905 Member eBook

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905 Careers In Transition

Member Handbook

Compiled and curated by Tom Kaufmann tkaufmann00@gmail.com

Š 2019

Table of Contents: 1. Welcome to 905 ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 2. 905 Meetup Group …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 3. 905 LinkedIn Group ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 4. 905 Guidelines, Roadmap, and Recommendations ……………………………………………… 6 5. Life Balance while in transition ……………………………………………………………………………. 9 6. The Science & Psychology Behind The Job Search ………………………………………….… 10 7. 6 Steps to Job Search Success ……………………………………………………………………………… 14

This information is proprietary and unique for 905 members. © 2019

Welcome to 905 ABOUT US

“76% of job seekers ranked employee referrals as being of high to extremely high importance.”

905 is a "pay-it-forward" Careers in Transition Career Group, and is Denver-Metro based. We would love to have you take full advantage of the benefits of being a 904 member after you attend your first 905 Meetup. After your first Meetup, you will be invited to join our private LinkedIn group. One of the main purposes of the 905 Group is to help a 905 member, or someone else that works at a target company, to bypass the ‘black hole’ (or the go through the backdoor) and hand walk your resume to HR or preferably directly to the Hiring Manager, so that you become ‘referred’ by someone with in, or close to the company. 905 has nearly 1,400+ pay-it-forward members that have graduated to various positions in the Denver Metro area. Accessing the ‘hidden job market’ by taking your resume to the appropriate person within one of your target companies, possibly, where the job may not yet even exist.

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905 Meetup Group The 905 LinkedIn group has 1400+ members employed in companies throughout Colorado’s Front Range who are committed to the “pay-it-forward” philosophy of helping you get gainfully employed. You also, need to adopt this principal of assisting others.

905 Meetup: http://meetu.ps/c/2YKDC/9k34C/f

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905 LinkedIn Group The 905 LinkedIn group has 1400+ members employed by companies throughout Colorado’s Front Range who are committed to the “pay-it-forward” philosophy of helping you get gainfully employed. You also, need to adopt this principal of assisting others. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2965897 If the above link doesn’t work, you can search for the 905 LinkedIn Group by going to the LinkedIn Search Bar (in the upper right corner from LinkedIn home page and type in <905> <groups>, <905>.

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905 Guidelines and Recommendations 1.

Pay it forward! Give as much (if not more) than you take.


Share leads and tips with other 905 members and have a commitment to help other 905’ers


Take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually.


Prepare and stick to your “Action Plan” as you am now running your own business. You are now in the business of selling yourself.


It’s ok to grieve a bit over your old job. But then move forward, seeking assistance if needed.


Network both online but more importantly in person; Plan to meet a set # of contacts per week. (Remember 70+% of all jobs are “hidden” or not publicly advertised).


Attend outside functions: Meetups, Association meetings, etc.


Post jobs, questions, articles and suggestions to the 905 LinkedIn group. Ask for referrals. Search and use the 905 LinkedIn group as a resource.


Attend 905 and other networking groups. Have generic business cards printed. Try Vistaprint.com, Office Depot, or another online printer. Use them at networking events.


Volunteer in your community and volunteer to guest moderate a 905 Meetup.


Narrow down what you are looking for and be specific. Do not be a generalist. Vague is the plague, specific is terrific.


Seek training, education, and possible government job assistance. (i.e., at ADWorks)

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905 Guidelines and Recommendations 13.

Determine you “Funding Timeline”. Consider taking a “C”(cash) job and continue to look for a ‘B” or an “A” job.


Keep a current list of 5 -15 appropriate targets that you have researched and followed up with.


Practice and prepare for telephone, Skype (video conference) and in-person interviews.


Dress professionally when networking and interviewing (one step above the norm).


Use “best practices” for constructing your resumes and cover letters. Have someone else proof read them to ensure there are NO typos.


Engage an ‘accountability partner’. This should not your spouse or best friend. This should be someone who is a networking partner or wingman.


Keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date, complete, and use a professional-looking headshot.


Prominently display your contact information including your telephone # and list it in at least two places in your LinkedIn Profile (in the ‘contact information’ section and at the top of your summary).


Learn and become proficient at telling STAR stories. Them use to answer interview questions. Storytelling is the preferred method to answer behavioral questions.


Learn to quantify your resume (i.e., “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]”. Metrics is the new business language and demonstrates value to the employer.

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“Become proficient at telling STAR stories. Use Star Stories to answer interview questions.

Storytelling is now the preferred method of answering behavioral questions” 7

905 Guidelines and Recommendations 23.

Prepare a list of questions to ask your interviewer before the interview and always ask when it would be appropriate to follow up with them.


Ask how you can help them to get a gold star on their next review?


Post appropriate content to work-related social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube)


Always include a Cover Letter (or pain letter) either as an attachment or in the body of the email, or integrated in the top of your resume. Include a P.S. asking for an interview.


Compile a 30, 60, and a 90-day plan for on-going interviews to set yourself apart.


Utilize the most effective databases like LinkedIn, Indeed, CareerBuilder, Ladders, Glassdoor, Andrew Hudson’s Job List, Luke’s List, Lew’s List, and other industry specific databases.


Make contact with industry specific recruiters and thought leaders.


Always follow up with a Thank-you letter or email. This can be online and also hand delivered or via snail mail.


After you are employed continue to ‘pay-it-forward’ and assist other 905’ers who are still in transition or anyone else who needs assistance.


Keep your LinkedIn and other networks up-to-date after you’ve landed because average job lasts approximately 3 years. Don’t wait until you are in transition again.

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“The average duration of a job is now only about three years. Be sure to keep your LinkedIn and other network connections active”


Life Balance While In Transition ➢ Physical wellbeing: Walking, yoga, gym classes, taking care of your health. ➢ Spiritual wellbeing: Whatever this means to you, gratitude’s, reading, personal affirmations, charity, volunteering, or emotional wellbeing. ➢ Professional wellbeing: Seeking your next position, contributing and participating in groups, mentoring, utilizing best practices, updating skills and continuing education, job fulfillment.

Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people change jobs 4 – 12X in their lives The Job Search is always on. 58% of adults look at job postings at least monthly

Employers and recruiters may also check your social media for a balanced work/life blend. People hire people they like and people that are like them. People often hire people in the image of themselves – look for commonalities! Embrace this new period of your life as you set out for a new exciting journey. 17 Inspiring Quotes That Will Have You Embracing Major Life Transitions

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The Science & Psychology Behind The Job Search (Article published by INDEED 2018 – Harris Poll Research, recompiled by Tom Kaufmann)

➢ The study reported that 71% of people in the labor force are either looking or open to a new job. ➢ The Polling Company survey also found that 51% of recruiters and 70% of talent acquisition leaders (directors and VPs) say active candidates have better motivational drive than passive candidates ➢ 65% of people look at new jobs within 91 days of being hired. (50% of people who make $100K – $110K look at new jobs again within 28 days of being hired.) ➢ 58% of employed adults look at new jobs every month (18% look Daily) ➢ 90% of people hired within the past year actively looked for a job within six months prior to being hired ➢ 90% of employed adults hired within the past year took an action to find a job six months prior to being hired. Only 10% received a job offer without looking at all. This information is proprietary and unique for 905 members. © 2019


The Science & Psychology Behind The Job Search ➢ 72% of employed adults agree it’s important for them to be aware of jobs currently out there in the market, regardless of whether they are employed or not. ➢ While employed, those with a college degree or more education (49%) are more likely to be currently subscribed to job notifications/alerts than those who have some college or less education (41%) ➢ 64% of employed adults say they would feel more confident that a job is the right fit for them if they picked the company and applied versus if a recruiter contacted them. ➢ 91% People are always keeping an eye out on the job market. 70% of talent acquisition leaders (directors and VPs) feel active candidates are more motivated to succeed.

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The Science & Psychology Behind The Job Search "Yes, that was Ruth. She was job searching on her own for several months, not having a lot of luck. She finally got 'serious' and decided to have (and be for others) an accountability partner, as well as an agreement with them to implement 3 weekly activities - big ones! It worked for her; it really got her out of her 'shell' so to speak. She also made a huge effort to reach out to her extensive, but previously untapped linked in network." – She found an ‘A’ type job in weeks! Statistics Lie: As a result, the unemployment rate for people over 55 is just 2.9 percent — compared to 4.6 percent for the total population, said Challenger. (Again, people who've given up looking for work — or have been forced into retirement — don't count as "unemployed.") nor do the 30% of millennials who are employed, but looking to change positions (your MAIN competition). As of August, some 24 million workers were 55 or older — the highest level ever. And 5.2 million were over 65 — a gain of 45 percent since 1996.

13 Data-Backed Ways To Win

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The Science & Psychology Behind The Job Search Your Competition: A New Study Reveals 70 Percent of Workers Say They Are Actively Looking for a New Job. Here's the Reason in 5 Words:

Lack of Support and Recognition More than 17,000 employees across 19 industries in the U.S. were surveyed about workplace culture, workplace stress, and the overall state of workers' mental health. Not surprisingly, this is yet another study that confirms the significance of appealing to human emotions in the workplace - a call to make work more human in order for employees to thrive. As we enter the season of giving, companies need to consider gifting their employees with workplace practices that will boost more moments of support and recognition. Hopefully, this is a strategy that will carry forward well into 2019 and beyond. To read the entire article Click Here. This information is proprietary and unique for 905 members. Š 2019


6 Steps to Job Search Success

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6 Steps to Job Search Success ➢ Get rid of your baggage: Your baggage WILL show! So move on. Grieving is natural. Grieve and get past it and you will be ready to interview more successfully and accept a job faster – do NOT talk about your baggage in an interview or networking situation. ➢ “We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” http://newsd.co/34-quotes-that-will-help-you-to-let-go-and-move-on/ ➢ LinkedIn Profiles vs. Resumes: Many of the summaries read like the summary on a resume, and this is understandable: the LinkedIn profile does resemble a resume. But this superficial similarity is problematic. Using the same summary on a resume and a LinkedIn profile does everyone a disservice. ➢ Your resume is ideally customized for a specific position for which you are applying. By contrast, a LinkedIn profile summary must speak to all the positions for which a candidate wishes to be considered. Therefore, a resume and its summary must be specific and targeted; a profile summary should not. ➢ Resume YOU pick where it goes (outgoing – targeted /specific) vs. LinkedIn profile THEY pick you (incoming – broad based used as ‘bait’ to make you findable)

This information is proprietary and unique for 905 members. © 2019


905 Careers In Transition

Compiled and curated by Tom Kaufmann tkaufmann00@gmail.com

Š 2019

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