Gr lpolting
MAY/JT]NE 2012
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Who bcncfitsandwhy?
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BooksA Web n the sun-drencheddays of my youth, I had to prove that I was a safe and resDonsiblehunter before my p"r.nrc would let me hunt alone. But once I earned their trust, I would grab a 20 gaugefrom the gun raclg fill a pocket with shells, and call our Irish setter. Earning their respecttook some eF fort, but finding a place to hunt was a mafter of walking out the door. I had worked a deal with a neighboring farmer, and in exchangefor bailing hay in the August heat he granted me accessto his property.This arrangementallowed me to spend many afternoonschasing pheasant,grouse,and woodcock. (Opposite,clockuisQ Wst Canada PresenLe borders150,N0 acresofprotectedland and ofersan abundance offtnt"g.At Bralts Isknd, iti all aboutpreseruingthesportinglife. (Btl^u) Indiaidual instruction---ttbether shoottnganghng or riding-is ofenpmt of thepacAage at sportingcommunities.
As time passed and I grew old enough to drive, my reachexpandedto other farms.I worked avatiety of deals with severalfarmers-one wanted fish filets in the spring, another demanded a few birds in the fall, and otherswould call if they neededa hand with random tasls.Those deals,negotiatedwith men who were looking for creative ways to help a kid who was willing to work, led to someof the best daysof my life. Sadly, the hunting grounds of my youth existprimarily in memory-most of it has been developed.One farm is now a subdivision,another a cemetery and a third is home to a shoppingmall. If conservationeasementshad existed in thosedays,perhapsthoselandscould havebeenpreserved. Conservation easementscreate a perfectblend ofpublic preservationand private ownershipwith agreementsthat are quite a bit more formal than swapping hunting rights for bailing hay.At their core,easementsprotect land from
Checkout thesesourcesforadditional information about conseraation easements. I The Conservatior-r EasementHandbook Managing Land Conservation and Historic PreservationEasement Programs,fuJanetDiehl andThomas S.Banett I Protectinsthe Land-Conservation EasemenisPast,Presentand Future, byJulieAnn Gustanshi I A Tax Guide to Conservrtion Easements,by Timothy C. Lindstrorn I TheLand TrustAlliance (uuu. I TheTiantfor PublicLand (uztut.tplorg)
certain types of development.The protection of the resource-be it wildlife, clean water, or open space-is accomplished when a landowner relinquishes developmentrights in exchangefor permanent preservationand a significant reductionin stateand federaltaxes. Once a conservation easement is enacted,it becomespart of the chain of title and is passedalongwhen the property is sold or willed to someoneelse.
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Additional tiu bcncfits, such as rclief fi'orn chalitable irr-rd,/orestilte til-\cs, rrrc irnportant colrponents that benelit tl're lrrndrcrnrriniur{tr|cn in pcrpcnrin "Cor-rscruirtioneasementslue criticll
Ard ifyrtrie not a liurdowr.rerbut ue looking firr sportingpropcrtics,vournight wilnt to ttrkc a look irt thcsc gcms.
to every srile that I do," said Jon l(ohlcr of Jon Kohlcr and Associirtcs (wwwjor.r kolrler.con.r),wl"ricl.rspccializ.csi r.rplirntrrtion sales ir-r Soutl'r Georgirr iu.rd Nortl.r Florida. "Tl.rcrc is ir trr benefit firr sure, lrrrdthe vrilr.trttion ol-lt consenrttion crrscmcnt is ls criticirl rrsthe virlue of tl'rc rgriculturrrl, tir.nbcr,water, or rnineral rights. Arrd if it l)r()pcrn'docs Ir.rt c()lttrtill'l consen'ationcitscmclttrnany ncw owners lt>ok to estrrblisl'ror-reright awry." Most propcrty owners hirve ru-r ir-rcrcdibly dccp '.rppreci:rtion firr tl'reir land and its wildlift, but they still bclievc rr direct lirr.rdsirlc is tl're only wlry fiu' thcnr to profit. Tl'rcsc lirndowncrswould bcnctit r{re:rtll l.r' lcru'rrirrgrrboute,rrrscrtrrti,,rr
Br:rys Islar-rclPlirnt:rtior.r is tru11'r-urique becrrusc of its nirtulrrl surroundings, dedicrrtion to the traditior.r:r1outdoor lifcsrylc, ancl unrivrrlcd rrrnsc of iunenities. A 5,500-ircre plivatc rcsidcr.rti;rl cornr-nuniry Br.rys is opcrrrtccl cxclusively fix tl'rebenefit of its 325 propcrry
ertsementsrurclhow tl'reyalleviatc sonrc of thc 6n:inci:rl l)r'cssuretlrrtt rrt't'onrPrurics crwnershil.rof lirruc tracts of lrurd.
BraysIsland Plantation
owncrs. Morc than 90 pcrccr.rtof the land is hclcl in corlmon trtrst, wl-ricl'r lirnits clcr.ekrplrent ou thc propcrtr: It rer-r-ririr-rs rcr-narkabh' unch:rngcd firl-r-r e:rrlicr clirys whcn Brirvs Isliurd liurct i r r t c t l : t sr t w , t l k i n q I l r t r t t r t t i , r r t .
vorlr own dog or with club pointers, ancl \()u crur hur-rt or-rhorscback or fior-n thc mtilc-cL:rwn wilg()ll. Thc grrr-rclub ollbrs skcct, trrrp, fir'e-stru.rd, pistol, rifle, and irrchcry ritnges rtncl tl-rc 15-strrnd sporting clrtys course, oriein.rlly rlcsi{rned by Ho1lancl & Hollar-rd,was rcccr.rtly exprrndecl. llut tl-rc sport is not confined to lrrncl. Br'.rysis surrourrdcc1bvnrorc thu.r 20 rnilcs of ticlrrl esturuies, which olfbr veiu-round fishirre fbr redfisl.rrrnclscrrsonll fisl-rinefbr cobia, speckled trout, black dmm, .jacks, tiuporl, flounder; rrnd othcrs. S'alt- rind fi'cshwrtcr ponds on thc plar.rtatior.roflcr lcrllish Lrp to 40 porutls, speckled trctrt, blrrck cl-rur-r,birss,rurrl brciur. llt-rtr'.'tls,, rritcrs otltcr rcfincd 1.111strits.Tlrc hrLl-sclviccc(lucstrirlncclttcr brxrstsr-norethan (r0 rnilcs of sar-rdroacls rurcl trrrils, rrnd thc 1S-holc links-s$4c
Tixlly, llrrrys is ir sportsnriur'.scLcirr-r-r and includcs 3,500 rrcrcssct :lsidc as a n:tnrrc :utl htrr-rtir-rg pr-cscn'ctl'rirt fbitftrres { t , l i c , , r t r s er e ( l u i r e rs) ( )t c c t i n l e . 'fhc dccr, dovc, cluail, tulke1,, phcasiurt, irnd old plrtntrttion l'rouse-Thc chukirr. Tl-rc kenr-rel houscs rnoLe thln Ir-rr-ritt IJrrrt'sIsland-l-r:rs 13 roonrs, ir 40 pointcrs, iu.rclthe strr11 incluclcsgrrides fitncss ccr-rtcrwith ind<xrr pool, ru-routand tlirincrs. Vru ciu-r hunt cpiril witl-r drxrr pool, lnd tcnnis courts-2rll lbr thc
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exclusiveuse of property owners,their families,and guests.TWo restaurantson the property provide fine dining every day ofthe year. Brays Island Plantation is much morethanjust a gatedsportingcommunity-it's a way of life. To visit and start enjoyingthe benefitsofplantation living at Brays Islrrnd, caJl 1-866-320-1201, or (843) 846-3770, or visit www.brays
West CanadaPreserve: Solitude in the Northeast
Access to solitudeis oftentlte mostappealingaspectof otaning recreationalsportingpro?er4r.
Few properties availablefor sale today look the sameas they did in 1880,but West Canada Preserveis one of those specialplacesthat does.Locatedin the heart of the Adirondack Mountains in Hamilton Counry New York, this property is ideal for a fi,rmilywilderness retreator the ultimate sportingparadise. Encompirssing1,600 ircres of wild forestand featuringmore thirn 172miles ofwater frontageon West CanadaCreek,
Adirondaclr Wildemess Plo[e]ty Iil $ale I600 acresof unmatchedsolitudeand scenicbeauty.. . Chanceof a ltfttime!
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this unique property offers seclusionand solitude seldom found in today'sworld, yet is closeto severalnortheastemurban areasand all the accompanyingconveniencesof travel and modem living. The parcel is bordered by more than 150,000 acresof state wilderness land that is part of New York's Forever Wild ForestPreserve.The areaboastsa healthy population ofwild native brook trout living in streamsthat have never been alteredby stocking.Hunting opportunities include whitetail deer and black bear.Other wildlife abounds and sightings of moose, otter, beaver,coyotes,and bald eaglesarecommon. The property has two camps on opposite ends of this five-mile{ong preserve.The camp on the lower end is two-story and on the riverfront. It sleepsup to eight people and features a large dining room and kitchen area as well as spaciousliving room. There are two wood stoves and a gas range for cooking, along with ample furniture
and fixtures.Thecamp on the upperend is a historical lumber camp (c.1920), which has a new addition and is well supplied with stoves,lighting, and furnishings.This camp is locatedon a large lake that offers great sceneryfishing, and the thrill of floatplane access.For more information,visit wwwwestcrick.comor call (518) 828-A40 or (518) 827-6406.
Pondview Preserye, Millbrook, NewYolk Acquired by its current owner in 1976, Pondview Preserve is the ideal properry for the independentbusinessperson who enjoys gracious country living. Onginally a working sheep farm, resources have expanded over time, providing many years of pleasure and personal gratification for the o'wner and his growing family. The large cabanaand pool, extensiveand productive gardening areas, and exceptional hunting and fishing opportunities make this a suoerior businessand entertain-
ment facility. Income opportunities and tax incentivescan provide yearsofsatisfaction to the eventual owner. For more details,visit www.pondviewpreserve. com, email,or call (845) 677-6334.
CasdeMountain Farm Nesded on 292 rolling acresabove the Thornton River in Rappahannock Counry Virginia, Casde Mountain Farm offers the very best of modern country life. And itt for sale. The custom built S-bedroom, 41/z bath home offers a perfect fusion of traditional design and modem huaries. Situated to provide completeprivary, the 4,800-square-foot home offen sweeping views of Blue Ridge Mountains from nearlyweryroom. The ideal sportsman's retreat, the property offers neady a mile of frontage on the Thomton River, a large springfed pond, 78 acresof fertile ha)fields well suited to developmentas upland game
FlyFlstring LodgeFor Sale in NorthernNew England
$2,750,000 Trade in the traffic and fast pace to host fly fishers,upland hunters, vacationersand snowmobilers. Well respected Lodge with large clientele list and year round cashflow. Trained staff in place and turn key.
406-426-1 805
May/June2012 ' 95
coverts,and more than 210 acresof mature hardwoods.Healthy populations of whitetail deer,bear,coyotes,dove, and grouse provide a variety of opportunities for the sportsman.The property is subjectto a conservationeasementand is located in one of the best protected areason the East Coast, yet it is less than 90 minutes from Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Donald Skelly (dskelly@farmandestate. net,540-406-1370).
LopstickCabins inNewHampshire The Cabins at Lopstick is an Orvisendorsed fishing and hunting lodge that is also for sale.Lopstick is profitable and popular for its premier fishing, and excellentgrouseand woodcock coverts. It is New Hampshire's only Orvis-Endorsed outfitter and offers guests first-rate guide service for fly fishing and upland hunting. The companyt longtime guides are often
Ancient li,ueoakrdot thelandscape at Brays Island Plantation.
featuredin fly fishing and upland publications. In addition to cabins,guestscan also rent fly fishing gear,canoes,kayala,motor boats, row boats on remote ponds, and snowmobilesand snowmobilegear. Whatever the outdoor activity,Lopstick will outfit you. Operating year-round,this businessis locatedon a major snowmobiletrail.With an averageannual snovfall ofmore than L70 inches,revenuefrom lodging aswell as snowmobilerentalsof cabinsand gear promise year-round cash flow. Boasting the area'slargestand newestsnowmobile rental feet, the businessoffers packages with incentivesto stay. Did we mention the greatstaffi Current ownersvacation more than eight weeksper yearwith a six-week absenceannually. For more information,pleasecontact Lisa Savardby calling (603) 538-9955. Visit www.cabinsadopstickcom for more detailsofthis greatlodge.I
Hunt...Fish...Grow...a Life... A 186 acrefarm preservein the heart of DutchessCounty,NewYork,can be yours.
3.5acretrout pond,plus 3 other bassponds that providesportingopportunities.Alsooffering90 trailedacresof native woodlandand 80 tillableacreswhich providerealsporting resourcesfor deer,turkey,and upland birds. Other assetsincludelargemain house,manager'shome,and two family duplex.Modernoffice/ greenhouse. Millbrook is a small town just90 minutesoway from New YorkCity. Forfullerdescriptionof other facilitiesand equipmentpleasee-mail,, or checkthe websiteat
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