A Guide created for CKI Clubs by DBE Tommy Gooden & Assistant DBE Yashel Monteith for the administrative year 2016 - 17
What’s Inside 1. Editors Message 2. DBE’s Goals for the year 3. Roles of a Bulletin Editor 4. What to include 5. Sample Websites 6. Sample Newsletters 7. Branding Guide
s ’ r e o t g i a d s E s e M
You literally have the best job in your club! You get to meet everyone and you get to display your creativity. If you don’t have any you are on your way to garnering some. I am Tommy Gooden, your District Bulletin Editor for the administrative year 2016 - 2017. If you are new to the Kiwanis family, welcome! This shall be an interesting journey for you. If you are a veteran in the Kiwanis family, forget everything you thought you already knew. Lets shake things up and do things totally different! Lets create a district we are all proud to be apart of and even more proud to know we helped to create. I am unconventional and I believe in quality over quantity. So I am perfectly fine with one properly executed bulletin for the year with exceptional attendance at events. Drop your shyness if you are and lets have some fun while we learn together and make history together! This is our District and under the leadership of myself and my assistant Ms. Yashel Monteith, President of the UWI Mona WJC club & District Marketing & Public Relations Chairperson we shall be a group of bulletin editors like none other before us. So, lets DO IT!!!
To assist Club Bulletin Editors, PRO’s and committees with marketing initiatives to attract new members within the remits of their recruitment drives by assisting with activities to draw attention and advising on mistakes to avoid at the 2016 Recruitment drive.
To Increase the visibility of clubs to publics outside of the Kiwanis family of organizations through increased and interactive social media activity alongside traditional media coverage for at least 1 activity for the administrative year. This shall include reviews from club members all across the Caribbean in 1 minute snippets posted to Instagram and YouTube Page. This shall also include the creation of a YouTube channel to document, with video, the adventures of the District and its clubs at various events and in various settings.
To increase by 60% or more the direct sharing of photography for projects & events amongst the entire district.
To host a minimum of 4 Development and advancement workshops geared at teaching and or improving the quality of products coming out of clubs within the Caribbean District.
To implement a new District Website that is fully operational by September 2016, to include membership pages to better track the history of membership and make relevant information readily available to all clubs and their members. This is intended to better assist with transparency and as a result boost member participation.
To produce a minimum of 4 Bulletins for the District for the administrative year, that showcases the work of the District executive as well as clubs.
To energize District members to create the ultimate poster that depicts what CKI in the Caribbean is all about. This competition shall be launched on the first day of OTC 2016 and shall run for a period not exceeding 30 days. This competition shall involve at least 1 club outside of Jamaica and at least 2 from Western & Eastern Jamaica. The winning poster shall be printed and distributed to all active clubs within the district for their orientation week.
To work closely with chairperson for Marketing, Media and Technology to create an official District T-Shirt and have them distributed to clubs by no later than October 30th 2016.
To work closely with DLFC chairperson to include in this administrative year DLFC the Districts official “Mr. and Ms. CKI Caribbean�. This competition shall seek to further the interpersonal skills this institution seeks to develop through different objectives geared towards the development of well-rounded leaders.
Roles of a
Bulletin Editor 1. Create and distribute monthly/ bi-monthly/ quarterly newsletters (bulletins) to club members (this can change based on how much you feel there is to share). 2. If there is a lot of happenings in one month you are free to break away from your model and publish a special edition. 3. Establish and meet newsletter deadlines. 4. Keep members informed about meetings, deadlines, accomplishments, actions taken by the board, club/ district/international events, etc. 5. Encourage and welcome article and content submissions from club members. It is a good idea to let new members and even old members share their “CKI Moment� through video or text. 6. Contribute to the Circle of Sharing (Posters, Event Info, Project Info, etc...).
7. Assist the public relations committee in advertising tasks (if your club utilizes a committee such as this one). 8. Attend a majority of club meetings and projects and take lots of pictures and record lots of videos. 9. Attend OTC, DCM, Bull Konek, DLFC & DCON for additional training and sharing of ideas. 10. Attend other District & Divisional Events take LOTS OF PICTURES and record tons of videos. 11. Take an active role in setting of the club goals, objectives, membership recruitment, education and development.
Most importantly REPRESENT CKI WELL!!!
What to include in your
Bulletins 1. Programs to be presented during meetings for upcoming month. 2. Service projects, social activities, and Kiwanisfamily activities for upcoming month. 3. Deadlines for the submission of Committee Progress Report Forms. 4. Deadlines for project sign-ups. 5. Important dates (club, college or university, and sponsoring Kiwanis club). 6. District, division, and International events. 7. Accomplishments of the club and members in the past month. 8. Actions taken by board. 9. Names of new member
When designing the newsletter, be creative, but keep it simple. Use the CKI graphic standards to ensure consistent designs. Developing newsletters can be very time consuming; the most important component of writing a newsletter is informing the members about club activities.
Brand Guide
The CKI wordmark is our primary logo. When people see the wordmark used consistently and correctly over time, they’ll start to recognize it—and your club. Include the wordmark on all your CKI stuff.
here are a few
for using our wordmark. Please be cool and follow them.
Logo should be used in one of 3 variations: Wordmark on Transparent Background Wordmark on White Background Wordmark on Black background Either variations should see the wordmark in one of the 3 colors seen above.
Always ensure our logo has space all around and is never shrunk too far. Never shrink beyond 1 inch or 72 pixels on the shortest side.
Don’t squish, stretch or shrink the wordmark.
grab one of the corner handles
scaled smaller than minimum size
When you change the logo by squishing or stretching it, you change the brand.
Here’s how to change the size while maintaining the logo’s proportions: 1. Select the object. 2. Hold down SHIFT. 3. Move the mouse pointer over one of the corner handles and t hen click and drag the mouse. 4. Release the mouse button b efore you release SHIFT.
Please don’t make up new logos by combining logos or graphics or type fonts. Our logo will thank you!
INDIANA DISTRICT Butler University
The logo is the logo. That’s how we make it instantly recognizable to people. When you mess with it, it loses power. Keep it clean. For more examples how you can personalize the CKI logo for your club see the following pages.
Circle K International
Make the logo your own. Personalize the CKI logo for your club.
CKI black logo Myriad Pro (80% black) CARIBBEAN DISTRICT Mico University Garamond Premier Pro
in school color
CARIBBEAN DISTRICT Browns Town Community College
CARIBBEAN DISTRICT College of Bahahmas Don’t have Garamond Pro? Substitute Myriad Pro.
CARIBBEAN DISTRICT University College of the Caribbean
Yashel Monteith
CKI black logo combined with your university’s name in Myriad Pro
Shortwood Teachers College
CKI black logo combined with your university’s name in Myriad Pro
Represent your club or district during your CKI activities by personalizing your T-shirts, websites and printed materials. You can include any infor mation you want—district name, club name, your own name—as long
Want some color? Highlight your university’s name in one of your school’s colors.
PANTONE 654 Blue
PANTONE Black 80% CMYK 20 / 10 / 0 / 0 RGB 199 / 214 / 238 HEX c7d6ee
CMYK 9 / 0 / 43 / 38 RGB 158 / 163 / 116 HEX 9ea374
PANTONE 5773 Green
CMYK 0 / 100 / 60 / 55 RGB 130 / 0 / 36 HEX 820024
CMYK 45 / 0 / 80 / 33 RGB 103 / 145 / 70 HEX 6a9448
CMYK 0 / 61 / 97 / 0 RGB 245 / 128 / 37 HEX f58025
CMYK 6 / 7 / 55 / 0 RGB 242 / 225 / 139 HEX f2e18b
PANTONE 459 Yellow
CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 80 RGB 88 / 89 / 91 HEX 58595b
PANTONE 632 Cyan CMYK 100 / 0 / 5 / 5 RGB 0 / 165 / 217 HEX 00a5d9
PANTONE 7490 Green
CMYK 100 / 67 / 0 / 38 RGB 0 / 61 / 121 HEX 003d79
PANTONE 158 Orange
CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 100 RGB 35 / 31 / 32 HEX 231f20
Make it
P PO with color
• Plan ahead. Don’t wait for the right image to come to you—create it. Consider your location, props and composition. • Keep the background simple. Make sure the background doesn’t distract from the subject, and that nothing behind the subject affects the image. • Think about your lighting. Make sure your subject stands in the best light—it might be bright out, but the sun can cast shadows on a face. • Capture faces. Expressions, reactions, moments, emotions and action make great photos. The best way to get them: concentrate on people’s faces when taking photos. Avoid shooting mugshots. Print photo resolution TOO LOW: 351k 300 x 400 pixels
RIGHT SIZE: 5.5 megs or more 1200 x 1600 pixels
BEST SIZE: 24 megs or more 2400 x 3600 pixels
The of JPG, EPS & PNG
EPS J Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator QuarkXPress
Desktop/Printer Use Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Word
• • •
Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel
Web/On-line Use Adobe Dreamweaver Other Program
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • •
EPS Used for: High-quality print jobs, printing with a vendor, T-shirts and other merchandise. Techie terms: High-resolution, vector-based art, scalable JPG Used for: Websites, PowerPoint templates, email, social media, some print Techie terms: Low-resolution, raster-based, not transparent (for print use at least 300 dpi) PNG Used for: Websites, video, PowerPoint templates, email, social media Techie terms: Transparent, raster-based, low-resolution (not for print use)
Your WRITTEN STYLE is as important as the way your stuff looks. Remember these 3 things:
1. Be consistent. It never hurts to have a guide. For writing style, CKI follows “The Associated Press (AP) Stylebook,” 45th edition (2010).
2. Be concise. The fewer words you use, the better your message sinks in. Make your writing easy to follow and fun to read. In fact, reread what you write—then revise. You might be surprised what you can do without.
3. Go easy on the eye. When it comes to
visual appeal, the copy is important too. Don’t make people feel overwhelmed by words. Got a series of items or instructions? Use a “bullet-pointed” or numbered list. Got a key point? Try subheads in bold type. Some people skim—so make it skimmable.
“convention” Uppercase when used with the full convention. Never write “the international conven tion.”Instead, say“the Circle K International convention.”
“international” Uppercase when used in the formal name of the organization and in other formal uses; otherwise, lowercase. Never use alone with “president” (title), “board” or “convention.” Instead, use: Circle K International president or Circle K International Board. For more, check out the Kiwanis-family style guide at styleguide.