Clever Ideas for Sportsmen by Tom Keer originally printed in Field and Stream

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Sportsman's Notebook

XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX BALAI\{CEYOURBUTT yoursurfrod'saction Howto improve XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX mashedfliesto theirorigXXXXXX ALLSTEAMEDUP Restoring inal operating condirionis assimple XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX R e h a b i l i t aot e l df l i e so nv o u rs t o v easboilingwater.]ust put a teakettle XXXXXX on, and crankup the heatto proXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ducea healthyier of stearn.Grip a XXXXXX fly at the hookbenclin a pair of pliXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ersand hold it in the vaporstream, rotating slowly so thar the mist XXXXXX penetrafes wings,tails,andhackles. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Heat and moisturewill relax the XXXXXX kinks,rnas$age out the crimps,and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX return the fly into fishableshape. XXXXXX shakeoff When it looksrefreshed, moisture and lay it on a paper excess XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -TED LEESON towelt0 dry. XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Q: Any idea why smallmouth bass fight harder than largemouths of equd size? -ROSS SCARDINO,WEBSTER,N.Y.

A: It's becausetheir t'undamentalnaturesare dffirent. Largemouths are ot'ten oiented to coueror structure,in areaswith no current. To escapet'rom dangerthey'll bulldog into bushes or weeds.Smallmouthspreferopenaater, often with current. Fleeing t'rom predatorsin such surroundingsmeansrunninghard andjumptng Q: I've heard from a friend that telescoping rods aren't as good quality as regular ones. What's your opinion? -MARKEY MENDICK. VIA E-MAIL

A: Tourfiend b ight. If you'reseiousabout fbhing,don'tbuyone.If you do buy one,don't ashme any more questions.

Qr I see trout in the small stream behind my house in the spring, but they disappear by summer. How can you tell if a stream is capable of holding trout all year? -TOM CONLIN, GARDNER.MASS. Az Ot' all the thingstrout needsuch w couer, Tpaterdepth, and food-aater temperatureis often the mort limiting factor. If your stream gets much aboue 7o degreesfor aeel<son end, it likely w onl hold trouty ear- round. They will moueto seekcoolerwater. to o SUBMIT QUESTI0NS Include yournameand hometown.

5 O F I E L I I & S T R E A I I I S E P T E I \ 1 B E R2 O O 5

I If you feel as though you've done severalhours'worth of bicep curls at the gym after fishing the surf with plugs or crankbaits,your rod could be too tip-heavy.Fix it by adding weight to its butt. With a balancedrod, you'llbe ableto swim luresmore easilyand effec-TOM KEER tivelv. and catchmore fish asa result.Here'show.

Takeoff yourrod'sbutt cap.The interiorof the rod blankwill be hollow. Measureits diameter. EEEEI Buyseveraleggsinkersthat will fit looselyinto the blank. EEEEI With the reelon the rod, inserta sinkerinto the blankand temporarily replacethe butt cap. Attemptto balancethe rod acrossone fingerat a spotjust forwardof the reelfoot. Keepaddingsinkersuntil youachieve thatbalance. EEffi Removethe butt cap and take out the sinkers,then wrapthem in elect r i c i a n ' st a p eu n t i lt h e yf o r ma p a c k a gteh a tf i t s s n u g l yw i t h i nt h e b l a n k . EEEE Slidethe bundleintothe butt of the blankand replacethe capsecurely.


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