MAY 2020
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For membership information contact Justin Werkley @ 317.877.3611 or For event booking information contact us @ 317.877.3612 or
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Minimum opening deposit is only $50. Ask us for details. Bank rules and regulations apply. Other fees such as non-sufficient funds, overdraft, sustained overdraft fees, etc. may apply. See fee schedule for details. Free gift may be reported on a 1099-INT or 1099-MISC. Free gift provided at the time of account opening. Up to $10 for checks and debit cards from another financial institution given at the time the checks/debit cards are presented. Offer good on personal accounts only. Ask us about our outstanding options for your business or organization. 2 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / MAY 2020 /
WESTFIELD PUBLISHER Brandon Baltz / 317-514-9522
TOWNE POST CEO Tom Britt / 317-496-3599
PRESIDENT Jeanne Britt / 317-810-0011
ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Robert Turk / 317-366-3670
CREATIVE TEAM Austin Vance / Catherine Shea Valerie Randall
Jon Shoulders
Braden Ochs / Christy Heitger-Ewing Seth Johnson / Trisha Turner
Remember the days when the notion of shaking hands with a rock-n-roll star or rubbing elbows with an NBA player made your heart aflutter? Remember the way your children watched superhero movies with their eyes wide and their mouths agape as they sat, mesmerized, at the notion of being able to fly, deflect bullets and neutralize the bad guys? Remember the times you had a random encounter with an A-list Hollywood actress at an airport or a legendary musician while vacationing in an exotic location? We remember such encounters because we, as a society, have elevated Hollywood superstars, sports icons, music legends and fictitious comic book characters as heroes in our minds.
5 Staying Safe With Smart911:
Digital Service Provides Emergency Workers With Extra Information on 911 Calls
12 Hometown Health Care Heroes:
11 Business Spotlight: Westfield
Help our local economy by shopping local. Advertising supporters of the Westfield Magazine offset the costs of publication and mailing, keeping this publication FREE. Show your appreciation by thanking them with your business. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTS ARE SPONSORED CONTENT
The Westfiled Magazine is published by the Towne Post Network and is written for and by local Westfield area residents. Magazines are distributed via direct mail to more than 18,000 Westfield area homeowners and businesses each month.
8800 North Street, Suite 117, Fishers IN 46038 Phone/Fax: 317-810-0011
Saluting Local Health Care Workers on the Frontlines Fighting COVID-19
8 Dandy Breeze: Local Creamery Is a 19 Student Spotlight: Westfield High Longtime Dream For Owners Tom & Sally Waitt
School Robotics
For Advertising, Contact Brandon Baltz / 317-514-9522
22 Community Classifieds |
Chamber of Commerce / MAY 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 3
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Pursuant to the Fair Housing Act, this housing is intended for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or older per home, although the occupants of a limited number of the homes may be younger. Within this limited number, one member of the household must be 45 years or older with no one in permanent residence under 19 years of age. Existing and proposed amenities for the community are subject to changes, substitutions and/or deletions without notice. Lennar makes no representation or guarantee that the community or any amenities will be built out as currently planned. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your actual home purchase agreement for additional information, disclosures and disclaimers related to the home and its features. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Features, amenities, floor plans, elevations, square footage and designs vary per plan and community and are subject to changes or substitution without notice. Lennar makes no guarantee as to the availability of homes within the price ranges set forth above. Price subject to change without notice. Visit or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. This advertisement provided by Lennar Indianapolis located at 9025 River Road, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Copyright © 2020 Lennar Corporation Lennar, the Lennar logo and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. Date: 04/2020 LNIND670
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Staying Safe With Smart911 DIGITAL SERVICE PROVIDES EMERGENCY WORKERS WITH EXTRA INFORMATION ON 911 CALLS Writer / Seth Johnson Photography Provided by Smart911
With the global COVID-19 pandemic, communities around the world are working through ways to ensure the public safety of individuals and families. In Hamilton County, one way residents can better equip 9-1-1 and first responders with all the information they need is by creating a free account with the Smart911 national safety profile registry. “Participants can self-identify if they are under quarantine, and whether it is self-imposed or directed by a health professional,” says Jeff Schemmer, executive director of Hamilton County Public Safety Communications. “The Smart911 app also allows quarantined individuals to receive
check-in messages on their health status. Individuals who sign up will receive tailored alerts based on their specific needs and geographic location.” Individuals can create a Smart911 Safety Profile for their household at Smart911. com or on the Smart911 App. The signup process is quick and easy, while also giving first responders crucial information on you and your family that they may not otherwise have. “It acts as a database for the public to provide us information that we can utilize in emergency situations,” Schemmer says. “It can be something as simple as descriptions of their home, how many people live in their house or if they have any family members that have medical conditions.” / MAY 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 5
In many cases, Schemmer explains that an individual’s phone number may not even tell 9-1-1 responders where exactly they’re calling from. This is where Smart911 comes in handy. “80 to 85% of our 9-1-1 calls are cellular,” Schemmer says. “We have no way to pinpoint a phone, so what they can do is link their home address, or even work address, to their cellphone number.” In signing up for a Smart911 account, Hamilton County residents can also ensure they’re receiving any and all public safety announcements from county officials. “We just also added Rave Alert, which is part of the Smart911 suite,” Schemmer adds. “It allows us to push out notifications
Download the Smart911 App today and have life-saving capabilities at your fingertips, 24/7.
to people. So if there are severe weather warnings, we can push that out. And since it’s done over a cellphone, the likelihood of us reaching people with an emergency notification is better than a tornado siren because people don’t necessarily hear those inside or at night.” When it comes to what information individuals share with Smart911, Schemmer states it’s ultimately up to the individual. Hamilton County citizens can do as much as sharing a photo of their home, or as little as linking their cellphone number to their home address. Regardless, privacy is always ensured. “If you go into your profile, you can add additional notes, and that’s what we would see,” Schemmer says. “It gives us a lot of information we can use, and we only have access to it when you call.” All in all, Schemmer hopes to continue getting the word out about this helpful public safety tool. “We’re gradually increasing [the number of sign-ups], but a lot of it is getting the word out and reminding people about it,” Schemmer says. “It will provide the first responders with more information to better serve the citizens of Hamilton County in an emergency.” Hamilton County residents can create their free Smart911 account for free at 6 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / MAY 2020 /
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DA NDY BREEZE LO C A L C R E A M E R Y I S A LO N G T I M E D R E A M F O R O W N E R S T O M & S A L LY WA I T T Writer / Trisha Turner Photography Provided
Determined to succeed amidst this sea change in agriculture, the couple switched up the way they do business. In 2017, they began operating their own on-site creamery. From growing the cows’ food to shipping the bottled milk, Dandy Breeze does it all.
Tom and Sally Waitt purchased their Sheridan dairy farm in 1983, adopting a business model that many other small farms followed at the time. They sold Dandy Breeze Farm’s milk to a co-op for processing The result is fresher milk that’s distributed and distribution. That way of doing business locally — and a way of farming that the proved to be effective for their farm and the Waitts hope will inspire future generations. dairy farming industry overall. Over time, however, small farms like the Waitts’ found it increasingly difficult to compete with large farms. Five hundred cows seemed to be the minimum to make milk distribution financially feasible, Tom Waitt says. Dandy Breeze Farm has about 85.
No surprise Tom turns to a basketball movie for his analogy. His farm, built more than a century ago, boasts a hayloft with a basketball half-court and goal where the Waitts’ three sons and daughter frequently played while growing up.
Dandy Breeze Farm produces, processes and ships milk directly to coffee shops, college dining services, hospitals and momand-pop grocers in Central Indiana. Dandy “I always ask people if they’ve seen the Breeze Creamery also sells milk online. movie ‘Hoosiers,’” Tom says. “There’s a line From 9 a.m.-noon on Saturdays, that milk, toward the end where he says, ‘Let’s win this produced only hours earlier, is available for game for all the small schools that never had pickup at the dairy. a chance to get here.’ I’m doing this for the small farmer who never got a chance to sell It’s more than local distribution that sets their own milk.” Dandy Breeze milk apart. Jersey cows
produce the milk sold from the Waitts’ dairy. The cows eat alfalfa grown at the Dandy Breeze. Using a process called wet wrapping, the Waitts preserve their alfalfa so the cows can continue to eat it even during the winter.
as a science teacher in Westfield. But as the creamery business grew, the constant demands of operating a farm and dairy led him to leave his teaching job in 2018 and join Sally in focusing solely on the Dandy Breeze business.
The result, according to Tom, is milk that tastes better and is better for you. While most commercially available milk comes from Holsteins, he says, Jerseys’ milk contains more protein, phosphorus and healthy fats. Grass-fed cows also provide milk with natural vitamin D.
Tom, who grew up on a Sheridan farm, and Sally, a Massachusetts native, have been farming together since shortly after they met in an animal science class at Purdue University.
Dairy Breeze milk is non-homogenized, meaning its cream remains on the top. When shaken to blend, these healthy fats — no skim or 1% here — are more easily digested, Tom says. “This is the old school way,” he says of the Dandy Breeze’s milk production. “We’re not trying to take over the world. We just want people to have good milk.” The Waitts started their dairy by bottling just on weekends. Tom continued his job
Business for Dandy Breeze Creamery has remained brisk despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The dairy quickly beefed up its focus on online sales and on-site pickup this year. That willingness to once again adapt to change has helped keep Dandy Breeze on course to meet Tom Waitt’s goal of running a sustainable local creamery that one day might branch out to produce additional dairy products. Dandy Breeze Creamery currently sells white, chocolate and strawberry milk. The dairy also serves up hope for the next generation of farmers, who are looking for
“ I ’ M D O I N G T H I S F O R T H E S M A L L FA R M E R W H O N E V E R G OT A C H A N C E TO S E L L T H E I R OW N M I L K .” - T O M WA I T T -
ways to succeed in a changing industry. And that’s important when so many farms are struggling and young people are turning away from agriculture, Waitt says. All of the Waitts’ children, now adults, remain interested in farming but only one still regularly works at the Dandy Breeze. In 2018 alone, 10% of Indiana dairy farms halted production, leaving a state whose dairy farms once numbered in the thousands down to just 900. “I’ve had a lot of farmers call me, and I would like to see young people come into farming,” Tom says. “The wave of the future is to know where your food comes from, so we’re at a really good point.” Dandy Breeze Creamery is located at 2317 N. Road 1100 East in Sheridan. Contact the dairy by phone at 317-508-4978 or by email at To learn more and order online, visit 10 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / MAY 2020 /
WESTFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 116 E Main Street Westfield, IN 46074 (317) 804-3030
Westfield Young Professionals TBD Community First Bank
May 12
Coffee with the Chamber TBD Springhill Suites
May 21
Luncheon TBD Chatham Hills
May 28
Business After Hours TBD Huston Electric
For the twenty-seventh year, the Westfield Chamber of Commerce will be presenting a $2000 scholarship to a graduating senior who resides within Washington Township. This senior may attend public or private school or be home-schooled. The Chamber’s 2020 scholarship will be given in Memory of Hal Montgomery, a charter board member of the Chamber when it was incorporated in 1981. Hal was a local businessman who was a great supporter of all things Westfield who was lost unexpectedly in an automobile accident on January 26, 2017. In addition to the Westfield Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, Keller Williams Realty Indianapolis Metro North-Steve Rupp, The Zulu Group, P.C. will have a $1000 scholarship. Community First Bank Westfield will have a $500 Scholarship. Applications are available for download from the Chamber’s website, the counseling centers at Westfield High School and Guerin Catholic High School, and it has been shared for distribution among Hamilton County’s homeschool groups. Next year the deadline will be in May 2020.
The Blue Book Building & Construction Network Mr. Right Renovations, LLC
Who is ready to get some fresh air and golf? We are currently in the process of changing the date for our Chamber Classic Golf Outing at The Bridgewater Club. As soon as we have the date, we will let you know. Please contact Missy if you would like to secure a sponsorship and register your foursomes. We have a select few left! Email us for more info: / MAY 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 11
HOMETOWN Health Care Heroes Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided
Remember the days when the notion of shaking hands with a rock-n-roll star or rubbing elbows with an NBA player made your heart aflutter? Remember the way your children watched superhero movies with their eyes wide and their mouths agape as they sat, mesmerized, at the notion of being able to fly, deflect bullets and neutralize the bad guys? Remember the times you had a random encounter with an A-list Hollywood actress at an airport or a legendary musician while vacationing in an exotic location? We remember such encounters because we, as a society, have elevated Hollywood superstars, sports icons, music legends and fictitious comic book characters as heroes in our minds.
It wasn’t until this spring when an insidious, highly contagious disease swiftly and jarringly upended our routines, our lives, our families and our world that our definition of “hero” was sharply redefined. Suddenly we looked to doctors, nurses, hospital staff, first responders and emergency personnel with fresh eyes of gratitude and a renewed sense of awe as we recognized the grand and personal sacrifices they were making, daily, for the sake of their communities.
its wake. As schools, churches, restaurants, hair salons, gyms, movie theaters, shopping malls and other businesses shut down, those on the frontlines never stopped working. In fact, many put in overtime, both physically and mentally, to ensure the safety of their fellow man.
This strange and surreal experience has brought many lessons, the greatest of which is that we have heroes living among us. And for that, we are all eternally grateful. Therefore, we wanted to take We are grateful to our hometown heroes in a this opportunity to thank these beautiful way that perhaps we never have been in our people for their ceaseless sacrifice, unwavering commitment to serve and lifetime because we know the blood, sweat boundless love of humankind. and tears that these men and women have shed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept through our country, leaving Jill McKinney, Director of Emergency Services, Critical Care Services, & School confusion, uncertainly, and blind fear in 12 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / MAY 2020 /
Nursing, has been touched by the response and respect frontline staff have received in recent weeks. They’ve gotten thank-you cards, flowers, meals and positive postings on social media. “Patients we are seeing in the ER and ICU express their gratitude for the work we are doing every day,” says McKinney, noting that from a nurse’s perspective, they feel duty-bound to heed their calling.
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“This is what we do. We have lived through pandemics — none that have affected the country like this, obviously, [but] it’s not uncommon for new diseases to present themselves in health care. We saw it with H1N1, Ebola and HIV,” McKinney says. “We are trained to care for everyone in any situation. We protect ourselves and our families to the best of our ability while providing compassionate care to our patients and their families.” According to McKinney, Riverview
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Health engaged in an impressive organization-wide effort to come together and prepare for this pandemic. They did so by planning for needed personal protective equipment (PPE) for surges and the loss of staff due to quarantining procedures. In addition, the support from all department leaders and staff has been unprecedented. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever witnessed,” McKinney says. “Every department has been impacted by the needs and changes that occur daily, and each and every department has stepped up to the plate. We have surgery nurses working in ICU, ER nurses working in the ICU. We opened up extra ICU beds. It really has been phenomenal how everyone has risen to the occasion.”
Donetta Gee-Weiler, RN, MBA-MSN, Hospital Administrator and Chief Nursing Officer for Community Heart and Vascular Hospital, has worked for Community Health Network for 25 years and says she’s always known it was a special place. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that point as teamwork has taken on a new meaning. “Caregivers are moving from areas that are no longer open to help support areas of greater need. This means learning new roles, moving to a new site of care and even changing shifts,” Gee-Weiler says. “During such a time of uncertainty, our team is adjusting to make sure 14 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / MAY 2020 /
we continue to deliver the best possible care to those in need.” Nevertheless, this is the field these men and women have chosen, and they feel driven to step up and care for humanity just as they always have. “I view the role of the caregiver as something that cannot be replaced,” says Gee-Weiler, noting that they are welcomed into their patients’ lives during the best moments (e.g., the birth of a baby, cure from disease) and worst moments (e.g., terminal diagnosis, loss of a loved one). “We are part of the family’s story as these memories are some they carry with them for the remainder of their life,” Gee-Weiler adds. “Now I think the community is finally seeing just how much these moments also mean to us. We are showing that health care is truly a career of passion to help others, regardless of the need.” Dr. William Harvey, pulmonary critical care specialist and medical director of the ICU at IU Health North Hospital, has been practicing critical care medicine for two decades. As medical director of the ICU, he provides calm reassurance to the nursing staff and communicates with administration to ask for and receive the necessary resources to treat patients. “Although there is more stress and longer hours than usual, I feel very blessed that I have been trained to do this job and that I have an opportunity to help the citizens of Hamilton County,” says Harvey, who is thankful to the Hamilton County residents for their sacrifices. “We will get through this time. It will not last forever. Fortunately, at IU Health we have the resources, the manpower and the will to respond to this crisis and ultimately defeat the virus.”
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© Ascension 2020. All rights reserved. The “Android” name, the Android logo, the “Google Play” brand, and other Google trademarks, are property of Google LLC. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc. All rights reserved. / MAY 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 15
And as we set our hearts and minds to do just that, kindness and compassion prevails.
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“I’m completely blown away by the amount of kindness in the world. People have really come together to care for others as well as solve the problems this situation has caused,” says Westfield Police Officer Broc Larrison. “The ability of individuals and companies to pivot in a matter of weeks to confront something they probably have given little thought to has been amazing. It’s incredible what we can achieve when everyone works together. I hope it’s something that we continue to practice as we move out of the pandemic.” When every day brings a new series of harrowing headlines, it can be easy to slip into sadness or flounder in fear. But I assure you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel thanks to this army of men and women as they are the heartbeat of hope that now, always has, and always will work tirelessly to relieve pain, save lives and restore health. These individuals dedicate their lives to helping us, as a society, live our best lives. Because as the saying goes, “When you have your health, you have everything. When you do not have your health, nothing else matters.” Thank you to all our health care heroes for what you do each day!
The Cabin helps transform lives through compassionate and professional counseling and education May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. At The Cabin we are committed to transforming lives through professional and compassionate counseling and education. We serve all individuals regardless of their financial situation. The COVID-19 pandemic has made our Samaritan Fund assistance program more important than ever. With the increased prevalence of job loss and a reduction in household income, Samaritan Fund recipients rely on this program to continue pursuing mental health services. This year we estimate that over $175,000 of assistance will be required. If you would like to join us in our mission to care for ALL individuals, please visit our website and donate today! Your generosity will change a life as well as generations to come.
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Writer / Matt Keating Photographer / Amy Payne
Shea Eggleston, a senior at Westfield High School, is being recognized for her outstanding work at Student Impact of Westfield.
hang out and get mentorships and guidance. and extracurriculars, to be where I am today, but it has been more than worth it. With all Eggleston says she is excited to be the hard work, receiving this award is even recognized by Student Impact of Westfield. more special.”
favorite teacher, is Erin McKinney, a math teacher at Westfield High School. Not only was she an amazing teacher, and helped me find a new passion in math, but she also was, and still is, an amazing friend and mentor,” Eggleston says. “Mrs. McKinney has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life,” she adds. “To this day, I try and see her at least once a week just to say hello or have a conversation. It is not only Mrs. McKinney at Westfield, but there are so many teachers like her. I know so many students that have a relationship similar to mine with a teacher and those relationships will stick with the students for the rest of their lives.” Eggleston says Student Impact of Westfield has also helped her tremendously. “I attend Student Impact every Monday and Friday and volunteer as an intern/ student leader every Tuesday and Thursday,” Eggleston says. “I love everything about this organization. I love the people who run it and attend it, what they stand for, what they do for Westfield, and everything in between.
part of Student Impact since the fifth grade and will be a member until the moment she graduates high school. “I started volunteering at student impact my sophomore year, but it wasn’t until my junior year that I was volunteering on a constant basis. As of right now, I volunteer nine or more hours a week, and love every minute.”
an aggressive manner, but in the everyday ways of life.
For more information on Studen Westfield visit therockwestfield.o 317-414-6456.
Eggleston also says she loves living in Westfield. “I have always felt safe and secure while being in Westfield,” she says. “I love the amenities and opportunities available. I love that Westfield has fun things to do with friends, and also fun things to do with family.” She believes Student Impact is a big part of that. Danyele Easterhaus, executive director of Student Impact of Westfield, says says she is thrilled Eggleston has been recognized.
WESTFIELD HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR ENCOURAGES CLASSMATES TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE “I feel extremely humbled and honored to win,” Eggleston says. “My high school journey has been far from easy. During Student Impact, 536 North Union Street, my freshman year, I was diagnosed with Zionsville, is a safe place where students Crohn’s Disease, and missed a lot of school from grades 5-12 can build relationships because of it. I get sick easily and miss more that bring hope and healing. It was started in school than most people. It has taken a 1999 to be an environment where kids can lot of hard work and dedication to school
Writer / Julie Yates Photography provided
When Westfield High School senior Jacob Roberts joined the Best Buddies club in middle school, he had a very personal motive for doing so. At that time, he had no idea that five years later, he would be the club’s president. The self-proclaimed shy and quiet student has become a champion for promoting inclusion and recently led a convocation to encourage his peers to respect people of all different ability levels.
Eggleston plans to study zoology in college. “Ever since I can remember, my favorite thing has always been animals, particularly of the mammal species, but still animals in general,” Eggleston says. “My dream job has always been something to do with animals, whether that was a veterinarian or a zoo keeper, I did not really know, but I knew it had to be with animals.
Eggleston is proud to say she have been a
“Shea is just an amazing young woman,” Easterhaus says. “She leads with a quiet, yet strong sense about her, despite all the issues she faces each and every day. She puts others first and displays leadership not in
“Once I started trying to narrow down my dream job, I knew I did not want to be a veterinarian, but that is about all I could figure out. I hope one day I can figure out what career I want, but for now, I know it must be working with animals.” Eggleston noted that Westfield has some of the best teachers. “Almost every single teacher I have had since first grade I have really liked. With Westfield teachers you can tell they want every single one of their students to succeed, and they try to make that happen. I have had so many teachers inspire me, and make me want to be a better person and student.” Eggleston has a favorite teacher. “One teacher that will forever have a place in my heart and will forever be my absolute
“I originally joined Best Buddies in eighth grade at the middle school. I had just gotten news that my brother was going to be born with Down Syndrome,” Roberts says. “So, I really joined just to figure out how to treat him since he would be different. Throughout that year and my freshman year, I learned so much more about Best Buddies.” Roberts continues, “I learned that my original thinking was completely wrong and I believed the wrong mission. The mission of Best/ Buddies is to end the social, physical, Writer Braden Ochs and economic of those with Photographer / Elidiscrimination Beaverson intellectual and developmental disabilities.
For the third year in a row, Westfield High 20 / School is competing in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) under the name SHAM-ROCK-BOTICS, team 6956.
Westfield_1219.indd 20
FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a nonprofit organization designed to motivate young people to pursue educational and career
intellectual and developmental disabilities are paired with a regular education peer. The club typically meets on Fridays during the CORE Advisory period. Activities are Westfield High School is among The SHAM-ROCK-BOTICS team was opportunities STEM-related organized and foster growing friendships many schools bothinnationwide and fields, while each buddy pair. of On2017 Oct. when 29, FIRST founded in August teaching them andBuddies helping to between internationally thatlife offlessons er the Best organized and led a special program as a student activity. Students with Roberts alumni visited Westfield High School, and build confidence. We include and accept people for who they are and simply just be friends.”
FIRST was founded in 1989 by inventor and entrepreneur Dean Kamen, and has spread to schools and young people across the globe. There are competition levels for many ages including kindergarten through fourth grade, fourth through eighth, seventh through twelfth, and ninth through twelfth. / MAY 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 19
encouraged school leaders to participate and students to join. Westfield began competing with FIRST in 2018.
11/20/19 10:54 AM
“We wanted to make sure these students had the opportunity to participate in the program,” says Hannah May, a SHAMROCK-BOTICS mentor.
Currently the team consists of 23 Westfield High School students and eight mentors. The team has grown considerably since 2017, and is excited to continue developing and improving in its third season of FIRST participation. The SHAM-ROCK-BOTICS members are proud to be the first partner team in the midwest to become a gold-tier LGBT+ partner in FIRST Robotics. During the building season, which runs through January and February, students learn about the cultural aspects of the type of robot they’ll be constructing, and how to build it. Students on the team then create content for the competition’s building portion and presentation portion. Student team members handle many required tasks on their own, with the help and guidance of their mentors. One such task is securing sponsors by emailing or calling local businesses and organizations. Mentors are mostly volunteers, and each mentor spends personal time teaching, leading and getting to know each student. “My favorite part of SHAM-ROCKBOTICS is that no matter what, our mentors help us with anything we need help with, including school,” says Toni, a Westfield High School tenth grader and team member. “This helps me to learn better. They try to help you find something to do that you want to, so you don’t feel like you can’t do something.” Each student team member has a different task for the competition. In addition to working on the team’s robot, Toni videotaped the students offering their thoughts on FIRST, why they participate, and what they think of the team. Iris, a Westfield senior, works on the robot’s shooter and electronic controls. The team members and mentors met on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings as well as Saturday mornings during the 2020 build season. Their first competition for 2020 was March 7, and the Indiana state competition runs from April 3 through 5.
“My favorite part of being on this team is how much I’ve changed,” Iris says. “I am now able to talk to people easier, and I have learned a lot. It has improved me outside of just robotics, which has been very beneficial.” After graduating in May, Iris is off to Purdue University in the fall to study robotics. According to Iris, SHAM-ROCK-BOTICS helped her find a passion for robotics, and this passion has cultivated an interest in a future career in the robotics field. “I take great joy from being able to witness the growth of our students,” May says. “Every practice and season they continue to impress me, and I love getting the chance to be a small part of their success.” For more information on FIRST including details on starting a team, programs available based on grade level, and important info for parents, visit firstinspires. org. To learn more about SHAM-ROCKBOTICS, go to
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Help Us Celebrate the 2020 Seniors! Mallory James-We couldn’t be prouder of you! You really picked up your grades in High School and made the dean’s list twice! Looking forward to visiting you at Indiana University. Love, Mom and Dad
Westfield & Guerin Catholic High School Families:
The June issue of Westfield Magazine will include a special section honoring the 2020 seniors. Visit if you would like to purchase a shoutout and include photos of your 2020 senior. Deadline for submissions: May 8, 2020.
Nathan Jones- Your graduation is a direct result of the way that you constantly strive for excellence. I know you’ll have a future full of many great achievements and accolades. Keep up the good work. Congrats! Love, Mom, Dad, Lucy & Grace.
Joshua David- Your graduation is a direct result of the way that you constantly strive for excellence. I know you’ll have a future full of many great achievements and accolades. Keep up the good work. Congrats! Michael Thompson-We couldn’t be prouder of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Lucy & You really picked up your grades in High School and Grace. made the dean’s list twice! Looking forward to visiting you at Indiana University. Love, Mom and Dad Erica Glass -Your success is the result of your hard work and dedication. We have no doubts that you’ll Jaden West -You have continue to thrive in college. been successful because Love, Aunt Ruby & you’ve worked so hard over Uncle Todd the past few years. Your determination is going to get you what you want in life. Love, Mom
Chandler Davis- You have been successful because you’ve worked so hard over the past few years. Your determination is going to get you what you want in life. Love, Mom
Clair Blazinski-We couldn’t be prouder of you! You really picked up your grades in High School and made the dean’s list twice! Looking forward to visiting you at Indiana University. Love, Mom and Dad Anthony Scott- Your graduation is a direct result of the way that you constantly strive for excellence. I know you’ll have a future full of many great achievements and accolades. Keep up the good work. Congrats! Love, Mom, Dad, Lucy & Grace.
Megan Hoffman -Your success is the result of your hard work and dedicatio n. We have no doubts that you’ll continue to thrive in college. Love, Aunt Ruby & Uncle Todd Brandon Smith-We couldn’t be prouder of you! You really picked up your grades in High School and made the dean’s list twice! Looking forward to visiting you at Indiana University. Love, Mom and Dad Nick Blossom -You have been successful because you’ve worked so hard over the past few years. Your determination is going to get you what you want in life. Love, Mom Brianna Thomas- Your graduation is a direct result of the way that you constantly strive for excellence. I know you’ll have a future full of many great achievements and accolades. Keep up the good work. Congrats! Love, Mom, Dad, Lucy & Grace. Hunter Windsor- You have been successful because you’ve worked so hard over the past few years. Your determination is going to get you what you want in life. Love, Mom 22 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / MAY 2020 /
Sierra Jackson-We couldn’t be prouder of you! You really picked up your grades in High School and made the dean’s list twice! Looking forward to visiting you at Indiana University. Love, Mom and Dad Elizabeth Mark-We couldn’t be prouder of you! You really picked up your grades in High School and made the dean’s list twice! Looking forward to visiting you at Indiana University. Love, Mom and Dad Lily Franklin -You have been successful because you’ve worked so hard over the past few years. Your determination is going to get you what you want in life. Love, Mom
Monica Sinclair -Your success is the result of your hard work and dedicatio n. We have no doubts that you’ll continue to thrive in college. Love, Aunt Ruby & Uncle Todd
Bianca Cicero- Your graduation is a direct result of the way that you constantly strive for excellence. I know you’ll have a future full of many great achievements and accolades. Keep up the good work. Congrats! Love, Mom, Dad, Lucy & Grace.
Tyler Monroe- Your graduation is a direct result of the way that you constantly strive for excellence. I know you’ll have a future full of many great achievements and Kent Dickerson -You have been successful accolades. Keep up the because you’ve worked so hard over the past few good work. Congrats! years. Your determination is going to get you what Love, Mom, Dad, Lucy & you want in life. Love, Mom Grace.
Collective Alternative 317-436-8499
Indy Hypnosis 317-502-5293
Westfield Washington Parent University 317-607-8623 Collective Alternative is providing free marketing support, communication tips, tools and resources to help small businesses. Join us every Thursday at 11am EST to brainstorm marketing ideas specific to your business and discuss possible solutions. #LoveofSmallBiz Virtual meeting and resources: Use this time to improve your health and emotional well being. You can’t control Covid-19, but you can control how you respond to it! Indy Hypnosis provides sessions for weight loss, quitting smoking, and reducing anxiety. Call now for a Free Telephone Consultation! (317) 5025293 or visit WWS Parent University is a link between home and school, aiming to engage, educate, and equip families with the necessary tools to navigate the WWS educational experience successfully. WWS Parent University is a great resource for ALL families. Visit our website or on social media. #wwsALLin Facebook: @WWSParentUniversity Twitter: @WWSParentUniversity
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The Lifestyle Group 317-352-9022 Welcoming New Patients. Nose & Eye Allergy, Pet Allergy, Food Allergy, Drug Allergy, Eczema, Sinusitis, Allergy Immunotherapy. Appointments: 317 795 0707 The Lifestyle Group is available to help change your space to fit your life’s needs. Let our expertdesign staff guide you through the proces s virtually. Or, if you have a few “honey-do list” items to make your time at home more comfortable, give us a call. #WereInThisTogether
Gorman & Bunch Orthodontics 317-867-1133
Wellbeing Coalition of Westfield 317-574-9490 We love being part of your neighborhood! At Gorman & Bunch Orthodontics, we treat all our patients like family — making sure each person feels welcomed, informed, and supported through their unique orthodontic journey. Contact us today to visit us at our Westfield office, or any of our seven locations!
CV Art and Frame 317-873-2976 COVID-19 Westfield Community Unified Response Site The COVID-19 crisis is impacting all of us. The Wellbeing Coalition of Westfield is working with partnersschool, government, non-profit, business- across Westfield to care for ALL. If you need help or want to help, please use this site. / MAY 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 23
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Pasto Italiano 317-804-2051 Pasto Italiano would like to thank the Westfield community for their patronage.We have made the DIFFICULT decision to TEMPORARILY close so we may act in the interest of public health & safety. We will REOPEN our doors as soon as possible.
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