Cape Cod Annual Guide 2008 by Tom Keer originally printed in Cape Cod Life

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Plymouth Rock

Manomet. North Plymouth. Pl)'rnouth. \/hite HorseBeach

\flhile Plymouth has developed a profile as a waterside community, with shops, galleries, and restaurantsthat cater to residentsand visitors alike, the city has also done a phenomenal lob of cultivating and maintaining its deep historic roots. The icons associatedwith that colorful hlstory-Plymouth Rock (about to undergo a refurbishing), Plimoth Plantation, the Pilgrim Hall Museum, and more-draw many of its visitors.

Our FavoriteThings -/ bringstheearly /YP|imoth Plantation

possessions were left asthe family had

can colony would take, so they sent it

daysof our country to life, representing

usedthem. The Richard Sparrow House,

insteadof a higher-qualityclear glass.)

both the Pilgrimsand the Native Ameri-

known asthe oldestremaininghome in Plymouth(which makesit the oldest home in America),wasbuilt in 1640.It is

year 2005-06markeda turning $fn. point for the Plymouth Guild for the

and hunt and gather food, and actors

open for tours throughout the summer

Arts. The guild purchasedthe Russell

play the Englishtransplants,speakingin

and is alsohome of the SparrowHouse

Library and the Lindenson North Street,

languagecommonin 1620.It is a won-

Pottery gallery.

which now housesa theater.classrooms.

canswho lived here first. Descendantsof the \X/ampanoag Tiibe constructtepees

derfully realisticway to step back in time.

showcases five generationsof the Spooner family asthey lived. \Mhen the home wastumed into a museum,all personal 44


galleries,and studios.It will soon be **.

Gordage Museum is a former

calledhome by the Hymouth Philhar-

factory where cotton and wool were

monic Orcliestra. Residentsand visitors

wound into rope for the coastalshipping

can take classesin drawing,painting, and

industry.The purple glassin the win-

more, and attendyear-roundart exhibits

dowpaneswas sent over from England. (Seemsthe Brits didnt think the Ameri-

and performances.

o z z

o z


iltil YiltJ

You can tour Plymoutht historic districts by land and by sea,in one day.Splash-

A perfectlybalancedtan starts with a perfectlybalancedconvertible.

down Duck Boat Tours cruisearound historic Plymouth and Plymouth Harbor, all on a \i/orld \i/ar II amphibiouscraft. You'll learn about history through educational tours of the Mffiowerll, Plymouth Rock, and the ForefathersMonument, and then splashinto the harborand trade wheelsfor a propeller.Theseboatswere the sameonesusedto land at Normandy Beachin Vorld Var II, now restoredfor theseuniouetrips.

Presentingthe all-new335i Convertible.

iiv:qofal:fgir:\€s ;n v{:nie.andsummetcn

ijesig!:ec,!i's A Gi sc ccnscientroisii,

ncullailr icacs or dese( straiqhiallays.

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irsplrerd iCeas 2re JScd in eqijal.o2{s

A L{JilKtsAilK landingin After an unsuccessful Mrginia,the Britishdecided Jamestown, mouth of the Hudson River that the

BMW Gallery Norwell 98 Accord Park, Rt. 3 South, Norwell, MA 0206'l 866-768-9230

Exit 14

tErw'C'AU.ERY Exoetience

the Difference

would be an ideallocationfor a new "Separatists," laterrenamed colony.The Pilgrimsby Vllliam Bradford,were blown off courseby violent stormsthat broughtthe Pilgrimsto Provincetown. After a three-weekexplorationof Cape Cod, the Pilgrimssailedon to Plymouth.

" 1",




' I

Plymouth knows how to have a good time! August's Waterfront Festival is a weekend-long event featuring duck races, an Americai Hometown Idol competition (structuredafter the television show "American ldol"), a Row-to-the-Rock boat race,and live music.

fi: v{:)LJi:iil Plymouth Gounty Gonvention & Visitors Bureau 508-747-0100

Walefown 291 Arsenal Street OO Bostcn Design Center Suite 639 & 642 617.426.6515 Natick 323 Speen Street 50a.655.8000


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C A P EC O D L I F E 4 5

New Bedford waterfront

New Bedford and Fall River are proud of their heritage as l Bth-century centers of whaling (New Bedford) and milling (Fall River). Together, their downtown waterfronts hold an impressiveand entertaining chapter in our countryi history. The region today is undergoing a revitalization, adding museums,arts events, and other attractionsto heighten its appeai.

Our FavoriteThings - / jf

fn. New Bedford whaling Museum

tells the story of global whaling in the


Mctorian homes of former

major renovation and includes a New

whaling captains.

England farm and an Aquatics Environ-

through the 97-acre park, designed by

is locatedin the New Bedford\Thaling

havesewedour country *gutd.rhips in someof historyi biggestnavalcon-

National Historical Park,which covers

flicts, and Battleship Cove iri Fall River

ick Law Olmsted.

34 acresover 13 city blocksand

hasthe largestexhibit of thesehulking

includes,in addition to the museum,a

warships.Opporh-rnitiesaboundfor first-


Bethel,the visitorcenter,the Seamens

hand experiences.

bike path that loops by Fort Taberin

18thand 19thcenturies,when New Bedford was king of the trade.The museum

ment Center. Vhile you're there, stroll

the master of green-space design, Freder-

a bikeandhelmetandhit the

New Bedford.The path overlooksClarks

andthe Rotch-JonesschoonerEmestina, Duff House and Carden Museum.

'/T For entertainingIittle ones, nothing

Cove and Blzards Bayand runsby the

Downtown New Bedfordoffersanother

beats the Buttonwood Park and Zoo in

area'seastand west beaches.Eniov the

glimpseof the whaling fascinating

New Bedford. The zoo has undergone a

sceneryand the exercisel



o z ! !


DIDYCU New Bedfordwasrecentlynamedone of "GreenCities"for the country'sTop 10 its beautifulparks.

DidLrzzie Bordentakean ax to her father and stepmother,asthe nursery Shewasacquittedin rhyme maintains? the 1892murders,but the public'sfascination with the grisly scenestill draws visitorsto the FallRiverHistoricalSociery which maintainsthe largestcollection of artifactsrelatingto the murders.

If historic homes of whaling captains intrigue you, don't miss the traditional New Bedford PreservationSociety's


Annual House Tours. The walking tours

q F

are scheduled in the summertime and the

(D Itt


December holiday season.Among the


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stops are examplesof the grand mansions

rE' o ro (D -o

that once were home to successfulwhaling captains. Information' 508-997-6425 or visit www.

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In Fall River, architectural form meets

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function in a novel way: the International Institute of Culinary Arts and the

c\l t* O (D

Abbey Grill, its main teaching facility (open to the public for lunch and week-

6 g)

end dinners) is housed in a former

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â‚Ź. ( D' . m = q) = CN c (o

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Southeastern Massachusetts


Gonvention & Visitors Bureau


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800-2BB 6263r






C A P EC O D L I F E 4 9

Cape Cod Ganal

. Brlp;zards BoumeMllage. Bournedale Bayo 6uruurn.t. CrayGables . Sasamore MonumentBeach. Pocasset.Sagamore Beach

The orrly Cape town to stfaddlethe Cape Cod Canal,Bourneis madeup of nine villages,eachwith distinct merits anc{characteristics.The rnany visitors that zip through lJcr.rrne on their way down-Cape woLild be wi$e t{) head off the highway and meanderthror-rghthe picturesqlrevillagesof Bourne that town residents, rnany year-rollnd,rqgard as hiddefr treasures.

OurFavoriteThings , l ../_fascinating )f therichhistory, rf Explore

features,and operationof the Cape Cod Canaland the US Army Corpsof Engi-

A stroltor drive down Sandwich



Gape God Ganal Bike Path (for

Road,KeaneStreet,and partsof Shore Roadgivesvisitorsa senseof just how

walkers and rollerbladers, too) offers a

old Bournereallyis.Youll seeship cap-

the tide and an up-close look at recre-

scenic view of boats struggling against

neersat the GapeCod CanalVisitor Center,which includesa retired41-foot


ational fishermen. Come here at the end

US Army Corpsof Engineerspatrol

stagecoachstops.History is alive in

of Septemberand follow it up with a visit

boat,a 46-seattheatershowingcontinu-

Bourne,so be sureto visit the Alonzo

to the Bourne Scallop Festival. Here you

ousDVD presentations on CanalHisto-

Booth Blacksmith Shop.The working

can try a variety of bay and sea scallop

ry Canal Critters, and Canal \X/ildflowers,real-timeradarand cameraimagesof

forge is completewith artifacts,tools,

dishes and tour the arts and crafts show

and wagons.Blacksmiths continueto

complete with continuous live entertain-

the waterwayaswell asa variety of inter-

work at the forge every day in the sum-

ment ranging from jazz to doo-wop and

activeexhibitsfor all ages.It'sall free,

mer. PresidentCrover Cleveland,a sum

the horns of blg bands.Then spend some


from May to October.

mer residentof Cray Cables,had hls

time nosing around the antiquesshops

z o z


along Main Street in BuzzardsBay.




The MassachusettsMaritime Academy in BuzzardsBay has grown from an enteringclassof 40 cadetsin April 1893, when it wasknown asthe Massachusetts Nautical Tiaining School,to a world-recognizedinstitution,the oldestmaritime academyin continuousoperationin the United Statesand the largestStatemar-

. NATJTICAL & I\ICE ,'..='.=

.:. . ": i ' ' = *



itime academy.There were 218 graduates in2OO7.

Bourne was named after Jonathan Bourne, who at the age of 17left home for New Bedford, where he prospered and betame the town's most successful owner of whaling ships. As a state legislator in 1884, he was helpful when the western half of Sandwich petitioned the Commonwealth for separationas a town, and thus the new town was named in his honor.

%#.x'fr^,m+!, Designed for

One of the best ways to get a handle on

Comfort.... Built to Last

Bourne geographically and historically is to sign up for a Trolley Tour of Bourne's Historic Villages operated by the Bourne


Historical Sociery Only offered two days each summer, once in July and again in August, these informative outings fill up fast. The trolley winds through each of the towni villages while guides, many lifelong Bourne residents,bring the past alive with their stories.

Gape God Ganal Region Ghamber of Gommerce 508 759-6000 www.

Made with Enviro'W'ood No Painting No Staining No Maintenance 674 MacArthur Blud. (Rte.28) 3 milesSouthof the BourneBridge,Bourne,Massacltusetts 508-5 63 -7 5 57'

C A P EC O D L I F E 5 1

Shawme Pond

. Forestdale . Sandwich EastSandwich Vllage

$i/ith lts pictr:resquevillage center,proximity to the mainland,and graciousbow tc history (it is the oldest town on the Cape), bustling Sandr,vichdraws day-trippersand vacatiorrersalike. Vhere elsecan you seethe oldest house on Cape Cod in the morning, shop in the afternoon, and dine on excellent gourmet fare that night?

Our FavoriteThings rl .zf


comes alive through several

working museums.From May through

the Cape, and Dexter Grist Mill in the heart of town.

December,a numberof seasonalfestivi-


ttd for an item or just enjoy the

action at the Sandwich Auction House. The auctions here are lively, entertaining,

ties enliven the town. Heritage Muse-


Sund-i.h lovesa parade.Join the fun

and a great glimpse into modern and old

ums & Gardensoffersconcerts,family

at the MemorialDay and Fourth of July

movies,foreign-carshows,and a daz-

Parades,which begn at the H.T Ving

zling Spectacle of Lights,aswell as



all thisfun,youmaywant-or

, J ,'t-'To*n


break a sweat. Try September's

more. At the Greenbriar Jam Kitchen

Annual Gapt. Gerald F. DeGonto, USN,

and Nature Genter,kids and adultslearn

The beach is at the east end of the Cape

Memorial Scholarship 5K Run-Walk or

aboutlocalcritters,herbs,and how to makejam during the centert Strawberry

Cod Canal, and it's amazing to see the

the Annual RHGI BoardWALK, which

various vesselsentering and exiting the

benefits this Upper Cape rehabilitation

Fest.Vatch glassproductsbeing blown

waterway. A stone's throw away is Sand-

hospital. To keep fit during the holidays,

at the SandwichGlassMuseum.Be sure

wich Creek, an estuary where you can

join the November We Gather Together

to visit HoxieHouse,the oldesthouseon

fish, kayak, and bird watch.

5K Run-Walk.

instructionin FengShui,croquet,and

Beach is a terrific hangout.

Cape ways of living.

z I



DIDYOUKNOW? Vhen HunicaneBob plowed through the Capein 1991anddestroyedthe landmarkboardwalkthat crossesSandwich Creek,the town-residents,businessowners,and visitors-took action, purchasingone plank at a time.Today the boards,inscribedwith namesof donors,form the bridge,creatingan walk. intriguing,pleasurable

A LCOKBACK While Sandwich was settled as a Puritan town, it quickly converted to a Quaker settlement. Facing rejection by nearby communities, many of the Quakers left Sandwich for other towns on the Cape or along Buzzards Bay. The off-Cape town of Dartmouth was establishedby alienated Sandwich residents.

DON'TN/ISS Sandwich offers a picture-postcardtown center with history galore. Befween two historic inns-the

Dan'l Webster Inn and



. HARwlcH








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Spa and the Belfry lnne & Bistro-are many shops and other interesting stops. At the Weather Store, for instance,you'll "weather stick," an old New England see a


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tool that points up and down according to good and bad weather (it really works), The two inns that help anchor downtown have their own unique history The Belfry is a charming collection of structuresbuilt


: r -



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from the early 1B00s to 1900. The Dan'l Vebster serued as headquarters for the patriots during the Revolutionary period. Orator and U.S. Senator Daniel \i/ebster




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2006 NEw ENGLAND SPRTN0FLolvER SHow Eighrren Auuds ircfuding BestofSfrru

2007 NEw ENGLAND FLowER SHow People'sChoie Awud ETopPImt

had a room there for many years. z

2004 AI-LIN C. HAsr(3ri'' Ii{etiw A&ieviw* Awa.d.

z o r I



Paul Miskovsky,

508-759-6000 www.

Established 1984 * Fully Insured

Yems of experierrce to creatively approach any lanAscape project.



Sandwich Chamber of Gommerce




a z



o >

(soa) 54o-6aOO PHoNE WWW.

o .










C A P EC O D L I F E 5 3

Nobska Lighthouse

. Falmouth EastFalmouth Village. North Falmoutho Teaticket Vaquoit. Vest Falmouth. Voods Hole

Visitors flock to Falmolrth for the gorgeoLrswaterfront (t2 miies of public beaches-more than any other Cape town-plus the area'swarmest water temperatures)and its historic town center. Falrnouthlssix villages include Woods Hole, a world-known scientific communify anchored by severaldistinguishedinstitutions. The town is also a center for ferry service to Marthas Vineyard, Nantucket, and smaller islands.

OurFavoriteThings }| a day on the water.The three-mastedschoonerLibert6 cruisesby

check out the art scene.The Falmouth

nersare drawn to the beautifulseaside

Artists Guild and historic Highfield Hall

raceroute and hefty winneri purse.

Falmouthi historic waterfront homesand

are wonderful sources.The FalmouthArt

Cheerthem on this yearstartingat 10

lighthouses.A paddletrip with Cape

Market, at Odd FellowsHall in Town

a.m.on Sunday,August 10.

God Kayak is a perfectway to view a sunsetin \i/est FalmouthHarbor. Fisher-

Hall Square,is open every Thursdayin July and August.In summer,follow it up with free band concerts startingat B'00


men will find a catch on FalmouthHarbor, where charterboatsline up, await-

p.m. at the Harbor BandShellat Marina

mix of scientists.artists.and free-thinkers

Viri,o., can spend days in woods

Hole and not be bored. An intriguing

ing passengers. The 45-acreAshumet

Park.Summerconcertsalsoare held Fri-

Hollyand WildlifeSanctuary(worth a

day nights at MargaretNoonan Parkat

populates the village, even a walk on ril/ater Street or a stop in a village eatery

visit in itself) offers summerand fall


for a bite to eat can be fascinating. This

cruisesto Cuttyhunk Islapd.

if you tire of playinggolf at $Ot.n one (or all) of the townt five courses, 54


summer, the Woods Hole Science

- t

fn. FalmouthRoadRace,one of

Aquarium will be a special place to visit,

the world's biggest competitive races, is a

with the return of the beloved seals in an

great spectator sport. $/orld-class run-

outdoor oool.

z !

tr o

Falmouthbecamethe Cape'ssecond "Unwired Village" last June (after Orleans),in a nonprofit partnershipwith to provide free commulocal businesses nity-basedwirelessbroadbandaccessin public places.Severallocationsare markedwith the Unwired Mllage logo, including the FalmouthEnterprisenewspaper,the FalmouthChamberof Commerce,and the Inn at SidersLane.

Falmouthsearly dayscloselyresembled its namesake,Falmouth,Comwall, EngJand. Sheephusbandryfor Merino wool was a big industry,and the vast number of watermillsprocessedthe wool for export. In 1837there were 50 sheepper squaremile.

ANTIQUEHEARTPINE FIOOR/NG The Shining Sea Bike Path, recentlY extendedto a four-miletrail, is a beautiful

for a Homeof Distinction

way to seeFalmouth! natural beauty.The path, winding through woods and near long stretchesof shoreline,runsbetween Sippewissett,an areaof Falmouth,and Voods Hole (The bike path is expected to continue to expand.)It is perfect for biking, walking, rollerblading,or sitting on a bench and gazing at Mother Nature. Parkingin Voods Hole is difficult; considerinsteadparking in the new town-owned lot, on Depot Avenuenear downtown.

WidePine14"+ + CustomMillWork+ Reclaimed Fir Beams+ K.D.Eastern + Hardwoods + Beams+ Granite & UsedBrick Falmouth Ghamberof Gommerce 508-548-8500 www

CereulyrprSewMrrr 494 Thomas Landers Road, East Falmouth, Massachusetts 02536

508-457-9239 C A P EC O D L I F E 5 5

= o m





l l )

Annual Mashpee Night at the Pops

In Mashpee,visitors can experiencea unique blend of antiquity and the coniemporary.The torvn is home to the \Warrrpanoag tribe of AnrericanIndians,and Native Arnericanculture and history draw many visitors. The tr:wn also has one of Cape Cod'.smajor shopping districts,Mashpee Cornmr;ns,and the area'.s only mu$eumspecificallyfor tykes, the Cape Cod Children's .N4r-rseum.

OurFavoriteThings Jt',....r.

yourself in thehistoryof

the Mashpee Vampanoags and get some

gathers Native American tribes and

than 1,300 acresand 22 miles of trails for

includes drumming, dancing, chanting,

exploring, bird watching, and canoeing.

t rassage foryoungmenand

exercise too. A bike ride along the Route

Enjoy a free nature tour given by the

13O Mashpee Bikeway will take you by


Mashpee Gonservation Gommission.

the Mashpee Wampanoag Museum and the Mashpee River Herring Run.

.-/ if Wuntto getcloseto nature? Try

r/4' Il designerclorhing and other

Together with the 1684 Old Indian

swimming or body-surfing at South

'til delectables are more your thing, shop

Meetinghouse, these sites are an excel-

Gape Beach State Park. There are also

you drop at Mashpee Gommons.

lent glimpse into the tribe's past.

several conservation areas in Mashpee

Upscale storefronts, including small bou-

that offer more outdoor activities, includ-

tiques and larger retail chains such as

ing the Mashpee River Woodlands,

Banana Republic, are interspersed with

Wow, held in earlyJuly at the tribal

South Mashpee Pine Banens, and the

restaurants,a movie theater, and outdoor

groundson Creat Neck RoadSouth,

Lowell Holly Resen ation, with more

spots for sitting and visiting.



The Mashpee Wampanoag Pow


E t n

Football fanstake note, Robert Kraft, ownerof the three-timeSuperBowl ChampionNew EnglandPatriots,owns a home in New Seaburyand former Branchis a MashpeeresidentJamaal

Explore over 90 distinctive Cape Cod shops, restaurants and national stores including Ann Taylor. BananaRepublic ColdwaterCreek. ln The Pink Origins. WilliamsSonoma Talbot's' Events& more at www.mashpeecom

Aa M "NTERterr.tMENT

backuprunning back for the New OrleansSaints.

A LOOKBACK The Mashpee Vampanoags comprise the largest native population in Massachusetts.The name Mashpee derived from the aboriginal name Massippie, "Land which means of the Creat Cove." Vith approximately 1,500 members, the \i/ampanoags have lived on their native homeland since at least the time of European contact in the early 16th century.


wtuwffir ffitr#reru

MashpeeRotary,Rts.28 & 151. WIRELESS HOTSPOT

DON'TMISS The Vampanoagstaughtthe Pilgrims about the local naturalresources,including the bestspotsfor fishing.Find out knew (andstill what the \Wampanoags


know today)-that Mashpeeis an ideal locationfor both saltwaterand fresh waterfishing.Startby obtaininga license from the town clerk in MashpeeTown Hall. For perch,bass,and trout, explore one of Mashpeetbeautifulponds,suchas AshumetPondorJohnt Pond.For a wilder fishingtrip, SouthCapeBeach StateParkoffersfantasticsurfcasting.


...your neighborhoodshopping place. A minute from the MashpeeRotary on Route 28.

Grab a coffee, find sneakersfor the kids, get a great deal on a sweatel or pick up groceriesfor the's all here. South CapeVillage is shopping the easy way, with parking close to Lheshoosand the convenience of a neighborhoodcenter.



Mashpee Chamber of Gommerce 508-477-0792




The Optimist Regatta

Barnstable. Centervilleo Cotuit. Hyannis o Hyannisport MarstonsMills . Osterville . \WestBamstable

The hub of Cape Cod, Barnstableis packed with things to seeand do-vibrant viilages,beautiful architecture, beaches,recreationalopportunities,and plentiful museums,galleries,and shops.

ilur FavoriteThings if'r,.0

your innerartistin any or all of

Shoppers will love Bamstable.In Hyan-

ties. Kayakers and shallow-water anglers

Barnstablet seven villages. In summer-

nis, options abound, from the Gape God

will love Barnstable Harbor. Sailors

time, take the Walkway to the Sea to

Mall to the boutiques of Main Street by

flock to the south side to harness the

Hyannis Harbor and Aselton Park.

the Sea. Tony Osterville has a delight-

winds in Vneyard Sound. Catching a

There you'll find Harbor Your Arts, a

fully easy-to-walk downtown filled with

cluster of sea shanties featuring works by

small shoos and eateries.

Cotuit Kettleers baseball game is a classic summer highlight. \Want something a

local artists and artisans. The general

little wilder: Rent a Harley from High-

rocks in Barnstable's vil-

area is a lively place to stroll, with recre-


ational and fishing boats, restaurants,

lages,with live musicmost every night of the week, includingjazz, progressive


The Gahoon Museum of American Art

folk, rock, and big band. Harry's and the

bings attracts many visitors to Lothrop

in Cotuit carries the work of Cape icons

RoadhouseGaf6,both in the Hyannis

Hill Gemetery on Route 64, the resting

Ralph and Martha Cahoon. Barnstable

\Zest End, have someof the best blues andjazz in the region.

place ofJohn Lothrop and other

shops, and lots of people willing to chat.

hits the right note for live entertainment, too, including the Gotuit Genter for the Arts and the Gape God Melody Tent.

r/ /f

way Pegs in Hyannis.

ffr" old art form of gravestonerub-

founders of Barnstable. The graves here,


marked by slate headstones, date to Barnstable excels in outdoor activi

1653. a

6 0 A N N U A LC U I D E2 O O 8

LTlilYilLJKi.]*W? ln 2007, Barnstablewas given the most prestigious award for civic recognition in "All American the United States' the City" title. The award is given to towns for their ability to handle issuessuch as healthcare, environmental protection, promotion of the arts, cultural diversiry and education.

A |-ililK ffiAfiK New Englanders credit \West Barnstable Patriot James Otis with planting the seedsof the American Revolution. Otis was one of four representativesof Boston who nurtured an expanded meeting, which included representativesfrom all 13 colonies.The new groups first initiative was defiance of the Stamp Act, a law passedby the British Parliament in 1765 that called for a tax on legal docu-

De*gM3H' Rte. 149 (e/+ mile north of exit 5), Vest Barnstable,Cape Cod, MA 02668 508-362-2676 /

ments, playing cards, and contracts in the North American colonies. Otis made "Let Creat Britain

the bold statement,

rescind her measures,or the colonies are lost to her forever."

Do you still nurse a childhood fantasy of flying with the birds? At the Marstons Mills Airpod on Route 149, Cape Cods only grass-stripairport, you can explore the beautiful Cape scenery from a glider or a biplane. Cape Cod Soaring Adventures offers glider tours, which thrust you into the sky, sunounded by just the quiet and the magnificent scenery,from a bubble canopy. Mills Air Service offers biplane rides.

l F " r " { iilr--'] L; \.



HyannisArea Ghamberof Gommerce 508-362-5230



Bass River. SouthYarmoutho Vest Yarmouth Yarmouth. Yarmouthport

Boats at Bass Hole

Frorn the tranr;uilnorthern boundary to the hustleand bustleof southernRoute 18. the vrllageso{ \armauth , are asdifferent ascan be. Whe ther you speildan afterncon tor"rringrire i-ristoricd-aptainSangsHallet F*{ouse strulling the boardwalk at Cra3.i Beach,r:r playing a round of mini-golf rr'iti: the kicis.},ou'i1enioy iht many aspectsr.ifYarmr:uth'sappeal.

Our FavoriteThings )t-nf."

a walk among woods and

the Edward Gorey House gives a

from May through August.

wildflowers on the Botanical Trails of

glimpse into the one-of-a-kind mind of

the Historical Society of Old Yarmouth.

the famed illustrator and author. See

rl .'i'

Follow the path to charming Kelley

original sketches and curious collections

ZooQuarium, a combination zoo and

Ghapel, built in 1873.Also open year-

on a tour of his home. Nearby, let one

aquarium. Events are organized with

round, the historic Taylor Bray Farm,

of the guides at the Captain Bangs Hal-

children in mind, and the PettingZoo,

settled in 1639, spans22 scenrcacres.

let House offer you a look at the life of

Native Vildlife, and lldal Touch Pool

(Kids also enjoy this working farm,

a lgth-century seacaptain.

are three favorites. After learning about

)f"Soo.r, fanscan headto the Dennis-

beach to spot the animals in their natu-

lovers will want to watch the sunset

Yarmouth High School field to catch a

ral habitat. October's annual Seaside

from the 31O-foot Bass Hole Boardwalk

Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox game on a

Festival is a weekend of family fun. Fes-

at Cray's Beach.

summer evening. Or root for the Gape

tivities include a canoe and kayak race,

God Crusaders professional soccer team

arts and crafts, fireworks, and a parade.

Cape creatures,take a walk along the

where they can visit with Scottish Highland cows, chickens, and goats.) Nature

)ft;"t, 62

off Route64 in Yarmouthport,


Kids love Vest Yarmouthi


as they take on Atlantic-coast teams


DIDYCU KNCW? The Christmas Tiee Shops got their start delivering a wide variety of products, from household goods to furniture to Christmas appointments in Yarmouthport in 1970. Through the 1980sand then into the 1990s,the chain expanded regionally and eventually nationally to become a must-stop-shop for bargainhunters.

A LCCKBACK Yarmouth'sNative American heritage includes severaltribes of the Vampanoag nation. Pawkunnawkuts were fishermen who lived on both sides of the southern stretch of the BassRiver. Hokanums lived in the northern reaches,and Cummaquids lived towards the west. The area bordering Nantucket Sound was referred "old landsby to as Mattacheese,meaning the borders of water."

DON'TMISS Housed in the magnificently renovated former headquartersof the BassRiver Savingsbank, a historic brick structute built in the 19.30s,the Cultural Center of

,4Anzrrro S;>


Gape Cod in South Yarmouth is concxhibits, stantly abuzz with classes, events, camps, workshops-you

name it,

if it has to do with the arts, you'll find it here. This is the place to learn French, enjoy a themed dance parfy, admire local or enter artists'work,study Shakespeare, a poetry competition. Imagine,all this


activity in a bLrildingthat recently won


an award for the best adaptive re-use of a historical br-rilding.

IFYOUGC Yarmouth Chamber of Gommerce 508-778-1008 www. yarm o Lrthcapecod. corn


, emologist StepheA n . A l b r i g h tG I l e8 Route"' t','rt1,lT?:;:ni,,*;"ochuseits 02664 5 0 8 .3 9 4 . 0 4 7O W * * . " a t . " . e j e w e l e r s . c o m S APPRAISALS IN JEWETRY S A I . E SP , U R C H A S E SR, E P A I R SR, E S T O R A T I O NW, A T C H R E P A I R & SPECIATIZING




DennisVillage. Dennisport. EastDennis SouthDennis. \WestDennis

Chapin Beach

In keeping with its central location, Dennis caters to just about everyone. Family-friendly beachesand restaurantsalong Nantr-rcketSound make for a relaxed,fun vibe, while villageson the bay side boast a thriving arts commlinity, historic sites,and plenty cf naturalbeauty.

Our FavoriteThings FlSau., your visit to Dennis with a stopat ScargoToweratop 160-foot

)f Rot,,.6A brims with art galleries, antiquesshops,and historic inns. Gape

West Schoolhouse, and Jericho House

ScargoHill. The views,sunsets,and

God Genter for the Arts is home to the

and Barn Museum. Take a drive past the

stargazingcan'tbe beat. Pick up the

Cape Playhouse,Cape Cinema,and

Cothic-style South Dennis Free Public

western-most tip of the Gape God Rail

Cape Cod Museumof Art-three venues Library to admire its lacy gingerbread

Trail, a bike path that stretchesall the

aslikely to enchanthistory buffs asarts

way to Vellfleet. For a scenicride on the water,rent a canoeor kayak and glide

lovers.Youll find a numberof art strolls and outdoor concertson the Vllage

\ ' jf Lut. Augustmarksa varietyof fun

along Swan River. Anglerscan't resist

Green during the summermonths.

competitions.The Annual Beer Racesat

the Josiah Dennis Manse Museum, Old


Vest Dennis Beachare a friendly obsta-

Bass River Bridge and Scaruo Lake for Head to the farmer'smarket at the

cle-coursecompetition. For kids, there's

bassand trout. The IndianLandsand ConsenrationTlail around BassRiver is

1681 Tobey Farm, one of the oldest

the wildly popularAnnual Sandcastle

just one of the townt picturesquespots

farms in Massachusetts. The Dennis His

Contest at Mayflower Beach.No heavy

for walking.

torical Society can direct you to a num-

equipmentallowed-just creativiry

ber of other interesting sites, including

pails,and shovels.





DIDYCU KNCW? \(/hile other children of his erawhlttled wood, DennisnativeLutherChilds Crowell folded paper.As an adult, Crowells first patentwasfor a square-bottom paperbag.Lateron, he designeda machineto manufacturethesepaper bags.Regardedasthe industry standard, his designis still usedtoday.

A LCCKBACK Cranberrieswere first grown as a cash crop in DennisafterCaptainHenry Hall discoveredin 18 16 that the sandblowing over his bogs actuallyboostedproduc-

needmore sPoce?

tion. 103 Moin StreetDennisport,MA 02639 ' tel: 508.260.6900 Tips& Advice, Visitour websitefor the informotiveoriicle,KitchenRemodeling ond for detoilson our exclusiveBUIIDPIUS" progrom.


Sink into an armchair at the Gape Ginema to catch an art-house flick beneath the galaxies and comets of artist Rockwell Kent, who painted the incredible 6,400 square-foot mural on the theater's vaulted ceiling. Movies are shown on a stage covered by a velvet curtain until detail that will take you "Vicked \X/itch" back to the 1930s, when

show time-a

Margaret Hamilton, starring next door at the Playhouse, was in the audience to see the Wizard oJ Ozhere. This winter, the Cape Cinema is joining with the Wellfleet Harbor Actorc Theater to present classic movies at VHAI's

newJulie Harris Stage on

Route 6 in Vellfleet. For a schedule, visit the VHAT

Veb site,

IFYOUGC Dennis Ghamber of Commerce 508-398-3568 www.

C A P EC O D L I F E 6 5

Cape Boardwalk at Gays Beach,Yarmouthport




C A P EC O D L I F E 6 7


l )


""1' :;:;t::= .

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..-';-,,, ' :":, . WestBrewster . EastBrewster Brewster


Brewsteris a former seacaptains'rcwn, rlch in histor;, and narr:ralbeauiv. With rhcuEandsof acresof opetl space,loverr of rhe oucd*ors rvill iind plenty io do, whethel it-sar: ar:tulnnhorsebackriclealong thc shnre r:r a guiciedrvalk rhrough the salt marrh. Or hunt for art and anriqr:esllong tht torr'ttrpictttrcsqucqt'retch of Ror"rte64.

Our FavoriteThings ){- Nl.r"r"on state Park has 1,900 and acresof openspace,with campsites

icent 35-room structure that contains

husband, Malcolm Vells, a pioneer of

Albert Crosbys childhood Brewster home

underground architecture.

trailsfor biking and hiking. Youcan also

within its walls-literally

exploremilesof trailsin the 800 acresof

a house.


Vindmill and Harris-BlackHouseare

--l .rt- Route 6A in Brewster abounds with

Gourse. For families, Cape Cod Reperto-

in DrummerBoy two historictreasures

shops for art, crafts, and antiques. The

ry Theatre stages everything from chil-

Park.All of this naturalbeautyis cele-

1852 Brewster Store is the place to go

dren's plays to avant-garde works. Per-

bratedduring April's Brewster in Bloom

for your morning coffee, newspaper,and

haps it's the bayside beachesthat account


a house within can choose between ocean

Edge Golf Club and Captain's Golf

old-time candy from a jar. Located in an

for the townt numerous summer camps.

antique horse barn, the Strawberry Patch

You can send the kids to Woodsong Farm

gift shop has a unique garden maze. The

for horsemanship,Cape God Sea Gamps for sailing, or the Cape Cod Baseball

ties, from gowns to a complete antique

Underground Art Gallery featuresthe work of landscape artist Karen \i/ells in

League'sBrewster Whitecaps clinic, to

barbershop.Grosby Mansion is a magnif-

an earth-sheltered studio built by her

name a few.

festival. The Brewster Historical Society Museum housesa collection of curiosi-


A N N U A L C L I I D E2 O O 8




DIDYCUKNOW? The phrase


Cod turkey," a tongue-

in-cheek name for dried salt cod, is said to have originated in Brewster.The phrase was coined to liven up the otherwise bland dish. It is still sometimes served in New England restaurants,usually garnished with hard-boiled eggs.

A LCCKBACK The hub of Brewsteroncelay around StonyBrook.There,waterpowerallowed for the installationof the first gristmill and laterthe first woolenmill, both in the late i600s.The freshestablished waterriver attractedspawningalewives, or herring,from mid-April throughMay, andstripedbassfollowedthe herring. The Stony Brook Grist Mill and Museum is open for toursfromJunethrough August.

We shopthe world . so you dontt have to

DON'TMISS For more than 50 years, the Cape God Museum of Natural History has delighted visitors of all ageswith exhibits that includean observationhoneybeehive and an aquarium filled with Cape creatures like spider crabs and moon jellies. Three nature trailsmeanderthrough woodland, salt marsh, or on the shore of Cape Cod Bay, and guided fleld walks are offered year round, as are lectures and workshops on natural history topics.

IFYOUGC Brewster Ghamber of Gommerce 508 896-3500



Theawardwinningshop 508.896.1444 2052 MainStreet(Route64) Brewster CapeCod MA ntiquesi countrysidea





l ) ) )

a I

Wychmere Harbor

EastHarwich . Harwich . Harwichport South Harwich . Vest Harwich

With three picrilresqr{eharbors.the classicseasidetown of Harwich is a prime spot lor fishing ar:d hnating. Clrrnmercialcranberry farnringgot ifs start in Harr,t'ich,whicl'rcelebratesthe bright-red crop every autnfiirl with a i0-dav festival.

Our FavoriteThings )f cnur,., a fishingtrip or a scenic cruiseor sail from Vychmere, Allen, or

ry worthy of suchcelebration,Gape Farm and GranberryGompanyoii-ers

o" Route 28, the sight of ktds )f jumping at the Trampoline Genter or

SaquatucketHarbors-at the latter,you'll

guided tours of a working bog and farm

making the rounds at Bud's Go-Karts

alsofind a ferryrto Nantucket.Pleasant


have long been signs that summer has -

On the serenegroundsof cape

Bay GommunityBoatingoffersrowing


lessonsto kids and adultson Long Pond

God Lavender Farm, youll find the "Harwich blue" plant and a farmi original

Gravity's Kite Shop in Harwichport

fairy garden. Cedar Spring Herb Farm

beach. Families love the Harwich

offers walking trails, classes,and hand-

Junior Theatre, which offers year-

tember's Cranberry Harvest Festival, an

made herbal products. Hundreds of acres

round productions for adults and kids.

old-fashioned carnival that has been a

of conservation land in town boast sce-

Set aside one clear day to pick out a

town tradition for more than 30 years.

nic trails year round. Head to Goy's

good read at Brooks Free Library and

The juried arts and crafts show attracts

Brook Woodlands to stroll along the

spend a lazy afternoon stretched out

award-winning talent from around the

marsh, or wander among the wildflowers

on the grass at Brooks Park.

country. To see what makes the cranber-

at Thompson's Field.

on summerweekdaymomings.


"u.*,.h is the proudhomeof Sep-

7 0 A N N U A LG U I D E2 O O 8

arrived in Harwich. Duck into Dr.

to find all you need for a day at the



KNCW? \if,hile there is a Long Pond in many Cape towns, Harwich boaststhe largest of them all. In fact,it is so big that private floatplanescan drop down to land on the pond.


;:-,!'.i'. .t:

The 1844Greek Revivalschoolhouse that is now Brooks Academy Museum was once the private Pine Grove Seminary for boys and girls. Studentspaid up to $4 per courseto study mathematics, languages,piano, and navigation.The museumnow featuresexhibits on cranberry farming and the railroad,aswell as a collectionof ElmerCrowell-carved birds and historic photographs.The museumis locatedin the Harwich Historic District,the first historicdiskict on Cape Cod to be acceptedinto the NationalResisterof Historic Places.

MISS DON'T You're bound to find artists painting er pleiuair on the banks of the Herring River, also a favorite spot for kayakers who paddle these serene waters. In the springtime, follow the trail at Bells Neck Gonservation Lands to catch sight of migrating alewives leaping along the fish ladder to the Vest Reservoir. Or wind through the woods on the Janet DeFulvio Wildlife Sanctuary Boardwalk to reach a spectacular view of the salt marsh alone the river.

IFYCUGC Harwich Ghamber of Gommerce 5 0 8 - 4 3 0 - 11 6 5

C A P EC O D L I F E 7 1

Oyster Pond

Chatham r North Chatham . South Chatham o Vest Chatham

Perchedat the elbow of the Cape, Chatham is rich in bucolic charm. Hilly, rvooded uplandsroll down to ocean beaches,busy harbors,and estuaries,rvhile salt and sweetwater ponds offer quiet spots fcr paddling or swimming"A variety of boutiques.galleries,and restaurantspopulate the torvnt quaint Main Street.

Our FavoriteThings )f

Cnu*ru- hasan activeyear-round

Monomoy Island, where spotting striped

deck at the Fish Pier. You're bound to

arts communiry The Greative Arts Cen-

bass and blueflsh in the crystal-clear

spot harbor and gray seals nearby, keep-

ter draws a prestigious list of visiting

waters makes for an exciting trip. The

ing a watchful eye on the incoming

artists for ongoing classesand workshops,

Morris lsland Trail at Monomoy Nation-


and their August Festival of the Arts at

al \X/ildlife Refuge offers an interesting

Chase Park is a favorite summer event.

walk at any time of year. Kiteboarders


in Chathaml The Fourth of July parade is

r /

On the performing arts side, Monomoy

head to Chatham to cruise the beach

Theatre and Chatham Drama Guild stage

break and catch big air-if

topnotch productions, while Ghatham

inspired to give it a try,lessons are avail-

Ghorale and Cape God Opera showcase

able from Monomoy Sail & Cycle.


great local talents.


pure small-town charm, while Ghatham First Night festivitiescommence with a costumed road race starting at the Chatham Squire and end with a town

**nf, outdoor activities,kayakingand

Theres alwavs causefor celebration

so much fun to be had at sea,

photo at Ghatham Lighthouse. Summer

dont forget those who make a living on

Friday evenings are for free band concerts

digging for clamsare old-but-goodstand-

the water. See the commercial fleet

in Kate Gould Park. Bring homemade

bys. Takea charterfishing trip to

unload their catch from the observation

fudge from the Ghatham Candy Manor.



o z z

o z

In May, 2OO7,rhe National Tiust for Historic PreservationrecognizedChatham asone of Americai Dozen Distinctive in 1949,the Established Destinations.


Ti'ustfocuseson preservinghistoric and surroundbuildings,neighborhoods, lngs.

In 1808,PresidentThomasJeffersonbuilt the Chatham Lighthouseto protect ships that circledthe Cape.Jeffersonthought wasso importantfor the lighthouse Americantradethat he equippedit with two beacons.FrugalCape Coddersdisagreed,and ultimatelysentone of the NausetLight, to Eastham. lighthouses,

The gambrel-roofed 1752 Atwood House was once the home of seacaptain Joseph Atwood. Today it is an escapeto 18thand 19th-century Chatham life, with period furnishings and eight Chatham Historical Society museum galleriesfeaturing everything from gowns to tools. Take a guided tour of the impeccably preservedhome, then head outside to explore treasuressuch as a mid-20th-cenrury Nickerson North Beachcamp. The Atwood House will hold a fasci"American Antique nating special exhibit, Vicker," from Saturday, June 14 through Sunday, October 12. The exhibit will feature four dozen pieces of furniure and accessories,reflecting wicker's four distinguished sryles.

Ghatham Ghamber of Commerce 508-945-5199 www.

C A P EC O D L I F E 7 3

Rock Harbor

Orleans. EastOrleans. SouthOrleans

Vsitors to Orleanswill fall in love with NausetBeach.The offshorebarsofferconsistenttreachbreak,rvhich appealsto the burgeoningsurfingcommunity.Kayakerswill enjoy the solitudeof NausetMarsh,especially in Town Cove.Rainydaysarejust aspleasantin Orleans,which bustleswith shops,galleries,and restaurants.

Our FavoriteThings Snow's Home and Garden. There are

Kent's Point for picturesque trails and

For lessonsor rentals,checkout Pump

many unique eateries, like the O|d Jail-

lookouts. Follow the self-guided trail at

House Surf Shop. If the peacefulwaters

house Tavern, a former pokey. Coast is

Paw Wah Point to a small beach on

of Orleans'manyinletsaremoreyour

located in what was once the first

Pleasant Bay. In the summet step inside

style,Goose Hummock sellsand rents

Howardjohnson franchise,built in 1932,

the 1720sJonathan Young Windmill for

kayaksfrom a convenientwatersideloca-

and The Barley Neck Inn is a former sea

a suided tour.

tion. Afterward,enjoy dinner at The

captain's home dating back to 1848. Or,

orleans lnn, built in 1875by the seafar-

simply order chowder and lobster rolls to

ing Snow family and the only waterfront

go from Sir Gricket's, a local favorite

)f O.t.u.,, Historical Society'sMeeting House Museum featuresa collec-

restaurantin town. You11overlook the water you just paddled.

and dine by Rock Harbor to catch the

tion of local artifacts,including ship's


logs,photographs,and diaries.From

Nauset Beach is a must for surfers.

1890to 1940,an underwatertransatDowntown Orleanshas plenty of

Vt,h so many water views to enjoy,

)f $ shopping,from handcraftedpottery sinks Orleansis a great spot for a walk or picand onion lanternsto the 12O-year-old 74


nic. You can head to Sea call Farm or

lantic cableconnectedFranceto a nondescripthousein Orleansthat is now the FrenchCableStation Museum.

? f E ?

DIDYOUKNCW? Fish have alwaysbeen a primary export


on the Cape.But beforerefrigeration, how did fish stay preserueden route to farawaymarkets2It was preservedin salt There were salt works locatedin Town Cove and Rock Harbor. \Wooden labyrinthswerebuilt in the shallows. waschanneledin and exposed Seawater to the hot sun.The waterevaporated, leavingthe saltbehind.

A LCCKBACK Thousandsof shipwrecksoccurredoff the shoalsof Orleansduringthe lBth and 19thcenturies.Many werecaused On foggy nights, by Mooncussers. would walk a donkeywith Mooncussers a lanterntied to its tail alongthe shoreto lure shipsaground.Upon succeeding,

"TuesdayTea Party"


John Clayton . Deane Folsom . Mary Glammarino Janet Gilmore . Dorothy Strauss Loraine Trenholm

76 POUTI6A. OQLINd . tOB.2tt.369O

they rushedout to salvagethe destroyed get How did the Mooncussers vessels.

elizabeLhronler6alIery.c om

their name2The full moonswereso bright that no shipsran aground.Hence, "cussed the moon." they

DCN'TN/ISS The hot ticket in town is always for a show at the Academy of Performing Arts Playhouse. Located in the 1873 Old Town Hall, the theater draws a devoted following to topnotch comedies, dramas, and musicals performed with great gusto by local talents. Fledgling artists and seasonedperformers come together for year-round classesin drama, dance, and music offered upstairs in the Academy of PerformingArts School.

IFYOUGO Orleans Ghamber of Gommerce 5 0 8 - 2 5 51 - 386


OCEANA KIDS*rrc O n e& l w o Main SIreet Square Orleana TOLL.FREE Bn-240:1414 lnapitaliono wtlh an Aaaet*onDeeign www.oaea naaapecod,com DI9IINGIIYEWRAPPINo 9HIPPING

restored Just0ne0f over100completely antique chandeliers ondisplay Dining room to mudroom, From from{loorto ceiling: wecanhelpy0uchoose "Jewels" justtheright foryourhome. inquiries areinvited. Specific . DanJohnson email: #7Roule 28,orleans, MA02653 . FAX(508)255-8515 (508)255-8513 Parking in rear. 0penyear-round. Call forhours oraDoointment. Alwaysnore than400 qualilyrcstorcdlampsin stock Alsodisplaying alThefarmhouse, B0ule 6, Welllleel, MA




o c z z o




National Seashore Salt Pond

"Cateway EasthaminspirednaturalistHenry Bestonto write TheOutermost to the National Seashore," The Flouse in 1928afterhe spenta yearon its coast.Historybuffswill enjoyexploringa numberof sitesof interbeaches. est thrr:ug'houttown, but many visitorsfind it hard to venturefar from Easthamispectacular

Our FavoriteThings ..t O" Route 6, the Salt Pond Visitor K

can view the Three Sisters Lighthouses,

sivelessonin Easthamhistory at the Old

Genter is your guide to the 45,000-acre

a trio of wooden lighthouses moved

SchoolhouseMuseum.The town fills

Eastham's from their original locations and set in CapeCod NationalSeashore.

the greenof the EasthamWindmill

stretchof the National Seashoreincludes

the woods. By Fort Hill, step through the

every Septemberfor Wndmill

someof the Capet most photographed

whale jawbone gate of the 1868 Gaptain

tflsskgnd-annual festivitiesinclude a

includingNauset wetlandsand beaches,

Penniman House, which is often open

fish fry and talent show.

Light Beach and Goast Guard Beach. In

for guided tours.

1620,Myles Standishmet the Nauset

r* "or.r.favorite pastimeis hunting

rl4- the Eastham Historical Sociew


Indianson the shoresof First Encounter Beach.

overseesmany interesting sights, includ-

tor's World on Route 6, or spend an

for antiques and curios, head to Gollec-

ing the Old Cove Burying Grcund,

afternoon admiring the Eastham

S""u"", gunkholing in a skiff, day-sailer,or

which contains the remains of three

Painters Guild outdoor gallery. For kids,

Mayflower Pilgrims. You can also tour

a round of mini golf at Poit's Lighthouse

kayak.Tours of Nauset Light are offered

the furnished 1741 Swift-Daley House

(followed by ice cream of course) has

from May through October. Nearby,you

and tool museum, or get a comprehen-

made for a fun evening since the 1950s.

Marsh is a popularspot for



s =

von ThadenBuilders,Inc, You can find the original fish-shaped "Bassachusetts" bumper sticker at Black-

Builders and Renwators of

beardt copyrighted the slogan in tribute to the Bay States lure-more


stNcE 1984,

beard'sBait and Tackle in Eastham.Black-


come here to catch striped bassthan any other state on the Easternseaboard.

;'r I l, ,i,-lir, i:ir




Easthamwas originally inhabited by Nauset Indians. ln 1644, a group of Pilgrims sent a seven-mangroup to search for a new center for their emerging government. Despite the groups glowing review, the Colony's Elders decided to remain in Plymouth. The seven,however, promptly packed up their families and belongingsand moved to Eastham, founding the town in 1651.

The sweet, delicate taste of the Eastham

,i:i .. i



:L9 Cbve Road;Orleans,MA 02 (508) 255-l4OO wwwvtbuilds

€fF€*ws."" 5* &€*re3<

turnip is worthy of celebration, but the annual November Eastham Turnip Festival is not just any celebration. This down-home afternoon at the Eastham Elks Club is pure, wacky fun. A turnip recipe contest inspires some unusual entries, while other festivitiesinch-rdea Mr. Ti-rrnipHead decorating contest, sing-along of turnip songs, and exuberant talent show acts such as Betty Lathams TLrnip Gppers. Before the Ti-rrnipQueen is crowned, you're sute to be a devotee of this humble vegetable.

rlres!r+glsstdet*ifs {or * wfu*terggwf.#*kl ahezzgc a

Eastham Ghamber of Commerce 508-240-7211




C, ffi1ulcr" LJIcLtrqlli"c6 4 -3llei:r 5ireet

{,lh:rtlia:r:,llass.rch::setts,q{}I-?4-i-4{}4{) *:r' :*p ie:1:Ieirs::res,c**r




Uncle Tim's Bridge

Tire town clock chimes shipt time in this water town, where oystersreign supremeand surfersflock to the oceanbeaches.\Wellfieetaboundswith art galleries,a testamentto the communityi independentspirit. From summersquaredancesofi the pier to the Cape'sonly drive-in movie theater,a cheeky senseof fun (and undeniable beauty) makesWellfieet hard to beat.

Our FavoriteThings )f

vn... canyou find teaksteamer

Hollow, revelers at Gahoon Hollow

Beach Hill. For views of another kind,

(home of the famous waterfront Beach-

take in the panorama of the town as you

comber restaurant), surfers and paraglid-

cross Uncle Tim's Bridge spanning Duck

a harborsidetheaterproductionuIn

ers at Whitecrest, or families at Lecounts


downtown Vellfleet, of course.Unique

Hollow----cach beach has its own charm.

boutiques,galleries,and eateriesline

If you've had enough of the surf, head

Main Streetand are alsotucked away on

over to the bay and walk along the Great

known asVHAI] offerstopnotch pro-

residentialside streets.The Wellfleet

lsland beach to Jeremy Point. On your

ductionson its new Julie Harris Stage

Public Library,housedin a formercan-

way youll see kayakers paddling around

(showsalsocontinueto play in the origi-

dle factory hostsan impressiveroster of

the Cut and day sailors shipping out of

nal theaterby the harbor). Squaredances

gr,restspeakersin the summer.

the Chequessett Yacht and Gountry

on the Town Pier are a sign of summerin

, at Newcomb ){-Join the surffishermen

Glub. Dont forget to catch a sunset at

Vellfleet, asarethe movieslighting up

Duck Harbor, Great Beach Hill or Little

the night sky at the Wellfleet Drive-ln.

chairs,hand-thrown pottery bowls, homemadeRoseHip jam, and tickets for



Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater,

o z z

o z

All thosebuoys along Mayo Beachare original King George III shellfishgrants. Different shapedand colored buoys identify the owners'sliceof turf and have mostly been passeddown from generation to generation.And Mayo Beachwas selectedrecently by online ffavel service Tiip Advisor as one of the top 10 FamilyFriendly Beachesin the counffy.

\il/ellfleetfeaturesa real-liveversionof "Pirates of the Carribean".lnApril 1717, Cap'n SamBellamy'sWhydahsankwith 143 pirateson board. Not to worr)r,Barry Clifford discoveredthe wreck off of Marconi Beachand found pirate gold, cutlasses, and cannonson board.

The 8th Annual Wellfleet OysterFest, October 18-19,2008,is a two-daycelebration of the town'sfamousoystersand its deep-rootedshellfishingtraditions. \i/ellfleets town centercomesalive for this streetparty that brings together localsand visitorsalike for a weekendfull of food, art, music,fun, and games.Be there for the OysterFestShuck-Off and you might get a glimpseof Vellfleet's "Chopper'Young, who own \X/illiam won lastyeart national oyster-shucking competitionin Marylandby opening24 oystersin 2,02minutes.

We offermoreflights,convenienthourlyservice,breathtaking scenervand friendlierfaces.Enjoysmoothconnectionswith Visit us at major carriersthroughBostonand Providence.

WellfleetGhamberof Gommerce 10 508-349-25 com www.wellfleetchamber.

'l-800-352 -0714. (508)771-6944. C A P EC O D L I F E 8 1

Overlooking Cape God Bay

Tiuro . North Tiuro . SouthTiuro

A drive around Truro gives one the feeling of being in the ScottishHighlands,surroundedby heathersand moors. One of the Capei most picturesque towns, Tiuro is alsohome to someof the Cape'sbestbeaches. No wonder artists and writers have long been inspired by the town. \^/hichis immortalizedin the works of painter and former resident Edward Hopper.

Our FavoriteThings -





blueberriesand rose hips. At dusk, stroll

Truro Center for the Arts at Cas-

High Head (you'll need an Oversand

to Gape God Light, formerly known as

tle Hill is a hub of activity,with arts

Permit or lots of energy to get there);

Highland Light. Kayakerscan enjoy a

and craftsworkshops,readings,

the sweeping Head of the Meadow

sortie in the bayside'sPamet River. Or

exhibits,and performances. Atop the

complete with a wreck of the whale-

soakup the sceneryduring a round of

cliffs at the Highlands Center campus,

boat Francesat the eastern end, intimate

golf at HighlandLinks.

PayomentPerformingArts Center

fused with the one in Eastham); scenic

){- O.nopt iles can sampleredsand

offerschildreni dramaclassesand educationalprograms.Hundredsturn out

Goast Guard Beach (not to be con-

stagesseasonalproductions,aswell as

Ballston Beach, adjacent to the Pamet

whites at Truro Vineyard and Winery at

River; and Longnook's stunning off-

the juncture of Routes 6 and 64. You

every Septemberfor Truro Treasures

shore bars and beach break.

can enjoy many of the winery's selec-

Weekend, a fun annual festival that

tions over dinner at homey yet elegant

includesa fishing contestand dog

Terra Luna, which is located in a 100-

show and concludeswith a Dump

from Head of the Meadow to High

year-old structure formerly used as a

Dance,held-you guessedit-at the

Head and enjoy the naturalbeautyof

community kitchen.

town transferstation.

Take a ride down the bike trail



o z



DIDYCUKNOW? The cottagesalong Route64 through BeachPoint were filled to capacityfrom The smallefficiency the 1940s-1980s. units sit right on the baysidebeach. Many havebeenconvertedto condominiums.The Days'Cottagesarefully bookedwith many of the samefamilies returningyear after year.Eachcottageis namedafter a flower. They are among the most photographedstructureson CapeCod.

A LCOKBACK Vsit Gorn Hill beach,wherethe Pilgrims found a cacheof corn to help them through their first winter, Pilgrim Pond, where they found freshwater,or Pilgrim Spring,alongthe bike trail, wherethey Osterville

allegedlytook their first drink in the New lVorid.

DCN'TNIISS If cooking is your passion,dont miss the mind-boggling assortmentof herbs, spices,teas, nuts, seeds,and more-all wholesale prices-at


the Atlantic Spice

Gompany (800- 3 16 -7965; www. atlanticPlus,on the retail side, you can stock up on books on herbs and spices,dried fruits, and craft items. tVhile you're in the neighborhood, drop by Retro Truro (508-349-2303i for handmade and hand-painted traditional Jobi Pottery. The story behind these one-of-a-kind piecesis fascinating.

IFYCUGC TruroGhamberof Commerce 5 0 8 - 4 8 71-2 8 8 com www.trurochamberofcommerce.


Provincetown Bay

Provincetown is the Capes outermost point. All coastal towns sharing that claim to fame (think Key Vest, Baja,Montauk, Hatteras) have a distinct separate-from-the-worldfeeling. Like those other places,Provincetown has a history rooted in outlaws and castaways.A little of that renegade spirit lives on today, with an array of lifestyles contributing to the town's distinct character.

Our FavoriteThings SPro,'s energyflows, particularly along its main artery Gommertial

actMtiesrun the gamut $-Oudoo. Try fishing at Herring Gove or Race

charterboats,and flat-bottomedclam-

street. Shop for clothing, knickknacks,

Point, ride a bike on National Seashore

ming skiffs.

seefleetsof draggersand trawlers,day-

art, home dâ‚Źcor,and much more at

trails, or leam about the coastalhistory at

Whaler'sWharf and the Aquarium Mall

the Province LandsVisitor Genter.For

next door.

the adventurer,four-wheel drive dune

ca's oldest arts colony, the Provincetown

t6urs still operatethrough Art's Dune Tours.\ifhales, once harvestedfor oil,

Art Association, formed in 1914. The

Provincetown is the home of Ameri-

food sceneis a wonderland, *tn. with everythingfrom light snacksto

today are natural attractions,through the

Museum and dozens of galleriesand

heavenlybakedgoodsand sophisticated

Dolphin Fleet whale-watchingcruises.

shops offer superb art. The New Art Cin-

restaurants. A meal at the Lobster Pot, in

Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown

ema and the annual Prcvincetown Inter-

many.The ProvincetownPortuguese

townt long-standingfishing **. and whaling heritage,with strong Por-

cial movies. Live theatre ranges from the

Bakery is known for its authenticsweet

tugueseties, still forms much of its iden-

classic Provincetown Theater to offbeat

treatsand fried dough.

tim Valk down MacMillan llllharf and

comedy at the Crown & Anchor.

the heart of downtown, is a tradition for



national Film Festival offer noncommer-

a o

DINYCU KNO\I'I? The absoluteend of Cape Cod is accessible by foot. Packa picnic, drive to the rotary at the west end of Commercial Street,and walk acrossthe breakwall. Youcanspendthe day swimmingand sunningby the Vood End Lighthouse, then walk the hundred or so yards to the DOlnt.

A LOOKBACK \X/ith the adventof the railway and ferry systemfrom the mainland,artistsflocked to Provincetownin the 19th century. CharlesHawthorne foundedthe Cape Cod Schoolof Art in 1899and ranit until his prematuredeathin 1930.

DCN'TMISS Beautifulgardenstake on a specialluster when they are plantedby the sea. Againsta backdropof the ever-changing ocean,flowers,ferns,and other flora are particularlypleasing.Provincetownoffers one of the most specialchanceson Cape Cod to view lovely gardens,the Secret GardenTour,sponsoredby the Provincetown Art Associationand Museum.Youll tour a variety of gardens,many of them tuckedin out-of-the-wayplaces.The element of surprisemakesthem all the more enticing.The 11thAnnualSecretCarden Tour will be held Sunday,July 13, from 10 3 p.m. Information'508-4871750;

time tk perfect Nowis painhd! yourhome tohave the W cboose . Ouremployees traind in painting& areprofessionally customer service. clean tokeEingyourproiect arccommitted Ourcrews & neat. qualitynsulm. paintings),stem ensulâ‚Źs Ourproven & follow-up callisperfomed inspection Acompletion your100% satisfaction. witiryoutoguarantee

theBamstable ta choose Needmorereosotw sa!: Listento wbatourcustorners Painter? pleased aiththeprlfesrion' andI hauebemnnpletefu Myhusband onour alisrnofyourenphymandtln qualityofunrhperftnmed tltroughout theproiectmd Imprxsiueuorh, courlaus seruice.a lruly home.Weuerekeptnmpletdyinfonned wilbtheuuh jtouranplayees tbatwewere100Y'satisfzd ensured

IFYOUGO Provincetown Ghamber of Commerce 508-487-3424


Makingtlnphoneull toyouroficeun one danesine mwingto oftln bat thingswe'ae are andcarpenters tbeCape. Yourpainters profasional andtheydida andpleasant greatjob. Bob&JudyL,Yaxmouthport

,. Painter,





A N N U A L G U I I ) E2 O O 8

C A P EC O D L I F E 8 7

Oak Bluffs Cottages

tMith gingerbreadcottagesand cliffs of red cla-v.the isiandof lv'larthatVneyard is an idyllic retreaf.lJownislandbeckonsfor an afternoonof shoppingor cocktailsby the \t,ater,while up-islandboastsfarmers'marIn the fall, the Vine;rardisabuzzduringthe annualstripedbassand bluefishderby^ ketsand artisans'fairs.

Our FavoriteThings - t /f

Japanesegarden paradise

From the Glay Gliffs of Aquinnah,

town, Oak Bluffs, and Mneyard Haven

follow Lighthouse Road to Menemsha

via the island's numerous bike paths. In

Harbor, well-known for its sunsets,then

Edgartown, Felix Neck Wldlife Sanctu'


stop in at The Bite for a plate of fried

ary will particularly delight birdwatchers.

ring on the Flying Horses Garousel.

clams. Long Point Wldlife Refuge in

Quaint Main Street is home to the Old

Built in 1844, it is the country's oldest

tr o"o Bluffs,reachfor the brass

Vest Tisbury offers trails to a quiet strip

Whaling Ghurch as well as the popular

operating carousel and a national historic

of South Beach. \i/hile youre in town,

annual Fourth of July parade and Christ-

landmark. You can take a summer sunsea

head to Alley's General Store, a local

mas Stroll. Martha's Vineyard Museum

tour of another historic landmark, East

favorite since 1858. Grange Hall hosts

brings the past to life with an intriguing

Chop Lighthouse, to enjoy views all the

regr:lar farmers'markets and the vineyard

Oral History Genter, featuring over 250

way to Chappaquiddick. Mneyard

Artisans Festivals. In August, the Agri-

recorded testimonies from island elders.

Haven bustles with shops and eateries,

cultural Society Livestock Show & Fair

Families and nature lovers will love Kata-

including the famous Black Dog Tavern

at Aericultural Hall ls a must.

ma FARM Institute, which features a

by the harbor. Don't miss a night of live

corn maze among its offerings. Head

theater at the year-roundVineyard Play-

over to Chappaquiddick to find Mytoi, a


F"." 88

can exploremuch of EdgarA N N U A I C U I D E2 O O 8

j O ! a a


DIDYOUKNCW? The incrediblePolly Hill Arboretum was the vision of the late horticulturist Polly Hill, who cultivatednearly 2,000 rare and nativeplantson the farmland,over 100 of which she developedherself, including the brilliant North Tisbury Azalea.Her plantsare now grown in gardensacrossthe country.The arboretum is open year-roundfor research,public lectures,and blissfulwalks.

A LCCKBACK In the mid- 19th century one quarterof Squibnocketvillage was born hearing

*ffi*:15:i5mu'ithYorl "fi;b on'deman-d.^^ Hlff.''r:ffi&;;-tt

com online'www'plumw i,A;:;'il;o".overase

impaired,a mysterythat has neverbeen wasso commonthat explained.Deafness the entire town of Chilmark, both hearing and hearing-impairedresidents,



in signlanguage.Eventucommunicated ally,the islanddevelopedits own which Martha'sMneyardSign Language, of the names evenincludedsignsfor Vineyarders.

DON'TN,4ISS A trip to the Vneyard wouldn't be completewithout visitingthe Tiinity Park Tabernaclein Vesleyan Crove, where gingerbreadcottagesin fanciful colors form a neighborhoodstraightfrom a storybook. On the third Vednesday of August(this year it is August 20), hundredsof paperlanternsglow from their porchesduringllluminationNight.The

My designphilosopbyis to blend space

effectis masical.

the useof natural daylight, requirernents, in a utay that and site concerns is sensitioeto Nantucket.


Nantucket 508/228-6047 Burlington

Martha'sVineyardGhamberof Commerce (508)693-0085,



C A P EC O D L I F E 8 9

Bridge over Hither Creek, Madaket

Cobblestonelanes,rose-coveredcottages,and old seacaptains'homesare as picturesqueas the beachesin this former whaling port. \Whether you come for a peaceful getaway or to soak up the rich history and culture, Nantucket never disappoints. No wonder so many toss their pennies into the waters by Brant Point Lighthouse-legend has it that doing so guaranteesyour return.

Our FavoriteThings choosefrom a numberof year-roundlec-

ocean past heathlands and forest

)f Srunat the whaling Museumon BroadStreet,where a 47-foot sperm whale skeletonlooms overheadasyou

turesand guidedwalks-the affliliated Loines Observatoryand Aquarium also

A numberof celebrationsmake

exploreartifactsand tools from the

offer a variety of programsfor families.

Nantucket an irresistible year-round destination. Over three million daffodils cre-

island'swhaling days.Pick up the Nantucket Historical Association'sself-guid-

Head to Goskata-Goatue Wildlife

ate a springtime paradise during April's

ed walking tour map, which includes sitessuchasthe Old Gaol prison and

Refuge to take in the breathtaking land-

Daffodil Days, while May brings the

scape of dunes, woodland, red cedar

Nantucket Wine Festival and prestigious

Creek RevivalHadwen House.

savanna, and salt marsh leading to Great

fun-filled Figawi sailboat race. June's

Point Lighthouse. Cuided ffips of Creat

popular Nantucket Film Festival draws

Point are also available from the Tiustees

talent from around the world, and the

paystribute to 19th-centuryNantucket astronomer(and longtime Atheneum

of Reservations. Sanford Farm is another

annual Fourth of July and Christmas

favorite for walking trails. Follow the

Stroll festivities are a slice of America

librarian)Mitchell. who was the first

three-mile Bam Tiail for views of the

vou won't want to miss.

woman to discovera comet. You can

coasdine or take the 6.5-mile loop to the

The Maria Mitchell Science Center



o z z t o z

ffiti \'ili-j r"{l'*{jii{? The landmark 157-year-oldSankaty Head Llghthousewasmovedlastfall from its originalperchon a bluff 75 feet from the oceanto a new spot 270 feet away.The bluff losesan averageof three feet of land eachyear due to erosion.It took nine daysto move the 450-ton,7O' foot tall structureabout405 feet and cost about$4 million, fundsthat wereraised by the community.

A i tlili'i [4,ttilii Broadway's top talents created a summer theatre at SiasconsetCasino in the early 1900s.Named after the kalian casina, "little house,"the club opened in


1900 and hosted dances,tennis,and other social activities along with the theatrical shows. Today, the not-for-profit, private social club boasts 11 courts and remains a favorite island gathering spot.

:i - lj ,i

' , F .i I rl\i I


j . ' ll ii q - , r )

See the work of local artists on display at the Adists Association of Nantucket or catch a show at the year-round Theatre Workshop. Shoppers will enjoy strolling the boutiques that line Main Street. From the simple to the sublime, there are so many outstanding eaterieson Nantucket, you could spend an enchanted vacation just sampling the many offerings.

|1,,Y*Li {",{il Nantucket Chamber of Gommerce 508-228-1700 www. nantucketchamber. org



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