Spring 2013

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Mittagund i A s the English Broom tries to take over the property

and the blackberries show their heads around the place the staff have been busy spraying the English Broom, and setting Sally the Mittagundi goat, on the Blackberries. There are 101 million jobs that constantly need addressing at Mittagundi and as I look to hang my hat on another rack soon. I feel confident that Mittagundi is going to be in good hands as I pass the list of continuing jobs over to Liz, the new Director. I first met Liz back in the winter of 2011, and

without a doubt she assisted me then as I began my role at Mittagundi, and I only hope that I can make her transition into the role as Director as smooth as possible. The summer heat is beckoning the staff and students back down to the river as it washes away the sweat of the day’s activities. Though there’s a change in the air as all the staff,

“I learned at Mittagundi that you don't always know people by just sitting back and looking at them, you need to get up close and chop wood with them and talk about your hard and tough moments”

program manager, new property manager Tony, and myself are all too aware. The standard question being asked

What’s Coming Up at Mittagundi?

around the place is ‘what are you doing next year?’ and most of us don’t know. If you wander down by the river and come across a lost ex-staff member, take them in, treat them in kind because they are probably wandering around in the

Woodchop Follow-Up 29th December - 12th

world a little lost, unsure of where to head after Mittagundi.

Mittagundi Festival

As I personally leave I’m taking a big bag of tools -

Boys 413

January 9th, 10th & 11th January 2014 7th March - 16th March

developed at Mittagundi; to help me on my next project; a

Girls 414

21st March - 30th March

large bag of laundry, and the knowledge that I did my best.

Boys 415

4th April - 13th April

Girls 416

13th April - 22nd April

‘what are you doing next year?’ because I still don’t know…

Boys 417

2nd May - 11th May

Thanks to all those that supported Mittagundi during my

Girls 418

16th May - 25th May

time in this position.

Winter Follow-Up

1st - 5th July

I hope that I continue supporting Mittagundi from wherever that may be - and please, if you see me don’t ask

Sam Walmsley

(Currently )ighting my way through blackberries, down by the river)


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