Charette Week Submission

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stabilisation of shifting landscapes via soft ecology

program components / massing

an application of recursively generated geometry responding to a rolling dune environment

thomas draper, digital tectonics iteration 5 piece

creation of a tesselated grid of low iteration dragon curves that stretches over the extents of the sand dunes.


coastguard station

undulate the grid to overlay with the terrain beneath like the Chinese example.

the use of the dragon curve in the prevention of sand dune movement and desertification. Looking at the adaptation of the digital pattern to ‘soft’ engineering methods.

according to the sand movement rates iterate the dragon curves to higher and denser iterations in order to create a grid that directly responds to the site’s needs.


bird observatory

spurn head’s future current theory by the university of hull is that Spurn head will break into several island segments due to the erosion and slowly reform over time.

perform soft engineering of the grid using appropriate vegetation.

high iteration segments correspond to high erosion risk areas


residential accomodation

hard engineering / soft ecology

analyse the sand movement and sections of erosion.

my proposal could act as an element to relink the soon to be disjointed spit. its components could help improve erosion rates and relink the site whilst being inhabited by the important functions housed on the site.

a theoretical area of undulating sand dunes,

protect and stabilise for regrowth, adapt to continue use during the time of transistion.

model of analysed ‘ideal’ dune system

ground pH level

ground stability

site ecology across a dune system based off spurn head’s present fauna and flora

a blow-out

fig. 1.1 Sporobolus virginicus

fig. 1.2 Leymus arenarius

fig. 1.3 Ammophila

fig. 1.5 Calystegia soldanella

fig. 1.6 Carex arenaria

sand couch grass

lyme grass

marram grass

sea bindweed

sand sedge

deep rapid growth that can handle up to one metre of sand deposition a year

more acidic low pH plants with rapid growth that smoother the lower species

fast horizontal spread creating a carpet over the unstable sand

shallow root systems ; can handle high alkaline pH levels erosion rates

fig. 1.7 Pilosella officinarum

mouse ear hawkweed

fig. 1.4 Oryctolagus cuniculu

fig. 1.8 Hippophae

biological / human interference

sea buckthorn

interference from human activities or animals - such as rabbit warren’s can cause the established dune to collapse.

fast horizontal spread creating a carpet over the unstable sand









bird flocking studies



in the model an overhanging frame recreates the dragon curves in response to erosion risk and casts shadows on the terrain below.






foredunes would receive middle iterations of the fractals indicating moderate levels of intervention.




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