THE Candidate Pastor Demetrius K. Samuel, Sr. accepted the call to min-
isterial service from an early age, serving in several leadership and teaching capacities. A native of Western NY, he is third generation Church of God in Christ, reared on COGIC teachings, doctrine, and procedures. After relocating to Charlotte, North Carolina in 1999, Pastor Samuel began active service to Sherman Memorial COGIC under the leadership of the late Bishop Cornelius E. Anderson, Sr., Jurisdictional Prelate of North Carolina’s Second Jurisdiction, comprised of 96 churches and various missions throughout the North/South Carolina and Virginia regions. After years of study, grooming, and preparation, Pastor Samuel was ordained in the year 2000, receiving his official Elder’s License in the COGIC. His committed service to the ministry of Bishop Anderson and Sherman Memorial led to his rise to the office of Assistant Pastor. During his tenure, Pastor Samuel implemented effective programs, systems, and initiatives to fuel the growth of the ministry. After nearly a decade of service to Sherman Memorial COGIC, with the blessing of his Jurisdictional Bishop, in January 2008, Pastor Samuel launched out and began Shiloh COGIC, a ministry God had implanted in his heart sixteen years earlier. In 2012 he was led to return home to Sherman Memorial to further assist with the ministry. In 2015 he was elevated to the office of Interim Pastor. Pastor Samuel is a learned man with solid grasp of the foundational principles of the Word of God, and in depth understanding of contemporary methods of growth and organizational enhancement. Pastor Samuel possesses the anointing, skill, humility and intellect to be a successful leader of God’s people. A gifted teacher, preacher, and biblical scholar, it is clear that he has been chosen by God for this hour to bring liberty to the captive and healing to the broken.
THE Order THE CALL TO WORSHIP I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Psalm 122:1-2 The Invocation The Hymn The Scripture Reading
The Affirmation of Faith Praise and Worship The Offering The Sermonic Selection The Message The Installation Ceremony The Benediction
THE Affirmation the Bible:
We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God.
We believe that there is One God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and, God the Holy Ghost.
The Church:
We believe in the blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.
We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer.
The Holy Ghost: We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, according
to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for Him.
Sanctification: We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost, by
whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in the present world. AMEN
THE Officiant Worshipper, entrepreneur, pastor and pulpiteer extraordinaire, Bishop Stenneth E. Powell’s preaching ministry has spanned the breadth and width of the United States for more than 30 years. Bishop Powell is a gifted orator who captivates audiences by articulating the truth of God in a way that is singularly unique. In May of 1990, Bishop Powell organized Abundant Life Christian Center with just six members. Today, he ministers to more than 1500 parishioners each week. From its humble beginnings in a rented post office, God has blessed the ministry with its own 1,000 seat sanctuary and a 27,000 sq. ft. Family Life Center that includes a gymnasium, a complete fitness center and a recording studio. Bishop Powell’s ministry can be seen statewide through a weekly telecast and can be heard locally and via the internet through a weekly radio broadcast. What to Do Before You Say ‘I Do,’ a book centered on God’s design for marriage, was birthed out of a Sunday morning series teaching for married couples and singles seeking marriage, teaching them how to relate to their mates. Bishop Powell is the Prelate of the NC Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Prior to his pastorate, he traveled for more than a decade as a National Evangelist representing the Church of God in Christ. As a seer, Bishop Powell always seeks out ways to build the lives of people. He serves on a number of ecumenical and faith-based organizations including the Raleigh Interdenominational Minister’s Alliance. Bishop Powell is a strong proponent of the Marriage Amendment Act and he continues to take a stance against abortion and pro-choice propaganda. Bishop Powell possesses a keen ability to achieve business and entrepreneurial success. This drive led him to study business at the University of Hartford, CT. His passion for the Word of God and instruction for the people of God led him to receive a Bachelor’s of Theology from Cloverdale College. Bishop Powell launched SEP Publishing to provide a platform for gifted musicians, writers and singers who wanted an opportunity to launch a successful career in the arts. More recently, he participated in the Oxford Round Table Discussion in England. He has been recognized by the Heritage Registry Who’s Who and was a special guest on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Currently, Bishop Powell is pursuing a Master’s of Theology from Graduate Theological Foundation. Yet, with all of these accomplishments, his greatest earthly achievement is his bride of more than 34 years -- Beverly Ann Powell. From this union, his pride continues through his two sons Stenneth Jr. and Joshua, and his granddaughter Ayanna Michelle Powell. Both sons are actively involved in their father’s ministry.
THE Charge The Bishop: As newly installed minister to this, the flock of God, and the saint of our Lord Jesus Christ, do promise to preach the Word of God, rightly dividing it, live it as an example before this flock? The Minister: I will, so help me God. The Bishop: Do you promise to care for the sick and shut-in, bear their burdens, counsel and advise them, seeking to encourage, enrich and serve them in this life so that ye might discharge your duty as a minister of Jesus Christ. The Minister: I do, so help me God. The Bishop: Do you promise to teach these saints, who are under you instruction, the Doctrine of Jesus, the Doctrine of the Church of God in Christ, its Constitution and Governing Laws of the church? The Minister: I do, so help me God. The Bishop: Are you willing to serve faithfully, holding the trust of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost and Charter of this Church Incorporated, to the best of your knowledge until such times that kingdom promotion, divine providence or unforeseen events remove you? The Minister: I will, by the help of God. The Bishop: Then, I as Jurisdictional Bishop, commend you to God’s keeping in the face of the witness that your serve this Church, love the people, entreat them as saints, preach the Gospel, feed the flock and lead about a Godly life so that you may save many and in the end, gain eternal life through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sherman Memorial COGIC 1401 Parkwood Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina 28205 (704) 377-0642