed away–she was a warrior in her own right and a lovely human.”

Diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in her late 60s, the sisters remember the day they received the news.

“She had called me from Arizona, where she lived, saying she had trouble breathing,” Swim said. “She thought it was just a bad cold or maybe pneumonia, but when my sister and I flew out to see her, the doctors told us it was stage 4 breast cancer.”

The news hit hard, but the sisters didn’t waste time.

“We immediately went into survival mode,” Swim said. “We made plans for mom and dad to come to Indianapolis so she could get the best care possible.”

For both sisters, the months that followed were filled with doctor’s appointments, research and constant concern.

“My sister and I learned the caregiving part after mom’s last diagnosis,” Boer said. “My sister was really good at learning the medical part that mom needed and I was there to make her smile and laugh.”

Yet, despite their fears and the overwhelming uncertainty, their mother remained optimistic.

“You would never know anything was wrong,” Boer said. “Mom was always positive–she was a fighter. Mom was always the leader of our family and no matter what she was going through, she always cheered us on.”

Their mother’s hope became a source of strength for the sisters, even in the darkest times.

“She taught us to never give up, no matter how difficult things got,” Swim said. “Mom raised us to be warriors and survive this thing called life, just the way she did.”

As the disease progressed and the treatments became harder to endure, their mother’s resolve remained unshaken.

“I’ll never forget the day the doctor asked her if she wanted to continue chemo,” Swim said. “Her answer was an immediate ‘Yes.’ That was her way of showing us that you never give up. You fight until the end, and then you accept whatever comes.”

The night before she passed, the sisters spent time with their mom, reminiscing about old memories and sharing stories. The sisters now reflect on their mother’s legacy with both sorrow and pride. “Losing her has been the greatest loss of my life,” Swim said. “But I feel so privileged to have been able to care for her and be by her side through her last battle.”

Their mother’s life, though marked by struggle, was also defined by the love she

had for her family and the joy she found in simple pleasures.

“She was always my person,” Swim said. “We were just 20 years apart, and I was always a mama’s girl. As we grew older, that bond only became stronger, especially as we went through some tough times as a family.”

For Boer, her mother’s influence will remain with her forever.

“Mom loved being a grandmother more than anything in this world–she was everything to my two boys,” Boer said. “Life has not been the same without her and we miss her every day.”

As they move forward, Jamie Boer and Lori Swim carry their mother’s legacy with them, continuing her fight in their own way and honoring the lessons she instilled in them.

Her life and battle against cancer remains a powerful story of the strength of a mother’s love and the hope she passed on to her daughters.

Now, the sisters see the fight against cancer as a personal mission, not just for their mother but for all the others battling the disease.

“Mom would be so honored and so excited about the magazine,” Boer said. “Our mom’s story inspired us to honor her memory by spreading awareness, sharing her story and offering support to those who need it most.”

In many ways, their mother’s influence continues to guide them.

“She was such an amazing woman,” Boer said. “She always believed in finding the good in every situation, and she never let life’s hardships get the best of her. She taught us to be strong, to keep going, and to never lose hope — no matter how tough things got.”

As they look back on the time they had with their mother, Boer and Swim feel immense gratitude.

“It was the hardest thing we’ve ever been through, but to know we got to care for her and be with her, and love her until the end, meant everything,” Swim said. “She gave us so much, and we’ll carry her strength with us for the rest of our lives.”

Their mother’s journey may have come to an end, but her impact reflects a lasting bond between a mother and her daughters.

Gary and Jennie Swim (Center) with grandsons, Evan Boer (Left) and Colin Boer (Right)


The commitment to the community extends beyond just Jamie. The JBH team consists of individuals who share Jamie’s values of integrity, dedication and professionalism. Each member brings unique talents and experiences to the table, ensuring clients receive

Alison Shailes


Alex Klingensmith 317.691.1741

Kiersten Achey


Moving to Indiana from England, team member Alison Shailes understands the stress that comes with moving.

“To me clients are for life, in building these relationships I believe communication and trust is key,” Alison said. “From the first time we meet, I will ensure my client has a complete understanding of the selling and buying process and I will listen to their specific needs and requirements throughout the whole process with my client’s best interests at heart.”

comprehensive support and guidance in every aspect of the real estate process. Based out of Fishers, the JBH team leads with compassion, making it a cornerstone of the community it serves.


Among the initial members on the team is Zeke Mayberry. Zeke has high-level negotiating skills and specific expertise in selling new-construction homes, which allows him to give his clients the best value in all buying or selling transactions.

“I care deeply for my clients and I will do everything in my power to ensure that my clients have the smoothest experience possible,” he said. “My clients and their family will always get more when they work alongside me and the Jamie Boer Homes team.”

Growing up in Fishers is JBH associate broker Alex Klingensmith. Alex has many years of past sales experience and prides himself on putting his clients first but also maintaining not only a business relationship but a lifelong friendship.

“Alex has been with me since his first closing,” Jamie shared. “Everyone loves Alex. He is all heart with all of his people.”

Serving in both Indiana and Florida is team member Kiersten Achey. Kiersten is known in the industry for her honesty, integrity and professionalism. A hoosier native, Kiersten said she loves exploring new neighborhoods, attending home design and decor events and keeping up with the latest trends in the industry.

“Kiersten has a love for all social media platforms and she appears in most of our JBH home showcase videos that she embellishes with her creativity,” Jamie shared.

Building meaningful relationships and leaving a positive impact on others is what matters most to Bri Frazier. Her tenacity, passion, and innovative marketing strategies fuel her success in providing the best buying and selling experience possible for her clients.

Bri shares, “My commitment to learning and serving others assures my ability to deliver exceptional customer service, empowering my clients to remain focused on their everyday lifestyle while I maintain their real estate needs.” Bri Frazier


Allie Rezkalla



Behind the scenes, Jamie’s dedicated assistant and Marketing Manager Sandy Maclean, plays a crucial role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly for the JBH team and their clients.

“Sandy is the heart and soul for everything our team stands for,” Jamie said. “She embodies the JBH mission of passion, integrity and a meaningful JBH experience.”

Will Whitticker, a former NFL player, with over 6 years of experience educating and empowering his clients to make informed real estate decisions, guides his clients every step of the way.

“Will’s team spirit and his hard work from being a professional athlete makes him go above and beyond for his clients and his JBH teammates,” Jamie said.

Allie has combined her love for interior design, home selection and expertise of the Indianapolis residential market, to serve her clients as they search for their perfect home or to help sell their home for top dollar.

“Throughout my career, I’ve developed a strong desire for meeting new people, making meaningful connections, and fostering mutually beneficial relationships–all of which I fully utilized in the real estate industry,” she said.

One of the newest members on the JBH Team is Toby Smith, whose passion for real estate is evident by her commitment to ensuring her clients have a seamless and enjoyable experience.

“Toby’s background in biology and forensic science have enhanced her analytical skills and attention to detail, characteristics which are vital in real estate,” Jamie says.

Additionally, Toby loves volunteering and giving back to organizations like HopeAnchor & Crew and Purposeful Living INC, both dedicated to serving and empowering women in our community.

To learn more about eligibility for the JBH “HEROES GIVE BACK PROGRAM” please call Jamie Boer at 317.289.9169 or email her at jamieboerhomes@gmail.com or you can reach out to your favorite JBH team member!




A Realtor’s Inspiring Breast Cancer Journey

In 2022, Alison Shailes, a dedicated and loved realtor at Jamie Boer Homes, received news that would change her life—she was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer.

What followed was a journey of resilience, supported by her family, friends and her commitment to positivity.

“I didn’t have any family history of cancer, so it was a shock when I found out,” Shailes said. “I was scared, but keeping a sense of humor was always important to me and my family.”

Her oncologist, Dr. Bhatia, played a key role in helping Shailes maintain her positive outlook. From their first meeting, his sense of humor provided comfort and eased the anxiety that often accompanies a cancer diagnosis.

“Dr. Bhatia had just the right amount of humor,” Shailes said. “He understood that a cancer diagnosis affects the whole family, so he spent time talking with me and my husband. His approach made us feel more at ease and helped us focus on the journey ahead with a bit of lightness.”

Shailes’ positive attitude was not only inspiring but also deeply effective. Throughout her treatment, which included multiple surgeries, she leaned heavily on the support of her family and the Jamie Boer Homes team.

“Jamie and the entire JBH team were

incredible—they supported me all the way,” she said. “My friends even surprised me with matching bracelets that said ‘love’ for all of us to wear. We still wear them to this day. During my surgery, they checked on me constantly, and I even reconnected with friends I hadn’t spoken to in years.”

Despite the challenges of treatment, Shailes remained committed to finding the silver lining.

“Going through the breast cancer journey taught me to live in the moment more and not put off experiencing things,” she said. “This new found attitude led my husband and I to experience two weeks traveling around Italy and Monaco this summer.”

Shailes’ positivity extended beyond her personal battle. In 2024, she participated in a 30-mile, 30-day walk challenge through survivingbreastcancer.org with her beloved Goldendoodle, Freddie. “Freddie was my unofficial therapy dog throughout my journey—he never left my side,” Shailes said.

Through the walk challenge, Shailes raised $1,400, which she proudly donated to the fight against breast cancer. As she reflects on the past two years, Shailes remains optimistic about the future.

“Breast cancer doesn’t define me,” she said. “But it has certainly made

me stronger and changed my life in many ways. I keep a box with all of my memories from my breast cancer journey. It was a moment in my life, but not my life.”

Shailes’ story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of positivity in overcoming life’s most challenging obstacles.

“Breast cancer is the club no one wants to join, but we can all be there for each other,” Shailes said. “Now that I’m on the other side, I like to pay it forward to those who have just been diagnosed, so they know they’re not alone.”

Going through the breast cancer journey taught me to live in the moment more and not put off experiencing things.

Congratulations Indy SurviveOars!

BCP Silver Medal finish at the CanAmerican Club Crew Championships at the Welland International Flatwater Centre in Ontario, Canada

Indy SurviveOars, through the sport of Dragon Boat Racing, offers hope, inspiration, and camaraderie to breast cancer survivors while focusing on health and physical activity. Their home lake is Geist Reservoir where you can find them practicing on Monday and Wednesday nights or Saturday mornings.


Music Teacher




A Music Teacher’s Journey Through Breast Cancer

Renee Ross, a music teacher at Hoosier Road Elementary School in Fishers, has turned a personal battle with breast cancer into a story of resilience and rediscovered purpose.

Diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2021, just before the new school year began, Ross’s journey not only reinforced her passion for teaching but also highlighted the powerful support of her school community.

Ross has been a cornerstone of the school for 16 years, sharing her love for music with generations of students.

Her world changed when a routine mammogram revealed she had breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes, making her diagnosis particularly challenging.

“It was a tough start to the school year, but the support from the school and administration was truly incredible,” Ross said. “They embraced every part of my journey—like I had an army behind me.”

The school’s Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) quickly organized a show of support for Ross, creating pink bracelets inscribed with “Mrs. Ross Rocks” for all the students to wear. “The bracelets were such a sweet surprise,” Ross said. “It was touching to see everyone rallying behind me.”

Shortly after her diagnosis, Ross had to step away from the classroom in October as her treatment regimen intensified,

requiring both chemotherapy and radiation.

During her time away, Ross’s love for teaching deepened. When she returned in April, her enthusiasm and renewed energy earned her the title of Teacher of the Year the following year. “The time away made me realize just how much I loved teaching music,” Ross said. “This is what I was meant to do, and I missed it every single day.”

Despite being physically absent, she stayed connected with her students through videos, maintaining a connection.

For Ross, one of the most challenging aspects of her treatment was losing her hair. To ease the transition for her students and bring some light-heartedness to a difficult situation, Ross came up with a unique idea—a “wig contest.”

“I wanted to make sure the kids weren’t surprised by my appearance when I came back,” she said. “I had three wigs, and I let the students vote on which one I would wear. They chose the pink wig, and it became a fun experience for all of us.” Ross wore the pink wig until her hair grew out again.

The school community’s support extended beyond the classroom. Ross received encouragement and guidance from parents who had also battled cancer, offering her invaluable support during her treatment.

“There’s so much uncertainty when you’re diagnosed,” Ross said. “Having people who’ve been through it offering their help made a huge difference. One parent, Brittany, was especially helpful— she supported me through surgery and often visited me to lift my spirits.” Ross, now in remission, has channeled her experience into helping others who are facing similar challenges.

“Cancer is a tough journey, but knowing I had my school behind me made all the difference,” she said. “It gave me the strength to keep going, and I want to pay that forward.”

Beyond her classroom duties, Ross also leads the school’s annual Veterans Day program, a deeply respected event in the community. Through this program, she instills in her students a sense of respect and understanding for those who have served the country.

“When students are younger, they might not fully grasp what veterans represent,” Ross said. “The program is very moving and helps them see the importance of honoring those who have served.” For those facing a breast cancer diagnosis, Ross offers a message of hope and resilience.

“Even though the journey is difficult, there is light at the end of the tunnel,” she said. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek help. You don’t have to go through it alone.”

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VA Nurse Battles Cancer While Helping Others

Amy Sortore, a dedicated registered nurse at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, has always been committed to helping others, but her resolve was put to the test when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Despite the challenges of her illness, Sortore continued to care for her patients, bringing comfort and healing even as she underwent chemotherapy.

Her story is one of courage and dedication to her calling. Sortore has spent 16 years working in the oncology inpatient unit at the medical center in Indianapolis, a role that has allowed her to help the patients through their cancer journeys.

In the spring of 2017, during a routine mammogram provided by the VA mobile mammogram bus, Sortore received the shocking news that she had Stage 1 breast cancer.

“The bus is such a valuable service that the VA provides—the convenience of having the bus right there at the hospital makes it easier for us nurses to get our mammograms,” Sortore said.

The mammogram bus played a crucial role in detecting her cancer at an early stage.

“That’s why it’s so important to always get your mammograms,” she said. “Had I not gotten mine every year, I might

not have caught it so early. My tumor started growing shortly after my last mammogram before I was diagnosed.”

Despite her diagnosis, the RN found it hard to believe she had cancer.

“I’m a very healthy person, and my parents are healthy too–it blew me away,” she said. “I was in shock, in a daze, really, after finding out. Cancer was the last thing I expected.”

Sortore’s journey was not an easy one. She underwent a double mastectomy and faced the challenges of chemotherapy, but through it all, she remained committed to helping others.

“The VA was incredibly supportive throughout the whole process,” Sortore said. “I kept working because my patients needed me, and in many ways, I needed them. Being there for others gave me strength.”

Chemotherapy brought its own set of difficulties. Sortore lost most of her hair, a visible reminder of her battle with cancer. Instead of wearing a wig, she chose to don a blue cap that matched her scrubs.

“My hair just fell out in clumps,” she said. “So we shaved my head, and I wore a blue cap to work every day until my hair grew back. It became a part of my identity during that time.”

Throughout her treatment, Sortore found comfort in an unlikely source—nachos

with cheese. The chemo left a metallic taste in her mouth, and nachos became her go-to food.

“I was always not feeling good after chemo, but nachos were my favorite food,” she said. “They got me through some tough days.”

Now in remission, Sortore continues to use her experience to support others going through similar challenges.

“I’m helping someone close to me who was recently diagnosed,” she said. “My advice is to stay strong—you will get through it.”

Sortore’s story teaches us the power and the strength that comes from helping others. Even in her darkest moments, she remained a symbol of hope and healing for her patients, proving that true dedication knows no bounds.

I was in shock, in a daze, really, after finding out.

Cancer was the last thing I expected.


Alicia C., patient





An Oncologist Transforming Breast Cancer Care

In the heart of Community Health Network MD Anderson Cancer Center, Dr. Sumeet Bhatia, a distinguished physician executive and president of Community Hospital Oncology Physicians (CHOP), has built a reputation not only for his expertise in medical oncology and hematology but also for his compassionate, patientcentered approach to care.

Over the years, Bhatia’s dedication to his patients and his leadership within the medical community have garnered him significant recognition, including honors from the Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine Alumni Association and the Indianapolis Business Journal. However, what truly sets him apart is his philosophy of care, which he encapsulates in what he calls “the three As”—assurance, availability and ability.

“In oncology, it’s not just about treating the disease but also about addressing the emotional aspects of a patient’s journey,” Bhatia explained.

This approach highlights Bhatia’s belief that effective treatment goes beyond medicine, requiring a deep commitment to the overall well-being of his patients.

“We call Dr. Bhatia the “unofficial oncologist” of Jamie Boer Homes,” Alison Shailes, a patient of Dr.

Bahtia said. “He is a wonderful and compassionate doctor and person.” When patients first walk through the doors of his clinic, they often face overwhelming fear and uncertainty.

“When patients first come in and are diagnosed, they are scared and have a lot of fear,” Bhatia said. “As their doctor, I’ve learned to nurture their journey so that it eases their experience. I work very closely with my nurse practitioners so that patients have someone they can get close to and count on. Especially with breast cancer, it’s important to have a close relationship.” Providing such comprehensive care is not just a reflection of his own efforts but the result of a dedicated and compassionate team that works tirelessly to support every patient. “What makes our hospital so great is the entire team,” he said. “Everyone is there for the patient’s care. From the nurses to the administrative staff, everyone plays a role in ensuring that our patients receive the best possible treatment and support. It’s this collective effort that truly makes a difference in our patients’ lives.”

Bhatia’s leadership extends beyond his direct interactions with patients. He is deeply involved in efforts to improve access to care and ensure that every patient, regardless of their background, receives the highest standard of treatment.

His commitment to this cause was recognized in 2019 when the Indianapolis Business Journal honored him as a Health Care Hero.

The award highlighted his efforts to champion access to care and his dedication to the community he serves. Additionally, the IU School of Medicine Alumni Association awarded Bhatia the George Sorrells, Jr., MD, Community Physician Award.

This prestigious accolade is given to physicians who demonstrate a profound commitment to serving their communities and providing compassionate, patientcentered care.

“We have a fantastic team here, and I am proud to work alongside such dedicated professionals,” Bhatia said. “It’s a privilege to be part of a group that is so committed to our patients’ well-being.”

As he leads the charge in oncology care at Community Health Network MD Anderson Cancer Center, Bhatia remains steadfast in his mission to provide comprehensive, compassionate care to every patient who walks through his doors.



['hirō,'hērō] noun

a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. The word gets tossed around a lot, superhero, sports hero, Hollywood hero. But the REAL heroes are the people who consistently carry the qualities of courage and nobility every day, and without need for recognition or reward.

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