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Chartwells Campus Projects 2015-2016


chartwells is the education sector of compass Group canada, the nation’s largest provider of high-quality foodservices. chartwells operates on more than 60 higher education campuses in canada, delivering expertise to colleges and universities both large and small.

Message from the Executive Vice President of Chartwells

Engaging students on sustainability is important to us. For Chartwells, sustainability requires a willingness for us to not only be open to new ideas and perspectives, but to create the space in which we can foster innovation.

As food and dining services providers on college and university campuses across

Canada, Chartwells, recognizes our unique position, to empower students to be

active sustainability change agents of tomorrow, by supporting them to make

sustainability happen today. Since the introduction of the Chartwells Campus Projects in 2014, we have worked with students on nine campuses across the

country on a wide range of projects that have created a legacy of sustainability. To support the completion of these projects, students receive the focused

attention of Jana Vodicka, Manager of Campus Engagement and Sustainability. We

are inspired by the vision and dedication students have to creating a more

sustainable future, and we are excited to be able to provide them with a real life

opportunity to develop solutions. Their ideas inuence how we conduct our

business; we learn from the Chartwells Campus Projects and share our experiences with you on your campus, and within these pages.

We are proud to share the stories of our 2015-2016 projects with you as case studies

of how Chartwells is leveraging the power of students to initiate positive change.

David Smith

Executive Vice-President Chartwells Compass Group Canada


Advancing Sustainability Through Student Engagement Projects On Campuses Across Canada Engaging multi-sectoral stakeholders consisting of: students, faculty, sta, regional and municipal representatives, industry experts, + onsite Chartwells management teams

1 Project Per Campus that ENGAGES students while ADVANCING sustainable foodservices


SAIT Polytechnic (Calgary, Alberta)

Chartwells and SAIT work together to bring inspiring and educational workshops that connect students to how their food choices impact the greater environment. ThE PRojECT AND STAkEholDERS

Together with Chartwells, the Enactus student team, called healthy E.A.T.S., was supported

by the School of Tourism and hospitality in developing and delivering a series of five interactive workshops open to the SAIT

community, centering on self-sufficiency, and sustainable food systems.

• Session 1 - Microgreen Growing Workshop: An interactive workshop on growing a year

The Results

• Approximately 50 SAIT students, staff, and faculty participated in the workshops • 95% found the workshops informative and useful

• 95% found the workshops satisfying and planned to attend more if available

• The tree harvests will serve the culinary program, connecting students with the origin of ingredients.

round variety of Microgreens in small spaces.

• Session 2 - Cooking Workshop: A shared community three-course meal, focused on learning how to cook with seasonal and readily available ingredients.

• Session 3 - Quick Preserves and Pickling: Students worked with a Chartwells Chef demonstrate the process of safely preserving food for maximum nutrient value and taste.

• Session 4 - A Honey Harvesting Tour: A visit to the campus apiary for a curated exploration of biodiversity and the role of pollinators in our food system.

• Session 5: Planting of a Mini Orchard: A community planting of fifteen fruit bearing trees in the heart of the campus was the first step toward creating an edible campus legacy for SAIT.

Chartwells Campus Projects 2015 - 2016




Capilano University (Vancouver, British Columbia)

Developing and piloting a minimum impact food system and supply chain for Chartwells dining services became a reality at Capilano University. ThE PRojECT AND STAkEholDERS

local and sustainable food is in ever growing

demand by students on today’s campuses. A group of students formed the CSU Aquaponics Club, to

make sure they would not only get more local food

on campus, but that they could grow it themselves. This innovative project called for the assistance

of experts in building and operating a small scale

Aquaponics work bench. University Facilities staff provided project management and operations based assistance, while Chartwells advised on the health and safety measures required for

incorporating the food grown into the menu.

The Results

• An operational 18 foot long Aquaponics work bench

• Educational tours for the general public interested in sustainable food systems

• Chartwells campus foodservices now feature fresh and hyper-local (<150 meters from the kitchen) ingredients on the menu

• Created an educational video documentary on the Aquaponics project and the values it represents as a sustainable food supply method: /channel/UCor-EElPFJnG2UHAgduTLwQ

The CSU Aquaponics Club completed the following:

• An initial train the trainer session was led by a faculty.

• Training workshops for team members on setting up and operating an aquaponics system. • Installation of the system, with ongoing daily performance monitoring. • Development of promotional and educational display materials.

Capilano University 5


Chartwells Campus Projects 2015 - 2016


Mount Saint Vincent University

(Halifax, Nova Scotia)

Chartwells brings together stakeholders to take a closer look at the waste system, and works to increase the adoption of the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle practices on campus. ThE PRojECT AND STAkEholDERS

A group of Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) students took a closer look at the

contents of the recycling, composting, and

garbage containers on campus, and realized,

there wasn’t much difference in their contents. They decided to come up with a practical strategy to clean up the waste system.

This project required the collaboration and partnership between student leadership,

Chartwells, the housekeeping department,

The Results

• 25% increase in diversion of waste in Seton Café • Administration is incorporating findings into future waste management plans • Reallocation of waste sorting stations in strategic points through campus

• A large mural commemorates the project and further educate on the importance of individuals’ contributions to waste minimization

University Administrative staff, and support from the halifax Regional Municipality. Together the stakeholders addressed recycling and organic waste contamination issues in the following ways: •

The completion of a pre and post awareness campaign waste audit on all waste collected in the Seton Café.

• A campus wide survey to understand challenges relating to recycling participation and effectiveness, and to determine the best strategies to address contamination issues.

• An awareness and education strategy was implemented over the winter semester.

Chartwells Campus Projects 2015 - 2016




Chartwells is not only working to increase the sustainability on our partnering campuses, and communities: Our outlook is focused on global impacts through actions taken in our

foodservice and dining areas. We are proud to connect our effort with the United nations

Sustainable Development Goals (UnSDG). Through the Chartwells Campus Projects of 2015, we have been able to contribute to many of the 17 goals set out as priority areas of focus. For more information on the UnSDGs, visit:

CHARTWELLS CAMPUS PROJECTS PROUDLY SUPPORT THE UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Last year, our projects directly contributed to well over half the SDG’s, including:


supported by Capilano, and SAIT Polytechnic


supported by Capilano, and SAIT Polytechnic


supported by MSVU, Capilano, and SAIT Polytechnic

RESPOnSIbLE COnSUMPTIOn AnD PRODUCTIOn: supported by Capilano, and SAIT Polytechnic



Chartwells Campus Projects 2015 - 2016


Adding value to the student experience by offering applied learning opportunities that positively impact the campus and the wider community today, and in the future, is a benefit to us all.

The Chartwells Campus Project helped me develop project

management skills essential for my career through a real-world experience of networking and people management.

Our workshops and planting events generated awareness around

the SAIT campus about the importance of leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Harsha b., healthy E.A.T.S. Project Coordinator, SAIT, Calgary, ‘15 – ‘16

I learned more than I could have imagined and acquired a whole new skill set! My presentation skills have improved, I have more

confidence corresponding with stakeholders, and I have learned

how to condense and report on project findings.

I’m proud to have been an influential player on a team that successfully engaged a diverse group of stakeholders and

collaborated not only within my University, but also my greater

community to achieve better waste management on my campus.

Laura P., Waste Education and outreach Project Coordinator, MSVU, halifax, ‘15 – ‘16

Chartwells Campus Projects 2015 - 2016





Chartwells Campus Projects were launched in 2014. The guiding objective for all stakeholders was that the projects endure and grow year over year. A brief follow up on the inaugural projects is below. TRENT UNIVERSITY, TRENT MARkET GARDEN:

over the 2016 season, nearly 2000 lbs. of fresh, local and healthy food was harvested and sold to Chartwells Foodservices, amongst other vendors. Purchasing of freshly harvested local produce results in optimal nutrient value on the menu, as well as

revenue to sustain the garden’s ongoing operations. The plans are to increase the farm area and future yield volumes.



This intensive education series has allowed our foodservice staff to engage with clients and customers on the subject of sustainable, local, and just food with knowledge and confidence. Many have moved on to new roles with Chartwells and have taken their learnings to integrate into their new positions to benefit their current foodservice locations.


These educational and interactive cooking workshops are presented by Chartwells on a monthly schedule over the course of the academic year. Each workshop features a theme specifically selected to encourage student participation.


Continues to help prevent unnecessary disposable coffee cup use. Many faculty, staff,

and students have been able to have a guaranteed reusable cup on hand for their daily cup of coffee, tea, or any hot beverage of their liking.


The wall mural communicating the origin of the foods and beverages we serve on

campus has been a resounding success, not just at Concordia, but with numerous

Chartwells Foodservice locations. This concept has since become a well-received tool

for sharing the story of our food in a comprehensive and transparent manner on campuses across Canada.


The app remains in development stages as the software is being redeveloped for a live launch in the near future.



Chartwells Campus Projects 2015 - 2016



We are proud to announce the four selected campuses as the recipients of the Chartwells Campus Projects for 2016-2017, each receiving $5,000 and resource support to bring their projects to life: 2016-2017 WInnERS

St. Paul’s University College (Waterloo, Ontario) for their project submission to build a greenhouse as an expansion of their Campus Market Garden.

Georgian College (Barrie, Ontario) for their project submission to enhance the Growing Georgian Initiative.

Parkside Student Residence (Toronto, Ontario) for their project submission to implement a Reusable Eco-Container take out program.

University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario) for their project submission to design and build an Automated Recycle Sorter.

We look forward to working with these students and our partner campuses over the

coming year to implement these projects. keep your eye out for updates and stories on their progress on Chartwells social media channels.

Chartwells Campus Projects 2015 - 2016



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