3 minute read

Quinta do Pincho

Blueberry Farm

We started growing blueberries in Pincho in the Western Algarve in 2013 and have had a successfully established business here for four years. We deliver to order, sell in markets and at some selected health businesses and also run a pick-your-own service by arrangement. We had some early Blueberries in April but sold out in hours, and now await our main crop in July through to September. We have four varieties, and over 3000 bushes.


We have given a lot of thought to safety this year and will operate under the “Clean and Safe” scheme. This will ensure the best and safest berries possible, and all our staff and our farm visitors this year will be temperature screened with an infrared forehead thermometer.

We have 40 hectares (100 acres) of beautiful tranquil countryside in Pincho, with a big lake, trees and plenty of shade, and we think it is a great place to grow and to pick these healthy berries.


It isn’t as easy as you’d think.The blueberry is a flowering shrub that produces nutritious berries. Blueberries are small, around 5-16 millimetres (0.2-0.6 inches) in diameter, and have a flared crown at the end. They are green in colour at first, then change to red, then blue-purple as they ripen. They require an acid soil to grow, our soil is naturally acid here, making it the perfect crop for our farm. We add mulched pine prunings and organic manure in winter to keep them healthy, with no chemical fertilizer or non-organic additives. The acid soil inhibits insects and spiders, and so no sprays or insecticides are needed or used.

The bushes don’t like their roots in water. They die if too dry, so we have a sophisticated drip-though irrigation system using natural rainwater from our lake, all monitored by our farm manager Alex and our staff.


If you have purchased blueberries from the shops, you will know it is a random process, some berries being delicious and fresh, some being watery or tasteless, others being tart or even unpleasant. Sadly, some shops sell different types of berries which go mouldy within days of purchase. Berries don’t travel well, and those imported from afar are often chilled or even frozen, and treated with inert gases, all factors which can affect their good taste and viability. Ours are always freshly picked and should keep for four weeks in your fridge. They are freezable and will keep nicely if you freeze them on purchase. They can then be thawed and used immediately as needed when they maintain almost all of their good taste.


The best way to take advantage of their nutritional benefits is by eating a cup of fresh blueberries every morning. They can either be added to your cereal or muesli or eaten just as they are or with yoghurt, cream or crème fraiche. Our naturally grown berries are free from production chemicals, but it's best to give them a rinse with water immediately before eating because of handling during picking, transit and stocking. They have a bloom, which is antibacterial and preservative, and this should be left on until eating or freezing.

They are great as a smoothie or used in cooking. Ours are naturally sweet, so reduce added sugar in any recipes you use. They are also great added to clear spirits, for example, gin and vodka, and add a great taste to cocktails.


Blueberries are probably the best antioxidant superfruit due to their high concentration of anthocyanidins. They are also a rich source of phytonutrients, and eating two cups of blueberries every day gives more benefit than all other types of berries combined. And a lot of medicines and pills (trust me, I’m a retired doctor!)

The antioxidants in blueberries slow down ageing and help protect against common diseases such as cancer and chronic heart disease. They prevent cell damage by neutralising free radicals. Blueberries also prevent the inflammation that is a known cause of ageing diseases, like Alzheimer's and dementia. They are natural brain food and can help in reversing short-term memory loss and other symptoms which can occur with ageing.

Along with anthocyanins, blueberries also contain other antioxidants like proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, flavonols and tannins that help prevent the growth of cancer cells. Lab studies have found the benefits of blueberries include preventing colon cancer and ovarian cancer.

Delicious, packed with antioxidants and with a low-calorie count, blueberries are a great nutrient-rich choice for a healthier life.


+351 910 782 740

Faceook: quintadopinchoblueberries

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