Tomoha Ikeda portfolio

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T O M O H A  I K E D A p o r t f o l i o









01 02 03 04

01 Mid o r i n o Mu s u bi me

Lemon Award for 40th Lemon Exhibition The Student Design Excellence Exhibition Selected for 50 Selections Awards and No.33 out of 352 projects in Sendai Design League 2018 The FIRST PRIZE for Mitsui Building Graduation Project Exhibition

In the past, shrines were the center of a community of people in Japan. However, the connection between areas and shrines has been weakened as the environment has changed, and at the same time, the communities between the areas have been diluted. I propose new modern public spaces by expanding the functions of shrines that stay there in place even when the times change and reorganizing them in relation to the area. Graduation project / Site: Omiya-ku, Saitama / Period: 5 months / Use: Public space

S h r i n e s

u s e d

t o

b e

t h e

c e n t e r

o f

l o c a l

c o m m u n i t i e s

Several festival days a year, there is a festive atmosphere where Glittering lanterns, lively music, and the laughter of people of all ages can be heard until night. In the morning, people gather naturally to meet the local guardian deity at the shrine. People worship, exchange casual conversations with acquaintances who are present, and leave the shrine. In the afternoon, children gather and Precincts become bright and lively. At night, small lights are lit on the lantern of the shrine, quietly telling the end of the day. Even if no one is calling out, the shrine was a place where people naturally gathered and was loved by local people.

H o w e v e r ,

t h e

c o n n e c t i o n

w i t h

t h e

s h r i n e

i s

g e t t i n g

t h i n n e r

n o w

Shrines have been around for hundreds and thousands of years. On the other hand, the surrounding environment of the shrine is changing rapidly. The consciousness of the shrine is where the guardian deity is located and is diminishing. At the same time, the connections between the regions that the shrine triggered have been waning.

Therefore, I propose new modern public spaces by expanding the functions of shrines that stay there in place even when the times change and reorganizing them in relation to the area.

"Musashi Ichinomiya Hikawa Shrine" The head shrine of 280 Hikawa shrines in Japan

Hikawa Shrine is one of the oldest shrines that was appealed to Izumo Shrine about 2400 years ago.* It is an ancient shrine in the capital, Takeko Shrine, and about 60 festivals are held throughout the year. This shrine has a 2km long stretch to the Hikawa Shrine and the atmosphere of 'Hare'** is increasing along the stretch. * Many shrines transfer in deities from famous shrines. This involves dividing a shrine's tutelary deity and enshrining it in another shrine. ** Japan has the word "Hare and Ke". 'hare' mean non-ordinary events, which were rituals and festivals and 'Ke' mean daily situations

2000m approach-Breakwater against high rise-

survey of the surrounding environment and road approaching the shrine

On the left side of the approach, there is a wave of newly built high rises from Omiya Station, and the

If a 2km long stretch to the Hikawa Shrine is divided into three sections (A, B, C) (separated by

approach looks like a breakwater against the waves. To the east are long-standing low-rise residential areas,

two large intersections), different characteristics will be seen. The three sections have different

and to the west are high-rise condominiums that have recently been developed. The area around Omiya Station

plans for the width and direction of the pedestrian path and the roadway. Depending on the section,

is still under development, and the development of high-rise buildings is progressing from WEST to EAST.

characteristics such as the walking speed and the destination of the people were observed.

target site In the center of the approach (about 400m section), the black market once stayed for nearly 60 years. Today, it is hardened with concrete, making it a deserted and lonely open space. In this square, we will set up a site where the environment is significantly different between the east and west, and propose two buildings that stand in the direction of the Hikawa approach.

The oozing atmosphere -Survey sketch-

street stall

Hana-Shidume festival



non-ordinary events, which were rituals and festival

daily situations

Dairei festival

Shinto-style wedding

traditional festival music

People who came to visit to worship

Kids wearing a traditional festival costume

The popular restaurant next to the approach

High-rise apartment beside the approach to the shrine

People preparing for worship

a building in which to perform a sacred Shinto dance

The practice of traditional festival music

Musashi Ichinomiya Hikawa Shrine has dozens of festivals a year. Those atmosphere does not remain

There is a very quiet look too. It's different from the day when the festival is held at the shrine.


at the shrine's grounds and naturally seeps into the approach and surrounding areas. On HARE's

atmosphere of the people living in this area is also exuding on the shrine and the 2km long stretch to the Hikawa

Day, the behavior of people changes and the behavior is different from that of everyday life.

Shrine. In addition, the shrine's expression stands both dignified and silent while accepting worshippers.

Close yet far

"fear face" of the shrine

diagram1 The heights of the buildings on the west and east sides of the approach are the opposite. The appearance of the architecture in contrast to the surrounding environment has the character of open public space, but has the unique face of religious architecture as "close but distant", which is different from ordinary buildings.

During the investigation, I sometimes felt the shrine's harsh and fearful“face”, both in Hare and Ke. The precincts are open to the community, but different from general public spaces. Shrines give people the feeling of "Thank you for accepting me"

diagram2 Bypassing one strong axis called Hikawa approach to the other axis, the place of intersection becomes a hangout for people. The function of the shrine that has been opened is an environment that local people have been involved in before, and it also functions as a“place for raising feelings before going to the main shrine, a place for preparation”inherent in the approach to the shrine.


Counselor room Preparation room 1

Preparation room 2

Traditional dance practice area

Low-Yasiro sectional plan Sďź?1/150

Sh r i n e f u n c t i on

Altar (wedding hall)

Main Shrine



place of playing traditional musical instruments

place of worship

Groom preparation room

Relatives waiting room 2


Relatives waiting room 1

Bu-den place of show traditional dance to God


Scene of Exorcism

place of exorcism

Square terrace

Shrine cafe

Historical material

Small workshop room

WS venue terrace

Indoor market venue

Materials + exhibition space

busy market street Morning market venue

Hikawa Shrine office(Yashiro Branch) Shrine Gallery

Festival costume storage room


High-Yasiro sectional plan S=1/150


It has a site on the west side of the approach. I propose a low-rise architecture with a traditional dance hall in the center of the apartments, which are about 20-30 meters high. The grand floor has a square, which is used for traditional dance practice aswell as a children's playground. The second floor has the function of a traditional dancing hall, where traditional dance and KAGURA (Japanese traditional musical instruments) are performed on Hare Day.

Relatives waiting room 1 Bu-den Relatives waiting room 2

Counselor room

Traditional dance practice area

HARE(sacred) KE(secular) w.c.

program construction

underground plan S=1/125

Ground floor plan S=1/125


Low-Yashiro Performing traditional dance at the dancing hall

The street up to Yashiro is a busy market street


It has a site on the east side of the approach to the shrine. There are detached houses around 10m high, and I propose a 30m tower construction opposite to the surrounding environment. The top floor is an altar for wedding ceremonies. The areas on the lower floors are used as public areas while the upper floors are used for the Hare elements.


朝市開催場朝市開催場 朝市開催場朝市開催場 Morning market venue




テラス テラス

テラス テラス


Small workshop room 製作所

札所 氷川神社札所

Amulet shop 出張社務所出張社務所 Hikawa Shrine office(Yashiro Branch) 出張社務所 出張社務所 出張社務所

Indoor market venue

出張社務所 出張社務所 氷川神社札所 氷川神社札所 氷川神社札所 氷川神社札所 氷川神社札所

屋内市開催場所 屋内市開催場所 屋内市開催場所 屋内市開催場所 屋内市開催場所 屋内市開催場所 屋内市開催場所


ライブラリライブラリ ライブラリ ライブラリ ライブラリ





製作所 製作所

神楽練習場 神楽練習場 神楽練習場 神楽練習場 Kagura practice place

Shrine Gallery


神社 - ギャラリー 神社 - ギャラリー 神社 - ギャラリー 神社 - ギャラリー 神社 - ギャラリー - ギャラリー 神社 - 神社 ギャラリー

WS 開催場所 WS 開催場所

WS 開催場所 WS 開催場所 開催場所 WS 開催場所 WS 開催場所 WSWS venue

歴史資料 歴史資料

歴史資料 歴史資料


Historical material

祭事衣装保管室 祭事衣装保管室 祭事衣装保管室 祭事衣装保管室 祭事衣装保管室 祭事衣装保管室 祭事衣装保管室

Festival costume storage room

資料+企画展場 資料+企画展場 資料+企画展場 資料+企画展場 資料+企画展場 資料+企画展場 資料+企画展場 Materials + exhibition space

1 階平面図 S=1/100 1 階平面図 S=1/100 1 階平面図 S=1/100 1 1階平面図 S=1/100 1Ground 階平面図 S=1/100 1 階平面図 S=1/100 floor plan S=1/125 階平面図 S=1/100

2nd floor plan S=1/125 2階平面図 S=1/125 2階平面図 S=1/100 2階平面図 S=1/100 2階平面図 S=1/100 2階平面図 S=1/100 2階平面図 S=1/100 2階平面図 S=1/100

3階平面図 S=1/100 3階平面図 S=1/125 3ed floor plan S=1/125 3階平面図 S=1/100 3階平面図 S=1/100 3階平面図 S=1/100 3階平面図 S=1/100 3階平面図 S=1/100

HARE(sacred) KE(secular) w.c. program construction

Based on the idea of the shrine that the god comes from above, the spiritual presence would be stronger on the higher levels hence the functions of the Hare are arranged there. On the lower floors, functions with elements of Ke such as libraries and open spaces are arranged to better adapt to the area.

解放会議室解放会議室 解放会議室 解放会議室 解放会議室 Free meeting room解放会議室 広場テラス広場テラス

広場テラス 広場テラス 広場テラス 広場テラス 広場テラス Terrace Square

Costume storage room 衣装保管 衣装保管 衣装保管 衣装保管衣装保管 衣装保管

Relatives waiting room 1親族待機室1 親族待機室1 親族待機室1 親族待機室1 親族待機室1 親族待機室1 神社カフェ神社カフェ

Shrine cafe 神社カフェ 神社カフェ 神社カフェ 神社カフェ 神社カフェ

room 2 親族待機室親族待機室 2 2Relatives waiting 親族待機室 親族待機室 2親族待機室 2 2 親族待機室 2


4階平面図 S=1/100 4階平面図 S=1/100 4階平面図 S=1/100 4 floor 4階平面図 S=1/100 plan S=1/125 4階平面図 S=1/100 4階平面図 S=1/100



Bride preparation 新婦準備室 room 新婦準備室 新婦準備室 新婦準備室 新婦準備室 新婦準備室 新婦準備室 新郎準備室

祓殿 祓殿祓殿


5階平面図 S=1/100 5階平面図 S=1/100 4th floor plan S=1/125 5階平面図 S=1/100 5階平面図 S=1/100 5階平面図 S=1/100 5階平面図 S=1/100 5階平面図 S=1/100

Groom preparation room

祭壇 hall) ( 結婚式場 )祭壇 ( 結婚式場 祭壇 )( 結婚式場 祭壇 ( 結婚式場 ) ()結婚式場 ) ) 祭壇 ( 祭壇 結婚式場 Altar (wedding

新郎準備室新郎準備室 新郎準備室 新郎準備室 新郎準備室 新郎準備室

6階平面図 S=1/100 6th floor plan S=1/125 6th floor plan S=1/100 6階平面図 S=1/100 6階平面図 S=1/100 6階平面図 S=1/100 6階平面図 S=1/100 6階平面図 S=1/100

7th floor 6thplan S=1/125 floor 7階平面図 S=1/10 plan S=1/125 7階平面図 S= 7階平面図 7階平面 7階 7階平面図 S


Library familiar to the local community

High-Yashiro Altar Top floor Hare stage

Two Yashiro facing each other with the approach to the shrine in between. The intersection is called“Midori no Musubime� I hope this place will be a great catalyst for people to meet.

02 H o use w i t h t w o g a rd ens

A green road extending to the northeast and a field standing southwest. Two "greens" with different personalities are called "gardens" and are drawn into one house. Housing proposal for couples who love books.

2nd grade assignment / Site: Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo / Period: 3 months/ Use: Housing

Won Award for Residential Studio 2015 -Residence Project Excellent Works Exhibition of Architecture universitiesMost votes and won Maki Onishi Award for All grades joint design review 2015 The FIRST PRIZE for interior studio review

first story

2 greens and 5 paths

The main characters in this story are a couple who loves books. The number of books they

The site is Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. It is located in a corner of a five-forked road where a rich

travel and collect around the world is enormous and requires a book warehouse. However,

green road passes in front of you.

the collected books all recorded beautiful images and literature, the couple decided it

are places where individuals can visually perceive green but cannot normally enter. On the other hand,

was a waste to keep them locked up from the public eye.

the green road doesn't choose the visitors. People stop there and get together while being on the road.

There is a neighbor's field on the southwest side of the site. Fields

Higashi Fukasawa Elementary School

Nomigawa Green Road Green roads create large shades of trees, and many people walk slowly. Some people stop and talk

Nursery school children were playing

Megumi Nursery School

Road with very few car streets (about one at a time) The road used by people returning home in the evening


No bench to sit on

Elementary school and nursery school children's school road. The children of Megumi Nursery School go to the green road from this road. Cars from Meguro Street pass, but the traffic is not so high. No one stops here, and many people walk quickly.

Therefore, I propose a house with bookshelves that are open to the area. It will be a second living room for couples, more familiar than a library, and a place where people can be connected.

Meguro street

Plot green path and fields

a five-way intersection

children playing on green road

Meguro street

Two gardens with different characters

Consider the greenery of the green road and the greenery of the fields in contrast to each other. The greenery of the green road is open throughout the area and is a place where people gather. The greenery of the field is under the control of an individual, it is either open or closed depending on the individual’s mood. I named these two greens "everyone's garden" and "secret garden", and considered how to incorporate them into the house.

the greenery of the green road

Everyone's garden

ambiguous intermediate territory

□ Public space □ A place where local people can stop □ A place where children actively play □ Running courses, walking dogs, drawing people, etc. are used for a variety of purposes. □ Anyone can be in any place they like

I propose“Everyone's garden”, considering the characteristics of the green road. This garden is an all public place where you can spend your time freely which shares it’s familiarity with the green road.

Secret garden the greenery of the fields

□ Private space □ Only the owner can use this place freely □ You can feel green spread visually

Incorporate two gardens into one architecture. The oozing

□ Owners can have their own space

characteristics of the two gardens create an ambiguous intermediate

□ Basically, only the owner can enter

From the characteristics of the field, I propose a highly

□ It is also possible for the owner to release

private "secret garden". It is usually a private space for the

this place to the community. The nature of

owner. However, I consider a garden where the degree of public

the place changes depending on the owner

access to the area changes depending on the owner's judgment.

territory, and the way this space works creates a new way of living that is not bound by active communities or functions.

Sketch for thinking design

It opens wide on the green road side and closes small on the field side. I incorporate and deploy the two environments little by little. I think of ways to change both the public and private area’s atmosphere with the amount of light let in while also being able to close it off to the public for a more private setting with the doors.

Configuration diagram

The green path in front of you / The line of sight spreads out

The book cafe connected to the living room of the house by a colonnade

Free flow line to the book cafe The playground for kids Events such as local children's works display and telling the story of a picture book will be held

Everyone's garden Public-atmosphere is High Wide stairs open to outside

Secret Garden Private-atmosphere is High Adjacent to living/bathroom

The house is a two-story structure, the house is situated 1500mm underground. If you ascend above “Everyone’s Garden”it becomes a residential book cafe. It is connected to the living book space in the residential area. Walking throughout the glass doors will allow you to access the“Everyone’s Garden”and the“Secret Garden”. The privacy of the areas will change depending on the owner's mood.

Underground floor plan S=1:125

Ground floor plan S=1:125

Short direction Section S=1:125


Book Cafe -Second Living-

The intermediate territory of two gardens

The space is gently separated by bookshelves arranged in a radial pattern. It is like a share

Here, local events and exhibitions are held by the owners. Light leaks from the secret garden

house or guest house in it having one common area. It is connected to the living room

behind the glass door, and you can feel a sense of unity with the outside green path.

of the ďŹ rst-oor residence by a colonnade, and there is a terrace to the secret garden.


View the living room from the kitchen

Semi-underground bathroom

Light comes in from the secret garden facing the south, and the wind escapes.

Bathroom facing the privacy-protected garden. With an angled plan, you

The stairs in the foreground lead to the book cafe. The path from the living

can relax without worrying about the line of sight from the common space.

room on the ground oor to the second living room on the second oor.

03 Ate l ier V i llag e

On the site along the Meguro River, we propose a multi-family apartment like a large umbrella. Nests overlap and mesh with each other to create paths and small gardens, each of which has its own characteristics and transmits to the community.

4th semester Project / Site: Meguro-ku, Tokyo / Period: 3 months / Use: Housing Complex

The FIRST PRIZE for Architecture studio review

K a m im e g u r o , M e g u r o - k u , To k y o

There are offices and ateliers scattered here. Many young people

There are many buildings around Meguro River in each block, and

who are interested in the arts and various cultures come visit

you can only walk linearly in each block. The flow of people is

this art-sensitive location, regardless of culture and background.

slow, and the riverside feels like time is flowing slowly.


Dense residential area The height of the building is higher on the south side of the river than on the north side. The north side has 3-4 stories, while the south side has 6-7 stories.

Saigoyama Park Located on a hill, overlooking the Meguro River. There is a nursery and an elementary school on the north side of the park, which is a playground for children.

The bridge that only pedestrians can pass This is the only bridge where only pedestrians can pass. This bridge is the narrowest.


There are new buildings, mainly stores, studios, and offices. On Saturdays and Sundays, families, couples and foreign tourists can be seen.

The road which entered one back from the riverside

Kitano Shrine Shrine next to the target site. There is a fence and can only be entered from the north side. At the annual harvest festival, local residents gather here to carry MIKOSI and hold the festival.

Metropolitan Expressway Central Loop Line There are many car streets and the sound is noisy. There were few pedestrians, and there are office workers passing by quickly. Some buildings on this street have more than 10 floors, and some have tower apartments.

A privately owned shop along the river

There are many record shops, restaurants, and large general stores that are larger than riverside shops. The road is full of people on holidays and there are many people who walk dogs in the morning.

Luxury residential area Each house is large and there are many taxi instead of private cars.

the first floor, there are many cafes, clothing stores, accessory shops, etc. run by individuals, and there are many buildings on which there are houses. Many of the merchandise at the store is on the walkway, and the boundary between the store and the walkway is ambiguous.

Bulletin board

Nakameguro Station

There are several locations along the Meguro River. Notices on local news and bazaars, recruitment of classroom students, etc. are posted.

It is different from the riverside and has a busy atmosphere with many people. The traffic in front of the station is very busy with traffic and noise.

Break the mold

The building to be placed will be an annex, and by making an angle, the free flow line will be made on the site. By setting the angle of the volume of the building, a path like a loophole can be created, and a number of small pools where people can gather can be created.








Rest area

Used book rental office

Kitchen studio


Bicycle parking Spice Institute

Kitano Shrine

Permanent outdoor market

Felt atelier


Bazaar square




Tree shade Square

Vase production studio

Nautical Chart Institute Pottery atelier

Free studio

Music studio

Wood processing atelier

N-054 Koide’s House


②Reflect Garden

Used book store

Teaware factory

Clothing production atelier House

Picture frame atelier

①Reflect House

Graphic design atelier

Special exhibition space Outdoor workshop space

Meguro River


Herbal tea specialty store

Historical research atelier







Shared kitchen   House

Shared kitchen   House

店 Restaurant

Book warehouse Shared kitchen   House Cafe

Shared kitchen

Work preparation room

House Shared kitchen

Meguro River

Shared kitchen

House Workshop space

2 階平面図 S=1:200 2nd2 floor plan S=1:200 階平面図 S=1:200








Shared kitchen   House


Shared kitchen

店 Restaurant


Outdoor living room


Shared kitchen   Shared kitchen

Shared terrace



Meguro River

3 階平面図 S=1:200 3ed3階平面図 S=1:200 floor plan S=1:200








Shared kitchen


店 Restaurant


House House

Meguro River

4th floor plan S=1:200 4階平面図 S=1:200

East Elevation S=1:200

South Elevation S=1:200

Long direction Section S=1:200

Short direction Section S=1:200


Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2015

3rd-grade laboratory project/site: Nakazato Kiyotsukyo area, Tokamachi, Niigata / Period: 7 months /

An art project that spans a world-famous wide area.I was involved as a project leader with around 50 members.

Use: Information center for art festival, planning, design, and construction of related artworks The following projects were implemented in FY2015 ・ Management of "Koide's House", which is managed for about 10 years in the laboratory Hori Laboratory Project Active as a project leader (Joint with Tokyo Denki University Denki Yamamoto Laboratory)

・ Design and construction of new work“Reflect Garden” ・ Management and operation of "Kiyotsu Warehouse Museum" using a closed school gymnasium ・ Planning, design, construction, and operation of "Kiyotsu-ya "using a closed school building adjacent to the gymnasium

February 2014-September 2015 The project involved local and local governments and attracted about 30,000 visitors during a one and a half month session.

Name of facility

Work name




Construction management

Koide’s House

N-072 Kiyotsu Warehouse Museum (Former gymnasium)

①Reflect House 2007∼2009



⑥Kiyotsukyo Elementary School Memory Archive

⑤kiyotsu-kyo bento

②Reflect Garden ③Najyodai?

⑦ Kiyotsugawa Pizza Workshop

④Let's make Kiyotsu river

N-077 Kiyotsuya (School building)

④Let's make Kiyotsu river


⑤kiyotsu-kyo bento support recipe invention

Kiyotsu river

Cooking daily during the exhibition

⑥Kiyotsukyo Elementary School Memory Archive ⑦ Kiyotsukyo Pizza Workshop make and use a pizza pot

Kiyotsu Warehouse Museum

N-054 Koide’s House

N-073 Noe Aoki  Hurisosogumonotachi Ⅰ-3

②Najyodai ?

N-074 Shigeo Toya  Minimal Baroque Ⅳ“Soueikei” N-075 Noriyuki Haraguchi Untitled 4 (Series from 1970)

①Reflect House

N-076 Toshikatsu Endo Kudosetsu-Wooden Ship 2009


For more than a year before the session began, we had meetings with people from various positions, such as the operating company, the local government, and the government.

②Reflect Garden


In various ways, such as modeling and mock-ups, the entire team shared their opinions and consolidated the shape.



By the time of the art festival, all works were completed by students only. The construction schedules in Tokyo and the site was carefully planned.

Students worked from preparing and cooking lunches, working on one of the projects, to operating the museum and responding to customers.

T h e g r i d u s e d i n R e fl e c t Ho u s e ( 2 0 0 9 ) , a w o r k i n t h e i n t e r i or sp ac e of Koide's Hou se, was ex p anded ou t side. W e c reat ed t he

②Reflect Garden

c o nc e p t o f " R e fl e c t K o i d e '" a n d w a n t e d p e o p l e w h o c a m e t o feel t he nat u re of Koide, whic h we have been involved wit h. T he grid o ve r fl o w i n g i n t h e R e fl e c t G a r d e n i s a t o o l t h a t l e t s y o u fe e l everyt hing abou t Koide and gives you a c hanc e t o look bac k at Koide.


Sina veneer t=4mm Wood blocks

Steel pipeφ48.6 h=1000,1500,2000

Right angle clamp

Fixed base (Fixed to the control panel)

③Najyodai ?

A work set inside Koidenoe. In t he T su mari dist ric t , " Najyodai?" is " How are you ?" means. It is a mec hanism t o p u t a p ost c ard du ring t he ex hibit ion and rec eive a let t er aft er t he ex hibit ion.

Reflect garden Overall plan S=1:300

④Let's make Kiyotsu river

A w o r k a t t a c h e d t o t h e o ffi c i a l i n fo r m a t i o n c e n t e r o f the Art Fest ival, bu ilt inside t he former Kiyot su kyo E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l . A p a r t i c i p a t o r y w o r k i n w h i c h m arbles flow on a t able river imit at ing t he Kiyot su R iver fl o w i n g n e a r b y a n d m a k e a r i v e r d u r i n g t h e e xh i b i t i o n. On t he same t able are work s from t he Nakaz at o area.

Let's make the Kiyotsu river S=1:150

Overall plan

Flooring material A Flooring material B Plywood

2×4、Cedar wood

â‘ĽKiyotsukyo Elementary School Memory Archive

â‘ŚKiyotsugawa Pizza Workshop Recipe planning / cooking instruction Yoshihiro Imai

Th i s e xh i b i t i o n w a s b a s e d o n p hot os borrowed from p eop le in t he su rrou nding Kiyot su kyo area. M any p hot os of t he element ary s c h o o l b e fo r e t h e s c h o o l w a s c losed were disp layed, and visit ors were invit ed t o learn of t he original element ary sc hool.

Th e p i z z a w o r k s h o p w a s a l s o h e l d i r r e g u larly du ring t he ex hibit ion. Pa r t i c i p a n t s e n j o y e d m a k i n g p i z z a w h i le list ening t o t ric k ling of t he river .

⑤Kiyotsu-kyo bento Recipe planning/cooking instruction Yoshihiro Imai

Th i s Be n t o w a s s o l d d a i l y w i t h s t u dent s and loc als based on rec ip es designed by c ook s. St u dent s c omp let ed t he hex agonal b e n t o m a i n l y b y p u r c h a s i n g , a d j u s ting t he shift of loc al p eop le, c onsu lt ing wit h healt h c ent ers, and set t ing p ric es.


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