1 minute read

I want to Ride my Bicycle

Tomorrow magazine was delighted to be present when Vicente received his new bike.

A special thank you to everyone who attended the T.A.C.T charity events last year and also to the Luz Foundation. Due to your generosity, we were able to purchase a specialist bicycle to help our shining light Vicente in his ongoing development.

We hope that the equipment may help him to walk one day. Vicente, who was born with cerebral paralysis, will use it to help strengthen and work the muscles of the legs while having fun at the same time.

The four-year-old has continued to receive intensive therapy in Braga. Since the Christmas Ball last year, when we raised money for his physiotherapy, he already has more control over his body and head and increased strength in his arms and legs.

You can continue to help Vicente by collecting plastic and metal bottle tops You can leave the bottle tops at the C.A.R.D.S. in Lagos, at Clube Desportivo de Odiáxere, at Clube de Ténis e Padel de Lagos and at Pastelaria Gombá 2 in Lagos.

Or make a small donation to Vicente's account because Vicente spends € 21,400 on treatments in Braga every year.

Your help is vital to Vicente and his family, and we will not stop supporting him until he can walk.


Facebook: O mundo colorido do Vicente

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