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Tom Tito Were

Pretoria, South Africa I am a humanitarian, refugee, displaced and uprooted person, refugee I.D Number:- 6808286538269 who thinks, loves people as beautiful parts of nature. Hence the opening a of an association and may be an organisation to cater for the Human rights restricted, uprooted, and displaced people. Its constitution, memorandum and articles of association can be sited at I was born in Kampala's Mulago hospital of presumably a modest family, and I studied at Kitante primary school, passed my primary leaving examinations joining Namilyango college for my secondary education, as a result of unavoidable miscellaneous l was transferred to St Mary's college Kisubi where I completed my O-level and worked for the post office savings bank in my O-level vacation. Passed with Grade A and continued my studies, that's my A-levels that I completed and worked for Kampala Sheraton Hotel in my A- level vacation, hitting the two bird with the same stone also I w


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