Game design portfolio

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UI/UX Design Plantopia

“Talking Things” The Preliminary Idea

Objectives & Goals: To deal with loneliness. To create a personal interactive phone application which the user could use the camera to transform surrounding objects to talking things through an augmented reality. Therefore providing temporary social needs as well as a virtual friend. UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 7


8 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 9

Design Function & Feature

“Talk to things�

Capture Use the camera to scan the surroundings to capture objects, the personalities are created by its colour, texture, size, etc.

10 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Personalize The things captured could be renamed or undergo other changes of its characteristics. User could also equip or apply doodle makeup to its appearance.

Organize User could manage the things by sorting and placing them in the virtual room. Functions like making favourite or removing things could be done in this mood.

Task Flow

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 11

User-Testing By using “POP� Low fidelity prototype with user interfaces and tested with a sample size of seven.

12 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 13

Test Results

14 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 15

Design Insight Possible improvements

#1 “Discover an item” May turn on cartoon mode initially.

#2 “Talk to an item”

#3 “View an item’s info”

May add talk function or info to direct way of communication.

Better UI design and may show item’s info once it is collected.

16 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

User/Data Flow

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 17

“Plantopia” Cross-platform Design Developed from “Talking Things”

Objectives & Goals:

To treat plants better. By the personification of plant, it creates a sense of being so that the user will care more about it. A sensor will be assigned to each plant in order to track down the status and reminds user for extra care if in need. Each plant will have a individual personification, user could interact with them to know about their origins and biological characteristics.

18 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 19

Wireframe & Mockup Core Screens

20 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 21

22 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 23

Design Pitch

24 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 25

26 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 27

28 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 29

30 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

UI/UX Design “Plantopia” | 31

Game Concept GEONS

“GEONS” The Gravity Puzzle Game “Manipulation of gravity, lost in dimensions!”

Overview: Story

Game Play

Plato’s secret adventure in the world of forbidden knowledge, Sophia.

Connect all the stars in a knowledge sphere in the shortest way.


Key Features

You are the legendary philosopher Plato who could use geons to build bridge.

The bridge is extremely tortuous. The everchanging “ground” is also intriguing.


Target Machine

Puzzle, Arcade, VR

Android or iOS, Oculus

Game Concept “GEONS” | 35

36 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

High Concept

One day, Plato was meditating on the relationship of geometric solids. He discovered a set of solids that possessed mathematical symmetric beauty beyond all the others. He was exited towards this discovery and named them “the Platonic solids”. While he was mesmerized by their construction, he passed out as being exhausted. Suddenly, he heard a voice was calling him. “Plato, Plato!”, he opened his eyes and tried to regain conscious. “Well done Plato, well done.”, he was confused and wondered what place was this. “This is the realm of intelligence. Wisdom and secrets are everywhere. The One has granted you this opportunity to bring some of these knowledges to the mortals.” The voice whispered. “But how? I don’t even know where am I.” He shouted out to the void. “Just use your willpower to connect those beautiful solids together to build a path. Beware of those dark spatial rifts, they will tear you apart and your conscious will left in limbo forever.” Plato was scared by that dark energy from the rift even in a distance. “Don’t worry, I have trust in you. Just reach to that beacon of light so that you could get to another dimension before this collapse. Now go, good luck!” As being overwhelmed, Plato shook his head and tried to focus his willpower to control those enormous solids. Unexpectedly easy, the first one was built. The great path begins...

Game Concept “GEONS” | 37

Map of Sophia

Sophia does not exist like a planet with its own geographical constraint. Instead, it’s a spiritual space that gods and entities teleport among them. The centre of Sophia is the realm of The One where he controls all the knowledges (includes the forbidden knowledges). Under his administration, there are several realms of individual major civilizations: Greek, Chinese, Egyptian and Hindu.

38 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Setting & NPCs

The Game World Sophia, the space of knowledge, is the secret realm controlled by The One which keeps all the knowledge of humanity. The One will grant these knowledges to the mortals to develop their civilizations from time to time. For each of the civilizations, a few “gods of knowledge” will be assigned to monitor their degree of development. The gods have their own realms like an office, whilst The One will grant them knowledges to be applied to their own people. The One want to see these knowledges to be put in good uses instead of leading a selfdestruction. Therefore, gods have to carefully apply them in order to let their own people thrive gradually.

Game Concept “GEONS” | 39

Sphere of knowledge If a god is being worshiped fairly by his own people, he could seek The One to give an appraisal for his own godship in terms of morality and prosperity of his people. If The One is satisfied for his management, a sphere of knowledge will be granted to the god.

The god has to comprehend the knowledge before applying to his people. Without this activation, the sphere will remain useless to them. The wisdom of a god of wisdom is depends on how greatly he is being worship in the mortal world. How wise is the god of wisdom? The greater the worship, the wiser the god.

40 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Gods of Knowledge For each of the realm of civilization, a few gods will be running the development depends on the beliefs of their own people.




Wenchang Wang


Bodhisttava of wisdom

Olympian god of light, music, poetry, knowledge, and the sun.

Olympian goddess of wisdom, war strategy, and civilization


Titan of intellect


God of literature and scholarship.

Manjushri Kong Zi

Sage of education and culture

Lao Zi

God of wisdom

Oceanid of wisdom and wise counsel

Patron of scholars


Bao Zheng

Personifications of knowledge and the arts


Titan of forethought

Lü Dongbin

Star of scholars

Guan Yu

God of military scholars

Egyptian Neith

Goddess sometimes associated with wisdom.

Hindu Saraswati


Goddess of knowledge and all literary arts including music, literature and speech.


God of intellect and wisdom.

God of wisdom and scribe of the gods.


The deification of wisdom.


Goddess of wisdom, knowledge and writing. Scribe of the gods.


Goddess of wisdom, magic, health and marriage.


God of knowledge and education.

Game Concept “GEONS” | 41

Plato Potato

Concept illustration by Joel Priddy

42 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Plato Potato PC, the protagonist Philosopher, God candidate

Description Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 165 lb Race: Greek Eye Color: Brown Hair Colour: Dark Brown Skin Colour: White Shape of Face: Long Distinguishing Features: The belt with the motif of platonic solids. Manner of Dress: Greek robes Mannerisms: Always playing with his beard. Health: Good. He is a health man in his mid-thirties. Hobbies: Studying philosophy and mathematics. Meditating. Speech Patterns: Often get impressed and said “Woah! That’s amazing!” towards the things that he saw in Sophia. Also, he will compliment the player in the game with this speech pattern like the voice effect in Candy Crush.

Attributes & Skills “Comprehend” Plato has been enlightened by a sphere of knowledge: the knowledge of Sophia, which he discovered the set of solids that could be used for comprehending every sphere. Pandora used the sphere on him to try unleashing all the forbidden knowledges. The way how Plato “comprehend” is to build connection between pivots (cubes) by solids.

Game Concept “GEONS” | 43

Pandora Concept Refs. by Aelin Ashryver Galathynius & Photographer: Sarah Brevick Model: Natalie Davis)

44 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Pandora NPC, the sidekick & the ultimate antagonist Goddess of Curiosity, Stalker of Sophia, Plato’s Guidance

Description Height: 4’ 9” Weight: 72 lb Race: Greek Eye Colour: White Hair Colour: Cyan Skin Colour: White Shape of Face: Diamond Distinguishing Features: Her glowing hair. Manner of Dress: Nude, covered by fog. Mannerisms: Always giggle at the end of her speech. Health: Unknown, seems no one is worshiping her. Hobbies: Observing people’s act of curiosity. Speech Patterns: Often compliment others and encourage other to do what they want to do. She likes give positive comment with a lot of words like “Woah! That sounds great! What don’t you give a try?”

Attributes & Skills “Hypnotize” Pandora could hypnotize other by making the target feeling craze towards their own curiosity. For those who get hypnotized, they will become kind of fearless but yet reckless for not taking any concerns about the consequences.

Interactions The player will be guided by Pandora in the beginning of the game. She will lead the play go through the main storyline until she got revealed by The One for her own conspiracy, unleashing all the knowledges to the mortals.

Game Concept “GEONS” | 45



Concept Art by Halil Ural and Fesbraa

46 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

The One NPC, the antagonist? God of Sophia

Description The One is the genuine God in Sophia. His existence is the knowledge itself. He does not have an actual physical form like any other gods. All is one and one is all. Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Race: Unknown Eye Colour: Unknown Hair Colour: Unknown Skin Colour: Unknown Shape of Face: Unknown Distinguishing Features: His voice would likely to be his all features. Manner of Dress: Unknown Mannerisms: Unknown Health: Unknown Hobbies: Unknown Speech Patterns: Slow and wise. Poems and riddles.

Attributes & Skills “Enlighten” The One could enlighten people or gods to make them wiser. The One has the wisdom to decide who should be wiser. There are gods that who were mortals before, it was The One made them god in Sophia.

Interactions The player confronts The One at the end of the story and realizes that he was hypnotized by Pandora. The One grant the player the wisdom to reverse his fault by sending Aristotle and Socrates into Sophia to aid him.

Game Concept “GEONS” | 47



Mechanics Goal

To reach the destination from the starting point in the three-dimensional level. 50 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Building Blocks

By using these “Platonic Solids”, player builds a bridge to reach the destination. Game Concept “GEONS” | 51


The player will be assigned for a random solid each time. To build a “path”, player attaches the solid to the current solid’s edge. 52 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

The angle of the connection could be adjusted by inputting the build command in the right moment of time. Player could also move to other edges to build by tapping the ground. Game Concept “GEONS� | 53


On the way to the destination, player has to reach different checkpoints in the threedimensional level to gain points and game recourses like solids and time. The checkpoints are like the dots in constellation whereas each level reveals a zodiac of that particular civilization such as cancer for Greek. 54 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Scoring Base score for each solid:

Streaks Whenever a new solid is connected within a short period of time, a streak is accumulated. If the player succeeds to reach the next checkpoint within the limit of solids used, the more streaks performed, the higher marks the player gains. However, the difficulty increases whenever the streaks stack up by making the solids drop faster.

Score from checkpoint to checkpoint

Game Concept “GEONS� | 55

By following this mechanism, each checkpoint needs around 7 to 10 solids to connect which makes the average highest score (full combo) for each connection equals to 5,000 pt. 56 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Each level will have different grading for the game result. From stage completed, to bronze, silver and gold. Game Concept “GEONS� | 57

Game Mode

Throughout the whole story, there are three types of game mode that the player will encounter. Each of the game mode has a slightly different gameplay in terms of restriction. Player will control different characters while experiencing in different game mode. Free mode is an arcade setting with no absolute ending. 58 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Fail

For each of the game mode, it has a different rule for losing the game.

For normal mode,

player will not lose.

For puzzle mode,

player will lose if all the solids had used up.

For time mode,

player will fail if the time ran out.

For free mode,

if the player ran out of time of solids, the game ends.

Game Concept “GEONS� | 59

Interface Home

60 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Game Concept “GEONS” | 61


62 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Game Concept “GEONS” | 63

Gameplay Main

64 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Game Concept “GEONS” | 65


66 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Stage Clear

Game Concept “GEONS” | 67

Puzzle Mode

68 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Game Concept “GEONS” | 69

Time Mode

70 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Game Concept “GEONS” | 71

Level Overview There are 60 levels in total for the whole game while divided into 5 chapters with 12 levels for each. The main storyline has a linear structure which the PC travels around different mini worlds. The chapters are “Greek Horoscope”, “Chinese Zodiac”, “Egyptian Symbols”, “Hindu Karma” and “All is One”. For each chapter, 12 levels are divided equally with 4 levels of normal mode, 4 levels of puzzle mode and 4 levels of time mode.

Normal Mode For each of the level map contains the distribution of all checkpoints while using varied size icons to show the depth of each checkpoint in the two-dimensional medium. There are two types of checkpoint. The normal one with the dot icon will give normal score for streak bonus while deluxe one with the star icon will give double score for streak bonus. Nonetheless, the streak limit for both of them shall be set around 7 to 10 for each checkpoint to checkpoint distance. The ranking of normal mode is close, as the player could only gain points by achieving high streak combos.

72 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Puzzle Mode While the building blocks in normal mode is unlimited but cannot be chosen by the player, the solids in puzzle mode are open to player to choose but yet limited. Each time player successfully reaches the checkpoint within limit, 8 solids (12 for deluxe) will be refilled to the player’s inventory (solids’ types are randomly assigned). If the player cannot reach the checkpoint within limit, only 7 solids (10 for deluxe) will be refilled. Player lose the game whenever run out of solids. However, if there is any solid left at the end of the game, extra points will be given for each in an accumulative algorithm. Therefore, the ranking of puzzle mode will have a further distribution in order the challenge player for saving the solids.

Game Concept “GEONS” | 73

Example: A-VII: Cancer

Total Score = Base Score + Sum of Extra Solids Bonus Point For this example, there are possible 20 extra solids that might left (Max – Min) and there are 15 checkpoints, therefore the basic score shall be in range of 30000 to 70000 (5000pt x 15).

Total Score of A-VII: Cancer = Basic Score ( 30000 ~ 70000) + Sum of Extra Solids Bonus Point ( 1000 x (1+2+…+20) ) 74 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

By following this method of calculation, players are encouraged to try their best to save the solids. While having a high base score like 70000 but with less than 13 solids will only have silver rank, a low base score like 30000 but with more than 15 solids will have gold rank! Game Concept “GEONS� | 75

Time Mode The time mode has a similar mechanism to puzzle mode, but the solids refills will be replaced by time.

Note that 25 seconds (40 seconds for deluxe) will be refilled for each success connection of checkpoints within limit, 20 seconds (30 seconds for deluxe) if players fail to do so.

76 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Free Mode Both time and solids are limited resources in free mode. It works like an arcade game that is without an ending. Players shall build as much as connections of checkpoint they could within the progression of game’s difficulty. Multiplayer mode could also be applied that the level contains limited checkpoint whereas player compete to be the one who has the most checkpoint connection.

Secret Each level will have a secret checkpoint that contains a secret artifact that the player could collect them. Players could review them in the collectibles to read the story about them.

Game Concept “GEONS” | 77

78 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Concept “GEONS” | 79

Game Environment The Lightning Hall

The Lightning Hall

“The Lightning Hall” A Sci-Fi X Sino Game Environment “Follow the steps of God, unleash the Power of Lightning”

Hall Elevation


Exterior Egnima

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 83

Blockout in Maya

84 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 85

Blockout in Maya

86 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 87

Blockout in Maya

88 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 89

Block-Model Test in Unreal

90 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 91

Block-Model Test in Unreal

92 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 93

Basic Shaders & Lighting

94 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 95

Basic Shaders & Lighting

96 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 97

Basic Shaders & Lighting

98 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 99

Basic Shaders & Lighting

100 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 101

Hero Asset Development

102 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 103

Hero Asset Development

104 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 105

3D Scene Early Phases

106 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 107

3D Scene Early Phases

108 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 109

3D Scene Early Phases

110 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 111

3D Scene Mid Phases

112 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 113

3D Scene Mid Phases

114 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 115

3D Scene Mid Phases

116 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 117

3D Scene Mid Phases

118 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 119

3D Scene Mid Phases

120 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 121

3D Scene Final Phases

122 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 123

3D Scene Final Phases

124 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 125

3D Scene Final Phases

126 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 127

3D Scene Final Phases

128 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 129

3D Scene Final Phases

130 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 131

3D Scene Final Phases

132 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 133

3D Scene Final Phases

134 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 135

3D Scene Final Phases

136 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Game Environment “The Lightning Hall” | 137

Board Game Design Hoots, Claws & Feathers

“Hoots, Claws &Feathers” The Board Game “Owl gangs battle to take ownership of The Great Tree. Take control of a gang and fight your friends in this 3 players’ territory war!”

Overview: Three Owl Gangs: The Hoots, the Claws and the Feathers face off and fight to take ownership of The Great Tree. Take control of a gang and fight your friends in this territory war to show which Owl has the most power! This is a collaboration project with Erika Flusin, an environment artist. Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers” | 141

142 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Out in the wild, the Great Horned Owl “Hoots”, the Eastern Screech Owl “Claws” and the Barn Owl “Feathers” have come across a conundrum: they all want the same tree to be their territory. As a 3 player game, each player takes up their Owl and quest to claim the tree as their own. Each Owl will call upon their recruits as back-up, sending them on missions to start taking over the tree 3 loyal recruits at a time. After all if an entire area of the tree is filled with their recruits, the tree is as good as theirs! It won’t be easy though, as sabotage is afoot and these feathered flyers are willing to push and shove each other to get their way - sometimes off of the tree entirely ! Even so, alliances will be made, and the owl in the lead best beware. However every successful mission and claim is rewarded, and the smarter these owls play the faster they’ll have the tree as their own!

Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers” | 143

144 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

What you’re playing with? “For a task like this, you need the proper equipment. Here’s what it looks like! ”

The Peons

The owls and the tokens!

Three types, one type to match each owl! The tokens are your recruits that you send off to battle on the tree, and the owls are there to mark officially claimed territory when your recruits have been successful in securing an area!

The Great Tree Board The territory players fight!

The Cards Character cards! Recruit Cards! Mission cards! Upgrade cards!

Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers” | 145

Character Cards

You pick these to choose the Owl you’ll support, as well as defining the player order! Hoots goes first, with 1 recruit draw on the first turn, Claws goes second with 2 recruits and Feathers goes third with 3 recruits. The game goes on from there with each player drawing 3 recruits at the start of every turn !

Recruit Cards

You need these owls to complete missions! Your recruits are: The Predator, the Hoarder, the Scout and the Parliament! The Parliament cards are your wild cards, since these groups of recruits offer actions (such as sabotage!) OR they can stand in for any missing recruit on a mission! 146 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Mission Cards

You need to claim missions to send recruits and place tokens on the board! The cards show which recruits are needed. Mission cards are color coded, so the color of the mission completed will define where the recruits are allowed to go! After every success, rewards are given!

Upgrade Cards

When you have placed an Owl on the board, some areas grant player upgrades as rewards! Upgrades are really valuable, and give recruits awesome boosts! Competition beware!

Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers� | 147

The Setup Every player starts off with their Character card, Owls, Tokens, 3 Mission cards & 5 recruits!

HOW TO PLAY Let’s go through how a first turn would play out! 1.

The Hoots will be the first player to go!


Since it’s the first turn, draw 1 recruit card. You’ll now have 6 cards in your hand. Hide these cards from your opponents!


Look to your mission cards. Check if you have the recruits needed to complete a mission. If you do, discard the recruit cards and claim and keep the mission card!


You now have three recruit tokens to place on the board. Remember to place the tokens on the same colored feathers as the mission you completed! Claim the mission reward.


Play any Parliament cards you wish to use. It’s now The Claws player turn!

148 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers” | 149

150 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

How to Win? When all feathers in an area are occupied by recruits, you place an Owl to officially own the area and claim the reward! The player that has placed the most owls by the end of the game wins!

The Game ends when either: 1. The board has filled up and there are no more possible moves, Or


The mission cards have run out!

Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers� | 151

Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers” | 153

Board Game Design “Hoots, Claws and Feathers” | 155

Level Design Furinkazan

“Furinkazan” The 3D Platformer Game “As swift as wind, as gentle as forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as mountain.”

Overview: The project was conducted through four major stages. First is to establish a virtual world that provide a platform for immersive experience. Second is to set the major encounter event for players to interact with. Thrid is to design the whole level structure and flow. Last but not least is to masterize the experinces from those stages and create a final complete playable level. Level Design “Furinkazan” | 159

160 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Living World Create a world that has simple interactivity

Assets used in this scene is from the free package “Infinity Blade: Grass Lands” by Epic Games. Level Design “Furinkazan” | 161

Igniting Brazier

Branching Gate

162 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Levitating Rocks

Demonic Call

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 163

Ramming Doors

Pushing Statue

164 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Rolling Through

Hell Entrance

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 165

166 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

First Encounter Combine event sequences into a complete experience

Complete three mini challenges to finish this encounter!

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 167

168 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 169

170 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 171

172 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 173

174 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 175

176 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 177

178 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 179

180 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 181

182 |

Level Design Document

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Level Design “Furinkazan� | 185

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Level Design “Furinkazan� | 187

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Level Design “Furinkazan� | 189

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 191

Level Design “Furinkazan� | 193

194 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Playable Level The “Challenge of Wind” level was created with Gameplay, UI and Sounds.

Assets used in this scene is from the free package “Infinity Blade: Ice Lands” by Epic Games. Level Design “Furinkazan” | 195

Game Menu

“Ancestral Hall”

Final Reward

Access Denied


The Ancient Text

196 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Reveal the Ancient Text

Conditions of Final Reward

Lights Echoing

Lights on when approach

Enter the Level Level Design “Furinkazan� | 197

Entered level “Challenge of Wind”

Level Objective 198 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Initiate the Challenge

Preview of the Path


Green (Time) Pickup Tutorial Level Design “Furinkazan� | 199

Time Depleting

Time Replenished

Sprint (Ability) Tutorial 200 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Sprint Activated

Checkpoint Reached


Jump Failed

Player Died

Player Respawn on New Checkpoint Level Design “Furinkazan” | 201

Yellow (Cooldown) Pickup Tutorial

Cooldown Reset 202 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Sprint Activated

Time Running out

Ran out of Time

Player Respawn on Checkpoint

Picking up Yellow Crystal

Sprint & Jump

Destination Reached Level Design “Furinkazan” | 203

Level Half-Finished

Centre Brazier 204 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Display of Game Progression

Teleporter Activated

Teleport Back

Starting Place

Initiate the Other Challenge

Preview of the Path

Destination Level Design “Furinkazan� | 205


Player Get Hit

Turret Firing

Player Died

Player Respawn at Start

Turret Detected

206 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Health Pickup

Health Restored

Enter the Cave

Checkpoint Reached

Cooldown Reset

Sprint & Avoid Level Design “Furinkazan” | 207

Player Get Hit


Advance Turret 208 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

Health Restored

Half Time Passed

Player Get Hit

Sprint & Jump to Reach

Checkpoint Reached

Reaching the Final Destination Level Design “Furinkazan� | 209

Final Sprint

Keep Sprinting 210 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN

More Turrets

Final Destination

Level Finished

Display of Game Progression (Level Finished) Level Design “Furinkazan� | 211

Redeem the Reward

Activating 212 | Design Portfolio by Tom CHAN


Ability Unlocked

Return Path

Level End Level Design “Furinkazan� | 213

VR Game Production LIVE @ 5

“LIVE @ 5” The Weather Reporter Game “This is Maria Weather, Reporting Live!”

“LIVE@5” is a VR game where you play as a weather reporter. You must complete your reports as the weather gets increasingly difficult to combat. The player plays as Maria Weather, the only reporter left alive after the apocalypse in Savannah. Deliver the first hand hot weather news to our sadistic citizens. A chance to experience CRAZY WEATHER conditions in this stylized VR environment! VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 217

218 | The Team

The Team A SCAD Collaborative Project with ESRI Core teammates are students from Digital Media Major alongside Architecture, Sound Design, Writing and Performing Arts students

Core Team (left to right):

Other Majors:



Sound Designers

Kuan LIU


Programmer & Game Designer

Game Designer & Producer




Lead Programmer

Lead Artist

Drew DiCenso

Xiao Peng SHEN


Professor & Voice Actor






Muhammad AIMAN

Music Composer

Luke HAYES Voice Actress

Priya Ghosh Writer


VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 219

220 | Savannah from ArcGIS

Savannah, The City Landscape Provided by Esri, The Geographic Information System Company

This SCAD collaborative project was a VR game production through Esri, a geographic information system company, and students from school of digital media of SCAD. The game environment was create based on the actual data of the landscape of Savannah by Esri ArcGIS. VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 221

222 | HTC VIVE

The Virtual Reality system “Let yourself be visually, physically and emotionally amazed by new virtual worlds”

As a VR game, the HTC VIVE is the targeted hardware for player to interact with. It gives the player a headset with a screen, headphones, and two remote type controllers. In this game, the player has to battle using these tools as the reporter for blocking and dodging the flying objects. VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 223

224 | The Gantt Chart

Project Management Coordination with Different Parties Schedule Planning & Resource Management

Since the production period is just ten weeks, which is particularly short for a VR game production, a wellorganized project management is needed. Having a team of nine people, we specialized teammates into either programming, art or design whereas sound design and other required talents were outsourced. After all, the project was gone under good execution with an alpha version of the game delivered at the end. VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5� | 225

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Game Mechanics “Bet you were terrible at dodgeball.”

The core gameplay of this VR game is to dodge the incoming objects from different direction which will gradually kill the character. Not all flying objects are relatively harmless trash. Larger items must be blocked by your hands/an in-game item, or dodged. Failing to do so will slowly lead to you blacking out from a strike. Once the player has endure for a certain amount of time, the player wins the level and moves on to next level with higher difficuties settings in terms of bigger and faster trashes. VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 227

228 | The Train Stations

Collaboration with Architecture Students The Train Stations Design

“LIVE @ 5” also collaborated with students from School of Architecture. Each game level is located at a particular spot in Savannah which could potentially be an ideal site for a train station. They contributed the design of train stations with professional knowledge of architecture and gave uniqueness to each of the environments. VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 229

230 | Reference Images

Art Direction Research In-Game Aesthetics & Style “What will it look like in the game?”

One of the most important things about VR games is that they maintain at least 60 frames per second (FPS). Any less, and the player will become nauseous. To aid computing power and still have sweet gameplay, low polygon models are typically used. VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 231

232 | Environments with Different Weather

Environment Crazy Weather in Savannah “I bring you amazing news. It’s raining cats and dogs! ”

There are five environments in “LIVE @ 5”. Besides the Van interior which is the game menu environment, four other locations in Savannah were picked, restylized, set-dressed and assigned with a unique weather condition. One was even raining cats & dogs! VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 233

234 | The Team

Characters & Props

VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 235

236 | Scoring System & Game Balance

Level Design Game Balance & Sustainable Gameplay

VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 237

Promo Video “This is Maria Weather, Reporting Live!”

VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 239

240 | The Team

Final Presentation The Sell Sheet

VR Game Production “LIVE @ 5” | 241

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