“Nurturing Personal and Professional Excellence in the Financial Services Industry”
n behalf of the Urban Financial Services Coalition Board of Directors, I am pleased to welcome you to our 40th Annual International Summit! Many financial services industry reports* indicate that 15 to 25 percent of the 7,000 Financial institutions in North America could be gone as a result of consolidation before 2020. Maintaining excellence in one’s personal and professional qualifications is critical to staying Competitive and profitable in this dynamic and rewarding industry. *(Accentuate Consulting, The Financial Brand) We have an impaction and fun program prepared for you that will cover areas important to financial services professionals including business leadership strategy, harnessing the power of diversity, industry regulatory update, a great career expo - (bring your resumes and test the Market), Mark I youth mentoring programming and oratorical competition, new industry product trends and how to use them, community empowerment educational initiatives, dining around Chicago and more. Special thanks to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for it’s unwavering commitment and support to this event. Feel free to let us know if we can be of any assistance at all, you do not want to miss a session! At your service,
Walter Brown, Jr. DE
International President Urban Financial Services Coalition
40th Annual International Summit Held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 230 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60604
Summit Schedule All events will be held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago unless otherwise noted. You must have a driver’s license or other government issued picture ID to enter the building. The Chicago Fed is located only a block away from the Club Quarters Central Loop Hotel, the official UFSC Summit host hotel. The hotel concierge can provide walking directions. For your reference, the address of the Club Quarters Central Loop Hotel is: 111 W. Adams Street Chicago, IL 60603.
Sunday - Wednesday, June 1-4, 2014 6:00 am - 8:00 pm
MARK I: Emerging Leaders Program Apprentice Challenge
(Club Quarters Hotel)
7:30 am - 9:00 am
UFSC Summit Registration
8:00 am - Noon
MARK I: Emerging Leaders Program Apprentice Challenge
(Indiana Room)
8:00 am - 8:50 am
Managing Transitions
(Illinois Rooms 2&3)
9:00 am - 10:50 am The Innovation of U: Create Your Future Careers
(Illinois Rooms 2&3)
11:00 am - 11:50 am
Leverage Your Value: Professional Branding in Consulting
(Illinois Rooms 2&3)
11:30 am - 5:00 pm
Summit Registration
Thursday, June 5, 2014
12:00 pm- 1:30 pm Diversity Leadership Luncheon: Evolution of Diversity and Inclusion (LaSalle Dining Room) 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Hot Careers in the Financial Services Industry
1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
UFSC Foundation Board Meeting
3:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Afternoon Networking Break Atrium
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Community Financial Inclusion Round Table Discussion
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
UFSC Networking Social
(Off Site Location)
(Illinois Rooms 2&3) (Indiana Room)
(Illinois Rooms 2&3)
(Close UP2 416 S. Clark St)
Friday, June 6, 2014 7:00 am - 9:00 am 7:30 am - 8:45 am 8:45 am - 4:00 pm
UFSC Summit Registration Lobby 2014 Economic Outlook and Beyond Breakfast
(Moscow Auditorium)
Diversity Career Expo & Vendor Exhibits
9:00 am - 10:15 am Regulatory Update (Moscow Auditorium) 10:30 am - 11:45 am News Trends in the Lending Game (Moscow Auditorium) 12:00 - 1:30 pm Lessons for Leaders Luncheon: 21st Century Strategies to Reach the C Suite (Illinois Rooms 2 &3) 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Dessert Reception
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Future of Technology and the Impact on the Financial Services Industry (Moscow Auditorium) 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm International Oratorical Competition & Youth Business Plan Competition (Moscow Auditorium)
Saturday, June 7, 2014 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
MARK I: UFSC Emerging Leaders Program Apprentice Challenge (Club Quarters Hotel)
9:00 am -12:00 pm 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
UFSC Board Meeting
(Club Quarters Hotel)
UFSC Awards Dinner
(Club Quarters Hotel)
Summit Sessions
21st Century Strategies to Reach the C Suite: With rapid market changes, the responsibilities of Senior management are evolving and new and cutting-edge management competencies are needed to effectively compete for growth. At the C-level and below new kinds of management team roles and skills are becoming increasingly vital. Learn about changes unfolding in the industry that require new ways of managing (demographic, generational, economic, technology, media, communication, delivery, pricing) and what the specific profile of successful management teams will be in the upcoming decade, covering finance, risk management, marketing, sales, operations and human resources. 2014 and Beyond Economic Outlook Breakfast: Each Urban Financial Services Coalition summit includes the Economic Outlook breakfast to highlight trends, speak to issues affecting the economy and garner wisdom from leaders in the field. This information will allow you and your company or business to become better positions, locally nationally and internationally. Community Financial Inclusion Round table Discussion: Urban Financial Services Coalition has invited community groups to discuss the issues and challenges financially impacting the African American community from local, regional and national perspectives. Each leader is charged with sharing their perspective on the top financial issues facing the African American community, what their organization is doing to address the issue and how other organizations can collaborate with them. The ideas shared will be submitted for consideration in the preparation for the Urban Financial Services Coalition’s “New Urban Financial Agenda for Communities of Color”. Evolution of Diversity and Inclusion: More than half a century ago, author Sloan Wilson described a world of corporate conformity in a popular novel, “The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.” A collection of empire builders and yes-men – all with similar backgrounds and ways of thinking – created a dreary culture of sameness that nearly led to a disastrous decision in the executive suite. That world is increasingly. Today, just as racial boundaries are eroding in the “U.S. melting pot,” cultural, gender and sexual barriers are weakening in the workforce. The traditional concept of workforce Diversity and Inclusion is evolving from an abstract Conversation about color. Driven by a need to compensate for talent shortages and compete in an increasingly diverse marketplace, companies are extending their recruiting and promotion efforts to groups that traditionally were under-represented or not present at all. Yet in many ways, the journey has only begun. Even in companies with diverse workforces, the members of the dominant group tend to have more influence and face fewer barriers to recruitment and advancement than others. There are still areas in which the idea of workforce Diversity and Inclusion has made few inroads. Since the nature of the journey and the degree of progress to date differ among companies and institutions, this session will focus on the difference in managing and valuing Diversity and Inclusion, as well as best practices that tend to promote Diversity and Inclusion everywhere. Hot Careers in the Financial Services Industry: Historically, the road to senior positions in the financial services industry, wound through retail and lending functions. Over the past several years, legislative changes have brought about diversification that has blurred lines of business in the industry. Banks that had looked primarily to loan margin spreads to drive profits began to expand more into fee income lines of business. Insurance companies, mortgage companies, brokerage firms and other financial service providers have moved into banking. Profits are driven more by fee income than loan spreads. Arguably, today the top five segments of the financial services industry are Wealth Management, Wholesale/Investment Banking, IT/Operations, Business Banking and Retail. How has the move into these different business lines been beneficial to minorities relative to career positioning? How prevalent are minority managers and decision makers in today’s most profitable industry segments? Our panel of professionals representing top segments will share insights into benefits from a positioning perspective of considering careers in these most prevalent and profitable financial services business lines.
Leverage Your Value: Professional Branding in Consulting: Every professional business person has a professional brand whether one knows it or not. Pro actively developing your professional brand allows you to frame, communicate and strategically managing your expertise and leverage its value as a consultant. Did you know that consultants may be internal –working for an organization full time or external – hired on a situational basis? The value added by consultants includes content, expertise, knowledge, behavior, special skills and contacts! As a result of this session, you will be able to identify your professional brand as an internal and/or external consultant, develop strategies for creating your professional branding and leverage your expertise as an internal or external consultant. Managing Transition in Time of Change: Many organizational and personal change is taking place around us. But how do we manage transitions among the chaos of changes? While change is situational, transition is personal and social shift we make in the process. Without a transition, a change is just a rearrangement of furniture. Unless transition happens, the change won’t work because it is an external facade. As it turns out, there are many people out there who are trying to make sense out of change and transition. This session will take you through several aspects of both in order for you to effectively manage and succeed in the workplace and in your personal life. As a result of this session, you will be able to identify significant task as transition takes place. New Trends in the Access to Capital: As with the rest of the financial services industry, a variety of new trends and innovations have emerged in providing access to capital. There are new trends like Crowd Funding, Peer to Peer Lending, and recycled trends like Payday Loans and Title Loans. The financial crisis has also given birth to new regulations for credit cards and home mortgages that have changed the way these credit products are offered. As with many innovations, some are positive, some have a lot of negatives. As a financial services professional interested in building a career in the financial services industry and a person of influence in your community, familiarity with the new trends in lending money will be a worthwhile exercise in personal and professional development. Regulatory update: This session will allow a diverse group of governmental and industry leaders to have a spirited dialogue with the audience in regards regulatory reform. The Future of Technology and the Impact on the Financial Services Industry: In today’s fast paced market, technology is allowing financial institutions to offer new services, gain new customers and keep existing customers engaged. Technological advancements have created a paradigm shift in the way consumers communicate and do business. With more than 90% of the U.S. population owning cell phones and 50% of them using smart phones, convenience has been redefined from “in my neighborhood” to “at my fingertips.” Is your institution aware of the technological changes? How can your institution take advantage of the major changes in technology to impact bottom line? This session will explore technological changes and how institutions can leverage them to impact the bottom line. The Innovation of U: Create Your Future Careers: The career landscape is rapidly shifting. Taking charge of one’s own career requires developing skills to MANAGE your own careers in addition to DOING your own careers. Chaotic changes in the economic landscape offer both opportunities and challenges for an entrepreneurial approach to career development. In other words, have you ever considered your career as a business? Have you thought about the value you are providing to your company or business beyond the job description of your current roles and responsibilities? Do you want to explore and imagine what your potential could be? This interactive session will help you identify tools for exploring career opportunities; surface and inventory some of your career assets; re framing your expertise into different career directions; and developing career strategies for unimaginable future possibilities.
Urban Financial Services Coalition would like to thank our 2014 Partners and Sponsors