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Next week, when the dust has settled, your heart has fallen back into its regular rhythm, you’ve taken a nice hot shower at home and slept in your own bed, there will be some time for reflection. Think ahead and take a deep breath now, think about all the wondrous things you’re experiencing this weekend; think about how, maybe, they’re changing you into someone new. Will you be someone better than the you that arrived at this festival before the weekend? Are there any resolutions or changes you’re thinking of? For yourself, for tomorrow, for a better future? If this is you – if you’re thinking about quitting smoking, cutting out the carbs, asking your partner to have a cat together, finally putting that crosstrainer you bought for Christmas to good use – head over to the Switch for Tomorrow elves at the Tunnel of Hope located on the One World Bridge. The artists present will immortalise your wishes and desires on the serpentines hanging over the tunnel. Eternalise your commitment to yourself, say your wishes out loud, and with just a little bit of that magic Tomorrowland sparkle, they will come true!