A personal message from the Editor in Chief, Roderick C. Meredith
WHY EARTHQUAKES? Whether we realize it or not, dramatic prophecy fulfillments are bringing this world toward the end of society as we now know it! The recent horrifying earthquake in Haiti is turning out to be one of the worst tragedies of modern times. Within days of the disaster, more than 200,000 were reported dead, and another 1.5 million were left homeless. And as the days went on, the scope of the damage became more and more evident. Haiti suffered a blow from which it could take years to recover! Many organizations rushed to send help, and we were able to help a Haitian member of our Tomorrow’s World ministry personally bring aid—financial and otherwise—to many suffering Haitians. Naturally, all of us are concerned about our suffering fellow human beings. But, why such tragedy? Commenting on the Haiti quake, United States President Barack Obama stated, “For a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible” (USA Today, January 13, 2010). The President called the tragedy “incomprehensible”—something he cannot understand. Yet he also called it “cruel.” Was he calling God cruel? Or did he mean that a satanic force cruelly caused the earthquake? No matter how one might interpret these remarks, they reveal a man who truly does not understand. And few do. But we do need to understand. And countless thousands of you subscribers have already proved to yourself that we at Tomorrow’s World do know the meaning of the prophecies being worked out here on earth! Many of us in this Work have been helping explain these events decades in advance, ever since we worked closely under Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong in the Work Christ did through Him. And we want you to know what we know. First, it is vital to realize that God has a 7,000-year plan! He is not trying to “save” everyone at this time! Otherwise, as El Shaddai—“Almighty God”—He would save everyone right now—and no force in the universe could stop Him! Jesus Christ Himself said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44). Jesus’ own teaching indicates that He and God the Father were not then trying to “save” everyone. Indeed, after proclaiming
Himself the “Rock” upon which the true Church was to be built, Jesus rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men” (Matthew 16:23)! For, like most people, Peter did not yet realize that much suffering is usually required for human beings to learn the lessons we need to learn, and that Jesus’ suffering and death were a necessary part of God’s plan. And when Jesus said, “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father” (John 6:65), Scripture goes on to tell us that “many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more” (v. 66). Jesus did not go running after them—desperately trying to “save” them right then. For God is allowing the first 6,000-year period of His great Plan for human beings to write the lessons they need to learn through the human suffering that comes from going their own way. Most will not fully learn those lessons until later. So God has, in effect, kept “hands off” our human society, which He has now allowed to remain under the temporary control of Satan the Devil. Most of you readers know this—but the people who cry out, “Where was God in all of this?” do not understand! These people have never understood or have completely forgotten the many, many verses which tell us that Satan is, in fact, the “god” of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4). And many of these people—often themselves nominal Christians—wrongly assume that God is somehow trying to “save everyone” now, and therefore would be remiss if He did not intervene to deliver human beings from every tragedy that comes along. But the Creator of the universe is not trying to do all of this—at this time. Are the Haitian people worse sinners than most of the rest of us? Speaking of the why of human tragedies, the Gospel of Luke tells us, “There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered (Continued on page 30)
How Your Subscription Has Been Paid Tomorrow’s World has no subscription price. It is made possible by the tithes and offerings of Living Church of God members, and by others who have chosen to become co-workers in proclaiming Christ’s true Gospel to all nations. Donations are gratefully acknowledged, and may be tax-deductible.
Volume 12, Issue 2 • March–April 2010
Cover 4 Has Protestantism Failed? The “mainstream” Protestant denominations are losing members by the millions. Other Protestant groups are adopting non-Christian doctrines and practices that would have been unheard of a few decades ago. Why is this happening—and what does it mean to true Christians?
Features 10 Here Comes the Sun? For years, mainstream media have taken “human-induced global warming” for granted. Now, as more and more doubts are being raised, can a non-scientist hope to discern the truth behind the controversy? With the help of Scripture, you can understand!
16 Hope for the Future! A time is soon coming when our troubled planet will be at peace, under the millennial rule of Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God. Are you despairing over the sad condition of today’s world? You can take heart in knowing God’s wonderful plan for you—and for the whole world!
22 Heading for Economic Catastrophe? The present economic crisis has brought pain to the lives of countless millions in the United States and around the globe. But with so much uncertainty in the air, can we expect a quick recovery—or another plunge into even deeper economic trouble? What does your Bible say?
28 Diamonds and Stones
Are you finding life’s true wealth?
14 London Calling Commonwealth 20 Tomorrow’s Youth Break Free from Loneliness 26 Prophecy Comes Alive Debt, Disobedience and Demise of Nations 9
Questions & Answers
19 Letters to the Editor
Tomorrow’s World ® is published bimonthly by the Living Church of GodTM, 2301 Crown Centre Drive, Charlotte, NC 28227. ©2010 Living Church of God. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Canada subscriptions: Canada Post Agreement Number 41512017. Send change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to P.O. Box 409, Mississauga, ON L5M 0P6. Postage paid at Charlotte, NC and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Tomorrow’s World, P.O. Box 3810, Charlotte, NC 28227-8010. We respect your privacy: We do not rent, trade or sell our mailing list. If you do not want to receive the magazine, contact our Regional Office nearest you (listed on page 30), or send e-mail to subscriptions@tomorrowsworld.org. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned.
To mo rr o w’s Wor l d i s pr o te cte d t hr o ug h t r ade m ar k r eg i s tr a ti o n i n t he U ni te d St at es , a nd by i n te r na ti o nal t r ea ti e s. Tr a dem a r k r eg i st r at i o n pe ndi n g i n ot he r cou nt r ie s. The s ym bo l ® , a ppe ar i ng h er ei n, do es no t i n di cat e t r ad em ar k r eg i s tr a ti o n i n co un tr i e s wh er e i t i s no t y et re g i st er e d or p ro t ect ed by tr e at y. All scripture references are from the New King James Version (©Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers) unless otherwise noted.
31 Television Log EDITOR IN CHIEF Roderick C. Meredith EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Richard F. Ames EXECUTIVE EDITOR William Bowmer REGIONAL EDITORS Rod King (Europe), Bruce Tyler (Australasia), Gerald Weston (Canada) ART DIRECTOR Donna Prejean PROOFREADERS Sandy Davis, Linda Ehman, Genie Ogwyn, June Olsen BUSINESS MANAGER J. Davy Crockett, III
By Roderick C. Meredith
© Renaude Hatsedakis
Millions of people have left the “mainstream” Protestant churches! Why? And what does the future hold?
hy have many millions of sincere people dropped out of Protestant churches over the last several years? Why are so many of those who remain willing to ignore the Bible and to embrace ideas from Buddhist, Hindu and “New Age” theories and practices? Why? A recent survey of Americans’ religious affiliation discovered: “Old mainline churches of Protestantism are statistical figments of their graying imaginations. The Episcopal Church represents 1.1 percent of the population. Internet feuds drove away a million parishioners—about a third—from 2001 to 2008. The number of ‘Christians, unspecified’ grew from 8 million in 1990 to 16 million in 2008, but the attitudinal shift is even bigger…. Indeed, the idea of a personal God is losing ground to a vague, deist force” (Charlotte Observer, March 24, 2009). Millions of churchgoers are in confusion, and often practice a “cafeteria” approach to religion—choosing a little of this and a little of that. Significant numbers are finding themselves attracted to Roman Catholic teachings about homosexual conduct, the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, the all-male priesthood, and the firm prohibitions against abortion, adultery and fornication. It is very important to realize that Pope Benedict XVI has recently reached out to disaffected Anglicans, warmly inviting them to return to Rome while keeping many of their distinctive traditions—including married priests! Many observers realize that the perceived stability of Roman Catholicism is making it more and more attractive to former Protestants, who have grown tired of their own sects’ “waffling” on so many issues. Students of Bible
prophecy will not be surprised to see hundreds of thousands and even millions returning to their “mother church” in the next few years!
The Key Issue For those with understanding, the real issue is the fact that the Protestant reformers and their successors have not actually turned their people back to the “faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Remember the often-stated saying of noted Protestant theologian William Chillingworth, “The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, is the religion of the P r o t e s t a n t s ” ( S c h a f f - H e rz o g Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, article “Chillingworth, W”). Yet most American churchgoers—and Britons as well—have almost no knowledge of the specifics of the Bible! Jesus Christ commanded His followers, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God” (Luke 4:4). “Yet U.S. citizens know almost nothing about the Bible. Although most regard it as the word of God, few read it anymore. Even evangelicals from the Bible Belt seem more focused on loving Jesus than on learning what He had to say” (Charlotte Observer, March 18, 2007). Does that last sentence grab your attention? It is vital! It is true that even “Bible Belt Christians” are far more focused on “loving Jesus” than on what He had to say! That is why they are so confused, so divided, and so ignorant about what the inspired word of God is trying to tell them. They simply do not study their Bible like a book on history, mathematics or quantum physics. They just approach it with a sentimental attitude and read bits and pieces—not really reading the entire Bible with a desire and prayer
for understanding and asking God for the willingness to obey what He is telling them in its pages! One can find literally hundreds of examples of this in newspapers and magazines. In June 2006, the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the United States passed a resolution “essentially condemning the Bible as an ‘anti-Jewish’ document. Not only does the resolution aim to address perceptions of anti-Jewish prejudice in the Bible and Episcopal liturgy, but it suggests that such prejudice is actually ‘expressed in… Christian Scriptures and liturgical texts’” (VirtueOnline.org, June 15, 2006). Have people gone completely “bonkers”? For when really studied and even half-way understood, the Bible is totally pro-Jewish and is, in fact, an account about how God gave His people a basic way of life in the Old Testament—though only in the letter of the law—and of how Jesus Christ, a Jew (Hebrews 7:14; Revelation 5:4–5) came to “magnify the law” in the New Testament (Isaiah 42:21, KJV). Jesus Christ—whom any sane person ought to recognize as the genuine Author of true Christianity—referred to the Old Testament again and again as “Scripture.” He put His stamped impress on it and certainly on what we call the New Testament as well. But, today, the basic Christian concept of the Bible as the “inspired word of God” is being “watered down,” criticized, and virtually eliminated from our professing “Christian” culture in America and Britain! In fact, the vast majority of present-day ministers and religious leaders often teach attitudes and ideas totally contrary to what the Bible actually says! And instead of admitting this is just their own “philosophy,” they teach their ideas in the name of “Christianity”! Why do they have to bring Christ’s name
into it, when it has nothing to do with Christ or what He taught?
A Totally Erroneous Model A fundamental error that has caused Protestantism to fail in returning to the truth of the Bible is the fact that they started out with a wrong model or “paradigm.” A paradigm is defined as, “an overall concept accepted by most people in an intellectual community, as those in one of the natural sciences, because of its effectiveness in explaining a complex process, idea or set of data” (Webster’s New World College Dictionary). Rather than using the inspired word of God as the fundamental paradigm or “model” of what he wanted to restore, Martin Luther—acknowledged as the primary founder of P ro t e s t a n t i s m — s e e m e d t o b e rebelling against certain Roman Catholic practices. Yet, in fact, he intended to carry on many of the basic teachings of Catholicism except those he personally disagreed with! So, Protestantism became a “hodgepodge” of different ideas. Some were held over from pagan practices that had been part of early Roman Catholicism. Others were derived from selective use of some scriptures while ignoring others. Still others were little more than the whim of Luther and his colleagues without benefit of Scripture! It never seemed to occur to them that if they were truly to restore the “faith once for all delivered” they would need to fully return to the teachings of the Bible! So it is remarkable that in rejecting the doctrine of transubstantiation, Luther declares the absolute authority of Scripture in matters of faith and practice. He states: “For that which is asserted without the authority of Scripture or of proven revelation may be held as an opinion, but there is no
March–April 2010 5
obligation to believe it…. Transubstantiation… must be considered as an invention of human reason, since it is based neither on Scripture nor sound reasoning” (Documents of the Christian Church, ed. Bettenson, p. 280). If Luther had only applied this type of scriptural test to all of his doctrines, the world today might be a different type of place! For when he was charged with inserting the word “sola” (alone) into Romans 3:28, he haughtily replied: “Should your Pope give himself any useless annoyance about the word sola, you may promptly reply: It is the will of Dr. Martin Luther that it should be so” (Manual of Universal Church History, p. 199). And, we may add on good authority, no other reason for such unscriptural changes as these were ever given. When it came to Luther’s own personal doctrinal convictions, Martin Luther was truly a self-willed man. In judging any man or movement, Jesus said, “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:20). If one honestly and objectively considers the actual “fruits” of the practice of Protestantism—or Catholicism for that matter—in any nation or area of the world, it becomes obvious that genuine Christianity has not been restored in any of those places. As all students of history know, many of the great wars of the last several hundred years have taken place in Europe. We read of Protestants fighting Protestants, Catholics fighting Catholics. Often, each side’s bishops or priests would “bless” the troops as they headed up the ridge to bayonet and disembowel the enemy. Yet the “enemy” might
well be a person of their very own religious faith! Christianity?
Why Not Follow What Christ Taught? Neither Protestant nor Catholic theologians as a whole have ever taken seriously the simple, straightforward teaching of Jesus. For when Jesus Christ was asked by a young man the way to eternal life, He replied, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments” (Matthew 19:17). In the famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus clearly stated, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:17–19). Many Christians do not grasp the importance of those words. Christ said, regarding the law, that not “one jot or one tittle”—the tiniest marks in the Hebrew script— would pass from it until heaven and earth pass away. Since heaven and earth have not passed away, we must understand that the law remains. Did His “fulfilling” the law somehow change these commands? Or did they change after Christ’s resurrection? No! Heaven and earth
did not pass away at His resurrection. And we see that Jesus’ own example was to keep all of the Ten Commandments—including the seventh-day Sabbath (Luke 4:16). In these passages, Jesus was obviously talking about God’s law— God’s spiritual law—the Ten Commandments. For He clearly refers in this context to the command, “You shall not murder” (Luke 18:20). Similarly, He refers to God’s command not to commit adultery, and then states, “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). So, Jesus not only ratified the Ten Commandments as the basis for Christian behavior, but showed that if a man even lusts for a woman, he is breaking the spirit of the law—and that, if he has hate in his heart, he is spiritually committing murder (Matthew 5:21–22).
Peter’s Warning At the very end of his life, in his final letter, the Apostle Peter specifically warned about how deceived men might pervert the teachings of the Apostle Paul into an excuse to do away with the law of God! Peter describes Paul’s epistles as a part of Scripture—yet as a part that “ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men” (2 Peter 3:16–17, NIV). It is vital for all of us to understand one basic concept: Protestantism went off on a wrong course because confused leaders were led by the invisible Satan the Devil to reject the l a w o f G o d — t h e Te n Commandments—as the basis for all right Christian conduct! Rather, they have substituted the idea that
“grace,” as they understand it, is a vehicle to somehow “do away” with the need to literally obey the Ten Commandments—all ten of them. As indicated above, at the very end of his life Peter was inspired by God to powerfully warn all readers of the Bible that “lawless men” would turn people away from obedience to God. “Lawless?” Do you think for one minute that Peter was talking about traffic laws? Of course not! He was talking about the spiritual law of God—the Ten Commandments. God obviously knew, in advance, that false teachers would rise up—as Peter and Paul warned about over and over—and turn men away from the way of life p a t t e r n e d o n t h e Te n Commandments, which God intended all true Christians to follow. Another entire article would be needed to clearly explain Paul’s teachings. But Paul consistently obeyed God’s laws—kept the weekly Sabbaths and the Holy Days—and never once said God’s spiritual law was abrogated! Otherwise, he would have been contradicting himself when he wrote in God’s inspired word, “Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what matters” (1 Corinthians 7:19). The original apostles of Christ and the Jerusalem Church of God set the inspired “pattern” or paradigm for true Christianity! Contrary to the heretical Protestant ideas that the Apostle Paul was used by God to “reinvent” Christianity, the real Apostle Paul of the Bible constantly showed deep respect for the original apostles and deferred to the leadership of Jerusalem in all major matters (Galatians 2:1–2). As renowned historian Edward Gibbon wrote, “The first fifteen bishops of Jeru s a l e m w e re a l l circumcised Jews; and the congregation over which they presided united the law of Moses with the
doctrine of Christ. It was natural His teaching, His spirit, His that the primitive tradition of a kingdom.... What we may church which was founded only properly call “Galilean forty days after the death of Christ, Christianity” had a short life, and was governed almost as many t h o u g h t h e re h a v e b e e n years under the immediate inspecnotable attempts to revive it tion of his apostle, should be and make it live again, and received as the standard of orthohere and there spiritual doxy. The distant churches very freprophets have insisted that quently appealed to the authority of anything else other than this their venerable Parent” (The Decline simple Galilean religion is and Fall of the Roman Empire, chap. “heresy”; but the main line of 15, sec. 1, p. 389). historic development has Frankly, the “little flock” (Luke taken a different course and 12:32)—the true Church of God— has marked the emphasis very has always understood the need to differently” (The Church’s Debt pattern itself after the teachings and to Heretics, Jones, 1924, pp. examples of Christ and the original 15–16). apostles. But very few have ever been When any institution or any willing to truly follow through on society rejects the spiritual law of this basic concept of C h r i s t i a n i t y. A s Professor Rufus M. Jones wrote—noting how Christ’s true teachings were quickly detached from the The Apostles lived by the original religion bearing His teachings of Jesus Christ. Today, name: very few know the true religion He taught—but you can be one “If by any of those few, and can experience chance Christ the peace and joy He wants for Himself had been your life! taken by His later
Restoring Apostolic Christianity
followers as the model and pattern of the new way, and a serious attempt had been made to set up His life and teaching as the standard and norm f o r t h e C h u rc h , Christianity would have been something VASTLY DIFFERENT from what it became. Then “heresy” would have been as it is not now, deviation from His way,
Write for our FREE booklet, Restoring Apostolic Christianity or download it from the Booklets section of our Web site
March–April 2010 7
the Creator and the inspired example of Jesus Christ as the absolute basis for all right conduct, it is doomed to failure! This is becoming more and more clear as our American and British societies begin to tumble down—and the rest of the world increasingly comes into a time of chaos, war and cosmocide unless God intervenes (Matthew 24:21–22). Because of their spiritual blindness, and because so many of their leaders seem unwilling to really “stand for something,” millions of Protestants are destined to return to the great “mother church!” Yet, as Luther and the early Protestant reformers clearly realized, the Roman church’s foundations are also totally unbiblical. Although Luther, Calvin, Wesley and other great Protestant leaders understood this, they still had a certain sympathy for their former faith—and were unwilling to face the fact that Rome was, in fact, professing many doctrines totally contrary to the teachings of the Bible. So, Protestant leaders compromised— as they are doing today on so many other matters. Luther said, “No one can deny that we hold, believe, sing, and confess all things in correspondence with the old Church, that we make nothing new therein nor add anything thereto, and in this way we belong to the old Church and are one with it” (Lindsay, A History of the Reformation, Vol. I, p. 468). By their own statements, then, it is proved that the Protestants regarded themselves simply as a continuation of the historic Roman Catholic Church, but under a different and supposedly “purified” form. Luther himself vehemently affirmed their essential oneness with the Roman Catholic Church! Similarly, regarding John Calvin, noted church historian George
Park Fisher tells us: “He did not deny that the Christian societies acknowledging the Pope are ‘churches of Christ’…. He indignantly denies that he has withdrawn from the Church” (History of Christian Doctrine, p. 304). Indeed, regarding the visible or historic Catholic Church, Calvin wrote: “As our present design is to treat of the visible Church, we may learn even from her the title of mother, how useful and even nec-
essary it is for us to know her” (Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. VIII, p. 450). Protestant leaders’ insistence on their basic unity with the Catholic Church—and their identification of Rome as their “mother” church—is most significant!
God Identifies the Roman Church In early editions of Martin Luther’s translation of the New Testament, there are many illustrations that picture the “Babylon” of the book of Revelaton as the Roman Catholic Church. Describing this widely understood interpretation, historian Roland Bainton tells us: “Fallen Babylon is plainly Rome” (Here I Stand, p. 258). Countless Protestant books, pamphlets, and tracts make that same identification today. They brand the Roman Catholic
Church as the “great harlot” of Revelation 17. Yet most of the “mainline” Protestant denominational writers have stopped making this identification. Why? They came to the embarrassing realizat i o n t h a t t h e y w e re t e l l i n g o n themselves, as “daughters” of that “harlot”! Will your church or your minister return to Rome? In many cases, this may occur much more quickly than you think! For massive forces are being marshaled to bring about a “return to Rome”! A rising “Beast” power in Europe is in its beginning stages and a constant drumbeat of the need for those nations to “return to their spiritual roots” is being sounded again and again. Yet, somewhere on this earth, God does have true ministers who will teach what the Bible actually says. His true Church is called the “little flock” in Luke 12:32. It is the Church described in Revelation 12 as having to “flee” to safety during the Dark Ages. It is the Church that will be taken to a Place of Safety on this earth at the time of the end (Revelation 12:12–14). So be sure to genuinely study your Bible as never before! And, if you are interested in learning much more about what has happened to the Truth—and what the Truth of the Bible actually is, be sure to contact us at the Regional Office nearest you (listed on page 30 of this magazine), or go online to w w w. t o m o r ro w s w o r l d . o rg t o request a free copy of our powerful booklet, Restoring Apostolic Christianity. This eye-opening booklet will help you fully understand this entire matter—probably more than anything you have ever read. While there is still time, may God help you to act on the Truth He is now revealing to you!
QUESTION: I have looked in my Bible for evidence of the “Good Friday” my church observes, but I cannot find it. What am I overlooking? ANSWER: You should be commended for your careful reading of Scripture! The Bible does reveal what Jesus Christ was doing on the Friday before His resurrection—but the truth is not what most professing Christians today believe! We know from Scripture that Christ spent three full days and nights—72 hours—in the grave. He had to do this in order to fulfill the biblical sign of Jonah, as He proclaimed to the scribes and Pharisees. “But He answered and said to them, ‘An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth’” (Matthew 12:39–40). This fact by itself proves that the widely assumed Good Friday to Easter Sunday chronology cannot be correct, since a Friday afternoon crucifixion would have kept Jesus in the grave until Monday afternoon. But when does Scripture say Christ was resurrected? Notice this account: “Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, ‘They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him’” (John 20:1–2). Her visit on the “first day of the week” means that Mary Magdalene went to Christ’s tomb in the night hours after the Sabbath—before the sun had risen on Sunday—and found that Jesus was not in the tomb. So, counting back 72 hours, there is no way Jesus could have been crucified on Friday at all! Scripture reveals that Jesus died at about 3:00 p.m. (Matthew 27:46–50). The Gospel of John gives us another vital detail about what happened
immediately after His death. We read: “Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away” (John 19:31). The “Preparation Day” is the day before the Sabbath, when tasks are performed in anticipation of the coming Sabbath rest from workaday activities. But we have already seen that Friday cannot be the day of Christ’s death, since He had to have been dead for 72 hours before the end of the seventh day of the week! Is this an apparent contradiction in Scripture? No! Notice the description that the coming Sabbath was a “high day.” This is a reference to one of the “annual Sabbaths” (Leviticus 23 6–36). Christ was crucified in the hours immediately preceding the First Day of Unleavened Bread (v. 6). So, we know from Scripture that Jesus Christ was buried shortly before sunset, before the First Day of Unleavened Bread began. We know that 72 hours later, before the first day of the week had begun, He had risen. This means that He rose near the end of the weekly seventh-day Sabbath, so He must have been crucified on a Wednesday—not on “Good Friday” as many now believe. On “Good Friday,” Jesus was dead, in the grave, in fulfillment of prophecy. Churches that hold to the Good Friday and Easter Sunday traditions are denying not only the plain words of Scripture, but also the very sign Jesus gave of His Messiahship. If you worship a Messiah who rose on Sunday after 36 hours in the grave, you are not worshiping the true Jesus Christ of the Bible, but rather a counterfeit invented by men who want to draw attention away from God and His Truth. To learn more about many false teachings that have been promoted in the name of “Christianity,” please request your free copy of our booklet, Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity.
acknowledged the importance of limiting temperature rises to 2° Celsius, but set no targets or deadlines. Countries agreed to voluntarily declare their goals for cutting CO2 emissions by 2020, and pledged financial support to developing nations over the coming years.
Settled Science—Or Not?
By John Meakin
Is a widespread consensus about “global warming” now melting away?
onderful, wonderful Copenhagen…” goes the popular refrain Danny Kaye first sang in his film, Hans Christian Andersen. Yet, last December, the mood in the Danish capital was anything but wonderful. Instead, ominous storm clouds of disagreement, frustration and chaos enveloped the much-anticipated United Nations-sponsored Climate Change Conference. Meeting in freezing temperatures as the snow lay round about, the assembled delegates toiled, argued and disagreed into the night. The conference was widely billed as “twelve days to save the world” from the presumed dangers of human-induced climate change—also called anthropogenic global warming (AGW). But this much-vaunted follow-up to the 1997 Kyoto conference ended in acrimony and disappointment. It comprehensively failed to secure the binding legal agreement on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for which so many had hoped. Instead, leaders from the United States, Brazil, South Africa, India and China hammered out a face-saving accord, to which most other nations gave grudging acceptance. The accord
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For years, mainstream media and many government agencies have carried on as though the danger of anthropogenic global warming was, as some have called it, “settled science.” In recent months, however, more sceptical voices have been heard. So, what is the average global citizen supposed to believe? Are we all doomed? Will we fry, boil and burn ourselves in a thickening CO2 blanket of our own making? Are we approaching a CO2-induced end of civilization as we know it? Or can mankind safely go on with its current patterns of resource use, unafraid of damaging our planet? Partisans on both sides of the issue are quick to push their favoured evidence while minimising contrary data. Those who doubt AGW point to recent temperature data they say indicates a cooling period, and dispute earlier figures suggesting a warming trend—even calling into question the honesty of the prior data collection. Yet, even while they are busy revising their own interpretations of the data, some of the most vocal AGW partisans continue to demonise sceptics as stupid or malicious people whose contrariness will lead to planetary suicide. What are the facts? Even as atmospheric CO2 levels have continued to rise, many reports suggest that global temperatures have ceased to rise as expected. Britain’s Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research had earlier forecast a 0.2°C temperature increase from 1999–2008, but now says the temperature trend was at a “standstill”—a trend of 0.0°C change—during those years. This is not what scientists’ carefully crafted computer models had predicted. Some scientists are concluding that factors other than CO2—or perhaps in addition to CO2—must be driving the climate. The science of global warming had, until recently, tied temperature increases firmly to the measured increase in atmospheric CO2. Do recent data disprove that link, or simply mean that old models must be refined? This all raises a key question: how “settled” is the science of climate change? More and more
observers seem to be concluding: “It’s not as settled as we thought!” All credible scientists agree that there are natural variations in our planet’s climate over cycles of thousands of years. Yet there are many differing ways to measure those variations. Only in the last 300 or so years have there been enough people, engaged in enough polluting activity, to have any significant effect on the global environment. All prior warming and cooling cycles took place with negligible human influence. Yet what “pollutant” do AGW proponents identify as the chief cause of global warming? Carbon dioxide—the natural product of human breathing! On what basis, then, have scientists determined that recent temperature increases were caused by human activity—and that they will lead to environmental catastrophe? In 1988, the UN established its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has sought to quantify the environmental effect of human activity. For more than 20 years, scientists affiliated with the IPCC have toiled in relative obscurity, measuring and reporting on climate change data. This multinational group has held its data and its computer modelling schemes tightly. This has led global warming sceptics to accuse the agency of attempting to block off healthy debate about its conclusions, and of allowing public policy goals to take precedence over good science. Not unlike other UN agencies that have over the years found themselves criticised for putting agenda before fact, the IPCC has recently had its turn for sceptical public scrutiny. In November 2009, when internal e-mails were leaked to the public from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, many dubbed the release “Climategate” amid widespread charges of arrogance, care-
less science and even outright dishonesty in how some IPCC scientists have approached the global warming issue. Yet even before the leaked emails, some media outlets that had previously parroted the IPCC conclusions almost reflexively were beginning to question the IPCCdriven consensus. An October 9, 2009 BBC online article asked the question, “What Happened to Global Warming?” Noting recent evidence of global cooling, and the role of the oceans as “heat stores,” the article discussed scientific theory suggesting that solar influences could play a greater part than previously thought. If true, this is a most inconvenient contradiction of Al Gore’s iconic hockey stick graph that showed world temperatures soaring ever higher due to human activity as they mirror the increase in levels of industrial CO2. In real life, that once-vaunted scenario is simply not happening as predicted! Yet IPCC scientists see no conflict between evidence of global cooling and further refinements of their global warming theories! When Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences researcher Mojib Latif, one of the world’s top climate modellers, acknowledged that we may be in a period of cooling worldwide temperatures that could last another 10–20 years, he also insisted that once the cooling trend is over, our planet will again experience drastic warming caused by human activity—which he warns will bring catastrophic results unless we act now.
Change Ahead for Climate Change? Can a non-scientist ever hope to make sense of the contradictions? When even a growing number of scientists outside the narrow ranks of IPCC members are expressing doubts about global warming ortho-
doxies, it is no wonder the ordinary citizen may be confused. Many still remember the 1970s, when scientists as passionate as today’s looked at the data and insisted a “new Ice Age” would soon be upon us. It is easy to wonder whether the “orthodoxy” of climate change science may be approaching a far-reaching paradigm shift. Certainly there are unanswered questions on both sides of the debate. Why are temperature trends out of harmony with rising CO2? Are other overlooked factors having a more powerful impact than CO2? Is carbon dioxide really the villain of the piece—the pre-eminent driver of global warming? Can climate change models be made more accurate? Could the AGW paradigm, based around CO2caused temperature rises, actually be overturned by something else? If so, what might that “something else” be? Increasing numbers of scientists suggest that computerized climate forecasting models need to take greater account of such factors as the magnetic interaction of the sun, shifts in ocean currents and their temperature cycles, and the feedback mechanisms relating to what is by far the most plentiful and important greenhouse gas in our atmosphere—water vapour, as found in clouds. These factors work to counteract the effect of rises in CO2. All these interactions are exceedingly complex and need to be understood more completely. Officially, the impact of the sun has been discounted as a causative factor of current climate change. An overwhelmingly powerful, politically correct, environmental and (supposed) scientific consensus is not even looking in that direction. They want to believe mankind is responsible! That is what makes sense to them. But on closer inspection it looks increasingly likely that this view just does not fit all the facts. Even the respected Economist newsmagazine, in its World in 2010
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publication, predicted that the sun would surprise scientists (p. 153); it all has to do with the rather inadequately understood activities of sunspots. From 1645–1715, long before the industrial era, for example, there was a 70-year period of very low sunspot activity, now called the Maunder Minimum after sunspot specialist Edward Maunder. That period coincided with a time of exceptionally cold winters in the Northern Hemisphere. Graphs comparing sunspot activity with the earth’s temperature appear to be closely related—much more so than when plotting CO2 with temperature. Coincidentally, recent sunspot activity has also been at a minimum, indicative of solar cooling. As the Economist presciently warned: “What happens if global warming meets solar cooling? Expect a hot debate.”
High Stakes for Humanity Why is this hot debate so important? Well, consider that according to the International Energy Agency, the cost of the human race halving its emissions of CO2 by 2050 would be some $45 trillion, equivalent to twothirds of the world’s entire annual economic output in recent years. And who will pay for this massive effort to save the world and its complex web of life from being burned as a result of its own CO2 emissions? You and me, and everyone else. All of us will suffer, with the poorest countries potentially suffering the most. If CO2 is not the problem behind current climate change, a world gone mad over AGW would be spending an inconceivably vast amount of money that might favourably impact all kinds of other issues, but with no discernable impact at all on the climate. Some
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would label that a most colossal folly! But all this leads us to something more profound and even more discounted in the mix of factors affecting changes in the climate and weather. There is another key reason to believe the future will develop in a markedly different way than portrayed by the media.
Long-time readers of Tomorrow’s World will appreciate the biblical perspective behind all we publish. Ours is a radically different paradigm and worldview that does not reject good science, but that keeps God in the centre of the picture. This perspective also has a far-reaching impact on how we understand the weather, quite independent of the machinations and vagaries of climate science. The Bible declares that it is God who created the heavens and earth. The universe, with all its astral bodies and the laws that maintain and constrain their activities, was put in place by God Himself (Isaiah 40:25–26; 42:5). God created the earth and ultimately the vast interconnected web of life that it supports (Genesis 1). God created mankind in His image and likeness for a great, transcendent purpose (Genesis 1:26–28; 2 Peter 1:3–4). Importantly, God formed the earth as a suitable habitat for the working out of His purpose and also promised to sustain it, so that purpose could be completed (Jeremiah 31:35–36; 33:20–21,
25–26; Genesis 1:14–18; 8:21–22; 9:9–17). The surprising reality (because we have forgotten or been misinformed) is that God is in charge of the sun and all the other forces that impinge on the earth’s climate. It is God who controls the weather (Isaiah 41:17–20)! For the righteous, His blessings will include good weather (Leviticus 26:3–5; Deuteronomy 28:12; Isaiah 43:19–21; 44:2–4). For the unrighteous, God will use various means, including the weather, to bring about repentance and to bring the people back to Him (Leviticus 26:19–20; Deuteronomy 28:22–24). One of the great depictions of Christ’s millennial rule over the earth involves the most profound changes in topography and climate in which the desert will “blossom as a rose” and “the wilderness regions will flow with water” (Isaiah 35:1–2, 6). All this implies far-reaching changes to the weather. God’s most fundamental command to human beings is to “tend and keep” the earth (Genesis 2:15); to look after it, to care for it and not to abuse it. But humanity has gone astray from God’s purpose in a multitude of ways. And so we pollute and overly exploit and abuse our planet with its abundant, yet finite, resources. We live in immoral and destructive ways, fracturing human relationships, warring and fighting each other and trampling all over the way of life God wants us to lead. Whether or not human activity is causing increased global warming, there is simply no excuse for all the pollution, and the reckless and uncontrolled destruction of forests and natural habitats that gravely threatens the rich biodiversity of life on our planet. And the question has to be asked: given the realities
of finite resources and the limitations of human government, can a world population soon to exceed 7 billion people ever expect to sustain for everyone the conspicuous consumer culture that hundreds of millions in Western nations now take for granted? Is inequity inevitable? Or must the West be brought down in order to raise the standard of living around the globe? Indeed, will there ever be enough energy, enough water, enough food and enough of everything else to satisfy the insatiable demand for these resources? Or will competition for scarce resources inevitably lead to growing conflicts between and within nations (Matthew 24:7)? Whatever one’s conclusion about human-induced global warming, we cannot deny that, as a whole, our society has ignored and even cast aside the pattern of life God set for us. We have increasingly rejected God’s law, preferring instead to honour the laws of science as the sole solution to our problems. God calls that rejection sin (1 John 3:4). And He calls upon us all to repent: to change from our sinful ways and embrace the right ways as defined by His word—the Bible. Instead of being fixated on the doubtful “prophecies” of inadequate computer models, we may need to pay more attention to the sure prophecies God has revealed in Scripture.
“Theogenic” Climate Change Only a very few, who understand Bible prophecy, recognize the most vital factor in our planet’s unpredictable weather and climate changes. God Himself, in order to chastise and humble human beings to see the error of their ways, sometimes uses the weather. No, it is not that every adverse weather event or
shift in tectonic plates is God’s pungreat heat, and they blasphemed the ishment on sinners. But there is no name of God who has power over doubt that God can and does use the these plagues; and they did not weather to achieve His righteous repent and give Him glory” ends. And when He does, can even (Revelation 16:8–9). our best computer-based climate modHuman beings’ puny influence els recognise it? Not at all! This lies on their environment will be seen completely outside their scope. Yet, as nothing compared to God’s masin reality, sin and what God elects to sive intervention. Whatever the do about it is a vital key to underscope of anthropogenic global standing the weather and its impact warming, it is this influence—one on humanity. might call it theogenic global warmYour Bible reveals that human ing—that will shake humanity to society will soon reach a time of allan almost unimaginable degree. Yet consuming crisis, in which God we need not fear—God promises must intervene to rescue the situathat faithful Christians who turn to tion—to prevent mankind from Him will be protected from these destroying itself. Though human mind-boggling events (Revelation beings will continue to fail in their 7). You may not be able to turn efforts to solve our fundamental down the world’s temperature by problems without God, Scripture your own effort, but you can turn reveals the wonderful news that toward God and change your life Jesus Christ will return to the for the better—in this life and for earth to establish the world-ruling all eternity! Kingdom of God (Matthew 24:3–13; 21–24, 29–31)! The events leading up to that time will involve the most massive and Weather disasters are sometimes far-reaching weather called “acts of God”—but few changes that can posunderstand what God is really sibly be imagined, doing when He uses earthquakes, which will humble floods, droughts and other rebellious humanity disasters to get our attention! and prepare for the establishment of a new age of peace and prosperity, under the loving rule of Jesus Christ, where all will learn to live God’s way (Revelation 6; 8). The Apostle John describes one dramatic step of God’s intervention: Write for our FREE booklet, “Then the fourth Who Controls the Weather? angel poured out his or download it from the Booklets bowl on the sun, and section of our Web site power was given to www.tomorrowsworld.org. him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with
Who Controls the Weather?
March–April 2010 13
Was the British Empire nothing more than the tyrannical regime many modern historians would have us believe? Whatever is written, the fact remains that the post-imperial organisation it spawned is a model of international harmony. The Commonwealth of Nations is now 60 years old and spans the globe. Well may the sun have set on the British Empire, but its successor is a beacon of light in a world where other international bodies are often stymied by factionalism. Currently one-third of the world’s population resides within the Commonwealth. With 2.1 billion people in 54 countries, it is the largest international organisation after the United Nations. There are representative countries from all of the six inhabited continents—and with British, Australian and New Zealand bases in Antarctica, all seven continents are represented. The small African country of Rwanda has been the latest to sign up as recently as November 2009. What do the member states of the Commonwealth have in common? For most, it is the English language. Speaking English has given many Commonwealth citizens access to the best in technological and scientific information. Computer experts from the Indian subcontinent have found employment in information technology all over the world. Young Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans flock to London where their work ethic is valued. Malaysians have found work across the globe.
What Is a Commonwealth? The word “Commonwealth” carries an obvious meaning, namely that the wealth of a country is shared amongst its people. But the meaning goes even further than that. It implies the privilege of those living within
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its beneficence to exercise free speech and enjoy other rights of human dignity. Where did the word “commonwealth” come from? It was first used in England as early as the fifteenth century as two words, “comen weal.” This can best be understood as “common good” and was adopted by the puritans led by Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector. King Charles I was beheaded by the English parliament because of his claim to “divine right” to rule, which went against the principles enshrined in 1215 in the Magna Carta. This led to the establishment of parliamentary rule, where the eleven-year interregnum was called for part of the time, the “Commonwealth” in England. After the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688, William and Mary upheld the right of Englishmen to rule themselves through parliament while at the same time declaring allegiance to the sovereign.
The Modern Commonwealth Following World War II, most of the former British colonies were granted self-government in what was in most cases a peaceful transfer of power. Most of the new leaders voluntarily joined the body now called the Commonwealth of Nations. Its name was formerly the British Commonwealth; it had come into being in 1931 to accommodate the concept of a family of independent Anglo-Saxon-Celtic nations being as one in the dominions of the former empire. Membership in the body is voluntary, but requires member states to acknowledge Queen Elizabeth II as head of the Commonwealth. Each nation must support the principles of fair and open government with free elections. If the body politic considers a fellow member state to be operating outside of the “common good” of its people, membership can be revoked. Zimbabwe is currently suspended from the
Commonwealth. Fiji is also outside of the body since a 2006 coup. What is it that has created such a spirit of good will amongst the members of the Commonwealth? As an Australian, I have always felt a keen sense of unity with those I meet from around the world. Wherever one travels, it is not long before one encounters a Sri Lankan or a South African or a Brit. The topics first mentioned may be cricket or rugby, where scores of the latest match are memorised like venerated oral history. Even cricket contests played years before can be remembered, as if it is important to know who were the “greats” of bygone days. There is good-humoured rivalry where winning is not as important as brotherly respect.
Ancient Origins It is fascinating to understand that the Bible speaks of this brotherhood of people in our age through an incident that took place in Egypt more than three-anda-half thousand years ago. Long-time readers of Tomorrow’s World will be familiar with the biblical narrative given to us in Genesis 48. Here we find the story of Jacob (Israel) blessing the two sons of Joseph—Manasseh and his younger brother Ephraim. Joseph held a government post in Egypt—essentially the equivalent of Prime Minister under Pharaoh—and had asked his father Jacob to bless the lads. Jacob reached out his arms, but then knowingly crossed his arms so as to place his right hand—indicative of the greater blessing—on Ephraim, the younger son. This surprised Joseph, who tried to correct his father and have the greater blessing placed on the firstborn Manasseh. But Jacob refused, saying of Manasseh: “He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great; but truly his younger brother [Ephraim] shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations” (Genesis 48:19). Many of the sons of Israel who came to be known as the so-called “lost ten tribes,” in due course migrated along several paths to parts of northwest Europe and the British Isles. The descendants of Joseph who settled mainly in England were known as Saxons—“sons of Isaac.”
Many of Manasseh’s progeny living beside their brother Ephraim sailed primarily from the east of England and colonised what is today the United States. Eastern English cities like York, Boston, Cambridge and Lincoln lent their names to cities in the Americas. In the last 300 years, great numbers of British settlers have also crossed the seas to New Zealand, Canada, Australia and South Africa where they have become a “multitude of nations.” Amongst those who settled in other parts of the British Empire there are also descendants of Ephraim. Consider the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh names given to people in the Caribbean. Some of these people can trace their roots not just to Africa but also to the British Isles. Race and colour are not factors for membership in the Commonwealth. The Apostle Paul wrote of the “commonwealth of Israel” (Ephesians 2:11–13) being open to the Gentiles, as today’s Christians of all backgrounds become part of “spiritual Israel.” Likewise, a time will soon come—under Jesus Christ’s millennial rule in the Kingdom of God— when each separate nation, with its individual characteristics and strengths, will be welcomed as a member of the worldwide commonwealth of nations. Prophecy tells us of a time when God will use the special talent of future Ephraim to take His way of life to the far-flung lands of the world, when Jesus Christ will be ruling the earth. One may recall the words of “Land of Hope and Glory,” penned by A. C. Benson in 1902 and set to music by Sir Edward Elgar: “Land of hope and glory, mother of the free, How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee? Wider still and wider, shall thy bounds be set; God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet.”
To learn more about the glorious Kingdom of God, which Jesus Christ will soon establish for all the peoples of the earth, write to the Regional Office nearest you (listed on page 30 of this magazine) or go online to www.tomorrowsworld.org to request your free copy of The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like? —Rod King
March–April 2010 15
By Richard F. Ames
Our world is suffering from constant economic and military troubles. The threats of nuclear war, terrorism, disease epidemics—and more—may cause you to wonder about your future. Did you know that your Bible promises a new world—coming soon—in which there will be peace and joy for all, and a special role for today’s faithful Christians? n the last hundred years, humanity has suffered two world wars. World War I resulted in ten million deaths; World War II saw 55 million deaths. More recently, Western military alliances have continued to suffer casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. Genocides have claimed millions of lives under the regimes of Nazi Germany and Communist Kampuchea. Dictators from Stalin to Mao have murdered millions of their opponents. The Middle East has been a “powder keg”—and Bible prophecy reveals that it will be so until Jesus Christ returns, except for a short-lived 3½-year temporary “peace” near the end of this age. Can humanity solve the world’s conflicts, wars and problems? United States President Woodrow Wilson, at the end of World War I, proposed a League of Nations that would work together for world peace. That organi-
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zation failed, and after World War II the United Nations was formed in 1945 for the same purpose. More than 60 years later, its 192 member-states have not found the way to lasting world peace. How many years of peace has the world experienced? When we survey the history of the world, it appears that human beings have not learned their lessons. Historians Will and Ariel Durant examined our record of war and peace, and concluded: “In the last 3,421 years of recorded history only 268 have seen no war” (The Lessons of History, p. 81). Is there hope for humanity? On the one hand, Bible prophecy reveals a coming World War III that will destroy major portions of humanity. But Bible prophecy also gives us hope beyond Armageddon! Notice: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been
since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:21–22). Yes, those days will be shortened! The Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, will intervene. He will prevent total destruction to the earth and all life upon it. There is a new world coming that gives us all hope and comfort. One of the most encouraging scriptures is found in Revelation 11. At the end of the prophetic time period known as the Day of the Lord, God Almighty gives this awesome announcement at the seventh trumpet: “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” (Revelation 11:15). How will the nations respond to this announcement? Will they welcome the Messiah? Notice: “The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, and those who fear Your name, small and great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18). How amazing! The nations will not welcome the Messiah, Jesus Christ. They will even attempt to fight against Christ at His Second Coming. The world’s armies will gather at Megiddo for what is commonly called the “Battle of Armageddon”—which your Bible actually calls “the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (Revelation 16:14). Who will win that battle? Scripture describes Christ’s descent to earth, accompanied by the saints—true
Christians—to fight: “And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:14–16). Those who fight against Christ in this climactic battle will be killed. “And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh” (Revelation 19:19–21). Yes, we look forward to the good news of Christ’s return! The King of kings will defeat the enemies of peace. Revelation 20 describes God setting the stage for a thousand years of peace following Christ’s return. Satan the Devil will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit. During the Millennium, while Satan is confined, he will no longer be able to deceive the world with false religions and vile practices. Notice: “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand
years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while” (Revelation 20:1–3).
A New World Order The Millennium will begin with a new world government—a new world order that will produce lasting world peace! But what is that new world order? How will the Millennial government be organized? The new world government will be directed by the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. Notice this important fact: He will appoint the saints, faithful Christians, to rule under Him. “And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years” (Revelation 20:4). Your Bible reveals the future, and it guarantees a thousand years of world peace. But what will that world be like? How will the new world government operate? How can we be sure that generation after generation will enjoy great peace and prosperity? First of all, Christ, the King of kings, will have the power to stop nations and individuals from rebellion and war. Read this encouraging prophecy: “He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against
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nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4). Christ will rebuke warlike people and nations. The weapons of war will be turned into instruments of peace and productivity. Some of you may have seen the sculpture outside of the United Nations in New York, depicting a man beating a sword into a plowshare. Imagine how the world will be transformed from destructive metho d s t o p ro d u c t i v e m e t h o d s . To d a y, nations spend billions of dollars on military weapons. The Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch posted this headline on June 8, 2009, “Global military spending hits a record in 2008, U.S. wars in Middle East lift the world’s top military contractors.” The article states: “Global spending on military armaments and services hit a record in 2008, driven by the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and helped by sharp increases in Chinese and Russian defense budgets. For 2008, countries around the world spent $1.5 trillion on weapons, vehicles and intelligence and reconnaissance services, according to a Monday report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, or SIPRI. The amount represented a 4 percent increase from 2007. The year ‘saw increasing threats to security, stability and peace in nearly every corner of the globe,’ the Swedish group said in a statement. ‘The effects of the global financial crisis will be likely to exacerbate these challenges as governments and nongovernmental organizations struggle to respond effectively.’” The nations of the world are not disarming. They are spending more and more money and resources on military armaments and services. How will we ever have peace on earth? The good news is: the King of
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kings will enforce peace among nations. He will rebuke those nations and peoples who would like to fight and kill. Think of the trillions of dollars spent on military weapons. In the Millennium, human beings will use those resources to benefit nations for increased productivity and peace. For thousands of years, fanatical religions and superpower nations have taught strategies of war. But, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). The nations must be re-educated in the way of life that produces peace. They must learn the way to peace, not the way to war. At the end of World War II, General Douglas MacArthur focused on the key to world peace. Aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, as the Japanese formally surrendered, he warned: “We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, our Armageddon will be at our door. The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature and all material and cultural developments of the past two thousand years. It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.” General MacArthur clearly saw that a transformation in human character is the key to peace among nations. He said, “It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.” That change will come only when the world learns its lesson. The good
news is: that change of spirit will come during the Millennium, when Jesus Christ sets up the Kingdom of God here on earth. Finally, then, our peoples will desire to live by the Bible and the Ten Commandments. But you, individually, can today learn the way to peace.
Kings and Priests God is now calling His people to train as kings and priests. Yet very few professing Christians today understand the glorious calling and future that God is preparing! What will the saints—true Christians—be doing in the coming Kingdom? Notice this song of the saints: “You [speaking of Christ] are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth” (Revelation 5:9–10). Yes, God will establish righteous government on this earth, and today’s converted Christians will in that day assist Jesus Christ in administering that government. What will it be like? Read this inspiring prophecy: “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it. Many nations shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk (Continued on page 29)
Thank you so very much for your free informative booklets. I am now 60 years old and am just learning the true meaning of the Sabbath day and when to celebrate that Holy Day. In my study of the Bible, I also read your powerful booklet, Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity. In 60 years of my life, finally, I found the true answer! The Sabbath is Saturday, not the pagan day of “convenient” worship on Sunday. Thank you for the truth! May God bless you and give favor upon you for upholding His teachings.
more knowledge available about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Way they have laid out for human beings. We offer booklets such as God’s Plan for Happy Marriage and Successful Parenting: God’s Way and other literature to help you live a successful Christian life. Another good way to gain far deeper understanding is to enroll in the Tomorrow’s World Bible Study Course. Its 24 lessons are available at absolutely no charge, and you can choose to take the lessons online or have them mailed to you. Write for your free copy, or order it online at www.twbiblecourse.org.
B. P., Wellsville, OH Please could you send a copy of The Holy Days: God’s Master Plan to me as I would dearly love to learn more about God’s annual festivals. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the feature “The Reason for the Season?” in the November-December 2009 issue of Tomorrow’s World.
I have been receiving the Tomorrow’s World magazine plus various booklets produced by Tomorrow’s World for some 4–5 years and have learned a lot. The one and foremost thing which I have come to learn is the keeping of Sabbath to obey my Saviour, Jesus Christ. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry throughout this world in proclaiming the Word of God. Thank you and God bless you.
N. Q., Dulwich Hill, NSW, Australia M. M., Lae, Papua New Guinea I have received your magazine for a few years now and although I love getting them and reading them, I have noticed that you basically write the same kinds of articles over and over and over. I appreciate the fact that new readers need to know these truths— but I am thirsty for more knowledge about God. Not just the gloom and doom of the future, which I know is coming. Basically, I don’t know how to deal with my feelings of resignation about the future (“We’re all gonna be destroyed, so why try? What’s the point of living?” mentality). Even if I follow God, there is no guarantee that I won’t suffer by being murdered or from a terrible illness. Or our country will go into terrible times (which I know is predicted). Even Jesus’ disciples were murdered. Great. Makes me feel better. And yes, I know a better future awaits. I know that. It just doesn’t help me now. S. H., Lincoln, NE Editor’s Note: To help you deal with your feelings about the future, perhaps you can start by reading “Hope for the Future!” on page 16 of this issue. You are right, of course, that there is much
I have just watched the Tomorrow’s World broadcast on QCTV. I just wanted to write and say how much I appreciated the clarification on the subjects taught about this morning, namely Scriptural indications of the meanings of hell and the resurrection. It was spelled out very clearly in the broadcast. I felt I learned something. Thank you, too, for the DVD offer 2012: Mystery and Truth. Whenever judgment comes, I believe the prepared have nothing to fear. Thank you for your ministry. J. R., Rathdowney, QLD, Australia Since I have been reading the literature you send and doing the Bible Study Course, I have found myself on my knees more often, repenting of many things I had done against my heavenly Father. I had been so misled about so many things. Thank God Almighty for you and your work in getting the truth to me. I can hardly wait for the next Bible Study Course lesson to arrive. Blessings to you! S. E., Washington Court House, OH
We encourage you to share with us yo ur reac tions to Tomo rro w’ s Wo rld. Ple ase direc t your c orre spo ndence to “Letters to the Edito r” at o ur Unite d State s ad dre ss, or send e-m ail to lette rs@ to mo rrowsworld .o rg. L ette rs may be e dite d fo r space and clarity. Rem ember to include yo ur name , address and d aytim e pho ne num be r.
B re ak Fre e f rom Lon el ine ss Tyler is depressed. At 16 years old, he expected to have a girlfriend by now. When he walks the hallways at school, he notices the usual couples laughing and hanging out together. Tyler sees cute girls he would love to have the courage to talk to, but he finds it scary even to look them in the eye. The more he thinks about it the deeper his frustration and despair becomes. Ashley, 14, comes home to an empty house every day after school. Her parents have careers, so Ashley has learned to cope on her own. When she was younger, she had a close relationship with her mother, but now she feels no one really takes the time to know her. Feeling confused by so much of her complicated teenage world, she wishes she could have that close relationship back. Michael’s life has never been easy. He never knew his father. His mother does her best to be a good parent, but has her own problems. Michael has recently been drawn to the “outsider” clique in his ninth-grade class—a group of boys whose clothes and music reflect a growing anger that is welling up inside each of them. They have started to steal food and liquor to share with friends while they hang out. Michael knows in his heart that this is not the best group of friends for him, but at least they understand and accept him. What do these three young people have in common? They are all lonely. What is loneliness? It is complicated. It is not just one thing—and it can be caused by any number of factors. Some feel that no one else shares their values. Some feel they have no one to share their life with. Some simply feel that no one cares about them. These feelings can lead to a sense of isolation and alienation—and to a deep sadness, even despondency, making ordinary life more painful than the people around them can understand.
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We Need Others For prisoners, solitary confinement is considered a severe punishment. Despite the temptation to talk tough—“I don’t need anyone else”—the fact is that human beings are social beings, and we need contact with others to maintain our well-being. Why is that? One physiological reason may be that our limbic system—the section of the brain that controls emotion—is subject to “limbic regulation” through other people’s emotional influence on us. Authors Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini and Richard Lannon point to neurological research suggesting that connections with others are natural and important. They write: “Our neural architecture places relationships at the crux of our lives, where, blazing and warm, they have the power to stabilize. When people are hurting and out of balance, they turn to regulating affiliations: groups, clubs, pets, marriages, friendships, masseuses, chiropractors, the Internet. All carry at least the potential for emotional connection” (A General Theory of Love, p. 170). The God of the Bible showed that humans need others when He observed about Adam, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). This simple statement speaks to our basic need to form relationships, without which we will become lonely.
Coping with the Teen Years Teenagers feel a special pressure to succeed at social contacts. With growing maturity comes the need to find identity. Teens react to positive or negative reinforcement from peers, learning what behaviors are and are not accepted. Yet at the same time, changes beyond their
control are occurring—hormones are kicking in that influence physical development, while breaking voices, acne and growth spurts are wreaking havoc with selfimage. This is an awkward time for just about everyone. Yet this is also a time when developing good friendships is vital. Teens who succeed are laying a foundation for an adult sense of self-worth and acceptance. Some, however, enter adulthood full of self-doubt, because they never felt they had learned to make satisfying personal connections. Loneliness is a way of life for too many young people, and often it is intensified by factors beyond their control. Whether it is their parents’ divorce, or an abusive relationship, or problems at school, the “reasons” for loneliness are hard to separate from the pain it brings. Are you lonely? Maybe you made a mistake and are suffering the consequences. But even if you understand that it is not your fault, your heart still aches. It is this aching that can lead to despair and depression. Sometimes people turn to destructive behaviors in order to cope—or at least to get attention—such as cutting themselves, abusing drugs or alcohol, or engaging in sexual activity. Sadly, such misguided attempts to deal with the pain inevitably lead to more despair and deeper depression. At some point, the downward spiral must be broken. Old patterns must be changed, otherwise disaster—even death—may be the result. But how can this be done?
Breaking Free Nearly everyone experiences loneliness from time to time, but it usually passes. Chronic loneliness, however—the kind that never goes away—is a different matter. Even if the cause of our loneliness is not of our making, it is our fault if we neglect the simple steps that can prevent temporary loneliness from spiraling into deep depression. What are some of the steps? •
TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH. Some depression is chemical, and what we put into our bodies can
affect our feelings about life. Be sure to eat plenty of the freshest fruits and vegetables you can, and to drink the cleanest water available. Do not be satisfied with a diet of just junk food and sugary sodas. Get some exercise—even just walking for 30 minutes a day, three or four times a week, can make a big difference! CONNECT WITH OTHERS. There are other people who like some of the same things you like, or who believe the things you believe. Although it may be difficult at first, making the effort to meet some of those people will change your life. Reach out to people who share your interests, and soon your loneliness will cease. One of the best ways to break through loneliness is to realize that there are other lonely people, and that you may be able to help them. Is there someone in your community who needs help? It does not need to be something big; maybe just taking the time to listen to an elderly shut-in or encouraging a niece or nephew by playing catch. Making a difference in someone else’s life will make a big difference in your own. CONNECT TO GOD. If you have not really tried this, it may seem like a cliché, but it is true—you are never alone when you are with God. So, how can you build your relationship with Him? One way you could start is by reading the Psalms. There you will find the whole range of human emotions expressed—anger, depression and confusion, as well as joy and happiness. Ancient King David cried out to God both in sorrow and in joy—and we can, too! God wants us to call out to Him with our deepest emotions! We will never shock or overwhelm Him when we do, and we will always find solace in knowing that He cares and wants only the best for us.
God has shown us a way of life, as revealed in the pages of your Bible, that can help bring an end to the pain of loneliness. Reach out to Him, and you can break free! —Phil Sena
March–April 2010 21
will happen to the U.S. as a global financial powerhouse? Are America’s days of prominence near their end? And what will this mean for the rest of the world?
How Did We Get Here?
By Rod Reynolds
oday’s media are full of news about economic decline. Journalists and respected economists say we are in, as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman recently put it, “the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression” (“Bankers Without a Clue,” January 14, 2010). Since the recession began in December 2007, more than 7.2 million workers in the United States have lost jobs (Bloomberg News, January 21, 2010). Stocks took a fall from which they have not yet recovered; the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index reached a low of 666.69 in March 2009—less than half of its October 2007 high value. Yet stocks have begun to rise from their lows, and some economists are saying that the recession technically ended in late 2009. So, what is going on? Has the U.S. economy begun to recover? Or are troubling trends still in place, revealing underlying problems in an economy on the road to collapse? As China and Europe gain economic strength, what
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To understand the future, we must first look at the past. Most people now take for granted the power and influence of the U.S. and British-descended nations on the world economy. But it was not always so. How, then, did the English-speaking peoples become the world’s wealthiest nations—and what does Scripture indicate will be the ultimate destiny of these nations’ economies? Before the year 1800, the United Kingdom was just one of many nations vying for influence on the world stage. Britain had lost its 13 colonies on the east coast of North America, and was heavily in debt. Spain’s empire had more territory than Britain’s. In Europe, France was on the verge of gaining hegemony. Yet, in just a very short time beginning around 1800, the tides turned, and the greatest world empire in history virtually “fell into the lap” of Great Britain. At its largest extent, about onefourth of the world’s land surface—and a similar proportion of the world’s population—was ruled by the British Empire. A l m o s t s i m u l t a n e o u s l y, t h e Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, giving the nation the wealth, resources and tools to become the dominant world power throughout the 19th century, and well into the 20th. At its peak, the British Empire possessed almost all the world’s important sea gates, except for those controlled by the United States. What had for centuries been just a tiny island nation became not only the world’s most powerful and influential—but also its wealthiest. London, its capital city, became the financial and trading capital of the world.
But even as Britain rose to world prominence, its former American colonies were burgeoning into a great power. The 19th century saw the United States spanning across North America, building economic and military strength, and by World War I challenging Europe as a center of world power. By the end of World War II, the U.S. was producing more manufactured goods than all other nations combined. Its dollar was the world’s premier reserve currency, was backed by gold, and was in strong demand. The U.S. Treasury held more than 60 percent of the world’s currency reserves, and 65 percent of the world’s gold reserves. After WWII, the U.S. and Britain together dominated the world in virtually every important measure of wealth and productivity. Economic activity in the U.S. was thriving, unemployment was low, the savings rate was positive, personal income was rising, inflation was under control, interest rates were moderate and the balance of trade had huge surpluses. How did this happen? Was it because of the genius of the American and British peoples? Or was there some other factor that led to the astonishing rise of these two brother nations to a level of power and wealth unprecedented in the world’s history? God chose the Israelites to be a “people for Himself,” not because they were the greatest—in number, or in any other way—but because He loved them, and “because He would keep the oath which He swore” to the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Deuteronomy 7:6–8). God had promised Abraham that he would be the father of many exceedingly fruitful nations (Genesis 17:4, 6). Abraham obeyed God, and this blessing was passed on through his son Isaac (Genesis 26:5). The blessing was then
passed on to Isaac’s son Jacob (also called Israel). Jacob’s descendants were to “spread abroad” in every direction, as widely as the “dust of the earth” (Genesis 28:13–14). In effect, Abraham’s descendants were to inherit the earth (Romans 4:13). That is, they would be given dominant influence and a choice share (cf. Deuteronomy 32:10–14). This blessing was passed on to Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who together shared Joseph’s double portion (Genesis 48:15–16, 19–20, 22; 49:22–26). After God led Israel out of Egypt, He incorporated into the covenant at Mount Sinai the blessings He had promised to give Abraham’s descendants. God promised blessings for obedience (Deuteronomy 28:1–6, 8, 11–13). Yet He warned that if Israel persisted in disobedience, the nation would be punished “seven t i m e s ” (Leviticus 26:14–25). A “time” in Bible prophecy is a year (compare Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Revelation 12:14, 17; 13:5, 7) of 360 days, and on the “day for a year” principle (Ezekiel 4:4–6), seven “times” could be a 2,520year period of punishment—of deferring the promised blessings.
Blessings Deferred and Squandered Because of disobedience, ancient Israel fell into captivity in 721BC, and God “removed Israel out of His sight” (2 Kings 17:23). This means that it would be around 1800AD—2,520 years later—when God would keep His promise and give His favor once again to Israel,
restoring the blessings of Abraham. What world-changing events happened at exactly that time? That is when Britain and the United States—the modern-day descendants of ancient Ephraim and Manasseh—gained ascendancy and w o rl d d o m in an c e in terms of power and prosperity so quickly. However, God warned the Israelites not to forget Him in their time of prosperity (Deuteronomy 8:10–20). He warned that if they disobeyed Him, He would remove His blessings from them (Deuteronomy 28:15–20, 43–53, 63, 68). How has the U.S. handled God’s blessings? Once the world’s greatest creditor nation, the U.S. since World War II has become the world’s largest debtor. No longer the world’s top exporter of goods and services, the U.S. has for years run persistent trade deficits. Both Germany and China now export more manufactured goods than the United States. The combined merchandise exports of just three of the leading EU countries—Germany, France and Italy—are more than double the merchandise exports of the United States. The U.S. trade deficit in 2006 was more than $817 billion. As analyst Craig Harrington observed, “No other country in history has had a trade deficit as large as the U.S. as a percentage of GDP or in total dollar terms without sufering a major collapse” (“Examining the Trade Deficit,” December 10, 2009, www.economyincrisis.org). The U.S. current account deficit in 2007 was by far the greatest of any nation on earth, at a staggering
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$747 billion. China, by contrast, had a current account surplus of more than $363 billion. The U.S. has in recent years often had a negative savings rate, which means spending more than is earned. For a couple of decades now, U.S. economic expansion has been based on an unsustainable cycle of borrowing and spending on consumer goods. America’s foreign currency reserves have shrunk from 60 percent to about 1 percent of world reserves—behind Libya, Poland and Turkey. The U.S. has accumulated more than $12 trillion in national debt (more than $39,000 for each citizen), with about $2 trillion added just in 2009. Also, U.S. debtors owe nearly $1 trillion in credit card debt, and about $14 trillion in debt owed to other countries. Together, the U.S. and Britain owe about 40 percent of the total external debt of all the world’s nations. The U.S. also holds huge unfunded liabilities, including Social Security and Medicare, estimated by various sources from about $55 trillion to more than $106 trillion. Should a health care reform bill pass the House of Representatives and Senate, those liabilities would almost certainly skyrocket even higher! One consequence of such massive debt is that foreign holders of dollars are increasingly using them to buy American companies and real estate, or dumping them in favor of gold or other assets seen as more reliable. As God warned, Americans are quickly becoming the “tail,” even within their own borders, while other nations are gaining economic power and influence in their place. “The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail” (Deuteronomy 28:43–44). Foolish economic policy will drive home
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the ancient principle that, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). Analyst Harrington wrote: “In the ten years to 2004, the proportion of U.S. corporate equities owned by foreigners increased from 6 p e rcen t t o 12 p e rc e n t . I n t h e case of U.S. corporate bonds the proportion increased from 12 percent to 24 percent, and in the case of U.S. Tre a s u r y b o n d s from 18 percent to 43 percent. As if all this was not alarming enough, here is a further fact to consider: in the case of many of their corporate investments, foreigners have clearly been intent on g a i n i n g g l o b a l c o n t ro l o f k e y ‘chokepoint’ technologies, such as those needed to produce advanced weapons, airplanes, and compute r s ” ( “ E x a m i n i n g t h e Tr a d e Deficit,” December 10, 2009, www.economyincrisis.org). In early 2007, investment advisor Peter D. Schiff published a book (Crash Proof: The Coming Economic Collapse) in which he predicted the collapse of the subprime mortgage market, and predicted that the collapse would spread to the general mortgage market and then become an economy-wide credit crisis. That is exactly what happened in 2008. In a more recent book, the same author says that the borrow-andspend economy cannot be sustained, and that the U.S. may well be headed eventually for hyperinflation and economic collapse. He compares the U.S. economy to a “house of cards”—an economy built on a “phony foundation of debt-financed consumption”
(The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets, pp. xxxiii–xxxiv). Sooner or later, he says, nations will have to return to “saving and producing rather than borrowing and consuming” (ibid., p. 20). The book of Haggai shows what happens when people neglect to do God’s will. “You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes” (Haggai 1:6). Along with many other investment advisers and observers of our unsound economic policies, Schiff warns of massive inflation, as the government desperately seeks to stave off the inevitable by ever expanding the money supply and thus inflating (and thus debasing) the currency. “The U.S. dollar will continue to lose purchasing power as expansionist monetary policy, in a futile effort to revive our consumer-based economy, creates additional inflation.… the dollar is on a clear path toward collapse” (ibid., pp. xxiv–xxv). He, like some other investment advisors, recommends preserving wealth by buying gold, commodities and certain kinds of stocks.
What Happens Next? As we head down a path toward economic catastrophe, there is no indication that we are changing to a more responsible mode of conduct. Indeed, as Schiff predicted, our government is heedlessly and recklessly spending, borrowing and printing money at a more
prodigious rate than ever. And certainly there is no indication that we are about to repent of our sins as a nation. Moreover, foreign nations are not likely to sit by passively waiting for us to return to sound values. However, only God can reliably foretell the long-term future. God tells us that, unless we repent, our wealth will be taken away from us as plunder by our enemies. “Your wealth and your treasures I will give as plunder without price, because of all your sins, throughout your territories. And I will make you cross over with your enemies into a land which you do not know; for a fire is kindled in My anger, which shall burn upon you” (Jeremiah 15:13–14). And: “I will give as plunder your wealth, all your treasures, and your high places of sin within all your borders. And you, even yourself, shall let go of your heritage which I gave you; and I will cause you to serve your enemies in the land which you do not know; for you have kindled a fire in My anger which shall burn forever” (Jeremiah 17:3–4). Though these words were written specifically to ancient Judah, they also apply to the modern-day descendants of Judah and the House of Israel (Jeremiah 2:14–15)— including the American and Britishdescended nations (see our booklet, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy). The Bible tells of the rise of a new economic superpower—a power that exists today in nascent form. Many Americans do not realize that, already, just three of the leading EU nations together export more than twice the goods exported by the United States. Scripture reveals that, for a brief time at the end of this age, an economic powerhouse Europe will dominate the world’s commerce. This “Beast” will have authority for a time over “every tribe, tongue, and nation”
(Revelation 13:7). What else do we We do not know exactly how learn about this Beast? “He causes long it will take this scenario to play all, both small and great, rich and out. The final economic collapse poor, free and slave, to receive a may not occur quite as soon as mark on their right hand or on their some expect. But all the evidence foreheads, and that no one may shows that we are headed for colbuy or sell except one who has the lapse—unless our nations drasticalmark or the name of the beast, ly change their ways. Bible propheor the number of his name” cy shows that Europe and the Asian (Revelation 13:16–17; 18:3, 11–19). nations will become more and more To learn more about this amazing prosperous, and the U.S. will prophetic time, request your free become less and less so. Eventually, copy of our powerful booklet, a new economic superpower will The Beast of Revelation: Myth, fully emerge, and will actually take Metaphor or Soon-Coming Reality? the peoples of the U.S. into nationby contacting the Regional Office al slavery—a punishment that will nearest you (listed on page 30 of not end until the second coming of this magazine) or ordering online at Jesus Christ, when economic proswww.tomorrowsworld.org. perity, peace and God’s whole way Already, European leaders are of life will be restored to planet calling for a new economic order Earth, and eventually all the earth that will require the U.S. and Britain will rejoice (Psalm 14:7; 96:10–13; to give up the international power 97:1; 98:3–4). and in flue nce the y have enjoyed for more than 200 years. God will allow the modernday descendants of Ephraim a nd Scripture Manasseh to again Scripture long long ago ago foretold foretold the the rise rise and learn their lessons and fall fall of of the the United United States States and and the the British-descended through a time of British-descended nations. nations. What What does n a t i o n a l c a p t i v i t y. does this this mean mean for for your your future, future, and and the Ultimately, all nations the future future of of our our world? world? will be humbled before God (Isaiah 2:5–7, 10–11, 19–21). Money will not save them (Proverbs 11:4). However, He will ultimately save the nations from the depths of calamity (Jeremiah 30:4–20). The blessings of Abraham will be restored to the modWrite for our FREE booklet, ern descendants of The United States and ancient Israel (Isaiah Great Britain in Prophecy 60:1, 5–6, 11, 17–22), or download it from the Booklets and the whole world section of our Web site will prosper under the www.tomorrowsworld.org. loving Millennial reign of Jesus Christ.
The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy
March–April 2010 25
DEBT, DISOBEDIENCE AND DEMISE OF NATIONS Yet, in the last several decades all this has changed Two of the most powerful and influential nations in dramatically! The British Empire was dismembered, the history of the world—Great Britain and the United and the Royal Navy has been States of America—are teetering reduced to a small fraction of its on the brink of economic colprevious size due to budget cuts lapse and national demise. (The Times, January 4, 2010). These ominous conditions are Today, the British pound, British due to the loss of financial discibanks and the British economy are pline spawned by moral decay. in trouble, and observers warn this While many today have could “weaken Britain’s authority absorbed the ideas of secular on the international stage” (Daily intellectuals that God does not Express, December 8, 2009). In exist and the Bible is nothing recent months, foreign nations but a collection of myths and fables, ancient biblical prophe- A Chinese woman walks past a television billboard, have attempted to purchase the cies that have long foretold these featuring a distressed Benjamin Franklin on a US$100 London Stock Exchange, and the bill. China has expressed concern about its huge stock new French financial officer of the sobering developments are com- of U.S. Treasury securities. ©Newscom 2010 EU is in a position to place regulaing alive today—right before our tions on the City of London that could drive financial eyes! services out of Britain (The Times, December 2, 2009). At the same time, America has become the target Rapid Rise and Dramatic of resentment for invading Iraq and for escalating the Descent from Greatness war in Afghanistan. Foreign nations are blaming the greedy excesses and shortsighted practices of The last 250 years witnessed remarkable transforAmerican financial institutions for the near-meltdown mations of the English and American nations. England, of the world’s economic system. Over the last 25 years, a little island located on the edge of continental America has gone from the world’s greatest lender to Europe, became a naval power that controlled the sea the status of the world’s greatest debtor nation. As of last lanes of the world and assembled an empire that girSeptember, Chinese investors held $789.9 billion in dled the globe. London became the financial capital of U.S. Treasury notes, while Japanese investors held the world, and the British pound became one of the $751.5 billion—making these nations the top two strongest currencies on the planet. During these expanholders of U.S. Treasuries, far ahead of third-place sive centuries, whatever was British was deemed the noteholder Great Britain with $249.3 billion! These best! About the same time, the settlers of the original American debts were incurred to finance wars in the thirteen colonies, joined by thousands of immigrants Middle East and Central Asia, to pay for government from Europe, spread across the North American contiwelfare and spending programs that exceeded annual nent to become the United States of America—and tax revenues and by running huge trade deficits so eventually the most powerful nation the world has ever Americans can live beyond their means—all with the seen. The American dollar reigned supreme among approval of members of Congress and presidents who world currencies, American financial resources helped were content to borrow money from other nations to rebuild the very nations the Allies had defeated in keep the American economy afloat and buy votes to be World War II, and American culture permeated the re-elected! world.
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Sounding the Alarm! However, the days of reckoning are coming! China, which has been buying America’s debt, has made it clear that America’s profligate spending cannot continue—at China’s expense. China has also begun dumping dollars and buying gold. Former U.S. Treasury official Fred Bergsten has warned that the U.S. debt is growing to unmanageable levels and that the US economy could collapse if foreign investors withdraw from the dollar. In Bergsten’s opinion, America’s fate “is already in the hands of its foreign creditors” and this will limit America’s ability to pursue economic and foreign policies of its own choosing (Foreign Affairs, Nov-Dec 2009). Even more sobering is the assessment of Niall Ferguson, a British-born professor of economics now teaching at Harvard University. Writing in the December 7, 2009 issue of Newsweek magazine, Ferguson warns that “steep debt, slow growth and high spending kill empires—and America could be next.” He continues, “This is how empires decline. It begins with a debt explosion. It ends with an inexorable reduction in the resources available for the Army, Navy and Air Force”—which slowly and irrevocably limit the ability of debtor nations to project power on the world stage. Yet, this is happening to America and Britain today; others see them as nations in decline! But why is this happening to America and Britain today?
Prophecies Come Alive! Few economists seem interested in acknowledging that the decades of surging debt also witnessed alarming signs of increasing moral decay: rising divorce, spreading drug use, growing acceptance of homosexuality and samesex marriage, a widening gap between the excessively rich and the struggling poor and legal sanctions against school prayer, Bible reading and posting the Ten Commandments in public buildings. Many political and even religious leaders are “not connecting the dots” between what is happening in our modern liberal secular societies and the
prophetic warnings in the Scriptures that are focused on the modern nations of Israelite peoples. Long ago, the wise King Solomon observed, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7)—a powerful principle that Americans and other Israelite nations seem to have forgotten. Even earlier, Moses told the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel that they would be richly blessed if they obeyed the commandments of God, but he also warned they would reap serious consequences if they disobeyed their Creator and Lord (see Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28). The blessings of obedience included, “You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow” (Deuteronomy 28:12). However, the curses of disobedience would include: “you shall not prosper in your ways… a nation whom you have not known [a foreign nation] shall eat the fruit of your land and the produce of your labor… The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you… He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail… He will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you… therefore you shall serve your enemies, whom the LORD will send against you… Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart” (Deuteronomy 28:29–48). A growing chorus of voices is warning that these curses are coming to roost on the profligate Israelite nations today. Other Hebrew prophets also warned repeatedly that the future demise of God’s chosen Israelite peoples would come “suddenly” and unexpectedly (Isaiah 9:14–15; 29:5; 30:13; Jeremiah 6:26; 15:8). Modern financial analysts realize this could happen if the nations lending to America decide to dump the dollar and call their loans. The prophet Habakkuk’s warning to the ancient Babylonians, “Will not your creditors rise up suddenly?” (Habakkuk 2:7)—may also ring true for debt-plagued nations like America and its Israelite cousins. Prophetic scripture contains a sobering message: debt and disobedience lead to the demise of nations! —Douglas S. Winnail
March–April 2010 27
Diamonds and Stones In southwest Arkansas there is a diamond mine—yes, a genuine diamond mine—open to the public near the town of Murfreesboro. At the turn of the 20th century, high-grade diamonds were mined commercially at the site. When the lode no longer yielded diamonds in sufficient quantities to be commercially feasible, the mining operation shut down. Instead, for a small fee, the landowner would let folks hunt diamonds on the property—and people were allowed to keep whatever they found! Over the years, visitors found many gems, large and small. Hunting was particularly good after heavy rains. Eventually, the site became Crater of Diamonds State Park. Today, tourists from around the nation come to spend a day of fun (and work!) digging in the fields, hauling soil to sluice boxes and looking for the precious jewels. Almost daily, some people’s efforts are rewarded when they find real diamonds. However, most visitors find just ordinary stones. Human beings are like that. Most people spend their lives endeavoring to find something of value— something they can treasure. For some, it is a physical treasure hunt for financial wealth; for others, it is the pursuit of power, status or prestige. People dig through the dirt of life and try to sluice away the worthless debris in order to find something of value. A few find physical riches, but only a very few find the real treasure, beyond the physical. Park rangers are available at the state park to teach intrepid searchers what to look for to be successful in their search for diamonds. Most of us can agree that it would be foolish to set out on a quest without knowing how to achieve the goal, or even how to recognize a real diamond once it is found. Yet all around us, human beings are going about their lives without seeking the instruc-
28 TWM
tion God has given them about what to look for in life. That instruction, of course, is found in the Bible—inspired revelation from the Creator God. Although most people have a copy of the book, few read it seriously, and even fewer do what it says. So, it is no surprise that most people never really find what they are searching for. They look in the wrong places. They do not know what to look for. They may think they are looking for diamonds, but all they find are stones. King Solomon, a wise king of ancient Israel, wrote long ago: “My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God” (Proverbs 2:1–5). He also wrote: “There is gold and a multitude of rubies, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel” (Proverbs 20:15). If you learn God’s way, and heed His instructions for living, you can find what is truly valuable in this life—the “diamonds,” if you will—and will be able to avoid wasting your time on worthless activities or “stones” of no lasting value. To help you in prospecting for what is truly valuable—in this life and in the life to come—the publishers of this magazine offer, absolutely free of charge, a 24-lesson Bible Study Course that is packed with practical truths found in your Bible. Do not risk missing out on the “diamonds” God wants you to discover in your life! Enroll in the Tomorrow’s World Bible Study Course today! You can enroll online at www.twbiblecourse.org or by writing to the Regional Office nearest you (listed on page 30 of this magazine). —J. Davy Crockett, III
Hope for the Future! (Continued from page 18)
in His paths.’ For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Micah 4:1–2). Here is wonderful news. Not too many years from now, Jesus Christ will return to transform a world of war, chaos, and carnality into a world of peace, prosperity, fulfillment and joy! God’s Kingdom is coming to this earth soon. There is hope for you and your family. The Prince of Peace will teach the way to peace and prosperity. Jerusalem will be the capital of the earth. “Thus says the LORD: ‘I will return to Zion, and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth, the Mountain of the LORD of hosts, the Holy Mountain.’ Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each one with his staff in his hand because of great age. The streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets’” (Zechariah 8:3–4). Instead of urban violence, gang murders, and the early death of children, families will live safely and securely. Elderly men and women will live in peace and no longer experience so many kinds of abuse. Farms will prosper with sustainable agriculture. Notice this inspiring prophecy: “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the LORD, ‘When the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; the mountains shall drip with sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it. I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; they shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them. I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have
given them,’ says the LORD your Kingdom of God on earth will produce beauty and productivity such as God” (Amos 9:13–15). the world has never known. In the Our polluted planet will be Millennium, God will make His renewed! Your Bible reveals our gloknowledge available to all—unlike rious future in many prophecies. our present age, in which only a relHere is one inspiring description of ative few of the billions on the earth our renewed earth under Christ’s understand His true Gospel being loving rule: “The wilderness and the preached to them as a witness wasteland shall be glad for them, (Matthew 24:14). Working with and the desert shall rejoice and blosJ e s u s C h r i s t , t o d a y ’s f a i t h f u l som as the rose; it shall blossom Christians will assist their Savior in abundantly and rejoice, even with preparing the world for a coming joy and singing.… For waters shall “Great White Throne Judgment”— burst forth in the wilderness, and in which all those who never before streams in the desert. The parched heard the true Gospel preached will ground shall become a pool, and the have their first opportunity to learn thirsty land springs of water; in the and live God’s way! habitation of jackals, where each lay, May God speed the coming of there shall be grass with reeds and His Kingdom! It is coming soon! rushes” (Isaiah 35:1–2, 6–7). You need to pray, “Your Kingdom In God’s coming Kingdom on the come!” You need to be watching earth, Christ will heal people of all the prophetic trends and signs their infirmities. Remember, when heralding Christ’s return! Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, He healed thousands. We read, “And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all” (Matthew 12:15). Isaiah tells us: “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall In the Kingdom of God, today’s leap like a deer, and faithful Christians will, as the tongue of the immortalized Spirit beings, dumb sing” (Isaiah assist Jesus Christ in ruling 35:5–6). over a world at peace. Are There is hope for you preparing now for that the future of the wonderful future? world—and there is hope for your future! To d a y ’s f a i t h f u l Christians, the true Write for our FREE booklet, saints, will be in the The World Ahead: first resurrection to What Will It Be Like? assist Christ in ruling or download it from the Booklets the world. They will section of our Web site usher in the www.tomorrowsworld.org. Millennium of world peace. The glorious
The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?
March–April 2010 29
Why Earthquakes? (Continued from page 2)
such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish’” (Luke 13:1–5). With all the rebellion against God’s laws and ways throughout the entire world—the vicious wars, tortures and rapes, the crime and violence, the fornication, adultery and sexual perversion—there is plenty of sin everywhere! God is allowing mixed-up human beings to invent their own ways—to try out drunkenness, illicit drugs and even same-sex “marriage”! But God also allows the suffering and anguish that eventually comes upon those who break His laws. For God knows that in His time He will open their eyes to the Truth of His existence and His great Plan, and that most people will repent and turn to God when they truly understand. Meanwhile, God normally allows the “laws of nature” to take their toll. Beyond that, He sometimes supernaturally intervenes to shake people to their senses. Jesus Christ Himself warned that, in the last days, “there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:11). As carnal men curse and blaspheme God’s name— while even the so-called intelligentsia “make fun” of the idea of a real God and despise His ways—God will literally begin to shake the nations to humble them and to get their full attention. God inspired the beloved Apostle John to tell us of this soon-coming time: “I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the
face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?’” (Revelation 6:12–17). Will people finally begin to “wake up” and turn to God when a great earthquake begins to shake everything around them? One might hope so. But, for most, their hard-headed, self-willed attitudes will make it very difficult! For most people rebel against the idea of a real God who has the authority to tell them how to live their lives. They do not like to be told that the Ten Commandments are not just ten “suggestions”—but are an immutable, unchangeable law they must obey: “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be” (Romans 8:7). Each of us must regularly “examine ourselves” to see if we are truly surrendered to obey our Creator—the God of the Bible, “whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, ‘Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven’” (Hebrews 12:26). Then, God’s word tells us, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire” (vv. 28–29). Dear subscribers and friends, please do not take these words lightly! Do not assume that the Haitian earthquake was just a one-time event. Rather, as you reflect on the pictures of the piles of rubble, the stacks of human corpses being hurriedly buried in mass graves, and the untold thousands of traumatized, starving, almost-hopeless human beings, realize that this very type of devastation will yet occur in cities where many of you live (Revelation 16:17–19)! Yes! For when God warns of a coming “great earthquake,” He means exactly what He says! This present human society will soon come to an end. And God will not “play games” with those who deliberately refuse to obey their very Creator! If God is opening your mind, do all you can to act on His precious Truth while you have the opportunity. And, if you have not already done so, contact the Regional Office nearest you (listed at the bottom of this page) to request a free copy of our informative and inspiring booklet, Is This the Only Day of Salvation? It will truly “open your eyes” to God’s great purpose and why He often allows human tragedies to occur.
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Jerusalem: City of Peace? Airs April 1–7 What is the future of this troubled Middle East landmark?
Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled! Airs April 8–14 Few understand the secrets of this mysterious book—but you can!
Christian Babylon Airs April 15–21 Why is there so much confusion in the name of Christianity?
Is God Unfair? Airs April 22–28 Why do some prosper, while others suffer?
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